Cookie Family Guide - Girl Scouts of San ...

Page created by Charlotte Glover
Cookie Family Guide - Girl Scouts of San ...
Cookie Family Guide

             Table of Contents
             2        Cookie Lineup
             3        Why Should my Girl Scout Sell Cookies
             3        Important Dates
             4        How Troops Can Sell Cookies in 2021
             5        COVID-19 Protocols
             6        Ways to Participate
             7        Where the Money Goes
             8        Recognitions
             10       The Girl’s Guide to Cookie Booth Etiquette
             11       Code of Conduct
             12       Safety Tips for Selling Cookies
             13       Social Media Guidelines
             14       Cookie Promotions
             15       Family Cookie Pins
             16       Door Hangers
         1   17       Set Your Goals for the Future!
Cookie Family Guide - Girl Scouts of San ...
Your 2021 Cookie Lineup

Cookie Family Guide - Girl Scouts of San ...
Why Should My Girl
Scout Sell Cookies?
Want to know a secret? The Cookie Program isn’t about
cookies. Shocked? You shouldn’t be! The Cookie Program is all
about your Girl Scout.

When she’s participating in the Cookie Program, here’s what
she’s actually doing:
• She’s learning the 5 Skills – goal setting, decision making,                      Important Dates
    money management, people skills and business ethics.
• And all those skills? They transfer to other areas of her                                          January 23
    life, like becoming more responsible with her allowance,                  Contactless order-taking begins. Girls can send e-cards
    making a decision about college or developing leadership                through their digital storefront and share their custom links
    skills that’ll turn her into the next all-star female CEO.                   on social media to jumpstart their cookie goals.
• She’s raising proceeds for her troop to do great things,
    like go camping, fund a service project or pay to attend a
                                                                                                   January 27
    badge workshop.
• She’s paying it forward and making the Girl Scout                                    Troops began picking up cookies from
    experiences possible for ALL girls in our council. Proceeds                              designated cookie drops.
    also go toward maintaining camp properties, keeping
    activity fees affordable and helping girls in underserved
                                                                                                    February 1
    areas participate in Girl Scouts.
                                                                            National cookie link campaign goes live for direct-ship only,
                                                                            connecting customers to randomly-selected troops in the
       Straight from a GSSJC Cookie                                                       customer's selected ZIP code.
       Entrepreneur Officer (CEO)
       "The Girl Scout Cookie Program helped me to spea                                      February 6 – Go Day!
       fluently, to be patient, to set goals and  to be  nice
                                                            felt            The 2021 Cookie Program begins! Girls may begin delivering
       and cooperative. When selling cookies, I always
                                                 reach   my                          cookies and selling to the general public.
       amazed because I didn’t think I would
       goal but I pushed myself to work hard to achie
       my goal. I worked hard by selling at my     scho ol,                                         February 12
        my church, emailing and calling my family, my                          Cookie booth sales begin. Health and safety guidelines
        parents’ jobs and trying to work every cookie boot                  permitting, booth sales will begin on Feb. 12. Troops and girls
                                                      I am  an
        available. Being a CEO makes me feel that                                  can do virtual booths using their unique URLs.
        achiever! It’s an awesome feeling to be a top seller
        in my troop as well as a CEO."
        – Girl Scout Cadette Brianna Scott                                                          March 28
                                                                                          The 2021 Cookie Program ends.

       And a firs
                    t-time Coo
      "I was excit                   kie Progra
                     ed to sell G                 m particip
      this was m                    irl Scout Co                ant
                    y first year                  okies beca
     valuable th                   in  Girl Scouts             use
                   ing I learne                     . The most
     successful                   d   was to not
                   and                            quit until I a
     when I hit m then keep reaching.                            m
                    y first goal,                  I was excite
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   really fun. O se even though it can                     okie
                  verall the C                     be work it is
  me to wan                     o  okie Progra
               t to own m                       m has insp
  am making                   y own busin                    ired
                slime and s                   ess. Right n
 gotta start                    e lli                      ow  ,I
               somewhere ng it to raise money. Y
 – Girl Sco                    !"                              o u
             ut Junior E
                              merson H

