GAGANJEET BHULLAR Discusses his journey powered by The all-new Hyundai TUCSON - Golf Plus Monthly

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GAGANJEET BHULLAR Discusses his journey powered by The all-new Hyundai TUCSON - Golf Plus Monthly
Rory Mcilroy wins Tour Championship in epic comeback over Scottie Schefƀer Ƽˡ˟


 Discusses his jjourney
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 The all-new Hyundai TUCSON
GAGANJEET BHULLAR Discusses his journey powered by The all-new Hyundai TUCSON - Golf Plus Monthly
GAGANJEET BHULLAR Discusses his journey powered by The all-new Hyundai TUCSON - Golf Plus Monthly
GAGANJEET BHULLAR Discusses his journey powered by The all-new Hyundai TUCSON - Golf Plus Monthly

                                                                                                                                  OCTOBER 2022
                                                                                                                                 Vol.-XV, Issue - 10
                                                                                                                                Editor-in-Chief: Anil Dev
                                                                                                                                       Editorial Board:
                                                                                                                                          Amit Luthra
                                                                                                                                     Col. R. Dewan (Retd.)

                                                                                                                                    Contributing Editors:
                                                                                                                                     Brandon de Souza
                                                                                                                                        Digraj Singh
                                                                                                                                      Farzan Heerjee
                                                                                                                                        Gaurav Bajaj
                                                                                                                                       Maj. D.N. Dass
                                                                                                                                       Michael Wilson
                                                   Gaganjeet Bhullar with Anil Dev, Editor-in-Chief, GolfPlus Monthly
                                                                                                                                     Raja Danish Aman
                                                                                                                                      Randy Williams
                                                                                                                                      Ridhima Dilawari

 THE COMPLETE MAN!                                                                                                                       Deputy Editor:
                                                                                                                                          Charu Dewan
                                                                                                                                          Ferry Monné

                                                                                                                               Creative & Newsdesk Team:
      he issue in your hand has Gaganjeet          which also features the Eisenhower Cup.

                                                                                                                              Deepak, Pushpendra & Akansha
      Bhullar featured on the cover. The cover     We have the recap in the instructions section                                   Place of Publication:
      story is about his life and also about the   with our popular feature ‘Play Better’ with a                                  Golf Plus: 436, Sector-37,
                                                                                                                                  Noida 201301 (U.P.), India
 launch of The all-new Hyundai TUCSON.             quick fix-Hit your target, back to the basics                                    Tel.: +91-120-4570554
 The all-new Hyundai TUCSON has                    and set up for a more solid strike. While I                                   Marketing Department
 incorporated features like the Sporty Exterior,   leave you to follow the tips and improve your                            Shalini Tomar: +91-98114 57878
 Comfortable interior, integrated technology,      game one practice hack which I found worked
 latest safety features and adequate powertrain    very well is that go into a practice session with                                  News Desk:
 which would easily make it stand out amongst      a definite goal.
 the other SUV’s just like the subject of our      The Team at Golfplus Monthly wishes all our                     
 cover story. Gaganjeet’s golf journey from        readers a prosperous Diwali!                                                         Printed at:
 the onset stands him out as a star. Born in a                                                                                       HT Media Limited
 small town with limited access to modern golf                                                                                   Plot No. 8, Udhyog Vihar,
                                                                                                                                Greater Noida - 201306, U.P.
 facilities his single-minded dedication to the                                                                                    on 1st October, 2022
 game brought out the star in him. The journey                                                                                 Owner, Printer & Publisher:
 itself has been fulfilling with winning a Silver                                                                                        Anil Dev
 in Asian Games, lowering the age of Arjuna
 Awards for golf by being awarded at the age of    Editor-in-Chief
 26, winning 10 times on the Domestic Tour and
 10 Times on the Asian Tour. Giving back to                                                                                ©2010 GolfPlus Article and features, including
 humanity by way of adopting a whole village                                                                                illustrations can only be reproduced with the
                                                                                                                          permission of the Editor. We regret we cannot be
 in Punjab sets him apart as the complete man!     MEDIA ASSOCIATES                  MEDIA PARTNER                      liable for the safe custody or return of any solicited
                                                                                                                             or unsolicited material, whether typescripts,
 The issue is replete with golf news from the                                                                           photographs, transparencies, artwork or computer
                                                                                                                          discs. Contributors are advised to keep copies of
 various tours round the world including the                                                                             all material submitted. Page Nos. 35 to 39 printed
 coverage of various events on the domestic                                                                                  under license from Bauer Consumer Media
                                                                                                                                  Limited (Todays Golfer/Golf World)
 tour the Professional Golf Tour of India. Read                                                                           Send address changes to: 436/37 Noida 201301,
                                                                                                                                          Uttar Pradesh, India
 about the Amateur Tour in the IGU section

 4 GolfPlus            OCTOBER 2022
GAGANJEET BHULLAR Discusses his journey powered by The all-new Hyundai TUCSON - Golf Plus Monthly
GAGANJEET BHULLAR Discusses his journey powered by The all-new Hyundai TUCSON - Golf Plus Monthly
GAGANJEET BHULLAR Discusses his journey powered by The all-new Hyundai TUCSON - Golf Plus Monthly
GAGANJEET BHULLAR Discusses his journey powered by The all-new Hyundai TUCSON - Golf Plus Monthly
This Month

                     Dipak Kanunga                 Mail in details of your achievement
                     Kalhaar Blues & Greens        and join the elite GolfPlus Ace Club:
                     Club, Ahmedabad     

C K Malik
Lucknow Golf Club

                    Prashit Shah
                    Kalhaar Blues & Greens Golf
                    Club, Ahmedabad
GAGANJEET BHULLAR Discusses his journey powered by The all-new Hyundai TUCSON - Golf Plus Monthly
GAGANJEET BHULLAR Discusses his journey powered by The all-new Hyundai TUCSON - Golf Plus Monthly


Question: Sadhguru, I tend to have a lot of             you will say, “That’s nice, Sadhguru. I really        productive process so that you will need less
visions in my sleep. I was wondering if you             want to just be. But what is the take-away from       sleep. If you sleep in absolute relaxation, the
could talk about that.                                  this sathsang?” For most human beings, the only       gene expression and other processes in the body
Sadhguru: Once, a burglar was caught stealing,          area that they have not managed to corrupt in         will happen more quickly and more efficiently.
and he was taken to the court. On the surface,          their lives is death. Even if they try, they cannot   That means you will wake up sooner.
this man was well-to-do, so the judge asked             corrupt it because no matter what they think          If you are inefficient in wakefulness, it is not
him, “You have enough in life. Why are you              they know, 99.999% of the human beings do not         good, but we will bear with you. But if you
stealing from other people?” The burglar used           know a thing about death. Suppose death comes         are inefficient even in sleep, death will be
the Inner Engineering Online class that he              to you right now, whatever theories and books         the only answer, because that is the only area
had done and said, “Well, you know, the wise            that you have read, whatever near-death and           where you cannot be inefficient. When you
have always said, ‘Whatever a man may have,             out-of-body experiences you have heard about –        die, you die. If you learn to simply sleep, to
he always wants more.’” The judge looked at             everything will just evaporate. You actually do       “simply be” in wakefulness will be the next
him and said, “Okay. I give you 10 years. If you        not know anything – death is one clear, blank,        step. To “simply be” means that your physical
want more, tell me.”                                    uncorrupted space.                                    presence has become a doorway to the beyond.
At least in sleep, don’t look for more. It would        We want to bring this quality into your life, that    What is beyond can find expression through
be fantastic if you did not look for more in            your life is uncorrupted. Sleep is a good area to     this doorway. Otherwise, as a person, you are
wakefulness either – simply be. If that is not          start with because in sleep, you are simulating       like a stone block between what is physical and
possible for you right now, at least in sleep, do not   death, or at least you are acting dead. Do not        what is beyond. In that state, living is difficult,
ask for more – simply sleep. If you could simply        corrupt that by trying to have visions or the         sleeping is difficult – everything is difficult.
be right now, that would be too wonderful. But          like. You can make sleep into a phenomenally          To live in this vast existence all by yourself

