GENEROSITY IN THE TIME OF COVID-19 - VOLUME 3 A Compilation of stories on Giving in the time of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Uganda - Global Fund for ...

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GENEROSITY IN THE TIME OF COVID-19 - VOLUME 3 A Compilation of stories on Giving in the time of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Uganda - Global Fund for ...
O F COV I D - 1 9  VOLUME 3

A Compilation of stories on Giving in the time of the
Covid-19 Pandemic in Uganda

Period Covered       JULY 2020
GENEROSITY IN THE TIME OF COVID-19 - VOLUME 3 A Compilation of stories on Giving in the time of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Uganda - Global Fund for ...
About CivSource
CivSource Africa is a philanthropy support and advisory
organization committed to nurturing a more sustainable,
effective and connected civil society that advances the
dignity and voices of all people. We do this through
promoting reflective, responsive, and accountable
philanthropic practice.

CivSource Africa is also passionate about promoting African
philanthropy and telling the stories of African giving and

Plot 18, Balikuddembe Road, Naguru Kampala,
P.O Box 4310 Tel: +256 393 224 056
GENEROSITY IN THE TIME OF COVID-19 - VOLUME 3 A Compilation of stories on Giving in the time of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Uganda - Global Fund for ...
GENEROSITY IN THE TIME OF COVID-19 - VOLUME 3 A Compilation of stories on Giving in the time of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Uganda - Global Fund for ...
Table of
Foreword                         5

Acknowledegments                 6

Acronyms                         7

Background                       8

Chapter 1                        9
Philanthropy By The
Business Sector
Chapter 2                        15
Civil Society Giving
Chapter 3                        22
Giving By Alumni Associations
And Communities
Chapter 4                        27
Giving by Individuals

Chapter 5                        34
Giving To And By People With

Chapter 6                        41
Giving To Conserve Nature

Chapter 7                        48
Art and Giving

Chapter 8                        55
A Regional Glance
-Western Uganda                  55
- Eastern Uganda                 62
- Northern uganda                67

List of Donations                72
Reported by National Taskforce
GENEROSITY IN THE TIME OF COVID-19 - VOLUME 3 A Compilation of stories on Giving in the time of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Uganda - Global Fund for ...
The easing of the COVID-19 induced        and of elderly persons. We bring you
lockdown is ongoing, and some sectors     stories of people giving to protect our
of the economy have recommenced           national parks and the wildlife that
operations. The curfew in the country     are crucial to our tourism industry.
was extended from 19:00hrs to             We bring you stories of people helping
21:00hrs. Some shopping malls are         children get access to books, to enable
now open, and they must comply with       them continue reading, despite
the COVID-19 standard operating           schools still being closed.
procedures issued by the Ministry of
Health. Public transport has resumed      A key thread in the stories is that
around the country.                       people are giving and sharing
                                          whatever they can. This goes to show
This is the current context as we         that giving is not about money. Giving
share Volume 3 of “Generosity in the      is first and foremost about the heart.
Time of Covid-19”. We previously          We also reiterate that our report is but
shared two other editions of giving       a small glimpse into the multitude
chronicles. In this third instalment we   of giving stories across the country.
also share stories and interviews from    We hope that this report helps us
individuals and organizations that        appreciate and celebrate the giving
gave during the COVID-19 lockdown         hearts. Our dream is that givers in
in Uganda.                                Uganda will demand a framework
                                          for accountability for what they give.
The ‘UBUNTU’ spirit (I am because         Better accountability engenders more
we are) that indwells us continues        giving. We also need to work towards a
to flourish within communities and        sounder legal and policy structure for
individuals. The stories we share         giving and philanthropy in Uganda.
here show that Ugandans are indeed
capable and willing to step in to give We wish you good reading!
a hand to those who are in need. In
this 3rd volume, we bring you stories Karibu!
of Ugandans coming to the aid of
teachers, of persons with disabilities CivSource Team
GENEROSITY IN THE TIME OF COVID-19 - VOLUME 3 A Compilation of stories on Giving in the time of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Uganda - Global Fund for ...
6   Proposal                                                      Generosity In The Time Of Covid-19 Vol.3

               We owe a great debt of thanks to Ms Caroline Ariba who helped compile
               the stories in this report. We also thank Ms Barbara Sebalu Sematimba and
               Ms Jacqueline Asiimwe who helped us edit this report. We thank Mr. Stuart
               Nsingwire who helped with the publication design.

               We thank the team at NakivArt, who allowed us to use their painting for the
               back page of this report. NakivArt is an art collective for and by refugees that
               live in Nakivale Refugee Settlement in Isingiro (in Western Uganda). NakivArt
               uses drawing and drama to heal trauma.

               NakivArt used their art skills to educate their community about keeping safe
               during the Corona pandemic.

               This report was made possible by the generous support of Global Fund for
               Community Foundations.
GENEROSITY IN THE TIME OF COVID-19 - VOLUME 3 A Compilation of stories on Giving in the time of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Uganda - Global Fund for ...
7   Proposal                                     Generosity In The Time Of Covid-19 Vol.3

               AIRD       African Initiatives for Relief and Development
               CBO        Community-Based Organisations
               COVID-19   Coronavirus Disease of 2019
               CSO        Civil Society Organisations
               CSR        Community Social Responsibility
               IDI        Infectious Disease Institute
               IDRC       Infectious Disease Research collaboration
               LDU        Local Defense Unit
               NGO        Non-Governmental Organisations
               OPM        Office of the Prime Minister
               PPE        Protective Personal Equipment
               PTA        Parent Teacher Association
               RDC        Resident District Commissioner
               UCDA       Uganda Coffee Development Authority
               UGX        Uganda Shillings
               URN        Uganda Radio Network
               UVRI       Uganda Virus Research Institute
               VHTs       Village Health Teams
               WASH       Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
               WHO        World Health Organisation
GENEROSITY IN THE TIME OF COVID-19 - VOLUME 3 A Compilation of stories on Giving in the time of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Uganda - Global Fund for ...
8   Proposal                                                           Generosity In The Time Of Covid-19 Vol.3

        Originating miles away in Wuhan city           The effects of the loss of income and
        in the Republic of China, the highly           economic activity were felt into August
        infectious Covid-19 virus forced countries     2020, even after the lockdown eased. The
        across the world to close borders and          informal sector in Uganda that accounts
        halt movement. On 31st-March-2020,             for about 80% of the country’s workforce,
        Uganda announced its first coronavirus         was hardest hit as the restrictions on work
        case. The news sent a wave of panic across     meant that many families went hungry.
        the country and resulted in a national
        lockdown.                                      This report is a deliberate effort by
                                                       CivSource Africa to capture the spirit of
        The lockdown restricted all public             giving and community that happened
        transport and private cars from moving,        during this time when Ugandans could
        except for traveling essential workers.        not work - and therefore many could
        A curfew was introduced; schools were          not eat. This here, is proof that African
        closed; large gatherings prohibited and        Philanthropy exists and thrives even
        shopping places closed – except those          when in moments of deep crisis. This
        selling food. Restricted movement is the       report documents for the third time, the
        best means to limit the spread of the virus,   giving and acts of Ubuntu that took place
        but this resulted in the majority of the       in this season, in response to the need of
        Ugandan population being left in a dire        the times.
        economic state.
GENEROSITY IN THE TIME OF COVID-19 - VOLUME 3 A Compilation of stories on Giving in the time of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Uganda - Global Fund for ...
9                                                 Generosity In The Time Of Covid-19 Vol.3

