It's time to stop plastic pollution - 4 LIVING IN THE PLASTIC AGE: INSIDE THIS ISSUE - Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland

It's time to stop plastic pollution - 4 LIVING IN THE PLASTIC AGE: INSIDE THIS ISSUE - Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland
                             Plastics deadline 2050    10
                               Is print sustainable?   20
                                African eco project    22
                               At home with Esther     36

                                February/March 2021


It's time to stop
plastic pollution
It's time to stop plastic pollution - 4 LIVING IN THE PLASTIC AGE: INSIDE THIS ISSUE - Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland

ShelterBox provides emergency shelters,                          Climate change is a humanitarian crisis.
tools and other essentials so families can                       It’s having a direct impact on the people we
rebuild after disaster. We know hope                             support. We see this when we work with
grows when you have a place to call home.                        communities.
With your ongoing help, together we provide
                                                                 Vulnerable families are forced to leave their
support for communities after all kinds of
                                                                 homes to survive – either because of disasters
                                                                 or to find food, water or to make a living. A
We are there after extreme weather events                        recent report estimates that 1.2 billion people
like tropical storms and seismic events, as well                 could be displaced by 2050.
as for those fleeing wars, conflict and complex
emergencies. And now almost all with the                         Together, we can help to save lives and
added challenge of coronavirus.                                  provide homes and hope after disaster. We
                                                                 can support families to recover, stay healthy
In 2021, some of the world’s most vulnerable                     and keep each other safe.
families will be facing a perilous triple threat –
disasters, coronavirus and climate change.                       Shelter helps save lives after disaster.
                                       ShelterBox is a charity independent of Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation ShelterBox Trust is a registered
                                       charity (1096479) and a limited company in England and Wales (04612652), President: HRH The Duchess of Cornwall.

It's time to stop plastic pollution - 4 LIVING IN THE PLASTIC AGE: INSIDE THIS ISSUE - Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland
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  16                                                                  42                                                                          36
OPINION                                            FEATURES                                                 NEWS
ROTARY GB & IRELAND PRESIDENT                18    JOINING THE PLASTIC REVOLUTION                  04       A CLEAN, GREEN NEW AREA OF FOCUS               08
Tom Griffin assesses how Rotary is                 The story of EndPlasticSoup, the                         Why the Environment will become Rotary’s
reshaping amid the challenges it faces.            proposed Rotary Action Group.                            seventh Area of Focus this July.
TALK FROM THE TOP                             26   DEADLINE 2050 TO SOLVE THE                               THE DANGER OF SINGLE-USE PLASTICS               12
Rotary International President Holger Knaack,      PLASTICS PROBLEM                            10           Worldwide, only 10 to 13% of plastic is
Director Tony Black, and Trustee Chair, KR         Why the River Thames is a plastic soup                   recycled, which is heralding a call for change.
Ravindran discuss the latest Rotary issues.        nightmare and the dangers of microplastics.
                                                                                                            YOU CAN COUNT ON THE CADRES                    24
LETTERS PAGE                                 38    MAKE THE CHANGE FOR CLIMATE CHANGE 16                    More cadres are needed to ensure that
Four pages of letters on a range of                Tips on how to make simple changes to the
                                                                                                            Rotary projects meet community needs.
topical subjects                                   way we shop and travel, which can impact
                                                   the health of the planet.                                CLIMATE CHANGE CONFERENCE
AND FINALLY                                  58
                                                                                                            MAKES AN IMPACT                                34
Rotary Editor, Dave King, explains why he          IS PRINTING ROTARY MAGAZINE
believes the environment could be a game-          SUSTAINABLE?                                    20       Lessons learned from a Rotary-organised
changer for Rotary.                                A frank look at the environmental                        environmental event in Norfolk.
                                                   credentials of your bi-monthly magazine.                 ROTARY YOUNG ENVIRONMENTALIST               42
                                                   KEEPING THE HOME FIRES BURNING             22            Showcasing innovative, award-winning green
                                                   Looking at an award-winning environmental                projects, inspired by schoolchildren across
                                                   project in Uganda which is changing lives.               Great Britain & Ireland.
Read online |                        AT HOME WITH ESTHER RANTZEN                     36       PEOPLE OF ACTION                               46
                                                   The TV broadcaster reflects on coping                    News of Rotarians’ environmental projects.
                                                   with the pandemic, and why laughter is
                                                   the best medicine.

                                                                     FSC® Certified Papers
                                                                     This product is made with wood sourced from
                                                                     certified forests and other controlled sources                                                                                                           February/March 2021 | Rotary | 3
It's time to stop plastic pollution - 4 LIVING IN THE PLASTIC AGE: INSIDE THIS ISSUE - Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland
Rotary | FEATURE

                             Living in the
                              plastic age
                  EndPlasticSoup is a Rotary movement, started in the Netherlands,
                 which is changing the conversation about the environment and which
                               has captured the imaginations of many.

                                                              | DAVE KING |

                      HEN the Belgian-             “Plastic soup is not just the plastic            Their desire is for Rotary, Rotaract
                      American chemist, Leo   waste in the oceans, it’s not just the plastic   and Interact clubs worldwide to work
                      Baekeland, created      waste in the waters or our rivers and lakes.     together to solve and prevent the plastic
                      the first synthetic,         "It is the plastic waste in our             pollution problem.
                      mass-produced plastic   environment,” he said.                                As Rotary seeks to define itself to a
in 1907, little did he realise what he was         “Eighty per cent of plastic waste gets      younger audience beyond a traditional
unleashing on the world.                      into the ocean sooner or later, through the      constituency of polio, so plastics and
     There has been no material more          air or through our rivers.”                      campaigning for the environment is being
revolutionary than modern plastic.                 In little more than two years,              regarded by some as a path to Millennial
     Since the 1950s, it has been used        EndPlasticSoup is gaining traction.              enlightenment.
in almost every single industry, in a vast         Already, a number of Rotary clubs                “EndPlasticSoup really appeals to the
variety of ways, thanks to its versatility,   in Great Britain & Ireland have signed           younger generation,” explained Gert-Jan,
high durability and an ability to be          up to become a member club, joining              who has been a Rotarian for less than
moulded into whatever shape necessary.        a movement which is supported by                 four years with the Rotary Club of Huizen
     No material has changed the world        1,500 clubs, and 3,500 Rotarians and             Gooimeer, 25 miles east of Amsterdam.
the way plastic has.                          Rotaractors globally, with 72 Ambassador              “Youngsters now regard Rotary as a
     Gert-Jan van Dommelen, co-founder        Clubs in 47 countries.                           different organisation and are happy to be
of the proposed EndPlasticSoup Rotary              Their aim is simple; by 2050, to rid        part of this. Many people see this as new
Action Group, knows full well how plastics    the world of the plastic soup which lingers      Rotary. My own club gained eight new
threaten to destroy the earth's eco-system,   in the oceans and seas, in our lakes, rivers,    members over the past 18 months because
and he wants to do something about it.        forests, parks and streets.

