Melton South Primary School
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Melton South Primary School PO Box 2043 Melton South, 3338 Tel: (03) 9743 2922 Fax: (03) 9743 0986 Email: THURSDAY 22ND NOVEMBER 2018 Website: Melton South Primary School Mission: Melton South Primary School is a progressive community who lead the way. Together we create motivated, respectful learners who achieve excellence. This newsletter is available from our school website or the Melton South Primary School Skoolbag App. Friday 23rd November Book Club Orders Due today Monday 26th November NO ASSEMBLY TODAY WEDNESDAY 28TH NOVEMBER—9.10AM TO 1.30PM Thursday 29th November Grade 3/4 Kanga Cricket Gala Day Monday 3rd December Grade 6 Graduation Evening Wednesday 5th December School Council Meeting 3.30pm Wednesday 5th to 7th December Grade 3/4 Weekaway Camp MONDAY 10TH DECEMBER CURRICULUM DAY STUDENTS NOT TO ATTEND SCHOOL TODAY Tuesday 11th December Grade 6 Students Secondary School Orientation Day 2019 prep transition 9.30am to 10.30am Friday 14th December 2019 Fees—First instalment due today Thursday 20th December Whole School Breakfast FRIDAY 21ST DECEMBER LAST DAY OF SCHOOL FOR 2018—SCHOOL FINISHES AT 1.30PM Thursday 24th January 2019 School office open 9.00am to 4.00pm 2019 Fees—Second instalment due today Tuesday 29th January 2019 Final day to pay for 2019 fees Wednesday 30th January 2019 School commences—Term 1 2019 Thursday 31st January 2019 2019 Preps commence today
STAFF, STUDENTS, PARENTS AND CARERS ALL HAVE THE SAME RIGHTS AT MELTON SOUTH PRIMARY SCHOOL. EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO BE SAFE EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO BE RESPECTED EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO LEARN STAFFING: Staffing is being finalised for 2019. At this stage our structure will be: Prep—7 grades Grade 1 –7 grades Grade 2 - 5 grades Grade 3 - 5 grades Grade 4 - 4 grades Grade 5 - 4 grades Grade 6 - 4 grades SPECIALISTS: Prep - Grade 4 Art, Physical Education, LOTE - French Grades 4 - 6 Art, Physical education , STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics) PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Congratulations to the girls rugby team for reaching the State finals. today at Broadmeadows—we are so proud of their achievements. Mr Valentine and Mr Demarchi give up so many of their recess and lunch breaks to train the students. Our boys cricket team has also reached the next round and will play again on Friday. We wish both teams all the best. SOCIAL MEDIA: We ask everyone in our school community to be mindful when using social media platforms and discussing schools, other parents/families and/or teachers. Gossip/rumours can have a very negative impact on students and everyone in our school community. To support us we ask parents to model appropriate behaviours including those agreed to in the school e-Learning user agreement by not becoming involved in playground gossip about other families, parents, children, staff or any other members of our community. These ‘stories’ can find their way into the playground, causing hurt and disharmony between students for no reason. GRADES 2019: Please note that requests for 2019 have closed. All requests received will be given due consideration. Grades for 2019 are being organised and to assist with this process, we ask any families/students who are moving to another area and not returning to Melton South Primary School in 2019 to notify the school office as soon as possible. This information is critical for class structure and staffing. We also ask that if you have a child that will be commencing prep in 2019 at our school and have not returned your enrolment form to the office to do so immediately We are looking forward to seeing our prep students on Tuesday 11th December at 9.30am for the last orientation session. UNIFORM POLICY: As we are heading into the last 4 weeks of school, students are reminded that they must attend school in full school uniform. If for any reason your child is not in school uniform a note is to be given to the classroom teacher. MOBILE PHONES: School Council’s policy on mobile phones states that students may bring their mobile phones to school if needed before and after school to communicate with family etc. If mobile phones are brought to school they must be signed in at the office on arrival and collected at the end of the school day. I am asking parents for your support in the enforcement of this policy. Mrs Marilyn Costigan, Principal LOST PROPERTY: One of our grade 1 students has lost her reading glasses. They are blue with pandas on them. If you have seen them or know where they are please let the office staff know.
