Be Outstanding Sunday Times 2017 - Arena's Rate Cards & Readership Figures
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Sunday Times Combined Metros 1 - 21/09/2017 05:20:26 PM - Plate: Pic: iStock SundayTimes TOPBRANDS 2017 Be Outstanding SEPTEMBER 2017 Grand Prix Winners – 5&6 Journey of Discovery – 14 Your Top Brands – 17
Sunday Times Combined Metros 2 - 21/09/2017 05:20:45 PM - Plate: 2 2017 SundayTimes TOPBRANDS Be Outstanding Introduction Top brands stay top of mind group general manager: Sales and Marketing The Sunday Times at Tiso Blackstar Group. “One only has to think about how the Top Brands survey world has shrunk, thanks to the Internet. The many new markets this has opened up, cou- continues to deliver pled with the emerging middle class in these new markets, have opened the door for brands valuable information to grow their market share, both locally and internationally.” about the sentiments For this reason, he continues, the Sunday Times is firmly committed to research that Reardon Sanderson, group GM: Sales and Marketing at Tiso Blackstar Group of the market helps it to understand which are the Top Brands in the country, viewed through both the business and the consumer lens. are, so they too can evolve as the world itself creates a framework for the comparison of By Rodney Weidemann “The goal is to better understand why peo- changes. current data against research from past years. ple view certain brands the way they do, and “When it comes to dealing with challenges This means that, as far as insights go, access to ● When it comes to the term “brand”, the thus enable our customers to better engage of this nature, the data generated from the Top historical data is a huge advantage for adver- standard definition indicates a “name, term, the hearts and minds of the vast consumer Brands survey supplies organisations with re- tisers, who can further optimise how they de- design, symbol or any other feature that iden- market out there.” search-based insights that guide them in be- liver their brand message.” tifies one seller’s goods or services as distinct He believes this makes a survey such as the ing proactive, rather than simply reactive, With Top Brands, the Sunday Times assists from those of other sellers”. However, a top Sunday Times Top Brands vital. Research of with their brand communications. its advertisers in gauging the resonance of brand is so much more. this nature enables business decision-makers “Tiso Blackstar understands the imperative their brands in the minds of both consumers To be a top brand, your company must be to better understand what the driving forces of delivering robust market research across all and businesses. one that lives within the minds and hearts of within the market are, and why and how cer- sectors, for the benefit of its advertisers. The survey is about understanding which both existing customers and potential clients. tain brands are recognised as being particu- Through the Sunday Times Top Brands survey, brands are consistently top of mind, and why It should engender strong emotions and drive larly appealing. By understanding this, com- the group delivers valuable information about this is so. It is about exposing which brands consumer behaviour, and it should be instant- panies are better able to use their brand’s the changing sentiments and preferences of are considered the best in the country, not so ly recognisable. Moreover, to be a top brand in status to more deeply engage with the market. the market. It also delivers insight into how that those named can gloat, but rather so that today’s world – where there is a seemingly in- “If one looks at the way in which the world other businesses view individual brands. they can continue to develop their brand im- finite number of choices available to con- is changing – hugely improved connectivity, Thanks to this, our research allows brands to age in order to remain solidly in the hearts and sumers – companies need to strive ever harder the massive embrace of social media, and the develop more informed marketing strategies.” minds of consumers. to find new and unique ways to connect on an speed at which consumers can now commu- Ultimately, he adds, understanding current “Finally, while the survey showcases those emotional level with customers. nicate with a vast online community – the im- brand consciousness is crucial, as it has a organisations that are already wildly success- A strong brand builds value for its parent plications for brands can be massive. It is strong impact on longer-term brand loyalty ful brands, it also provides a benchmark for company, something that is critical in today’s therefore critical for brands to understand among consumers and businesses. others to study, so they, too, can improve their globalised world, says Reardon Sanderson, how and why they are viewed the way they “The Sunday Times Top Brands survey also brands,” concludes Sanderson. Comment Finding their purpose “One Source” intrinsic didn’t resonate with African audiences, it teamed up with South African hip-hop star Khuli Chana, and created a unique African One Source that spoke to the nation. The result was an African musical col- led strategies dominating corporate agendas, laboration that became a celebration of as a means of differentiation, delivering a bet- African unity. Brands are being forced ter product in a more sustainable manner, and offering employees a more meaningful work Brands looking to differentiate themselves through innovative marketing methods to rethink their overall experience. Additionally, strategies have reinforced the should look to the new year. It is expected, and for some eagerly anticipated, that 2018 will reason for being need to include a stronger focus on imple- menting purposeful design, imbuing each see another key shift in the digital space, with “new” tech stepping up to deliver even better message with both visuals and experience. customer understanding and experiential By Leigh-Anne Acquisto communication. The concept of brand loyalty ● This year saw brands experience the real The truth is that, as much as brands move in a Addressing transformation impact of consumer activism. In the wake of purpose-driven direction, and have even fared Transformation and gender equality have the Bell Pottinger scandal and the Vodacom well because of it, the concept of brand loyalty Leigh-Anne Acquisto is chairperson of the been two of the most relevant topics for disappearing-data debacle, internal percep- has completely shifted. Even those brands that Brand Council of South Africa. brands, and the marketing and advertising in- tions are no longer as accepting or forgiving as have a loyal following, such as Google, Ama- dustry as a whole. With the introduction of the they once were. zon and Apple, enjoy this loyalty for reasons MAC Charter, agencies have very clear and One of the key shifts this year has been the that are most likely quite different today from is therefore unsurprising that customers will measurable guidelines in terms of compli- resurgence of strategic planning, with a real what they were in the past. flee from a brand that displays “negative” be- ance, and we have already seen signs of im- emphasis on return on investment and report- In today’s consumer landscape, it no longer haviour, to any of the other providers that provement in these two areas over the last ing. This transition comes as a direct result of makes sense to be brand-loyal. Not when we catch their eye. year-and-a-half. an ever-weakening economy, a continually are presented with a vast array of choice, and While these are a clear focus for compa- shrinking middle market and declining mar- when, for the most part, these choices offer Exploring the digital environment nies, the real challenge in bringing transfor- keting budgets. This cocktail has all but forced both quality and longevity. Consequently, con- Another key shift that is yet to play out is the mation and gender equality in our industry companies to rethink their overall reason for sumers now make their decisions to stay with activity in the digital space. As marketers and lies in what we achieve within the workplace. being and, as a result, their approach, their a brand or switch to another based on any agencies get to grips with the full scope of Overcoming and making progress in these marketing and their communication. number of factors, including convenience, fi- what the digital environment is capable of, two areas will entail dedicated and insightful nances, personal recommendations and the and lay to rest the debate around where the training, development and mentorship. In this Purpose-led strategy “wow-factor”… not because of any form of ideas should come from, we start to see some way, companies can ensure that not only will It’s a fact. Brands that do good will do well. brand loyalty. exceptionally engaging and effective work they get the numbers right, but they will also That’s because the world, and especially gen- While it seems as though everything has happening across multiple platforms. properly equip those people who are set to erations X, Y and Z, have intentionally gravi- become negotiable, it is becoming increasing- One brand that has taken to innovative take the industry forward. Furthermore, these tated towards brands that have an overarching ly apparent that public image plays a much means to reach and engage with its audience individuals will add exponential value in re- global purpose. This has resulted in purpose- larger role in the decision-making process. It is Absolut Vodka. Discovering that its global turn.
