Page created by Manuel Garcia
THE ALI GROUP MAGAZINE                   ISSUE 7 | OCTOBER 2018

                                      AHEAD OF THE GAME
                                       MOFFAT AND OPTUS
                                      STADIUM TEAM UP IN
                                        PERTH, AUSTRALIA


COVER STORY                                                                                                      ALI GROUP


                                                               Let me extend my heartiest welcome
                                                                  to the latest edition of Aliworld

                                                   ooking through the stories in this              Also in this issue, you’ll see how a
                                                   issue reminds me of the fact that even       sports venue in Australia is rethinking
                                                   though we all have our own individual        its food choices by offering a variety of
                                                   problems and concerns, many of you           both upscale and grab-and-go options.
                                             face the same issues regardless of location.       It’s sure to make you reconsider the way
                                             Everyone faces labor-related challenges,           you think about so-called ‘stadium food’.
                                             including finding and retaining qualified          You’ll also learn how one Michelin-rated
                                             team members. Ever-increasing food costs           restaurant and hotel in Sweden capitalizes
                                             affect your bottom line. New ordering              on the new interest in Nordic food by using
                                             and delivery systems change the way you            fresh, local ingredients in modern, stylish
                                             produce and serve food. And kitchen sizes          presentations. And if you’re interested in
                                             continue to shrink to accommodate an               high-volume operations, you’ll see how we
                                             increased front-of-house area.                     helped a casino in South Korea install 20
                                               As always, we at Ali Group have a                kitchens. This issue contains these stories
                                             continual focus on designing and producing         and a whole lot more that showcase just
                                             products that help you meet those                  some of the ways that we at Ali Group
                                             challenges. At the same time, we keep an           listen to our customers and provide them
                                             eye on the trends looming on the horizon.          with products that meet their needs.
                                             One of those trends that affects operators            On a personal note, I was happy to see
                                             globally is the advancement of technology.         so many of you at HOST in Milan last year.
                                             Consumers today want convenience more              We are already in the planning stages for
                                             than ever. We’ll show you some of the              HOST 2019, and we look forward to seeing
                                             new technologies and systems that help             many of you there as well.
                                             operators facilitate consumer orders from             From all of us at Ali Group, let me extend
                                             almost any location and allow diners to            my sincerest wishes for a happy and very
                                             take delivery of their food within minutes.        prosperous 2019.

The stunning Optus                                                                     Filippo Berti
Stadium in Perth, Australia,                                                  Chief Executive Officer, Ali Group
opened in January 2018

COVER STORY                                                                                                            ALIWORLD

                                            CONTENTS                                                                                                                  Rancilio Speciality
                                                                                                                                                                      gives Baristas more
                                                                                                                                                                      control over water
                                                                                                                                                                      temperature profiles



10                                                                                                                         20                                                                                30
           INTRODUCTION                                  TRENDS                              PEOPLE                       44 FROM THE HEART                                            INNOVATION                  78 KITCHEN MASTERS
                                                                                                                             FICO Eataly World is more than                                                          Following Baron's sweeping
                                                                                                                             just an amusement park for foodies.                                                     rebranding, it aspires to be the
06 MAKING YOUR OWN LUCK                     16 REALITY TECH                    24 TEAM UP                                    Andrea Tolu speaks to the team           68 COLD COMFORT                                most durable and reliable everyday
    Based in Iowa, US, Tim Garbett            Foodservice is changing across     Changing a company culture can be           behind the world’s largest agri-food          Otello Cattabriga's eponymous             choice for commercial kitchens
    is president of ACP, Inc. Here, he        all segments of the industry.      a tricky business. For Marco Ferroni        park about its use of Ali Group brands        90-year-old company, part of
    outlines the markets that two ACP         The two key driving forces         and his team at Lainox recognizing          Carpigiani and Esmach                         Ali Group’s Iceteam 1927, remains       84 ROLL UP FOR THE SHOW
    brands, Amana and Menumaster,             behind this are primarily          the positive effect of people power is                                                    as cutting-edge as ever                   Belshaw Adamatic's self-contained and
    operate in, how he sees the sector        ever-improving technology          essential for future success, reports    50 MODERN MEDICINE                                                                         versatile donut system, means these
    developing and the key long-term          and a desire for greater           Andrea Tolu                                 In order to deliver high-quality,        70 HISTORY IN THE BAKING                       tasty treats can be made anywhere
    challenges the industry will face         convenience from                                                               nutritious meals for patients, the            Social enterprise Pain et Partage
                                              customers. How the                                                             kitchens at AZ Zeno hospital in               work closely with Pavailler to create
                                              industry responds to                                                           Knokke, Belgium, required Metos               a rewarding partnership                    ALI GROUP WORLDWIDE
            COVER STORY                       these changes in the                    SUCCESS STORIES                        to provide the best equipment and
                                              short and long term                                                            design solutions, finds Sandra Haurant   74 INTELLIGENT
                                              is pivotal,                                                                                                                  CURIOSITY                                   86 AROUND THE WORLD
10 FOR THE LOVE OF THE GAME                   reports Sarah                      30 PARADISE CITY                         56 A PROJECT LIKE NO OTHER                       Top pastry chef                                 International news round-up
    Bringing to life a new, premier           Gallagher                             How paradise City Casino in              The University of Derby’s grand               Leonardo Di Carlo                               from Ali Group companies
    venue for Australian sports fans                                                Incheon, South Korea, raised the         Buxton Campus looks to the future             describes how                                   across the globe
    led Moffat to create a kitchen                                                  bar with Ambach equipment                with Falcon, Williams and Lainox              his relationship
    infrastructure to support fine-dining                                                                                                                                  with refrigeration                           92 OUR BRANDS
    and convenience food outlets that                                             38 FLEXIBLE FRIENDS                     62 SPECIAL MACHINES                              manufacturer                                     Ali Group’s sector expertise
    matched the quality and diversity                                                  Why PM & Vänner chose                 Rancilio’s dive into the global               Hiber allows him
    of the sporting displays on the                                                    Wexiödisk to take its hotel           specialty coffee market could set the         to focus on quality                        94 CONTACT US
    pitch, reports Jim Banks                                                           warewashing to the next level         standard for many years to come               and reliability                               Addresses and contact details