Due to the expected arrival of 6 new classrooms this term, we will be having a Whole School Expo on Wednesday 28th Novem- ber in place of the school concert. 9.10AM TO 1.30PM All grades will be performing in the gym and parents are invited to attend. Parents are also invited to classrooms before/after performances to view art and work samples . Performance time Grade 5/6 - 9.10am to 10.00am - Classroom open times 10.10 to 10.50 Performance time Prep - 10.00am to 11.00am - Classroom open times 9.10 to 9.50 Performance time Grade 1/2 - 11.30am to 12.25pm - Classroom open times 12.40 to 1.30 Performance time Grade 3/4 - 12.30pm to 1.30pm - Classroom open times 11.30 to 12.30 There will be a sausage sizzle on the day. CHICKEN POX: Parents/carers are advised that has been a number of reported cases of chicken pox in the prep grades. The symptoms of chickenpox include: low-grade fever general discomfort, illness or lack of wellbeing intensely itchy skin rash -- appears as small blisters surrounded by irregularly-shaped patches of inflamed skin. The blisters first form on the body and later on the head and limbs. They usually burst and develop crusts after about five days ulcers may develop in certain areas, including the mouth and groin area. For chickenpox, the time from infection to the appearance of the rash (incubation period) is around 14 to 16 days. A few days before the appearance of the rash, the person may feel feverish and have a sore throat and headache. The skin may be marked for some months after the rash has cleared. Chickenpox is spread by: breathing in airborne droplets from the upper respiratory tract of an infected person (these droplets are made airborne when the infected person coughs or sneezes) touching the fluid from the blisters on the skin of a person with chickenpox (this is a less common way to contract chickenpox). An infected person is contagious for one to two days (possibly five days) before the onset of the rash and remains infectious until the blisters form scabs (usually around day five of the illness). Students should be excluded until all blisters have dried. This is usually at least 5 days after the rash appears in unimmunised children, but may be less in previously immunised children. Any child with an immune deficiency or receiving chemotherapy should be excluded for their own protection. LATE ARRIVALS It has come to my attention that some of our students are arriving early to school, but are choosing to enter the classroom after the 9 o’clock bell— this is resulting in late arrival passes and notes being issued. Can you please speak to your child/children about making sure that they are in class ready to learn before 9 o’clock. Thanks, Wendy Williams, Attendance Officer
SCHOOL LEVEL PARENT PAYMENT CHARGES—2019 Melton South Primary School Council have decided that all students will be charged for essential student learning items in 2019. Total cost of Essential Learning Items are Grade 1 to 6 $170.00 per student and Prep $180.00 per student, which include: Stationery Packs—which vary for each level—we have arranged bulk orders to the school to help reduce the costs to families. These packs will be distributed direct to your child’s classroom in 2018. Core Items—student diary, ID card & lanyard and other items depending on year level. Bulk Classroom Supplies—paper, glue sticks, pencils, scissors, pens, markers, independent reading boxes, etc. Literacy and Numeracy—subscriptions for Mathletics and Reading Eggs which students access at school and home. Also includes subscriptions to numerous other ICT programs which are only accessible at school. Classroom Project Materials, cooking and art consumables. We strongly encourage families to start paying for these fees now as they must be paid in full by Tuesday 29th January, 2018 to ensure your child has the necessary equipment and resources to start the school year. If you have not paid for fees by the due date, your child will not have all the items needed to start the year and will have to wait until payment is received before we can provide these essential learning items. Payment arrangements: The school level parent payment charges can be paid via the following options: Cash/Eftpos/BPay – Commencing: Monday 17th July, 2017 to 20th December, 2017 between 8:30am – 3:45pm Thursday 24th January 2018, 9:00am – 4:00pm (Parents paying by BPay do NOT need to come to the school on these days). Instalment Plan – Pay by 2 instalments of $85.00. First payment due by Wednesday 14th December 2018 and second payment is due by Thursday 24th January 2018. Thank you to those families that have paid their fees or have started paying them off. CURRICULUM DAY MONDAY 10TH DECEMBER STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND SCHOOL TODAY GRADE 6 GRADUATION: will be held on Monday 3rd December at Galli Estate Restaurant. Cost is $50.00 per student which will cover the students meal, DJ and graduation packs for all graduating students. Money is due by Wednesday 28th November and no late payments can be accepted as we need to advise the restaurant of exact numbers attending—please arrange to see a member of our Leadership Team if you are unable to make payment by the due date. Please note that this is NOT a CSEF approved activity. Students are asked to arrive at the venue no earlier than 5.30pm for a 6.00pm sharp start. Parents/carers are invited to view the graduation ceremony starting at 6.00pm—LIMIT 2 guests per student. After the graduation ceremony parents/carers will then leave whilst the students and staff have dinner followed by a disco. Children will need to be collected from the restaurant at 9.00pm sharp following the disco. Dress code—NO DENIM or SHORTS or BOARD SHORTS —shoes appropriate for dancing, no runners please A shirt with a collar and trousers. Age appropriate dresses/skirts.
