FORESTRY & TIMBER NEWS - June 2020 Issue 99 - Confor

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FORESTRY & TIMBER NEWS - June 2020 Issue 99 - Confor
June 2020 Issue 99
FORESTRY & TIMBER NEWS - June 2020 Issue 99 - Confor

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FORESTRY & TIMBER NEWS - June 2020 Issue 99 - Confor
                                                   NEWS & COMMENT                  REGULARS
                                                   5 | EDITORIAL                   16 | CONFOR MEMBERS
Confor is a membership organisation
                                                   6 | RESTART & RECOVERY          DANIEL IDDON
that promotes sustainable forestry and
wood-using businesses. Confor mem-                 SECTOR MOVES CLOSER TO A        THE GROSVENOR ESTATE
bers receive Forestry and Timber News              GREEN RECOVERY                  36 | WOODLAND CREATION
for free as part of their membership. For          8 | NEWS                        HABITAT RESTORATION THROUGH
more information on membership, visit                                              LARGE-SCALE WOODLAND
                                                   FORESTRY AND WOODLAND                                                          CREATION
                                                   EVENTS HIT BY COVID19
Past issues and articles can be accessed           RESTRICTIONS                    38 | MARKETS
online at                                          WORK GOES ON IN FORESTRY                                                TIMBER AUCTIONS MARKET
                                                   AND POLICY                      REPORT
Non-member subscriptions:                          SECTOR USES ONLINE TOOLS        PANDEMIC PERSPECTIVES:
£60 (£65 overseas).                                TO COMMUNICATE POSITIVE         POTENTIAL ECONOMIC OUTPUT
Please contact                   MESSAGES                        OF CORONAVIRUS ON SECTOR
                                                   14 | PANDEMIC PERSPECTIVES:     PANDEMIC PERSPECTIVES:
                                                   NURSERIES                       TIMBER MARKET REPORT
CONFOR CONTACTS                                    NURSERY REVIVAL
                                                                                   51 | LEGAL MATTERS
           Stuart Goodall                          19 | PANDEMIC PERSPECTIVES:     EMPLOYING EU NATIONALS FROM
           Chief Executive
                                                   TREE PLANTING                   JANUARY 2021
           T: 131 240 1416                         CRISIS AGGRAVATING TREE
                                                   SUPPLY CHALLENGE                61 | PANDEMIC PERSPECTIVES:
           Andy Leitch
           Deputy Chief Executive                  21 | PANDEMIC PERSPECTIVES:     FORESTRY EDUCATION DURING
                INTERNATIONAL                   AND AFTER LOCKDOWN
           Mob - 07881510171
                                                   EU FOREST AND WOOD SECTORS      NEW ELIGIBILITY RULES FOR
           Stefanie Kaiser
                                                   UNITE FOR PLACE IN RECOVERY     EDUCATION & PROVIDENT FUND
           Communications and editor FTN           PLAN
           T: 0131 240 1420                                                        65 | PANDEMIC PERSPECTIVES:
                                                                                   RETURNING TO WORK
           Dr Eleanor Harris                       COVID-19 – EUROFOREST’S STORY
           Policy Researcher
           T: 0131 240 1417
           E:                24 | PANDEMIC PERSPECTIVES:     FEATURES
                                                   CONTRACTORS | MACHINERY
                                                                                   28 | BIOMASS & WOODFUEL
           Caroline Ayre                           CONFOR SURVEY ON COVID-19
                                                                                   A BIOMASS SECTOR IN THE
           National manager for England            IMPACT ON SMALL BUSINESSES IN
           M: 07500 927482                                                         RESHAPING
           E:               SCOTLAND’S SUPPLY CHAIN
                                                                                   CHANGES TO RHI SCHEME
                                                   A VIEW FROM KOMATSU FOREST
                                                                                   DRAX LAUNCHES BIOMASS
           Jamie Farquhar
           National manager for Scotland
                                                   27 | PANDEMIC PERSPECTIVES:     CARBON CALCULATOR
           M: 07817 374906                         TIMBER TRANSPORT
           E:                                         FUNDING FOR GREENHOUSE GAS
                                                   BIG WHEELS KEEP ON TURNING      REMOVAL DEMO PROJECTS
           Anthony Geddes                          48 | PANDEMIC PERSPECTIVES:     44 | ESTATE MANAGEMENT
           National manager for Wales              RURAL PROPERTY
           T: 074 94079305                                                         PANDEMIC PERSPECTIVES:
                                                   AND TREE PLANTING IN            FOR RURAL ESTATES
        Confor head office and editorial office
                                                   POST-BREXIT, POST-COVID-19
        59 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 2JG        INVESTMENT                      53 | INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY
                                                                                   GAINING FOREST INTELLIGENCE
                                                   50 | UPDATE
        0131 240 1410                                                              FROM SPACE
                                                   PEFC REVISES ONLINE
                                                                                   INNOVATIVE APPROACH FOR
                                                   CERTIFICATION TOOL                                                        BETTER SEED GROWING
                                                   ARE YOU BEING RAIL-ROADED BY
                                                                                   FORESTS AS VIRTUAL AULA
                                                   59 | PANDEMIC PERSPECTIVES:
        For the latest news of forestry and wood   CANADA
        sign up to #forestandwood on Twitter                                       COVER STORY
                                                   CANADIAN FORESTRY AND
                                                   WOOD SECTOR STIRRED UP          As we move into Restart
Published by Countrywide Publications,
                                                                                   and Recovery phase, the
Fountain Way, Reydon, Suffolk IP18 6SZ
on behalf of Confor.
                                                   60 | TIMBER IN CONSTRUCTION     logo used for Confor’s
                                                   COMBUSTIBLES LEGISLATION        Covid-19 coverage
For advertising, contact Laura Munnings                                            evolved to represent our
01502 725866                                       THREATENS STRUCTURAL TIMBER
                                                                                   sector’s resilience and its                    INDUSTRY
                                                                                   role in Green Recovery.
Printed by Micropress Printers Ltd                 66 | FORESTRY IN PICTURES       Design by A. Wrona
FORESTRY & TIMBER NEWS - June 2020 Issue 99 - Confor
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FORESTRY & TIMBER NEWS - June 2020 Issue 99 - Confor

