Centro di Riferimento Oncologico (CRO) National Cancer Institute, Aviano

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Centro di Riferimento Oncologico (CRO) National Cancer Institute, Aviano
Centro di Riferimento Oncologico (CRO)
   National Cancer Institute, Aviano

                                                                                                                             CENTRO DI RIFERIMENTO ONCOLOGICO (CRO) - NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE - AVIANO
                                                     Via Franco Gallini, 2
                                                     33081 Aviano - Italy
                                                     Tel. +39 0434 659111
                                                     Fax: +39 0434 652182

                                                     General Manager
                                                     Piero CAPPELLETTI

                                                     Scientific Director
                                                     Paolo DE PAOLI

                                                     Medical Office Director
                                                     Mauro DELENDI

                                                     Administrative Director
                                                     Franco SINIGOJ
                                                                                      CRO Aviano National Cancer Institute

    Via Franco Gallini, 2 - 33081 Aviano - ITALY - Tel. +39 0434 659111 - Fax: +39 0434 652182 - www.cro.it                                                                                                1
Centro di Riferimento Oncologico (CRO) National Cancer Institute, Aviano

                                                                                  Department of Molecular Oncology and Translational Medicine (DOMERT)
                                                                                  Division of Experimental Oncology 1                                                                                             Roberta Maestro
                                                                                  Division of Experimental Oncology 2                                                                                             Alfonso Colombatti
                                                                                  Division of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology                                                                              Giuseppe Toffoli
                                                                                  Core Facility 1 (CF1) on pharmaco-genomics/proteomics and tumor proteomics
                                                                                  (PHAGE-TUPRO) of CBM (Molecular Biomedicine Center)

                                                                                  Department of Medical Oncology                                                                                                  Umberto Tirelli
                                                                                  Division of Medical Oncology A                                                                                                  Umberto Tirelli
                                                                                  Division of Medical Oncology B                                                                                                  Angela Buonadonna
                                                                                  Division of Medical Oncology C                                                                                                  Diana Crivellari
                                                                                  Unit of Cancer Bio-Immunotherapy                                                                                                Riccardo Dolcetti
                                                                                  Unit of High-Dose Chemotherapy & Cell Therapy                                                                                   Mariagrazia Michieli

                                                                                  Department of Clinical-Specialty Services & Support
                                                                                  Division of Cardiology                                                                                                          Nereo Meneguzzo
                                                                                  Division of Pharmacy                                                                                                            Renzo Lazzarini
                                                                                  Division of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care                                                                                  Dario Fantin
                                                                                  Unit of Pain Therapy and Palliative Care                                                                                        Roberto Bortolussi
                                                                                  Unit of Psychological-Oncology

                                                                                  Department of Radiation Therapy and Imaging Diagnostics                                                                         Mauro G. Trovò
                                                                                  Division of Radiation Oncology                                                                                                  Mauro G. Trovò
                                                                                  Division of Radiology                                                                                                           Luca Balestreri
                                                                                  Division of Medical Physics                                                                                                     Elvira Capra
                                                                                  Division of Nuclear Medicine                                                                                                    Eugenio Borsatti

                                                                                  Department of Surgical Oncology                                                                                                 Francesco De Marchi
                                                                                  Division of Surgical Oncology                                                                                                   Francesco De Marchi
                                                                                  Division of Gynecological Oncology                                                                                              Giorgio Giorda
                                                                                  Division of Gastroenterology                                                                                                    Renato Cannizzaro

2                                                                                                       Via Franco Gallini, 2 - 33081 Aviano - ITALY - Tel. +39 0434 659111 - Fax: +39 0434 652182 - www.cro.it
Centro di Riferimento Oncologico (CRO) National Cancer Institute, Aviano
Department of Laboratory Diagnostics and Cell Therapy
           Division of Blood transfusion, Immunohematology and Clinical Chemistry/Emergency Laboratory                                                Mario Mazzucato
           Division of Microbiology, Immunology, and Virology                                                                                         Giancarlo Basaglia

                                                                                                                                                                                        CENTRO DI RIFERIMENTO ONCOLOGICO (CRO) - NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE - AVIANO
           Division of Clinical and Experimental Oncohematology                                                                                       Valter Gattei
           Division of Pathology                                                                                                                      Antonino Carbone
           Unit of Stem Cell Collection and Processing                                                                                                Mario Mazzucato
           Unit of Cancer Pathology                                                                                                                   Agostino Steffan

           Breast Cancer Department                                                                                                                   Andrea Veronesi
           Division of Medical Oncology C                                                                                                             Andrea Veronesi
           Division of Surgical Senology                                                                                                              Samuele Massarut

OVERVIEW AND MISSION                                            Health Ministry for the clinical & experimental research     and appropriate physical and psychic rehabilitation
                                                                functions and shared in the governance by the Friuli         support;
The CRO National Cancer Institute (Centro di Riferimento        Venezia Giulia region as for patient care. CRO is led by    Collecting, processing and disseminating information
Oncologico) was established in 1981 by the regional             Franco Sinigoj, General Director since April 2007 and        concerning epidemiological data and cancer-causing
government of Friuli Venezia Giulia and began its               Dr. Paolo De Paoli, who has been the Center’s Scientific     factors with the aim of achieving suitable measures
activities in 1984 as one of 2 regional research institute      Director since January 2005.                                 of oncological, environmental, and professional
hospitals in Northeast Italy at the border with Austria to                                                                   prevention: promoting related healthcare training
the north and Slovenia to the east.                             Institutional purpose and operation                          schemes;
It is located in Aviano (PN), in western Friuli within the       Planning and carrying out laboratory and clinical         Developing activities of theoretical and practical
province of Pordenone. Officially recognized by the               research with the aim of improving knowledge on            teaching, training and permanent education in
Italian Ministry of Health in 1990, the CRO National              the etiology and biology of malignant tumors as well       oncology, also in collaboration with Universities and
Cancer Institute works to improve public health by                as identifying new means of prevention, diagnosis          other national/ international Institutions;
advancing medical knowledge, providing outstanding                and treatment;                                            Establishing appropriate forms of scientific
specialty medical care to persons, and preparing                 Providing care and treatment to patients with              collaboration in the oncological sector with agencies,
tomorrow’s physicians, scientists and other health                malignant tumors, while identifying specific               institutions, Italian and foreign research laboratories,
professionals in the field of oncology. It is a public, non-      interdisciplinary therapies in accordance with             as well as other international organizations with the
profit institute operating under the authority of the Italian     scientific guidelines, also ensuring regular follow-up     purpose of implementing coordinated programs;

                                     Via Franco Gallini, 2 - 33081 Aviano - ITALY - Tel. +39 0434 659111 - Fax: +39 0434 652182 - www.cro.it                                                                                                                          3
Centro di Riferimento Oncologico (CRO) National Cancer Institute, Aviano
 Participating in the creation of programs within the          population to patient.                                       the course of dedicated research to foster economic
                                                                                    scope of its institutional purposes, indicated by           3 Hematologic neoplasias                                       development and allows the Institute to extend the
                                                                                    National Health policy, and those indicated by the          4 Diagnosis and therapy of solid tumors                        impact of its research efforts; providing benefit to the
                                                                                    EU Oncology Committee;                                      5 Tumors associated with infectious agents. From               public through useful products and services. Areas of
                                                                                   Promoting and taking suitable initiatives to                  experimental and clinical laboratory to diagnosis,           priority interest are as follows: Oncology, Hepatology,

