Page created by Sean Schultz

                                                               his year has    closed due to Covid 19 coming year we can
                                                               been a year     but work is ongoing     report the long awaited
                                                               of challenges   and will once again     Tourist Office will be
                                                    courageously faced         be a great asset to     completed early in the
                                                    by our beloved             Crosshaven when it      new year.
       WHAT IF 2020 ISN’T                           Crosshaven. All was
                                                    going well until we
                                                                               reopens. We thank
                                                                               all the CE workers
                                                                                                       We welcome the
                                                                                                       new owner of the
                                                                               for their commitment Boatyard Mr. Flynn
                                                    were hit with Covid
                                                                               to the project. It      and his plans to have
                                                    19, and the way of         was great to see the    Crosshaven as a base
                                                    life we were used to       Camden volunteers       for his wind turbine
What if 2020 is the year we’ve been waiting for?⁣   changed forever. Our       helping out the         maintenance project,
                                                    community spirit           Templebreedy SOS in which will create
A year so uncomfortable, so painful, so scary, so   was once again called      cleaning the graveyard, much needed local
    raw — that it finally forces us to grow.⁣       upon and I am glad         and work is now well employment.
                                                    to say that we were        under way in saving     In conjunction with
A year that screams so loud, finally awakening us   not found wanting.         this iconic landmark. Cork County Council
           from our ignorant slumber.⁣              Club Members came          We are forever grateful we are working on
                                                    to the fore to deliver     for all our volunteer   plans for the foreshore
  A year we finally accept the need for change.⁣    much needed medical        community groups,       project and are hopeful
       Declare change. Work for change.             and grocery supplies       schemes and council     of a positive outcome.
              Become the change.                                               workers who keep our Hopefully with the
                                                    to senior members
                                                                               village clean and tidy, prospect of a vaccine
                                                    of the community.
                                                                               while also organising we will return to some
   A year we finally band together, instead of⁣     Everyone put in a          fun community           normality in the year
       pushing each other further apart.⁣           great effort to comply     events. Our Garda and ahead. We wish all our
                        ⁣                           with our national          emergency services      businesses, clubs and
        2020 isn’t cancelled, but rather⁣           medical advice which       for all their work and organisations every
     the most important year of them all.”⁣         in turn reduced the        the peace of mind we success.
                                                    effect of the Virus        have knowing they are On behalf of the Board
                 Leslie Dwight                      in Crosshaven. Our         there. We thank all     of Management we
                                                    sincere thanks to          who helped complete extend our sympathy
                                                    everyone for their         the Christmas lighting to all the family
                                                    continued efforts and      which looks amazing. members who have
                                                    help to one another.       Our thanks to Bernard lost loved ones during
                                                    Our congratulations to     Lynch of Centra for his the year. We are
                                                    our sports clubs and       continued sponsorship thinking of you.
                                                    schools who continue       during the year. To all We wish everyone a
                                                    to provide excellent       involved in producing peaceful and safe
                                                    opportunity for our        and distribution of our Christmas and New
                                                    young people. Fort         newsletter.             Year.
                                                    Camden unfortunately       Looking forward to the M Desmond

                        2                                                                3
Christmas                normal. Let this be a     faced difficult           and cynical. Be kind          times rightly so. But     the birth of the Christ
Message                  time of soul searching    situations and He         to yourself and those         it’s also important to    Child, a light that can
God’s Not Deaf           and growing closer        brought them through.     around, especially            come up for air. There    never be extinguished
Two young boys were to God. No matter              Do not despair.           those have had the            is God-given beauty,      began to shine. It
spending the night at what the source of a         You are not being         virus- nobody sets out        life and joy all around   was and is a light
their grandparents’      crisis, remembering       punished, but you         to get it.                    us, but we have to set    that brings hope and
house the week before some things can help         may be being              Choosing to have an           aside our worries and     promise to all man-
Christmas. At bedtime, us draw closer to God       shaped                    open, loving heart will       fears long enough to      kind. When we turn to
the two boys knelt       at the time when we       It would be naive to      allow you to better           enjoy them. If you        the Christ Child and
beside their beds to     need him most.            think that all of our     love others, and it will      are having a hard         give him our hearts ,
say their prayers. The       God has not           crises are spontaneous    allow you to better           time seeing the good      our burdens are lifted,
younger one began        abandoned you             - we usually have         receive love from             around you, try keep-     and we are able to
praying at the top of    It is easy to feel like   at least a small part     others even in times of       ing a gratitude diary,    keep going and keep
his lungs:               no one understands        to play in their          great distress.               spend more                      growing.
“I PRAY FOR A NEW the true depth of your           development. But it       It will not last forever      time in                             Let us be holy
BICYCLE...”              pain and that heaven      would be equally silly    Although some trials          nature,                               people, a
“I PRAY FOR A NEW does not care- when              to think that your        may last longer than          serve                                   light for
X-BOX...”                you are struggling to     crisis is a punishment    others, no crisis lasts                                                the world
His older brother             keep your business   from God. Sometimes       forever. That’s because                                                to see.
leaned over,                      and home;        bad things happen         this life is not the sum
nudged him                          when you       to good people. And       total of our existence.       some-                                “MAY
and said,                            can’t visit   sometimes bad things      At some point, things         one                                 THE
“Why are you                         the nursing   happen to the rest        we suffer here will be        outside                           BLESSINGS
shouting? God                       home   or      of us to give us the      made right. Betrayals         of your                         OF CHRIST-
isn’t deaf.” To                    hospital        chance to grow into       will be paid for. Broken      home, or listen            MAS BE WITH YOU,
which the little                and hug your       being God’s people.       bodies will be fixed.         to uplifting music.       MAY THE CHRIST
brother replied, “No,    loved   one; when you     Choose whether your       Broken hearts will be         The true message of       CHILD LIGHT YOUR
but Grandma is!”         are  locked  in your      crisis will make you      mended. Until then,           Christmas is one that     WAY,
What is God trying       home in an abusive        meaner or kinder          take a deep breath            brings a new light into   MAY GOD’S HOLY
to tell us this          relationship; when a      Use this hardship to      and remember that             the world, a light that   SPIRIT GUIDE YOU,
Christmas, in light      loved one has died;       grow into something       everything will be            will grow and will        AND KEEP YOU
of the coronavirus       when your loved           beautiful. It is          alright in the end - if       encompass the world.      SAFE EACH DAY.”
pandemic?                one can’t come home       completely optional to    it’s not alright, it’s not    It speaks of hope, at a
During this time of      for Christmas... God      learn from our trials     the end.                      time when the world        Christmas Blessings
upheaval, we may         loves you and has         and to have an open       See the good all around       needed hope and             to you and yours,
want things to go        not abandoned you         heart; and because it’s   you, even in the thick        needs hope today.               take care!
back to how they were despite your desperate       not mandatory many        of hard times                 Into the darkness and
before but let us resist circumstances. Some       people don’t choose       It’s easy to let the crisis   despair of the world            Rev Isobel
the urge to go back to of his most loved           to travel that road.      become the centre of          around us, a child
                         servants constantly       They become resentful     attention, and some-          was born. And with
                                    4                                                                                 5
A Christmas              70’s told NOT to go         worship and visit          the community at         can and should turn         manage that. I will
Message from             outdoors, deprived          with Communion,            large”. How true that to God, praying for            be ‘Zooming’ masses
 Fr Pat Stevenson        of neighbourly and          lack of provision for      we as a community        his protection and          on Christmas Day
2020 …… How very         family visits. The          confessions (social        depend on each           reflecting on all that is   and there will be
strange it has been!     community came              distancing problem);       other respecting the     good in life.               extra masses over the
A few years ago,             up trumps,              no Holy Week/Easter        ‘guidelines’ to prevent It will be a ‘strange’       Christmas period, so
2018, we were                   arranging for        celebrations. It           the spread of the virus. Christmas, not the          that no masses will be
brought to a                      messages and       certainly is a year that   Never before has it      usual big family            over crowded. I will
‘stand-still’                      medications       will be remembered.        been stressed that our gatherings, but being         let you know as soon
by snow                             to be            Throughout it all, I’ve    christian and human mindful of the fears of          as a decision is made.
in early                             collected       got to use and enjoy       responsibility is to     those we might visit
March, we                             and            ‘Zoom’ masses and the      respect and protect      and respecting those        I pray God’s
thought                                delivered.    chats before and after.    each other.              fears.                      blessing, health,
that was                               It has been   All that helped to keep    There have been          We are not sure yet         peace, protection
bad; wwe                               frustrating   me sane! Thanks to         down the centuries,      what Christmas              from the virus, over
cancelled                             for all,       the “Zoomers”.             viruses, pandemics       masses will be possible     the Christmas and
masses for                            the ‘at        Each day at masss,         and plagues before;      – with the restricted       the New Year. Let us
a period &                           risk’, those    I’ve led a “Pandemic       during this time we      numbers and how to          pray for each other.
thought it                          laid off         Prayer”, How true is
was shocking.                      work while        the phrase from that
This year,                        businesses         prayer; ‘Jesus taught
2020, has                      were closed,          us how live should
surpassed all that         Children at home          be lived: in homes
we could imagine.        getting bored, for          and schools; at work
Churches closed for      us priests not being        and play; with family,
weeks on end, the over   able to publicly            relatives, friends and
                                                                                       Shoe Box Appeal for the Homeless
                                                                                                Collection: Pier House in Crosshaven

