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Effects of Patient Characteristics on Diagnostic Performance of Self-Collected Samples for SARS-CoV-2 Testing Sarah E. Smith-Jeffcoat, Mitsuki Koh, Adam Hoffman, Paulina A. Rebolledo, Marcos C. Schechter, Halie K. Miller, Sadia Sleweon, Rebecca Rossetti, Vyjayanti Kasinathan, Talya Shragai, Kevin O’Laughlin, Catherine C. Espinosa, George M. Khalil, AdeSubomi O. Adeyemo, Anne Moorman, Brenda L. Bauman, Kahaliah Joseph, Michelle O’Hegarty, Nazia Kamal, Hany Atallah, Brooks L. Moore, Caitlin D. Bohannon, Bettina Bankamp, Claire Hartloge, Michael D. Bowen, Ashley Paulick, Amy S. Gargis, Christopher Elkins, Rebekah J. Stewart, Juliana da Silva, Caitlin Biedron, Jacqueline E. Tate, Yun F. Wang, Hannah L. Kirking, the CDC COVID-19 Response Team1 We evaluated the performance of self-collected ante- rior nasal swab (ANS) and saliva samples compared with healthcare worker–collected nasopharyngeal swab D etection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the virus that causes coronavirus disease (COVID-19), originally re- specimens used to test for severe acute respiratory lied mainly on nasopharyngeal swab (NPS) samples syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). We used the collected by healthcare workers (HCWs). However, same PCR diagnostic panel to test all self-collected and NPS sample collection requires substantial amounts healthcare worker–collected samples from participants of time and personal protective equipment (PPE) that at a public hospital in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Among could be preferentially used for patient care. In light 1,076 participants, 51.9% were men, 57.1% were >50 of >98 million confirmed COVID-19 cases globally as years of age, 81.2% were Black (non-Hispanic), and of January 27, 2021, relying solely on HCW-collected 74.9% reported >1 chronic medical condition. In total, 8.0% tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. Compared with specimens for testing is not feasible (1). During the nasopharyngeal swab samples, ANS samples had a COVID-19 pandemic, many healthcare sites have ex- sensitivity of 59% and saliva samples a sensitivity of perienced shortages of PPE and testing supplies. In 68%. Among participants tested 3–7 days after symp- addition, NPS sample collection often causes cough- tom onset, ANS samples had a sensitivity of 80% and ing or sneezing, which can generate infectious aero- saliva samples a sensitivity of 85%. Sensitivity varied sols and thereby put the HCW at increased risk for by specimen type and patient characteristics. These exposure (2). Furthermore, NPS collection can cause findings can help physicians interpret PCR results for discomfort and occasional nosebleeds, possibly af- SARS-CoV-2. fecting a patient’s willingness to be retested. The use Author affiliations: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, of self-collected saliva and anterior nasal swab (ANS) Atlanta, Georgia, USA (S.E. Smith-Jeffcoat, M. Koh, H.K. Miller, samples reduces HCW contact, limits need for PPE, S. Sleweon, R. Rossetti, T. Shragai, K. O’Laughlin, C.C. Espinosa, and preserves transport media and other collection G.M. Khalil, A.O. Adeyemo, A. Moorman, B.L. Bauman, K. Joseph, supplies needed for NPS samples. M. O’Hegarty, N. Kamal, C.D. Bohannon, B. Bankamp, C. Hartlodge, Various upper respiratory specimen types, in- M.D. Bowen, A. Paulick, A.S. Gargis, C. Elkins, R.J. Stewart, cluding saliva and oral swab samples, have demon- J. da Silva, C. Biedron, J.E. Tate, H.L. Kirking); Public Health strated similar sensitivity to NPS samples in nucleic Institute—CDC Global Health Fellowship Program, Atlanta (M. Koh); acid amplification tests for SARS-CoV-2 (3–6). How- Emory University, Atlanta (A. Hoffman, P.A. Rebolledo, ever, most patients in these studies reported the recent M.C. Schechter, V. Kasinathan, H. Atallah, B.L. Moore, Y.F. Wang); onset of respiratory symptoms. Other investigations Grady Memorial Hospital, Atlanta (A. Hoffman, P.A. Rebolledo, have shown that many infected persons, especial- M.C. Schechter, V. Kasinathan, H. Atallah, B.L. Moore, Y.F. Wang) ly those who are young and otherwise healthy, are DOI: https://doi.org/10.3201/eid2708.210667 1 Members are listed at the end of this article. Emerging Infectious Diseases • www.cdc.gov/eid • Vol. 27, No. 8, August 2021 2081