                                                                                    disseminate research results and acquired                     prognosis, and treatment                                     Cellular Therapy.
                                                                                    knowledge, particularly in Europe.
                                                                                                                                                Clinical research is based on mono- and
                                                                                  INNOVATOR IN BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH                              multidisciplinary therapeutic protocols (conservative
                                                                                                                                                surgery in breast cancer, combined chemotherapy
                                                                                  In fiscal year 2006, CRO medical investigators received       and radiotherapy in locally advanced, non small-cell
                                                                                  federal funding by the Ministry of Health and the National    lung cancer, interdisciplinary treatment of soft tissue
                                                                                  Institute of Health for specialized research grants; the      sarcomas and ovarian tumors). Innovative protocols
                                                                                  Ministry of Education-University & Research, the AIRC         concern:
                                                                                  (Italian Association for Cancer Research), LILT (Assoc.       Phase I-II studies of new drugs in metastatic tumors;
                                                                                  for Battle Against Cancer), ABO (Assoc. Biomedical            immunological therapy in human melanoma and other
                                                                                  Organizations), National Institute for Prevention &           tumors; therapeutic schemes specifically designed for
                                                                                  Security, the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and various        elderly patients and patients with AIDS.
                                                                                  Foundations all awarded specific research grants.
                                                                                  The Center also received research funding from the            Experimental research focuses on gene alterations
                                                                                  European Community ( V & VI Framework Programmes),            as well as neoplastic transformation and progression;
                                                                                  the Association for International Cancer Research (UK)        mechanisms of cell adhesion and migration; role
                                                                                  and Beneficentia Stiftung Foundation (Liechtenstein).         of growth factors and growth factor receptors in
                                                                                                                                                hematological neoplasias; mechanisms of drug
                                                                                                                                                sensitivity and resistance; diet and cancer.
                                                                                  Research Overview
                                                                                  Research at CRO contributes to the advancement of
                                                                                  scientific knowledge, the prevention and treatment of         MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH FACILITY
                                                                                  disease, and the strengthening of our economy from            & TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER
                                                                                  collaborations with private industry. The current research
                                                                                  activity has been reviewed since 2005 by consolidation        The Core research facility CF1 : Pharmacogenomics
                                                                                  of Line 1 with Line 2 attesting to a better organized         and tumor proteomics is funded by the Consortium
                                                                                  transference activity of the Pre-Clinical & Epidemiological   for Biomedical Molecular Medicine (AREA Science
                                                                                  Department (now Department of Molecular Oncology              Park, Burlo Garofalo Hospital, Universities of Trieste
                                                                                  & Translational Research). Therefore, clinical and            and Udine, SISSA, Bracco Imaging, Eurospital, Italtbs,
                                                                                  experimental activity is now based on five research           Diaco Laboratories, Transactiva and others) to provide
                                                                                  lines which are more homogeneous and coherent with            facilities and resources for peer-reviewed clinical studies.
                                                                                  the Institute’s objectives, all focused on biomedical         Our goal is to play a major role in facilitating innovative
                                                                                  research in oncology. New indicators for the evaluation       scientific advances which will impact broadly across
                                                                                  of Departmental research activity in line with policy         aspects of human health. Its development will allow it to
                                                                                  directives of the Health Ministry have been adopted.          mature into a vital resource for the CRO National Cancer
                                                                                  1 Predisposing events and mechanisms of tumor                 Institute for quality technology transfer by interacting
                                                                                      growth and progression: from natural history to           with other research institutes, industry, governmental
                                                                                      identification of new diagnostic and therapeutic          institutions, development agencies, financial agencies
                                                                                      targets                                                   and service centers. The research facility has generated
                                                                                  2 Epidemiology and prevention of tumors. From                 potential deployment of intellectual property arising in

4                                                                                                                    Via Franco Gallini, 2 - 33081 Aviano - ITALY - Tel. +39 0434 659111 - Fax: +39 0434 652182 - www.cro.it
Centro di Riferimento Oncologico (CRO) National Cancer Institute, Aviano
CROSS-DISCIPLINARY IN EDUCATION                               – 6 to 18 MV – and an orthovoltage accelerator are in
                                                              operation) and It is renowned for its programs in the
The medical center and research institute is a model          medical treatment (intra-arterial chemotherapy, high-
of community-based training and of inter-regional             dosage chemotherapy) of the most frequent solid
collaboration in medical education with a full-time staff     tumors, including rare neoplasias, and hematological

                                                                                                                                             CENTRO DI RIFERIMENTO ONCOLOGICO (CRO) - NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE - AVIANO
of 170 clinical personnel (physicians, graduates), 489        neoplasias (lymphomas and chronic leukemias).
technical and nursing staff, and 78 support staff (clinical   As the region’s designated cancer specialization
& research fellow trainees).                                  treatment hospital, the Medical center also offers
                                                              integrated clinical care in Dermatology, Rehabilitation,
Graduate Education                                            Nephrology, Neurology, Opthamology, Orthopedics, and
Several departmental programs have established                Pneumology through consultations within Specialized
fellowships where graduate students can conduct               Divisions of the Pordenone General Hospital. Our clinics
research training to reflect the cross-disciplinary nature    perform an average of 355,000 patient examinations
of training in the sciences present within the Center.        per year and publish more than 180 scientific papers
Opportunities include affiliation with such institutions      in journals with Impact Factors. Our physicians admit
as the Oncology Specialization Department of the              8,800 patients a year (approximately 50 percent are
University of Udine and a departmental relationship with      extra-regional) to the Institute for medium-long term
many other Specialization departments in Medicine.            stays and day hospital treatment. Our physicians and
Other conventions are active with Italian Universities in     medical department staff provide hospital care in all
Catania, Catanzaro, Ferrara, Modena, Reggio Emilia,           aspects of oncology with particular emphasis on
Padova, Parma and Trieste in which various researchers        Onco-Hematology, Breast Surgery, Onco-Geriatrics,
of CRO have institutional teaching positions.                 Pharmacogenetics/genomics and serve youth (14-
The research environment at the CRO National                  19 year olds) through a dedicated center in Radiation
Cancer Institute offers graduate students a wealth of         Therapy as well as the Youth Area.
opportunities to advance their education. The newest          The medical center has the only Breast Cancer
tools in biomedical research are readily available and        Department for conservation of physical integrity in
multidisciplinary research is fostered.                       surgery and therapeutic innovation in the region and is
The medical center and research institute provides            a leader in the Regional Cancer Registry serving for the
advanced scientific training to Ph.D. students in             implementation of bio-banks(i.e. the European human
biomedical research in a resource-rich, collaborative         frozen tumor tissue bank, biological specimen banks
environment dedicated to scientific discovery and             for the evaluation of infection in cancer at a European
is planning to develop this mission by constructing a         network level, and a virtual network of National oncology
campus open to students worldwide but with particular         bio banks).
attention to Eastern Europe in the future.
                                                              Qualifying  Medical   Technologies                  For
NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED FOR PATIENT                             Diagnosis and Treatment
CARE                                                           Endoscopic diagnosis by a video capsule:
                                                                disposable, miniature video camera contained in a
                                                                capsule for non-invasive visualization of the small
The Medical Center is amongst the 8 research institute
hospitals for cancer treatment in Italy and is a magnet
                                                               Radiation Oncology treatments include linear
hospital for specialized basic and clinical research in
                                                                accelerators dedicated to Intensity Modulated
                                                                Radiation Therapy (IMRT) and to Intra Operative
The clinical activity under research focuses on oncological
                                                                Radiation Therapy (IORT),a full brachytherapy service
surgery, conformal, intra-operative, stereotactic
                                                                and an innovative Hi-Art Tomotherapy system.
radiotherapy and IMRT (high-energy accelerators

