Fourth Sunday of Advent December 19, 2021 -

Fourth Sunday of Advent December 19, 2021 -
Fourth Sunday of Advent
December 19, 2021
O Lord of hosts, look down from heaven and see;
take care of this vine,and protect what your right hand
      has planted. — Psalm 80:15–16
Fourth Sunday of Advent December 19, 2021 -
A Message from Father Ethan
                                         In Filipino cuisine, there is a dessert called Halo-halo which means “mix-mix” in Tagalog. While there are many possible varia ons, this layered dessert essen ally
                                         consists of shaved ice, evaporated milk, ube ice cream, and a variety of mix-ins such as sweetened red beans and white beans, coconut akes, gela ns, fresh fruits,
                                         and an. The result of this “mix-mix” is one that features many contras ng textures, from chewy to crunchy, creamy to s cky as well as many di erent avors, all
                                         rolled into one! I love this dessert because it is truly an adventure – an adventured best enjoyed with a long-handled spoon, so we can be sure to reach everything
                                         and to keep mixing and swirling!!

                                         Halo-halo reminds me of our humanity and our life here in the parish as the family of God. We are o en a “mix-mix”. Last week, on December 12th, we as a parish
                                         celebrated the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Our Blessed Mother Mary, in this appari on and under this tle, appears to us as a mes za woman, or someone
                                         with a combined European and Indigenous American ancestry. Pope Francis recently commented on this feature of the appari on by sta ng that “she wanted to be
                                         seen as a mes za, a mixed race not only with Juan Diego or with the people. She became mixed to show she’s the mother of everyone. She was mixed with
                                         humanity. Why? Because she was mixed with God. That is the great mystery. Mother Mary mixed with God, true God and true man, her Son.”

                                         Our celebra on at the parish was most de nitely a “mix-mix”, one that Mother Mary must have certainly enjoyed!! A er the 9am Mass, we were led to the plaza by
                                         a mix of 120 dancers, young and old, and of all cultures to con nue the celebra on! The plaza was lled with a mix of parishioners eager to watch the dancers and
                                         to listen to the music. Soon the dances gave way to a Living Rosary as our Family Faith Forma on truly lived this liturgical experience. The celebra on con nued on
                                         through the 11am Mass, coming to a beau ful culmina on at the 1pm Mass which featured mariachis and a beau ful presenta on of owers to our Blessed Mother
                                         Mary. Hot chocolate, fresh avored waters, sweet bread, and tamales o ered                 refreshment and a joyful treat throughout the whole day!

