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CancerWorld 46 Number 46, January-February 2012 Education & knowledge through people & facts JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2012 Stein Kaasa ➜ Stein Kaasa: Let me show you what integrated palliative care can do ➜ Aspirin as prevention: what are we waiting for? ➜ Could new imaging techniques be the next big thing in personalising therapies? ➜ Rehabilitation: how can you measure what you can’t define?
Contents 3 Editorial Aspirin for cancer prevention: why wait? 4 Cover Story Stein Kaasa: Let me show you what integrated palliative care can do Editor 13 e-Grand Round Kathy Redmond Optimising dose-dense regimens for early breast cancer Assistant Editor Anna Wagstaff 22 Cutting Edge Picture this: the new imaging techniques that can help doctors select Editorial Assistant Alexandra Zampetti the right treatment at the right time Editorial Advisors Jacques Bernier 30 Best Cancer Reporter Fatima Cardoso Franco Cavalli Is hope worth any price? Award for German reporter who tackled a subject many Alberto Costa prefer to avoid Vincent T. DeVita Contributing Writers 40 Masterpiece Marc Beishon, Peter Borchmann, Simon Crompton, Volker Diehl Still waiting for the world to catch up: the story of Belgium’s first ever Andreas Engert, Janet Fricker Daniel F. Hayes, Martina Keller gynaecological oncologist Peter McIntyre, Anna Wagstaff Publishing Advisors 48 Impact Factor Gillian Griffith, Fedele Gubitosi The silent minority: unpublished data on cancer care Website Liaison Hodgkin lymphoma: absence of evidence, not evidence of absence! Alexandra Zampetti Art Editor 54 Newsround Jason Harris Selected news reports Production HarrisDPI 61 Systems & Services Printed by After the treatment’s over: measuring the rehabilitation needs of Europe’s growing Grafiche Porpora army of survivors Cover photograph Scanpix Published by European School of Oncology Direttore responsabile Alberto Costa Registrazione Tribunale di Roma Decreto n. 436 del 8.11.2004 All enquiries about Cancer World should be made to: ESO Editorial Office Via del Bollo 4 20123 Milan, Italy e-mail: Tel: +39 02 8546 4522 Fax: +39 02 8546 4545 All correspondence should be sent to the Editor at Cancer World is published six times per year by the European School of Oncology. Copyright ©2012 European School of Oncology. It is distributed at major conferences, mailed to subscribers and to European All rights reserved opinion leaders, and is available online at CANCER WORLD ■ JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2012 ■ 1
Editorial Aspirin for cancer prevention: why wait? ➜ Andrea DeCensi ■ GUEST EDITOR T he prospect is too exciting to dis- miss: a single pill – a cheap one too – that, taken regularly, can reduce the risk of not only heart attack, but also devel- oping or dying from several types of cancer. Evidence that regular use of aspirin can cally to assess whether aspirin reduces cancer incidence or mortality. And although many studies, including a few clinical trials, indi- cated that aspirin does play a preventive role, other studies have reached a different con- clusion. It would take a very long time and a reduce the risk of dying from cancer has been very large study to demonstrate an effect in any steadily growing. It was boosted last year with trial that took cancer mortality as an end- publication in the Lancet1 of a meta-analysis of point – indeed it may not be possible, partic- eight trials by Peter Rothwell and colleagues, ularly as many people are already taking aspirin which showed a substantial reduction in mor- for cardiac prevention and pain relief. tality for a number of different cancers. Potential side-effects have also to be The study showed that a low dose of taken into consideration, since aspirin can aspirin (75 mg per day, or a quarter of the nor- substantially increase the risk of serious gas- mal dose taken for pain relief), taken for longer trointestinal bleeding, even at low doses. than five years, reduces death rates from all One issue that needs urgent investigation cancers by 34%, and for gastrointestinal can- is the effective dose. Rothwell argues that a cers by as much as 54%. daily low dose (such as 75 mg) may be the right The risk of death remained 20% lower for choice, while others suggest up to 325 mg at all solid cancers over a period of 20 years, with least twice a week. Contributing to the debate the risk from gastrointestinal cancers dropping is a recent study2 using aspirin at 300 mg twice by 35% – even though the participants would a day for two years, in a high-risk population, probably have stopped taking aspirin after which cut the rate of colorectal cancer by 63%. the trials ended. The 20-year risk of death was It would be great to be able to say that this cut by about 30% for lung, 40% for colorectal century-old pill represents the next great clin- and 60% for oesophageal cancer. ical advance in cancer. Yet for the moment, at With data like these, why has no medical least, the emergence of aspirin into a cancer organisation issued guidelines or recommen- prevention role seems to be on hold. The dations on the use of aspirin as an anticancer experts are recommending neither for nor therapy? The problem is that we still lack against, advising only that any decision about strong evidence from adequately powered daily aspirin use should be “made only in con- randomised trials. None of the trials included sultation with your healthcare professional”. in the meta-analysis was designed specifi- Posterity will judge whether they are right. Andrea DeCensi is head of the Department of Medical Oncology, Ospedali Galliera, Genoa, Italy. Reference details are online at CANCER WORLD ■ JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2012 ■ 3
CoverStory Stein Kaasa: let me show you what integrated palliative care can do ➜ Marc Beishon Patients are falling through gaps in care provision because palliative care is seen as an add-on rather than integral to care plans. So says Stein Kaasa, head of the Cancer Clinic at Trondheim University Hospital. He has convinced his government to take a lead in supporting palliative care, and is busy building a structure for integrated oncology and palliative care that could act as a model for the world. T he World Health Organization has a and includes those investigations needed to bet- definition of palliative care, but it is by ter understand and manage distressing clinical no means a short one. Yes, it is “an complications.” approach that improves the quality For Kaasa, who has advised the WHO on its of life of patients and their families cancer work, the definition throws down a chal- facing the problem associated with life-threaten- lenge to what he calls “mainstream oncology”. ing illness.” But that is just the start. We need to “Although palliative care, and palliative medi- have “early identification and impeccable assess- cine as it’s also termed, has been around for a long ment and treatment of pain and other problems”, time it is still not integrated properly into many integration of “psychological and spiritual aspects cancer departments, which means patients can of patient care”, “support systems” for patients and fall into gaps in their care,” he says. The problem, their families, and a “team-based approach”. he adds, is that some health professionals – such A crucial part of the definition, as Stein Kaasa, as cancer doctors and nurses in hospitals – still a palliative care expert and head of the Cancer see it as a specialism that is mainly about taking Clinic at Trondheim University Hospital (St Olavs) care of the dying and their families, and they in Norway affirms, is the last point: “It is appli- worry that bringing it into the mainstream will cable early in the course of illness, in conjunction mean pursuing futile oncological treatments. with other therapies that are intended to prolong “Nurses, especially, may say that palliative care life, such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy, belongs in a nursing home or hospice, and if we 4 ■ CANCER WORLD ■ JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2012