            Meeting the challenges head on

                 t needs no saying that it’s been         I’m very grateful to the many
                 an extraordinary few months,          members who have written to say
                 and that state of affairs is set to   how much they appreciate the
                 continue as we each find              continued support that the Confor
                 our way towards some form of          team has provided. However, we
            ‘new normal’.                              all realise that there are still big
              While it isn’t clear how long this       challenges ahead. As ever, do get
            outbreak will last, I’m buoyed by the      in touch if you feel there’s more we
            knowledge gleaned from meeting             could do for the sector.
            hundreds of people over 30 years              There are certainly companies out
            that we are a resilient, practical and     there who are finding things tough,
            inventive industry.                        and I’ve spoken with some small
              Confor’s priority during the             businesses who are very worried
            pandemic has been to help ensure           about their medium-term viability
            as many businesses as possible can         even if markets for wood begin to
            carry on working, and to do our best       pick up.
            to help everyone access relevant              We have already been talking
            information, advice and financial          to governments and enterprise
            support – where that’s available.          agencies across the UK about the
            This is driven through our online          need for our industry to be a key
            Covid-19 Hub and continued email           part of what is increasingly being
            communications – if you aren’t             referred to as a ‘green recovery’,
            receiving these please do check            and this will gain momentum in the
            your spam and make sure we have            coming weeks and months.
            your up-to-date email address.                Reflecting on the past few months,
              We are also supporting businesses        it has been, and continues to be,
            to restart by playing a leading role in    some of the most challenging of
                the development of safe working        times for all of us in both a business
                  protocols across the supply          and a personal sense. On behalf of
                   chain and supporting FISA as        all at Confor I would like to wish you
                    it prepares a more detailed        all our best in the coming weeks and
                    protocol for in-forest activity,   months.
                    following our early positive          We are privileged to work with
                    work with the Forestry             trees and wood, something that
                    Contracting Association.           society needs and benefits from
                      We’ve also begun a series        in so many ways – there is a bright
                     of well-attended webinars,        future beyond this current crisis. In
                       which all members are           the meantime, I’m determined that I
                        encouraged to join - or        and Confor colleagues will do what
                             view them afterwards.     we can to help.
FORESTRY & TIMBER NEWS - June 2020 Issue 99 - Confor

Sector moves                                                                                     Impact of the crisis

closer to a                                                                                      The impact of lockdown on plant
                                                                                                 production may not be as great as
                                                                                                 initially feared. Most of this year’s stock

green recovery
                                                                                                 has been dispatched, although some
                                                                                                 notable losses are predicted due to order
                                                                                                 cancellations and the following two year’s
                                                                                                 production is forecast to be reduced, but
                                                                                                 interim forecasts suggest there will be
                                                                                                 sufficient production to meet forecast
                                                                                                 demand, although there may be some
                  Confor’s Andy Leitch looks at how the Corona                                   shortages in some non-spruce conifers
                crisis has treated the forestry and timber supply                                and broadleaves. A more accurate position
                 chain and how collaborative working in a crisis                                 for the next two years production will not
                                                                                                 be known for a few weeks until lining out
                        can bring excellent results at pace.                                     and sewing operations are complete. The
                                                                                                 public sector nurseries made the decision

                                                                                                 to close during lockdown and the true
                 hen the UK government         sound platform for most forest-based op-
                                                                                                 impact on their production for the next
                 responded to the threat of    erations across the private and public sec-
                                                                                                 two years will not be known for some
                 Covid-19 by introducing a     tor to restart very soon. It must be noted
                                                                                                 time, however, Newton is trialling a new
                 lockdown in early March, it   that the speed in which these guidelines
                                                                                                 seeding system (see ‘Innovative approach
soon became clear that our forest indus-       were brought together by the working
                                                                                                 for better seed growing technologies’,
tries sector was in a great place to play an   group, led by Jason Liggins of Forestry and
                                                                                                 p52) that could significantly mitigate the
important part in supporting essential ser-    Land Scotland (FLS), was outstanding. An
                                                                                                 impact of their closure through lockdown
vices throughout this crisis.                  illustration of how collaborative working in
                                                                                                 on the next two years production.
    Confor responded quickly engaging          a crisis can bring excellent results at pace.
                                                                                                 Read more about nurseries during
with governments and its officials to iden-        Confor are also actively working with a
                                                                                                 Covid-19 on page 14
tify which parts of our sector were required   number of sawmills, panel board proces-
to support the supply chain of essential       sors and the HSE to develop and publish
products and services. Part of that process    appropriate standard guidelines for work-
has been to work closely with public sec-      ing safely with Covid for this part of the
tor agencies, other trade associations and     supply chain, as more mills re-open and
industry representatives to develop safe       production increases in line with de-
working protocols for all forest and wood-     mand.
processing operations.                             As we move forward into the
    Our sector continues to play its part,     restart phase it might be useful
with a small army of people across the UK      to take stock of the impact to
having prepared, harvested, transported        date and what might be the
and processed tens if not hundreds of thou-    key issues arising across
sands of tonnes of timber to date, which has   the supply chain (right).
been converted into products for essential
services such as food distribution, packag-    Summary
ing for medical supplies and wood energy       In summary, the economic
products for care homes and hospitals.         impact of this awful pan-
    Unfortunately, not all the sector was      demic has been much less
required to support essential services and     on our sector than others,
many businesses have had to close during       such as aviation and hospital-
lockdown. Others, such as forest nurseries     ity. We have made a positive
and establishment/maintenance opera-           contribution to supporting sup-
tives, managed to restart relatively quickly   ply chains for essential services
by introducing robust social distancing pro-   and will continue to do so, while other
tocols, but at a greatly reduced capacity.     parts of the sector managed to oper-
                                               ate at some level by quickly adopted safe
Restart                                        working protocols during lockdown. How-
As we move into the formal restart phase,      ever, unfortunately, a proportion of busi-      however, a slow start is anticipated and it is
new FISA guidelines, endorsed by HSE,          nesses in the sector had to close.              important to note that issues such as cash
Working safely during coronavirus (COV-            Therefore, news of a restart phase in all   flow and market demand are significant
ID-19) in Forestry are expected to be pub-     parts of the UK is very welcome and is posi-    threats to the viability of some businesses
lished imminently. These will provide a        tive sign for the sector moving forward,        during this phase.