                                         As I write this message, I am looking
                                         forward to our con nued celebra ons
                                         at the parish, including our School and                                                                                                                                                                                  En la cocina lipina, hay un postre llamado Halo-halo que signi ca
                                         Parish Christmas concerts, Night of                                                                                                                                                                                      "mezcla-mezcla" en tagalo. Si bien hay muchas variaciones posibles,
                                         Bethlehem, Simbang Gabi, and of course                                                                                                                                                                                    este postre en capas consiste esencialmente en hielo raspado, leche
                                         our Christmas Masses!! These are all a                                                                                                                                                                                    evaporada, helado de ube [ñame morado] y una variedad de mezclas,
                                         “mix-mix” as our parish recognizes and                                                                                                                                                                                     como frijoles rojos y frijoles blancos azucarados, hojuelas de coco,
                                         honors our di erent cultural expressions                                                                                                                                                                                    gela nas, frutas frescas y an. El resultado de esta "mezcla-mezcla" es
                                         of celebra ng the life of Christ by coming                                                                                                                                                                                  una que presenta muchas texturas contrastantes, desde chiclosas a
                                         together as the family of God. We can be                                                                                                                                                                                     crujientes, cremosas a pegajosas, así como muchos sabores
                                         sure that Mother Mary, who during this                                                                                                                                                                                        diferentes, ¡todo en uno! Me encanta este postre porque es
                                         season of Advent we recognize as being                                                                                                                                                                                        verdaderamente una aventura: ¡una aventurera que se disfruta
                                         pregnant with God, is with us through all of                                                                                                                                                                                   mejor con una cuchara de mango largo, para que podamos estar
                                         these celebra ons as the mother of                                                                                                                                                                                              seguros de alcanzar todo y seguir mezclando y girando!
                                         everyone. As Pope Francis commented, “she
                                         was mixed with humanity.” This is only                                                                                                                                                                          Halo-halo me recuerda nuestra humanidad y nuestra vida aquí en
                                         possible however, “because she was mixed                                                                                                                                                                         la parroquia como la familia de Dios. A menudo somos una
                                         with God. That is the great mystery. Mother                                                                                                                                                                      "mezcla-mezcla". La semana pasada, el 12 de diciembre,
                                         Mary mixed with God, true God and true man,                                                                                                                                                                     nosotros como parroquia celebramos la Fiesta de Nuestra Señora
                                         her Son.” Mother Mary is a “mix-mix”, a mix of                                                                                                                                                        de Guadalupe. Nuestra San sima Madre María, en esta aparición y bajo
                                         humanity with God.                                                                                                                                                                  este tulo, se nos aparece como una mujer mes za, o alguien con una combinación de
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ascendencia europea e indígena americana. El Papa Francisco comentó recientemente sobre esta
                                         I must admit that when I rst heard of Halo-halo, I was a                                                                                                                  caracterís ca de la aparición al a rmar que “ella quería ser vista como una mes za, una raza mezclada
                                         bit taken aback. I am not usually one to mix my food, let                                                                                                                 no solo con el Juan Dieguito, con el pueblo. Se mes zó para ser madre de todos, se mes zó con la
                                         alone to try ea ng ice cream with beans!! In my mind,                                                                                                                     humanidad. ¿Por qué? Porque ella mes zó a Dios. Y ese es el gran misterio: María madre mes za a
                                         they just DON’T go together and shouldn’t go                                                                                                                              Dios, verdadero Dios y verdadero hombre en su Hijo”.
                                         together!!! I was apprehensive and put-o when I rst
                                         tried it, sure in my mind that I wouldn’t like it. But
                                         something happened. I did like it. Not right away, it did                                                                                                                 ¡Nuestra celebración en la parroquia fue de ni vamente una "mezcla-mezcla", una que la Madre
                                         take some me. I became intrigued and it was a like                                                                                                                        María ciertamente debe haber disfrutado! Después de la Misa de las 9 a.m., fuimos llevados a la plaza
                                         that grew and con nues to grow. St. Joseph must have                                                                                                                      por una mezcla de 120 bailarines, jóvenes y mayores, y de todas las culturas para con nuar la
                                         been the same way with the “mix-mix” that is Mary. He                                                                                                                     celebración. La plaza se llenó de una mezcla de feligreses ansiosos por ver a los bailarines y escuchar la
                                         was confused at the news of the Incarna on and ready                                                                                                                      música. Pronto los bailes dieron paso a un Rosario Viviente cuando nuestra Formación en la Fe Familiar
                                         to leave, probably guring that he wasn’t needed. He                                                                                                                       realmente vivió esta experiencia litúrgica. La celebración con nuó durante la Misa de las 11 a.m.,
                                         grew though in his understanding and apprecia on of                                                                                                                       llegando a una hermosa culminación en la Misa de la 1:00 p.m. que contó con mariachis y una
                                         this “mix-mix” that God was bringing into his life                                                                                                                        hermosa presentación de ores a nuestra San sima Madre María. ¡El chocolate caliente, las aguas
                                         through Jesus and Mary.                                                                                                                                                   frescas con sabor, el pan dulce y los tamales ofrecieron un refrigerio y un gozo durante todo el día!