10 G o l f P l u s O C T O B E R                 2022

without being connected to anything bigger than     stones are very alive – a lot more alive than many
yourself is a terrible difficulty.                    human beings. “Sleeping like a log” would be a
Therefore, you believe something to solace          better expression, because a log is dead – it is
yourself – “God loves me.” If God loves you         not a tree anymore. This is not about sleeping                  Aliveness is far
so much and you love him so much, you must          like a log, but about sleeping in a live manner –
                                                    being awake and asleep at the same time. If you
                                                                                                               more fundamental than
go. It is not good to keep lovers apart – they
must meet. This whole idea that someone from        bring even a small percentage of this element              youthfulness. When just
above can love you has destroyed humanity.          into your sleep, you will naturally become                   those two cells met,
Because people treat each other the way they        meditative over a period of time. Meditation not
                                                    as an act but as a quality will become a part of
                                                                                                                aliveness happened. In
do, love cannot happen here; it can only come
from above, and they can only love the one that     your existence.                                                 48 days’ time, a
they cannot see. When I say that you are in the     We have tried to bring this aspect into your life             much bigger boost
lap of the Creator, do not think you are being      in so many ways, starting with the Shambhavi                      to aliveness
lovingly nurtured and start dreaming how God        Mahamudra. Shambhavi means twilight – you
is stroking your head and putting you to sleep.     are between day and night, night and day.
Your being in the lap of the Creator is not my      Twilight means you are asleep, but you are
idea – it is the reality.                           awake; you are awake, but you are asleep.              days, it is just cells. Somewhere between 40
Sleep is a state where you are on the edge          Changing the quality of our sleep – not the            to 48 days, it becomes a different dimension of
between the world of sounds and the world of        quantum – is the necessary foundation for              aliveness where it can create itself. From then
silence, but you can only move into the world       someone to become a yogi. In wakefulness,              on, the fetus is a life by itself. It is only drawing
of silence when you are aware. You can move         you must be fully awake but if you check the           nourishment. Are there doctors here who can
through the world of sounds and forms unaware,      parameters of the body, it must be asleep. In          speak about the medical parameters, why there
but you cannot move into the world of silence,      sleep, your body should sleep, your mind should        is a difference between what is happening in
which is devoid of any vibration, devoid of any     sleep, but you must be awake.                          the first 48 days after conception and what is
forms, in unawareness. If you enter that space      If for 30 days, you wake up clearly feeling            happening later in the womb?
where there are no forms and no structures in       that you are much younger and more alive               Participant: The fertilization occurs in the
unawareness, you are as good as nonexistent.        than when you went to bed at night – in 30             fallopian tube and from there, the fertilized
Right now, your awareness is such that suppose      days’ time, you will have become receptive;            ovum travels to the uterus. After around 48
we drop you somewhere in outer space where          you will have developed a non-resisting way            days, it gets implanted into the endometrium
you cannot see, hear, smell, taste, or touch        of being awake. There is a difference between           and becomes a separate organism. The placenta
anything, after some time, you will not know        being alive and being alert. Being alert means         is created underneath the embryo. The blood
whether you exist or not. This is what happens      resisting everything. When you are alive, you          vessels from the placenta and the blood vessels
in sleep. Your existence is only contextual, not    are open. When you are alert, you are closed.          of the mother exchange the nutrition. The
existential. This is why, if you lose the context   Mental alertness makes you a security guard.           nutrition comes through the placenta into the
of your life, you will wonder why you are alive.    You are on guard so that life does not happen          growing embryo. It is a separate system. Even
If you lose some context that you have set up for   to you. You are quite efficient at protecting            if the mother is starving, still the fetus can very
yourself – in the form of a job, wealth, home,      yourself against life – this is what alertness leads   well grow.
or relationships – suddenly, you do not know        you to. “Does this mean I should not be alert?”        Sadhguru: Aliveness is a much more
why you exist. You are a contextual creature        Aliveness is the nature of life. You should not        fundamental process than awareness, alertness,
– you are not yet an existential creature. The      be anything other than life. You must be able to       agility – all these things come later. The most
whole spiritual process is about becoming an        keep some distance between your aliveness and          fundamental thing is to be alive. That is all the
existential creature with a firm footing in the      everything else. If you do this, your aliveness        goal of spiritual process is, to go to the most
creation, not just floating in a context.            will not be opaque; your aliveness will not be         fundamental aspect of what this mechanism is –
We want to use sleep as a platform for              sedate; your aliveness will not ramp down as           aliveness. Not working on mental alertness, not
awakening, to become one with all that is           years go by. In fact, your body may get older,         trying to improve your knowledge, not trying to
real – not as a way to become inert, dead, and      but your aliveness will ramp up. Aliveness is          gather this or that, just making yourself as alive
away from all that is real. When you sleep, you     not virility of the body. Once there is a distance     as you can be. Once you are a full-fledged life,
sleep as a part of the earth. Suppose you sleep     between your aliveness and your body, your             everything that you need to know about life, you
outside on the grass, you are like a little mound   aliveness will find a much bigger expression,           will naturally know.
on the earth. If you sleep long enough, you will    because the compulsions of the body will not           Aliveness is not an acquired state – it is your
become a mound.                                     mask your aliveness anymore.                           nature. “Just being” means being absolute life –
Changing the quality of sleep does not mean         Aliveness is far more fundamental than                 not a mind, not a thought, not an emotion, not an
sleeping like a stone. But actually, a stone is     youthfulness. When just those two cells met,           ideology, not a philosophy, not a belief system,
the wrong example, because in my experience,        aliveness happened. In 48 days’ time, a much           not a gender, not a race, not a caste, not a creed
                                                    bigger boost to aliveness happened. Up to 48           – just life. If you touch life on this level, you will
                                                                                                           know by experience that life and the source of
                                                                                                           life are packed inside each other.
RANKED AMONGST THE FIFTY MOST INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE IN INDIA, SADHGURU                                        If you sit here just as a piece of life, there will be
                                                                                                           no separation between yourself and the Divine.
IS A YOGI, MYSTIC, VISIONARY AND A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING                                              If you cannot simply be yet, at least when
AUTHOR SADHGURU HAS BEEN CONFERRED THE PADMA VIBHUSHAN BY THE                                              you are asleep, simply sleep. It will do many
GOVERNMENT OF INDIA IN 2017, THE HIGHEST ANNUAL CIVILIAN AWARD,                                            miraculous things. If only you could be awake
                                                                                                           and asleep at once, you would be in the lap of
ACCORDED FOR EXCEPTIONAL AND DISTINGUISHED SERVICE.                                                        the Divine for always.