6 FORESTRY & TIMBER NEWS • June 2020                                                                                    CONFOR.ORG.UK
FORESTRY & TIMBER NEWS - June 2020 Issue 99 - Confor
across our supply chain
 Establishment and
 Initially, planting operations almost
 came to a halt, but by adopting clear
 social distancing and hygiene protocols
 planting recommenced in many parts of
 the country, albeit in a reduced capacity.
 Contractors report that finding effective
 methods of safe travel to site as one of
 the most challenging issues, the new
 FISA guidance should help with this.
 Many have also found it difficult to find
 accommodation during the lockdown
 period and this might continue to be an
 issue until the hospitality sector restarts.
     Forest managers are reporting that         Harvesting and                                Sawmilling and wood
 planting continues, possibly through to
 June and back-end planting is considered
                                                haulage                                       processing
 as an option subject to ground conditions      Harvesting activity has been reported         Sawmills producing material for essential
 and availability of plants and labour.         at 40-70% capacity across the public          services have reportedly been running
 Weevil spraying has also commenced in          and private sector estates through-           at 40-70% of capacity throughout
 most parts of the country.                     out lockdown period. Where possible           lockdown, whilst others are just moving
     Establishment activity in the public       suppliers have worked positively with         into restart phase.
 sector estate has been greatly reduced         customers by bringing forward suitable           Reports suggest that demand for
 or stopped since lockdown and it is            parcels to meet demand for material for       fencing and garden products is very
 envisaged to recommence as we move             essential services. Many harvesting teams     strong and the palletwood market
 into restart phase across the UK.              are currently working on a fixed quota,       remains good. There are signs that
     At present, it not clear how much of the   although activity is predicted to increase,   demand for construction timber is
 planting programme (woodland creation,         and some haulage drivers are already          growing, albeit slowly, and any significant
 restock and beating-up) will not be            being called back early from furlough.        increased demand will be subject to how
 achieved this year, but it will certainly be   Rate of increase in harvesting operations     quickly the construction industry restarts.
 below what was planned                         will be most influenced by demand for         Demand for co-products is patchy across
 and potentially have                           end-product from the construction sector      the country.
 some short-term                                 and this is an unknown quantity at this         The panelboard sector has been
 impact on carbon                                  time.                                      particularly hit hard with the lockdown
 sequestration                                         Results of a recent Confor survey      and production is running very much
 targets.                                           of contractors and small businesses       below capacity, but in line with demand
 Hear more from                                     highlighted cash flow and market          from which was a virtually dormant
 planters during                                   demand being the two greatest threats      construction sector through lockdown.
 Covid19 on page 18                              to their business in the next 12 months.
                                                Read about how Euroforest experienced
                                                the lockdown on page 23

    Looking ahead to a
    Green Recovery
    Looking slightly further ahead, Confor are planning early discussions with
    government ministers and officials about how our sector can contribute
    positively to the longer-term recovery stage. There seems to be a lot of
    support developing for a ‘green recovery’ where government is being
    urged to focus post Covid-19 investment to support sectors that can
    make a positive impact on the environment, as well as the economy. Our
    focus will be on re-emphasising how much this sector can contribute to
    that agenda and we will report on our progress in due course.

 CONFOR.ORG.UK                                                                                FORESTRY & TIMBER NEWS • June 2020 7
FORESTRY & TIMBER NEWS - June 2020 Issue 99 - Confor

Forestry and woodland events
hit by Covid19 restrictions
APF postponed                                                   NEW DATE
                                                               SEPTEMBER             WOODLAND
        he directors of APF have tak-
        en the decision to postpone
        the event until next year. The
                                           numbers of visi-
                                           tors, maintain so-
                                           cial distancing rules
                                                                  2021                 SHOW
ongoing uncertainties surrounding
Covid19 left the directors of APF
                                           and provide toilets and catering.
                                           • The need not to place an unneces-
                                                                                    Confor Woodland
2020 little option but to postpone
the event this year. The revised
                                           sary potential burden on local emer-
                                           gency services by holding a mass
                                                                                    Show moves to 2022
plan is to roll forward the show to        gathering and recognising that           As the APF gets postponed to 2021, the Confor
23/24/25 September 2021 at the             currently police, ambulance and St       Woodland Show, also scheduled for September 2021,
same venue at Ragley Estate.               John Ambulance are not attending         gets pushed back to 2020.
    “You will all be aware of the con-     any such events, with no indication         Responding to the breaking APF news, Confor
stantly changing advice as to what         of when they might do so.                Woodland Show chairman Nick Hoare said: “I abso-
we are allowed, and not allowed to         • Concerns about our own staff’s         lutely think that the APF team’s decision of delay-
do and suggested dates when we             safety working at such a large event.    ing the show by a year is sensible. A show this year
might be resume some activities,”          Concerns raised by exhibitors about      would not have been good for exhibitors or visitors.
said Exhibition Secretary, Ian Mill-       attending and whether it would be        That makes it natural for the Confor Woodland Show
ward. He added that the decision           viable for them to do so.                to move to 2022. From the earliest days as the South
was taken after carefully consider-           Mr Millward added, “It is with a      West Woodland Show we have always alternated
ing many elements including:               very heavy heart that we made this       years with the APF. In many ways I am quite excited
• The current ban on mass gather-          decision, but taking all of the above    and relieved. By 2022, not only will coronavirus be a
ings is still in place with no indica-     into account it became obvious that      bad memory, Brexit and trade deals will be sorted and
tion of if or when this restriction will   there was only one sensible option       we will be on the sunny uplands of ELMS possibly.
be lifted.                                 to take at this time and that was to        “I hope the rest of the show committee have had
• Recognising that exhibitors need         postpone until September 2021. The       as much enjoyment as I have listening to people
to order stock and equipment for           show is the industry flagship event      proud of how well they are managing ‘distance work-
the show, much of which has a three        and everyone in the organising team      ing’. For over a decade, the Confor Woodland Show
month lead time and avoid the risk         are passionate about it and want to      committee has been based in Devon/Wiltshire/Dor-
of exhibitors buying stock for the         make it the best we possibly can. We     set/Suffolk/Edinburgh and it has been great.”
show which is then cancelled at            simply cannot stage the event this
short notice.                              year to the size and quality our ex-
• Many businesses have been forced         hibitors, sponsors, visitors and our-
to close and equipment that some           selves want in the light of the cur-
exhibitors would like to have for the      rent restrictions. We sincerely hope
show will not be available                 that in 12 months time the world will
• The potential lack of availability       have returned to something much
of nearby hotel accommodation for          closer to normal and we can run the
APF staff, exhibitors and visitors         event as we and everyone else want.
• The proposed restrictions and               “We remain in a robust financial
quarantining of anyone visiting the        position and no exhibitor will lose
UK will severely affect exhibitors,        their site fees. We will simply roll
their staff and visitors from abroad       these forward to APF 2021. Any
being able to attend                       visitors who have already bought        ter event next year. We now have an
• Social distancing rules making it        advance tickets can either carry for-   extra year to plan so let’s all come
very hard for exhibitors to engage         ward their tickets to APF 2021 or re-   together to make APF 2021 a huge
with visitors safely                       quest a refund.                         celebration of the forestry, arboricu-
• Concerns about safety and busi-             “The show is a biannual event        ture, trees and timber industry. Put
ness lockdowns affecting the num-          and after APF 2021 it will continue     the new dates in you diary now -
ber of exhibitors who attend.              with this two-year cycle so the next    23/24/25 September 2021.”
• Concerns that safety issues will re-     event would be 2023 then 2025 etc.
strict visitor numbers and therefore          “We hope that all our exhibitors,    If you have any queries about any
badly affect trading levels for exhibi-    sponsors and visitors agree with our    of the above please call 01428
tors                                       decision to postpone and that by        723545 or email at
• Our ability to safely manage large       doing so we can all have a far bet-