Sunday Times Magazine F/C 4-5 - 21/09/2017 04:32:10 PM - Plate: 4 2017 2017 5 SundayTimes TOPBRANDS Be Outstanding Be Outstanding Sunday Times TOPBRANDS Analysis Methodology Grand Prix Fast fact: Moments that matter 2017 marks the ninth year of partnership between the Sunday Times and KANTAR TNS on the Top Brands survey. The study has applied All respect ● South Africa first got a taste of Colonel Sanders’ secret-recipe chicken in 1971 when the very first restaurant opened in Orange to the Colonel the same methodology since 2009. Grove, Johannesburg. Today, 863 KFCs satisfy Positive emotions in consumer interactions be- The approach looks at a brand’s the hunger and cravings of thousands across Emotions play a vital role in come memories. Those memories drive relationships and relationships drive business outcomes. As mar- penetration in the marketplace, while also examining its relative strength South Africa. shaping consumer relationships keters, we want to create something memorable – a moment that will continue to resonate with the con- among its users and its relative attraction among non-users – the SoundBite, a music platform that gives up- and memories, writes sumer long after that moment has happened. Focus- ing on the moments where you can create a memory concept of relative advantage. This was accomplished by asking three launch what lovers of KFC in 125 countries coming and independent artists the chance to showcase their musical talents and connect Caroline Mills of KANTAR TNS can help you to reach a new level of connection with your consumer that is proven to deliver both short- questions: 1. Brands used within a defined time KFC’s secret-recipe now know as the “Finger-lickin’ Good” taste. The tenacity and hard-work ethic that is with the public. Artists register on the KFC SoundBite web- term sales impact and long-term brand benefits. Focus on moments that matter most for your con- period (this period differed for each category). chicken – together still part of the brand today – and which is im- portant for those who work on endearing it to site and upload their fresh tracks. Music fans can then access the website and listen to 30- ● Consumers are the most important asset for any business, and they experience never before has consumer loyalty been so hard to achieve. sumer loyalty. Rather than being the sum of all expe- riences, loyalty to a brand depends on the positive 2. Brands with which people were familiar enough to rate them on a 10- with equal parts hard consumers – is what has helped to crown it this year’s Overall Favourite Brand in the Sun- second “SoundBites” of the uploaded tracks. They also have the power, through likes, brands across an ever-growing range of touchpoints every day. By building an un- The rise of digital marketing is shifting the balance of power from companies to memory of a critical few. Daniel Kahneman, the emi- nent psychologist noted for his work on judgment point scale. 3. The actual rating of all those work and creativity – day Times Top Brands Awards Consumer Brands category. “It means that all the extra effort that goes shares and downloads, to move their favourite songs up and down the chart. To unlock a full derstanding of the moments that matter most in people’s lives, marketers can un- consumers. It is now the consumer who dictates the rules. And with unlimited ac- and decision-making, puts it this way: “There is a confusion about experience and memory. We actual- brands on a 10-point scale. From this, an index score for each is its secret to success KFC also retained its No 1 spot in the Fast- Food Restaurants category from last year, edg- into finding unique insights, interrogating strategies, combining technologies and craft- track, listeners need to have a unique code, which they get from a KFC till slip every time lock powerful new opportunities. cess to information, and a growing choice ly don’t choose between experiences; we choose be- brand is generated from three variables: ing out fellow chicken fast-food chain Nando's ing the work is acknowledged and appreciat- they purchase a KFC Streetwise 2 or 3 meal. Whether it’s big or small, significant or of products and services, your competitors tween memories of experiences.” the actual usage of a brand in a By Lungelo Shezi and pizza chain Debonairs, by over 20% in its ed by consumers. It’s proof that our partner- “Despite the amount of effort and experi- everyday, a moment is a unique combina- are only a mouse-click away. But brands A successful brand understands consumers’ emo- specified time period, the rating it index score. KFC has maintained an impres- ship with Mike Middleton [chief marketing ence that goes into every piece of work, suc- tion of contextual factors that can influence that are prepared to adapt to the needs of tional needs, positioning their products to predict receives from its users relative to ● Had Harland David Sanders – famously sive level of consistency in its performance in officer at KFC Africa] and his team really cess is not inevitable, especially in our present your behaviour, including what you think, their consumers, rethinking their relation- and “be there” in the moment, effectively targeting others in the category, and the rating it known as “Colonel Sanders” – given up at the the Top Brands Consumer survey over the works, and that we are incredibly lucky to economic environment and in the unpre- do and buy. ship and presenting attractive solutions to the changing needs of consumers and rethinking the receives from those non-users aware 1 009th “no” when he tried to sell a recipe for years, having been at No 1 in the Fast-Food cat- work with one of the best brands in South dictable emotional space that lies between In a world of changing needs and in- meet those needs, can find continued moments their product could be a part of. of it, also relative to competitors in the what would become the most popular fried egory since 2014. Africa. Respect, Colonel Sanders. People still brands and products. However, the survey re- creasing experimentation, brands must un- growth. Building associations with new moments can cre- category. The non-user rating carries chicken in the world (no one believed anyone The thumbs-up from consumers is an en- love you,” says Mariana O’kelly, executive cre- sults suggest that all the work has had a col- derstand not only the needs and wants of ate a habit or associate your brand with a different only half the weight of the user rating in would enjoy it), KFC may never have gone dorsement of creativity for the team at Ogilvy ative director at Ogilvy & Mather SA responsi- lective impact on the brand. Individually, each their consumers, but how these change at Fleeting moments, lifestyle choice, and brands that best understand the the final algorithm. anywhere beyond his little kitchen over five & Mather, which is responsible for the KFC ble for KFC. campaign resonated with their respective specific moments throughout the day. In to- lasting memories relationship with their product, using deep insight to The final index can be thought of as decades ago. brand in South Africa and the rest of the conti- KFC has run a number of successful brand market,” comments Matthew Barnes, also an day’s world, however, consumer relation- So, how can a focus on moments bring val- seize their unique moment, will cut through the the brand’s standing in both the That “yes” at try number 1 010 helped to nent. campaigns over the last year, including KFC executive creative director working on KFC. ships are continuously being disrupted, and