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                                                                                           19 MARCH 2020 Issue 5506 £3.30

                                                                                                                                          14 MAY 2020

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                                                                                                                                              PAGE 2 FOR
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Osprey flies high at Whitby launch ceremony
The new Scrabster vivier-crabber Osprey WK 4 was               Osprey is lifted into the
lifted into the river Esk by a specialist heavy-lift crane     water at Whitby by a
and named in early spring sunshine at Whitby last week,        specialist crane. (Photo:
reports David Linkie.                                          Ceri Oakes)
    Built by Parkol Marine Engineering for Andrew and
Diane Watt of Holborn Fishing Company Ltd, the 19m
Osprey was named by Diane Watt and her youngest
son Danny breaking the traditional bottle of champagne
on the port bow.
    Murray Campbell, a former Fishermen’s Mission
superintendent at Scrabster, conducted the blessing
service on the quayside at Whitby.
    One hundred and sixty family members and friends
travelled to Whitby from around the world, including
Australia and Canada, as well as Kinlochbervie,
Stornoway, Orkney, Aberdeenshire, Caithness and
England, to help to celebrate the owners’ special
day. After being given the opportunity to look over
the virtually completed Osprey, the guests enjoyed a
celebratory evening function at The Stables in Whitby.
                                   Continued on page 3

‡ Diane and Andrew Watt with their sons Craig, Ian and Danny
after the naming ceremony. (Photo: Scott Wicking)
2        NEWS                                                 Visit us at and on Twitter @YourFishingNews                                                                     19 March 2020

    Scots trial new Quota Management Groups
    QMGs will run alongside POs until end of 2021
    New arrangements for managing             the same sectoral quota management            Marine Scotland said its aims for   how they align with Scottish              and sustainable way.
    quotas through new legal bodies           responsibilities as POs currently have.   the trial are to:                       government objectives for fisheries          “Quota management groups
    called quota management groups                Marine Scotland said that             • Help inform future policy around      management – specifically, how they       will have to operate in line with
    (QMGs) are being trialled in              the aim of the trials is ‘to inform       sectoral quota management as part       optimise annual quota opportunities       Scottish government objectives
    Scotland.                                 future policy’. “Private bodies,          of its Future Fisheries Management      and sustainable fishing, and how they     and demonstrate that they have the
        These organisations, which will       which meet the recognition criteria       initiative                              support Scottish communities where        expertise, systems and processes in
    have to be based in Scotland and          and objectives for QMGs, will be          • Gain insight into the benefit         fishing is a viable career option and     place to manage quotas effectively
    administer Scottish-registered vessels,   granted sectoral management rights        returned to Scottish communities by     value is added throughout the supply      and sustainably on behalf of their
    will be given responsibility for          and responsibilities for the quota        QMGs/sectoral groups                    chain.                                    vessels.
    allocating quotas in a sustainable way    associated with licences of vessels       • Gain a greater understanding of           As in the rest of the UK, Scottish       “By working closely with Marine
    within their group of boats.              they administer until the end of          the utilisation of quota – a national   POs are recognised under EU               Scotland, the quota management
        The new QMGs will operate             2021.”                                    asset – by private bodies               legislation and manage sectoral           groups will potentially increase the
    alongside the POs that currently              QMGs will sit alongside POs,          • Establish whether private bodies      quotas on behalf of their members.        understanding of our sea fisheries
    manage quotas until the end of the        and will have specific objectives and     outside of the PO structure can             Scottish fisheries secretary Fergus   sector. Our hope is that the trial will
    trial period in December 2021, when       criteria. Groups wanting to set up a      manage quota effectively and in line    Ewing said: “We are constantly            bring benefits to Scottish coastal
    a full evaluation will take place.        QMG will have to apply to Marine          with Scottish government objectives.    looking at how we can manage our          communities and inform future
    Recognised QMGs will have many of         Scotland for recognition.                     QMGs will need to demonstrate       fishery resources in the most efficient   policy.”

