PROGRAM EVENTS GUIDE - Girl Scouts of Western Ohio

Page created by Clyde Martinez
PROGRAM EVENTS GUIDE - Girl Scouts of Western Ohio
PROGRAM EVENTS GUIDE - Girl Scouts of Western Ohio

The Girl Scout Promise               The Girl Scout Law
On my honor, I will try:             I will do my best to be
To serve God and my country,         honest and fair,
To help people at all times,         friendly and helpful,
And to live by the Girl Scout Law.   considerate and caring,
                                     courageous and strong,
                                     and responsible for what I say and do,
                                     and to
                                     respect myself and others,
                                     respect authority,
                                     use resources wisely,
                                     make the world a better place, and
                                     be a sister to every Girl Scout.

  2                                  Call 888.350.5090 with GSWO program event questions.
PROGRAM EVENTS GUIDE - Girl Scouts of Western Ohio
Hello Girl Scouts,
 Welcome to the 2015-2016 Program Guide. We believe that through Girl Scouting, girls can do anything! The events in this
 guide are designed to help you explore new opportunities. There are two types of events:
   • Council-Sponsored: hosted by Girl Scouts of Western Ohio staff or volunteers. Registration happens through the
   • Community Sponsored: hosted by amazing community partners who focus on the Girl Scout program. Registration
        happens through the community partner and the troop leadership is responsible for ensuring the safety of the girls.

 Here’s how to use this guide:

            STEPS                                                                        TIPS

                                                                    Girls don’t have to attend all program events as
            Meet with your                                          a troop, many of the events are perfect for girls
            group to create a                                       to attend on their own. Be sure to share these
            plan for the year.                                      opportunities with your parents!

            Use the                                                 You can also find out more about special Girl
            important dates                                         Scout dates, program ideas, and support by
            on page 4 to                                            following the GSWO Blog at
            inform your plan.

            Discuss which Girl                                      Older girls may want to create a longer term plan
            Scout Journey and                                       for awards. Use the Ladder of Leadership on the
            badges girls would                                      inside back cover, along with your Girl’s Guide to
            like to earn.                                           Girl Scouting to make decisions.

                                                                                                       Grade Level Key
                                                                   You’ll see badge and
                                                                                                       Girl Scout Daisy K-1
                                                                   Journey icons next to event

            Look  forprogram
                     program                                                                           Girl Scout Brownie 2-3
            events  that                                           descriptions that indicate a
                                                                   program tie in . If you don’t see   Girl Scout Junior 4-5
            compliment   the
            troop plan.
            plan.                                                  one, that doesn’t mean that         Girl Scout Cadette 6-8
                                                                   you can’t make a connection         Girl Scout Senior 9-10
                                                                   yourself.                           Girl Scout Ambassador 11-12

                                                                   Check out page 10 for more information on the fall
            Create a budget
                                                                   sale program and the famous Girl Scout Cookie
            for the year that
                                                                   Program. These sales are a great way to earn money
            matches your plan.
                                                                   to pay for all that you do in Girl Scouting.

                                                                   For council-sponsored events, check out page 5 for
                                                                   registration procedures. For community sponsored
            Get registered!                                        events, see the event description for details.
                                                                   Register fast to reserve your spot!

                                                                   Participate in the program evaluation at the event

                                                                   and share your feedback. Some community
            Attend and                                             partners may not have an evaluation. As a group,
            debrief.                                               reflect on your experience and use that to make
                                                                   decisions about future events.

Call 888.350.5090 with GSWO program event questions.                                                                                 3
PROGRAM EVENTS GUIDE - Girl Scouts of Western Ohio
    June 3                                                            December 24-January 4
     Pre-registration opens for council-sponsored program              Closed for the holidays
     events run between August 1-December 31, 2015. ONLY
     open to members who registered prior to June 30, 2015            January 8-February 5
                                                                       Girl Scout Cookie Program order taking
    August 1
     Property reservations open for January 1-May 31.                 January 27
     Registration opens for council-sponsored program                  Summer resident/day camp registration opens
     events run between August 1-December 31, 2015
                                                                      February 1
    October 9-October 28                                               Property reservations open for June 1-August 31
     Toledo, Lima, Dayton Girl Scouts take orders for the Fall
     Sale Program                                                     February 24
                                                                       Troop Adventure Camp registration opens
    October 21-November 3
     Cincinnati Girl Scouts take orders for the Fall Sale             February 26-March 2
     Program                                                           Girl Scout Cookies Delivery

    November 4                                                        March 4-27
     Pre-registration opens for council-sponsored program              Girl Scout Cookie Booth Sales
     events run between January 1-July 31, 2016. ONLY open to
     members who registered prior to September 30, 2016               April 1
                                                                       Property reservations open for September 1-December 31
    November 11
     Registration opens for council-sponsored program
     events run between January 1-July 31, 2016

    November 12-14
     Troops pick up fall sale products and begin to make

Find It!

Important Dates...................................4

Registration FAQ...................................5

Council-Sponsored Index................. 6

Community Sponsored Index.......... 8

Outdoor Training Opportunities... 10

Troop Camping.................................... 11

Product Sales......................................13

Program Events................................ 14

4                                                    Call 888.350.5090 with GSWO program event questions.
PROGRAM EVENTS GUIDE - Girl Scouts of Western Ohio
         Council-Sponsored Events Registration Procedures FAQs
             Below is important information regarding our registration process and policies.

    For council-sponsored events please                           If I cancel, can I get a refund?
    follow the instructions below:                                   •   In order to receive a refund all requests must
     •      Register online through eBiz- please note that               be received 30 days prior to the event date, in
            all girl and adult eBiz accounts must be activated           writing.
            prior to trying to register.                                 • A $5/participant cancellation fee will be
     •      By mail or in person - Fill out a Council-                        charged.
            Sponsored Opportunities Registration Form                    • The maximum charge per troop is $25.
            (found under the Forms and Documents section                 • For events that cost less than $5/person,
            of our website). Mail in the form with payment                    the entire fee will be kept up to $25/troop.
            or drop it off at the front desk at your local Girl          • No refunds less than $5 will be issued.
            Scout Center.                                            •   NO REFUNDS will be given after the
     •      Full payment is required at time of registration             cancellation deadline with the following
            for all council-sponsored program opportunities.             exceptions:
            Payments can be made by American Express,                     • Weather: If a severe weather warning
            Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Check, Debit Card                     is issued, the leader must notify the Girl
            and current Cookie Dough (paper form only).                       Scout Center or appropriate contact
                                                                              listed in their confirmation materials prior
    Registration Open and Close Dates                                         to the intended departure time.
     •      Registration for council-sponsored program                    • Illness or Accident: Refundable with a
            events in August - December opened on June 3,                     physician’s statement
            2015, for those who re-registered prior to June               • Transfer: If a child moves from the Girl
            30, 2014, and on August 1, 2015, for all others                   Scouts of Western Ohio jurisdiction prior
     •      Registration for council-sponsored program                        to the date of the event, a refund will be
            events in January-July will open on November 11,                  issued.
            2015, unless otherwise noted.
     •      Council-sponsored events will close 2-weeks           Does my fee include a badge or patch?
            prior to the event date unless otherwise noted.         Insignia such as petals and badges, Journey awards
            Check eBiz for exact closing dates.                     and patches are not included in the program fees
     •      Community sponsored events open and                     unless indicated in the program event description.
            close dates may vary. Please check with the             Insignia may be purchased at any Girl Scout Shop.
            community partner for exact dates.
                                                                  Questions about Registration or eBiz?
    Can non Girl Scout members attend an                          Contact Customer Care at:
    event?                                                        888-350-5090
         No. Girls must be registered members who meet
         the Girl Scout grade level recommendations for the
         event. Boys and younger siblings are not allowed to
         attend events unless they are advertised as a family

