COVID-19 Impact and Recovery - A peek into the Bedding Industry - India Mattresstech Expo

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COVID-19 Impact and Recovery - A peek into the Bedding Industry - India Mattresstech Expo
July 2020    ₹200/-   Volume 2 | Issue 3
                           INDIAN SLEEP
                           PRODUCTS FEDERATION

COVID-19 Impact                                  35
                                                        ISPF Sleep Trends Survey Report
                                                        Sleeping well in the

and Recovery –                                          COVID-19 Times!

                                                        Mattress Industry Research Findings

A peek into the
                                                        Indian Retail Market
                                                        Performance- Modern
                                                        Mattress - Round 3

Bedding Industry                                 27
                                                        New Business Opportunity
                                                        Demand for Medical
                                                        Mattress zooms in Corona
COVID-19 Impact and Recovery - A peek into the Bedding Industry - India Mattresstech Expo
COVID-19 Impact and Recovery - A peek into the Bedding Industry - India Mattresstech Expo
Content            3

                                          Cover Story                                  11

  S. Sundaresan

  Editorial & Advisory board
  Indian Sleep Products Federation
  A/5, Veerabahu Nagar,
  Pettai, Tirunelveli - 627 004

  Project managed by
  eMpulse Research and Data
  Analytics (I) Pvt Ltd

                                         What a Bug!
  Printed at
  Aditya Graphics and Printers

  Editorial correspondence
  may be addressed to                    The Impact of COVID-19 on
                                         the Mattress Industry
  Indian Sleep Products Federation
  A/5, Veerabahu Nagar, Pettai
  India                                  The pandemic has shaken up a lot of
  email:             businesses all over the world. While many                industries struggle to find tiny signs of survival
                                         and resilience, how much spring does the
Price 200
Copyright © 2020 Indian Sleep Products
                                         sleep-industry need to bounce back? Or is it
Federation. All rights reserved          already up and about?
COVID-19 Impact and Recovery - A peek into the Bedding Industry - India Mattresstech Expo
4         Content

Interview                                                   32      Feature                       54

            Home is now a priority                                  Mattress: Some outlook,
            Kurlon Leaderships speaks to Comfort Times              some introspection

            Seller and Buyer – both struggle with
            the explosion of ‘choice’                       53
            Motilal Goel, MD and CEO, Pyare Lal Coir
            Products Ltd
            Online is a new medium for the next
            phase of growth                                 58      The future of the mattress
                                                                    industry is as layered as a typical
            Pankaj Gupta, MD of RP Foam Home Pvt.                   bed – there are some short-term
            Ltd.                                                    changes and some long-term
                                                                    directions worth making room for
Feature                                                     22
                                                                    Survey Report                 59
                 Aatma-Nirbhar Mattress: From survival
                 to success                                         Mattress Industry Research
                 The Covid19 period has pushed the local            Findings: Indian Retail
                 industry to support the life in this pademic
                 crisis period and “Atma-Nirbhar” in mattress
                                                                    Market Performance-
                 industry is the challenge and the opportunity.     Modern Mattress - Round 3
                 ISPF Sleep Trends Survey Report:
                 Sleeping well in the COVID-19 Times! 35
                 ISPF did a survey to understand the scale
                 and shift in sleep patterns brought on by the
                 COVID-19 on how Indians are coping up with
                 the epidemic in terms of sleep-cycle.              ISPF organised survey to
                 Work-from-home: The evolution                      estimate the quarterly sales and
                 towards a saner lifestyle                  45      growth of mattresses in India
                 Due to the pademic COVID-19 the new era of
                 Work-from-home culture has begun. We are
                 trying to analyse the pros and cons, the impact    OTHER STORIES
                 of this new necessity-built culture.
                                                                    Editorial                      5
New Business Opportunity                                    27
                                                                    India News                     8
                 New Business Opportunity: Demand for
                 Medical Mattress zooms in Corona times
                 In this Covid crisis as the need of beds for       Global News                   10
                 patients is increasing day-by-day, let us take a
                 look at the industry’s response to the situation   Back of Book                  62
                 in providing the Medical Mattress
COVID-19 Impact and Recovery - A peek into the Bedding Industry - India Mattresstech Expo

                                     FROM THE

           ow are you feeling today? It is extra    taking centre stage. It is fascinating to see how
           special to say ‘Hello’ to you amidst     legacy players are embracing technology and
           this unique phase of lockdown,           online models with strength and creativity.
           uncertainty and social distancing that   It is impressive to see how some players
we all are going through. God knows, when we        have already started working on health as
will shake hands again and share a conversation     a key plank for serving customers better. It
face-to-face in some meeting – like old times.      is also interesting to unfold the unexpected
But till then, I am glad to see that people from    ramifications that mainstream changes have
our industry brethren are marching ahead with       injected into our industry. Everything from
unprecedented will-power, patience, hope,           Work-from-Home models, remote work,
resilience and agility. Yes, we have suffered       home improvement projects, binge watching,
some dents. True, we have gone through some         lockdown recipes, real estate shake-up to
really abrupt surprises. For sure, the business     heightened health awareness has brought
has been weaving its way through some               strong and positive ripples into the industry.
unfamiliar terrains of chaos, confusion and
economic challenges.                                    Also, a bigger surge of positive side-effect
                                                    is coming our way as shifts like work-from-
    But as you can see in this issue, the           home, demand for medical mattresses and
lockdown has brought in some unexpected             hygiene products, focus on ergonomics etc.
positive changes for the industry. An               gather more traction.
interesting customer survey reveals that
people are finally realising the importance of          As we get ready to enter the Six-Feet Office,
sleep-health and value of investing time and        we are already experimenting with the Six-
money in a good mattress. The same epiphany         Feet Store in our industry. Radical marketing
is being reflected in the kind of demand, needs     and servicing approaches have emerged
and trends that industry players have been          during the lock-down. Customers should be
witnessing in these last few months.                ready for better experiences, stronger service
                                                    and innovative offerings as lockdowns ease.
    In fact, the industry has learnt some of        The path that the industry has picked during
its best lessons through this crisis. We have       the pandemic will continue and strengthen as
understood new layers of customer demand.           things get better.
We have morphed our way confidently and
creatively from bricks to clicks. Amidst all this       I speak on behalf of so many experts,
disorientation, we have managed to survive, to      players and customers when I say that the
innovate and to serve our customers.                future is full of new and sunny possibilities.
                                                    We are going to come out stronger, brighter
    In this issue, we bring to you some of these    and better from this unusual phase. We are
insights that companies and brave leaders           all hoping for that ‘tomorrow’. Let us keep
share with a lot of candour, generosity and         learning – from each other, from customers,
positive perspectives. Our cover story, industry    from other industries and from the crisis. I am
interviews and ensuing features examine the         very sure that the next issue would be about a
impact that COVID-19 has caused – and that          fresh injection (pun intended) of positive news
includes the good, the not-so-good and the          – in every way, for our industry, and beyond.
new. We also uncover how new shifts are             Keep reading!