8 FORESTRY & TIMBER NEWS • June 2020                                                                                        CONFOR.ORG.UK
FORESTRY & TIMBER NEWS - June 2020 Issue 99 - Confor

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FORESTRY & TIMBER NEWS - June 2020 Issue 99 - Confor

Work goes                               Policy development, Brexit
                                        and consultations
on in forestry                          Wales                                   key tool in any forward plans.

and policy
                                        Welsh Government have launched a            The Agriculture Bill, which will
                                        co-design process for a post-Brexit     allow Government to introduce
                                        Sustainable Farming Scheme for          ambitious new land management
                                        Wales focused on the proposed           schemes in England and provide for
                                        Farm Sustainability Review. Confor      a seven year transition out of the
With the focus on managing              has been a primary reviewer on the      CAP system, has returned to parlia-
Covid-19, attention has been            Wales National Forest evidence re-      ment. MPs voted electronically on
                                        view. The seven Wales Area State-       the legislation in its last Commons
diverted from other areas of            ments have been released on the         stages on 13 May, meaning it is on
forestry policy and delivery.           website, outlining the key challenges   track to pass by the summer.
                                        facing that particular locality, how        A consultation on an England
However, although activity has          those challenges can be met, and        Tree Strategy is expected to open
                                        how natural resources can be better     in June.
slowed, grants and regulations,         managed.
policy development such as rural                                                Scotland
                                        England                                 The Agriculture (Retained EU Law
support after Brexit, and plant         The ELMS framework design con-          and Data) (Scotland) Bill is at Stage
health governance all remain            sultation has been paused but the       2 at Holyrood. Most of EU law, as it
                                        scheme is still being developed in      stands on exit day from the EU, will
essential. This article provides an     the background. Defra wanted a          convert into UK law as ‘retained EU
overview of key developments.           richer, face-to-face, consultation      Law’. The Bill ensures that on exit
                                        which they were unable to do with       day, the Scottish Ministers will have
                                        lockdown restrictions. The urgent       the power to ensure that CAP leg-
                                        need to address the climate and bio-    islation continues. This may be as it
                                        diversity emergencies remains, and      is or with any simplification or im-
                                        woodland creation is still seen as a    provements they may want to make.

 Plant health
 New import controls
 New measures have come into ef-
 fect to safeguard the UK (coming
 in Scotland on 27 June), and our
 forestry and horticulture indus-
 tries, from a range of plant health
 diseases and pests:
 • Xylella – The import of Coffea
 and Polygala myrtifolia species is
 now prohibited, due to a high dis-
 ease rate in these species, as well
 as stronger import requirements
 for other high-risk hosts (includ-
 ing Olive, Almond, Nerium Olean-
 der, Lavender and Rosemary).
 • Emerald ash borer (beetle) –
 New measures applying stronger
 import controls to countries with-
 in 100km of confirmed outbreak
 areas. This includes the removal of
 an option, within EU legislation, to
 remove the bark and sapwood to
 a depth of 2.5 cm for all countries
 regulated for emerald ash borer.
 This will help mitigate the risk of
 importing infected wood which

10 FORESTRY & TIMBER NEWS • June 2020                                                             CONFOR.ORG.UK
Grants and
woodland creation
In Wales, the expression of interest window for
Glastir Woodland Creation is open until 12 June
2020. There have been a number of changes to the
application process explained in the on-line guid-
ance. In England, claim times to apply for Country-
side Stewardship have been extended to 15 June. In
Scotland, the Forestry Grant Scheme (FGS) remains
open, with demand strong for 2020 claim year, such
that some options have now been closed (eg re-
structure regeneration) and others like tree health
and forest infrastructure under budgetary pressure.
All options are open for 2021 claim year.

FGS new woodland creation applications
as at Feb 2020 (hectares)
Claim year          2020     2021    2022    2023+

Approved            7,114    1,147   411     534

Submitted - not     3,371    1,638   51      506
yet approved

Sub-total           10,485   2,785   462     1,040

In pipeline         4,519    6,076   2,400

Potential           15,004   8,861   2,862

                  has not properly met the official re-   Britain, northern Germany and The           Anecdotally members are re-
                  quirements.                             Netherlands. In July 2019, the plant    porting an increase in spread of
                  • Plane tree wilt – More stringent      health service intercepted around       Ash dieback. In Scotland, the Ash
                  ‘Protected Zone’ requirements for       60 cases of oak processionary moth      Dieback Risk Group are working
                  the UK including measures for plane     on recently planted trees in the Pro-   with local authorities to incorpo-
                  trees, intended for planting other      tected Zone imported from Europe.       rate ash dieback into their Cor-
                  than seeds, which must now have         The Forestry Commission, Animal         porate Risk Registers. The Welsh
                  been grown throughout their life in     and Plant Health Agency (APHA)          Government has committed to
                  a pest free area or an EU Protected     and the Devolved Administrations        setup virtual meetings to make
                  Zone. The new requirements apply        (Wales and Scotland) acted swiftly      sure they are able to complete the
                  to imports to the UK from Albania,      to deal with these findings which       ash die back strategy in the near
                  Armenia, Switzerland, Turkey, the       included the destruction of infested    future. Within the strategy there
                  United States and the EU-27.            trees and caterpillar. In the UK, OPM   will be two sets of guidance for
                                                          is established in most of Greater       land managers, owners and regu-
                  Monitoring and control of               London and in some surrounding          lators, focusing on high-risk and
                  established diseases                    counties in southeast England. The      low risk ash. The health, safety and
                  Oak Processionary Moth is estab-        remainder of the United Kingdom         well-being of the public and those
                  lished in southern, central and west-   (UK), during the transition period,     who work in the land management
                  ern Europe as far north as Great        continues to be designated a Pro-       sector must be treated as a prior-
                                                          tected Zone (PZ) with special re-       ity. They are hopefully that these
                  Aerial flights for Phytophthora         strictions on movements of oak          documents can be presented for
                  ramorum and Ips typographus have        plants to minimise the risk of intro-   comment shortly and the sub-
                  restarted in mid-May in England.        ducing this pest to new areas. If you   groups (research, communications
                  With a more precautionary approach      suspect or find OPM you must notify     and operations) are also being co-
                  to Covid in Scotland, other methods     your local PHSI or to the Forestry      ordinated to support work in this
                  like drones are being used.             Commission via TreeAlert.               area.