 Call 888.350.5090 with GSWO program event questions.                                                                        5
PROGRAM EVENTS GUIDE - Girl Scouts of Western Ohio
Council Sponsored Opportunities Index
    Name                                                             Grade Level   Topic            City                                Page #
    24 Hour Experience                                                             Outdoor          Defiance                               14
    A Day in the Life...                                                           Healthy Living   Toledo                                 14
    A Night at the Museum                                                          STEM             Wapakoneta                             14
    A Taste of Fencing                                                             Outdoor          Lima                                   14
    Adventure Challenge Education - Climbing Craze                                 Outdoor          Defiance                               14
    Adventure Challenge Education - Climbing Wall                                  Outdoor          Various - see description              15
    Adventure Challenge Education - Crate Stacking                                 Outdoor          Defiance                               15
    Adventure Challenge Education - Dad & Me High Challenge Course                 Outdoor          Lima                                   14
    Adventure Challenge Education - High Challenge Course/Zipline                  Outdoor          Defiance, Lima                         16
    Adventure Challenge Education - Low Challenge Course                           Outdoor          Lima, Waynesville, Defiance            16
    Adventure Challenge Education - Team Games & Initiatives                       Outdoor          Pleasant Hill, Waynesville             15
    Adventure Challenge Education - Teen Extreme                                   Outdoor          Defiance                               16
    Adventuring with Maps                                                          Outdoor          Waynesville                            17
    Amaze Journey Retreat                                                          Healthy Living   Defiance                               17
    Archery 1 & 2/Archery Extravaganza                                             Outdoor          Various - see description            19-20
    Babysitting                                                                    Healthy Living   Dayton                                 23
    Backpacking Basics/Overnight                                                   Outdoor          Defiance, Lima Pleasant Hill           23
    Beauty of Nature                                                               Outdoor          Toledo, Waynesville                    24
    Being Me/Being Me Peacemakers                                                  Healthy Living   Cincinnati, Dayton, Toledo             24
    Bliss Overnight                                                                Healthy Living   Pleasant Hill                          23
    Brownie Chef                                                                   STEM             Lima, Maineville                       25
    Brownie Day at the Museum                                                      STEM             Wapakoneta                             25
    Butterflies, Bees & Bugs                                                       Outdoor          Sidney                                 25
    Camp Spookybrook                                                               Outdoor          Waynesville                            27
    Campfire Cooking                                                               Outdoor          Lima, Defiance, Waynesville            29
    Campin’ Fever                                                                  Outdoor          Defiance, Morrow, Waynesville          29
    Camping 101                                                                    Outdoor          Maineville, Waynesville, Defiance      29
    Candy Making (Mom & Me)                                                        Healthy Living   Dayton                                 29
    Canoeing                                                                       Outdoor          Morrow                                 30
    Caving                                                                         Outdoor          Waynesville                            30
    Celebrating Community Legacy Citizenship Badge                                 Other            Dayton                                 30
    Chef Program Volunteers                                                        Other            Toledo                                 30
    Cook the Books!                                                                Healthy Living   Dayton                                 35
    Cookie Business                                                                Financial        Dayton, Pleasant Hill                  35
    COTC                                                                           Outdoor          Pleasant Hill, Morrow                  36
    Crack the Case                                                                 Other            Toledo                                 35
    Creative Contraptions                                                          STEM             Dayton                                 36
    CSA Fall Conference: Keepin’ It Real                                           Other            Defiance                               37
    CSA Leadership Conference                                                      Other            Cincinnati                             37
    CSA Night at the Museum                                                        STEM             Wapakoneta                             37
    Cultural Cooking                                                               Healthy Living   Dayton                                 36
    Daisy Chef                                                                     STEM             Maineville, Lima                       37
    Daisy Day at the Museum                                                        STEM             Wapakoneta                             37
    Daisy Nature Day                                                               Outdoor          Maineville, Dayton, Oregon             38
    Daisy Snack Attack                                                             Healthy Living   Toledo                                 38
    Design it, Build It - Power it Up!                                             STEM             Cincinnati, Perrysburg                 38
    Destinations Informational Workshop                                            Other            Webinar                                38
    Dream Jobs                                                                     Other            Sylvania                               38
    Engineers to the Rescue                                                        STEM             TBD                                    41
    Family Night                                                                   Outdoor          Pleasant Hill, Lima                    41
    Father/Daughter Adventure Day                                                  Outdoor          Morrow, Defiance, Lima                 41
    Feathers, Scales & Furry Tails                                                 Healthy Living   Lima                                   41
    Flag Ceremony Workshop                                                         Other            Maineville                             41
    Flower Doctor                                                                  Outdoor          Lima, Toledo, Waynesville              43
    Forests & Fairy Houses                                                         Outdoor          Lima, Paulding                         43
    Free Being Me/Free Being Me Volunteers                                         Healthy Living   Cincinnati, Toledo                    43
    Freez’n Outdoor Survival Day                                                   Outdoor          Morrow                                44
    From Zumba to Zen                                                              Healthy Living   Toledo                                44

6                                             Call 888.350.5090 with GSWO program event questions.
PROGRAM EVENTS GUIDE - Girl Scouts of Western Ohio
Council Sponsored Opportunities Index
Name                                            Grade Level   Topic            City                                Page #
Geocacher                                                     Outdoor          Various - see description            45
Girl Scout Ski Night                                          Outdoor          Lawrenceburg, IN                     44
Girl Scout Ways Badge Day                                     Other            Dayton                               45
PROGRAM EVENTS GUIDE - Girl Scouts of Western Ohio
Community Partners Index
    Name                                                  Grade Level   Topic            City            Page #
    AJ Archery & Outdoors LLC                                           Outdoor          Toledo             18
    American Academy of Martial Arts                                    Healthy Living   Toledo             18
    American Red Cross                                                  Healthy Living   All              17-19
    Appold Planetarium                                                  STEM             Sylvania          19
    Armstrong Air & Space Museum                                        STEM             Wapakoneta        22
    Auglaize County Bicycle Safety                                      Healthy Living   Wapakoneta         21
    Aullwood Audubon Center & Farm                                      Outdoor          Dayton             21
    Auntie Anne’s Pretzels                                              Healthy Living   Dayton             21
    Avon Woods Nature Center                                            Outdoor          Cincinnati         21
    Awakening Minds Art                                                 Arts & Theatre   Findlay           22
    BGSU Athletics                                                      Sports           Bowling Green     24
    Black Swamp Bird Observatory                                        Outdoor          Oak Harbor        23
    Boonshoft Museum of Discovery                                       STEM             Dayton            24
    Brukner Nature Center                                               Outdoor          Troy              25
    Build It!                                                           STEM             Perrysburg        26
    Caesar Creek Lake                                                   Outdoor          Waynesville       26
    Caldwell Nature Center                                              Outdoor          Cincinnati        28
    California Woods                                                    Outdoor          Cincinnati        27
    Center for Holocaust & Humanity Education                           Other            Cincinnati         31
    Challenged Champions Equestrian Center                              Healthy Living   Ottawa            30
    Challenger Learning Center                                                           Oregon            32
    Children’s Theatre                                                  Arts & Theatre   Cincinnati        33
    Cincinnati Ballet                                                   Arts & Theatre   Cincinnati         31
    Cincinnati Museum Center                                            STEM             Cincinnati         31
    Cincinnati Nature Center                                            Outdoor          Cincinnati        34
    Cincinnati Parks                                                    Outdoor          Cincinnati        32
    Cincinnati Reds                                                     Sports           Cincinnati         31
    Cincinnati Skating School                                           Sports           Cincinnati        32
    Cincinnati Sound Chorus                                             Arts & Theatre   Cincinnati        32
    Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden                                   STEM             Cincinnati        33
    Civic Garden Center of Greater Cincinnati                           Outdoor          Cincinnati        34
    Cooks’ Wares                                                        Healthy Living   Cincinnati        36
    Copper Moon Studio                                                  Arts & Theatre   Holland           35
    COSI                                                                STEM             Columbus          35
    Covington Clay                                                      Arts & Theatre   Covington, KY     36
    Decoy Art Boutique                                                  Arts & Theatre   Beavercreek       39
    Drake Planetarium                                                   STEM             Cincinnati        40
    Earth Joy                                                           Outdoor          Dayton            40
    Fernald Preserve                                                    Outdoor          Hamilton          42
    Flat Rock Pottery & Ceramics                                        Arts & Theatre   Paulding          43
    FUZED, Kilnformed Glass Studio                                      Arts & Theatre   Perrysburg        44
    Gold Medal Archery                                                  Outdoor          Mason             46
    Gorman Heritage Farm                                                Outdoor          Cincinnati        48
    Great Parks of Hamilton County, Parky’s Farm                        Outdoor          Cincinnati        46
    Greenacres Foundation                                               Outdoor          Cincinnati        47
    Greene County Parks                                                 Outdoor          Dayton            47
    Hamilton County Recycling & Solid Waste District                    Outdoor          Cincinnati        49
    Hamilton County Soil & Water Conservation District                  Healthy Living   Cincinnati        48
    Hancock County Historical Museum                                    Other            Findlay           49
    Hancock County Park District                                        Outdoor          Findlay           49
    Hands On Studio                                                     Arts & Theatre   Toledo            48
    Harmony Yoga                                                        Healthy Living   Findlay           49
    Harrison Township                                                   Other            Dayton            50
    Heimlich Heroes                                                     Healthy Living   Cincinnati        50
    Human Race Theater Company                                          Arts & Theatre   Dayton             51
    Humane Ohio                                                         Other            Toledo            51
    Imagination Station                                                 STEM             Toledo            52
    Imagination Yoga                                                    Healthy Living   Cincinnati        52

