Communities for Children FP - Bankstown, NSW Projects Overview 2020 2021 - The Smith Family

Page created by Tyrone Silva
Communities for Children FP - Bankstown, NSW Projects Overview 2020 2021 - The Smith Family
Communities for Children FP
Bankstown, NSW
Projects Overview 2020 - 2021

Bankstown – the community of choice where families are supported in
raising happy, healthy resilient children with promising futures.
                                                    Communities for Children Facilitating
Priority areas                                      Partner (CfC FP) is a place based
 Bankstown’s children will have improved           initiative which aims to develop and
  early childhood development and improved          facilitate a whole of community
  outcomes in primary years through better
  access to quality learning and care.
                                                    approach to support and enhance early
                                                    childhood development and wellbeing
 Bankstown parents, including young
  parents, will have enhanced knowledge and         for children from birth to 12 years, and
  skills and increased capacity to support their    their families.
  family leading to the provision of more stable
  home environments.                                Bankstown Communities for Children site commenced in
                                                    2012 and supports the Bankstown local government area
 Bankstown families will have increased            (pre-amalgamation boundaries) located in south-western
   parenting knowledge, understanding and life      Sydney. Bankstown has a population of nearly 200,000
   skills leading to improved family functioning,   people and is one of Australia’s most culturally diverse
   safety, health and wellbeing.                    communities; 55% of residents speak a language other than
                                                    English at home and 11% of the community has indicated
 Enhanced sector capacity, cross sector            that they do not speak English well. The children and
   collaboration and sector coordination            families of Bankstown are supported by over 40 public
   leading to increased levels of access and        primary and infants’ schools, and over 100 community
   engagement for families, their children and      organisations and agencies. It is the aim of Bankstown
   the community.                                   Communities for Children Facilitating Partner that these
                                                    institutions and organisations work together to support a
                                                    thriving Bankstown community.
                                                                                               Continued …

Communities for Children FP - Bankstown, NSW Projects Overview 2020 2021 - The Smith Family
Communities for Children FP
Bankstown, NSW
Projects Overview 2020-2021

Bankstown Families Connect is an after school                A whole of family culturally embedded education and
activity project for the whole family delivered three        support program targeting Aboriginal and/or Torres
afternoons a week from 4:00pm – 6:00pm. This                 Strait Islander children aged 0 – 12 years and their
project supports child and family development and            families, providing three distinct activities:
strengthens and improves community cohesion,                 1. Cultural development excursions and activities
enhancing family support networks.                                delivered separately for pre-school aged
                                                                  children and primary aged children.
Tuesday: Children aged 0 – 4 years access early
learning and care activities, children aged 4 – 7 years      2. Weekly homework help and tutoring support
participate in early literacy and reading activities,             program for primary aged children.
children aged 8 – 12 years participate in homework           3. A transition to high school program for Stage 3
help and tutoring activities, while parents/carers                students.
participate in evidence based parenting programs.            Each      activity utilises     culturally embedded
After the service, all families enjoy a communal meal.       approaches to engagement and learning, and
                                                             provides a Family Support Worker to ensure family
Thursday: Children aged 0 – 4 years access early             functioning and wellbeing is supported.
learning and care activities, children aged 4 – 7 years      Community Partner: Bankstown Community
and 8 – 12 years participate in age appropriate gross        Resource Group (BCRG)
motor and physical wellbeing activities, while
                                                             Service delivery area: Services are clustered in
parents/carers participate in healthy living and
                                                             three central locations in the Revesby, Chester Hill
exercise activities. After the service, all families enjoy
                                                             and Villawood East areas
a communal meal.
                                                             Eligibility: Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
Friday: Families attend an excursion to a local family       children aged 0 – 12 years and their families.
friendly activity, such as bowling, rock climbing,           Contact:        Julie    Bertram,        9796   2931,
orienteering or a child adventure centre.          
Community Partner: PCYC Bankstown
                                                             THE RESPECT PROJECT
Service delivery location: PCYC Bankstown and
other excursion destinations                                 This project has recently been approved as an
                                                             Evidence Based program. The Respect Project
Eligibility: Children aged 0 – 12 years and their            provides a 10 week school-based arts program for
families                                                     boys in Year 5 to promote respectful attitudes and
Contact: Bilal El-Hayek, 9796 1287, 0475 820 987,            behaviors towards girls and women. The boys                                      explore issues around gender and respectful
                                                             relationships with a men’s behaviour change
                                                             specialist and subsequently develop and produce a
                                                             video or performance exploring their views on
                                                             gender and respect. The project encourages boys to
                                                             challenge negative stereotypes and to take on
                                                             leadership roles in promoting respectful relationships
                                                             in their school community.
                                                             Each school is invited to perform at mid or end of
                                                             year White Ribbon events in the local community.
                                                             The activity will be delivered in 8 schools per year.
                                                             Community Partner: Outloud (formerly Bankstown
                                                             Youth Development Service (BYDS)
                                                             Service delivery area: Bankstown LGA (pre-
                                                             amalgamation boundaries) primary schools.
                                                             Eligibility: Boys in Year 5 and attending participating
                                                             Contact: If your school is interested, contact Craig
                                                             Taunton, 9793 8324,

