DESTROYED! Food desperation begins PAGE 3 as farmers throw away milk PAGE 2 Mayor: 'Shut down the roadblocks' PAGE 3 - Media24 Digital

DESTROYED! Food desperation begins PAGE 3 as farmers throw away milk PAGE 2 Mayor: 'Shut down the roadblocks' PAGE 3 - Media24 Digital
WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 2021                                                                                                                                                                 R9,20 (incl vat)

   The looting-spree in Pietermaritzburg moved to
   warehouse for bulk suppliers of goods yesterday.

                                                   The           Witness

                                          ) Food desperation begins PAGE 3 … ) as farmers throw away milk                                                                         PAGE 2
                                                       ) Mayor: ‘Shut down the roadblocks’ PAGE 3
SIYAMTANDA CAPA                                            electrocuted when the looters tried to break into the         The area was still congested yesterday, with very
                                                           mall.                                                     little space to move.
Several of Pietermaritzburg’s shopping centres are in         “This man who died yesterday is still laying here          Msunduzi mayor Mzimkhulu Thebolla said he was
complete ruin.                                             ever since,” one woman said nonchalantly as she car-      reluctant to advise people to go back to work or go
   Burnt tyres, rocks, empty boxes, shopping trolleys      ried searching for whatever else she could take from      to town this week, “What is left for people to come
and litter lay strewn in the City’s streets, while the     the few items left in Brookside Mall.                     to town to do?” asked Thebolla.
body of a man is rotting away at an entrance to Brook-        Yesterday evening the Independent Police Investi-          “What we need to do now is to see what we can
side Mall.                                                 gative Directorate (IPID) said the sporadic criminal      do to recover what remains and defend the malls and
   This is what has been left in Pietermaritzburg after    acts had put strain on an over-stretched police work-     businesses that have not been hit.
days of unrest.                                            force. The directorate said this meant IPID investiga-        “We have to do this not just for the sake of business-
   A cloud of smoke lay across Pietermaritzburg yes-       tors were not able to attend to crime scenes or reach     es but for the sake of the people because after this
terday morning after more stores were looted and a         the bodies of those deceased in areas where the unrest    we will all face extreme hardship,” said Thebolla.
shopping centre’s set alight on Monday night.              has broken out.                                               He said he was more concerned that people who
   The CBD has been completely trashed, businesses            The Brookside Mall was set alight on Monday            were seen looting are people who were previously dis-
and large retailers are a shell of what they used to be,   morning after it was hit by looters. The Checkers store   advantaged.
with broken windows and nothing left to sell.              was left completely gutted in the blaze while the rest        “These are the very same people who will feel the
   Sporadic fires continue breaking out in parts of the    of the stores remained mostly intact.                     brunt of this for a very long time. “We will not recover
City. Looters were still making their way to see what         When The Witness arrived at Southgate Shopping         from this in two days. People must try to stay at home
else they could find at Brookside Mall yesterday morn-     Centre to assess and document what had been lost,         ... and stay safe,” said Thebolla.
ing. Many left the mall empty-handed.                      those who were looting chased the team away and               He added that the past two days had been exhaust-
   A group rummaged through shoes in the front of          wanted no evidence of their crime captured.               ing. “We haven’t been able to sleep.
a shoe store, trying to match pairs of shoes. Some            According to people who were present, the chaos            “I am just exhausted. The past two days were just
were frustrated when they did not manage to do so.         started on Monday evening. Looting also continued         difficult,” said the mayor.
   Not far from them, a man was covered in a red blan-     well into the night at Campsdrift Park, which houses      •
ket — apparently dead since Monday. He was allegedly       Makro and China Mall.

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Hyper at
                                                                                                                                                                                           Brookside Mall
                                                                                                                                                                                             drenched in
                                                                                                                                                                                              water after
                                                                                                                                                                                               put of the
                                                                                                                                                                                              troops walk
                                                                                                                                                                                                  the CBD

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DESTROYED! Food desperation begins PAGE 3 as farmers throw away milk PAGE 2 Mayor: 'Shut down the roadblocks' PAGE 3 - Media24 Digital
2    |   THE WITNESS                                                                                           SUNRISE: 6.50 am | SUNSET: 5.03 pm | HIGH TIDE: 6.11 am | LOW TIDE: 12.21 pm                                                                                                                             JULY 14, 2021

                                                                                                                                    FIRST QUARTER: July 17
                                                                                                                       MOON         FULL MOON: July 24
                                                                                                                                    LAST QUARTER: July 31
                                                                                                                                    NEW MOON: August 8

                                                     What’s the weather like?                                                                                       IN AN EMERGENCY                 AMBULANCE                                                         POWERBALL
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                                                                                                                                                                    10111 10177
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Area                          Today             Tomorrow
Newcastle                     -2 | 13           -1 | 16
                                                                                                                                    Flying Squad: 10111
                                                                                                                                    Crime Stop: 08600 10111                                                                              LEVELS                           2        28 29 38 42 + 2
                                                                                                                                    Traffic Mpimpa Hotline:                                                                             Albert Falls Dam
Morning mist then mostly clear.
                                                                                                                                    086 221 1011
Ulundi                        6 | 17            5 | 21
                                                                                                                                    Aids Hotline: toll-free
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            53,57%                    POWERBALL PLUS
Partly cloudy at first then mostly clear.                                                                                                                                                                                                 Inanda Dam
                                                                                                                                                                    031 312 2323                    NSRI: 031 361 8567
Ladysmith                     0 | 13
Morning mist then mostly clear.
                                                -1 | 17                                                                             0800 012 322
                                                                                                                                    Gift of the Givers Careline:    Childline: 0800 055 555         Sanca PMB: 033 345 4173
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Mearns Dam
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          7        21         31 34 45 + 17
Richards Bay                  12 | 17           11 | 20                                                                             0800 786 786                    Gay & Lesbian Helpline:         MSUNDUZI                                89,07%
                                                                                                                                                                    086 033 3331
Overcast with afternoon showers.
Mooi River                    -5 | 12           -6 | 16
                                                                                                                                    Alcoholics Anon:
                                                                                                                                    086 143 5722                    Gamblers Anon PMB:
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Call Centre: 0800 001 868
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Midmar Dam
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             CONTACT US
Morning mist then mostly clear.                                                                                                     Al-Anon and Alateen:            033 387 5462                    Water: 033 392 2128                   Spring Grove
Pietermaritzburg              3 | 17            2 | 21                                                                              083 415 1717                    Gamblers Anon DBN:              Electricity: 033 392 5098/              92,44%                    Pietermaritzburg:                Postal address, PMB:
Partly cloudy at first becoming mostly clear.                                                                                       Famsa PMB:                      031 463 1616                    5096/5029                           Hazelmere Dam                 033 355 1111                     PO Box 362, PMB, 3200
Durban                        11 | 17           10 | 19                                                                             033 342 4945                    Forest Fires PMB:               After-hours number:                     45,66%                    Direct line to news desk:        Website:
Partly cloudy at first becoming mostly clear.                                                                                       Famsa DBN:                      0861 KZNFPA                     033 392 5098                       Information supplied           033 355 1127           
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    DA plan
    for Zuma
                                                           Radar on right-wingers                                                                                                                                                                                                              VACCINATIONS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               DISRUPTED IN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               KZN, GAUTENG
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               The national health department
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               said yesterday the national vacci-