CoverStory SCANPIX work there we shouldn’t be part of acute medicine.” for a model of where that integration is taking Kaasa argues the opposite point of view. “Pal- place will find one at Trondheim, where Kaasa has liative care is important much earlier in the disease also recently established the European Palliative trajectory, especially as about 60% of cancer Care Research Centre to drive the evidence base patients receive non-curative care. When you are for his speciality. giving chemo- and radiotherapy as part of life-pro- There are a number of other compelling reasons longing treatment – where someone may live two for bringing palliative care into the mainstream, he to three years or more – they will have many symp- notes. They include the best use of expensive toms and may often need to be supported at home.” treatments in metastatic disease – a huge issue for There is so much new in oncology and in symptom hard-pressed healthcare systems. Knowledge of control, says Kaasa, “Patients deserve to have pal- metastatic disease itself is an underlying issue, liative care specialists as part of the oncology team given that it is often the poor relation of efforts put during their cancer journey. I strongly believe that into the curative side of cancer treatment. Palliative oncology is better if the voice of palliative care is care should also be pivotal in bringing together all firmly integrated in the healthcare system.” the parts of healthcare systems and related pro- The WHO, he adds, has recently revised its fessions that play a role in caring for cancer patients definition of palliative care to include collabora- and their families, whether in the home or in tion throughout the care pathway, and integration primary care or acute settings. Everything from with oncology where appropriate. Those looking psycho-oncology to bereavement counselling and CANCER WORLD ■ JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2012 ■ 5
CoverStory “We know now that we need to start earlier when treating the many people with cachexia” complementary therapies comes under the umbrella. Among the general range of side-effects of pro- gressive disease and treatments, two core symp- toms stand out which can be extreme for many patients – pain and cachexia (muscle wasting). “In epidemiological studies on pain, about half of cancer patients are not sufficiently treated even when using opioids, and we know now that we need to start earlier when treating the many people with cachexia who have lost a lot of weight and muscle mass,” says Kaasa. As he explains, there is a great deal of research to be carried out on pain and cachexia, as well as on other aspects of palliative care. Such research includes a recent move to investigate biological mechanisms as well as clinical approaches that have been the mainstay. “The problem we have is that in pain, for example, the quality of evidence for man- agement of people with cancer is very low – the stud- ies are poor. There are too many small studies that are inconclusive – they don’t have the power we need.” Fragmented research and small studies are common in cancer, he concedes, “but in palliative care it is even more challenging because patients are hard to reach and often very sick, and you need to design studies that can comply with an intervention or medication.” Despite the lack of major studies, the last 10 years have seen a step up in focusing on palliative care and oncology in Europe. This is thanks in part to Kaasa’s success in putting the subject on the map in Trondheim when he moved there in 1993, as professor of palliative medicine at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, which was one of the first such job titles in Europe at the time. How are you feeling? Integrated palliative He went on to establish a pain and palliative care care means not waiting until you have no research group that has carried out and coordinated further anti-cancer therapies to offer many studies. “For example, we won an EU grant before taking steps to improve your in the 6th framework programme in 2005 to co- patient’s quality of life -ordinate the European Palliative Care Research Collaborative, under which we ran work packages ??????? on understanding and assessing pain and cachexia, 6 ■ CANCER WORLD ■ JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2012
CoverStory and we also produced European guidelines on skiing scholarship at Denver University in the United managing cachexia and depression.” States, where he was also able to model his own As always, the issue is the short-term nature of ‘pre-med’ course in anticipation of a return to Nor- these programmes, and although there are other way. Then in Oslo, he completed his medical train- EU projects underway, Kaasa says that so far there ing, taking in surgery, internal medicine and family isn’t anywhere near the critical mass of support for practice. The latter was a career option until, unsure the wider collaboration and research networks he of what direction to take, he contacted Herman feels that palliative care needs. Høst, the ‘father’of Norwegian oncology, and gained While palliative medicine is by no means just a short-term post at Oslo’s Radiumhospital. about cancer, it is now such a major part of the spe- “There I was challenged by a senior lecturer to ciality that the majority of his own researchers and look at lung cancer patients and the use of cisplatin clinicians in Trondheim are exclusively involved in in people with a short life expectancy, and I worked oncology, as are other units with which they col- on a randomised trial between chemo- and radio- laborate internationally in countries such as the UK therapy, which was the basis of my PhD thesis. We and Canada. The European Association for Pallia- were one of the first to actually ask people how they tive Care (EAPC), for which Kaasa is a past pres- felt during their treatment – what we now call ident, has a strong oncology track and supported the patient-reported outcomes – and our group was one establishment of the European Palliative Care of the movers in the development of the QLQ-C30 Research Centre in Trondheim in 2009. questionnaire at the EORTC for assessing the This cancer-only initiative is certainly one of the quality of life of cancer patients.” biggest steps forward recently, but Kaasa says the It was the opportunity to do this kind of research majority of its funding is from the Norwegian Can- that quickly