                                                                                S. SUNDARESAN
COVID-19 Impact and Recovery - A peek into the Bedding Industry - India Mattresstech Expo



    Sheela Foam Limited

    Centuary Fibre Plates Pvt. Limited

    Kurlon Enterprise Limited

    Tirupati Foam Limited

    Duroflex Pvt. Limited

    Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd.

    Sobha Limited

    M. M. Rubber Company Limited

    Real Innerspring Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

    Nilkamal Limited

COVID-19 Impact and Recovery - A peek into the Bedding Industry - India Mattresstech Expo


  To promote the sleep products industry by enhancing
  consumer awareness on quality sleep, while setting
  benchmarks for its products and services.

  To represent the industry with a commitment to the
  society and the environment.
COVID-19 Impact and Recovery - A peek into the Bedding Industry - India Mattresstech Expo
8             India News

Duroflex puts across
                                             Sleepwell Offers
positive message on
                                             a Cocoon
                                             Sleepwell’s latest mattress
As the COVID-19 pandemic has hit             offers different feel on two
every industry hard, the the sleep           sides of same bed.
and wellness industry too is trying          Cocoon Mattress that
out newer strategies to cope with its        offers different feel on
impact. Mathew Chandy, Managing              two sides of the same bed
Director, Duroflex – one of the leading      has been launched by the
mattress brands in the country, said         country’s leading mattress
in an interview to a business news           brand Sleepwell.
website that the company’s focus has         With this, partners can
shifted from profitability to liquidity in   customise their side of the
these times of crisis.                       mattress by interchanging
With a majority of professionals             the top two layers of the
working from home, Duroflex has been         mattress. They can change
putting across a positive message in         it from firm to gentle or the
these times of gloom, focusing on the        other way, depending on
importance of sleep hygiene to stay          their preference.
focused on work. To further help its         Cocoon is a triple-
customers keep anxiety at bay, the           layered mattress with
company organized Sleep Therapy              customisable top two layers and core bottom layer for support. The top two
sessions and launched a campaign             layers have a different feel on either side – gentle and firm. The customer can
called Better Tomorrow. When all             change the feel of the mattress by interchanging the layers – from gentle to
other companies are going the digital        firm or the other way. It allows partners to have the mattress of their choice,
way to promote their products,               just by interchanging the top two layers.
Duroflex opened an retail outlet and an
experiential centre in Bengaluru on
July 1.                                      Startups think of new strategy
                                             to grab market share introduces                        The startup storm has taken over the      and commissions by offering their
                                             sleep industry too, with a flurry of      products online at a lower price.
second round of ‘Sleep                       brands using the direct-to-consumer       They have adopted the – Mattress In
Internship’                                  marketing method to push their            a Box – to appeal to the customers
                                             products. These companies, which          and grab the market share. As of now,, has announced the                include Wakefit, Wink & Nod, NAP          established brands like Sleepwell,
pre-registration process of the              Cloud and Flo, etc. have worked out       Kurlon command almost 50 percent of
second season of its programme,              a strategy to cut out the middlemen       the market share.
‘Wakefit Sleep Internship’. Under this
programme, selected candidates are
required to sleep for nine hours every
night for a period of 100 nights. After
the success of its first season that saw
over 1.65 lakh registrations.
Like last year, is looking
for the best ways to round up the
sleepyheads from across the country.
Pandit Janardhan Dhruve famous Face
Reader from the Netflix show ‘Indian
Matchmaking’ along with Naveen
Kaushik, the ‘boss’ from last year’s
Sleep Internship, will review set of
profiles to determine which candidates
can make it to the final interview round
of the internship.
COVID-19 Impact and Recovery - A peek into the Bedding Industry - India Mattresstech Expo
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COVID-19 Impact and Recovery - A peek into the Bedding Industry - India Mattresstech Expo
10            Global News

NapCity offers                            COVID-19 wreaks havoc on sleeping patterns
personal sleeping                         COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on the          Dr. Raymond Gottschalk, medical
spaces                                    global economy, public health systems
                                          and industries from tourism to summer
                                                                                     director of the sleep disorders clinic at
                                                                                     McMaster University. “We know that
NapCity, which makes pods mostly          camps. Now, doctors say they’re seeing     sleep restriction, sleep deprivation and/
used in airports for travellers to take   an influx of patients with disrupted       or sleep disruption can shorten lives,”
a quick nap on the move, has started      sleep patterns linked to financial         Gottschalk said.
offering these pods as safe private       anxiety, fears of the virus or a lack of
areas for sleep without coming in         daily routine. In China, researchers
contact with anyone in these times        surveyed 801 frontline healthcare
of COVID-19. Company president            workers and found that compared to
Stephen Rosenfeld said the pods           the general population, they tested
are being sold as “private space as a     significantly high on a scale used to
service”, and the company is pitching     measure insomnia. Left untreated,
with hotels, offices and wellness         insomnia could lead to lasting health
centres for the product. Rosenfeld        repercussions, including weight
said that firms will soon be looking      gain, heart disease, hypertension
for ways to use spaces like Napcabs,      and diabetic predispositions, said
which takes up a mere 50 sqft area.