4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          5

    Based in Iowa, US,                    arly in my business life, my mentor   agents and parts distributors around the
                                          Jim Thayer, vice president of         world to ensure end-users get a satisfying
    Tim Garbett is president              sales at the appliance company        ownership experience.
                                          we worked for, taught me a quote        ACP markets its products using two
    of ACP, Inc. Here, he                 from Seneca, a Roman philosopher      brands, Amana and Menumaster. Amana
    outlines the markets that   in Emperor Nero’s court: “Luck is when          products are sold to most dealers in the
                                preparation meets opportunity.”                 US, while Menumaster products are sold
    two ACP brands, Amana         That line stayed with me. Opportunities       around the world. They go to our largest
                                may come and go, but the quality of             US trading partner and dealers in the
    and Menumaster, operate     our preparation to take advantage of            Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA)
    in and how he sees the      them decides whether or not we are              and Asia Pacific (APAC) countries.
                                successful. Success in business isn’t
    sector developing           about what we sell. It’s about how we           ESTABLISHED AND GROWTH MARKETS
                                sell it. Having the right teammates,            High-speed cooking was invented in
                                understanding customer needs and                the US, where the foodservice industry
                                meeting those needs eventually wins out.        is pervasive and multi-unit operators
                                  At ACP, we are the foodservice industry       dominate. For decades we depended
                                experts in applying radio frequency to heat     on the US, while only exporting a little.
                                food. Our unique selling proposition is         US fast food chains use high-speed ovens
                                simple: we design top-quality, dependable,      to deliver hot food to customers and
                                high-speed ovens and we support our             ACP is their primary supplier in our
                                equipment with the best parts and               product category.
                                service. Operators want a supplier that            We have a sales and culinary team
                                can service and repair equipment quickly        devoted to chains in the US and abroad. In
                                and effectively.                                the reseller sector, ACP has been voted best
                                  ACP has a global team of sales and            in class by US food equipment resellers
                                service people working in the quick             for as long as the award has been around.
                                service, fast casual, healthcare, business,     That’s due to our outstanding network
                                military and white tablecloth foodservice       of sales reps, resellers, consultants, field
                                sectors. We also have the best service          service agents and spare parts distributors.

6                                                                                                                            7

                                              operators are growing alongside diverse          Sales and service are managed out of
                                              independent operators.                         Singapore by associates who speak multiple
“ACP’s unique selling                           ACP manages finished goods and spare         languages and work to enhance our
                                              parts inventory in Belgium to supply           network of finished goods and spare parts
proposition is simple:                        dealers across the EMEA region. A team         resellers, along with service agents across
we design top-quality,                        of resident sales reps serves the market       the region. We host websites in English and
dependable, high-speed                        and our customers are supported by a           Chinese and sales literature is available in
ovens and we support our                      multi-lingual call center in Belgium. We       local languages. Chefs in the region support
                                              employ chefs in the region to support sales    our customers in their languages.
equipment with the best                       initiatives and end-users. Literature is
parts and service”                            available in local languages. Our Europe-      MAJOR LONG-TERM CHALLENGES
                                              based ACP service manager appoints, trains     I believe there are at least four challenges
                                              and supports service agents throughout         facing equipment manufacturers. First, we
                                              the region. An independent spare parts         face economic and political uncertainty.
  We provide unsurpassed customer             distributor provides spares in parallel with   Average checks and dining frequency
support in the US, where we operate two
call centers. One helps end-users operate
                                              our own spares operation. It’s great for our
                                              customers and they’ve rewarded us with
                                                                                             decline as economic conditions worsen.
                                                                                             Having political, financial and business                                                                                                    TIM GARBETT
their ovens, find food heating solutions
and obtain service. The other provides live
                                              excellent sales growth.
                                                Some countries in the APAC region
                                                                                             leaders working together to foster
                                                                                             economic growth and stability would
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         IN PROFILE
technical support from service experts to     have well-developed utility infrastructure,    be a blessing. Instead we have too much
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         I studied history and
our field service agents on the job. Our      while others are in varying states of          destabilizing political partisanship that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         psychology in college before
competitors don’t do that. We also have       development. The better the infrastructure,    perpetuates the economic cycle of boom
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         moving into sales for major
chefs who support menu development for        the greater the opportunity for our            and bust.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         appliances. When I got into
foodservice operators that heat food in       products. As disposable income rises,             Second, we have the challenge of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         that business there were
our ovens. ACP manages inventory in 12        dining out increases. We are starting to       harnessing improving manufacturing             offsets from improvement in product
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         dozens of US major appliance
warehouses across the US and three            introduce our European business model          technology. New equipment and process          design, fabrication and assembly.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         manufacturers selling to
in Canada.                                    to the APAC region. We have a logistics        design concepts yield improvements in             Next is the challenge of training
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         thousands of independent
  Now, our growth outside the US is on        center in Hong Kong to supply the region,      productivity and efficiency and, as material   operators. The hallmarks of high-speed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         family-owned appliance dealers.
a fast track. Europe has excellent utility    while more are planned.                        costs rise, manufacturers can find partial     heating equipment are simplicity of
infrastructure. Multi-unit operators are                                                                                                    operation, speed of throughput, quality
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         When I left for the foodservice
steadily increasing their foodservice                                                                                                       of output and energy efficiency. Success
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         equipment industry in 1997,
market share, yet there are still many                                                                                                      requires training and management of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         there were only three US
successful single unit operators. In the                                                                                                    staff to clean and operate the equipment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         major appliance companies
Middle East and Africa, where there is                                                                                                      and ensure a particular menu item is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         and multi-unit appliance
dependable infrastructure, multi-unit                                                                                                       a consistent weight, shape and start
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         retailers dominated the
                                                                                                                                            temperature when it enters the oven.            and providing the equipment that chefs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         retail sector. In contrast,
                                                                                                                                            Helping operators make that happen is           and staff use to make it happen.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         while there has been some
                                                                                                                                            a challenge for all manufacturers.                On the manufacturing side, much has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         consolidation, the foodservice
                                                                                                                                               Finally, attracting and retaining talent     changed since I joined the industry. Today
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         industry remains a personal
                                                                                                                                            is a big challenge. Programs devoted            we have lasers that cut and punch, robotic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         business: it's still families
                                                                                                                                            to training engineers in commercial             press breaks and more automated welding
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         selling to families.
                                                                                                                                            kitchen equipment design are virtually          equipment, while quality assurance uses
                                                                                                                                            non-existent. There are talented people in      computer driven lasers for measurement
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         I love this industry because of
                                                                                                                                            the equipment business, but generally they      and bar codes are on the equipment and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         the people. My associates, the
                                                                                                                                            are born into it or stumble into it.            cartons. It’s a particularly exciting time
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         reps, dealers and consultants,
                                                                                                                                               I came out of home appliances and into       for the industry.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         the foodservice people, are
                                                                                                                                            the foodservice equipment sector in 1997.         Overall, I am optimistic about the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         great folks. It’s fun to work
                                                                                                                                            The challenge of attracting and retaining       long-term prospects of the industry.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         and socialize with them. The
Attracting employees                                                                                                                        talent to the industry hasn’t changed           Consumers will always dine out for the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         market is about satisfying
is a major challenge                                                                                                                        much. The industry is full of families, their   sake of speed, convenience, pleasure
in this industry, but
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         our operators and their
                                                                                                                                            friends and people who got lucky and            and celebration. Where they spend their
Tim Garbett believes                                                                                                                                                                                                                     consumers. I love good food
                                                                                                                                            found a place in it. The food side is fun. So   money in foodservice may shift with age,
there are already                                                                                                                                                                                                                        and sharing it with friends.
many talented                                                                                                                               is being a part of the process of creating      personal values and income, but they’re
people working in it                                                                                                                        that food experience by designing, building     going to keep spending. ¯

8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          9

     The Optus Stadium
     in Perth, Australia,
     boasts both fine-dining
     and convenience food