                                                                                      Toiletries: Shower gel, deodorant, shaving cream etc.

                                                                                          Treats: Chocolates, gift sets, torches, batteries

                                                                                                 Other: Hats, gloves underwear etc.

                                     6                                                                              7
2020 has certainly been                                                         Junior Hurlers
a year like no other                                                            We had a short season
,this pandemic has                                                              with both league and
certainly tested people                                                         championship playing
in all sectors of life. We                                                      games over a short
managed a condensed                                                             period but it was great
season with new rules                                                           to see some new and
and regulations to                                                              past players along
follow, as a club we                                                            with some of our
carried out this to the                                                         minors to give hope
highest of standards       league final, came         We came runners up        and optimism for next
we could with all          runners  up   losing       in the Div 1 League                                                         club sec Pat Murphy
                                                                                year.                     of goalmouths on
teams , coaches and        out to a good   Eire Og    losing out to St. Nicks                                                     to give a great service
                                                                                Nursery Section           the old pitch .We
                                                                                                                                  to the most vulnerable
club officials following side. Both players and in a high scoring               Our nursery section       also facilitated work
guidelines. Massive        coaches can be proud. league final , hard luck                                                         in our community,
                                                                                didn’t get a chance to    nights, to keep
thanks to all Parents      Well done.                 lads.                                                                       delivering groceries
                                                                                play many games. So       our grounds in the
for your cooperation. Under 14                        Minor                                                                       and medicine.
                                                                                we look forward to the    splendid condition.
We were thankful           We won the hurling         We played in a                                                               Thank you for the
                                                                                New Year. Thank you       Big thanks to all
and lucky that we          league  against   Kinsale. championship, round                                                         weeks of service
                                                                                to our covid officers     volunteers throughout
were able to have a        Lost out  to Killeagh      robin system but were                                                       and commitment.
                                                                                without whom there        the year.
successful albeit short Itas in the Premier 2         unlucky not to qualify                                                      Also thanks to Centra
                                                                                would have been no        Covid Volunteering
season.                    Football final  having     losing out narrowly                                                         and Crosshaven
                                                                                training or matches.      During the 1st
Under 12                   recovered   from   a       before losing the                                                           pharmacy for your
                                                                                Ground Updates            lockdown we had
                                                                                                                                  kind token to the club.
We won the U12             nightmare first half to plate semi-final to          Off the field we          a great band of
hurling league for         put in an outstanding Donoughmore, good                                                                It’s great to see the
                                                                                managed to get some       volunteers who
the 3rd year in a row 2nd half display.               effort all round.                                                           local spirit still alive in
                                                                                small upgrades done       linked up with
beating Blarney in an Credit to coaches and Under 21                                                                              our community.
                                                                                with dugouts on our       Lynch’s Centra and
excellent final and in     players.                   We played losing to                                                         Bereavement’s
                                                                                new pitch and new         Crosshaven Pharmacy,
the Premier 2 Football     Under   16                 Coursey rovers and                                                          Sadly in 2020 we
                                                                                netting and re-sodding    co-ordinated by our
                                                      Ballinhassig.                                                               lost so many people
                                                      Junior A                                                                    in our Parish and
                                                      We had a tough                                                              unfortunately due
                                                      season but put in some                                                      to restrictions we
                                                      spirited performances,                                                      weren’t fully able to
                                                      they were beaten by                                                         pay our respects and
                                                      both Shamrocks and                                                          give those who passed
                                                      Ballymartle in the                                                          away the farewell
                                                      championship but                                                            they deserved. To all
                                                      there’s a good squad                                                        the families who lost
                                                      to work with.                                                               loved ones throughout