      Reasons for QMG trials
      Marine Scotland said             legislation, but because
                                                                             REQUIREMENTS FOR QMG RECOGNITION
      that the time was right to       the UK has left the EU,               A QMG must have legal personality, and its headquarters must be registered in Scotland.
      start the QMG trials for a       it is appropriate to test                Only Scottish vessels registered in a Scottish port can operate within a sectoral QMG, which must have at least
      number of reasons.               alternative arrangements              two active fishing vessels and can manage only TAC/quota stocks.
          One was that some            for managing Scottish                    Vessels administered by a QMG must be active in its area of operation and satisfy collective economic activity
      ‘legal entities’ appear          quota.                                criteria at national and district levels.
      to seek, or maintain,                 Another reason                      A QMG must demonstrate that it has the expertise to manage commercial fishing vessels and that it has effective
      PO status so that they           is that the operation                 systems and processes for managing the quotas allocated to the QMG and the individual vessels it administers.
      can manage quotas,               and management of                     This includes having transparent quota management rules and a designated quota manager.
      rather than carry out            UK-recognised POs is
      the marketing function           currently subject to EU
      that was their original          ‘infraction proceedings’.
      role under EU (Common
      Organisation of the Market
      – CMO) regulations.
                                       “The Commission alleges
                                       that UK authorities have
                                       failed to adequately verify
                                                                             Questions over future of POs post-Brexit
          “Scottish POs have           that POs comply with EU               The QMG trials could herald                     “Now that all UK POs have                   “And, of course, the reality is that
      effectively managed the          law, as UK POs do not                 a significant change in the                 been audited by their respective            POs are constructs of the CFP –
      quota allocated to them          fully meet the recognition            management of Scottish quotas and           administrations, we may find that           rules which the UK fishing industry
      and helped ensure that           criteria contained in the             perhaps UK quotas, reports Tim              some struggle to demonstrate                will no longer have to abide by after
      quota is utilised efficiently.   CMO regulation,” says                 Oliver.                                     sufficient compliance with CMO              the end of the transition period.
      However, this is an              Marine Scotland.                          John Anderson, chief executive          requirements. It appears that                   “Given these developments, one
      opportune moment to                   “QMGs provide an                 of the Scottish Fishermen’s                 Marine Scotland’s decision to               does wonder what the future holds
      allow legal entities, other      alternative for legal                 Organisation, the biggest PO in             introduce the QMG trial in Scotland         for POs now that the UK has left
      than POs recognised              entities, which do not wish           Scotland and in the UK, said that the       would give affected Scottish POs            the EU, and certainly, we should be
      under the CMO regulation,        to benefit from obtaining             trials raised a question mark over the      the option to either resolve the            under no illusion that there won’t
      to manage quota on a             or retaining PO status                future of POs now that the UK has           compliance issue and remain a PO,           be changes to the way in which our
      trial basis,” says Marine        under the CMO regulation,             left the EU.                                or alternatively convert to a QMG,          domestic fisheries management
      Scotland.                        to manage quota uptake                    He said it appeared that by             with derecognition and a loss of            regime operates, including sectoral
          It says that POs             by a common group of                  introducing a trial of QMGs, Marine         ability to participate in sectoral quota    quota management, once we are a
      are regulated by EU              vessels.”                             Scotland was attempting to tackle           management the consequence of               fully functioning coastal state.”
                                                                             two separate issues.                        doing neither.”                                 Elaine Whyte, secretary of the
                                                                                 The first was the ongoing                   He said that the second issue was       Clyde Fishermen’s Association
                                                                             infraction proceedings raised by            that Marine Scotland had indicated          (CFA), said that the proposals were
                                                                             the European Commission against             that the QMG trial is intended to           interesting and might be a helpful
                                                                             the UK government and devolved              inform future policy decisions under        development for some Scottish
                                                                             administrations.                            its post-Brexit Future of Fisheries         communities.