10                             11

                                                                                  “Lots of things make
                                                                                                                                   THE STADIUM      CAPACITY OF
                                                                                  Moffat a great partner.                          HOLDS 60,000     65,000 PEOPLE
                                                                                  They are always trying                           PEOPLE FOR       FOR SOCCER
                                                                                  to innovate and stay
                                                                                  attuned to the industry
                                                                                                                                   FOOTBALL         AND RUGBY
                                                                                  more than most”                                  MATCHES

                                                                                    This is high praise indeed, considering
                                                                                  that Moffat has worked on sites for both
                                                                                  the London and Sydney Olympic Games.
                                                                                  The Optus Stadium is on the same grand
                                                                                  scale. It has a capacity of more than 60,000
                                                                                  people and will primarily host Australian
                                                                                  rules football and cricket matches. It will
                                                                                  be home to Perth’s two Australian Football                        36 MONTHS OF    TOTAL
                                                                                  League (AFL) teams – the Fremantle
                                                                                  Football Club and the West Coast Eagles –                         CONSTRUCTION    CAPACITY
                                                                                                                                                                    OF 70,000
                                                                                  but it will also be the venue for a vast range
Bringing to life a new,                    ustralia’s passion for sport runs
                                           deep. For more than a century, a
                                                                                  of sporting and entertainment events,
                                                                                  including rugby and soccer games, and            PLAYING                          FOR MUSIC
premier venue for Australian               love of sport has been sinking into
                                           the soil of Burswood. This suburb
                                                                                  concerts - all of which will take place
                                                                                  under the illuminated halo roof.                 FIELDS                           CONCERTS
sports fans led Moffat to         of Perth was once home to the first golf
                                  course in Western Australia, built in 1895,     FEEDING FANS’ APPETITE FOR THE GAME
create a kitchen infrastructure
                                  and back then its clubhouse was a simple        For a stadium that hosts more than               165M X 130M
to support fine-dining and        mud hut. Now, from that same soil has           60,000 fans at sporting events and up to
                                  arisen the city’s new home for sport – the      70,000 music lovers when the seating
convenience food outlets          stunning Optus Stadium.                         is reconfigured for concerts, catering
that matched the quality            For the last three years, people looking      facilities were high on the list of priorities
                                  across the Swan River from the city’s busy      in the design brief. The venue houses more
and diversity of the sporting     central business district have seen the         than 50 food and beverage outlets offering
                                  steady rise of the country’s third-largest      meals and refreshment for every taste, be it
displays on the pitch, reports
Jim Banks
                                  stadium, with its eye-catching halo roof
                                  and its unique bronze façade.
                                                                                  fine dining or grab-and-go options.
                                                                                     From the Locker Room, where fans can          50 FOODSERVICE
                                    The doors of this impressive structure
                                  opened in January this year, in the middle
                                                                                  watch players warm up for their matches,
                                                                                  or the Riverview Rooms with spectacular          FACILITIES
                                  of Perth’s blistering summer, with the          views across the Swan River, to the à
                                  promise of great entertainment and
                                  excitement to come.
                                                                                  la carte and buffet restaurants by the
                                                                                  stadium’s western entrance and the fast-                                          MORE
                                    “This is an outstanding project,” says
                                  Michael Lillico, general manager, sales
                                                                                  food vendors located all around the seating
                                                                                  areas, food is everywhere. Even the former                                        THAN
                                  and marketing at Moffat, which supplied         Burswood Golf Course clubhouse and                                                18,000M2
                                  equipment for all of the food vendors
                                  operating in the stadium.
                                                                                  function rooms are soon to be redeveloped
                                                                                  to add more bar and restaurant facilities.                                        OF TURF
                                    “It is a skyline item in Perth that looks        The food in every outlet – from the
                                  sensational. I’ve seen nothing like it and it   fine-dining areas to the fast food stalls
                                  will certainly lure more sporting events to     – is largely sourced from locally owned
                                  the city. For me, this is up there with the     and operated businesses. The menu even
                                  biggest and most satisfying projects I have     features exclusive items, such as Mrs. Mac’s
                                  ever worked on.”                                Dardanup Evertender Steak Pie.

12                                                                                                                                                                              13

                                                                                           incorporating smart door design for
 MOFFAT’S                                  “Lots of things make
                                                                                           extra safety.                                   KEY EQUIPMENT SUPPLIED BY
 TURBOFAN                                  Moffat a great partner.
                                                                                              The Washtech product range used
                                                                                           in the stadium’s many bars, including

 OVENS                                     They are always trying                          the Chairman’s Club Bar and Skylounge,
                                                                                           is equally innovative. Robust and easy
                                                                                                                                              Waldorf 800 series heavy-duty cooking
                                                                                                                                           line configurations offer more features
                                           to innovate and stay                            to service and maintain, the machines           and more combinations, clean lines,
                                           attuned to the industry                         offer an easy-use control panel and also        consistency in a modular design to create
                                           more than most”                                 feature unique copper rinse tanks that are      an almost seamless kitchen workspace
                                                                                           designed to withstand even the harshest            Turbofan convection oven systems
                                                                                           water conditions.                               have been designed to suit any
                                                                                              Foodservice consultancy Mike Driscoll        application, with all the power and
                                                                                           & Associates (MDA) was charged with             versatility you need from a convection
                                             “There’s a lot of grab-and-go foodservice,    providing the overall catering strategy         oven. The clever footprint and ability
                                           so there needed to be facilities to prepare,    for the venue as well as the individual         to double stack the ovens, or with the
                                           regenerate and hot-hold food products in        detailed designs that would meet the many       P Series prover/holding cabinet, provides
                                           the outlets so that they are prepared when      and diverse needs of the catering plan.         more space in the kitchen and increases
                                           the rush comes,” says Lillico.                  MDA is no stranger to large-scale, flagship     the output of product
                                             “The stadium is a very large facility, but    projects, having worked on Wembley                 FastFri is an impressive economical
               WEXIÖDISK’S   METOS’        people never have to walk more than 40
                                           meters to a food outlet. Our job is to work
                                                                                           Stadium in London and Royal Ascot in
                                                                                           Berkshire, England, and the Carrara Sports
                                                                                                                                           18-liter gas deep fryer. It was easily
                                                                                                                                           incorporated into the food outlets as an
               DISHWASHERS   KETTLES       with the consultant to talk through all of
                                           the difficult areas to ensure that bespoke
                                                                                           Stadium on the Gold Coast, Australia for
                                                                                           the Commonwealth Games. For catering
                                                                                                                                           essential piece of kitchen equipment as it
                                                                                                                                           offers plenty of power reliability and
                                           solutions are used where needed along           equipment, MDA knew to turn to Moffat.          durability that the industry demands
                                           with the standard equipment.”                      “Lots of things make Moffat a great             Washtech range of warewashing
                                             Moffat supplied all of the essentials for     partner, not just with this project but         equipment is high-performance and
                                           the stadium kitchens, including ovens,          with all specifications, as they are always     energy efficient that deliver great results
                                           holding cabinets, trolley washers and           trying to innovate, always trying to stay       consistently. The simple to use controls
                                           specialized warewashing equipment.              attuned to the industry more than most,         and easy to service machines are a
                                             “With warewashing, factors such as            and always supply first-grade equipment         standout in the harshest of commercial
                                           energy efficiency are critical, but the         and an exceptional back-up service. Clients     kitchens
                                           reality is that in a stadium the seating must   know that the products are innovative,”            Metos kettles provide various high-
                                           take precedence, so space is always at a        says foodservice consultant and principal       performance double jacketed kettles to
                                           premium. That is why the use of modular         at MDA, Mike Driscoll.                          ensure high productivity reassurance of
                                           elements is also critical.                         “Take the Turbofan, for example, which       serving for the most demanding of
                                             “The key factors we had to combine            is a brilliant piece of equipment. Quality is   applications, whether it is for a flight
                                           were performance and footprint. We’re           far more important than price, and it gives     kitchen, healthcare institution, staff
                                           very mindful of those factors, which define     more flexibility to do lots of menu items,      canteen and much more

