AMERICA'S CHOICE? From Golden Age to Ruin - November-December 2020

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NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2020                        THE                              RCG.ORG/REALTRUTH


    From Golden Age to Ruin              The Mayflower:        Keeping It   The Christmas Tree: Behind the
Lebanon in Turmoil as It Turns 100   A Monumental Expedition    Together        Rise of a Holiday Icon
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                                 VOL. XVIII | NO. 6 | NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2020                                   the Work of God in preaching and
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                                                                                                                      DAVID C. PACK
                                                                                                                     MANAGING EDITOR
                                                                                                                    EDWARD L. WINKFIELD
                                                                                                                      SENIOR EDITOR
                                                                                                                  BRADFORD G. SCHLEIFER
                                                                                                                      ASSOCIATE EDITOR
                                                                                                                      SAMUEL C. BAXTER
                                                                                                                  CONTRIBUTING WRITERS
                                                                                                                        DAVID C. PACK
    g  A firefighter of a San Benito Monterey   Personal from the Editor-in-Chief                                   SAMUEL C. BAXTER
    Cal Fire crew sets a controlled burn with   God’s Key to Financial Prosperity                                    JUSTIN M. FRAZIER
                                                                                                                   WULPHERT DE GRAAF
    a drip torch while fighting the Creek       Page 1                                                             ANDREW J. HOLCOMBE
    Fire in Shaver Lake, California (Sept.                                                                             RICHARD O. LEE
    6, 2020).                                   From Golden Age to Ruin                                               DAVID J. LITAVSKY
                                                                                                                        FRANK LYDICK
    PHOTO: MARCIO JOSE SANCHEZ                  Lebanon in Turmoil as It Turns 100                                   KENNETH M. OREL
                                                The Mideast nation marked its centennial just after a                GARRICK R. OXLEY
                                                massive explosion at Beirut’s port. Ever since, political             JAMES F. PASTOR
Up in Smoke                                                                                                         TIMOTHY D. RANNEY
                                                instability has threatened to bring the nation to its knees.      BRADFORD G. SCHLEIFER
The Increasing Devastation                      Page 4                                                                NESTOR A. TORO
                                                                                                                       F. JACO VILJOEN
of West Coast Wildfires                                                                                              VIDAL N. WACHUKU
                                                America’s Choice?                                                  EDWARD L. WINKFIELD
Page 14                                         Every four years, the people of the United States face             EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS
                                                a presidential crossroads—with the nation’s future                 MELISSA M. HOLCOMBE
                                                seemingly on the line. Every four years, many are                     DAVID J. LITAVSKY
                                                woefully disappointed nothing ever seems to change…                     ART/GRAPHICS
                                                                                                                        JODY E. LYDICK
                                                Page 10                                                               PAULA C. RONDEAU
                                                                                                                        SARAH O. VIDAL
                                                The Mayflower: A Monumental Expedition                                EILEEN M. WILLARD
                                                The voyage of the Mayflower 400 years ago began a                   WEBSITE SERVICES
                                                nation that would change the course of world history.             BRADFORD G. SCHLEIFER
                                                                                                                    ANGELA K. BAXTER
                                                The story is told every year, but the real purpose of the            AMANDA B. DODD
                                                journey has remained hidden.                                     INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
                                                Page 20                                                             TIMOTHY C. WILLARD

                                                Keeping It Together
                                                Four Biblical Ways to Maintain COVID-Era
                                                “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for
                                                adversity” (Proverbs 17:17).
                                                Page 25                                                        The preparation and production of
                                                                                                               this magazine involved the work of
                                                The Christmas Tree: Behind the Rise of a                       editors, proofreaders, graphic artists,
FRONT COVER: U.S. President Donald              Holiday Icon                                                   illustrators, writers, researchers and
                                                                                                               those who support the Work of God.
Trump and Democratic presidential nomi-         Page 28                                                              Copyright © 2020, The Restored
nee Joe Biden.                                                                                                 Church of God. Printed in the USA.
ILLUSTRATION: PAULA C. RONDEAU                  World News Desk                                                All rights reserved.
                                                Page 32                                                              The Restored Church of God
                                                                                                               is not responsible for the return of
CREDITS: All photos from Getty Images                                                                          unsolicited articles and photos.
unless otherwise noted. Articles on pages                                                                            Scriptures are quoted from the
4-9, 14-19 and 33 contain information from                                                                     King James (or Authorized) Version
The Associated Press and Reuters.                                                                              of the Bible, unless otherwise noted.

    God’s Key to Financial
            uch of the national news is devoted
                                                             What You Earn Is Not Your Own
            to the rollercoaster ride of the “leading
            economic indicators”—and whether                 Your house belongs to you, right? So does your car,
                                                             doesn’t it? You bought the clothes on your back
  they are moving up or down. Unemployment,
                                                             with your money, didn’t you? Haven’t you heard
  inflation, recession, interest rates, bull or bear         yourself say, “I earned my money, it’s mine”? Isn’t
  markets, stocks, housing starts, auto sales, lay-          it true that “what’s yours is yours and what’s mine is
  offs, hires, available energy, and fuel prices are         mine”? Not so fast!
  all household words dominating the news.                        Certainly we would all agree that before we have
     What about you? If you are honest with your-            fully paid off the things that we have purchased, they are
                                                             not truly ours. Banks and other lenders hold liens against
  self, you will admit that you spend a lot of time
                                                             houses, cars, boats and other expensive things that peo-
  thinking and talking about money. You probably
                                                             ple buy on credit. Everyone understands this. But have
  wrestle with financial difficulties daily. Sometimes       you ever considered whether you really own everything
  you feel that you are winning the battle, only to          that you think you do? Do you really have title to the
  learn that you are either treading water or falling        things you own “free and clear”?
  behind.                                                         We must consider whether others could lay claim to
     Many today find it almost impossible to “get            what is “ours.”
  ahead.” For most, the “money struggle” is constant,
  and the pressure can seem unbearable. Just the stress of   “Death and Taxes”
  these problems can drive away the happiness and peace      Most are familiar with the phrase, “Nothing is certain in
  that everyone seeks but few find.                          life except death and taxes.” Indeed, death is certain. Of
     Yet all of this is unnecessary if you have God’s        course, everyone also recognizes that the government is
  key to financial prosperity.                               entitled to a certain percentage of one’s income. Few

NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2020                                                                                                    1
dispute this, though most seek to get                                                and created the timber, which grew
around taxes in as many ways as pos-      Who Really Owns Everything?                because of the elements found in the
sible. No one wants to give the gov-      Despite the fact that governments can      soil of the Earth—which He created
ernment a penny more than “its fair       legally collect taxes for themselves       and owns!
share.” Most feel that less than “its     from the taxpayers of a country, no one        Any time He wishes, God can take
share” would be better.                   would suggest that they own every-         back all that is His. After all, it is
    Have you stopped to consid-           thing else that a taxpayer has. All that   His! This includes your income. While
er whether God instructs us to pay        is left belongs to the taxpayer—or         you may have “earned it,” God owns it.
taxes? He does! These scriptures          does it?
prove it. Paul wrote, “Let every               Now for a basic question. Look        “Things that Are God’s”
soul be subject unto the higher           around you and ask yourself: Where do      We have seen Christ said that, in addi-
powers…Wherefore you must needs           we get the things that we have? Where      tion to taxes belonging to Caesar, there
be subject…for conscience sake. For       did they actually come from?               are also “things that are God’s”—or
this cause pay you tribute [Greek:             God says, “…for all the earth         things that belong to God. What are
taxes or assessment] also…Render          is Mine” (Ex. 19:5). Have you ever         these things? We have read that God
therefore to all their dues: trib-        considered this? The Bible also states,    owns everything. And Christ said,
ute to whom tribute is due” (Rom.         “Behold, the heaven and the heaven         “Render…to God the things that are
13:1, 5-7).                               of heavens is the Lord’s your God,         God’s.” Render means give. Since the
    Christ was asked if He felt that      the earth also, with all that therein      heavens and the Earth (or the land on
taxes should be paid—with the ques-       is” (Deut. 10:14) and “whatsoever is       which we live) cannot be “rendered”
tion actually directed to Him for the     under the whole heaven is Mine” (Job       back to God by human beings, to what
purpose of tempting Him into giving       41:11).                                    is this referring?
a wrong answer. Notice that those              In the Psalms, King David was             We have proven that our entire
who questioned Him said, “Is it law-      inspired to write, “The earth is           income (salary, wages, interest earned,
ful to give tribute to Caesar, or not?    the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof;      investments, bonuses, commissions and
Shall we give, or shall we not give?”     the world, and they that dwell therein”    any other kind of financial increase)
    Christ asked to be given a penny      (24:1). Paul recorded the same state-      actually belongs to God.
for the purpose of illustration. He       ment in I Corinthians 10:26.                   What of a farmer and the produce
then answered, “Render to Caesar the           God says, “For every beast of the     from his field? What is the process
things that are Caesar’s, and to          forest is Mine, and the cattle upon a      whereby things grow? The farmer does
God the things that are God’s” (Mark      thousand hills…If I were hungry, I         his part—tilling, planting, fertilizing,
12:14-17). Christ taught that there are   would not tell you: for the world is       watering, etc.—but so does God in
things that belong to man’s govern-       Mine, and the fullness thereof” (Psa.      that He sends rain and sunshine and
ment and things that belong to God.       50:10, 12). Finally, the prophet Haggai    provides the very soil in which the
    We will momentarily address           said, “The silver is Mine, and the gold    fruit, vegetables or grains take root
what belongs to God. However, what        is Mine, says the Lord of hosts” (2:8).    and grow.
belongs to the government are taxes!           In a sense, God is saying                 Who did most of the work? In truth,
In some countries this includes city,     that all money is His. (Remember,          the farmer did little more than a fraction
state and federal taxes. Woe to those     the value of money is generally            of the work while God did the greater
caught not paying them! Interest, pen-    attached in some way to gold and           part. As a matter of fact, the farmer is
alties and even prison can be the         silver.) God owns absolutely every-        far more dependent on God’s effort
result for those guilty of tax evasion.   thing there is to own. Human beings are    than God is on the farmer’s. Without
In doing this, people have disobeyed      “squatters” on His land and “renters”      God’s contributions, the farmer would
not only the laws of the land, but also   in homes that belong to Him. This          produce nothing and would not even
God’s plain instruction.                  is what these verses say! Make no          be alive because no one would be able
    So then, taxes are an undisputed      mistake—what you think is yours is         to produce the food necessary for all
fact of life for most people on Earth.    not! Everything that you think you own     human beings to survive.
The fact that you earned the money        is actually owned by God. You are              Think of it this way. You formed
you have does not negate the fact         merely its temporary custodian.            a partnership with God—whether you
that human governments have a prior            People may manufacture products       knew it or not—the day you took a
right to take a certain percentage of     from natural resources, which come         chosen profession, job or vocation. You
it to ensure their own operation. No      from the earth, but it is God who          are using materials that belong to God
government can function without tax       makes both the natural resources and       in order to invest, sell, distribute or
revenue.                                  the earth in which they are found. Men     produce goods or services whereby you
    This is one way that what is yours    may own mining or timber rights, but
is not always entirely yours.             it is ultimately God who owns the mine              Please see PERSONAL, page 31

2                                                                                                              The REAL TRUTH
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       TO RUIN
    Lebanon in Turmoil
        as It Turns 100
               BY   DAVID   J . L I TAV S K Y

4                             The REAL TRUTH
The Mideast nation marked its centennial just after a massive
       explosion at Beirut’s port. Ever since, political instability has
               threatened to bring the nation to its knees.

