Page created by Alexander Johnson
Recruitment Guide 2017/18
    Centre for Psychological Services and
       Career Development (PsyCaD)

Authorised Financial Services Provider Registered Credit Provider Reg No NCRCP7
    So you have a great idea
    that could change the face
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Dare to be great. Prosper.
Message from the Career Services Team
Start reimagining your future career!                      the various industries that will be represented
                                                           at our General Career Fair. You have within you
It is our absolute pleasure to present to you              the power to create a winning experience and to
the 2017 annual edition of the Career Services             join organizations that can ultimately contribute
Recruitment Guide. As the Career Services Unit             to your overall growth as a future employee,
we would especially like to thank our dynamic              entrepreneur, employer, game-changer, history
and creative contributors, advertisers and our             maker and world conqueror!
participating employers for their invaluable inputs,
support and guidance. We are humbled by your               This year also marks our fourth year since the
continued efforts and assistance in creating a vast        successful introduction of our online YourCareer job
range of opportunities for our students as part of         portal. Allow us to express our sincerest gratitude
their overall career development journeys!                 towards our employer community who has utilized
                                                           our YourCareer interface as a means to create
As part of our overall mission, this Recruitment           a vast array of networking and employment
Guide serves as a point of information that will           opportunities for our students!
guide our students in identifying the companies
that will be visiting our 2017 on-campus General           Here’s a massive thank you to all our employer
Career Fair and also provides our students with            organizations for your continued, valued
exclusive tips and information that will set them          and appreciated support of the University of
apart from the crowd when developing their CV’s,           Johannesburg! We look forward to walking a
going for interviews and also when using social            path with you as we shape the lives of our future
media for job search purposes. We would like to            workforce together!
encourage our students to use the Recruitment              We’re looking forward to meeting you during our
Guide as a go-to guide to prepare for the General          2017 General Career Fair on the 14th, 15th and 16th
Career Fair in a manner that opens doors of                of August!
opportunity, evolution and expansion!
                                                           The Career Services Team
This is not the time to be mediocre! Take this
opportunity to engage and engross yourself in

                       THE CAREER SERVICES TEAM

               From left to right: Liesl Scheepers: Coordinator: Recruitment Programme,
    Stacey Fong: Counselling Psychologist, Lauren Claassen: Team Leader/Educational Psychologist,
           Lucy Chirwa: Counselling Psychologist, Cynthia Pottier: Educational Psychologist,
           Juliet Joseph: Coordinator: Employer Relations, Nicoleen Williams: Administrator

Message from the Career Services Team______________________________________ 3
PsyCaD Career Services: Services to Students__________________________________ 5
Career Fairs Programme 2017________________________________________________6
Work Readiness Programme: Feedback_______________________________________ 9
Conquering Career Fairs___________________________________________________ 10
Possessing more than talent: Is recruiting top talent alone really enough?_________ 12
Universum Talent Survey 2017_______________________________________________ 13
5 Things I wish I knew before: Writing my Cover Letter__________________________ 16
Cover Letter Example______________________________________________________ 17
How to get a job in 2017: CV Writing Tips____________________________________ 18
Welcome to the 21st Century CV Writers_____________________________________20
CV Example______________________________________________________________ 22
Top 10 Soft Skills__________________________________________________________ 25
Preparing for the 21st Century: Soft Skills Matter_______________________________ 26
Social Media isn’t just for being social________________________________________ 28
Confessions of the Recruitment Industry______________________________________30
Job Search Basics for the Class of 2017_______________________________________ 32
Welcome to the world of modern job search!__________________________________ 33
Successful vs Unsuccessful Job Seeker_______________________________________ 35
How Social Media can help (or hurt) you in your Job Search_____________________36
Job Interview Tips_________________________________________________________38
Some things to consider when preparing for your next job interview______________ 39
The worst and best way to answer: “Tell me about yourself” during an interview____ 42
PsyCaD Career Services: YourCareer_________________________________________44
What’s your Career Plan?__________________________________________________45
What anyone wishes to learn before Job Interviews____________________________46
Your Career Fair Checklist__________________________________________________ 47
How to juggle multiple job offers____________________________________________48
How to decline a job offer__________________________________________________50
First National Bank: UJ Alumni______________________________________________55
Top questions to ask yourself before starting a business________________________60
Proudly UJ Alumni________________________________________________________65
UJ Postgraduate School___________________________________________________70
Company Overviews & Recruitment Drive Information__________________________ 71

PsyCaD Career Services
                               SERVICES TO STUDENTS
The Career Services Unit, as part of the Centre for Psychological Services and Career Development
(PsyCaD) offers career related services, to UJ students and Alumni, which is essential for competing in
today’s job markets. We are dedicated to provide our students and graduates with opportunities that will
assist with Career Development and planning. Our Services furthermore aim to assist our students with
the development of CV and cover letter writing, interview skills as well as job search strategies and tools
that are most effective for the changing world of work. We assist our students in gaining valuable work
experience as a means of complementing their academic and career – orientated education in order to
enhance their employability upon graduation.

