Debiased Graph Contrastive Learning
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Debiased Graph Contrastive Learning Jun Xia1, 2, 3 , Lirong Wu2, 3 , Jintao Chen 1 , Ge Wang 2, 3 , Stan Z.Li 2, 3 * 1 Zhejiang University 2 School of Engineering, Westlake University 3 Institute of Advanced Technology, Westlake Institute for Advanced Study {xiajun, wulirong, wangge,}, Abstract arXiv:2110.02027v1 [cs.AI] 5 Oct 2021 Contrastive learning (CL) has emerged as a domi- nant technique for unsupervised representation learning which embeds augmented versions of the anchor close to each other (positive samples) and pushes the embed- dings of other samples (negative samples) apart. As re- vealed in recent works, CL can benefit from hard nega- tive samples (negative samples that are difficult to dis- tinguish from the anchor). However, we observe minor (a) CIFAR-10 (Image) (b) Coauthor-CS (Graph) improvement or even performance drop when we adopt existing hard negative mining techniques in Graph Con- trastive Learning (GCL). We find that many hard nega- Figure 1: Similarity histograms of negative samples. Here tive samples similar to anchor point are false negative similarity refers to cosine similarity between normalized ones (samples from the same class as anchor point) in embeddings of anchor and negative sample. we take CIFAR- GCL, which is different from CL in computer vision 10 and Coauthor-CS as examples. For CIFAR-10, we adopt and will lead to unsatisfactory performance of exist- SimCLR (Chen et al. 2020) framework. For GCL, we adopt ing hard negative mining techniques in GCL. To elimi- nate this bias, we propose Debiased Graph Contrastive GCA (Zhu et al. 2021b). False (True) Negatives refer to sam- Learning (DGCL), a novel and effective method to es- ples that are (or not) from the same class with the anchor. timate the probability whether each negative sample More examples can be found in Figure 3 and the appendix. is true or not. With this probability, we devise two schemes (i.e., DGCL-weight and DGCL-mix) to boost tribute more to CL. For example, HCL (Robinson et al. the performance of GCL. Empirically, DGCL outper- 2021) develops a family of unsupervised sampling methods forms or matches previous unsupervised state-of-the-art for selecting hard negative samples and MoCHi (Kalantidis results on several benchmarks and even exceeds the per- et al. 2020) mixes the hard negative samples to synthesize formance of supervised ones. The code for reproducing more hard negative ones. However, we observe minor im- the results can be found in the supplementary materials. provement or even performance drop when we adopt these negative mining techniques in GCL (the results can be seen Introduction in Table 5). Concurrent to our work, (Zhu et al. 2021a) also observes that existing hard negative mining techniques that Graph representation learning with Graph Neural Networks work well in other domains bring limited benefits to GCL. (GNNs) has became a prominent technique to learn a low- Unfortunately, they don’t provide any solution to tackle this dimensional embedding that preserves structure informa- issue. To explain these phenomena, we first plot the negative tion. However, most existing GNNs are trained in a super- samples distributions over similarity of various datasets in vised manner and it is often resource- and time-intensive Figure 1. Please kindly note that we do not observe signifi- to collect abundant labeled data (Xia et al. 2021). Re- cant changes of negative samples distribution in the training cently, contrastive learning (CL) has demonstrated unprece- process of SimCLR (Chen et al. 2020) on CIFAR-10 and dented unsupervised performance in computer vision (He other image datasets. However, for GCL, the negative sam- et al. 2020; Chen et al. 2020), natural language process- ples distribution is bimodal for a long period and