                                                                                                  GolfPlus            OCTOBER                 2022          11
WATC Men - Eisenhower Cup
                                      31 Aug to 3rd Sept 2022
          Milind Soni                            Rayhan Thomas                                    Raghav Chugh

     he Men’s World Amateur Team Championships were held from 31st Aug to 3rd Sep 2022. This was the 32nd edition of the
     championships. The French Golf Federation hosted the World Amateur Team Championships (WATC) this time at Le Golf National
     (Albatros Course) and Golf de Saint-Nom-La- Brèteche (Red Course).
The World Amateur Team Championships is an international amateur golf competition held every two years and organized by the
International Golf Federation. The organization, formerly known as the World Amateur Golf Council, is made up of national golf
governing bodies of 146 nations. Each team consisting of two or three players will play four days of 18-hole stroke play. The team score
for the round is the sum of the two lowest scores from each team. The team’s final score for the competition is the four-day (72-hole)
The Indian Players were Milind Soni, Rayhan Thomas & Raghav Chugh
The players were accompanied by Maj Gen Bibhuti Bhushan (Retd.), Director General, IGU.

12 G o l f P l u s    OCTOBER 2022
GolfPlus   OCTOBER   2022   13

The McDonald’s Western India IGU Junior and Amateur Tour takes the region by storm
         he ‘McDonald’s Western India IGU

T        Junior and Amateur tour’ has created a
         stir in the region bringing the top junior
         and amateur golfers as well as the club
         golfers on one platform and create a
tour which is highly competitive. The juniors
and amateurs compete for the overall prizes and
order of merit points while they also compete
in the respective age categories. For the first
time the tour has a category for Mid amateur ,
seniors and super senior golfers.
The tour which launched at the Poona Golf
Club this September with the ‘Pune Open
Golf Championship’ was followed by an event
at the Oxford Golf Resort ‘The Oxford Golf
Resort Championship’ . In all the calendar
has 10 events played at the top golf courses in
Western India spread over 5 cities (Mumbai,
Pune, Ahmedabad, Lonavala and Baroda).
The venues for the events will range from the
ever challenging Kalhaar Blues and Greens,
the picturesque Aamby Valley City, Gaekwad
Baroda Golf Club, the stunning and challenging
Bombay Presidency Golf Club , shotmakers
delight The Willingdon Sports Club and the
Gulmohar Greens Golf and Country Club to
mention a few.
The tour is operated and managed by Evolution
Sport one of the leading golf companies in the
country . Leading the tour and person behind
it is Mr Amit Nigam (Tour Commissioner) is
super keen to make this tour a success and give
the kids and amateurs a platform to showcase
their talent on a larger scale. ‘I would like
to thank our partners, sponsors and the golf
courses for supporting the tour which has
always been our dream. Growing the tour in an
organized manner will provide a more holistic
environment to grow the game in the region.’
The tour has support from various partners in
the nutrition, golf, technology and banking
space. Omnihealth and Setu are partners
on the tour who are nutrition partners and
provide vitamins for children. HDFC bank is
the banking partner, Cobra & Puma golf are
the equipment partners for the tour provided
excellent goody bags and prizes for the children
and Garmin is the technology partner offering
great value deals on all their products and
highlighting their newest technology in Golf
such as the R10 & G80 launch monitors.
Vice President of the IGU Mr Brijinder Singh
says ‘We are pleased the Western India Tour           lots of activities in Western India The IGU        and available to all those who want to learn
is underway and the participation of so many          being the governing body for golf in India will    and play. ’
golfers is encouraging. This is just the start for    be doing all that is can to make golf accessible   McDonald’s who is the title partner has made

14 G o l f P l u s        OCTOBER               2022

its first big foray into the game and plans on      Westlife Development.                           merit list winners (top 5 for category A, B
doing more than its share to grow the game in                                                      and amateurs) and Top 4 in C make it to the
                                                   What really is a Feeder Tour and
the region. “We are delighted to be associated                                                     national finals and National circuit next year.
                                                   why is it important -
with the “Western India Junior & Amateur                                                           What this does as well is release and ease up
Feeder Tour’. As an organization and as a          A Feeder tour is conducted in the region        the pressure on the parents and children to
brand Mcdonald’s, we believe in the overall        among all the top golfers within the region     only rely on Monday qualifying to get a spot in
wellbeing of the community in which we             to get all of them to compete and make order    the National Tournaments. Along with giving
operate, wherein sports plays an important         of merit points. The National tour which        this impetus to the best juniors in the region it
role. With these youngsters bonding together       is growing and saturated needs a filtering       provides a platform to all those who are in the
and getting closer to realize their aspirations,   system and the feeder tour provided just        rapidly growing junior programs the chance to
we are sure that this tour will be a huge          that. The feeder tour is conducted in all for   play their first few events and learn the basics
success.” - Akshay Jatia, Executive Director       regions (North, South, East & West) where       about tournament golf.

The scoring from the two events didn’t disappoint. Given below is the results of the events.

                                                                                             GolfPlus        OCTOBER               2022         15

  I would say the one in Fiji, a
  co-sanctioned event on the
  European Tour was special
  as I had to compete with the
  likes of Ernie Else.

16 G o l f P l u s   OCTOBER       2022

 Editorial Anil Dev   //   Photographs Saurabh Chhabra     //   Location Panchkula Golf Club, Panchkula, Haryana

     orn in Kapurthala in the state      Tour. Gaganjeet Bhullar likes to do       her Farida. Naureen is an Army child and
     of Punjab in India to Harbhajan     things in Tens-He has won Ten titles      has played Golf as a kid.
     Singh and Sarabjeet Kaur both       on the Asian Tour and Ten titles on
working for the Indian Railways. He      the Professional Tour of India.           GP: The toughest challenge you
was India’s number one amateur
                                         GolfPlus Monthly catches up with          have faced and how did you
in 2004 and 2006 and was part of
                                         the ever pleasant Arjuna Awardee          overcome it?
the Indian team that won the silver
                                         to see what drives him! We got a
medal at the 2006 Asian Games.                                                     GB: I started playing golf in Kapurthala
                                         little personal, a little professional    and was a good ball striker but my biggest
He started his professional career       and also technical with the all new       challenge was putting as I did not have
on the Professional Golf Tour of         Hyundai Tucson!                           access to great putting greens. As you
India where he has yet to miss a cut.                                              are aware in Golf putting plays a major
He played in seven events in the         GP: Your Personal Life?                   role. I had to put in a lot of hard work over
2006-07 season and never finished         GB: I got married to Naureen in           the years and changed my technique to
lower than T-18. He has wins on the      December 2017 and we are blessed with     overcome this challenge to become one of
Challenge as well as the European        a one year old daughter, we have named    the best putters in Asia!