                                          25% of US adults report of sleep deprivation
Dow giving new Life to
                                          Chronic sleep deprivation is common in     Lack of sleep leads to detriments in
Old Mattresses                            the workplace. About 25% of US adults      job performance, productivity, career
If stacked, mattresses discarded          reportedly suffer from insomnia, and a     progression and satisfaction, and
in Europe every year would exceed         similar number report regular patterns     an increase in job-related accidents,
the height of Mount Everest – by          of excessive sleepiness. Unsurprisingly,   absenteeism, and counterproductive
678 times. Approximately 30               sleep disturbances increase the risk of    work behaviors.
million mattresses are thrown             cancer, depression, and heart problems.    Conversely, better sleep has been
away, and most of this bulky, non-        They also decrease productivity.           linked to improved memory, knowledge
biodegradable waste-stream ends           Meta-analytic studies show that sleep      acquisition, and learning. Even
up in the landfill. Through its RENUVA    deprivation is a strong inhibitor of       short naps have been found to have
Mattress Recycling Program, Dow           workplace performance, primarily by        significant positive effects on work
aims to reduce this mountain of           deteriorating mood.                        performance.
waste by giving polyurethane (PU)
foam from end-of-life mattresses
a new life. The program will take         Virus impacted children’s sleep too
discarded mattress foam and turn
it back into raw material (polyols)       The coronavirus crisis is having a         early warning sign about the long-term
through chemical recycling, the           significant impact on children’s sleep,    negative impact coronavirus is having on
process of converting waste into          with anxiety and lack of routine causing   children’s sleep.
feedstock. The new raw material           serious disruptions, experts have          It supports a newly published paper
will then be used in flexible or rigid    warned. The Millpond Sleep Clinic in       from the Journal of Child Psychology and
foam products to go into applications     London says there has been a 30 percent    Psychiatry that suggests the potential
such as building insulation boards        rise in sleep inquiries from parents       for sleep problems to emerge or worsen
and even new mattresses.To make           about children aged five to 13 compared    during and following the pandemic is
this happen, Dow Polyurethanes            with the same period in 2018-19. A         high. The survey found that 70 percent
has been working with recycling           common issue is that children are going    of children under 16 are going to bed
companies, equipment and material         to bed later and sleeping in more. A       late – but are also waking late (57
manufacturers, brand owners and           survey of 2,700 people in April gave the   percent).
other value chain participants in
Europe to put in place a new business
ecosystem to create a circular
economy for polyurethanes. The
program aims to divert up to 200,000
mattresses from landfills in France
every year.
Cover Story   11

                         What a Bug!
              The Impact of COVID-19 on
                   the Mattress Industry

The pandemic has shaken up
a lot of businesses all over the
world. While many industries
struggle to find tiny signs of
survival and resilience, how
much spring does the sleep-
industry need to bounce back?
Or is it already up and about?
12            Cover Story

         s the world waits with bated                                                             But Ankur Bisen, Sr. Vice President
         breath for a vaccine, some of                                                        - Technopak Advisors also reflects on
         us may have been tempted at            COVID-19’s Ripples on                         the new experiences that the customer
         some point to search about the         Economy and Consumer                          has gone through and which are going
evolution of the very idea of a vaccine.                                                      to define lifestyle in a big way. Home
Interestingly, most vaccines are nothing        Index                                         improvement is a key consumer interest
but some doses of the bacteria or virus         • 55 percent consumers are most               area now. “People are spending more
itself. When administered carefully,              likely to buy groceries online.             time at home. They are ready to spend on
and with a proper plan, even a harmful            Even traditionally dominated                space and visibility. Functional categories
element can change into a helpful                 sectors were forced to go                   of household segment will see a jump.
antidote.                                         digital.                                    Compact-seized bed solutions or bed-
                                                • There is a trend of selectiveness           cum-workstations or any such innovation
    No one would understand that                  in spending                                 – would be something that a customer
better than players in the mattress             • In the scenario of highly                   will willingly spend on.” It is a good time
industry. For years and years, both               effective economic                          to ride on the wave of new trends – like
top-tier and emerging businesses here             interventions and effective                 storage-beds, hygiene products and
have struggled with many deep-running             public health response, return              concept-beds, he illustrates.
issues – a dominant unorganised texture           to trend growth with strong
of the market, lack of standardisation,           world rebound returning output                  Indeed. If we thumb through
customisation challenges, distribution            to 2019 Q4 levels in late 2021.             McKinsey & Company COVID-19 US
problems, lack of innovation and absence        • Even if health response stays               Consumer Pulse Survey, we will notice
of customer awareness, to name a few.             effective, the situation will               that Consumer confidence index dipped
What was the most unwieldy one here,              change in case of partially-                7 percent in March YoY, but consumers
however, was the perception of ‘sleep’            effective interventions – this              overindex for healthy products: 75
per se. Neither the average customer              means showing slow long-                    percent are showing strong preference
bothered about the importance of a                term growth and muted world                 to exercise and healthy eating.
good mattress or a sleep-accessory,               recovery for rebound returning
nor the marketers talked about sleep-             output to 2019 Q4 levels in late                                 K.Senthilprabhu,
health as part of their promotions.               2022.                                                        Vice President, Sales
                                                • In the case of ineffective                                   Mattress       &      Cover
    So when everyone was forced to not            economic interventions,                                      division, Global Textile
just stay indoors but also work from              slow long-term growth with                                   Alliance India Pvt Ltd.
there during the lockdown, a strange              insufficiency to delivery full              reasons that there is not much difference
shift happened. People suddenly                   rebound returning output to                 during the crisis. “As lockdowns open up,
realized that the more time they spent            2019 Q4 levels only until 2026              people are buying mattresses for increased
at home, the more they paid attention                                                         usage at home and weddings. It is a
to the comfort and quality of that thing           Source: McKinsey & Company COVID-19 US     positive side for the industry. A lot of new
                                                                      Consumer Pulse Survey
called ‘mattress’. Among other home                                                           companies, specially online ones, are doing
renovation efforts; spending on, and                                                          good.”
upgrading, products related to sleep
also came on the top of the Indian                                                                Sanjeev Kapoor, CEO, Indian Silks
customer’s radar. At the same time, the       Advisors about the overall retail               also feels that crisis has been a blessing
industry was grappling with general           landscape and consumer mood that                in disguise for the industry. “The online
issues that were causing trouble in           the pandemic has created and he gives           segment is doing very well. The People
other business segments due to the            a peek into a segment that is helpless          are investing in a good mattress due to
pandemic – like lukewarm economic             because of economic constraints. “The           quarantine periods and work-from-home
outlook, dip in overall spending, a long      collapse of demand and dip in household         scenarios. Online segment will dominate
pause on retail activity, logistics and       income are aspects that have affected           the industry and unless it is a high-
supply-chain bottlenecks. So has the          the total money scenario for an average         involvement purchase with a strong brand
crisis worked like a vaccine or as a virus?   household. That means a suspension of           pull in the customer’s mindspace, people
Did the pandemic emerge as good news          discretionary consumption – like holidays,      will lean towards online orders and price
or bad news for the industry?                 weddings, tourism, jewellery, luxury            attractiveness.”
                                              activities, hotel stays etc. The focus on
                Consumer Behaviour –          value is suddenly becoming paramount.                              Mahesh Narayanan
                It all begins and ends        People are either suspending those                              Gopalasamudram,
                there                         purchases or toning it down – like a used                       Chief Operating Officer
                Ask Ankur Bisen, Sr. Vice     car or a lower-priced car instead of a new                      (COO) in Sheela Foam,
                President - Technopak         one.”                                                           and Chairman of Indian
14            Cover Story