                                                           SSA also looking into possible targeted attacks on foreign nationals                                                                                                                                                                nation programme is continuing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               across most provinces, with vac-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               cines being safely distributed to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               operational sites.
    As mobs continue to unleash a                          State Security Minister Ayanda Dlodlo         on top of issues. We received a report      result in xenophobic violence.                gence prevented attacks on substations,     those claims.                                      However, the ongoing violent
    wave of looting accompanied by                         says intelligence agencies are already        yesterday (Monday), which will be prop-        Dlodlo said the SSA hands over infor-      planned attacks on ANC offices in               Dlodlo said even before the violence        protests in KwaZulu-Natal and
    violence, the DA have resolved to                      looking into possible attacks on foreign      erly packaged around these two issues.      mation to law enforcement.                    KwaZulu-Natal and attacks in the Dur-       flared up, the SSA and police shared in-        Gauteng have impacted the vac-
    lay criminal charges against                           nationals and right-wing extremism in            “The extremism and possible attacks         She said the SSA reinforced its officers   ban Westville Prison, Dlodlo said.          formation from day one.                         cination rollout and disrupted ac-
    some of former president Jacob                         the wake of the violence that has gripped     on foreign nationals,” she said.            in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng and add-            On a question of whether former sen-         “Only so much can be done with the          cess to essential healthcare ser-
    Zuma’s children it accuses of in-                      KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng.                       Dlodlo said the SSA is only looking      ed that “many things” were averted be-        ior members of the SSA were involved        information at hand. Some information           vices, including the collection of
    citing the violence.                                      During a media briefing yesterday,         at possible attacks on foreign nationals    cause police had acted.                       in instigating the unrest in KwaZulu-Na-    is false. Some information is true. Police      chronic medication.
       Speaking during a virtual me-                       ministers in the security cluster detailed    and it does not mean the situation will        The SSA’s intervention and intelli-        tal, Dlodlo said the SSA was verifying      would have done their best to follow up            In a press statement yester-
    dia briefing in Durban, DA federal                     the government’s response to the vio-                                                                                                                                               on information,” she said.                      day, the department said govern-
    leader John Steenhuisen yester-
    day said Zuma’s son Duduzane
                                                           lence led, at first, by demonstrators op-
                                                           posing the incarceration of former presi-                         GROWING RACIAL TENSIONS CONDEMNED                                                                                     Meanwhile, Police Minister Bheki
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Cele was quick to dispel any notion that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ment and the private sector’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               priority is to protect lives, and
    and his twin sister Dudu Zuma-                         dent Jacob Zuma.                                                                                                                                                                    police and intelligence agencies acted          prevent harm to staff, patients
    Sambudla, have been sending                               While the violence was continuing          NOKUTHULA NTULI                             there was a number of scattered at-           sive behaviour would further divide         too late.                                       and the medical supplies and
    out tweets designed to incite                          unabated, Dlodlo said reports of xeno-                                                    tempts of racial attacks in areas such        the people of the province in a time            He said police are monitoring people        property that form part of the
    looting and property destruction.                      phobic violence and right-wing extrem-        The KwaZulu-Natal MEC for Transport,        as Phoenix, Chatsworth and parts of           when they should be uniting in the          inciting violence on social media.              vaccination programme.
       “This is a time when leaders                        ism were received by the State Security       Community Safety and Liaison, Peggy         Pietermaritzburg.                             fight against the serious acts of loot-         “As a cluster, we are monitoring all           Consequently, some vaccina-
    should be doing whatever they                          Agency (SSA).                                 Nkonyeni, has condemned the growing            “We are calling upon all the affect-       ing, serious destruction of property        social media platforms as we are track-         tion sites that have been dam-
    can to calm supporters, and not                           “I must say that at this point the State   racial tensions among community             ed community members to work to-              and vandalism of the infrastructure.        ing those calling for civil disobedience,”      aged or which may be at risk
    to inflame the situation,” he said.                    Security Agency is already looking into       members in the province.                    gether in the fight against any vio-             Nkonyeni condemned acts that fu-         he said, adding that they were working          have been temporarily close.
       The DA, Steenhuisen said,                           the possibility of attacks on foreign na-        This follows reports that some           lence.                                        elled racial tension and called for unity   with social media companies to track               Anyone who had been sched-
    would also be laying criminal                          tionals that I would never want to call       community members, in a bid to pro-            “We also urge that community               among community members.                    post origins.                                   uled to be vaccinated at sites in
    charges against EFF leader, Julius                     xenophobia. We are also looking at pos-       tect their properties, had begun at-        members work together with the law               “There are ongoing investigations,           Cele warned that if the violence con-       districts or areas that are affect-
    Malema, also for sending out                           sible eruption of right-wing extremism        tacking other racial groups alleging        enforcement agencies and not take             and those who are found to be en-           tinues, there is a great risk that towns        ed by the unrest are advised to
    tweets that have the potential                         as you would have seen what was hap-          that they were posing a threat of           the law into their own hands,” said           gaging in these acts of violence will       and cities will run out of essential foods      defer their vaccination. The Elec-
    to incite violence.                                    pening in KwaZulu-Natal which can lead        damaging or stealing their belongings.      Nkonyeni                                      not be spared, they will be arrested        — a situation he described as “disas-           tronic Vaccine Data System
       The DA’s decision comes a day                       to racial tensions in that area. We are          Nkonyeni’s office yesterday said            She warned that this kind of repul-        and prosecuted,” she said.                  trous for the country”. — News24.               (EVDS) will automatically res-
    after ANC deputy secretary gen-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            chedule appointments for those
    eral, Jessie Duarte, announced                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             unable to attend; it is pro-
    that the party would be investi-
    gating Zuma-Sambudla for her
    “let it burn” tweets.
       She has also been pushing the
                                                           ‘Keep        ‘Tongaat residents fighting back to protect their homes’                                                                                                                                                               grammed to reschedule up to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               two missed appointments.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  The department also warned
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               people not to buy any medicines
    Free Jacob Zuma campaign,
    threatening to shutdown the
    economy if the former president
                                                           strategic                                     PURNAL POONUSAMY                                                                                                                      army speedily. Tongaat and Verulam res-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               idents were terrorised for days. The busi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               offered for sale by anyone other
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               than registered medical practi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               tioners, pharmacies or hospitals,
    was not released from prison.
       Steenhuisen said it was impor-
    tant for leaders to work towards
    bringing an end to the current
                                                           points safe’                                  Tongaat residents sealed off the en-
                                                                                                         trance to the CBD there to prevent loot-
                                                                                                         ers gaining entrance to it on Monday
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ness sector in Tongaat is like a warzone.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  “In the suburbs, residents are now
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               fighting back, just to protect the sanctity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               of their homes. Terrifying messages are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               and to report any attempted
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               sale to the SAPS immediately.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  “Stolen or improperly dis-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               pensed medicines are extremely
    looting and destruction of prop-                                                                        Speaking to The Witness yesterday                                                                                                  circulating of race-based violence and          dangerous as they may not have
    erty. President Cyril Ramaphosa,                       CLIVE NDOU                                    morning, Nazir Sadack of the Tongaat                                                                                                  vengeance is very concerning.”                  been stored properly, may be
    in his Monday address to the na-                                                                     Community Emergency Response                                                                                                             “This looting and criminal behaviour         contaminated, or may cause
    tion, said the government would                        The KwaZulu-Natal Economic                    Team, said things at the CBD had quiet-                                                                                               has far reaching consequences, food             dangerous side-effects,” the de-
    be tough on protesters.                                Council yesterday called for more po-         ed down due to the residents from the                                                                                                 scarcity and water outages are emerging         partment said. — WR.
       However, Steenhuisen said the                       lice visibility around the province’s         surrounding areas taking a stand to                                                                                                   as an additional stress.
    DA was of the view that the                            economic hubs in the wake of the vio-         block off the roads leading to the CBD.                                                                                                  “Medication, baby food, Covid test-
    government was not doing
    enough to stop the unrest.
                                                           lent looting.
                                                              The council, which held a meeting
                                                                                                            Sadack advised residents not to enter
                                                                                                         the area, as everything is closed, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ing, vaccination roll-out and access to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               health care has been seriously compro-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               WHO WARNS
    “President Ramaphosa’s tough
    words have not been met with
                                                           on Monday, said it was critical for law
                                                           enforcement agencies to act against
                                                                                                         nothing is left to loot.
                                                                                                            He added that police, security and
                                                                                                                                                     The shopping centre in Tongaat that was set alight. PHOTO: SUPPLIED                       mised. Unemployment due to job losses
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               is going to cause economic distress to
    tough action on the ground,”
    Steenhuisen said, adding that
                                                           the violent protesters.
                                                              “While the forum welcomed the
                                                                                                         CERT volunteers are patrolling.
                                                                                                            On Monday night, looting and
                                                                                                                                                        A shopping centre in the CBD was set
                                                                                                                                                     on fire on Monday night after it was loot-
                                                                                                                                                                                                   however the debris on the roads were
                                                                                                                                                                                                   moved to the side to let cars pass
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               law abiding citizens.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Govender advised residents to net-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               MIXING JABS
    police visibility, particularly in ar-                 deployment of the army to support             marching took place in the northern and     ed the previous day. Sadack said the          through.                                    work through their community groups,
    eas where the looting was con-                         the work of the police, it called for         southern areas of Tongaat, but that had     building was still smoldering when he            DA exco member and local councillor,     and to only post important and relevant         The World Health Organisation’s
    tinuing in several parts of Dur-                       visibility of law enforcement officers        calmed yesterday morning. He said the       visited on Monday morning.                    Yogis Govender said government had          information on these groups.                    (WHO) chief scientist on Monday
    ban, was non-existent.                                 in strategic corridors of the economy         beach area was quiet, save for a few spo-      He said that many shops were gutted,       failed to act promptly.                        “Neighbourhood watches are now a             advised against people mixing
       Even though soldiers have                           like the ports, distribution centres          radic incidents on the M4 highway.          and clean-up for them had not begun,             She said: “They failed to deploy the     necessity more than ever,” she said.            and matching Covid-19 vaccines
    been deployed to assist police,                        and freeways,” the council said in a                                                                                                                                                                                                from different manufacturers,
    Steenhuisen said the number                            statement.                                                                                                                                                                                                                          calling it a “dangerous trend”
    that has been brought into KZN
    was small when compared to
                                                              The cost of the looting to the pro-
                                                           vincial economy, the council said,
                                                                                                           N3 TOLL ROUTE                              UGU WATER WOES SET TO WORSEN AFTER TANKERS BURNT                                                                                         since more data is needed about
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               the health impact.
    the magnitude of the looting.
       Of the total number of sol-
                                                           skyrocketed over the past few days.
                                                              “The material cost to the economy
                                                                                                           STILL CLOSED                              NTANDOYENKOSI DLAMINI                         along with municipal vehicles, offices      confirm that a significant number of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Soumya Swaminathan told an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               online briefing, “It will be a cha-
    diers deployed nationally, Steen-                      has been revised up to billions of                                                                                                      and a fresh produce market in Mkho-         water tanker trucks were destroyed to           otic situation in countries if citi-
    huisen said, only 600 have been                        rand. At the start of the rioting gov-          The entire N3 toll route from Ce-         Water supply issues will continue to          lombe on Monday during the unrest.          ashes at our Mkholombe depot. And               zens start deciding when and
    sent to KwaZulu-Natal.                                 ernment had provided initial con-               dara to Heidelberg is still closed,       plague residents in the Ugu District             Areas such as Palm Beach, Port Ed-       this is indeed a bad state of affairs to        who will be taking a second, a
                                                           servative figures of about R100 mil-            the N3 Toll Concession (N3TC)             Municipality, following the burning of        ward and Gamalakhe on the KZN               have service delivery vehicles being            third and a fourth dose.”
                                                           lion.                                           announced yesterday.                      municipal water tankers on Monday.            South Coast have been without water         destroyed in this manner,” said Zama.              Swaminathan called mixing a
    LOOTING GOES                                              “However, business has indicated
                                                           that as a result of shutting down op-
                                                                                                              “The entire N3 toll route cur-
                                                                                                           rently remains closed to all traf-
                                                                                                                                                        Ugu’s municipal spokesperson
                                                                                                                                                     France Zama, said the burning of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                   since Sunday.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      “Due to the volatility of the situa-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Zama said the the fresh produce
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               market’s sole purpose was to provide
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               “data-free zone” on Monday but
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               the WHO clarified yesterday that
    ON DESPITE 26                                          erations, destruction of property,
                                                           physical loss of goods and working
                                                                                                           fic between Cedara, KZN, Heidel-
                                                                                                           berg and Gauteng in the inter-
                                                                                                                                                     tankers will have a devastating effect
                                                                                                                                                     in the municipality’s ability to provide
                                                                                                                                                                                                   tion at our Mkholombe depot on Mon-
                                                                                                                                                                                                   day, we could not access the premises
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               a trading platform for local farmers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               and serve as a catalyst for the devel-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               some data was available and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               more was expected.
    DEAD IN KZN                                            hours, the cost to the economy today
                                                           runs into billions of rand,” the council
                                                                                                           ests of safety and security,” said
                                                                                                           the statement.
                                                                                                                                                     portable water.
                                                                                                                                                        The water tankers were set alight
                                                                                                                                                                                                   to establish the number of water
                                                                                                                                                                                                   tankers that were torched. But I can
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               opment of black farmers to become
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               successful producers and suppliers.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Its Strategic Advisory Group of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Experts on vaccines in June said
                                                           said.                                              The concession said motorists                                                                                                                                                    the Pfizer vaccine could be used
    CLIVE NDOU                                                A loss of investment confidence              are strongly advised to avoid the                                                                                                                                                   as a second dose after an initial