Communities for Children FP - Bankstown, NSW Projects Overview 2020 2021 - The Smith Family
Communities for Children FP
Bankstown, NSW
Projects Overview 2020-2021

This project delivers whole of school year cohort
(universal) events and activities designed to inform
and motivate Year 5 and 6 children as they transition
to high school. Activities and events may include,
cyber bullying safety sessions, high school
orientation days and ‘Next Step Tours’ of local
businesses, as well as a range of events with
inspirational speakers. A number of targeted            PLAY2LEARN BANKSTOWN
activities and events are delivered to school-          Two-hour weekly universal playgroups are delivered
identified students that may need extra support to      during school terms from 9:15am to 11:15am at
successfully transition. These activities include       Bankstown South Infants School on Wednesdays,
evidence based programs such as DRUMBEAT,               10:00am to 12:00pm at Sefton Community Centre on
Friends for Life and Seasons for Growth.                Thursdays and 9:30am to 11:30am at Georges Hall
Parenting and family support is also provided to        Public School on Fridays to support early childhood
parents/carers of students at both the universal and    development and transition into primary school.
targeted level, with parents/carers having access to    The      playgroups    support     vulnerable    and
a variety of programs including Tuning into             disadvantaged families living in these areas,
Kids/Teens. This support enables families to have a     especially culturally and linguistically diverse
deeper understanding of this key transition point and   families, to engage in their children’s development
the Australian education system, and if required,       through play based activities that can be utilised in
access further support and education to assist their    everyday life. The playgroups also provide on-site
children on their journey to high school.               support from a Speech Pathologist, Occupational
                                                        Therapist and Play Therapist to ensure families have
Community Partner: Woodville Alliance Limited           soft-entry access opportunities to these vital allied
Service delivery locations:                             health services. A Family Support Worker is also
- Bass Hill Public School                               available on-site to provide advice and referral to
- Bankstown Public School                               parents/carers supporting them in parenting skill
- Bankstown West Public School                          development and family wellbeing and resilience.
- Condell Park Public School                            Community Partner: Save the Children Australia
Eligibility: Children in Years 5 and 6 and their        Service delivery locations:
parents/carers                                          Wednesday – Bankstown South Infants School
Contact: Doris Asante, 9724 3807, 0490 047 740,         Thursday – Sefton Community Centre                                Friday – Georges Hall Public School
                                                        Eligibility: Children aged 0 – 5 years and their
                                                        Contact: Tom Waite, 8202 9100, 0428 820 054,

Communities for Children FP - Bankstown, NSW Projects Overview 2020 2021 - The Smith Family
Communities for Children FP
Bankstown, NSW
Projects Overview 2020-2021