                                         We too con nue to grow in our understanding and                                                                                                                           Mientras escribo este mensaje, estoy esperando nuestras celebraciones con nuas venideras en la
                                         apprecia on of the “mix-mix” that is the life of God.                                                                                                                     parroquia, incluyendo los conciertos de Navidad de la escuela y la parroquia, la Noche de Belén,
                                         Some mes we may feel confused and apprehensive and                                                                                                                        Simbang Gabi y, por supuesto, nuestras Misas de Navidad. Todas estas son una "mezcla-mezcla" ya que
                                         maybe even put-o by all of the mixing that we may                                                                                                                         nuestra parroquia reconoce y honra nuestras diferentes expresiones culturales de celebrar la vida de
                                         experience in our lives and that’s ok. Our Blessed                                                                                                                        Cristo al unirse como la familia de Dios. Podemos estar seguros de que la Madre María, a quien
                                         Mother Mary and Dear St. Joseph are right here with us                                                                                                                    durante este empo de Adviento reconocemos como embarazada de Dios, está con nosotros en todas
                                         on the journey to Bethlehem, helping us enter into the                                                                                                                    estas celebraciones como la madre de todos. Como comentó el Papa Francisco, “se mes zó con la
                                         great mystery of the Incarna on. We become mixed                                                                                                                          humanidad”. Sin embargo, esto solo es posible “Porque ella mes zó a Dios. Y ese es el gran misterio:
                                         with God too. Halo-halo.                                                                                                                                                  María madre mes za a Dios, verdadero Dios y verdadero hombre en su Hijo”. La Madre María es una
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   "mezcla-mezcla", una mezcla de la humanidad con Dios.
                                         In the mix of God’s love with you all,
                                         Father Ethan
Fourth Sunday of Advent December 19, 2021 -
(Con’td) …Un Mensaje de P. Ethan
                                                                                                     St. John Eudes Bereavement
                       Debo admi r que cuando escuché por primera vez sobre Halo-halo,
                       estaba un poco desconcertado. ¡¡No suelo mezclar mi comida, y
                       mucho menos intentar comer helado con frijoles!! En mi mente,          St. John Eudes Bereavement Ministry invites all who have
                       ¡¡¡ellos simplemente NO van juntos y no deberían ir juntos!!! Estaba
                       aprensivo y desanimado cuando lo probé por primera vez, seguro en      suffered the death of a loved one to the 2022 support meetings,
                       mi mente que no me gustaría. Pero sucedió algo. Me gustó. No de        which start Saturday, January 8th at 9am at the Church entrance.
                       inmediato, tomó algo de empo. Me intrigó y fue como que creció y
                       sigue creciendo. San José debe haber sido de la misma manera con
                                                                                              Grief is an ongoing complicated process and this ministry offers
                       el "mezcla-mezcla" que es María. Estaba confundido por la no cia       support for all mourners.
                       de la Encarnación y listo para irse, probablemente pensando que no
                                                                                              For further information, please call
                       era necesario. Sin embargo, creció en su comprensión y aprecio de
                       esta "mezcla-mezcla" que Dios estaba trayendo a su vida a través de    John Chady (818) 456-2116 or Leila Iler (818) 341-2102
                       Jesús y María.