    Chapter 1
    Philanthropy By The Business

     Highlights Of Philanthropy By The Business Community

     UGX 140million       3 toll-free lines,   3000 litres of milk
     (about $38,000)      5 phones loaded
                          with 700 minutes
     for the vulnerable   of talk-time plus
     communities.         5GBs each.           UGX 142.8 million
                                               ($39,000) from the
     UGX 4million         Blood donors         Coffee Industry.
     (over $1000) to
     Kyotera town

     1000 prepaid cards   One million
     to health partners   condoms worth
GENEROSITY IN THE TIME OF COVID-19 - VOLUME 3 A Compilation of stories on Giving in the time of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Uganda - Global Fund for ...
10                                                                      Generosity In The Time Of Covid-19 Vol.3

 I  n the first phase of the
    lockdown, the private
 sector focused their giving
                                  the bank also provided
                                  1000 prepaid phone sim-
                                  cards to organizations and
                                                                   great constraints to operate
                                                                   on a day to day basis.

 directly to the National         health partners to facilitate    Letshego Holdings Ltd,
 COVID-19 Taskforce, as           cashless payments to             under its subsidiary
 recorded in CivSource’s          frontline staff and other        Letshego Uganda donated
 Volume 1 of, “Generosity         essential workers.               a consignment of goods
 During COVID-19”. In                                              worth UGX 4million (over
 Volume Two, most of the          The cards were issued to         $1000) to Kyotera town as
 giving recorded was done         the Uganda Virus Research        contribution to the district’s
 directly to those in dire        Institute (UVRI), Infectious     efforts in managing the
 need across the country.         Disease Institute (IDI),         impact of the coronavirus
 In this Volume, however,         Infectious Disease Research      pandemic.
 we notice that the private       Collaboration (IDRC), and
 sector has gone public with      African Initiatives for ReliefSpeaking to the press,
 its philanthropic acts of        and Development (AIRD).       Giles Aijukwe, the CEO for
 giving and made it their CSR     This is a deliberate move by  Letshego said during times
 projects in response to the      the bank to help prevent the  of uncertainty and crisis,
 pandemic crisis.                 spread of the virus through   one cannot emphasize
                                  contact, by eliminating the   enough the need to support
 For example, Stanbic Bank-       exchange of cash notes.       one another, and how
 Uganda purchased food                                          unity brings collective
 items worth UGX 140million       This season’s most notable    strength. With individual
 (about $38,000) for the          recipients recorded in the    sources of income being
 vulnerable communities           acts of giving are the Loving lost and businesses
 affected by the lockdown,        Hearts Babies Home and        closing, unemployment
 besides its initial UGX          Munyonyo Children’s Home is at its worst. Letshego
 100million (about $27,000)       by Stanbic Bank. Ms Barbara therefore could not pass the
 initially donated to the         Kasekende, the Corporate      opportunity to partner with
 OPM. This was done               Social Investments            an initiative that is already
 throughout the country           Manager, acknowledged the taking strides in bettering
 reaching up to 4,000             hard realities of the most    their community.
 individuals in vulnerable        vulnerable in communities
 communities.                     like these two children’s
 Besides the relief food items,   homes that were under
11    Proposal                                                              Generosity In The Time Of Covid-19 Vol.3

     Blood Donation
     With the shortages at the          of talk-time plus 5GB of data       by the telecom’s marketing and
     blood-bank, the private sector     each, and routers loaded with       communication experts.
     stepped in to help. Africell       data to guarantee connectivity
     Uganda gave the Uganda Blood       at the Blood Bank is accessible     Mr. Michael Mukundane, the
     Transfusion Services (UBTS)        and stable during the pandemic.     Public Relations Officer of
     a communication package            The Blood Transfusion Services      UBTS, welcomed the help as
     to aid their activities against    are intentional about providing     it addresses the urgent need
     COVID-19.                          a continued service to those        for fresh blood from voluntary
                                        in crisis and in need of blood,     donors, for recipients that
     The goal was to facilitate         by closing the gap that exists      require blood transfusions;
     communication among key            between the community and           among others - those that are
     staff in the different branches    the service center. The complete    severely anaemic, that include
     across the country at a time       communication package will          mothers, accident victims,
     when movement was heavily          enable people to be reached, as     children, sickle cell and cancer
     restricted due to COVID-19         well as enable the public have to   patients. He praised Africell for
     lockdown measures.                 access these free services.         enhancing their communication
     Speaking to the media,                                                 as it would enable and support
     Edgar Karamagi, the Africell       Advertising the blood drives        the continuous flow of blood
     Spokesperson, revealed that the    has been extensively done           donation by extending the
     package comprised 3 toll-free      via the digital footprint with      donor pool as far as the
     lines, 5 phones with 700 minutes   campaigns directly managed          campaigns reach.
12                                                                   Generosity In The Time Of Covid-19 Vol.3

A Million Condoms
DKT Uganda, the makers of KISS   countrywide during the             from the rapid spread of
and Fiesta Condom brands,        pandemic since most of the         COVID-19, sexual activity among
and Dembe Group donated          children are out of school.        teenagers has increased the
one million condoms worth                                           occurrence of STDs and teenage
$50,000 to the Ministry of       Speaking to the press, the Chief   pregnancies.
Health. This was a reminder of   Executive Officer Anil Damani,
the importance of reproductive   explained how Dembe Group           The donation could not have
health amidst the pandemic.      came up with the initiative to     come at a better time, given
                                 reduce unwanted pregnancies        that up to 2,300 teenagers got
While receiving the donation,    during the lockdown.               pregnant during the lockdown.
the Health Minister, Dr. Ruth
Aceng stated how the cases of    In as much as Uganda has
sexual abuse have increased      safeguarded the population
13                                                                           Generosity In The Time Of Covid-19 Vol.3