                                                                             GolfPlus        OCTOBER            2022        17

GP: Your Journey into the                     GP: Your Experience of playing            time, name one thing you would
Amateur Golf?                                 for your Country at the Asian             like to change and why?
GB: I joined the categorised amateur          Games.                                    GB: On the first thought there are so
tour at the age of 16 and made my             GB: Oh it was the best moment in my       many things, but then one thinks that
mark on the Amateur circuit. I was No.1       life. I had already represented India     do we really want to change them?
in the rankings in the 1st year, No.4 in      in the Namura Cup and Eisenhower          But one thing I would change would
the 2nd year and again back to being          Cup but winning a medal in the            be my work ethics. I wish I had started
on top the 3rd year. I was the youngest       Asian Games was something else. My        working with technology much earlier
number one on the IGU Tour.                   parents are both athletes, they and       building a support team which would
                                              their friends have represented India      have helped my game much earlier.
GP: Your experience of turning                in Olympics and other games, it was
                                              a proud moment for them, a moment
professional.                                                                           GP: Tell us about your
                                              close to my heart.
GB: It was a great experience, in fact                                                  Foundation?
an experience I was looking forward to.       GP: The most memorable win                GB: We started supporting the
I had an option to go the US like most
of the kids or turn Pro which I did. The
                                              and why?                                  underprivileged kids facilitating 4-5 lads
                                              GB: Hard to pick out one as all were      to play golf. But then the expenses on
decision was right as I was mentally
                                              great for me but to rank them I would     each kid were enormous. I then decided
ready to take on the ‘Big Boys’ and that
                                              say the one in Fiji , a co-sanctioned     to adopt a whole village in Punjab and
is what I did!
                                              event on the European Tour was            helped them with Drinking Water, Solar
                                              special as I had to compete with the      power and Bio energy to try and make
GP: Challenges you faced                      likes of Ernie Else who was 2 strokes     a larger impact on humanity.
moving from the Amateur tour                  behind me and the course being a
                                              tough one didn’t help. I had to pull      GP: What does Gaganjeet
to the Professional World.
                                              out all my wits and strategize to get
GB: Honestly there were no transitional       that one. The other win was the recent    plan in the coming future for
pangs as I was mentally ready for it.         Indonesian event on the Asian Tour        Gaganjeet?
The fact that in my last year as an           which ended my 3 year draught. It was
                                                                                        GB: At 34 I still have a lot of Golf
Amateur I played a number of events           special also as it was my first win as a
                                                                                        and belief left in me. I plan to work
on the Professional tour really helped.       father, a perfect gift for my daughter!
                                                                                        with technology and data to improve
Turning Professional actually felt
                                                                                        my performance and to take it to a
comfortable and good.                         GP: If you were to go back in             different level.

18 G o l f P l u s   OCTOBER           2022

Being from Punjab where all boys
love Cars and Bikes what is your
favourite type of vehicle?
GB: I am an SUV guy through and through, I
like the space, driving comfort and the safety
offered. Even after a long drive one doesn’t feel
tired at all.

The features you liked the most in
The all-new Hyundai TUCSON
GB: I like the overall look and the features in
The all-new Hyundai TUCSON. And would like
to share as per my ranking.
I love the modern looks specially the dark
chrome parametric front grille and jewel-like
surfaces are a reflection of futuristic design.
The overall look is very sporty and aspirational
just like the game of golf.
The Virtual cockpit looks very impressive
specially the 26.03 cm (10.25”) HD audio
video navigation system with Hyundai Bluelink           Gaganjeet Bhullar and the Arjuna!
connected car technology.
Hyundai SmartSense with level 2 ADAS                Gaganjeet Bhullar received the Arjuna
provide unparalleled safety.
Last but not the least the RDE compliant 2.0
                                                    award by President of India Pranab
litre diesel engine with an 8-speed automatic       Mukherjee at an age of 25! He became the
transmission and the HTRAC All Wheel Drive
(AWD) with multi terrain modes deliver an
                                                    seventh golfer to receive the Arjuna since
exhilarating driving experience, all the muscle     its introduction in 1961. He also broke the
for a perfect drive!
I can’t wait to get my hands on one and drive
                                                    jinx as it was after a gap of 7 years that a
to my next tournament!                              Golfer got the Arjuna award.
                                                                   GolfPlus     OCTOBER       2022    19
Official PGA TOUR Content

 Whirlwind season ends for Northern Irishman with third career FedExCup

       It was hardly the start Rory McIlroy     a distant 10 strokes behind the FedExCup         Indeed. He fought back on Thursday, shooting
       had envisioned. His opening drive        leader, Scottie Scheffler.                         a back-nine 31 and finishing with a 67 to
on Thursday at the TOUR Championship            The gritty Northern Irishman must be a glass-    stay in the mix, and by Sunday, McIlroy had
careened over the boundary fence and out of     half-full kind of guy, though. And McIlroy       worked his way into the final group with
bounds, eventually leading to a triple bogey.   wasn’t about to let the stumble dictate the      Scheffler, albeit six shots in arrears.
Making matters worse, a bogey followed          direction he would take in the Playoff finale at   The battle between the world No. 1 and the
at the second, and suddenly, McIlroy was        historic East Lake Golf Club.                    third-ranked McIlroy for the PGA TOUR’s