Cookie Family Guide - Girl Scouts of San ...
How Troops Can Sell Cookies in 2021
                                     In-Person                         Traditional
                                       Sales                          Cookie Booths
                                   Feb. 6-March 28                    Feb. 12-March 28
                                Girls are encouraged to             Troops can sign up for
                                use their Smart Cookies             traditional cookie booths held
                                storefront to collect orders        outside local businesses,
                                or use virtual platforms            such as grocery stores.
                                like Zoom or social media           • All participants MUST follow all GSSJC's COVID-19
                                live-streams to safely sell.            Protocols (see next page).
                                In-person sales are allowed,        • Booth reservations are made through Smart Cookies in
                                but all participants MUST               two hour time slots.
                                follow all GSSJC's COVID-19         • Booth locations are approved by council in advance.
                                Protocols (see next page).          • A maximum of two adults and two to three girls (if
                                                                        Daisies, only two girls)
                                                                    • GSSJC is still working out details with Favor. If finalized,
     Lemonade                                                           some traditional cookie booths may be set to also take
    Stand Booths                                                        delivery driver purchases.
    Feb. 12-March 28
Girls may host these booths
                                                                                                  Virtual Cookie
in their neighborhoods. All
participants must follow                                                                              Booths
GSSJC's COVID-19 Protocols                                                                         Feb. 1-March 28
(see next page). Additionally,
these guidelines apply:                                                                    When troops are added to Smart
• May not take place on public property or right of way.                                   Cookies, a virtual booth link is
• Cookie seller is responsible for following any applicable                                automatically created. The auto-
     HOA rules.                                                                            generated link will allow customers
• Should take place on private or residential property                                     to purchase from your troop
     unless given permission by the local authority for a                                  through Troops
     location within the neighborhood (such as a patio at                                  may also create a link to their virtual
     an apartment complex).                                                                booths and share links with friends
• A maximum of two adults and one to four girls and no               and neighbors.
     more than two households may participate (including             • Feb. 1, the auto-generated virtual booth link will be
     the host household).                                                linked to the national cookie finder app. Please note
                                                                         that this link only allows direct-ship purchases or
                                                                         Cookie Share donations.
                                                                     • On Feb. 12, troops can share their troop created
                                                                         virtual booth link and set up drive-thru or curbside
                                                                     • Both end on March 28

          GrubHub Booths
            Feb. 12-March 28

Girl Scout Juniors through Ambassadors have the option to sell cookies via Girl Scouts, first-ever
partnership with Grubhub, a national delivery service. All participants MUST follow all GSSJC's COVID-19
Protocols (see next page).
• Troops can sign-up for Grubhub booths via Smart Cookies in the same way they reserve in-person
     booth slots.
• Grubhub booths are associated with select retail cupboards.
• Girls will learn and use the Grubhub ordering system and prepare the order for drivers to pick-up
     from the cupboard and deliver to the customer.
• Troops will setup their booth outside the cupboard and can take other walk-up customers or invite
     their customer to pick-up as a drive-thru booth.