Polyurethane Association (IPUA) echoes
this shift. “There are two ways to look at
the impact. People are now upgrading and
that is helping the furniture and bedding
industry. We are witnessing a spike in the
European and Australian markets. This
is because people are saving time and
money from other activities - like eating
out, vacations etc. This surplus time and
cash has awakened people that they need
to invest in essentials. When you are sitting
on a chair or couch or bed for long hours
during the lockdown, you want to upgrade
it. In India, we are still on a rebound to
a certain level for the online segment.
The organised segment is not as strong
because of uncertainty, containment and

                     Mathew         Chandy,
                 Managing          Director,
                 Duroflex       Pvt.    Ltd
                 points out at another
                 interesting shift – sleep
has got comfortably perched on the              me more aware of things that needed
health plank now. “It is now more widely        doing”.                                          Not-so-Side
understood that good sleep can boost your                                                        Effects of
immunity from viruses by 4x. Previously            It was also observed here that home           COVID-19
seen as a lifestyle industry, the pandemic      improvement project intent during the
has helped to place the mattress and sleep      next year is actually up slightly despite        1. Supply chains take a hit
industry closer to the health and wellness      the pandemic.                                    2. Logistics becomes a challenge
space.”                                                                                              due to fluctuating lockdowns
                                                    So the wave had already started. It will     3. Job uncertainty and economic
    Even the latest U.S. Census Bureau          not subside after the pandemic and may,              environment affects
report is a big hint here. Turns out that       in fact, find more force as people look at           discretionary spending
home centers, hardware stores, garden           their homes differently and for longer           4. Increased awareness and
centers and building materials suppliers        hours now. It is not hard to imagine the             respect for sleep products
realized a year-over-year sales spike of        depth and volume of spending that will           5. Consumers start paying
22.6 percent. This dominated all retail         come into home-improvement spill-over                attention to, and start spending
categories except for online purchases.         areas. Mattresses and home comfort                   on, home improvement
Retailers are now serving the home              products would ultimately gain from the          6. Online sales pick up on the
improvement market as homeowners                positive ramifications of the surge that is          demand side
are doing projects during the pandemic.         being witnessed in home improvement              7. Players start diversifying
Another research, from Consumer                 space. Customers have been woken up                  heavily towards online offerings
Specialists (a research and consulting          to the vast realm of possibilities and           8. Redundant marketing expenses
firm specializing in home improvement           needs that they are now realizing due                get wiped away
related industries) and the Home                to the extended lockdown. The spending           9. Brand value loyalty manifests in
Projects Council, notes 57 percent of           on mattress as a category can be                     a strong way
homeowners putting an emphasis on               discretionary and replacement-oriented           10. New health-oriented offerings
home improvement during the first               also but it would, nonetheless, be a                 in high demand and more
three months of COVID-19.                       segment where customers are paying                   launches in progress
                                                attention. Unlike other businesses
   Looks like these homeowners spent            that have been deferred to a ‘post-
$1,750 making home improvements.                lockdown’ category in the customer’s           Supply Chains and Factories –
A lot of them ((66.9 percent) explained         mind, this space would find a new wave         Surviving the Blow
time as the primary reason driving              of demand that has to be met with the          It is not hard to dismiss the dent on
their efforts. As many as 50 percent of         right offerings, experience, service and       manufacturing and logistics that has
homeowners said - “time at home made            innovation by the players of the industry.     been felt due to the pandemic. But the
Cover Story                       15

  Bain Macro Trends Group raised
  the Coronavirus Situational Threat
  Report (SITREP) Index from level
  6 to 7. This level implies that
  businesses should activate second-
  level contingency planning.
  The index is scaled to facilitate
  the calibration of business-
  contingency policies along a
  stepped continuum—from normal
  operations (level 0) to severe
  global recession with global-scale
  operational disruptions (level 10).
  It is adjusted to take into account
  a continuum of milestone events
  that reflect the increasing severity
  of the epidemic’s effects on the
  business operating environment.
                    Source: Bain & Company

impact suffered by manufacturing is             Home and health has                         so they are still not affected badly. But at
only serious on the supply-chain side
while for other functions the impact is
                                                taken a priority - now                      the end of the day if demand does not pick
                                                                                            up, it will affect everything.”
starker, deeper, multi-dimensional and          more than ever - which
less temporary - as shared by Mahesh                                                            He is also noting a shift in the way
Narayanan Gopalasamudram, COO,                  has made people                             product quality and component-focus
Sheela Foam, “In manufacturing, we are          realize the importance                      will be embraced now. “Our company, as
70 percent of where we were. But sales                                                      an adhesive maker, has an opportunity
and marketing are a tad stressed out.           of sleep, that has been                     to work with a cross-section of the
However, post-lockdown lot of things will
change forever.”
                                                a blessing in disguise                      industry - like dealers, unorganised
                                                                                            players, organised players etc. We see
                                                for the industry. Online                    that, going forward, those companies
    Speaking on the lock down effect on                                                     that will become nimble with cost
logistics and supply chain, he says that        segment will dominate                       structure and go-to-market strategies
the lockdown has impacted logistics             the industry                                will fare better than traditional networks
and supply-chain majorly. “We realized                                                      and approaches. We have already
two points when government imposed                                                          started witnessing a transformation
lockdown. First it would be hard to get       all, a lockdown brings down customer          from brick-and-mortar to omni-channel
contractual employees and logistics would     mobility to a significant degree.             models; and this trend will only amplify
be difficult due to non-availability of                                                     ahead. A lot of ecommerce start-ups will
drivers and restrictions at check post and                         Brijraj    Chaitanya     proliferate ahead. Aspects like semi-
vehicular movement etc. So, we decided                          Desai,         Business     automation, and quality consumables
to simplify most of our manufacturing                           Manager,      Industrial    will get stronger. So consider that
and supply chain process increased more                         Adhesives,       Pidilite   adhesives may make five to seven
automation. This helped us in maintaining                       Industries      Limited     percent of mattress manufacturing but
supply-demand equation. Even our supply       surmises that the short-term outlook          in terms of risk of failure, the impact is
chain partners could manage in sending        is bad but the mid-term and long-term         very significant.
required raw material with the existing and   view is good for the organised segment.
available stock”, he adds.                    “There is a direct impact on manufacturing       Another change will be that of
                                              and logistics because of frequent             industry consolidation in favour of
     He explains that consumer-side           lockdowns. The supply chain has suffered      organised players. This is because some
facing business areas have been               from erratic production and scheduling        unorganised players may not have deep
severely affected while manufacturing         issues due to lack of clarity on inter-       pockets to survive the pandemic. Going
areas are not laden with as many              state transport movement. Functions like      ahead, the real craft for any company
worries as those functions have. After        marketing can still be remotely managed       would be in its business model. The
16           Cover Story

                                                                                               because we are shipping with disclaimers
                                                                                               and with demand-based quantities. A
                                                                                               major help here is from availability of rolled
                                                                                               format of mattresses. Both customers and
                                                                                               transporters find the rolled version better.”