RESEARCH asymptomatic or have mild symptoms (7–9). SARS- then were aliquoted and transferred to the Centers for CoV-2 RNA has been detected in NPS samples nearly Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for RT-PCR. 2 months after initial detection; however, the perfor- CDC staff extracted nucleic acid and tested samples mance of self-collected ANS and saliva samples of pa- using the CDC 2019-nCoV Real-Time Reverse Tran- tients with prolonged viral shedding remains unclear scription PCR (rRT-PCR) Diagnostic Panel, which is (10,11). Understanding how these less invasive, self- selective for the SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid 1 (N1) and collected specimens perform in a variety of contexts 2 (N2) genes, as per the Emergency Use Authoriza- can inform testing strategies. We compared the diag- tion Instructions for Use (14,15) (Appendix). nostic performance of self-collected ANS and saliva We entered and stored completed questionnaires samples and HCW-collected NPS samples used in and laboratory results in a REDCap version 10.0.8 SARS-CoV-2–specific PCR by patient characteristics (https://www.project-redcap.org) database hosted and symptom status. at CDC. We grouped patients according to COVID-19 symptom status: always asymptomatic participants Methods reported no COVID-19 symptoms at specimen collec- We recruited patients from several inpatient and out- tion or in the previous 14 days; currently asymptom- patient departments of Grady Memorial Hospital (At- atic participants reported no COVID-19 symptoms at lanta, GA, USA), where a high proportion of patients specimen collection but had symptoms in the previ- are uninsured (24%) or have Medicare/Medicaid in- ous 14 days; and currently symptomatic participants surance (57%) (12). Patients were eligible if their treat- reported COVID-19 symptoms at specimen collec- ing physician ordered collection of an NPS sample tion. We categorized symptoms according to previ- for SARS-CoV-2–specific reverse transcription PCR ously defined case definitions (16–18) (Appendix). (RT-PCR) for any reason, including diagnostic (e.g., We calculated sample size using a 1-sided, 1-sample patients were symptomatic or exposed) or screening proportions test with a continuity correction to de- (e.g., preoperative requirement or before admission termine whether sensitivity of self-collected samples for non–COVID-19 reasons) purposes. Patients were was >90% compared with HCW-collected NPS sam- excluded if they were unable to provide consent, de- ples, assuming that NPS samples had a true sensitiv- clined consent, were 1 self-collected specimen was positive, we marked graphic outlining steps for self-collection of saliva and that patient’s self-collected combination result as ANS samples (Appendix Figure, https://wwwnc.cdc. positive. If neither was positive and >1 was negative, gov/EID/article/27/8/21-0667-App1.pdf) (13). Pa- then we marked that patient’s self-collected combi- tients self-collected raw (unenhanced) saliva in a 50- nation result as negative. We calculated sensitiv- mL tube. Patients then inserted a miniature flocked- ity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and tip swab into 1 anterior naris, twirled the swab for 10 negative predictive value (NPV) of ANS, saliva, and seconds, removed the swab and placed it directly into self-collected combination samples compared with the other naris, and twirled it again for 10 seconds. NPS samples for all patients who had a definitive Patients inserted the swab into 3 mL of viral trans- (i.e., positive or negative) NPS result and >1 self-col- port media. After the interview and self-collection of lected specimen. Because NPS samples do not show specimens, a HCW collected an NPS sample from the all SARS-CoV-2 infections, we reran the sensitivity participant and inserted the swab into 3 mL of viral analysis with a combined variable for any positive transport media. Hospital laboratory staff conducted result from ANS, saliva, or NPS samples as the com- RT-PCR on the NPS sample on the same day; these parator. We compiled proportions of concordant results were used to inform clinical care and were not and discordant results for each self-collected and included in the performance analysis. NPS samples HCW-collected sample and calculated Cohen’s κ 2082 Emerging Infectious Diseases • www.cdc.gov/eid • Vol. 27, No. 8, August 2021
