Eviction notice - Mortlake Dispatch

Page created by Shannon Bowen
Eviction notice - Mortlake Dispatch
THURSDAY, MAY 26, 2022                                                 www.mortlakedispatch.com.au                                                  Rec. Retail $2.00 incl. GST

        Eviction notice

         Making a stand: Mortlake Community
         Development Committee president Kelvin Goodall
         has called on the Moyne Shire Council to allow
         the community to keep its community meeting
         room. 2022D

Local manufacturers receive funding
MORTLAKE Organic Dairy was among                  optimisation within the Keayang Maar           “This investment by the Morrison              Incumbent Member for Wannon Dan Tehan
the local businesses to grab federal              Winery and cellar door.                      government could amount to significant        said the funding for the 15 businesses would
funding to help cut energy costs.                The funding aims to help lower energy         savings for these businesses in Wannon        go a long way to cutting costs.
  Through the food and beverage round of the   bills and reduce emissions by upgrading to      making a noticeable difference to their         “The food and beverage industry has been
Energy Efficient Communities program, 15       more energy efficient appliances including      bottom line,” he said.                        doing it really tough over the past few years
manufacturers in Wannon will receive grants    refrigeration, carrying out energy audits and     “The food and beverage industry underpins   and the cost of power can really hold back
of up to $25,000.                              installing energy monitoring equipment.         a stronger economy in Wannon, and we are      growth,” he said.
  Among the local manufacturers to receive       Prior to the federal election Minister for    backing businesses to be more competitive       “This is an important industry, particularly in
funding was:                                   Industry, Energy and Emissions Reduction        through these grants to lower their power     Wannon and I look forward to this investment
 • Mortlake Organic Dairy towards energy       Angus Taylor said a key way to support          costs, putting more money back in their       helping these critical businesses thrive and
   efficiency initiatives; and                 businesses rebounding from the pandemic         pockets and supporting the creation of new    grow, creating jobs and opportunities for
 • B.W Wurlod & B Wurlod towards thermal       was to help reduce overheads like energy.       jobs in the Wannon electorate.”               locals.”
Eviction notice - Mortlake Dispatch
Page 2 ~ Thursday, May 26, 2022

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                                               Stuck: Police found a Holden Commodore abandoned in a ditch in Garvoc, last week. 2022D

 Drinking Water
                                               Car found abandoned in ditch
                                               A HOLDEN Commodore has been left                  “Police were alerted to the incident at 3.10pm   quad bike with registration 1SD4LZ.
                                               in a compromising position after a road         last Thursday, May 19,” she said.                    The quad bike was left unattended on a farm
                                                                                                 “The vehicle was believed to have been           property on Bend Road near Mount Emu
 5599 2572
                                      incident was reported in Garvoc last
                                                                                               travelling to Warrnambool and no person was        Creek.
                                               Thursday afternoon.
 Mobile                                          Terang Police Leading Senior Constable Jo
                                                                                               in the vehicle when police arrived.                  The theft is believed to have occurred
 0427 992 572
                                                                                     “If anyone witnessed the incident or has dash    between May 17-23.
                                               Wastell said the vehicle appeared to have ran   cam footage please contact Terang Police on          Anyone with information regarding the theft
                                               off the road and became lodged in a ditch on    5592 1058.”                                        was encouraged to contact Terang Police on
                                               the Princes Highway in Garvoc, just metres        Meanwhile, Terang Police are also                5592 1058 or contact Crime Stoppers on 1800
                                               from the bridge crossing Yaloak Creek.          investigating the theft of a Suzuki LTF250         333 000.

             Terang                                                                                                                                                 18+

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                  9.00am - 7.30pm Mon-Sat                                                               6.00am - 7.30pm Mon-Fri
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 Find us on social media                                           /wdnews.com.au                                                             @WDnews_au
Eviction notice - Mortlake Dispatch
Thursday, May 26, 2022 ~ Page 3

Shire, MCDC at odds over meeting room
A COMMUNITY group has been                been made without informing one of
left frustrated after Moyne Shire         the tenants effected by their actions
Council moved to change the               and to deny the community access to
Mortlake Community Centre’s               a facility that was built specifically
                                          for the benefit of our community is
community meeting room in to
                                          unfair and immoral,” he said.
a new library management hub,               “We call on the Moyne Shire
but the shire has said the change         Council to reflect on what is more
will result in a net positive for         important: a facility that directly
Mortlake.                                 benefits our community and offers
  Mortlake                 Community      something that can’t be found
Development Committee (MCDC)              elsewhere in town, or an office and
president Kelvin Goodall said the         a book depository?
MCDC was left in the lurch after the        “Surely there are plenty of suitable
shire moved to prohibit use of the        offices in Moyne and Corangamite
community meeting room.                   to house desks and books without
  Mr Goodall said the MCDC first          denying the people of our community
became aware of the shire’s intention     a community space.”
to re-purpose the community                 Mr Goodall said the actions of
meeting room as a hub for the new         the Moyne Shire were particularly
library service in November last          disappointing after the MCDC had          “Unfair”: Moyne Shire Council will transform the community meeting room at the Mortlake
year.                                     backed the development of the             Community Centre in to a new management hub, which has drawn concerns from the Mortlake
  He said the shire had vowed to          Mortlake Community Centre from            Community Development Committee. 2022D
make alternative arrangements at          the outset.                               June 30, 2028, including use of the     years and will see three new                        “Council has met with MCDC a
subsequent meetings but earlier             “MCDC’s support for the project         community room shared with the          positions based in Mortlake,” Mr                  number of times about the plan and
this month informed the MCDC it           was made in the belief it is a worthy     library.                                Rae said.                                         has offered a number of solutions on
would be going ahead with its use         project for funding from the Living         “What really hurts is the way the       “While we acknowledge the                       where they can hold their monthly
of the community meeting room,            Libraries 2016 program,” he said.         shire has shown so little respect to    change is upsetting the overarching               meetings,” he said.
and revising the MCDC’s existing            “At the very outset MCDC made           its tenants and the community.          benefit to the Moyne community is                   “Council has also thoroughly
licence agreement.                        an in-principle commitment to               “The complete lack of consultation,   far greater by having a fully utilised            reviewed current bookings and
  Moyne Shire Council confirmed           contribute $50,000 to the project.        delivering an ultimatum at the last     room.                                             utilisation of the room and reviewed
the MCDC had been offered a                 “This was to be the largest financial   minute with no option to negotiate is     “Basing the hub for the joint                   other community meeting spaces
revised licence agreement from July       commitment MCDC ever made.”               not good faith negotiation.”            library service in Mortlake will
                                                                                                                                                                              available in the town.
1 due to the impending dissolution          Mr Goodall said part of the reason        Moyne Shire director corporate        further embed important council
                                                                                                                                                                                  “MCDC have been offered a
of the Corangamite Regional Library       for the MCDC’s significant financial      and community services David Rae        services in the town, create new jobs
                                                                                                                                                                              license and members of MCDC will
Corporation (CRLC).                       support for the project was the           said Moyne Shire Council plans to       which have flow on effects for other
  The new licence agreement will                                                                                                                                              be able to utilise the remainder of
                                          purpose-built community room              convert the meeting room in to a        businesses and will ensure library
allow use of the facility, however        which offered a space “nowhere else       management hub for the new joint        services can continue to be offered               the facility for their purposes and
use of the community meeting room         available in the town”.                   library service, which the shire        to the community.                                 council is happy to continue to work
will be excluded under the new              “We looked forward to developing        will operate in conjunction with          “Having the management hub                      with the group in this regard.
agreement.                                programs with greater use of this         Corangamite Shire Council.              based in one of the main library                     “The change of operating model
  Mr Goodall said even if the             facility as we emerge from two years        He said council acknowledged the      branches also makes sense.”                       for library services across Moyne
shire was legally able to utilise         of restrictions and uncertainty,” he      difficulty in making such a change        Mr Rae said council needed to                   has made this necessary and use of
the community meeting space, its          said.                                     but felt there would be an overall      draft a new licence agreement for                 an existing council owned facility
actions were “unfair and immoral”.          “The lease we currently have            positive impact for the community.      the MCDC due to the winding-up of                 represents the best use of ratepayers
  “The fact that all the decisions have   gave us certainty of tenure until             “This arrangement is for three      the CRLC.                                         resources.”