 MOFFAT’S                    WASHTECH’S    many parameters, including the placement
                                           of equipment and location of the controls.
                                                                                           not just one. Moffat’s R&D is second to
                                                                                           none, so in specifying that equipment the
                                                                                                                                              Wexiödisk dishwashing machines
                                                                                                                                           focus their dishwashing solutions in
 WALDORF 800                 WAREWASHERS     “Take our Turbofan convection ovens.
                                           With these, you can put in the oven and
                                                                                           customer can be confident and will have
                                                                                           great service,” he adds.
                                                                                                                                           developing reliable machines, featuring
                                                                                                                                           low operating costs, ease of use and
                                           place a holding area directly under it, for        Moffat worked closely with MDA and           provide optimal hygienic wash results
                                           ease in transferring food,” says Lillico.       Caterlink, the contractor charged with the      that play a significant part in reducing
                                                                                           complete construction fitout of each part       environmental impacts
                                           INNOVATION IS THE KEY TO EFFICIENCY             of the project and responsible for the time        Friginox self-adapting intelligent blast
                                           The Turbofan range is built for both            line of coordinating the equipment fitout.      chillers provide high-quality advanced
                                           performance and durability, but the latest      Caterlink have many years experience of         solutions to engineer hygiene, safety,
                                           iteration of the range has built on these       this type of first-class project management.    product innovation and dependability
                                           fundamental components of its DNA to               All parties delivered a highly bespoke       meeting the high demands of the
                                           include new features, including the ability     and complex project in just six months of       ever-growing industry
                                           to double stack the ovens with P Series         the three-year build time. All it took was
                                           prover/holding cabinets. The ovens utilize      preparation, innovation and enough hard
                                           clever footprint design and are stackable       work to match any of the exploits that will
                                           to provide more kitchen space with              be seen on the stadium’s playing field in
                                           greater tray loading capacity, as well as       the years ahead. ¯

14                                         www.moffat.com                                                                                                                            15

                                                                                              quick glance at       increased engagement and solid sales growth.
                                                                                              some of the biggest      Panera Bread, for example, which rolled out
                                                                                              strategic moves       its technology-rich Panera 2.0 initiative
                                                                                              being made by the     in 2014, had passed the $1 billion mark, or 26%

                                                                                              world’s leading       of sales, via digital channels at the time
                                                                                              foodservice           of its acquisition in July 2017 by JAB Holdings.
                                                                                              companies             In its last reportable quarter as a publicly
                                                                                              leaves no doubt       traded company (Q1 2017), Panera showed
                                                                                              as to where the       same-store sales growth of 5.3% in corporate

                                                                                              industry is headed.   stores, outperforming the Black Box all-industry
                                                                                              Almost regardless     composite by 690 basis points. The company
                                                                                              of concept or         predicted at the time that digital sales could
                                                                                              segment – from        double by 2019, and has since completed rollout
                                                                                              quick service and     of delivery nationwide.
                                                               fast casual restaurants, corporate and college          Legions of other brands large and small
Foodservice is changing across all segments of the industry.   dining, to convenience stores and coffeehouses       continue to follow suit, launching digital and
The two key driving forces behind this are primarily           – two key factors continue to drive the future:      operational initiatives to cash in on growing
                                                               technology and convenience. These inextricably       consumer demands for anywhere, anytime, any-
ever-improving technology and a desire for                     linked forces continue to fundamentally and          way-they-want-it restaurant-quality foodservice
                                                               rapidly change both the guest experience and         and hospitality.
greater convenience from customers.                            how business gets done.                                 Imagine, for example, that just three years
How the industry responds to                                      Multi-unit operators such as Domino’s,            ago almost all orders at McDonald’s restaurants
                                                               Starbucks and Panera Bread have paved the            in the US were placed by customers in one of
these changes in the short and                                 way, introducing a whole new generation of           two ways – either via the traditional means of
                                                               tech-savvy consumers to conveniences such            interacting with a cashier behind a counter or
long term is pivotal, reports                                  as online and mobile-app order and pay,              speaking into an intercom at the drive-thru.
Sarah Gallagher                                                voice-activated ordering, curbside and in-store      Today, the fast-food giant and original standard
                                                               express pickup, self-serve kiosks and enhanced       bearer for convenience helps redefine what
                                                               delivery (even testing self-driving cars and         that means.
                                                               drones). Consumers have rewarded these                  The company continues to roll out its new
                                                               operators for their efforts, both in terms of        “Experience of the Future” program, converting
                                                                                                                    or building new restaurants to the tune of 1,000
                                                                                                                    units per quarter in which technologies and
                                                                                                                    services such as self-service kiosks, mobile app
                                                                                                                    ordering with in-store, drive-thru or curbside
                                                                                                                    pickup, geolocation, and delivery via third-
                                                                                                                    party partners feature prominently. McDonald’s
                                                                                                                    smartphone app, introduced last summer,
                                                                                                                    has more than 20 million registered users, a
                                                                                                                    download rate fueled in part by a hugely popular
                                                                                                                    loyalty program. By this time next year, more
                                                                                                                    than 10,000 US McDonald’s restaurants will
                                                                                                                    offer delivery.
                                                                                                                       Subway is also raising the stakes on technology
                                                                                                                    and convenience. As part of a 2017 prototype
                                                                                                                    redesign dubbed Fresh Forward, the global
                                                                                                                    sandwich chain introduced self-service kiosks
                                                                                                                    and pick-up stations for to-go and delivery
                                                                                                                    orders placed via smartphone app or Messenger
                                                                                                                    chat bot. Subway’s app, which went live in 2015
                                                                                                                    and has nearly 30,000 downloads, lets customers
                                                                                                                    easily find the nearest Subway unit; order ahead
                                                                                                                    for express pick-up or delivery, where available;
                                                                                                                    customize, name and save favorite orders; access
                                                                                                                    promotional discounts; and pay via smartphone
                                                                                                                    on a pre-loaded Subway card or credit card.