    Twenty six people have died
                                                           was expected to see this figure rising
                                                           even further.
                                                                                                           N3 until further notice.
                                                                                                              The highway was closed on
                                                                                                                                                         KZN TAXI ASSOCIATION URGES DRIVERS TO BE CAREFUL                                                                                      dose of AstraZeneca, if the latter
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               is not available.
    since the beginning of violent                            The looting, the council said,               Monday night following ongoing                                                                                                                                                         The results of a further clinical
    looting on Friday.                                     would have a negative impact on the             threats to the safety and securi-         THABISO GOBA                                  yesterday.                                  ate due to debris still being on the            trial led by the University of Ox-
        This is according to KwaZulu-                      provincial government’s plans to                ty of road users as well as the                                                            “From what we have seen, the             roads but some other places, it is              ford, which will look at mixing
    Natal Premier, Sihle Zikalala.                         grow the economy and create jobs.               operation and assets of the N3TC,         The KwaZulu-Natal taxi association            roads are open and there are no burn-       clear,” he said.                                AstraZeneca and Pfizer as well
        Addressing the province’s citi-                       The council said this will also sig-         said Thania Dhoogra, N3TC’s op-           said it will be “monitoring” the situa-       ing tyres or protestors.                       KZN Santaco suspended all its taxis          as Moderna and Novovax vacci-
    zens yesterday, Zikalala said                          nificantly dampen the investor confi-           erations manager. Dhoogra said a          tion on whether it is safe to send               “So we are urging our drivers and        from operating due to civil unrest on           nes, is underway. — Reuters.
    most of those who died where                           dence in the province, adding the               violent mob looted the Engen              taxis back on the road today.                 taxi owners to monitor the situation        Monday. Shangase also condemned
    killed during the stampedes                            loss of jobs and livelihoods was one            Tugela One Stop North, and there             Sfiso Shangase, spokesperson of the        and if it is safe to operate then they      taxi drivers who were part of the
    which happened during the loot-                        of the immediate consequences of                were protestors burning tyres             provincial South African South African        should,” said Shangase.                     looting and said one taxi was burnt
    ing. The cost of destruction
    caused by looters across the
                                                           the looting.
                                                                                                           along this section of the route.          National Taxi Council (Santaco), said
                                                                                                                                                     the suspension on taxis was lifted
                                                                                                                                                                                                      “There are a lot of cities like Dur-
                                                                                                                                                                                                   ban where it might be hard to oper-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               and a driver assaulted during the un-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               rest in Phoenix.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  GLOBAL COUNT
    province amounted to more than
    R100 millon, he said.
        “The disruptions had a mas-                                                               IXOPO FARMERS FORCED TO DUMP THOUSANDS OF LITRES OF MILK                                                                                                                                        187 612 311
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Total confirmed cases
    sive impact on lives, service de-
    livery and the province’s econo-                       SUE SEGAR                                     wasn’t fetched yesterday, we waited                                                       threw it onto the fields so as not to       both our product and our inputs.
    my. The Covid-19 vaccination
    programme, which is vital in the                       Rob Stapylton-Smith, whose two
                                                                                                         till 11 am and then we got a directive
                                                                                                         from DFSA to say that it is still un-
                                                                                                                                                                                                   contaminate waterways with raw milk.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      In addition no feed has been com-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  “Our two small towns, Donnybrook
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               and Ixopo were decimated last night
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   4 045 064
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Total deaths
    fight against the virus, has                           farms in Ixopo fall under the Stapyl-         safe to put trucks out on the roads                                                       ing onto the farm. “That will become        with looting and we are worried that
    ground to a halt as a result of                        ton-Smith Farming CC, yesterday               to collect our milk.                                                                      a crisis by Saturday. We are okay with      this will spill over onto farms.”
    the violent protests. Health servi-                    dumped 28 000 litres of milk.                     “We will therefore be throwing away                                                   feed till Saturday. If we were due a           He said that farmers, shop owners                 2 219 316
    ces have been severely affected,                          If deliveries are not able to get          the milk we have in the tanks to                                                          drop of feed today or tomorrow it           and police in Ixopo yesterday morning               Total confirmed SA
    with ambulances being burnt                            back to normal, he and other farmers          make space to milk the cows this aft-                                                     would have been a problem and dam-          pushed everyone out of town and                       cases (July 13)
    and health workers not able to                         in the area, will have to repeat this in      ernoon and again tomorrow morning.                                                        age animal performance. We are lucky        barricaded the town to try and bring
    report to work,” he said.
        Despite 187 people having be-
                                                           the next few days. He said no milk
                                                           tankers could be dispatched to collect
                                                                                                             “So our farm, our operation will
                                                                                                         throw away 28 000 litres of milk. We        Milk being dumped on a farm near
                                                                                                                                                                                                   at the moment as we can hold on
                                                                                                                                                                                                   until the weekend and hope the situa-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               peace and only leave people in town
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               who are not looting.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        12 537
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Increase in 24 hours
    ing arrested in connection with                        between 600 000 and one million litres        will be opening the tap and throwing        Ixopo yesterday.                              tion on the roads has cleared.                 “In Kokstad, I understand the com-
    the violent protests, looting and
    destruction of property contin-
                                                           a day produced in the area each day.
                                                              He said he has only enough capaci-
                                                                                                         it down the drain.” He said in financial
                                                                                                         terms, the milk thrown away yesterday       had to get staff to transport his own
                                                                                                                                                                                                      “We are hoping things come right
                                                                                                                                                                                                   quickly but we are extremely worried,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               munities have used tractors and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               trucks to put mounds of earth on the                     65 142
    ued yesterday morning.                                 ty to keep the milk on the farm for           is worth R160 000.                          milk, pouring it out onto a field.            as we feel we are in a situation in         roads coming in and out of Kokstad                    Total SA deaths
                                                           two days. “So today, because our milk             He said his neighbour, (Mark Hauff        They sucked it into a tanker and            which we have no control over for           as physical barriers to stem the tide.”
DESTROYED! Food desperation begins PAGE 3 as farmers throw away milk PAGE 2 Mayor: 'Shut down the roadblocks' PAGE 3 - Media24 Digital
July 14, 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  THE WITNESS        |   3