then pro- ing (Gao, Yao, and Chen 2021) and graph representation gressively transit to unimodal distribution. Similar phenom- learning (Velickovic et al. 2019; Hassani and Khasahmadi ena for more datasets can be found in the appendix. These 2020; Zhu et al. 2021b). provide explanations for the poor performance of existing As with metric learning, recent works both theoretically negative mining techniques in GCL. Specifically, they re- and practically validate that hard negative samples con- gard the negative samples that are most similar to anchor * Corresponding author points as hard ones. However, as can be observed in Fig- Preprint. ure 1(b), many “hard” ones are false negative samples in
GCL indeed, which is different from CL in computer vi- has adopted more powerful GNNs as the encoder and de- sion and will undesirably push away the semantically similar coder. Prototypical examples are Graph AutoEncoder and samples. The existence of false negatives is termed as sam- its advanced versions (Kipf and Welling 2016b; Pan et al. pling bias in Debiased Contrastive Learning (DCL) (Chuang 2018), they learn graph embedding utilizing reconstruction et al. 2020). However, as reported in Table 5 and (Zhu et al. loss. However, these generative methods incline to obtain 2021a), DCL brings performance drop for GCL because the less discriminative representation. Another line of works fol- sampling bias is severer in GCL. Now, we are naturally mo- low contrastive paradigm. For example, DGI (Velickovic tivated to ask following question: Can we devise a more suit- et al. 2019) proposes to maximize the mutual information able method to eliminate severer sampling bias for GCL? between graph-level and node-level embeddings. Similarly, To answer this question, we argue that true and false neg- GMI (Peng et al. 2020) adopts two discriminators to directly atives can be distinguished by fitting a two-component (true- measure mutual information between input and representa- false) beta mixture model (BMM) on the similarity. The pos- tions of both nodes and edges. Besides, MVGRL (Hassani terior probabilities under the model can be utilized to weight and Khasahmadi 2020) proposes to learn both node-level the negative samples properly and synthesize more true hard and graph-level representation by performing node diffu- negative samples for performance improvement. We high- sion and contrasting node representation to augmented graph light the following contributions: representation. Different from our work, GraphCL (You et • We demonstrate the difference between GCL and previ- al. 2020) adopts SimCLR framework and define four data ous CL and explain why existing techniques which em- augmentations for graph-level representation learning. More phasize hard negative samples can not work well in GCL. recently, GRACE (Zhu et al. 2020) maximizes the agree- ment of node embeddings across two corrupted views of the • We propose to utilize BMM to estimate the probability graph. Furthermore, GCA (Zhu et al. 2021b) equips GRACE whether each negative sample is true or not. with adaptive data augmentation that preserving intrinsic • With the posterior probabilities under the model, we de- structures and attributes when augmenting graph data. We vise two schemes (i.e., DGCL-weight and DGCL-mix) to recommend readers to refer to a recent review of more rele- boost GCL. vant literature (Wu et al. 2021a). In this paper, we consider • DGCL outperforms or matches the previous unsupervised hard negatives and sampling bias to further boost existing state-of-the-art results on multiple graph benchmarks and GCL frameworks such as GCA and GRACE on node-level even exceeds the performance of supervised ones. representation learning task, which has been seldomly ex- plored in GCL. Related Work Contrastive Learning (CL). CL has achieved immense Methodology success in unsupervised