                                   Via Franco Gallini, 2 - 33081 Aviano - ITALY - Tel. +39 0434 659111 - Fax: +39 0434 652182 - www.cro.it                                                                                 5
Centro di Riferimento Oncologico (CRO) National Cancer Institute, Aviano
 Combined PET/CT, scanners producing image                   Library, Psychology, Pain Therapy, Marrow Transplant,       (USA) has been signed, aiming at the education and
                                                                                    fusion; the functional data provided by 18F-FDG             and Pediatric Radiotherapy.                                 preparation of students in the field of molecular medicine
                                                                                    increase diagnostic accuracy over conventional                                                                          and proteomics. Both Institutes are involved in the
                                                                                    PET and CT in a variety of malignancies for more            Through its longstanding and close relationship with        implementation of programs involving their students,
                                                                                    accurate tumor diagnosis, staging, and treatment            various volunteer associations both at the national and     faculty, facilities and personnel

                                                                                    planning. A whole-body survey is the standard               local level, the Center recognizes the importance of
                                                                                    mode of acquisition.                                        patient and family involvement in health-care decision      Registers and Biobanks
                                                                                   Expression proteomics and functional proteomics             making. Those of national importance are primarily: AIL     CRO is the leader of the Regional Cancer Register
                                                                                    are used to identify and characterize proteins              (leukemia), ANDOS (breast surgery), ANGOLO (long            (Registro Tumori di Popolazione della Regione Friuli
                                                                                    in cancer with the use of the MALDI technique.              term cancer survivors), ANLAIDS (battle against AIDS),      Venezia Giulia) and participates in the following research
                                                                                    Virtual microscopy and image analysis/quantitative          LILT (battle against cancer).                               projects (two are sponsored by the European Union; one
                                                                                    pathology are used to characterize morphological            Many other local level associations provide daily support   is sponsored by the Italian Ministry of Health) aiming at
                                                                                    and phenotypic features of neoplastic tissues.              and entertainment (theater, music, manual activity labs)    the implementation of biobanks:
                                                                                                                                                as well as providing to the needs of patients and their       European Human Frozen Tumor Tissue Bank.
                                                                                  The Center’s participation in Alleanza Contro il Cancro       families during hospitalization and treatment phases.           The goal is to establish a European tissue bank
                                                                                  (ACC), promoted by the Ministry of Health in 2002, is         Beginning in 2006, a quarterly publication- “CRO                comprising frozen tumor and normal tissue, patients’
                                                                                  fundamental to its networking capacity with other Italian     news” has been adopted as a means of divulging free             data and virtual microscopy images of the stored
                                                                                  medical centers and research institutes.                      information to all the Center’s public.                         tissues to facilitate translational cancer research.
                                                                                  In this way, research transference and collaborative          Yearly coordination by a reference person within the          Evaluation of the Role of infection in Cancer using
                                                                                  initiatives with other national/international centers so as   Center supports a philosophy of providing healthcare            Biological Specimen Banks. The goal is the creation
                                                                                  to divulge knowledge in as vast an area as possible are       that encourages a spirit of partnership between patients,       and the implementation of a network of European
                                                                                  the result of active participation by CRO.                    families, and medical professionals.                            bio-banks in order to engage competent cancer
                                                                                  Since 2003, notable work has been done as a part of the                                                                       specialists in discussion on how to exploit the study
                                                                                  Italian-American agreement for collaborative studies in       International Relationships                                     base in the most optimal way for identification and
                                                                                  serum proteomics and phosphoproteomics for breast,            CRO is involved in several international research               evaluation of whether infections are risk factors for
                                                                                  colorectal, lung, and ovarian tumors.                         networks and clinical studies within the framework of           cancer.
                                                                                  The Center has actively supported these studies by            the European Organization for Research and Treatment          Virtual Network of a National Oncologic Bio Bank.
                                                                                  transferring material to the National Biobank (Milan)         of Cancer (EORTC), the European Organization for                The goal is the implementation of software to be
                                                                                  and strongly supporting internal studies on serum             Cooperation on Cancer Prevention Studies (ECP), the             shared by the 7 Italian National Cancer Institutes
                                                                                  proteomics. Likewise initiatives aimed at personalization     European Organization of Cancer Institutes (OECI),              and the standardization of collection and storage
                                                                                  of cancer therapy by targeting predictive markers             the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO),               procedures.
                                                                                  to allow precise administration of pharmaceutical             the International Union Against Cancer (UICC) and
                                                                                  therapeutics continues as new knowledge in this area          the International Breast Cancer Study Group (IBCSG).
                                                                                  becomes available.                                            Additionally, the CRO is involved in the Italian/American
                                                                                  Since January 2007, the Youth Area was created for            Program on Oncologic Pharmacogenomics of the
                                                                                  adolescents 14-24 years old to give them a dedicated          Istituto Superiore di Sanità sponsored by the American
                                                                                  space (both physical and social) appropriately designed       National Institutes of Health.
                                                                                  to assuage their cancer treatment. Diagnostic                 Of note, the Institute has recently established a
                                                                                  procedures, staging, and therapy are undertaken               partnership with Princess Margaret Hospital in
                                                                                  for youth affected by lymphomas and solid tumors:             Toronto, Canada to pool both Center’s renowned
                                                                                  musculo-skeletal, cerebral, melanomas, head & neck            cancer knowledge and specialized expertise, support
                                                                                  tumors, carcinomas, and rare tumors.                          innovation in cancer education programs, promote
                                                                                  The Area is not a new ward but a multidisciplinary space      E-health initiatives, and create opportunities for joint
                                                                                  derived from the connection and collaboration of three        ventures.
                                                                                  Departments : Radiation Therapy & Imaging Diagnostics,        Moreover, an agreement between the Institute and
                                                                                  Medical Oncology, Pediatrics and five Units: Scientific       The George Mason University - Manassas Virginia

6                                                                                                                    Via Franco Gallini, 2 - 33081 Aviano - ITALY - Tel. +39 0434 659111 - Fax: +39 0434 652182 - www.cro.it
Centro di Riferimento Oncologico (CRO) National Cancer Institute, Aviano
lymphomas, soft tissue sarcomas and ovarian
                                      The Scientific Directorate                                                            carcinomas) is at the basis of our engagement in the
                                                                                                                            fight to overcome cancer and mitigate serious chronic
                                                              Director                                                      illnesses deriving from exposure to relentless and
                                                              Paolo DE PAOLI, MD                                            forbidding infectious agents.

                                                                                                                                                                                         CENTRO DI RIFERIMENTO ONCOLOGICO (CRO) - NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE - AVIANO
                                                              dirscienti@cro.it                                             Innovative treatment protocols concern: phase I-II
                                                              +39 0434 659282                                               studies of new drugs in advanced cancer; immunological
                                                                                                                            therapy of human melanomas and other tumors; and
                                                              Staff                                                         therapeutic regimens specifically designed for elderly
                                                              Pierangela BANDIZIOL                                          patients. One of the main research topics of the Center
                                                              Monica Elettra GISLON                                         has been portrayed in the program for new diagnostic
                                                              Francesca LOLLO                                               and therapeutic strategies in managing HIV infection,
                                                                                                                            particularly in HIV-related tumors. The development
                                                              Editorial Office                                              of such research also covers the study of other
                                                              Nancy MICHILIN                                                infections and other infectious agents related to human
                                                              Project Design/ Management, Technology Transfer               Experimental research is focused on gene alterations
                                                              Ermes MESTRONI                                                and neoplastic transformation and progression;
                                                                                                                            mechanisms of cell adhesion and migration; role
                                                              Clinical Trials Office, Andrea VERONESI                       of growth factors and growth factor receptors in
                                                              Eleonora BERTO, data manager                                  hematopoietic malignancies; mechanisms of drug
                                                              Daniela QUITADAMO, data manager                               sensitivity and resistance; diet and cancer.
                                                              Antonella SPADA, data manager
                                                              Gianna TABARO, data manager                                   INDEPENDENT ETHICS COMMITTEE
                                                              Elisa TURCHET, data manager
                                                              Annamaria COLUSSI, research nurse                             The Independent Ethical Committee meets regularly
                                                              Ivana SARTOR, research nurse                                  to review an average of 50 new clinical protocols per
                                                                                                                            year, both non-profit and sponsored by pharmaceutical
                                                                                                                            companies with a total of 717 new patients enrolled in
                                                                                                                            the year 2008 (1650 follow up).

