Page created by Sherry Lindsey
                                             WICKLOW                                                                                   WE DELIVER!- for 30 years              NORTH EDITION

                                                                                                                                                                                                                homes & businesses
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Delivered to 44,500

                                                                                                                                        ROTARY YOUTH    VOLUNTEER AWARD                 COOL PLANET
                                                                                                                                             page 4            page 8                      page 13
   Tuesday 26th November 2019                       5 Eglinton Road, Bray, Co. Wicklow Tel: 01 - 2869111                                              E-mail:

Laragh was the location for the signing of the National
Broadband Plan last Tuesday morning and it is the biggest
investment in infrastructure in the history of the State. An
Taoiseach Leo Varadkar was joined by Ministers Simon
Harris and Andrew Doyle, and other cabinet Ministers, at the
signing of the contract with National Broadband Ireland, the
company that will deliver the project.
  The event has been         morning at 10:20am” - no     ical piece of infrastruc-
mired in controversy         mention of the Taoiseach     ture for families and busi-
however with opposition      or Tanaiste being there,     nesses      in     County
TDs claiming it was not a    no mention of 6 other        Wicklow. Under the
government announce-         Ministers being there, no    contract signed by the
ment but rather a Fine       mention of Department        government          14000
Gael stunt to coincide       General Secretaries and      premises across county
with the four by-            staff being there and cru-   Wicklow will benefit
elections.                   cially no mention that the   from the government
   Laragh based TD Pat       broadband contract was       investment in broadband.
Casey said he had to ‘gate   going to be signed there.      “I was delighted
crash’ the event and for a       Whilst most of the       the Taoiseach, Tanaiste
while was denied access.     Wicklow Fine Gael coun-      and      Minister      for
The government claims it     cillors were present no      Communication could
invited all TDs but an       councillor from any other    visit St Kevin’s National
email sent to John Bray at   party was present.           School and the Brockagh
8 o’clock that morning         Speaking after the         Resource Centre to meet
merely says “Minister        event Minister Simon         the community and
Bruton will be visiting St   Harris TD said: “High        demonstrate the govern-
Kevin’s NS, Laragh this      speed broadband is a crit-   ment’s commitment to

                                                                                         Aoibheann Hayes, Olivia Ward, and Niamh Lynham at the BIFE Graduation ceremony

                                                                                        rural communities.             work will start immedi-
                                                                                           “The future will be         ately, with roll-out of
                                                                                        about home and remote          broadband within eight
                                                                                        working, students access-      weeks of last week’s con-
                                                                                        ing more and more infor-       tract signing. Over 90%
                                                                                        mation online, distance        of premises in the State
                                                                                        learning, smart-farming,       will have access to high
                                                                                        remote healthcare and so       speed broadband within
                                                                                        much more. None of this        four years.
                                                                                        will be possible without         “There are 14,871
                                                                                        high-speed,        future-     premises across Co.
                                                                                        proofed,      broadband.       Wicklow in the State
                                                                                        Today’s announcement in        Intervention area. Quite
                                                                                        Laragh, is quite simply        simply this means that
                                                                                        the biggest investment in      rural communities in
                                                                                        rural Ireland since electri-   Wicklow will not be left
                                                                                        fication. Fine Gael is         behind. All of rural
                                                                                        delivering on transform-       Ireland will get the same
                                                                                        ing the country for the        access to opportunities
                                                                                        better and providing more      offered by high-speed
                                                                                        opportunities to all.”         broadband as those in
                                                                                           Speaking at the signing     urban areas.
                                                                                        of the contract, Minister        “The ultimate goal here
                                                                                        Andrew Doyle said “This        is to deliver high-speed
                                                                                        is a landmark day for Co.      broadband to homes and
                                                                                        Wicklow and for rural          businesses all across the
                                                                                        Ireland generally. The         country which will be
                                                                                        Government has signed a        hugely beneficial to eco-
                                                                                        contract for the National      nomic development and
                                                                                        Broadband Plan which           job creation in Wicklow.
                                                                                        plans to rollout high
                                                                                        speed broadband. The               Continued on Page 3
Times    WICKLOW

2 NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                          Tuesday 26th November 2019

                                                                                                                        Classic Harmony win in Krakow
                                                                                                                       Family group Classic Harmony took top honours in Krakow, Poland on Saturday evening
                                                                                                                       last. Formerly the Kelly Family Vocal Ensemble, the group comes from Ashford. They have
                                                                                                                       just returned from the 4th Lions World Song Festival for the blind and
                                                                                                                       visually impaired called ‘Sounds from the Heart’.
                                                                                                                           Classic     Harmony,     Argentina, Iceland, Italy,      Four out of five mem-    from Wicklow represent-
                                                                                                                       Frank, Emily and John        Poland, France, Belgium,     bers of the group are       ed Ireland and his local
                                                                                                                       Kelly represented Ireland    Czech         Republic,      vision-impaired.            Wicklow and District
                                                                                                                       as well as Wicklow and       Morocco,        Kosovo,      Including father, Frank     Lions Club.
                                                                                                                       District Lions Club in the   Russia, as well as two       who is a musical director      He was nominated as
                                                                                                                       biggest competition of       other competitors from       of five choirs in Wicklow   chairman of the Jury in
                                                                                                                       it’s type in the world and   Ireland.                     and a choir for blind and   Krakow and he was over-
                                                                                                                       took home the biggest           They are all members      vision-impaired people in   joyed to be invited to pre-
                                                                                                                       prize.                       of one family and have       Dublin.                     sent the first prize to
                                                                                                                           The family members       sung together since they        There were three         Classic Harmony in the
                                                                                                                       beat off stiff opposition    were very young and now      judges      representing    magnificent Showacki
                                                                                                                       from singers and musi-       produce a unique blend       Poland, Holland and         Theatre in the centre of
                                                                                                                       cians from Georgia,          of close harmonies.          Ireland. Sean Olohan        historic Krakow.

  John Young, Miriam Murphy, and Ronan Byrne are pictured at the launch of Carnew Musical
  Society’s production of Oklahoma!, which can be seen in St. Bridgit’s Hall, Carnew, this week
  from Monday November 25th to Saturday November 30th.