Self-Collected Samples for SARS-CoV-2 Testing coefficient to compare result agreement by specimen Results type. We calculated the sensitivity of self-collected During August 31–November 23, 2020, a total of specimens by patient characteristics and determined 1,096 patients consented to and enrolled in the significant differences using a 1-sample, 2-sided study; 20 were excluded because they did not meet test of proportions (p50 years of age, 81.2% (874) sion 4.0.2 (The R Project for Statistical Computing, were Black (non-Hispanic), and 74.9% (806) had >1 https://www.r-project.org). chronic medical condition (Table 1). Most (80.0%; This investigation was reviewed by CDC and 861) participants were enrolled in the emergency de- conducted in accordance with applicable federal law partment: nearly half sought care for a COVID-19– and CDC policy (e.g., 45 C.F.R. part 46, 21 C.F.R. part related concern (18.2%; 196) or had a chief complaint 56, 42 U.S.C.; 241(d); 5 U.S.C. 552a; 44 U.S.C. 3501 including COVID-19–like symptoms (30.6%; 329). et seq.). This investigation was determined to be an Over half (56.7%; 610) of participants had >1 current exempt public health activity by the Emory Univer- COVID-19 symptom; among currently symptomatic sity Institutional Review Board and Grady Memorial participants, 68.9% (420) reported symptom onset
RESEARCH Most (93.5%; 1,006) participants provided an NPS reported close contact to a COVID-19 patient during sample, of which 8.0% (80/1,006) tested positive for the previous 1 positive result, Ct values pattern was reflected among men, participants 18–29 were lowest when all paired specimens were SARS- years of age and 50–59 years of age, and Black (non- CoV-2–positive; for N1, the median Ct values were Hispanic) participants (Table 2). Among Hispanic/ 27.2 for ANS, 24.9 for saliva, and 22.6 for NPS sam- Latinx participants, sensitivity was significantly low- ples (Figure 3). When 30. Participants Sensitivity was higher among those not reporting any who did not have COVID-19 symptoms had higher chronic medical conditions, whose reason for hospital median NPS Ct values (33.5 for N1, 34.4 for N2) than visit was a COVID-19–related concern or whose chief did those who reported >1 COVID-19 symptom (25.6 complaint included COVID-19–like symptoms, who for N1, p = 0.03; 26.9 for N2, p = 0.03). Among those 2084 Emerging Infectious Diseases • www.cdc.gov/eid • Vol. 27, No. 8, August 2021
Self-Collected Samples for SARS-CoV-2 Testing Figure 2. Ct values of self- collected and healthcare worker– collected samples for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 testing, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. PCR completed using CDC 2019-nCoV Real- Time Reverse Transcriptase PCR Diagnostic Panel (15). A) ANS and NPS samples at PCR target N1. B) ANS and NPS samples at PCR target N2. C) NPS and saliva samples at PCR target N1. D) NPS and saliva samples at PCR target N2. ANS, anterior nasal swab; Ct, cycle threshold; NPS, nasopharyngeal swab. reporting COVID-19 symptoms, participants who with the sensitivity of self-collected specimens used had symptom onset
RESEARCH (50%) among patients tested >1 week after symptom Similar to other studies, we found that most NPS onset (23). The sample sensitivity differences among samples had lower Ct values than did their paired sa- patients with different demographic characteristics liva and ANS samples (4,25,26). We also found that me- might reflect differences in access to care or health- dian Ct values were lowest when all 3 specimens were care-seeking behavior. Delayed access to care might SARS-CoV-2–positive; the median Ct value increased postpone specimen collection, decreasing the sensi- to >30 when
Self-Collected Samples for SARS-CoV-2 Testing Specimen collection method might also affect assay’s performance. Because the CDC RT-PCR results sensitivity. Procop et al. (5) compared NPS and were not used for clinical care, excluding these speci- enhanced saliva samples (i.e., self-collected nasal mens did not change sensitivity; furthermore, CDC secretions or mucus, phlegm, and saliva stored in RT-PCR results were in concordance with the hos- a single tube) and found 100% positive agreement pital’s RT-PCR results (data not shown). As a result, and 99.4% negative agreement. This method of we decided to include these specimens in the analysis saliva collection provides a mixture of upper and (Appendix). Our findings might not be generalizable lower respiratory secretions, thereby enabling de- to other assays or techniques. Sixth, heterogenous self- tection for a longer time after symptom onset. We collection coaching techniques might have introduced used general spitting for saliva collection, which differences in the quality of samples collected under has the lowest sensitivity estimate in comparison the guidance of different interviewers. Finally, PCR with other saliva collection methods (22). General does not indicate whether active replication is occur- spitting does not require special devices or trans- ring. Therefore, we are unable to determine whether port media, enabling our methods and results to be patients with positive NPS samples but negative saliva broadly applicable. The duration and pressure ap- or