ue to brands? noise. marketplace and in people’s minds. This is in line with the current thinking that Moments and touchpoints brand equity is a function of both Power People are increasingly taking control of when in the Mind and Power in the Market, they want to be engaged and inspired by coupled with the view that one must brands, often choosing touchpoints that aren’t always take the attraction of traditionally considered brand-building chan- competitors into account in any CONGRATULATIONS nels. A new definition of what constitutes a brand-building opportunity needs to be consid- assessment of brand equity. How a brand can win TO THE BRANDS THAT ered, and reach is no longer a differentiator for any media platform. Brand opportunities are defined by the state of mind of the audience, not A winner occurs in one of three situations: 1. If it is big AND rated above STOOD OUT the fact that the audience is there. average by both its users and its non- A brand must be able to create unique and users. influential brand memories, because people 2. If it is truly big, but perhaps only don’t remember every encounter with a brand. rated as average by its users and non- People remember encounters that flood their users. brains with emotion, and align with their moti- 3. It is smaller, but very well loved by To all the winners of the 2017 Sunday Times vations and priorities at the time. Winning its users, and is strongly aspired to by brands know how to select the touchpoints that its non-users. Top Brands, congratulations! From a business do this most effectively – and they know that As most brands have a good sense the right choice of touchpoint depends on both of their relative size, this approach that truly understands what it takes to win! the brand and the audience. allows more useful marketing insights Memories don’t stay fixed, like a video to be gained. A brand can assess by recording of our past experience; they are re- how much more, or less, its users rate it called and reshaped every time another rele- compared with the average – an vant experience comes along. Every encounter indication of the relative commitment will either reinforce or undermine memories people have to a brand. Similarly, by formed by previous brand activity, and because looking at the non-user ratings, some brands have increasing opportunities to interact idea of a brand’s relative “pull” among with their audience, it’s vital that marketers se- its non-users is gained. lect their touchpoints carefully. The algorithm is not proprietary to The key to navigating the connected world either the Sunday Times or to KANTAR successfully lies in identifying and focusing on TNS, but is in the public domain. the touchpoints that have the biggest impact. Touchpoints aren’t the same as moments; The sample touchpoints are your opportunity to create mo- The consumer sample is representative ments and elevate them into something more of all South African adults, 18 years and meaningful and engaging. older. The total sample for 2017 was 3 By focusing on the moments that matter, 500, with marketers can still stay in control of brand 2 500 interviews in metro areas of memories, and exert more consistent influence South Africa and 1 000 interviews in !"#$%&'()&*()+"&,-./0#1 over their consumers’ choices. non-metro areas. The final results have been weighted to represent the Unlocking the power of the population according to StatsSA 2015 moment mid-year population estimates. Extraordinary growth can be found in seeming- Interviews were conducted in home, 23.345&+(&63/$7&8(+39&635+&:39/0#;&#/9&3/7"+&+/:35&/$&#&.(/50(83.?&23#;+"&@39/0#;&*0"3:3A&B37/5+.#+/($&$):63.&CCDE= are able to align all the moments that really conducted via KANTAR TNS’s CATI matter to consumers – from communications system to online self-complete and conversations to retail touchpoints and interviews. product experiences.
Sunday Times Magazine F/C 6-7 - 21/09/2017 04:32:35 PM - Plate: 6 2017 2017 7 SundayTimes TOPBRANDS Be Outstanding Be Outstanding Sunday Times TOPBRANDS Grand Prix The Green Award Red alert Making the Mabena explains: continuous investment in tor and founder of World Wide Worx, de- technology infrastructure, and the ongoing scribes Vodacom as a business anomaly, as it Staying sustainable delivery of innovative products and services. is often perceived as the most expensive ser- Understanding customers is key to getting the plan right. Through careful and ongoing market analysis, the company has developed propositions across what it sees as the five vice provider, yet is forgiven by consumers be- cause of the high quality of its connectivity. “Vodacom has the most extensive network, and is perceived as having the most reliable change Telkom has recently completed a photovoltaic (PV) solar park project, which is located at the Telkom head office in Centurion (left). “This new plant is a 3MW peak PV plant and generates in excess of 19MWh per day in favourable conditions, and reduces our reliance on the organisation’s goal is to ensure that Voda- segments of the market: Youth, High Value performance, so customers are willing to ac- the municipal grid supply. Telkom is also looking into other options that can add value to its Understanding its com is the brand of choice, reflecting a core (RED), Mass Aspirers, Emerging Market cept that it can justify higher prices. Of course, business, and is investigating other initiatives to further reduce energy consumption, and, purpose of helping people to live a better to- (Siyakha) and Family. For each of these seg- this remains a strategic edge only until other Large corporates therefore, emissions and costs,” says Praven Naidoo of Gyro Group, Telkom's property 39m customers is day and build a better tomorrow. That’s easy ments, the company has a broad-spectrum operators catch up in their roll-out,” he says. development and management company. for an organisation to claim, but Vodacom game plan, rich with products and services Goldstuck adds that Vodacom’s latest foray are taking the lead in Vodacom’s game plan seems to live its promise not only to lead the tailored to that group. into Africa, with its acquisition of Safaricom, way in mobile telecommunication in southern Africa, but to work constantly on social trans- Vodacom is 65% owned by UK mobile phone company Vodafone, and has an approx- also suggests a nimbler organisation than its size would indicate. Vodacom’s 34.94% share- driving a green agenda which not only threaten operations, but also remote areas, to enable them to work off the By Linda Doke formation and sustainability. imate market share of 43% of customers in holding of the company, which was already have cost implications. Saving on both be- grid,” Chetty says. Veli Mabena, executive head for brand and South Africa. 