FREE EVENT - Doors Open Days

Page created by Jane Little
FREE EVENT - Doors Open Days

        SAT 28 & SUN 29 SEPTEMBER 2019
FREE EVENT - Doors Open Days
Edinburgh Doors
Open Day 2019
includes East Lothian venues

Saturday 28 and Sunday
29 September

Support the Cockburn Association
and Edinburgh Doors Open Day
Who are we?
The Cockburn Association (The Edinburgh Civic           Your support enables us to organise city wide
Trust) is an independent charity which relies on the    free events such as Doors Open Days, bringing
support of its members to protect and enhance           together Edinburgh’s communities in a celebration
the amenity of Edinburgh. We have been working          of our unique heritage.
since 1875 to improve the built and natural
                                                        All members of the Association receive an
environment of the city – for residents, visitors and
                                                        advance copy of the Doors Open Days
workers alike.
                                                        programme and invitations throughout the year
We campaign to prevent inappropriate                    to lectures, talks and events.
development in the City and to preserve the
                                                        If you are interested in joining the Association,
Green Belt, to promote sustainable development,
                                                        visit us online at
restoration and high quality modern architecture.
                                                        or feel free to call or drop in to our offices at
We are always happy to advise our members on
                                                        Trunk’s Close.
issues relating to planning.

                                                         The Cockburn Association (The Edinburgh Civic Trust)
The Cockburn Association                                 is a registered Scottish charity, No: SC011544
                                                         Trunk’s Close, 55 High Street, Edinburgh
For everyone who loves Edinburgh                         T: 0131 557 8686
FREE EVENT - Doors Open Days
Lecture Series 2019                                             All lectures will be held at the French Institute of Scotland,
                                                                                                                                                            Events Series 2019
                                                                                           West Parliament Square, Edinburgh EH1 1RF.
                           23rd – 27th September                                           Lunchtime lectures £3 / Evening lectures £5                      24th – 29th September
                           Mon 23rd 12:00 – 12:45 &                  Wed 25th 12:00 – 12:45                    Thur 26th 19:00 – 20:00                      Patrick Geddes Centre Talks                  Sat 10:00 – 12:00                          Sat and Sun 10:00 – 16:00
                           19:00 – 20:00                             Chiara Ronchini                           Cliff Hague                                  Patrick Geddes Centre book via               Architecture Tour of the                   Traditional Building
                           Jo Parry-Geddes and David Gibbon          People, place and power                   Thinking globally and acting                 New Town                                   Demonstration by SPAB Fellow
                           Property Repair Seminar:                  Chiara Ronchini shares examples           locally - about Edinburgh                    patrick-geddes-centre-at-riddles-            Learn of Scotland’s cultural               Peter McKlusky
                           Find out from traditional building        of community heritage practice            What are the global trends and               court-8617499172                             connection to Ancient Greece               Trunk’s Close, 55 High Street,
                           experts how to keep your traditional      around Scotland and beyond. Chiara        international obligations that                                                            and Rome on a walk through the             EH1 1SR
                           home in well maintained and good          Ronchini is an architect and heritage     Edinburgh’s citizens and policy              Tues 24th Sept 18:00 – 19:00                 largest Georgian planned town              Come join the Society for the
                           repair, plus guidance on working          professional focusing on community-       makers need to be aware of?                  Patrick Geddes: Think Global,                development in the world. Stroll           Protection of Ancient Buildings in
                           with your neighbours for common           led projects and sustainability in        How have they put Edinburgh on               Act Local                                    its symmetrical grid of extravagant        Scotland as SPAB Scholar Peter
                           repairs such as those in Edinburgh        Scotland, and a consultant for            a strong growth trajectory, and              A great circle of global connectivity        tenements and romantic private             McCluskey leads you through a
                           beautiful tenements. This lecture         UNESCO in Uzbekistan, Egypt,              is it sustainable? The talk will set         and collaboration can be drawn               gardens. Soak in the neoclassical          fun day looking into the world
                           will be repeated in the evening           Croatia and Italy.                        Edinburgh in its European and global         around Sir Patrick Geddes, one of            ornaments under the starlit dome of        of traditional building skills. Short
                           slot on Monday with a review of                                                     context and explore disruptions that         Scotland’s greatest polymaths. This          the most magnificent banking hall in       demonstrations on roof slating, cast
                           legislation relating to tenements,        Wed 25th 19:00 – 20:00                    could shape its future. Cliff Hague is       light introductory talk, hosted in the       Europe. Grasp the origins of palatial      iron rainwater goods, and plaster
                           helping owners to understand              Paul Everett                              Chair of the Cockburn Association            dining room he designed to inspire           facades, elegant ironwork, and a           works give visitors an opportunity
                           their and their co-owner rights and       Building stone in Scotland:               and Emeritus Professor of Planning           his students, will explore how his           palette of sandstone finishes.             for hands-on learning sure to be an
                           responsibilities.                         Glorious past … uncertain future          and Spatial Development at Heriot-           breathless global projects and ideas         Booking essential via                      exciting day.
                                                                     Natural stone has been a favoured         Watt University                              transcended traditional boundaries 
                           Tue 24th 12:00 – 12:45                    building material throughout                                                           and resonate around the world today.                                                    Sat and Sun, 10:30 and 14:00
                           Balfour Beatty                            Scotland’s history, but proper            Fri 27th 12:00 – 12:45                                                                    Sat 10.30                                  Unlocking the Union Canal
                                                                                                                                                            Thurs 26th Sept 18:00 – 19:00                Family Bike Ride                           Walking Tour
                           North Bridge Renovation                   maintenance of stone buildings and        Terry Levinthal                              Arts and Craft in Revolutionary
                           The North Bridge is a Grade A             structures poses many challenges.         170 years of Agitation: Henry                                                             Edinburgh Family Rides is delighted        Meeting at Edinburgh Quay,
                                                                                                                                                            China                                        to be offering a family friendly           EH3 9QG
                           listed heritage site, connecting          This lecture will demonstrate             Cockburn and the work of the                 Riddle’s Court plays host to the
                           Edinburgh’s Old and New Towns             how geological knowledge and              Cockburn Association                                                                      bike ride as part of Doors Open            Scotland’s canals played a defining
                                                                                                                                                            Confucious Institute’s major                 Day. Meet at Victoria Park (by             role in the history of the Industrial
                           and providing essential public            understanding is helping to maintain      This light-hearted talk will look at the     exhibition of Chinese bed quilts
                           transport links to the city. Since        and conserve our country’s priceless      legacy of Lord “Henry” Cockburn                                                           Jack’s Café and the playpark) and          Age of Great Britain and Ireland, and
                                                                                                                                                            during this year’s Doors Open Days,          cycle off to visit Trinity House and       each has a fascinating and unique
                           June 2018, Balfour Beatty have been       stone-built heritage. Paul Everett        and work of the organisation                 exhibiting for the first time in Europe.
                           the main contractors of the North         is a Building Stone Scientist at          founded in his honour in seeking to                                                       the Victorian School Room, both            history. Join the Canal Cultural