YOURCAREER                                              CAREER RESOURCE CENTERS
• Allows students to view employer profiles             • Available on all four UJ campuses
• Facilitates interaction with potential employers/     • Print and web-based resources that enable
    recruiters                                              students to access self-help and self-
•   Allows students to search and apply for jobs –          assessment resources
    vacation, part-time, internships and jobs for       •   Provides information pertaining to industry
•   Set your profile to receive information about       RECRUITMENT PROGRAMME/
    PsyCaD Career Services’ events                      CAREER FAIRS
•   Use the CV builder to build a dynamic CV and
    Cover Letter                                        • Facilitates contact and networking
•   View the on-campus Recruitment Programme                opportunities between prospective employers
•   Access the online career resource library               and graduates through Career Fairs and
•   Visit the YourCareer platform on the following          Company Presentations
    link:     •   Recruitment Guide available to all UJ students,
                                                            jam-packed with career related articles and
WORK – READINESS PROGRAMME                                  information of companies
• Allows students to enhance their employability        •   Provision of various employment opportunities
    skills                                              Please note that these services are offered free of
•   Development of CV and cover letter writing          charge to all registered UJ students.
•   Development of interview skills
•   Development of job search tools and strategies      CONTACT US!
•   Preparation for the on-campus career fairs          Auckland Park Kingsway Campus (APK):
•   Preparation for the world of work                   011 559 3333
                                                        Auckland Park Bunting Road Campus (APB):
CAREER CONSULTATION AND                                 011 559 1318
COUNSELLING                                             Doornfontein Campus (DFC):
• Individual, one-on-one assistance to address          011 559 6042
    career development needs and concerns               Soweto Campus (SWC):
•   Assistance with career exploration and decision     011 559 5752
    making                                              Visit our website for more information:
•   Administration of career assessments to assist
    in career decision making
•   Facilitation of career development skills
Career Fairs Programme 2017
We would like to thank the following companies for their participation in the Law and Commerce
Career Fairs during March 2017.


•   Adams & Adams                                 •   KPMG
•   Allen & Overy (South Africa) LLP              •   Legal Aid SA
•   BBM Inc                                       •   Legal Resources Centre
•   Bowmans                                       •   MacRobert Incorporated
•   Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr Inc                     •   Phatsoane Henney Attorneys
•   Clyde & Co                                    •   PricewaterhouseCoopers
•   Deloitte                                      •   School for Legal Practice
•   ENSafrica                                     •   Webber Wentzel
•   Eversheds Sutherland (SA) Inc                 •   Werksmans Attorneys
•   Fasken Martineau                              •   White & Case LLP
•   Hogan Lovells SA


• Allan Gray                                      • National Treasury
• Auditor General of SA                           • Nexia SAB&T
• BDO                                             • Ngubane & Co.
• Business Partners                               • Oasis Group Holdings
• Camaf                                           • PKF/VGA Chartered Accountants
• CQS Technology Holdings                         • PricewaterhouseCoopers
• Decathlon SA Sports                             • Rand Water
• Deloitte                                        • RSM ZA
• EY                                              • SAICA
• Grant Thornton                                  • SAIPA
• Independent Regulatory Board for                • Standard Bank
  Auditors                                        • The Association of Chartered Certified
• KPMG                                              Accountants
• Mazars                                          • Tiger Brands

At the time of printing, the following companies registered to participate in the General Career
Fair. These companies will be exhibiting on the UJ APK Foyer from 14 – 16 August 2017. The final
programme will be available in August 2017.

•   ABB SA                                         •   Modular Mining Systems
•   ACCA                                           •   Monocle Solutions
•   Africawide Consulting                          •   Moore Stephens FRRS Inc
•   Afrizan Cadet Academy                          •   MSD
•   Bidvest Facilities Management                  •   MultiChoice Support Services
•   BP                                             •   Nampak
•   Bryte Insurance                                •   Nedbank
•   Cartrack                                       •   Old Mutual SA
•   CFA Society SA                                 •   Oracle
•   Colgate Palmolive – East West Africa           •   OUTsurance
•   Cummins SA                                     •   PBT Group
•   Cushman & Wakefield Excellerate                •   Philips Africa
•   Dariel                                         •   PKF SA
•   Deloitte                                       •   PricewaterhouseCoopers
•   DetNet SA                                      •   PSG Management Services
•   Distell Ltd                                    •   Public Investment Corporation
•   Entelect Software                              •   RCL Group Services
•   EY                                             •   Rent A Car A Division of Barloworld SA Pty Ltd
•   First National Bank                                t/a Avis Rent A Car
•   Ford Motor Company                             •   Retro Rabbit Professional Services
•   Grant Thornton                                 •   Rheinmetall Denel Munition
•   Growthpoint Management Services                •   Royal HaskoningDHV
•   Heineken                                       •   RSM SA
•   Imperial Logistics Academy                     •   SARS
•   Italtile Ceramics                              •   Shoprite Checkers
•   K2                                             •   South African National Biodiversity Institute
•   Kainos Wealth                                  •   The Small Enterprise Foundation
•   Kimberley Clark                                •   Truworths
•   Land Bank                                      •   Verdant Capital
•   Liberty Life                                   •   Vodacom
•   Mahdi Meyer Steyn CA                           •   Volkswagen Group SA
•   Marsh                                          •   Whirlpool
•   Massmart Services

As the biggest retailer in Africa
  we are looking for people that
   want an opportunity to learn
  and grow in an ever-changing,
                                           If you are qualifying soon or have
      dynamic environment.
                                          a degree in accounting, pharmacy,
                                              retail business management,
                                         industrial engineering and logistics,
                                            IT or hospitality, we want to hear
                                                         from you.

Visit our website to see how we can shape your future.


Most Higher Educational Institutions has a Career Services Unit, which exists to assist
students to bridge the gap between studying and the world of work. One of the ways in
which this is done is through the presentation of workshops. The Career Services Unit at
PsyCaD offers a variety of workshops which includes topics such as “How to Write a CV” as
well as “Effective team and conflict management in the workplace”. These workshops aim to
prepare students for the world of work. Keep a look out on the student portal to find out
when workshops are presented on your campus.

Here is some of the feedback from students who attended career workshops:

     “Well presented.              “The workshop was                “Please keep up
      I learned a lot.”               exhilarating.”                 the good job.”

        “I appreciate
     the handout in the                                           “The workshop was
      workshop, makes                                            very informative and
    researching on your                                          interesting. Keep up
      own better. Good              CAREER                          the good work.”
         guidance.”               WORKSHOPS:
     “The presentation
      should be done                                              “The workshop was
      outside and for                                              very helpful and I
     longer because it                                           would recommend it.”
         was fun.”