16                                                                                                                                                                  17

                                                                                                                                             To help ensure
                                                                        “Consumer                                                            quality as well
OPERATOR FOCUS                                                          expectations are                                                     as convenience,
                                                                                                                                             the chain
“Consumer expectations
are changing. They want
                                                                        changing. They                                                       called on Metro
                                                                                                                                             to develop
convenience and more options                                            want convenience                                                     custom-branded
for convenience, but they also                                          and more options                                                     transport
                                                                                                                                             cabinets that
want high quality. We need                                              for convenience,                                                     maintain both
to be proactive about meeting                                                                                                                hot and cold
those expectations,” notes
                                                                        but they also                                                        sandwich

Frank Chetcuti, operations                                              want high quality.                                                   temperatures
                                                                                                                                             during deliver or
project manager at Subway.            “The beauty of the unit is        We need to be                      consumers how we can make         for in-store-pick
  When it comes to delivery,        that it allows us to deliver        proactive about                    their lives better, and 7NOW is
which all franchisees have the      hot and cold subs in the same                                          a proprietary solution to their
option of offering, managing        carrier,” Chetcuti notes.
                                                                        meeting those                      on-demand needs. The app will
the last mile to ensure               “And most importantly for         expectations”                      enable our customers to get
individual Subway customers         us is that we can do so while       FRANK CHETCUTI,                    the products they want, when
and catering clients receive        maintaining high quality,           SUBWAY                             and where they want them,
the same quality sandwiches         whether we’re delivering hot                                           quickly and conveniently. This
that they do when visiting          meatball sandwiches or fresh,                                          is redefining convenience.”
the stores, is mission critical.    cold veggie sandwiches. It’s        the version developed for             Using the app, consumers
To that end, Subway recently        a boon for our franchisees’         Subway sports green doors          can purchase a wide selection
partnered with Ali Group            delivery programs, especially       and the chain’s logo, which        of snacks, hot food items and
company Metro, a global             now with more orders                Chetcuti says is important for     beverages (including beer and
manufacturer and distributor        coming in through our app,          extending brand messaging          wine), as well as home goods,
of cabinets, carts and              because we’re able to maintain      outside of the restaurants.        greeting cards, cosmetics
shelving, to develop a custom       temperatures and ensure that          Tapping next-gen                 and other nonfood items in
Mightylite™ transport cabinet.      delivery product quality is the     convenience trends and new         7-Eleven’s inventory. The
The lightweight cabinet,            same as in-store. We’re also        operational solutions to help      plans to expand the service
manufactured from expanded          able to use the units for staging   ensure success isn’t limited to    to more markets.
polypropylene, maintains            mobile pick-up orders,” he says.    traditional restaurants, either.
product temperatures for              Introduced to franchisees in      Global convenience store
extended periods and comes          August 2018 as the corporate        brand 7-Eleven, for instance,
with three slide-in basket trays,   standard for delivery, the          began offering third-party
each of which can hold up to        cabinets were also designed         delivery in some markets
six foot-long (30.5cm) or 12        to promote Subway branding.         roughly three years ago.
six-inch (15cm) subs securely       While Mightylite carriers are       And the company, which
during delivery.                    typically black with red doors,     operates 62,000 stores in 18
                                                                        countries, is now testing a
                                                                        new mobile app in Dallas and
                                                                        New York markets.
                                    “Today’s digitally                    Named 7NOW, the
                                    savvy consumer                      app offers customers
                                    expects a wide                      on-demand ordering for
                                    range of options                    delivery or in-store pickup
                                                                        and is part of what the
                                    right at their                      retailer calls its digital
                                    fingertips and                      transformation.
                                    7-Eleven is                           “Today’s digitally savvy
                                    delivering on                       consumer expects a wide
                                                                        range of options right at their
                                    that promise”                       fingertips and 7-Eleven is
                                    GURMEET SINGH,                      delivering on that promise,”
                                    7-ELEVEN                            says 7-Eleven chief digital
                                                                        officer Gurmeet Singh in the
                                                                        company’s announcement.
                                                                        “We continuously ask our

18                                                                                                                                                         19

“Technology                         THE ANALYST’S VIEW                                    and the US have been largely flat, traffic driven     TECH UPDATE                                         takeout and/or delivery. The compact,
                                    “Technology has enabled an unprecedented level        by mobile ordering was up 32% in Great Britain        Warren Solocheck, formerly president of             efficient workstations include an                  CK
has enabled an                      of convenience for foodservice consumers,”            and 50% in the US in the third quarter of 2017        NPD Group’s foodservice practice, sees two          arm that can hold a tablet that              LOC

unprecedented                       notes Bob O’Brien, global senior vice president       over the prior year.                                  key back-of-house implications as front-of-         can receive and display orders

level of

                                    at market research firm The NPD Group, in a             Studies show on average, restaurant orders          house technologies improve and become more          coming from remote devices.

convenience                         recent blog.                                          placed via mobile app or self-service kiosk are       pervasive. One is strategic reconfiguration         Additionally, a separate
                                       “With a few scrolls, taps and clicks, they can     larger – often more than 20% higher than orders       of production areas and practices to ensure         “ambient order cart,” which can
for foodservice                     get what they want, when and where they want          placed through an employee.                           that staff handle delivery, takeout and mobile      feature the operator’s graphics,
consumers”                          it, with great speed. Digitalizing the market              Noting increasing consumer comfort               app orders quickly and efficiently. Another is      serves as a staging area that
BOB O’BRIEN,                        – mobile ordering, delivery, apps, order                         with technology and, indeed, their         having the right equipment in place to be able to   holds orders awaiting pickup by
THE NPD GROUP                       kiosks, the internet – is growing                                    growing expectations for the           deliver on both speed and quality while meeting     customers or delivery personnel.
                                    rapidly in foodservice markets.               N                        customization, personalization,      demands for convenience.                              While technology’s march into
                                    It has been the one thing that              IE                           speed and convenience it             “Operators need seamless systems for              the front of the house and beyond

                                    has grown consistently in this                                             enables, O’Brien notes,          receiving orders and sequencing the way that        changes the customer experience at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            “Operators need

                                    decade of good and bad news                                                 “It’s no longer a choice for    food gets prepared for delivery versus for guests   both foodservice and retail, Solocheck adds
                                    around the world.”                                                          foodservice operators to        dining in. It’s a very different process and        equipment technologies help enable the                  seamless systems
                                       O’Brien adds that while                                                  offer digital ordering. Doing   requires very different timing,” Solocheck says.    convenience revolution and create efficiencies
                                    foodservice markets in UK                                                   it well is table stakes.”       “For a restaurant doing dine-in, takeout and        for operators. High-speed cooking technologies,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            for receiving orders
                                                                                                                                                delivery, pains must be taken to ensure that one    in particular, increase throughput and                  and sequencing the
                                                                                                                                                channel doesn’t negatively impact another. You      decreasing customer wait times.                         way that food gets
                                                                                                                                                don’t want employees tripping over each other         “In the old days, if you went out for pizza           prepared for delivery
“Technology enables                                                                                                                             in the back of the house trying to produce orders   you’d expect to be there a while. The ovens
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            versus for guests
                                                                                                                                                coming in from different channels.”                 were slower, the whole experience was slower,”
operators to meet                                                                                                                                 In testing its new app-based, mobile order        Solocheck observes. “Except perhaps for a               dining in. It’s a very
changing customer                                                                                                                               takeout and delivery service, 7-Eleven turned       special occasion or fine-dining experience,             different process
demands and tap                                                                                                                                 to Metro to help ensure a seamless experience       consumers today have little desire to sit in a          and requires very
into new revenue                                                                                                                                for staff and customers, alike. Metro provides      restaurant and wait for an extended period for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            different timing”
                                                                                                                                                specialized, dedicated workstations where           their food. We just don’t have as much time as
streams”                                                                                                                                        culinary staff prep food and assemble orders for    we used to.”                                            WARREN SOLOCHECK