20 G o l f P l u s    OCTOBER             2022
Official PGA TOUR Content

                                                                                                                                                       Images Courtesy : GettyImages
                                                                                                       “I feel like Scottie
                                                                                                       deserves at least half
                                                                                                       of this today. He has
                                                                                                       had an unbelievable
biggest prize on a sun-drenched afternoon
didn’t disappoint, either. It was, as McIlroy
                                                   tightly. “I feel like Scottie deserves at least
                                                   half of this today. He has had an unbelievable
                                                                                                       season. I feel sort of
would later say, a “spectacle,” as entertaining    season. I feel sort of bad that I pipped him to     bad that I pipped him
a match as they come.                              the post, but he’s a hell of a competitor. He’s
As McIlroy doggedly pushed forward on              an even better guy.                                 to the post, but he’s a
Sunday, Scheffler, a four-time winner this
season, began to flounder. McIlroy tied for the
                                                   “It was an honor and a privilege to battle with
                                                   him today, and I’m sure we’ll have many
                                                                                                       hell of a competitor.
lead with an improbable 31-footer at the 15th      more. I told him we’re 1-all in Georgia today:      He’s an even better
hole and took sole possession at the next when     He got The Masters; I got this.”
the Texan couldn’t get up-and-down from a          The dichotomy of the way he started the
greenside bunker.                                  tournament and the way he finished was not
Two scrambling pars later and McIlroy              lost on McIlroy, either. He couldn’t help but
became the first three-time winner of the           remember the resiliency shown just four           and thought, I’ve got no chance now; what
FedExCup, earning U.S. $18 million in the          weeks earlier when Tom Kim started the            am I doing here? But I just sort of, I guess,
process. He closed with a 66 and finished at        Wyndham Championship with a quadruple             proved that I was in a really good mindset
21-under while Scheffler shot 73, making just        bogey to fall 13 shots off the pace before         for the week, and I didn’t let it get to me too
one birdie all day, and tied for second with       going on to win.                                  much and just stuck my head down and got
Sungjae Im.                                        “I guess it just shows you anything’s             to work.”
McIlroy was nothing if not magnanimous in          possible, even when you’re a few behind or        The 2021-22 season was another standout one
victory. He hugged Scheffler’s mom and dad           a few in front in the tournament,” McIlroy        for McIlroy, whose third victory of the year
and wife, who were standing near the scoring       said. “Anything can happen. I’m going to          brings his career total on TOUR to 22. He’s
area, telling them their man deserved the title,   remember this week mostly for that. Your          still looking for his fifth major championship
too. Then he said as much on television as he      mind can go one of two ways when you start        – and first since 2014 – but the consistency of
was interviewed by NBC’s Mike Tirico.              like that, and automatically I thought about      four top-10s, including second at The Masters
“What a week, what a day,” McIlroy said as         Tom Kim at Greensboro.                            and third at the Open Championship, has to
he gripped the gleaming silver Tiffany trophy       “I could have easily thought the other way        be heartening.

                                                                                              GolfPlus        OCTOBER              2022         21
Official PGA TOUR Content

   “I guess it just shows                     -- Harry (Diamond, his caddie) said it to me      particular,” he said. “… I’ve been in the thick
   you anything’s                             on the 18th green today. He goes, all the good    of things. I guess every chance I get, I’m
                                              golf you played this year, you deserve this,”     trying to defend what I feel is the best place to
   possible, even when                        McIlroy said.                                     play elite professional golf in the world.
   you’re a few behind                        “Look, it’s really cool to do something in golf   “It’s in some ways fitting that I was able to get
                                              that no one has ever done before. Obviously,      this done today to sort of round off a year that
   or a few in front                          the history of the FedExCup isn’t as long as      has been very, very challenging and different.”
   in the tournament,                         the history of some other tournaments, but to     As eye-popping as the money on offer at the
                                              be walking out of here three times a champion,    TOUR Championship was, as well as what
   anything can                               it’s very, very satisfying and something that     will be offered at the elevated events in the
                                              I’m incredibly proud of.”
   happen. I’m going to                                                                         future is, though, McIlroy will be the first to
                                              In some ways, and with all due respect to         say it’s the competition that fuels him. Not
   remember this week                         Scheffler, McIlroy was the perfect winner           dollar signs.
                                              at East Lake. He and Woods were at the
   mostly for that.                           heart of a players-only meeting at the BMW
                                                                                                “There’s a lot of cool things that come along
                                                                                                with winning the FedExCup,” McIlroy said.
                                              Championship that was the catalyst for some       “The trophy, I have three sterling silver
                                              of the sweeping changes that PGA TOUR             Calamity Jane replicas in my house, which is
                                              Commissioner Jay Monahan announced in             really cool. To think about here at East Lake
                                              Atlanta a day before the Playoff finale began.      and Bobby Jones, the greatest amateur player
McIlroy likened this season to his 2019       Those changes include additional elevated         to ever play the game, the sort of history and
campaign, when he won THE PLAYERS             events for 2023 that will feature purses of at    traditions of the game of golf. He sort of
Championship and RBC Canadian Open            least $20 million and are designed to bring       exemplified all that.
before beating Brooks Koepka—then the top-    the game’s top players together 20 times a        “Look, the money is the money. It’s great,
ranked player in the world—at East Lake.      year. McIlroy is a member of the PGA TOUR         and we are professional golfers, we play golf
And not even McIlroy’s good friend Tiger      Policy Board and has emerged as its most          for a living. That is a part of it. But I think at
Woods has won three FedExCup crowns.          ardent spokesmen.                                 this point in my career, the winning and the
“I played great golf. I had some good wins    “Look, it’s been a tumultuous time for            journey and the emotions and who I do it with
but didn’t pick off a major, but I felt like   the world of men’s professional golf in           mean more than the check.”

22 G o l f P l u s O C T O B E R       2022
Official PGA TOUR Content


DECONSTRUCTING THE WINNING MOMENT OF THE WYNDHAM CHAMPIONSHIP                                                  By Chris Cox/PGA TOUR

       The record book was clear –the feat   with a quadruple bogey, famed golf instructor   “He’s got a great personality. You can see
       had never been done before. History   Todd Anderson got his first up-close look at     he’s an easygoing, fun-loving kid that has fun
suggested it was a near improbability.       the Korean sensation. And after their opening   playing golf,” Anderson said. “He obviously
But one week after Joohyung “Tom” Kim        introduction, the longtime coach of Billy       takes it seriously, but he has a good time, he
became the first player to ever win on the    Horschel was anything but surprised by the      enjoys it, he laughs, he smiles and he embraces
PGA TOUR after opening the tournament        young star’s history-making accomplishment.     playing, and I think that’s one of the things

                                                                                      GolfPlus         OCTOBER             2022         23
Official PGA TOUR Content

that he’s got going for him. He’s kind of a fun-   to get a fresh bag. As he turned back around,     practice area may not be groundbreaking news,
loving guy, at least that’s the perception that    Anderson recalled, Kim “got down to hover         but it’s nevertheless noteworthy for a fresh-
he’s given off.”                                    over the balls and protect them from Billy        faced PGA TOUR rookie to feel comfortable
Anderson and Kim didn’t leave much                 taking them.”                                     enough doing so in his first start as a member.
discussion to the 20-year-old’s shocking run       “I joked, ‘Gosh, Tom, your balls go better than   Then again, few should be surprised
at the Wyndham Championship trophy, or his         Billy’s goes. He said back, ‘Well I want Billy    considering what Kim has accomplished these
subsequent clinching of a PGA TOUR card            to hit them for me.’                              last few months. It began in Scotland, where a
for the upcoming season. But the Director of       “He just seems like he’s got the kind of          third-place finish at the Genesis Scottish Open
Instruction at the PGA TOUR Performance            personality that he enjoys playing, enjoys        and a tie for 47th at The Open Championship
Center at TPC Sawgrass, home of THE                competing, doesn’t beat himself up too much.      earned him Special Temporary Membership
PLAYERS Championship, still gleaned plenty         I think he’s going to be good for the game,       onto the TOUR.
of insight into Kim’s steady demeanor.             just his style and how much fun he has, how       He needed a win at the regular season finale,
On the driving range at the FedEx St. Jude         appreciative he is to have the opportunity.”      the Wyndham Championship, to both earn
Championship, Horschel took one of Kim’s           Players laughing with one another at the          his card for 2022-23 as well as claim a spot
balls out of his practice pile rather than walk                                                      in the FedExCup Playoffs. And he did just