        Bray School Project                                  Greystones Christmas lunch
          Christmas Fair                                     Christmas Lunch will be served in the Log Hall at
                                                             the Presbyterian Church Greystones on Tuesday
Bray School Project’s fabulous fun-filled Christmas          December 3rd from 12pm to 2pm. Everyone is wel-
Fair will take place on Sunday 1st December 11am -           come, €5 for soup, sandwiches, tea and coffee,
3pm. This great annual family event will have tradi-         much chatter too!
tional market stalls, crafts, cakes and food treats, fun
and games, bric-a-brac, gifts galore and more. Visit
Santa in his magical grotto and enjoy festive food and-
                                                                Laragh Christmas Lights
snacks in the Restaurant & Café. Perhaps you will be
                                                             The big switch on for Laragh Christmas Lights will
lucky in the Fantastic Raffle. The school is located on
                                                             be on Sunday, 1st of December at 6pm with Santa
the Killarney Road, Bray just off the N11 at Exit 7
                                                             coming to the green in front of Lynhams Hotel.
Bray South.
                                                             Organisers wish to thank all the community support
                                                             given this year to continue this fun, festive annual
Conary Church annual sale                                    event.
Conary Parish Church is holding a sale on Saturday
30th November from 2.30pm-4pm in Conary Church
Hall. There will be an array of homemade cakes, jams,
                                                                Shankill Classical Music
vegetables for sale. A raffle draw with a number of          The next meeting will be on Wed 4th December.
prizes will take place at the sale, with top prize being a   Classical music on CDs: all genres - orchestral,
food hamper. Tickets may be purchased on the day.            instrumental, vocal, opera etc., in the usual venue -
There will also be teas and other stalls. All money          Shankill Day Centre, Lower Rd, Shankill, 7.45-
raised will go towards Conary church.                        10.00 pm. Car parking available. Visitors and new
                                                             members always welcome. €2 on the night, tea and
 Delgany Thursday Group                                      biscuits at the interval. Just come along, or see
                                                             further      details     of      the     club     on      Family vocal group, Classic Harmony, from Wicklow, took the top prize at the Lions World Song
Delgany Thursday Group’s Christmas Lunch will be   , or ring or text John on        Festival for the Blind
on Thursday 5th December at 12.45pm, in the                  087-2109175. The January 2020 meeting will be on
Parkview Hotel, Newtownmountkennedy. The cost is             the second Wednesday, i.e. Wednesday 8th.
€ 25 per person. To book, contact Peter on                                                                              Dublin Simon Community                                         Wicklow Willow
086 830 7644 or John on 086 356 6527.
                                                                     Christmas Tree sale                                 Seeks Wicklow choirs to                                     basketry courses and
  History of the Irish pub                                   St Cronan’s Parent’s Association annual Christmas
                                                                                                                            ‘Sing for Simon’                                         Christmas vouchers
                                                             tree sale will take place in the school grounds on        Dublin Simon Community is seeking choirs, bands
Kilmacanogue History Society presents ‘The Irish             Vevay Hill Bray on Saturday December 7th from                                                                       Spring courses begin in February and are suitable
                                                                                                                       and volunteers in Wicklow to lend their voices to         for both beginners and improvers. All courses are
Pub- A Social and Cultural History’ on Tuesday 3rd           9am until 2pm, or until stock runs out. Prices start at
                                                                                                                       end homelessness by hosting a ‘Sing for Simon’            full-day, 9 to 5, and held in the Brockagh Centre,
December in Glenview Hotel at 8pm. The speaker is            €45 with delivery available for an extra €5. All
Dr. Breda Cunningham. Breda’s Talk will focus on                                                                       fundraising event in your local community, school         Glendalough. Courses includes all material, tuition,
                                                             money raised will go towards school equipment.
the social role of the public house in Irish society over                                                              or workplace throughout the month of December.            tea/coffee. lunch (and cake!). You will make and
time, which in turn has determined our drinking habits                                                                                                                           bring home your own basket on the day!
and practices.                                                                                                            The organisation welcomes singers and musicians
                                                               St. Anne’s Parish Maintenance                           of all abilities and will support groups by providing        Courses cost €85 and booking is essential. A
                                                                    Fund Christmas Fair                                Dublin Simon Community branded buckets,                   deposit of €50 is required to book your place. Places

               BRAY                                          The St. Anne’s Parish Christmas Fair will be held on
                                                             Sunday December 1st in St. Anne’s Resource Centre,
                                                                                                                       high-visibility vests, Santa Hats, song books,
                                                                                                                       assistance in gaining permits for public areas and any
                                                                                                                                                                                 are limited in Spring so be sure to book early.
                                                                                                                                                                                    Course Vouchers are now available and make a
                                                                                                                                                                                 wonderful Christmas or Birthday present.
                                                                                                                       other help or information that may be required.
                                   Vevay Rd, Bray            Dublin Road, Shankill, from 10am to 3pm. Lots of             Each year, ‘Sing for Simon’ sees over 100 groups
                                                                                                                                                                                    Available courses are as follows: Saturday
                                                             stalls and monster raffle with some great prizes to                                                                 February 15th; Sunday February 23rd; Sunday
                                                                                                                       and choirs singing Christmas hits and carols across       March 1st; Wednesday March 25th; Sunday April
                                                             be won. Admission free.                                   Dublin, Wicklow, Kildare, Meath, Louth, Monaghan          12th.
                              • Free Fitting                                                                           and Cavan to raise much-needed funds for Dublin              There is also a two-day scarecrow-making
                              • Free Measuring                               Tir na nOg                                Simon Community’s vital life-saving services.
                                                                                                                       Fundraising is conducted through bucket-shaking
                                                                                                                                                                                 workshop in the National Botanic Gardens on
                                                                                                                                                                                 February 8th and 9th. Booking details at
                                Service                                                                                while singing at the event. Interested participants are
                                                             Sonny Condell and Leo O’Kelly join forces on
                              • Free In Home                 Friday November 29th for their annual appearance at       encouraged to contact Steven Short at                        Remember to book early to get the dates you
                                                                                                              or on 085 870 1120.               want. Extra dates may be added subject to demand.
                                Advice & Design              the Hot Spot Music Club in Greystones as the leg-
                                                             endary Tir na nOg.
                                Service                      They have been described as Alt Folk, Prog Folk,                                                                                  Contacts:

                              • No Obligation                Psych Folk, and even Space Folk!. But the duo,                          WICKLOW

                                                             formed by Leo and Sonny in 1970, transcends all                                                     Shay Fitzmaurice, Managing Editor -
                                 Quote                       these categories. What is not in doubt is that they are
                                                                                                                                                                 Ian Colgan, News Editor -
 *12 Month Guarantee on ALL Blinds*                          two of the most original and influential songwriters
                                                             and performers Ireland has ever produced. Friday                      is published by               Erika Doyle, Features Editor -
 Tel: 286 5057 Fax: 201 4335              29th November at the Hot Spot Music Club, doors             Wicklow Times, 5 Eglinton Road, Bray.
            email:                       8pm. Tickets or 087 291 7519.                       Tel: 01-2869111               General enquiries -
Times     WICKLOW

Tuesday 26th November 2019                                                                                                                                                                                               NEWS 3

Luggala House and lands have been sold for €11,585,000, according to the online Property
Price Register. The register detailed the sale as occurring on 30/10/2019 and stated that the
property did not meet the full market price, which had been reported to be €28m.
   Social        Democrats      described as the ‘Jewel in      insignificant sum, it          was €28 million and
Candidate for Wicklow,          the Crown’ of the film          equates to only 1 percent      implored upon her that
Cllr. Jennifer Whitmore         industry here and is the        of the Department of           Luggala could be bought
expressed her disappoint-       one site that all overseas      Culture and Heritage’s         for much less than the ask-
ment that this iconic           film producers want to          €1.2bn budget for their        ing price due to the protec-
Wicklow estate was not          visit. A significant amount     Capital Plan ‘Investing in     tions and restrictions asso-
purchased          by     the   of filming on the site hap-     our Culture, Language &
                                                                                               ciated with such a scenic
Government and protected        pens each year, and             Heritage 2018-2027’. And
for future generations.         includes series such as         with the amount of money       location.
Over the past couple of         Vikings. There was a real       that the film industry pays       “The Minister commit-
years, Cllr. Whitmore has       concern within the film         out on an annual basis in      ted to engaging with the
made repeated requests to       industry that their access      renting these lands, it        vendor on a reduced sale
the Minister for Culture        to the site would be limit-     could have paid for itself     price. The visitor and her-
and Heritage, Josepha           ed if it was purchased by a     within a relatively short      itage value of Luggala to
Madigan to step in and          private         individual.     period. Surely, there was      Ireland would in a relative-
purchase the estate. This       Thankfully, that would not      someone         in      this   ly short time return far
did not happen, and the         appear to be the case, as       Government who could           more than the investment
house and lands were            the new owner has indicat-      have realised what a trea-     needed to purchase the
recently bought by private      ed that they would allow        sure this site was and had     site. The complete failure
purchase by a British           access. However, once in        the vision to protect it for   to negotiate a deal that
based Italian count.            private hands, there is         future generations? This
                                                                                               would at least have
   Cllr Whitmore said           always a risk that that         really is an opportunity
                                arrangement could be            lost and a decision that I     secured the lands repre-
“Luggala Estate is an
iconic estate for our           changed into the future.        believe we will regret for     sents a total lack of com-       Pictured are Caoimhe Bolger, Suzie Elliot, Carla Kavanagh, Mia McCann, Laurie Doherty, and
county and is strategically       “Last year, I had the         many years to come.”           mitment         by       the     Kate Costello who took part in the LTGBi+ day at the Dominican College, Wicklow Town.
important for our recre-        support of my fellow               Local TD Pat Casey was      Government in relation to
                                                                                               this once off opportunity.”