INTRODUCTION                                                  papers or abstracts of preliminary results presented          CLINICAL TRIALS GROUP
                                                              at national and international meetings.These research
The clinical-scientific activities of the Centro di           efforts have been supported by core grants from
                                                                                                                            It is a multidisciplinary group (which comprises the
Riferimento Oncologico of Aviano (CRO - National              the Ministry of Health, the European Union, and an
                                                                                                                            Clinical Trials Office-CTO), established in the year 2008

                                                                                                                                                                                         The Scientific Directorate
Cancer Institute) have increased over the years: ordinary     unceasing increase in our ability to compete for external
                                                                                                                            with the adoption of a statute. Its aims are:
hospitalizations, outpatient services, and the number of      funding. The transferral of innovations that emerge
                                                                                                                            • Strategic planning of clinical research
patients enrolled in clinical trials are growing.             from laboratory research to clinical practice and have
                                                                                                                            • Creation of an informatic archive of ongoing studies
The results of laboratory and clinical research are           consequences for the persons affected by cancer is
                                                                                                                            • Increase of the number of CRO-based protocols
extensively published in international scientific journals.   foremost in our Institute.
                                                                                                                            and increase of phase I/II studies
189 full papers were published in 2006 and 194 have                                                                         • Development by CRO researchers of diagnostic and
been published and in press as of December 2007               Clinical research based upon mono- and
                                                                                                                            therapeutic molecules
in journals with a total impact factor of 772 and 791,        multidisciplinary trials in neoplastic pathologies (limited
                                                              surgery in breast cancer, combined chemotherapy and           Clinical Trials Office
respectively. In addition, there were approximately 150
                                                              radiation therapy in locally advanced non-small-cell          Its task is the activation, discussion and submission of
publications in the form of book chapters, conference
                                                              lung cancer, inter-disciplinary treatment of malignant        clinical trials to the Independent Ethics Committee. After

                                   Via Franco Gallini, 2 - 33081 Aviano - ITALY - Tel. +39 0434 659111 - Fax: +39 0434 652182 - www.cro.it                                                                                                                             7
Centro di Riferimento Oncologico (CRO) National Cancer Institute, Aviano
approval, the Clinical Trials Office is in charge of the start-
                                                                                      up, data collection, and interpretation of the protocols                                Claudio Basilico, M.D.
                                                                                      as well as maintaining contacts with sponsors.                                          Professor and Chair,
                                                                                                                                                                              Department of Microbiology
                                                                                      ALLIANCE AGAINST CANCER                                                                 New York University School of Medicine, USA

                                                                                      Alliance Against Cancer is an “excellence network”
                                                                                                                                                                              Francesco Cavalli, M.D.
                                                                                      promoting and facilitating the exchange of: information,
                                                                                                                                                                              Scientific Director, Institute of Oncology
                                                                                      knowledge, data, scientific results, and personnel. It
                                                                                                                                                                              Bellinzona, CH
                                                                                      was created amongst Italian Cancer Institutes and to
                                                                                                                                                                              Director, Division of Oncology Ospedale San Giovanni
                                                                                      date several research projects have been developed
                                                                                                                                                                              Bellinzona, CH
                                                                                      within its framework.
                                                                                                                                                                              President UICC
                                                                                      FUND RAISING AND DONATIONS
                                                                                                                                                                              Riccardo Dalla-Favera, M.D.
                                                                                                                                                                              Director, Institute of Cancer Genetics;
                                                                                      Several private donors choose each year to sponsor                                      Percy and Joanne Uris Professor of Clinical Medicine;
                                                                                      our research and clinical activities. In the year 2008 a                                Professor of Pathology and Genetics & Development
                                                                                      total of € 420.000 have been raised. Any information                                    Columbia University, New York, USA
                                                                                      pertaining to the allocation of funds is available either on
                                                                                      our website (www.cro.it) or by contacting the Scientific
                                                                                      Directorate (+39 0434 659282).
                                                                                                                                                                              Silvio Garattini, M.D.
                                                                                      THE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC                                                            Director, Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research
                                                                                      COMMITTEE                                                                               Milan, Italy

                                                                                      The Institute provided itself with an International
                                                                                      Scientific Committee, composed of prominent
                                                                                      international scientists and researchers.                                               Mary K. Gospodarowicz, M.D., FRCPC, FRCR (Hon)
                                                                                      The Committee’s mission is:                                                             Professor and Chair, Department of Radiation Oncology, Uni-
                                                                                      • Planning and carrying out laboratory and clinical                                     versity of Toronto; Chief, Radiation Medicine Program, Princess
                                                                                      research with the aim of improving knowledge on the                                     Margaret Hospital, Toronto, Ontario
                                                                                      aetiology and the biology of malignant tumours as well
                                                                                      as identifying new means of prevention, diagnosis and
                                                         The Scientific Directorate

                                                                                      • Developing activities of theoretical and practical                                    Salvatore Siena, M.D.
                                                                                      teaching, training and permanent education in oncology,                                 Head, The Falck Division of Medical Oncology, Niguarda Ca’
                                                                                      also in collaboration with Universities and other national                              Granda Hospital, Milan, Italy
                                                                                      and international Institutions;
                                                                                      • Establishing appropriate forms of scientific
                                                                                      collaboration in the oncological sector with bodies,
                                                                                      institutions, Italian and foreign research laboratories, as                             Vittorio Silano, Ph.D.
                                                                                      well as other international bodies with the purpose of                                  National institute for the promotion of migrants’ health and the
                                                                                      implementing co-ordinated programmes.                                                   control of poverty-related diseases, Rome, Italy

8                                                                                                                           Via Franco Gallini, 2 - 33081 Aviano - ITALY - Tel. +39 0434 659111 - Fax: +39 0434 652182 - www.cro.it
Centro di Riferimento Oncologico (CRO) National Cancer Institute, Aviano
The Scientific Directorate
                                              Scientific Library

                                                                          Head, Library

                                                                                                                                           CENTRO DI RIFERIMENTO ONCOLOGICO (CRO) - NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE - AVIANO
                                                                          Ivana TRUCCOLO
                                                                          +39 0434 659248

                                                                          Assistant Librarian
                                                                          Laura CIOLFI        info@cro.it
                                                                          Andrea PARRO        art@cro.it
                                                                          Orietta TURRIN (part time)

                                                                          Nancy MICHILIN  nmichilin@cro.it
                                                                          Elena GIACOMELLO
                                                                          Michela FLORIO

                                                                          Patients’ Library

The CRO Scientific Library is a Unit of the Scientific     of the scientific production of the Institute’s staff (i.e.
Directorate of the Institute http://www.cro.sanita.fvg.    articles/Impact Factor, one of the key factors determining
it/biblioteca/set_bibliotecascientifica.htm, specialized   the financing of research)
in oncology and related fields.                             Standards are respected in the implementation of
The CRO National Cancer Institute is provided with a       Online Public Access Catalogue of books via SBN, the
small-medium sized library:                                Italian National Bibliographic Service http://sol.units.
 Staff: 3 full time employees, 2 of them professionals,   it/SebinaOpac/Opac?sysb=cro, Document Delivery,
3 persons granted for an equal number of specific          Grey Literature Archive http://www.cro.sanita.fvg.it/