          ’ve had a recurrent                      Explosions are not out of the ordi-      Sunni and Shiite Islam—could coex-
          nightmare ever since I               nary in the coastal city, where car-bomb     ist in both government and within the
          was a kid: A tsunami takes           blasts have occurred almost monthly          general population.
                                               since 2005. But the latest explosion             The experiment initially seemed to
over and all I can do is look for my           was so devastating, it triggered new         be a success. At its peak, Lebanon was
sister to rescue her,” Karen Madi,             reflection on the country’s troubled his-    hailed as a model of multiculturalism.
a resident of Lebanon’s capital                tory and deepened worry for the future.      In its heyday in the 1960s, the country
city, stated in a NPR interview. “I            Thousands took to the streets, demand-       became a regional center for the rich
worried about her because I never              ing government reform. For them, the         and famous who flew from around
thought I’d have to go through                 catastrophe was a continuation of the        the world to gamble at the Casino
                                               past, with crisis after crisis caused in     Du Liban, or to attend concerts in the
such a nightmare all alone.”                   one way or another by the sectarian elite    ancient northeastern city of Baalbek by
    “And that I did, on August 4,” she
                                               putting factions and self-interest ahead     international artists such as the Berlin
said, referring to the day in 2020 that
                                               of state and nation.                         Philharmonic, Soviet ballet dancer
more than 3,000 tons of ammonium
                                                   The blast also came amid economic        Rudolf Nureyev, American jazz singer
nitrate caught fire in a Beirut port ware-
                                               upheaval. An unprecedented financial         Ella Fitzgerald, as well as famous Arab
house, causing an explosion that killed
                                               meltdown has devastated the economy,         singers like Egypt’s Umm Kalthoum
at least 180 people, injured 6,000 and
                                               fueling poverty and a new wave of            and Lebanon’s own Fairuz.
devastated a swath of the city. The blast
                                               emigration.                                      Yet even during its golden age—and
was large enough for people 150 miles
                                                   Then came the centennial on              prior to its inception 100 years ago—
away on the island of Cyprus to report
                                               September 1, which marked 100 years          the seeds of division and turmoil had
hearing noise and their windows rat-
                                               since the establishment of the State of      already been sown.
                                               Greater Lebanon, proclaimed by France
    “A minute before the explosion, I                                                       “Thrown Together”
                                               in an imperial carve-up with Britain
needed to use the bathroom [at an art
                                               after World War I. It was the precursor      Looking back on his childhood in the
gallery],” Ms. Madi explained. “The
                                               to the modern state of Lebanon. Facing       newly declared state of Lebanon, Salah
shaking blue painted walls echoed the
                                               potential bankruptcy and total collapse,     Tizani said the country was set on
tsunami waves from my nightmares.
                                               many Lebanese marked the 100-year            course for calamity from the start by
‘No, not like this,’ I said to myself, as
                                               anniversary with a feeling that their        colonial powers and sectarian overlords.
I threw myself on the floor and tried to
                                               experiment as a nation has failed and            Mr. Tizani, better known in Lebanon
protect my head under the toilet. I can’t
even remember the sound of the blast,          questioning their willingness to stay in     as Abou Salim, was one of Lebanon’s
similar to the silence you feel when           the crises-riddled country.                  first TV celebrities. He shot to fame in
you’re under a crashing wave.”                     “I am 53 years old and I don’t feel I    the 1960s with a weekly comedy show
    “When I got out of that bathroom,          had one stable year in this country,” said   that offered a political and social cri-
I realized that the world I built in this      prominent Lebanese writer Alexandre          tique of the nascent state.
country came crashing down.”                   Najjar.                                          Now age 92, he lucidly traces
    For the hundreds of thousands of               When the August 4 explosion              the crises that have beset Lebanon—
Beirut residents directly or indirectly        occurred, it was, as Mr. Najjar charac-      wars, invasions, assassinations and,
affected by the blast, the realization         terized, the “peak of a failed state”—       most recently, the devastating chemi-
was the same. The city’s mayor told            proof that authorities cannot even pro-      cal explosion—back to the days when
Agence France-Presse that half of the          vide basic public safety.                    France carved its borders out of the
city was damaged and it would cost                 It was never supposed to be that way.    Ottoman Empire in 1920 and sectar-
up to $15 billion for repairs. He said             The nation, which had been under         ian politicians known as “the zuama”
300,000 people were unable to return           the Ottoman Empire since the 16th            emerged as its masters.
to their homes.                                century, was given semi-independence             For Lebanon’s biggest Christian
                                               under France in 1920. By the time            community, known as the Maronites,
g  A girl is evacuated by her uncle in the
aftermath of a massive explosion at the port
                                               it was granted full independence,            the proclamation of the state by French
in Beirut, Lebanon (Aug. 4, 2020).             Lebanon was intended to showcase             General Henri Gouraud was a wel-
PHOTO: AP/HASSAN AMMAR                         that three religions—Christianity,           come step toward independence.
NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2020                                                                                                            5
But many Muslims who found them-              Women gained suffrage in 1952.            Visitors left the capital with “a mis-
selves cut off from Syria and Palestine      Salim Haidar, a minister at the time,      leadingly idyllic picture of the city, deaf
were dismayed by the new borders.            took pride in the fact that Lebanon        to the antagonisms that now rumbled
    Some like Mr. Tizani saw early divi-     was only a few years behind France in      beneath the surface and blind to the
sion between Christians and Muslims.         granting women the right to vote, his      dangers that were beginning to gather
As a young boy, he remembers being           son, Hayyan, recalls.                      on the horizon,” Samir Kassir, the late
ordered home by the police to be regis-           Salim Haidar, with a doctorate from   historian and journalist, wrote in his
tered in a census in 1932, the last such     the Sorbonne, drafted Lebanon’s first      book Beirut.
survey Lebanon conducted. His neigh-         anti-corruption law in 1953.                   Kassir was assassinated by a car
bors refused to take part.                        “This was the mentality…that          bomb in Beirut in 2005.
    From the earliest days, people were      Lebanon is really leading the way,             For all the glitz and glamour, sectar-
forced into the arms of politicians of one   even in the legal and constitutional       ian politics left many parts of Lebanon
sectarian stripe or another if they needed   matters. But then he didn’t know that      marginalized and impoverished, provid-
a job, to get their children into school,    all of these laws that he worked on        ing fertile ground for the 1975-90 civil
or if they ran into trouble with the law.    would not be properly applied, or          war, said Nadya Sbaiti, assistant profes-
                                             would not be applied at all, like the      sor of Middle Eastern Studies at the
Pointing to Catastrophe                      anti-corruption law,” Hayyan Haidar        American University of Beirut.
When Lebanon declared independence           said.                                          “The other side of the 1960s is not
in 1943, the French tried to thwart the           The 1960s are widely seen as a        just Hollywood actors and Baalbeck
move by incarcerating its new govern-        golden age. Tourism boomed, much of        festivals, but includes guerrilla training
ment, provoking an uprising that proved      it from the Arab world. A cultural scene   in rural parts of the country,” she said.
to be a rare moment of national unity.       of theatre, poetry, cinema and music           Lebanon was also buffeted by the
    Under Lebanon’s National Pact, it        flourished. The arts were celebrated       aftershocks of Israel’s creation in 1948,
was agreed the president must be a           each year at the famous Baalbeck           which sent some 100,000 Palestinian
Maronite (part of the Catholic Church),      International Festival. Famous visitors    refugees fleeing over the border.
the prime minister a Sunni Muslim            included Brigitte Bardot. Casino du            In 1968, Israeli commandos
and the speaker of parliament a Shiite       Liban hosted the Miss Europe beauty        destroyed a dozen passenger planes
Muslim.                                      pageant in 1964. Water skiers showed       at the Beirut airport, a response to
    The post-independence years              off their skills in the bay by Beirut’s    an attack on an Israeli airliner by a
brought signs of promise.                    Saint George Hotel.                        Lebanon-based Palestinian group.