                                                                                                                               St. David’s drop €250 application fee
ation and tourism industry.     Councillors on Wicklow          also dismayed by the fact
From an environmental           County Council to write to      that the Government               John Brady TD was also
perspective, it could have      the Minister and request        hadn’t engaged to try and      astounded that the sale
been incorporated into the      that she purchase the site.     purchase the estate.           price was so low. “Why
Wicklow National Park           And a public petition by a      “Someone got a bargain         did the government not         St. David’s Holy Faith Secondary School in Greystones has dropped a €250 application fee
and played a large part in      concerned resident, Alec        alright! The revelation that   engage with the vendors.       following complaints to the Department of Education from parents.
addressing our biodiversity     Dune, collected thousands       the unique and historic        If they had bought the
crisis. In fact, the National   of names. Unfortunately,        Luggala Estate and lands       entire estate of 5.000 acres     The school is now in the process of refunding the payments made by parents hoping to secure a place for
Parks and Wildlife Service      those calls fell on deaf        in Roundwood were sold                                        their children for September 2022.
                                                                                               and then sold off the lodge
recommended to the              ears, and Wicklow, and          for just over €11.5 million                                     The practice of schools requesting a fee from parents as part of the application process was banned in
                                                                                               and perhaps a hundred
Minister that this happen.      Ireland, have lost an           is extremely disappointing                                    2018 by legislation which was introduced - Section 64 of the Education (Admissions to Schools) Act 2018.
   “On top of all that, the     opportunity to purchase an      and represents a complete      acres, the overall cost
                                                                                               would have been in the           However, when St. David’s opened applications for the 2022/23 school year this summer, the application
lands are also of utmost        iconic and important piece      failure by Government to                                      form requested that they enclose a €250 ‘administrative fee’ to cover costs such as entrance assessment and
importance to the Irish         of land.”                       obtain an extraordinary        low millions. It’s just
                                                                                                                              associated administrative costs, insurance, postage, locker, journal, water, and well-being workshops.
film industry, who voiced         Cllr Whitmore contin-         heritage site. I met with      another case of the govern-      The form stated that refunds would only be granted if no place is granted when the applicant applies, but
their concerns to me over       ued “Whilst €11.5m              Minister Madigan on this       ment being asleep at the       not if the place is cancelled by the applicant.
the sale. Luggala has been      (€2,300 per acre) is not an     when the value of the sale     wheel,” he said.                 It’s understood that a number of parents complained to the Department of Education, and that the
                                                                                                                              Department then contacted the school and the Board of Management about the matter, and the fee was then

                                                                                                                                Wicklow Times contacted St. David’s but they declined to comment.

  Continued from Page 1          Wicklow is symbolic of         County Wicklow.”                  “Here in Wicklow,
     “It will open up a range    the scale of the transfor-       Speaking following the       we’ve been promised
  of possibilities including:    mative impact that this        broadband launch, Fianna       that 12 high-speed inter-
  flexible and remote work-      technology will bring to       Fail      TD      Stephen      net hubs have been ear-
  ing; smart health with         communities like Laragh,       Donnelly accused the           marked for the county,
  online GP and nursing          Glendalough with its pop-      Government of failing in       including GAA clubs,
  services and medical           ulation of rural dwellers,     the entire broadband           community Halls in
  monitoring; cloud-based        farmers, commuters,            process.                       Tinahely, Avondale
  services and connected         tourism businesses, stu-          He explained, “I think      Forest      Park,      the
  devices; smart farming         dents and families.            everyone should be wor-        Brockagh Resource cen-
  opportunities; digital           “The delivery of high        ried       when         the    tre, a Hostel in
  learning; and reliable         speed broadband will help      Government           starts    Enniskerry, a premise at
  electronic payments and        to attract new jobs to rural   announcing big capital         the county campus in
  bookings for businesses.       areas, develop new enter-      plans, right in the middle     Rathnew and Scoil
  It is crucial for balanced     prise opportunities and        of a by-election. It’s pret-   Caoimhin Naofa. We’ve
  regional development that      retain the jobs that cur-      ty easy for anyone to see      also been told that
  everyone in the country        rently exist in these areas    that it was a nakedly          14,000 premises will
  does not have to go to         and it is both welcomed        political photo op, cyni-      benefit from highspeed
  Dublin to work, study or       and eagerly awaited that       cally staged to help them      Internet connections
  start an enterprise.           this work will commence        in the polls. They tell us     thanks to a €59 million
     “Every school in the        early in the New Year          that the signing of the        cash injection under the
  country will be able to        with the provision of the      new contract is supposed       plans. But the worst sce-
  access digital technolo-       broadband connection           to bring an end to delays      nario that we could pos-
  gies for teaching. That        points to be rolled out in     with the national broad-       sibly have, is for peo-
  this announcement is tak-      2020 in the 12 locations,      band plan but, so far, it’s    ple’s hopes to be built up
  ing place in the heart of      which are well dispersed       just led the Irish public      like this, only to be
  the uplands in County          geographically, across         down the garden path.          dashed later.
                                                                                                  “The top civil servant
                                                                                               at the Department of
                                                                                               Public Expenditure pre-
                                                                                               viously warned that the
                                                                                               Government’s broadband
                                                                                               plan wasn’t good value
                                                                                               for money and should be
                                                                                               shelved. What we need
                                                                                               to know now is what the
                                                                                               department thinks about
                                                                                               this latest version? The
                                                                                               Wicklow announcements
                                                                                               may sound like great
                                                                                               news on the surface, but
                                                                                               we want to be certain
                                                                                               they’ll be just as good in
                                                                                               reality before we start
 Minister Andrew Doyle, Cllr Avril Cronin, Clr Shay Cullen and Minister
                                                                                               celebrating,” concluded
 Simon Harris at the signing of the National Broadband Plan in Laragh                          Donnelly.
Times     WICKLOW