                                      8                                                                            9
the year we send our      Crosshaven GAA            Friends abroad whom                      CROSSHAVEN TENNIS CLUB
deepest sympathies        would ask you to shop     can’t get home for       1990                     the courts to a new       three courts and can
especially to two of      local and support as      the festive season A     • Crosshaven Tennis      level and enjoyed by      also be used as a
our club stalwart         many local business       Happy , Peaceful and     Club was inaugurated     all.                      mini court for junior
who passed away Joe       as possible. Keep safe    Safe Christmas and we    in 1990 and three         2011                     members.
Casey(rip) and Tom        and keep a lookout for    all look forward to a    courts were built        • A new Lighting          • We also developed
Bermingham (rip) who      your neighbors and        prosperous new year.     on the grounds of        system was installed      our club carpark this
gave great service to     the elderly. We hope to   Nollaig Shona            Crosshaven House.        in the club with          year.
the club as officers      see you all again soon    dhaoibh.                 • First President –      upgraded lights on all    2015
,coaches/selectors ,      in the new year and        Sean Middleton          Dennis Duggan            courts and token boxes    • Celebrated 25 Years
players and supporters    ask for your support in   Chairman,                 • First Captain –       in the Clubhouse          Club President – Paul
over the years.           any upcoming events.      Crosshaven GAA           Marion Riordan. R.I.P.   2013                      Hannon, Club Captain
Ar dheis De go raibh a    GAA would like to          See our Website/        1995                     • The Club held its       – Catherine Griffin
n-anamacha                wish everybody in         Facebook page for Info    • Our Clubhouse         first affiliated Open     • Over the past twenty
 In these strange times   our Parish , Family &     and updates.             was built on the         Championships. This       five years the club has
                                                                             grounds and opened       open was a great          gone from strength to
                                                                             by Bernard Allen,        success and is being      strength. Our Club is
                                                                             Minister for Sport on    run annually with         always very busy with
                                                                             the 1st October, 1995    large numbers from all    Junior Coaching and
                                                                             together with Club       clubs taking part.        Summer Camps for
                                                                             President at the time    2013                      Juniors and our adult
                                                                             Carol McDonnell.         • A new patio/mini        members keep our
                                                                             2004                     court was put in place    courts busy with social
                                                                              • The three courts      on the front of the       tennis and training.
                                                                             were upgraded to         Clubhouse. This was a     Over the years our
                                                                             savannah. This was a     great asset to the Club   members have been
                                                                             big undertaking for      and is a wonderful        very successful in
                                                                             the club and brought     viewing area for all      Winter Leagues,
                                                                                                                                Summer Cups and all
                                                                                                                                Open Championships.
                                                                                                                                 Crosshaven Tennis
                               Thank you for your support                                                                       Club
                               during this challenging year.                                                                    Celebrating 25 Years
                               May 2021 bring you love, joy                                                                     1990-2015
                               and happiness.                                                                                   Roll on the next 25 !!!!
                               Nollaig Shona Duit                                                                               2016
                                                                                                                                The club undertook
                                                                                                                                a major overhaul of
                                                                                                                                our tennis courts
                                                                                                                                which included the
                                    10                                                                          11
re-positioning of                                                                                                                 necessary safety
Court 2 (away from                                                                                                                measures in
the dreaded Orchard                                                                                                               place.
Wall) , improving                                                                                                                  We eagerly
court drainage and                                                                                                                await a return
resurfacing of all                                                                                                                to the court in
three courts.This was                                                                                                             early December,
enabled through a                                                                                                                 in whatever
major fundraising                                                                                                                 format that may
event called The Cube                                                                                                             take!
which took place                                                           possible.                 biggest championships         Finally, a huge
in the Carrigaline                                                          In a year of few         to date. A great 10   thank you to all our
Court Hotel and was     students in 2017.       existing Clubhouse         positives, an uplifting days was enjoyed by     members, your pa-
supported superbly by   The club was also       to meet disability         trend was the huge        all, for which we are tience and support
the Club Members.       accredited with         requirements and           amount of new mem- grateful to have had         during this most
  2017                  the Tennis Ireland      facilitate community       bers we saw join our      the opportunity.      challenging and un-
 ​Was a very exciting   Clubmark bronze.        groups, local schools,     Club..These new mem- The second lock-           precedented year has
year with our bottom     2018                   and increase our           bers gave us all a wel- down saw all tennis     been immense. Let’s
courts being re-         We have now            membership.we also         come boost, joining in for adults suspended. hope for a healthy and
surfaced. CTC joined    submitted our Sports    replaced our lights on     on all our events, and Luckily, our junior      sporting year in 2021.
the Tennis Ireland      Capital Programme       court 1 to L E D lights.   some even going on to coaching programs           Merry Christmas
School Initiative       application for 2018.   2020                       represent the Club in have been able to con- to everyone, and
Programme with          The goal is to carry    This has been a very       Munster team events. tinue. Thank you to        a Happy New
Colaiste Muire          out alterations and     challenging year for       We were very lucky to all those who helped Year from all at
Transition year         renovations to the      our Club, just like        be able to still hold our facilitated this by   Crosshaven Tennis
                                                so many others, but        Club Championships, putting in place all the Club.
                                                tennis was one of the      in August,
                                                fortunate sports to be     our longest
                                                able to resume in May;     running an-
                                                all be it in a very much   nual event..
                                                restricted format. It      Always a
                                                was great to be back       very popular
                                                out playing! Much          event in our
                                                hard working went          Club calen-
                                                into reopening the         dar, with our
                                                Club, making us Covid      host of eager
                                                compliant. Thankfully,     new mem-
                                                like always, there was     bers partic-
                                                no shortage of volun-      ipating, it
                                                teers to help make this    became our

                                  12                                                                         13
Crosshaven Rugby Football Club                                  have gone on to
Crosshaven Rugby                                                            play professionally
Football Club was                                                           in France, England,
formed 01/10/1972.                                                          Ireland, Italy, Russia,
The minutes record                                                          Samoa, and America.
the proposal of the                                                         These have been very
club, the name of the                                                       proud moments for
club and the club                                                           such a small club.
colours. Officers                                                           On a few occasions
elected were Ted                                                            we have had female
Murphy President,                                                           teams start up and
Billy McCarthy                                                              have also had success     achievement to date
                         O’Halloran               Lodge and all matches                                                        night and for a long
Secretary, Tom                                                              with a few capped         was being the first
                         And so it began.         had to be played away                                                        time after. There are
O’Kelly Treasurer and                                                       for the Munster           Munster team to win
                         The first ever game of   on the opposition’s                                                          plenty of photos of
PRO and the following                                                       representative teams      the All Ireland Cup
                         rugby for Crosshaven     home ground.                                                                 this great occasion up
week 08/10/72 a                                                             but maintaining the       after beating Monivea
                         RFC was on Sunday        The Juvenile section                                                         on our Facebook page
further meeting was                                                         numbers has proven        in an exciting nail
                         19/11/72 against Cork    started in the 1975/76                                                       if anyone would like
held with the election                                                      difficult each time.      biting finish in April
                         Con which Crosshaven     season and has grown                                                         to take a trip down
of Michael Dempsey                                                          The next time you are     2011. This match took
                         won. Crosshaven          from strength to                                                             memory lane.
Vice President, Peter                                                       in the clubhouse cast     place in St. Mary’s in
                         played 19 matches in     strength with teams                                                          We have had many
Murphy Captain, Jim                                                         your eye along the        Dublin and was a huge
                         their first season and   from minis U6’s to                                                           successful tours from
Riordan Vice Captain,                                                       photos on the wall of     win for Crosshaven.
                         won 15.                  U13’s and Juveniles                                                          Juveniles to J1’s and
and general committee                                                       some of our capped        It was a great day
                         With out having any      U13’s to U18’s. It                                                           have been a popular
members elected                                                             players both male and     with a convoy of three
                         ground on which to       hasn’t always been                                                           club for hosting
Michael Murtagh,                                                            female.                   coach loads and many
                         call home all training   easy and its success                                                         visiting teams back
Des Morrissey, Tony                                                         We have won               car loads making the
                         used to take place in    has been down to                                                             at Myrtleville Cross.
Murphy, Maurice                                                             much Silverware           journey to support the
                         Dempsey’s Field or       the tireless efforts of                                                      These away tours are
Barry, Rodger                                                               at all levels but our     team. The celebrations
                         the front lawn in Pine   their coaches who                                                            often responsible for
McGrath, Richie O                                                           most accredited           went on long into the
                                                  year in year out have                                                        the making of lifelong
                                                  kept it together when                                                        memories and source
                                                  times were tough and                                                         of much material for
                                                  enjoyed the good times                                                       stories to be told time
                                                  when all was running                                                         and time again which
                                                  smoothly.                                                                    are cherished for life.
                                                  We have had many                                                             Physically we have a
                                                  players capped for                                                           set up to be proud of
                                                  the Munster and                                                              and the envy of many.
                                                  Ireland representative                                                       Having acquired the
                                                  teams and a few                                                              land we built our