                                                                                 “The Commission has, following          Management (FFM) work.                          But she said that there were a lot
                                                                             a complaint, accused our authorities            “Indeed, the requirements               of practical issues connected with
                                                                             of effectively failing in their duties      of QMGs, when you read the                  the formation of the QMGs, and that
                                                                             to ensure UK POs have been fully            application form, are rather robust,        the CFA would need to meet Marine
                                                                             compliant with the EU’s Common              and hint towards conformity with            Scotland officials to discuss the
                                                                             Organisation of the Markets (CMO)           certain policy objectives which are         project in more detail before it could
                                                                             regulation,” John Anderson told             not currently requirements bestowed         give a considered response to the
                                                                             Fishing News.                               upon POs,” he said.                         development.

                                                                           BRUSSELS SEAFOOD EXPO POSTPONED
                                                                           The organisers of Seafood Expo Global and Seafood                       The organisers said that the Belgian government had
                                                                           Processing Global in Brussels – the largest seafood industry        issued advice to cancel indoor events with more than 1,000
                                                                           exhibition of its kind – have announced that this year’s event,     people to contain the spread of the new coronavirus.
                                                                           due to be held from 21 to 23 April, is being postponed.                 “We value the support of everyone involved in the making
                                                                              “Due to the magnitude of the unanticipated public health         of this event – our vendors, the local authorities, the venue
                                                                           and safety issues posed by the rapidly escalating COVID-19          and, most of all, our partners, friends and customers in the
                                                                           outbreaks and contagion, we have no choice but to                   seafood industry,” Diversified’s spokesperson said.
                                                                           postpone the upcoming edition of Seafood Expo Global and                “We are looking forward to getting this strong seafood
 “Can’t help feeling that our application to become                        Seafood Processing Global,” Diversified Communications              community back together in the near future. Until then,
the ‘J&A Quota Management Group’ is let down by                            said. New dates for the 2020 expo will be announced by 18           we send heartfelt thoughts to those who are affected by
  the address being ‘Rear Lounge, Harbour Bar’.”                           March.                                                              COVID-19.”
19 March 2020                                          Join Fishing News on Facebook                                                           NEWS            3

 UK fleet returned    Osprey flies high at Whitby launch ceremony
 lower catch value                                                        Continued from page 1
                                                                          Designed by SC McAllister & Co Ltd, the fully
                                                                          shelterdecked Osprey has a registered length of

 and quantity in 2019
                                                                          16.45m and 7m of beam. A 32t vivier hold is
                                                                          flanked by two frozen bait stores.
                                                                             Pot hauling is centred on a Britannia 2t slave
                                                                          unit and gunwale rail roller, positioned forward
 UK vessels landed a total of           Mackerel (£202m) was the          of a re-toggling and shooting table. The galley and
 618,129t for £926m in 2019,          single most valuable species        messdeck, together with a skipper’s cabin, are
 according to provisional             caught by UK vessels, ahead         arranged in the full-width deckhouse.
 figures published by the             of Nephrops (£107m), crabs             Osprey’s centreline machinery consists of a
 MMO last week, reports               (£76m), scallops (£57m),            Mitsubishi S6A3 MPTAW main engine, a Reintjes
 David Linkie.                        monkfish (£53m), cod (£53m)         7:1 reduction gearbox and a 1,900mm-diameter
   In terms of overall catch          and haddock (£50m).                 propeller. Two Baudouin auxiliary engines are also
 value, the 2019 total is 6%            In terms of individual            fitted in the aft engineroom.
 lower than the previous              species, the biggest gains             Named after one of the owners’ previous
 year’s figure of £989m, while        were Nephrops and whelks,           crabbers, Osprey will replace their present boat
 the tonnage is 11% lower             which returned respective           Sparkling Line WK 4, which has recently been
 than the 697,508t landed             catch value increases of            re-registered WK 43 and is due to be sold next
 in 2018. Highlighting quota          28% and 16%.                        month.