4 NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Tuesday 26th November 2019

                                                                                             Public Realm Plan
                                                                                              for Greystones
                                                                                             The people of Greystones are being invited to have                                          it is vital that a collabora-   and pubs and socialise in
                                                                                                                                                                                         tive approach be taken in       our clubs and societies.
                                                                                             their say on an important plan to improve the public                                        order to develop a shared       We want to hear the voice
                                                                                             realm in the town.                                                                          vision and deliver the          of every single person
                                                                                                                                                                                         best outcomes for the           who’ll be affected by the
                                                                                               Wicklow         County         Having held a very suc-     strongly encourage to          town.                           changes, because it’s their
                                                                                             Council and Greystones        cessful initial consulta-      view the draft proposals          Fianna Fáil Health           opinion that matters.
                                                                                             2020 have appointed           tion event and engaged         and help shape the future      spokesperson Stephen              “The       consultants
                                                                                             commissioned a team of        with local school stu-         of Greystones.
                                                                                                                                                                                         Donnelly is urging              who’ve been hired to
                                                                                             specialists -headed by        dents, the team conducted         The Draft Plan material
                                                                                                                                                                                         Greystones residents to         come up with the plans
                                                                                             The     Paul     Hogarth      a spatial and technical        is available to view
                                                                                                                                                                                         check out the new town          will be on hand to answer
                                                                                             Company - to create a         analysis of Greystones         online       until     3rd
                                                                                                                           and have now developed         December.                      plans and have their say        any questions and I’ve
                                                                                             plan for the Public Realm
                                                                                             in Greystones.                an initial Draft Plan for         “This is your town, this    on the proposals.               been told they’ll be open
                                                                                               The consultants have        consideration.                 is your plan, and so we           He explained, “It’s          to feedback on their pro-
                                                                                             been asked in particular         The Draft Plan includes     want you to be truly           important to remember           posals. The team is trying
                                                                                             to look at the most effec-    a broad range of innova-       involved in it,” a             that Greystones doesn’t         to improve everything
                                                                                             tive presentation, man-       tive and bespoke projects      spokesperson said.             belong to the local             from traffic and transport
    RORY IS OFF TO STRASBOURG                                                                agement and enhance-          to be delivered across the        Although Greystones is      Council or Councillors or       to parking and play-
                                                                                             ment of areas such as:        short, medium and longer       a thriving town, it is         planners or politicians of      grounds. They’ll be
  Rory Mulcahy, a 5th Year student from Presentation College in Bray                         Approaches and gateways       term that seek to address      faced with challenges that     any description. It’s           focusing on history, her-
  was the winner of Bray Rotary Club’s recent Youth Leadership compe-                        into the town; Public         climatic, demographic          need to be tackled,            owned by the people who         itage and everything in
  tition, beating off competitors from several other local schools.                          Space network; Parking        and economic change in         including       increased      live and work in it every       between - so there should
  And last week he was the winner of the regional finals held in                             and traffic; Signage and      Greystones.                    development and traffic        day. Regular people who         be something of interest
                                                                                             Wayfinding; History and          Once finalised, these       congestion.                    have their homes here,          to everyone. My advice is
  Wexford. The judges stressed that the competition was very stiff and it
                                                                                             Heritage;         Tourist     will be used as the basis         To help address these       send their children to          to go along, have a look
  was very close between the students. The Judging Panel consisted of                                                      for funding applications.      problems and to improve
                                                                                             Destination; Parking,                                                                       school here, they visit our     and tell them what you
  Brendan Howlin TD, Kate Kelly, four-time All Ireland camogie winner                        Traffic and Public               As the Plan is a work in    the local streets and pub-     local shops, they eat and       think’,       concluded
  with Wexford and nine times Camogie All Star, Natasha Hughes, Co                           Transport.                    progress, residents are        lic spaces of Greystones,      drink in our restaurants        Donnelly.
  Site Head BNY Mellon Wexford. Rory won a trip to Stormont, the
  Dáil in Dublin and to participate at Euroscola in the EU Parliament
  in Strasbourg on February 2nd.
  Pictured is Rory with competition judge Natasha Hughes                                     O’Brien selected for the General Election
                                                                                             Cllr Paul O’Brien from Wicklow Town was officially selected as the Labour Party candidate for the general election at
Vikings to return to Ashford                                                                 a selection convention held on Thursday, 7th November.
                                                                                                Speaking at the convention Cllr O’Brien         when thanking my family for their continued         and thanks to the Labour Party being in gov-
Ashford Studios will once again be filled with furs, long hair and                           promised that he would do his best to live up      support as I am the first member of my family       ernment at the time I was able to attend UCD,
                                                                                             to the expectations set by the members and         to hold elected office and to run for the Dail.     where I graduated with a Bachelors Art
beards after it was announced last week that a spin-off series to hit
                                                                                             would do all he can to ensure that Jack            My only regret is that my grandparents aren’t       degree in 2016. I want to now use the oppor-
showVikings has been comissioned by Netflix.                                                 O’Connor’s vision of a fairer society becomes      alive to witness one of their own running, as I     tunities that were afforded me to help others,
  Vikings: Valhalla, writ-     glorious County Wicklow         and Vikings has benefit-      a reality, but he added “with a                    know they would have been so proud,”                as I know how difficult it can be to bounce
ten by Jeb Stewart and         which has been our home         ted, and will now contin-     little Wicklow flare thrown in for good            O’Brien stated.                                     back”.
                                                                                             measure”.                                             “I know the County faces many challenges           O’Brien concluded by thanking his support-
executive produced by          for the last eight years.       ue to benefit, from both
                                                                                                “This is a great honour for me to follow in     and if elected to the Dail I will work tirelessly   ers, family and the people of Wicklow for
Irish producer Morgan          Our Irish crew, in my           that cultural and financial
                                                                                             the footsteps of so many fine Labour               for all the people of County Wicklow. I know        their continued support. He said that he will
O’Sullivan is set 100          opinion, is the best and        support.”
                                                                                             representatives that served Wicklow with           first hand what it is like to lose your job and     be ready for whenever the election is called,
years after the original       most professional crew in         Ashford Studios is run
                                                                                             distinction since the foundation of the State. I   to face the hardships and stigma that this          but in the meantime he will continue to do
show and will detail the       the world. And it has been      by Joe O’Connell and his
                                                                                             have to admit though I got a little choked up      brings, but I made the most of my situation         his best as a County Councillor.
exploits of famous             a particular joy to me,         daughter Shelley. Six sea-
vikings Leif Erikson,          shared with my producer         sons of Vikings were shot
Freydis, Harald Hardrada       Morgan O’Sullivan, that         there between 2012 and
as well as William the         we have been able to give       2018. Earlier this year
Conquerer.                     continous employment to         planning permission was
  Show creator Michael         many hundreds of Irish          granted for a € 90m
Hirst said he was delight-     men and women. Ireland          extension, including four
ed to return to Ireland,       is well known for its sup-      new studios and a TV
“and Ashford Studios in        port of writers and drama       studio.

 Riverview House                    Tel: 01 276 1330 Fax: 01 276 1336
 Seapoint Road,                     Web:
 Bray, Co. Wicklow                  E-mail:

  Personal Injury Lawyers*
     Medical Negligence* Catastrophic Injuries*
    Workplace Accidents* Road Traffic Accidents*
                  Trips and Falls*
     For professional, confidential and expert legal advice regarding
       Personal Injuries suffered, please do not hesitate to contact
                  Brian Robinson or Clare-Ann Temple.
                                                   Rory P. Benville B.C.L.
                                              Brian Robinson B.B.L.S., L.L.M.
                                            Eilish Bradshaw B.A., L.L.B., L.L.M.
                                                  Clare-Ann Temple L.L.B.                    Pictured at the Labour Party Selection Convention are former Labour TD Liz McManus, Cllr Anne Ferris, Cllr Paul O’Brien,
                                                                                             Leader of the Labour Party Brendan Howlin, former Labour MEP candidate Sheila Nunan, and Labour Party Chairman Jack
     *In contentious business, a solicitor may not calculate fees or other charges as a
                  percentage or proportion of any award or settlement                        O’Connor.