                                   14                                                                          15
Crosshaven/Coláiste Muire basketball review 2020
                                                   style.                     The Covid pandemic       when restrictions       supporters, the girls
                                                   If there is anyone out     has had a profound       allow. We were very     lost out to Abbey
                                                   there who has a love       effect on sport,         sad to see the passing  Vocational School
                                                   of rugby and would         especially indoor        of a great supporter    from Donegal. The
                                                   like to be involved in     sport. Basketball        of basketball in        girls had an amazing
                                                   the club, please come      has been halted in       Crosshaven, Catherine   season, reaching
                                                   up and make yourself       Crosshaven since         Walsh. Ar dheis Dé go   the Cork final and
                                                   known. You don’t           March. 2020 had          raibh a hanam.          narrowly losing out
                                                   need to be a player or a   started out very         Under 16 girls reach    to Dingle in the All-
                                                   parent of a player. The    promising for the Club   All-Ireland final       Ireland League play-
                                                   love of the sport is all   and School teams with    Coláiste Muire girls,   offs.
main clubhouse which      Saturday evenings.       you need. There is no                                                       Under 12 Boys win
was officially opened     Our next project is to fear that if you stand                                                        double
when my father            get proper drainage      still long enough we                                                        Having beaten
Conor Crowley was         for the pitches and to will find you a job that                                                      Skibbereen in the
president in 1980/81.     develop the gym for      will keep you coming                                                        Championship final
I can remember being      our players.             back again and again!                                                       in December 2019,
up there that day and     The club has prospered Finally Crosshaven                                                            the boys went on to
there was a Welsh         in its 48 years but only RFC would like to                                                           win their League,
touring team over to      because of the support wish everyone a happy                                                         remaining unbeaten
mark the occasion. It     and dedication of        and safe Christmas.                                                         for the season. The
was a huge day for the    the friends and          For 2021 we look                                                            boys, led by coach
club.                     sponsors of the club     forward to having          the under 12 boys       led by coach Catherine James McSweeney
The completion            and along with all       everyone back on the       winning their league, Griffin reached the        overcame a Skibereen
of purchase of the        of its members and       pitch and on the side      making it a League      All-Ireland final in the side looking for
playing pitches in 1984   volunteers who work lines enjoying some             and Championship        National Basketball      revenge to seal the
The extension of          away be it coaching,     rugby.                     double for the season. Arena in January.         League in February.
clubhouse with            on the committee,                                   Our under 16 girls      Joined by over 100        Well done lads.
dressing rooms            maintenance around       Mia Crowley                made the Hula Hoop
showers and then the      the club etc and of      Hon Secretary              All-Ireland Schools’
gym.                      course the supporters Crosshaven RFC.               cup final in the
More recently we had      who come up in the                                  National Basketball
lighting put in around    rain, hail, sleet or                                Arena. Our under 14
the main pitch in 2018    snow and occasionally                               girls made the Cork
allowing us to join       sunshine shouting and                               “A” final. We were
other clubs in bringing   cheering on the teams.                              anticipating more
back the social side      We look forward to                                  success when activities
of rugby and having       celebrating our 50                                  were suspended. We
matches under             years in existence and                              look forward to getting
lights on Friday and      plan to celebrate in                                back up and running
                                     16                                                                         17
Memories of          Doran living in “The      Post Office which was     United Nations, my        We used oil lamps,       population has
      Crosshaven           Point” and the Patton     close to Kennefick’s      father indicated to       primus stoves, no        increased with many
After over 80 years on     Brothers.                 Pub. I must have          Mr. Nicholson that        indoor toilets, wood     modern homes
this planet, it’s very     After spending some       broken the poor lady’s    would leave a big         burning ranges and       however I must admit
natural that memories      years going to the        heart that managed        stain on my record if     of course used the       that there are many
of one’s birthplace will   convent, I graduated      the Post Office as        he went ahead with        newspaper to clean       talented people now
always be part of one’s    to the Boys school.       she spent more time       the court case. After     ourselves. No nice       in Crosshaven. The
life.                      Mr Murphy, from           looking for me to         days of negotiation,      soft toilet paper that   pictures posted
Even though I have         Myrtleville, was the      deliver telegrams.        the case was settled,     we now enjoy. But        on Facebook are so
been in the United         teacher and he was        Course I was up in        out of court, for a fee   we were happy. It        beautiful and the
States for over sixty      later joined by his son   “Pipers” with the boys.   of two pounds and I       was a time for family    many changes are a
years the memory           to teach. The school      I also secured a little   went on to study at       and then everything      compliment to the
of where I grew up         was located where         job in “The Merrie’s”     Rochestown College.       was rationed during      many organizations
and spent fourteen         the trains turned         mostly working with       When I wasn’t             the second world         that do a great job.
years is still one of my   around on their trip      DD Ward. I recall each    working I spent many      war. Being poor          Congratulations to
cherished memories.        back to Cork City.        Christmas, being the      happy days at “The        had so many more         Audrey Buckley who
Born in Graball Hill       We often played ball      man of the house, so      Pipes” in Graball bay     benefits than having     has worked so hard to
in 1938, I joined a        in the school yard        to speak, I’d secure a    swimming and having       everything. It was a     make my hometown
family of four sisters     after school and one      Christmas tree. Well,     fun. I always went to     good time, now that      such a wonderful
and another sister         memorable evening,        the last time I went to   the beach in just and     I look back we had       place. Congrats to all
and brother joined         we went into the          the woods to get the      came home many an         the simple life which    the hard workers that
this growing family        school room and           most fantastic tree you   evening with bloody       was so much better.      help so much. I have
after me. We had           found Mr Murphy’s         have ever seen, I had     toes having cracked       In this modern age       wonderful memories
a three bedroom            stick that he used on     completed the cutting     them against one of       I’m so happy to be       for one of those that
cottage overlooking        our hands to teach us     of the tree when I was    the many rocks I had      able to keep up with     left Ireland when
empty fields and a         a lesson. That was        startled by someone       to navigate to reach      what is happening        things were tough.
magnificent view of        the end of slaps with     behind the bushes.        my favorite spot          in Crosshaven by         Many thanks to all.
the little village of      that weapon, however      Suddenly, appeared        on the beach. After       using the Internet       Happy Christmas.
Crosshaven. At the         in no time a new and      this gentleman            spending fourteen         and Facebook. The        Richard Archer
end of the road to our     more sinister stick       grabbed my saw and        years in Crosshaven,
house was Kelleher’s       was acquired by our       tree and indicated I      my father purchased
farm where we played,      teacher. All in all it    would end up in court.    a house in the South
climbed trees and ate      was a happy time in       Later that evening My     side of Cork city. It’s
the apples from their      our lives.                father was contacted      strange when you
orchard. Like most         Before starting           by Mr Nicholson, who      think about it and the
youngsters everyone        secondary school, I       owned the woods           modern conveniences
knew everyone. One         was so proud to get       out the Carrigaline       we now enjoy. For a
of my best friends         a job in the summer       road and indicated a      number of years we
JJ Kelly along with        as “Telegraph Boy”        summons would be          had no running water
Oliver and “Gussy”         working out of the        issued. Talk about the    or electricity.
                                      18                                                                           19
        village                    SH


         FOOD & DRINK
Anchor Inn
  Art & Photography Bar                                                                             GIFT Beauty
Bunnyconnellan Bar &
  Carmel Smyth                          Batik Artist                            Carmel     Carrigdhoun
                                                                                            (087)2774903            Caroline's Beauty Haven              Olivia Stack Fitness
                                                                                                                                                         Nail Salon                          Caroline   (087)1531516

                                                                                           Subscription                                                  Run with Ros
  Crosshaven Creatives Facebook Page    Homemade Goods                          Online      Facebook                Crosshaven Pharmacy                  Phamacy & Gifts                     In store   (021)4831200

  Deirdre Cichosz                       Artist                                  Deirdre     (085)1652590            Heavenly Nails Crosshaven            Nail Salon                          Agnes      (085)1005371
  John Jermyn Artist                    Artist                                  John        (087)8265965            Nadurtha                             Natural Skin Products               Mary       (086)3816421

  Kira O'Brien Ceramics
  Mandy Dale
                                        Ceramic Artist
                                        Watercolour Artist
                                                                                Mandy      Cork Sea Safari
                                                                                            (087)121 4257
                                                                                                                                                         Soul to Soul Holistic
                                                                                                                                                         Beauty Salon                        Aoife      (021)4832707

                                                                                           Crosshaven Calendar                                           Health
  Siobhan Russell Photography           Family Portraits at Home                Siobhan     (087)983 3660

Chef Grizz
  Susanne Leutenegger
  Ted Murphy Photography
                                        Portraits / Prints

Chish n Fips
  Ross Sinclair Graphic & Web design    Prints                                  Ross
                                                                                           Crosshaven Computers
                                                                                                           Dog Grooming                                  Susanne Leutenegger
Cronins Bar                                                                                Helen O Leary            K-9 Kutz
                                                                                                                    Paws Haven                           Temple Yoga &
                                                                                                                                                         Dog Grooming
                                                                                                                                                         Dog Grooming