6                                                                                                                  The REAL TRUTH
The attack “showed us we are not                      “Beside people coming from the            leaders turned in their weapons and took
a state. We are an international play-               West, you had people coming from              seats in government. Hayyan Haidar, a
ground,” Salim Haidar, serving as an                 all over the Arab world, from Iraq,           civil engineer and close aide to Selim
MP, said in an address to parliament at              from Jordan, from Syria, from Palestine       Hoss, prime minister at the end of the
the time. Lebanon had not moved on in                meeting in these cafes, living here,          war, expressed his concern.
a quarter of a century, he said.                     feeling free,” she recalled. “But in our         “My comment was they are going to
                                                     activity as artists…all our plays were        become the state and we are on our way
Time Bomb                                            pointing to a catastrophe.”                   out,” he said.
Lebanon’s brewing troubles were                          It came in 1975 with the eruption
reflected in its art.                                of the civil war that began as a con-         “I Lost Hope”
    The 1970 play “Carte Blanche” por-               flict between Christian militias and          After the war, old fault lines persisted
trayed the country as a brothel run by               Palestinian groups allied with Lebanese       and new ones emerged.
government ministers and ended with                  Muslim factions.                                  According to BBC, Lebanon’s reli-
the lights off and the sound of a ticking                Known as the “two-year war,” it was       gious diversity “makes the country an
bomb.                                                followed by many other conflicts. Some        easy target for interference by external
    Nidal Al Achkar, the co-director,                of those were fought among Christian          powers, as seen with Iran’s backing of
recalls the Beirut of her youth as a                 groups and among Muslim groups.               the Shia Hezbollah movement, widely
vibrant melting pot that never slept.                    The United States, Russia and Syria       seen as the most powerful military and
    A pioneer of Lebanese theatre, Ms.               were drawn in. Lebanon was splintered.        political group in Lebanon.”
Achkar graduated in the 1950s from                   Hundreds of thousands of people were              Since the end of the war, “political
one of a handful of Lebanese schools                 uprooted.                                     leaders from each sect have maintained
founded on a secular rather than reli-                   The guns fell silent in 1990 with         their power and influence through a sys-
gious basis, Ahliah, in the city’s former            some 150,000 dead and more than               tem of patronage networks—protecting
Jewish quarter. Beirut was in the 1960s              17,000 people missing.                        the interests of the religious communi-
a city of “little secrets…full of cinemas,               The Taif peace agreement diluted          ties they represent, and offering—both
full of theatres,” she said.                         Maronite power in government. Militia         legal and illegal—financial incentives.”

g  Left, a helicopter puts out a fire at the scene of an explosion at the port of Beirut (Aug. 4, 2020). Right, Lebanese protesters, enraged by a
deadly explosion blamed on government negligence, clash with security forces near an access street to the parliament in central Beirut (Aug.
9, 2020).

NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2020                                                                                                                         7
Sunni and Shiite Muslims fell out        Mr. Najjar offered a more hopeful         ruled over the mountainous region
following the 2005 assassination of       conclusion.                                  placed a unique symbol at the center of
Prime Minister Rafic Hariri, who was         “There is no doubt we were expect-        the flag to feel represented.
credited for a role in putting together   ing the 100th anniversary to be differ-          Under the dominance of Christian
the agreement that ended the 15-year      ent. We did not expect this year to be       empires after the Crusades, for
civil war. A UN-backed tribunal           catastrophic to this level,” he said.        instance, a large gold cross with three
recently convicted a member of the           “There is still hope,” he said. “We       smaller crosses was the flag’s center
Iran-backed Shiite group Hezbollah        have hit rock bottom and things can-         feature. A dynasty of Druze rulers
of conspiring to kill Hariri.             not get worse.”                              adopted a laurel wreath at the flag’s
    Since then, the last 15 years have                                                 main object. Various forms of the cres-
been punctuated by political slay-        Seeking Stability                            cent moon were used under the control
ings, a war between Hezbollah and         The former MP Salim Haidar’s words—          of the Ottoman Empire and various
Israel and a brush with civil conflict    “We are an international playground”—        Islamic rulers from the 1500s onward.
in 2008.                                  not only describes Lebanon’s past 100            It was not until independence in
    But for some, the bitter division     years, it could also apply to millennia of   1920 that the green cedar was intro-
never really ended.                       Lebanon’s history. The region has host-      duced. It has remained Lebanon’s cen-
    Political conflict persists in gov-   ed a tug of war between Christianity         terpiece of the flag and emblem for the
ernment even at a time when people        and Islam, Arab and European empires,        past 100 years.
are desperate for solutions to the        throughout the last 1,500 years.                 For independent Lebanese, the tree
financial crisis and support in the           The diversity of the population          speaks volumes on their identity—and
aftermath of the port explosion.          today reflects a confluence of cultures      their hopes for the nation’s future.
    While some refuse to lose faith in    and religions: about 60 percent iden-            The tree depicted on the flag is the
a better Lebanon, for others, the blast   tify with Islam, with equal parts Sunni      Mountain of Lebanon Cedar, ever-
was the final straw. Some are leaving     and Shiite, while about 40 percent are       greens that were coveted for construc-
or planning to.                           Christians. Rather than dominating any       tion projects in ancient times and they
    “You live between a war and           large part of the nation, the religious      are a main source of tourism and inter-
another, and you rebuild and then         groups exist in isolated pockets.            est in the region today.
everything is destroyed and then you          Another emblem has literally                 Lebanon’s anthem includes the
rebuild again,” said theatre director     depicted Lebanon’s changing tides of         line: “The cedars are his [Lebanon’s]
Ms. Achkar. “That’s why I lost hope.”     rulership: its flag. Each entity that        pride, his immortality’s symbol.” The

8                                                                                                               The REAL TRUTH
g Opposite page, protesters hold torches and nooses, symbols of anger against the Lebanese government, as they commemorate a month
since the deadly explosion in Beirut (Sept. 4, 2020). Top, a picture taken from Dbayeh, north of Beirut, shows smoke from a huge fire raging at
the port in the Lebanese capital (Sept. 10, 2020). Bottom left, a Lebanese child stands next to an empty refrigerator in their apartment in the
port city of Tripoli north of Beirut (June 17, 2020). Bottom right, destroyed buildings are visible a day after the massive explosion (Aug. 5, 2020).