8                                              Call 888.350.5090 with GSWO program event questions.
PROGRAM EVENTS GUIDE - Girl Scouts of Western Ohio
Community Partners Index
Name                                                       Grade Level   Topic                                     Page #
Indian Lake Outfitters, LLC                                              Outdoor          Lakeview                   53
Johnny Appleseed Metro Park District                                     Outdoor          Lima                       54
K-12 Gallery for Young People and TEJAS                                  Arts & Theatre   Dayton                     56
Keep Cincinnati Beautiful                                                Outdoor          Cincinnati                 56
LaBoiteaux Woods Nature Center                                           Outdoor          Cincinnati                 57
Live It Like You Mean It                                                                  Edgewood, KY               57
Lodestar: Guiding Angels for the Blind                                   Healthy Living   Lima                       57
Mad River Mountain                                                       Outdoor          Zanesfield                 58
Marmon Valley Farms                                                      Outdoor          Zanesfield                 59
Mazza Museum                                                             Arts & Theatre   Findlay                    58
Metroparks of the Toledo Area                                            Outdoor          Toledo                     60
Miami County Park District                                               Outdoor          Troy                       59
Miami University Art Museum                                              Arts & Theatre   Oxford                     59
Miamisburg Historical Society - Heritage Village                                          Miamisburg                 61
Minster Bank                                                             Other            Minster                    61
Montgomery County Solid Waste District                                                    Moraine                    61
Newport Aquarium                                                         STEM             Newport, KY                61
Old Stone Riding Center                                                  Outdoor          Hamilton                   61
P. Marie Studios                                                         Arts & Theatre   Toledo                     62
Partners for Clean Streams                                               Outdoor          All                        62
Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative                                     STEM             Paulding                   63
Post & Rail Stables                                                      Outdoor          Swanton                    63
Procter & Gamble                                                         Other            Cincinnati                 64
Public Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton County                           Healthy Living   Cincinnati                 65
Riders Unlimited, Inc                                                    Outdoor          Oak Harbor                 65
Riverside Art Center                                                     Arts & Theatre   Wapakoneta                 66
Sauder Village                                                           Outdoor          Archbold                   66
Schedel Arboretum & Gardens                                              Outdoor          Elmore                     66
Scrap4Art                                                                Arts & Theatre   Maumee                     67
Sew Dayton                                                               Arts & Theatre   Dayton                     67
Shelby County Historical Society                                         Other            Shelby                     68
Snapology                                                                STEM             Findlay                    68
Stonehaven Farms                                                         Outdoor          Temperance, MI             69
Students for Women in Math & Science                                     STEM             Toledo                     70
Sylvan Learning Center                                                   STEM             Lima, Holland              70
Taft Museum of Art                                                       Arts & Theatre   Cincinnati                 70
The Auglaize Mercer Counties YMCA - North Branch                         Healthy Living   Celina                     70
The Bluffton Airport                                                     Healthy Living   Bluffton                   71
The Crow Knows                                                                            Cincinnati                 71
The Depot at Indian Lake Outfitters                                      Outdoor          Lakeview                   71
The Lion & Lamb Peace Arts Center of Bluffton University                 Outdoor          Bluffton                   71
The Quarry Farm Nature Preserve & Conservation Farm                      Outdoor          Pandora                    73
The Silver Diva                                                          Arts & Theatre   Cincinnati                 72
The Toledo Blade                                                         Other            Toledo                     71
Toledo Area Humane Society                                               Healthy Living   Toledo                     72
Toledo Ballet                                                            Arts & Theatre   Toledo                     73
Toledo Botanical Garden                                                  Outdoor          Toledo                     74
Toledo GROWS                                                             Healthy Living   Toledo                     73
Toledo Lucas County Public Library                                       Arts & Theatre   Toledo                     74
Toledo Lucas County Rain Garden Initiative                               Outdoor          Toledo                     74
Toledo Mud Hens                                                          Sports           Toledo                     74
Toledo Museum of Art                                                     Arts & Theatre   Toledo                     75
Toledo Walleye                                                           Sports           Toledo                     74
Toledo Zoo                                                               Outdoor          Toledo                     75
Trailside Nature Center                                                  Outdoor          Cincinnati                 74
United Way of Greater Toledo                                             Other            Toledo                     75

Call 888.350.5090 with GSWO program event questions.                                                                        9
PROGRAM EVENTS GUIDE - Girl Scouts of Western Ohio
Community Partners Index
     Name                                                           Grade Level       Topic            City                            Page #
     Victoria Theatre Association                                                     Arts & Theatre   Dayton                           76
     Village Green Floral & Garden Center                                             Outdoor          Wapakoneta                       76
     Visionaries + Voices                                                             Arts & Theatre   Cincinnati                       76
     Wapakoneta Police Department                                                     Other            Wapakoneta                       76
     Weekend Quilts                                                                   Arts & Theatre   Brookville, IN                   76
     Women Writing for (a) Change                                                     Arts & Theatre   Cincinnati                       77
     Woodlawn Cemetery                                                                Healthy Living   Toledo                           77
     Xavier University Sustainability                                                 Healthy Living   Cincinnati                       78
     YMCA Camp Willson                                                                Outdoor          Bellefontaine                    78
     Young Rembrandts - Cincinnati West                                               Arts & Theatre   Cincinnati                       78

Outdoor, Overnight and Trip Training Opportunities
       Girl Scouts of Western Ohio offers many outdoor learning opportunities for adult volunteers throughout
       the year to prepare them to implement the Girl Scout Leadership Experience with girls. The type of trip
       or camping experience your troop is participating in will determine the level of training that is required
       for the leaders.

       Part 1: Trip & Overnight Planning Training
        Completing this training will allow the troop to take day trips, high risk trips and most overnight trips. It
        also serves as a per-requisite for additional trainings.

       Part 2: Lodge Camp Training
        Completing this training will allow the troop to do an indoor overnight lodge camping experience at a
        council-owned lodge or cabin. Pre-requisite – Trip & Overnight Planning Training

       Part 3: Troop Camp Training
        Completing this training will give troops outdoor skills, enabling them to tent camp, cook outdoors
        and experience the environment using Leave No Trace principles. Pre-requisite – Trip & Overnight
        Planning Training and Lodge Camp Training

                                                Options for Lodge Training                  Options for Troop Camp Training
                                            Lodge Camp Training                         Troop Camp Training
                                             • Home Study Course with review             • One evening and one Saturday or
                    Without Girls               and evaluation or                        • One overnight from Friday to Saturday
                                             • One 3 hour classroom session                  or Saturday to Sunday

                                            Camping 101                                 Campin’ Fever
                                             One leader attends a 3 hour class-          This opportunity teaches both leaders
                                             room session while camp staff works         and girls basic outdoor skills. Camp staff
                      With Girls             with campers on beginning camp              runs activities with campers while trainers
                                             skills and activities. Join your troop      review policies and paperwork with leaders.
                                             for more activities during your over-       Spend the rest of the weekend together
                                             night stay in a lodge.                      learning outdoor skills.

        For outdoor training information, go to and click on the Volunteer tab. Click on Volunteer
        Resources in the left hand column for the 2015-2016 outdoor training dates.