Cookie Family Guide - Girl Scouts of San ...
                                                              COVID-19 Protocols for
   or Curbside                                               the 2021 Cookie Program
  Cookie Booths
      Feb. 12-
      March 28
                                              All members participating in the 2021 Cookie Program and interacting with
                                              customers MUST wear a mask that covers the nose, mouth and chin at all times. If
                                              using face shields, these must be worn with a mask that covers nose, mouth and
                                              chin and cannot be used to replace masks.
This year, troops can host their own
drive-thru or curbside cookie booths. All     In-Person Ordering
participants must follow GSSJC's COVID-19     For door-to-door sales taking place in-person:
Protocols (see next column). Additionally,     • Girl must always wear face coverings and follow CDC guidelines for her area.
these guidelines apply:                        • When a customer answers the door, the girl must maintain a social distance
• Locations are selected by the troop             of at least six feet.
    volunteer or CCM and are not               • Girls should never allow the customer to handle her order card, pen or phone.
    approved by GSSJC.                         • If the girl has cookies in hand, she can take payment, then leave the package
• Must be held during daylight hours              in a pre-determined location for the customer to retrieve after she has
    or in a well-lit parking lot. No booths       stepped back. Cash payments can be taken or the customer may pay by
    should be held after 8 p.m.                   credit card. See next bullet for credit card information.
• Retail locations (whether current            • To accept credit cards at the door, girls can have their QR code ready for the
    booth partners or not) are not                customer to scan and order/pay from their own device. Or girls can use the
    allowed, no exceptions. (Please do            Smart Cookie app to enter the customer’s order and credit card for them, or if
                                                  she has an iPhone, scan the credit card.
    not ask H-E-B, Walmart, Kroger or any
                                               • Girls can use door hangers with a QR code linked to their personal Smart
    other retail locations.)
                                                  Cookies URL. Girls then arrange a drop off date/time/location to deliver via
• Property owner must give approval.              porch drop-off.
    Consider locations such as churches,       • Girls should carry and use hand sanitizer after each customer interaction
    schools, libraries and other public or
    commercial properties that are not        Cookie Booths
    retail.                                   General information:
• Locations must be safe and reflect            • Booths must be held outside.
    Girl Scout values.                          • Members must wear a mask that covers the nose, mouth and chin at all
• Girls must never approach a vehicle             times.
    without an adult present. The adult         • Booth can have a maximum of three girls, or only two girls if Daisies.
    serves as a buffer between the              • Members must always maintain a social distance of six feet or more.
    vehicle and the girl.                       • Table(s) should be used to ensure social distancing from customers.
                                                  Members must always remain behind the table.
Additional guidelines for drive-thru            • Hand sanitizer, provided by the troop, should be available at each table.
booths:                                         • Booths must be located a minimum of 15 feet away from the entrance of the
• Site selected by troop must have                business where the booth is being held.
   adequate space for table setup and           • Cashless payments are encouraged. Adults should handle the cash. Latex or
   traffic flow. It cannot interfere with         nitrile gloves are encouraged when handling cash. Use hand sanitizer often if
   public traffic flow.                           not wearing gloves.
• Pre-paid cookies are assembled and          Additional recommendations:
   labeled prior to customer arrival.          • Assign jobs for the entire booth (i.e. one person handles money, one handles
• Adult and girl should approach the car          packing orders).
   from the passenger side window to           • Consider using a six-foot table lengthwise rather than horizontally to help
                                                  maintain social distance with cookie customers.
   help maintain social distance.
                                               • Clean tables several times throughout the booth.
• Customer should open trunk or back           • Use hand sanitizer between every customer interaction.
   door so that girl/adult can place pre-
                                               • Use posters to alert customers to maintain social distancing and wear face
   packaged cookies in the vehicle.               coverings while at the booth.
• Girl credits for sales are handled the       • Use posters to advertise price and goals to encourage social distancing.
   same as a traditional cookie booth.         • Print cookie varieties and nutritional information on posters so customers
                                                  do not handle packages of cookies. Place fact sheets in a plastic sleeve to be
                                                  wiped down between interactions.
                                               • Use bins or trays for safe money transactions such as plastic shoe boxes or
                                                  cookie sheets so that it can easily be cleaned between transactions.

Cookie Family Guide - Girl Scouts of San ...
Ways to Participate
Girl with Parent Involvement
Option			                  Delivery Methods          Payment Options              Beginning When           Make it yours
                           Girl Delivery             Girl-delivery can be credit  January 23               Create a video explaining
e-card through her Smart
                           Direct Ship               card or cash. Credit card                             why you are selling
Cookies storefront
                           Cookie Share              customers must pay in                                 cookies.
                           Donation                  advance. Direct Ship and
                                                     Cookie Share pay in advance.
Girl storefront link       Girl Delivery         Customers must pay in                January 23           Make a meme or video
through social media       Direct Ship           advance by credit card.                                   to share with your post.
                           Cookie Share Donation

Call or text neighbors,    Girl Delivery             Credit card or cash              February 6           Perfect your sales pitch
family and friends to                                                                                      or make up your own
take orders                                                                                                jingle.
Door hangers               Girl Delivery             Girl-delivery can be credit  February 6               Include a link or QR code
                           Direct Ship               card or cash. Credit card                             to your storefront for easy
                           Cookie Share              customers can pay in                                  ordering and payment.
                           Donation                  advance. Direct Ship and                              A printable template is on pg
                                                                                                           17 and limited quantity will be
                                                     Cookie Share pay in advance.                          available at cookie cupboards.

Door-to-door               Girl Delivery             Credit card or cash              February 6           Decorate your wagon and
sales                                                                                                      get your sales pitch ready.
                                                                                                           Leave a door hanger if no
                                                                                                           one is home.

Walkabout Weekend          Girl Delivery             Credit card or cash              March 6 - 7          Snap a photo of your
                                                                                                           walkabout and submit it
                                                                                                           for your free patch.

Virtual sale via Zoom or Girl Delivery        Credit card for direct                   Feb. 6              Include a link or QR code
social media live-stream Direct Ship          ship or Girl-delivery can                                    to your storefront for easy
Only allowed on private Cookie Share Donation be credit card or cash.                                      ordering and payment.
Lemonade Stand             In-Person Booth at        Credit card or cash              February 12          Decorate your table or
                           residence                                                                       use a yard sign.