READING FOR LIFE                                           Service delivery area: Bankstown area venues
This evidence based program trains and empowers            Eligibility: Children aged 0 – 12 years and their
volunteers, family members and carers to deliver a         families.
15 week program to targeted children in Years 2 to 4       Contact: 9645 3700, Rana Lakmas,
with reading difficulties to support their reading and or Monira,
literacy skills development. Delivered in the home by
parents/carers and in schools by volunteers, children
have demonstrated improved reading accuracy and
comprehension by up to 9 months, along with
improved sight word recognition and phonological
awareness. Training of family members and
volunteers is delivered by an educational
psychologist with ongoing support to ensure
appropriate implementation.
With a goal of delivery to up to eleven schools each
semester, interested schools are invited to contact
Learning Links directly.
Community Partner: Learning Links
Service delivery area: Local primary and infants
schools.                                                   DEADLY ARTS
Eligibility: Children in Years 2 to 4 attending            Deadly Arts aims to close the gap in education for
participating schools.                                     Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children by
                                                           positively impacting school and community
Contact: Michelle Murphy, 8525 8260,
                                                           acceptance and participation, while celebrating
                                                           Indigenous culture through the arts. The program will
                                                           be delivered in three Bankstown schools. Deadly
                                                           Arts has three components:
                                                           1. An in-school arts program for all students in the
                                                                participating school, assisting Aboriginal and
                                                                Torres Strait Islander children to integrate in
                                                                their school environment.
                                                            2. A Creative Community Project involving
                                                                parents, students and the school sharing their
                                                                skills, resources and cultural knowledge
                                                                through participation in a collaborate creative
                                                                arts activity.
PARENTS AS CONFIDENT COMMUNITY                              3. A capacity building workshop for teachers and
MEMBERS                                                         leaders in participating schools to increase
                                                                confidence through knowledge of resources
This project aims to increase parents/carers knowledge
and confidence in parenting, relationships and life, and
                                                                and networks for continued arts engagement.
also provides the opportunity for parents/carers to        Community Partner: The Song Room
practice newly acquired strategies during school           Service delivery area: Bankstown LGA (pre-
holiday activities. This project is further described      amalgamation boundaries) primary schools
- Information and skill development sessions: Six
    weekly sessions with topics covered including
                                                           - In-school program: Children aged 5 - 12 years
    nutrition,    family     relationships,    financial      attending participating schools.
    management, and early childhood development.           - Capacity-building program: Teachers at local
- School holiday activities: Six family activities            participating schools.
    provided in each school holiday period.                Contact: Jude Powell Thomas, 0405 150 090,
Community Partner: Chester Hill Neighbourhood    

Communities for Children FP - Bankstown, NSW Projects Overview 2020 2021 - The Smith Family
Communities for Children FP
Bankstown, NSW
Projects Overview 2020-2021

STRONGER CONNECTIONS: FAMILIES,                            The project will be delivered through a number of
CHILDREN AND COMMUNITIES                                   components:
This whole of family project has multiple objectives.      - Parent information sessions: Topics such as
For children aged 0 – 5 years participating in a              parenting and nutrition
weekly supported playgroup, the primary aim is to          - Family excursions: Sporting, cultural, arts,
improve early childhood development outcomes,                 education and other recreational activities each
ensuring that children are school ready. For                  school holidays (excluding summer)
parents/carers attending the playgroup and                 - Tutoring: Twice weekly literacy and mathematics
participating in parenting and life skills sessions, the      tutoring in school terms.
project aims to increase personal growth,
understanding of child development, and confidence         - Sport: Tennis lessons in school terms
in parenting capacity leading to improved family           - Performing arts lessons: Guitar and dance
functioning and wellbeing. Parents/carers and their           lessons in school terms.
children also have access to further social support        Community Partner: Vietnamese Australian
networks through participation in school holiday           Welfare Association of NSW (VAWA)
                                                           Service delivery area: VAWA and other sites in the
Project activities include:                                Bankstown LGA (pre-amalgamation boundaries)
- Weekly 3-hour supported playgroup held at
                                                           Eligibility: Children aged 0 – 12 years and their
    Chester Hill Public School during school terms -
                                                           families from the Vietnamese Australian community
    Wednesdays from 9:30am to 12:30pm.
- Weekly nutritional and health workshops through          Contact: Brandon Pham, 0430 592 998,
    visits to the playgroup from a speech pathologist,
    dietician or fitness instructor.
- Weekly workshops on parenting & child safety
    providing parents with access to evidence based
    programs including Triple P and 123 Magic and
    Emotion Coaching - Thursdays from 9:30am to
- Eight family excursions during summer school
    holidays and two days of vacation care each
    school holiday period.
Community Partner: Arab Council Australia
Service delivery area: Chester Hill Public School
and other sites in Bankstown
Eligibility: Children aged 0 – 12 years and their
Contact: Josette Bechara, 0405 534 305,                    PARENT CHILD MOTHER GOOSE                                 Parent-Child Mother Goose (P-CMG) is an evidence
SAFE HOMES, HAPPY FAMILIES                                 based group programme for parents/ carers and
                                                           babies or young children. It is designed to support
The Safe Homes, Happy Families project is
                                                           the development of secure parent-child attachment,
specifically targeted towards the Vietnamese
                                                           promote     children’s  speech     and    language
Australian community of Bankstown. This whole of
                                                           development and enhance families’ community
family project aims to increase parenting knowledge
                                                           inclusion through the pleasure and power of using
for parents/carers and increase the levels of self-
                                                           rhymes, songs, and stories together.
esteem, competence and confidence for children
through participation in academic and other extra-         While the P-CMG programme benefits all families, it
curricular activities. Families will also be provided      prioritizes families at risk for example teenage
with greater opportunities for networking and              parents, isolated newcomers with little English,
developing enhanced family relationships and               Indigenous families in isolated communities, families
wellbeing.                                                 who may suffer abuse, addiction, poverty or post-