convinced Kaasa that his career lay in cer Society, and from his own hospital as well as the oncology and not as a family doctor. He then gained university. Without his vision for palliative care in his oncology board certification working on the oncology and the backing of Norway’s advocacy spectrum of cancer issues at the Radiumhospital groups this centre would not be up and running, and, like oncologists in certain countries such as the although it is attracting various grants from the EU UK and other Nordic countries, Kaasa is certified and other sources, and of course enjoys the support in both chemo- and radiotherapy, as a clinical of the EAPC and international colleagues. oncologist. But his academic focus was on the Given his achievements so far, Kaasa is now non-curative side – and he duly completed a PhD aiming high at Trondheim – “I want to build a on quality of life and survival. structure for integrated oncology and palliative care “Although palliative care had been developed that will be a window for the world that will show primarily in the UK back in the 1960s, thanks to the what can be done,” he says. It’s an ambitious goal for hospice movement, it was mainly outside of main- what is a northern outpost in Europe, but as he says, stream healthcare. In hospital oncology it hasn’t he has already fought and won the battles to prove really taken off until recently,” says Kaasa. “That’s the need for integration locally, and with long- because in the late 1980s we had a strong belief standing expertise in international networking there that we would see the sort of major improvements is every chance that he will ensure that Trondheim in cure rates that we had seen with testicular can- will be seen as the global model he envisions. cer and lymphoma, for example. When I was work- Kaasa was a national cross-country skiing cham- ing on lung cancers we really thought we would pion when at high school in Norway, and gained a cure them with high-dose chemotherapy and bone great start for his early career when he landed a sports marrow transplants.” “I want to build a structure for integrated oncology and palliative care that will show the world what can be done” CANCER WORLD ■ JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2012 ■ 7
CoverStory Recent years have seen a repeat of this belief, he from other specialists in the university hospital, says, as the new targeted therapies have again such as pain specialists. pushed back palliative care to some extent, fuelled Kaasa was asked to head the entire Cancer by the huge promotional activity of the pharma- Clinic in 2010, and so is in the ideal position to over- ceutical industry – although he adds that pharma see the integration he promotes. “And that’s what you was the first in offering support for quality of life would see is different here – palliative care doctors studies when he was starting out. “Companies at our morning case meetings, which we hold every realised it was important to document subjective day. I don’t see patients myself now but I do become factors as well as response rate,” he says. involved in particularly challenging cases.” After establishing himself as a consultant oncol- An early randomised study comparing special- ogist in Oslo, the opening for the palliative medicine ist palliative care with care as usual, published in the professorship in Trondheim came up. “In Norway Lancet, played a critical role in setting the agenda, we had been debating what we should do about pal- says Kaasa. One major finding was that patients in liative care and it was again the Norwegian Cancer the intervention group benefited from an integrated Society that was instrumental in putting out a bid to pathway by being able to stay longer at home. “An set up a programme at one of our university hospi- interesting spinoff was that the families reported tals. Trondheim won and I was asked to apply.” better health even one year after the patient had Although Kaasa enjoyed the support of the died,” he says. Trondheim has now produced hun- hospital’s oncology department and the head of dreds of studies related to palliative care, many of nursing, he still encountered most of the objections them in top-rated journals, according to Kaasa. about actually integrating palliative care. “I won the Other studies have focused particularly on treat- battle by bringing in the academic side and starting ments, finding benefits for example in reducing the a research programme, and putting a lot of energy number of radiation fractions that need to be given into international collaboration and leadership. to treat lung cancers and bone metastases, saving It’s hard for opponents to criticise solid research – much trouble for patients and also costs. especially as, after seven years or so, we were pro- Current research priorities for the field are ducing as much as 80% of the publications from the revealed in a pan-European survey under an EU Cancer Clinic.” 7th framework programme project called PRISMA, Kaasa also argued from a clinical perspective that which shows that the top topics are pain, assess- patients suffering, for instance, from pain with ment tools, quality of death and last days of life, bone metastases needed to be treated with radio- fatigue and cachexia, and family and carers. The therapy, and that to carry out academic medicine main barriers are, inevitably, lack of funding, time, properly on such approaches palliative care had to expertise and personnel. be applied early in the journey rather than waiting Pain is still a major problem, says Kaasa. One for oncologists to deliver patients to palliative care reason he cites is that many patients are not professionals in another location. diagnosed and followed-up appropriately. Another From humble beginnings – when he started is that they do not receive effective treatments Kaasa had just one other doctor and two nurses – because they fall into gaps – a hospice physician the palliative care team in Trondheim is now almost may have no access to radiotherapy to treat bone 30 strong, with molecular biologists and social sci- metastases, while a radiotherapist may not know entists, more than 20 PhD students, a number of enough about opioids. “Optimal pain control needs international researchers and visiting professorial a combined approach, including specialists at pain placements, and various clinical and research input clinics. We have a close relationship with our pain “An interesting spinoff was that the families reported better health even one year after the patient had died” 8 ■ CANCER WORLD ■ JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2012