Girl With Her Troop or a Individually Registered Girl With Her Community
Option			                  Delivery Methods        Payment Options               Beginning When            Make it yours
Troop Virtual Booth        Drive-thru or Curbside Customer pre-pays at time of February 12                 Share this link on social
                           In-Person Booth        order. Additional sales can be                           media to generate
                                                  credit card or cash.                                     orders. Girls can assist
                                                                                                           in prepping orders and
                                                                                                           distribution at booth.
Troop Virtual Cookie       Direct Ship or Cookie     No delivery of cookies or        February 1           Troops or girls can copy
Finder Link                Share Donation            collection of money.                                  the link and post on
                           only                                                                            social media for direct
                                                                                                           ship only sales.
Traditional Cookie Booth In-Person Booth            Credit card or cash               February 12          Make signs for your booth
                                                                                                           or practice your sale pitch
                                                                                                           wearing your mask.

 Making a QR code is free and easy to do online. Just search for "how to make a QR code." Practice your sales pitch wearing your mask.

Cookie Family Guide - Girl Scouts of San ...
Did you know? All proceeds from
                          Girl Scout Cookies® stay local !
            When you purchase Girl Scout Cookies from a young, budding entrepreneur, you’re supporting
                   her success today and tomorrow. Girl Scout Cookies’ proceeds stay local to:

          1                                      2                                   3

           Cover the costs of running the        Fund Take Action projects for        Help councils provide Girl Scout
             Girl Scout Cookie Program,          the community and amazing            programs in STEM, the outdoors,
           including the costs of cookies,       girl-led adventures for troops.      life skills, and entrepreneurship,
               materials, and logistics.                                                 as well as camps, leadership
                                                                                              training, and more!

      The Girl Scout Cookie Program is the largest girl-led entrepreneurial program in the world!
          How a package of cookies
          supports Girl Scouts

            Cost of
                                   Recognitions      Other                 The Girl Scout Cookie Program is the
            Cookies     Community
                        and Region
                                     for Girls                              largest girl-led entrepreneurial
                         Proceeds                                                 program in the world!
How Troops Use Their Cookie Proceeds
How a Girl Scout troop uses their cookie proceeds is entirely up to the girls! Let’s assume this troop of 12 Girl Scout Brownies
sold 250 packages per girl. The troop would receive roughly $2,250 in proceeds from selling this amount.

Here is a quick example of how they might use their proceeds:
• Attend Carousel camping weekend ($30/girl or adult) - $420
• Attend a Cybersecurity badge workshop ($23 per girl) - $276
• Hike with Henry at Camp Agnes Arnold ($6 per girl) - $72
• Renew all girls’ memberships during Early Bird to earn an exclusive patch ($25 per girl) - $300
• Service project benefiting a local animal shelter - $200
• Save for future troop trip or use for other activities - $982

Cookie Family Guide - Girl Scouts of San ...
2021 Girl Recognitions

     set your                                                      Girl Recognitions
Cookie Goals
My Goal:
                                                                    are cumulative

                                                                                      Boost Bar Key Ring and
                                                                                          Bee Applique
                                                                                         100 - 149 Packages

       Theme Patch
             5 - 54

                                            Mood Cup and Lanyard
                                               55 - 99 Packages

                                                                                             Small Bee Plush
                                                                                             250-299 Packages
  Journal with Gel Pens                     Bee Ring and Flower Pillow
    150 - 199 Packages                          200-249 Packages

                          300-349                                        Bracelet
                          Packages                                 400-499 Packages

                           Sport Bottle
                         350-399 Packages                                                           Large Plush
                                                                                                  500-599 Packages

Cookie Family Guide - Girl Scouts of San ...
Troops choose
                                                          from options
                                                            1, 2 or 3!

                                                                    Girl Rewards
                                                                    Girls earn rewards
                                                                    (shown on these pages)
                                                                    based on the total number
                                                                    of packages sold.
                              Beach Towel                           Rewards are cumulative.
                             800-999 Packages
Workout Towel
600-799 Packages

                                                      2           Cookie Dough
                                                                  Any girl can choose Cookie
                                                                  Dough instead of reward
                                                                  items. Cookie Dough is NOT
                                                                  cumulative. Girls who sell 55
                                                   or more packages will receive cookie dough
                                                   based on the chart below.