     Commercial Farmers Donate
     When Esther Baroma, the              with the government, the           against the pandemic.
     Mukono District Women’s              Uganda Coffee Development          The Neuman Gruppe, (that own
     League Chairperson reported          Authority (UCDA) mobilized         the Kaweri Coffee Plantation
     that people were going to            the stakeholders in the coffee     that is the largest coffee
     bed hungry, the district dairy       industry to donate food and        plantation in Uganda), donated
     farmers responded. The Mukono        other essential items for the      relief food items directly to some
     district chairman, Andrew            vulnerable and poor who            districts, as well as donating
     Ssenyonga led the team that          survive on daily earnings. The     UGX 15million (about $4,000) to
     distributed the milk to the          current lockdown limited the       the National Taskforce,
     patients and their attendants at     earning of many, and many still    They gave 5 tons of beans and
     Mukono General Hospital.             go without food.                   7 tons of maize to the RDC’s
                                                                             office in Mubende District and
     Ssenyonga said they decided          Led by Hon. Vincent Sempijja,      to Ankole Coffee Producers Co-
     to distribute 200 liters of milk     the Minister of Agriculture,       op Union Ltd (ACPCU) located
     to different health units daily,     Animal Industry and Fisheries,     in Sheema district in South
     bringing the amount of milk          the farmers handed over            Western Uganda.
     distributed to over 3,000 liters.    several items to the head of the
     The small-scale farmers              task force, Hon. Mary Karooro      An additional UGX 12 million
     continued to share with              Okurut. The items included         ($3,200) was given for fuel
     neighbours and the large-scale       a total of UGX 142.8 million       to take women in labour to
     farmers donated on a bigger          (About $39,000) in cash and two    hospital in the districts of
     scope, some going all the way to     brand new pickup trucks.           Shema, Bushenyi, Mitooma,
     the national level. While many       In addition to that, the Uganda    Rubirizi, Rwampara, Buhweju,
     did it as individuals, the coffee    Coffee Development Authority       Ibanda, Kiruhura, Mbarara,
     farmers mobilized themselves         contributed 2,000 packs of         Ntungamo and Kazo, where the
     and donated as a group.              ground Uganda coffee for           cooperative buys coffee.
     In the spirit of standing together   the frontline staff in the fight
14                                                       Generosity In The Time Of Covid-19 Vol.3

     Coffee Farmers Cash Donations at a Glance
        Organization                              Donation

        Kampala Domestic Stores                    5,000,000
        Nakana Coffee Ltd                         5,000,000
        Besmark Coffee Company Ltd                 5,000,000
        Ankole Coffee Producers Co-op Union Ltd    15,000,000
        Ibero Uganda                               50,000,000
        CECOFA                                     300,000
        Zigoti Coffee Works                       1,500,000
        Coffee World                              1,000,000
        Sena Indo Uganda Ltd                      1,000,000
        LD Commodities                            20,000,000
        Olam Uganda Ltd                           25,000,000
        Commodity Solutions                       10,000,000
        Gayaza Coffee Roasters                    1,000,000
        Platinum Commodities Ltd                  1,000,000
        Bollore Transport and Logistics Uganda    2,000,000

        Total                                     142,800,000
15                          Generosity In The Time Of Covid-19 Vol.3

     Chapter 2
     Civil Society Giving
16   Proposal                                                           Generosity In The Time Of Covid-19 Vol.3

 The response from national and international    to emergency response and several other social
 non-profits has been matchless. Without a       dimensions.
 given budget for the pandemic, a sense of       III. CSOs brought their logistical expertise
 obligation to find and create ways and means    in areas like food distribution to establish a
 to meet needs that went beyond any budget       voucher that is effective system in emergency.
 possible, has been the most recent evidence
 of what philanthropy is all about in the 21st   IV. CSOs monitored and documented the
 Century.                                        lessons emerging from the emergency period
                                                 for purposes of learning and building strong
 Through the National Non-Governmental           response practices for the future including the
 Organizations Forum (NGO-Forum) that            post-Covid-19 period.
 includes Community Service (CBO’s) civil
 society organizations did the following:        V. CSOs did not request resources or funding
                                                 from Government in the emergency phase
 I. CSOs contributed expertise in emergency      but instead worked with their donors to
 response.                                       channel initially approved programmatic
 II. CSOs contributed expertise in community     funds towards emergency response wherever
 mobilization and sensitization, psychosocial    possible, as their contribution to the
 support, child friendly approaches in           emergency response in the Covid-19 fight.
 emergency, gender and disability approaches

 For more information on Civil Society Giving view
17    Proposal                                                             Generosity In The Time Of Covid-19 Vol.3

     Work Begins
     CSOs provided a formidable buttress for the      coronavirus.
     response to humanitarian need during the
     pandemic in Uganda. For example, when            Due to the uncertainty and financial strain
     deaths from the coronavirus were associated      of the lockdown period, the aim is to raise
     with pre-existing health conditions by the       money for patients under our care to be able
     WHO, Sanctuary Medical Foundation, a Not-        to access their medication for the next six
     for-Profit organization, known for its work      months,” they explained.
     in Non- Communicable Diseases (NCDs),
     quickly launched a fundraising drive to          A call was made for individuals willing to
     prevent deaths among patients by providing       help patients who found themselves having to
     health service support and screening, as well    choose between food and medication during
     as health awareness on the virus.                the lockdown.
                                                      Many of the Foundation’s patients are
     Their focus was on ensuing that those with       hypertensive, diabetic, and sometimes both.
     pre-existing conditions were in good health,     They need medication that will be subsidized
     and were not exposed to possible infection,      to UGX 10,000 (about$3) per month as
     through health promotion and safety and          opposed to nearly UGX 200,000 ($54) that
     social practices, that would protect them        they would have spent.
     against being infection by the coronavirus.
                                                      They ended by emphasizing the fact that
     The organization runs free medical camps         unlike the general belief, Non-Communicable
     around the country screening for NCDs, and       Diseases affect the less fortunate just as
     endeavors to provide subsidized medical          much as they do the rich. Sadly, for the less
     care for patients. However, the organization     fortunate, should COVID-19 strike, it might
     is short of funds to run the necessary tests     find them unable to fend off the disease
     and to provide the required medication.          known to kill those battling poor health.
     Their goal is to ensure proper management of
     patients with NCDs if they are infected by the
18   Proposal                                                              Generosity In The Time Of Covid-19 Vol.3

      A Contactless Soap Dispenser for Crowded Places
      In a bid to curb the spread of COVID-19, a        soap dispensing in crowded places. “Financial
      group of youth innovated a contactless soap       support is needed to enable us to produce
      dispenser. Sustainable Youth Development          more dispensers for different communities,
      Foundation (SYDF), a community-based              especially the rural ones and border districts of
      organization, specifically targeted its           Uganda,” they said.
      innovation to crowded slums and rural
      communities. They believed that in these          They maintain that their commitment is
      places, where many share a piece of soap,         towards helping communities beat pandemics
      chances of infection while sanitizing are high.   like COVID-19, by ensuring better preparation.
                                                        They have since carried out hands-on skilling
      The organization’s dispenser prototype helps      of the youth on hygiene and soap making.
      limit theft of soap in these crowded places.
      They mount different sizes of liquid soap         While doing this, the Foundation which
      containers onto handwashing stations by           advocates for clean environmental practices,
      either welding or using screws.                   uses the chance to sensitize the community on
                                                        environmental issues.
      Their target is to that see their innovation,
      dubbed Naomi Hand Wash and Liquid Soap,           “A true social entrepreneur is one who can
      taken to the crowded Mpererwe Market. They        think and work through the unexpected, do
      committed to producing at least 200 liters of     something positive about the present situation,
      liquid soap to donate to the market, as well.     and plan and work towards the future,” they
      The organization is looking to start a
      nationwide drive to encourage contactless
19                                                                      Generosity In The Time Of Covid-19 Vol.3