ANS samples have older infections or if the self-col- plied while swabbing the anterior nares also might lected specimens are less sensitive than NPS samples. affect ANS sample quality. The sequence of speci- Additional laboratory testing is required to clarify the men collection, which was not always clear from viability of different specimen types and how viability published studies, could also affect sensitivity (19). affects clinical presentation and transmissibility. Our In our investigation, saliva and ANS samples were study highlights that the sensitivities of saliva and collected before NPS samples. Collecting ANS sam- ANS samples are different than that of NPS samples. ples after NPS samples could displace virus from These findings show that physicians should consider nasopharyngeal tissue or midturbinate before the the patient’s clinical history, exposures, and time of swab leaves the nares, thereby biasing self-collect- symptom onset when interpreting PCR results. ed ANS toward higher sensitivity. Overall, the sensitivities of ANS and saliva sam- The first limitation of our study is that because ples were lower than that of NPS samples from pa- we used a cross-sectional design, we did not have tients being tested for SARS-CoV-2 for diagnostic information on whether patients were asymptomatic and screening purposes. The sample sensitivity was or presymptomatic at specimen collection; we also highest among participants with symptom onset did not have data on disease severity. In presymp- within 3–7 days of specimen collection, especially tomatic patients, samples might have been collected when the reason for the patient visit was COVID-19– too early to detect viral RNA in some or all speci- related, and those not reporting a previous positive men types. Second, we lacked the statistical power test. Encouraging persons to seek testing within a to detect significant differences in sensitivity by most week of symptom onset could increase the accuracy variables because the initial sample size calcula- and usefulness of self-collected specimens used for tion assumed self-collected specimens to have >90% diagnosing SARS-CoV-2 infections. It is important sensitivity. Third, all responses were self-reported that clinicians are aware of how differences in patient and could have been affected by recall bias. Fourth, characteristics and specimen type can affect test sen- the CDC 2019-nCoV rRT-PCR Diagnostic Panel has sitivity. Testing programs and clinical settings might a higher limit of detection than many commercially consider patient characteristics, previous test results, available, high-throughput assays (30), limiting our and timing of symptom onset when determining ability to detect lower concentrations of viral RNA. which specimen types to use. However, the clinical and public health utility of de- tecting these lower concentrations is unknown. Fifth, Members of the CDC COVID-19 Response Team: Mila the CDC 2019-nCoV rRT-PCR Diagnostic Panel does Cohen, Amadea Britton, Courtney T. Callahan, Jamila not currently include saliva; instead, the assay was de- Fonseka, Elfriede Agyemang, Miriam J. Lawson, Molly signed for qualitative detection of nucleic acid from Deutsch-Feldman, Tejpratap S. P. Tiwari, Samira Sami, SARS-CoV-2. Of 1,006 NPS samples, 64 aliquots did Hong Tao, Tiffany M. Aholou, Katherine M. Butler, D. not meet storage requirements approved under the as- Joseph Sexton, Nicolas Wiese, Raydel Anderson, Kay W. say’s instructions for use (samples should be stored at Radford, Gimin Kim, Jennifer M. Folster, Magdalena 4°C for
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A direct comparison of We thank Francisco Averhoff, Luis Lowe, Brandi enhanced saliva to nasopharyngeal swab for the detection Limbago, and Susan Ray for initial project conception and of SARS-CoV-2 in symptomatic patients. J Clin Microbiol. Tiffany Li for sample size calculation. We thank the CDC 2020;58:e01946–20. https://doi.org/10.1128/JCM.01946-20 6. Hanson KE, Barker AP, Hillyard DR, Gilmore N, COVID-19 Response Epidemiology Task Force field team Barrett JW, Orlandi RR, et al. Self-collected anterior nasal logistics coordinators (Gerardo Garcia-Lerma, Lauren and saliva specimens versus health care worker-collected Franco, Anupama Shankar, Adam Wharton) who helped nasopharyngeal swabs for the molecular detection of with everything from staffing to procuring supplies and SARS-CoV-2. J Clin Microbiol. 2020;58:e01824–20. https://doi.org/10.1128/JCM.01824-20 Laura Hughes-Baker for her coordination with the CDC 7. Payne DC, Smith-Jeffcoat SE, Nowak G, Chukwuma U, laboratories. 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