                         Disney Virtual Event      Package Sold       Cookie Dough Earned
                          1250-1499 Packages       55-99              $5
     Hoodie                                        100-149            $10
1000-1249 Packages                                 150-199            $20
                                                   200-249            $30
                                                   250-299            $35
                                                   300-349            $40
                                                   350-399            $50
                                                   400-499            $55
                                                   500-599            $70
                                                   600-799            $90
                                                   800-999            $110
                                                   1000-1249          $165
                                                   1250-1499          $190
                                                   1500-1999          $220
                                                   2000+              $370
                        Bee Speaker, Lunch with
                         GSSJC CEO Mary Vitek
                         and your choice of an

                            Electronic Item,                         Older Girl Option
                          Outdoor Package or                         For troops whose girls are
       Yoga Mat
   1500-1999 Packages       STEM Package                             Cadette – Ambassadors only.
                            2000+ Packages                           Girls will receive the Theme
                                                                     Patch and Boost Bars. Troops
                                                  will earn higher proceeds of $0.83 per package
                                                  in exchange for girl rewards.

Cookie Family Guide - Girl Scouts of San ...
The Girl’s Guide to Cookie Booth Etiquette
Cookie season is a perfect opportunity to demonstrate the principles of the Girl Scout Law to customers, as well as to your
fellow Girl Scouts. We’ve broken down the Girl Scout Law with a few suggestions of how to do just that:

I will do my best to be:
honest and fair – All girls should be contributing equally             learning how to spot potential customers. If someone’s
to the booth sales, not just one girl or parents. Give girls           walking by quickly and not making eye contact, they
a role! Have one or two at the booth, helping customers                probably aren’t interested. If a customer smiles or takes
choose and pay for their cookies. Have another one or two              notice of your booth, ask that magic question! Sometimes
girls acting as greeters, saying hello and asking potential            a customer simply hasn’t been asked by a girl if they’d
customers that magic question – would you like to buy Girl             like to buy cookies, and that’s all it takes for them to walk
Scout Cookies? Keep girls focused on the booth during down             away with a case of Thin Mints! Talk about how to spot
times by perfecting their cookie pitch or practicing answers           potential customers with your girls before your booth to
to customer questions. And remember there must always be               help maximize their success and their confidence.
a minimum of two girls and two adults at every booth – no
more than three girls at a time, two if Daisies.                       respect authority – Keep in mind we are guests at the
                                                                       business where you are holding your cookie booth and
friendly and helpful – Keep that smile going! Customers                how we act could affect whether that business allows us
aren’t as likely to stop if the girls look bored or disinterested.     to return next year. Use those business ethics skills you’ve
Happiness is contagious, and if your girls are excited to              learned to be respectful of the business you’re visiting. Set
tell customers about their favorite Girl Scout Cookie or               up in your designated area, don’t block pathways or doors
how they’re using the proceeds, customers will catch the               and be sure to clean up when your booth is over. A Girl
excitement and be happy to help the girls achieve their goals          Scout always leaves a place cleaner than she found it!
by purchasing a box or two.
                                                                       use resources wisely – Encourage girls to decorate
considerate and caring – Lots of troops in your                        their booth using colorful posters, décor and more to
community are excited to sell at a booth, just like you. Be            share prices, cookie varieties and how they will use the
considerate of how long your time slot is so if there’s a troop        proceeds. Cookie booths are usually by a business’s doors
selling after you, you can wrap up your cookie booth on                and can’t take up a lot of space, so use that space wisely!
time and give the next troop ample time to set up their own            (Need ideas? Take a spin around Pinterest!) An out-of-
booth.                                                                 the-ordinary booth design might catch a non-customer’s
                                                                       eye and turn them into a customer. Plus, it’s a great troop
courageous and strong – Not every customer you approach                meeting activity to help get girls excited about their cookie
will say yes. Some, unfortunately, might even be rude about            booths.
saying no. It takes courage for a girl to ask someone they
don’t know if they’d like to buy Girl Scout Cookies. When a            make the world a better place – The Girl Scout Cookie
customer says no, it takes just as much courage and strength           Program does a lot of good in your community! Remind
to smile, say “Thank you anyway,” and continue on to the next          customers that the money they spend stays right here in
person.                                                                southeast Texas, and girls use their proceeds for things
                                                                       like offsetting the cost of a STEM workshop, donating
and responsible for what I say and do – You can’t                      supplies to a local animal shelter or even saving it to pay
control what other people say or do, but you can control               for a week at resident camp.
your actions. Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for
misinformation about Girl Scouts to circulate during cookie            and be a sister to every Girl Scout – When you’re out
season, and some individuals might think a cookie booth is             at a cookie booth, it might seem like you’re just one girl
an appropriate setting to share this misinformation. As the            or one troop making your cookie business a success,
adult at the booth, be reminded it is never okay for anyone            but through your participation in the Girl Scout Cookie
to verbally attack girls, or you, for any reason. If a situation       Program, you are part of the largest girl-led business in
like this arises, remember to stay calm and collected, don’t           the world! You aren’t just representing yourself – you’re
engage and politely, but firmly, ask them to continue on their         representing the entire Girl Scout Movement. Encourage
way.                                                                   your girls to share with customers why they love being
                                                                       a Girl Scout and what the experience has taught them.
and to respect myself and others – Be respectful that                  Many think Girl Scouts is just about camping, cookies and
some customers are simply there to shop and will not be                crafts. This is your chance to tell them that it’s about so
interested in buying Girl Scout Cookies. That’s okay! Part of          much more!
the people skills girls learn through the Cookie Program is