CoverStory clinic in Trondheim – but there can be little such CACHEXIA: EXPANDING THE EVIDENCE BASE collaboration between pain specialists and pallia- tive care around Europe, as the pain clinics deal Cachexia is primarily seen in patients with advanced disease, but it may also be mainly with non-malignant conditions. We also a symptom of those undergoing curative treatment, says Kaasa. At present, there have a growing population of cancer survivors who are limited ways to manage the condition, partly because there has been a big suffer non-malignant pain from side-effects later in knowledge gap about its assessment. But that gap has now been addressed, life. We have to collaborate more for patients.” according to current evidence, in a consensus paper on the definition and clas- One urgent need is to establish a consensus on sification of cachexia by Kaasa and international colleagues, led by Kenneth pain assessment tools in palliative care and to update Fearon in Edinburgh and Florian Strasser in St Gallen (Lancet Oncology 2011, guidelines based on much stronger evidence. Kaasa 12:489–495). points to some progress here: a recent special issue As the paper makes clear, cachexia is a challenging syndrome, with complex inter- of Palliative Medicine (July 2011) published updated play between reduced food intake and abnormal metabolism, where loss of mus- pain guidelines from the EAPC, the evidence base for cle is the key impairment. The new consensus tries to define the stages of a set of review articles, and there is now a much bet- cachexia and which features to assess, including early identification of symptoms ter platform on which to build cancer pain research. that could lead to better interventions. Kaasa’s group is the leader of the European Pain Kaasa says there is promising molecular biology and genetic research that may Opioid Study (EPOS), which is a translational provide more answers. Meanwhile, based on clues of what drives the inflam- research project looking at the biological action of the mation and catabolism behind the condition, his group, with colleagues in Canada drug. A major change in recent years, he notes, is a and the UK, has designed a randomised phase II study looking at a composite move to joining forces with basic scientists to treatment of anti-inflammatory drugs, nutrition (where fatty acids may play a pre- research the biology of late-stage disease and effects, ventive role) and physical exercise. in addition to the patient-reported clinical studies. “This is a pragmatic study, as the research on cellular mechanisms will take “We have also been researching the genetic years,” he says. basis of pain to see if we could find a biomarker for Issues surrounding the psychological impact of cachexia on patients and those caring for them were pain response, but we had a negative result, which explored in a Patient Voice article published in Cancer World March/April 2009 is still important to publish. We have been critical of the methodology often used in this type of research – those who go on ‘fishing trips’ for single- nucleotide polymorphisms to find such biomarkers doctors gaining a palliative medicine qualification in clinical medicine, when there are so very few in as an addition to their main work. “We now have a use in oncology. But we have more encouraging two-year course in the Nordic countries that we signs for our work in cachexia.” (See also box). started in 2003, and it was officially endorsed, One aspect of his field particularly annoys recently, for any doctor to study palliative medicine Kaasa, and that is terminology. As far as he is con- during their normal job, although they do have to cerned, it is called ‘palliative care’ or ‘palliative take about six weeks out to attend the various medicine’ and should cover the vast majority of the modules, which are run at various locations in advanced cancer journey. But he says confusion can Scandinavia.” The Nordic Specialist Course in be spread by the use of ‘end of life care’ and ‘sup- Palliative Medicine, as it’s called, is based on the portive care’. “In some cancer centres this is often British curriculum in palliative medicine, which is about competing for resources, with some focusing a standard for many countries. on what they call earlier symptom control in ‘sup- There’s a big difference though between Britain portive care’, while leaving others to do the ‘end of and Norway when it comes to full-time palliative life’. Yes, if you have a large palliative care team you care practitioners, says Kaasa. “In Britain you can can have people focusing more on early symp- train from the start as a palliative medicine specialist, toms, but really this is often about a resources but here you need to have another speciality, such battle and not integrated care, and of course again as oncology, first – all the palliative doctors in my it is the patients who fall into the gaps.” unit are also oncologists.” In fact, one other issue he A powerful way to get the message across about had to deal with on taking up his professorship at palliative care, he believes, is to have many more Trondheim was that his department was expected CANCER WORLD ■ JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2012 ■ 9
CoverStory to handle conditions other than cancer, such as coro- ments), which is an initiative aimed at national nary heart disease and neurological illnesses. associations and includes defining standards of care. “But to work in specialist palliative care you An EU 7th framework project, IMPACT (imple- have to know the disease you are working with, in mentation of quality indicators in palliative care my view. After 10 years or so we stopped everything study), is looking at cancer and dementia care with except oncology.” A cardiologist with a palliative work packages on organisation and implementa- medicine qualification is much better placed to tion of care (see work with heart patients, he says. “But outside These are good steps, says Kaasa, but Europe the hospital a GP with palliative care knowledge is some way from widespread quality-audited pal- can see everyone.” liative care in a majority of oncology departments. An early success in clinical care in Trondheim He would like to see the EAPC gain funding to was being allowed to involve multidisciplinary produce an oncology training curriculum, for pal- teams in seeing patients at home, and not just as in- liative care to get a seat at the top table in ECCO, and outpatients, which was a start in widening the and for the subject to be addressed better at gen- care pathway. “There was no reimbursement system eral cancer conferences, where it is often a side for visiting patients outside the hospital and so we session that is not well attended. ESMO, the went to the health authority and were granted a spe- European Society for Medical Oncology, to which cial arrangement – financial incentives can be very he belongs, could do much more on palliative powerful in changing practice, I feel.” care, he feels; in contrast, EONS, the nursing Since then he has helped promote a palliative society “is much more supportive.” Next June, care strategy that works across all levels of health- Trondheim is hosting EAPC’s 7th world research care, and which has been part of Norway’s cancer congress, which will be an ideal place to hear the plan. Notable steps have been establishing service issues first hand. development units in each health region, encour- Again he mentions the value of politicians aging more hospital directors to set up palliative setting economic incentives to drive change, and care units, and making better provision for specialist Trondheim’s Cancer Clinic is an example of what beds in nursing homes. In 2004, a Norwegian can be achieved with integration – the number of standard for palliative care was published. beds has been cut from 68 to 36 following success Kaasa has also made his mark in Norway in in managing more cancer cases as