                                                                                                                                                            Lovingly preserved by Yang Pei Ming          offering children’s activities. You will   Heritage Officer from Keep Scotland
                           Bridge Refurbishment project. As          BGS Scotland. He researches the           protect and enhance the amenity              of the Shanghai Propaganda Poster
                           well as discussing the structure’s        provenance of historic masonry,           of the City of Edinburgh. Terry                                                           need bikes in good working order           Beautiful on a 2-hour guided walk
                                                                                                                                                            Art Centre, this rare collection             and suitable clothes for the weather.      to explore the social and industrial
                           comprehensive history, the Balfour        conducts building stone surveys,          Levinthal is the Director of the             presents an intimate window into
                           Beatty site management team will          quarry assessments and provides           Cockburn Association.                                                                     Keep an eye out for more details           history of Edinburgh’s Union Canal,
                                                                                                                                                            everyday Chinese life in the 1950’s          on https://edinburghfamilyrides.           opened in 1822, as a 32 mile-long
                           demonstrate some of the innovative        stone-matching advice for building                                                     and 1960’s. We are delighted to
                           technologies being used on the            conservation.                             Fri 27th 19:00 – 20:00                                                                                        uninterrupted ‘contour canal’ from
                                                                                                                                                            offer Doors Open Days participants                                                      Edinburgh Quay in the heart of the
                           project, including some ‘behind the                                                 Crichton Wood                                a special curator’s introduction to the      Sat 16:30
                           hoarding’ insights, 3D digital scanning   Thur 26th 12:00 – 12:45                   Scots Baronial meets the                                                                                                             capital to the Falkirk Wheel.
                                                                                                                                                            exhibition and a contextual talk on          Weeds Galore!                              Advance booking essential via
                           and 360° photography.                     Sean O’Reilly                             New York Five                                life in revolutionary China.                 Meet at the Cockburn Association,
                                                                     Edinburgh’s place in the origins          Architect Crichton Wood will                                                                                               
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Trunk’s Close, 55 High Street,             unlocking-the-union-canal-
                           Tue 24th 19:00 – 20:00                    of global conservation practice           discuss the key concepts of Scots            Sat 10:00 – 12:00                            EH1 1SR
                           John Lowrey                               Dr Sean O’Reilly, Director of             baronial architecture used in the            Burdiehouse Burn Valley Park                                                            tickets-64660691870
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Foraging in the urban landscape
                           Edinburgh’s Architectural                 The Institute of Historic Building        work of American Architect and               Walking Tour                                 or your back yard. Find out which          Sat and Sun 10:30 and 14:30
                           Global Connections.                       Conservation will discuss how             theorist, Louis Kahn, including              26b Gilmerton Dykes Street,                  common weeds are both food and             Edinburgh’s Global Connections
                           John Lowrey, Senior Lecturer              approaches to conservation vary on        expressive relationships between             EH17 7QN                                     medicine. Learn how to incorporate         on foot
                           in Architectural History at the           a global scale and the influence of       form and function, and geometric             Burdiehouse Burn Valley Park is one          weeds into delicious nutritious            From our European neighbours to
                           University of Edinburgh, will discuss     Edinburgh in the global conservation      plan transformations. Wood will              of Edinburgh’s finest green spaces           recipes. So, are weeds friend or           far-flung corners of the world, our
                           the international influences on           movement.                                 also discuss the impact of Kahn’s use        and twice the size of Princes Street         foe? You will have a whole new             capital city has always looked beyond
                           Edinburgh’s architecture.                                                           of Baronial architecture on other            Gardens. Organised by the Friends            perspective after this informative tour    its borders for inspiration, influence
                                                                                                               American architects of the 20th              group, which is developing a local           with Medical Herbalist Julia Cook.         and trade. Join a qualified member
                           Many thanks to The Office of the European Commission in Scotland and the            Century, showing how some of these           heritage trail, this walk will feature the                                              of the Scottish Tourist Guides
                           French Institute for their generous contributions to Doors Open Days.               concepts can be used to develop a            history and beauty of the park and                                                      Association for a free 90-minute walk
                                                                                                               modern “Scots,” architecture.                Stenhouse Village dating back more                                                      to explore Edinburgh’s international
                                                                                                                                                            than 300 years. See former mills and                                                    connections by uncovering the
                                                                                                                                                            hear about Gilmerton Cove, the                                                          secrets hiding in plain sight.
                                                                                              Booking essential via                                         Limestone Mines and the tragic story
2                          Book talks now!                                                                of the ‘Stenhouse Witches’.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Booking essential via: https://
FREE EVENT - Doors Open Days
Central Edinburgh
    Please check exact addresses in venue listings
    Maps by OpenStreetMap                                                                                                                                                     70                            81



                      60                                                26                                 40
                                                      51                                                                                                                                     14                      47

                                            17                               27                                                                                                                                  9
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                                   112                                                                                                                                                                 10

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                                                                                                                                                                                   28             13

                                                       108                   39                                            33                        56 25
                                    121                                                                          42                                   1
                                                             119                                                                  44
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                                                                                                                                            5                                       18
           117                                                                                                                                             20        19 36
                                                                                  41                                                                                  57
                                                                                                                                            23                                21

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                                                                                         46                                                                                        37
                                                                                                                                                                              7          8

                                                                                        54                                                            12

                                                 11                               115

                            113                                                                                                                                                                             103

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FREE EVENT - Doors Open Days
    Please check exact addresses in venue listings
    Maps by OpenStreetMap

             126 131
                                                          116                             65      64                                                 82
                                                                                                                  77           80
                                                                                                72                                  62
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                                                                                                                                               79    67
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6                                                                                                                                                                                           7
FREE EVENT - Doors Open Days
Admission to buildings


                                                      Maps by OpenStreetMap
                                                      Please check exact addresses in venue listings
                                                                                                       East Lothian
                                                                                                                      Admission to all buildings is FREE. Visitors entering buildings do so at their own risk; neither the
                                                                                                                      organisers nor participants are responsible for any accidents or damages incurred. Whilst every effort
                                                                                                                      is made to ensure the accuracy of this programme, the Cockburn Association is not responsible if
                                                                                                                      participating buildings alter their opening times or fail to open. Please be aware that some buildings will

                                                                                                                      attract large numbers of visitors and you may have to queue and others require advance booking.
                                                                                                                      Please ensure that you check opening times carefully, as arrival outwith these times will result in entry
                                                                                                                      being refused. Doors Open Days Edinburgh is organised by The Cockburn Association and forms part
                                                                                                                      of a national programme coordinated by the Scottish Civic Trust ( under
                                                                                                                      the Council of Europe’s European Heritage Days initiative. A sister event, Scottish Archaeology Week, is

                                                                                                                      delivered by Archaeology Scotland – visit for details.

                                                                                                                       Key to symbols                                           Contents 2019

                                                                                                                      Parking                                                   Central Edinburgh                             10

                                                                                                                                                                                Edinburgh North                               29
                                                                                                                      Toilet facilities


                                                                                                                                                                                Edinburgh East
                                                                                                                      Disabled toilet facilities


                                                                                                                                                                                Edinburgh South                               41

                                                                                                                      Full wheelchair access
                                                                                                                                                                                Edinburgh West                                45
                                                                                                                      Limited wheelchair access
                                                                                                                                                                                Edinburgh North West                          52

                                                                                                                      Global connections events                                 Edinburgh South West                          54

                                                                                                                      Advanced booking essential                                East Lothian                                  56

                                                                                                                       Parking may be limited
                                                                                                                       Please use public transport where possible.

                                                                                                                      Keep in touch via our website and facebook for updates to the programme
                                                                                                                      and the latest news on venues:
                                                                                                                      Write to us at:

                                                                                                                      The Cockburn Association,
                                                                                                                      Trunk’s Close, 55 High Street,
                                                                                                                      Edinburgh, EH1 1SR.

                                                                                                                      Facebook: Cockburn Association
                                                                                                                      Twitter: @theCockburn
                                                                                                                      Instagram @edinburghdoorsopendays                                               If you enjoyed Doors Open Days
                                                                                                                      #dodscot                                                                             this year, please consider
                                                                                                                                                                                                           making a donation to the

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Cockburn Association
FREE EVENT - Doors Open Days
1. Advocate’s Library                         2. Anatomical Museum                            3. Appleton Tower                         4. Assembly Rooms                             5. Augustine United                      6. Baha’i Centre
Edinburgh Central

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Edinburgh Central
                    Parliament House,                             Doorway 3, Old Medical                          School of Informatics,                    54 George Street,                             41 George IV Bridge,                     44 Albany Street,
                    Parliament Square                             School, Teviot Place,                           11 Crichton Street,                       EH2 2LR                                       EH1 1EL                                  EH1 3QR
                    EH1 1RF                                       EH8 9AG                                         EH8 9LE
                    Sat 10:00 – 16:00                             Sat 10:00 – 16:00                               Sat 10:30 – 15:00                         Sat 12:00 – 17:00                             Sat 10:00 – 16:00 and                    Sat 10:30 – 15:00
                                                                  (last entry 15:30)                                                                                                                      Sun 14:00 – 16:00