Communities for Children FP - Bankstown, NSW Projects Overview 2020 2021 - The Smith Family
Communities for Children FP
Bankstown, NSW
Projects Overview 2020-2021

natal depression as well as families whose children
have special needs.
                                                         THE UNITY PROJECT
Parents/ carers participating in P-CMG gain skills
and confidence that help to create positive family       A report by Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
patterns.                                                in 2018 research into young people’s thoughts
                                                         around violence reveal that:
The programme runs for 8-10 weeks during each            - 1 in 4 young people think it’s pretty normal for
school term, and participants are encouraged to               guys to pressure girls into sex.
remain with the group for a full year to gain maximum    - 1 in 3 young people don’t think controlling
benefit.                                                      someone is a form of violence.
Community Partner: Creating Links (NSW) Ltd              - 1 in 4 young people don’t think it’s serious when
Service delivery area: Bankstown LGA (pre-                    guys insult or verbally harass girls in the street.
amalgamation boundaries)                                 The funding provided for this project will go towards
Eligibility: Parents/ carers and their children aged 0   the design and development of the Unity program
- 5 years, with priority given to those not currently    for primary school girls (under 12 years).
attending a pre-school program                           The funding will enable the development a music-
Contact: Ebony Blewitt, 8713 7700,                       mentoring program for primary aged girls that will                              teach the children singing and song writing through
                                                         the lens of talking about what makes up healthy
THE WELLBEING HUB                                        relationships, communities and societies. The
The Wellbeing Hub aims to strengthen and empower         program will help critically deconstruct negative
refugee parents to determine their own settlement        messages that the girls may be receiving about
and social connection needs while supporting their       themselves, and then to create songs about what
children and families to make a smooth transition to     they think regarding these topics and how they want
school. The Wellbeing Hub seeks to achieve this          the world to be.
through delivering 3 activities:                         Community Partner: Outloud (formerly Bankstown
- Community Voice is a combination of                    Youth Development Service (BYDS)
     consultation and capacity building, providing       Service delivery area: Bankstown LGA (pre-
     parents/ carers with opportunities to determine     amalgamation boundaries) primary schools
     their own settlement and social connection
                                                         Eligibility: Girls under 12 years in participating
- The Learning Club supports children’s school
     transition and engagement, as well as               Contact: Finn O'Branagáin,
     meaningful social connections with peers and
     community members.
- Rhythm2Recovery             Drumming      Program
     strengthens children’s self-esteem, confidence         Contact Us
     and resilience.                                        Aditi Dahal
Community Partner: NSW Service for the                      Project Officer
Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma          E:
Survivors (STARTTS)                                         T: 02 8935 6853 M: 0407 263 975
Service delivery area: The Bankstown LGA (pre-              Jackie Davis
amalgamation boundaries).                                   Project Officer
Eligibility: Children aged 8 – 12 years and their           E:
families from refugee or refugee-like experience            T: 02 8935 6850 M: 0418 233 937
Contact: Maria Ha,               Geoff Hazell
                                                            Project Manager
                                                            T: 02 8935 6851 M: 0404 029 097
                                                            Bankstown Communities for Children Facilitating Partner is
                                                             funded by the Australian Government and facilitated in
                                                                        Bankstown by The Smith Family.

Communities for Children FP - Bankstown, NSW Projects Overview 2020 2021 - The Smith Family Communities for Children FP - Bankstown, NSW Projects Overview 2020 2021 - The Smith Family Communities for Children FP - Bankstown, NSW Projects Overview 2020 2021 - The Smith Family Communities for Children FP - Bankstown, NSW Projects Overview 2020 2021 - The Smith Family
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