Webinar speakers

Sector uses online
                                                                                                 and efficiently - because it had to be done
                                                                                                 that way in the current circumstances.
                                                                                                    The first webinar heard how Confor cre-
                                                                                                 ated the online hub to react to the unprec-

tools to communicate                                                                             edented challenges of lockdown - giving
                                                                                                 members the information and guidance
                                                                                                 needed, then identifying immediate chal-

positive messages                                                                                lenges.
                                                                                                    Mr Goodall said the webinars high-
                                                                                                 lighted positive new ways of working.
                                                                                                 High-quality webinars with sizeable, wide-
                                                    “I think many government officials have      ranging audiences could be arranged at
Confor has embraced                             woken up to the fact that forestry and           short to discuss pressing issues and could
the shift to online events                      wood is an industry and not just a means         be more inclusive than face-to-face events,
                                                to deliver biodiversity and leisure benefits,”   as people might attend who wouldn’t nor-
enforced by Covid-19, with                      said Mr Goodall. . “Confor is in talks with      mally make it - for reasons of geography,
three successful webinars                       DEFRA and counterparts around the UK to          cost or lack of time. “It’s much easier for
engaging a wide range of                        discuss what a green recovery will look like     a busy individual to set aside an hour for
                                                and how forestry and greater use of home-        a webinar than commit half a day or a full
members, politicians, the                       grown wood could play a role in that. I was      day to travel to an event,” he added.
broader forestry industry                       delighted to hear Lord Deben talking about
and environmental bodies.                       greater wood use and we will continue our        How will Confor events look
                                                regular dialogue with the CCC.”                  like in the future?

          ne common theme emerging from             Caroline Ayre, Confor’s National Man-        Confor’s Deputy Chief Executive Andy
          the webinars is that the crisis has   ager for England, also stressed the point        Leitch is exploring effective options for
          highlighted forestry and wood         at the first two webinars - which looked         future virtual engagement with members
processing as a significant industry in its     at the industry response to Covid-19 and         and the wider sector, while understanding
own right - through its role in critical sup-   support for contractors during the crisis.       some members will want to meet in person
ply chains providing key products.              Asked what she thought about how forest-         as restrictions are lifted. However, Confor
   Lord Deben, Chair of the Committee on        ry and wood might emerge from the crisis,        will definitely hold more virtual events in
Climate Change (CCC), made this point           she said: “I’m an eternal optimist because       future, either completely online or poten-
at the first online meeting of the All-Party    we are a long-term business. What’s come         tially ‘hybrid’ events where some people
Parliamentary Group on Forestry and Tree        out is a recognition that we supply essen-       meet up, but others join virtually.
Planting. He said the UK Government had         tial products and people are understand-             Ben Lake MP, Chair of the APPG on For-
to treat forestry and wood as an indus-         ing how important we are in the running of       estry and Tree Planting, said no-one could
try and realise the huge potential for the      their daily lives.”                              have imagined at Westminster in February
greater use of timber in construction. The          At the second webinar, Mrs Ayre de-          that the next meeting would be held online.
Government had to move from words to            scribed contractors as the “kingpin” of the      He noted the webinar was the first virtual
action, he said, which included using its       sector and said Confor was doing every-          gathering of the APPG in almost 50 years -
procurement power to ensure more wood           thing possible to support them through           but very unlikely to be the last!
was used in the construction of public          the crisis.  
buildings. He added: “We need to have               Although short-term concerns about
many more buildings made of wood and            training contractors as a result of Covid-19
that justifies the need to grow the industry    were expressed by Andrew Smith of the             Links to all three webinars (and reports
to deliver that.”                               Scottish School of Forestry, benefits of the      on them) are on the Confor Covid-19
   Stuart Goodall, Confor’s CEO, told the       changes to work practices were also identi-       hub home page:
APPG webinar that the role of the industry      fied. Mark Curtis, a contractor who works in
in helping supply critical products - pallets   the Republic of Ireland, close to the border      If you have comments about Confor’s
and packaging, biomass and agricultural         of Northern Ireland, thought the crisis had       future events, email Andy Leitch:
fencing, as well as boards to fit out the       highlighted opportunities to complete pa-
Nightingale hospitals - had focused minds.      perwork online much more simply, quickly

12 FORESTRY & TIMBER NEWS • June 2020                                                                                    CONFOR.ORG.UK
2,500 SPECIES                     When you work with numbers like this, you need a chainsaw range
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Nursery revival

                                                                                   Nursery operations
                                                                                   during lockdown