Cookie Code of Conduct
Girls and adults must adhere to the information in the Cookie Family Guide and all GSSJC and GSUSA guidelines when
selling Girl Scout Cookies. These guidelines are in place so that girls can run a successful, fair, safe and fun cookie
business. Talk with your troop cookie manager if you need clarification.

For Girls:                                                             For Parents and Caregivers:
• I will follow all GSSJC COVID-19 Safety Protocols,                   • I will follow all GSSJC COVID-19 Safety Protocols.
    including wearing a face mask at all times when selling            • I will adhere to the principles of the Girl Scout Promise
    in public.                                                             and Law and follow GSSJC and GSUSA guidelines.
• I will adhere to the principles of the Girl Scout Promise            • I will follow the guidelines to make sure the Cookie
    and Law and follow all GSSJC guidelines.                               Program is safe, fun and successful.
• I will follow the guidelines to make sure the Cookie 		              • I will make sure my Girl Scout does not deliver any
    Program is safe, fun and successful.                                   cookies or sell cookies in public prior to February 6.
• I will not deliver any cookies or sell cookies in public             • I will be respectful of the Girl Scout leaders, troop cookie
    prior to February 6.                                                   manager or the adult in charge, recognizing that they are
• I agree to only take customer orders using digital tools                 volunteers helping my Girl Scout.
    beginning January 23.                                              • I understand I am responsible for all money collected on
• I will wear appropriate Girl Scout attire and dress                      behalf of the troop and misuse of council or troop funds
    neatly when selling.                                                   will not be tolerated.
• I will treat others, their property and their equipment 		           • I understand I am financially responsible for all product
    with respect.                                                          ordered and/or received and all cookies must be paid for
• I will remove all trash, including empty cookie cases 		                 by the deadline set by the troop cookie manager.
    from all booth sites.                                              • I will treat other people and their property and equipment
• I will listen carefully to all instructions and                          with respect. I will not leave trash behind.
    appropriately respond to all directions given by my                • I will remove all empty cases and trash from a cookie
    leader, troop cookie manager or other adult in charge.                 booth site and dispose of them at home.
• I will not run or demonstrate physical activity that 		              • I understand that siblings (tagalongs) will not be allowed
    could place me in harm. I will not participate in any 		               at a cookie booth.
    roughhousing, running, loud voices or inappropriate 		             • I will not demonstrate harassment or violence of any
    language.                                                              kind, including inappropriate conduct, profanity or verbal
• I will never give out my last name, address or phone                     abuse.
    number to customers. Instead, I will refer the                     • I understand that adults may assist but cannot sell
    customer to the adult volunteer.                                       cookies. This is a girl’s business to operate.
                                         If girls and/or troops are not selling in accordance with established rules and
                                         guidelines, girls and/or troops can be penalized by having one or more of the following
                                         consequences* applied:
                                         • Removal of the highest girl reward level earned
                                         • Reduction in credit for packages sold by girl
                                         • Forfeiture of girl rewards
                                         • No future cookie booths during the current program year
                                         • Reduction in troop proceeds
                                         • Reduction in credit for packages sold by the troop
                                         • Forfeiture of troop proceeds
                                         Examples of rule or guidance violations include but are not limited to:
                                         • Taking orders before Jan. 23 or selling before Saturday, Feb. 6.
                                         • Selling expired cookies or at the incorrect price.
                                         • Selling cookies outside the council boundaries (exception: online orders).
                                         • Girls selling or delivering cookies alone.
                                         • Conducting an unauthorized cookie booth. Unauthorized booths include those held
                                            without submitting and receiving approval.
                                         • Holding a cookie booth with the incorrect girl/adult ratio .
                                         • Inappropriate behavior at a cookie booth (including leaving trash or cookie cases at
                                            the location).
                                         *Decisions on consequences are made by the Product Sales Operations team, which includes both volunteers and
                                         staff. The severity of the consequences imposed will be based on safety, impact to others and number of rules/
                                         guidelines broken.