     Protecting the Rolex Vendor from COVID-19
     As the country returns to a new normal, the        soap. While donating the items, there will be
     need to protect street food vendors against the    information about the coronavirus passed on
     deadly coronavirus grows. With this in mind,       to each recipient.
     Rolex Initiative, the philanthropic arm of the
     Rolex Festival, has rolled out a philanthropic     “We understand that rolex vendors remain
     drive to that effect.                              at the forefront of providing meals to the
                                                        population because food is an essential
     The organization gets its name from the rolex,     human right. We are therefore gathering more
     a popular Ugandan street food that is typically    support to reach as many numbers as possible;
     an egg omelette and vegetables wrapped in          your favorite meal shouldn’t be served at the
     pan-fried chapati.                                 expense of a life.”

     To transform the informal sector to the formal,     To ensure even more vendors are reached, the
     the organization’s first stride will be hygienic   organization rolled out a fundraising drive
     meal preparation and skills training. “One of      that calls on many to join this pertinent cause.
     our strong objectives is to empower, equip and     “We are looking for support in the form of
     promote healthier meal preparation amongst         products and cash to allow us to acquire all the
     rolex makers,” they explained. “We continue        essentials to equip this sector of the economy”
     to move around the city during this uncertain      they said.
     period to advocate for the safety performance
     of rolex makers to fight COVID-19.”                Note that on top of the philanthropic act,
                                                        the initiative is also looking to use improved
     In these COVID-19 times, their campaign            chapati making machines to reduce hand
     dubbed, Our Safe Street Food involves              contact with food. They believe that this
     equipping rolex vendors with the essentials        will help prevent infectious diseases like
     like reusable face masks, aprons, chef hats, and   coronavirus.
20   Proposal                                                              Generosity In The Time Of Covid-19 Vol.3

           Food for 300 Families in Mityana District
           A group of philanthropists came together to      Sadly, many of the affected people are single
           fundraise for the hungry in Mityana District.    mothers and elderly grandmothers. “With
           Through their organisation called Mityana        schools now closed, all children are at home
           Charity, the philanthropists called on friends   thereby increasing the challenges of providing
           both here and abroad to join in their campaign   household necessities and food.
           to feed at least 300 families.
                                                            Those that could previously afford one meal
           “These lockdowns are necessary measures to       a day, are now struggling to find anything to
           contain the spread of COVID-19 and they have     eat,” they explained. Before the decision to help
           proved successful in many countries. However,    the families, some of the mothers had already
           they have presented economic interruptions       started reaching out for support to buy maize
           which are unprecedented in many ways and         flour and beans to enable their families to
           require state and other partners to support      survive.
           vulnerable households economically and
           medically,” they elucidated.                     They appealed to friends to raise funds to buy
                                                            at least 6,120kgs of maize flour and 3,200kgs of
           They further explained that because of the       beans to benefit over 300 households as they
           lockdowns, the economy experienced a             get through these very difficult times.
           downward trend. Prices of food and non-
           food items has hiked and there is loss of        “Indeed, if we do not respond to the cry of
           employment, and closure of many companies.       God’s people, they may face many more health
                                                            challenges as a result of COVID-19. Let us
           “Small businesses run by low-income earners      together scale up the fight against COVID-19 by
           cannot operate (e.g. salon operators, boda-      supporting the livelihood of the people in most
           boda riders, market vendors, and taxi drivers)   need,” they said.
           so they have had no income for about two
           months,” they said.
21                                                                       Generosity In The Time Of Covid-19 Vol.3

     A New Roof for Singiro Public School
     In the thick of the lockdown, heavy winds blew      therefore, our humble request to all well-
     the roof off a classroom block at Singiro Public    wishers to donate to this noble cause.” As
     School in Kyazanga Town Council. Sadly,             the community joined the fundraising, the
     this was the only permanent structure in a          organization reached out to those far and
     school that serves a large section of the Singiro   beyond.
                                                         They suggested that another modest structure
     The date may not be known yet but should            be built at a total cost of UGX 55.727 million
     the Ministry of Education announce the re-          (about $16,000). “You can reach Singiro Village
     opening of schools, the pupils in this school       Hope for Orphans bank account at DFCU
     will not have a classroom.                          Lyantonde branch Uganda. The account name
                                                         is Singiro Village Hope for Orphans, and the
     With this in mind, Singiro Village Hope             account number is 01641115729483.”
     for Orphans (SVHO), a community-based
     organization, mobilized the community and           Progress has been made as works are currently
     church to start fundraising for a structure.        on-going in the school. A structure has been
     They did this because the distance to the           built and is now awaiting plastering of the
     closest school would lead to school dropouts in     walls and floors. The organization hopes to
     the community.                                      be done with the building by the time schools
     “Where will the pupils have lessons from
     since our permanent building is down?” the          “We would like to thank all of you who
     organization paused the question that began         supported us, brothers, sisters, friends, and
     the fundraising drive.                              well-wishers. Your financial support has
                                                         enabled us to reach this stage,” they celebrated.
     They quickly made an official plea: “It’s,
22                          Generosity In The Time Of Covid-19 Vol.3

     Chapter 3

     Giving By Alumni Associations
     And Communities
23                                                                       Generosity In The Time Of Covid-19 Vol.3

When Innocent Ndiko, first reached out to her former classmates at Nakasero Primary School, Class
of 1983, she didn’t know what to expect. “I found out that the lockdown had been hard on them; some
people had lost jobs!

They were in really terrible places in life, it was bad,” she recalls. Ndiko knew that she had to do
something. She immediately reached out to the other classmates through their WhatsApp group and
asked if they could raise some food for those who had nothing to eat. They did. “We raised UGX 3million
(about $800). It was
sent to those who openly said they needed help,” she says.

Even if the distribution of help was private, the reactions somehow went public when people returned
to the group to say thank you. “My heart was touched; looking at those messages of gratitude made me
cry, I knew I had to do more for people,” she narrates.