watch as
shacks burn
                                              ‘Shut the road blocks’                                                                                                                                                                                                        ‘It was like a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            war all night,’
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            say residents
                                              Msunduzi Mayor warns against escalating racial tensions in the city                                                                                                                                                           NOKUTHULA NTULI

Msunduzi Mayor, Mzi Thebolla yester-          SIYAMTANDA CAPA                                                                                                                                                                 down. He said plans were afoot to start       The gap between the haves and have nots
day condemned the antagonistic atti-                                                                                                                                                                                          cleaning up the City’s streets as soon        was clearly evident in the looting pat-
tudes towards Khan Road shack dwellers        Shut down the citizen road blocks.                                                                                                                                              as possible. Currently the CBD is in a        terns that played out on Pietermaritz-
in Northdale.                                    Msunduzi Mayor Mzimkulu The-                                                                                                                                                 shambolic state from the unrest. The-         burg’s streets in the past two days.
   “It should be remembered that peo-         bolla yesterday told The Witness he had                                                                                                                                         bolla said the City’s was reluctant to           People from low-income households
ple who reside in informal settlements        been informed that residents in some                                                                                                                                            start cleaning the streets only for the       mostly went for the basics such as food,
left their homes to be closer to their work   suburbs were closing off entrances to                                                                                                                                           CBD to be trashed once more.                  baby supplies and detergents while the
places. It’s unfortunate that certain indi-   their areas. He said he had also been                                                                                                                                              “We are putting together a plan, but       middle class came in vehicles to load up
viduals have decided to adopt an antago-      told that there were racial tensions                                                                                                                                            we cannot implement a plan not know-          with furniture and appliances.
nist stance against informal settlement       brewing in Pietermaritzburg.                                                                                                                                                    ing whether we will have to go back              Yesterday morning the CBD was
dwellers,” Thebolla said.                        He said this would not be tolerated.                                                                                                                                         when we find that they have gone back         strewn with empty cardboard boxes,
   In a video sent to The Witness, a group       “The question remains: who have                                                                                                                                              there,” said Thebolla.                        plastic packets, naked mannequins as
of people can be seen standing next to        they closed off the area to? It will be                                                                                                                                            The mayor said the City would work         well broken glass and furniture left in the
the Khan Road informal settlement as          said that the area has been closed to                                                                                                                                           with various organisations to restore         wake of Monday night’s destruction that
shacks burn.                                  looters, but the reality is that the loot-                                                                                                                                      areas that had been affected.                 saw stores like the retail giant, Game, be-
   Thebolla said there has always been        ers in the main are African.                                                                                                                                                       “If things calm down, we will start        ing looted. Some could be seen pushing
an agenda to drive out the informal set-         “This is honestly something we can-                                                                                                                                          [today] and we will clean the entire city     trolleys with their loot — mostly con-
tlement dwellers. “We are aware that          not tolerate. We are going to have a                                                                                                                                            with volunteers. This will only be de-        taining food and other small household
they have always been blamed for each         challenge if we do not stop this now.                                                                                                                                           cided as and when we realise that it is       supplies — as they rushed to escape the
and every service delivery problem in the     Unless we do something about it.                                                                                                                                                calm and safe and that people can start       CBD on foot.
area. It is for this reason that we are not      “This is not something we are going                                                                                                                                          moving into town,” said Thebolla.                People living on the streets also used
surprised when the current unrest is be-      to accept. We need to somehow inter-                                                                                                                                               The mayor said that while he would         this as an opportunity to get new gear.
ing used as a scapegoat to attack the in-     vene,” said Thebolla.                                                                                                                                                           not name the organisations, many peo-         They then left their old blankets and
formal settlement dwellers,” he said.            Asked what the city was doing to en-                                                                                                                                         ple had shown willingness to assist the       soiled clothes lying on the pavements.
   According to reports, one person died      sure residents felt safe in their homes,                                                                                                                                        City. “These are people who love their           Meanwhile, those living in the city
and two other informal settlement resi-       Thebolla said there was only so much                                                                                                                                            city, who feel that this is our city and      centre told The Witness about how they
dents are in a critical condition in hospi-   the municipality could do. “We are try-                                                                                                                                         we must work towards reviving it. We          felt trapped in their homes in the midst
tal after sustaining burn injuries when       ing all we can. It is unfortunate that                                                                                                                                          are very grateful,” said Thebolla.            of the violence on their doorsteps. “We
their shacks caught alight on Monday.         people are feeling unsafe in their                                                                                                                                                 He said the initial plan was to start      were scared for our lives last night (Mon-
   It was unclear how the shacks caught       homes, but we are also doing all we can.      The clean-up of Pietermaritzburg’s streets is expected to start today. PHOTO: NASH NARRANDES                                      the clean-up yesterday, but it was            day). There were fires burning and gun-
alight.                                          “As a government in our totality we                                                                                                                                          changed as the chaos continued in Piet-       shots everywhere. We didn’t get any
   In a joint statement, ANC MP and SA        need to do something to make sure that          He said some responsibilities how-         He said the clean-up of the ransacked   start today.                                 ermaritzburg.                                 sleep,” said Sithembile Sithole.
communist party senior leader Yunus           people are safe in their homes.”              ever did not lie with local government.      Central Business District (CBD) will       This is if the unrest in the City calms   •                  She said she wanted to take her teen-
Carrim and veteran ANC activist and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         age daughter and drive to her friend’s
former MP, Yusuf Bhamjee, expressed                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         place in Taylor’s Halt, but was scared of
concerns about the tensions around the
Khan Road informal settlement dwell-
ers. “The needs of both those from the
informal settlement and the established
                                              Even small Midlands towns not spared Fears of food shortages                                                                                                                                                                  getting caught up in the chaos and possi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            bly getting hurt.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Sithole, who is originally from Ma-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            phumulo, works for one of the big furni-
community are understandable, but we                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ture shops that were looted on Monday.
need to avoid this becoming a racial war,     INGRID OELLERMANN                                                                                                                  JYOTHI LALDAS and                            she had run out of milk on Sunday.               She said she was considering going
from which we will never ever recover.
   “We cannot remain forever in a state       Outlying areas such as Howick resem-                    HOWICK STARTS CLEAN-UP                                                     NTANDOYENKOSI DLAMINI                           “I thought I would pick up some
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              stuff on Monday — how wrong I was.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            back home when the dust settled be-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            cause she did not think the shop would
of war. We have no choice but to co-exist     bled a ghost town yesterday after the                                                                                              Fears that KwaZulu-Natal might run           This whole scene is like out of a movie.      reopen anytime soon, if ever. “The head
across racial lines and we have to reduce     pillaging, with many other small vil-           INGRID OELLERMANN                                                                  out of food in the days to come if the       I never thought such a thing would            office has not confirmed it but I’m basi-