4 | Rotary | February/March 2021                                                                                    
It's time to stop plastic pollution - 4 LIVING IN THE PLASTIC AGE: INSIDE THIS ISSUE - Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland
of this initiative.”                            dangers to animals, and that has clearly          Alexandria, Egypt, cleaning the River
     Five Rotary clubs from the                 struck a chord.                                   Nile for a project which is reaching across
Netherlands started the initiative in 2018           Cigarettes filters contain microplastics,    communities and involves both Orthodox
following a plastic soup fishing weekend        so when the butts are discarded on the            Christian and Muslim Rotary clubs.
cleaning up Amsterdam’s canals.                 streets, they are collected by birds and               A legal charitable entity in the
     What now exists is an advocacy and         other animals which can cause harm. This          Netherlands, EndPlasticSoup has applied
action movement which aims to educate,          is a message the schoolchildren have been         to become a formal Rotary Action Group
challenge and provide a pathway                 successfully taking home to their parents.        worldwide, working with WASH, the
towards change.                                      In the Moluccas in Indonesia, where          Water Sanitation & Hygiene Rotary Action
     “Rotary cannot solve this alone,”          the river takes care of the rubbish when it       Group, and ESRAG, the Environmental
added Gert-Jan. "We need all the people         rains, flushing the plastic debris into the       Sustainability Action Group.
on this planet.                                 ocean, EndPlasticSoup is working with its              EndPlasticSoup has created a series
     “We need all the governments, all          partner Happy Green Islands on Saparua            of action packages to provide a focus for
the industries and all the organisations to     to educate the children.                          Rotary club environmental activities.
work together, building alliances, so we             The schoolchildren’s task is to fill three        Over the coming months, the focus
can accelerate and connect to make this         big nets of plastic rubbish they collect          is on a series of action days to co-ordinate
possible.”                                      each day, with a reward once they have            Rotary activities and engage communities.
     In practical terms, EndPlasticSoup is      completed the task.                                    March 22nd is World Water Day,
looking for Rotary, Rotaract and Interact            EndPlasticSoup works with 50                 June 5th is the United Nations’ World
clubs to start the debate by creating           corporate organisations worldwide.                Environment Day, June 6th is Rotary
awareness in their own communities,                  All share similar values and all are         EndPlasticSoup Action Day and
perhaps taking on a small project, such as      making a difference in various pockets of         September 18th is World Cleanup Day.
the clean-up of a park or a beach.              the globe, establishing connections with               It is a campaign, said the Dutch
     This is a perfect opportunity to recruit   Rotary clubs in the Philippines, Thailand,        co-founder, which is crossing generations.
community-minded volunteers.                    Egypt, the Caribbean, Honduras, Turkey,                "Suddenly, people are seeing Rotary
     In Gert-Jan’s home town of Huizen          Russia and Brazil.                                in a different way and I think that is
Gooimeer, the Rotary club has strong                 One example is the work they                 appealing. People are so concerned about
links with the town’s High Schools              are doing with Boyan Slat, the Dutch              the planet and about climate-change.
and have organised events with the              inventor and entrepreneur, who is also                 “It is difficult to do something about
environmentally-awakened students who           the founder of The Ocean Cleanup, which           carbon dioxide and things you can’t grab.
have been inspired by Swedish teenage           has developed advanced systems to rid the              "With plastic, you can grab it. Plastic
activist, Greta Thunberg.                       world’s oceans of plastics.                       is there. You can do something about it
     There they have worked with children            The Ocean Cleanup is also targeting          and you can start today.”
on the perils of cigarettes – not just on       rivers. EndPlasticSoup is working in                   Gert-Jan added: “What is important
the health risks of smoking, but on the         eight different locations, including in           is awareness, that is why we are asking

                                                "AS ROTARY SEEKS TO DEFINE ITSELF TO A YOUNGER AUDIENCE
                                                BEYOND A TRADITIONAL CONSTITUENCY OF POLIO, SO PLASTICS
                                                AND CAMPAIGNING FOR THE ENVIRONMENT IS BEING REGARDED
                                                BY SOME AS A PATH TO MILLENNIAL ENLIGHTENMENT."                                                                                                February/March 2021 | Rotary | 5
It's time to stop plastic pollution - 4 LIVING IN THE PLASTIC AGE: INSIDE THIS ISSUE - Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland
Rotary | FEATURE

                A beach plastic clean-up in Western Norway

                Rotary clubs all over the world to                     alliances across the full cycle, not just                   | Information |
                join this initiative just by adding the                clean-up at the end.
                                                                                                                               For more information visit:
                EndPlasticSoup element to their actions.                    “This is not an easy thing, it is          
                     “For example, you may be doing                    complex, but when you start doing this,
                a walk for water to do fund raising for                miracles happen.
                Africa, with schoolchildren or community                    "Everybody wants the same thing, and
                volunteers. Why not ask to clean up on                 that is what is unique about this project.                      | Fact file |
                their walk because we don’t want to leave                   “Start at the club level, start today.
                plastic in nature?                                          "Try to find a few people who feel                           PLASTIC
                     “We want to educate children not                  energised to do one or two things initially.    • The world produces about 400 million
                just by giving a lesson, but by asking the                  "Do this step-by-step. Don’t make it          metric tons of plastic every year – 45% is
                schools to work with parents, staff and the            too big, we will need you for more years           for single-use purposes.
                wider community to really reduce plastic               than just this year.
                                                                                                                       • Every year, eight million metric tonnes of
                consumption.                                                “Join us now and, if possible, become         plastic enter our ocean – one garbage truck
                     “In my home town, when we go to the               a member club to support us.                       per minute, much of this waste flows from
                flower shop we ask them not to use plastic                  "We can share all the information and         rivers and other waterways.
                wrapping but paper instead.                            knowledge we have.” l
                                                                                                                       • By 2030, virtually every seabird species on
                     “It is about awareness, action and
                                                                                                                          the planet will be eating plastic.
                                                                                                                       • Worldwide, 73% of beach litter is plastic;
                                                                                                                          filters from cigarette butts, bottles, bottle
                                                                                                                          caps, food wrappers, grocery bags, and
                                                                                                                          polystyrene containers.
                                                                                                                       • Packaging accounts for 40% of total plastic
                                                                                                                          usage. Most of it never gets recycled or
                                                                                                                       • The Beat the Microbead app is a fast way
                                                                                                                          to learn if your cosmetics and personal care
                                                                                                                          products contain plastic ingredients. This
                                                                                                                          app uses state-of-the-art text recognition
                                                                                                                          technology. Just scan the ingredients
©Kees Lafeber