song also invokes that “God preserve               tree as an emblem of longevity, politi-                This sounds like awesome pros-
[Lebanon] until the end of time.”                  cal stability and lasting peace—all for            perity—which would have to also
    In the Bible, God has a lot to say             which they desperately desire.                     include political stability! Both would
about the cedar. It is mentioned in                    The good news for all those liv-               be welcome news to a nation now
Scripture 77 times, and is used as a               ing with such hope is that the Bible               going through its worst crisis in recent
symbol of prosperity and strength. A               is more than a book of symbols and                 times.
psalmist wrote: “The righteous shall               poetry. It is also an authority on                     This little-known prophecy is part
flourish like the palm tree: he shall              prophecy: and much of it is good                   of a larger plan made by the God who
grow like a cedar in Lebanon” (Psa.                news.                                              declares events before they occur.
92:12). The prophet Isaiah referenced                  The same book that discusses the               Overall, it is a plan of “peace” on
the “glory of Lebanon,” followed by                cedar shows that Lebanon’s hopes                   Earth, and “good will toward men”
a list of trees the area was famous for:           will turn into reality. Note another               (Luke 2:14).
“the fir tree, the pine tree, and the box          prophecy in Isaiah: “Is it not yet a                   For more on the way God plans
[cedar] together” (60:13).                         very little while, and Lebanon shall               to bring peace to Lebanon and all
    Today, although the nation has a               be turned into a fruitful field, and the           nations of the world, read our free
Christian minority, its war- and crises-           fruitful field shall be esteemed as a              booklet How World Peace Will Come!
weary citizens continue to look to the             forest?” (29:17).                                  at c
NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2020                                                                                                                             9
Every four years, the people of the
United States face a presidential
crossroads—with the nation’s future
seemingly on the line. Every four
years, many are woefully disappointed
nothing ever seems to change…
               BY    SAMUEL        C. BAXTER

       buse of power. Corruption at the very
       highest levels. Hypocrisy, cronyism, lack
       of morals—all pushing a deep desire for
sweeping change in leadership. For many voters,
this can sound like the political climate of 2016,
when then-candidate Donald Trump promised
to “drain the swamp” of Washington. For other
voters, it smacks of the presidential campaign for
2020, where supporters of Joe Biden feel they are
in a “battle for the soul of the nation.”
     Yet this is not a description of today, rather of ancient
Israel circa 1050 BC. At that time, the elderly priest
Samuel made his sons judges over Israel. In I Samuel 8:3,
it states that these men, Joel and Abiah, “turned aside after
lucre, and took bribes, and perverted judgment.”

     Such open corruption caused the elders of Israel to
come to Samuel and demand: “Behold, you are old, and
your sons walk not in your ways: now make us a king to
judge us like all the nations” (vs. 5).
     Despite protests from Samuel, and clear warnings
on what this change in government would bring, the

Israelites ultimately got what they wanted—and reaped
the terrible results of their decision. In the end, the king-
doms of Israel and Judah had an incredible run of wicked
kings, and scant few who were righteous.
     Of course, the U.S. shucked monarchy for a demo-
cratic republic during the American Revolution. With
kings and queens, power remained in a close family line
and leaders changed upon death. With presidents, anyone
could be elected every four years.
     But that does not mean the United States started some-
thing new. Israel’s third king, Solomon, was right when
he said that “there is nothing new under the sun” (Ecc.

10                                                                  The REAL TRUTH
1:9). The U.S. voting system is not unlike the elder’s
                          request to Samuel. Instead of changing forms of govern-
                          ment, voters today select a new man. The sentiment is
                          the same, however. With each election, the populace can
                          say: “We demand something different. This old way is
                          not working.”
                              And, sadly, the results are often the same. With each
                          federal vote, the U.S. seems to turn a fresh page in its his-
                          tory, but little changes—and conditions often get worse.
                              The Moffatt translation of Ecclesiastes 1:9-10 sums up
                          the situation perfectly: “What has been is what shall be,
                          what has gone on is what shall go on, and there is nothing
                          new under the sun. Men may say of something, ‘Ah, this
                          is new!’—but it existed long ago before our time.”
                              This article was sent to print before the results of
                          the 2020 presidential vote. Yet the result will be akin to
                          something that has already occurred before. Is America
                          doomed to repeat this four-year cycle forever?
                          Constant Thread
                          Politicians and journalists are right to say that we live at
                          a unique time in history. The COVID-19 pandemic even
                          comes with the euphemistic tagline “these unprecedented
                          times.” So, while there is “nothing new” under the
                          American political sun, conditions are ripe for post-elec-
                          tion clashes as never seen before. The internet has given
                          rise to a post-truth era with many living in ideological
                          echo chambers—where incorrect beliefs are never ques-
                          tioned and instead root in deeper over time. This trend can

                          be found among conservatives and liberals alike.
                              An early October YouGov poll of 1,999 registered
                          voters found that 47 percent disagreed that the election
                          “is likely to be fair and honest,” 51 percent disagreed that
                          “Americans will generally agree on who is the legitimate-
                          ly elected president,” and 56 percent said they expect an