outpatients – a strategies for the wider healthcare system and the caseload that is rising of course. “Metastatic country’s cancer plan – among his many posts he is disease incidence will increase 2% a year up to currently the national cancer director. He stresses 2020,” he says. how crucial it is to develop evidence-based guide- Not least of the issues is the cost of treatments lines in healthcare – guideline work has been in people with advanced disease, which Kaasa has among the more successful parts of Norway’s can- also been advising the Norwegian authorities about. cer plan. What many other countries lack, in his “We are seeing debates now about the cost–bene- view, is the kind of palliative care model that Nor- fits of modern oncology even in the US – 10 years way now has. ago, the drug budget at our department in Trond- The EAPC, with partner organisations such as heim was a tenth or so of what it is now.” He men- the International Association for Hospice and Pal- tions a recent US study that randomised palliative liative Care (IAHPC) and the Worldwide Palliative care against mainstream oncology early in lung CareAlliance (WPCA), has set out a framework for cancer. It found the intervention group lived longer development (the so-called Budapest commit- and had fewer depressive symptoms, while the “To work in specialist palliative care you have to know the disease you are working with” 10 ■ CANCER WORLD ■ JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2012
CoverStory The palliative care group lived longer, while the control group received more chemotherapy control group received more chemotherapy (NEJM insistence that discussing end-of-life options will 2010, 363:733–742). lead to rationing and bureaucratic ‘death panels’. Naturally, he may not be the most popular person Kaasa says Europe is ahead in models of palliative with pharmaceutical companies, given his insistence care, thanks to pioneers such as the UK’s Geoff for his team to use evidence-based approaches where Hanks, who was one of the founders of the EAPC, possible even in advanced disease. “I’ve been in an advisor to the European Palliative Care oncology a long time and I can see no major break- Research Centre and a mentor when Kaasa was throughs and just that growing metastatic burden.” venturing into the field. “It was controversial when He adds though that he is of course interested in I started to focus on quality of life at the Radi- promising drugs, and also in new uses, such as inves- umhospital, and I did push palliative care perhaps tigating how chemotherapy can be used to treat pain too strongly in the early years – but I think I was and other symptoms – an under-researched field. right,” he says. There is still a pioneering air about palliative Kaasa has four children and has remarried, to care in oncology given the major Anne Kari Knudsen, a pain researcher in his multidisciplinary research department. Skiing and fitness still play a big part agenda still ahead, and in his routine. indeed in the US a “My aim now is to help establish a sustainable recent spate of articles in network of international centres conducting large- the mainstream media scale research on palliative care in cancer, and in have just ‘discovered’ the particular I want to gain new insights into pain and speciality as an evidence- cachexia. I won’t stop pushing too for even bet- based way to approach care ter integration in Norway’s healthcare for terminally ill patients, system. And I’ll stay here in Trond- for whom futile treat- heim – the skiing’s better.” ment is common – countering the Quality of life. With daughter right-wing’s Karen Johanne at their summer cabin in Risør CANCER WORLD ■ JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2012 ■ 11
e-GrandRound Optimising dose-dense regimens for early breast cancer Dose-dense regimens are intended to increase efficacy, not by increasing the patient’s total exposure to a drug, but by decreasing the time between doses. Does it work? And what happens to toxicity, especially where targeted agents are added? Clifford Hudis takes a look at the evidence in early breast cancer. W hy escalate the dose of cancer therapies? The rationale is that escalating the dose should kill more cancer cells. This has been seen many times in preclinical models in laboratory experiments and sometimes in the clinic, but not consis- The European School of Oncology pres- tently. For example, two large, ran- ents weekly e-grandrounds which offer domised trials, including a total of nearly participants the opportunity to discuss a five thousand patients in the NSABP range of cutting-edge issues, from con- (National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and troversial areas and the latest scientific Bowel Project) in the US showed no developments to challenging clinical effect of escalated doses of cyclophos- cases, with leading European experts in phamide on outcomes. These trials tested the field. One of these is selected for pub- five dose levels, where the dose was dou- lication in each issue of Cancer World. bled in dose size, doubled in dose expo- In this issue, Clifford Hudis, from Memo- sure, doubled in dose size again, and rial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New doubled in total exposure again, so that York, provides an update on optimising doses ranged from 600 mg/m2 every three dose-dense regimens for women with weeks to four times greater (see figure, early breast cancer. This is based on a p14 top). Results showed no impact on News and Views article in Nature Reviews either disease-free or overall survival Clinical Oncology (2010, 7:678–679). poses questions arising during across these two sequential studies. Fatima Cardoso, from Champalimaud the e-grandround live presentation. Previous results, such as those Cancer Centre, in Lisbon, Por tugal, It as summarised by Susan Mayor. from Budman et al. (CALGB 8541) suggest that there could be a dose– response relationship for cyclophos- The recorded version of this and other e-grandrounds, together with 15 minutes of phamide, but only at lower doses; the discussion, is available at NSABP data show that this does not CANCER WORLD ■ JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2012 ■ 13