                                                                                   Early on in lockdown the practicalities of undertaking
       orest nurseries have contin-     or in other words over a hundred
                                                                                   nursery work was in the spotlight:
       ued to work tirelessly since     million trees.
       lockdown in March, liaising         The nurseries themselves range          • Grading sheds were re-configured
closely with their clients and estab-   in annual production size of one to        • Sowing for future seasons continued but at a
lishment contractors to get hun-        over 25m plants per year. They also           reduced rate
dreds of thousands of trees lifted,
graded and delivered out to the field
                                        differ as to whether they grow bare
                                        root or cell grown stock, or both.
                                                                                   • Lining out – an intensive activity normally carried
                                                                                      out with five operators sitting on a trailer behind
for new woodland creation and re-       They have been hit in different ways,         a tractor in a 3+2 formation – was reconfigured
stocking, all while social distancing   not least with staffing numbers hav-          with reduced operators and screens.
and keeping safe. At the beginning      ing reduced whether through the
of lockdown there were in the region    government furlough scheme or              • Getting staff to work had similar challenges across
                                                                                      industries – a number of nurseries have household
of 35m trees in limbo.                  agencies.
                                                                                      groups that work for them and this has certainly
    The 11 Confor NPG nurseries
                                                                                      eased the logistics of travel and close working
across Scotland, Wales and England      What next for the sector?
                                                                                      required at times.
account for in excess of 90% of pri-    With stock not moving as expected
vate sector plant supply in the UK,     there have been impacts on space
                                        for transplanting seedlings, lining          Further work with Defra and
                                        out, space in tunnels, sowing – this      Scottish Forestry in particular is
                                        itself impacts on what work can           looking at how to help nurseries
                                        be undertaken to ensure stock for         move forward in the short and me-
                                        future years supply. Think the rela-      dium term likely through grant fund-
                                        tives come to stay so everyone and        ing and innovation assistance.#
                                        everything moves rooms, but then             Looking ahead, the nurseries are
                                        they stay so nothing can go back to       largely back at work, not yet fully
                                        where it should be.                       operational by any means, but work-
                                            Confor has worked closely with        ing to these stricter protocols. They
New growth popping through
everywhere on this field maple          NPG members and produced new              are adapting techniques to produce
seed bed banishing despair and          safe working protocols “Forest            as many plants as they can in the
strengthening the knowledge that        Nursery Practices and Mitigation”         coming seasons although species
there are better times ahead. Nursery   demonstrating how work can be             and provenance range and grading
sector back on its feet nursing an
expensive headache but looking
                                        carried out safely, responsibly and       may be reduced. Prices are likely to
forwards                                in line with official guidance. This is   be up as well due to higher opera-
Picture: Trees Please                   available on the Confor website.          tional costs.

 In the spotlight
 Christies of Fochabers
 The Confor NPG were meant              •   One positive outcome for
 to have their summer meeting,          us from all this is that although
 alongside the HTA T&H Group up         we have always worked closely
 at Christies of Fochabers in June      with our staff, this lockdown has
 to help them celebrate 200 years       strengthened this bond further
 in business. Ronald Christie, MD,      with the help and constructive
 gave the following thoughts:           involvement on social distancing
 •   We have been in business,          , safety awareness and increased
 trading and growing trees for the      hygiene and housekeeping through-
 past 200 years, throughout those       out the work place, with everyone
 times our company has survived         showing increased and dedicated
 the war years, market uncertain-       involvement in general welfare not
 ties and various other mountains       only for themselves but for their fel-
 to climb, those were difficult         low co-workers too, this will now be
 times to weather but with Covid19      part of our daily life for the foresee-
 lockdowns and restrictions hitting     able future.                              Grading shed at Christies (Fochabers) Ltd reconfigured
 us hard in mid-March the next          •   We have become obsessed               with modifications made to partition workstations,
                                                                                  clear one-way directions within sheds to ensure social
 200 days will certainly prove to       about plant health, let’s draw breath     distancing. Handwashing stations are more plentiful
 be the most challenging that we        and consider employers and man-           and clearly located as you enter and exit the grading
 have experienced.                      agement health for a change.              shed. Picture: Christies (Fochabers) Ltd

14 FORESTRY & TIMBER NEWS • June 2020                                                                                     CONFOR.ORG.UK
Photo © The Crown Estate

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Agility a
key trait
to succeed                                                                                 “
in crisis
 A global pandemic cannot
  stop a determined Daniel
Iddon from reaching his goal
  of running a tree nursery
  with a focus on innovation
 and market responsiveness.

   t’s just over a year since I set off on my
   new adventure as a small commercial
   woodland owner, bright eyed and bushy
tailed. I had (dis)allusions on how I could
somehow be part of a global timber supply
chain and yet be local with low carbon ini-
tiatives, until I met an astute sawmill owner
who put me straight. I’ve been grateful for
that early exposure to the competitive in-
dustry and I have met a lot of knowledgable
people who have helped me focus on what
I can achieve. I started this year thinking     school to support outdoor education. As a       growing conditions our ambition is to meet
the biggest impact to my ambitious plans        family, we have collected seeds, grown and      the ever changing demand of species and
for managing a small commercial wood-           planted trees in the woodland generating        provenance to suit market conditions and
land and starting a tree nursery in earnest     great memories along the way.                   grow and meet customer demand within
was the two consecutive storms we had in            The nursery has ramped up production        that planting year.
January and February. Little did I know that    after trials and starting to take shape as          Working with foresters and custom-
Covid-19 would change our lives and society     we navigate a new way of living. We are a       ers in England, Wales and Scotland I have
in a single swipe more than a typical decade    relatively small nursery (with a capacity for   learnt that they each look for something
just as we sowed our first seeds.               1M cell trees) compared to the larger es-       different and trying to solve their problems
    The Iddon family name has been synon-       tablished industry players but I believe that   has helped me focus on what customers
ymous with growing, breeding and show-          allows us to be more agile and challenge        ultimately want (rather than just healthy
ing rare hardy herbaceous cottage garden        the way we use our nursery, resources and       plants as we would typically want). The
plants for three generations from nurseries     knowledge to develop new techniques and         nursery was empty and without the pres-
in West Lancashire. Working with the public     challenge the norm.                             sure of contracts to deliver against we have
through open gardens, access to the work-                                                       had time to trial a lot of variables, including
ing nursery and competing throughout            Variables                                       growing medium - from peat free to a re-
the UK at RHS Flower Shows for over fifty       We have spent the last two years working        duced peat mix using wood products. We
years. The decision to rejuvenate the family    within FRM and UKISG guidelines collect-        developed our medium to suit paper cells
business from growing plants to cell grown      ing seeds, developing growing techniques        to help reduce single use plastics, waste
forestry tree saplings started two years ago    and researching the growing cycle vari-         and time/labour handling cells during on
with a vision of growing trees for my own       ables to be more efficient to try and meet      site planting operations.
woodland using the seeds collected from         our customer needs. I’m certain that a lot          I only hope I’ve found my niche and
the select Sitka trees in the stand. Most       of what we are trying to achieve has been       place within the sector so I can continue
people I met and shared this vision with        tried before but I also feel that means we      to learn, develop and contribute to a more
(and to date) think I’m being too ambitious     can keep trying as it has yet to be done        sustainable future for our children. If you
and/or naive and whilst they are probably       working without the confines of a deadline      are looking for a nursery to meet your spe-
right, I have thus far achieved that goal.      to make the immediate savings or growth in      cies needs, quantities and provenance for
The woodland is being managed with plans        profit. One initiative under way is to grow     the forthcoming planting season please get
for a log cabin forestry building (using tim-   UK-sourced orchard Sitka spruce suitable        in contact to find out how we can help.
ber sourced from the woodland) and forest       for planting within a year. Given the right