                          increase of violence as a result of the vote. Headlines rein-
                          terpreted the last statistic as “on the brink of civil war.”
                              The hair trigger that is internet and social media make
                          this ever more a possibility.
                              Despite being in uncharted waters, there is an ele-
                          ment that has remained unchanging in politics the world
                          over: human nature. This has reared its head throughout
                          American history, especially in political arenas.
                              Early in U.S. history, Founding Fathers Alexander
                          Hamilton and James Madison detailed what they believed
                          should be America’s new national character. If these vir-
                          tues were not adopted, Hamilton wrote, the nation would
                          devolve into “plunder and devastation.” Madison said it
 NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2020                                                             11
would be a “gloomy and perilous scene        in the history of man. A conspiracy of         than his competitor—to win the elec-
into which the advocates for disunion        infamy so black that, when it is finally       toral college 286 to 266.
would conduct us.”                           exposed, its principals shall be for-              Such craziness surrounding the polls
    The “advocates for disunion” were        ever deserving of the maledictions of all      can seem like a modern invention. Yet
the group’s political rivals. “Poverty       honest men.”                                   the most wild contest goes back to
and disgrace,” Hamilton wrote again,             Hofstadter also included a quote           the 1876 election between Republican
“would overspread a country which            from an 1855 manifesto for the left-           nominee Rutherford B. Hayes and
with wisdom might make herself the           wing Populist party. The group was             Democrat Samuel J. Tilden.
admiration and envy of the world.”           assured that the Vatican was pulling the           The New York Times recounted that
    By the late 1700s, negative cam-         strings in Washington. While the church        the day after the 1876 vote, “The coun-
paigning was the norm. If Thomas             at Rome has been party to many nefari-         try awoke to absolute turmoil.”
Jefferson were to be elected, one            ous political dealings over the years,             “Tilden was safely ahead in the
Connecticut newspaper announced,             history shows this was not one of them.        popular vote by a margin of about
“murder, robbery, rape, adultery and             “It is a notorious fact that the           250,000 votes. The Republicans, how-
incest, will openly be taught and prac-      Monarchs of Europe and the Pope of             ever, claimed that Hayes had by now
ticed, the air will be rent with the cries   Rome are at this very moment plot-             captured Florida as well, giving him a
and distress, the soil soaked with blood,    ting our destruction and threatening the       total of 185 votes and a whisker of a
and the nation black with crimes.”           extinction of our political, civil, and        victory.
    This form of political mudslinging       religious institutions. We have the best           “But quickly the vote counts in
has been honed and repeated ever since.      reasons for believing that corruption          Florida, Louisiana and South Carolina
    A Harper’s magazine essay by             has found its way into our Executive           became the focus of sharp debate and
Richard Hofstadter said this in the arti-    Chamber, and that our Executive head           manipulation. Fraud raged on both
cle “The Paranoid Style in American          is tainted with the infectious venom of        sides, historians agree. Boxes of bal-
Politics”: “American politics has often      Catholicism…The Pope has recently              lots would turn up in bodies of water.
been an arena for angry minds. In recent     sent his ambassador of state to this           Black voters were pivotal. Because
years we have seen angry minds at work       country on a secret commission, the            blacks back then overwhelmingly
mainly among extreme right-wingers,          effect of which is an extraordinary bold-      voted Republican, the party of Lincoln
who have now demonstrated…how                ness of the Catholic church through-           and the party of emancipation, the
much political leverage can be got out       out the United States…These minions            Republicans had unleashed aggressive
of the animosities and passions of a         of the Pope are boldly insulting our           campaigns to get blacks to vote, while
small minority. But behind this I believe    Senators; reprimanding our Statesmen;          Democrats had used physical intimida-
there is a style of mind that is far from    propagating the adulterous union of            tion and outright bribery to discourage
new and that is not necessarily right-       Church and State; abusing with foul cal-       black turnout.
wing. I call it the paranoid style sim-      umny all governments but Catholic, and             “Each party went about invalidating
ply because no other word adequately         spewing out the bitterest execrations on       votes and paying bribes to ‘correct’ bal-
evokes the sense of heated exaggera-         all Protestantism. The Catholics in the        lots, resulting in disparate counts for the
tion, suspiciousness, and conspiratorial     United States receive from abroad more         three Southern states in dispute. Fraud
fantasy that I have in mind.”                than $200,000 annually for the propaga-        was so pervasive in those states that it is
    Heated exaggeration. Suspicious-         tion of their creed. Add to this the vast      hard to say who the voters truly wanted
ness. Conspiratorial fantasy. While          revenues collected here.”                      to win. The results in Florida were
most do not want to admit it, this               Fostering a paranoia about those on        tantalizingly close. The Republicans
describes rhetoric from both the right       the other side of the aisle is as old as the   said Hayes finished ahead by 922 votes
and left today.                              U.S. itself. Again, nothing new.               out of about 47,000 votes cast. By
    Now consider that this essay was                                                        Democratic count, it was Tilden by a
written in 1954! Nothing new under the       Election Drama                                 skimpy 94 votes. In one Florida pre-
sun, indeed.                                 Wild, close elections have seemed to           cinct that voted heavily for Tilden, the
    The essay included a 1951 quote          be the norm over the last two decades.         Republicans supposedly ruined ballots
from U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy,           While Hillary Clinton decidedly won            by smearing them with ink.
who infamously held trials to root out       the popular vote in 2016, Mr. Trump                “Both parties sent additional repre-
communists in the U.S.: “How can we          grabbed more electorates to win.               sentatives to the three Southern states.
account for our present situation unless        In 2000, it all came down to Florida.       A Justice Department detective was
we believe that men high in this gov-        Many days after the election between           dispatched to Florida.
ernment are concerting to deliver us to      George W. Bush and Al Gore, there                  “As bickering intensified, all of
disaster? This must be the product of a      were talks of butterfly ballots and            the states submitted their results to
great conspiracy on a scale so immense       “hanging chads.” In the end, Mr. Bush          Congress. The three disputed states sent
as to dwarf any previous such venture        secured just 537 more votes in Florida         in two sets of electoral returns, each
12                                                                                                                     The REAL TRUTH
showing a different winner. Oregon also      some shall run before his chariots.          support the nation’s form of govern-
submitted two sets of returns.”              And he will appoint him captains over        ment.
   After some back-door deals, Hayes         thousands, and captains over fifties;            In this process, everyone wants a
secured the win by promising to end          and will set them to ear his ground,         better future. Many even pray that God
post-Civil War Reconstruction and            and to reap his harvest, and to make         will help them select the right leader—
withdraw troops from the South.              his instruments of war, and instru-          or that He will guide the decision.
   For more instances of political           ments of his chariots. And he will take          Yet few look to what God wants. It
drama, one has to look no further than       your daughters to be confectionaries,        is clear from the account in I Samuel
the contest between Andrew Jackson           and to be cooks, and to be bakers.           that God does not want a human king.
and John Quincy Adams in 1824,               And he will take your fields, and your       So what does He desire? What form of
Theodore Roosevelt jumping in as an          vineyards, and your oliveyards, even         government does He support?
independent in 1912, or the down-to-         the best of them, and give them to his           The answer to this question is the
the-wire results for Woodrow Wilson          servants. And he will take the tenth of      central theme of the Bible.
and Charles Evans Hughes in 1916.            your seed, and of your vineyards, and            Notice: “Jesus came into Galilee,
   Nothing new under the sun…                give to his officers, and to his servants.   preaching the gospel of the Kingdom
                                             And he will take your menservants,           of God” (Mark 1:14). Out of the
History Repeats                              and your maidservants, and your good-        gate, Jesus Christ taught about the
Back to the story in I Samuel, where         liest young men, and your asses, and         Kingdom—which is just another way
ancient Israel wanted a king. Just as pre-   put them to his work. He will take the       to say government.
vious presidential elections are instruc-    tenth of your sheep: and you shall be            This government of God, and
tive, so is this Bible story. It reveals     his servants” (vs. 11-17).                   Christ’s part in it, is expounded upon
more about the U.S. today than would             Now notice the end result of all of      in Isaiah 9: “For unto us a child is born,
first appear.                                this: “And you shall cry out in that day     unto us a son is given: and the govern-
    To repeat, the elders of Israel came     because of your king which you shall         ment shall be upon His shoulder: and
to Samuel and stated: “Behold, you are       have chosen you; and the Lord will not       His name shall be called Wonderful,
old, and your sons walk not in your          hear you in that day” (vs. 18).              Counsellor, The mighty God, The ever-
ways: now make us a king to judge us             How does this apply to America,          lasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of
like all the nations” (I Sam. 8:5).          especially considering that they rejected    the increase of His government and
    Israel wanted a whole new form           having a king to form a government           peace there shall be no end…to order
of government and verse 6 shows that         with elected leadership?                     it, and to establish it with judgment
this request “displeased” Samuel, so he          Again, the results for Israel were as    and with justice from henceforth even
prayed to God.                               God said, with the ratio of evil to good     forever” (vs. 6-7).
    Verses 7-9: “And the Lord said           kings woefully imbalanced. While the             While some claim this Kingdom has
unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice          U.S. threw out monarchy as a form of         already been set up on Earth, one only
of the people in all that they say unto      government, they did decide for them-        has to look to the conditions today—
you: for they have not rejected you, but     selves what they thought was best for        both the tumultuous protests in America
they have rejected Me, that I should         their nation.                                and the chaos throughout the world—to
not reign over them…Now therefore                America chose democracy, which           see that God’s government has not yet
hearken unto their voice: howbeit yet        British Prime Minister Winston               been established.
protest solemnly unto them, and show         Churchill famously called “the worst             Yet it will be soon. Daniel 2 speaks
them the manner of the king that shall       form of government except” all the           of that imminent time when “the God
reign over them.”                            others.                                      of heaven set up a kingdom, which
    Humanly, Israel’s unease with their          Herein lies the similarities between     shall never be destroyed: and the king-
leadership can seem understandable.          ancient Israel and the United States:        dom shall not be left to other people,
Samuel’s sons were corrupt. In addi-         both ignore what God and the Bible           but it shall break in pieces and con-
tion, the high priest Eli also had rotten    want for any nation. And the Book is         sume all these kingdoms, and it shall
sons who stole from the people and           most explicit.                               stand for ever” (vs. 44).
fornicated with women who helped at                                                           Read How God’s Kingdom Will
the Tabernacle.                              What We Are Missing                          Come – The Untold Story! (
    Yet God warned in excruciating           Every four years, U.S. citizens pin          hgkwc) to learn the exciting truth
detail what would happen if Israel           hopes of a better tomorrow on presi-         of what is just over the horizon. It
decided to have a king: “This will be        dential candidates. Regardless of the        explains how all people—both in the
the manner of the king that shall reign      outcome, each elected president fails        United States and abroad—will forever
over you: He will take your sons,            to deliver his lofty campaign promises.      break the cycle of repeating history’s
and appoint them for himself, for his            With each election, Americans            mistakes. May God’s government
chariots, and to be his horsemen; and        choose a president—they choose to            come soon! c
NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2020                                                                                                           13
The Increasing Devastation of West Coast Wildfires