 cuts across some of the                In the demersal sector,              Osprey is scheduled to run sea trials from Whitby    ‡ Osprey is lifted into the river Esk ahead of the
 main demersal and pelagic            landings of cod dropped             next week before steaming north to Scrabster.           naming ceremony last week. (Photo: Ceri Oakes)
 species, the figures also            30% by value, plaice 28%,
 reflect an 8% increase in the        megrim 18% and monkfish
 average price per tonne of
 all landings from UK vessels,
 which rose to £1,532 from
                                        The three main pelagic
                                      species shared significant
                                                                            Big differences as Brexit talks start
 £1,421.                              drops in catch value, with            There were ‘significant               He said that the differences       UK expects to table a number of
   Of the overall catch               blue whiting down 20%,                differences’ between the UK         revolved around competition          legal texts, including a draft free
 value by the UK fleet,               mackerel 14% and herring              and EU over fisheries in the        rules, fisheries and future          trade agreement, beforehand.
 £721m/390,489t was landed            13%.                                  first round of Brexit trade         oversight of the UK-EU                  Meanwhile, DEFRA chief
 into British ports and                 Peterhead was the UK’s              negotiations, held in Brussels      relationship. However, Michel        George Eustice said that
 £205m/227,640t was landed            top port, with a catch value          at the beginning of March,          Barnier also told reporters that a   the government has taken
 abroad.                              of £171m from UK vessels,             reports Tim Oliver.                 trade deal is still possible – but   ‘significant steps’ to ensure
   The overall total included         followed by Fraserburgh                  In a statement to                only if there is mutual respect      the UK can enforce its fishing
 £118m from 40,147t by the            (£42m), Lerwick (£40m),               MPs, Michael Gove, the              and no reneging on previous          rights.
 under-10m fleet, of which            Brixham (£36m), Newlyn                minister in charge of the           commitments.                            Answering a question from
 shellfish accounted for £94m         (£32m) and Scrabster (£31m).          Brexit negotiations, said:            The negotiations were              Banff and Buchan MP David
 and 32,709t.                           Further details will be             “Discussions in some areas          formally launched by the UK’s        Duguid, he said: “These include,
   Landings by foreign                included in Fishing News              identified a degree of common       chief negotiator David Frost         with respect to England via the
 vessels into the UK last year        next week.                            understanding of the ground         and Michel Barnier on 2 March.       MMO, increasing the number of
 totalled £52m from 50,509t,                                                that future talks could cover. In   Discussions took place within 11     frontline warranted officers by
 compared to £64m and                                                       other areas, notably fisheries,     separate negotiating groups and      50% (35 people) for 2019/2020,
 53,229t in 2018.                                                           governance and dispute              closed on 5 March.                   putting in place a framework to
   Shellfish contributed                                                    settlement, and the so-called         “Both sides presented their        increase aerial surveillance by
 £367m/145,413t, demersal                                                   ‘level playing field’, there        positions, as set out in the EU      a maximum of two surveillance
 £319m/164,407t and pelagic                                                 were, as expected, significant      mandate and in the document          aircraft as risk and intelligence
 £240m/308,309t to the total                                                differences.”                       ‘The Future Relationship with        demands, and chartering two
 catch value for the UK fleet                                                  Commission chief negotiator      the EU – The UK’s Approach           additional commercial vessels
 in 2019. Demersal landings                                                 Michel Barnier also said            to Negotiations’,” said Michael      to enable an increase in routine
 dropped 10% by value                                                       there was a big gap between         Gove.                                sea-based inspections, to
 and 7% by tonnage, while                                                   the two sides. According to           “The UK’s team made clear          supplement provision from the
 pelagic catches were 12%             ‡ The catch value of Nephrops         the Reuters news agency,            that on 1 January, 2021, the UK      Royal Navy Fishery Protection
 lower in value and 20% in            rose by 28% to 107m in 2019,          he told reporters after             would regain its economic and        Squadron.”