                         CA IR
Conquering Career Fairs
The first and most important step in preparing for a career fair is to answer
the following question: What do I want to achieve at this fair? This includes
your goals for the career fair as they relate to your professional aspirations.
But in order for you to fully know what it is that you want to achieve, there
are a four pillars of preparation you should conquer before arriving on the
day of the Career Fair.

To know your career objectives, you need to know yourself. If you’re just
starting out, it’s important to determine what you’re looking for in your first
job and what kind of career path you envision. The first part of standing out
from the crowd is to be clear about your passions and how they match up
with the mission of each company you approach. The conversations you
have with recruiters should vary according to your objectives. For example,
it’s perfectly fine to let a recruiter know that you’re not currently pursuing a
position, but rather, interested in hearing about long-term opportunities and
staying in touch. In contrast, if you’re serious about landing a job interview
at a particular company, you absolutely need to know what the company
does and what skills it seeks in candidates before you hand the recruiter
your CV.

Even if you aren’t sure about the specific company or industry in which
you want to work, a little research can help you get more out of your trip
around the tables. Find out which companies will be attending the event

and decide where and how to spend your time. As you read the different
company descriptions, flag eight to ten companies that interest you. Don’t
be afraid to include wild-card companies either. A career fair is an excellent
place to explore new options in a low-risk environment.

Once you’ve selected your target companies, do some reconnaissance work
by looking at the company website or researching the company. Recruiters
generally agree that the students who know and understand the company
well will stand out from the less-prepared masses.

Unless you’re at a very small, highly specialized event, there’s no way
you can talk to every company that attends the Career Fair. As you’re
conducting research, it’s helpful to make an A-list and a B-list of companies.
Your A-list should be composed of companies with products, services, or
missions you’re very interested in, companies that are in an industry you’re
excited about, or companies that are offering positions you feel you’re a
good match for. Your B-list should include companies you know something
about, but not necessarily what kind of positions they’re hiring.

It might come as a surprise, but some companies do not accept CV ‘s at
career fairs. If this happens to you, don’t be discouraged—it’s nothing
personal. A company’s decision to not accept CV’s typically stems from a
need to comply with federal regulations, a high volume of applicants, or
both. An organization’s careers page will usually spell out whether it can
accept CV’s at a career fair. If you know in advance not to hand a CV to a
recruiter who won’t accept it, you’ll avoid an awkward moment and show
you did some homework.

Sourced from:

POSSESSING                                          remain at the heart of a company’s
                                                    purpose in execution and do ultimately

                                                    remain businesses most valuable asset.
                                                    In retrospect, talent alone or pure hard
                                                    work, is no longer enough in many
TALENT: IS                                          instances. People who demonstrate an
                                                    entrepreneurial demeanour with fluid
RECRUITING                                          soft skills and exceptional intrapersonal
                                                    and interpersonal skills making them
TOP TALENT                                          extraordinary in their presentation and
                                                    persuasion capabilities, remain at the top

ALONE REALLY                                        of the talent demand chart. This group
                                                    of individuals remain unique because

ENOUGH …?                                           they have the ability to influence, lead
                                                    and manoeuvre their way into networks
                                                    and often enough are futuristic in their
For years, there has been a quest by                thinking. This type of contribution by
major companies for the recruitment of              individuals focusses on any business
top talent. For many, the recruitment of            thriving through growing their profits and
talent means employing individuals with a
                                                    leaving a sustainable legacy for the future.
high aptitude or skillset. However, with the
dawn of the global technological age and
                                                    In the past, recruiters needed to
the new ‘normal’ in many instances being
                                                    attract talent that closely met their
linked to the ‘abnormal’, there has been a
conscious shift within many industries that         set requirements. These requirements
has impacted on corporates who want to              were predominantly linked to IQ or EQ.
find the correct culture fit and personality        However, amidst a new global order
that are in sync with the corporate psyche          and system on the technological front,
and culture of the company. People                  in keeping up with political or economic


     The South African Talent Survey 2017
   The     Universum      South     African        TO     BE      ENTREPRENEURIAL              OR
   Talent Survey is an annual survey               CREATIVE/INNOVATIVE is the most
   which      examines       the     career        important career goal that UJ students
   preferences and expectations of                 have     identified.      They     have    also
   students in South Africa. It also
                                                   identified security and stability as well
   seeks information on the students’
                                                   as work/life balance as important.
   experience at their university.

                                                                         UJ students identified
                                                                         KPMG, Transnet, CSIR,
                                                                         Sasol      and   Deloitte
                                                                         amongst      their   Most
         38 %                62 %                                        Attractive Employers of
               245 594 ZAR

When asked how satisfied UJ students are           The top communication
with their university, a higher average rate was   channels for UJ students to
                                                   learn about potential future
shown compared to all SA students who
                                                   employers are SOCIAL MEDIA,
completed the survey…
                                                   CAREER FAIRS and EMPLOYER

       UJ Students

         8,0                                            Look out for the next
                                                          South African Talent
                          All students                    Survey launching in
                           7,3                                       August!