                                                                                                                          of your products and check them for
                                                                                                                       Sources | Plastic Oceans, End PlasticSoup,
                                                                                                                       National Geographic.
                A boy picks his way along a path littered with plastic debris, on the island of Saparua in Indonesia

                6 | Rotary | February/March 2021                                                                                                  
It's time to stop plastic pollution - 4 LIVING IN THE PLASTIC AGE: INSIDE THIS ISSUE - Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland
It's time to stop plastic pollution - 4 LIVING IN THE PLASTIC AGE: INSIDE THIS ISSUE - Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland
Rotary | NEWS

                           A clean, green
                          new area of focus
                  Raise your recycled glasses! For the first time in Rotary history, we have a
                     new Area of Focus – and it’s focusing on all things clean and green.

                                           | MEAGAN MARTIN, EDITOR, ROTARY DOWN UNDER |

Peacebuilding and     Disease Prevention   Water, Sanitation   Basic Education         Maternal         Community Economic      Supporting the
Conflict Prevention      & Treatment        and Hygiene          & Literacy          & Child Health        development           Environment

          HE Rotary Foundation’s new grant system was adopted in        for Rotary, with many past leaders playing an integral role in
          2014, when Rotary International supported six key Areas       addressing environmental concerns.
          of Focus for Rotary projects.                                       In 1990/91, Rotary International (RI) President Paulo
               Now, for the first time in history, a seventh Area of    VC Costa from São Paulo, Brazil, made the environment one
          Focus has been unanimously approved by both The Rotary        of his primary causes, creating the Preserve Planet Earth sub-
Foundation Board of Trustees (TRF) and the Rotary International         committee, which looked at ways clubs and members could conduct
Board – supporting the environment.                                     environmental initiatives. “We have finally caught up to Past
      With growing interest in environmentally-based projects in        President Paulo’s vision,” Ian said.
recent years, the decision is a great win for Rotary, the                                 And in an interview with The Rotarian, past RI
planet, and its people.                                                                   President Barry Rassin, from the Bahamas, where
      In October 2019, TRF Trustee, Ravi                                                      80% of land is less than five feet above sea level,
Ravindran, moved a motion for environmental                                                     stated that climate change is almost personal.
issues to form part of its activity. It was                                                             “My country is going to be gone if we do
unanimously passed, and a task force was                                                            nothing,” Barry said.
selected to recommend how the Areas of                                                                     “If we’re losing countries due to
Focus were to be altered.                                                                            sea level changes, if stronger storms are
      The task force was chaired by the                                                              disrupting water supplies or destroying
then Rotary International President, Ian                                                             people’s livelihoods, that’s more people
Riseley, from Australia. He said: “As a                                                              who are going to be disadvantaged.
lifelong environmentalist, I am delighted                                                                 “So caring about the environment goes
our great organisation has recognised that                                                         toward our ultimate mission, and we should
the environment is a worthy and appropriate                                                       give it the importance it deserves.”
destination for our project activity. This is an                                                     While the climate change debate sparks
exciting moment in Rotary history.”                                                          passionate opinions across the globe, it is an issue
      Many environmental projects are already                                            close to the hearts of today’s youth, who are using
supported by the Foundation, especially since the decision                         environmental rights to demand more action to address
in April last year to add environmental elements within the existing    ecological crises around the world.
Areas of Focus.                                                               Ian says including the environment to Rotary’s Areas of Focus
      More than $18 million in Foundation global grant funding has      not only broadens Rotary’s grant activity, but could play a crucial
been allocated to environment-related projects over the past            role in making the organisation more attractive to younger people
five years.                                                             and thus assisting membership.
      Creating a distinct Area of Focus to support the environment            “Of course, it is not just younger people who care about the
will give Rotary members even more ways to bring about positive         planet,” he chips in. “As a 73-year-old non-hippie, I am evidence
change in the world and increase our impact.                            of that!” Grant applications for projects will be accepted from
      And while now official, it is certainly not new ground            July 1, 2021. l

8 | Rotary | February/March 2021                                                                                          
It's time to stop plastic pollution - 4 LIVING IN THE PLASTIC AGE: INSIDE THIS ISSUE - Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland



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It's time to stop plastic pollution - 4 LIVING IN THE PLASTIC AGE: INSIDE THIS ISSUE - Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland
We need to solve the
    plastics problem by 2050
                                                               | DAVE KING |

              HE River Thames is a plastic     van Dommelen, remains unsurprised.                   The real problem is that plastic never
              soup nightmare.                       “The problem is that we have created       goes away. It just gets smaller.
                  Scientists at Royal          so much plastic, and we have done that               And that’s an issue, because in the
              Holloway, University of          mainly during the past 15 years,” he said.      end it becomes a microplastic, smaller
              London, recently discovered           “We produce 1.2 million plastic            than 5mm, which was what scientists
that the Thames has a higher density of        bottles every minute and all of this plastic    found in the River Thames.
microplastics than several other major         does not disappear automatically.                    Plastic is in our plankton and
rivers in the world.                                "About 45% is single use plastic and       microbes. Plankton plays a vital role in
     After taking water samples last           only 9% is recycled.                            our marine ecosystem. However, such is
summer, they found microbeads, glitter              “We are dropping five million              the level of sea pollution, that they are
and other plastic fragments.                   metric tons of plastic on nature, which is      riddled with plastic.
     Crabs were found to have consumed         equivalent to 500,000 Eiffel Towers.”                These marine drifters are responsible
small items of plastics.                                                                       for between 40% to 60% carbon dioxide
     Researchers were unsurprised that                                                         absorption on this planet. Latest figures
microplastics had been found in 80%                                                            suggest plankton are less functioning.
of London's tap water, estimating that                                                              The oceans are our lungs, producing
around 94,000 microplastics per second                                                         over 60% of the oxygen on this planet,
flow down the river at Greenwich.                                                              but now creating less oxygen than they
     And with the density of microplastics                                                     used to.
in the Thames credited at 19.5 plastics                                                             Plankton also forms a start of the
per cubic metre, this is greater than levels                                                   food chain. Humans eat fish, so therefore
recorded in the Rhine, the Danube, and                                                         microplastics are being absorbed by our
lower levels of the Yangtze River in China.                                                    bodies. We eat about two kilos of plastic a
     EndPlasticSoup co-founder, Gert-Jan                                   Plastic fragments   year that way.