 Food & Drink
             Bar                                                                           LinnPops Crea            Premier Kennels & Grooming Parlour
                                                                                                                                                         Dog Grooming                        Lorraine   (086)3849000

Green Towers Ireland
 Anchor Inn
 Buckleys Bar
                                       Restaurant & Bar
                                                                                           McWilliam Bags
                                                                                           (086 )2773468
                                                                                                                                                         Tennis Coaching with
Hong Kong Chef
 Bunnyconnellan Bar & Restaurant
                                       Bar & Restaurant
                                                                               In store    Murphy Brown Designs
                                                                                                           Gift                                          Siobhan
                                                                                           Power’s Shop                                                  Willowherb Healing
 Chef Grizz                            Cookery Lessons & Occasions             Graham      (087)7706797

Rivers End Cafe
 Chish n Fips                          Takeaway                                In store    (021)4832777             Crosshaven Calendar                  Calendar On Sale at Local Outlets   In store
                                                                                                                    Carrigdhoun Subscription             Carrigdhoun Newspaper               Vincent    (021)4373557

                                                                                           Roser Perez Jewellry
 Cronins Bar                           Bar & Restaurant                        Online
                                                                                                                    Cork Sea Safari                      Cork Harbour Trips                  Jason      (086)8208565

The Drake
 Fitzys Bar                            Bar                                     John Paul   (083)8167620
 Green Towers Ireland                  Allows you to....Grow Food Everywhere   Jenny       (087)9028715             Crosshaven Computers                 Refurbished Laptops                 Cormac     (085)8291012

                                                                                           Silverhaven Jewellery                                                BEAUTY
 Hong Kong Chef                        Restaurant                              JoJo        (021)4832328             Helen O’Leary                        Tea Cosies, Hats & Accessories      Helen      (087)9950563

The Oar
 Rivers End Cafe                       Food & Beverage                         Sarah       (021)4833682             LinnPops Crea                        Zero Waste & Handcrafted Goods      Pauline    (083)4682245
                                                                                                                    McWilliam Bags                       Bags, Holdalls & Clothing           Claire     (021)4831505

                                                                                           The Merries                                                   Caroline’s Beauty
 The Drake                             Bar                                     Sean        (021)4833668

The Lighthouse Micro-
 The Oar                               Bar & Restaurant                        J.P         (021)4831601             Murphy Brown Designs                 Jewellry, Clothing & Gifts          Judi       (021)4833386
 The Lighthouse Micro-Bakery           Sourdough Bread Deliveries              Tom         (087)1347442             Power’s Shop                         Fishing Tackle & Provisions         Marie      (021)4831327

                                                                                                    HAIR                                                 Haven
 The Lodge Bar & Kitchen               Food & Beverage                         Kathy       (021)4833426             Roser Perez Jewellry                 Jewellry & Sculpture                Roser      (087)7408910

 The Pastry Fork                       Afternoon Tea & Baking                  Mags        (087)9661812             The Merries
                                                                                                                    Silverhaven Jewellery
                                                                                                                                                         Piper’s Funfair & Amusements
                                                                                                                                                         Contemporary Jewellery

The Lodge Bar &                                                                            Ashley Louise Hair                                            Crosshaven Pharmacy
 Health                                                                                    Imij                                                          Heavenly Nails
The Pastry Fork
 Anam Turas Natural Wellbeing          Natural Therapies                       Mary        Tina Bushe Hairdresser
                                                                                            (086) 3816421
 Caru Mindfulness & Wellbein           Mindfulness & Wellbeing Coaching        Tania        (086)3458753            Ashley Louise Hair                    Hairdressing & Giftsets             Ashley    (021)4833526
 Crosshaven Yoga with Deirdre          Embodied Yoga & Hanna Somatics          Deirdre      (087)1386757            Imij                                  Hair Salon                          Trish     (086)3738392
                                                                                                                    Tina Bushe Hairdresser                Crosshaven Experts in Hair          Tina      (087)9884246

                                                                                                    HEALTH                                               Rejuvenate                             Fitness, Nutrition & Mindfulness        Derval

 Fully Charged                         Positive Psychology Coach               Julie        (087)8288602
 Funkytown                             Watersports Centre                      Paddy        (087)2611173
 Libra Coaching

Carmel Smyth
 Move Well with Eleanor
                                       Corporate Positive Psychology Coach
                                       Womens Health Service
                                                                               Eleanor     Anam Turas Natural

                                                                                           Mindfulness & Local Charity Donation          PETS
 Olivia Stack Fitness                  Personal Trainer & Pilates              Olivia       (087)1326289

Crosshaven Creatives
 Run with Ros                          Healthy Eating & Running Coaching       Rosaleen     (086)8094814
 Soul to Soul Holistic Health          Holistic Health                         Jennifer     (087)2724272

                                                                                           Wellbeing                           Dog Grooming
                                                                                                                    R.N.L.I. Crosshaven                  Lifeboats                                      (087)2597431
 Susanne Leutenegger                   Body-Mind in Movement                   Susanne      (086)1959684

Facebook Page
                                                                                                                    S.V.P. Crosshaven                    Confidential Support                           (087)3240445
 Temple Yoga & Meditation              Yoga & Meditation                       Susan        (087)6534277

                                                                                           Crosshaven Yoga with K-9 Kutz
 Tennis Coaching with Siobhan          Individual & Group Lessons              Siobhan      (086)3695178

Deirdre Cichosz
 Willowherb Healing                    Herbalist, Reiki & Yoga                 Chelley      (087)9844253

John Jermyn Artist                                                                         Deirdre Desmond                     Paws Haven
Kira O’Brien Ceramics                                                                                       Premier Kennels &
Mandy Dale                                                                                 Funkytown                           Grooming Parlour
Siobhan Russell                                                                            Libra Coaching
Photography                                                                                & Training Services                    Charity Donations
Susanne Leutenegger                                                                        Move Well with                      R.N.L.I. Crosshaven
Ted Murphy                                                                                 Eleanor                             S.V.P.Crosshaven
Photography                                                                                Olive Hughes Health &