24 G o l f P l u s O C T O B E R            2022
Official PGA TOUR Content
                     that, closing with a 9-under 61 to become the
                     second-youngest win on TOUR since World
                     War II.
                     And he did it all despite making a quadruple
                     bogey on the first hole, becoming the first
                     player to do so since hole-by-hole stats were
                     first kept in 1983. Only four other players
                     made a quad or worse on any hole in any round
                     before going on to win (Adam Scott, 2016
                     Honda Classic; Phil Mickelson, 2009 TOUR
                     Championship; David Toms, 2003 Wells Fargo
                     Championship; David Graham, 1983 Houston            shockingly hit his second into the water,
                     Open).                                              settling for bogey.
                     “It was funny, the way he described it was like     Horschel, who started the postseason at No.
                     he wasn’t too concerned,” Anderson said. “He        69 in the standings, went on to win each of
                     just said, ‘You know what, I’ve got a bunch of      his next two starts at the BMW and TOUR
                     holes left.’ There was no sense of urgency, it      championships, winning his first FedExCup in
                     wasn’t like he hit the panic button.                the process.
                     “I think that’s the most important thing. Yeah,     Naturally, he credited his mental approach (and
                     he got off to a bad start, made a quad, but still    Anderson, of course) to the career-altering
                     had 35 holes left to play. He still went out with   week.
                     the mindset of trying to improve from it as
                                                                         “The mental mindset, I just changed the way I
                     opposed to thinking, ‘Oh gosh, I just started out
                                                                         acted out on the golf course,” he said after beat
                     with an 8, what’s going to happen from here?’”
                                                                         Rory McIlroy and Jim Furyk to win the TOUR
                     The biggest challenge facing players after          Championship. “Being a little bit less hard
                     an inauspicious start is simply to stay in the      on myself, being accepting of the golf shots,
                     present, Anderson said. That applies to players     however they turned out.
“HE COULD HAVE LET   on the PGA TOUR all the way down to those
                                                                         “The other thing was I got one of the best
THAT SHOT DEFINE     just picking up the game.
                                                                         teachers in the game of golf. I don’t think
                     “You can’t look back and you can’t look ahead,      anyone can come close to what he does. He’s
HIM, COULD HAVE      all you can really control is the shot at hand,”    just not a swing coach, he’s a short game coach,
GONE THE NEXT        he said. “So you have to stay in the moment,
                     and just because you made an 8 on the first hole
                                                                         he’s a putting coach, he talks to me about the
                                                                         mental side of the game. Todd Anderson is
WEEK AND PLAYED      doesn’t mean it has to be a bad round. You still    just unbelievable. There’s not a better guy in
                     have plenty of holes coming back, you could
TERRIBLE AND FEEL    put some good shots together and have some
                                                                         this business and I think if you went up and
                                                                         down the range, talked to players and coaches,
SORRY FOR HIMSELF,   good holes and still have a decent round.”          they would say the same exact thing that I’m
BUT HE SAID, ‘NO,    With the bad hole behind you, ask yourself one      saying.”
                     question: How are you going to react to the         Anderson is quick to point out that it was
I’M PLAYING WELL.”   situation?                                          Horschel who made all the mental adjustments
                     “Are you going to let that define you, and are       necessary to win. Just like how Kim did at the
   Todd Anderson     you going to become tentative and scared?”          Wyndham Championship.
                     Anderson posited. “Or are you going to say,         “He could have let that shot define him, could
                     ‘You know what? That was a fluke. I’m just           have gone the next week and played terrible
                     going to forget about that hole, I’m just going     and feel sorry for himself,” Anderson said.
                     to start fresh on this next hole, I’m going to      “But he said, ‘No, I’m playing well. I hit a bad
                     try and play this hole well, the next shot and      shot at the wrong time but I’m going to go out
                     hopefully next hole well, and just keep building    and play great this week.’
                     from there.’”
                                                                         “And that’s what you’ve got to do, you’ve just
                     Anderson is quick to point out one of his own       got to let go and not give it extra value. Yeah,
                     personal favorite stories of resilience.            that happened, I’m human, I’m going to make
                     In the second leg of the 2014 FedExCup              mistakes. But I’m not going to let it define me.
                     Playoffs, at the Deutsche Bank Championship,         I’m going to go ahead and try to clear the head
                     Horschel needed a birdie at the last par-5          and start from here and try to play well from
                     to force a playoff with Chris Kirk only to           here going in.”

                     Todd Anderson is the Director of Instruction at the PGA TOUR Performance Center at TPC Sawgrass, home
                     of THE PLAYERS Championship. The 2010 National PGA Teacher of the Year has seen his students amass
                     more than 50 victories across the PGA TOUR and Korn Ferry Tour, including two FedExCup titles. He is
                     currently rated by Golf Digest as one of the top 20 golf instructors in the United States.

                                                                GolfPlus           OCTOBER              2022          25
On the PGA Tour

          Jordan Spieth will debut at the PNC
          Championship this fall alongside his
          dad Shawn, the 13-time PGA TOUR
winner announced.
Spieth, 29, is fresh off a scintillating performance
at last week’s Presidents Cup, where he
compiled a 5-0-0 record, including four wins
partnered with Justin Thomas. The U.S. Team
defeated the International Team by a 17.5-12.5
margin, moving to 8-0-0 on home soil in the
biennial competition. The PNC Championship,
contested in December at The Ritz-Carlton Golf
Club in Orlando, features two-person teams
consisting of PGA TOUR and PGA TOUR
Champions players, alongside a family member.
John Daly teamed with his son John Daly II
to win last year’s PNC Championship title,
two strokes ahead of Tiger Woods and his son
Two years ago, Thomas teamed with his dad             The PNC Championship, originally known as            Raymond Jr., and two alongside son Robert.
Mike to win the PNC Championship title belts;         the Father/Son Challenge, was first contested         The event features a two-person scramble
the Spieths will arrive in Orlando motivated to       in 1995, with Raymond Floyd winning five of           format, with a winning score of 20 under or
join the Thomas duo in the winner’s circle.           the first seven iterations – three alongside son      better in all tournament iterations.