Gayaza Old Girls Fundraise
Ndiko reached out to her classmates at Gayaza        be collected. It was. “We raised over 12million
High School, Class of 1984. She asked if anyone      ($3,200) and it was given to the teachers at the
was going through a hard time and needed help.       school,” she says.
This was different, the ladies from her former
secondary school were not as forthcoming.            Priority was given to teachers who were not on
                                                     the government payroll and therefore had no
“I then called a teacher at the school and learned   source of income now that schools are closed.
that all was not well. The things they were doing    The class of 1984 raised about UGX 3Million
to surviving were tough,” she recalls. “I returned   ($800).
to my classmates and asked if we could instead
fundraise for the teachers that needed our help.”    Of this, 2 million was given to the teachers and
                                                     1million to former classmates who eventually
She also decided to reach out to the Parent-         reached out for help. An elated Ndiko again knew
Teacher Association (PTA) to see if more could       there more to be done.
24                                                                       Generosity In The Time Of Covid-19 Vol.3

     A Buddo Fundraising
     “If the teachers at Gayaza were struggling, that    According to Kalungi Kabuye, a journalist with
     means the ones in Buddo and several other           Vision Group, when combined with what the
     schools were going through the same”. Ms Ndiko      PTA raised, Buddo old students and parents
     spoke of how the notion to extend the fundraising   in different classes and years raised up to UGX
     to King’s College Buddo was birthed.                15million ($4,000) during the lockdown.

     “I sold the idea to the Buddo PTA Chairman and      Innocent Ndiko who sits on several boards
     he agreed to it. We allowed ourselves a week to     believes more schools can do the same. “I hope
     collect the money and raised over 8 million in      Mwiri Boys’ School joins the fundraising for their
     five days,” she says. Just like with Gayaza, this   teachers and fellow students,” she said.
     money was given to teachers that are not on the
     government payroll.
25    Proposal                                                               Generosity In The Time Of Covid-19 Vol.3

     The Yemen Muslim Community living in the             Yemen communities in Eastern Region, it was our
     Eastern Region of Uganda fundraised and              pleasure to give the little we have in this fight,’’
     donated UGX 10million ($2,700) to the National       Hajji Mazrui said.
     COVID Task force. While receiving the donation,
     Mary Karooro Okurut, the Minister for General        The Turkish community in Uganda donated 50
     Duties in the Office of the Prime Minister           bicycles to the National COVID-19 Taskforce. At
     commended the community for being friends in         the event, Kerem Alp, the head of the Turkish
     need.                                                Community in Uganda said that the bicycles
                                                          should be given to Kitgum and Sembabule
     On his part, Hajji Ali Mahammad Mazrui and the       districts.
     vice-chairman Yemen Community in Uganda
     said that this was a time for everyone to become a   “Majority of health workers in Sembabule and
     philanthropist and that they were honored to be      Kitgum hospitals do not have transport to work.
     helping out a country that is hosting them.          We have therefore given 50 bicycles to help in
     “This has been an honour. On behalf of the           their frontline fight against COVID-19,” Alp said.
26    Proposal                                                               Generosity In The Time Of Covid-19 Vol.3

     A fundraising drive was launched by The Uganda       fight against COVID-19, with health workers all
     Medical Association (UMA) to raise PPEs for the      over the world expressing their dissatisfaction
     frontline workers. This was done through two         at the failure by their governments to provide
     initiatives; from the public and with a swipe-pay    adequate PPE, thereby putting their lives at risk.
     mobile payment facility.                             On the political front, the National Resistance
                                                          Movement youth pressure group dubbed
     Since the inception of the idea, UMA also revealed   “Generation 7” donated 8,000 sanitary pads to
     that they secured 175 million shillings worth        teenage girls in Kasese Districts.
     of funding from the Open Society Initiative in
     Eastern Africa, which they used to buy PPEs. They    While donating the pads worth UGX 3.8million
     distributed the PPEs through their 14 branches       (about $1,000), the chairperson, Gilbert Olinga
     countrywide, as a way of supporting the national     said that majority of the girls have been affected
     COVID-19 response.                                   by both the lockdown and floods and would need
     PPE has been a major challenge in the global
27                           Generosity In The Time Of Covid-19 Vol.3

     Chapter 4
     Giving by Individuals

                                               Credits: togetherforgirls
28                                                                         Generosity In The Time Of Covid-19 Vol.3

 Young Girl Re-United With Family
While driving back home             stringent curfew times.             heard the story. Quickly, he
one evening, Don Innocent                                               offered to help: “Bring her to
Wanyama, a Senior Presidential      “Whereas she had a phone, she       my home in Lumuli, Seeta.
Press Secretary, found a teenage    didn’t have her boss’ number,       Tomorrow, I will find a way of
girl called Laetitia stranded in    her parent’s number and neither     getting her to her village.”
Naalya, a suburb in Kampala.        did she have that of the lady who
The distressed young girl, aged     picked her up from Namayingo        When Don got to Moses’ house,
between 13-15 years, was seated     District.                           he learned that Hon Mayende
by the roadside. Concerned, he                                          Dede, the Bukooli South MP,
stopped and asked if she was        Before he could do anything,        where Laetitia’s village is located,
okay. She was not.                  Don needed to confirm her story,    had been contacted. Even better,
                                    which he did. A person in the       the legislator had promised to
“I am stranded. I was working       neighbourhood who had been          pick Laetitia up since he was
as a house help for a woman         watching her confirmed her          traveling the following day to
in Ntinda. Three days ago, she      story of three days scavenging in   Namayingo. He did.
threw me out of her house. I have   that area.
been staying in the cold these                                          “Hon Dede indeed picked
three days and nights,” the girl    “So, what do you want? How          Laetitia up from Oguttu’s
narrated.                           can I be of help?” he asked her.    home and delivered her to
                                    “I just want to get back home,      Namayingo. He confirmed to us
 Her English was not perfect,       to my parents,” she answered,       that Laetitia has been reunited
but upon digging further,           sobbing as she clasped a dirty      with her family,” an elated Don
he learned that her Lusamia         polythene bag, which held all       concluded his narration of the
(a dialect spoken in parts of       her “property”.                     heartwarming act of giving.
Eastern Uganda) was good. Her
account thereon left him nearly     It was getting late, past 6pm to    It might have ended well, but
depressed.                          be specific, and Don didn’t know    Don could not fathom how cruel
                                    what to do to help the young        the world had been to the young
“Someone came to her village in     girl. Almost instantly, a thought   girl. Despite that, he was glad
Namayingo a couple of months        crossed his mind.                   that Laetitia got home safely.
back, seeking for a house help to
work for someone in Kampala,”       “My good friend Moses Oguttu        “Allow me to thank my friend
he recounted.                       knows the entire Samia              and brother Moses Oguttu and
                                    landscape like the back of his      his wife,” he began. “This guy has
Sadly, Laetitia had gone months     hand,” he thought. Lucky for the    a heart of gold. He did not even
without pay and did not have        young girl, Don’s friend, Oguttu    think twice about sheltering
a shilling to show for the time     had a solution.                     Laetitia and helping get her back
spent working. She had instead                                          to her home. Thanks, Hon Dede
been thrown out in the cold at      “No, that’s sad,” a concerned       for delivering the girl to her
a time when the country had         Oguttu responded when he            parents.”
29   Proposal                                                Generosity In The Time Of Covid-19 Vol.3