                                                                                                                     Ankit Garg, CEO and
                                                                                                                 Co-Founder of Wakefit
                                                                                                                 is of the opinion that
                                                                                                                 as People spend more
                                                                                                                 time on a sofa or a bed,
                                                                                               they are realising the ergonomics of
                                                                                               furniture. “ Conversations have moved to
                                                                                               aesthetics, ergonomics and the value of a
                                                                                               mattress now. People spend more time in
                                                                                               their house so they realise the importance
                                                                                               of the home products. Overall, demand
                                                                                               in the online segment has gone up (30-
                                                                                               40 percent in the last four months). It is
                                                                                               a tectonic shift in the mindset of people.
                                               before spending the same way they did           People are forced to choose online for even
  Families are making homes more               before the Covid crisis. There is a heavy       smaller-budget items so this has led to a
  comfortable – that means a                   uncertainty hanging in the air about            decent acceptance of the online model in
  demand for furniture, specially              jobs, retrenchment and income stability.        India. India is experiencing a big shift that
  antibacterial or non-corrosive               Savings, as a word, has acquired new            way. It will affect the online segment with
  materials                                    and serious connotations now. How can           a strong growth rate.”
  Sales of items from hand soap                we expect mattresses, which are still
  and mouthwash to vitamins have               part of non-essential and discretionary             Mahesh         Narayanan         Gopala-
  gone up 29 to 162 percent since              category of consumer spending, to not be        samudram, COO, Sheela Foam reflects,
  February 2019 in countries around            affected? We have to operate in a lean and      “In the past, a dining chair or bed was not
  the globe:                                   mean fashion now. Overheads have to be          an office desk - and not for eight hours.
                                               reduced in a drastic way. At the same time,     But now the thought is different. It is a
                 Source: Nielsen and Kearney   transport is not easy when different states     drastic change which will spill-over to real
                                               follow different guidelines. Logistics is not   estate segments. Similarly, the mattress
                                               the same anymore because containment            industry will see a big shift. This is a good
organised segment would be able to             zones differ for every region. This is a time   change and will bring 20 to 40 percent
bounce sooner than others because              of constant flux. Not much planning is          transformation in the industry, I reckon.”
of financial resilience and better brand       possible in such a period. It is a wait-and-
equity.”                                       watch phase.”                                       Strangely, but strongly, the cash flow
                                                                                               has changed a lot during the pandemic.
The Bitter-Sweet Reality                           A strange corollary of this situation is    Raghav Menon, CEO Mattress Division
While people may have realized the             the way online segment has picked up.           at Sobha Ltd. reasons how online sales
importance of home comfort and                 Raghav Menon, CEO Mattress Division at          is all about upfront cash. “There is no
products like mattresses during the            Sobha Ltd. also cites how the company           delay or 60-90 days waiting period that
lockdown, it would be imprudent to             has introduced different offerings for          the offline dealer model usually has. Also,
shrug away the hard changes that this          leveraging the online momentum. “We             the big and glossy sops that companies
period has inflicted on the industry.          have launched new variants so that it is        used to offer dealers and distribution
                                               easy for customers to understand what           are absent. International travel, fancy
                   Raghav         Menon,       we offer. Also, people have realized the        holidays and hotels – all that unnecessary
               CEO Mattress Division           significance of a mattress during the           expenditure and marketing weight has
               at Sobha Ltd. presents          lockdown so some of them want to replace        thinned down. Online is definitely the way
               a candid picture of             a really-worn-out product. We are catering      forward. That said, the degree of control
               the scenario when he            to that demand with online sales. Online        available for offline model is higher than
explains the 50 percent impact that the        options have been a saving grace for many       online format.”
market has suffered. “Stores are closed.       companies. If we lost 50 percent business
People are reluctant to go for a touch-        offline, we captured 40 percent online so           So home-improvement spending
and-feel shopping. Except for groceries        the net loss impact of Covid crisis is just     and online channels seem to have come
and staples, people will hesitate for long     ten percent. Logistics is also easy here        into the spotlight during the lockdown.
18            Cover Story

                                                                                                Give them simplicity,
                                                                                                safety, transparency
                                                                                                and accessibility when
                                                                                                consumers return
                                                                                                Kearney investigated four potential
                                                                                                recovery scenarios for society and
                                                                                                the economy
                                                                                                • A rapid return to business as
                                                                                                   usual - no major second wave
                                                                                                   of cases materialises and a
                                                                                                   rapid consumer confidence
                                                                                                   recovery happens
                                                                                                • Disruption and recovery –
                                                                                                   with multiple waves, social
It is evident in the Mckinsey survey as        innovation-led growth. Investments in               distancing restrictions,
well that the speed of going online has        innovation are suffering. Most executives           consumer adjustments to the
accelerated for consumers – with 20            feel that they will return to innovation-           new scenarios
to 60 more consumers who are now               related initiatives once the world has           • Disruption hits hard -
digital. This indicates a metamorphosis        stabilized. They want to secure the core            Consumers don’t adjust. ‘No
of demand – and turns out that it is           first until the path forward is clearer. But        normal’ state for confidence
unlikely to reverse quickly. All that is       may be the smart thing to do is what                recovery
manifesting into new behavior patterns         merely a quarter of these executives             • Slow consumption engine - no
– like switching has accelerated.              are doing - capturing new growth as a               major second wave of cases but
                                               top priority (first- or second-order). It           ongoing economic crisis affects
    Interestingly, as per Moengage,            is easy to belong to the 60 percent that            recovery
North America and India have seen              did so before the crisis hit. But that’s         Kearny research reckoned that only
a notable jump in active users                 not going to drive businesses into the           scenarios C and D are probable.
respectively, on online shopping apps.         post-survival set of challenges and              Disruption can hit hard and
Consumers in Southeast Asia have               opportunities. It is easy to lose sight of       consumption will be suppressed for
showed some hesitation to shop online          innovating when all hands are on the             a sustained period of time.
because conversions have plummeted             deck. But this is exactly the time to look
to its lowest.                                 for the new swathe of customer needs
                                               and market gaps that will unfold once          continue and build up on the momentum
What Next?                                     the storm is past and once the dust            after the lockdowns ease out. Once the
Let’s look at what ‘Innovation in a Crisis’,   settles. The industry should make sure         lockdowns lift properly, there would
a report from McKinsey & Company               that it is riding the waves of ‘attention      be two segments that will be strong
told recently. This survey of more than        to home’ and ‘health’ in a strong way          and will grow from value-addition by
200 organizations across industries            and with the right offerings. That is          mattress makers: hygiene and offerings
indicated that over 90 percent of              something that cannot be postponed             like anti-bacterial or anti-mosquito
executives expect the fallout from             until the lockdowns ease out.                  products as Sanjeev Kapoor, CEO, Indian
COVID-19 to fundamentally change the                                                          Silks tells.
way they do business over the next five            Innovation is the best way to move
years. Most of them are asserting that         forward. Many players are moving to                K.Senthilprabhu, Vice President,
the crisis will have a lasting impact on       significant value engineering and are          Sales Mattress & Cover division, Global
their customers’ needs.                        trying to also bring hygienic products         Textile Alliance India Pvt Ltd also feels
                                               anti-microbial qualities in their portfolio.   that in the next few months when things
    Ironically, the most important need        Companies are also ensuring that when          normalise, we expect good momentum
here – innovation – can easily be put          it comes to the store experience, the          in the retail segment. “There is a lot of
on a back-burner as businesses focus           buying process is done in sanitised,           demand in the online segment.”
on ‘survival’. The report notes that           spacious, well-aerated and low-risk
executives are busy weighing costs,            environments.                                     Consider how Vivek Iyer, Partner,
driving productivity, and implementing                                                        Financial Services, PwC assesses the
safety measures against supporting                The industry should be prepared to          scenario here. “There is a lot of pent
Cover Story                     19