At the heart of all of this remains the need
                                                  to ensure balance, and how companies
                                                  can go about recruiting top talent or
                                                  perhaps attracting and growing potential
                                                  students while at university. This means
                                                  that companies are starting to realise
                                                  that their sustainability and livelihood
                                                  depend on innovative thinkers, dynamic
                                                  individuals and personality types that
                                                  are game changers in this global arena.
                                                  This involves prospective talent that
                                                  enters the workplace displaying high
                                                  energy and performance levels, using
                                                  individual creative intelligences and
                                                  adding greater value to normal working
                                                  standards. Some of South Africa’s top
                                                  companies have already created spaces,
                                                  places and systems that allow for this
                                                  group of individuals to thrive while in the
                                                  business and successfully contribute to
                                                  the future of how corporate South Africa
                                                  conducts business. It was once stated that
                                                  if you want major change, you need to
                                                  do business differently, this is exactly the
demands, companies are starting to                sort of mind-set that is needed in future
think differently and as a result new job         employee-employer relations.
requirements and titles are emerging,
and this is aligning industry to new              In conclusion, graduate career
global trends.                                    development and recruitment practices
                                                  are also as a result evolving, as more
Gone are the days when companies                  companies seek to recruit young
used to say, “Sorry, Mr Soap, we need a           graduates and grow them in their
more mature candidate for this positon.”          business. This is purely because of the
In our modern age we often hear, “We              increased demand for skills and expertise
want graduate programmes in each                  that graduates possess, which will also
division of the organisation, as graduates        secure the future of any business and
have high energy levels and are highly            its lifespan. This in itself makes young
innovative and dynamic.” This highlights          graduates a valuable asset for any
how the workplace has evolved, where              company.
companies do business differently and
have transformed. Business is not run in          Author: Juliet Joseph-Solomons, PsyCaD
the way it was run 10 years ago. The new          Career Services: Employer Relations
global age has caused a massive shift in          Coordinator
business needs and this ultimately impacts
on the type of individuals that enters and
remains in corporate companies.

Wherever you are, you’re never that far from
your first step into global law.

Norton Rose Fulbright invites
students to apply to our 2018
and 2019 candidate attorney
Applications are invited from all law students
expecting to commence articles in 2018 and

Offers will be made progressively as and
when suitable candidates are identified.

Applications must be submitted online

Law around the world

Financial institutions | Energy | Infrastructure, mining and commodities
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 Mr. Thoko Kwinana
 Human Resource Manager
 Bank Central
 123 City Road

 Dear Mr. Kwinana

 Application for Graduate Trainee Position, Bank Central, UJ Commerce Career Fair, 21 April

 I am currently a third year BCom Accounting student at the University of Johannesburg (UJ) and am
 planning to complete my degree by December this year. I was introduced to Bank Central when a
 company representative gave a presentation on Bank Central on the 21st of April 2016. I was
 captivated by the way projects are run at Bank Central and excited about the opportunities available
 to students. There seems to be great room for growth and I know I can extend my academic
 knowledge and gain valuable industry skills by belonging to a company like yours. Upon further
 research I discovered that Bank Central has won the John Noble Award for three consecutive years
 in Excellent Customer Services. I am passionate about delivering results and working according to
 customer expectations, and would love to be a contributing member when you receive the next

 My ability to work well with people and lead others has resulted in great success as a Student
 Representative at UJ. One of my greatest accomplishments within the Social and Welfare Committee
 is initiating and driving a project focused on student well-being. I looked at inventive ways to
 acknowledge and resolve students concerns and fears in the area of workload and time
 management. Guest speakers were invited to address these topics and I formed various support
 groups to aid in these areas. To ensure initiatives were working I requested and organised formal
 surveys and verbal or written feedback from the students. The project was a great success with good
 potential to continue into the future. I value community engagement and believe in the empowering
 and uplifting of communities, in line with Bank Central’s value of Ethical Foundation.

 I have also volunteered at Company X for a total of three months assisting the Company Accountant
 and have gained abilities and skills that I would like to apply further and use to add value to Central
 Bank. I would specifically like to contribute to Bank Central by employing my skills of analysis,
 creating and innovating, working with people and meeting customer expectations. I am well suited
 to a career in banking, I enjoy variety and challenges and the thought of succeeding in the Graduate
 Trainee position motivates me.

 My academic qualifications, achievements and skills combined with my enthusiasm to learn should
 put me in good stead to excel as a Graduate Trainee at Bank Central. I would love the opportunity
 to meet with you. I am available for an interview at your convenience.

 Kind regards,

 Mr. Simon Ally

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                                                          Sanlam is a Licensed Financial Services Provider.
Welcome to the
       21st century CV writers!
There’s nothing duller than a traditional CV.         Visual Design
Yet, making yours stand out in a stack of
                                                      There’s nothing visual about a Word
others is essential if you want to gain the
                                                      Document. Rather, the saturation of text
attention of a potential employer. Great
                                                      might even result in cognitive overload,
CVs tell a story without giving away all
                                                      diminishing a reader’s ability or willingness
the information an organization needs to
                                                      to pay close attention to all that you have
make their final decision. CVs like this pique
                                                      to say. As an alternative, brand-savvy job
the curiosity of interviewers demanding
                                                      applicants are turning to infographic-style
that they give you a call to come into their
                                                      CVs to communicate their messages as
office to tell them more about who you are.
                                                      effectively and efficiently as possible. To
For tech-savvy graduates, your CV serves
                                                      do this yourself, advanced graphic design
as an opportunity to create a lasting first
                                                      skills aren’t necessary or required. Two free
impression, one that not only says that you
                                                      Photoshop alternatives that will appeal to
are the right person for the job but also
                                                      even the greenest beginner are PicMonkey
provides tangible proof of that. In fact,
                                                      and Ribbet. Both of these are similar in that
how you design and produce your CV says
                                                      they allow you to build from a blank canvas
at least as much about your abilities and
                                                      by adding shapes, stickers, text, and more.
personality as what you actually write. So,
                                                      However, what you sacrifice by using a free
whether you are in the process of revising
                                                      web service instead of an actual design
your CV to apply for new positions or are
                                                      software is the ability to save a project and
simply wanting to stay up-to-date, the
                                                      return to make changes later. Once you’ve
following are four characteristics of great
                                                      downloaded your image and logged out of
CVs that will further brand you as a 21st
                                                      your browser, there’s no going back to make
century graduate.

changes unless you edit by adding layers               is a versatile and easy to use option. If solid
to your existing image. This may or may                colours just aren’t your thing, Visualead,
not deter you, but then again, so might the            enables users to create their QR codes
monthly fee required for a more professional           around an image, alluding to where a given
editing platform.                                      QR code will lead anyone who scans it.