Fonterra announces step-up
FONTERRA Australia has announced a                  to increase the price paid to farmers where our     currency volatility had been factored in when            and we expect global demand to recover
step-up of 10 cents per kgMS taking its             business can support it,” he said.                  setting next season’s price.                             next season as these short-term impacts are
2021/22 average price to $7.40/kgMS,                  “It gives us good momentum as we head into          “China’s COVID-19 lockdown, the Russia-                resolved, inflationary pressures, rising interest
                                                    the new season, where we’re opening at an           Ukraine conflict and continued global supply             rates, increased volatility, and COVID-19 and
and an opening weighted average farm
                                                    average farm gate milk price of $8.25/kgMS.         chain disruption combined with inflation have            geopolitical disruptions will continue to be
gate milk price of $8.25/kgMS for the                 “Like last year, we’ve come out early with an     had short-term impacts on dairy demand,” he
2022/23 season.                                                                                                                                                  watch-outs.”
                                                    opening price in May to help farmers plan for       said.
 Fonterra Australia managing director René                                                                                                                         Fonterra Australia suppliers’ council chair
                                                    the year ahead and budget in the face of rising       “This has flowed through to commodities on
Dedoncker said this latest price increase                                                                                                                        Alan Davenport welcomed the announcement.
                                                    costs, and we will review our price in June         Global Dairy Trade with prices down 13.4 per
“demonstrates another year of consistent            once key contracts, including cheese exports,       cent over the last four auctions.                          “Fonterra has shown it can earn and will
performance for Fonterra’s business”.               are finalised.”                                       “The Australian dollar has buffered this drop          pay a competitive milk price, and this early,
 “We continue to deliver, despite the                 Mr Dedoncker said while Fonterra’s business       in commodity prices, falling to 69 US cents,             strong opening sets us up well for the season
challenges of lower milk production and supply      was “well-placed to continue to deliver good        but has traded as high as 76 cents in April.             and allows farmers to plan and manage current
chain disruption, and we made a commitment          returns”, recent falls in commodity prices and        “While the outlook for dairy remains positive          high input costs,” he said.


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Eviction notice - Mortlake Dispatch
Page 4 ~ Thursday, May 26, 2022

New owners to modernise Dalvue Motel
THE new owners of the Dalvue Motel
will look to increasing the motel’s digital
presence to attract new visitors to Terang
and increase the flowthrough of guests.
  New owners Michael and Mitch Patel (no
relation) were in town over the weekend to
prepare for operation with a modern edge.
  Michael currently operates another hotel
in Ararat and Mitch comes from an IT
background in Melbourne.
  While the two will not stay in Terang for
day-to-day operations, Warrnambool’s Carole
and Lloyd Smith have been tasked with the
smooth running of the Dalvue Motel.
  Michael said he felt it was time to expand
and approached Mitch, a business associate,
with the offer of a 50 per cent ownership stake
and a fresh start in Terang.
  “It’s a good little town on the highway to
Warrnambool,” he said.
  “Close to the Great Ocean Road, so we
expect there is a mix of clients here from
corporate workers and tourists.
  “We had a look at the property, which
Robyn and Murray (Perrett) had operated for
35-years and it was really well kept.
  “We thought the Dalvue Motel had a lot of
potential for new owners to both do it justice    No vacancy: The Dalvue Motel is under new ownership with businesses partners Michael Patel (left) and Mitch Patel
and keep it going.”                               recently assuming operations. 2022D
  Mitch said the potential to grow the              “This will make it easier for everyone.”      and should have a listing up any minute.              “It’s very nice driving in to the town with
businesses through modernisation was an             Michael said part of the modernisation          “We want to take advantage of all online-        the tree lines along the main street,” he said.
immediate drawcard.                               was to utilise online booking search options,   booking platforms, our website and e-mail            “The town is very well kept and doesn’t look
  “Robyn and Murray were more like an old-        making it easier for potential guests to find   system.                                            like an old town.
style running motel which was paper-based,        their way to the Dalvue Motel.                    “It was previously just a phone booking but
                                                                                                                                                       “We had good, positive vibes when we first
so one of the main things we want to do is take     “We have a new website online with the        now we take it all, which is becoming a norm
it online and maintain an online presence,” he                                                                                                       came to Terang and we thought it seemed like
                                                  booking engine so people can make a booking     these days. If you look at other motels, even in
said.                                             online,” he said.                               town, everyone is online.”                         a nice little town, and a good community.
  “I think this will help to streamline for the     “What was missing on top of the website was     Michael said location was everything, and          “The location for the motel was excellent
corporate bookers and travel agencies as well,    the use of third-party booking channels like    his first impression of the motel was that it      with the police station, pubs and the IGA close
which will be very pleasing.                      booking.com and Expedia, so we’ve applied       was in a prime location in a “beautiful” town.     by and Crawley’s Milkbar right next door.”

Eviction notice - Mortlake Dispatch
Thursday, May 26, 2022 ~ Page 5

New arrivals: Noorat Primary School students welcomed two Jersey calves to the school this week to help develop student
understanding of the dairy industry under the Cows Create Careers program. 2022D

Schools welcome agricultural classmates
  STUDENTS from across South           calves for the students to care for    the project during 2022 include       and all the different pathways
West Victoria will welcome some        over the coming term                   Cobden        Technical     School,   they can take in terms of the dairy
new furry friends to the school          Mr Glennen said he was happy to      Camperdown College and Terang         industry, which is a massive part
grounds this year.                     support the students in advancing      College.                              of our community.
  Through the Cows Create              their understanding of the region’s      Cows Create Careers was               “The students are very excited
Careers project, students will         largest industry.                      originally established in 2004 with   after we missed out on the
learn about dairy industry careers        “Helping the kids learn more        dairy farmers in the Strzelecki       program last year due to COVID-
in a very hands-on way. For three      about agriculture is great,” he        Lions Club in Victoria and nine       19 lockdowns, so it’s been long-
weeks they will rear and care for      said.                                  Gippsland schools.                    anticipated to have the calves
two three-week-old calves.               “Agriculture is big business out       Noorat Primary School principal     back again.”
  A local dairy farmer will teach      here so a program which exposes        Ilona Watkins said practical,           The project has since been
the students how to care for the       kids to the business is a positive.”   hands-on-learning such as the         supported by industry, regional
calves and demonstrate skills such       Mrs Glennen said the students        Cows Create Careers program           development programs, dairy
as animal husbandry, feeding and       would learn not only life lessons      was a highlight for the students.     farmers and sponsors, and has
weighing.                              which could one day translate in         “The whole school will be able      grown to over 230 schools across
  An industry advocate will also       to a farming career, but would         to work together to take care of      Australia with more than 11,500
visit the students to speak about      also develop skills such as            the calves from feeding them,         students completing the project.
their careers in the dairy industry.   responsibility and teamwork.           measuring them and making sure          Upon completion of the project,
  Each school is provided with           “Teaching the kids that kind of      they have a clean place to sleep,”    students and teachers will be
a dairy industry curriculum            responsibility, with the animal        she said.                             recognised at an interactive
for Years 7-11, at no cost, and        in their hands, is an important          “It’ll be the Year 4-6 class who    presentation day, where there
students form teams to complete        lesson,” she said.                     actively work together and have       will be industry-based games and
industry-based assessments.              “The big picture is that little      a project to do over the next few     prizes awarded to the winning
  Noorat Primary School received       animal has to turn in to a big         weeks which links with the Cows       teams and schools.
a boost this week when local           animal, so they have to take care      Create Careers project.                 The presentation days for the
dairy farmers Con and Michelle         of it every single day.”                 “It expands their knowledge         term two participating schools
Glennen donated two Jersey               Local schools to participate in      around farming, the dairy industry    will be held in late June.