40% owned by Vodafone, gives the company By Rodney Weidemann comes critical to remaining competitive.” ● Janice H Reinold once said that, in today’s communications at Vodacom, believes the Providing voice, messaging, data and con- majority control of Kenya’s largest mobile net- Best impact modern world, people are either asleep or success of the Vodacom brand is driven by the verged services to more than 55 million cus- work. ● There’s no doubt about climate change – definitely increased, partly because those im- Green and clean According to Andre Nel, general manager for connected. We spend an inordinate number of company’s understanding of its customers. tomers on the African continent, Vodacom is it’s evident in many of the environmental pacts are hitting closer to home and partly MTN is strongly focused on renewable energy sustainability at Pick n Pay, companies tend to our waking hours using our mobile phones, The customer-centric approach sees Voda- the largest telecoms provider in southern changes we see today. And this has driven a thanks to electronic mass media. Companies sources and reducing its carbon footprint. The focus on the areas where they can make the whether to make or take calls, read and send com devoting much time to determining the Africa. South African-born, its operations out- Fast facts: global shift in corporate attitudes towards en- are also realising that the voice of the con- construction of a 7.2MW and 2.6MW thermal best impact, and which reflect the concerns emails, check for messages, snap photos, post perception of the brand in the public’s eye, not side the country include networks in the vironmental responsibility, with many organi- sumer has become far more powerful, thanks plant at the company’s head office has been and aspirations of their customers. on social media, or surf the Net. only among customers, but also non-cus- Democratic Republic of Congo, Tanzania, sations implementing strategies designed to to social media and the ability to mobilise submitted for tender, and construction will “This is why, for example, Pick n Pay made To do all of these things, consumers expect, tomers – which inevitably the company sees Mozambique and Lesotho, and business ser- ● Vodacom has more than 39 million minimise environmental impacts. quickly and effectively. This has made a com- commence as soon as the tender process is fi- seafood sustainability a priority some years and demand, not only the best connectivity, as potential customers. vices to customers in 40 African countries, in- customers in South Africa. pany’s reputation even more central to the nalised. ago. We felt this was an urgent priority and but the best service offering. And this year, not “We’re constantly researching the market cluding Kenya, Nigeria, Zambia, Angola, ● In South Africa, Vodacom’s 2G network A holistic strategy business, especially in the case of consumer- Krishna Chetty, general manager for net- was an area where a major retailer could take only has Vodacom been voted the Top Brands to see how we can be sure we’re tapping into Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire and Cameroon. covers 99.9% of the population, 3G about The most effective projects, says Tshidi Ramo- facing industries like food and beverages. It is work deployment at MTN SA, adds that green- a leadership position on behalf of customers best Telecommunications brand for the fourth customers’ passion points, communicating Arthur Goldstuck, ICT industry commenta- 99.2%, and 4G about 75.6%. gase, public affairs and communications di- no surprise that this has pushed environmen- ing initiatives are also well under way at to achieve real and lasting change.” consecutive year, but it is also the Grand Prix with them in a connected manner, and speak- rector of Coca-Cola Beverages South Africa tal stewardship higher up the agenda,” she MTN’s expansive footprint of base station “While much of our current focus is on winner in the Business category – a category ing their language. Equally important is im- (CCBSA), are those that form part of a holistic says. sites. “MTN has implemented a solution that waste, climate change and energy-use reduc- that features a list of hefty names (among proving the lives of our customers through the strategy – they are good for the environment “In addition, the business case for environ- has reduced the average load or energy con- tion, we also make a meaningful contribution them Apple, Discovery Health, Business Day, benefits we provide as a mobile and technolo- and good for the business, and, as a result, mental responsibility is becoming more clear- sumption of over 8 000 sites by 10% over the to educating disadvantaged South African British Airways, Samsung and Allan Gray). gy provider,” says Mabena. make a bigger impact. cut. In South Africa, we have recent experi- last four years. The company is also mod- children on conservation, through our Kids in According to the company’s annual report, Keeping ahead of competitors is twofold, “Awareness of environmental impacts has ence of both water and energy shortages, ernising its base stations, particularly those in Parks programme,” he says. FEDH/3818/STTB/05 Telkom store, Menlyn Mall Telecommunications Champion of the consumer lished mobile operators Vodacom and MTN, Telkom turnaround Telkom has, for the first time, surpassed Cell C in consumers’ favourite-brand rankings. strategy starts to Cambridge Mokanyane, Telkom chief marketing officer, sees the Telkom brand as pay dividends synonymous with telecommunication in South Africa. “As a technology company, we sit at the forefront of change, empowering business- By Linda Doke es, government and individuals to move confidently into the future. Ultimately, ● While Telkom has been part of the life of Telkom is seamlessly connecting South every adult South African, in 2013, having Africans to a better life. borne the brunt of many consumer frustra- “To this end, we have been on a journey tions in the past, and with the telecoms sec- to establish a single, strong Telkom brand – tor growing increasingly more competitive one that is not only a challenger brand to the as new players entered the market, the or- industry, but also a consumer champion for Thank you for placing your health ganisation found itself being squeezed – all South Africans,” he says. what had been its exclusive territory was be- Mokanyane believes Telkom’s customers ing encroached upon, and the figures were are loyal to the brand because the company in our hands, South Africa! reflecting customer unease. provides more than a service or product; it Determined to shift consumer perception, shows a deep understanding of their daily VOTED TOP 3 IN THE MEDICAL AID COMPANIES – BUSINESS CATEGORY the company launched its turnaround strate- lives and provides relevant, purpose-driven gy, aimed not only at improving perfor- solutions. For more than 80 years, we’ve held the This accolade proves that our members health and wellbeing of South Africans are always in the safest hands, and we mance, but boosting customer-centricity. Arthur Goldstuck, Internet and mobile from all walks of life in our hands. It’s a look forward to keep exceeding their Sporting the snappy “Tomorrow starts to- technology commentator, agrees. “Telkom’s responsibility we take very seriously. expectations. day” slogan, and promising to champion the mobile division is the youngest and the consumer, the telecoms giant has taken great smallest of the mobile operators, which has Join the family that will take care of yours. strides to remodel itself as, in its own words, given it the freedom to be the nimblest. It of- For life. “cleaner, fresher, brighter” and “at the fore- fers not only the most innovative packages, front of change”. and a clearer understanding of the mobile 0860 002 153 l And this year’s Top Brands survey indi- user than is seen with the bigger players, but cates the campaign is making headway, not it is also the only operator that has under- Scheme rules apply Family takes care of family. FOR LIFE. only by strengthening the Telkom master- stood the need for reasonable out-of-bundle brand, but by reinforcing the growing suc- rates. That is really at the heart of what dif- cess of the company’s cellular division. ferentiates Telkom’s mobile division from While still some way behind long-estab- the rest,” he says.