10                                              Call 888.350.5090 with GSWO program event questions.
 Camping is an experience that provides a creative, educational opportunity for group living in the out-of-doors. Its purpose is
 to utilize the Girl Scout Leadership Experience, trained leadership, and the resource of nature to contribute to each camper’s
 mental, physical, social, and spiritual growth.
       An overnight camping experience for 24 or more consecutive hours planned and carried out by a troop and its leaders using
       sites approved by the council. Each troop going camping must have proper adult/girl ratio and at least one adult qualified to
       administer first aid. See Safety Activity Checkpoints for both of these requirements. In addition, an adult must be certified for
       camping . Visit our website for more information on camp certification.
                                                                                                  FACILITY DESCRIPTIONS
           SITE RESERVATION REQUEST PROCEDURES                                        FACILITY TYPE & DESCRIPTION                   LOCATION
 Follow the procedures listed under the appropriate type of reservation               PLATFORM TENTS                               Butterworth
 group.                                                                                Wooden platform with canvas tent            Libbey
                                                                                       and rain fly that sleeps 4 (cots and        Rolling Hills
 Girl Scouts of Western Ohio Member - wanting to reserve a camp                        mattresses provided).                       Stonybrook
 property.                                                                                                                         Whip Poor Will
                                                                                      ADIRONDACKS                                  Butterworth
        ONLINE: This is the preferred method. It's faster and easier for you, less     Adirondacks are wooden bunkhouses           Rolling Hills
        expensive for the council, and it's green!                                     that contain 2 bunk beds (4 beds) and
          1. On the Girl Scouts of Western Ohio website homepage, click on             mattresses.
              the Camp tab, and then click on the Troop Camping heading in
                                                                                      LODGES                                       Butterworth
              the left column.
                                                                                       Building facility which provides some but   Libbey
          2. Part way down, click on Reserve your space on our Doubleknot
                                                                                       not all amenities. Some cabins may not      Little House
              Site Today.
                                                                                       have electricity, water or bathrooms in     Rolling Hills
          3. Click on the property you would like to reserve.
                                                                                       building but have them located nearby.      Stonybrook
          4. Follow the easy directions to reserve a facility or site.
                                                                                                                                   Whip Poor Will
        PAPER: Please remember when submitting a paper form that
        reservation requests may take up to a week or more to process and that        CABINS                                       Rolling Hills
        availability of your requests may change during that time.                     Building facility which provides some but   Whip Poor Will
          1. Complete a Site Reservation Request Form​in its entirety -                not all amenities. Some cabins may not
               incomplete forms will delay placement.                                  have electricity, water or bathrooms in
          2. Mail, fax or deliver to the appropriate Girl Scout Center. No             building but have them located nearby.
               reservations will be taken by phone.                                   TREE HOUSES                                  Whip Poor Will
          3. Forms located on the website at                    These are three or four sided structures
                                                                                       that are elevated among the trees.
 Girl Scouts of Western Ohio Member - wanting to reserve a Girl Scout                 COVERED WAGONS                               Rolling Hills
 Center.                                                                               Wagons are sleeping structures              Whip Poor Will
       1. Complete a Site Reservation Request Form​in its entirety -                   designed to look like old pioneer wagons.
           incomplete forms will delay placement.                                      Each wagon sleeps five people and
       2. Mail, fax or deliver to the appropriate Girl Scout Center. No                provides a unique experience.
           reservations will be taken by phone.

 NON-Girl Scouts of Western Ohio Members                                                                     PAYMENT
   Girl Scouts of Western Ohio welcomes troops/groups from other councils            FULL PAYMENT is due at the time of reservation - both
   to visit our properties. No online reservations available for outside troops/              online and using a paper form.
   groups. Please follow the steps below.
       1. Complete a Site Reservation Request Form​in its entirety -
             incomplete forms will delay placement.
                                                                                     Summer Outdoor Opportunities
       2. Mail, fax or deliver to the appropriate Girl Scout Center. No              Look for our 2016 Summer Camp
             reservations will be taken by phone.                                    Brochure in January 2016 on
 All other outside groups - please contact us for specific instructions.
                                                                                     our website for exciting
 RESERVATION PERIODS ​                                                               opportunities for all
                                                         Opening Date
                                                                                     grade levels.
      ​Fall Property Use (September 1-December 31)       ​April 1
      ​Winter/Spring Property Use (January 1 - May 31)   ​August 1
      ​​​​Summer Property use (June 1 - August 31)       February 1

Call 888.350.5090 with GSWO program event questions.                                                                                               11
FACILITY NAME(CAPACITY )                         TYPE        COST         FACILITY NAME(CAPACITY )                         TYPE        COST
                  WOODHAVEN PROGRAM CENTER, Lima, OH                                            CAMP BUTTERWORTH, Maineville, OH
     Duffy Lodge - Entire Building (200)         Program Space    $85/day      Beeches (30)                                Glen Shelters    $50/night
     Duffy Lodge (50)                            Lodge            $110/night   Beehive (28)                                Lodge            $70/night
     Sweetbriar Lodge (40)                       Lodge            $85/night    Berry Patch (20)                            Platform Tents   $50/night
     Picnic Area with Shelter House (200)        Day Use          $25/day      Brownie Shelter                             Day Use          $25/day
                   CAMP ROLLING HILLS, Pleasant Hill, OH                       Day Use - no facilities                     Day Use          $25/day
     Rainbow Lodge (50)                          Lodge            $75/night    Dining Hall (148)                           Program Space    $50/day
     Woodhull Lodge East (32)                    Lodge            $55/night    Freedom Lodge (28)                          Lodge            $75/night
     Woodhull Lodge West (32)                    Lodge            $55/night    Friendship Lodge - whole (50)               Lodge            $80/night
     Whispering Winds (32)                       Platform Tents   $50/night    Friendship Lodge - upstairs only (50)       Day Use          $50/day
     Tall Oaks - blue (15)                       Cabins           $50/night    Groesbeck Lodge (12)                        Lodge            $55/night
     Tall Oaks - green (15)                      Cabins           $50/night    Maple Hill (28)                             Platform Tents   $50/night
     Conestoga Wagons (25)                       Covered Wagons   $50/night    Miami Ledge (20)                            Platform Tents   $50/night
     Adirondacks (32)                            Cabin            $50/night    Pool                                        Pool             $30/hour
     Pool (no lifeguards provided) (43)          Pool             $30/hour     Quaker Ridge (30)                           Glen Shelters    $50/night

                      CAMP WHIP POOR WILL, Morrow, OH                          Sassafras (32)                              Platform Tents   $50/night

     Aspen (24)                                  Platform Tents   $50/night    Squirrel Hollow (12)                        Lodge            $55/night

     Beechwood (36)                              Cabins           $50/night    Seasons (14)                                Lodge            $60/night

     Cedar Trail (32)                            Cabins           $50/night    Turtle Ridge (36)                           Adirondacks      $50/night

     Conestoga Wagons (25)                       Covered Wagons   $50/night    Wagon Wheel (50)                            Program Space    $45/day

     Cookie House (20)                           Lodge            $80/night    Windy Heights                               Primitive        $20/night

     Evergreen Pine (30)                         Lodge            $80/night                     CAMP STONYBROOK, Waynesville, OH
     Evergreen Spruce (30)                       Lodge            $80/night    Barnitz Hall w/ kitchen (200)               Dining Hall      $75/day
     Fernwood (21)                               Cabin            $60/night    Barnitz Hall - sleeping (28)                Lodge            $70/night
     Grace Cullen Cabin (24)                     Day Use          $20/day      Cedar Crest (32)                            Platform Tents   $50/night
     Knoll (28)                                  Platform Tents   $50/night    Day Camp Area                               Primitive        $25/day
     Mary Rollins Dining Hall (200)              Program Space    $55/day      Day Use - no facilities                     Day Use          $25/day
     Mary Rollins Dining Hall w/ kitchen (200)   Dining Hall      $70/day      Director’s Cabin (6)                        Lodge            $50/night
     Pool (no lifeguards provided)               Pool             $30/hour     Ittman East (28)                            Lodge            $75/night
     Sassafras (16)                              Platform Tents   $50/night    Ittman West (28)                            Lodge            $75/night
     Sherwood (28)                               Platform Tents   $50/night    Maple Hill (36)                             Platform Tents   $50/night
     Timber Ridge (32)                           Platform Tents   $50/night    Pine Tree North (16)                        Lodge            $50/night
     Towhee (12)                                 Lodge            $45/night    Pine Tree South (18)                        Lodge            $50/night
     Troop House (24)                            Lodge            $70/night    Pool (no lifeguards provided)               Pool             $30/hour
     Woollard Tree Houses (24)                   Tree Houses      $45/night    Red Bud (28)                                Platform Tents   $50/night
                                                                               Sycamore Glen (32)                          Platform Tents   $50/night
                              LITTLE HOUSE, Toledo, OH
                                                                                                      CAMP LIBBEY, Defiance, OH
     Overnight (30)                              Lodge            $75/night
                                                                               Administrative Building - Large Room (75)   Program Space    $75/day
     Day Use                                     Day Use          $45/day
                                                                               Administrative Building - Small Rm (50)     Program Space    $55/day
                  GIRL SCOUT CENTER - DAYTON, Dayton, OH
                                                                               Anthony (16)                                Lodge            $70/night
     Conference Room A & B                                        $35
                                                                               Blackwell (16)                              Lodge            $70/night
     Textile Room                                                 $45
                                                                               Dining Hall (200)                           Dining Hall      $85/day
     Art Studio                                                   $70
                                                                               Environmental Center (75)                   Program Space    $75/day
     Cafe A                                                       $85
                                                                               Pool (no lifeguards provided)               Pool             $30/hour
     Multi-Room B                                                 $75
                                                                               Frontier (32)                               Platform Tents   $50/night
     Multi-Room C                                                 $85
                                                                               Jakata (28)                                 Platform Tents   $50/night
     Tree House                                                   $55
                                                                               Juliette Low Lodge (32)                     Lodge            $85/night
     Deck                                                         $45
                                                                               Linden House (28)                           Lodge            $85/night
              GIRL SCOUT CENTER - CINCINNATI, Blue Ash, OH
                                                                               Sherwood (36)                               Platform Tents   $50/night
            Rooms 1, 2, 3                        Meeting Rooms    $35/night
                                                                               Skandy                                      Primitive        $35/night
                            LITTLE HOUSE, Greenville, OH
                                                                               Truth (16)                                  Lodge            $70/night
     Overnight Facilities(20)                    Lodge            $75/night
                                                                               Watzi (32)                                  Platform Tents   $50/night
                                                                               Woodland Lodge (40)                         Lodge            $85/night