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On the land: Noorat Primary School’s new calves were donated by local dairy farmers Con and Michelle Glennen who,                                               Subject to availability
along with son William, answered a wide variety of questions about farming. 2022D
Eviction notice - Mortlake Dispatch
Page 6 ~ Thursday, May 26, 2022

Shire raises flag of inclusivity
CORANGAMITE Shire stood in solidarity
with the LGBTQIA+ community last
week when the community flagpole at the
Camperdown Courthouse got its first use.
  The rainbow flag, the international symbol for the
LGBTQIA+ community, was raised in a ceremony
on last week.
  Corangamite Shire councillors and staff were
joined by members of the community for the flag
raising ceremony.
  The raising of the rainbow flag coincided with the
International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia,
Intersexism and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT).
  Timboon’s Mason Bailey, a Corangamite youth
councillor, was given the honour of raising the flag.
  Corangamite Shire mayor Ruth Gstrein said the
decision to raise the rainbow flag spoke to the
shire’s commitment to inclusivity.
  “It is an important day for the LGBTQIA+
community and I think this sends a clear message
that Corangamite is an inclusive community and we
do respect people’s rights,” she said.
  “Flying the flag symbolises very clearly that this
is an inclusive shire.”
  Cr Gstrein said the community flagpole would
provide an opportunity to fly flags on special
  “I think it is a positive for the shire,” she said.
  “I’ve mentioned the Robert Burns Scottish
Festival or NAIDOC week as examples, all those
things we can fly those flags here.
  “I think the fact it stands alone from the flags
outside the council office just makes it all the more
  “It’s in quite a prominent location (at the
Camperdown Courthouse).”

In solidarity: Corangamite Shire youth
councillor Mason Bailey raised the rainbow
flag at the Camperdown Courthouse
community flagpole last week. 2022D

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      WHAT'S ON?                                                                                            Events Guide
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Eviction notice - Mortlake Dispatch
Thursday, May 26, 2022 ~ Page 7

Performance figures: V/Line recorded one of its strongest reliability performances in recent times on the Warrnambool line last month, although reliability dipped
below the performance target. 2022D

 V/Line records mixed performance
V/LINE recorded a mixed performance                 Winchelsea and Warrnambool, and the
last month as reliability soared but                commissioning of signalling upgrades
punctuality dipped.                                 between Waurn Ponds and Warncoort as part
  Performance figures on the Warrnambool            of Stage 1 of the Warrnambool Line Upgrade.
line saw 96.7 per cent for reliability and 88.8       “Works are currently underway as part of
per cent for punctuality.                           stage one of the Warrnambool Line Upgrade,”
  A V/Line spokesperson said the reliability        the V/Line spokesperson said.
result was among the best achieved on the             “Coaches started to replace trains on
Warrnambool line over the past 12 months.           sections of the line at the end of April
  “We’re continuing to deliver safe and             for commissioning of the first section of
reliable train services for passengers along        signalling upgrades.”
the Warrnambool line - which is our number
                                                      Coaches are replacing trains on sections
one priority,” the spokesperson said.
                                                    of the Geelong and Warrnambool lines until
  A number of unrelated minor disruptions
                                                    Saturday, May 28 to allow the works to occur.
caused trains to run late throughout the month
and the instances when trains were replaced           On the busy Geelong line used by
by coaches for all or part of the journey were      Warrnambool trains on their journey to the
also caused by a series of unrelated train          city, works are nearing completion on the
faults.                                             Waurn Ponds Station upgrade while V/Line
  A works blitz commenced along the                 is taking the opportunity to complete more
Warrnambool and Geelong lines on Sunday,            than $5 million of infrastructure maintenance
April 30, including the continued installation      and improvement works while services are
of new signalling infrastructure between            disrupted.

Probus Notes
TERANG and District Probus Club                       Geraldine spoke on her growing up as a
inducted some more new members at the               member of a family of 18 children. This gave
most recent meeting.                                members an insight into the similarities all
  New members inducted were Pauline Ryan            children have growing up plus the unique
and Josie Vaughan.                                  features of growing up in such a large family.
  The five-minute speaker was recent new              Member Joan Cain thanked Cr Conheady
member Tony Heffernan.                              and presented her with a gift.
  Tony spoke of his interest in horse racing          Eighteen club members recently enjoyed a
and mentioned the performance of racehorse          visit to the strawberry farm in Timboon.
Bellinzona.                                           After picking strawberries, members enjoyed
  Bred and raced by his father Denis and            a three-course buffet lunch at the on-site Thai
Denis’ twin brother Martin, Bellinzona won          restaurant.
the Wangoom Handicap in 1962                           Some members included a visit to the ice-
  This race is the Premier sprint race in country   creamery to complete an enjoyable day.
Victoria and known as the “Newmarket of the           Trip organiser Marg Connellan has not
Bush”.                                              enjoyed good health recently, so members
  The guest speaker was Cr. Geraldine               wish her a speedy recovery.
Conheady, deputy mayor of Corangamite                 Next meeting will be on Monday, June 6 at
Shire.                                              10am.
Eviction notice - Mortlake Dispatch





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Eviction notice - Mortlake Dispatch
Timber & Hardware
                                                   Team Member
                                                         • TERANG LOCATION
                                                          • FULL TIME ROLE
                                                       • TRADE ENVIRONMENT
                                                 We currently have a vacancy for a full time,
                                                 motivated and energetic person to work in
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                                                 that will keep you active as you help our
                                                 tradesman and DIY customers meet their
                                                 You will engage in a wide range of
                                                 duties including customer service, stock
                                                 handling, loading customers, occasional
                                                 site deliveries, and much more. This is an
Office Administration position                   exciting opportunity for someone looking
                                                 to enter a long-term role.
Victorian Petfood Processors is seeking a        If you have a can-do attitude and
person to join the team at our office located    would enjoy working mostly in a trade
at Tesbury.                                      environment, the Terang Co-op’s Mitre 10
                                                 store would like to hear from you.
Duties will include taking cattle collection
calls, liaison with cattle collection drivers,   Key duties of this role are high level
and other admin tasks as required.               customer service, merchandising and
                                                 restocking product.
Previous office admin experience would be
an advantage but not essential.                  To be successful in this role you must:
Please send your resumé and a cover letter       • Demonstrate a positive, can-do attitude
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                                                 • Have the flexibility to work across both
                                                   weekdays and weekends if required.
                                                 • Computer literacy essential
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                                                 Requests for the position description and
                                                 applications, including cover letter are to
                                                 be emailed to HR@terangcoop.com.au, or
                                                 drop resume into store.
                                                 Please note that only applicants shortlisted
                                                 for interviews will be contacted.
                                                 Applications close Monday May 30,
                                                 2022, although we will be shortlisting
                                                 and interviewing candidates as they