16 FORESTRY & TIMBER NEWS • June 2020                                                                                     CONFOR.ORG.UK



Estate back to work after lockdown
    The Grosvenor Estate’s
 investments in local timber
 supply for heat and a future
     sawmill have allowed
   the business to weather
          the crisis.

        ince the government announced
        lockdown on 23 March, Grosvenor
        Estate’s Forestry and Conservation
Team has only undertaken essential opera-
tions. These included an ongoing project
at Eaton Estate to deal with Acute Oak
Decline (AOD), which needed to be com-
pleted by the start of May, and running the
biomass and firewood operations which
benefit elderly and vulnerable people in
our communities.
    On 14 May, the team returned to work
in pretty much full capacity. This followed
government advice that those who can-
not work from home should return to work.
A lot of work was done to ensure people
returned to work safely (Standard Operat-
ing Procedures, Risk Assessments and Tool
Box Talks) and this continues.
    The Forestry and Conservation Team
works across Grosvenor Estate’s UK rural
estates in England, Scotland and Wales.
Forestry is a large part of what we do but
we also undertake arboriculture, manage
parkland with associated paddocks and
undertake landscape work.
    Throughout the lockdown period, the
estate kept contractors in employment
where possible but only where they were
happy to continue to do so; in some cases,
bringing forward work so they could main-
tain their livelihoods.
    Greg Vickers, Head of Forestry, said:
“It’s really important to work with contrac-    A project to control the spread of AOD was deemed essential and work continued
tors and help them out when we can – they
often bend over backwards for us and we         we been operational I think we would have
must be willing to do the same. During lock-    had a difficult time – I can’t imagine many                  CONFOR WELCOMES
down we got a lot of forestry work done         people were buying timber – although per-
– the weather really helped. Where we suf-      haps the DIY market may have been buoy-
                                                                                                             NEW MEMBERS
fered was in the more public facing work        ant with everyone at home.
such as the management of green spaces             “Looking back on the past two months,           Patrick Porteous MICFOR, Midlothian
in our villages and our arboricultural work.    but also looking forward, I think our invest-      Coillear Forestry Ltd, Inverness-shire
We made a commitment some time ago              ments in local timber supply for heat and
                                                                                                   Elsoms Seeds Ltd, Lincolnshire
to self-supply biomass boilers and we also      in our future sawmill have been the right
run firewood businesses. During difficult       move. I’d be interested to hear how local          GSI, Midlothian
times people still need heat – perhaps not      sawmills have fared, but I expect those that       Knight Frank, Westminster
quite so much during the past few weeks         supply local will have done better. As we          Laurence Crow Limited, Surrey
with the good weather – but we still had        move forward, I will be looking to strength-
                                                                                                   XCUT Logging Limited, EIRE
on outlet for our timber. We have invested      en our local supply chain. I feel people want
in an estate sawmill to produce timber for      to buy local and want to buy sustainably”.
our own needs and for sale. This isn’t due to
come online until the end of the year. Had

CONFOR.ORG.UK                                                                                   FORESTRY & TIMBER NEWS • June 2020 17
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18 FORESTRY & TIMBER NEWS • June 2020                                                                                                                CONFOR.ORG.UK



Crisis aggravating tree

supply challenge
                                          working on a contract for FLS but        ing Government’s increased plant-
                Richard Wall              went out of work as FLS stopped          ing targets will become unrealistic
                RW Forestry               all tree planting operations. It was a   without the required tree supply. We
                                          win-win, as I was able to offer them     seriously need to look into this if we
                                          work to finish their season while        are wanting to achieve planting tar-

          uring these uncertain times     they filled in the resource gaps left    gets.
          we have adapted to working      by the planters I lost due to the lock
          throughout the Coronavirus      down.                                    Labour
lockdown and have put strict meas-                                                 Depending on how long travel re-
ures in place to ensure everyone’s        Tree supply                              strictions will last, we might struggle
safety. We are lucky to work in an        Our biggest interruption was when        for labour next season. I don’t know
industry were 90% of the time we          a few of the tree nurseries closed       the percentage of trees that are put
social distance anyways - it’s the na-    down after the lockdown was an-          in the ground by foreign planters
ture of the job. But we made some         nounced, leaving us without plant-       that come to the UK especifically
changes to the way we operate to          ing stock for some of our sites;         to plant trees solely; but my rough
ensure that social distancing is pos-     luckily, most of our trees come from     guess is that Europeans and Cana-
sible at all times. Travelling in sepa-   nurseries that stayed open, so the       dians will plant at least 40% of the
rate vehicles, making handwashing         impact on our operations was not         trees in the UK. I’m involved with
facilities and antibacterial wipes        too big.                                 Gone West and the Princes Trust to
available, and making the extra ef-           Tree supply is in general an un-     start a training program for people
fort to always keep the safety dis-       certainty and one of the key factors     that are looking for employment to
tance of two metres from each other.      influencing whether or not we meet       have proper onsite training so they
   I‘ve been lucky to keep most of        planting targets; the Covid-19 crisis    can come away with the experience
my planters going during the lock         will aggravate this. With the tree       and the qualifications they need to
down with only two planters unable        nurseries down to less staff during      work withing the tree planting sec-       Planters for
to work for personal reasons. I’ve        this time its only going to have a       tor and hopefully can fill the gap if     RW Forestry at
had a squad join me that had been         knock-on affect in the future. Meet-     we need more labour in future.            Glenwargen

CONFOR.ORG.UK                                                                                 FORESTRY & TIMBER NEWS • June 2020 19
Customer Relations
                                                                                 Manager                                                                     MAELO R
       SAF WOODLAND                                                              Hours: Full time Based: Bronington, Wrexham
                                                                                                                                                             Forest Nurseries Ltd