           Charlotte, North Carolina: Korea’s K.J. Choi has
           been walking with a spring in his step and wearing
           a big smile since arriving at Quail Hollow Club for
this week’s Presidents Cup.
A trailblazer for Asian golf, the 52-year-old Choi, who is
one of four assistants to International Team captain Trevor
Immelman, is simply proud of the fact the team which will face
the United States starting Thursday will feature a record four
Korean players, and matches the five Asians who competed at
Royal Melbourne in 2019.
When Choi arrived in the U.S. in late 1999, he was the
first Korean to earn a PGA TOUR card through Qualifying
School and some 20-plus years later, the number of Koreans,
and Asian golfers, has grown immensely with an array of
champions emerging as well.
K.H. Lee, who will make his Presidents Cup debut this week,
led to the tributes by acknowledging Choi paved the way for
him and fellow International teammates Sungjae Im, Si Woo
Kim and Tom Kim. Choi owns a record-tying eight PGA
TOUR titles, with his most significant triumph being the 2011
PLAYERS Championship.
“When I was growing up, he was on the PGA TOUR ... kind
of a legendary figure, almost a mystical figure. He’s somebody
we definitely looked up too. He’s opened the door for us to be       one of my idols. So when I came here, I played a lot of practice rounds with him and
here,” said Lee, who is a two-time TOUR winner.                     have dinner with him. It was like a dream come true.
“As soon as I got to the PGA TOUR, he took all of us under his      “Now, it’s like everyone’s tried to get on TOUR. I think we keep getting many players
wing. He became a big brother figure, he’s had a really good         to come out here. We have very good players, so it’s very good to have a lot of the same
impact. I remember him telling me I have a lot of years ahead,      country players on TOUR.”
and just to really think of the long term and put in the hard       Kim gave an example of how Choi helped him emulate the latter’s triumph at the
work, do your thing and good things will happen.”                   TOUR’s flagship event. “In the 2017 PLAYERS, that week before the first day, we
Si Woo Kim, a three-time winner, added: “K.J. is the first one       played a practice round together and he gave me some tips of that course (and Kim won).
and then Y.E. Yang, and we’re trying to follow them. K.J. was       He’s always trying to help Korean players,” said Kim

26 G o l f P l u s       OCTOBER               2022
On the PGA Tour

First player in PGA TOUR history to win Korn Ferry Tour Player of the Year, PGA TOUR Rookie
of the Year and PGA TOUR Player of the Year
           First player in PGA TOUR history           Year in 2020. By being named PGA TOUR
           to win Korn Ferry Tour Player of           Player of the Year, he is the first player to win
           the Year,                                  those three awards, doing so in the span of four
PGA TOUR Rookie of the Year and PGA                   seasons. The awards were established in 1990.
TOUR Player of the Year                               “On behalf of the PGA TOUR, congratulations
The PGA TOUR announced that Scottie                   to Scottie on his remarkable season and his
Scheffler has been named the 2022 PGA TOUR              unprecedented achievements,” said PGA TOUR
Player of the Year as voted by the TOUR’s             Commissioner Jay Monahan. “Undoubtably,
membership for the 2021-22 season. Scheffler,           one of the highest compliments a player can
the No. 1 player in the Official World Golf             receive is the endorsement from his peers,
Ranking, led the TOUR with four victories this        and the fact that Scottie’s season was both
season, including his first major championship         dominant and consistent spoke volumes to the
title at the Masters Tournament.                      membership. And as gratifying as it has been
                                                      to see his development on the course over the
Scheffler, who spent four years on the men’s
                                                      last several years, we are equally thankful that
golf team at the University of Texas, received
                                                      Scottie has embraced the role as an ambassador
the Jack Nicklaus Award for winning PGA
                                                      of the PGA TOUR and the game of golf. With
TOUR Player of the Year during an appearance
                                                      young stars like Scottie leading the way, the
on ESPN’s College GameDay before the
Longhorns football team hosted No. 1 Alabama          PGA TOUR is in great hands for many years
in Austin. In receiving 89 percent of the votes,      to come.”
Scheffler was selected for the honor over               Scheffler held the lead in the FedExCup
the other two nominees: Rory McIlroy and              standings for 24 weeks, including the final
Cameron Smith.                                        23 weeks of the FedExCup Regular Season,
Scheffler, 26, was the Player of the Year on the        and went on to finish in a tie for second at the
Korn Ferry Tour in 2019 and won the Arnold            TOUR Championship, receiving $5.75 million
Palmer Award as PGA TOUR Rookie of the                in FedExCup Bonus Money.

         Max Homa pitched in from 33 feet, Danny Willett three-putted
         from 3 1/2, and it was over. With the stunning birdie-bogey
         exchange at the par-5 finishing hole at Silverado Resort & Spa,
Homa had successfully defended his Fortinet Championship title.
“That was crazy,” he said after a final-round 68 that netted his fifth PGA
TOUR victory by a shot over Willett and three shots over rookie Taylor
Montgomery (64). “I still don’t really know what happened. It was one of
those weekends you just had to hang around.”
Homa has now won three times in just over a year and will head into this
week’s Presidents Cup at Quail Hollow Club as arguably the fastest rising
player on the U.S. Team.
His wife, Lacey, who is expecting the couple’s first child, a boy, in early
November, followed the action despite the weather. Although this was the
fifth win for Homa and caddie Joe Greiner, it was the first witnessed by
Greiner’s fiancé, Mayla. For most of afternoon at soggy Silverado it looked
like Homa would finish second. He had hit his second shot into the front
bunker on 18 when Willett knocked his approach tight.
“It was probably the most unexpected finish,” said Greiner. “As a caddie
you’re always expecting the unexpected, but once Danny hit his approach
to three or four feet, I felt our chances of making the bunker shot were
pretty low. I just told (Homa) to hit it on the green and make the putt to at
least make him have to make it to win.”                                          patience all week. Greiner preached patience all day. And it paid off, albeit
A shot behind with five, four, three, two, one hole remaining, Homa told          in a way no one could have expected.
himself that the moment he tried to force the issue would be the moment          After he won the 2021 Fortinet, Homa admitted he sometimes had a hard
he played his way out of contention. His coach, Mark Blackburn, preached         time with self-belief.

                                                                                                 GolfPlus             OCTOBER              2022          27

       Japan’s Kazuki Higa showed just why
       he is currently ranked the number one
player in Japan when he birdied the final two
holes to win The 38th Shinhan Donghae Open
at Koma Country Club in Nara, near Osaka.
On a memorable final day at one of Korea’s
premier tournaments, he holed a pressure-
packed 15-foot birdie putt on the short,
driveable par-four 18th to return a six-under-
par 65 for a tournament total of 20 under, and
a two-shot victory over Tirawat Kaewsiribandit
from Thailand, Korean Mingyu Cho and
Yonggu Shin from Canada.
Tirawat, who started the day with a three-shot
advantage and held a narrow lead for much of
the day, closed with a 72 – which featured an
incredible albatross – while Cho fired a 66, and
Shin a 68.
The event is tri-sanctioned by the Asian,
Korean and Japan Tours, and this year marked
the first time in its history it had been played
in Japan.
Korea’s PGA Tour star Siwoo Kim, playing
in the final group, returned a 70, to end three
behind the winner, in a tie for fifth, along with   Higa’s bid for victory came at the very death.        par-five 17th to draw level before the under-
the 2019 champion Jbe Kruger from South            Playing in the penultimate group and trailing         pressure Thai golfer bogeyed the 16th to fall
Africa, who signed off with a best of the day 63.   Tirawat by one with two to play he birdied the        one behind.