12                                                      Call 888.350.5090 with GSWO program event questions.
How to make the most out of Product Sales

 Why Product Sales (Nuts & Cookies)?
 Build Important Life Skills—Girls work together towards a                    Product sales develops five
 collective goal as they build five key skills.                               key skills that help Girl Scouts
                                                                              become confident, courageous
 Finance the Troop—Earnings can pay for the opportunities in                  and full of character. Both Nuts
 this book and beyond. Girls will feel proud to reach their goal and          and Cookies include elements
 learn financial independence.                                                from all of these categories:

 Be A Team Player—Together as a council we pool our earnings                         Goal Setting
 to support camp properties, resource development, program                         Decision Making
 opportunities, financial assistance, volunteer training and more!                Money Management
                                                                                     People Skills
                                                                                   Business Ethics
           3 Easy Tips for Success
 Build Your Team                                                             Cookie Business Badges
  Recruit a troop cookie manager. As a leader, you already                  It’s Your Business-Run It!
  have enough to do. Help the girls have a better sale by              The largest girl-run business in the world
  delegating this role while letting another parent support            needs knowledgeable sellers. Have fun while
  the troop.                                                           becoming an expert in techniques to boost
                                                                       your sales. Below are just a few examples
 Know Your Timeline                                                    of how to earn and learn. Checkout the
  • Save the sale dates prior to scheduling activities.                Volunteer Toolkit or the Girls Guide to Girl
  • Be prepared and get trained by your service unit                   Scouting to learn more.
     product sales coordinator.
  • Have the troop make plans for their proceeds                       Girl Scout Daisy
                                                                       Cookie Business Petal
 Give Girls the Skills Before the Sale
  • Attend a Cookie Rally in your service unit or circle to                                  Girl Scout Brownie
      inspire girls and help them learn skills.                                            Meet Your Customers
  • Include earning a Cookie Business or Financial Literacy
      badge from the Girls Guide to Girl Scouting or the               Girl Scout Junior
      Cookie Pin in meetings leading up to both sales.                 Customer Insights

                                                                                             Girl Scout Cadette
                                                                                                      Think Big

                                                                       Girl Scout Senior
                                                                       Customer Loyalty

                                                                                        Girl Scout Ambassador
                                                                                      Research & Development

 Call 888.350.5090 with GSWO program event questions.                                                            13
     24-Hour Experience
       Get ready for a full day of fun! Combine recreation, outdoor skills, group challenges, night experiences, and environmental
       activities in 24 super awesome hours. Travel over a variety of terrains and trails, learn confidence, group cooperation,
       practical living skills, leadership, and environmental awareness. Cost: $15/girl•$6/adult Min/Max: 20/28
         Date                                    Time                                          Location
         10/24/15-10/25/15                       10:00 am-10:00 am                             Camp Libbey, Defiance
     Contact: Elizabeth Rogers                                                               Register: through eBiz

     A Day in the Life...
       Experience adaptive sports! Have fun while you learn what it’s like to play sports with a disability. You’ll also learn about
       advocacy and disability awareness and how to be inclusive. Cost: $5/girl•Adults free Min/Max: 30/75
         Date                                    Time                                          Location
         3/12/16                                 9:00 am-Noon                                  University of Toledo
         3/12/16                                 1:00-4:00 pm                                  University of Toledo
     Contact: Allison Kwasniak                                                               Register: through eBiz

     A Night at the Museum
       Have you ever wanted to fall asleep next to a space suit? Or have the captains of the USS Enterprise watch over you as you
       slumber? Enjoy an exciting overnight that’s as close to out of this world as you can get without leaving the atmosphere.
       Tour seven interactive exhibits, practice landing the lunar module and space shuttle, dock the Gemini capsule, and even
       catch a movie in the Astro Theater. You’ll also get a late snack and breakfast the next day.
       Cost: $25/girl•$7/adult Min/Max: 17/50
         Date                                    Time                            Location
         3/19/16-3/20/16                         7:00 pm-9:00 am                 Armstrong Air and Space Museum, Wapakoneta
     Contact: Megan Ramey                                                      Register: through eBiz

     A Taste of Fencing
       What is fencing? Sign up to find out! Explore its rich history and terminology, check out the equipment, and learn how the
       sport is scored. Suit up and you’re ready for some footwork and hand technique: on-guard position, advance, retreat,
       lunge and parry - and soon you’ll know what to do when you hear the words “En garde”!
       Cost: $7/girl•Adults free Min/Max: 16/24
         Date                                    Time                                          Location
         11/14/15                                1:00-3:00 pm                                  Woodhaven Program Center, Lima
         2/20/16                                 1:00-3:00 pm                                  Woodhaven Program Center, Lima
     Contact: Vicki Proctor                                                                  Register: through eBiz

     Adventure Challenge Education - Climbing Craze
       Get your climb on! Build team unity with your friends as you try a variety of challenges and work as a team to reach them
       together. Stack milk crates as high as possible while stabilizing the structure as your teammate climbs. Scale the climbing
       wall and climb the giant’s ladder. Each participant will be fitted with a safety harness and helmet.
       Cost: $15/girl•Adults free Min/Max: 16/24
         Date                                    Time                                          Location
         4/16/16                                 1:00 -4:00 pm                                 Camp Libbey, Defiance
     Contact: Elizabeth Rogers                                                               Register: through eBiz

     Adventure Challenge Education - Dad & Me High Challenge Course
       Work together with your dad to experience adventure, challenge each other, and have a blast! Start by climbing onto the
       course 25 feet in the air where you’ll make your way across a system of rope bridges, logs, and cables. After exploring all
       the options, participants make their way to the zip line to enjoy a speedy descent back down to the ground. *Weather
       permitting. Cost: $15/girl•$15/adults Min/Max: 10/12
         Date                                    Time                                          Location
         5/14/16                                 10:00 am-1:00 pm                              Woodhaven Program Center, Lima
     Contact: Vicki Proctor                                                                  Register: through eBiz

14                                             Call 888.350.5090 with GSWO program event questions.
Adventure Challenge Education - Climbing Wall
  Feel a sense of accomplishment as you stretch and reach for each handhold as you work to accomplish your goal on the
  climbing wall. Wearing helmet and harness, you’ll push yourself to climb the wall with special challenges thrown in for a
  twist. You’ll also check out a bouldering wall where you’ll learn spotting techniques and see how far across the wall you can
  go! Experiences may vary somewhat from camp to camp depending on the facility. *outdoor walls – weather permitting.
  Cost: $7/girl•Adults free Min/Max: 16/24
     Date         Time                                                     Location
     10/10/15     10:00 am-Noon                                            Camp Libbey, Defiance
                  10:00 am-Noon, 12:30-2:30 pm, 3:00-5:00 pm               Camp Whip Poor Will, Morrow
     10/24/15     9:00 am-Noon, 1:00-4:00 pm                               Camp Butterworth, Maineville
     10/25/15     9:00 am-Noon, 1:00-4:00 pm                               Camp Butterworth, Maineville
     11/14/15     9:00 am-Noon, 1:00-4:00 pm                               Camp Butterworth, Maineville
     12/9/15      6:00-8:00 pm                                             GSC Dayton
     1/27/16      6:00-8:00 pm                                             GSC Dayton
     2/17/16      6:00-8:00 pm                                             GSC Dayton
     3/9/16       6:00-8:00 pm                                             GSC Dayton
     3/19/16      10:00 am-Noon                                            Camp Libbey, Defiance
     3/20/16      9:00 am-Noon, 1:00-4:00 pm                               Camp Butterworth, Maineville
     4/9/16       9:00 am-Noon, 1:00-4:00 pm                               Camp Butterworth, Maineville
     4/16/16      10:00 am-Noon, 12:30-2:30 pm                             Camp Whip Poor Will, Morrow
     4/17/16      9:00 am-Noon, 1:00-4:00 pm                               Camp Butterworth, Maineville
     5/7/16       10:00 am-Noon                                            Camp Libbey, Defiance
     5/28/16      10:00 am-Noon, 12:30-2:30 pm, 3:00-5:00 pm               Camp Whip Poor Will, Morrow
 Contact: Camp Libbey: Elizabeth Rogers                                  Register: through eBiz
          Butterworth/Whip Poor Will/Dayton: Tori Houck