Social Media Links                                     Graphs
Your mailing address doesn’t say much                  Bar graphs, pie charts, histograms, and
about you. In fact, including your address             timelines. Each of these can serve a
in your CV could actually work against you             meaningful purpose on a 21st century CV
as recently explained in a Lifehacker article.         too. Again, this is due to lessening cognitive
Your social media and networking profiles              load. The less mental energy a viewer needs
on the other hand tell the story of who you            to exert to simply understand what your
are. As long as you’re not taking pictures             CV is telling him or her, the more time and
or posting content that would otherwise                energy he or she can spend appreciating
jeopardize your reputation as a mature adult,          what you have to bring to the table. One
including links to your professional social            example of incorporating a highly visual
networking accounts is quickly becoming                graph into your CV is to share your relative
common place. As an graduate, including a              levels of technical skills with various software
link to your Twitter feed, Google+ account, or         and web-based programs. Being able to look
LinkedIn page not only communicates your               at a histogram and immediately understand
willingness to be transparent with interested          that the applicant is highly proficient with
employers but also introduces them to                  Google Apps is a lot more valuable than
your continued efforts at professional                 an arbitrary statement of your skill level
development and learning. You might even               cloaked in industry buzz words. Similarly,
consider including the URL to your website or          well-designed graphic timelines can tell the
blog here as well.                                     story of your work experience better than a
                                                       top-down list of bullet points can. No one
QR Codes                                               ever said that a timeline had to be a straight
                                                       line. Utilize this design tool to lead viewers
The value of real estate on a CV page                  through your CV or focus their attention on a
is something that has not changed.                     particular hotspot in your CV.
Nevertheless, as graduates continue to gain
experience, their lists of noteworthy projects,        Industries are evolving and demanding more
work, and references continue to grow too.             creative innovators with every iteration. If
One solution to this problem is incorporating          you want to stand-out in a crowd and pair
QR codes into the design of your CV. QR (or            your unique talents and personality with
quick response) codes are digital fingerprints         an industry or organization that would
connected to web-based content that                    complement you, taking the time to create
users can access by scanning them with                 a great CV with the four characteristics
their smart phones or tablets. On a CV,                outlined here is a great place to start.
QR codes can be used to take viewers to a              Not only will it garner attention for your
website showing your recent blog posts, work           qualifications, it will get you noticed too.
samples, social media profiles, and originally
created content. Additionally, QR codes can            Sourced from: http://www.gettingsmart.
be used to embed video references from                 com/2014/03/4-characteristics-great-21st-
professionals in your industry for potential           century-resumes/
employers to view and listen to. Sure beats
saying, “References available upon request”
doesn’t it? While there are a number of free
tools to create your own QR codes, QRStuff

                                     Ms. Dumi Balewa

                              001 Beginning Avenue, Soweto, 1000
                         (011) 123-1234 /


Seeking a position as a Travel Consultant where I can develop my skills and travel to popular
international destinations. Leading travel groups internationally will enable me to speak first-
hand about the laws, customs and travel advisories of those countries.


ID Number:                            1106105002032
Driver’s License:                     Code 08 (own transport)


• Top Academic Achiever, Tourism Development, University of Johannesburg (UJ) (2016)
• Project Leader, University of Johannesburg (UJ)                             (2016)
• Representative Council of Learners (RCL) Member, High School X              (2013)


•   Speak different local languages
•   Good communication skills
•   Interact well with diverse cultures
•   Good geographical knowledge
•   Sound knowledge of world history and key historical events
•   Leadership potential


Institution:                          University of Johannesburg (UJ)                   (2016)
Qualification:                        BA Tourism Development
Subjects:                             Historical Studies; Tourism Development;
                                      Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation

School:                               High School X                                 (2013)
Qualification:                        National Senior Certificate (NSC)
Subjects:                             English (First Language); Afrikaans (Second
                                      Language); Mathematical Literacy; Geography; History;
                                      Life Orientation


Institution:                          University of Johannesburg (UJ)                  (2016)
Project:                              The effect of government policies               on the
                                      development of tourism in South Africa

                                       P a g e 1 of 2

                                  Ms. Dumi Balewa

                                   Ms. Dumi
                           001 Beginning        Balewa
                                           Avenue,  Soweto, 1000
                      (011) 123-1234 /
                           001 Beginning Avenue, Soweto, 1000
                      (011) 123-1234 /
Description:                           Project Leader. The project team consisted of 4
                                   members. The project objective was to study the
Description:                       Project Leader.
                                   relationship            Thebetween
                                                   that exist    project government
                                                                           team consisted
                                   development    The    project objective
                                                     of tourism    in SA andwas     to study
                                                                                to know          the
                                   relationship that
                                   government            existaffects
                                                    policies   between   government
                                                                      tourism         policiesinand
                                                                               development       SA
                                   or   not. The ofproject
                                                         tourismwasin SA    and to know
                                                                        successfully       whether
                                   Received         policies affects tourism development in SA
                                               a distinction.
                                   or not. The project was successfully completed.
Organisation:                      Received
                                   Phaphamaa Initiatives
                                                  distinction.(NGO)               (2015 - current)
Position:                          TALK Tourism Volunteer Group Leader
Description:                       Phaphamatours
                                   Township       Initiatives
                                                        run by(NGO)
                                                                 Soweto-based NGO (2015  - current)
Position:                          TALK    Tourism
                                   Initiatives.         Volunteer
                                                 Regularly     runs Group
                                                                     school Leader
                                                                             and university group
Description:                       Township
                                   trips.       tours run by Soweto-based NGO Phaphama
                                   Initiatives. Regularly runs school and university group
INTERESTS                          trips.