Tuesday 26th November 2019                     5
Times     WICKLOW

6 NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                            Tuesday 26th November 2019

                                                                                         Wicklow’s building boom as
                                                                                        thousands of houses planned
                                                                                        Wicklow could be about to experience a housing building boom, with a number of large
                                                                                        housing developments around the county recently getting the green light or currently
                                                                                        awaiting approval.
                                                                                          Many of the proposed        plans to An Bord                 Meanwhile, planning        proposed dwellings.           Killincarrig. An Bord
                                                                                        developments are strate-      Pleanála for the develop-     permission has been             Elsewhere in Bray,          Pleanala is due to decide
                                                                                        gic housing schemes,          ment, which would com-        granted for 208 residen-      construction is underway      on this case by 20th
                                                                                        which allows for applica-     prise of 207 houses, 478      tial units at the Southern    at the site of the old cash   January.
                                                                                        tions for housing devel-      apartments, and a crèche.     Cross Lands in Bray. The      and carry opposite the          Also in January, An
                                                                                        opments of more than          ABP is due to decide the      mixed-use development         DART station, where 72        Bord Pleanala will
                                                                                        100 residential units to      case by 5th March, 2020.      is a strategic housing        apartments are being          decide on whether to
                                                                                        be made directly to An           The homes are to be        development comprising        built, along with ground      grant permission for a
                                                                                        Bord Pleanála. This new       built on a privately-         30 houses, 18 duplex          retail units.                 development of 43 apart-
                                                                                        type of application has       owned piece of land           units, 160 apartments,          In March, Capami Ltd        ments and 28 houses on
                                                                                        been introduced as part       while Dun Laoghaoire-         crèche and associated         lodged an application         Church Hill, Season
                                                                                        of Rebuilding Ireland to      Rathdown Council will         site works. The site is       with An Bord Pleanála         Park,                   in
                                                                                        speed up the planning         seek permission for 605       bounded to the south by       for a proposed Strategic      Newtownmountkennedy.
                                                                                        application process and       homes on the section of       the Southern Cross Road       Housing Development in        The application was
                                                                                        accelerate delivery of        the site, which it owns.      (R768), to the west by        Enniskerry for 218 resi-      lodged by Knockree
                                                                                        larger housing and stu-       Two years ago, it was         Ard na Greine Road with       dential units. The devel-     Development Ltd.
                                                                                        dent accommodation            announced that the            Heatherwood residential       opment would be located         In Rathnew, earlier this
                                                                                        proposals.                    developer plans to seek       estate further to the west,   on Killgarrong Hill, in       year, An Bord Pleanala
                                                                                          Over two thousand           permission for a further      to the north by Mountain      the      Townland        of   granted permission for
                                                                                        homes are to be built as      717 housing units. The        View Drive residential        Parknasilloge. The case       271 dwelling units at
                                                                                        part of the Woodbrook         homes are to be part of a     estate, and to the east by    is due to be decided by       Tinakilly.              In
                                                                                        development just outside      larger development that       vacant lands.                 5th December.                 Ballygannon, Rathdrum,
                                                                                        of Bray. Planning per-        will include shops and           An Bord Pleanála             In Delgany, Cairn           Wicklow County Council
                                                                                        mission is being sought       cafes, and Dart station.      granted permission, stat-     Homes Properties Ltd are      has granted permission
                                                                                        for 685 homes at the          The council-built proper-     ing that the development      seeking panning permis-       for a housing develop-
                                                                                        Woodbrook site, which is      ties will be social and       shall be carried out on a     sion for a strategic hous-    ment of 74 houses, while
                                                                                        situated between Bray         affordable housing, as        phased basis to ensure        ing development of 426        an application for 61
   Fiona Carey and David Keeling in Bray for the launch of the Harbour                  and Shankill. Aeval           will ten percent of the       the timely provision of       dwellings (245 houses         houses is currently with
                                                                                        Unlimited Company             developer-built proper-       services, for the benefit     and 181 apartments) at        the Council and is due to
   Bar’s Single Cask Release Powers Whiskey.
                                                                                        have submitted fresh          ties.                         of the occupants of the       Farrankelly            and    be decided on in January.

  Ardmore Studios seeks                                                                 Criminal damage to playground
 permission for new studio                                                                    on the Murrough
Ardmore Studios has applied to Wicklow County Council for
planning permission to construct a new film studio building.
                                                                                        Cllr Paul O’Brien and Cllr Gail Dunne recently teamed up to view the                      order to do what is right        Cllr Dunne agreed with
   An existing administrative building, security building and workshop would be         criminal damage done to playground on the Murrough. Having learned                        for our communities. I        Cllr O’Brien and conclud-
demolished to make way for the new facility, which would comprise a stage area          of the damage both councillors said that they were appalled that anyone                   dont believe in taking        ed by saying “It should be
(c2017sqm) and a five-storey support building with support spaces, stores/props,        would cause criminal damage to a children’s playground.                                   cheap shots at the Gardai,    all about the people and
waiting areas, changing areas, hair/make up, production offices/admin, loading                                                                                                    council officials or indeed   by working together we
areas, plant, and associated ancillary areas.                                              “On learning of this          Cllr Dunne added “First    secure the area now and       my fellow councillors just    can achieve great things
   The total gross floor area of the new film studio building (stage and administra-    damage, we felt it impor-     they damaged the fencing      to ensure this doesn’t        so I can make a quick         for Wicklow. Myself and
tive building) is about 4049 sqm, with undercroft car park replacing existing sur-      tant to view the play-        and while the council         happen again.”                headline. Cllr Dunne and      Cllr O’Brien have worked
face car parking along with additional surface car parking and provision of tempo-      ground with An Garda          were in the process of          Both councillors stated     myself will now work          well in the past together
rary car parking within Ardmore Studios site.                                           Siochana to see what we       ordering the new panels,      that they would always        closely with An Garda         on such things as the
   The plans also include a redesign of the main site entrance and internal road        can do to protect this        the posts were also dam-      put their political differ-   Siochana to ensure we do      Dunbur Road and the
layout, along with new footpaths, cycle parking, control points, security gates and     amenity. Unfortunately,       aged. This costs the coun-    ences aside and work          our best to combat this       flooding in Mount Carmel
deliveries/layby. The existing pillars at the main entrance would be relocated to the   there seems to be an          cil alot of money to repair   together for the better-      unwanted vandalism. We        and I look forward to
avenue within the Ardmore site. A new security building would also be constructed.      acceptance that this type     and possibly to the detri-    ment of the communities       have worked well in the       continuing to work with
   The application is currently at pre-validation stage with Wicklow County council.    of behaviour is okay, well    ment of other vital pro-      that elected them.            past and I’m confident we     all the councillors for the
A decision is due to be made by the Council in January.                                 it is most definitely not,”   jects in the Town, we           “I want to work with        will work well in the         betterment of our commu-
                                                                                        stated Cllr O’Brien           must do all we can to         my fellow councillors in      future,” said Cllr O’Brien.   nities.”

                                                                                        Garda James Dowley with Labour Councillor Paul O’Brien and Fianna Fail Councillor Gail Dunne.
Times     WICKLOW

Tuesday 26th November 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                    NEWS 7