the deep racial inequalities.                 lage centres also destroyed.                                                                                                       unrest continues, have sent residents        happen in my lifetime. I am so scared         cally unemployed at the moment so I
   “This means the state, ANC, civil so-         Community members in other out-              The people of Howick have wast-                                                    and businesses into a panic.                 that we will run out of food soon and         have no reason to stay here and I’d rather
ciety and ordinary people have to work        lying suburbs like Ashburton, outside           ed no time in starting to clean                                                       With many grocery stores across the       by the looks of things that is where we       go home where I don’t have to pay rent.”
together to play a role in this,” the two     Pietermaritzburg, as well as in Hilton          up their town. “It started with                                                    province having been looted and emp-         are heading. Our malls have been                 Goodwin Dunia, who lives in one of
ANC activists said.                           and Nottingham Road, like other KZN             about five of us (cleaning in Bell                                                 tied, shoppers headed out yesterday          cleaned out, our CBD too. We are lucky        the buildings on Church Street, said he
   Imtiaz Sooliman, from the Gift of the      communities, took it on themselves              street) and we were soon joined                                                    morning in the hopes that they would         that these small stores were spared here      watched all the action from his bedroom
Givers, said using the current volatile       to protect what is left to save.                by two shopkeepers and then a                                                      be able to stock up on food at the few       so we could get a few things. I don’t         window. He said it was tempting to join
situation in KwaZulu-Natal to deepen             Armed community members sup-                 few other older Howick resi-                                                       places that were not hit.                    know what we will do in the days to           in the looting because the police were
racial divisions was counterproductive.       ported by private security manned               dents,” DA councillor Janis                                                           Most of the stores have rationed gro-     come if this keeps going on.”                 not arresting anyone.
   “There is anger understandably, on all     roadblocks set up at a four-way inter-          Holmes said last night.                  Councillors Janis Holmes and              ceries to prevent panic buying and en-          Speaking to The Witness, pro-                 “I thought what if I die while stealing,
sides, but expressing that anger violently    section at Ashburton to protect the                She said they had decided to          Hazel Lake help clean up Bell             suring more people are able to access        gramme co-ordinator for the Pieter-           my family would be disgraced.”
is counterproductive to our harmonious        local Pick ’n Pay, garage and butchery.         do another clean up today and            Street, Howick yesterday.                 food and other grocery items. Despite        maritzburg Economic Justice and Dig-             He said he packed a small bag with
development and in essence, is futile.           This amid a notable absence of any           she was “totally overwhelmed” by                                                   this, the smaller stores soon ran out of     nity Group Mervyn Abrahams said               essential documents, wallet, phone char-
   “We need to be circumspect in our          police or SANDF soldiers.                       how quickly people had respond-          that it is safe, “ she said.              stock of most items.                         from the visuals he has been seeing           ger and a few clothes on Monday morn-
approach, forgive the mistakes made,             Sporadic gunfire has been heard in           ed to a WhatsApp invitation to              Holmes added they will ensure             On the KZN South Coast, business-         since Saturday, he expects that food          ing, just in case he needed to leave his
open meaningful dialogue, calm the ten-       the area from Monday and distraught             join in, sent on their local Howick      that rubble that is collected is          es in Port Shepstone opened their            availability for the next two to three        home in a hurry.
sion and understand each other’s chal-        members of the community said they              group.                                   transported out of town as                doors for residents to buy essential gro-    weeks will be severely compromised.              “I sat with my clothes and shoes on
lenges and anxieties. Conflict and ag-        felt abandoned by law enforcement                  “People of Howick are really          quickly as possible to ensure that        ceries like bread, and nappies.                 “We can also expect that prices of         last night (Monday) just ready to run if
gression is not what we strived for in the    agencies and the government.                    proud of their heritage and their        it is not used to block roads.               This was done yeaterday from 8 am         various food products will increase as        they set my building on fire.”
27 years of our young democracy. The             Many residents — mostly keeping              town and really just want to get            Community members wanting              to 10 am. However, a number of people        retailers try to get their margins back.         He said he was shocked to see the loot-
journey to the ideal society is full of       contact via WhatsApp groups — were              it clean and back to normal as           to help with the clean-up can             in areas like Margate, Shelly Beach and         “This will have the most negative          ing continuing and people firing guns
thorns and many challenges. How we            helping each other out with basic food          quickly as possible. Obviously we        contact Holmes on 082 829 2768            Uvongo said they are still struggling to     impact on the low income households.”         in the presence of the army and the po-
navigate it, build friendships and a com-     products and animal feed, forcing               will monitor the situation to see        or Hazel Lake on 082 323 1191.            get things like toilet paper and bread          The owner of SupplyLink Distribu-          lice. “It was like a war and I’m sure people
mon humanity is in our hands,” he said.       those brave or desperate enough to                                                                                                 since both the South Coast Mall and          tors, a bulk food distributor based in        got hurt,” said Dunia.
   KZN community safety MEC, Peggy            venture further from their homes in                                                                                                Shelly Centre are still closed due to the    Ballito, said they were selling items to      •
Nkonyeni, has also cautioned against the      search of basic foods like bread and         town,” said the resident.                   army was initially deployed only at na-   violent protests.                            walk in customers from their ware-
exploitation of the current volatile situa-   milk. The Camperdown Spar report-               Stores known to have been hit in         tional keypoints like the KZN Legisla-       The Albany Bakery in Margate,             house. “At the moment we are selling
tion to create racial divisions.
                                              edly opened for a few hours yesterday
                                              morning but as word spread, the
                                              queue grew long and shelves were
                                                                                           Howick and Merrivale include bran-
                                                                                           ches of Pick ’n Pay , Merrivale Spar
                                                                                           and Tops and others, including furni-
                                                                                                                                       ture in Pietermaritzburg. He said he
                                                                                                                                       had established that the SANDF and
                                                                                                                                       SAPS met yesterday morning to dis-
                                                                                                                                                                                 which supplies the majority of the Ugu
                                                                                                                                                                                 District has been closed since protest
                                                                                                                                                                                 action began on Monday.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              what we have to people because of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              shortage and because we cannot allow
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              the items to go bad.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Limited fuel
                                              quickly emptied, a source said.              ture stores.                                cuss an “operational plan”.                  People on the North Coast also faced         He said the looting has affected           may last few
Unrest                                           Ashburton Pick n Pay elected not
                                              to open again due to the risks of being
                                              attacked. This followed the torching
                                                                                              Midlands Auctions in Merrivale
                                                                                           posted on Facebook that it was hit on
                                                                                           Monday night but the SAPS arrived
                                                                                                                                          He said armed citizens have mean-
                                                                                                                                       while formed roadblocks to protect
                                                                                                                                       their suburbs.
                                                                                                                                                                                 a similar situation. Queuing at a small
                                                                                                                                                                                 supermarket in Stanger Manor, KwaD-
                                                                                                                                                                                 ukuza one resident, Lilyan Daniel said
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              many sectors.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 “I definitely anticipate a shortage of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              food, yes,” the owner said.                   more days
disrupts                                      of the Pick n Pay at Polly Shortts on
                                                                                           “on scene relatively promptly and dis-
                                                                                           persed the crowd”.
                                                                                                                                          “The destruction in the small
                                                                                                                                       towns in the Midlands is incredible,