THE CONSULTANT’S PERSPECTIVE                         number of people can order at the same time.
Juan Martinez FCSI of Profitality, a Miami-based     While that’s an exaggeration, it illustrates a key
foodservice consulting firm, agrees. Companies       challenge that operators need to think about,”
not already well down the path toward                Martinez says. “The design of the kitchen needs
implementing convenience-driven technology           to account for these virtual consumers in the
and digital initiatives are behind the eight ball,   production cycle. This can mean segregated
he says, and at risk of being left behind.           production areas for mobile takeout and delivery
   Martinez cautions, however, that adopting         orders, just as some QSR concepts went to years
a holistic approach is critical. Putting             ago to better handle drive-thru orders. Or, in
self-serve and mobile technologies                            full-service restaurants, it might mean
into customers’ hands without                                      designing better integration and
first putting strategic thought
                                           T INE                      systems into existing kitchens as
into design and operations to                                           virtual orders start flowing in.

accommodate those orders                                                 If you aren’t ready to produce

can be an even bigger risk.                                               and deliver those sales to
   “Consumers’ having                                                      guests in fast, seamless and
order-entry available in the                                               consistent ways, virtual sales
palms of their hands means,                                                can negatively impact the
theoretically, that an infinite                                           rest of your business.”

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               21

                                                                                                           UK retailer
                                                                                                           Marks & Spencer
PRODUCT FOCUS                         ACP works with chain              along with design                  has installed
In addition to high-speed          operators’ internal IT teams         reconfigurations to handle         HALO automated
cooking technologies, “smart”      to find the right products and       more mobile, takeout and           gourmet coffee
                                                                                                           kiosks in many
equipment, with connectivity       solutions for their needs. In the    delivery orders, as an             locations. HALO
to the “Internet of things”        case of a fast-growing regional      investment in growth,              offers shoppers
can help tech-forward operators    c-store chain, ACP provides fully    Martinez notes. “It                a quick and easy
                                                                                                           gourmet cup of
improve quality and consistency    connected True-Touch™ HT             comes back to the word             coffee under its
as well as be more flexible with   Touchscreens on ARX/MRX              enabler, which is what             own M&S Coffee
their menu offerings.              and AXP/MXP combination              technology really is,”             To Go branding
  Mike Groen, director of          microwave ovens.                     he says.
engineering at ACP, Inc., the         “This chain runs a lot               “Whether it’s accelerated
manufacturer and distributor       of limited-time offers and           cooking tools, smart or
of Amana® and Menumaster®          promotions. Having the               connected equipment, or the        VEND TREND: QUALITY
Commercial accelerated             connectivity to a single server      latest front-of-house or mobile    COFFEE, ON THE GO
cooking solutions, says interest   makes loading recipes and            order-entry tools, technology      Thanks to the meteoric rise of the specialty
in IoT- and WiFi-enabled           cook-time changes across their       enables operators to meet          coffee industry, consumers today are coffee-
cooking equipment is high,         entire system fast and easy,”        changing customer demands          savvy and quality-driven. But they’re often also
but many companies aren’t          Groen says. “All updates come        and tap into new revenues.         rushed. Much as they’d love that large latte with
yet clear on how to apply it to    from a central location and          Every operator’s first instinct    an extra shot of decaf, they can’t always wait for
their businesses.                  allow management complete            is to focus on the investment,     the barista to whip up their coffee.
                                   control to ensure consistency.       but I suggest that they look         Enter the next big opportunity in high-tech
                                   It gives them a lot of flexibility   instead at the potential return.   convenience – gourmet, coffee-house-style coffee
“Having the                        to keep menus fresh and              What’s it doing long-term to       available anywhere, anytime via self-serve,             measure we know that the cup quality from the
connectivity to                    offer new items to keep              drive everything they need         automated kiosks. It’s a segment that’s beginning       EGRO is really strong. We essentially built the kiosk
a single server                    those convenience-oriented           to do to go where the market       to percolate, with the recent introduction concepts     and the customer experience around that machine
                                   customers interested and             is headed, which is straight       such as Café X, a robotic coffee bar concept in San     because we knew it could deliver. It was also an
makes loading                      coming back.”                        toward more tech and greater       Francisco, and HALO, a next-gen kiosk developed         obvious choice because it’s so reliable, even under
recipes and cook-                     Operators should view             convenience, and help their        by Matthew Algie, a Glasgow-based roaster that          consistently heavy demand. Our highest volume
time changes                       such equipment upgrades,             brand grow?”                       supplies premium beans, equipment and training          machine does several hundred cups a day. We need
across their                                                                                               resources to operators across the UK and Ireland.       that kind of reliability.”
                                                                                                             “As in the US, we’ve seen a big trend in the UK         Technology advancements ensure convenience
entire system                                                                                              around convenience for coffee, but also this idea       extends to the operator and the consumer. The
fast and easy”                                                                                             of quality,” says Andrew Jack, marketing director,      EGRO’s internal telemetry system enables kiosk
MIKE GROEN                                                                                                 Matthew Algie. “As the availability of coffee           owners to monitor and control the machines
                                                                                                           improves, people are more discerning. We’d been         remotely. “For a single machine or for machines
                                                                                                           thinking about vending for a number of years and        across multiple locations, they’re able to remotely
                                                                                                           set out to deliver the best cup of vending coffee       adjust drink settings; check bean and milk inventory
                                                                                                           out there. While existing offerings were quite nice     levels; analyze sales statistics; and receive
                                                                                                           from a technology and user experience standpoint,       messages relating to technical assistance and
                                                                                                           vending coffee quality was invariable disappointing.”   maintenance,” Lucchini says.
                                                                                                             With coffeehouse-level quality a primary focus,         Designed to service on-the-go customers in
                                                                                                           Matthew Algie partnered with Rancilio Group to          markets from service stations and hospitals to
                                                                                                           put the fully-automatic EGRO coffee machine at the      department stores and gyms, the HALO kiosk
                                                                                                           heart of the HALO vending kiosk.                        features a large, high-definition touch screen
                                                                                                             “We began collaborating on this about five years      interface. The compact units can be finished with
                                                                                                           ago, bringing together Matthew’s coffee expertise       any operator’s branding and set up to accept
                                                                                                           and Rancilio’s equipment expertise to create a          contactless payment and/or payment at cashier.
                                                                                                           high-quality solution for the vending market,” says       Beverages available include coffee and espresso-
                                                                                                           Andrea Lucchini, sales manager, Europe, Rancilio.       based drinks, tea and hot chocolate. The kiosks hold
                                                                                                           “The idea was to put a professional, fully-automatic    two types of fresh milk and two varieties of coffee
                                                                                                           machine inside a kiosk with an iconic, premium and      beans. Customers simply use the touch screen to
                                                                                                           engaging aesthetic.”                                    select their drink (including latte, cappuccino, flat
                                                                                                             “We were lucky to have a good partner to develop      white, espresso/double espresso, macchiato and
                                                                                                           this with,” adds Ewan Reid, managing director,          mocha). They choose their bean and milk preferences
                                                                                                           Matthew Algie. “We work with a lot of different         before being prompted to place their cup. In under a
                                                                                                           coffee machines, but across just about every            minute, their beverage is ready. ¯