                                                                                                                                           The Scientific Directorate
current projects                                           biblioteca/txt_archPub.htm an archive of educational
 Publication figures: the library holds approximately     materials accessible online, CRO authors’ publications
3,500 periodicals both in print and online but about       Archive, Library webpage, the newly activated library
6,000 currently accessible; 9,000 books devoted to         BLOG

                                                                                                                                           Scientific Library
both the scientific and non-scientific communities;         Many current collaborations with eminent
approximately 15 different current databases; a budget     Institutions
of 280.000,00€ (2006)
 Services: Document Delivery – approximately 2,000        Some features of the CRO library
articles sent and 1,200 requested; many educational         A special section for patients called “Biblioteca per
activities, either CME-oriented or not; management         i pazienti” (Patients’ Library): initiated in 1998 as a pilot

                                 Via Franco Gallini, 2 - 33081 Aviano - ITALY - Tel. +39 0434 659111 - Fax: +39 0434 652182 - www.cro.it                                                                           9
Centro di Riferimento Oncologico (CRO) National Cancer Institute, Aviano
project in Italy within this field. This service is intended                                                         SELECTED PUBLICATIONS
                                                                                  for patients, relatives and citizens. The focus is on 3
                                                                                  main fundamentals:                                                                                                   • Truccolo Ivana, Bianchet Katia, Capello Fabia,
                                                                                  • dedicated space                                                                                                    Russell-Edu William, Dal Maso Luigino, Colombatti
                                                                                  • adequate material with attention to communicative                                                                  Alfonso, Ciolfi Laura, Tirelli Umberto, De Paoli Paolo.

                                                                                  style and quality content                                                                                            A pilot project of a cancer patient library in Italy: results
                                                                                  • expert counseling                                                                                                  of a customer-satisfaction survey and its products.
                                                                                  The Patients’ Library is extensively involved in specific                                                            Health Info Libr J 2006, 23 (4): 266-274
                                                                                  new projects such as:
                                                                                  • the Youth Area,                                                                                                    • Bianchet, Katia, Truccolo, Ivana, and De Paoli,
                                                                                  • the Drug Information Service for citizens,                                                                         Paolo. Health? A question of ...mass media. Cancer
                                                                                  • Exchanges with students raising awareness of                                                                       Librarians Section News 2007, Newsletter (42): 3-5
                                                                                  cancer-related problems and quality evaluation of the
                                                                                  online health related information,                                                                                   • Truccolo I., Bianchet K., Dal Maso L., Cognetti G.,
                                                                                  • Publications representing patients’ expressions:                                                                   De Paoli P. Knowledge and use of Internet as a health
                                                                                  thoughts, history, and drawings,                                                                                     education tool by Italian high school students. JEAHIL
                                                                                  • Socio-cultural events devoted to the community in                                                                  2009, 5 (2): 13-18
                                                                                  collaboration with the local public libraries.

                                                                                   A deep involvement, as co-coordinator, in an
                                                                                  Italian multicentric collaborative project with Research
                                                                                  Institutes for divulging information to cancer patients is
                                                                                  in progress.

                                                                                   Many participations in collaborative projects, e.g.
                                                                                  since 1987 in the “GIDIF RBM collective catalogue and
                                                                                  Document Delivery”; in the BIBLIOSAN project, http://
                                                                                  www.bibliosan.it/; in the Open Access Institutional
                                                                                  Repository of biomedical literature authored by Italian
                                                                                  researchers, lead by Istituto Superiore di Sanità http://

                                                                                   A “natural” disposition to surveys and statistics
                                                                                  concerning the services offered. This activity is included
                                                                                  in a quality assurance program based on self-evaluation.
                                                     The Scientific Directorate

                                                                                  As an example: A pilot project of Cancer Patient Library
                                                                                  in Italy: the results of a customer satisfaction survey and
                                                         The Scientific Library

                                                                                  its products, Health Information and Libraries Journal
                                                                                  2006, 23:266-274 accessible on http://eprints.rclis.

10                                                                                                                    Via Franco Gallini, 2 - 33081 Aviano - ITALY - Tel. +39 0434 659111 - Fax: +39 0434 652182 - www.cro.it
cancer) on the aetiology of cancer; and (b) establishing
                                   The Scientific Directorate                                                               a bio-bank of biological samples (e.g.,tumour biopsies,
                           Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics                                                       blood, and urine) for the identification of parameters
                                                                                                                            related to tumor development (e.g., genetic susceptibility
                                                                                                                            or polymorphisms).
                                                                  Division Director

                                                                                                                                                                                            CENTRO DI RIFERIMENTO ONCOLOGICO (CRO) - NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE - AVIANO
                                                                  Diego SERRAINO, MD                                         The impact of lifestyle on survival of cancer
                                                                  serrainod@cro.it                                          patients:
                                                                                                                            Through a “record-linkage” approach, data derived
                                                                  Staff                                                     from analytical epidemiology studies (e.g., case-control)
                                                                  Ettore BIDOLI, ScD    bidolie@cro.it                      on cancer aetiology are cross-matched with information
                                                                  Luigino DAL MASO, ScD dalmaso@cro.it                      from several computerized databanks (registry offices,
                                                                  Jerry POLESEL, ScD    polesel@cro.it                      cancer registries, and healthcare/hospital discharge
                                                                  Ornella FORGIARIN, Cancer Registry                        databases).
                                                                  Biologist                                                 These databases offer the opportunity of: (a) estimating
                                                                                                                            survival in cancer patients (cases); (b) assessing the
                                                                  Unit Director                                             impact of various factors (with regard to exposure and
                                                                  Renato TALAMINI, ScD, Head of the                         lifestyle) on survival and, possibly, on the development
                                                                  Clinical Epidemiology & Assessment Unit                   of neoplasm in controls.
                                                                                                                             Infectious agents and cancer:
                                                                  Research Fellows                                          Approximately 15% of all cancers are associated with
                                                                  Mauro LISE, ScD      lisemauro@cro.it                     viral infections, and these cancers are particularly
                                                                                                                            common in persons with deficits of the immune
                                                                  Antonella ZUCCHETTO, ScD
                                                                                                                            system – like HIV-infected people or persons who have
                                                                                                                            undergone organ transplant.
                                                                  Angela DE PAOLI, ScD                                      The relationship between chronic infections and the
                                                                                                                            development of cancer is investigated through different

                                                                                                                                                                                            Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
                                                                                                                            approaches: (a) the implementation of epidemiological
                                                                                                                            methods; (b) the assessment of the spread of
MISSION                                                   RESEARCH ACTIVITY-PROJECTS LIST                                   infections,or potential oncogenes, in the population;
                                                                                                                            (c) the evaluation of epidemiological aspects of tumors
The mission of the Epidemiology and Biostatistics         The Division focuses its research activity on five main           that occur with high frequency in people who have
Division is the prevention of human cancer through the    fields to gain an understanding of the biochemical and            undergone organ transplant.
elucidation of its distribution and causes.               genetic mechanisms underlying tumor development in

                                                                                                                                                                                            The Scientific Directorate
Since 1984, the Epidemiology and Biostatistics Division   supporting statistical methodology, study design, as               Registration and description of cancer
has been conducting analytical (e.g., case-control        well as the clinical response and survival of patients:           distribution in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region:
and cohort studies) and descriptive (e.g., analyses of                                                                      Since 1998, all the resident population in the Friuli Venezia
incidence and mortality data) research.                    Analytical epidemiology studies:                                Giulia region is under surveillance for the occurrence of
The Division’s investigation activity is conducted in     These investigations concern the relationship between             cancer cases.The population-based Cancer Registry
collaboration with research groups from national and      cancer and lifestyle, environmental exposure, and                 was established to guarantee a complete and accurate
international institutions, deepening the understanding   genetic susceptibility which are conducted in different           informative source with regard to all cases of cancer
of cancer epidemiology and producing results with         Italian areas. Their objectives are: (a) evaluating the           that are diagnosed in the region.
wide-ranging applications in oncology and statistics.     impact of different lifestyle factors (i.e., physical activity,   The high qualitative standards -recognized at the
                                                          obesity, occupational exposure, a family history of               national and international levels- offer a unique tool
                                                                                                                            for understanding cancer distribution and its causes