Saving Teacher Lily
When Lydia Ajwang first made        however, the Doctors say   longer we wait the worse
a plea to the public to save her
                                    there is a solution.       the condition gets. You can
paralyzed mother, she did not
know what to expect. Her mother,                               also save Lily by sending
                            It involves first removing
Adongo Lily, a head teacher at                                 financial support to the
Bata Secondary School, in Dokolo
                            the tumor from the spinal          following phone numbers.
District, has a condition that
causes paralysis. She needed
                            cord through surgery. This
                                                               Despite the financial strain caused
individuals, to come to her will help in re-activating         by the lockdown in Uganda, in a
                            her nerves since the nerves
mother’s rescue and do it in just                              few days, the public responded
a week’s time. Explaining the
                            will be free to move again;        with over UGX 12million (about
condition, she wrote:                                          $3,200) of the money needed
                            she will, therefore, be
                                                               for the surgery and the hospital
It is a meningioma, a tumor able to walk and do basic          agreed to operate.
in the spinal cord. Doctors chores afresh.
                                                               “I feel so heavy-hearted, so
say it is inactivating and                                     burdened yet so loved, thanks
re-activating her nerves    The surgery costs UGX
                                                               to my virtual family. Thank you
and sensors, thus causing   23million ($5,400) and             for the contributions,” an elated
paralysis. She can no       this money needs to be             Ajwang said. “Through you all, my
                            raised in one week, which          mummy can walk again. Every
longer write, sit, walk                                        cent counts.”
or turn herself in bed,     is by 28th July 2020. The
30   Proposal                                                            Generosity In The Time Of Covid-19 Vol.3

Twenty Thousand Books for Twenty Vulnerable
As the country starts to ease         wellbeing of children and could      books will encourage them to keep
the lockdown, philanthropist          also cause a risk in terms of        reading and learning through this
Lizza Kawooya is ensuring the         discouraging of children from        pandemic.
young people are reading. “Due        learning.
to the ongoing global pandemic,                                            “You too can help us to get a book
Uganda’s schools have been            “It will eventually lead to          to a child at just UGX 10,000
closed, leaving 15 million children   increased learning inequality gaps   (about $3). Your gift of UGX
without access to teachers,           and a high school drop rate in       50,000 (about $14) gives 5 books
libraries, or online learning and     Uganda,” she says. “Our goal is to   to 5 children, and they will be able
friends,” she explains.               get books to children so that they   to even share with their friends in
                                      can fall in love with reading and    the communities where they live,”
“Children, especially from            eventually read to learn. During     she implored the public.
vulnerable rural communities, are     this global pandemic, children
in complete isolation, in terms of    need friends and encouragement,      She ends by noting that books
continuous learning which now         and a book can be that friend.”      are just the friend a child needs
requires internet, televisions, and                                        for this lockdown. It is not known
radio sets. Most families in these    Kawooya is, therefore, fundraising   when schools will re-open as the
communities do not have these         for up to 20,000 books and hopes     government is still pondering the
facilities.”                          to reach children in 20 vulnerable   impact of this decision.
                                      rural communities in the 4 regions
She says that this affected the       of Uganda. She hopes that the
31   Proposal                                                                 Generosity In The Time Of Covid-19 Vol.3

A Studio to Help with Unemployment
Like it did in several countries,       this,” he says.                         deejaying. He says that this will
the lockdown caused the loss of         This is the notion that birthed         help in upgrading the creativity
jobs. In Uganda, the music and          a project he calls, The Integrity       level of the artistes in ensuring the
technology savvy, Kizebwana             Sounds Uganda. This was initially       quality of music produced. The
David Victor started a social           aimed at improving music by             goal is to grow this into a big and
enterprise that will provide a way      setting up a music studio, then         trustworthy social business that
forward for some of the recently        COVID-19 happened.                      will provide even more jobs.
unemployed youth.
                                        “The mission of this studio is to       “In Uganda, most studios are set
He says that this is a time for         not only to produce music but           up and operate as home-based
reflection on what else the youth       also to provide employment              studios, but the Integrity Sounds
can do to survive.                      opportunities to youths through         studio is a business-oriented
                                        production, receptionists, and          initiative with a long term goal
“I have been graced with the            the workforce team in the field,”       of operating on a large scale,
opportunity to be a diversified         he stated. The studio also intends      recording all kinds of music and
skilled person not only in              to implement training classes for       discovering talents in every aspect
information technology but              the various skillsets therein. First,   of life,” he further explained.
professional musical skills too. In     they will carry out hands-on skills
a time like this, self-employment       training like piano playing and
is the way to go if we are to survive   then move on to other skills like
32   Proposal                                                              Generosity In The Time Of Covid-19 Vol.3

Mbaali Now Has a Wheelchair
She urgently needed a wheelchair,      someone can help me with              with Mbaali.
anything to ease movement. With        a wheelchair, that would
the philanthropy happening                                                   “On June 6th, 2020, a fundraiser to
                                       be my greatest relief,” she
during the lockdown, Mtoka                                                   buy a wheelchair for 70-year-old
Mbaali decided to crowdsource.                                               Mtoka Mbaali, was launched on
Through the online crowdfunding                                              Dolphin Fund.
                                       She said that though she needed
platform, Dolphin Fund, a
                                       help with the basics, a wheelchair
fundraising drive was started on                                             Ladies and gentlemen, at 100.14%,
                                       would help reduce the weight
her behalf.                                                                  we are glad to report that in just
                                       of her problem and allow her to
                                                                             21 days, it is fully funded,” the
                                       move. To buy the wheelchair, she
“My case is rather complex. I have                                           Dolphin Fund team celebrated.
                                       needed seven-hundred thousand
been bedridden for 3 years. The
                                       shillings, a sum that was raised on
little money I had saved was spent                                           “A brand new wheelchair will be
                                       the platform in just a few weeks.
on medication, and never-ending                                              delivered to her within a few days.
                                       Her plight touched many hearts
electricity and water bills.                                                 We take this opportunity to thank
                                       and despite not knowing her,
                                                                             you for supporting this cause, for
                                       people donated almost instantly.
By the time COVID-19 crept in,                                               welcoming and trusting Dolphin
my savings were already depleted,                                            Fund, where we fundraise for
                                       Dolphin Fund, a crowdfunding
and my sons who were lending a                                               causes close to your heart. May
                                       site that launched during the
hand lost their jobs,” she said. “If                                         God bless you.”
                                       lockdown, celebrated every step
33   Proposal                                                              Generosity In The Time Of Covid-19 Vol.3