representation learning. Generally, Preliminaries most CL frameworks treat any two samples in the dataset as negative pairs and meanwhile establish positive pairs by Let G = (V, E) be the graph, where V = combing the samples with their perturbation (Wu et al. 2018; {v1 , v2 , · · · , vN } , E ⊆ V × V denote the node set Chen et al. 2020; He et al. 2020). It has been theoretically and edge set respectively. Besides, X ∈ RN ×F and and practically validated that harder negative samples will A ∈ {0, 1}N ×N are the feature matrix and the adjacency boost the performance of CL (Ho and Vasconcelos 2020; matrix respectively. xi ∈ RF is the feature of vi , and Kalantidis et al. 2020; Hu et al. 2020). With this motiva- Aij = 1 iff (vi , vj ) ∈ E. Our objective is to learn a 0 tion, HCL (Robinson et al. 2021) develops a new family of GNN encoder f (X, A) ∈ RN ×F to embed nodes in low unsupervised sampling methods for selecting hard negative dimensional space in absence of label information, i.e. samples. Moreover, MoCHi (Kalantidis et al. 2020) selects F 0 F . These low dimensional representations can be samples which are most similar to anchor points as hard neg- used in downstream tasks, such as node classification. ative ones and then mixes them to synthetize more hard neg- ative samples and Ring (Wu et al. 2021b) introduces a fam- Graph Contrastive Frameworks ily of mutual information estimators that sample negatives We first introduce existing graph contrastive frameworks in a “ring” around each positive. However, as shown in Ta- GCA and GRACE below. Similar to SimCLR (Chen et al. ble 5, these techniques which emphasize hard negative sam- 2020), they sample two augmentation functions t ∼ T and ples don’t work well in GCL. t0 ∼ T , here T is the set of all augmentation functions. Unsupervised Graph Representation Learning. Initially, The augmentations are uniform and adaptive for GRACE vast majority of traditional methods for unsupervised graph and GCA respectively. Then, we can obtain two views for representation learning forces neighboring nodes to have the graph, i.e., Ge1 = t(G) and Ge2 = t0 (G). Given that similar embeddings. For example, DeepWalk (Perozzi, Al- Ge1 = (X e 1 ) and Ge2 = (X f1 , A f2 , A e 2 ), We can then de- Rfou, and Skiena 2014) and node2vec (Grover and Leskovec 2016) regard nodes appearing in the same random walk as note node embeddings in the two views as U = f (X f1 , A e 1) positive samples. However, they have been proved to overly and V = f (X 2 , A2 ). For any node vi , its embedding in f e emphasize on the encoded structural information (Qiu et al. one view v i is regarded as the anchor. The embedding ui in 2018). Recently, with the prosperity of Graph Neural Net- the other view is the positive sample and the embeddings of works (GNNs), unsupervised graph representation learning other nodes in both views are negative samples. Similar to
Data augmentation Positive pairs Negative pairs (intra-view) Negative pairs (inter-view) Anchor (a) Amazon-Photo (b) Coauthor-CS Figure 3: Empirical distribution and estimated GMM and BMM on Amazon-Photo and Coauthor-CS datasets. The BMM fits the distributions better. Here C1 , C2 denote the Figure 2: Overview of the GCL framework in (Zhu et al. estimated distributions of two components respectively. We 2020; 2021b). provide results on more datasets in the appendix. BMM can fit the empirical distribution better than GMM the InfoNCE objective used in computer vision, they define and we provide examples on more datasets in the appendix. the training objective for each positive pair (ui , v i ) as, Also, we compare the performance of DGCL with BMM ` (ui , v i ) = and GMM in Table 4 and find that BMM consistently out- performs GMM. The probability density function (pdf) of eθ(ui ,vi )/τ beta distribution is, log X X , e|θ(u{z i ,v i )/τ }+ eθ(ui ,vk )/τ + eθ(ui ,uk )/τ Γ(α + β) α−1 