 tonnage. Shellfish landings          while overall landings by UK          the negotiations: “To be            political independence in full,         He said that fisheries control
 were 7% higher in terms of           vessels were 6% lower by value        completely frank with you…          and that the future relationship     and enforcement is a devolved
 tonnage and 1% in value.             and 11% by tonnage.                   there are many divergences,         would need to reflect that           matter, and that DEFRA
                                                                            and they are very serious           reality.”                            continued to work closely with
                                                                            divergences, which is probably        The next negotiating round         the devolved administrations
                                                                            quite natural after a first round   was due to take place this week      to ensure a co-ordinated
 New dates set for Irish Skipper                                            of negotiations.”                   (18-20 March) in London. The         approach.

 Expo 2020 – 4-5 September       ‘SPANISH FLEET MUST HAVE ACCESS TO UK WATERS’
 Irish Skipper Expo 2020 has          to enable exhibitors and visitors   A leading Spanish fishermen’s         has happened on previous             of mainly hake, megrim and
 been rescheduled to take place       to plan ahead. Our decision         organisation says that                occasions.”                          monkfish, worth around €27m, in
 on 4 and 5 September at the          to postpone the event was not       guaranteeing continued access            He said that CEPESCA              UK waters.
 UL Sport Arena in Limerick,          taken lightly, but the wellbeing    to UK waters and maintaining          has reminded the Spanish                For fishing vessel operators
 following its postponement due       of exhibitors and visitors is of    reciprocal market access are key      government that the fishing          in Vigo, Celeiro, Burela, Coruña,
 to uncertainty over the escalation   paramount importance to us,         issues in the Brexit negotiations,    industry expects to see its          Ondárroa and Santander,
 of COVID-19 (coronavirus).           and we had no other option,         reports Fiskerforum.                  interests defended – which           UK fishing grounds are of
    Following discussions with        given the circumstances.               CEPESCA general secretary          means maintaining access to UK       significant importance. There
 the UL Sport Arena and others,          “We would like to thank the      Javier Garat said: “If Spain’s        waters. CEPESCA’s position is        are 88 Spanish-flagged vessels
 the rapid setting of a new date      UL Sport Arena for working          objective is to guarantee the         in line with that of the European    employing 2,150 crew that
 aims to provide certainty for        with us in setting a new date,      rights of national companies,         Fisheries Alliance (EUFA), of        currently have the option of fishing
 exhibitors and visitors alike, and   as well as our valued exhibitors    the access of the Spanish fleet       which it is a member. EUFA           in UK waters – 54 longliners,
 allow plenty of time for planning    for being so supportive during      to the waters of the United           president Gerard van Balsfoort       28 trawlers and six netters. In
 and the rescheduling of diaries.     this challenging period. We         Kingdom must be given priority        has made it clear to EU chief        addition, there are 28 UK-flagged,
    Sharon Boyle of show              ask everyone to bear with us        consideration.                        negotiator Michel Barnier that       Spanish-owned fishing vessels.
 organiser Mara Media said: “We       as we endeavour to get more            “We trust that by the              access is highly important for the      Javier Garat said that Spain
 were determined to act swiftly       information updated to our          conclusion of negotiations,           European fleet.                      exports an average of 21,000t of
 and set a new date for the expo      website shortly.”                   fishing will not have become             The Spanish fleet currently       seafood worth €95m to the UK
                                                                          something to bargain with, as         catches around 9,000t annually,      annually.
4        COMMENT/LETTERS                                   Visit us at and on Twitter @YourFishingNews                                                                                       19 March 2020


             Changes ahead in quota management                                                                                                          EMAIL:
    Marine Scotland’s announcement of trials       to ‘infraction proceedings’ by the EU, on        South of the border, the government           Kelsey Publishing Ltd,
    of Quota Management Groups (QMGs),             the grounds that some are not being run       attitude tends to be in favour of                    The Granary,
    to run alongside Scottish POs for the best     in accordance with EU requirements for        maintaining the status quo in quota             Downs Court, Yalding Hill,                                  Dave Linkie
    part of two years, could herald significant    POs.                                          management, and to favour the market-             Yalding, Maidstone,                             email:
    changes in quota management after                 The fact that POs are EU institutions      based ethos of ownership of FQAs and                Kent, ME18 6AL                                         01434 607375
    Brexit in the UK as well as in Scotland.       raises the question of what their legal       the trade in them.