  Photography
 Travelling
    Freelance writing
 Photography
    Community engagement
  Freelance writing
    Community engagement

Name   and Surname:                Mrs. S. White
Position:                          Lecturer: Tourism, University of Johannesburg (UJ)
Email: and Surname:                Mrs. S. White
Contact Number:                    Lecturer:
                                   +27 11 123Tourism,
                                                4567 University of Johannesburg (UJ)
                                   Mondays – Fridays, 12:00 – 13:00
Contact Number:                    +27 11 123 4567
Name   and Surname:                Mondays
                                   Mr.        – Fridays, 12:00 – 13:00
                                       D. Gamede
Position:                          Supervisor: TALK Tourism
Email: and Surname:                Mr. D. Gamede
Contact Number:                    Supervisor:
                                   +27 70 123 TALK
                                                1234 Tourism
                                   Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays, 13:00 – 14:00
Contact Number:                    +27 70 123 1234
Name and Surname:                  Mondays,   Thursdays and Fridays, 13:00 – 14:00
                                   Ms. J. Radebe
Position:                          Project Team Member: The effect of government
Name and Surname:                  Ms. J. Radebe
                                   policies on the development of tourism in South Africa,
Position:                          Project
                                   UniversityTeam    Member: The
                                               of Johannesburg  (UJ) effect of government
Email:                             policies on the development of tourism in South Africa,
Contact Number:                    University
                                   +27 70 123of5678
                                                  Johannesburg (UJ)
                                   Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 09:00 – 10:00
Contact Number:                    +27 70 123 5678
Availability:                      Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 09:00 – 10:00

                                     P a g e 2 of 2

                                     P a g e 2 of 2

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“In a gentle way, you can shake the world.” — Gandhi
Are you prepared for a career in the 21st century?
If you’re not sure, you might want to rethink your next steps.
Most of us are still operating under a 20th-century paradigm. We were taught
that learning all we can about a specific profession is the key to moving up to
our goal rung on the socioeconomic ladder. Even “digital communities“ learned
this flawed premise; like the generations before them, they still think that hard
skills are the key to advancement.
In a study conducted by the Association of American Colleges and Universities,
there was a remarkable difference between the perceptions of college students
and their potential employers. While the vast majority of employers thought
that oral communication, organizing and evaluating information, and solving
complex problems were critically important, fewer than 30 percent of college
students realized that these soft skills are essential to their success.
Hard skills are easily defined and obviously measurable. They include technical
mastery and vocational qualifications.
Soft skills are intangible and difficult to measure; while they greatly impact
an individual’s chances for success, they are not normally taught through
traditional education. Soft skills include practices that were once in the
backgrounds of all our lives. Team building, eye contact, analysis of body
language, and conflict resolution were constantly demanded from us as we
moved through our days. We had to learn to answer the family phone, speak
politely to a clerk, and deal with the boredom of children on a long car ride.

Now we can text silently and privately in our family homes, ignore the clerk as
we scroll through social media, and hand our children instant entertainment on
a portable screen. In business we can negotiate contracts and form relationships
through email and texting, with no person-to-person interactions. There is no
firm handshake practice or eye contact involved in many of our day-to-day
Many of us aren’t getting enough experience with personal feedback and group
interactions, the building blocks of basic soft skills. At the same time, we are
constantly challenged to master the new soft skills involved with the ever-
changing methods of communication. It’s difficult to master courtesy in texting.
It’s easy to be abrupt in an email.
The most important soft skills are not likely to be developed through silent
communication, unless we are engaging in person-to-person contact. An
abrasive person can write a popular blog post, but she won’t get very far in
negotiating a speaking engagement or a book deal. A shy introvert can send
a compelling text message, but he might not be able to maintain eye contact
during an interview.
Of course hard skills are important. Hard skills build CV’s. Yes, hard skills are
very important for getting a job offer, but hard skills alone don’t provide for
significant advancement opportunities.
As careers develop, hard skills, which can be delegated, matter less and less,
while soft skills continue to play the biggest role in determining your chances
of achieving success. In fact, the more we constrain ourselves with hard-skill
development, the less chance we have at achieving the goal of delegating our
work to others so that we can advance to the next level.
Let’s face it: We’re in the middle of a worldwide social experiment. It doesn’t
matter what age you are. All of us have to engage in this precarious blending
process. We have to keep up with the latest and greatest technological
advances without losing our human edge.
There is not an easy answer to this dilemma, and the gap between our
ideas and our actions needs to close. We all need to continually relearn our
communication skills and reconsider our self-perceptions. We can build a bridge
between the best of the past and the miracle of the new with a simple shift in
our thinking; the past, the present, and the future all have valuable lessons and
tools for us.
In this new worldview the fresh, bright light of new ideas and technologies can be
used to illuminate, rather than outshine, a pathway for the wisdom of the ages.
“With hard skills, you can manage your boss; and with soft skills, you can lead
your boss.” — Professor M.S. Rao, leadership specialist
By Stedman Graham
Sourced from:

Social Media
                                                      share your interests. It’s really about building
                                                      your personal network to include decision
                                                      makers, knowing where the vacancies

isn’t just for                                        are, and marketing yourself to potential

being social!                                         We are hearing more and more about
                                                      companies turning to social media sites to
                                                      source candidates for vacancies in their
Social Media is about more than just letting          organisations, as well as to find out more
people know where you are, what you’re                about the candidates they’re interviewing or
doing or how you’re feeling. Social media             considering appointing to positions. So let’s
is becoming an increasingly powerful tool             have a look at some of South Africa’s top
in the job hunting process. The beauty of             social media sites, and discover how we can
social media is that it allows you to connect         use these in our job search.
with almost anyone that has a presence
online, making it easier to find even more            1) LinkedIn (
job opportunities than you would in real life.
You can use social media to make relevant             If you’re not on LinkedIn yet, you really need
connections with others in your field or find         to be! LinkedIn is a website that allows you
potential job opportunities with people that          to develop a clear profile (almost like a CV)