10 | Rotary | February/March 2021                                                                                   
                                                HUMANS EAT FISH, SO THEREFORE MICROPLASTICS ARE BEING
                                                ABSORBED BY OUR BODIES. WE EAT ABOUT TWO KILOS OF
                                                PLASTIC A YEAR THAT WAY."                 River Thames, London

      It remains a huge grey area about the          It is with this spirit of optimism that
precise, long-term health risks of plastics     Gert-Jan remains confident that
to the human body.                              the EndPlasticSoup goal of 2050 can
      Some have suggested, without proper       be achieved.
scientific research, of a possible link to           Last July, after 36 years of working
Alzheimer’s.                                    for computer giant IBM, he quit his job
      What is undeniable is that it is not      to focus on Rotary and other charitable
good news. But at the heart of the issue        projects.
lies the use of single-use plastics.                 Rotary can make a difference with
                                                the environmental debate.
                                                                                                              | Fact file |
      Straws, plastic knives and forks
and other disposables. These need to be              “We are people of action, but                              PLASTIC
eradicated with the same vigour which           not activists,” he insisted. “We have
                                                                                               • Every year, we produce 1275 kilos of plastic
Rotary fought polio.                            relationships and networks with people,          per person in the world.
      The European Union has said that          so we can really accelerate solutions.
single-use plastic may no longer be sold             “Rotary is seen as an independent         • In 2019 we produced 1.2 million plastic
                                                organisation with ethics which really            bottles per minute.
in shops from 2021.
      In the Netherlands, they have             wants good for mankind.”                       • About 500 billion plastic bags are used
adopted this policy since last July.                 As for the political hot potato of          worldwide. More than one million bags
      While the plastics industry is a          whether Rotary and politics should               are used every minute.
powerful body, EndPlasticSoup, is               entwine, the Dutch businessman points          • A plastic bag has an average working life
arguing a partnership of understanding,         out that although Rotarians don’t choose         of 15 minutes.
and solutions is the way forward.               parties, they need Governments and
                                                authorities to influence change.               • World plastic production has increased
      “These people don’t want to ruin the
                                                                                                 exponentially from 2.1 million tonnes
planet, they want a living, but they cannot          He added: “We think Rotary can
                                                                                                 in 1950, to 147 million in 1993, to 406
change overnight,” insisted Gert-Jan, who       make a difference and our ambition is
                                                                                                 million by 2015.
believes the solution is in finding new,        that by no more or no less than 2050 we
recyclable plastics.                            will have solved this problem.                 • Estimates for how long plastic endures
      “When humans work together, when               “We need to prevent and solve the           range from 450 years to forever.
we use the technologies and new ideas,          problem and we can do that all together        • My Little Plastic Footprint is an app
when we realise the problem, we establish       as Rotary, Rotaract and Interact clubs.          which helps you reduce your plastic
priorities and can really do a lot. Rotary is        “We are also looking at alliances           consumption by going on a plastic diet.
there to make it possible.                      with industry, with governments and    
      “With certain plastics, if we make        volunteers who will see Rotary in a            Sources | Plastic Oceans, End PlasticSoup,
them differently, you can recycle them          different way.” l                              National Geographic.
and you can do it much smarter.                                                                                           February/March 2021 | Rotary | 11
Rotary | NEWS


                                         The dangers of
                                       single-use plastics
                                            INGLE-use plastics, or disposable         particles after many years.
                                            plastics, are used only once before            In the process of breaking down, it
                                            they are thrown away or recycled.         releases toxic chemicals (additives that
                                            These items are things like plastic       were used to shape and harden the plastic)
                                    bags, straws, coffee stirrers, soda and water     which make their way into our food and
                                    bottles and most food packaging.                  water supply.
                                         We produce roughly 300 million                    These toxic chemicals are now being
                                    tons of plastic each year and half of it is       found in our bloodstream and the latest
                                    disposable!                                       research has found them to disrupt
                                         World-wide, only 10 to 13% of plastic        the endocrine system which can cause
                                    items are recycled.                               cancer, infertility, birth defects, impaired
   BECOME A                              The nature of petroleum based
                                    disposable plastic makes it difficult to
                                                                                      immunity and many other ailments.
                                                                                           We produce hundreds of millions of
  VOLUNTEER                         recycle and they have to add new virgin
                                    materials and chemicals to it to do so.
                                                                                      tons of plastic every year, most of which
                                                                                      cannot be recycled.
    TODAY                                Additionally, there are a limited
                                    number of items for which recycled
                                                                                           The focus is on using less plastic,
                                                                                      moving towards environmentally
                                    plastic can be used.                              sustainable products and services, and
                                         Petroleum-based plastic is not               coming up with technology that recycles
                                    biodegradable and usually goes into a             plastic more efficiently. l
   ROTARYGBI.ORG                    landfill where it is buried or it gets into the
                                    water and finds its way into the ocean.
                                         Although plastic will not biodegrade,
                                                                                                 | Information |
                                    so that it decomposes into natural               
                                    substance like soil, it will degrade into tiny

12 | Rotary | February/March 2021                                                                           
M& S       ARD
£20 GIFT C
Rotary | FEATURE

                                                    ESRAG 101
               You may have never heard of ESRAG, but that’s about to change! ESRAG –
               or the Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group – is a worldwide
              organisation which, you guessed it, focuses on environmental sustainability.

         SRAG aims to build awareness,                     Every person’s actions have an impact           and must be, everyone’s concern.”
         inspire action, and implement                on the environment.                                       Along with being essential to the
         club and district-level                           We can all do our bit to make this a            goal of sustainable service, environmental
         projects focused on increasing               positive impact and not a negative one,              sustainability has strong links to the
         environmental sustainability and             and Rotarians are no different.                      original six Areas of Focus – and has just
mitigation of climate disruption.                          Past Rotary International President             been added as a seventh one!
     They do this through promoting                   Ian Riseley said, “Protecting the                         The links are clear, and the
educational resources, dialogue about                 environment and curbing climate change               opportunities to positively contribute are
environmental sustainability, and                     are essential to Rotary’s goal of sustainable        enormous.
supporting best practice to be used for               service.                                                  Whether as an individual, a club or
both projects and daily choices.                           “The time is long past when                     a district, think about what you can do
     So, what does environmental                      environmental sustainability can be                  to support the health of the planet and
sustainability have to do with Rotary?                dismissed as not Rotary’s concern. It is,            Rotary’s work. l

      Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention                  Maternal and Child Health                           Supporting the Environment
      Sustainably  and equitably managing                    Clean
                                                                  air, clean water and sufficient food          
                                                                                                                 Just added because, not only does it
      natural resources to address the root causes           have a significant impact on the health of          align with the other Areas of Focus, it
      of conflict and war to increase peace.                 mothers and children.                               is important enough to have its own to
                                                                                                                 support Rotary clubs doing even
      Disease Prevention and Treatment                       Basic Education and Literacy                        more good.
      What’s good for the planet is good for us –            Healthy
                                                                      children in peaceful environments
      a healthy environment and access to clean             have increased social stability and are
       energy helps prevent diseases.                        better able to benefit from education and                | Information |
                                                             literacy programmes.
                                                                                                                 To find out more about ESRAG
      Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
                                                                                                               in Great Britain & Ireland, contact:
               weather events are on the rise               Community Economic Development
                                                                                                                         Martin Rooney:
      as our earth changes, and better locally               Environmental sustainability supports
      directed resource management can reverse               local economies and community
                                                                                                                         Kirsten Weber:
      desertification, detoxify water, and mitigate          development for long-term job creation.
      against flooding and drought


14 | Rotary | February/March 2021                                                                                                   
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Rotary | FEATURE

  Combatting climate
 change starts with you
                                                          | LAURA WILLCOX |

              HIS year, Rotary                 Take Action                                  carbon footprint will reduce.
              International will establish     Buy Less Clothing: One of the most                Another way to reduce your carbon
              the envionment as the            important things we can do is simply buy     footprint is to eat more locally sourced,
              seventh Area of Focus. By        less clothing, wearing clothes we already    organic food.
              making this move, which has      own for longer.                                   This reduces the distance goods
been suggested for many years, this will             By wearing one item of clothing for    are transported, and supports local
give Rotarians even more ways to bring         nine months longer, you can reduce your      businesses.
about positive change in the world and         carbon footprint by 30%.                          Finally, consider the food you buy
increase our impact.                                                                        carefully. We throw away 6.6 million
      Rotary’s Areas of Focus encompass        Shop Second Hand: If everyone bought         tonnes of household food waste in the
some of the world’s most critical              one used item instead of new this year,      UK - 70% of this could have been eaten.
humanitarian needs, providing an               the amount of CO2 emissions saved
opportunity for members to transform           would be equivalent to removing half a       The Big Picture: Travel
the world through their volunteering and       million cars from the road for a year.       The travel industry has long been under
service projects.                                                                           the microscope for the environmental
      Over recent years, the effects our       The Big Picture: Farming                     damage it causes.
lifestyle is having on the environment         Food production has become a serious              The travel sector accounts for 8% of
have become more evident. Climate              environmental concern, from the distance     global carbon emissions.
change is an increasing threat to our          in food miles to the way it is farmed and         Transport has become more
planet, and action needs to be taken now.      the packaging it is sold in.                 accessible, with more cars on the road
      Here we take a look at how different          As the world’s population grows         and flights becoming cheaper as travelling
industries are damaging the environment,       rapidly, food production and demand          abroad becomes more appealing.
and what we can do as individuals to           increases.                                        Air travel is the main culprit behind
reduce our impact.                                  Farming creates 10% of the UK’s         the travel industry’s global emissions.
      In order to make a big change, we        emissions, and globally is responsible            As the demand for luxury travel
must look at our own choices and actions.      for between 17-32% of greenhouse gas         increases, and the tourism industry
                                               emissions.                                   continues to grow, it is likely the carbon
The Big Picture: Fashion Industry                                                           emissions will continue to rise.
The fashion industry is responsible for an     Take Action
alarming 10% of all of humanity’s carbon       Sustainable food production is key in        Take Action
emissions.                                     order to feed an ever-growing world and      The travel industry continues to find
      This is largely due to the rise of the   reduce CO2 emissions.                        ways to reduce its carbon footprint after
‘fast fashion’ industry.                            One way to reduce emissions, is to      continued pressures to become more
      Today, because of the low cost, and      reduce your meat intake.                     environmentally-friendly.
ever-changing trends, consumers are                 The Food and Agriculture                     Electric and hybrid cars
buying twice as many items of clothing as      Organization of the United Nations           currently being developed as a more
they did a decade ago.                         calculated that 14.5% of the global carbon   environmentally-friendly alternative to
      As a result, more clothing is            footprint comes from the production of       petrol and diesel cars.
discarded piling up in landfill sites.         meat and livestock.                              There are also numerous ways in
Unsustainable methods of manufacturing              By reducing your meat intake and        which we can take responsibility of our
are being used to cut costs.                   eating more plant-based food, your           own travel decisions.

16 | Rotary | February/March 2021                                                                                
                                                   INTAKE. THE FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE
                                                   UNITED NATIONS CALCULATED THAT 14.5% OF THE GLOBAL
                                                   CARBON FOOTPRINT COMES FROM THE PRODUCTION OF MEAT
                                                   AND LIVESTOCK. "

                                                                                                         Eat less meat

     Swapping driving for public
transport for an average distance of 25km
saves 184kg of carbon emissions per day.
     Walking where possible will also
make a huge impact on the environment.
     Walking just 3km a week, instead of
driving, saves 29kg of carbon emissions
per week.
     By making some very simple changes
in your life, you can reduce carbon
emissions and help save the earth for
generations to follow.
     If everyone made an effort to make
small changes, the impact would
be huge. l                                         Ditch the car

                 | Fact file |
  • In the last 170 years, we added 2.4
    trillion tons of Carbon Dioxide into our
    atmosphere. Half of this was added in the
    last 35 to 50 years.
  • It takes around 1,800 gallons of water to
    grow enough cotton to produce just one
    pair of jeans.
  • Up to half of all food produced is lost or
    wasted before or after it reaches consumers.
                                                                                                     Buy old over new                                                                       February/March 2021 | Rotary | 17
Rotary | OPINION

                                                            | TOM GRIFFIN |
                                                Rotary President of Great Britain & Ireland