       Australian Travis Smyth finally got
       the monkey off his back and won his
       maiden title on the Asian Tour when
he recorded an impressive two-shot victory
in the US$700,000 Yeangder TPC at Linkou
International Golf and Country Club, in
Taipei.The 27 year old from Sydney drew
on a season of strong performances and near
misses to fire his second successive six-under-
par 66 for a tournament total of 19 under,
with defending champion Lee Chieh-po from
Chinese-Taipei finishing runner up after an
equally fine 67.
Chinese-Taipei’s Wang Wei-hsuan (67),
Nicholas Fung from Malaysia (67), American
Berry Henson (68), and Bjorn Hellgren from
Sweden (69) tied for third, five behind the
winner.Smyth started the day with a one-shot
lead and proved uncatchable after he birdied
four out of the first six to make the turn in
four under before virtually wrapping things
up by making three birdies in a row from the
10th. With a healthy lead the surprise double
bogey he made on the 15th, which were his
only dropped shots of the day, was not too
damaging particularly as he responded with         who picked up a cheque for US$126,000.                like there, I just want to get back. I want to be
his final birdie of the day on the next.            “I got so close, I felt like I let it go in England   the player that I believe I can be, and winning
“Feels amazing!” said an overjoyed Smyth,          and to play some LIV events, feel what it’s           this week is one step along the journey.”

28 G o l f P l u s      OCTOBER              2022

         Four times is certainly the charm for         he last clinched the Kansai Open for his second
         Tomoharu Otsuki as he finally returned         JGTO victory in May 2019.
         to winners’ circle after three years when     He also came close to winning at the Golf Nippon
he captured the ANA Open Golf Tournament in            Series in 2020 and Vatelin Tokai Classic last year.
stunning fashion.                                      This year, Otsuki settled for second-best on three
The 32-year-old Otsuki, a three-time runner-           occasions at the Golf Partner Pro-Am, BMW
up already this year, sensationally eagled the         Japan Golf Tour Championship Mori Building
first extra hole at the par-four 18th to beat Ryo       Cup and Shigeo Nagashima Invitational Sega
Ishikawa at the Sapporo Golf Club in Hokkaido.         Sammy Cup.
Otsuki had earlier overcome a five-shot deficit by       “This win is very special for me as it has been three
firing six birdies for a flawless closing six-under-     years since my last win on the JGTO. Finishing
par 66 to set up a playoff with Ishikawa after both     second on three occasions including losing in the
were tied on 19-under 269 in the regulation play.      playoff at the Golf Partner Pro-Am was a bitter          “I didn’t feel like I was putting very well this
Ishikawa, who started the day six shots behind         pill to swallow. So, holding this trophy today          week but overall, I’m really happy with how
penultimate stage leader Yuta Ikeda, powered to        simply means a lot to me,” said Otsuki, who is in       things turned out,” said Justin.
the summit with a brilliant 65 that contained two      his 12th full year as a professional.                   Australia’s Adam Bland also finished with a
eagles, three birdies and three bogeys.                Ryuko Tokimatsu and Ryo Hisatsune both carded           flourish, reeling off three straight birdies in the
Ikeda was left cursing his luck after he could only    matching 68s to be tied for fourth on 272, one shot     last three holes for a 66 to come in tied-eighth on
muster a 72 after carding four birdies against as      ahead of Justin De Los Santos of the Philippines        274 for his first top 10 finish of the season.
many bogeys, including a costly shot dropped on        who finished a creditable joint sixth to emerge as       “It was a good round today, I didn’t change
the final hole which otherwise could earn him a         the best-placed international competitor of the         anything and just stick to my game plan. I was
second shot via the playoff.                            week.                                                   able to hit it a little closer and holed a couple of
The ANA Open victory was extra sweet for               After mixing two birdies with two bogeys to turn        putts,” said Bland, who managed seven birdies to
Otsuki as he had finished second to Zimbabwe’s          in 36, De Los Santos staged a strong fightback           offset a bogey.
Scott Vincent last year.                               by birdieing four of his last six holes to mark his     “Hopefully I can play even better next week
That was one of the six runner-up results since        third top-10 finish of the season.                       (Panasonic Open), I’m looking forward to it.”

        Evergreen Juvic Pagunsan showed he             obviously didn’t matter much as he holds a two-
        has plenty of gas left in the tank after       year exemption status which runs until the end of
        finishing a commendable fifth placing            2023, as a result of last year’s triumph.
at the Panasonic Open for his best result of the       Australia’s Brad Kennedy made it two
season.                                                internationals in the top 10 when he closed with
The 44-year-old Filipino birdied three of his last     a 70 to tie for the seventh spot on 16-under 272.
four holes for a four-under-par 68 to finish the        Kennedy marked his scorecard with five birdies,
tournament on 17-under 271, five strokes behind         one bogey and one double bogey to post his fifth
Taiga Semikawa who became the only sixth               top-10 result of the season,
amateur to win on JGTO in history.
                                                       The day surely belonged to none other than
Pagunsan has not been able to build on his JGTO        Semikawa, as he followed in the footsteps of Keita
breakthrough victory after winning the Gateway         Nakajima in becoming the second successive
to The Open Mizuno Open in May last year.              amateur winner at the Panasonic Open.                   up tied-17th.
His only other credible outing since then was a        Starting the day as one of the three joint leaders      “I didn’t know how to describe my feeling right
joint-eighth at the Golf Nippon Series JT Cup.         together with Katsumasa            Miyamoto and         now. I’m overjoyed. I have never experienced
A tied-fifth finish has certainly handed Pagunsan        Tomoharu Otsuki, the 21-year-old launched a late        anything like this before,” he said Taiga, whose
a much-needed confidence boost especially after         birdie blitz to fire a 66 to seal a one-shot victory     name was inspired by Tiger Woods.
having missed eight cuts out of 14 appearances.        over Aguri Iwasaki with a 22-under total.               “I knew I only stood a chance to win if I keep the
“It has been a memorable and good week. My             After trading two birdies against a lone bogey          birdies coming as everyone is capable of going
putting was good, especially with the change of        on the front nine, Semikawa picked up six shots         really low on this course.
putter. I had a good feeling around the greens,”       from the next eight holes after the turn.               “Once the morale-boosting birdie came on the
said Pagunsan, who mixed three birdies with two        This includes five successive birdies from the           10th, that’s when I felt like I could really do well.
bogeys to turn in 35.                                  13th as not even a bogey dropped at the last could      “It was frustrating to lose the Kansai Open in
“I also hit the driver very well, I felt comfortable   deny him a sensational victory.                         April where I really had a good shot at.
and really happy with my scores for all four days.     Semikawa was particularly pleased to have made          “I really never imagined that I could win a JGTO
“I would also like to thank JGTO for staging a         amends for his earlier disappointment at the            championship as a student.”
wonderful event this week. It’s great to have the      Kansai Open.                                            Although missing out on the title, Iwasaki
spectators back.”                                      Then, he was in contention for the bigger part of       had every reason to smile as he landed the
A good finish also helped Pagunsan climbs from          the tournament by leading the halfway stage and         ¥20,000,000 jackpot for his runner-up effort with
82nd to 55th on the Money Rankings, but it             was third after the penultimate stage. He ended         Semikawa not eligible for the prize money.

                                                                                                      GolfPlus            OCTOBER                2022           29
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