       Sectoral quota management by POs in         status will be at the end of the transition      The announcement of QMGs reflects
    the UK is a system that has evolved over       period, when EU regulations no longer         this difference and the readiness of the
    decades in response to various quota issues.   apply.                                        Scottish government to encourage a new
       Although there are comprehensive               Marine lawyers believe the most likely     and more community-minded approach
    quota management rules, they are subject       outcome will be that legislation will be      to how a national asset can best be
    to change and were not formulated on           introduced that will simply transfer POs      utilised.
    any set of fundamental principles.             into legal UK – rather than EU – bodies,         There are questions, however, as to
       Quota management by POs on behalf           with the remit to manage quotas as they       just where the quota will come from for
    of their members, and the trading of           do now.                                       the new groups to manage. There are a                                                                       Managing editor
    quota that goes with it, has become a             Quota management will be a                 fixed number of FQAs, and if one group                News correspondent                                     Gaby Bartai
                                                                                                                                                             Tim Oliver                              email:
    fundamental element of the UK fisheries        completely devolved issue after               acquires more, someone else must lose. It           email:
    management scene. This has tended to           Brexit, and the Scottish government’s         may be that some quota will come from
    blur the fact that POs are, in fact, EU        announcement of new groups dedicated          the Scottish under-10 and non-sector
    institutions that were originally set up as    solely to quota management appears to         pool. Some FQA holders currently in the
    organisations to market their members’         anticipate this.                              membership of a PO may leave and join
    catches under the Common Organisation             For many years, there has been a           one of the new groups, taking their quota
    of the Market (CMO) element of the CFP.        different attitude in Scotland towards        entitlements with them.
       While a few do carry out some               ownership of quotas than in England.             Despite the practical
    marketing activities, the majority have        Fish stocks tend to be regarded as a          questions, this is an interesting
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Lincolnshire, East Anglia and
    become simply vehicles for quota               national asset that should be used for        initiative, and fishermen and                                                                           Essex correspondent
                                                                                                                                                     Cornwall correspondent
    management and trading.                        the benefit of the industry and fishing       POs on both sides of the border                          Phil Lockley                                       John Worrall
       Following a complaint to the                communities as a whole, rather than           will watch closely to see how it                            email:                                email:
                                                                                                                                                                                                            07748 644971
    Commission, UK POs are now subject             individual holders of FQAs.                   develops.                               