                                                        www. terangcoop.com.au
Eviction notice - Mortlake Dispatch
• Fres hfrs unj 200+kg del June Price: $2400 +GST
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• Fres/Jsy x hfrs unj 200+kg del July Price: $1150+GST
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• Hfrd hfrs unj 200+kg del July Price: $2000 +GST
• Ang hfrs unj 200+kg del July Price: $1900 +GST
• Simm hfrs unj 200+kg del June Price: $2500 +GST
• Lim hfrs unj 200+kg del July Price: $2200 +GST
• Char hfrs unj 200+kg del July Price: $2200 +GST
China protocols
Contact your Charles Stewart agent
60 AI bred Frs and odd frs x cows PTIC to Frs bull for
   mid May - June calving. $2500 +GST Matt Buckle
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     $2250 +GST Lindsay Robb
15 Jsy bulls, 2-2.5 yrs.Very well bred.
   $2000 +GST Tim Gibson 0408 524 765
6 Frn bulls 20 mths to 2.5 yrs old. Fully health tested
   $2500-$3000 +GST Lindsay Robb
• Fres hfrs unj 260kg del 1st June. No bloods
  Price: $1800 +GST
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Lindsay Robb
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Dougal McIntyre 0439 575 612
2/6/22 Mortlake Store Cattle Sale 10.00am
Matt Baxter
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Ac G & L Toussaint 10.30am
Matt Nelson 0428 315 400

  Matthew Baxter                 Brian Gleeson
  (Manager) 0428 926 614         0417 132 077
  Steve Lambert                  James Breen
  0407 504 001                   0429 402 445
  Malcolm Hallyburton            Charlie Finnerty
  0418 384 152                   0474 093 489
  Lindsay Robb                   Matthew Buckle
  0427 501 791                   0427 358 900
  Clarrie Smith                  Lochie McLauchlan
  0407 058 174                   0457 427 737

    Visit our Facebook page or website for
 livestock news       charlesstewart.com.au
                                        • Mouldboard Ploughing • Baling
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 20,000 litre effluent tanker with
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                                      Phone Colin
 Power harrows with air seeder.      0429 206 180
       RZ rippers. Baler.
35 Scott St, CAMPERDOWN                                                          N Y
                                                                               IO RDA
                                                4     2      8
                                                                            C U
                                                                      AUS SA
POSITION PERFECT                                For sale by
• Double brick veneer home on a generous                                I
  allotment of 1170m2. Extremely well           Saturday, 28th May    TH
  kept, in original condition to include deco   2022 @ 11.00am
  features and plenty of character.             (unless sold prior)
• Spacious kitchen, large living area,
  adjoining dining area with large north
  facing windows looking onto the street.
  Three generous size bedrooms all with
  BIR’s. Functional bathroom.
• Large home office with its own entrance,
  or an additional bedroom. Enjoy the
  convenience of another separate shower
  & basin in the laundry with a seperate
  toilet next door, both accessible from        Alistair Tune
  outside.                                      0407 832 227

raywhitecamperdown.com.au                                                               Ray White Camperdown 128 Manifold Street, Camperdown 5593 1188
6 Wilson St, CAMPERDOWN                             3      1      4
KIDS! YOUR WALKING TODAY!                     For sale:
• Ideal location within 1km of Camperdown     $360,000-
  College, public pool, Sports Stadium, Mt    $390,000
  Leura and the town centre.
• Endless opportunities with this 3 bedroom
  home, sure to appeal to first home buyers,
  developers or investors, given its strong
  rental history.
• Situated on a generous 922m2 block with
  a home ready to move in and enjoy or
  renovate for a home that will always hold
  value in the Camperdown market.
• Featuring two large sheds with good storage
  options. Explore the option to subdivide
                                              Alistair Tune
                                              0407 832 227

raywhitecamperdown.com.au                                                               Ray White Camperdown 128 Manifold Street, Camperdown 5593 1188

5 Christopher Ct, LISMORE                           2      1      4
                                                                             W G
• Discover your own taste of Tuscany; a       Expressions of
  productive and picturesque olive grove! A   Interest: Closing
  unique property boasting some of the finest Friday, June 17 at
  views in the district.                      1.00pm
• Set upon 6.5 acres. Two bedrooms with built in
  robes, bathroom with separate bath and shower.
  Open-plan kitchen/meals area adjoining the
  loungeroom which leads into a study nook.
• Polished timber flooring throughout, a wood
  heater, split system and a veranda at the front
  and rear. Double carport along with an enclosed
  shed at the rear.
• Discover the productive and picturesque olive
  grove complete with two processing rooms that Davina Pickles
                                                0409 139 341
  are fully lined and insulated.
raywhitecamperdown.com.au                                                               Ray White Camperdown 128 Manifold Street, Camperdown 5593 1188

50 Le Couteur Rd, TERANG                            3      2     10                AY
                                                                                 N D
A PEACEFUL LIFESTYLE AWAITS                         For sale by            O ATPE UR
• 5 acres divided into four paddocks on the         Auction:
   fringe of Terang and Noorat. Designed for
   both entertainment and family living.
                                                    Saturday, June 18     TH
                                                    2022 @ 11.00am
• Well-appointed kitchen, master bedroom with       (unless sold prior)
   ensuite and walk-in robes, other bedrooms
   all include built-in robes. A tiled bathroom
                                                    OFI Saturday, May
   accommodates a bathtub, separate shower
   and vanity.                                      28 1.00-1.30pm
• Other luxuries include ducted heating, a
   wood heater, split system, brand new carpet
   throughout, a five bay 23m x 9m shed and
   a huge all-weather undercover entertaining
• Additional double garage that is now a third
   living area/man cave. Solar panels on the
   shed, round troughs supplying water to           Alistair Tune
   livestock, steel cattle yards and two Rhino
                                                    0407 832 227
   tanks(110,000lt and 30,000lt) plus bore water.
raywhitecamperdown.com.au                                                               Ray White Camperdown 128 Manifold Street, Camperdown 5593 1188

20 William St, LISMORE                              3      1      2
                                                                             W G
COUNTRY ROADS, TAKE ME HOME!                        For sale by           NE TIN
• Neat three bedroom home in a quiet street.        Auction:
  Upon entering you immediately appreciate          Saturday, June 18
  newly polished floorboards, natural timber        2022 @ 1.30pm
  trims and welcoming floor plan.                   (unless sold prior)
• Three bedrooms all with polished
  floorboards, two with built in robes.
  Renovated bathroom featuring an
  impressive open shower.
• Spacious kitchen and dining area
  accompanied by a gas oven/stove, plenty
  of cupboard and bench space, and a split
• Generous-sized backyard (1019 sqm
  approx.), good internal storage with multiple
  linen cupboards, a rainwater tank with a          Alistair Tune
  pump servicing the garden.                        0407 832 227

raywhitecamperdown.com.au                                                               Ray White Camperdown 128 Manifold Street, Camperdown 5593 1188
Page 14 ~ Thursday, May 26, 2022

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           PEARSON EXCAVATIONS                   r   Grab Bucket
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Thursday, May 26, 2022 ~ Page 15
Page 16 ~ Thursday, May 26, 2022

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                                                                               Geoff Cook 5562 9784                   OPEN   Mon-Fri: 8am-5pm
                                                                               180 Raglan Parade, Warrnambool East   HOURS    Sat: 8am-Noon
                                                                                Email: Warrnambool@ttf.com.au
Thursday, May 26, 2022 ~ Page 17

 your local SPORT                                                            Phone: 5593 1888                                      Email: sport@wdnews.com.au