                    The Advocate’s Library is part of             The Anatomical Museum at the                    A controversial building since            The Assembly Rooms officially                 Augustine is a diverse, progressive      44 Albany Street is a category
                    the Parliament House complex                  University of Edinburgh opened                  its inception, Appleton Tower             opened in January 1787 and ever               Christian congregation of the            ‘A’ Listed Georgian Townhouse
                    and is a private law library for the          in 1884 and still forms an integral             recently underwent a thorough             since the building has been at the            United Reformed Church, with a           from the early 1800s probably by
                    Faculty of Advocates, Scotland’s              part of the ‘Old Medical School’                refurbishment with a new                  heart of special occasions and                rich history of global connections.      William Sibbald. Albany Street was
                    Bar. The Corridor, designed by                (designed by Robert Rowan                       entrance and enhanced facilities          celebrations in the capital, hosting          Our four-storey building rises           not part of the Reid and Sibbald
                    William Playfair, was opened in               Anderson). The museum has                       and services. Home to the                 royalty, celebrities and nobility.            up from the Cowgate towards              first extension of the New Town
                    1833 and the Law Room was the                 one of the largest and best-                    University’s world-leading School                                                       an elaborate tower that earned           but was incorporated into it. It was
                    former site of the trial of Burke             preserved collections of anatomy                of Informatics since the Cowgate          The venue has continued to                    the church the nickname of “the          the home of the Milne family and
                    and Hare.                                     in Scotland, including the skeleton             fire in 2002, it’s currently used         evolve with the times, with major             bridecake” when it was opened            visited by Robert Louis Stevenson.
                                                                  of the serial killer William Burke!             for teaching while research has           extensions and renovations, all the           in 1861.                                 The building is home to the
                    Global Connections: An exhibition             The specimens and preparations                  moved to the Informatics Forum            while maintaining its impressive
                    highlighting the global connections of the                                                                                                                                                                                     Edinburgh Baha’i Community, and
                    Library and the Faculty of Advocates will     on display have helped to teach                 across the road. The state-of-the-        Georgian grandeur and first-class             Our permanent exhibition shares          has been refurbished to bring out
                    be featured.                                  anatomy to students for 300                     art study suite on Level 9 offers         hospitality.                                  a story that began in one of the         the original features.
                                                                  years. Today the museum is still                amazing view of the city.                                                               city’s most deprived areas and
                    Activities: Timed tours will occur
                                                                  used by medical students as a                                                             We have a fantastic history here at           reflects our roots in the ‘Radical’      Activities: Guided tours, refreshments
                    throughout the day allowing visitors to                                                       Activities: 30-minute tours will take     the Assembly Rooms, not only as a
                    see the main part of the Library. Tickets     resource and study space.                       place hourly at 10.30am, 11.30am,
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Scottish Reformation. Stained   
                    are available for all tours at the door on                                                    12.30pm, 1.30pm and 2.30pm and must
                                                                                                                                                            significant building of social use, but       glass by Robert Burns (1869–              htm
                    the day. The last tour will begin at 15:15.   Global Connections: Since it’s                  be booked in advance via https://www.     as part of the historic Edinburgh             1941) also featured.
                                                                  establishment in 1726, the Medical       New town’s heritage.
                                    School at the University of Edinburgh           open-day-2019                                                                           Global Connections: Augustine
                                                                  has welcomed students from across                                                         Global Connections: These ideas,              is collaborating with its tenant
                                                                  the world. Many of the students who               although over 230 years old are still         organisations Christian Aid and
                                                                  graduated from Edinburgh in the 18th             events/doors-open-day-2019               continued today, not only on a local          Jubilee Scotland to share examples
                                                                  and 19th centuries went on to establish                                                   level but global as well. The venue           of partnership and justice activism
                                                                  medical schools in the United States,                                                     regularly hosts international conferences,    worldwide, from the church’s
                                                                  Canada and Australia. Today the museum                                                    dinner and events and sits as one of          foundation to the present day. We will
                                                                  is used by a vast range of students of                                                    the founding venues for the fringe and        also celebrate our partnership with
                                                                  all nationalities. The building itself has an                                             international festival which continues to     the global LGBTQ+ Metropolitan
                                                                  international theme, the architecture                                                     welcome thousands of international and        Community Church, and mark the 50th
                                                                  being heavily influenced by the medical                                                   local visitors into our grandeur each year.   anniversary of the Stonewall Riots.
                                                                  schools of Italy and the museum itself
                                                                  based on similar institutions in France                                                   Activities: Guided tours of the venue         Activities: Guides on hand, and
                                                                  and Germany.                                                                              at 1pm, 2pm, 3pm and 4pm with our             refreshments
                                                                                                                                                            guides. Alternatively, feel free to wander
                                                                  Activities: Skeleton Trail for children.                                                  and explore the venue on your own.   
                                                                  Due to the limited capacity of the
                                                                  Anatomical Museum, access will be on                                             
                                                                  a one-in, one-out basis, with a queuing
                                                                  system in place throughout the day.

10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          11
FREE EVENT - Doors Open Days
7. Bayes Centre                            8. Buccleuch &                               9. Burns Monument                         10. Canongate Kirk                          11. Castle Mills                             12. Chapel of St Albert
Edinburgh Central

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Edinburgh Central
                                                               Greyfriars Free Church                                                                 and Kirkyard (The Kirk                      (Edinburgh Printmakers)                      the Great
                                                                                                                                                      of Holyroodhouse and
                    47 Potterrow,                              10 West Crosscauseway,                       Regent Road                               Edinburgh Castle)                                                                        George Square Lane,
                    EH8 9BT                                    EH8 9JP                                      Below Calton Hill                                                                     1 Dundee Street,                             EH8 9LD
                                                                                                                                                      153 Canongate, Royal Mile, EH8 8BN
                                                                                                                                                                                                  EH3 9FP
                    Sun 10:30 – 14:30                          Sat 10:00 – 16:00                            Sat 10:00 – 16:00                         Sat 10:30-16:30                             Sat 10:00 – 18:00 and                        Sat 13:00 – 18:00
                                                               (last entry 15:30)                           Sun 10:00 – 16:00                         Sun 13:30-16:30                             Sun 10:00 – 18:00                            Sun 14:00 – 17:00