14                                         The REAL TRUTH
                               hey work 50 hours at a stretch
                               and sleep on gymnasium
                               floors. Exploding trees shower
                         them with embers. They lose track
                         of time when the sun is blotted out
                         by smoke, and they sometimes have
                         to run for their lives from advancing
                             Firefighters trying to contain the
                         massive wildfires in Oregon, California
                         and Washington state were constantly
                         on the verge of exhaustion as they
                         tried to save suburban houses, includ-
                         ing some in their own neighborhoods.
                         Each home or barn lost was a mental
                         blow for teams trained to protect lives
                         and property.
                             And their own safety is never assured.
                         Oregon firefighter Steve McAdoo’s shift
                         on September 7 seemed mostly normal,
                         until late evening, when the team went to
                         a fire along a highway south of Portland.
                             “Within 10 minutes of being there, it
                         advanced too fast and so quick…we had to
                         cut and run,” he said. “You can’t breathe,
                         you can’t see.”
                             That happened again and again as he
                         and the rest of the crew worked shifts
                         that lasted two full days with little rest or
                         food. They toiled in an alien environment
                         where the sky turns lurid colors, ash falls
                         like rain and towering trees explode into
                         flames, sending a cascade of embers to the
                         forest floor.
                             “The sky was just orange or black,
                         and so we weren’t sure if was morning or
                         night,” he said. “My crew and I said that to
                         each other many times, ‘What is going on?
                         When is this going to end?’”
                             The firefighters tried to protect homes
                         where they could, but the winds were
                         so strong they could do little to stop the
                         inferno as it spewed embers up to 10 miles
                             Instead, they worked to make sure
                         people could get out, clearing trees off
                         the roads, sometimes just feet from the
                         flames. In California, Jesse Barnes said it
                         felt like being in the stinging, acrid path

                         g  A tricycle that was in a small park along Detroit
                         Avenue still stands near the Lake Detroit Market
                         in Detroit, Oregon (Sept. 11, 2020).

NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2020                                                    15
of campfire smoke—for two days            destroyed thousands of structures in       ing the new normal in California and
straight.                                 three states.                              throughout the West.
    The speed of the winds and the            “Sometimes it’s like a game of
dryness of the forest made these fires    chess,” said Bart Vawdrey, deputy fire     Why It Is Growing Worse
some of the worst he has seen. “There     chief in Draper, Utah, “and mother         This year’s deadly fires in the United
was no stopping it,” he said.             nature usually wins.”                      States had devoured a record of near-
    “We’re tired and covered in ash           This summer, California already        ly 5 million acres as of September 20,
and soot all blowing in our faces,        has seen more land charred by wild-        a scale of devastation that fits into
coughing from the smoke,” he said.        fires than in any previous full year,      the longer-term trend of more acreage
But with so many wildfires burning,       with some 3.4 million acres burned         being scorched as temperatures rise.
there was no one to take their places.    since mid-August to mid-September.             Historically, fires in the region
“Once you’re there, there’s no relief,”   Five of the state’s 20 largest blazes on   tended to burn low to the ground,
he said.                                  record have occurred this year.            eliminating dead conifer limbs, keep-
    Western states usually turn to each       Wildfires tearing through trees        ing competing species in check and
other for help, but that has been hard    and brush, rampaging up hillsides          prompting pine cones to open and
with the number of places under siege     and incinerating neighborhoods: The        disperse their seeds.
in this historic wildfire season, which   names and places change but the dev-           These days, fire crews are seeing
has killed more than 30 people and        astation is showing signs of becom-        increasing cases of massive “tree-

torching” fires that engulf forests from           barren of the seeds needed for new                     Time explained: “Urban develop-
the ground up through the canopy.                  growth.                                            ment in vulnerable areas can make
   “Fires are not unnatural, but the                   In California, a rise of 1.4 degrees           fires more devastating, and many of
kind of behaviour and the times,                   Celsius in average summertime tem-                 the state’s most destructive fires were
places and conditions they are ignit-              peratures since the 1970s coincided                started by humans…Max Moritz, a
ing in are very, very unusual,” said               with a five-fold increase in acreage               specialist in cooperative extension
Timothy Ingalsbee, who heads the                   burned annually, researchers reported              at the University of California’s
Firefighters United for Safety, Ethics,            last year in the American Geophysical              Division of Agriculture and Natural
and Ecology, an Oregon-based advo-                 Union.                                             Resources, says hotter temperatures
cacy group that promotes forest man-                   The same dry conditions that aggra-            have made fire seasons longer, too.
agement to mitigate fire risks.                    vate the fires also undermine new for-             Scientists see a direct link between
   If fires sweep a forest too frequently,         est growth.                                        rising temperatures and the amount
they will wipe out saplings before they                Yet some researchers do not entire-            of dry brush and ample fuel, which
can reach maturity. Too hot, and the fire          ly blame warmer temperatures for                   makes the fires fast-moving and often
can turn large areas into a moonscape              worsening wildfires.                               more explosive.”

g   The Bidwell Bar Bridge surrounded by fire in Lake Oroville during the Bear Fire in Oroville, California (Sept. 9, 2020).