Safety Tips While Selling Cookies
Girls’ safety has been a priority for the Girl Scout organization since it was founded in 1912. By following the following
safety basics, parents and volunteers can ensure that the Cookie Program is not only a fun learning experience for girls
but also a safe one.

Follow all COVID-19 Guidelines
See page 5.

Show you are a Girl Scout
Wear the Girl Scout membership pin, vest or sash or other Girl Scout clothing (e.g. Girl Scout T-Shirt) to identify yourself
as a Girl Scout.

Buddy up
Always use the buddy system. Not only is it safe, it’s more fun.

Be streetwise
Become familiar with the areas and neighborhoods where you will be taking orders for or delivering Girl Scout Cookies.
Avoid accepting anything larger than a twenty-dollar bill. (Perhaps you would like to invest a few dollars for a Retractable
Fraud Prevention Gel Pen.)

Partner with adults
If you are a Girl Scout Daisy, Brownie or Junior, you must be accompanied by an adult when taking orders or delivering
cookies. If you are a Girl Scout Cadette, Senior or Ambassador you must buddy up when selling door-to-door. One of the
two adults present at a cookie booth must be background checked and always be present at a cookie booth with the girls.

Plan ahead
Be prepared for emergencies, and always have a plan for safeguarding money. Avoid walking around with large amounts
of cash or keeping it at home or school. Give money to your troop cookie manager to deposit as soon as possible. Don’t
forget to get a receipt.

Do not enter
Never enter the home of a person when you are selling or making deliveries. Never go up to a car on a street or follow a
customer into a building or alley.

Sell in the daytime
Sell only during daylight hours, unless accompanied by an adult.

Be Internet savvy
Read and sign the Internet Safety Pledge at Make sure you have
adult permission and supervision for online activities.

Protect privacy
Girls’ names, addresses and email addresses should never be given out to customers. Instead, a designated adult’s phone
number and/or group email address overseen by an adult should be given for re-orders or complaints.

Be safe on the road
Always follow safe pedestrian practices, especially when crossing at intersections or walking along roadways. Be aware of
traffic when unloading cookies and passengers from vehicles.

Social Media Guidelines
Be Safe:
• Girls using online sales and marketing must review                   alone. Girls of any age should not deliver online cookie
    and apply the Digital Marketing Tips for Cookie                    orders to the home of people she does not know
    Entrepreneurs and Their Families.                                  without an adult present.
• Girls, volunteers and parents must review and adhere            • Never share personal information like last name, phone
    to the Girl Scout Safety Pledge and Safety Activity                number, email or street address.
    Checkpoints for Computer and Internet Use and                 • Only share booth locations online that are supervised
    Cookie and Product Sales (with the exception that                  by an adult and take place in a safe, public space.
    they may share beyond family and friends.                     • Remember, if the sales link is posted on a public facing
• Girls and parents must adhere to all terms and                       site, the link is now searchable by anyone and could
    conditions on the Smart Cookie platform.                           potentially appear anywhere on the internet.
• Sales links should never be posted to online resale             • GSUSA and GSSJC reserves the right to remove or
    sites (eBay, Facebook Marketplace, Facebook Swap,                  disable the link for any reason, including violations of
    Craig’s List, Nextdoor etc.) Note that a post on                   guidance, inventory/fulfillment issues, safety issues, or
    Facebook containing the use of a dollar sign ($) may               if sales and marketing activity goes viral and otherwise
    automatically move the post to Facebook Marketplace.               creates unanticipated disruption.
    Disable the automated function to prevent this from           Keep it Girl-led:
    happening.                                                    • Girls 13 and older may use their social media accounts
• Social media ads should not be purchased or donated                  with parent permission.
    to promote sales links.                                       • For girls under 13, parents/guardians may post with
• Never use a girl’s last name when using social media                 direct girl involvement.
    to protect her identity.                                      NOT OK: My daughter is selling Girl Scout Cookies. Leave a
• To protect a girl’s personal identity, she should NEVER         comment with your order.
    direct message on social media platforms.                     OK Post: My daughter Miranda is selling Girl Scout Cookies
• Always use the Girl Scout online sales link for                 this year to go troop camping once COVID restrictions
    customer orders.                                              pass. If you are interested in supporting Miranda, you can
• Parent/Guardian must approve all girl-delivered online          enter her storefront using this link and watch her video or
    orders and supervise all communications and product           leave a comment with the best time to reach you. Miranda
    delivery logistics. Girls should never deliver cookies        will contact you after February 6 to deliver your cookies in
                                                                  person or you can have direct-shipped to you now.