                   The times they are
               FREEZING winter, Covid moving us to tiers,              body to take a long-term strategic approach to addressing
               declining membership numbers. Not much reason for       Rotary’s problems.
               optimism, is there? Actually, there is.                       This year, the Governing Council has been addressing
                    The pandemic has seen many people volunteering     both these issues.
               who haven’t done so before – a potential pool of              It has been discussing how neighbouring districts can work
new Rotarians.                                                         together, maximizing the effective use of the talents of district
      However much we might by now be getting bored with               officers, and freeing up district governors to concentrate on
Zoom, Rotarians have adapted well to not meeting face-to-face,         renewing Rotary in these islands – starting new clubs to attract
and there is every chance that when we get back to “normal”,           a younger generation of new Rotarians, while still helping
many clubs will mix and match their meeting arrangements.              traditional clubs to grow.
      This will make those clubs less daunting to someone who                Some districts are already working together to run
finds Rotary attractive, but struggles with the time and cost          multi-district presidents-elect training, so we should see this
pressures that the weekly meal-meeting imposes.                        collaboration start to develop from the beginning of the new
      Our opportunity to get involved in supporting                    Rotary year in July.
mass testing and mass vaccination programmes gives                                       Governing Council has also agreed to reform
us a great opportunity                                                                                   itself by changing it from being
to remind people that we are people of action.                                                            largely composed of serving district
      But we need to do more.                                                                             governors to a much smaller body,
      Districts and Rotary in Great                                                                   comprising Rotarians with relevant
Britain & Ireland need to be more                                                           skills, experience and background, who will
focused on growing Rotary.                                                          each serve for a three-year term – thus ending the
      With declining numbers and an                                        frustrating annuality of the current arrangements.
ageing membership, many districts struggle                                    The Rotary GB&I bylaws, however, need to be changed for
to fill all the posts they’re supposed to, and district                 this to be brought about, so Governing Council will be bringing
governors are therefore distracted from their key job of                forward the necessary resolutions to the Business Meeting
leading their district.                                                 on May 21st.
      Moreover, Rotary GB&I has long been hampered by                                    These may be difficult times, but they are also
having an unwieldy governing body of 31 members – at                                      exciting times. The reforms which Governing
least 26 of whom change every year – that’s no way                                             Council has been considering open up
to run a business.                                                                                  opportunities for us to renew and
      This continual churn of members                                                                  rejuvenate Rotary in Great Britain and
makes it difficult for the governing                                                                    Ireland.
                                                                                                                Now it’s up to us all to deliver! l

18 | Rotary | February/March 2021                                                                                           
           TAKE ACTION
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Rotary | FEATURE

                                          Is printing
                                    Rotary magazine
                                          As Rotary begins to focus efforts on its new
                                         Area of Focus, the environment, what about
                                            the impact of publishing this magazine?

                                                                  | LAURA WILLCOX |

                                                                     LIMATE change and the
                                                                     environment is a big ticket
                                                                     concern for many. Today, we
                                                                     are all making careful lifestyle
                                                                     choices based on the impact
                                                      which our everyday actions are having on
                                                      the planet.
                                                            So it was no surprise when Rotary
                                                      International announced last year that
                                                      protecting the environment would become
                                                      its seventh Area of Focus.
                                                            Rotary has always been conscious of
                                                      its impact on the planet, considering the
                                                      environmental impact of everything it
                                                      does, whilst encouraging Rotarians to do
                                                      the same.
                                                            However, some have questioned the
                                                      environmental cost and value of producing
                                                      a print magazine in a digital world of
                                                            So, let's address these concerns by
                                                      taking an in-depth look into Rotary
                                                      magazine’s true cost to the environment, as
                                                      well as exploring measures which have been
                                                      put in place to reduce its impact.

                                                      Why do you use plastic wrapping?
                                                      In recent years single-use plastic has formed
                                                      an increasingly bad reputation because of
                                                      its impact on the environment.
                                                            Currently, the magazine is wrapped in
                                                      a recycled lightweight polywrap.
                                                            Despite the wrapping being recycled,
                                                      it remains a concern among some. So, we
                                                      have been looking into some alternative

20 | Rotary | February/March 2021                                             
                                                    COMES FROM SUSTAINABLE FORESTS WITHIN EUROPE
                                                    WHERE THE TREES ARE PLANTED SIMILAR TO CROP,
                                                    PURELY FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAKING PAPER."

      The strategic decision to use recycled    Britain & Ireland employs a certificated        also published online, there is something
poly to wrap Rotary magazine, which is          print supplier who is FSC certificated, and     special about having a physical copy which
posted to 40,000 Rotarians, was made            has been awarded both 19001 and 1500            people can read.
because it is the most cost-effective option.   quality and environmental accreditations.           And from a commercial point of
It is also 100% recyclable, and fit for                                                         view, advertisers love it too because of the
purpose. Don't forget, the magazine is          Are your publishers ethical?                    longevity of print and response rate.
funded by its members.                          Rotary ensures that all of its suppliers              Many clubs and Rotarians have
      Rotarians are encouraged to recycle the   meet its high ethical standards and strong      adopted the 'Read It and Leave It' initiative.
polywrap through household recycling, or at     environmental ethos.                                  They realise how you can use Rotary
larger recycling points, such as those found         Contently, who are Rotary magazine’s       magazine as a prime marketing tool to
at supermarkets.                                publisher, work closely with its suppliers      boost membership, as well as increase
      However, the wrapping will be             and customers to address environmental          awareness, by leaving copies at key public
changed. We're looking at either a paper        issues.                                         points, or passing it on to friends and
wrap or 100% compostable paper starch,               All of its magazine suppliers have         family.
both of which are sustainable and offer the     environmental credentials.                            Clearly, in the current Covid climate,
best environmental solution available. The           Contently are committed to                 this initiative has taken a back seat, but the
aim is to implement the new packaging           continually improving their environmental       opportunity is there to spread the word to
later this year.                                performance by controlling and managing         the wider public about Rotary.
                                                their operational activities and products.            Some 10,000 copies of Rotary
Doesn’t the use of paper                                                                        magazine are currently distributed each
add to deforestation?                           Why doesn’t the Rotary magazine                 issue to Sainsbury's supermarkets around
How do you think forests are doing?             just go digital?                                the country to raise Rotary’s profile.
Declining at a disastrous rate year after       Today we live in an increasingly digital              All of these copies are picked up by the
year? Wrong. A 2019 survey by Two Sides         world, but let’s not forget that digital also   public who read about Rotary’s incredible
found that 59% of European consumers            has an environmental impact too. That's         triumphs and stories, showcasing People
believe European forests are shrinking.         something which is often ignored.               of Action.
    However, between 2005, and 2015 they             According to a study by the Boston               Is Rotary magazine sustainable? The
grew significantly. Their expansion over        Consulting Group, the internet is               answer is yes. The print industry is one of
the decade equates to an area the size of       responsible for roughly one billion tonnes      the most sustainable in the world, with
Switzerland.                                    of greenhouse gases a year, or around 2%        great green credentials.
     The paper used to publish Rotary           of world emissions.                                   You should feel comfortable knowing
magazine is known as FSC ®.                          Even though in today’s world more          that you can enjoy Rotary magazine in the
     It is sourced from sustainable forests     news and information is becoming                physical format, and a carbon footprint
within Europe where the trees are planted       available online, abandoning the physical       which is incredibly low. l
similar to crops, but purely for the purpose    magazine and focussing purely on digital
of making paper.                                would be a huge backward step for
     The forests from which Rotary              Rotary’s promotional activity.                                | References |
magazine paper is produced are certified             A survey of over 10,700 consumers in
by the Programme for the Endorsement of         2017 found 72% of consumers preferred            • Two Sides- The Myths and Facts booklet
Forest Certification Schemes (PEFC).            to read the printed versions of magazines        • PPA Magazine Wrapping Guidelines
     This is an international certification     over the digital copy.
scheme ensuring that forests are managed             Even in today's digital world, don't        • Digital and Printed Magazines’
in an ecologically sustainable way.             underestimate the power of print.                 Effects on the Environment,
                                                                                                  Jeannie Nguyen, 2010
     This certification is a reassurance that
the paper we use comes from a sustainable       Rotary magazine is our                           • The Guardian- How sustainable are
source.                                         best marketing tool                               printed magazines?
     In terms of printing, Rotary in Great      Although Rotary magazine articles are                                                                                             February/March 2021 | Rotary | 21
Rotary | FEATURE