Sunday Times Magazine F/C 8-9 - 21/09/2017 04:33:05 PM - Plate: 8 2017 2017 9 SundayTimes TOPBRANDS Be Outstanding Be Outstanding Sunday Times TOPBRANDS Robyn Putter Brand Agency Award Social Investment Award Programme encourages recycling, while pro- viding them with a revenue source, and ensur- Living in the moment Reduce, reuse, recover mental to what we do. Creativity is still the ing we can reuse packaging in a sustainable best short-cut to success.” way. Our vision is for our packaging to no Gallarelli contends that in an “always-on” longer be seen as waste, but as a valuable re- world, brands live in the moment, and con- source for future use.” sumers are empowered to compare and re- Furthermore, Mouyeme says: “To achieve search their choices in real time. RAIN is an umbrella programme under which our water stewardship goals, we are focusing provide value, and, increasingly, utility will “Today, in the culture of the ‘social feed’, Coca-Cola commits to all of the company’s water programmes in our efforts on improving water-use efficiency: Innovation is the key survive and thrive,” says Gallarelli. He claims that innovation has been funda- brands have 1.7 seconds to connect before they are relegated by the ‘thumb swipe’. Rele- stepping up its social and Africa are implemented. RAIN has reached more than 50 schools treating all wastewater from our manufactur- ing processes, and replenishing a portion of to Ogilvy & Mather’s mental to Ogilvy & Mather’s success and over- coming the tests of time. vant creativity is the difference between brands that connect in this environment and environmental efforts and benefited more than 200 000 children in South Africa, Mouyeme says, successfully re- the water used in our finished beverages back to communities and nature through the sup- success in an “Embracing new and emerging platforms and technologies is something we promote. those that disappear down the feed. “It is important, though, to see the social ducing the exposure of students to water- borne diseases and increasing school atten- port of healthy watersheds and community water programmes.” always-on world Current examples of this can be found in our Innovation Lab, a space where we allow staff media platforms as powerful tools for selling, not just harvesting ‘likes’, building fans and By Puseletso Mompei dance, especially among young girls through improved sanitation facilities. It is now in the Pic: iStock and clients to play with emerging technology driving engagement. Social media is maturing ● Coca-Cola has once again walked away process of launching over 100 water pro- By Alf James in a very real and tangible way. quickly and can be used to achieve much with the Top Brands Social Investment Award grammes across Africa, including water ac- and mutually beneficial relationship of PET Fast facts: “Another example is the role that data, ana- more.” in the Consumer survey. cess, productive use of water, watershed pro- recycling in the world, with a collection per- ● While Ogilvy & Mather, winner of the lytics, and the understanding and interpreta- Gallarelli names VW’s O11Beats and KFC’s Despite its high profile making it the target tection, as well as sanitation and hygiene centage of more than 60%.” Robyn Putter Brand Agency Award, has always tion of both, play in our business. This has Shakin Shakin as two of Ogilvy & Mather’s of detractors who criticise the impact of its education programmes. However, Coca-Cola’s waste-prevention THE COCA-COLA believed in the power of brands, brands are been an area of significant investment over most successful campaigns in the last year. global operations on wellbeing and the envi- In addition, waste management is an inte- efforts extend beyond recycling to optimising FOUNDATION not “ends in themselves”; they are tools that the course of the last few years. “VW O11Beats is an example of marketing ronment, the company has been clear about gral part of Coca-Cola’s business, and in 2004 packaging efficiency, increasing renewable Coca-Cola’s social investment strategic need to help businesses to grow profitably, “The belief in innovation is hard-coded into at the speed of culture. Here we produced a the steps it is taking to prevent damage to the the PET Recycling Company (PETCO) was material use and increasing recycled material framework is anchored on three pillars: wom- says Alistair Mokoena, managing director of Luca Gallarelli Alistair Mokoena our DNA as an agency, and expressed by a phi- campaign with innovation and technology at environment in the production of its products formed. The initiative was established with use. Mouyeme adds: “Our long-term vision is en, water and wellbeing. Ogilvy Johannesburg. losophy we call Divine Discontent. What this its heart, which was hugely substantial in its – a major goal being to be water-neutral, the specific objective of promoting and im- to contribute meaningfully to the ‘circular “Understanding this, we strive to help provokes is a sense that what was successful impact in pushing new vehicle sales. So much which means every drop of water used by the proving the waste management and recycling economy’, in which materials are used and ● It has reduced its water use ratio by 28%. clients build brands in three time horizons. The measure of brand strength relative to yesterday is no guarantee of success tomor- so that it delivered a return on investment of company will be replenished, by 2020. of post-consumer polyethylene terephthalate reused to provide ongoing value. Through our ● 5by20 is Coca-Cola’s global commitment to Firstly, we look to build long-term value by time is also emphasised by Luca Gallarelli, row; innovation and the idea of trying new 10:1. Accolades garnered include gold pixels at According to Maserame Mouyeme, South- (PET) beverage bottles on behalf of all stake- recycling and upcycling programmes, Coca- the economic empowerment of women, with a underlining the brand purpose. Secondly, we managing director of Ogilvy Cape Town. things sit at the core of this philosophy.” the IAB Bookmark Awards and a fistful of sil- ern and East Africa Business Unit public af- holders in the PET industry in South Africa. Cola plays a huge role in looking after the en- goal to empower five million women look to meet annual objectives by building He acknowledges that the current econom- Mokoena says a fast-developing trend in vers at the Loeries. fairs and communications director, Coca-Cola Mouyeme explains that PETCO has ma- vironment.” entrepreneurs across the company’s value communication that helps brands sell more ic climate places a greater emphasis on deliv- the marketplace is the demand for brands to “The KFC Shakin Shakin was a mobile- has made sizable investments in water access tured and gained international recognition as Mouyeme reveals that the company is con- chain by 2020. successfully, meeting quarterly sales targets, ering short-term results, but points out that it connect at every moment of the day, at every heavy campaign that demonstrated our ability and watershed projects locally. These include an industry-funded and managed best-prac- stantly evaluating opportunities to reduce its ● Coca-Cola recovers almost 60% of non- and finally, we look to make brands matter in is well documented and researched that part of a