positive pair k6=i k6=i p(s | α, β) = s (1 − s)β−1 , (3) | {z } | {z } Γ(α)Γ(β) inter-view negative pairs intra-view negative pairs (1) where α, β > 0 are the parameters of beta distribution and where the critic θ(u, v) = s(g(u), g(v)). Here s(·, ·) is the Γ(·) is gamma function. The pdf of beta mixture model of cos similarity and g(·) is linear projection to enhance the ex- C components on s (Min-Max normalized cosine similar- pression power of the critic function (Tschannen et al. 2019; ity between normalized embeddings of anchor and negative Chen et al. 2020). In practice, g is implemented with a sample) can be defined as: two-layer perceptron model. With the symmetry of the two C views, we can then define the overall loss as the average of X p(s) = λc p(s | αc , βc ), (4) all the positive pairs, c=1 N where λc are the mixture coefficients for convex combi- 1 X J =− [` (ui , vi ) + ` (vi , ui )] . (2) nation of each individual beta distribution. Here we can fit 2N i=1 a two-component GMM (i.e., C = 2) to model the distribu- tion of true and false negative samples. We then utilize Ex- pectation Maximization (EM) algorithm to fit BMM to the Debiased Graph Contrastive Learning observed distribution. In the E-step, we fix the parameters of We aim to estimate the probability whether each negative BMM (λc , αc , βc ) and update p(c | s) with Bayes rule, sample is true or not. As can be observed in Figure 3, there λc p (s | αc , βc ) is a significant difference between the false negative and p(c | s) = PC . (5) true negative samples’ distribution in GCL, allowing the two j=1 λj p (s | αj , βj ) types of samples can be distinguished from the similarity distribution. Here we propose to utilize mixture model to es- In practice, fitting BMM with all the similarities will incur timate the probability. high computational cost. Instead, we can fit BMM well by Mixture models are popular unsupervised modeling tech- only sampling M (M N 2 ) similarities for simplification. niques (Lindsay 1995; Everitt 2014), among which Gaussian Larger M bring limited benefits, which we will validate in Mixture Model (GMM) (Ji et al. 2017; Lee et al. 2021) is the appendix. We can then obtain the weighted average s̄c the most popular one. However, as can be observed in Fig- and variance vc2 over M similarities, ure 3, the distribution of false negative samples is skew and PM p(c | si )si thus symmetric Gaussian distribution can not fit this well. s̄c = Pi=1 M , (6) To circumvent this issue, we resort to Beta Mixture Model i=1 p(c | si ) (BMM) (Ji et al. 2005) which is flexible enough to model PM 2 various distributions (symmetric, skewed, arched distribu- p(c | si ) (si − s̄c ) vc2 = i=1PM . (7) tions and so on) over [0, 1]. As can be observed in Figure 3, i=1 p(c | si )
For M-step, the component model parameters αc , βc can be Anchor Hard negative samples Synthetic samples estimated using the method of moments in statistics, s̄c (1 − s̄c ) αc = s̄c −1 , (8) vc2 αc (1 − s̄c ) βc = , (9) s̄c and coefficients λc for mixing can be calculated as, M 1 X λc = p(c | si ), (10) M i=1 (a) MoCHi (b) DGCL-mix The above E and M-steps are iterated until convergence or the maximum of iterations I are reached. In our experiments, Figure 4: Comparison between MoCHi (Kalantidis et al. we set I = 10. Finally, we can obtain the probability of a 2020) and DGCL-mix. Gray dotted lines denote mixing sample being true or false negative with the posterior proba- and the classes are distinguished by the shapes of samples. bility with the similarity si , DGCL-mix synthesizes more true negative samples. p(c)p (si | αc , βc ) p (c | si ) = , (11) weight both inter-view (ui , v k ) and intra-view (ui , uk ) neg- p (si ) ative pair. We can then define the new overall loss as the where c = 0 or c = 1 corresponds to true or false negative average of all the positive pairs, respectively. N 1 X