22                                                                                                                                                                                                                   23

         TEAM UP   25

                                                                                                                                                                         “You can’t tell a plant to
                                                                                                                                                                         grow, but you can create
                                                                                                                                                                         the best conditions for
                                                                                                                                                                         it to grow. The same
                                                                                                                                                                         happens with people”
                                                                                                                                                                         Giancarlo Roig

Changing a company culture                   ords like ‘values’, ‘teamwork’                          case study of how a brand can effectively                           ten values that best represent the brand,
                                             and ‘change’ are often thrown                           evolve alongside a changing foodservice                             such as trust, result-oriented and team
can be a tricky business.                    around in the business world,                           market by putting the focus back on people.                         spirit. (And because transparency is also
                                             ending up overworked and                                  For Ferroni, ‘people are important’ is                            one of those values, the full list can be
For Marco Ferroni and his       nearly void of meaning. What gets lost is                            a gross understatement. In fact, they can                           found on the Lainox website.)
team at Lainox recognizing      the main reason why these terms are so                               make or break a company. “People are                                  Typically, after this type of groundwork
                                important: they can make the difference                              both the engine and the fuel,” he says. “A                          some employees may find out they are not
the positive effect of people   between market leaders and everyone else.                            company with a mediocre product but the                             really on board. “Of course, not everyone
                                  Marco Ferroni was aware of all that                                right people has more chances of success                            identified with our values. Those are the
power is essential for          when he became executive director                                    than one with a great product but people                            people who tend to leave,” says Ferroni.
success, reports Andrea Tolu    of Lainox in 2012, and he set about to                               who are not motivated and passionate
                                change the company’s culture and apply                               about the market.”                                                  THE MYTH OF THE MOTIVATING MANAGER
                                those concepts in earnest. Lainox’s brand                              ‘The right people’ in this case are                               Once you have the right people, it’s about
                                emerged revitalized from this process, and                           those whose values are aligned with the                             making them work together towards the
                                in 2013, the company launched Naboo,                                 company’s. Values and attitudes are not                             same goal. Here, there are a few basic
                                the first multi-function oven connected                              something you can change, so managers                               steps to follow.
                                to the cloud and programmable remotely.                              need to know who to hire. To do that,                                 One is to set clear objectives for teams
                                With Naboo, Lainox transformed from a
                                                                              “People are both the   however, it’s necessary to go back to the                           and individuals in order to keep the right
                                manufacturer of multi-function ovens to a     engine and the fuel”   drawing board and redefine values.            For Lainox's Marco    balance between the two levels. What
                                                                                                                                                   Ferroni and his
                                2.0 ‘application company.’                    Marco Ferroni            It’s a discovery process that Ferroni       team, people are so
                                                                                                                                                                         also helps Lainox is that they much prefer
                                  The interviews with Ferroni and three                              started a few years ago, making sure to       important they make   team players. “We don’t like hotshots,”
                                members of his team could be a textbook                              involve everyone. Eventually, they chose      or break a company    says Ferroni.

26                                                                                                                                                                                                                27

                                                                                                                                                                                            “To get the best out of a
                                                                                                                                                                                            team, you need to get to
                                                                                                                                                                                            know the people, using
                                                                                                                                                                                            a clear and transparent
                                                                                                                                                                                            style of communication”
                                                                                                                                                                                            Guido Gritti

   Guido Gritti, Lainox’s director of           metaphor. “You can’t tell a plant to grow,                             MAKING PEACE WITH CHANGE                                             different things and keeping everyone on
operations and R&D, who manages                 but you can create the best conditions for it                          The words of Marco Ferroni and the                                   the same boat is my hardest challenge,”
a team of 91, explains another of the           to grow. The same happens with people.”                                members of his team are remarkably in                                says Ferroni.
fundamentals. “Everyone is different,             According to Roig, providing the best                                tune, and that gives an idea of how far                                 Working with employees to increase
some thrive under pressure and some             conditions for people to grow means                                    Lainox has come in the process of aligning                           their awareness about the company
don’t perform well with heavy workloads.        setting clear objectives, allowing employees                           both the team and the brand’s values.                                and themselves – even through less
To get the best out of a team, you need to      to have open discussions and share ideas                                 “When I arrived, I found a group of                                conventional paths such as meditation
get to know the people, using a clear and       and trusting them by giving them the                                   people who were very proud about the                                 workshops and a holistic trainer, as Ferroni
transparent style of communication.”            autonomy to make their own decisions so                                brand and also loyal, but they were also                             did – is likely to be met with scepticism
   Transparency also works at an individual     they can gain experience and confidence.                               reluctant to change because they were not                            at first, but constancy, another one of the
level. “Since I started in Lainox, I feel I’m   “Yes, sometimes they can make mistakes,                                aware of the necessity to evolve with the                            company’s values, worked extremely well
much more professional,” says Alberto           but they can learn from them. If you don’t                             sector,” says Ferroni.                                               for Lainox.
Marzocchi, sales director for Lainox Asia.      allow them to act freely and make their                                  But a brand, however prestigious, has no                              In fact, rewards can arrive every day,
“Sharing experiences with colleagues was        own decisions they lose motivation.”                                   magical power, and the market waits for                              if one knows where to look. “Sometimes
fundamental for my growth.”                       These remarks hint at one of the side                                no one. Change is, therefore, necessary,                             even the way a team member formulated
   The one thing a manager is not supposed      effects of truly considering people ‘both       “Sharing experiences   but first you need to convince people to                             an email can be a source of satisfaction,”
to do, however, is motivate people. “We’re      the engine and the fuel’. In turn, they         was fundamental for    accept that.                                                         says Gritti. Or, rewards can come from the
not motivators,” says Ferroni, “we set          feel trusted and have more freedom. That                                 So here comes the caveat: it’s hard,                               quality of the relationships.
targets and then coach and help people so       can have a great impact. For Marzocchi,
                                                                                                my growth”             daily work in a continuous process with      Lainox believe change      “The greatest satisfaction – even greater
                                                                                                Alberto Marzocchi                                                   is necessary, but
they can reach them.”                           “feeling trusted and being part of a                                   possibly no end in sight. In addition, you                           than my portfolio of products – comes
                                                                                                                                                                    employees first need
   Giancarlo Roig, Lainox’s export manager      company that isn't afraid to compete in the                            have to sweat the small stuff. “Changing a   to be convinced of it   from the trust I have in the people working
for Latin America, explains that with a         global market” is the strongest motivator.                             company’s culture is comprised of 1,000      in order to accept it   with me,” says Roig. ¯

28                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   29

                  TAKE ME
                  TO THE
                  Two years of preparation were required
                  to design and install the kitchens at Asia’s
                  largest casino complex. Elly Earls meets
                  project managers Hwang JungHoon and
                  Jin Park to find out why teamwork and
                  attention to detail were crucial to the
                  success of the project