  • About 46 percent of Indian
    businesses feel ‘very strongly’
    impacted by the pandemic
  • Almost 54 percent felt they
    were as well prepared as they
    possibly could be
  • Some 29 percent Indian
    businesses indicated they are
    operating as normal
  • About 73 percent of them
    talk about either having a
    management that is sufficiently
    agile or being strong overall and
    able to manage with a number
    of adjustments
  • Two percent businesses in India
    feel that their long term survival            was unable to spend during the lockdown.           The mattress industry
    is threatened
  • The most important aspect for
                                                  As mentioned earlier, so far as the mode
                                                  of delivering the demand is within the
                                                                                                     should look for value
    around 42 percent of Indian                   acceptable parameters of social distancing,        addition in the hygiene
    businesses - is to review their               the discretionary-spending will be back.”
    suppliers’ ability to weather                                                                    offerings in coming
    future uncertainty.                               As to how India Inc. should respond            days. The new designs,
    As many as 64 percent of Indian               to the new set of challenges and how
    businesses see the current                    industries like wellness, mattress,                innovation with health
    environment ensuring positive
    changes to their products /
                                                  home improvement and lifestyle should
                                                  re-orient themselves, Iyer opines
                                                                                                     benefits like anti-viral
    services                                      that wellness and lifestyle is a great             offers could be the new
                                                  industry to be in. “Never has having a
      Source: HSBC’s Navigator report ‘Building   strong immunity been in higher demand              path of the industry.
     Back Better’. As per a survey conducted on   than what it is today. So I think it’s a great
   more than 2,600 companies across 14 global
       markets - including 200 firms from India
                                                  space to be in and any services that can be      and differently. The view of work has
                                                  delivered keeping immunity to the core will      changed, in a quintessential sense.
                                                  do well for the industry.”                       This change will affect how people look
up demand that will see some traction                                                              at their homes – their family time and
as people emerge out of the lockdown.                 In his prognosis, home improvement           household expenses. This might lead
While the lockdown has surely impacted            and mattress will do well, because the           to interest in minimalistic furniture and
the medium of delivery of the demand,             work-from-home model needs home to               functional items. That is a good hint for
the demand exists. I will try to explain          be a far more comfortable place today            major players which are considering
this with an example. If there is a               than what was expected in the past.              serious innovations. Customers will
demand for a pair of t-shirts, the same           “On what India Inc should do overall -           be eager to embrace any solution that
would be ordered by a digital app (               turn this adversity into an opportunity by       frees up space but gives comfort.
Myntra for example) rather than buying            accelerating digitisation. That’s the theme
it from a store. The demand for clothes           I think India Inc should go with and then            As Bisen captures well, the ‘new
is there, but the medium of delivery is           dovetail all initiatives to this theme.”         normal’ may not mean that economic
digitally enabled. The Z shaped recovery                                                           uncertainty will go away. “Sustenance
basically stems from many examples                    Bisen also augurs that e-commerce            and conservation of energy and resources
like this where pent-up demand would              and work-from-home would be strong               are deep impacts of the pandemic – they
explode and then settle back to the               for some time, for many white-collar             will remain as strong traits of consumer
long-term trend level.                            people. That means the idea of an                behavior in the future too.”
                                                  office is going to change in a big way,
    Consumption is not affected                   specially for industries like telcos, IT-            If we look at how Mercer dissects
in a hard-to-redeem way during                    ITeS, entertainment etc.                         it in its study of the estimated impact
the lockdown, the way he sees it.                                                                  of COVID-19 on financial performance
“Discretionary spending will be back to its          “The consumer is more liberated and           for 2020, we will see that low impact,
original levels, as discretionary spending        independent now. The forced-lockdown             financial performance is expected to be
came from a certain demography that               has forced many people to work digitally         on or above budget for 15.55 percent.
20            Cover Story