 Burnaby Resdients
 Association appeal
 against preschool
The Burnaby Residents Association in Greystones has submitted an appeal to An Bord
Pleanala (ABP) following Wicklow County Council’s decision to grant planning permision for
a preschool in the area.
   In October the Council      years in the Muncipal          proposals have been care-      tainable development of
granted permission for a       District and seven out of      ful to ensure that build-      the area. They maintain
new Montessori Early           the nine early learning        ings which form part of        that the development,
Learning facility at           centres in the Municipal       the         Architectural      located in the heart of a     BIFE Primcipal Ray Tedders, Laura Howes, and Gabriel Allen at the BIFE Graduation ceremony
Inniskeen, Killincarrick       District have waiting lists.   Conservation Area (ACA)        residential area, intro-
Road, Greystones, for up          The residents associa-      will be protected. It states
to 15 children. Funding
was provided to establish
the new facility on behalf
                               tion says however that
                               although there may be the
                               need for an additional
                                                              that the demolition of the
                                                              existing shed will not alter
                                                              the character of the
                                                                                             duces a ‘significant’
                                                                                             commercial use into a
                                                                                             ‘constrained’ residential
                                                                                                                                   351 patients waiting for
of the Department of
Children and Youth
Affairs. The development
                               early learning facility in
                               the Municipal District,
                               that this doesn’t mean that
                                                              dwelling as it does not
                                                              form part of the original
                                                                                             property. They believe
                                                                                             that the amenities of
                                                                                             surrounding residencies
                                                                                                                                   psychology appointment
has received the support       ‘an historic domestic            The development would        will be negatively impact-
                                                                                                                           There were 351 patients waiting for a psychology appointment in Wicklow in August,
of Social Democrats            dwelling in an already         consist of the demolition      ed by ‘an undesirable
                                                                                             intensity of development’,
                                                                                                                           figures released to Fianna Fail through a Parliamentary Question reveal.
councillor        Jennifer     constrained exclusively        of a shed attached to the
Whitmore and Fianna Fail       residential site should be     dwelling, creating new         and they also have              Of these, 129 had been on the waiting list for over 26 weeks, including 14 waiting for over 52 weeks. In the
TD Stephen Donnelly.           the only location where        doors to the rear of the       concerns about increased      Community Healthcare East (CHO5) area, which includes Wicklow, Dun Laoghaire and Dublin South East, there
   A needs analysis was        the applicant can provide      existing dwelling and the      traffic on a road that they   were 842 waiting for a psychology appointment, while in the Kildare/West Wicklow area there were 274 on the
carried out which demon-       that service’.                 construction of a single       say already has a lot of      waiting list.
strated the need for an           The application propos-     storey early learning          traffic at key hours.           Just 55 out the 114 assistant psychologust posts pledged by the Government in 2017 are currently in place.
early years childcare facil-   es to incorporate the          preschool which is ancil-         The residents associa-     Fianna Fail’s Health Spokesperson Stephen Donnelly explained that “In 2017 the government pledged 114
ity, with significant resi-    ancillary functions of the     lary to the main dwelling,                                   Assistant Psychologists for Primary Care services, working under the direct supervision of a suitably qualified
                                                                                             tion also says that the
dential growth in the          Early Learning Pre-            accessed via the existing                                    Psychologist, would deliver rapid access low intensity psychological interventions for those under 18 years of age,
                                                                                             application lacks ‘expert
Greystones Municipal           School within the main         driveway, and the widen-                                     support services and enhance the service provision and research capacity of qualified Psychologists.
District in recent years       dwelling, and the pro-         ing of the existing            evidence’ that the devel-
                                                                                             opment would not detract         “Over two years later and more than half of the positions are vacant. Over the same period we have also seen
resulting in long waiting      posed development would        driveway.                                                    increasing waiting lists and waiting times for primary care psychology appointments. By August of this year in
lists for montessori and       be run by the homeowner          The          Residents       from the character of the
                                                                                             ACA.                          Wicklow and Kildare there were 625 people waiting to see a psychologist. The vast majority of those waiting are
early learning facilities.     and not an independent         Association believes that                                    vulnerable young people aged under 18. It’s simply unacceptable that so many should wait so long. Vulnerable
Census 2016 revealed           commercial enterprise.         the development would             The case is due to be
                                                                                                                           children and teenagers need this service and we have an obligation to provide it. The government needs to act to
there to be almost 650            The application’s cover     not be in the interests of     decided by An Bord
                                                                                                                           provide the 114 assistant psychologists promised,” concluded Deputy Donnelly.
children aged under 2          letter states that the         proper planning and sus-       Pleanala in March 2020.
Times    WICKLOW

8 NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                       Tuesday 26th November 2019

                                                                                                                      Council Housing Retrofit Scheme
                                                                                                                       excludes windows and doors
                                                                                                                     Cllr Mags Crean (Ind) is concerned about a lack of joined up thinking on climate
                                                                                                                     change action as it transpires that Wicklow County Council will not be using a
                                                                                                                     central funding programme to address the retrofitting of windows and doors in
                                                                                                                     social housing stock.
                                                                                                                       Referring to this fund-   frames. These poor con-     window and door              that can be done now to
                                                                                                                     ing, Cllr Crean explains    ditions are contributing    replacements and that        tackle climate change
                                                                                                                     that “The retrofitting of   to damp and condensa-       these could only be done     that also have a positive
                                                                                                                     social housing offers a     tion and ultimately they    as part of the fabric        impact for the everyday
                                                                                                                     real and practical way of   render the house entirely   upgrade scheme or when       living conditions of ordi-
                                                                                                                     addressing energy pover-    energy inefficient.”        a property is re-let. They   nary people. It’s not
                                                                                                                     ty and challenging            Cllr Crean, having        added that they hope to      good enough to have a
                                                                                                                     climate change, yet the     contacted       Wicklow     eventually start tackling    funding scheme that is
                                                                                                                     funding made available      County Council about        houses like the ones I       not addressing basic
                                                                                                                     through the programme       the funding allocation of   mentioned but that this      needs.
                                                                                                                     for energy retrofitting     €609,223 with regard to     would be subject to             “I have contacted the
                                                                                                                     council houses is not       retrofitting social hous-   funding.”                    Department of Housing
                                                                                                                     being used for windows      ing is now deeply             Cllr Crean says that       about this issue as well
                                                                                                                     and doors.                  concerned with the          the limits of this funding   as the Department of
                                                                                                                         “It is unacceptable     limitations of this fund-   scheme shows a lack of       Communications,
                                                                                                                     that some of my con-        ing scheme.                 communication between        Climate Action and
                                                                                                                     stituents who are living      “The council advised      the Department of            Environment in the hope
                                                                                                                     in council housing have     that the focus was on       Housing        and     the   that this inadequacy can
 Ellie Willoughby, Graham Finnerty. Erin Hogan, and Jennifer Byrne are pictured at the launch of                     single glazed windows       fabric upgrades and not     Department responsible       be addressed and fund-
 Carnew Musical Society’s production of Oklahoma!, which can be seen in St. Bridgit’s Hall,                          and doors in very poor      windows and doors.          for action on climate        ing is prioritised for win-
 Carnew, this week from Monday November 25th to Saturday November 30th.                                              condition, including        They stated that there is   change. “For me, there       dows and doors as well
                                                                                                                     wooden and aluminium        no separate funding for     are very practical actions   as fabric upgrades.”