Remark: Computational Overhead Jw = − [`w (ui , v i ) + `w (v i , ui )] (14) 2N i=1 It is noteworthy that the estimation of the posterior proba- bilities introduces light computational overhead. Firstly, we Scheme 2: DGCL-mix only have to fit BMM once during the training process in- stead of once per epoch. Secondly, we can fit BMM well Recently, MoCHi (Kalantidis et al. 2020) proposes hard negative mixing strategies to synthesize more hard nega- with M (M N 2 ) similarities and the time complexity of tive samples. However, as analysed above, many synthe- EM algorithm for fitting in DGCL is O(IM ). I is the the sized samples in GCL are positive samples indeed, which maximum of iterations. Thirdly, we only have to fit BMM will deteriorate the performance. To remedy this deficiency, with similarities from single view because both inter-view we propose DGCL-mix which synthesizes more hard neg- and intra-view include all negative pairs. In our experiments, ative samples considering the probability whether the neg- we only utilize similarities from inter-view to fit BMM. ative samples are true ones or not. The comparison be- tween MoCHi and DGCL-mix can be seen in Figure 4. More Two schemes for boosting GCL specifically, for each anchor point ui , we synthesize m hard negative samples by convex linear combinations of pairs With the posterior probabilities, we devise two schemes to of its “hardest” existing negatives. Here, “hardest” existing boost the performance of existing GCL. We introduce them negatives refers to N 0 samples that are most similar to the in details below. anchor point. Instead of mixing N 0 samples randomly, we mixing them by emphasizing samples that are more likely to Scheme 1: DGCL-weight be true negative. Formally, for each anchor ui , a synthetic As revealed above, GCL suffers from severe sampling bias point ũk (k ∈ [1, m]) would be given by, which will undermine the performance. To tackle this prob- ũk = αk v p + (1 − αk ) v q , (15) lem, we propose to allocate more weights for the samples 0 where v p , v q are selected from N “hardest” existing negatives and that are more likely to be true negative ones, αk can be calculated as, `w (ui , v i ) = p (0 | sip ) αk = , (16) θ (ui ,v i ) p (0 | sip ) + p (0 | siq ) e τ log θ (ui ,v i ) X θ (ui ,v k ) X θ (ui ,uk ) , we can then define the training objective for each positive pair e| {zτ } + w(i, k)e τ + w(i, k)e τ (ui , v i ) with the synthetic negatives, positive pair k6=i k6=i `m (ui , v i ) = | {z } | {z } inter-view negative pairs intra-view negative pairs θ (ui ,v i ) (12) e τ log m . p (0 | sik ) θ (ui ,v i ) X θ (ui ,v k ) X θ (ui ,uk ) X θ (ui ,ũk ) w(i, k) = 1 P , (13) e| {zτ }+ e τ + e τ + e τ N −1 j6=i p (0 | sij ) positive pair k6=i k6=i k=1 | {z } | {z } | {z } where sik is the similarity between anchor ui and its inter- inter-view negative pairs intra-view negative pairs synthetic negative pairs view negative sample v k . Note w(i, k) can be utilized to (17)
Note that we synthesize new samples only with inter-view inductive tasks. For transductive tasks, we adopt GCA and hard negatives. Although synthesizing more samples with report the test accuracy. intra-view hard negatives may help, we validate the im- Transductive learning. We adopt a two-layer GCN (Kipf provement is limited while introducing unnecessary compu- and Welling 2016a) as the encoder for transductive learning tational overhead in the appendix. Finally, we can define the following previous works (Velickovic et al. 2019; Zhu et al. new overall loss, 2020). We can describe the architecture of the encoder as, N −1 −1 1 X GCi (X, A) = σ D̂ 2 ÂD̂ 2 XWi , Jm = − [`m (ui , v i ) + `m (v i , ui )] . (18) (19) 2N i=1 f (X, A) = GC2 (GC1 (X, A), A) , The training algorithms of both DGCL-weight and where  = A + I is the adjacency matrix with self-loops DGCL-mix for transductive tasks are summarized