                                                                                 An exciting opportunity has arisen to become an integral part of the team responsible for
                                                                                 driving the growth of one of the UK’s largest commercial tree nurseries. We are therefore
                                                                                 looking to recruit a graduate with a minimum of 2 years’ experience in the forest industry for
                                                                                 the role of Customer Relations Manager.
                                                                                 Maelor Forest Nurseries Ltd, owned by BSW Timber Ltd, forms part of the unique seed to
                                                                                 sawmill offering under the Group umbrella. The nursery produces an extensive range of
                                                                                 commercial forestry and native broadleaf species, marketing in excess of 28 million UK grown
                                                                                 trees a year to customers throughout the UK and Europe. Our investment in a new state-ofthe-
                                                                                 art laboratory highlights our dedication to providing cutting edge research into the benefits of
                                                                                 genetic improvement for commercial tree species.
                                                                                 As Customer Relations Manager, you will play an integral role in developing all aspects of the
                                                                                 business and will need to have a strong interest in the development of alternative species,
                                                                                 as well as plant provenance and the benefits of genetic research. The success of this role
                                                                                 also requires a keen interest in the functioning of a commercial forest nursery and relevant
                                                                                 production techniques.
                                                                                 Your remit will include:
                                                                                 • Visiting customers, reviewing planting needs and advising on stock availability.
                                                                                 • Advising customers on provenance and species choice.
                                                                                 • Participating in trial work on such things as Hylobius control, provenance, species and
                                                                                    fertiliser trials.
                                                                                 • Liaising with nursery production team on customer requirements.
                                                                                 • Promoting our work with universities, colleges, foresters and forestry investment
                                                                                 • Representing the Company at industry meetings, shows and events.
     SAF Woodland Management is a family run business bringing                   Ideally, we are looking for the following additional skills and experience:
        together project management and a specialist cell nursery                • Relevant academic qualifications in forestry or related fields.
                                                                                 • Strong commercial acumen with at least 2 years’ operational experience in forestry.
      to ensure the right trees for your environment are available at            • Strong client relationship management skills.
     the right time. We understand every woodland is different and               • Valid driving license.
                                                                                 Alongside these attributes, candidates need to be highly motivated, driven, enthusiastic,
              as such we don’t offer a one size fits all service.
                                                                                 reliable and adaptable with a willingness to travel as required.
                                                                                 In return, we offer an attractive salary and benefits package, the opportunity of being part of a
                                             talented and well-motivated team, together with first class opportunities for both personal and
                                                                                 career development in a truly national and integrated company.
                                                                                 To apply, email your CV and covering letter, clearly stating the position you are applying for, to:
                           mobile: 07703493773                         
                                                                                 The Company’s Job Applicant Privacy Notice is available at:
 Marsh Road Nursery | Marsh Road | Hesketh Bank | Preston | Lancashire PR4 6XT                     Maelor Forest Nurseries is an Equal Opportunities Employer

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20 FORESTRY & TIMBER NEWS • June 2020                                                                                                                     CONFOR.ORG.UK



EU forest and wood sectors
unite for place in recovery plan
The European forest-
                                         THE CO-SIGNATORIES
based industry
‘ecosystem’ – including                  The co-signatories, listed below, ask that        Committee of Professional Agricultural
                                         the forthcoming EU European Recovery              Organisations-General Confederation of
farming, bioenergy,                      Plan and New Industrial Strategy for              Agricultural Cooperatives
furniture and graphic                    Europe give a dedicated space and       
sectors – has come                       recognition to the Forest-based industries        The European Confederation of
                                         ecosystem.                                        Woodworking Industries (CEI-Bois)
together to push
                                         European State Forest Association       
for inclusion in the                     (EUSTAFOR)                           European Panel Federation
European Recovery plan                   FECOF – European Federation of          
                                         organizations representing forest                 Cepi

   n light of the European Commis-       municipalities
   sion’s expected announcement of       Forest-based Sector Technology Platform
   which business ecosystems will                                                          European Furniture Industries Confederation
be targeted by the European Recov-                                               
                                         Confederation of European Forest Owners
ery Plan and new Industrial Strat-                                                         Bioenergy Europe
egy for Europe, the partners of the
forest-based sector (see panel) have
sent a proposal to EU Commissioner      manufactured, reused and recycled                                           the sector has been severely hit by
for Internal Market Thierry Breton to   in Europe unlike any other ecosys-                                          the shock caused by the Covid-19
include the European Forest-based       tem and based on European inno-                                             health crisis: the decline in domestic
Industries Ecosystem as one of the      vations and technology. One in five                                         and foreign demand, the interrup-
ecosystems eligible for support in      manufacturing companies in the EU                                           tion of the supply chains and logistic
the plan, the European Federation of    belongs to the forest-based indus-                                          problems took their toll on our indus-
Woodworking Industries (CEI-Bois)       tries ecosystem and offers an impor-                                        tries, which expects on average 20%
reported on 15 May.                     tant amount of jobs well distributed                                        turnover loss in 2020; some parts of
   The sector counts more than          over all countries and regions and in                                       the ecosystem are more seriously hit
420,000 enterprises (20% of the         particular in rural areas. We are also                                      than others. Nonetheless, the forest-
total EU manufacturing sector), 3.5     a fertile ecosystem for digital ser-                                        based industries ecosystem is in a
million of direct employees (10% of     vices and applications. We generate      The paper                          unique position to recover by mov-
the total workforce in manufacture)     a significant export income to the       and printing                       ing forward, doing so in a way that
                                                                                 industries are
and generates an annual turnover of     European economy”, commented                                                is in line with the objectives of the
                                                                                 part of the wider
520 billion euros, 3% of the EU GDP.    Beatrice Klose, Secretary General of     ‘ecosystem of                      EU Green Deal. Linked to most other
   “As key pillars in our common Eu-    Intergraf.                               forest-based                       ecosystems, it would also help other
ropean resilience, we are sourced,          Like most of the EU industries,      industries’.                       parts ofthe EU economy to bounce
                                                                                                                        “Including theforest-based in-
                                                                                                                    dustries ecosystem in the European
                                                                                                                    Recovery Plan would be a healthy
                                                                                                                    injection of green and resilience
                                                                                                                    into all other ecosystems as we are
                                                                                                                    linked to renewable energy, textiles,
                                                                                                                    construction, food and agriculture,
                                                                                                                    low carbon manufacturing, green
                                                                                                                    chemicals, health and hygiene, phar-
                                                                                                                    maceuticals and key packaging so-
                                                                                                                    lutions. Recent announcements of
                                                                                                                    large investments in biorefineries
                                                                                                                    by our member companies are an
                                                                                                                    example of how this ecosystem can
                                                                                                                    bring new life to old fossil-based

                                                                                                                    sectors with renewable materials
                                                                                                                    that are sustainably sourced in Eu-
                                                                                                                    rope”, said Jori Ringman, Director
                                                                                                                    General of Cepi.

CONFOR.ORG.UK                                                                               FORESTRY & TIMBER NEWS • June 2020 21
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