“There’s good, solid research link-                Scientists estimate that at least 10          Cal Fire Chief Thom Porter sum-
ing temperature increases to trends                to 15 million acres need to burn every        marized the problem to KPIX 5: “After
in fire activity,” Mr. Moritz told the             year in order to return forests to a          aggressively suppressing fires for the
magazine. “But it’s really long-term               more natural condition, The New York          last 100 years we have put our forests
trends.”                                           Times reported. While the U.S. govern-        in a state of peril.”
                                                   ment recorded that 9.7 million acres              “By abstaining from controlled
How We Got Here                                    burned in 2017 and 10.1 million in            burns year after year, unchecked growth
Hotter temperatures. More urban                    2015, the public perception is that these     has multiplied, dried out and created a
development. People careless-                      numbers are way too high—and the              tinderbox,” the news outlet wrote. “The
ly or deliberately sparking blazes.                issue is complicated by the amount of         overgrowth has fueled deadly, out-of-
These are all factors in why wildfires             people living in heavily forested areas.      control wildfires like the Carr Fire near
are growing worse, but they overlook                   An article from The Washington            Redding that took the lives of a four-
a major underlying cause—one that is               Post explained how yesterday’s fire           and five-year-old.”
over 100 years in the making.                      suppression policies impact blazes                Mr. Porter was further quoted:
    In the late 1800s, the U.S. govern-            now: “What’s different about today’s          “Prescribed burns alone will not stop
ment established a policy of fire sup-             fires is the intensity with which             that, but it is a tool that we can use to
pression. The Washington Post quoted               they’re burning. One reason is that           reduce the effect of those large fires.”
a Joint Fire Science Program report                fire suppression has changed Western              As concerns mounted about more
that called wildfires the “moral and               forests. Take the ponderosa stands            frequent and severe seasonal fires,
mortal enemy of the forest.” Wooded                of the Southwest: Historically, low-          California ramped up its annual spend-
areas were also valued for their eco-              intensity blazes, ignited by lightning        ing on forest fire prevention work to
nomic value as standing timber.                    or indigenous peoples, burned every           $200 million in the 2018 fiscal year
    This thinking has colored                      five to 10 years, thinning the forest of      from $40 million, according to a 2018
America’s approach to forest manage-               young saplings and brush and leaving          state report.
ment for decades. Fight any fire that              just 150 large trees per acre. Today,             The U.S. Forest Service said it
starts instead of letting it burn. It also         in the absence of flames, those stands        expects to spend around $250 million a
meant not using prescribed burns to                are choked with as many as 1,200              year under its agreement with the state
clear out overgrowth. The result is                trees per acre—too thick to walk              to treat half a million acres a year.
forests thick with fuel waiting for a              through without risking a branch in               However, about 163 million trees
spark.                                             your eye.”                                    have died in the state in the last decade
g   Left, damaged homes are seen in a mobile home park that was destroyed by wildfire in Ashland, Oregon (Sept. 11, 2020). Right, Butte County
firefighters watch as flames tower over their truck during the Bear Fire in Oroville, California (Sept. 9, 2020).

18                                                                                                                           The REAL TRUTH
due to drought and bark beetle infes-
tation, mainly in the Sierra Nevada
mountain range, creating huge swaths of
                                              Recipe for Disaster
                                              Santa Ana winds are strong, extremely dry downslope winds in Southern California and northern Baja
flammable material, according to a 2019       California. They originate inland in desert regions and occur mainly in the fall and winter but can arise
Forest Service survey.                        during other seasons.
    In September, a Forest Service offi-      Santa Ana winds                  A huge high pressure
                                                                            1 system over the Great Basin
cial said the agency needed to double or      fueled wildfires                 produces offshore winds                            Nev.                Basin
triple its efforts in the fire-prone state.                                                                                               H    Utah
                                                          Winds accelerate and heat up as they                                   Cal
    “We’re working really hard but we                 2 squeeze through canyons and passes                                           if.            Ariz.
know it’s not nearly enough,” Chris
French, national forest system deputy
chief, said in testimony before the Senate
Committee on Natural Resources. “In
places like California it means treating
two to three times more acres per year         3
than our current actions.”                    The Santa Anas                                       Great Basin/
    Seeing the results of these fires is      explode out of canyons
                                              and spread out
                                                                                                     deserts                  Santa Anas, named after Southern
                                                                                                                              California’s Santa Ana Canyon, can cause a
devastating—both with homes and busi-         across Southern                                                                 great deal of damage. The fast, hot winds
nesses ruined as well as injury and           California, where
                                              vegetation is Mountains
                                                                                                                              cause vegetation to dry out, increasing the
                                                                                                                              danger of wildfire. Once the fires start, the
death. Yet the wildfires on the West          unusually dry                                                                   winds fan the flames and hasten their

                                              from lack of
Coast reveal a trait of humankind. We         rain.
                                                                                                                              spread. The winds create turbulence and
                                                                                                                              establish vertical wind shear (in which winds

try to fix problems and end up causing                                             AN
                                                                                                                              exhibit substantial change in speed and/or
even worse problems in the process.                                     S   AN
                                                                                                                              direction with height), both posing aviation
Fire suppression is just one example.
                                                                                                 The severity of Santa Ana winds varies by year. Some years see
Antibiotics giving rise to worse and                            Basin                            less strong winds than others. The winds in some years — such as
worse superbugs is another. War usually                                                          1993, 2003 and 2007 — have produced multiple destructive fires.
spawns more conflict in the long run.                                              Source: National Weather Service, Weather Underground,, Los Angeles Times
    As a rule, when human beings are                                               Graphic: Staff, TNS

involved, any attempt to solve prob-
lems begets more problems and makes               The better question is why? Man                                 est fires—remain. This is a question
the situations even more complex.             is capable of incredible genius, yet                                every person alive should strive to
    Ask: Are we doomed to live with           his very worst problems—war, famine,                                answer. Read Why Man Cannot Solve
worsening difficulties?                       disease and increasingly deadly for-                                His Problems ( for more. c

NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2020                                                                                                                                                        19
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