WHOLE SCHOOL LEARNING INTENTIONS LI—Learning Intentions SC—Success Criteria Year Reading Writing Maths Prep LI: Good readers understand LI: Good writers can represent and LI: Good mathematicians that singers may use videos to communicate how they feel in understand that time can be express their song lyrics. response to various music. measured, time changes and can SC: I can describe how the SC: I can reread and edit to check be compared. video images help to know that I have full stops and capital SC: I can describe and order what the song is about. letters within my writing. events. I can connect events to the time of the day that they may happen. Year 1 LI: Good readers use LI: Good writers notice new and LI: Good mathematicians can comprehension strategies to interesting words. count to and from 100. build literal and inferred SC: I can make note of new and SC: I can the name numbers meaning. interesting words before and after I can partition SC: I can make making numbers inferences about characters’ feelings. Year 2 LI: Good readers are able to LI: Good writers are able to use LI: Good mathematicians are able identify when an author has dialogue to write conversation. to draw a number line. used tier words within a text. SC: I can identify the difference SC: I can place numbers in order SC: I can identify when an between a question and a on a number line. author has used tier 1, 2 and 3 statement. words in a text. Year 3 LI: Good readers are able to LI: Good writers understand the LI: Good mathematicians identify the features of poems. structure and sequence of a free understand and recognise the SC: I can identify the use of verse poem. properties of 3D shapes. onomatopoeia. SC: I can write a free verse poem. SC:I can identify and describe the vertices, edges and faces on 3D shapes. Year 4 LI: Good readers understand LI: Good Writers think about the LI: Good mathematicians can the purpose and audience of words they use in a poem. solve a problem by making sense poetry and how it can affect SC: I can use descriptive words of the problem and are able to people. and strong verbs to create imagery. think of strategies they can use. SC: I can discuss the intended SC: I can read a worded problem, audience for a piece of poetry. work out what I need to do to solve the problem and solve the problem showing my working out. Year 5 LI: Good readers can identify LI: Good writers understand the LI: Good Mathematicians can hidden messages in poetry. structure of a cinquain poem create a class timetable and SC: I can read the poem SC: I can identify the 2,4,6,8,2 calculate how much time we carefully and solve the structure of a cinquain poem and spend on each curriculum area. mystery of the girls’ name. use this structure to create a SC: I can correctly identify how cinquain poem. much time we spend in each curriculum area in a week. I can correctly identify how much time we spend in the yard each week. I can provide plausible suggestions about why there are differences. Year 6 LI: Good readers are able to LI: Good writers plan, draft, revise, LI: Good mathematicians can identify key topics and edit and publish informative texts. multiply numbers by 2 digits supporting details. SC: I can use compound and SC: I can follow the grid rule to SC: I can use two column complex sentences to compare and complete the equation. notes to organise topics and contrast SC: I can use commas to details. separate clauses in compound and complex sentences
BOOK CLUB: Book club orders were sent home this week. Please return all orders with payment by this Friday 23rd November. For your information, parents can order and pay for their book club orders online. Refer to your book club order form for more details. SCHOOL BANKING IS EVERY THURSDAY AT MELTON SOUTH PRIMARY SCHOOL THURSDAY 13TH DECEMBER LAST DAY FOR SCHOOL BANKING FOR 2018 A message from your School Banking Co-ordinator If your child has collected 10 Dollarmites tokens and would like to redeem them for a School Banking reward item this term, please fill in your child’s redemption slip and bring it along to one of our School Banking days before 30 November 2018. This will ensure the reward item will arrive before the school holidays. Our final School Banking day for 2018 is Thursday 13th December. Any Dollarmites tokens that are not redeemed this year can be used in 2019. Bookings are open for the upcoming Blood Service visit to Melton from Monday 17 to Friday 21 December, 2018 Before giving blood: Drink up - in the 24hrs before donation, especially in warm weather, and have at least 3 good sized glasses of water/ juice in the 3 hours prior to your visit. Eat up - make sure you eat something in the 3 hours before donating. Bring ID - please bring at least one form of photo identification.
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