                    At the Bayes Centre, world-                The church was built in 1856/57              This prominent monument                   Canongate Kirk,The Kirk of                  Edinburgh Printmakers                        The Chapel of St Albert the
                    leading data science and artificial        by J J & W H Hay of Liverpool for            on the slopes of Calton Hill              Holyroodhouse and Edinburgh                 transformed the former North                 Great is part of St Albert’s
                    intelligence teams are shaping             the Free Buccleuch Congregation              commemorates poet Robert                  Castle, was founded in 1688. The            British Rubber Company HQ into               Catholic Chaplaincy which
                    a better future for everyone.              established at the 1843 Disruption           Burns. Monuments in this style            architecturally unique design is            a vibrant new creative hub, Castle           exists to serve the spiritual
                    Working with partners, we are              and has one of the largest                   were built in ancient Athens to           by James Smith, with aisles and             Mills. Placing art and creativity            needs of staff and students at
                    a proving ground for data-driven           hammerbeam roofs in the country              celebrate the poetic arts, and was        a cruciform plan. The finely                at the heart of Edinburgh’s                  Edinburgh’s Universities.The
                    innovation to solve real-world             as well as an impressive spire               designed by Thomas Hamilton               built ashlar façade is in a Dutch           Fountainbridge area, this much-              Chapel was designed by Stuart
                    problems through scientific                174 feet high.The church is B listed         to house a statue of the bard by          architectural style and the luminous,       loved post-industrial building is            Allan of Simpson and Brown and
                    enquiry, inspiring design and              is filled with many original features,       sculptor John Flaxman.                    columned baroque interior was               once again serving the community             opened in 2012. It received many
                    industrial collaboration.                  including a large stained-glass                                                        wonderfully restored by Stewart             who saved it from demolition.                architectural rewards and, as well
                                                               window and solid pitch pine pews.            Burns’ poetry and song will be            Tod & Partners in 1947. Various                                                          as serving the spiritual needs of
                    The £45 million building, located                                                       performed by members and                  notable memorials in the kirkyard           This £11m project has created                hundreds of people each week, it
                    at the heart of the University’s           Global Connections: The congregation         friends of Edinburgh and District         include the graves of Adam Smith            an international centre for                  is visited daily by people from all
                    Central campus, was officially             has a strong international flavour and       Burns Clubs.The Burns Poetry              and Robert Fergusson.                       printmaking and creative industries.         over the world, who have heard
                                                               there are also active links with churches,   garden around the monument
                    opened in October 2018.The                 missions, schools and aid work in several                                                                                          Housing a year-round programme               or read about it.
                                                                                                            contains flowers mentioned in his         Global Connections: Information panels
                    Centre’s impressive space is open          continents.                                                                            in the kirk explain how James Smith,        of exhibitions, events and learning
                    in design, providing interactive                                                        poetry.                                   the kirk’s architect, spent time in Rome    to nurture talent and enrich lives,          Access via the lane between
                                                               Activities: Refreshments available.
                    places for occupants to foster             Guided tours.                                Global Connections: Robert Burns’         and brought a knowledge of classical        Castle Mills inspires people to              George Square and Middle
                    relationships.                                                                          poetry and songs have global              architecture to his work in Scotland;       connect with creativity.                     Meadow Walk
                                                                     connections as his works are translated   and how key Enlightenment figures
                    Activities: The ground floor atrium and                                                 into the languages of the world, and      associated with the kirk, such as Adam      Global Connections: The internationally-
                    seminar room will be open to visitors                                                   celebrated whenever peoples meet          Smith, had international connections and    inspired exhibition Deer Dancer by
                    to find out more about the work                                                         or part.                                  global influence. We will provide tours     Hanna Tulikki explores representations
                    happening at the Bayes Centre, including                                                                                          of the kirk and kirkyard focussing on the   of deer in traditional dance around the
                    visual displays from Edinburgh Centre                                                                                             global connections of some of those         world, and will be open to visitors.
                    for Robotics and Design Informatics, the      Burns Monument                                                                      buried here.
                    NASA Valkyrie interactive touchscreen                                                                                                                                         Activities: Throughout the day, you will
                    experience and the Bayes Cafe will be                                                                                                       have the opportunity to view our two
                    open for food and refreshments.                                                                                                                                               exhibition galleries, take a peek into our
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Creative Industries Studios, home to
                    There will also be tours every half an                                                                                                                                        creatives of all sorts, and enjoy special
                    hour to visit the Centre, including the                                                                                                                                       offers in the gallery shop. Guided tours
                    garden roof terrace, in collaboration                                                                                                                                         will be provided at 11.00 and 15.00 on
                    with the Informatics Forum. Tours start                                                                                                                                       Saturday and Sunday. Booking essential
                    in the atrium of the Informatics Forum                                                                                                                                        via the Edinburgh Printmakers website.
                    and advance booking is essential via the
                    Bayes website.                                                                                                                                                       
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Castle Mills

12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   13
FREE EVENT - Doors Open Days
13. Chapel of St John                         14.City Observatory                           15.The Cottage, West                         16. The Cockburn                                                    17. The Dean Gardens                     18. Dovecot Studios
Edinburgh Central

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Edinburgh Central
                                                                                                                Princes Street Gardens                       Association
                    23 St John Street,                            Collective, City Observatory,                 West Princes Street Gardens,                 Trunk’s Close,                                                      Via Ann Street and                       10 Infirmary Street,
                    EH8 8DG                                       38 Calton Hill,                               EH2 2HG                                      55 High Street,                                                     Eton Terrace, EH4 1QE                    EH1 1LT
                                                                  EH7 5AA                                                                                    EH1 1SR
                    Sat 10:30 – 15:00                             Sat 10:00 – 17:00                             Sat 10:00 – 16:00                            Sat 10:00 – 16:00                                                   Sun 14:00 – 17:00                        Sat 10:00 – 17:00
                                                                  Sun 10:00 – 17:00                             Sun 10:00 – 16:00                            Sun 10:00 – 16:00

                    Founded in 1677, Lodge                        The iconic City Observatory on                The Cottage is nestled in the                Next to John Knox House is                                          Free parking in the neighbourhood        Dovecot Studios is a world-
                    Canongate Kilwinning meets in                 Calton Hill, designed by William              heart of West Princes Street                 Moubray House. Although the                                                                                  renowned tapestry studio and
                    the historic Chapel of St John,               Playfair in 1818, was restored                Gardens, below the floral clock.             frontage dates from c. 1630, the                                    The Dean Gardens is the largest          leading centre for contemporary
                    the oldest purpose-built Masonic              and re-opened in 2018 as part                 This Category C-listed cottage               house was originally built around                                   of the four ‘pleasure grounds’ to        art, craft and design. Located in
                    meeting room in the world today               of Collective, a new centre for               was designed by Architect Robert             1477, by Robert Moubray. Andrew                                     border the Water of Leith.They           the heart of Edinburgh Old Town,
                    dating from 1735. Throughout                  contemporary art. Calton Hill was             Morham in 1886. Originally the               Moubray built a new house at                                        are the second-biggest private           Dovecot Studios occupies a
                    its long history, the Lodge has               the birthplace of astronomy and               Head Gardener’s house, the                   the rear in 1529. It was restored                                   amenity gardens in Edinburgh             former Victorian Bath House, the
                    drawn members from all ages and               time-keeping in Edinburgh and                 Cottage has now been restored                by the Cockburn Society in 1910.                                    encompassing over seven acres,           Infirmary Street Baths, which were
                    walks of life, all of whom would              the City Observatory houses two               into a distinctive Victorian cottage,        Here Daniel Defoe edited the                                        featuring a series of planted            the first public baths in Edinburgh.
                    agree that it is impossible not to            telescopes, a Fraunhofer-Repsold              complete with a spectacular dining           Edinburgh Courant (1710) and                                        slopes and level lawn areas with
                    be moved by the atmosphere                    transit telescope (1831) and,                 room. The Cottage operates as                the shop was the premises of                                        many delightful viewpoints over          Global Connections: As a leading
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 the Dean Valley.The lay-out of           international tapestry studio, Dovecot
                    that exists in the Chapel of St               upstairs in the McEwan Dome, a                the campaign base for The Quaich             publisher Archibald Constable                                                                                prides itself on working with artists
                    John. The spirit of many famous               6 inch astronomical observatory               Project, a partnership between the           (1774-1827). Outside on the                                         pathways, lawns and the wooden           from around the globe. We have
                    members pervades the place,                   refracting telescope, made by                 Ross Development Trust and the               street is one of the wells which                                    pavilion are virtually unchanged         created many tapestries and rugs with
                    including James Boswell, Rudyard              T Cooke,York, in 1896 and not                 City of Edinburgh Council.                   use to provide the water supply                                     from the original Victorian era          international artists, and our work is held
                    Kipling and Robert Burns.                     ordinarily open to the public.                                                             to the Old Town.The office of the                                   plans but the tennis court has           in many international collections.
                                                                                                                Activities: Behind the scenes tour of                                                                            been replaced with a well-
                    Activities: The Chapel features an            Global Connections: Celestial                 one of Edinburgh’s most-well recognised      Cockburn Association is located in                                                                  
                    Organ by John Snetzler (1710-1785). It        observations made at the City                 houses to learn more about the Cottage       the old cellars of Moubray House                                    equipped children’s play- area.           tapestry-studio/timeline/
                    is still in regular use and is hand pumped.   Observatory were used to track                and the Ross Fountain and the Quaich         and accessed from the garden                                        Activities: Children’s playground open
                    It will be played during the course of the    accurate time. By providing a time-           Project’s plans to reimagine West Princes    and back of the building. Come
                    afternoon. Refreshments available.            keeping service which eventually led          Street Gardens as a space for all in the                                                                
                                                                                                                heart of Edinburgh.
                                                                                                                                                             and find out about the Cockburn
                                                                  to the One O Clock time-ball on
                                         the nearby Nelson Monument, the
                                                                                                                                                             Association’s work for the past
                                                                  Observatory directly contributed to the       Taster sessions from community groups        144 years in the conservation
                                                                  global expansion of trade and empire          running in the gardens, including Tai Chi,   and enhancement of Edinburgh’s                                        Dovecot Studios
                                                                  through Scotland’s maritime fleet.            outdoor play and nature-based crafts.        landscape and historic and
                                                                  By setting their ship’s chronometers                                                       architectural heritage.
                                                                  accurately, sailors were for the first time   Refreshments available at the Fountain
                                                                  able to accurately plot their position        Café.                                        Activities: The Society for the Protection
                                                                  at sea.                                        Advance booking essential via               of Ancient Buildings in Scotland’s Scholar
                                                                                                                  Peter McCluskey will be demonstrating
                                                                  Activities: Tours of the City                                                              a range of traditional building skills in
                                                                  Observatory, including the Cooke                                                           the garden.
                                                                  telescope in the McEwan Dome upstairs,
                                                                  which is normally closed to the public.                                                    Find out more about what the
                                                                  10:00, 12:00, 14:00 and 16:00. Tours will                                                  Cockburn does for Edinburgh and what
                                                                  last around 30 minutes and there is no                                                     you can do to help preserve the city
                                                                  need to book - just drop in.                                                               you love.