   Keeping the home
   fires burning
Abingdon Vesper Rotary’s                        AMILIES in Uganda, like                The World Health Organization
                                                those in other parts of Africa,   reckons that spending one hour in a smoky
initiative of adopting a school                 Asia and South America, cook      kitchen equals smoking 400 cigarettes. It
appeal to build a fuel saving                   their meals on open fires using   is the main cause of eye and lung disease,
                                                firewood or charcoal.             and it damages the development of
eco-stove, won the Rodney                Due to high population growth,           unborn children.
Huggins’ Rotary GB&I                the country is becoming more densely               Obviously, cutting down trees has a
                                    populated. This leads to pressures on         detrimental effect on the environment by
environmental project award.        land for farming, forests diminishing and     reducing water retention, increasing soil
Maya Smeulders, from the            firewood increasingly hard to come by.        erosion and diminishing rainfall.
                                         We found that the women in rural              For all these reasons a sustainable
Oxfordshire club, describes                                                       energy solution for cooking is a necessity
                                    areas are now spending up to five hours
how the project works.              daily to collect a bundle of firewood.        for three billion people in the world.
                                         In addition to the time and effort            For people to accept a change to
                                    involved, this exposes them daily to the      their daily habits it is important that
                                    risk of sexual harassment.                    the solution is practical, affordable and
                                         Cooking on open fires in smoke-filled    maintainable.
                                    kitchens is also very unhealthy.                   We came across the existence of

22 | Rotary | February/March 2021                                                                     
traditional African stoves which use up to     with their eco-stove and would not want to    eco-stoves being built in one year.
70% less firewood and greatly reduce the       go back to open fires.                              Instruction leaflets have been
amount of smoke from cooking. People                The time women save by having to         produced and radio time bought to further
had largely forgotten about such stoves,       make only two instead of seven wood-          spread awareness.
possibly because so many lives were lost       gathering trips adds up to 60 days a year.          But eco-stoves are not only needed in
during periods of political upheaval.               This time and energy could be used to    homes, they are also needed in schools.
     The stoves are made from free local       make bio-briquettes from harvest or food            In Mubende District alone, 200,000
materials like dried grass, various kinds      waste, thus reducing the need for firewood    school meals a day are cooked on open
of soil, ash, sawdust, sweet potato leaves,    even further.                                 fires in school kitchens, devouring masses
water and cow-dung.                                 There may be other more                  of firewood.
     These are mixed together into a           sophisticated stoves on the market, but             Planting new trees is necessary, but
kind of clay from which the eco-stove is       most people cannot afford them.               they take time to grow. Fuel saving eco-
constructed. Banana stems are used to               As semi-subsistence farmers, they are    stoves have an immediate effect on saving
keep the smoke-channels and the seats          very short of cash. We know from our work     existing trees and will allow newly planted
for the pans open. Once                                                                                          trees to grow. So, both
formed, the stove needs                                                                                          actions are needed to
to dry slowly before the
                                          "THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION                                         combat climate change.
final shaping of the fire-             RECKONS THAT SPENDING ONE HOUR IN                                              Under the
openings and pan stands.              A SMOKY KITCHEN EQUALS SMOKING 400                                         Learning 4 Life School
     This takes about two            CIGARETTES. IT IS THE MAIN CAUSE OF EYE                                     Development Project, we
to three weeks.                      AND LUNG DISEASE, AND IT DAMAGES THE                                        have constructed a bigger
     Construction                                                                                                version of eco-stove to
requires a fair amount of
                                       DEVELOPMENT OF UNBORN CHILDREN."                                          accommodate the huge
physical effort, but with                                                                                        pans used in schools.
a trained person on hand, most people          with farmer groups that saving just £2 a            To date 16 stoves have been built at
can build their own stove. Once finished,      month is a struggle. The beauty of the mud    schools at a cost of £250 per school.
several pans can be cooked simultaneously      eco-stoves is that they cost only labour            It needs a team of two trainers and
with one fire.                                 and can be repaired just as easily without    three local workers making five trips
     The fire burns evenly and efficiently.    the need for spare-parts or technical         to the school, which involves renting a
There is less smoke and less risk of burns.    assistance, which are often unavailable in    motorbike, to complete a stove.
     The fire needs little attention, so       developing countries.                               The local people are trained on the
that other tasks can be carried out during          Once a group of families in a village is job, so that they become the new trainers
cooking. There is no ash in the food.          using an eco-stove, neighbours want them,     in their communities. Support is needed to
     All the people we met were happy          too. This snowball effect has led to 2,000    expand the programme to more schools.
                                                                                                   Please help by adopting a school for
                                                                                             £250 which will cover the cost of labour,
A new smoke free traditional stove being built
                                                                                             transport, two chimneys and some trees.
                                                                                                   The developed world is the main
                                                                                             contributor to global warming.
                                                                                             Sub-Saharan countries have contributed
                                                                                             very little, but they will be the first to suffer
                                                                                             the consequences. It is only fair that we
                                                                                             give them support to help themselves. l

                                                                                                             | Information |
                                                                                                         Contact: Maya Smeulders
Rotary | NEWS

You can count on the cadres
                                                             | JOHN PHILIP |