                                 Via Franco Gallini, 2 - 33081 Aviano - ITALY - Tel. +39 0434 659111 - Fax: +39 0434 652182 - www.cro.it                                                                                                                   11
in order to implement appropriate preventive actions                                                                    Top 3 cancer sites
                                                                                       and the management of cancer diagnosis, therapy, and                                         National and Friuli Venezia Giulia Region
                                                                                       care. Within this framework and in collaboration with the                                    Female: Breast, Colorectal, Leukemia-Lymphoma-Myeloma
                                                                                       Regional Health Agency, a specific area is addressed                                         Male: Prostate, Lung, Colorectal
                                                                                       to the evaluation of primary and secondary prevention                                        % most frequent tumors, excl.skin ,(site and sex incidence)

                                                                                       programs in oncology.

                                                                                        Clinical and epidemiological assessment
                                                                                       They address the relationship between prognostic
                                                                                       factors and cancer survival. This field of research
                                                                                       supports a multidisciplinary action aimed at integrating
                                                                                       the scientific activity of several professional figures, both
                                                                                       within the Institute and in other research Institutes.
                                                                                       Particularly significant objectives are supporting
                                                                                       statistical methodology and data analysis for study
                                                                                       design, as well as studying the clinical response and
                                                                                       survival of patients with cancer.

                                                                                                                                                                                    Italian Cancer Registries pool , (site and sex incidence)
                                         Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics

                                                                                                                        Epidemiological Studies
                                                          The Scientific Directorate

12                                                                                                                          Via Franco Gallini, 2 - 33081 Aviano - ITALY - Tel. +39 0434 659111 - Fax: +39 0434 652182 - www.cro.it
SELECTED PUBLICATIONS                                        J., Lise M. Effect of obesity and other lifestyle factors
                                                             on mortality in women with breast cancer. Int J Cancer
• Riva E, Serraino D, Pierangeli A, Bambacioni F,            2008, 123 (9): 2188-2194
Zaniratti S, Minosse C, Selleri M, Bucci M, Scagnolari
C, Degener AM, Capobianchi MR, Antonelli G, Dianzani         • Polesel J., Clifford G. M., Rickenbach M., Dal Maso

                                                                                                                                             CENTRO DI RIFERIMENTO ONCOLOGICO (CRO) - NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE - AVIANO
F; the Human Papillomavirus Study Group.Markers of           L., Battegay M., Bouchardy C., Furrer H., Hasse B.,
human papillomavirus infection and their correlation         Levi F., Probst-Hensch N. M., Schmid P., Franceschi
with cervical dysplasia in human immunodeficiency            S. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma incidence in the Swiss HIV
virus-positive women. Clin Microbiol Infect 2007; 13(1):     Cohort Study before and after highly active antiretroviral
94-7.                                                        therapy. AIDS 2008, 22 (2): 301-306

• Serraino D,  Piselli P, Busnach G, Burra P, Citterio F,    • Zucchetto A., Talamini R., Dal Maso L., Negri E.,
Arbustini E, Baccarani U, De Juli E, Pozzetto U, Bellelli    Polesel J., Ramazzotti V., Montella M., Canzonieri V.,
S, Polesel J, Pradier C, Maso LD, Angeletti C, Carrieri      Serraino D., La Vecchia C., Franceschi S. Reproductive,
MP, Rezza G, Franceschi S; for the Immunosuppression         menstrual, and other hormone-related factors and risk
and Cancer Study Group. Risk of cancer following             of renal cell cancer. Int J Cancer 2008, 123 (9): 2213-
immunosuppression in organ transplant recipients and         2216
in HIV positive individuals in southern Europe. Eur J
Cancer 2007; 43(14): 2117--23.                               • Dal Maso L., Polesel J., Serraino D., Lise M., Piselli
                                                             P., Falcini F., Russo A., Intrieri T., Vercelli M., Zambon
• Polesel J, Talamini R, Montella M, Maso LD, Crovato        P., Tagliabue G., Zanetti R., Federico M., Limina R. M.,
M, Parpinel M, Izzo F, Tommasi LG, Serraino D, Vecchia       Mangone L., De Lisi V., Stracci F., Ferretti S., Piffer S.,
CL, Franceschi S. Nutrients intake and the risk of           Budroni M., Donato A., Giacomin A., Bellu F., Fusco
hepatocellular carcinoma in Italy. Eur J Cancer 2007;        M., Madeddu A., Vitarelli S., Tessandori R., Tumino
43, 2381-2387.                                               R., Suligoi B., Franceschi S. Pattern of cancer risk
                                                             in persons with AIDS in Italy in the HAART era. Brit J
• Bosetti C, Rossi M, McLaughlin JK, Negri E, Talamini       Cancer 2009, 100 (5): 840-847 (Br J Cancer)
R, Lagiou P, Montella M, Ramazzotti V, Franceschi S,

                                                                                                                                             Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
LaVecchia C. Flavonoids and the risk of renal cell cancer.
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2007;16:98-101.

• Galeone C, Pelucchi C, Talamini R, Negri E, Montella
M, Ramazzotti V, Zucchetto A, Maso LD, Franceschi S,
La Vecchia C. Fibre intake and renal cell carcinoma: A
case-control study from Italy. Int J Cancer 2007; 121

                                                                                                                                             The Scientific Directorate

• Talamini R, Polesel J, Spina M, Chimienti E, Serraino
D, Zuccheto A, Zanet E, Franceschi S, and Tirelli U. The
Impact of tobacco smoking and alcohol drinking on
survival of patients with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Int J
Cancer 2007; 122: 1624-29.

• Dal Maso L., Zucchetto A., Talamini R., Serraino D.,
Stocco C. F., Vercelli M., Falcini F., Franceschi S., [as
member of PACE Working Group], Bidoli E., Polesel

                                   Via Franco Gallini, 2 - 33081 Aviano - ITALY - Tel. +39 0434 659111 - Fax: +39 0434 652182 - www.cro.it                                                                  13
The Medical Office
                                                                                                                                                                   Mauro DELENDI, MD

                                                                                                                                                                   +39 0434 659507

                                                                                                                                                                   Nurse Coordinators
                                                                                                                                                                   Roberto BIANCAT, ND
                                                                                                                                                                   Nicoletta SUTER, ND

                                                                                                                                                                   Unit for Development &
                                                                                                                                                                   Coordination of the Nursing

                                                                                     INTRODUCTION                                               EDUCATION AND TRAINING DIVISION

                                                                                     Within the Institute, the mission of the chief Medical     The mission of the Education and Training Office is
                                                                                     Officer is to provide the best health organization and     to offer a thorough integration of the most advanced
                                                                                     supervise all clinical units for their medical duties.     research with the best clinical practices in order to
                                                                                     A close interaction with the Scientific Director and the   appropriately respond to the health needs of the
                                                                                     Administration as well as an internal organization in      patients. These functions are undertaken by applying
                                                                                     several subunits make it easier to maintain the multiple   a quality management system that also certifies the
                                                                                     functions of this unit under close control:                appropriateness and efficacy of formative events.
                                                                                     1) secretariat;                                            Simultaneous record keeping, of strengths and
                                                                                     2) patients’ records archive;                              weaknesses, by means of appropriate indicators
                                                                                     3) health surveillance;                                    guarantee continuous improvement in the education
                                                                                     4) monitoring office;                                      and training activities offered.
                                                                                     5) hygiene office;                                         The Office, with a staff composed of a Nursing
                                                                The Medical Office