 Adventure Challenge Education - Crate Stacking
  This is the ultimate in “teambuilding” – because that’s what crate stacking is – building! Working together, you’ll see how
  high you can stack milk crates. Ten feet high? Fifteen? The milk crate structure goes higher and higher as you climb along
  with it (harnessed and belayed by instructors). Don’t worry, when it finally topples, you’re safely lowered to the ground
  and the fun starts all over again! Cost: $7/girl•Adults free Min/Max: 16/24
     Date                                 Time                                          Location
     10/10/15                             10:00 am-1:00 pm                              Camp Libbey, Defiance
     3/19/16                              10:00 am-1:00 pm                              Camp Libbey, Defiance
     5/7/16                               10:00 am-1:00 pm                              Camp Libbey, Defiance
 Contact: Elizabeth Rogers                                                            Register: through eBiz

 Adventure Challenge Education - Games & Initiatives
   Participate in fun team games and customized challenges to build communication, trust, and teamwork while creating
   understanding and respect for each other. Learn how to creatively solve problems and include the entire group in the
   solution. Cost: $7/girl•Adults free Min/Max: 16/24
     Date                                  Time                                         Location
     11/14/15                              10:00 am-Noon                                Camp Rolling Hills, Pleasant Hill
     4/23/16                               10:00 am-Noon                                Camp Rolling Hills, Pleasant Hill
     4/30/16                               10:00 am-Noon                                Camp Stonybrook, Waynesville
 Contact: Tori Houck                                                                  Register: through eBiz

Call 888.350.5090 with GSWO program event questions.                                                                              15
Adventure Challenge Education - High Challenge Course/Zip line
       A great adventure for a true thrill seeker! Climb up a 30-foot post to the zip platform where you’ll take in the sights from
       high above. Soar through the trees and you plunge down a 350-foot zip line before reaching the ground. You’ll be fitted
       with a safety harness and helmet, and attached to a dynamic belay system. Don’t forget to dress for the weather and wear
       sturdy tennis shoes! Cost: $15/girl•Adults free Min/Max: 10/16
         Date          Time                        Location
         10/10/15      2:00-5:00 pm                Woodhaven Program Center, Lima
         10/10/15      2:00-5:00 pm                Camp Libbey, Defiance
         3/19/16       2:00-5:00 pm                Camp Libbey, Defiance
         5/14/16       2:00-5:00 pm                Woodhaven Program Center, Lima
         6/18/16       1:00-4:00 pm                Woodhaven Program Center, Lima
     Contact: Vicki Proctor                                                                 Register: through eBiz

     Adventure Challenge Education - Low Challenge Course
       Are you ready for super fun adventure? Learn how to problem solve while developing teamwork, leadership, and
       communication skills. Gain confidence, self-esteem, a feeling of accomplishment, and a better understanding of how to
       work with others. Cost: $10/girl•Adults free Min/Max: 16/24
         Date                     Time                                                       Location
         10/10/15                 10:00 am-1:00 pm                                           Woodhaven Program Center, Lima
                                  9:00 am-Noon, 12:30-3:30 pm                                Camp Stonybrook, Waynesville
                                  10:00 am-1:00 pm                                           Camp Libbey, Defiance
         10/11/15                 9:00 am-Noon, 12:30-3:30 pm                                Camp Stonybrook, Waynesville
         11/7/15                  9:00 am-Noon, 12:30-3:30 pm                                Camp Whip Poor Will, Morrow
         3/19/16                  10:00 am-1:00 pm                                           Camp Libbey, Defiance
         4/16/16                  9:00 am-Noon, 12:30-3:30 pm, 4:00-7:00 pm                  Camp Stonybrook, Waynesville
         4/17/16                  9:00 am-Noon, 12:30-3:30 pm                                Camp Stonybrook, Waynesville
         4/30/16                  1:00-4:00 pm                                               Camp Stonybrook, Waynesville
         5/7/16                   10:00 am-1:00 pm                                           Camp Libbey, Defiance
         5/14/16                  10:00 am-1:00 pm                                           Woodhaven Program Center, Lima
         5/21/16                  9:00 am-Noon, 12:30-3:30 pm, 4:00-7:00 pm                  Camp Stonybrook, Waynesville
     Contact: Camp Libbey: Elizabeth Rogers • Woodhaven: Vicki Proctor                    Register: through eBiz
              Camp Stonybrook & Whip Poor Will: Tori Houck

     Adventure Challenge Education - Teen Extreme
       Get a jump start on fun! These awesome games and initiatives are designed to build teamwork, communication, problem
       solving skills, and trust. Master the low challenge course while you put your teamwork skills to work and tackle challenges
       as you enjoy adventures filled with laughter. At the high challenge course, you’ll try the crate climb, giant’s ladder, plank
       bridge, Tarzan swings, zip line, and more. Leave feeling happy that you accomplished so much!
       Cost: $25/girl•Adults free Min/Max: 12/20
         Date                                   Time                                         Location
         5/7/16                                 10:00 am-5:00 pm                             Camp Libbey, Defiance
     Contact: Elizabeth Rogers                                                             Register: through eBiz

16                                            Call 888.350.5090 with GSWO program event questions.
Adventuring with Maps - Brownie Map Adventures
   Want to know a secret? Come on this adventure to find out! Color your own map, follow its clues, and find hidden secret
   locations around camp! You’ll be outside, so make sure you dress for hiking. You’ll also earn your Letterboxing badge and
   can work towards the Hiker badge. Cost: $7/girl•Adults free Min/Max: 20/30
     Date                      Time                                                              Location
     11/8/15                   9:30am-Noon, 11:00 am-1:30 pm, 1:00-3:30 pm                       Camp Stonybrook, Waynesville

 Adventuring with Maps - Junior Map Adventures
   Would you be lost without GPS? Find out how to get from here to there. Decode map symbols, find directions with a
   compass, and practice pace counting. Complete a beginner course during an orienteering meet at Camp Stonybrook.
   You’ll even complete parts of the Camper and Geocacher badges! Cost includes all maps, meet fees, and electronic
   timing. Cost: $12/girl•Adults free Min/Max: 20/30
     Date                      Time                                                              Location
     11/7/15                   9:00 am-2:00 pm, 10:00 am-3:00 pm                                 Camp Stonybrook, Waynesville

 Adventuring with Maps - CSA Maps
   Become direction finding sleuths while sharpening your deductive reasoning skills. Decipher detailed orienteering maps
   and demonstrate your navigation skills on a cross country challenge course. Review compass and pacing skills using
   letterboxing games, then test them out at an adventure race! Complete parts of the Trailblazer, Traveler, Adventurer, or
   Game Visionary badges. Learn to prepare activities for younger girls too. Cost includes all maps, meet fees, and electronic
   timing. Cost: $14/girl•Adults free Min/Max: 20/30
      **Troops participating in an Adventuring with Maps session on either Saturday or Sunday may spend the night in Ittmann Lodge
      at Camp Stonybrook. Share space with other troops and meet more Girl Scouts from our area! Bring your own food and supplies.
      Supervision must be provided by the troop. Note: Registration is available only after registering for the Adventure with Maps session.
      Cost: $3/girl • $3/adult
     Date                      Time                                                              Location
     11/7/15                   9:00 am-2:00 pm                                                   Camp Stonybrook, Waynesville