                       Nosotros también con nuamos creciendo en nuestro entendimiento
                       y aprecio de la “mezcla-mezcla” que es la vida de Dios. A veces
                                                                                                                 DID YOU KNOW?
                       podemos sen rnos confusos y
                       aprensivos y tal vez incluso
                                                                                                 Did you know? December 18-19 || Fire safety: Close before you
                       desanimados por toda la
                       mezcla que podemos
                       experimentar en nuestras                                                  If there is a ire in your home, there is a 900-degree difference
                       vidas y eso está bien.                                                    between a closed door and an open one. Fire ighters recommend
                       Nuestra San sima Madre                                                    that you always close doors before you and your children go to
                       María y el Querido San José                                               sleep. Remembering the simple phrase “Close before you doze” can
                       están aquí con nosotros en                                                help prevent toxic gasses and lames from getting in your room,
                       el viaje a Belén,                                                         giving ire ighters more time to rescue you. Closing your children’s
                       ayudándonos a entrar en el                                                doors before bed is a quick, easy step to keep them safe — and
                       gran misterio de la                                                       provides an extra layer of security when coupled with working
                       Encarnación. También nos
                                                                                                 smoke alarms and a family safety plan. For more information, visit
                       mezclamos con Dios. Halo-
                       En la mezcla del amor de
                       Dios con todos ustedes,                                                   Seguridad contra incendios: cierre las puertas antes de irse a
                       Padre Ethan                                                               Si hay un incendio en su casa, hay una diferencia de 900 grados
                                                                                                 entre una puerta cerrada y una abierta. Los bomberos
                                                                                                 recomiendan que siempre cierre las puertas antes de que usted y
                                                                                                sus hijos se vayan a dormir. Recordar la simple frase “Cierre antes
                                                                                                de irse a dormir” puede ayudar a evitar que los gases t xicos y las
                                                                                                llamas entren en su habitaci n, lo que le da a los bomberos m s
                                                                                                tiempo para rescatarlo. Cerrar las puertas de sus hijos antes de
                                                                                                acostarse es un paso r pido y f cil para mantenerlos seguros, y
                                                                                                proporciona una capa adicional de seguridad cuando se combina
                                                                                                con alarmas de humo que funcionan y un plan de seguridad
                                                                                                familiar. Para obtener m s informaci n en ingl s, visite https://

                                                                                                         BUNDLE SUNDAY [SVDP]
                                                                                                 SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL – BUNDLE SUNDAY

                                                                                                 On January 9th, 2022 our Parish is having a Bundle Sunday for
                                                                                                 the Society of St. Vincent de Paul thrift stores. Please bring your
                                                                                                 useable clothing and useable household items on this day. Their
                                                                                                 truck will be here at our church at the Lassen Parking Lot.
                                                                                                 Please help them in their endless efforts to assist the needy.
                                                                                                 They are in great need of furniture and large appliances. Please
                                                                                                 phone (323) 224-6280 or (800) 974-3571 for free pick up of
                                                                                                 large items.
Fourth Sunday of Advent December 19, 2021 -
Praying for you                                  Readings for the Week
    Mass Intentions for the Week
    December 18 & 19, 2021                                 TODAY’S READINGS
    5pm Vigil -      Robert Pendleton +                    First Reading — From Bethlehem-Ephrathah shall come
                     Alejandrino De Los Santos +           forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel (Micah 5:1-4a).
                     Epifania Moore +                      Psalm — Lord, make us turn to you; let us see your face
                     Maria Victoria Faceora +              and we shall be saved (Psalm 80).
    7:00 am -        Albert J. Verdugo +                   Second Reading — We have been consecrated through the
                     Dr. Robert Chiang                     offering of the body of Christ once for all (Hebrews 10:5-10).
                     Yongshen & Sulian Shen
                                                           Gospel — Blessed are you who believed that what was
    9:00 am -        Amado Dioniosio +
                                                           spoken by the Lord would be ful illed (Luke 1:39-45).
                     Joshua Enzo Arteaga
                     Nick & Maria Cavalluzzi +
                     Luciano Ty Jr. +
    1:00 pm -        Marta Ramos de Nieto                  READINGS FOR THE WEEK
                     Sophia Current                        Monday:    Is 7:10-14; Ps 24:1-6; Lk 1:26-38
                     Miriam Karaoglanian +                 Tuesday:   Sg 2:8-14 or Zep 3:14-18a;
                     Alberto Fernandez +                              Ps 33:2-3, 11-12, 20-21; Lk 1:39-45
    5:00 pm -        Quy Duc Ngo +                         Wednesday: 1 Sm 1:24-28; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Lk 1:46-56
                     Albert J. Verdugo                     Thursday:  Mal 3:1-4, 23-34; Ps 25:4-5ab, 8-10, 14;
                                                                      Lk 1:57-66
    December 20      8:15am Gloria Trinidad +
                                                           Friday:    2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29;
                            Virginia Dickmann +
                                                                      Lk 1:67-79
                            Julie Casta eda
                                                           Saturday:  Vigil: Is 62:1-5; Ps 89:4-5, 16-17, 27, 29;
                            Dominick Cascione +
                     7:00pm Manuela Victoria Galv n +                 Acts 13:16-17, 22-25; Mt 1:1-25 [18-25]
                            Rebecca Carmen Galv n                     Night: Is 9:1-6; Ps 96:1-3, 11-13; Ti 2:11-14;
                            Ricardo & Ofelia Galing +                 Lk 2:1-14
                                                                      Day: Is 52:7-10; Ps 98:1-6; Heb 1:1-6;
    December 21      8:15am Emily Maldonado +                         Jn 1:1-18 [1-5, 9-14]
                             Joseph Hwang                  Sunday:    Sir 3:2-6, 12-14 or 1 Sm 1:20-22, 24-28;
                             Paul John Hwang                          Ps 128:1-5 or Ps 84:2-3, 5-6, 9-10;
                             George Nelson +                          Col 3:12-21 [12-17] or 1 Jn 3:1-2, 21-24;
                     6:30pm Gloria Hughes
                                                                      Lk 2:41-52
                             Ruben Yoingco +