City services                                                                                                                                                                    Seven dead in Phoenix
                                                 A resident in the Howick area said           DA KZN provincial deputy leader,         like something out of the Apocalypse                                                                                                 PURNAL POONUSAMY
                                              Greendale Spar and St John Pick ’n           Chris Pappas, told The Witness peo-         movies,” Pappas said of Howick
                                              Pay remained shut and under guard.           ple’s concerns about the lack of visi-         He said one of the concerns were                                                                                                  If the unrest continues, it spells troub-
                                              No other supermarket was open.               bility of the army and police were          the racial tensions that were building.                                                                                              le for motorists, as fuel resources are
As the city continues to be held in              “Fuel is being kept for SAPS, securi-     widespread. Pappas said when driving           “These are law abiding people who                                                                                                 slowly being depleted.
the grip of civil unrest, Msunduzi Mu-        ty firms and community patrols. The          around over three days he personally        just want to restore law and order but    THABISO GOBA                                 were still sporadic sounds of gunshots            Many garages remained closed to
nicipality says its taken its toll on         bridge over the Umgeni River is being        saw only two police vehicles.               among well-meaning people there are                                                    heard around the Durban suburb.               the public, however the few that were
their infrastructure.                         blockaded by residents who are only             During an engagement with the            some people not so friendly towards       Phoenix residents felt like they were in        Jonathan Annipen, IFP constituency         open yesterday said they were ex-
   In a statement yesterday, Msunduzi         letting in people who have to be in          SANDF he had been informed that the         other South Africans,” said Pappas.       the middle of a war zone when they saw       leader for Phoenix, said the area felt like   tremely busy with patrons trying to fill
said services are still disrupted, as a                                                                                                                                          dead bodies, armed community militia         a war zone. Annipen said on Monday,           their tanks. They also said that their
result of the current unrest.                                                                                                                                                    and torching of cars in their streets.       he saw at least three dead bodies on          resources were being depleted and
   “The protests have affected a num-
ber of areas and parts of the infra-
structure. This follows a spree of loot-
ing in a number of shops, liquor
                                              Chatsworth pastor shot while on patrol                                                                                                Umeh Singh, Chairperson of the
                                                                                                                                                                                 Phoenix Community Police Forum,
                                                                                                                                                                                 said at least seven people have died dur-
                                                                                                                                                                                 ing the unrest between Friday and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              the side of the road.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 “It’s complete mayhem, a war-like
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              situation. As if Covid wasn’t already
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              enough, there is now racially-motivat-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            that they probably only have enough
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            supply for one more day.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Many people in the province took to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            the various social media platforms to
stores, clothing and furniture outlets                                                                                                                                           Monday.                                      ed violence,” he said. “I received a call     find out which garages were open, to
in most parts of the City. The public         THABISO GOBA                                 died, added Gwala.                             Chatsworth councillor Previn Ve-          “We are still waiting for confirma-       for my helper who said she was afraid         fill up. This fuel shortage could spell
safety and emergency services worked                                                          Brandon Pillay, chairperson of the       dan also paid tribute to Naidoo as a      tion to ascertain whether these deaths       of coming to work because she heard           trouble for emergency services that
tirelessly attending to emergency calls.      Tributes are pouring in for Chat-            Bayview community police forum,             man who was involved in the commu-        are related to the protests, or (if) they    they are killing all black people in Phoe-    are currently constantly on the move
   “A number of areas are currently           sworth pastor Adrian Naidoo (pic-            which Naidoo belonged to, said he was       nity.                                     could have been random shootings or          nix and that broke my heart.”                 and responding to various incidents in
experiencing power outages; the elec-         tured), who was shot and killed dur-         doing patrols with Naidoo on the               With regards to the unrest, Vedan      stabbings,” he said yesterday.                  Meanwhile, on social media, there          their respective areas.
tricity department is attending to            ing a commmunity patrol on Monday            night he died. “He was a hero, a com-       said the situation in Chatsworth was         KZN Premier Sihle Zikalala, said 26       were text messages and voice clips cir-           Speaking to The Witness, Tongaat
them. The municipality’s call centre,         night.                                       munity leader, and a people’s person.”      very “intense” with dead bodies lying     people in the province have died during      culating, urging Phoenix residents to         Community Emergency Service’s Nazir
banking hall and other offices are cur-          Provincial police spokesperson,              Pillay said the community of Bay-        on the floor in some areas, and reports   the unrest. The police had not con-          arm themselves and defend their com-          Sadack, said there are no fuel deliver-
rently unable to operate as normal            Captain Nqobile Gwala, said a case of        view was not spared from the looting        of shootings in other places.             firmed how many of the deaths were           munity.                                       ies and this has left current resources
and are closed until further notice. We       murder is being investigated by the          as their entire shopping centre was            “There’s a dead body lying in          in Phoenix at the time of publication.          Sfiso Shangase, South African Na-          limited. Sadack, his team, and other
are appealing to consumers who have           Bayview Police Station.                        wiped clean. “Since yesterday after-      Crossmoor, another dead body was             Videos circulating on social media        tional Taxi Association provincial            emergency services have been tireless-
reported service delivery faults to be           She said Naidoo (47) was                      noon things have been quieter and       lying at the Ridge mall.”                 showed bodies of dead people being           spokesperson, said he received a report       ly responding to incidents all over the
patient as there might be delays in           driving on Clandestone Ave-                       peaceful. I hope it stays that way,”      He also said that a 24-year-old        dumped on the side of the road in            of one taxi driver being killed and their     North Coast since the unrest com-
having the faults attended to.”               nue in Bayview with two                           said Pillay.                           moulana (Muslim scholar) was shot         Phoenix.                                     taxi being torched in Phoenix on Mon-         menced last Friday.
   The city urged residents to report         passengers when he was                                 Jonathan Annipen, constitu-       dead on Monday.                              “When the looting started the com-        day.                                              He said that thankfully some local
incidents of damage to public proper-         shot on the neck by an                                 ency leader of the IFP in            “Police are afraid of coming into      munity got together and wanted to               One resident told The Witness their        garages in the area had made ar-
ty on the following emergency call            unknown suspect. He                                      Phoenix, said he was devas-     the area and opportunistic looting is     guard itself and unfortunately there         uncle was killed in a shooting near           rangements to provide fuel for the
centre numbers:                               was taken to hospital                                     tated by the news of Nai-      still continuing right now,” he said.     have been a lot of violence,” said Singh.    Clayfield Mosque.                             first responders, however he expects
033 392 3725                                  for medical atten-                                        doo’s death. He described         Vedan appealed for calm in the            He said the situation was calm and           Annipen called on community lead-          that it will only last for a few more
033 392 2945                                  tion where he later                                      him as a personal friend.       community.                                the looting had subsided but there           ers to condemn acts of vigilantism.           days. He added that if there is no fuel
033 392 2504                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                delivery over the next few days, he is
   Calls can also be made to 10111 to
the respective ward councillors.                                     KZN CHURCH LEADERS CALL FOR PEACEFUL RESOLUTION TO ONGOING UNREST                                                                                                                                      unsure what will happen in terms of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            their ability to respond to incidents.
   Refuse collections, street sweeping,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         A motorist who has been helping
grass cutting services and the opera-         NOKUTHULA NTULI                               violence, looting and damage of              concerned about the long-term im-         gins. The church leaders said the          and business sectors and civil society        his community patrol in the Chat-
tion of the landfill site are currently                                                     property. “We condemn, in the                pact of the ongoing                          poorest and most marginalised,          together have an urgent role to play          sworth area, Shawn Pillay said he had
suspended. “Residents are requested           Religious leaders in KwaZulu-Natal            strongest possible terms, the vio-           unrest on businesses,                         who have already been hardest          in responding to those who are des-           driven all over his suburb, but there
to continue keeping waste inside their        have called for a peaceful resolution         lence that has wreaked havoc across          livelihoods and access                            hit by the Covid-19 pan-           titute and hungry; a situation which          were queues lining up at all the open
premises until further notice.                to the ongoing violence and unrest in         our province: destroying property, in-       to food. Napier and                                   demic and its related          has only been amplified by the Cov-           petrol stations, with desperate drivers
   “The municipality apologises for the       various parts of the province and the         frastructure and businesses, intimi-         Bishop Nkosinathi My-                                   lockdown restrictions,       id-19 pandemic over the past 18               wanting to fill up. “It’s not surprising.
inconvenience caused, calls for pa-           nation at large.                              dating innocent people and causing           aka went on to em-                                        who will again bear        months. Poverty and dire hunger               People are just being cautious. But we
tience during this period of unrest and         Led by Cardinal Wilfrid Napier              widespread fear and anxiety.                 phasise the call to                                        the brunt and feel        cannot be ignored and must be ad-             need the petrol available for those
urges all residents to ensure their           (pictured), the KZN Church Leaders               “We state that this is totally un-        government to urgent-                                       the real pain of         dressed immediately. Leaving these            who are on the move and helping pre-
safety until the calm is restored. We         Group held a virtual meeting yester-          acceptable and cannot, under any             ly reduce the glaring                                        this violent un-        lived realities unaddressed is not only       vent violence in the area,” he said.
will do our utmost best to minimise           day morning where they discussed              circumstances be tolerated”, said            and immoral chasm between the                                 rest. “Govern-         immoral, but will also prepare fertile            The Department of Energy had not
service delivery interruption.” — WR.         their concerns regarding the ongoing          Napier. The church leaders were also         rich and the people on the mar-                               ment, the faith        ground for unrest” said Myaka.                responded by the time of publication.
DESTROYED! Food desperation begins PAGE 3 as farmers throw away milk PAGE 2 Mayor: 'Shut down the roadblocks' PAGE 3 - Media24 Digital
4   |    THE WITNESS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          JULY 14, 2021

                                                                                                                                                       1789                                                                                1914
                                                                                                                                                                                       Bastille Day — the French Revolution begins with                                   American engineer Robert Goddard
                                                                                                                                                                                       the storming of the Bastille Prison in Paris                                       is granted the first patent for a
                                                                                                                                                                                       (now celebrated as France’s national day).                                         liquid-fuelled rocket design.