in Algo- and D̂ = P i Âi is the degree matrix, σ(·) is a nonlinear rithm 1. The algorithm for inductive tasks can be found in activation function. Wi is the learnable weight matrix. the appendix for the limited space. We consider our DGCL with multiple baselines includ- ing traditional methods DeepWalk (Perozzi, Al-Rfou, and Algorithm 1 DGCL-weight & DGCL-mix (Transductive) Skiena 2014) and node2vec (Grover and Leskovec 2016). Input: T , G, f, g, N, normalized cosine similarity s, Besides, we also consider other deep learning based meth- epoch for fitting BMM E, mode (‘weight’ or ‘mix’). ods including Graph AutoEncoders (GAE, VGAE) (Kipf for epoch = 0, 1, 2, ... do and Welling 2016b), Deep Graph Infomax (DGI) (Velick- Draw two augmentation functions t ∼ T , t0 ∼ T ovic et al. 2019), Graphical Mutual Information Maximiza- Ge1 = t(G), Ge2 = t0 (G); . Augmentation. tion (GMI) (Peng et al. 2020), Multi-View Graph Represen- tation Learning (MVGRL) (Hassani and Khasahmadi 2020), U = f (G1 ), V = f (G2 ); e e . Embedding. negative-sample-free method (BGRL) (Thakoor et al. 2021) for ui ∈ U and v i ∈ V do and GCL with adaptive augmentations (GCA) (Zhu et al. sij = s(g(ui ), g(v i )) . Similarity. 2021b). We report the best performance of three variants of if epoch = E then . Fitting BMM. GCA. We also compare DGCL with supervised counterparts Compute p (0 | sij ) with Eq. (4) to Eq. (11). including two representative models Graph Convolutional end if Networks (GCN) (Kipf and Welling 2016a) and Graph At- end for tention Networks (GAT) (Veličković et al. 2017). if epoch ≥ E then Inductive learning on large graphs. Considering the if mode = ‘weight’ then . DGCL-weight large scale of some graph datasets, we adopt a three-layer Compute Jw with Eq. (12) to Eq. (14). GraphSAGE-GCN (Hamilton, Ying, and Leskovec 2017) Update the parameters of f, g with Jw . with residual connections (He et al. 2016) as the encoder end if following DGI (Velickovic et al. 2019) and GRACE (Zhu et if mode = ‘mix’ then . DGCL-mix al. 2020). The architecture of the encoder can be formulated Compute Jm with Eq. (15) to Eq. (18). as, Update the parameters of f, g with Jm . d i (X, A) = σ D̂ −1 ÂX; X W i , h i end if MP else . GCL Compute J with Eq. (1) to Eq. (2). f (X, A) = MPd 3 MP d 2 MP d 1 (X, A), A , A . Update the parameters of f, g with J . (20) end if It is infeasible to fit the data into GPU memory en- end for tirely. Instead, we adopt the subsampling strategy in Graph- Output: f, g. SAGE (Hamilton, Ying, and Leskovec 2017) where we first select a minibatch of nodes and then a subgraph centered around each selected node is obtained by sampling node Experiments neighbors with replacement. More specifically, we sample 10, 10 and 25 neighbors at the first, second and third level re- In this section, we empirically assess the quality of produced spectively as DGI. The batchsize of our experiments is 256. node representations on transductive and inductive node Different from transductive setting, we estimate the poste- classification tasks using six public benchmark datasets. rior with pairwise similarities among each minibatch instead of total training set. We set traditional methods DeepWalk Experimental Setup & Baselines and deep learning based methods unsupervised GraphSAGE Following previous works (Velickovic et al. 2019; Zhu et (Unsup-GraphSAGE), DGI and GMI as baselines. To com- al. 2020), we first train the model in an unsupervised man- pare DGCL with supervised counterparts, we report the per- ner. Then, the resulting embeddings are utilized to train and formance of two representative supervised methods Fast- test a simple `2 -regularized logistic classifier. We train the GCN (Chen, Ma, and Xiao 2018) and GraphSAGE. More classifier for 20 runs. Besides, we adopt GRACE framework details including hyper-parameters selection can be seen in and measure performance using micro-averaged F1-score on the appendix.