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Photo: Shannon Tofts
                                                                                                                                                              If you enjoyed Doors Open Days
                                                                                                                                                                   this year, please consider
                                                                                                                                                                   making a donation to the
14                                                                                                                                                                  Cockburn Association                                                                                                                                15
FREE EVENT - Doors Open Days
19. Edinburgh Law                            20. Edinburgh Sheriff                     21. Festival Theatre                          22. Georgian House                                                        23. Greyfriars Kirk                        24. Informatics Forum
Edinburgh Central

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Edinburgh Central
                    School                                       Court and Justice of the
                    University of Edinburgh                      Peace Court
                    Old College, South Bridge,                   27 Chambers Street,                       13-29 Nicolson Street,                        7 Charlotte Square,                                                       Greyfriars Place,                          10 Crichton Street,
                    EH8 9YL                                      Edinburgh, EH1 1LB                        EH8 9FT                                       EH2 4DR                                                                   EH1 2QQ                                    EH8 9AB
                    Sat 10:30 – 16:00                            Sat 09:30 – 16:00                         Sat 10:00 - 16:30                             Sun 10:00 – 16:00                                                         Sat 10:30 – 16:30                          Sun 10:30-14:30
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Sun 13:45 – 16:00

                    Located on the north side of the             Edinburgh Sheriff Court and               The Festival Theatre sits on                  The Georgian House, a grand                                               Grade A listed, Greyfriars Kirk            Did you know the Informatics
                    iconic Old College, at the heart             Justice of the Peace Court is a           Edinburgh’s longest continuous                New Town house in Charlotte                                               plays an important part in Scottish        Forum has a garden roof terrace
                    of the University, Edinburgh Law             modern building which opened              theatre site.The 19 Nicolson                  Square, was designed by                                                   history. In 1638, the National             with a wonderful view of the
                    School is a world-leading law                to the public in September 1994.          Street locale has been a theatre              celebrated classical architect                                            Covenant was presented and                 surrounding area, including
                    school rooted in the eclectic, open          It is the largest of the Courts           site since 1830. It has seen three            Robert Adam in 1790.Three                                                 signed in the Kirk. In the mid-19th        Arthur’s Seat?
                    and interdisciplinary intellectual           within Lothian and Borders and            major remodellings during its rich            floors have been authentically                                            century the then minister led a
                    traditions of Scots law. The School          after Glasgow, the second busiest         and varied history, with the current          restored and furnished to reflect                                         movement to change the style of            Opened in September 2008,
                    recently underwent a £35million              Court in Scotland. It houses              glass-fronted building opening in             the luxurious lifestyle of the first                                      worship by introducing the first           the Informatics Forum is a fit
                    refurbishment to create state-of-            18 courtrooms, a cell area and            June 1994. It opens onto a fully              owners, the Lamont family, who                                            post-Reformation stained glass             for purpose building, providing
                    the-art facilities whist preserving          administrative offices.                   restored auditorium, blending                 moved in in 1796. See also the                                            windows and one of the first               a Forum for Interaction that
                    the historic features of the 18th                                                      a dramatic mix of art nouveau,                fabulous kitchen and servant’s                                            organs into a Presbyterian church          fosters synergies among the 500
                    century building.                            Activities: Tours of courts, cell area,   beaux arts and neo-classicism.                room in the basement.                                                     in Scotland. Between 1929 and              researchers in Informatics.
                                                                 GeoAmey vans, speed camera vehicles,
                                                                 exhibitions by Justice organisations      Activities and Global Connections:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   1938, the historic church building         Activities: Come and visit the ground
                    Global Connections: We are a truly                                                                                                   Activities: Self-guided tours with                                        was extensively restored and the
                                                                 and mock trials will be run throughout    Hour-long building tours will highlight                                                                                                                            floor of the breath-taking Forum
                    international law school with a wealth                                                                                               information sheets and a guide in each
                    of global connections. Our students          the day.                                  the history and heritage of the building      room.                                                                     interior dividing wall between the         between 10.30 and 2.30. There will be
                                                                                                           and showcase the theatre’s connections                                                                                  two former separate sanctuaries            tours to see the garden roof terrace
                    and staff join us from across the                                                                                                                                                                                 every half an hour – opportunity that
                    globe and our research has reach                                                       with a host of global entertainers. 10:30,    16-minute film “Living in a Grand                                         was removed.The Peter Collins
                                                                                                           12:30 and 14:30.                              Design” dramatises a ‘Day in the Life’ of                                                                            shouldn’t be missed by photographers!
                    and impact across the world. As such,                                                                                                                                                                          organ was installed in 1990.               The tour attendees will be then
                    these international influences will be                                                                                               those who lived in the house in the late
                                                                                                           Intergenerational dance workshops             18th – early 19th century                                                                                            taken through the terrace link for an
                    embedded in our exhibitions, talks and                                                                                                                                                                         Global Connections: The Kirk is a          opportunity to visit the Bayes Centre
                    tours.                                                                                 where visitors can learn dances from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   magnate for international visitors from    next door.
                                                                                                           across the globe – the vibrant Brazilian      Activity room with replica costumes (for                                  all over the Globe. We welcome them
                    Activities: Exhibits, talks and tours of                                               Samba, the timeless English Waltz             all ages), quill pens, handling objects, and                              to this historic building and they are
                    the newly refurbished building will be                                                 through to jumpin’ jive from America          colouring in.                                                             able to walk through 400 years of           events/doors-open-day-2019
                    available. Booking essential via:                                             and the dance of the Spanish matador,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   history with highlights displayed in our
                                                                                the Paso Doble. 11:30-12:00 and 13:30-        No need to book, but visitors may have                                    exhibitions. The church was founded
                                                                                                           14:00.                                        to wait if the house is busy.                                             in 1620 – the year the Pilgrim Fathers
                    The Law School café will also be open.
                                                                                                           Musical storytelling workshops where                                            ventured to the colonies of the ‘New
                                                                        participants will engage with storytelling     House/                                                                   World’.
                                                                                                           and song in multiple languages. Working                                                                                 Activities: Throughout the weekend,
                                                                                                           together with professional performance                                                                                  visitors will have the opportunity to
                                                                                                           artists they will be create original lyrics                                                                             view our beautiful sanctuary, museum
                                                                                                           to a new composition and explore the                                                                                    and shop. Activities for children are
                                                                                                           different styles of staging possible on the                                                                             available, including a dressing up area.
                                                                                                           largest stage in Scotland. All ages and
                                                                                                           abilities will be welcome. 12:00-12:30                                                                         
                                                                                                           and 14:00-14:30.

                                                                                                           The Vintage Chorus, the Festival Theatre
                                                                                                           choir, will be singing a medley of songs
                                                                                                           on a global theme, 13:30-14:30.