      Petition to improve 133 bus
  service gains over 1,000 signatures                                                                                  Theresa Kinane honoured at
A petition created by Independent councillor Mary Kavanagh to improve the 133 bus service
surpassed 1,000 signatures.
                                                                                                                       Volunteers in Sport Awards
   Cllr Kavanagh has for-    Rathnew.                     deserve a better and more      the Deputy that the 133
                                                                                                                      Theresa Kinane of Greystones & District Athletic Club was honoured at the
warded the petition of          Cllr Kavanagh says        reliable service than this.”   route will remain within
1,067 signatures to the      “The 133 bus route              Regular users of the                                     ‘Volunteers in Sport Awards’, hosted by the Federation of Irish Sport in
                                                                                         the Direct Award Contract
complaints department at     between Wicklow and          133 service have com-          between the NTA and Bus
                                                                                                                      partnership with EBS, today in Farmleigh House Dublin.
Bus Eireann, the National    Dublin is a very unreli-     plained about being left       Éireann until 2021 at
Transport Authority, and     able service which regu-     stranded, with delays of                                       Theresa received the Wicklow sports volunteer of the year award for her commitment to Greystones
                                                                                         which stage the services     Athletics Club. The award was presented by Minister of State for Tourism and Sport, Brendan Griffin TD.
Minister for Transport       larly leaves workers and     30 minutes or more.
Shane Ross.                  students stranded and        Earlier this year, the pub-    will be competitively           Theresa has been a stalwart of athletics in Co. Wicklow, in Leinster and nationally for over 22 years. In
   Cllr Kavanagh said that   having to find alternative   lication of customer com-      tendered.                    January 1997, together with a band of helpers, she established Greystones & District A.C. Since then, she
she created the petition     transport to their work or   plaints by the NTA               “The NTA have assured      has been Hon. Secretary and Competitions Secretary of the club, amongst other coaching roles. Theresa has
after hearing of a young     college. There is often no   revealed that the 133 was      me that they will provide    been described as someone who has gone above and beyond for athletics at every level from local to nation-
woman who was ‘left          notice when a bus is         the most complained            a regular and more fre-      al.
stranded by two consecu-     going to be late or a ‘no    about service in the coun-                                     The Volunteers in Sport Awards were created to recognise the contributions, commitment and dedication
                                                                                         quent Arklow - Wicklow -
tive 133 buses that were     show’.                       try, with 899 complaints                                    of the 450,000 volunteers who give their time to Irish sport each year. This equates to approximately 37.3
                                                                                         Bray service during 2020     million hours of volunteering across Ireland’s 14,000 registered sports clubs and associations.
‘no shows’, after a long        “More investment is       per 100,000 passengers in      once additional driver          A total of 34 awards were presented at the ceremony, including 32 county-level awards, an overall ‘out-
day’s work, and whose        needed in upgrading the      2018.                          resources become avail-      standing contribution’ award and a ‘team of volunteers’ award. Swim Ireland’s Mary Dunne received the
parents had to drive to      bus fleet and an early          John Brady TD recently
                                                                                         able following the trans-    outstanding contribution award and Limerick based ‘Women on Wheels’ received the ‘team of volunteers’
Dublin to collect her.       warning system should be     received assurances from
                                                                                         fer of certain bus routes    award.
   The 133 route runs        introduced when a bus        the National Transport
                                                                                         from Bus Éireann to Go-         Commenting at the awards, Mary O’Connor, CEO of the Federation of Irish Sport, said “Sport matters. It
from Dublin Airport to       has a breakdown - such as    Authority that they would                                   contributes to our health, binds us together as a community and supports the economy, while bringing a
Wicklow Town, through        an app, or real-time         make improvements to           Ahead Ireland during
                                                                                                                      sense of pride to us all.
Bray,         Kilpedder,     notice on Bus Eireann’s      the 133 Bus Éireann            December and January,”
                                                                                                                         “This would not be possible without the volunteers who share their time and expertise on pitches, tracks,
Newtown, Ashford, and        website. Commuters           route. They also informed      he said.                     gym floors and swimming pools across the country each and every week. To this end, the Volunteers in
                                                                                                                      Sport Awards is an opportunity to recognise and celebrate these volunteers.

 TDs need to commit to advancing                                                                                         “I would like to extend my congratulations to all our award nominees as we celebrate their contribution to
                                                                                                                      sport across Ireland today.”

 the shelved N81 Upgrade Scheme’
Sinn Féin TD John Brady has said that unless all five Wicklow TDs are pushing for the N81
Upgrade Scheme to be progressed, it simply won’t happen. He made his comments following a
special sitting of the Baltinglass Municipal District on Friday 15th November.
  Speaking after the special meeting was held to discuss the N81 and to try and get the shelved scheme
progressed Deputy Brady said “Transport Infrastructure Ireland have said that the N81 scheme will not be pro-
gressed before 2027 at the earliest. This is because the Government has not included the 31km upgrade between
Tallaght and Hollywood Cross in the National Development Plan 2018-2027. A special meeting of the
Baltinglass Municipal District was held on Friday to discuss the issue, all five Wicklow TDs were invited, how-
ever only two showed up.
  “The N81 is one of the most dangerous roads in the State and the shelving of the upgrade scheme is not only
having a negative impact on road safety, it is also having an impact on the economic development of West
Wicklow. The government made a political decision not to include the scheme in the National Development
Plan. Unless there is political pressure on the government to progress the scheme, it simply won’t happen.
  “The political pressure needs to come from the public representatives in Wicklow. I welcome the fact that the
councillors in West Wicklow held the special meeting to discuss the N81 last Friday. There are two Government
Ministers in Wicklow, they sit at the Cabinet Table and should be pushing the need to progress the project.
  “Last year I presented Minister Ross with a petition containing thousands of signatures demanding that the
critical upgrade scheme be progressed, I also arranged for him to visit West Wicklow to meet with public repre-
sentatives and look at the dangerous condition of the road. The Minister hadn’t even the courtesy to acknowl-
edge receipt of the petition. Now when I raise the issue of the N81,
the Minister completely passes the buck on it.”
  Deputy Brady concluded “All five of Wicklow TDs need to put on the county colours and work together to try
progress it. We can’t wait until 2027 for this project to be looked at or even considered.
  “The major safety issues can’t wait that long. The development of West Wicklow is also being strangled by the
failure to progress the scheme.
  “I am now calling on Wicklow Ministers Simon Harris and Andrew Doyle to intervene with their Government            Theresa Kinane is presented with her award by Roddy Guiney, Chairperson of the Federation of
colleague and ensure the project is progressed without delay,” concluded Deputy Brady.                               Irish Sport, and Richard Gernon, Regional Manager, EBS, at the Volunteers in Sport Awards.
Times    WICKLOW

Tuesday 26th November 2019                                                                                                                                                                              NEWS 9

Society of Irish Foresters Ambassador
 Programme launched in Rathdrum
Minister of State at the Department of                       Agriculture Food and the     recruited a number of
Agriculture, Food & the Marine, Andrew                       Marine, Coillte, VEON        experienced forestry
Doyle T.D., recently launched the Forestry                   Ltd., Teagasc, UCD,          professionals, called
                                                             WIT and Ballyhaise           ‘Forestry Ambassadors’
Ambassador Programme in Avondale                             College. The progamme        who will make presenta-
Community College, Rathdrum, as part of                      aims to increase aware-      tions to senior cycle
Science Week 2019.                                           ness of the important        students throughout the
  Run by Forestry             forestry is an important       benefits of forestry and     country, outlining the
Careers Ireland, the pro-     part of the Government’s       of forestry as a career      benefits of forests, the
gramme aims to promote        response under the             option through a series of   science behind growing
forestry as a career          Climate Action Plan. I         presentations to be deliv-   forests and the various
option for second level       know that young people         ered on a voluntary basis    career opportunities that
pupils. The Forestry          are acutely aware of the       by experienced forestry      the forestry profession
Ambassador Programme          climate emergency we           professionals in schools     offers, drawing from        Minister Andrew Doyle with Mary Gahon, Transition Year Co-ordinator at Avondale Community School,
is one of the 15 projects     face and are more than         throughout Ireland.          their own careers and       Pacelli Breathnach, Forestry Careers Ireland School Ambassador Programme Project Coordinator, and
funded by DAFM under          prepared to play their           The programme has          experience.                 Marie Doyle, Forestry Careers Ireland, with Avondale Community School Tansition Year students.
the Department’s 2019         part in finding solu-
call for proposals for        tions.”
forestry promotion               Forestry     Careers
  Minister Doyle said “I      Ireland was established
am very pleased to            to develop initiatives
launch this project,          which promote careers in
aimed at encouraging          the forest sector and is
young people to consider      made up of representa-
a career in forestry. The     tives from the Society
focus of Science Week is      of Irish Foresters,
on climate change and         Department            of