 Notes                                                         Heytesbury Indoor Bias Bowls Association Notes
THIS week in Heytesbury the               three shots.                              7-6, albeit briefly with the visitors
machine is starting to fire up and        A single to the home side on the          squaring it off at seven all on the
assemble the indoor bowlers.              penultimate end meant that the            next end.
This Week in Heytesbury is quite          visitors had the last end to play.        Glenormiston broke the impasse on
chock-o-block with indoor bowls           Except that it was a no score and         ends 10 and 11 with a single and
action and available for the sum          Camperdown (3) defeated Laang-            a double to re-take the lead 9-7. A
of a container (or two) of your           Ecklin 15-11.                             pair of singles either way on ends
favourite beverage, so let’s start        Your division one top four this           12 through 15 meant ends were
with round five pennant action from       week are: Timboon Lawn (2),               running out for Scotts Creek, and
last Wednesday.                           Timboon Lawn (1), Scotts Creek            Glenormiston added a triple with
First up were Cobden (1) hosting          (1), Camperdown (1).                      three ends to go to, adding to the
Scotts Creek (1) and the after seven      This week’s division to action            pressure. Scotts Creek (2) scored a
ends the score was locked at 7-all..      kicked off with Glenormiston (2)          double on the penultimate end but
The home side broke the deadlock          hosting Camperdown (4)                    lost to Glenormiston (1) 11-15.
with two singles, followed by the         Despite a slow start by the home          Your division two top four this
visitors picking up a four on end         side, both sides were eight all after     week are: Timboon Lawn (4),
10 to lead 11-8. Singles either           as many ends. After some tight            Glenormiston (1), Glenormiston
way progressed the match forward          exchanges Glenormiston scored a           (2), Cobden (2).
but after Cobden second Bill sent         double and a single to lead 12-10         Division three coverage is right
the jack off the mat Scotts Creek         after 13 ends.                            here and we start this week with
collected a double on the replay          Ends 14 through 16 were all               Scotts Creek (3) hosting Simpson
leading 16-9.                             the visitors, scoring five shots          (2).
The home side hunkered down,              to reclaim the lead 15-12 with            Simpson started out with a triple
picking up three shots on the next        two ends to go. The home side             to open the match before the home
two ends. With three ends to go,          responded with a double to be one         side replied with a pair of triples
Scotts Creek skip Allen sent the          shot behind on the last end. The          and a fiver on ends two though four
jack off the mat, with Cobden             visitors dug deep and Glenormiston        to take an early lead 11-3. Simpson
scoring a single on the replay and        (2) lost to Camperdown (4) 14-19.         then retaliated in ends 5 through 12,
re-taking the lead 17-6.                  The next match was Cobden (2)             adding twenty-one shots to take the
The visitors controlled the last two      hosting Simpson (1) and both sides        lead, 24-11. Scotts Creek (3) could
ends, with Cobden (1) losing to           opened the match with five shots          only manage singles on ends 13 and
Scotts Creek (1) 17-21.                   each after the first four ends. A         16 for the rest of the match losing to
The next match was the battle of the      double, triple and a single on ends       Simpson (2) 13-35.
Camperdowns – (2) vs (1) – and the        eight through 10 set up Cobden to         The next match was the battle of the
match started off with singles either     lead 13-8. A series of singles saw        Glenormistons – (3) vs (4) – and
way. On end five Camperdown               Simpson take the lead 15-13 until         both sides scored two shots each in
(1)’s third Les sent jack off the mat     the home side picked up a valuable        the first three ends of the match. End
but grabbed a single on the replay        quad and single on ends 14 and 15         four saw Glenormiston (4) second
to trail 3-6. After a flurry of scoring   to lead 18-15.                            Brian wrestle jack off the mat, but
end 10 finished with Camperdown           A double on the next end to the           he got a single on the replay. Not to
(2) three shots behind.                   visitors kept them within a shot          be outdone, Glenormiston (3) third
After Camperdown (1) scored a             but was two shots as the home side        Glenn sent jack off but bagged a
double on end 11, the home side           scored a single on the penultimate        quad on the replay.
scored three doubles on the next          end. In what was already a very           The home side scored three shots
three ends to lead by one. That was       tightly-contested match, Simpson          to the visitors single in ends six to
until the visitors reclaimed six on       skip Lyndon was denied jack’s co-         nine but the next two ends would
the following end to lead 22-17           operation on the mat but managed          prove “interesting”. On end 10,          Camperdown (2) skip Ron Absalom about to play his shot. 2022E
with four ends to play.                   a single on the replay. Cobden (2)        Glenormiston (3) second Dawn
Camperdown (2) could only                 defeated Simpson (1) 23-18.               told jack to get off the mat and         Jenny Meade, Pam Dwyer and             Singles: Arthur Finch & Jenny
manage a double on the next end,          Our next match was the battle of the      Glenormiston (4) claimed a single        Pam Wines (s), Scott Pierce, Max       Meade.
losing to Camperdown (1), 19-25.          Timboon Lawns – (3) vs (4). The           on the replay. The very next end,        Wines, Kathryn Wines) had byes         Pairs: Allen Armistead, Harvey
The third match was the battle of         home side started the match with          it was Glenormiston 4’s second           into the second round.                 Robbins; Pam Dwyer, Jean Clover;
the Timboon Lawns – (2) vs (1) –          a triple, while the visitors scored a     Brian coming back for more and           Brett’s team narrowly lost against     Pam Wines, Noah Mungean.
and the home side claimed seven           single on the next end. The home          jack winning off the mat but             the Waaii team and Pam’s team          Triples: Ron Cameron, Ron Heard,
shots in the first five ends of the       side doubled their score on end           Glenormiston (3) grabbed a double        narrowly won against the South         Scott Pierce; Marg Hester, Bec
match, before the visitors stemmed        three, while the visitors started their   while they could. It was one-way         Group team with Karen Brodie at        Heard, Lara Mungean.
with the flow with a single on end        assault scoring nine shots on ends        traffic after that, with Glenormiston    the helm.                              Fours: Allan Beazy, Jeff Hester,
six.                                      4-8 and taking the lead 10-6.             (3) losing to Glenormiston (4) 15-       Onto the next round, Pam’s team        Phil Dowdell, Jim Mungean;
Unfortunately for Timboon Lawn            Timboon Lawn (3) replied with             21.                                      came up against the Ballarat side      Doreen Coverdale, Roelie Maslin,
(1) there wouldn’t be much joy after      a double and a quad on the next 2         Ending this week’s pennant               with David Speechley at the helm       Nola Duncan, Kate Walsh; George
that. On end 13, Timboon Lawn (1)         ends to retake the lead 12-10. Three      coverage was Wiridjil hosting            and unfortunately, couldn’t get over   Fox, Joyce Roberts, Margaret
third Ash sent the jack off the mat,      shots either way on ends 11 through       Peterborough and unfortunately           the line. The Ballarat team went on    Ovens, Val Blake.
with Timboon lawn (2) scoring a           14 progressed the match forward           for Wiridjil, they had to forfeit to     to play and win against the Waaii      Manager: Max Wines; assistant
single on the replay. The visitors        and a single to the home side on the      Peterborough.                            team skipped by Les Clarke.
                                                                                                                                                                    manager: Rita Mungean.
would double their score on end 16        next end kept the invaders at bay         Your division three top four             Lara Mungean played in the VIBBA
                                                                                                                                                                    Next, we’ll take a look at the current
but in the end, Timboon Lawn (2)          16-13.                                    this week: Glenormiston (3),             junior girls’ singles last Sunday as
                                                                                                                                                                    list of reminders this week:
defeated Timboon Lawn 1, 29-2.            End 16 was not kind for Timboon           Glenormiston (4), Peterborough,          well and in her last event for the
                                                                                                                                                                    • VIBBA men’s and women’s
Rounding       out      the    division   Lawn (4)’s Lead Phil as being too         Simpson (2).                             juniors couldn’t quite get the win,
                                                                                                                                                                    singles on Sunday, June 5.
one coverage this week was                accurate leaves jack off the mat          Here are your pennant reporting          placing third with two wins, +2
                                                                                                                             shots. Dusty Irwin won with three      • Scotts Creek Tournament on
Camperdown (3) hosting Laang-             and Timboon Lawn (3) picked up            reminders:
                                                                                                                             wins, +21 shots ahead of runner-up     Friday, June 3 has been cancelled.
Ecklin.                                   a double on the replay. Singles           • Please send clear, legible,
                                                                                                                             Sarah Jackson with three wins, +13     • Camperdown Soup & Sandwich
The home side scored a pair of            to close out the match meant              full named, signed pictures of
doubles to open before the visitors       that Timboon Lawn (3) defeated            scorecards to BOTH pennant               shots.                                 Tournament - $10p/p and kicks
found a double of their own on end        Timboon Lawn (4) 20-14.                   secretary Maria (0438 377 613)           Next weekend, the VIBBA mixed          off at 10.30am on Tuesday, June 7.
three.                                    Closing out the division two              and press secretary Scott (0418          pairs play (Heytesbury duty) and       Entries to Ron Absalom (0499 891
An exchange of singles saw                coverage this week was Scotts             218 547) by the Thursday after the       good luck to Allen Armistead and       167), Michele Beleya (0417 521
Camperdown lead 3-6 after six             Creek (2) hosting Glenormiston (1).       match;                                   Jenny Meade; Bec Heard and Scott       508) or leave a message on 03 5593
ends. The home side kept the              After five ends Glenormiston led          • Home teams are to hold scorecards      Pierce; Jacoba and Jason Mungean       1693.
shots coming, adding six shots to         5-2 in what was starting to shape         until the end of the season, just in     and Max and Pam Wines.                 That’s about all for This Week
the visitors’ single on ends seven        up as a tightly-contested match.          case of discrepancy.                     Next, we take a look at the Ballarat   in Heytesbury and last week’s
through 10. Camperdown kept the           Singles either way altered little         In VIBBA news, the VIBBA                 Intergroup team as the Queen’s         answer to the question, “What
scoring pressure on, although a           but the home side broke the tit-for-      mixed fours were on last Sunday          Birthday Weekend is only three         is the meaning of life?” in not 42
single and double on ends 15 and          tat with a pair of doubles on ends        at Sunshine and both teams (Brett        weeks away (teams are men,             pineapples but indoor bowls. See
16, drew Laang-Ecklin to within           eight and nine gave them the lead         Mungean (s), Allen Armistead,            women, mixed):                         you next week.
Page 18 ~ Thursday, May 26, 2022