e-GrandRound continue at higher doses. We have CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDE DOSE ESCALATION G-CSF (NEJM 1988; 318:1414–22). seen similar results for anthracy- As investigators were beginning to clines and taxanes and most other Cyclophosphamide dose 5-year explore significant dose escalation, based DFS OS chemotherapy drugs. (mg/m ) 2 on the hypothesis that the dose-response In optimising chemotherapy reg- 600 62% 78% relationship was linear, we instead went imens with regard to dose and sched- NSABP B-22 1200 60% 77% in a different direction and began to N=2305 ule, there are essentially two aspects explore dose density, meaning shortening 1200 64% 77% to consider. On the one hand there is of the intervals between treatments. the Gompertzian growth kinetics of The figure on page 15 (bottom) sum- breast cancer cells, as is true for all 1200 61% 78% marises three sequential pilot studies at other solid tumours, and indeed all NSABP B-25 64% 77% the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer N=2548 2400 cell and tissue types. The tumour, 66% 79% Center (MSKCC). First, we were able to 2400 while always growing, appears to give high-dose cyclophosphamide (a very have a decreasing rate of growth over high dose of 3.0 g/m2) at two-week inter- time. This is not actually true when Increasing the total amount of cyclophosphamide vals with growth factor support. The you look at raw numbers, but it is used in adjuvant treatment from 600 mg/m2 to four second study added paclitaxel, in one of true when you look at volumes. That times that amount had no effect on outcomes in the first trials to add this, or any, taxane is because of the effect of three these two large NSABP trials as adjuvant therapy (the ATC regimen – dimensions in minimising the per- Sources: BS Fisher et al. (1997) JCO 15:1858–69; Adriamycin (doxorubicin), Taxol (pacli- ception of volume change. It is also BS Fisher et al. (1999) JCO 17:3374–88 taxel), Cyclophosphamide). In this study a reflection of the balance (or imbal- the dose interval for doxorubicin was ance) between cell division and cell shortened – we gave three doses of each death as it changes with tumour growth, ments would yield greater cell-kill. That is of the three drugs, all at two-week inter- perhaps due to alterations in the delivery the arm represented by the top row of the vals and demonstrated feasibility, albeit of nutrients and other factors. figure. As a control, they administered the with significant toxicities attributable to If we administer chemotherapy based same four doses of the doxorubicin first, the use of higher doses of the individual on the Skipper–Schabel model (see figure, followed by the same total eight doses of agents than are currently employed. bottom right), the green arrows indicate the CMF sequentially. Over the nine months Later, in a third study, we randomised further reduction with each dose of of treatment, every patient on this study chemotherapy, which we have always been received the same four drugs, CMF and IMPACT OF MORE FREQUENT DOSING taught is a log kill effect. The black arrows doxorubicin, with the same size doses of show the result of shortening the time each drug and the same total dose of 1012 between treatments on the log kill effect, each drug. This emerges as an elegant test which is what we call dose density. More of dose density. The results speak for Cell Number 108 frequent (dense) dosing decreases the themselves, favouring the dose-dense time for tumour regrowth in between regimen. 104 doses. It allows for the treatment each Janice Gabrilove and colleagues, at successive time of an ever smaller vol- my institution, first used growth factors ume of tumour and that, in turn, results in – specifically granulocyte colony-stim- 100 0 20 40 60 a greater overall cell-kill. ulating factor (G-CSF), also known as fil- Weeks grastim – to reduce neutropenia and IS THE LOG CELL-KILL MODEL associated morbidity due to chemother- A prediction of the Skipper–Schabel model of REFLECTED IN THE CLINIC? apy in patients with bladder cancer. log cell-kill is that more frequent (denser) A study from Milan (see p15 top) explored Although they gave full chemotherapy at dosing gives the remaining cells less time to sequential or alternating treatment with a standard interval, all of the patients regrow between doses, allowing treatment of a CMF (cyclophosphamide, methotrex- (100%) had full recovery of blood counts smaller volume, which then results in greater ate, 5-fluorouracil) (in yellow) and dox- by day 14, and would have been able to overall cell-kill orubicin (in red). The theory was that receive planned chemotherapy, com- alternating these non-cross-resistant treat- pared to only 29% of those not given 14 ■ CANCER WORLD ■ JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2012
e-GrandRound SEQUENTIAL OR ALTERNATING AGENTS in terms of what is tested in clinical trials. In the ECOG 1199 (Eastern 28%* By showing that alternating non-cross-resistant Cooperative Oncology Group) study, treatments gave inferior results than using them AC was given at three-week intervals, 42%* sequentially, this Milan trial provided evidence followed by one of two taxanes – pacli- Doxorubicin, 75 mg/m2 to support the principal of denser dosing taxel or docetaxel – using one of two CMF, 600/40/600 mg/m2 Source: G Bonadonna et al. (1995) JAMA schedules: weekly or three-weekly (q3). *10-year relapse-free survival (n=403, P=0.002) 273 :542–547 Weekly paclitaxel appeared to be supe- rior to q3 paclitaxel. However, we note that 80 mg/m2 weekly of paclitaxel for 12 weeks is not the same as 175 mg/m2 patients to concurrent or sequential ther- epirubicin, paclitaxel and cyclophos- q3, and so there are multiple variables at apy with paclitaxel and cyclophos- phamide (ETC), given with growth factor work here: dose number, dose size and phamide, but all drugs were given in a support, was superior in long-term follow- frequency of administration. dose-dense regimen. This study demon- up to the conventional epirubicin/ The Cancer and Leukemia Group B strated that with these high doses, the cyclophosphamide (EC) paclitaxel regi- dose-density trial CALGB 97-41 also concurrent regimen was no better in men (JCO 2004, 22:6s, abstr 513). How- employed a factorial design (see p 16, terms of toxicity. These studies were all ever, the number of doses of the three bottom). We asked two questions: the too small (or non-randomised) to allow drugs varies and the size of the doses first question was about the frequency of for efficacy comparisons. varies, as well as the dosing interval. administration, comparing q2 therapy As one considers the results of trials Hence, while this study clearly demon- with G-CSF support to q3; the second that employ dose-dense regimens, it is strated the superiority of a dose-dense reg- compared concurrent AC therapy with important to be wary of possible con- imen, critics could claim that this was due sequential therapy. What makes this study founders that can compromise the inter- to other factors, such as the larger doses interpretable for us is that every patient pretation of such studies. For example, of the individual drugs. had the same four doses of the same while we can achieve a dose-dense reg- Weekly paclitaxel has been called three drugs. All that varies across the four imen with short intervals, testing it “dose-dense” by us and others. How- treatment assignments is concurrent or requires carefully controlled studies. ever, here again there can be confusion sequential dosing, and dose density. Comparing four cycles of low-dose ver- Results show that q2 therapy was sus high-dose chemotherapy tests dose MSKCC DOSE-DENSE PILOT TRIALS superior to q3 for disease-free survival; size. Comparing four cycles of a drug ver- this was also true for overall survival. sus six cycles of the same size dose tests There was no difference between 90-155/7 number of doses, and also tests total Doxorubicin Cyclophosphamide sequential and concurrent therapy. We 75 mg/m2 3.0 gm/m2 drug exposure, but not density. Control- continue to use concurrent therapy most ling dose size but changing the frequency 93-23 of the time because it allows us to get the of administration – or density – while Doxorubicin Paclitaxel Cyclophosphamide 3.0 gm/m2 treatment completed faster. But that is 90 mg/m2 