                                                                                                               20                                                                                                      21
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22                                       23
I REMEMBER WHEN...                                        The First and              entering the estuary       river means that only
In this edition we are    known as a snug. Their    Tied Pubs.                 Last Visits of The         at Camden was one          the smallest of boats
including a number of     husbands would have       On Sundays localers        “Kathleen and May”         that will remain with      can get in there, and
interviews which were     their drinks sent into    were strictly forbidden    Story told by              me for a long time.        that is only at high
done by Transition        them, and remain          to enter their local       Una O’Halloran             As soon as she came        tide as the area is
students of Colaiste      talking to the other      pubs - they had to         I remember the first       into view there was a      completely dried out
Muire in 1995 and         men in the bar.           travel three miles,        time the “Kathleen &       scurry as the local men    at low water.
1996. They interviewed    Like nowadays, there      normally to the next       May” was due to come       headed out to meet         The “Kathleen & May”
some of the elders        were three types of       village. This law was      into Crosshaven. It        her in an attempt to       stayed in Crosshaven
of the community          stout sold which were     strictly enforced and      was during the war,        get the job of piloting    for only four days.
on their memories         Beamish, Murphys,         many localers would        and before this the        the topsail schooner       During this time the
of when they were         and Guinness.             stay in the next village   pottery shipping agent     into the dock. Because     clay was unloaded
younger. It was a         Murphys stout             on Saturday night          had great problems         of the sheer size of the   by men of all ages
great exercise and put    was nicknamed the         so they could travel       in chartering ships to     boat, big money was        working around the
on paper memories,        unemployed stout          3 miles to get home        transport the clay, due    being paid to whoever      clock to unload her
which might otherwise     as it was slightly        to their local pub.        to the danger to ships     was lucky enough to        cargo of 191 tons of
have been forgotten.      cheaper than the other    Localers would often       off the south coast of     get this job. The risk     clay. The demand was
Here we have five         two. Lager beer was       ask each other the         Ireland. At this time      was substantial but        so great that as many
of those interviews       sold on draught, but      question “where did        the “Kathleen & May”       the men who set out        men as possible were
and thank you to          unfortunately most of     you sleep last night!      was the property of        to meet the “Kathleen      employed, earning for
the families of the       it was imported from      To measure spirits         Captain Tommy Jewell       & May” knew the area       themselves an average
interviewees and to the   Britain and was known     each pub had a special     who hailed from            like the back of their     of between two and
interviewers for their    as Bass. Lager at that    scale, which had to be     Appledore which,           hand, and showing the      two and a half pence,
permission to include     time was known as         approved every year        incidentally, was the      boat the way would         the more experienced
them in this Christmas    ale and was also sold     and could be examined      port from which she        pose no problems for       and those who worked
newsletter.               in bottles with crown     any time throughout        usually sailed.            them.                      the longest hours
Pub Life                  corks. On many an         the year. Drinks such      Despite the intense        After a long and           earning the most
Story told by:            occasion a barrel,        as Bacardi and Tequilla    risk of sailing to         nerve-wracking             except for a few people
James Kidney              now known as a keg,       were not sold in this      Crosshaven, Captain        journey, the boat          who did not have to
The idea of an ice cold   would lose its tap and    era, but drinks such as    Jewell agreed to           finally docked just        pay for a pension. As
beer did not exist in     it would possibly rain    sherry and port were       shipping the clay.         in front of where          with all the ships that
the early twentieth       stout.                    extremely popular and      The journey from           Dunphy’s shop is           the pottery chartered,
century as there was      Many of the pubs          were largely drunk by      Appledore to Bideford      today. Back in those       the shipping company,
no refrigeration in       in the 1900-1950 era      women after events         was uneventful and         days, there was            Fitzpatrick & Co.,
pubs. Women rarely        were not owned by         such as funerals.          once she had her cargo     sufficient depth for       paid the charges
went to the pub and       individual families but   Interviewed                of 191 tons aboard she     boats of the “Kathleen     that were owed to
when they did, they       by breweries such as                                 set sail for Crosshaven.   & May” size to stay at     the port authorities,
would have to go          Beamish and Guinness      by Niall Cogan             She managed to make        all stages of the tide,    which were something
to a separate room        and were known as                                    it safely to Crosshaven    but today, however,        similar to the
                                                                               and the sight of her       silting of the nearby      following:
                                    24                                                                              25
Tonnage dues, 95          occasion as Tommy            The full history of          floating in a milky        the butter was due to       brother John and sister
registered tons at 1-6    Jewell bade farewell to      Kathleen and May can be      liquid, which was          carotene, a substance       Mary worked in the
per ton = £7-2-6          friends he had made          found on                     called butter milk. This   in milk caused by           Royal Cork Yacht Club
Cargo dues, 191 tons,     and cast off from             https://www.                could be seen through      green foods eaten by        all their lives and I
13 cwts at 1-101/2 per    the familiar pier. He   the glass section at the   cows. In winter when        was always on hand to
ton = £17-19-4.           sailed to Ballinacurra,      Butter Making                top of the churn.          cows are fed mainly         help them.
The dangerous journey     near East Ferry, to          Story told by                The butter milk was        on hay and cattle cake,     I remember the yacht
undertaken by Captain     load a cargo of timber       Etta 0’Flynn.                then drained out of        butter is pale in colour.   Club in its very early
Jewell and his crew,      before setting sail for      When the cow was             the churn, and the         During spring and           stages when there
however, did not          Newport.                     milked and the milk          butter was washed          summer, when cows           were very few boats.
go unnoticed by the       Interviewed by               was strained, the milk       several times in cold      are feeding on grass,       There were no yacht
pottery and it resulted   David Venner                 was put into pans and        water until every trace    the butter is a deep        marinas and we knew
in an unbroken            Footnote:                    left to settle. When         of butter milk was         yellow colour and           the names of every
friendship between the    As the UK’s last working     the cream rose to the        gone. The butter was       very rich, but it tends     boat on the river. Of
pottery and Captain       wooden hulled three-         top of the pan it was        then pressed with          to be rather greasy.        course, at this time
Jewell. As well as        masted topsail schooner      skimmed off and put          wooden pats to make        The butter would            it was known as the
paying him the normal     and the only one of          into another container.      sure all the butter        sometimes be sold           Royal Munster yacht
fee for the charter,      this construction still in   Sometimes, a separator       was removed. Then,         in bulk in The Old          Club, before it merged
they rewarded him by      operation, between 1999      was used to do this.         some salt was added        English Market on           with the Royal Cork in
telling him that they     and 2002 the “Kathleen       The separated milk           for flavou and to          Grand Parade in Cork        1970.
would definitely keep     and May” (originally         was used to feed the         make the butter keep       or sold at home to          In the olden days
him in mind when          “Lizzie May”) was            calves and pigs along        longer. The butter         people, in pounds or        they had sleeping
chartering for future     restored to her original     with other food. After       was always wrapped         1\2 pounds.                 accommodation and
imports. I remember       build of 1900 and is now     five or six days all the     in greaseproof paper.      An old superstition         dormitories in the
her coming into           based in Liverpool near      cream was put into           It takes 2.5 gallons       was that thunder and        club itself and there
Crosshaven until 1960     the Merseyside museum.       a churn. The churn           of milk to make one        other weather used          was always great
and I also remember       She has attended many        was usually a wooden         pound of butter.           to effect the sticking      excitement before the
the day on which she      maritime festivals and       barrel with a handle,        The butter milk that       together of the butter      big races to Kinsale,
departed for the last     visited Crosshaven in        mounted on a stand.          came out of the churn      in the churn.               Cobh, ‘West Cork and
time. It was a sad        2001                         There was a glass            was used for making        Interviewed by              around the Fastnet at
                                                       square at the top of the     soda bread, brown          Daphne Farrell.             August ‘Weekend and
                                                       churn.                       bread and also used        The Yacht Club              other big weekends.
                                                       The churn was turned         for feeding the pigs.      Story told by               Sometimes there
                                                       with the handle and          The butter was stored      Eileen Keane                would be “Sweeps”
                                                       this moved the cream         in safes which were        I lived in Crosshaven       on the races and we
                                                       around. After a while        made of wood and           since I was six years       would all buy a boat.