  • 90 percent executives believe
    that the COVID-19 crisis will
    fundamentally change the way
    they do business over the next
    5 years
  • 85 percent are concerned
    that the COVID-19 crisis will
    have a lasting impact on their
    customers’ needs and wants
    over the next 5 years
  • 21 percent have the expertise,
    resources, and commitment to
    pursue new growth successfully
  • Nearly three of four executives
    agree that changes brought
    about by COVID-19 will be a big               start to ease in a gradual way. “People          that invested in innovation delivered
    opportunity for growth, with                  do not want to risk themselves. Recovery         superior growth and performance post-
    variation across industries                   may be reassuring but the expenses of            crisis. Numbers show that organizations
  • Commitment to innovation has                  exposure to the disease - financially and        that maintained their innovation focus
    decreased as companies work                   physically- are high. Job uncertainty and        through the 2009 financial crisis, tended
    through the COVID-19 crisis                   financial issues will continue to have the       to emerge stronger and outperformed
    and focus on short-term issues                spill-over effect here. We will have to wait     the market average by more than 30
  • Exception: pharmaceuticals and                for at least three quarters till the situation   percent. They also continued to deliver
    medical products – that show                  improves considerably.”                          accelerated growth over the subsequent
    a 30-percent increase in the                                                                   three to five years.
    immediate focus on innovation                     It seems that the industry has
  • Two in three executives believe               experienced a lot of new factors and                 Businesses should be ready for
    that this will be the most                    learnt a lot of new strategies during            new sales models, new competitors
    challenging moment in their                   the pandemic. Some of these shifts will          from different industries and the
    executive career                              survive even after the crisis is over. As        need for new offerings if they are
                                                  long as players remember what worked             serious about conquering the crisis.
               Source: McKinsey & Company –       and what failed, the crisis will leave           McKinsey & Company outlines in a
                         Innovation in a Crisis
                                                  something of value for the industry –            report that competitive advantages
                                                  long after it is over.                           shift dynamically as business models
                    “Recently, we have                                                             adapt to new market realities. That is
                 seen how natural and             Going forward strategy                           why the core capabilities that made an
                 human-led        disasters       What is especially important to bear             organization distinctive may suddenly
                 have caused many high            in mind and in strategy maps is the              be less differentiating. It is also
                 profile events as well as        unwavering momentum of innovation.               important to realize that while the rise
significant losses of life and property. All      As experts from McKinsey & Company               of digital has been mounting similar
this has underlined business vulnerabilities      also advise, this is the time for                pressures for more than a decade, what
to environmental factors. That’s why              identifying and quickly addressing               the current crisis is doing is significantly
many players are implementing business            new opportunity areas being created              exacerbating and accelerating its
continuity plans and adopting more                by the changing landscape. The crisis            disruptive forces.
sustainable business processes. Business          time means actions that are about
continuity and sustainability have long and       reevaluating the innovation initiative               In Ancient Egypt, the beetle was
distinguished histories. We see a strong          portfolio and ensuring resources are             considered a sign of good luck because
momentum for sustainable strategies and           allocated appropriately. Businesses              of this silent hard-worker’s ingenuity
innovations ahead.” adds Pankaj Gupta –           should be building the foundation for            and ability to always find new life
MD of RP Foam Home Pvt. Ltd.                      post-crisis growth in order to remain            through the sun. A bed bug bites
                                                  competitive in the recovery period.              humans but a good beetle is a recycler
   Tighten the belts now – advises                                                                 that chews plants and fibre. Whether as
Raghav Menon, CEO Mattress Division                  If you want to gain long-term                 a good-luck charm or as a reset button,
at Sobha Ltd. He does not mince any               advantages, there is a need for                  this crisis has turned out to be quite a
words when he says that it will be a              understanding such shifts and the                beetle for this industry. Hope the dots
tough time ahead because the fear                 opportunities they present. It is hard to        are going to a sunny place as we step
factor will still haunt even as lockdowns         dismiss how in past crises, companies            out to the ‘new normal’.
22      Feature

Aatma-Nirbhar Mattress:
From survival to success
          The Covid19             he COVID-19 global pandemic          World Bank’s report mentions, “stringent
                                  has truly disrupted our lives like   measures to restrict the spread of the
       period has had             nothing else ever did in the past    virus, which heavily curtail activity, will
                                  many decades. As the scourge         contribute to the contraction.”
     several types of     of virus that emanated in China and

      impacts on our      spread over the world refuses to abate,
                          countries have had to evaluate their
                                                                           Amidst the gloom and doom, Prime
                                                                       Minister Narendra Modi on May 12
  life. It has pushed     position in relation to the epidemic.
                          The epidemic has been an unequivocal
                                                                       addressed the nation and spelt out a
                                                                       plan for economic revival. He urged
   the local industry     disaster for the Indian economy.
                          The condition of our economy was
                                                                       Indians to follow the route to ‘Aatm-
                                                                       Nirbharta’ or self-reliance. And so,
 to support the life      already in a vulnerable state when the       he launched the Aatmnirbhar Bharat
                          epidemic struck India. With quarantine       initiative. This appeal was made along
      in this pademic     measures in place that resulted in the       with an announcement of an economic
                          world’s biggest and stickiest lockdown       stimulus package of Rs. 20 lakh crore
    crisis period and     the economy took a big hit, like some        that is around 10 percent of the GDP. The

     hence there is a     collateral damage. Experts opine that
                          with the traditional supply and demand
                                                                       primary intention behind the scheme
                                                                       was to boost demand and improve the
       voice rising for   chains broken, the country is likely to
                          face a protracted slowdown.
                                                                       supply chain in different sectors of the
                                                                       economy. During his speech, PM Modi
         self-reliance.       The length of the COVID-19
                                                                       spoke about how “India stands today at
                                                                       a point where it has to decide to become
 “Atma-Nirbhar” in        pandemic will dictate the scale of           self-reliant”. He also gave a slogan, i.e.
                          the economic hardship, the longer it         “Be vocal to be local” which practically
mattress industry is      stretches, and the worse the impact will     means to adopt and use products made
                          be. Recently the World Bank had stated       in India instead of foreign ones. This
 the new challenge        that based on financial performance,         would lead to import substitution and

          and the new     India’s economy in the current fiscal
                          year is expected to contract 3.2 percent,
                                                                       lead to growth.

          opportunity.    downgraded from its previous forecast
                          of 5.8 percent positive growth. The
                                                                         As part of his policy announcement,
                                                                       PM Modi also laid down five pillars for
Feature                    23

Aatmnirbhar Bharat initiative:-                 Atma-Nirbhar Bharat                        the next five years to constitute 37.5

First pillar: An economy that takes
                                                is also very relevant                      percent of the market by 2022.