  Arklow cyclist
joins UC Monaco
Arklow road racing cyclist Liam Curley has
recently been snapped up by the professional
intercontinental team UC Monaco. He will
travel to their training camp later this month
to start preparing for what will be a
competitive season.
   Although only 19 years old Curley will compete at
U23 level in competitive cycling races across Belgium,
France and Spain next season. His main goal for the 2020
season is get as much experience and exposure so that he
can advance his career to the highest level.
   At an early age Liam was introduced to cycling by his
dad Tom, taking part in a number of sportives sponsored
by An Post. Later with a little encouragement from his
mother he joined the South East Road Club based in
Arklow. Under the guidance of coach Michael Considine,
he learned that cycling was not all about cycling fast, it
also involved mental strength, positional awareness, tac-
tics and mind games.
   As Curley progressed he started to show great potential
as an all round cyclist claiming the top spot on podiums
across the country in many of the juvenile races that he
entered. Liam is a shy and unassuming young man off
the bike, however once he sits on the saddle he morphs
into an aggressive, determined and clever racing
machine, qualities that were quickly spotted by coach’s at
national level.
   In 2016 Curley was called onto Team Ireland’s Junior
team, competing in many high profile races in Ireland
and across Europe where his performances and results
where starting to gain respect from other riders and
teams, it was also an opportunity for Liam to rub shoul-
ders with many of the top professional riders.
   In 2018 Liam was signed up by the Nicolas Roche
Performance Team (NRPT), where he continued to
impress with his determination and cycling skills. The
years of competing and training solo in all types of
weather is paying off for this up and coming cycling star,
South East Road Club would like to wish Liam the very
best of luck with his new team and for the coming years.

Arklow cyclist Liam Curley
Times        WICKLOW

10 FEATURE                                                                                                                                                                                Tuesday 26th November 2019

Christmas in Tinahely & Aughrim
• The well-established annual Aughrim Christmas Fair, organised by the Aughrim Business Association, will
take place in Lawless’ Hotel from 11am to 5pm on Sunday, 8th December.
• If you are interested in taking a stall, please contact Christian van Bussel on 086 8597267 or email for more details.
• The Aughrim Christmas Tree lights will be switched
on on November 30th, and Santa will be in attendance.
The Michael Dwyer Pipe Band are holding their annu-
                                                                                                                          in Kilcoole
                                                                                                                          Kilcoole is a hassle-free
al Christmas raffle on Saturday 30th November, after
the lighting of th Christmas Tree.                                                                                        option for the hard-pressed
                                                                                                                          shopper and with the shops in
• Tinahely’s Christmas Fair continues on Sunday,                                                                          such close walking distance,
December 1st (1pm-5pm) and Sunday December 8th
(12pm-4pm). They will be held in O’Connors of                                                                             you will be spared the torture
Tinahely’s Marquee. To find out if there are still any stall                                                              of dragging heavy bags around with
places available, please email details of product range                                                                   you for hours on end.
along with photos to             Volkswagen and Audi specialists
The entry fee for stalls this year is €10, and all proceeds         Open Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm. Sat 9-12                      The village of Kilcoole has so much to offer
will go to Tinahely First Responders and Tinahely                                                                         for Christmas and you can be guaranteed that
Community Sports Hall. The lights will be switched on            THANK YOU TO ALL OF OUR CLIENTS                          any gift you pick up there will not be on sale
on Sunday 8th December at 4pm                                      FOR YOUR CUSTOM THIS YEAR.                             in the high street shops. If it’s a one-of-a-kind
                                                                WISHING ALL A VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS                        gift you’re looking for then look no further.

Byrne’s                                                          Tinahely, Co. Wicklow
                                                               0402 58509 /087 6371366
                                                                                                                            Great pubs and restaurants offer somewhere
                                                                                                                          to stop and grab a cuppa or maybe even a
                                                                                                                          meal while shopping. There are also hair and
                                                                                                                          beauty salons where you can give yourself a
                                                                                                treat or perhaps pick up a voucher for some-
                                                                                                                          body else. Pharmacies are always useful for
                                                                                                                          picking up gifts as well as more practical pur-
 Main St, Aughrim Winner of a Londis
 T: 0402 36112    Retail Excellence
                                                               DAMIEN MURPHY                                              poses. There are smaller boutique style stores
                                                                                                                          too and all in the beautiful setting of Kilcoole.

Gift                 Award 2018                                           VICTUALLER                                        So go on, soak it up the atmosphere and fan-
                                                                                                                          tastic shopping to be had in Kilcoole this
                                                                Free range turkeys, geese, duck,                          Christmas and support your local trader.
Vouchers                                                        spiced beef, Angus/ Hereford
Available                                                       Heifer beef, Tinahely Lambs                                Merry Christmas from all at
We would like to wish all                                       All your Christmas meats
our customers a very happy
Christmas and peaceful New Year
                                                                FINEST QUALITY. LOCAL                                                 KILCOOLE
•Deli •Wines •Insomnia Coffee •Smooch Ice cream
Opening Hours: 7am-9pm Mon-Fri, 7am-7pm Sat, 8am-7pm Sun
                                                                Corner House, Tinahely, Co. Wicklow
                                                                Tel/Fax: 0402-38127                                                   PHARMACY
                                                                                                                             For all your family requirements
Thank you to all of our customers. Wishing
you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
                                                 25th &        BRENNAN’S GARAGE                                             • Prescriptions
                                                                                                                            • Gifts                                           Mkcy LCiveolyrFm  ick Puppets
                                                  26th         CURRAVANISH, TINAHELY. Ph: (087) 2439333                                                                                      a ly Party Entertainm
                                                   Dec                                                                                                                        Fun                                 e           nt
                                                               Repairs & Services, DOE & NCT Test preparations.             • Cosmetics                                                           With Julie-Rose McCormick
                                                               Specialising in Tyres of all sizes. Computerised Wheel
                                                               Balancing & Diagnostics. 4 Wheel Laser Alignment.
                                                                                                                           Main St, Kilcoole. T: 01 2874483                                              Puppet Shows
                                                                                                                                                                                               Balloons / Face-Painting/ Tattoos
                                                                                                              Happy                                                                                  Games / Story Teller
                                                                                    •Emissions Test        Christm
                                                                                                           to all o as                            A Very Happy                                            Arty-Parties
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Puppetry Workshops
                                                                                    Petrol & Diesel         clientsur
 Open 7 Days a Week, 4pm-Midnight                                                                                                                    Christmas              Call . Mob. 087-2486751 /
 0402 36699 / 0402 36677                                                            Beam Settings                                                                                  Tel. 01-2873643
  Delivery Service 5.30pm - Midnight                           For all Mechanical
                                                                                                                                                     & Peaceful        Email :

   Main St., Aughrim, Co. Wicklow.                             Repairs & Overhauls  • Tyres                                                           New Year
                                                               Factory Reconditioned• Batteries                                                           to all
                                                               & New Turbo Charges
                                                                  Supplied & Fitted • Lube Oil etc.
                                                                   WINDSCREENS & EXHAUSTS
                                                               Ph: (0402) 38271
                                                                                                                                                                              A very Happy & Peaceful

                                                               Pescegrande                                                                                                    Christmas to all
                                                                                                                                                                              EARLY YEARS
                                                               TRADITIONAL FISH & CHIPS
                                                               Main Street, Aughrim, Co. Wicklow
                                                                                                                                                                              EDUCATOR REQUIRED
                                                                                                                                                                              Part time and Full time positions available.
                                                               T: 0402 94836                                                                                                  Also Part Time ECCE place avail-
                                                               Wishing all of our                                                                                                 able age 2/8mts-4 year
                                                               customers a very                                                                                                 Please email cv to: littlepop-
                                                               Happy Christmas                                                                                                   Or call Sacha on 01 2011986
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