which summarises your professional and                  Start by following all the companies that
academic history and achievements. It also              you would like to work for and try your best
allows you to see the profiles of anyone else           to participate in twitter discussions with
on LinkedIn, and gives you ways to connect              them. It may be worthwhile to ask them if
with them.                                              they are currently recruiting. Keep an eye
                                                        out for company tweets in order to see if
There are a couple of ways you can use                  they are currently tweeting about any job
LinkedIn in your job search. The first is by            opportunities.
using the “Company Search” option – in
fact this is probably one of the best ways to           You can also do keyword searches to see if
use LinkedIn if you have a list of companies            anyone is recruiting in your field or specific
that you’re interested in working for. Most             geographical area. You can also use a tool
of the bigger companies also have their                 like TwitJobSearch where you simply enter
own LinkedIn profiles, so be sure to connect            the keywords in their search bar and see all
with them in order to get updates on their              the job opportunities that match your criteria
general business activities, and of course,             from Twitter – many of these opportunities
their vacancies. LinkedIn furthermore allows            are internationally based, but there does
employers to post jobs on the site, so it’s             seem to be an increase in South African
important to visit the site regularly.                  firm’s utilization of this platform, which is
                                                        exciting to see. It’s also a good idea to make
Some advice in using the site?                          yourself more “discoverable” on Twitter, and
 Spend some time in completing your                    possibly stand out to potential employers by
  own profile. Make sure you list your                  regularly posting content that speaks to your
  qualifications, or training courses, and any          field of study or the type of work that you’re
  work experience you have as detailed as               looking for. Try to promote some of your own
  possible.                                             work, such as blog posts etc., and also share
                                                        or retweet other people’s content.
 Ask your LinkedIn contacts to recommend
  you. This is like a reference letter that your
  contacts could write about you, and it’s              3) Facebook and Google+
  posted to your profile for everyone else,             Facebook and Google+ gives you a great
  including potential empolyers, to see.                opportunity to join communities or groups
 Very similar to Facebook, LinkedIn allows             to network with people. It can, if managed
  you to post status updates. It’s a good               properly, provide a great opportunity to
  idea to update these updates as often as              meet people, and hopefully find employment
  you can to let people know what you’re                or training opportunities. You can also follow
  doing – keep in mind that you are posting             or like companies’ pages and try to interact
  to potential employers – so do keep your              with them just like you would on Twitter to
  updates professional.                                 get yourself noticed.

2) Twitter (                            Be Limitless. The only one who can make
                                                        things happen is you.
Twitter provides a very easy and
straightforward platform to connect with                Sourced from:
people and develop new relationships.
You can start talking to just about anyone
on Twitter. Unlike LinkedIn and Facebook,
most Twitter users have open or accessible
accounts and you can easily instigate
conversations with other users.

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Welcome to the world
            of modern job search!
If you find yourself searching for a job             Online networking sites like LinkedIn
you may discover that a few job search               have developed “CV builders” that
practices have changed. Job search                   integrate both a passive and active job
techniques that were once the norm                   searching tool. This online CV can be
have now been replaced by a more                     used to apply for jobs, but can also be
successful modern job search that utilizes           viewed by the thousands of employers
technologically savvy practices.                     subscribed to LinkedIn.

To help you acclimate to this new                    A more basic option is to create a PDF
territory, we’ve compiled a list of tips for         file of your CV as most employers, if they
a successful modern job search.                      aren’t using an online job application
                                                     platform, prefer an email application.
CVs have gone digital.                               Whichever method you prefer, there are a
                                                     few key points to consider:
Nowadays, with the increase in online
job postings and applications, it’s not              • Remember that there is a good chance
uncommon to have to submit your CV                     your documents will be read, at least
and cover letter in digital format. For                initially, on a mobile screen. What this
technology-minded professionals, there                 means is that you’ll need to make some
are now services that can help you create              format changes and maybe even test
an online CV, such as VisualCV, that use               out what your CV will look like on your
embedded graphs, pictures, and links to                own mobile device.
develop a one-of-a-kind online portfolio or
website. Today, a successful modern job              • Examine your formatting. Be sure
search must include the use of digital tools.          to keep your paragraphs short, leave

ample white space on the page, and use           online, and the first is that you can decide
  bold or italics to highlight main points.        what your future employers will see about
                                                   you. There is no doubt that employers
• Consider adding tasteful colour, icons,          conduct online presence searches to
  graphs, charts, or logos to showcase             determine what kind of person you are
  your talent and experience.                      outside of the office and what kind of
                                                   connections you have.
The job market has gotten tougher.
                                                   Another key benefit of being online is that
Due to the increasingly difficult nature of        you can have other professionals vouch for
today’s job market, a successful modern            your work to further showcase your skills
job search will need some adjustments              and experience. Having this social proof
to application documents to quickly                lowers the risk of hiring you as a potential
capture the attention of hiring managers.          employee, which can end up costing the
Knowing that the average time spent                company thousands of rands if you are
reviewing a CV is just 30 seconds, you’ll          not a good fit. You can provide your future
need to find creative ways to make your            employers with peace of mind by offering
CV stand out.                                      endorsements and recommendations right
                                                   on your LinkedIn page.
The standard length in a CV, 1-2
pages, hasn’t changed, yet the CV has              Finally, having a thriving online presence
transformed into more of a screening               will allow you to establish or continue
tool, while the important decisions are            to build your personal brand. Especially
made after the interview. One of the               important for self-employed or freelance
most important aspect to consider for a            workers, maintaining a brand is the
successful modern job search is your use of        ticket to landing new clients and securing
keywords. Companies now use programs               more work. If you’re on the hunt for a
that scan CVs for specific keywords, so            more traditional role, having a website
it is imperative that you find a way to            or strong social media presence will only
integrate strong keywords into your CV             further prove to hiring managers that
that accurately highlight your skills.             you are taking your career seriously and
                                                   embracing new technologies.
In light of the fierce competition for
work, job seekers have turned to more              Networking trumps all.
proactive job search techniques, one
of which includes actively seeking out             Through all of the new technology used
specific companies in their line of work.          in the modern job search, one thing
Professionals now have the tools at hand           remains unchanged, and that is the
to easily conduct online searches and              power of networking. No job seeking tool
focus their attention on one company, or           has secured more leads than a face-to-
a handful, in their field.                         face connection, and its benefits are
                                                   often overlooked. Consider altering your
An online presence is necessary.                   strategy to integrate more networking
                                                   events into your search or reach out to
An online presence is required in a                your existing chain of contacts. Once
successful modern job search. It seems             a connection is made, then you can
that every year it becomes increasingly            focus on sprucing up your CV and
important for job seekers to maintain an           online profiles. Networking is one of
online profile on at least one of the many         the elements of a successful modern job
social and professional networking sites.          search that cannot be overlooked.
To have a successful modern job search,
there are numerous benefits to being               Sourced from:

Sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and              To help job seekers better understand the
Google+ allow employers to get a glimpse of              role of social media in their job search,
who you are outside the confines of a CV, cover conducted a survey last
letter, or interview—while they offer job seekers        year that asked 2,303 hiring managers and
the opportunity to learn about companies                 human resource professionals if, how, and
they’re interested in; connect with current and          why they incorporate social media into their
former employees; and hear about job openings            hiring process.
instantaneously, among other things.
                                                         First they found that 37% of employers
That’s probably why half of all job seekers are          use social networks to screen potential job
active on social networking sites on a daily             candidates. That means about two in five
basis, and more than a third of all employers            companies browse your social media profiles to
utilize these sites in their hiring process.             evaluate your character and personality – and
                                                         some even base their hiring decision on what
Career transition and talent development                 they find.
consulting firm Lee Hecht Harrison asked
hundreds of job seekers via an online poll,              “Social media is a primary vehicle of
“How active are you on social networking                 communication today, and because much of
sites?” Forty-eight percent said they’re very            that communication is public, it’s no surprise
active on a daily basis, while 19% said they log         some recruiters and hiring managers are tuning
on about two or three times per week. Another            in,” says Rosemary Haefner, vice president of
22% said they use social networking sites                human resources at CareerBuilder.
one to three times per month, or less. Only
11% of job seekers said they never use social            CareerBuilder also asked employers why
networking websites.                                     they use social networks to research

candidates, and 65% said they do it to see                you out on LinkedIn. They may also check
if the job seeker presents himself or herself             Facebook, or even Twitter and Google+. The
professionally. About half (51%) want to know             story you tell on each site should be pretty
if the candidate is a good fit for the company            much the same, although it’s fine to adapt
culture, and another 45% want to learn more               the material for the site.”
about his or her qualifications. Some cited “to
see if the candidate is well-rounded” and “to             The good news is that hiring managers aren’t
look for reasons not to hire the candidate,” as           just screening your social media profiles to dig
their motives.                                            up dirt; they’re also looking for information
                                                          that could possibly give you an advantage.
So, if you’re among the 89% of job seekers that           The CareerBuilder survey revealed that 29%
use social networking sites (daily, sometimes, or         of surveyed hiring managers found something
rarely), you’ll want to be careful.                       positive on a profile that drove them to offer
                                                          the candidate a job.
A third (34%) of employers who scan social
media profiles said they have found content               In some cases it was that the employer got a
that has caused them not to hire the candidate.           good feel for the candidate’s personality. Others
About half of those employers said they                   chose to hire because the profile conveyed a
didn’t offer a job candidate the position                 professional image. In some instances it was
because of provocative or inappropriate                   because background information supported
photos and information posted on his or her               professional qualifications, other people
profile; while 45% said they chose not to hire            posted great references about the candidate,
someone because of evidence of drinking                   or because the profile showed that the job
and/or drug use on his or her social profiles.            seeker is creative, well-rounded, or has great
Other reasons they decided not to offer the               communication skills.
job: the candidate’s profile displayed poor
communication skills, he or she bad mouthed               This means the job seekers shouldn’t just focus
previous employers, made discriminatory                   on hiding or removing inappropriate content;
comments related to race, gender, or religion,            they should work on building strong social
or lied about qualifications.                             networks and creating online profiles that do a
                                                          really good job of representing their skills and
“If you choose to share content publicly on               experience in the workplace, Simpson said in a
social media, make sure it’s working to your              press statement. “Job seekers who are silent or
advantage,” Haefner says. “Take down or secure            invisible online may be at a disadvantage. They
anything that could potentially be viewed by an           need to engage on social networking sites to
employer as unprofessional and share content              increase their visibility and search - ability with
that highlights your accomplishments and                  prospective employers,” he said.
qualifications in a positive way.”
                                                          Cavalli agrees. “It’s not enough to only post a
Brad Schepp, co-author of How To Find A Job               profile and check your news feed. There are
On LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Google+,               a lot of lurkers – people who have an online
adds: “Make sure any profiles you write are               profile but don’t do anything or engage in any
free of typos, the information is coherent and            meaningful way. You need to give to the social
applicable to your industry [or job you’re trying         networking communities, participate in group
to land], and your photos present you in a                discussions, share expertise, point someone
favourable light. You can verify the applicability        to an article. You have to work it. While it can
of the information by checking profiles of others         feel uncomfortable putting yourself out there,
in the same field.”                                       if you’re looking for a job, it’s not the time to be
The information you provide online about
your job background and accomplishments                   Sourced from:
should also be consistent, he says. “Don’t                jacquelynsmith/2013/04/16/how-social-media-
assume an employer will only be checking                  can-help-or-hurt-your-job-search/#35738b8e7ae2

You can also read