                                                                                                           Advance booking essential via

                                                                                                                                                           Festival Theatre                             Photo: Robbie Macfarlane     Greyfriars Kirk
16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    17
25. Institut français                       26. James Clerk Maxwell              27. JM Architects                                                      28. John Knox House                          29. Magdalen Chapel                        30. McEwan Hall
Edinburgh Central

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Edinburgh Central
                    d’Ecosse and Consulate                      Foundation
                    General of France in
                    Edinburgh                                   14 India Street,                     64 Queen Street,                                                       43-45 High Street,                           41 Cowgate,                                Teviot Place, Bristo Square,
                                                                EH3 6EZ                              EH2 4NA                                                                EH1 1SR                                      EH1 1JR                                    EH8 9AG
                    West Parliament Square,
                    EH1 1RF
                                                                Sat 11:00 – 15:00                    Sat 10:00 – 14:00                                                      Sat 10:00 – 18:00                            Sat 10:00 – 16:00                          Sun 14:00-16:00
                    Sat 10:00 – 14:00
                    Sun 14:00 – 18:00

                                                                The James Clerk Maxwell              JM architects, formally Percy                                          Dating back to 1470 and now                  A hidden gem in the Old Town.              McEwan Hall was presented
                    There have been public buildings            Foundation owns the New              Johnson Marshall & Partners                                            incorporated into the Scottish               Built in 1541 as the last Roman            to the University in 1897 by
                    on this site for centuries.The              Town house in which Maxwell          moved in 2006 from Duddingston                                         Storytelling Centre, John Knox               Catholic chapel built in Edinburgh         William McEwan, not only as a
                    present one was inaugurated                 was born.The house contains          House and purchased the 17th                                           House is one of Scotland’s                   before the Reformation it contains         ceremonial hall for graduations
                    in 1904 for Midlothian County.              exhibits, scientific models and      century A-listed town house at 64                                      greatest cultural treasures and              the only pre reformation stained           but also as a gift to the people
                    Since September 2017, it houses             pictures illustrating the work of    Queen Street.                                                          is associated with the most                  glass in Scotland still in its original    of Edinburgh. Designed by Sir
                    the Institut français d’Ecosse and          Maxwell, who ranks with Newton                                                                              dramatic events in Scotland’s                location.The chapel may have               Rowand Anderson, with lavish
                    Consulate General of France                 and Einstein as the ‘Big Three’ of   Built for the 7th Earl of Wemyss                                       turbulent history. Located in                hosted the first General Assembly          interiors by William Palin, this
                    in Scotland, serving as a centre            physics.                             it has retained the cast-iron                                          The Netherbow, the house was                 of the Church of Scotland in 1560.         iconic Grade A listed building
                    for cultural exchanges in the                                                    spearhead railings and cast-iron                                       the home of James Mossman,                   It also features a remarkable 17th         was reopened in 2017 following
                    very heart of the Old Town and           lamp standards enhancing its                                           goldsmith to Mary Queen of                   century interior including inscribed       a painstaking three-year multi-
                    civic centre of Edinburgh. All                                                   entrance to the 3-storey, attic and                                    Scots, and became known as the               wooden panels and a mortuary               million pound refurbishment,
                    are welcome to discover the                                                      basement building.                                                     final residence of John Knox, the            table associated with the                  which not only ‘refreshed’ its
                    architecture, our cultural offerings,                                                                                                                   Protestant reformer. 30 tickets              Covenanters. It was the meeting            intricate paintings and stonework,
                    and some unique treasures shown                                                  Interior alterations adapted the                                       will be available per half-hour, with        place for the charitable activities of     but also expanded the function
                    as part of “behind the scenes”                                                   house in these days for large-scale                                    limited tickets available in advance         the Hammermen and Incorporate              of the Hall to meet the modern
                    guided tours.                                                                    entertaining in both the early and                                     via the website.                             Trades for several centuries.              demands of the University.
                                                                                                     mid-19th century, and a major
                    Global Connections:The Institut français                                         alteration circa 1900.                                                 Global Connections: The tour of John         Global Connections: The Chapel
                    d’Ecosse and Consulate General of                                                                                                                       Knox House explains the international        has plaques for missionaries from the
                    France in Edinburgh are the official                                             Activities: Visitors are invited to learn                              reach of Knox’s influence and places         Edinburgh Medical Missionary Society
                    presence of France in Scotland, aiming                                           about the history of this old town house                               Scotland in an international context         who died overseas in the Middle East.
                    to showcase European culture in the                                              and specific architectural elements                                    through its association with Mary, Queen
                    region.                                                                          within it.                                                             of Scots.                                    Activities: Talks 11:00, 12:00, 2:00 and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         3:00. Guided tours 12:15, 2:15 and 3:15.
                    Activities: Guided tours of the building                                                                                                                Activities: Self-guided tours of the House
                    (from the 20,000 book library reserve                                                                                                                   and surrounding area. Children’s activity
                    to the Edinburgh skyline visible from the
                    roof); French workshops in association                                                                                                                  sheets. Refreshments from the cafe
                    with our language centre and its                                                                                                                         www.scottishstorytelling
                    teachers; a Wemyss ware exhibition                                                                                                                                                 McEwan Hall
                    organised by the Victor Murphy Trust.

                                                                                                                                                 Photo: Robbie Macfarlane

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       19
31. Meadows Croquet                              32. National Library                         33. New College, School                      34. National Records of                     35. Northern Lighthouse                      36. Old College
Edinburgh Central

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Edinburgh Central
                    Club                                             of Scotland                                  of Divinity, University of                   Scotland                                    Board
                    Leven Terrace,                                   7 George IV Bridge,                          Edinburgh                                    New Register House,                         84 George Street,                            University of Edinburgh
                    EH3 9LW                                          EH1 1EW                                      Mound Place,                                 3 West Register Street,                     EH2 3DA                                      South Bridge, EH8 9YL
                                                                                                                  EH1 2LX                                      EH1 3YT
                    Sat 10:00 – 14:00                                Sat 09:30 – 17:00                            Sat 10:00 – 16:00                            Sat 10:00 – 16:00                           Sat 10:00 - 15:00                            Sat 11:00 – 17:00
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Sun 10:00 - 15:00                            Sun 12:00 – 17:00

                    The Meadows Croquet Club is                      The National Library of Scotland             New College has a central place in           New Register House is one                   84 George Street has been                    Old College sits at the heart of
                    the home of the National Croquet                 is Scotland’s largest library.Take this      the city’s iconic skyline. Now home          of Scotland’s most important                the offices of the Northern                  the University of Edinburgh. Work
                    Centre. Croquet has been played                  opportunity to learn more about              to the University of Edinburgh’s             buildings where National Records            Lighthouse Board since 1832.                 on Robert Adam’s original design
                    in Scotland since the second half                the collections and the history of           School of Divinity, which                    of Scotland provides some of its            Built in 1786 as part of James               began in 1789 and was completed
                    of the nineteenth century. Some                  its impressive building. See behind          encompasses students of different            public services. It was designed by         Craig’s New Town development,                by William Henry Playfair who
                    of the trophies from the early days              the scenes, including a visit to ‘The        faiths and none, the building was            Robert Matheson as the home of              the original facade is almost                created the magnificent Playfair
                    are still competed for and will be               Void’, a rarely seen area beneath            founded as the theological college           civil registration in Scotland and          unchanged since its construction.            Library.The dome, added in
                    on display.                                      George IV Bridge. Along with our             of the Free Church of Scotland               opened in 1861.                             Acquiring No. 82 in the late                 1887, bears a 6ft foot high gilded
                                                                     main exhibition about Scotland’s             on 3 June 1846. Discover the                                                             1960’s both buildings were                   bronze statue of a youth bearing
                    Activities: Visitors will be able to watch
                                                                     role in the Enlightenment, there                                                          Its centrepiece is the Dome,                renovated and developed into                 ‘the torch of knowledge’ and
                    games of croquet in progress and will                                                         rich history in its magnificent              a large and striking circular
                    also be able to try out the game for             will also be special displays on             architecture and visit the newly                                                         a single office, which included              is affectionately nicknamed the
                                                                     Doors Open Day about the                                                                  chamber, over 27m (90 feet)                 a workshop and engineering                   ‘Golden Boy.’ The meeting rooms
                    themselves. Please wear flat-soled shoes,                                                     refurbished Rainy Hall.You may               high, which consists of five tiers
                    e.g. trainers, if you would like to play. This   history, architecture, and opening           even catch a glimpse of the New                                                          facility within the basement.The             and main staircase contain many
                    is a great opportunity to experience the         of the National Library building                                                          of ironwork shelving and galleries.         basement underwent a complete                fine paintings, including a dozen by
                    game of croquet.                                                                              College ghost!                               It’s of considerable interest as a
                                                                     in 1956.                                                                                                                              refurbishment in 2016/17 and is              Henry Raeburn.
                                                                                                                  Global Connections: As a leading             piece of 19th century functional            now a conference and meeting
                                                                     Activities: We will be offering six          centre for research in World Christianity,   architecture and structural                 space for NLB.
                                                                     hour-long guided tours throughout the        Christian Muslim relations and other         engineering.
                                                                     day, starting from the reception desk at     faiths, New College has an international
                                                                     9.30am, 11am, 12.30pm, 2pm, 3pm and                                                                                                   Global Connections: Through our
                                                                                                                  community and global reach.                  Global Connections: National Records        research and development team ‘GRAD’,
                                                                     4pm. We can accommodate a maximum                                                         of Scotland preserves the primary
                                                                     of 15 people per tour. Advance booking                                                                   we are world leaders in researching and
                                                                                                                                                               records for understanding all aspects       developing ground-breaking technology
                                                                     is preferred, but a small number of                                                       of Scotland’s history, its people,
                                                                     places will be available on a first come,                                                                                             to improve the safety of navigation. We
                                                                                                                                                               government, economy and society.            are also active members of IALA which
                                                                     first served basis on the day. Book online                                                These records can inspire and engage
                                                                     at or phone 0131                                                                                                    sets international standards for aids to
                                                                                                                                                               communities across Scotland and the         navigation.
                                                                     623 3734.                                                                                 world, as their own heritage is revealed.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Activities: There will be regular talks in
                                                                     We are also offering 45-minute guided                                                     Activities: Include 30-minute tours of      the boardroom until 2:30pm each day,
                                                                     tours of the Library’s Conservation                                                       New Register House and Archivists’          and an opportunity to try on our heli
                                                                     Studio at 10am, 11.30am, 1pm, and                                                         Garden, 10:30 – 15:30. Advance booking      suits and boat suits.
                                                                     2.15pm. These can be booked in person                                                     is essential, informing us of any special
                                                                     on the day.                                                                               access requirements on tour routes.
                                                                     The Library has a café selling hot and                                                    Email: customerservices@
                                                                     cold drinks, soup, sandwiches, and cakes.                                        or
                                                                     There is also a shop selling books, cards,
                                                                     and gifts.                                                                                Telephone: 0131 314 4300 (Mon – Fri
                                                                                                                                                               09:00 – 12:00)
                                                                     The main exhibition Northern Lights:
                                                                     The Scottish Enlightenment will be open                                                   Please note, that only the tours must be
                                                                     to visitors from 9.30am – 5pm, and is                                                     booked in advance: visitors are welcome
                                                                     free of charge.                                                                           to drop in on the day to New Register
                                                                                                                                                               House and engage with other activities
                                                                                                                                           available and NRS staff.