                                                             12, 108.26; Port Fairy 12, 46.84; PFNCC        LADDER: South Warrnambool 20(pts),                    1, H. Darcy 1, B. Fraser 1, N. Marshall 1, J.
   HAMPDEN FOOTBALL                                          4, 116.40; Terang Mortlake 4, 28.96;           275.00(%); North Warrnambool 20, 236.21;              Moloney 1, B. O’Sullivan 1; South Rovers: J.
    NETBALL LEAGUE                                           Camperdown 0, 6.74.                            Koroit 20, 226.32; Terang Mortlake 12,                Dalton 3, S. Williams 2, J. Fedley 1, T. Harman
                                                                                                            117.35; Cobden 12, 98.25; Hamilton 12,                1,. J. Higgins 1, P. Higgins 1.
                 SENIOR FOOTBALL                                           OPEN NETBALL                     56.93; Camperdown 12, 56.73; Port Fairy 8,            BEST, Kolora Noorat: S. Kenna, J. Larcombe,
 COBDEN ...................... 1.3 3.5 5.6 10.7 (67)         Cobden 67 def Warrnambool 34, Koroit 56 def    31.34; Warrnambool 4. 15.00.                          J. Moloney, J. Moloney, B. O’Sullivan, T.
 WARRNAMBOOL ......... 4.1 6.5 14.6 18.12 (120)              Camperdown 40, Portland 69 def Port Fairy                                                            McKenzie; South Rovers S. Williams, N. Murphy,
 GOALS, Cobden: J. Hutt 3, M. Kemp 3, C.                     34, South Warrnambool 45 def Hamilton 36,           HAMPDEN JUNIOR                                   T. Wilson, J. Fedley, J. Higgins, J. Bell.
 Darcy 1, L Darcy 1, I McVilly 1, G. Rooke 1;                North Warrnambool 54 def Terang Mortlake               LEAGUE                                        ALLANSFORD.............. 1.1 2.5 5.2 3.3 (77)
 Warrnambool: S. Cowling 5, J Rowan, 5, J.                   42.                                                         UNDER 16 FOOTBALL                        RUSSELLS CREEK ....... 2.6 4.2 2.2 5.4 (92)
 Turland 5, P. Anderson 1, D. McCorkell 1, H.                LADDER: South Warrnambool 24(pts),             South Warrnambool 7.15 (57) lost to HKFNC             GOALS, Allansford: R. HAre 7, D. Wynd 2, R. Buck
 Ryan 1.                                                     169.39(%); Koroit 18, 118.78; Cobden           10.8 (68), Warrnambool 13.11 (89) def Cobden          1, B. Hunger 1; Russells Creek: C. Templeton 5,
 BEST, Cobden: S. Thow, M. Kemp, T. Marshall,                16, 142.86; Warrnambool 16, 91.58;             8.5 (53), Camperdown 3.2 (20) lost to Koroit          J. Chatfield 3, D. Burns 1, D. Cross 1, D. Hoye
 G. Rooke, T. Anderson, P. Pekin; Warrnambool:               North Warrnambool 14, 106.61; Portland         19.20 (134), PFNCC 0.0 (0) drew Port Fairy 0.0        1, X. McCartney 1, W. McPhee 1.
 S. Cowling, D. McCorkell, H. Ryan, J Turland,               12, 104.81; Terang Mortlake 8, 90.85;          (0), North Warrnambool 8.13 (61) def Terang           BEST, Allansford: R. Hare, B. Edge, J. McGee,
 T. Ludeman, E. Boyd.                                        Camperdown 8, 87.66; Hamilton 4, 76.18;        Mortlake 5.10 (40).                                   S. Kilpatrick, C. Day, L. Nowell; Russells Creek:
 KOROIT ....................... 4.3 12.4 18.10 27.17 (179)   Port Fairy 0, 58.05.                           LADDER: HKFNC 24, 275.61; Warrnambool                 C. Templeton, S. Alberts, D. Burns, M. Rook,
 CAMPERDOWN ........... 3.2 4.3 6.7 7.8 (50)                                                                24(pts), 226.07(%); South Warrnambool 24,             B. Hewett, J. Forth Bligh.
 GOALS, Koroit: S. Dobson 8, J. Hausler 5,                             DIVISION ONE NETBALL                 205.81; Cobden 20, 99.78; Koroit 12, 120.24;          MERRIVALE ................ 1.4 3.3 4.2 1.6 (69)
 ?,???? 5, J. Neave 3, J. Loyd 2, W. Couch                   Cobden 41 def Warrnambool 35, Koroit 49 def    Port Fairy 12, 51.64; PFNCC 10, 59.41;                DENNINGTON .............. 3.3 2.4 1.1 2.0 (56)
 1, B Harrington 1, P. O’Sullivan 1, F. Robb                 Camperdown 15, Port Fairy 47 def Portland      Camperdown 6, 57.48; Terang Mortlake 4,               GOALS, Merrivale: J Neave 3, L. Byrne 2, B.
 1; Camperdown: S. Gordon 3, H. Sinnott 2, T.                41, Hamilton 36 def South Warrnambool 25,      52.80; North Warrnambool 4, 43.01.                    Bell 1, M. Hausler 1, J Mahony-Gilchrist 1,
 Fitzgeald 1, C. Lucas 1.                                    North Warrnambool 43 def Terang Mortlake                                                             C. Rix 1; Dennington: S. Lee 2, R. Barling 1, L.
 BEST, Koroit: A. Pulling, S. Dobson, J. Hauslet,            33.                                                         UNDER 14 FOOTBALL                        Campbell-Gavin 1, S. Curtis 1, E. Dowd 1, Z.
 L. Hoy, ??????, T. Baulch; Camperdown: H.                   LADDER:     Koroit   24(pts),  201.53(%);      South Warrnambool 2.0 (12) lost to HKFNC              McKenna 1, J. Noonan 1.
 Sinnott, T. Fitzgerald, J. Place, I. Stephens, C.           Cobden 20, 121.35; North Warrnambool           14.15 (99), Warrnambool 7.7 (49) def Cobden           BEST, Merrivale: T. McLean, J. Wilson, L.
 Lucas.                                                      16, 104.28; Terang Mortlake 12, 117.72;        1.2 (8), Camperdown 0.3 (3) lost to Koroit            Byrne, J. Neave, B. McCutcheon, J. Mahony-
 PORT FAIRY ................ 1.2 1.8 3.11 3.12 (30)          Portland 12, 112.25; Port Fairy 12, 92.67;     18.22 (130), PFNCC 10.4 (64) def Port Fairy           Gilchrist; Dennington: J. Malone, Z McKenna, T.
 PFNCC......................... 5.5 11.7 14.16 22.21 (153)   Hamilton 12, 91.67; South Warrnambool 8,       6.2 (38), North Warrnambool 0.0 (0) lost to           Lee, S. Curtis, R. Barling, J. Noonan.
 GOALS, Port Fairy: G. Swarbrick 2, B Dalton 1;              89.90; Warrnambool 4, 91.43; Camperdown        Terang Mortlake 28.15 (183).                          LADDER: Nirranda 28(pts), 378.22(%);