                                                       the fat in the cream         mesh which allowed         old and I worked            The dining room
                                                       began to stick together      the air to go through      with the Irish Dunlop       would be packed
                                                       and small pieces of          to keep the butter cool.   Company since I was         every Saturday night
                                                       butter began to appear,      The yellow colour of       sixteen. However, my        for dinners and I
                                      26                                                                                  27
remember my sister         of boats were 18’s,       of the marina was         and all the different     also involved in this       detail of roses and
would always make          one designs, 505’s,       built and from there      classes.                  art and also passed         other elaborate pieces
sure that everybody        14’s, enterprises         it progressed over the    Over the years the club   it onto many of our         barred together to
was catered for.           and big cruisers. All     years. I was the first    was made famous for       neighbours. Having          fulfil her creation.
Over the years we          the different classes     manager of the marina     offshore racing and       learnt from my              In order to make lace a
cooked dinners for         had their own party       and I looked after all    this led to the start     mother, one woman           steel coated implement
many famous people         at Christmas time         the berths and the fees   of Cork Week during       in particular even          called a “crochet
including Sir Francis      and they usually          for visiting boats who    the eighties which is     managed to complete         needle” (crochet
Chichester and Sir         had a fancy dress         berthed there.            now known as Ford-        a lace bedspread.           hook) was used.
Alec Rose who both         St. Stephens Night.       Over the years I saw      Week and is one of        My aunt was also            There were two types
sailed around the          The end of the            the young cadet           the biggest yachting      interested in this craft,   of needles. One was
world single-handed.       sailing season was        members learning to       events in the world       however, she was not        just an ordinary steel
There was no such          November. There           sail and growing up       Since we retired in       as involved in it as my     coated crochet needle
thing as a starting or     was always a laying       to be some of the most    1979 I have watched       Mother                      and the other was a
finishing time because     up supper which was       famous yachtsmen in       the club grow even        The main items made         bone crochet needle.
if there was a race due    traditionally known       the world and now I       further adding great      by my mother were           Threads of different
in during the night my     as the Tripe Supper       see these same people     facilities such as        collars and cuffs.          thickness, 20 or 30
brother would make         because the menu was      coming back with their    dinghy parks and          She also made many          (grams) were used for
sure we stayed on to       tripe and drisheen.       own young children        parking facilities.       smaller detailed pieces     the making of lace.
cook meals for them        This was an all male      learning to sail in the   I look back in            including bunches of        The “30” was a very
and in the morning         night and was always      optimists.                enjoyment at all the      grapes, roses, thistles,    fine thread and thee
when we woke up            packed to capacity.       Some of the earliest      many happy years we       shamrocks and               “20” was a small bit
and saw a lot of boats     When the main meal        yachts in the club were   spent in the club and     torytops, which were        thicker. It was bought
having arrived in          was over, the piano       “The _Marchwood.          we loved every minute     barred together to          in Roches Stores at the
during the night, we       was brought into the      Maid, “The Colleen”       of it.                    make these collars and      time and was known
would have to go to        kitchen and the night     and “The Gull. These      Interviewed by            cuffs. Even though an       as “Chain Mercer
work early to cook         always ended with         would be hauled           Clodagh Fitzgerald        awful lot of time and       Crochet Thread”.
their breakfast. We        a sing-song in the        out in Jack Keating’s                               effort went into it, she    Most of my mother’s
did not mind doing         kitchen until the early   boatyard for the winter   Lace Making in            once made parts for a       work was done in
this as the people         morning and everyone      and the first sign of     Crosshaven                bedspread as well as        white, however,
we met were always         did their part.           Summer was to see         Story told by             four blouses - one each     smaller pieces
very appreciative and      In the olden days,        them being launched       Ann Sugrue                for my two sisters and      that were used as
grateful                   of course, we only        again and getting their                             one for myself. Once        decorations or for
Of course the club         had the old wooden        masts put in in his       My mother began           she was asked to make       collars were done
progressed over the        slipway. There was no     boatyard nearer the       lace making at a          a long sleeved blouse       in colours such as
years and the first        such thing as ferrys or   village.                  very young age,           for a lady living near      coffee, rose, cream,
addition to the original   ferryboys and people      Although I never took     and continued this        us. It took a very long     pink, yellow, red and
building was the           rowed out to their        to sailing myself, I      creative craft for a      time but she managed        also purple. All of
upstairs bar.              boats.                    always took an interest   number of years. My       to complete the blouse      the coloured threads
The different classes      In 1970 the first leg     in the various races      Grandmother was           containing magnificent      were various shades
                                      28                                                                            29
of the one colour e.g.    was a row of snow            the 1960’s when she      pink barred onto the     line communion           regular occasions
going from yellow to      white torytops barred        was in her seventies,    bag. The beret was       dress for another of     to make different
primrose and from         together which gave a        she took it up again     snow white with a        my grandchildren,        pieces for them. These
purple to mauve.          very elegant look to a       due to great demand.     plain design and when    Tracy. The upper         were mainly collars
Although there are        black velvet dress.          Although she did it      worn with a dress or     part of the dress was    made for the dresses
two methods of            At this time the             mainly as a passtime,    blouse it contrasted     a combination of         belonging to the
making lace by hand       approximate price for        it was quite popular     beautifully and looked   differently designed     children or different
my mother only used       a collar with a simple       with many folks in the   very elegant. Due        pieces such as bunches   pieces they could bring
one. She could have       design would have            village. My mother       to the fact that she     of grapes, roses,        as gifts to family and
used either a bobbin or   been between 25 and          was not the only lace    was so familiar to       thistles and torytops    friends in America and
a needle but chose to     30 shillings (1.25 -1.30).   maker in Crosshaven.     the craft, she could     barred together very     England.
make her pieces using     These simple designs         Mrs. Goggin, Mrs.        hold a conversation      neatly so there were     In her later years she
a needle. This was        would not have been          Kearney and Mrs.         while making the lace    no gaps. The lower       began a collection of
known as needle point.    as extravagant as            Noonan were also very    and did not need to      part of the dress was    her own designs which
She began at the inside   other designs such           keen on the craft. At    concentrate while she    a more plain, wavy       she intended to barn
and worked out to         as bunches of grapes         the time it was a very   was working. During      design, but it was       together to form a
complete her product.     and thistles barred          expensive item to buy    the summer she would     one that looked just     pillowcase for herself
It took approximately     together to give a more      and it was only used     often sit out in front   as extravagant. This     when she was laid out.
two days to make          exquisite look.              on special occasions.    of the house and         creation took a very     Unfortunately, the
a collar depending        Many of my mother’s          But because she made     almost everyone that     long time but seeing     pieces were mislaid at
on the intricate          items were bought by         lace purely out of       passed by, took a huge   the finished product     the time of her death
design required.          both neighbours and          enjoyment she would      interest in what she     made all her work        and were found when
Different pieces of       friends. Much of her         not have charged a       was making.              worthwhile.              it was too late.
all shapes and sizes      produce was sold in          lot of money for her     Twenty five years        One family in            Interviewed by
were arranged very        Cobh and many people         work. Unfortunately,     ago my mother            particular used to       Sinead Buttimer
carefully on a piece      going to America             she was forced to give   created an empire        ask my mother, on
of brown paper so         would purchase a             it up again at the age
that no space was         collar or a detailed         of seventy - nine when
left uncovered. They      piece of lace prior          she became ill.
were then taken off       to their departure.          When she took it up
the paper and the         The shamrocks were           again in her seventies
collar was complete.      very popular as they         she made quite a
Most collars were         symbolised Ireland.          number of important
made from a row of        Most of these pieces         pieces. She made a
roses barred together,    were bought as               confirmation bag and
however, others were      presents for family and      beret for my daughter,
made from shamrocks       friends.                     Norma. The bag was
                                                                                  Child’s crochet collar and two     Lady’s crochet collarcrocheted
that were joined by       My mother gave up            made from snow white
                                                                                pieces : a bunch of grapes and a    by Teresa Condon, mother of Ann
a lace rope. Another      lace making for quite        lace with lace roses
                                                                                  shamrock by Teresa Condon                      Sugrue
of her popular pieces     some time. But in            in various shades of

