G A s sistant - Beechwood Park School

G A s sistant - Beechwood Park School



                                   on P
                                        a ck
Required September 2023

G A s sistant - Beechwood Park School
Beechwood Park
Beechwood Park School is an independent day and flexi-boarding school for boys and girls aged 3
to 13.

         “Particularly strong (academic) reputation, but also nurtures and educates children in the
            wider sense. The result is sparky, confident children who exude pride in their school
                                    and are incredibly happy learners..”

                                           Good Schools Guide

G A s sistant - Beechwood Park School
Thank you for your interest in working at                Pupils enjoy particularly good relationships
Beechwood.                                               with their teachers and the wider staff at
                                                         Beechwood; our most recent ISI Inspection,
I am delighted to introduce you to our school,           which you can read here refers to “the open
a thriving community at the heart of which are           and trusting relationship that staff and pupils
our wonderful pupils, supported by a team of             enjoy.... (which) leads directly to some excellent
inspiring staff.                                         pupil choices” (ISI 2019)

We believe that the transformative effect of a           I hope you find everything you are
preparatory Beechwood education provides boys            looking for on our website to help you decide if
and girls with a safe, happy and uniquely                Beechwood could be right for you.
child-centred environment in which they can
enjoy building friendships (often for life) and
develop innate creativity, curiosity and                 We look forward to welcoming you.

As you will see in our Mission, on page 4 of
this booklet, Beechwood nurtures, engages and            Maureen Cussans
inspires its pupils, developing their confidence         Interim Headmistress
and independence, establishing in them the
skills that prepare them for a future life and
love of learning.

Our highly-qualified and experienced teaching
staff encourage children to engage as active
learners, take increasing ownership of their
studies, probe, question, develop an increasing
Growth Mindset together with the self-discipline,
perseverance and academic risk-taking that is
our academic hallmark.

I am exceedingly proud of what Beechwood staff
do each and every day, ensuring our pupils benefit
from a rich, diverse and exciting education.
Opportunities abound within and beyond the
classroom, and we provide our pupils with the
time and space to learn, flourish, create and
challenge themselves.        Beechwood pupils
are proudly individual yet connected by an
education which teaches them to love life
and squeeze every opportunity out of it; they
embrace challenge and adapt to and are
excited by change; they develop resilience and
aspire to excellence in all that they do. They
are happy, confident adventurers, who enjoy
exploring big ideas, who argue and create,
retaining balance and truth.

G A s sistant - Beechwood Park School
The School                                            Our Mission
Beechwood Park School is an independent day and       Beechwood’s Mission is to be a leading UK prep
boarding preparatory School for around 525 boys       school.
and girls between the ages of 3 and 13 years.
                                                      To fulfil this ambition, with the support of
Founded in 1964, and set in a beautiful 40-acre       parents, the School:
estate amidst unspoilt Hertfordshire countryside,
Beechwood enjoys a well-established reputation for    •   Nurtures the happiness, health, safety and
being one of the country’s leading co-educational,        emotional well-being of every child, developing
independent preparatory schools through its               in them confidence and independence;
provision of academic excellence and a well-rounded
education.                                            •   Engages the intellectual, physical and spiritual
                                                          potential of every child across a broad range of
The School constantly invests in improving                academic, co-curricular and pastoral activities
facilities and infrastructure to provide a modern         and experiences;
working and learning environment for staff and
pupils alike. Our sports hall, swimming pool          •   Inspires children, inculcating transferable, lifelong
complex, music technology suite, recording                skills and values by which to achieve personally
studio, IT infrastructure and surrounding                 and contribute influentially to society
park and woodland provide further spaces for 21st
century children to explore and grow.                 •   Enables inspirational and reflective teachers to
                                                          provide every child with outstanding teaching,
The School has a strong family atmosphere, which          delivering the highest levels of educational
is central to the enjoyment of School that we             pace, variety and challenge.
believe is the foundation of successful education.
The people who work here are deeply committed
to the progress and wellbeing of pupils in their
care. A talented and diverse team of specialists
and all-rounders, the staff bring expertise and
dedication to their role and have an easy rapport
with the young.