           OTARIANS can help protect the       clinic which received a supply of cancer          sustainability and value for money. We can
           environment by incorporating        treating equipment which it does not want         add value irrespective of project’s location,
           environmental considerations        nor has means to dispose of safely.               size and source of funding.
           into all of its humanitarian             It is a horrifying thought that some              We can also help with grant
           projects.                           of our donations and some of our projects         applications, community assessments,
      Where do we start? Changing the          may be contributing to environmental              partnerships, and evaluation.
adult mind-set is not easy, but the young      damage. It is essential that we plan our               We do have experience of successful
are more receptive.                            projects carefully for which assistance is at     projects and not so successful projects!
      Rotarians are involved in many youth     hand from Cadre members.                               I would like to recruit enthusiastic
activities especially literacy. If we decide        I became a Cadre many years ago and          new Cadres, especially in the fields
to integrate environmental studies into all    am now one of three Disease Prevention            of environment, peace and conflict
youth and literacy programmes, we will be      and Treatment Cadre Co-ordinators in the          resolution, and finance. l
making a great start.                          world. I have also been asked to lead the
      One of the biggest threats to the        current group of 30 Cadres in Rotary for                       | Information |
environment is from waste products.            Great Britain & Ireland.
                                                                                                         John Philip, Newbury Rotary
      Even in developed countries, less than        Our aim is to help you increase
30% of waste is recycled. There are many       the impact of your projects, ensure
developing countries where there is no
waste disposal provision. Surely this is an
ideal challenge for Rotarians.
      On an island in Lake Victoria
(Ukerewe) where I have undertaken
many projects, the streets and suburbs are
littered with plastic and other rubbish. The
islanders do not have the means to dispose
of rubbish, most get washed into the lake.
      Trees are cut down for firewood – the
deforestation is wrecking the ecosystem
and smoke-filled cooking methods are
damaging the health of the islanders –
mainly young people. I wish I could start
a campaign in local schools.
      Whatever we decide to do, I urge
good planning and reliable monitoring
and evaluation. Most importantly, please
ensure that we do no harm.
      I say this wearing my hat as a Rotary
Foundation Cadre.
      This is a group of Rotarians whose
mission is to ensure that Rotary projects
meet community needs, are well designed
and implemented, sustainable and have
measurable outcomes.
      To some, these concepts may seem
bureaucratic, but when you have seen an
expensive x-ray machine donated to a
hospital in a developing country rusting in
its crate for 10 years because the hospital
had no electricity and has no means of its
safe disposal, it breaks one’s heart.
      I have recently been contacted by a
                                                                We need to integrate environmental studies into all youth and literacy programmes

24 | Rotary | February/March 2021                                                                                         

                                                                                       “It’s the best home
                                                                               improvement we have ever made.
                                                                              Our conservatory is now our dining
                                                                                     room in the garden.”
                                                                                                 Mike Millis,
                                                                                              Middleton On Sea

                                                                                                              LATER THAT DAY
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There are many reasons to change your
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 as the saying goes, and yes,           done in this house. Used to run               do not have to close the door
 that’s all it took to install.”        with condensation and now zero.”              to the conservatory when it
Mr & Mrs Barber, Wells                 Karen Thomas, Chippenham                       rains, as the noise is minimal
                                                                                      and before I found it difficult to
WARMER IN WINTER                       COOLER IN SUMMER                               hear the TV over the loudness
“There is no doubt that the            “You could have fried an egg                   of the rain on the old roof.”
 conservatory is much warmer            on the table in there in the                 Mr & Mrs Bailey-Webb, Warsash
 than previously, and no, the           summer, I now look upon the
 room is not darker either!”            conservatory as a new room.
                                        It is quiet, restful and cosy.”
David Birch, Chichester
                                       Carol Doyle, Surrey
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 throughout all seasons of the year    “I’ve already turned the                        installations, and perform
 and is far more comfortable to sit     underfloor heating down.                       these in less than a day!
 in whatever the weather outside.”      Lovely job guys, thank you!”
Mr & Mrs Gibson, Portishead            Anne Bird, Bristol

                                                    Get a price for your conservatory roof

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Talk| from
Rotary FEATUREthe top…

KNAACK                                            PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE

       N ROTARY, February 23rd is our anniversary, and
       February is also the month when we focus on promoting
       peace. There is a reason for this: contributing to peace
  and international understanding has been a high priority for
  us since our earliest days.
       We are often asked: “How can we get involved in peace
  now?” There are many paths to peace in Rotary. Our youth
  programmes point us in the direction of Positive Peace, as
  does the work of intercountry committees and the Rotary
  Action Group for Peace.
       Another path is the Rotarian Peace Projects Incubator              I was excited to join the peace incubator project and to

                                              talk from top
  (RPPI), an inspirational collaboration among Rotarians,            further strengthen my ties with Rotary’s peace community by
  Rotaractors, and Rotary Peace Fellows and alumni.                  working with past and current peace fellows to develop these
       Led by Rotarians in Switzerland and Liechtenstein, RPPI       proposals.
  has designed 48 global projects that any club can support,              My team wrote five proposals — three in Bangladesh, one
  either directly or through Rotary Foundation global grants.        in Iraq, and one in Poland — that focus on the arts and on
       Nino Lotishvili and Matthew Johnsen, alumni of the            education to generate dialogue across religious divisions and
  Rotary Peace Center at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok,        avert the radicalisation of young people.
  Thailand, are two of the many volunteers.                               I was inspired by how, despite the pandemic, we came
                                                                     together via technology with a vision to develop, test, and
       During my Rotary peace journey, I have learned                strengthen ideas and to produce workable solutions that clubs
  how personal resilience helps build inner peace and create         across the world can support to advance peace. I am excited
  sustainable outer peace. This was the inspiration behind the       to work with Rotary’s peace community to transform these
  Women Peace Ambassadors for the South Caucasus project,            visions into reality. — Matthew Johnsen
  which is based on my field research in Georgia.
       The RPPI team of Rotarians and peace fellows recognised            Here is further proof that in Rotary, we prefer action
  the incredible potential of women from mixed-ethnicity             to words. This is Rotary at its best. I encourage you to visit
  families who live on borderlands to be role models for peace to explore the projects and support them.
  within and beyond their communities.                                    We have lasted 116 years because of our strong ethics, our
       Through workshops on building inner and outer peace           passion for Service Above Self, and our unique approach to
  that draw on the power of storytelling, 40 participants will       problem-solving.
  be sharing their stories and reaching around 400 extended               One of our greatest strengths is how we reach across
  family and community members. These inspiring but                  our communities and across national, ethnic, religious, and
  marginalised women will reclaim their inner strength as            political divisions to unite people of all backgrounds and to
  peacebuilders at the grassroots level. In this way, we will take   help others.
  steps toward the sustainable, peaceful society we need so much,         This month, let’s celebrate our history and the many
  not only in our region, but throughout the world.                  ways that Rotary Opens Opportunities to advance world
  — Nino Lotishvili                                                  understanding, goodwill, and peace, our ultimate mission. l

26 | Rotary | February/March 2021                                                                               
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