 PFNCC: T. Sharp 9, J. Dunlop 3, L. Huppatz 2,               0, 39.78.                                      LADDER: HKFNC 28(pts), 1225.00(%);                    Panmure 24, 198.10; Russells Creek 20,
 T. Jennings 2, J. Ballantyne 1, M. England 1,                                                              Terang Mortlake 24, 446.51; Koroit 20,                186.82; Merrivale 20, 177.94; Kolora Noorat
 P. Haylock, D. Jackson 1, Harry McIntyre 1, A.                        DIVISION TWO NETBALL                 300.49; PFNCC 20, 181.12; Port Fairy 12,              16, 84.27; Dennington 12, 82.04; South
 Shepherd 1.                                                 Cobden 44 def Warrnambool 26, Koroit 52 def    79.39; Warrnambool 12, 63.59; Camperdown              Rovers 12, 79.08; Allansford 4, 57.34; Old
 BEST, Port Fairy: T. Sullivan, A. McMeel, M.                Camperdown 18, Port Fairy 42 def Portland      12, 58.09; South Warrnambool 8, 88.75;                Collegians 4, 57.12; Timboon Demons 0,
 Staude, X. Stevens, G. Swarbrick, J. Bartlett;              17; South Warrnambool 40 def Hamilton 34,      Cobden 4, 8.53; North Warrnambool 0, 8.40.            18.22.
 PFNCC: T. Jenningsm L. Huppartz, D. Jackson,                North Warrnambool 32 def Terang Mortlake
 K. Lovell, J. Ballantyne, T. Sharp.                         21.                                                15 AND UNDER RESERVES NETBALL                                 RESERVES FOOTBALL
 STH WARRNAMBOOL . 4.3 6.6 8.8 13.13 (91)                    LADDER: Port Fairy 24(pts), 184.35(%);         Warrnambool 33 def Cobden 8, Camperdown               Nirranda def TImboon Demons forfeit,
 HKFNC ........................ 0.2 1.4 2.5 3.6 (24)         South Warrnambool 20, 141.72; Portland         4 lost to Koroit 31, North Warrnambool, Port          Panmure 6.11 (47) def Old Collegians 4.8
 GOALS, Sth Warrnambool: S. Kelly, 4, R.                     20, 139.44; Koroit 12, 122.88; Cobden          Fairy and Sth Warrnambool had the bye.                (32), Kolora Noorat 6.4 (40) lost to South
 Henderson 3, B. Beks 1, J. Dye 1, C. Gallichan              12, 120.61; Hamilton 12, 95.74; Terang         LADDER: South Warrnambool 28(pts),                    Rovers 17.10 (112), Allansford 5.5 (35) lost to
 1, J. Henderson 1, D. Weir 1, W. White 1;                   Mortlake 8, 104.47; North Warrnambool 8,       427.50(%); Warrnambool 24, 270.27; Port               Russells Creek 7.7 (49), Merrivale 11.7 (73) def
 HKFNC: C. Murrie 2, D. Arnold 1.                            83.33; Warrnambool 4, 75.24; Camperdown        Fairy 24, 81.82; Koroit 20, 143.75; Cobden            Dennington 3.9 (27).
 BEST, Sth Warrnambool: J. Henderson, A.                     0, 31.82.                                      12, 55.88; North Warrnambool 8, 33.33;                LADDER: Merrivale 28(pts), 317.58(%);
 Stevens, H. Lee, B. Beks, O. Bridgewater, S.                                                               Camperdown 12, 21.67.                                 Nirranda 24, 280.41; Russells Creek 18,
 Kelly; HKFNC: A. Pepper, C. Murrie, M. McMeel,                       DIVISION THREE NETBALL                                                                      157.63; Panmure 18, 120.67; South Rovers
 L. Barnes, J. Hickey, V. Huf.                               Warrnambool 32 def Cobden 25, Koroit 36 def        13 AND UNDER RESERVES NETBALL                     16, 123.71; Old Collegians 16, 116.55;
 TERANG MORTLAKE ... 1.2 1.3 2.5 2.5 (17)                    Camperdown 14, Port Fairy 40 def Portland      Sth Warrnambool 9 def Hamilton 17,                    Allansford 8, 67.14; Timboon Demons 8,
 NTH WARRNAMBOOL . 4.6 10.16 18.18 23.28 (166)               17, South Warrnambool 24 def Hamilton 23,      Warrnambool 13 lost to Cobden 22,                     36.43; Kolora Noorat 4, 52.36; Dennington
 GOALS, Terang Mortlake: N. Roberts 1, X. Vickers            North Warrnambool 17 def Terang Mortlake       Camperdown 14 lost to Koroit 36, Nth                  0, 31.77.
 1, E. Arundell 0; North Warrnambool: N. Vardy               14.                                            Warrnambool 24 def Terang Mortlake 14, Port
 8, F. Jones 5, S. Morter 5, D. Johnstone 2, J.              LADDER: Port Fairy 24(pts), 233.33(%);         Fairy had the bye.                                                UNDER 18 FOOTBALL
 Bermingham 1, J. Porter 1.                                  South Warrnambool 20, 118.98; Koroit 16,       LADDER: Hamilton 28(pts), 172.73(%);                  Nirranda 0.1 (1) lost to Timboon Demons
 BEST, Terang Mortlake: X. Vickers, I. Kenna, G.             180.41; Hamilton 16, 153.04; Warrnambool       Koroit 24, 213.33; South Warrnambool 16,              8.17 (65), Kolora Noorat 19.8 (122) def South
 Bourke, N. Roberts, J. Crawley, D. Jones;                   12, 122.63; Cobden 12, 103.77; Portland        133.33; Terang Mortlake 16, 127.59; North             Rovers 3.7 (25), Allansford 2.2 (14) lost to
 North Warrnambool: J. Bermingham, L. Wines,                 12, 198.67; Terang Mortlake 4, 52.69; North    Warrnambool 16, 106.59; Cobden 16, 87.13;             Russells Creek 10.12 (72), Merrivale 25.11
 A. Sinclair, F. Jones, T. Batten, N. Vardy.                 Warrnambool 0, 30.05; Camperdown 0,            Camperdown 8, 60.71; Warrnambool 8,                   (161) def Dennington 2.3 (15), Old Collegians
 LADDER: South Warrnambool 24(pts),                          48.29.                                         44.83; Port Fairy 8, 23.01.                           had the bye.
 246.77(%); PFNCC 24, 192.88; Koroit 20,                                                                                                                          LADDER: Russells Creek 28(pts), 473.68(%);
 235.78; North Warrnambool 12, 221.96;                                  17 & UNDER NETBALL                                                                        Kolora Noorat 24, 223.22; Timboon Demons