                                                                                                                                                               Visitors are advised that the tours will
                                                                                                                                                               entail a degree of walking and climbing
                                                                                                                                                               stairs and are recommended to wear
                                                                                                                                                               suitable footwear.

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             21
37. Orthodox Community                      38. Panmure House                           39. Parish Church of                      40. Queen Street                       41. Queen’s Nursing                        42. Ramsay Garden
Edinburgh Central

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Edinburgh Central
                    of St Andrew                                                                            St Cuthbert                               Gardens                                Institute Scotland                         Patrick Geddes Apartment
                    33 Chapel Street,                           4 Lochend Close,                            5 Lothian Road,                           Heriot Row,                            31 Castle Terrace,                         Flat 4f1, Ramsay Garden
                    EH8 9AY                                     EH8 8BL                                     EH1 2EP                                   EH3 6LA                                EH1 2EL                                    EH1 2NA

                    Sat 13:00 – 17:00                           Sun 11:00 – 15:00                           Sat 10:00 – 16:00                         Sat 14:00 – 17:00                      Sat 10:00 – 15:30                          Sat 12:00 – 17:00
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        (last showing at 4:30pm)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Sun 12:00 – 16:00
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        (last showing at 3:30pm) and
                    The former Buccleuch Parish                 Built in 1691, Panmure House                The oldest Christian site in              Queen Street Gardens were              The Queen’s Nursing Institute              will be every half hour.
                    Church (now owned by the                    is the final remaining home of              Edinburgh, tradition has it that          established under a private            Scotland celebrates its 130th
                    Orthodox Community of St                    economist and philosopher                   the church was founded by St              Act of Parliament in 1822,             anniversary by opening its office
                    Andrew - Edinburgh) is C-listed             Adam Smith, who occupied                    Cuthbert 1,300 years ago.The              intending to safeguard the open        on Castle Terrace to the public            A wonderful opportunity to visit
                    and dates from 1755-6. Built as             the House from 1778 until his               original building no longer stands        space along Queen Street as            for the first time. Designed by            the National Trust for Scotland
                    overflow for St Cuthbert’s Parish           death there in 1790. During his             but in its place is a spectacular         communal pleasure gardens.             James Gowans and completed in              Patrick Geddes apartment located
                    Church, Lothian Road, its tranquil          tenancy, Smith completed the final          18th century bell tower and               Today, proprietors and tenants         1870, the Institute acquired the           within Ramsay Gardens in the
                    secret graveyard houses several             editions of his magnum opus The             19th century church, designed by          of neighbouring properties are         property in 1890 as a training             Old Town.This exquisite period
                    significant graves. It sits on the          Wealth of Nations, and regularly            Scottish architect Hippolyte Blanc.       entitled to apply for a key and the    centre for Queen’s Nurses, funded          Arts and Crafts apartment was
                    western edge a historic triangular          hosted key figures of the Scottish                                                    levies received meet the cost of       by money raised for Queen                  designed by the town-planner
                    space known locally as “The                 Enlightenment. Rescued and                  Features of the church include the        maintenance and upkeep.                Victoria’s Golden Jubilee.Today, the
                                                                                                            marble-lined Memorial Chapel;                                                                                               and environmentalist Sir Patrick
                    Causey”. Causey Development                 restored by Edinburgh Business                                                                                               Institute promotes excellence in           Geddes for himself and his family
                    Trust aims to transform this                School, Heriot-Watt University,             the beautiful alabaster carving           Centre District                        community nursing. Find out more
                                                                                                            of the Last Supper; the mural of          The Centre District of Queen                                                      at the end of the 19th Century.
                    space and is partnering with the            it is now a new centre for global                                                                                            about the building, the history of         It retains many original features
                    Orthodox Community of St                    economic and social debate, not             Christ in Glory by Robert Hope;           Street Gardens was designed by         QNIS and our links to Sherlock
                                                                                                            our Tiffany stained glass window;         Andrew Wilson, Landscape Painter,                                                 and is situated next to Edinburgh
                    Andrew to host this event.                  normally accessible to the public.                                                                                           Holmes.                                    Castle, with magnificent 360
                                                                                                            our impressive marble pulpit and          inspired by the classical landscapes
                    Global Connections: The Orthodox            Global Connections:Panmure House            font; and our spectacular painting        of Claude Lorrain.The gardens          Global Connections: The Frontier           degree views across the City.
                    Community of St Andrew is a pan-            has been rescued and restored as a          of New Zealand’s Lake Tekapo by           feature a stone pavilion in the        Nursing Service in America, started        Activities: 30-minute tours will take
                    orthodox church based in Edinburgh          home for globally relevant, ground-                                                                                          by Mary Breckenridge, was the direct       place hourly at 10.30am, 11.30am,
                    with a multi-cultural community. Whilst     breaking economic research, social          renowned Scottish artist, Adrian          Greek Doric style that underwent       result of her visit to QNIS and meeting
                                                                                                            Wiszniewski.                              conservation in 2014. It is 4.25                                                  12.30pm, 1.30pm and 2.30pm and must
                    it worships primarily in English - Greek,   debate, and the latest academic thinking.                                                                                    with Scottish Queen’s Nurses, some of      be booked in advance via https://www.
                    Slavonic and Romanian are also used,        It aims to bring the world to Scotland,                                               acres in size.                         whom travelled with her to America to
                    reflecting just some of the global          just as Adam Smith took Scotland to         Global Connections: Our connections                                              help set up the service.
                                                                                                            can be seen in our artwork, many                                                                                            open-day-2019
                    communities the church encompasses.         the world.                                                                            Eastern District
                    These communities and their global links                                                pieces of which orginate or have gained                                          Activities: There will be a small
                                                                                                            inspiration from abroad. Notably, we      The Eastern District of the            collection of nursing equipment, letters
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Advance booking essential via:
                    will be explored at the event.              Activities:The foyer includes a series                                                                                                                         
                                                                of interactive touchscreen displays         are currently playing host to Adrian      gardens is 6.9 acres in size.          and exam papers to view, as well as         dod-ramsay-garden-patrick-geddes-
                        providing information about Panmure         Wiszniewski’s beautiful paiting of        Originally designed by John Hay,       information about the building and its      apartment-tickets-65095029987
                                     House, Adam Smith and his works,            Lake Tekapo, reflecting the spiritual     a nursery man and landscape            history.
                                                                and The Scottish Enlightenment. There       connection between the chapel on its      gardener.The gardens feature the
                                                                will also be architectural models and       shores, and St Cuthbert’s, itself once
                                                                                                            situated on the bank of the Nor Loch.     Temple of Pluto, a 1984 building
                                                                stewards at key points.
                                                                                                                                                      that disguises a gas pressure
                                                                                                                        regulation station.There is also a
                                                                                                                                                      former Nissen hut in use as a tool
                                                                                                                                                      shed, bought for £5 in 1946.