consumer’s journey. to engage a youth audience with mobile-first the Replenish Africa Initiative (RAIN), which tice example of voluntary extended producer waste and emissions profile. “We partner with returnable packaging in South Africa, and the immediate sense, making them part of brands that sustain their awareness and rele- “Building brands, today, is about under- content – all the while driving consumers in- was launched to respond to the challenge on responsibility. “This partnership is often held schools throughout South Africa to recover recycles the bottles, cans and glass into new culture. vance through tough times emerge stronger standing a new and more complicated path to store with an integrated point-of-sale mobile the continent of clean and safe drinking water. up as an example of a low-cost, sustainable PET bottles and cans. This Schools Recycling products, including new beverage containers. “Our view is that brands need to matter at and more salient. purchase, and taking advantage of the ability vouchering innovation. each of these time horizons, and that good “The current climate and its impact on to target more effectively using data. Having “We can’t claim sales, but we can claim the communication strategies help build busi- mindsets is pronounced, but strong brands are said that, many of the core principles of high percentage of people who redeemed nesses by making brands relevant in the long, no doubt the best insurance for these times. brand-building remain relevant; connecting vouchers. We can also claim the gold at the medium and very short term,” Mokoena adds. Brands that have relevance and continue to with deep insight and relevance is still funda- Loeries,” says Gallarelli. New Category: Energy Drinks Finding its wings Thank Red Bull hits the sweet spot you... By James van den Heever ● The Energy Drinks category can be traced back to the 1980s and the smart drinks that emerged in re- Red Bull’s motorsport sponsorship: Brad Binder, Australian MotoGP sponse to the always-on workstyles enabled by the digital revolution. The proliferation of new devices and only nutritional supplements, Launched in 1993 in preparation for growing Internet connectivity creat- pitched more at general athletes. the Summer Olympics in Atlanta, it to all our amazing Avon ed a new market for alternatives to Red Bull, the category leader, came to South Africa two years later. the traditional products used to pro- falls squarely into the former. The Part of the Coca-Cola stable, Power- fans and committed mote alertness and enhanced men- brand was launched in 1987 by Diet- ade is clearly targeted at athletes of Representatives for tal performance: coffee and sugar- rich Mateschitz, inspired, the com- all sports and at all levels, with the nominating Avon as their #1 heavy soft drinks. pany website says, by “functional overall positioning of helping indi- Another driver was the rave drinks from the Far East”. viduals to compete with them- scene, with its all-night, high-ener- gy dancing ethos. As in the new Based on its formula, which con- tains caffeine, taurine (an amino selves. In support of its image, Powerade beauty brand world of work, keeping on the go for acid), B-group vitamins, sugars and is closely associated with major at the longer was all. Alpine water, Red Bull claims to “vi- mainstream sporting events such as In parallel, the realisation that talise” body and mind – hence the the Cape Town Cycle Tour and Two Sunday Times precise nutritional planning had a whimsical and highly effective “Red Oceans Marathon locally, and Super Top Brands Awards 2017 big role to play in enhancing athletic Bull gives you wings” campaign. Its Rugby and the Proteas internation- performance also prepared con- advertising is underpinned by an in- ally. It is also the hydration sponsor sumers to accept precisely formu- novative portfolio of below-the-line of global events such as the FIFA lated drinks for this purpose. So to- sponsorships, among them motor- World Cup and the Olympics. day, the category falls broadly into sport in various forms, music, Part of the strategy, says brand two sub-categories. dance, breakdancing, gaming, festi- manager Sapna Naran, is to ensure On the one hand, classic energy vals and DJ championships – all ac- that Powerade is physically present 05590/E/STTB/NOM drinks such as Red Bull, Power Play tivities that require almost superhu- “at the point of sweat”. She also em- and Monster typically contain caf- man endurance and alertness… phasises that the brand uses “ingre- feine, vitamin B and other ingredi- which the brand promises to deliv- dients that have been tested and ap- ents (such as amino acids or herbal er. proved as safe by reputable extracts). On the other, there are the Ranked No 2, Powerade falls into authorities across the globe, includ- sports drinks, typically containing the sports drink sub-category. ing the South African authorities.”
Sunday Times Magazine F/C 10-11 - 21/09/2017 04:33:54 PM - Plate: 10 2017 2017 11 SundayTimes TOPBRANDS Be Outstanding Be Outstanding Sunday Times TOPBRANDS Technology Cellphones For the people, Made in China Say it: ‘wha-way’ ● Huawei’s products and services are available by the people in more than 170 countries, and are used by a A decade ago, Huawei wasn’t much of a third of the world’s population. Huawei commits to feature in the local mobile industry, because that arm of the business was still in its global ● The company shipped over 139 million cellphone units across the globe last year, with quality, experience build-up phase. Today, however, it is the biggest cellphone 21 million being shipped in China alone, and plans on topping that figure by the end of 2017. If anything, says Justin Hume, chief market- and innovation brand in the most populated country in the world, and its home – China, and it continues Samsung aims to ing officer of Samsung South Africa, the experi- ence with the Note 7 reminded Samsung con- By Lungelo Shezi to grow there and around the world, giving its more established and popular competitors a from the past year are its increased market share, connecting with a new consumer base help individuals sumers that their cutting-edge partner in innovative electronic solutions is also an hon- ● Having a massive brand fail nightmare hit serious run for their money. “As Huawei, our aim has always been to be- through music concerts it hosted with four of the biggest commercial radio stations in the realise the potential for est and transparent corporate citizen. “We asserted this sentiment with our con- your company, one so serious it even threatens the lives of your consumers, is one sure-fire come a global and local premium smartphone brand known as a leader in telecommunica- lion in profits. In South Africa, according to country, the opening of brand-new service stores to cater for the after-service needs of its technology to make a sumers by taking prompt ownership of the sit- uation, and then demonstrating Samsung’s re- way to sink your brand’s image. But the exploding Note 7 saga doesn’t seem tions,” says marketing director for Huawei Consumer Business Group South Africa, latest figures, it is currently in third position in terms of market share. customers, and the opening of five experience stores which sell all of Huawei’s consumer