 Warrnambool 12, 122.32; Cobden 8, 79.81;                    Cobden 47 def Warrnambool 12, Koroit 58 def         WARRNAMBOOL &                                    24, 131.93; South Rovers 16, 168.95;
 Camperdown 8, 60.09; HKFNC 8, 57.69;                        Camperdown 38, Portland 37 def Port Fairy           DISTRICT LEAGUE                                  Allansford 16, 145.50; Merrivale 12, 105.40;
 Terang Mortlake 4, 50.00; Port Fairy 0,                     19, South Warrnambool 37 def Hamilton 36,                                                            Old Collegians 12, 57.11; Nirranda 4, 36.38;
 32.80.                                                      North Warrnambool 26 def Terang Mortlake                     SENIOR FOOTBALL                         Dennington 4, 18.85.
                                                             25.                                            NIRRANDA .................. 4.5 6.6 5.6 8.5 (160)
               RESERVES FOOTBALL                             LADDER: Koroit 24(pts), 221.99(%); Cobden      SOUTH ROVERS .......... 0.0 1.2 1.0 1.0 (20)                      UNDER 15 FOOTBALL
 Cobden 5.2 (42) def Warrnambool 5.3 (33),                   18, 209.85; Camperdown 18, 124.84;             GOALS, Nirranda: J. Folkes 5, D. Philp 4, J.          Nirranda 1.0 (6) lost to Timboon Demons
 Koroit 20.16 (136) def Camperdown 0.2 (2),                  Hamilton 16, 131.93; North Warrnambool         Stacey 4, D. Lees 3, D. Craven 2, M. Primmer          16.13 (109), Kolora Noorat 4.2 (26) lost to
 PFNCC 22.12 (144) def Port Fairy 1.2 (8),                   16, 98.38; South Warrnambool 12, 95.12;        2, J Willsher 2, R. Nutting 1; Timboon Demons:        South Rovers 19.7 (121), Allansford 1.2 (8) lost
 South Warrnambool 11.13 (79) def HKFNC                      Terang Mortlake 8, 79.40; Portland 4, 67.86;   J. Fowler 1, A. Hunt 1, B. Newey 1.                   to Russells Creek 11.14 (80), Merrivale 15.10
 3.2 (20), North Warrnambool 19.17 (131) def                 Warrnambool 4, 57.94; Port Fairy 0, 22.49.     BEST, Nirranda: J. Willsher, R. Nutting, J. Stacey,   (100) def Dennington 0.1 (1), Old Collegians
 Terang Mortlake 3.1 (19).                                                                                  E. Harvey-Cleary, J. Folkes, D. Craven; South         had the bye.
 LADDER: South Warrnambool 24(pts),                                     15 & UNDER NETBALL                  Rovers: J. Fowler, K. Delaney, T. Smurthwaite, I      LADDER: Russells Creek 28(pts), 994.64(%);
 580.77(%); North Warrnambool 24, 364.81;                    Cobden 40 def Warrnambool 23, Koroit 39 def    Bedggood, C. Trotter, B. Kelly.                       Merrivale 24, 417.59; Timboon Demons 24,
 PFNCC 16, 227.80; Koroit 16, 163.82;                        Camperdown 30, Portland 31 def Port Fairy      PANMURE ................... 4.4 5.3 8.1 6.1 (147)     341.51; South Rovers 20, 135.52; Allansford
 Cobden 12, 161.54; HKFNC 12, 95.17;                         24, South Warrnambool 23 def Hamilton 9,       OLD COLLEGIANS ....... 0.4 4.3 4.4 2.2 (73)           16, 107.96; Kolora Noorat 16, 85.05; Old
 Terang Mortlake 8, 55.12; Warrnambool 4,                    Terang Mortlake 35 def North Warrnambool       GOALS, Panmure: L. McLeod 6, J. Moloney 3,            Collegians 8, 31.31; Dennington 4, 31.25;
 64.10; Camperdown 4, 37.73; Port Fairy 0,                   17.                                            L. Bishop 2, W. Pomorin 2, I. Sinnott 2, L.           Nirranda 0, 14.05.
 6.71.                                                       LADDER:     Koroit   22(pts),  182.95(%);      Hynes 1, N. Keane 1, M. Kenny 1, S. Mahony
                                                             Cobden 18, 132.79; South Warrnambool           1, T. Mahony 1, T. Murnane 1, B. Purcell 1, Z.                      A GRADE NETBALL
              UNDER 18½ FOOTBALL                             16, 129.31; Terang Mortlake 16, 111.49;        Reeves 1; Old Collegians: M. Riddell 3, C. Barby      Nirranda 65 lost to Timboon 29, Panmure 44
 Warrnambool 11.11 (77) def Cobden 4.5                       Portland 12, 115.44; Camperdown 12,            2, B. England 2, J. Nyikos 1, B. Keane 1, J.          def Old Collegians 32, Kolora Noorat 30 lost
 (29), Koroit 0.0 (0) drew Camperdown 0.0 (0),               103.42; Camperdown 12, 103.42; Hamilton        Cleaver 1.                                            to South Rovers 58, Allansford 51 def Russells
 Port Fairy 6.5 (41) def PFNCC 5.6 (36), South               12, 82.76; Port Fairy 4, 78.29; North          BEST, Panmure: L Bishop, J. Moloney, L.               Creek 38, Merrivale 50 def Dennington 20..
 Warrnambool 11.9 (75) def HKFNC 8.4 (52),                   Warrnambool 0, 41.03.                          McLeod, T. Murnane, W. Pomorin, I Sinnott;            LADDER: Nirranda 28(pts), 316.46(%);
 North Warrnambool 18.17 (125) def Terang                                                                   Old Collegians: M. Riddell, D. Gleeson, C.            Merrivale 24, 161.24; Pamure 24, 160.61;
 Mortlake 5.4 (34).                                                     13 & UNDER NETBALL                  Barby, H. Hall, H. White, B. Keane.                   South Rovers 18, 101.25; Dennington 16,
 LADDER:        Koroit    24(pts), 301.85(%);                Cobden 36 def Warrnambool 7, Koroit 54 def     KOLORA NOORAT ........ 3.3 4.2 6.5 1.3 (97)           82.37; Allansford 10, 81.57; Old Collegians
 South Warrnambool 20, 213.95; North                         Camperdown 18, Sth Warrnambool 46 def          SOUTH ROVERS .......... 2.2 4.2 1.4 2.1 (63)          10, 81.36; Timboon Demons 6, 83.12;
 Warrnambool 12, 185.14; Warrnambool                         Hamilton 19, Terang Mortlake 14 lost to Nth    GOALS, Kolora Noorat: P. Baker 2, L. McConnell        Russells Creek 4, 71.34; Kolora Noorat 0,
 12, 145.53; HKFNC 12, 145.07; Cobden                        Warrnambool 17, Port Fairy had the bye.        2, R. O’Connor 2, J. Moloney 2, T. Beasley            32.98.
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