Cookie Promotions                                                              Feb. 19-21 is National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend!
                                                                                    Celebrate with fun ways to sell cookies.

Walkabout-March                          6-7
Join the 2021 Walkabout March 6-7 and earn a special patch!
A walkabout is when a Girl Scout or Girl Scout troop walks a
neighborhood selling cookies door-to-door in a residential area
with adult supervision. This gives them a chance to visit cookie
customers they may have missed...or who might need to restock
their favorites!

Did you know that door-to-door sales remains one of the most
effective ways to sell cookies? In a recent national study, 78% of
those customers who were not approached during a cookie sale
stated they would have purchased two to four boxes if asked.

                                                Also called Cookie Share
                                                Have cookie customers who want to support your girl’s troop but don’t want
                                                to keep their purchase? They can donate their cookies to the Cookies4Heroes
                                                program (also called Cookie Share)! Girls can encourage customers to select
                                                this option when ordering online or in-person. (If buying online, there is a $1.25
                                                processing fee.) All monies received as donations are considered Cookies4Heroes
                                                donations. For example, if someone says, "Keep the change," the change goes
                                                toward Cookies4Heroes.
                                                After the Cookie Program, Cookies4Heroes orders are sent by the council and/or
                                                troops to local first responders and organizations that support the military.
                                                Our council goal is to provide 10,000 packages of cookies to first responders across
                                                southeast Texas in 2021. Visit after Feb. 6 to track where
                                                we are week by week.

                                                            Creative Cookie
                                                            Commercial Contest
                                                            -Starts Now!
                                                            Send us your best commercial to promote Girl Scout Cookies!
                                                            Must be no longer than 60 secs. Must be wearing Girl Scout
                                                            attire (uniform or T-shirt). Send in your video starting now to
                                                            be featured on social media. Be sure to use the video on your
                                                            storefront and social media. Personal messages help sell more
Want a fun way to market the peanut butter cookies?         cookies! All entry's must be submitted by Feb. 28, 2021 to:
How about a peanut butter battle between Peanut    Top three winners will win cool
Butter Patties and Peanut Butter Sandwiches? Which          Girl Scout swag! Voting will be online March 1 – 14.
will win for your sales, at your booth or in your troop?
One box equals one "vote". Keep track - a survey
will be sent out at the end of the sale to determine
this year's winner! See
for assets for you to download. Be sure to send in
pictures of your battle to

                                                      All cookie sales stay local!
                                                  When you buy delicious Girl Scout Cookies,
                                                  you’re helping girls fund life-changing programs,
                                                 experiences and learning for themselves and their
                                                   troops all year long. These experiences teach
                                                              them essential skills like:

                                               Goal Setting: Sets cookie sales goals individually and,
                                                   with her troop, creates a plan to reach them.
                                                   She develops cooperation and team building
                                                               skills all along the way.

Girl Scout Cookies are here!                       Decision Making: Helps decide how her troop
                                                   spends their cookie money, furthering critical
Here is how to get cookies from                         thinking and problem solving skills.
your local Troop #___________                       Money Management: Takes cookie orders,
                                                   handles customers’ money, and gains valuable
A link to my storefront is below or
you can reach me through one of my               People Skills: Learns how to talk to, listen to and
                                                 work with all kinds of people while selling cookies.
adult helpers at ________________ to
place an order by phone. I would love         Business Ethics: Learns to be honest and responsible at
                                             every step of the cookie sale. Her business ethics reinforce
to hear from you!                               the positive values she is developing as a Girl Scout.

          Thank you!

          Print out a door hanger! A limited amount will be
                    available at cookie cupboards.

Set your
                                 goals now
                                and join the
                                 fun in the

Join us at resident camp, day camp, family camp and
         GSSJC’s 100th Anniversary in 2022.

       Plus, be part of helping build the new
      Adventure Park at Camp Agnes Arnold.

                    And more!

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