                           Est 1846
         The Witness
             KwaZulu-Natal July 14, 2021
                                                                OUR VIEWPOINT                                                             LACK OF LEADERSHIP
          resident Cyril Ramaphosa’s address to the                                 the frustration of those watching, before getting               guarded entries to suburbs are testament to the               It feels like the citizens who have been aban-              What are you saying to the people stuck at home
          nation on Monday night fell far short of                                  to the meat of what residents really wanted to                  fact that again they felt vulnerable. Gunfire, stun         doned in their hour of need are playing a cat and             too scared to put their noses outside the door?
          what many had hoped it would be.                                          hear. Where is the help? What is government do-                 grenades and explosions rent the night as resi-             mouse game trying to find someone who will take                  What are you saying to the businesses that have
      The content of his speech was lacklustre. Even                                ing? When will it be over? Where is the enforce-                dents shivered in their homes on high alert. Some           the initiative and get the situation under control.           lost everything?
    his body language conveyed the attitude of some-                                ment of the curfew? Remember that? We still have                in Maritzburg had crowds outside their homes                  It’s not enough for politicians to say they’re                 What are you saying to the people who have lost
    one who was not engaged in what he was saying.                                  a curfew.                                                       yelling for them to get out.                                shocked at what happened. Here are some ques-                 their jobs as a direct result of looted businesses
      Frightened residents affected by the lawless-                                   The fact that looting continued unabated in                      And talking about a lack of leadership, where            tions for them. What will you do when food runs               being left bankrupt?
    ness wanted strong leadership from him. His lan-                                towns overnight and yesterday, shows that the                   is the voice of the Zulu nation’s new king? How             out as the N3 is closed and trucks can’t move, and               It cannot be a hands-off approach. Where there
    guage was measured. He began with his usual pro-                                promise of troops and feet on the ground was emp-               about if he stepped in and exercised some civil             supermarkets that have been looted and burnt                  is a leadership vacuum, there is always someone
    longed preamble, which only served to heighten                                  ty. Meaningless. The groups of civilians who                    responsibility to call for order?                           need time to rebuild? What must the hungry do?                else willing to step in. Who is there? Who’s left?

                                      War on two fronts
                                                               than 24hrs at the current rate. We need         65 000 deaths due to Covid-19; that’s

                  OPINION                                      everyone’s input to save where we can.”
                                                                  As President Cyril Ramaphosa said in
                                                               his address on Monday night, although
                                                                                                               just according to government statistics.
                                                                                                                  But it will be naïve right now to think
                                                                                                               there is no war erupting on another flank
                                                               these may be opportunistic acts of loot-        too. The pandemic and lockdowns have
                    Mandy Wiener                               ing driven by hardship and poverty, the         decimated the economy and left millions
                                                               poor and marginalised bear the ultimate         of South Africans unemployed. It has

         s shopping centres went up in                         brunt of the destruction. “Shops have           long been a tinder box waiting to ignite.
         flames, cars were torched, trol-                      been looted and infrastructure de-                 The violence is ostensibly under the
         leys were packed with flat-screen                     stroyed. This means that our sick cannot        banner of the free Jacob Zuma move-
televisions and crates of beer were push-                      get medication from pharmacies, food            ment, but there is little doubt now that
ed off, the country’s fight against Covid-                     does not reach supermarket shelves, and         the looting and unrest are less about one
19 was shifted momentarily to the side.                        health workers cannot go to work. Our           man than about poverty and despera-
   The practical impact of the lawless ri-                     vaccination programme has been se-              tion. This is an unemployment revolu-
oting and looting in Kwa-Zulu-Natal and                        verely disrupted just as it is gaining mo-      tion that has long been brewing. It need-
Gauteng is the closure of the economy                          mentum. This will have lasting effects          ed a catalyst. Zuma’s arrest was it.
and a disastrous effect on health care,                        on our ability to consolidate some of the          There is undoubtedly a criminal ele-
emergency services and the vaccine roll-                       progress we were already witnessing in          ment, too. The attacking of a mosque,
out. Various clinics were closed and vac-                      our economic recovery. These disrup-            of a veterinary clinic, and of ambulance
cine sites shut.                                               tions will cost lives by cutting off the        workers is undoubtedly criminal.
   The Gauteng government said emer-                           supply chains that sustain our food,               Isobel Frye, a director at the Studies
gency services’ personnel were experi-                         health and production systems,” he said.        in Poverty and Inequality Institute, told
encing difficulty in responding to dis-                           While the country is so overwhelmed          me that we need to be very cautious in
tress calls due to limited access. They al-                    by the fight against Covid-19, we simply        dismissing these riots as linked to one
so expressed concern about the                                 cannot afford to be distracted or imped-        specific cause: to free Zuma from prison.
superspreader events that the gather-                          ed at this point. It will lead to more un-         “What we have seen from our re-
ings could become. Not only that, hospi-                       necessary deaths. We have to move with          search over the years is that there are
tal emergency staff were having to deal                        speed now that we have stock and capac-         growing numbers of people who are fac-
with the casualties of the violence and                        ity. In the latest Nids-Cram survey, out        ing hunger and starvation daily. ... So
ongoing clashes with police. “Hospital                         last week, researchers stressed the neces-      what we’ve seen in the face of all of this
admissions continue to increase and are                        sity of vaccinating on weekends. “Ap-           is a sense of complete helplessness,” said
placing a heavy strain on the health-care                      proximately 1,3 million more vaccine            Frye. She added there is a sense that, if
system,” said the statement.                                   doses could have been administered in           you’ve got no hope in the future, you’ve
   Dr Frans Skosana, a pulmonologist at                        May and June 2021,” Dr Nic Spaull was           got nothing to lose.
Olivedale Hospital in Johannesburg,                            quoted as saying. “It’s like fighting a rag-       The government is fighting a war on
tweeted this on Monday afternoon:                              ing fire and sending the firefighters           two fronts and it simply cannot afford
“This is what this chaos is doing to hos-                      home at the weekend.”                           to, both the battles against the pandemic
pitals. This is just one aspect. Lives at                         Now, with vaccine sites impacted dur-        and poverty are now raging. The state            Sri Lankan pupils ride a motorbike home after attending their online classes from a nearby mountain top in Bohitiyawa village in Meegahakiwula, Sri
risk.” He sent a screenshot saying: “Our                       ing the week, this will further set back        is exposed, leaving us all vulnerable.           Lanka. Climbing rocks and sitting on tree tops is not part of their curriculum but children in villages surrounding the capital city are doing just that to
bulk oxygen tank is at 25% and the refill                      the goal of vaccinating 300 000 a day                                                            be able to catch mobile signals to access their online classes. The digital divide fuelled by uneven Internet access and high data cost has forced many
truck is waiting for a police escort to the                    or 67% of the population by the end of          • Mandy Wiener is a journalist, author and       pupils out of the formal education system in Sri Lanka.
hospital. The current oxygen will last less                    the year. We have already suffered almost       host of the Midday Report on 702.                PHOTO: AP

                                                                           Counting the cost
                                                                                                           The ANC’s internal contestations have taken the country to this point
                                                                                                               the protests would be brought to book.                                                                                                   It has reached a point where a com-       directly affecting the prospects for