Pastor Byaruhanga Feeds the Needy
Julius Byaruhanga, a pastor with       Western Ugandan District.             who helped him deliver food to
Singiro’s Independent Baptist          “To our disappointment, the           families struggling to get even the
Church in Kyazanga Town Council        number that came was higher           day’s meal.
has been feeding the poor during       than those we had expected. In
the pandemic-induced lockdown.         fact, the number doubled, it was      “I am happy that through our
Not that he has much himself, but      a clear indication that there were    fundraising, 75 families received
the preacher used his platform         many whom we did not reach,” he       5kgs of maize, 3kgs of beans, a half
to make a plea to all and sundry       said.                                 a bar of soap and packet of salt. We
to feed those in dire need. The                                              pray that our benefactors receive
response was positive, and though      The man of God then pleaded           God’s continuous blessings,” an
his target was to feed and clothe      with well-wishers to help: “I have    elated Byaruhanga said.
at least 500 people, he started at a   witnessed people looking for food
good number.                           from composite pits. I have seen      Even as he fed the needy,
                                       adults crying for food like beggars   Byaruhanga emphasized the need
He offered some basic needs packs      in my country Uganda. What            for hard work and savings for
to 55 needy children. The packs        you call trash may be of great        such tough times. He said that it
included clothes, food, sugar, soap,   importance to your brother or         is a good thing to believe in God’s
and cooking oil. Sadly, with every     sister here.”                         provision, but humans must also
delivery that was made, the news                                             ensure that they have played their
reached many needy people in the       The plea was heard by many            part too.
34                         Generosity In The Time Of Covid-19 Vol.3

     Chapter 5
     Giving To And By People With
35                                                                     Generosity In The Time Of Covid-19 Vol.3

 PWDS Demand Inclusion
 When news of security forces shooting a man with        services.”
 hearing impairment broke on the 7th- April-2020,        Even as the world grapples with the virus, the
 (       committee urged governments to guarantee
 uganda-deaf-man), it was just the wakeup call           voluntary access to psychiatric drugs for those who
 the country needed. Since then, there has been          want them. They also implored governments to
 a reminder not to forget people with disabilities       allow back into the community, those who want a
 while battling the novel coronavirus.                   home-based treatment.

 People with disabilities (PWDs) have been at the        “Prepare and encourage communities to be
 forefront of fighting not to be forgotten. Advocacy     supportive of one another in an inclusive way,
 has been their biggest tool in ensuring no one with     including of persons with psychosocial disabilities,
 a disability is left behind.                            during the COVID-19 outbreak. This is especially
                                                         important since mandatory quarantine, home
 As a matter of fact, a Ugandan committee on the         confinement, and information overload may result
 United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons      in heightened states of distress,” they advised.
 with Disabilities (CRPD) has called for the inclusion
 of persons with disabilities in the strides to beat     They urged governments to ensure practical
 coronavirus.                                            support for PWDs such as obtaining food and
                                                         supplies for people with psychosocial disabilities
 Together with colleagues across the globe, the          who may be unable to leave their homes due to
 committee, largely made up of people with               quarantine or experience difficulty with leaving
 disabilities, asked the world to especially consider    home during this period of heightened concerns
 those battling psychosocial disability.                 about contamination.

 “Ensure continued access to support for people          As the different nations, including Uganda, put
 experiencing distress or unusual states of              in place 14 to 21-day quarantine measures, the
 consciousness during the COVID-19 outbreak,” they       committee implores them to be flexible.
 urged UN member countries, Uganda included.             “Consider flexible mechanisms to authorize people
 “Step up efforts to develop a wide range of             with psychosocial disabilities to be able to leave
 community-based services that respond to the            their homes during mandatory quarantines,
 needs of persons with psychosocial disabilities.        for short periods and in a safe way, when they
                                                         experience particular difficulty with home
 Respect people’s autonomy, choices, dignity,            confinement,” they held.
 and privacy, including peer support and other
 alternatives to conventional mental health
36   Proposal                                                              Generosity In The Time Of Covid-19 Vol.3

 Accessible Information A Must
 When it came to communication, regarding              • Develop accessible written information
 COVID-19 they listed the WHO guidelines               products by using appropriate document formats,
 to governments on health information and              (such as “Word”), with structured headings, large
 communication:                                        print, braille versions, and formats for people
                                                       who are deafblind.
 • Include captioning and, where possible,
 sign language for all live and recorded events        • Include captions for images used within
 and communications. This includes national            documents or on social media. Use images that
 addresses, press briefings, and live social media.    are inclusive and do not stigmatize disability.

 • Convert public materials into an “easy read”        • Work with disability organizations, including
 format so that they are accessible for people with    advocacy bodies and disability service providers
 an intellectual disability or cognitive impairment.   to disseminate public health information.
37   Proposal                                                            Generosity In The Time Of Covid-19 Vol.3

Group Delivers the Much-Needed Food to the Blind
When the country went into lockdown, PWDS             Their cries were heard, first by the local
felt abandoned and made sure it was known.            community, then by The Bible Society of Uganda.
In Mayuge District, the Twezimbe Lubu
group started a drive to ensure the visually          “We have given back to over 100 blind people
impaired got help. First, it was the food from the    in Mayuge District. We gave food, soap, and
government, and next was a general appeal to any      other items to help them survive the COVID-19
philanthropists to come to their rescue.              lockdown,”

“It was hard before COVID-19, it is now even          The Bible Society of Uganda announced. “The
worse!” the group chanted on the streets. “If it is   donation followed a public outcry that some
hard for you, imagine how terrible it is for us.”     visually impaired persons under their umbrella
                                                      association of Twezimbe Lubu Group of the blind
The group committed themselves to deliver any         were going with food.”
aid collected, to people with visual impairment.
38   Proposal                                                            Generosity In The Time Of Covid-19 Vol.3

Bwanika Called Out for Help
Edward Bwanika, a single father of three with a      impairment had to go back to the drawing board
hearing impairment was stuck at home without         to plan for relief food.
food. His children, two of whom also have a
hearing impairment had no way of accessing           He told them that all the people with hearing
learning materials. This father, a street food       impairment in his community lost their jobs.
vendor in Kamokya, a suburb in Kampala, tried        Quickly, DLU came up with a COVID-19 response
several options to no end.                           project. They supplied food items and helped
                                                     with reading materials for the children.
Bwanika, an advocate for the rights of people with
hearing impairment, reached out to Deaf Link         Upon the easing of the lockdown, they returned
Uganda (DLU) on behalf of people with hearing        to make sure that Bwanika and the community
impairment in Kamokya. The organization which        of people with hearing impairment were back to
initially helped with skilling people with hearing   work and gave them start-up capital.
39   Proposal                                                              Generosity In The Time Of Covid-19 Vol.3

Coming Together for One of Their Own
When Jackson Okello’s wheelchair got damaged,          Together with friends and family, they raised UGX
the people with disabilities came together and         70,000 (about $20) and fixed Okello’s wheelchair.
fixed it for him. The father of four, a shoe cobbler   “We asked one of our sons to pass around an
in Agago District had failed to leave the house        envelope and everyone contributed whatever
in search of an income because of this. When he        little they had,” Komagum said.
attempted to, he returned with bruises on his
knees that required him to get a tetanus shot.         For a group of people that mostly lives on less
“Normally he would have tried to raise the money       than a dollar a day, this was great show of
to fix it himself, but he had not worked for months    generosity. “We are happy that we could help each
because of the lockdown and did not have money,”       other even at a time when coronavirus had made
Irene Laker, a volunteer VHT in Agago District         it hard for us to meet and discuss our issues,” he
said.                                                  said.