Table 1: Statistics of datasets used in experiments. Dataset Task Nodes Edges Features Classes Amazon-Photo Transductive 7,650 119,081 745 8 Amazon-Computers Transductive 13,752 245,861 767 10 Coauthor-CS Transductive 18,333 81,894 6,805 15 Wiki-CS Transductive 11,701 216,123 300 10 Flickr Inductive 89,250 899,756 500 7 Reddit Inductive 231,443 11,606,919 602 41 Table 2: Summary of the accuracies (± std) on transductive node classification. The ‘Available Data’ refers to data we can obtain for training, where X, A and Y denotes feature matrix, adjacency matrix and label matrix respectively. ‘OOM’: out of memory on a 32GB V100 GPU. We highlight the performance of DGCL with gray background. The highest performance of unsupervised models is highlighted in boldface; the highest performance of supervised models is underlined. Method Available Data Amazon-Photo Amazon-Computers Coauthor-CS Wiki-CS Raw features X 78.53 ± 0.00 73.81 ± 0.00 90.37 ± 0.00 71.98 ± 0.00 node2vec A 89.67 ± 0.12 84.39 ± 0.08 85.08 ± 0.03 71.79 ± 0.05 DeepWalk A 89.44 ± 0.11 85.68 ± 0.06 84.61 ± 0.22 74.35 ± 0.06 DeepWalk + features X, A 90.05 ± 0.08 86.28 ± 0.07 87.70 ± 0.04 77.21 ± 0.03 GAE X, A 91.62 ± 0.13 85.27 ± 0.19 90.01 ± 0.17 70.15 ± 0.01 VGAE X, A 92.20 ± 0.11 86.37 ± 0.21 92.11 ± 0.09 75.35 ± 0.14 DGI X, A 91.61 ± 0.22 83.95 ± 0.47 92.15 ± 0.63 75.35 ± 0.14 GMI X, A 90.68 ± 0.17 82.21 ± 0.31 OOM 74.85 ± 0.08 BGRL X, A 92.58 ± 0.07 87.65 ± 0.10 92.72 ± 0.03 78.35± 0.05 MVGRL X, A 91.74 ± 0.01 87.52 ± 0.11 92.11 ± 0.12 77.52 ± 0.08 GCA X, A 92.45 ± 0.11 87.60 ± 0.20 92.44 ± 0.11 78.03± 0.03 DGCL-weight X, A 93.27 ± 0.11 89.14 ± 0.06 93.43 ± 0.03 78.26 ± 0.01 DGCL-mix X, A 93.41 ± 0.04 89.33 ± 0.02 93.45 ± 0.01 78.08 ± 0.04 GCN X, A, Y 92.42 ± 0.22 86.51 ± 0.54 93.03 ± 0.31 77.19 ± 0.12 GAT X, A, Y 92.56 ± 0.35 86.93 ± 0.29 92.31 ± 0.24 77.65 ± 0.11 Datasets Table 3: Summary of the micro-averaged F1 scores (± std) We conduct experiments on six widely-used datasets, on inductive node classification. including Amazon-Photo, Amazon-Computers, Wiki-CS, Method Available Data Flickr Reddit Coauthor-CS, Reddit and Flickr. Further information on the Raw features X 20.3 58.5 datasets can be found in Table 1. To keep fair, for trans- DeepWalk A 27.9 32.4 ductive tasks, we split Amazon-Photo, Amazon-Computers, Wiki-CS and Coauthor-CS for the training, validation and Unsup-GraphSAGE X, A 36.5 90.8 testing following (Zhu et al. 2021b; Mernyei and Cangea DGI X, A 42.9±0.1 94.0±0.1 GRACE X, A 48.0 ±0.1 94.2±0.0 2020). For inductive task, we split Reddit and Flickr follow- GMI X, A 44.5±0.2 94.8±0.0 ing (Velickovic et al. 2019; Zeng et al. 2019). DGCL-weight X, A 49.4 ± 0.4 95.0 ± 0.1 DGCL-mix X, A 49.6 ± 0.1 95.3 ± 0.0 Experimental Results FastGCN X, A, Y 48.1±0.5 89.5±1.2 For transductive classification, as can be observed in Table 2, GraphSAGE X, A, Y 50.1±1.3 92.1±1.1 DGCL consistently performs better than previous unsuper- vised baselines or even the supervised baselines, which vali- dates the superiority of our DGCL. We provide more obser- vations as following. Firstly, traditional methods node2vec our DGCL emphasize the hard negatives or remove sam- and DeepWalk only using adjacency matrix outperform the pling bias, which lifts the representation quality. Secondly, simple logistic regression classifier that only uses raw fea- DGCL-mix performs better than DGCL-weight in general tures (“Raw features”) on some datasets (Amazon datasets). because the former considers both hard negatives and re- However, the latter can perform better on Coauthor-CS moving sampling bias simultaneously while DGCL-weight and Wiki-CS. Combing the both (“DeepWalk + features”) only removes sampling bias. For inductive tasks, DGCL also can bring significant improvements. Compared with GCA, obtain competitive performance over other baselines.