250 mg/m2/24h controlling the total dose number, is a not the same as saying it is better, other pure test of dose density. than in terms of convenience. A typical design – and I have taken 94-85 Paclitaxel Cyclophosphamide 200 mg/m2/24h 3.0 gm/m2 part in these studies myself – is four Doxorubicin 80 mg/m2 TOXICITY cycles of low-dose chemotherapy over Once one accepts the superior efficacy three-week intervals, compared to three of dose-dense treatment, the next con- cycles of higher-dose every two weeks. These early trials conducted at Memorial Sloan- cern is toxicity. This has become a par- This changes several parameters so it is Kettering Cancer Center tested the feasibility of ticular issue in an era of trastuzumab and not always clear what is being tested. increasing the frequency of dosing in terms of HER2-directed therapies for patients One example of a positive study toxicity (numbers down the left-hand side indicate with HER2-positive disease. was the AGO (Arbeitsgemeinschaft the year of the trial followed by its serial number) The cardiotoxicity results from Gynaekologische Onkologie) trial (see CALGB 97-41 showed the only acute p16, top). Here, a dose-dense regimen of cardiac event occurred in the patient CANCER WORLD ■ JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2012 ■ 15
e-GrandRound THE AGO TRIAL: ETC VS EC T IN PATIENTS WITH 4+ LYMPH NODES cardiac toxicity over the four doses of AC across the several hundred patients. Trial design Time to relapse by therapy Longer term follow-up does not show Epirubicin Paclitaxel Cyclophosphamide 1.0 any clear signal that dose density repre- Rate without progression 150 mg/m 225 mg/m 2500 mg/m q2w x 3 q2w x 3 q2w x 3 0.8 sents a special challenge for the delivery 0.6 of full doses and durations of these G-CSF (Filgrastim) ± Epoetin- regimens (JCO 2009, 27:6117–23). For 0.4 Logrank test, p = 0.0009, two-sided R comparison, in the cooperative group ETC n = 590, 94 events 0.2 EC -> T n = 554, 127 events trials, about 65% of patients finished their 0.0 full year of trastuzumab, whereas this 0 12 24 36 48 60 EC 90/600 mg/m q3w x 4 Paclitaxel 175 mg/m q3w x 4 Months number was about 80% in our studies. The more dose-dense regimen, which also included higher dose levels, gave superior results in the TAKING DOSE-DENSE study by the German Arbeitsgemeinschaft Gynaekologische Onkologie THERAPY FORWARD q2w, q3w – every two weeks, every three weeks. Source: VJ Möbus et al. (2004) JCO 22:6s, abstr 513 We incorporated the results of CALGB 97-41 into CALGB 40101. Ini- tially this was a study of weekly paclitaxel for 12 or 18 weeks, versus AC q3 for four you would have least expected: one This allowed us to go forward with pilot or six cycles with G-CSF. It was a two- treated with q3 single-agent doxorubicin. studies of dose-dense therapy and by-two factorial design, comparing AC Looking at the total number of cardiac trastuzumab and also bevacizumab. The against single-agent paclitaxel for low- events – although this was purely tables opposite show three studies of risk breast cancer. It was also a compar- exploratory and done retrospectively – dose-dense AC with targeted therapy ison of a longer therapy (six months) showed that numerically there were done by our group at MSKCC, and col- versus shorter (four months). There were twice as many events with q3 therapy as leagues at the University of California those who argued that the superiority of with q2 (2.5% vs 1.5%). This gave us San Francisco (UCSF), and the Dana- AC followed by paclitaxel (or docetaxel) some comfort that dose-dense therapy Farber Cancer Institute. The right-hand was not really attributable to taxanes does not raise the risk of cardiac toxicity table summarises the cardiac toxicities, per se but instead to the eight cycles of compared to q3. showing essentially no signal of acute treatment which were presumed to be superior to four. Others CALGB 97-41 INTERGROUP NODE+ TRIAL have argued that six cycles of AC-containing 2x2 factorial design Disease-free survival by dose density therapy is better than four. q 2 wk (w/G-CSF) q 3 wk q2wk Based on the results Disease-free survival 22 weeks 33 weeks q3wk of CALGB 97-41 we were motivated to 14 weeks 21 weeks change the study. With fewer than six hundred doxorubicin 60 mg/m2 cyclophosphamide 600 mg/m2 patients recruited, we paclitaxel 175 mg/m2 over 3 hours modified it to include Q2 n = 988 Events = 230 p = 0.012 dose-dense therapy (q2 Q3 n = 984 Events = 278 administration) and six cycles versus four. We The more dense dose (q2) gave better results in both the sequential and the concurrent regimens continued the AC versus q2wk, q3wk – every two weeks, every three weeks; G-CSF – granulocyte colony-stimulating factor paclitaxel randomisation. Source: M Citron et al. (2003) JCO 21:1431–39 In a still later modifica- tion of the study we dropped the six versus 16 ■ CANCER WORLD ■ JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2012
e-GrandRound TARGETED AGENTS WITH DOSE-DENSE AC: TOO TOXIC? Three MSKCC studies Cardiac safety with bevacizumab (B) AC-PT AC-PT L AC + nab-PB Overall All Patients ddAC alone ddAC + B n 70 95 80 245 Total patients 182 104 78 Med Age 49 46 48 47 Baseline LVEF 68% (53-82%) 69% (54-81%) 68% (53-82%) Range 27-72 28-73 27-75 27-75 Post ddAC 68% (52-81%) 68% (52-81%) 68% (53-77%) LVEF ↓ to 15% 1 (0.5%) 0 1 (1.3%) Three studies conducted at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center showed that dose-dense AC (doxorubicin+cyclophosphamide) can safely ↓ 10-15% 6 (3.3%) 2 (1.9%) 4 (5.1%) be used even with targeted therapies that are associated with cardiac ↓ 5-9% 28 (15.4%) 19 (18.3%) 9 (11.5%) toxicity, such as trastuzumab (T), lapatinib (L) and bevacizumab (B) ↓
e-GrandRound NSAPB B-38 THREE-WAY STUDY recover. We modelled the impact of a dose-dense schedule, which consists q3 TAC This study aims to find out whether dose- of one week on and one week off and dense doxorubicin+cyclophosphamide (AC) this predicted that stopping therapy followed by paclitaxel with or without earlier, at one week, would allow for the q2 AC->P earlier imposition of the needed seven- gemcitabine gives better results than three- weekly docetaxel+doxorubicin+ day break, but then an earlier re-initia- cyclophosphamide (TAC) tion of treatment with resumption of q2 AC->PG greater cell-kill. In the clinical extension of this work, our phase I study showed that this was feasible, and we have now done phase II studies with weekly (one week on, one Fornier, looked at 10- to 11-day intervals rate, or quickly deliver the lifetime tol- week off) capecitabine combined with with sequential EC and paclitaxel using erable (cardiac safe) dose of AC when it lapatinib or with bevacizumab, all of conventional G-CSF, because you can- is used for palliation. Instead, our goal is which have been feasible. This schedule not use pegylated G-CSF with such a to use the least toxic therapy that we can. has been widely adopted by clinicians short interval. The study demonstrated Capecitabine has high efficacy but because, as a practical matter, they so that this was feasible, but a randomised also toxicity; giving the drug continu- often have to stop before 14 days trial would be needed to show efficacy. ously for 14 days on a 21-day cycle because of toxicity. This is a