Our most recent Independent Schools Inspection
Report (ISI) March 2019 identified the School to
be excellent in all areas with no recommendations
for improvement, and it is an incisive and honest
external appraisal of our wonderful community.

G A s sistant - Beechwood Park School
The Role
Job Title:			                Graduate Teaching Assistant (Residential)

This is a full time role required for September 2023 to July 2024

This is an excellent opportunity for a recent graduate considering a career in primary or secondary
teaching to gain experience of working in a progressive and forward-thinking school.

This residential role focuses primarily on acting as a key member of the boarding team, with further
opportunities to develop teaching skills and contribute to the wider pastoral life of the School.

Every year, the School defines the GTA role to the interests and abilities of the successful candidate.
We are particularly interested to hear from candidates who offer further qualifications, experience or
interest in Sport, Music, Drama or Outdoor Education or other areas of the School’s academic,
co-curricular and pastoral programmes.

Role Responsiblities
                                                        •   Support the Head of Boarding and the
Overall Responsibilities
                                                            boarding team with excellent communication
                                                            in the smooth running of the boarding house;
•   Inspire excellent academic, co-curricular,
                                                        •   Work within the National Minimum
    pastoral and spiritual development in every
                                                            Standards for Boarding at all times;
                                                        •   Assist boarders in evacuating the building
•   Develop confidence and independence
                                                            when the fire alarm sounds;
    in every child, encouraging their creative
                                                        •   Apply appropriate First Aid, referring other
                                                            medical issues to the School Nurses;
•   Act at all times within the BPS Teachers’
                                                        •   Lead boarding activities and other boarding
                                                            morning and evening duties;
                                                        •   Lead specialist theme nights and trips;
Boarding House Assistant
                                                        •   Attend boarding team and full staff
•   Promote the health, safety and well-being of
                                                        •   Be a model of positive behaviour for the
    all boarders;
•   Contribute to a fun boarding experience for
    all pupils;

G A s sistant - Beechwood Park School
Teaching Assistant

Assist Beechwood’s inspirational, highly qualified
and experienced staff to:
• Nurture, engage and inspire pupils in their
• Support lessons, sports, clubs and cultural trips
   and administration;
• Provide short-term cover for teaching staff

Whole School

•   Participate in whole School staff meetings,
    staff training days and smaller working group;
•   Attend INSET training sessions;
•   Attend Speech Day and other School events;
•   Teach pupils how to keep themselves safe in
•   accordance with the BPS Online Safety
•   Policy, and Child Protection Policy, liaising with
    colleagues regarding the welfare and educa-
    tion of the children;
•   Attend      assemblies    and    other      School
    functions, playing an active part in School life;
•   Provide technical support for assemblies;
•   Understand and follow all School and
    specific      departmental      policies      and        •   Cover a fair share of staff duties;
    procedures.                                              •   Develop pastoral management and teaching
•   Specifically, promote and safeguard the                      skills;
    welfare of all members of the School                     •   Ensure outstanding levels of customer service in
    community by endorsing, understanding                        all communications, verbal or written;
    and exercising your roles and responsibilities           •   Inform SLT of any issues.
    in accordance with the BPS Health and
    Safety and Child Protection policies and
    procedures as published on the School
•   In partnership with the Marketing Manager,
    promote GTA work to the broader community
    including regular contributions to the school
    website www.beechwoodpark.com, social media,
    the school newsletters, corridor displays,
    open days and local and national press;
•   Undertake other such specific duties
    appropriate to your post which the Head may
    reasonably assign from time to time;
•   Assist with pupil registration;

Candidate Specification
 Essential Requirements for the role                       Holiday