                                                                                                                                                         01326 340372

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Sussex, Kent, Hampshire and
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Dorset correspondent
                                                                                                                                                                                                             John Periam
                                                                                                                                                            Art editor                              email: periam.photojournalist@
                                                                                                                                                           Nick Bond                             
                                                                                                                                                email:                            01243 584718
Dear Editor,                                       changed. Long-term organisms have             is too high for cod, so Greenpeace’s
As a result of the gigantic expansion of           disappeared and short-term organisms          comment is ridiculous.                                                    MANAGEMENT
windmill parks close to the coast, Dutch           have replaced them. Dab, sole and                 Apart from the loss of fishing                           Chief Operating Officer: Phil Weeden
                                                                                                                                                                  Chief Executive: Steve Wright
fishermen are losing their fishing grounds.        plaice have also moved away, due to the       grounds due to huge windmill parks,                          Managing Director: Kevin McCormick
But it is also becoming a huge problem in          same effect the windmills are causing.        the compensation will also make fishing                    Finance Director: Joyce Parker-Sarioglu
shallow waters further out to sea.                 Small-scale gill-netters hardly catch any     space smaller. The NGOs will be given                             Retail Director: Steve Brown
   The Thornton Bank is a good example.            sole or dab – while over 10 years ago,        MPAs in order to compensate for the                    Audience Development Manager: Andy Cotton
                                                                                                                                                        HR & Operations Manager: Charlotte Whittaker
Quite a number of beamers from the                 the by-catch rate of dab was out of all       construction of those wind farms, so                  Senior Print Production Manager: Nicola Pollard
South West coast fishing ports used to             proportion. They even used boiled water       fishermen will lose twice as much. Within                 Print Production Manager: Georgina Harris
fish there between Monday morning and              to speed up the decomposition process         a few years, there will be no space left                   Print Production Controller: Kelly Orriss
Thursday evening. Outside the wind                 of the dab they could not pick out of the     for any kind of fishing in the southern               Subscription Marketing Manager: Nick McIntosh
farm, it is possible to fish, but what they        monofilament meshes. If they did not          North Sea. The Dutch government                                    ADVERTISEMENT SALES
see is that flatfish are becoming scarce.          clean their nets, the smell of rotten fish    underestimates the impact of the wind            Gary Smythson, 01732 447008,
Wind farms in areas with strong currents           was terrible.                                 turbines on the ecosystem and sea birds.         Simon Hyland, 01732 445327,
                                                                                                                                                                       Production: Nick Bond
– almost the whole southern North Sea –               The by-catch rate of dab is now                                                                                    Tel: 01732 447281
are causing sand displacement.                     very low. Some small-scale fishermen                           Willem Ment den Heijer                     Email:
   Normally, currents do the same in a             tried to catch dab with a single-boat                    Scheveningen, The Netherlands                                 SUBSCRIPTIONS
natural way, but due to the wind farms,            trawl, but that did not work either. It                                                          UK subscription - £168.30 Europe subscription - £195.00
displacement of sand is increasing. That           seems that a combination of a lack of                                                                      Outside Europe subscription - £210.00
means that flatfish buried in the bottom           nutrients (the water is too clean) and the                                                         Latest subscription offers please visit our website at
waiting for prey are almost permanently            disturbance from sand supplementation                                                                    
                                                                                                                                                    UK subscription and back issue orderline: 01959 543747
covered by sand.                                   and windmills have affected the coastal                                                          Overseas subscription orderline: 0044 (0) 1959 543 747
   In short, the extra sand displacement           stocks.                                                                                           Toll-free USA subscription orderline: 1-888-777-0275
is disturbing their way of getting food.              Recently, the Dutch government                                                                       UK customer service team: 01959 543 747
So what happens is that flatfish species           launched plans to build even more wind                                                            Customer service email address:
will disappear. They move away. This is            farms. Dutch fishermen are afraid that                                                              Customer service and subscription postal address:
                                                                                                                                                              Fishing News Customer Service Team
the same impact we experienced on the              they will lose important fishing grounds,                                                      Kelsey Publishing Ltd, The Granary, Downs Court, Yalding Hill,
west coast, where sand supplementation             and they are aware about the impact of                                                                    Yalding, Kent, ME18 6AL United Kingdom
is needed to protect the dunes, creating           wind farms on the stocks. Greenpeace                                                        Kelsey Media 2019 © all rights reserved. Kelsey Media is a trading name of Kelsey Publishing
                                                                                                                                                Ltd. Reproduction in whole or in part is forbidden except with permission in writing from the
an artificial sandbank. The south-north            claimed last year that cod like to spend                                                    publishers. Note to contributors: articles submitted for consideration by the editor must be the
current carries the sand all along the             time in such windmill parks. But I do         ‡ Renewable energy installations off             original work of the author and not previously published. Where photographs are included,
                                                                                                                                                which are not the property of the contributor, permission to reproduce them must have been
coast.                                             not think that cod will migrate from the      the Dutch coast are encroaching on              obtained from the owner of the copyright. The editor cannot guarantee a personal response
   Since the sandbank has been created,            northern North Sea to the southern North      traditional fishing grounds. (Photo: Willem     to all letters and emails received. The views expressed in the magazine are not necessarily
                                                                                                                                               those of the editor or the publisher. Kelsey Publishing Ltd accepts no liability for products and
the biodiversity around that area has              Sea. Besides, the seawater temperature        Ment den Heijer)                                services offered by third parties. Kelsey Media takes the privacy of your personal data very
                                                                                                                                                seriously. For more information on our privacy policy, please visit:
                                                                                                                                                policy. If at any point you have any queries regarding Kelsey’s data policy, you can email our
                                                                                                                                                                          Data Protection Officer at

                                Want your say? Email your letters and comments to:
                       Letters may be edited.                                                                               
19 March 2020                                               Join Fishing News on Facebook                                                                       NEWS           5

‘Look after fishermen as well as fish’
“We need to impress upon                 addressed through policy and                She stressed that attracting young
policymakers that the sustainability     collective action.                        people into the sector is crucial.