 Orienteering Meet - 11/7/15
   Orienteering is hiking with a purpose, and this one is open to all Girl Scout troops and families. Practice your map and
   compass skills while hiking through the woods! Use detailed, five color “O” maps to hike set courses. Brief beginner
   instruction and compass rental are available. Special rate of $ 4/person applies. See for more information.
 Contact: Tori Houck                                                                          Register: through eBiz

 aMAZE! Journey Retreat
   Spend the weekend earning some award components, and you will receive instruction on how to mentor your girl(s)
   through this experience. Attending adults participate in their own concurrent programming on mentoring Cadettes.
   Adults will receive the Journey Facilitator’s Guide. Cadettes will join other girls in the maze of friendship and discover how
   to create peace together. At this retreat, you will earn the Peacemaker and Interact Awards. Pre and post-work is required
   to complete the Diplomats Award. Girls will receive the Journey girl book. Saturday meals and Sunday morning meal are
   provided. Further details will be provided in an emailed confirmation packet prior to the retreat. Note: Participants must
   attend the entire weekend; they may not arrive late or leave early as this disrupts the program for others.
   Cost: $45/girl • $45/adult Min/Max: 40/90
     Date                                      Time                                                 Location
     4/8/16-4/10/16                            6:30 pm-10:00 am                                     Camp Libbey, Defiance
 Contact: Rebecca Sarantou                                                                        Register: through eBiz

 Babysitting Basics Online Course
   If you’re 11 or older and ready to start your babysitting business, then this is the course for you! This interactive online
   training teaches you all the skills and information you need to safely and responsibly care for babies and kids up to the age
   of 10. It takes about 4 hours to complete and makes learning fun with lots of videos and games. Plus, you meet Step 2 of
   the Cadette Babysitter badge requirement. Cost: $25
 Contact:                                                                         Register: website

Call 888.350.5090 with GSWO program event questions.                                                                                           17
      Masters of Disaster
        Learn how you and your family can prevent, prepare for, and escape a home fire; understand the cool science behind
        earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes; how you can stay safe; what you can do to cope during super stressful situations.
        Plus, color a Walt Disney pillowcase that you can keep! No Cost
      Pillowcase Project
       Learn how you and your family can prevent, prepare for, and escape a home fire; understand the cool science behind
       earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes; how you can stay safe; what you can do to cope during super stressful situations.
       Plus, color a Walt Disney pillowcase that you can keep! No Cost
      Contact: Patricia Crawford • 419-329-2514 •          Register: call or email

     Camper Badge
      Learn how to prepare for your outdoor camping adventure whether an overnight or longer. Help to set up the perfect
      campsite and learn the safe handling of equipment. Ever wonder what you will eat while camping? Learn how to create a
      menu using simple and nutritious recipes and ingredients. Not sure what to take with you or what to wear? What should we
      do while camping? Where should we go and how do we get there? These questions and more will be covered as you earn
      your Camping badge. Cost: to be arranged Capacity: 20
     Hiker Badge
      Learn how to prepare for your hiking adventure. Help to seek out areas to hike and plan for your trip whether just an hour or
      a day long trek. What do you consider when planning your hike? What do you wear and take along with you? Are there special
      things to do on a hike? How do you make sure you don’t get lost? What food and drink always go on hikes? These questions
      and more will be covered as you earn you Hiking badge. Cost: to be arranged Capacity: 20
     Safety & Self Defense in the Outdoors
      Want to have fun in the outdoors, but are afraid because you are not sure what to avoid or how to be safe? Ever thought:
      What happens if I see a snake in my path? What if I get stung by a bee or twist my ankle? Can I pick those pretty flowers?
      What if a stranger approaches me? What can I do to better protect myself? What does poison ivy look like? Are these berries
      for me to eat? Feel more confident when doing things in the outdoors by learning how to take care of a situation before you
      encounter it. In this course you will learn the basics of safety and self-defense to help you enjoy the outdoors without worry.
      This hands-on course lasts 4 hours and will help you safely venture into the outdoors. Cost: to be arranged Capacity: 25
      Ever wondered how to shoot a bow and arrow? What kind of equipment do I use? How can I be safe on the archery range?
      Where do I shoot and how do I keep score? What can I do as an archer to improve my skills? These questions and more will
      be covered as you learn the basics of shooting a bow and arrow along with the safety practices on an archery range.
      Cost: to be arranged Capacity: 10
     Contact: Audrey J. Berning-Matell, 419-474-1103,                     Register: email or call

     Martial Arts Tournament Scoring - Practice & Tournament
      Volunteer at a live judo tournament! Help run clocks and keep score. Learn how to run a table and let the competitors know
      when they should be competing. NOTE: This is a two part event. The first part is a two hour session one week before the
      tournament to show you how to keep score and run the timing clocks. The second part is a full day action where you’ll follow
      the competition, keep score, and inform the competitors. Cost: No Cost
          Date: 10/10/15                Time: 1:00-2:30 pm AND Date: 10/17/15                    Time: 10:00 am-3:30 pm
          Date: 3/21/16                 Time: 1:00-2:30 pm AND Date: 3/28/16                      Time: 10:00 am-3:30 pm
     Martial Arts Tournament Scoring - Tournament
      Everybody has the right to feel safe and to protect themselves from attackers. Learn the basics in self defense including
      situation awareness and how to defend yourself from different types of attacks. Three sessions are held each year and build
      upon each other. Classes are taught by active and retired police officers. Cost: $20/girl • $15 adults
          Date: 11/14/15                 Time: 1:00-3:00 pm
          Date: 2/28/16                  Time: 1:00-3:00 pm
          Date: 6/27/16                  Time: 1:00-3:00 pm
     Contact: Russ Burke • 419-726-8389 •                                   Register: call or email
              5021 Lewis Ave, Toledo, OH 43613 •

18                                            Call 888.350.5090 with GSWO program event questions.
 Masters of Disaster
   Fire and tornadoes can be scary! After taking this course, you can feel better prepared for the next disaster or emergency.
   Learn about the different types of disasters, feel less afraid when they happen, and know that if one happens, you’ll know
   what to do. No Cost Capacity: 100
 Be Disaster Safe
   Do you know what to do if a fire, flood, or tornado happens? Learn how to prepare for and respond to all types of disasters
   like these in your community, at school, and at home. No Cost Capacity: 100
 Earthquakes, Floods, Hurricanes, Lightning, Tornadoes, and Winter Storms
   Mother Nature throws some crazy weather at us sometimes! Learn the science behind these natural disasters, which ones
   could happen in your area, and how to prepare for and respond to them if the happen. Activities support step 5 of the
   Brownie Safety Award. Part of the Masters of Disaster program offerings. No Cost Capacity: 100
 Facing Fear
   Our world is constantly changing. Terrorism, war, and pandemic flu are serious topics facing the global population. In this
   course, you’ll learn how to take preparedness actions for new challenges like these and answer difficult questions. Part of
   the Masters of Disaster program offerings. No Cost Capacity: 100
 Fire Prevention and Safety and Wild Land Fires
  Did you know home fires are the most common disaster in the United States? In this course, you’ll learn how to remove
  hazards to prevent fires, and set up and follow plans to stay safe if a fire occurs. You’ll also learn the losses that happen when
  a home is devastated by fire and how you can support those who have experienced this type of personal disaster. Activities
  support step 3 of the Brownie Safety Award. Part of the Masters of Disaster program offerings. No Cost Capacity: 100
 Home Safety
  Is your home safe? Learn what a safe environment looks like to prevent injuries and know what to do if one happens.
  Activities support Step 1 of the Junior Safety Award and Step 1 of the Cadette Safety Award. Part of the Masters of Disaster
  program offerings. No Cost Capacity: 100
 In the Aftermath
  Disasters are devastating. Learn how people recover from them, and what you can do to help your friends, family, and
  community heal after a disaster. Topics include coping to change, to personal loss, to rebuilding. Part of the Masters of
  Disaster program offerings. No Cost Capacity: 100
 Contact: Please contact your local Red Cross Chapter’s Community                       Register: call or email your local chapter
 Preparedness Educator for more information.