 •   Education to degree level;                            The statutory minimum holiday entitlement under
 •   Ability to work in a way which promotes the           the Working Time Regulations 1998 is to be taken
     safety and well-being of children;                    during School holidays. In addition, the position
 •   Energy, creativity and an ability to lead small       holder is not normally required to work during
     pupil groups under supervision;                       normal School holidays other than three days prior
 •   Ability to offer academic, co-curricular or           to the return at the start of each term. Public
 •   pastoral qualifications or experience;                holidays occurring when the School is in session will
 •   Excellent interpersonal and team skills with          be working days
     pupils, colleagues, parents and governors.
 •   Imagination, commitment and ambition to               .
 •   inspire pupils to enjoy every aspect of School        The School reserves the right to review and
     life;                                                 change this job description as the needs of the
 •   High standard of personal presentation;               School change.
 •   Flexible and proactive attitude to work;
 •   A subject or age group specialism;
 •   ICT and audio/visual literate.                        Beechwood Park is an equal opportunities
                                                           employer and we aim for our staff to reflect the
 Desirable Requirements                                    diversity of our local community. We welcome
                                                           and encourage applications from people of all
 •   Experience of an IAPS boarding school;                ages, genders, religions and sexual orientation,
 •   An understanding of boarding Prep School              those from Black, Asian and other minority ethnic
     education;                                            backgrounds, and those with disabilities.
 •   Sporting, coaching, refereeing or lifeguard
 •   Car driver.
                                                           Agreed by Head
 Salary and Benefits

 A salary of £14,531 at academic year 2022/2023
 rate is offered.


 This is a residential position for the better
 performance of duties. The position holder is
 provided with accommodation, and with school
                                                           Agreed by Job Holder
 meals in term time which are to be taken in the
 School Dining Room during the working week.


 The School will comply with its legal obligations
 in relation to the provision of access to a pension
 scheme and will automatically enrol the post
 holder in a pension scheme as and when
 required by law.

The Application                                           Safeguarding and Child
Please download, complete and return the School’s         Protection
Application Form with a handwritten covering letter
of application, to:                                       Beechwood Park is committed to safeguarding
                                                          and promoting the health, safety and well-being
Mrs M Cussans                                             of all children.
Interim Headmistress
Beechwood Park School                                     We require all applicants for employment to
Markyate                                                  complete a BPS Staff Application Form and to
Hertfordshire                                             produce original identity documentation and
AL3 8AW                                                   certification of qualifications.
Please feel free to contact the Headmistress for an       The School will undertake an enhanced DBS
informal discussion via email                             clearance check of the successful candidate.
                                                          The School recruits and retains the highest calibre
Closing date for applications: Monday 20 February         teaching and non-teaching staff to promote
Interviews will be held during the week beginning 6       the Beechwood Mission across all aspects of its
March                                                     educational provision. All employees work in a
                                                          culture of openness, trust and transparency to

                                                          •   Their statutory responsibilities to protect
                                                              children from abuse and harm in accordance
                                                              with the BPS Child Protection and Health
                                                              and Safety Policies;

                                                          •   The reporting of low-level concerns in support
                                                              of the School’s Mission to Nurture, Engage
                                                              and Inspire and its core Values.

Location and Access
Beechwood Park is set in beautiful rural parkland outside the village of Markyate. Although
rural, the School is only 5 minutes from Junction 9 of the M1 and 15 to 20 minutes from Harpenden, St
Albans, Berkhamsted, Hemel Hempstead, and Luton – all with super-fast train links to central London.

The School runs an extensive bus service for pupils, before and after School, to Harpenden, St Albans and
many surrounding villages. These areas offer some beautiful villages and places to live, within easy reach
of London.

Direct Train Service:
St Albans to London St Pancras: 18 minutes
Harpenden to London St Pancras: 25 minutes
Luton Airport Parkway to London: 24 minutes

By Road
M1 Junction 9: 5 minutes
Harpenden: 15 minutes
St Albans: 20 minutes
Berkhamsted: 20 minutes

Nearest airport
London Luton: 15 minutes

Beechwood Park School

                                           Pickford Road
                                             St Albans
                                             AL3 8AW

           01582 840333 hmsecretary@beechwoodpark.com www.beechwoodpark.com

www.facebook.com/bwpschool   www.twitter.com/bwpschool www.linkedin.com/company/beechwood-park-school
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