Ablation Study In this section, we replace or remove various parts of DGCL to study the impact of each component. Table 4: Comparison between BMM and GMM. (a) Raw features (b) GCA (c) DGCL Datasets Amazon-Photo Amazon-Computers Coauthor-CS Scheme weight mix weight mix weight mix Figure 6: t-SNE embeddings of 2800 nodes randomly se- GMM 92.68 92.89 88.12 89.17 92.88 92.97 lected from Amazon-Photo dataset. Figure 6(a), Figure 6(b) BMM 93.27 93.41 89.14 89.33 93.43 93.45 and Figure 6(c) denote raw features, representations learned by GCA model and DGCL respectively. We provide more BMM vs. GMM. We replace BMM in our DGCL with visualizations in the appendix. GMM and report the performance in Table 4. As can be observed, DGCL equipped with BMM consistently outper- forms GMM in both weight and mix schemes. The reason bring minor improvement over random p while the estimated is that BMM can fit the negative samples distribution better posterior p by BMM is the best among three choices. than GMM, which has been shown in Figure 3. Hyperparameters Sensitivity Analysis Table 5: Comparison between DGCL, DCL, HCL, Ring and MoCHi. Here DGCL refers to DGCL-mix. “↑” and “↓” refer m to performance improvement and drop compared with GCA respectively. $FFXUDF\ Methods/Datasets Amazon-Photo Amazon-Computers Coauthor-CS GCA 92.45 87.60 92.44 +DCL 91.02 (↓ 1.43) 86.58 (↓ 1.02) 92.36 (↓ 0.08) +HCL 91.48 (↓ 0.97) 87.21 (↓ 0.39) 93.06 (↑ 0.62) +MoCHi 92.36 (↓ 0.09) 87.68 (↑ 0.08) 92.58 (↑ 0.14) +Ring 91.33 (↓ 1.22) 84.18 (↓ 3.42) 91.51 (↓ 0.93) +DGCL 93.41 (↑ 0.96) 89.33(↑ 1.73) 93.45 (↑ 1.01) N ′ DGCL vs. Negative mining and debiased techniques. To study whether DGCL can better utilize hard negatives and remove sampling bias in GCL, we equip GCA with Figure 7: Accuracy when varying N 0 (x-axis) and m on DCL (Chuang et al. 2020), HCL (Robinson et al. 2021), Amazon-Photo. We study more hyperparameters in the ap- Ring (Wu et al. 2021b) and MoCHi (Kalantidis et al. 2020) pendix. which have achieved immense success in CL. As can be seen in Table 5, these techniques bring minor improvements or Here we study the hyper-parameters of DGCL-mix, i.e., performance drop over GCA framework. Instead, DGCL in- the number of most hard negatives N 0 and synthetic neg- troduce consistent and significant improvements over GCA, atives m. The results shown in Figure 7 illustrate that a which further validates that our DGCL is more suitable for large number of samples combinations give consistent per- GCL. formance gains in general. However, oversized N 0 demon- strated no significant advantages in both accuracy and effi- 1.00 1.00 ciency. Besides, We provide more details about other hyper- Random p Random p parameters including the epoch E for fitting BMM, the ini- 0.98 0.98 1 - norm_sim 1 - norm_sim 0.96 BMM p 0.96 BMM p tial weight winit for two components and the iterations I of 0.94 0.94 EM algorithm in the appendix. Accuracy Accuracy 0.92 0.92 0.90 0.90 0.88 0.88 Conclusions 0.86 0.86 Amazon-Computer Amazon-Photo Coauthor-CS Amazon-Computer Amazon-Photo Coauthor-CS In this paper, we unveil the reason why existing techniques that emphasize hard negative samples can not work well in (a) DGCL-weight (b) DGCL-mix GCL and contrapuntally introduce BMM to fit the negative samples distribution in GCL. In this way, we can probabilis- Figure 5: Comparisons among various choices of p (the tically distinguish the true and false negatives. Moreover, we probability of a sample being true negative). also devise two schemes to emphasize hard negatives or re- move sampling bias, which further boost GCL. Interesting DGCL p vs. (Random p & tuned p). We substitute the esti- directions of future work include (1) analyzing different data mated probability p with random p and tuned p (1 - normal- augmentation techniques. (2) exploring the theoretical ex- ized similarity). As can be seen in Figure 5, the tuned p can planations for the immense success of contrastive learning.
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