22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                23
43. Regent, Royal and                     44. Riddle’s Court                           45. The Royal Society                       46. Sacred Heart Church                       47. Scottish Free                           48. The Scottish Gallery
Edinburgh Central

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Edinburgh Central
                    Carlton Terrace Gardens                                                                of Edinburgh                                                                              French House, Official
                    17a Royal Terrace Mews,                   322 Lawnmarket,                              22–24 George Street,                        28 Lauriston Street,                          Residence of the Consul                     16 Dundas Street,
                    EH7 5B2                                   EH1 2PG                                      EH2 2PQ                                     EH3 9DJ                                       General of France in                        EH3 6HZ
                    Sun 13:00 – 16:00                         Sat 10:00 - 16:00                            Sat 10:00 – 16:00                           Sat 10:00 – 17:00                             28 Regent Terrace,                          Sat 10:00 – 16:00
                                                              Sun 12:00 - 16:00                                                                                                                      EH 7 5BS
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Sat 12:00 – 16:00 and
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Sun 12:00 – 16:00
                    One of the largest New Town               Riddle’s Court, an A-listed 1590s            Access with assistance. There is            The Sacred Heart Church is a                                                              The Scottish Gallery specialises in
                    gardens in private ownership, its         merchant’s tenement, is a hidden             limited pay and display parking             Roman Catholic Church that is                                                             contemporary Scottish and 20th
                    main format remains relatively            gem amidst Edinburgh’s Old                   available on George Street.                 served by the Society of Jesus                                                            Century painting, and Scottish,
                    unchanged since its development           Town. Painstakingly restored by                                                          (Jesuits).The architect of the                Nestled on the hillside of Calton           UK and international objects.
                    by William Henry Playfair in 1830.        SHBT and re-opened as the                    The Royal Society of Edinburgh              Church was the Jesuit priest                  Hill, the Scottish Free French              Established in South St. David
                    The design consists of an upland          Patrick Geddes Centre, the special           (RSE) was established in 1783 and           Fr. Richard Vaughn SJ and the                 House is the Official Residence             Street, Edinburgh by Aitken Dott
                    lawn of seven acres planted with          interiors and painted ceilings take          has been based on George Street             Church was founded in 1859.                   of the Consul General of France             in 1842 as Gilders, Framers, and
                    specimen trees.The flanking               visitors through 400 years of                since 1908. It originally occupied          Over the years, the church has                in Edinburgh.The building was               Artists’ Colourmen, the firm also
                    woodlands of five acres are               Edinburgh’s history.                         numbers 22–24, which had                    been restored and renovated                   purchased in 1942 by the Free               exhibited work by leading Scottish
                    planted with crocuses, daffodils                                                       been built for the Edinburgh Life           on numerous occasions. In 1907,               French, who fled Nazi-occupied              artists. Following a time in Castle
                                                              Activities: This year we are hosting a
                    and bluebells, providing a carpet of      free exhibition of ‘Chinese Bed Quilts’:
                                                                                                           Assurance Company (ELAC) in                 the organ was installed and was               France and rallied around General           Street, a new dedicated gallery
                    colour in the spring.                     offering visitors an intimate window into    1843 on the site of two terraced            modified in 1963 and 1974. From               de Gaulle in Britain to plan                space was opened in 1897 as The
                                                              everyday Chinese life in the 1950-60s        townhouses designed by David                1963 to 1990 alterations were                 the Liberation of France. Since             Scottish Gallery.The Gallery has
                    Global Connections: The adjacent          through this exquisite rare collection not   Bryce. It acquired number 26,                                                             then the House has been the
                    terraces are home to the American
                                                                                                                                                       made to make the church more                                                              been situated on Dundas Street
                                                              exhibited in Europe before (organised        whose corner-site façade is built                                                         home of France’s much longer
                    consulate, who donated two silver maple   by the Confucius Institute).                                                             compatible with the requirements                                                          since 1992 and celebrated 175
                    trees to the garden to commemorate                                                     of white Portland stone with a              of the post-Vatican II era.The                relationship with Scotland, and it          Years of Art in 2017.
                    the victims of 9/11.                      Riddle’s Court will also be hosting two      copper-roofed dome crowned                  Church is a category A listed                 has welcomed numerous guests
                                                              lectures in the week before Doors            with a bronze status of Prudence,           building and is neoclassical in               coming from all over the world.             Global Connections: The Scottish
                                                              Open Days, see Events page for more          in 1994.                                                                                                                              Gallery champions international,
                                                                                                                                                       design.                                                                                   contemporary applied art and artists
                                                              details.                                                                                                                               Global Connections: “Global
                                                                                                           Global Connections: The RSE is                                                            Connections” is a very adequate             who have a presence within the global
                                                                                                               Global Connections: Located within                                                        art community; from young, talented
                                                                                                           Scotland’s National Academy and was         the Church is a first-class relic of St       description of the themes the Scottish
                                                                                                           established for the advancement of                                                        Free French House represents. As the        graduates who may have travelled to
                                                                                                                                                       Oscar Romero. Oscar Romero was an                                                         Scotland to study at one of the art
                                                                                                           learning and useful knowledge. It remains   El Salvadoran Bishop who was marytred         Official Residence of the French Consul
                                                                                                           true to these principles today by playing                                                 General, it has welcomed numerous           schools, to established makers and
                      Royal Society of Edinburgh                                                                                                       whilst saying Mass on the 24th March                                                      artists who have an international reach.
                                                                                                           a leading role in challenging, developing   1980. He was killed for standing up for       diplomats as well as short-term
                                                                                                           and sharing current thinking and ideas      oppressed people in his native country.       guests: artists, members of the military,   Activities: Doors Open Days will be the
                                                                                                           that can benefit Scotland and the wider                                                   politicians, and so on. As one of the       final chance to see several exhibitions
                                                                                                           world. It does this through harnessing      Activities: Timed tours will occur            most important and historic French          including solo exhibitions from both
                                                                                                           the diverse knowledge and expertise         throughout the day allowing visitors to       buildings in Britain, the Scottish Free     Victoria Crowe and Rebecca Collins,
                                                                                                           of its Fellowship of over 1600 experts      see the main part of the Library. Tickets     French House indeed represents the          alongside an exhibition showcasing some
                                                                                                           and leaders, drawn from the worlds of       are available for all tours at the door on    Global Connections that converge into       of the finest British and International
                                                                                                           science, the arts, business and public      the day. The last tour will begin at 15:15.   our city.                                   glass artists featuring work from
                                                                                                           service.                                                                                                                              Vidar Koksvik, Harry Morgan, Karlyn
                                                                                                                                                               Activities: Tours of the building will be
                                                                                                           Activities: Virtual tours, displays,                                                      ongoing throughout the afternoon.           Sutherland, Inge Panneels & Kevin
                                                                                                           artefacts, presentations and refreshments                                                                                             Greenfield.
                                                                                                           plus a chance to see our ‘Women                                                  
                                                                                                           in Science in Scotland’ photographic
                                                                                                           exhibition, featuring some of Scotland’s
                                                                                                           finest female scientists who are all
                                                                                                           shaping our understanding of the world.

24                                                                                                                                                       Scottish Free French House
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