                                      30                                                                           31
Crosshaven Village was far more vibrant. tailor and his skilled             at Lemasneys. Their       directly above the         what later became
in the 1950’s             Many more businesses hands altered pants,         shop was run by Pat       Hugh Coveney Pier          Fitzgibbon’s you had
A biblical age of         existed and far more    skirts and coats. For     and Bridie and was        in the detached house      a shop run by Mr.
seventy, or three score needs were met at a       many it was a ‘make       adjacent to Pier House.   recently renovated by      Bill Bluett, who had
and ten, was, in days local level then is the     do and mend’ era          It had a good range       Lulu Walsh, you had        another store where
gone by, regarded as      case today. Back then and it wasn’t unusual       of footwear which         Urells general store       Rivers End Cafe is
the typical span of a     the village was a hive for clothes to pass        could be bought on the    with its Victorian style   today. Further down
human life. When set of activity, it had a        down through the          ‘never never’ if money    counter and shelving       the Lower Road
against the full vista of whole range of small, children and indeed         was tight. They also      and it was run by          in what is now the
human existence that family run businesses the generations.                 sold cigarettes and       Eileen Urell. Next door    lounge of the Drake
might be regarded as a which met people’s         Crosshaven had two        coal with their depot     attached to Pier House     Public House you had
very fleeting presence daily needs, only          other very capable        being next to where       you had a butcher          Kellehers Shop. In the
and yet within that       rarely was a visit to   seamstresses and          Chish N Fips is today.    shop with the famous       50’s this was being run
limited time scale a      Cork city required.     dressmakers, Mrs.         If your shoes required    logo ‘Kidneys for          by a Mr. Bob Paterson,
whole lot can change. In the 50’s, if you         Ellen Cogan [nee          repairs then you had a    Meat’ as its proprietor    their speciality was
Seventy years ago         wanted to buy clothing Burns] on the chapel       choice of two cobblers,   was one Mr.Jimmy           home cooked and
Crosshaven was a          many people dealt       steps and Mrs. May        Richard Dick Coote        Kidney. Another            cured hams. Two
very different place,     with Ray Murray, a      Noonan at the bottom      had a workshop below      butcher shop was           doors down you from
not just in its physical door to door salesman of Dennehy’s Lane.           the road opposite         found on the Middle        that shop you had
appearance but in the who sold goods on           Dry cleaning and          today’s Anchor Bar,       Road; it was run by        Watson’s, the first
way that it functioned HP, Hire Purchase.         laundry was another       his chimney being         Margaret Canty,            shop in the village
as a community.           Many a child’s Holy     service that was on       a frequent target of      daughter of Mick           to sell Choc Ices and
Thankfully some           Communion or            offer in the village,     pranksters who liked      and Julia. Pier House      famous for their very
people have lived         Confirmation outfit     Chris Kingston had        to put a wet bag over     was home to a Tea          generous wafers,
longer than that time was as a result of the      a newsagents and          it and wait for Dick      Rooms, run by Mrs.         my favourite being
allotted to them by       weekly payments their laundry depot in what       to come running out.      Desmond. Most of the       banana. Watsons also
the Bible and while       parents made to Ray     is the lounge of The      Not far away was          drivers of delivery        had a wide selection
their memories are        or his representatives. Oar Bar today, clothes    another cobbler, Mr.      lorries to Crosshaven      of loose sweets which
still fresh and vivid it If you wanted clothes for cleaning could be        Jack Conway, on           went there for their       you could buy by the
might be a good time made or altered you          handed in there and       Hayes Lane, a rich        lunch, regulars were       quarter and biscuits.
to look back at how life had a choice, in the     would be delivered        smell of leather and      Thompson drivers           It was a popular shop
was in ‘Crosser’ in the gate lodge to the         to the Metropole          polish would greet        Johnny Duggan and          with anglers who
1950’s to take a stroll   Hodder estate by the    Laundry in Cork           any visitor to that       his occasional but         would call to stock
down memory lane.         Glen you had Jack       city on a Thursday.       establishment - he was    much better known          up with refreshments
What becomes              Harrington. Jack,       Thankfully, the           also a great source of    relief driver Billa O’     before a day’s fishing.
immediately apparent who was married to           proprietor of that shop   local news.               Connell, the comedian.     They also sold general
when you talk to those a lovely lady called       is still alive and well   If food was what was      She also kept lodgers      groceries as did the
who lived at that time Eileen, was born with today.                         needed, then you          and for a time it          shop immediately next
is that commercial        one leg shorter than    Shopping for a pair       had a whole host of       served as the local        door, Powers. Powers,
life in Crosshaven        the other, was a great of shoes was possible      shops to choose from,     library. Next door in      still successfully
                                    32                                                                          33
trading to this day,       shop and café. They       and filling. Two doors     travel far to quench it.   run by a Mr. Turner,        from the many day
carried a wide variety     carried a full range of   down from Barrys was       If you were a member       today it’s the location     trippers who visited
of hardware as well as     groceries and ran the     Daily’s Newsagents         you could have visited     of the local Post Office.   Crosshaven and
groceries and drapery.     adjacent cafe which       and grocery store, it      the RCYC or if feeling     The next port of call       its bays. Next door
The ceiling of the         was renowned for pots     was this family that       somewhat affluent you      would be Fitzgibbon’s       was Denis Riordans
shop was a virtual         of tea, Thompson’s        gave their name to         could call at the Grand    established in 1878,        and later Buckley’s
cornucopia of stock        Cakes and fries.          Daily’s Lane. The          Hotel, which was           it was popular with         Bar and three doors
hung on hooks, from        They were the first       Middle Road had two        just across the road.      the crews of ships          down was Denis
kettles to primuses        shop to introduce         shops, Fitzgibbon’s        On coming closer to        delivering clay to the      (Cocky) Kidney’s
to saws, basins,           a cone machine in         which sold groceries,      the village the first      pier. This clay was         Bar at the bottom of
buckets, farm tools        Crosshaven. Next door     kerosene, also candles     watering hole that you     bound for Carrigaline       Daily’s Lane. The final
and a big selection        was Barry’s, where the    as well loose candy        came to was the Failte     Pottery. The crew of        wateringhole might
of fishing gear, a real    Chinese Restaurant        and biscuits. It was       Bar, run by Mr. Jack       the Katleen and May         be Kennefick’s Hotel
Aladdin’s Cave to          is today, they were a     a popular shop with        Ahern’s family. It was     often washed the clay       and Bar which today is
us youngsters. Three       general grocery store     church goers and           a tied Beamish house       dust from their throat      known as Cronins. If
doors further down         but their rashers,        school children, today     and today it forms part    with a pint of the          on the way to church
you had McNamaras,         which were cut on         it’s apartments. And if    of the Oar Bar. Next       black stuff served from     you were struck with
two sisters, Gally and     demand from large         all of those were not to   door was Grahams           enamel jugs filled          the thirst you also
Marie, fondly known        sides of smoked bacon     your fancy you had the     Hotel and Bar, today       from large wooden           had the option of wee
as ‘Gally and May-         suspended from hooks      option of the mobile       part of the Drake and      barrels mounted             dram at Creans Bar,
May Mac’, their main       on the shop ceiling,      shop, this was run         one door down was          behind the bar. It,         The Harbour Lights
item of stock was          were truly delicious.     by a Mr. Bob Cogan         The Cork Arms, a           along with the other        later Mick Condon’s
bulk biscuits. Large       Sausages were sold by     from Carrigaline. He       tied Murphy’s house,       public houses, also         Bar on the Middle
metal tins of biscuits     the ring as was black     travelled from door        which was owned and        had great business          Road which today
lined the shelves and      and white pudding         to door selling a wide
a customer could           while sugar, flower       range of groceries from
ask for a quarter or       and tea were weighed      the back of a blue van.
a half pound of their      on a large cast iron      He was also an agent
favourite, sometimes a     scales and sold loose     for the Pools, a gamble
bargain could be had       in brown paper bags.      based on the English
if you willing to accept   Bat Barry and his wife    soccer results, Bob
the broken biscuits        also carried a good       was a gentleman who
at the bottom of the       selection of cakes        treated his customers
tin. They also sold        delivered fresh daily     very well and ran a
newspapers and loose       by Thompsons Bakery       credit book which
cigarettes which made      in Cork, Chester cake,    helped many people
them popular with the      AKA Donkeys Gudge,        through lean times.
local teenagers. Two       was a particular          If it was the thirst was
doors down two other       favourite because it      your problem, then
sisters ran Dennehy’s      was very tasty, cheap     you didn’t have to

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