   There’s space to explore at the Appold Planetarium of Lourdes University. You’ll journey through space and time to
   explore the universe. Within the immersive digital theater, you become the astronaut with majestic views of planets, stars,
   galaxies, and even black holes! Private planetarium programs are targeted to the Night Owl and Sky badges.
   Cost: $4/girl•$5/adult 1 adult is admitted free for every 10 children
 Contact: Laura Megeath • 419-517-8897 •                        Register: call or email
        6832 Convent Blvd., Sylvania, OH 43560 •

 Archery Extravaganza
   If you have a great time shooting arrows at a target but want more – this is the event for you! Shoot at hanging targets of
   different sizes, as you move through a series of challenges to test your best archery skills! Note: Prerequisite Archery 1 or
   2. Cost: $7/girl•Adults free Min/Max: 12/20
     Date                                   Time                                          Location
     5/7/16                                 1:00-3:30 pm                                  Woodhaven Program Center, Lima
 Contact: Vicki Proctor                                                                 Register: through eBiz

Call 888.350.5090 with GSWO program event questions.                                                                                   19
Archery 1
       Learn the basics of archery from a trained instructor! Get the 411 on safety rules, proper handling of the equipment, and
       shooting techniques, before trying it out on your own. Cost: $7/girl•Adults free Min/Max: 16/24
         Date                    Time                                        Location
         10/3/15                 9:00 -11:00 am, Noon-2:00 pm                Camp Libbey, Defiance
         10/10/15                9:00 am - 11:00 am, 11:30 am-1:30 pm        Camp Whip Poor Will, Morrow
                                 1:00-3:00 pm                                Woodhaven Program Center, Lima
         10/17/15                1:00-3:00 pm                                Woodhaven Program Center, Lima
         10/24/15                9:00 am-11:00 am, 11:30 am-1:30 pm          Camp Butterworth, Maineville
         10/25/15                9:00 am-11:00 am, 11:30 am-1:30 pm          Camp Butterworth, Maineville
         11/14/15                9:00 am-11:00 am, 11:30 am-1:30 pm          Camp Butterworth, Maineville
                                 11:30 am-1:30 pm                            Camp Rolling Hills, Pleasant Hill
         3/5/16                  Noon-2:00 pm, 3:00-5:00 pm                  Camp Libbey, Defiance
         3/12/16                 9:00-11:00 am, 11:30-1:30 pm                Camp Stonybrook, Waynesville
         3/19/16                 9:00-11:00 am, 11:30-1:30 pm                Camp Whip Poor Will, Morrow
         3/20/16                 9:00-11:00 am, 11:30-1:30 pm                Camp Butterworth, Maineville
         4/2/16                  10:00 am-Noon, 1:00-3:00 pm                 Woodhaven Program Center, Lima
         4/9/16                  9:00-11:00 am, 11:30-1:30 pm                Camp Butterworth, Maineville
                                 9:00-11:00 am                               Camp Libbey, Defiance
         4/16/16                 10:00 am-Noon, 1:00-3:00 pm                 Tawawa Park, Sidney
                                 9:00-11:00 am, 11:30-1:30 pm                Camp Whip Poor Will, Morrow
         4/17/16                 9:00-11:00 am, 11:30-1:30 pm                Camp Butterworth, Maineville
         5/15/16                 9:00-11:00 am, 11:30-1:30 pm                Camp Butterworth, Maineville
         5/28/16                 9:00-11:00 am, 11:30-1:30 pm                Camp Whip Poor Will, Morrow
     Contact: Libbey: Elizabeth Rogers • Woodhaven: Vicki Proctor          Register: through eBiz
              Whip Poor Will/ Butterworth: Tori Houck

     Archery 2
       Start with a quick refresher, warm up with a few archery games, and dive into more advanced archery skills! Note: You
       must complete Archery 1 before registering for Archery 2. Cost: $7/girl•Adults free Min/Max: 16/24
         Date                    Time                                                      Location
         10/3/15                 3:00-5:00 pm                                              Camp Libbey, Defiance
         10/10/15                2:00-4:00 pm                                              Camp Whip Poor Will, Morrow
         10/24/15                1:00-3:00 pm                                              Woodhaven Program Center, Lima
         10/25/15                2:00-4:00 pm                                              Camp Butterworth, Maineville
         10/26/15                2:00-4:00 pm                                              Camp Butterworth, Maineville
         11/14/15                2:00-4:00 pm                                              Camp Butterworth, Maineville
                                 3:00-5:00 pm                                              Camp Libbey, Defiance
                                 2:00-4:00 pm                                              Camp Rolling Hills, Pleasant Hill
         3/12/16                 2:00-4:00 pm                                              Camp Stonybrook, Waynesville
         3/19/16                 2:00-4:00 pm                                              Camp Whip Poor Will, Morrow
         3/20/16                 2:00-4:00 pm                                              Camp Butterworth, Maineville
         4/9/16                  2:00-4:00 pm                                              Camp Butterworth, Maineville
                                 Noon-2:00 pm                                              Camp Libbey, Defiance
         4/16/16                 2:00-4:00 pm                                              Camp Whip Poor Will, Morrow
         4/17/16                 2:00-4:00 pm                                              Camp Butterworth, Maineville
         5/14/16                 1:00-3:00 pm                                              Woodhaven Program Center, Lima
         5/15/16                 2:00-4:00 pm                                              Camp Butterworth, Maineville
         5/28/16                 2:00-4:00 pm                                              Camp Whip Poor Will, Morrow
     Contact: Libbey: Elizabeth Rogers • Woodhaven: Vicki Proctor                        Register: through eBiz
              Whip Poor Will/Butterworth: Tori Houck

20                                           Call 888.350.5090 with GSWO program event questions.
 Bicycle Safety Day
    At this annual event promoting bicycle safety education you’ll get free helmets with fitting and a bicycle inspection.
    Take part in a bicycle rodeo course to learn the proper rules of the road. You’ll also receive an award certificate verifying
    you’ll uphold the rules of the road and have successfully completed the course. There are also give-a-ways, raffles,
    refreshments, special guests, and much more! Work towards your Junior Safety Award too.
    Date: 5/14/16                   Time: 10:00 am-1:00 pm          Location: TSC Garage, 2 Willipie St., Wapakoneta
 Contact: Marlene Froning • 419-738-8267 •                           Register: call or email

 Aullwood Girl Scout Programming
   Check out this 200 acre sanctuary for the perfect place to learn about the natural world! Enjoy fun activities like bird
   watching, walking across a log, hiking through a prairie, touching a live reptile, and making an animal track. Bring your troop
   for an unforgettable experience on Tuesday through Saturday between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Contact us about badge
   options too! Options include - Daisy: Between Earth & Sky, Flower Garden, 3 Cheers for Animals; Brownies: Hiker, Bugs,
   Senses, Pets; Juniors: Animal Habitats, Gardener, Flowers, Camping; Cadettes, Seniors, Ambassadors: Animal Helpers,
   Night Owl, Trailblazing, Voice for Animals Cost: $5/girl•$4/adult Capacity: 250
 Contact: Tara Pitstick • 937-890-2968 •                                     Register: call or email
          1000 Aullwood Rd., Dayton, OH 45414 •

Let’s Get Cooking
  Check out this fun and informative tour of Auntie Anne’s Pretzel Bakery! It also includes a hand-washing exercise, hands-on
  pretzel rolling lesson, you very own original pretzel and small lemonade, a certificate of completion with valuable coupons,
  and an embroidered patch. Cost:$7/person for every 6 girls, 1 adult is free
Dough Know How
  Check out this fun and informative tour of Auntie Anne’s Pretzel Bakery! It also includes a hand-washing exercise, hands-on
  pretzel rolling lesson, you very own original pretzel and small lemonade, a certificate of completion with valuable coupons,
  and an embroidered patch. Cost: $7/person for every 6 girls, 1 adult is free
Contact: Tim Chafins • 937-231-0554 •                                            Register: call or email
         2700 Miamisburg-Centerville Road, Dayton, OH 45459 •

 Cincinnati Parks Girl Scout Program Opportunities
 Enjoy hikes and activities in nature! Study local wildlife, learn outdoor skills, and discover science topics like weather. After
 school programs can be designed to meet badge requirements too. (minimum of 15 paid participants). If you can’t make the
 scheduled program dates listed below, call for information on how to book your own program that fits your troops’ schedule.
 Brownie Senses Badge
   Get to know the fab five! We’ll Take a hike and hunt for sensory things in nature, do a taste test, and start a “feel wheel” to
   take home with you. Pre-payment required and non-refundable. Cost:$5/girl, $5/non leader adults Capacity: 30
       Date: 10/9/15                     Time: 4:00-5:30 PM
 Brownie Hiker Badge
   Work with a Park Naturalist to scout out a trail before you take a hike to find objects on a fun scavenger hunt. You’ll discuss
   backpacking gear and safety, as well as “Leave No Trace” principles. NOTE: Pre-payment required and non-refundable.
   Cost: $5/girl, $5/non leader adults Capacity: 30
      Date: 1/28/16                    Time: 4:00-5:30 PM
 Junior Flowers Badge
   Home to hundreds of native wildflower and plant species, take a personal tour to learn about the science of flowers and how
   they help us. Make a dried-flower art project to take home. Earn the requirements for the Flower Badge too! NOTE: Pre-
   payment required and non-refundable. Cost: $5/girl, $5/non leader adults Capacity: 30
       Date: 4/9/16                   Time: 10:00-11:30 am
 Contact: Rachel Rice, 513-861-3435,                        Register: mail in or call
         4235 Paddock Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45229 •

Call 888.350.5090 with GSWO program event questions.                                                                                 21
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