                                                                                     6) nursing office.                                         Coordinator, two part-time nurses, a secretary and a
                                                                                                                                                psychologist fellow employed part-time, is part of the
                                                                                     The Chief Medical Officer supervises and coordinates       Medical Office Structure and acts in conjunction with
                                                                                     several working groups on various health-related matters   the Scientific Directorate.
                                                                                     as well as the Public Relation office, the prevention
                                                                                     office, and the quality accreditation office.              Educational goals
                                                                                                                                                 favoring the formation of highly qualified and
                                                                                                                                                motivated professionals;

14                                                                                                                    Via Franco Gallini, 2 - 33081 Aviano - ITALY - Tel. +39 0434 659111 - Fax: +39 0434 652182 - www.cro.it
 improving knowledge and competence of cancer               internships.                                                 CLINICAL ACTIVITY
research;                                                    Training is also provided for Medical Doctors during their
 involving all personnel in the attainment of the           Oncology, Surgery, and Radiotherapy specialty courses.
                                                                                                                          Beds                      150
Institute’s goals and improving organization;                An active program of scientific seminars, scientific
 promoting and empowering all professional staff            conferences for basic education and ones specific to         Ordinary admissions             2,707

                                                                                                                                                                  CENTRO DI RIFERIMENTO ONCOLOGICO (CRO) - NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE - AVIANO
members by providing adequate information;                   oncological fields have been organized in strict relation    Day Hospital admissions         2,426
 stimulating an open discussion among the different         with the Scientific Directorate’s programs. Several
professionals and optimizing the translation of clinical     theses in disciplines as diverse as Medicine, Biology,
research into clinical practice through promotion and        Biotechnology, Pharmacy, Psychology and Nursing
development of regional, national, and European              for different University degrees as well as Nursing
initiatives;                                                 Managerial Master programs have been coordinated in
 disseminating educational materials from lectures          the quality of chairman and co-chairman.
through institutional grey literature intranet/internet
archives to allow participant access and detailed            Internships for high school students
study;                                                       Since the early nineties, the Institute is involved in
 providing tutorship for personal education and             summer programs and internships for high school
training by emphasizing human resource importance            students with up to 20 students per year attending the
and value                                                    laboratories for a limited period of time.

The Education and Training Office is continuously            ACCREDITATION CANADA PROGRAM
analyzing the training and educational as well as the
organizational needs at the National Cancer Institute        The Institute has started the Accreditation Canada
in Aviano; providing systematic training and education       program. Accreditation Canada is a not-for-profit,
for personnel in order to comply with the obligations        independent organization accredited by the International
of the national and regional Continuous Medical              Society for Quality in Healthcare (ISQua). it provides
Education(CME) framework.                                    national and international health care organizations
In 2006 the Office provided about 15,670 credits to          with an external peer review process to assess and
1,615 people and in 2007 approximately 475 hours of          improve the services they provide to their patients and
CME education were reached in the first semester.            clients based on standards of excellence. Accreditation
The Institute’s CME Provider has proposed a large            Canada’s programs and guidance have helped
number of accredited events: they have attracted the         organizations promote quality health care for over 50
interest and adhesion of internal staff members and          years.
external participants. The Office has taken care of the
collection and registration of CME educational credits
acquired by the employees through participation in
internal and external events although some events have
been accredited from other providers. In June 2007, the
Office was accredited according to the ISO 9001:2000

                                                                                                                                                                  The Medical Office
for its educational and training activity.

University Degrees
The Institute is part of the training program for nurses,
medical technicians, radiology technicians,
and prevention technicians in collaboration with the
Universities of Udine and Trieste. In particular, up to 83
tutors are dedicated to supporting students during their

                                   Via Franco Gallini, 2 - 33081 Aviano - ITALY - Tel. +39 0434 659111 - Fax: +39 0434 652182 - www.cro.it                                                                                                      15
The Administrative Directorate
                                                                                                                                                       Mr. Franco SINIGOJ

                                                                                                                                                       +39 0434 659216

                                                                                                                                                       Administrative Group, Division
                                                                                                                                                       of Scientific Research & Project
                                                                                                                                                       Mr. Franco SINIGOJ,

                                                                                          Purchasing, Contracts, Business                            Human Resources                                Technologies and Capital Equipment
                                                                                               Management Division                              (Personnel Policies) Division                                    Division

                                                                                        Purchasing, Contracts, Business Management          Director                                                 Director
                                                       The Administrative Directorate

                                                                                        Division                                                                                                     Mr. Ermes GREATTI, Eng.
                                                                                        Director, Mr. Franco SINIGOJ                        Mr. Franco SINIGOJ                                       egreatti@cro.it
                                                                                        direttoreamministrativo@cro.it                      Legal Entity Area
                                                                                                                                            Personnel Accounting Area                                Supplies and Software Commodities Unit
                                                                                        General & Legal Affairs Office                                                                               Technologies Unit
                                                                                        Mr. Alessandro FALDON, Senior Manager,                                                                       Information Systems/Informatics Unit
                                                                                        Purchasing & Finance Office
                                                                                        Mrs. Raffaella CATTARUZZA, Senior Manager
                                                                                        Business Management Office

16                                                                                                               Via Franco Gallini, 2 - 33081 Aviano - ITALY - Tel. +39 0434 659111 - Fax: +39 0434 652182 - www.cro.it
MISSION AND ADMINISTRATIVE                                   the routine administration of the Information
ACTIVITIES OF THE UNITS                                       Systems/Informatics Unit and the management of a
                                                              local area network as well as customer support.
The Purchasing, Contracts and Business Management
Division is composed of the following Offices to provide    The Personnel Policies Division guarantees the adequate

                                                                                                                                            CENTRO DI RIFERIMENTO ONCOLOGICO (CRO) - NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE - AVIANO
administrative staff an opportunity in the development of   completion of selection procedures for employment of
CRO-National Cancer Institute administrative processes      personnel (including fellowship administration) as well
and to support the activities of the General Director as    as pension planning, assistance, and contributions for
well as certain functions of the Scientific Director:       career management; the hiring of full-time personnel
 General & Legal Affairs                                   as well as the assignment of fellowships and personnel
 Purchasing & Finance                                      hired on a contractual basis.
 Business Management                                       Additional activities include Labor union representation/
 Treasury                                                  relations, application of professional work contracts,
                                                            and development of regulations for the independent
The above-mentioned Division guarantees the creation        medical activity of physicians.
of annual program schemes in adherence with regional
guidelines and those of the Italian Health Ministry, a      PERSONNEL
provisional budget and monitoring of expenses; the
informational and business management of specialized         Graduates                            170
research administration financing in collaboration with      Nurses and Health Technicians        489
the Scientific Directorate, as well as its budgetary         Other                                78
monitoring/accounting. Other operational duties
                                                             Total                                737
 Formal accounting management
 Periodic quarterly and annual budget planning and
    monitoring                                              THE CAMPUS PROJECT
 Operational, general and analytical accounting and
    fiscal management                                       In the year 2008 the Regional government approved
 All activities related to stipulation of official deeds   the “Campus” project, a building completed devoted to
 Management of an internal protocol and archive of         host Italian and foreign researchers.
 Corporate alliances through conventions /
    agreements with other institutions

                                                                                                                                            The Administrative Directorate
 Procedures for contractual agreements with
    personnel such as experts, consultants, etc.
 Systematic registration of all examinations and in-
 Acting as an institutional secretariat for internal

The Technologies and Capital Equipment Division
 The purchase of all institutional commodities related
   to the Institute’s objectives including scientific
   medical equipment, advanced technologies, and
   capital equipment investments.