difference in their lives liability to enriching consumers’ lives by communicating how we adhere to the highest to have made a dent in Samsung’s image in South Africa, where the Korean electronics Claire Wujun. The company has built its global network “Huawei devices have resonated with our audiences because of our clear commitment products. The brand also saw an increase in sales of Pic: iStock international safety standards and regulations. brand has again been named the No 1 cell- off the back of 20 years of expertise in the tele- to quality, experience and innovation,” Wujun its mid to high-range devices, such as the Nova By Rodney Weidemann “This includes a multilayer safety measures interact with their smartphones. “Our man- phone brand in the country by consumers in coms industry, producing various products says. and P series, and over the past two-and-half protocol at the product planning stage, as well date is simple,” continues Hume. “We in- Making dreams come true the Sunday Times Top Brands survey in 2017, and services, including fixed and mobile Inter- “The key is understanding our local market years, Huawei shipped over a million “Lite” ● Despite Samsung’s much-publicised chal- as an eight-point battery safety check, which spire the world and create the future with retaining its spot with an increased index net solutions and superior Internet software and the needs of local customers, and provid- series units into South Africa. “This year, P10 lenges with the Galaxy Note 7, the company encompasses a durability test, visual inspec- innovative technologies, products and de- score. technologies. ing for their requirements. This has been am- sales have tripled compared to our P9 sales nonetheless took top honours in the Cell- tion, X-ray test, charge/discharge test, TVOC signs that enrich people’s lives and con- Digital and social media platforms are key Coming in at No 2 this year is Nokia, a It has four regional headquarters, 20 repre- plified by the types of devices we have last year,” Wujun says. phones category, as well as Electronic Goods. In test, disassembling test, accelerated usage test tribute to social prosperity. to Samsung’s direct engagement with brand whose death many in and out of the sentative offices, two research and develop- brought into the country. Our P and M series Huawei plans to build on its local successes addition, it garnered second place in Large and an OCV test.” “A highlight of this mandate in action is consumers, and, says Justin Hume, mobile electronics industry had predicted. ment centres, and six training centres across have been at the forefront of this growth, as we and enlarge its territory in the South African Kitchen Appliances in the Consumer survey. It As a result, he adds, consumers saw the inci- when we wowed visitors at Decorex Johan- chief marketing officer of Samsung The Apple iPhone fell into third place. Africa. have established equity in both series, and telecoms space, and, of course, one day be- is testimony to both the brand and its cus- dent as limited to the Note 7, and were remind- nesburg with the regional launch of the ac- South Africa, the company goes out to But the real winner in the Cellphones cate- In the third quarter of 2016, Huawei was created the awareness and demand,” Wujun come the country’s most profitable and popu- tomers’ loyalty to it that the organisation con- ed that Samsung devices are designed to ele- claimed The Frame TV, which won a Best of market continuously to get feedback gory this year is Huawei, which climbed three the second most profitable smartphone brand explains. lar mobile phone brand across consumers of tinues to place so highly within Top Brands. vate the mind and transform the way they Innovation award at the Consumer Elec- from them. spots, from seventh in 2016 to fourth this year. in the world, after Apple, recording $200-mil- Among Huawei South Africa’s highlights various ages and income backgrounds. tronics Show (CES) 2017. “In addition, Samsung always looks at “In regular TV mode, this device is a ma- how its technology can enable jestic and bold 4K UHD TV, but when it is consumers’ dreams, and the company turned off, it enters Art Mode, becoming an thus invests a sizable portion of its global elegant picture frame for stunning gallery- profits into R&D, to make these dreams a you’re quality art, or to showcase great family mo- reality. This gives us a competitive edge, ments through digital photographs.” because we are able to innovate today to Legal Support Worker. Aerospace Engineer. Author. Dental Hygienist. Biological Scientist. Surveying Technician. Geographer. Law Clerk. Office Clerk. Designer. Samsung’s pulse lies in its greatest create a better tomorrow, based on a Decorator. Punching Machine Setter. Dentist. Design Draughtsman. Financial Analyst. Brazier. Waste Treatment Plant Operator. Fire Inspector. Epidemiologist. Transportation Worker. Urban Planner. Boiler Operator. Biologist. Weapons Specialist. Court Clerk. Film Laboratory Technician. Air Crew Manager. Boat Builder strength, which is its people, he suggests. deep understanding of what people need and Shipwright. Crew Captain. Motorboat Mechanic. Landscaper. Heating Equipment Operator. Administrative Services Manager. Aviation Inspector. Healthcare People are at the core of Samsung’s every in- and want. Practitioner. Heating and Air Conditioning Mechanic. Surveying and Mapping Technician. Equal Opportunity Representative. Environmental Scientist. Fast Food vention, decision and campaign. Samsung “It also means that we are able to Cook. Nutritionist. Maintenance Supervisor. Fashion Model. Graphic Designer. Funeral Attendant. Butcher. Maintenance Equipment Operator. Mail Machine Operator. AMAZING recognises that advancing people and hav- capitalise the production, use and sale of Automotive Specialty Technician. Avionics Technician. Surveyor. Valve Repairer. Moulder. Radiologic Technologist. Dancer. Event Planner. Account Manager. Healthcare Support Worker. Credit Analyst. Moulding and Casting Worker. Health Technologist. Domestic Worker. Environmental Science Technician. Piano Tuner. ing them as the cornerstone of all that it does our own technologies and components – Wildlife Biologist. Auxiliary Equipment Operator. Entertainment Attendant. Adjustment Clerk. Public Relations Manager. Radar Technician. Regulator Repairer. Crushing Grinding Machine needs to extend into the world in which we such as the semiconductor and chipset – Operator. Brake Machine Setter. Survey Researcher. Pump Operator. Courier. Fabric Mender. Engineering Manager. Database Manager. Watch Repairer. Detective. Metal Pourer and Caster. live. instead of outsourcing this functionality. Tree Trimmer. Psychiatric Technician. Xhosa Translator. Civil Drafter. Bicycle Repairer. Dental Assistant. Auditor. Internist. Choreographer. Environmental Engineer. Petrol Attendant. “By default, that is our customers. As a re- By investing in manufacturing plants, like Market Research Analyst. Radio and Television Announcer. Advertising Sales Agent. Mystery Shopper. Botanist. Health Educator. Financial Examiner. Motion Picture Projectionist. Payroll Administrator. Motorboat Operator. Marine Cargo Inspector. Metal-Refining Furnace Operator. Court Reporter. Government Service Executive. Gaming Supervisor. Underground