demon- We then turned our attention to intra- results in a high rate of diarrhoea and stration of the way in which a dose- venous CMF, which was given two weeks gastrointestinal distress in the second dense schedule can be advantageous on and two weeks off in the Milan stud- week. We looked at mouse models of a in the palliative setting as well as more ies in the past. Here we gave it every 14 capecitabine-sensitive tumour cell line. curative in the adjuvant setting. days without breaks, which modelled the The maximal impact of therapy dose-dense experience of the CALGB. All occurred eight days after starting treat- CONCLUSION we wanted to demonstrate was that it ment. This means that each day after Dose scheduling – specifically in was feasible, because there are clinical that time point, if we continued to dose terms of density – is important, and it reasons, from time to time in individual with capecitabine, cell-kill still occurred should be maintained in the adjuvant patients, to try to accelerate CMF, and but it was less than the day before. The setting for both efficacy and toxicity. when we treat patients in the low-risk set- downside is that the toxicities accu- For example, using growth factor sup- ting this can be a viable alternative. For mulate so a week off is still needed to port with dose-dense AC not only this not to be justifiable, we would have to show that ECOG 5103 shortening the interval makes the therapy less effective, but Arm A: AC >T we have never seen evidence This study is looking at the Paclitaxel 80 mg/m2/wk x 12 All arms. of that. Feasibility was 1:2:2 AC + plus impact of adding various Placebo x 4 Plus Placebo unblinded strained at intervals of 10 –11 R schedules of bevacizumab to on C8D1 days but not at 14 days. A N Arm B: BAC >BT an AC T regimen; Paclitaxel 80 mg/m2/wk x 12 investigators can choose D AC + plus DOSE-DENSE O Bevacizumab x 4 Plus Bevacizumab between standard (three- TREATMENT IN THE M weekly) or dose-dense (two- PALLIATIVE SETTING I Arm C: BAC >BT >B REGISTER Arm D weekly) AC dose frequency Typically, we do not do stud- S Paclitaxel 80 mg/m2/wk x 12 Bevacizumab AC + plus C8D1 – cycle 8 day 1 ies of dose density in the pal- E Plus Bevacizumab 15 mg/kg q21d Bevacizumab x 4 liative setting, because our goal here is not necessarily to achieve the highest response 18 ■ CANCER WORLD ■ JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2012
e-GrandRound enhances efficacy but also halves the that we will ever be able to develop an the improved chemotherapy effect, so hospitalisation rate (typically due to absolute answer on this issue. Cost- that is a critical part of the story. As we neutropenic fever). At the same time, effectiveness in the curative setting move further into the era of molecu- it is fair to say that the cost issue is depends, in part, on how much value larly targeted therapies, it is important not fully addressed. Growth factor is put on lives saved. to note that dose-dense therapy does support is not inexpensive and the Finally, supportive care, in the form not preclude, and in fact supports, the cost varies widely, making it unlikely of growth factor use, is what facilitates use of these agents. Fatima Cardoso (FC) from the Champalimaud Cancer Centre, in Lisbon, Portugal, hosted a question and answer session with Clifford Hudis (CH) Q: [Ukraine]: In your opinion, should we use FC: I totally agree and I believe that we metronomic chemotherapy or dose-dense should probably test both, but my feeling is chemotherapy? Which of the two will be that what we call metronomic is probably the preferred option for the future? better for the advanced setting, while dose- CH: A metronome is, of course, the device dense therapy makes more sense for the that we use in piano lessons to keep time. early setting. We need to let the trials end. was worrisome. The problem here is that The term is now being used, typically, to Q: Do you have any data about the long-term high-dose cyclophosphamide is clearly refer to low-dose weekly therapy, but risk of leukaemia by adding G-CSF to dose- leukaemogenic. The dilemma is whether it essentially every regimen we ever use dense regimens for breast cancer? is the growth factor causing this or the matches the metronome, with regular CH: That was one of the interesting obser- high-dose cyclophosphamide. In that con- cycling of therapy. I reviewed a couple of vations that we made – when we give AC text, CALGB 97-41 shows no difference in studies with cyclophosphamide, doxoru- across all of our CALGB studies, long- leukaemia with or without G-CSF. But bicin and paclitaxel that directly answer the term follow-up averaged out at about a where the doses are controlled and steady, question on low-dose weekly therapy. Per- 0.5–0.7% incidence of acute myeloid I think it is probably not the case that haps the best was a SWOG study with leukaemia (AML). For our patient popu- G-CSF is contributing anything in terms of low-dose, weekly doxorubicin with oral lation, nearly half of those leukaemias are AML and lymphoma risk. daily cyclophosphamide compared to expected based on the natural history age- FC: If we look at non-dose-dense dose-dense AC, showing it was not better ing rather than treatment. chemotherapy and the use of G-CSF in but somewhat more toxic. A study with We have never demonstrated that growth these situations, there is no conclusive evi- low-dose weekly paclitaxel, which I sup- factor support for a dose-dense regimen dence of an increased risk of leukaemia/ pose you could call metronomic, com- was associated with any increase in risk. For lymphoma in patients who need G-CSF, pared to q2 high-dose, or dose-dense, is example, the incidence of AML in our either as primary or secondary prophylaxis. open, so we do not have an answer. study was 0.7% with q2 and q3 and was, Q: What could be the role of dose-dense For other drugs, we would need to make paradoxically, higher with the sequential chemotherapy in the neoadjuvant setting? comparisons to provide you with an evi- regimen in one of the comparisons and the CH: This question is not coming up dence-based answer. That said, my heart concurrent regimen in the other. quite as much these days, but used to lies with low-dose, less toxic therapy, espe- The NSAPB saw a significant increase of come up quite a lot. Looking at the data, cially in the palliative setting. I do not dis- AML early on with dose-escalated people are convinced of the benefit of giv- agree with those who advocate metronomic cyclophosphamide and G-CSF support. ing dose-dense therapy postoperatively, chemotherapy as palliation for incurable When they gave 2400 mg/m2 of cyclophos- but when I am trying to shrink a cancer disease, although I am a little less con- phamide q3 with growth factor support, preoperatively, I would give q3. This is vinced that we have meaningful data yet in they saw an increased incidence, and I because we do not yet have the right data the adjuvant setting. Clearly, we, and oth- recall going to the National Cancer Insti- to prove that a dose-dense regimen is ers, are continuing to study this. tute in the 1990s to talk about whether this better preoperatively. CANCER WORLD ■ JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2012 ■ 19
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