quantum jumps and not incremental               for the mattress                                Prompted by economic growth over
change                                                                                     the past couple of years, the home and
                                                industry, as many of                       decor industry grew in strength as well.
Second pillar: Infrastructure that should       the manufacturers,                         Interior decoration as a career option
be world-class and becomes the identity                                                    has become viable and fashionable only
of India that is synonymous with the            distributors, etc. fall                    in the past few years. Yet, a mattress,
idea of modern India.
                                                into that category.                        which plays an essential role in a person’s
                                                                                           life, used to be the last thing on priority.
Third pillar: A system that is based on         Experts opine that with                    People were unaware of the different
the technology-driven arrangements,                                                        types of solution that are available, and
fulfilling the dreams of the 21st century,      the traditional supply                     more importantly, they were ignorant
not the policy of the past century.             and demand chains                          about the impact a right mattress can
                                                                                           have on their sleep patterns and thus
Fourth pillar: Demography which is the          broken, the country                        their health. Thankfully, the scenario
source of energy for a self-reliant India.      is likely to face a                        is changing now, people are becoming
                                                                                           aware of what a mattress is, and the
Fifth pillar: Demand, whereby the               protracted slowdown                        difference between buying a cheap local
strength of India’s demand and supply                                                      brand versus buying a branded product.
chain should be utilized to full capacity.                                                 Primarily, the organized mattress
He underlined the importance of               Enterprises (MSMEs), Government              markets comprise three types of
strengthening all stakeholders in the         of India, had issued a notification          mattresses, namely, coir, PU foam and
supply chain to increase, as well as          asking all business entrepreneurs and        Spring mattress. All the popular names
fulfill, the demand.                          suppliers to inform the government           like Orthopedic Mattress is a generic
                                              whether they are dealing with essential      term and any bedding that provides
Avoiding dependancies                         items required for fighting coronavirus      lumbar support is ortho mattress.
The Micro, Small, and Medium                  outbreak. The ministry has released
Enterprises (MSMEs) sector is at the          a list, and the mattress industry fell           According to ‘India Mattress Market
heart of this domestic push by the            in the auxiliary supplies list. This was     Overview, 2016-2022’, market share
Modi government. The MSME sector              especially necessary as governments          of unorganized players is expected to
employs close to 40 percent of the            were ramping up the hospital to create       drop drastically in the coming years.
Indian workforce and has a significant        beds for COVID-19 patients. And hence        Nowadays, consumers have even started
contribution to the GDP and export            bedding or mattresses were an essential      buying from international brands because
sector. Little wonder, even in his speech     commodity.                                   of their high quality and contemporary
PM Modi emphasized the role played                                                         products. In India, organized players
by the MSME sector and how it will            The changing market                          sell mattresses through two mediums,
play a critical role in the economic          The mattress industry in India has           one is offline, and the other is online.
revival. The industry too included the        changed much in the last couple of           Offline mattress market consists of
Atma-Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan, with the         years. Accounting for more than Rs.          retail sales of mattresses from dealers/
Finance Minister subsequently making          11,000 crore, it is projected to reach Rs.   distributors or own franchised stores.
announcements for the sector. The idea        14,000 crore by 2021 with a CAGR of 9        On the other hand, the online mattress
is to shore up the industry, and use it as    percent. The growth of the industry has      market consists of transactions which
a catalyst for economic resurgence. If        been boosted by the expansion of the         occur through e-commerce websites like
the segment is revived, it will contribute    online retail industry that has aided the    Flipkart, Amazon, Snapdeal, FabFurnish,
significantly towards employment and          manufacturing to grow at a healthy rate.     Urban Ladder etc. or company’s
increasing liquidity flow in the economy.     This is a sterling achievement. Because      personalized website.
                                              the industry has gone a significant shift
    The push for Atma-Nirbhar Bharat          over the last few years from a mostly        Customers’ way
is also very relevant for the mattress        unbranded market to a branded one.           Generally, Indian customers have an
industry, as many of the manufacturers,       The branded market comprising large,         inclination of going to the showroom,
distributors, etc. fall into that category.   mid-size and smaller manufacturers           feeling the product and then deciding
Many       manufacturing        companies     constitute around 34 percent of the          on the purchase. The Indian buyer
fall under the ambit of MSMEs. The            market, with about 20-25 players             is also very price-sensitive, and any
importance of this sector can be gauged       spread across the geographies. The           last-minute price cuts can be a deal-
by the fact that even under the lockdown,     branded mattress market is expected          clincher. This is one of the reasons why
the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium       to grow at a CAGR of 13 percent over         the offline channel is very popular with
24           Feature

consumers, and this is the reason why       for Service MSMEs and Rs 25 lakh for
big brands have also expanded their         manufacturing.
retail footprint across the length and                                                    The Domestic
breadth of India. Branded mattresses
are broadly sold to two end users viz.
                                            Small units: For an MSME to be defined
                                            as a Small unit, its investment limit
residential and institutional. With the     has been raised from Rs 5 crore to Rs         The introduction of Atma-Nirbhar
spurt in the housing sector, demand         10 crore with a turnover of fewer than        Abhiyaan could be a game-changer
for branded mattresses has been on          50 crores. This applies to all MSMEs          for the mattress industry in India.
the rise, as this segment of customer is    including the Service enterprises which       With the emphasis on domestic
keener on quality than merely on price.     earlier came under the investment of up       manufacturing and the benefits
According to the survey, among various      to Rs 2 crore.                                that will be provided to the MSME
sizes available, King size mattresses are                                                 sector, there are a lot of players
the most preferred one, and comfort is      Medium units: Enterprises with                in the mattress industry that can
an essential factor while choosing them.    investments up to Rs 20 crore with a          avail the various benefits from
                                            turnover of less than Rs 100 crore will       the government scheme. One of
   Institutional demand comprises           now be called Medium units. Earlier, the      the first things that the Finance
products sold in hospitality, real estate   investment limit for Medium units was         Minister did was to standardize
and other segments. For instance, as        up to Rs 10 crore and Service enterprises     the definition of MSME, previously
of now, the most significant demand         up to Rs 5 crore.                             the characterization centered on
for the mattress is coming from the                                                       investment and not turnover. Also,
medical side. As hundreds of beds              Based on these definitions, the            the minister made it clear that
are being created across India to deal      government has announced some                 there will be no distinction between
with COVID-19 patients, there is an         exciting benefits that can be availed by      service and manufacturing MSMEs.
enormous demand for mattresses that         the companies:
are the right fit, namely, cost-effective   • Collateral free automatic loans of        • Emergency Credit Line to Businesses/
and also good quality.                         INR 3 lakh crores will be provided         MSMEs from Banks and NBFCs up
                                               for business, including MSME’s             to 20 percent of entire outstanding
Here is how the new                            which are badly hit by the pandemic        credit as on February 29, 2020;
definition looks like:                         and requires new funding to meet         • Borrowers with up to INR 25 crores
Micro units: MSMEs will now be called          operational liabilities, buy raw           outstanding and INR 100 crores
Micro units if they have investments up        materials and restart the company.         turnover eligible;
to Rs 1 crore and turnover of less than     • Following benefits are provided           • Loans to have 4-year tenor with
Rs 5 crore. The definition earlier was on      under the collateral-free loan             a moratorium of 12 months on
investment criteria of up to Rs 10 lakh        scheme:                                    principal repayment;
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