                                                                          OPINION                                 Ramaphosa took a firm tone as the
                                                                                                               president of the country at a time when
                                                                                                               South Africans need the government’s
                                                                                                                                                                    “When leaders are worried about their
                                                                                                                                                                 political fortunes, they are unable to take a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     promise between the factions is impos-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  building a stable society with economic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  opportunities, and the party should take
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  the blame for this.
                                                                                                               assurance that efforts will be made to                                                                                                MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH                        South Africans outside the ANC are
                                                                         Ralph Mathekga                        return to normality.
                                                                                                                                                                 position in which they rise above factional                                         For some in the ANC, the battle has be-      fed-up with living under a dysfunctional
                                                                                                                  Despite this, the party remains con-            interests. Even rallying behind the party’s                                        come a matter of life and death in the       ANC incapable of exerting discipline

       he emerging picture shows a                             party has to confront this crisis head-on.      fused.                                                                                                                                sense that the more chaos there is fol-      among its members.
       country paying the high price of                        This requires that the party put aside its         Senior party leaders show no coher-
                                                                                                                                                                current leaders comes with calculations: how                                         lowing Zuma’s arrest, the stronger their        The crisis has escalated to a point
       instability as a result of a party un-                  sectarian interests and pursue national         ence when speaking against the ongoing            much support should be shown towards the                                            position is in pushing their agenda in the   where it will take the use of state resour-
able to sort itself out.                                       interests.                                      mayhem in KwaZulu-Natal and Gaut-                                                                                                     party and subsequently in the country.       ces, including already stretched police
   The protests that started in KwaZulu-                          But as we already know, the ANC’s            eng.
                                                                                                                                                                     president, and how vulnerable is his                                                Regardless of whether this strategy      services, to address internal problems in
Natal and spread to some parts of Gaut-                        interests — or at least the interests of           This is because senior party members                 presidency in the ongoing crisis?”                                            works, South Africa is paying the price      the ANC.
eng divulge that the renewal project, said                     one of the factions in the party — goes         are concerned with how the crisis affects                                                                                             of enduring instabilities in the form of        The party should apologise to the na-
to be under way in the ANC, will not                           against the interests of the country, as        their political fortunes, particularly the                                                                                            violent protest and destruction of prop-     tion for allowing internal conflicts in the
be an easy task.                                               shown by the looting and destruction of         leadership contests that have become                                                                                                  erty.                                        party to spill over onto our streets. This
   However, it is those outside of the                         property.                                       permanent party features.                        Even rallying behind the party’s cur-      During this crisis, the party needs to       Whatever experimentation is under         was an avoidable crisis.
ANC, who trusted it to govern, who are                                                                            When leaders are worried about their       rent leaders comes with calculations:      understand that it doesn’t matter which      way in the ANC between the factions,
paying the price.                                              NO COHERENCE FROM ANC                           political fortunes, they are unable to take   how much support should be shown to-       faction comes out stronger, there might      the cost is felt by South Africans outside   • Dr Ralph Mathekga is a political analyst
   Jacob Zuma’s arrest sparked intense                         On Sunday night, President Cyril Rama-          a position in which they rise above fac-      wards the president, and how vulnerable    not be much left of the ANC as a political   the party.                                   and the author of When Zuma Goes and
factional conflict in the ANC and the                          phosa spoke about how those organising          tional interests.                             is his presidency in the ongoing crisis?   party.                                          The internal divisions in the ANC are     Ramaphosa’s Turn.

           CLARIFICATIONS                                              Inane                                                                                        BANISH HIM
                                                                                                                                                                Napoleon was banished to the is-
                                                                                                                                                                land of St Helena after his abortive
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Disgusted by lack of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           action from government
             The editorial policy of
         The Witness is to correct                                                                                                                              attempt to wield his power.
              substantial errors                                                                                                                                   Jacob Zuma should be banished        In all my 50 plus years as a South African   handed tactics are being used to restore     to the point where they will take up arms
            as soon as possible.                                                                                                                                to wherever the Guptas reside, Du-      I have never been so disgusted and sick-     peace and order.                             to protect themselves and their proper-
           Please contact our public                                                                                                                            bai or India, so that his comrades      ened by the non-existent actions of our         The damage being done to our econo-       ties.
          editor/ombudsman, George                                                                                                                              in crime can take care of him.          government and the lawless actions of        my, at a time when the Covid-19 pan-            Cyril Ramaphosa, your lackadaisical

                                                                  from our leader
        Claassen, at 021 8513232 or                                                                                                                                Surely he deserves some payback      our fellow citizens.                         demic has already crippled us, will last     attitude to our country burning is taking                                                                                                                             time from them after all he did to         The whole world is watching the vio-      for years to come.                           our country a thousand steps back in
      if you want to complain about                                                                                                                             help them enrich themselves?            lence, looting and complete anarchy that        Every shop and factory being looted       time.
                our content.                                                                                                                                           PIXIE VAN HEERDEN                is taking place in parts of our country.     and destroyed adds to our rising unem-          No amount of money paid out by in-
                                                                                                                                                                                        Wembley            Why is our government not acting de-      ployment. These actions and non-action       surance companies will be enough to get
                                                                                                                                                                                                        cisively to rein in the crowds?              of the government have the potential to      us back to the peace and hopefulness we

OMBUDSMAN                                                      Jacob Zuma must be smiling from his
                                                               prison cell, watching KZN go up in
                                                                                                               caught off guard. Instead of imposing
                                                                                                               their authority in Nkandla, they let Zu-
                                                                                                                                                                   A SHREDDED
                                                                                                                                                                                                           This is clearly not about Jacob Zuma
                                                                                                                                                                                                        anymore. This is pure criminality taking
                                                                                                                                                                                                        place so it’s baffling to see why no heavy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     turn our country to civil war due to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     mere fact that the rest of our communi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ties are tired of the rampant lawlessness
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  had as a nation before all this started.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   TYRONE DANIELS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Cape Town

    The Witness subscribes to the Code of Ethics
                                                               flames in his name.
                                                                  “They thought that by locking me up,
                                                                                                               ma protesters gather in numbers in open
                                                                                                               defiance of the lockdown regulations.
    and Conduct for South African Print and
    Online Media that prescribes news that is
    truthful, accurate, fair and balanced. If we
                                                               it would be the end of Zuma. Ah, they
                                                               got it wrong. They never foresaw that
                                                               even if I am behind bars, I still wield enor-
                                                                                                                  And so we are paying a heavy price
                                                                                                               for poor, ineffective law enforcement.
                                                                                                               Outnumbered and over-powered, the
                                                                                                                                                                A shredded world,
                                                                                                                                                                  its strips,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           We need to learn to
    don’t live up to the Code, please contact the
    Public Advocate at
                                                               mous power and influence. See what my
                                                               loyal supporters are doing to get me out
                                                                                                               police struggled to quell the rioting. And
                                                                                                               all the leaders could do in this great hour
                                                                                                                                                                  pegged to invisible cables,
                                                                                                                                                                  flap aimlessly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          practice selfless love
    011 484 3612, fax: 011                                     of jail. They are mobilizing all over the       of need is call for peace and calm. Some           in an indifferent wind.
    4843619. You can also                                      province and creating havoc. Hee, hee,          even called for a presidential pardon for                           ROS POSEL            The media and courts call burning               We are struggling to rebuild a failing       We need to learn to practice selfless
    contact our Case                                           hee, I am more effective as a leader inside     Zuma.                                                                      Hilton        trucks “malicious damage to property”,       society and economy. The sabotage of         love that builds by serving, integrity
    Officer on or                     a prison than outside it.”                         In his address last Sunday night, Pres-                                               plunging a city into darkness “cable         looting the fiscus has been so treason-      that develops and does not break down,
    lodge a complaint on our website:                             And so we see violent protests spread        ident Cyril Ramaphosa said that “no                                                      theft”, and destroying Prasa “burning        ous that it undermines our hopes of          forgiveness that replaces racial hatred,                                    like wildfire all over KZN, even spilling       acts of violence will be tolerated”. Such                                                carriages”, etc.                             prosperity. If we embrace other forms        faithfulness in the place of self-serving
                                                               over to Gauteng.                                inane utterance from a leader at a time                                                     Why do we no longer call sabotage,        of sabotage we join the destroyers and       theft, generosity in the place of grab-
                                                                  Zuma supporters created mayhem,              of crisis. In fact, his government has been                                              sabotage?                                    deepen poverty and despair.                  bing, valuing hard work in place of enti-
                          COPYRIGHT: The Natal
                          Witness Printing and Publishing      looting and vandalising private proper-         very tolerant of violence and disorder.                                                     Why not call treason, treason?               There is a better way to respond to       tlement and standing on our rights.
                          Co (Pty) Ltd: all rights expressly   ty. They blocked roads, stoned motorists           You think Zuma had a fitful night in                                                     Such actions do more damage now           our national crisis.                                       JONATHAN LARSEN
                          reserved.                            and torched vehicles. Millions of rands         prison? He must have slept well, outwit-                                                 than they did in apartheid days.                We need better values.                                                   Howick
 ADVERTISING: Queries about the standards and
 principles of advertising may be sent to the Advertising      went up in smoke. What mindless de-             ting his enemies yet again.
 Standards Authority of South Africa at                        struction.                                            THYAGARAJ MARKANDAN
                                                                  It is obvious that the police were                                               Kloof                                                • THE Editor reserves the right to shorten longer letters and edit all contributions.
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