    December 22      8:15am Allan Iler +
                            Dr. Mutong Chiang +            Fourth Sunday of Advent
                            Dr. Chin Ching Chiang +        Pour forth, we beseech you, O Lord,
                            Zong Chin Chiang +             your grace into our hearts,
                     6:30pm Fred & Estrel Cabral           that we, to whom the Incarnation of Christ your Son
                            Rogelio Galera +               was made known by the message of an Angel,
                                                           may by his Passion and Cross
    December 23      8:15 am Alice Joseph +                be brought to the glory of his Resurrection.
                             Estela Nolasco Dos Santos +
                                                           Who lives and reigns with you
                             Suzanne Pacheco
                                                           in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
                             Jose Abelino Ortega
                     6:30pm Alejandrino De Los Santos +
                                                           God, for ever and ever.
                             Noelle Wong
                             Esperanza Torres +            Re lection question:
                             Juan Antonio Cueva Romero +   How can I make known to others the Incarnation of
    December 24      People of the Parish
    December 25      People of the Parish
Fourth Sunday of Advent December 19, 2021 -
Together in Mission Appeal                                               CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE
                                                                                         December 24 [Christmas Eve]
    We are almost reaching our goal!!! We are at 85% and as the                        4:00 p.m. Children’s Mass (English)
    annual campaign draws to a close, please make a special                           6:00 p.m. Misa de Navidad (Espa ol)
    effort to help our struggling parishes and schools in the                         8:00 p.m. Candlelight Mass (English)
    Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Together let’s make a difference                     10:30 p.m. Festival of Lesson and Carols
    for those in need especially after this most challenging year.                    11:00 p.m. Midnight Mass (bilingual)

                                                                                         December 25 [Christmas Day]
                                                                                         9:00 a.m. English (with Drive-In)
                                                                             11:00 a.m. English (with Zoom — Log in: 266 236 8157)
                                                                                                1:00 p.m. Espa ol

                                                                                        December 26 [The Holy Family]
                                                                                           SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE

                                                                                   December 31 [Vigil of Mary Mother of God]
                                                                                               6:30 p.m. BIlingual
                                                                           10:30 p.m. Mass English followed by Adoration until 12:15am

                                                                     St. John Eudes
                                                                     Simbang Gabi

                                                                     December 20
                                                                      @ 7:00pm

                                                               Bishop Alex Aclan
Fourth Sunday of Advent December 19, 2021 -
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Fourth Sunday of Advent December 19, 2021 - Fourth Sunday of Advent December 19, 2021 - Fourth Sunday of Advent December 19, 2021 -
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