Mining sult, Samsung’s innovative technologies are the Samsung plant within the Dube Trade Welder. Engineering Technician. Fraud Investigator. Manufacturing Sales Representative. Farm Equipment Mechanic. Primary School Teacher. Executive Secretary. First-Line Supervisor. for our people and by our people. This Port in KwaZulu-Natal, we are able to Landscaping Manager. Lawn Service Supervisor. Groundskeeper. Financial Specialist. Public Relations Specialist. Purchasing Agent. Bartender. Woodworking Machine Operator. Accountant. means that social, business and environ- change nuances across most of our Thanks to all pizza lovers mental responsibilities are not afterthoughts product offerings for optimal use within to us, but are an organic way of being. This is that specific region,” he says. Audiologist. Purchasing Manager. Meter Mechanic. Bookkeeper. Jewellery Model. Mould Maker. Afrikaans Copywriter. Marine Architect. Business Director. Gaming Service Worker. Fish Game Warden. Financial Services Sales Agent. Supervisor of Police. Office Machine and Cash Register Servicer. Hand Presser. Landscape Architect. Military Officer. Photographer. Exhibit Designer. Benefits Specialist. Extraction Worker. Gauger. Bench Jeweller. Nursing Instructor. Surgical Technologist. Makeup Artist. Radiation Therapist. Cleaning Supervisor. for voting Debonairs Pizza one of the top 3 brands in because they embody and preserve our Jeweller. Dog Walker. Taxi Driver. Art Director. Extruding Machine Operator. Vending Machine Servicer. Custom Tailor. Firefighter. Transportation Equipment Painter. Baker. Funeral Director. Interviewer. Keyboard Instrument Repairer and Tuner. Travel Guide. Fibre Product Cutting Machine Operator. Laboratory Animal Caretaker. Veterinary Assistant. South African Olympian. the Consumer Category for Fast Food Restaurants. greatest asset, which is people. Veterinary Technician. Obstetrician. Glass Blower. Maintenance and Repair Worker. Environmental Compliance Inspector. Fence Erector. Landscape Artist. Cricket Player. Fabric “Our culture of innovation is now reach- Presser. Crane and Tower Operator. Brick Mason. Explosives Expert. Typesetting Machine Operator. Geological Sample Test Technician. Hairdresser. Cosmetologist. Head Nurse. Actuary. ing beyond products, to help people every- Craft Artist. Boilermaker. Claims Examiner. Psychiatrist. Biochemist. Radio Operator. Phlebotomist. Usher. Farm Labour Contractor. Able Seaman. Health Services Manager. Automotive Technician. Rugby Player. Database Administrator. User Experience Researcher. Claims where realise the potential for technology to Adjuster. Meteorologist. Gaming Dealer. Marine Engineer. Production Manager. Geological make a difference in their lives and the lives of others. The ‘Launching People’ campaign, for example, identifies and invests in the po- Thank you for Engineer. Public Health Social Worker. Etcher and Engraver. Credit Authoriser. Gaming Manager. Civil Engineer. Geologist. Public Transportation Inspector. Administrative Support Supervisor. Brazing Machine Operator. Gas Appliance Repairer. Video Editor. Automotive Body Repairer. Automotive Mechanic. Lathe Operator. Freight and Material tential of inspiring individuals across the globe. Together with Samsung’s support and access to advanced technology, this poten- tial can now be actualised.” trusting us with your Mover. Veterinarian. Advertising Manager. Promotions Manager. Graduate Teaching Assistant. Biomedical Engineer. Strategist. Swimmer. Layout Worker. Bindery Machine Operator. Bookbinder. Customer Service Supervisor. Deburring Machine Operator. Grounds Maintenance Worker. Machine Tool Operator. Automatic Teller Machine Servicer. Hume indicates that Samsung believes technology begins to have meaning only when it is put into the hands of human be- hard-earned money. Psychologist. Oil Service Unit Operator. Offset Lithographic Press Operator. Fibreglass Laminator and Fabricator. Microbiologist. Mixing and Blending Machine Operator. Butler. Librarian. Mining Machine Operator. Mail Clerk. Lawyer. Corporate Social Investment Specialist. Independent Manufactured Building Installer. Motorcycle Mechanic. Biological ings, so it can collide with their own poten- Technician. Umpire. Garment Cutter. Civil Engineering Technician. Referee. Laundry tial, enabling amazing things to happen. Worker. General Practitioner. Millwright. Fire Investigator. Administrative Law Judge. This, he says, is how Samsung continues to Whatever you do, you work hard for your money. That’s why, Entertainer and Performer. Financial Adviser. Travel Agent. Irradiated Fuel Handler. Radio for nearly a quarter of a century, Coronation has worked hard Mechanic. Typesetter. Motor Vehicle Operator. English Language Teacher. Gas Distribution grow its market share across a wide range of Plant Operator. Furniture Finisher. Audio and Video Equipment Manager. Account sectors. to maintain one of the best records for long-term investment Collector. Blogger. Technician. Webmaster. Office Machine Operator. City Planning “Operationally, we have also reorganised performance – putting South Africa’s money to work. Assistant. Gaming Surveillance Officer. Freight Inspector. Consultant. Polisher. Rail Car Repairer. Gas Compressor Operator. Receptionist. Barber. Glazier. Audiovisual Collections and re-energised ourselves, to foster Specialist. Biophysicist. Marine Oiler. Machine Feeder. Curator. Truck Driver. Hand Sewer. stronger interdivisional collaborations for If you’re thinking of investing, visit Atmospheric and Space Scientist. Data Entry Operator. Occupational Therapist. Maintenance the benefit of our customers. Broadband ac- Worker. General Manager. Travel Clerk. Mine Cutting Machine Operator. Food Preparation cess is set to become cheaper and more ac- Manager. Management Analyst. User Experience Manager. Woodworking Machine cessible in South Africa; thus we are seeing Setter. Data Technician. Fashion Designer. Farmworker. Dental Laboratory Technician. Legal Secretary. Lawn Service Manager. Government Property Inspector. Diagnostic the adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) tech- Medical Sonographer. Interpreter. Motor Vehicle Inspector. Utility Meter Reader. Machinist. nologies increase locally. Actor. Geological Visual Designer. Freight Agent. Office and Administrative Support NET#WORK BBDO 813592/E “This has created an opportunity for Worker. Geoscientist. Environmental Engineering Technician. Data Processing Equipment Samsung to lead the way in delivering smart Repairer. Automotive Master Mechanic. Scholar Patrol Officer. Washing Equipment Operator. Surgeon. Automotive Glass Installer. Metal Worker. Upholsterer. Criminal home and commercial solutions – be these Coronation is an authorised financial services provider and approved manager of collective investment schemes. Trust is Earned™. Investigator. Nursery School Teacher. Data Web Developer. Doctor. Extruding and Drawing phones, electronic goods or large home ap- Machine Operator. Desktop Publisher. Health Practitioner. Online Marketing Analyst. pliances – through our own IoT technologies and renowned Samsung Eco-System of products. South Africans can thus look for- ward to a truly interconnected future.” Pic: iStock
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