                                  Via Franco Gallini, 2 - 33081 Aviano - ITALY - Tel. +39 0434 659111 - Fax: +39 0434 652182 - www.cro.it                                                                                 17
Department of Medical Oncology
                                                                                                                                                  Faculty & Staff

                                                                                                                                                  Umberto TIRELLI, MD
                                                                                                                                                  Department Director, Division Director
                                                                                                                                                  Principal Investigator, Medical Oncology A

                                                                                                                                                  Sergio FRUSTACI, MD
                                                                                                                                                  Division Director, Medical Oncology B
                                                                                                                                                  Gastrointestinal Tumors, Sarcomas and Rare

                                                                                                                                                  Andrea VERONESI, MD
                                                                                                                                                  Division Director, Medical Oncology C

                                                                                                                                                  Riccardo DOLCETTI, MD
                                                                                                                                                  Unit Director
                                                                                                                                                  Cancer Bio-immunotherapy

                                                                                                                                                  Mariagrazia MICHIELI, MD
                                                                                                                                                  Unit Director
                                                                                                                                                  Cell Therapy and High-Dose Chemotherapy

                                                                                     The Department of Medical Oncology is composed of            The Department staff uses a disease management
                                                                                     the following 3 Divisions and 2 Units: Medical Oncology      team approach and participates in clinical and
                                                                                     A, Medical Oncology B, Medical Oncology C. In addition,      translational research projects in an integrated fashion.
                                                                                     the Department includes Units dedicated to Malignant         Concerning new lines of research, besides the elderly,
                                                                                     Lymphomas, Head & Neck Cancer Treatment, Cell                there are Ministry of Health projects dedicated to
                                                    Department of Medical Oncology

                                                                                     Therapy and High-Dose Chemotherapy, Cancer Bio-              long term survivors and cancer-free persons, within a
                                                                                     Immunotherapy, and Infectious Diseases.                      specialized clinic supervised by Dr. Simonelli. Costs of
                                                                                                                                                  chemotherapy regimens and issues related to cancer
                                                                                     For years the Department has been at the forefront of        and the environment will be other areas of interest in our
                                                                                     activity within the Centro di Riferimento Oncologico, both   research endeavor. Our relationship with the volunteer
                                                                                     for quality of care and clinical research. The Divisions     organizations: Angolo, FLAI, FAVO and AIMAC will
                                                                                     and Units share in-patient wards and out-patient clinical    continue in close collaboration.
                                                                                     staff, including a large part of care for specific domains   Research publications, both for quality and number,
                                                                                     of tailored treatment such as for transplants, AIDS,         remain high and are the first in order as compared to
                                                                                     elderly, and lymphomas among others and research             other Departments. Opportune leadership, environment,
                                                                                     covering breast, lymphomas, eldery, and patients             resources and necessary infrastructure for medical
                                                                                     having infectious diseases as well as tumors.                investigators, their staff, and medical students to conduct
                                                                                                                                                  medical research while providing attentive primary care
                                                                                                                                                  are guaranteed by the Department’s Director.

18                                                                                                                      Via Franco Gallini, 2 - 33081 Aviano - ITALY - Tel. +39 0434 659111 - Fax: +39 0434 652182 - www.cro.it
Department of Medical Oncology
                                    Division of Medical Oncology A
                                                            Umberto TIRELLI, MD

                                                                                                                                                                                         CENTRO DI RIFERIMENTO ONCOLOGICO (CRO) - NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE - AVIANO
                                                            Principal Investigator & Department Director
                                                            Phone +39 0434 659284
                                                            Fax       +39 0434 659531

                                                            Associate Directors
                                                            Emanuela VACCHER, MD                evaccher@cro.it
                                                            Michele SPINA, MD                   mspina@cro.it

                                                            Staff                                                           PROJECTS LIST- RESEARCH ACTIVITY
                                                            Alessandra BEARZ, MD       abearz@cro.it
                                                            Massimiliano BERRETTA, MD mberretta@cro.it                      During 2006 the Division of Medical Oncology A has
                                                            Emanuela CHIMIENTI, MD     echimienti@cro.it                    resolutely pursued the following issues:
                                                            Lucia FRATINO, MD          lfratino@cro.it
                                                                                                                            1. Lymphomas, in particular in elderly patients, and
                                                            Ferdinando MARTELLOTTA, MD fmartellotta@cro.it
                                                                                                                            those with HIV and HCV infections;
                                                            Sandra SANTAROSSA, MD      ssantarossa@cro.it                   2. Studies on bone marrow transplantation, feasibility
                                                            Ornella SCHIOPPA, MD       oschioppa@cro.it                     and activity in lymphoma patients specifically the elderly
                                                            Simon SPAZZAPAN, MD        sspazzapan@cro.it                    and patients with virus-associated lymphomas;
                                                                                                                            3. Studies on chemotherapy-induced immunological
                                                            Fellows & Other Personnel                                       damage, mainly in the elderly and patients submitted to
                                                            Arben LLESHI, Research fellow                                   high-dose chemotherapy and bone marrow transplant;
                                                            Annalisa GIACALONE, Research fellow                             4. Etiopathogenic-based treatments of HIV and non-
                                                            Paola NIGRI, Research fellow                                    HIV related Kaposi’s sarcoma;
                                                            Ernesto ZANET, Research fellow                                  5. Feasibility, toxicity and long-term follow-up of
                                                                                                                            chemotherapy association with antiretroviral therapy;

                                                                                                                                                                                         Department of Medical Oncology
                                                                                                                            6. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic interaction

                                                                                                                                                                                         Division of Medical Oncology A
                                                                                                                            between protease inhibitors and cytotoxic agents;
                                                               associated malignancies, chronic fatigue syndrome and
MISSION AND CLINICAL ACTIVITY                                                                                               7. Studies of biological drugs in lung cancer, focusing
                                                               cancer-related fatigue. Cancer survivors and related
                                                                                                                            in particular on elderly patients;
                                                               psychological, biological and clinical problems will be
The Division’s mission is to provide the best treatment                                                                     8. Studies of solid tumor treatments, with specific
                                                               assiduously reviewed in a dedicated clinic. Tumors
available for a number of oncological diseases to include                                                                   attention to gastrointestinal tumors and lung cancer, as
                                                               potentially related to the environment and work activities
hematological malignancies, head and neck tumors and                                                                        well as to patients with HIV infection;
                                                               constitute other activities of interest for our medical
esophageal cancer, genito-urinary tract tumors, lung                                                                        9. Studies of dedicated treatments for the care of
                                                               staff. The Division’s interaction with the Bone Marrow
tumors, HIV infection and HIV-associated malignancies,                                                                      elderly patients older than 70 years
                                                               Transplantation Unit provides necessary support
chronic fatigue syndrome and cancer-related fatigue.           concerning inpatient care given the total number of
Both clinical and research activities focus on better          413 hospital admissions registered since 2006. In            UNIT OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES
care, supportive measures and innovative means                 the same year, the outpatient clinical activity included
to combat malignancies, tumors and cancer in                   10.651 examinations, for a total of 3.956 intravenous        The study of HIV-related tumors encompasses many
their various manifestations, HIV infection and HIV-           chemotherapy administrations.                                scientific disciplines. The management of these

                                  Via Franco Gallini, 2 - 33081 Aviano - ITALY - Tel. +39 0434 659111 - Fax: +39 0434 652182 - www.cro.it                                                                                                               19
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