30                                                               31

                                                                  Paradise City’s
                                       hen tourism           integrated casino resort
                                      and hospitality        in Incheon, South Korea,
                                    operator Paradise        has 669 gaming stations
                                   Group opened                   and a 711-room
                                                                    luxury hotel
                                 Paradise City Casino
                              in Incheon, South Korea,
                           in April 2017, they wanted
                       to both raise the bar for the
country’s gaming sector and set a new standard for
South Korean hospitality.
  On top of its 669 gaming stations, the ‘integrated
casino resort’ is home to a 711-room luxury hotel, a
high-end spa, a convention center, a shopping center
and more than 20 different food and beverage (F&B)
outlets serving everything from Michelin-standard
                                                           Asia’s largest casino complex
cuisine to casual poolside snacks.                         also boasts a high-end spa, a
  Fine-dining options include Milan-inspired Italian       convention center, a shopping
restaurant La Scala, contemporary Japanese restaurant        center and more than 20
Raku, a new outlet of award-winning Cantonese                  different F&B outlets
concept Imperial Treasure, which achieved three
Michelin stars across its Shanghai and Singapore
outlets in 2017, and high-end international buffet
restaurant On The Plate.
  Elsewhere in the 330,000 square meter complex,
hotel and casino guests can access various lounges,
bars and clubs as well as a bakery and the European-
style Garden Café. Banqueting facilities include the
Grand Ballroom, which seats up to 1,800 people.

Korean kitchen contractor Daeryung Co., Ltd was
tasked with providing the kitchens, bars and pantries       Daeryung Co., Ltd’s Hwang
for every F&B outlet in the complex including staff           JungHoon and Jin Park
dining. From the outset, project manager Hwang               (pictured) led the project
JungHoon and his assistant Jin Park were only too
aware of the magnitude of the task on his hands.
  “This project was an historic and remarkable project
in the Korean kitchen field due to its huge scale, which
required a particular design that could perfectly drive
everything in a smooth way from the kitchen to the
table,” he says.
  In total, Daeryung was asked to supply 20 back-
of-house kitchens, eight open kitchens and 10 bars.
The piece de resistance was the show kitchen for On
the Plate, which - as it would be seen by hundreds             Daeryung decided
of guests every day - the Paradise Group wanted to              long-time partner
exemplify the resort’s overall mission: to provide a          Ambach was the best
high-quality hospitality offering to a sophisticated           kitchen equipment
                                                                 provider for the
international client base.                                         majority of
  At On The Plate, nothing is left sitting on the                    the job
buffet counter; every dish is cooked to order in front
of diners using fresh, seasonal ingredients. “As our
customers are able to see the cooking in real-time in

32                                                                                         33

                                 front of them, it builds up the communication between
                                 chefs and customers,” says sous chef Lim HeeDo.

                                 HIGH ON QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE
                               JungHoon quickly decided that Daeryung’s long-
                               time partner Ambach would be the best kitchen
                               equipment provider for the majority of the job, based
                               on a combination of the company’s reliability and its
                               robust, high-quality products.
                                 Ambach’s System 850 and System 700 lines were
                               selected over the larger scale System 900 products
                               Daeyrung had specified for previous projects because
                               of the space limitations of Paradise City’s behind-the-
                               scenes facilities.
                                 “Despite the large scale of the entire hotel, because
                               of the narrow hallways, numerous pieces of equipment
                               required, and the space that was needed for storage,
                               cold rooms, food preparation and dish washing, the
                                                       actual kitchen space for the
                                                       Ambach islands was limited,”
                                                       explains Park, who supported
                                                       JungHoon in managing this
                                                       complex project.
                                                          The System 700 line was
                                                       chosen for a handful of the
                                                       project’s back-of-house
                                                       kitchens, while System 850
                                                       islands took center stage at
                                                       both La Scala’s open pizza
                                                       kitchen and the hotel’s main
                                                       show kitchen at On The Plate,
                                                       as well as being used back of
                  “Ambach islands are                  house at Imperial Treasure,
                                                       La Scala, the bakery, the
                  both heavy-duty                      banqueting facilities, several of
                  pieces of equipment                  the casino’s dining and lounge
                  and pieces of art and                areas and for the central hot
                  also meet our strict                 food production kitchen.
                                                          “We chose the System 850
                  standards when it                    line based on its robustness,
                  comes to hygiene,                    finish and appearance, as
                  reliability and high                 well as its ability to deliver
                  performance”                         high-quality cooking results.”
                                                       JungHoon notes. “Ambach
                                                       islands are both heavy-duty
                                                       pieces of equipment and pieces
                                                       of art and also meet our strict
                               standards when it comes to hygiene, reliability and
                               high performance.”

                                 MINIMIZING STAFF, MAXIMIZING EFFICIENCY
                                 Two of Paradise Group’s key criteria were to minimize
                                 the number of kitchen staff required and maximize
                                 the speed and efficiency of food delivery. “A detailed
                                 kitchen design is crucial to cooking efficiency and the
                                 kitchen layout also determines the overall flow from

34                                                                                   35

the kitchen to the table, which determines the success
of the entire resort,” says JungHoon.
  As there were so many restaurants and kitchens to                                       Throughout the
consider, getting the overall design flow right was no                                   two years of the
easy task.                                                                             project approximately
                                                                                        100 basic drawings
  “Throughout the two years of the project, around                                      and design reviews
100 basic drawings and design reviews were required, I                                     were required
had numerous meetings with world-renowned kitchen
consultants and spent countless hours and travel miles
to completely finish everything,” recalls JungHoon. “I
had to review and double check every single kitchen
including its size, capacity per cooking zone and
serving path from the kitchen to the table.”
  The whole lot then had to be installed in only
eight months, something that could only have been
accomplished with all the parties involved pulling in
the same direction.
  “Every department – including the drawing                                            Every kitchen had to
team, the sales division, the                                                        be installed within eight
installation team, the MEP                                                          months, a feat only achieved
                                                                                        because all parties
company, the interior designers
                                                                                      pulled together “in the
and the importing department –                                                            same direction”
had a significant contribution to
make to ensure the successful
outcome of the project. But
teamwork and communication
between different departments
was the main key,” says Park.

In the end, the team’s hard
work paid off and JungHoon
believes the Paradise City
                                          “My team’s first
Casino project was Daeryung’s             impression was
                                                                                       Hwang JungHoon says
most successful yet. “Despite             ‘wow’ – due to the                        Paradise City was Daeryung’s
the various challenges and the            Ambach island’s                           “most successful project yet”
seemingly endless missions we
faced during the project, we
                                          black finish. They are
successfully met our client’s             also super satisfied
high expectations and our high            with its performance,
standards,” he says.                      user-friendliness
   HeeDo was particularly
impressed with the sleek
                                          and safety”
System 850 island – complete
with black finish and one-
piece top – at On the Plate’s
show kitchen. “My code states that customers should
                                                                                          Ambach’s System
taste the food with their eyes, nose and mouth and                                      850 island, with black
the layout of this kitchen means I can fulfil that. My                                finish and one-piece top,
team’s first impression was ‘wow’ – due to the Ambach                                    was installed in On
island’s black finish. They are also super satisfied with                                  the Plate’s show
its performance, user-friendliness and safety.” ¯

36                                                                 www.ambach.com
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