She said that the other alternative would have         Okello said that when the money was delivered, he
been to fundraise through the church but since         broke down and cried. On top of the money, they
churches are closed, Okello had to reach out to the    had each added some food from their stores, some
people who understand his predicament. “He is          even sharing the maize flour that was given by the
always helping us, so we decided to help him this      government.
time around,” Andrew Komagum said.
                                                       “I know my people don’t have much but seeing
He said that Okello is an advocate for hard work       this gesture of solidarity made me very happy.
amongst people with disabilities and would not         May God bless them abundantly,” he said. “We
have reached out if he wasn’t genuinely stuck.         may not have much, but we have ourselves and
“He has taught many of us how to repair shoes          these trying times have reminded me of that.”
and doesn’t in believe in people with disability
begging in markets,” Komagum said.
40   Proposal                                                              Generosity In The Time Of Covid-19 Vol.3

Partially Blind Atude Sings about Coronavirus
In Kelim Village, a few kilometers outside of Kumi   “He sings about why the local drinking joints
Municipality, Patrick Atude belts out into song      aren’t allowed anymore and warns people about
about the novel coronavirus. Atude, the original     the dangers of continuing with the practice,” one
composer of the Emaali song that was later re-       of the locals, Harriet Akol said.
done by Rachael Magoola is blind in one eye.
                                                     Going from home to home while playing his
When the coronavirus was first announced, he         thumb piano, Atude, also a darling of the people
took time off to understand the message and now      in Kelim Village, has mastered the art of merging
sings some un-recorded songs on the virus at the     music and sensitization. He will be remembered
trading center.                                      for simplifying the government’s guidelines in
41                       Generosity In The Time Of Covid-19 Vol.3

     Chapter 6
     Giving To Conserve Nature
42                                                                        Generosity In The Time Of Covid-19 Vol.3

A beloved gorilla called Rafiki was killed during     strides to re-populate the species.
the lockdown. Felix Byamukama was sentenced
to eleven years in jail for the murder. Appearing     Angie Genade, the Executive Director for RFU said
before the Kabale Chief Magistrate’s Court, he        that they needed help paying rangers to ensure
pleaded guilty to counts of illegal entry into a      day to day safety of these animals. “This donation
protected area, killing a gorilla, a bush pig, a      will help to bridge our funding gap caused by
duiker, and being in possession of bush pig and       circumstances beyond our control. This way the
duiker meat.                                          rhino conservation can be maintained for the
                                                      benefit of the local communities and the people of
This of course could not bring back Rafiki, the       Uganda,” he said.
25-year-old Silverback, a darling of tourists, that
led the Nkuringo group of about 17 mountain           David Duli, Country Director for WWF stated
gorillas. What this did however was remind the        that COVID-19 is having an impact on wildlife.
world that as we withdrew back to our homes, our      He explained that great apes, of which seven
friends in the wild had been left unguarded.          species are already threatened by extinction,
                                                      are potentially vulnerable to this new virus.
According to New Vision journalist, Andrew            He explained that the lockdown and the loss
Masinde,                 of tourism revenue also create challenges for
news/1521155/covid-19-wwf-donates-sh20m-              protecting wildlife.
rhino-fund-uganda the COVID-19 pandemic has
had a significant impact on the tourism industry       “Conservationists are now calling on the
due to the travel restrictions as well as a slump     Government and private businesses to help
in demand among travelers. The United Nations         expand existing protected areas and improving
World Tourism Organization estimated a global         their management as well as establishing new
loss of up to $30-50 billion this year alone.         protected areas,” he said.

In Ugandan, the $1.6billion revenue and over 2        Particularly, for the Rhinos, Duli emphasized the
million jobs both directly and indirectly, have       need to improve security monitoring to protect
been affected. This however does not begin to         rhinos from poaching and the need to improve
describe the dent this has caused on conservation     local and international law enforcement to stop
efforts. While attention was drawn to Rafiki’s        the flow of rhino horn and other illegal wildlife
gruesome murder by poachers looking for a meal,       trade items from Africa to other regions of the
experts worry many more of the wildlife species       world.
have been killed.
                                                       “Rhinos has been an integral part of the natural
With this in mind, a group of philanthropists         world for tens of millions of years, and humankind
through the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)          is causing dramatic declines in just a few decades.
Uganda donated UGX 20million ($5400) to the           We can change the outcome,” he urged.
Rhino Fund Uganda (RFU) to support the Rhino
sanctuary during this COVID-19 crisis. Both
black and white rhinoceros breeds are globally
endangered, and a single death would impair
43   Proposal                                                            Generosity In The Time Of Covid-19 Vol.3

A donation in Memory of Rafiki the Gorilla
In memory of the fallen ape, Rafiki, a group called    “We are delighted to contribute these items to
‘Friends of Rafiki’ donated food items to the staff    the staff of Nkuringo who have always worked
in the Nkuringo area. They were delivered by           tirelessly to protect and conserve wildlife
Lydia Nandudu, the Director of Nkuringo Bwindi         especially the mountain gorillas. This support is
Gorilla Lodge and Nkuringo Walking Safaris and         extended to them so that they keep up the great
received by Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA).           work of protecting the park amidst the pandemic
                                                       of COVID-19,” she noted.
They were distributed among a total of 119 staff
(44 for Nkuringo and 75 for Rushaga). Each             John Justice Tibesigwa, the Senior Warden
member of staff received 20kgs of posho, 10kgs         Southern Sector Bwindi Impenetrable National
rice, 10kgs beans, 5bars of soap, 4litres of cooking   Park, thanked the ‘Friends of Rafiki’ for
oil, and a pair of gumboots.                           supporting UWA staff in their effort to conserve
                                                       wildlife. He said that the items would go a long
While delivering the items to Nkuringo Southern        way in enabling staff in the Nkuringo sector
Sector office, Nandutu observed that the               to carry out their duties of protecting the Park
contribution was aimed at encouraging staff to         and its invaluable resources, especially the
continue fulfilling their mandate despite the drop     endangered mountain gorillas, during these
in revenue as a result of coronavirus pandemic.        unprecedented times of the global pandemic of
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