of those who work in fishing and            Parliamentarians, industry             “The sector needs particular support
coastal communities is just as           representatives, environmental            to compete to attract young people
important as the sustainability of       NGOs, policymakers and many               and create possibilities for younger
our fish stocks. It is not all about     others gathered in a Commons              generations. Work is especially
the fish!”, said Deborah Layde of        committee room and shared insights        required in smaller local fishing
Seafarers UK, reports Tim Oliver.        from around the UK on the issues          communities.”
   She made the comment at a             presented. The APPG that said the           “The event provided a great
meeting of parliamentarians and          session was its most popular to date.     opportunity for our APPG members
representatives from across the             The meeting heard of the               to engage with people from              ‡ Sheryll Murray MP (far left) chaired the panel of speakers. Left to
fisheries sector in Westminster          challenges of commercial fishing,         across the fisheries sector,” said      right: Deborah Layde, Seafarers UK, Griffin Carpenter, New Economics
last week, convened to discuss the       such as sporadic income, unsociable       longstanding industry supporter         Foundation and Arina Motova, Seafish.
socio-economic challenges and            working hours and risks to health         Sheryll Murray, MP for SE Cornwall,
opportunities facing UK fishing          and safety. These factors and             who chaired the event. “We had a        industry and fishing communities            “The average age of UK fishers is
communities.                             others can impact entire coastal          wide-ranging discussion on how we       face a major challenge in responding      42, with the average age of skippers
   Deborah Layde flagged up that         communities. Reports have                 can best support our precious fishing   to a technological and economic           much higher, especially in some
income insecurity was a top concern.     highlighted that a substantial            communities, and everybody left         transition.                               regions,” she said. “The sector needs
She told the meeting: “Insecure,         number of fishing communities             with plenty of ideas on addressing         He said: “If we are to address this,   to attract younger workers to transfer
fluctuating incomes create problems      suffer from socio-economic                the socio-economic challenges that      new policies will be required, but        skippers’ knowledge to future
in maintaining regular payments for      deprivation.                              these communities face.”                first we need vision for the industry.    generations. The main challenge
housing, council tax and priority           “Uncertainty is now the main             Proposed solutions to socio-          Marine fisheries are, and will continue   in this field is how to attract young
debts. These problems can then           challenge for the industry,” said         economic challenges were                to be, a public resource owned by         people, and how to compete with
lead to housing, mental and physical     Arina Motova, chief economist             broad-ranging and acknowledged          society as a whole. Now is the time for   better-paid and more stable jobs in
health issues.”                          at Seafish, who also spoke at the         the complexity of the situation.        new radical visions of what modern        other sectors, especially as working
   The Social and Economic               meeting. “There is uncertainty            Including fishers in management         fisheries could look like.”               conditions at sea or at a processing
Sustainability event, arranged by        in future quota and fisheries             and policy decisions, and developing       Arina Motova of Seafish said after     plant are often seen as less attractive.
the All-Party Parliamentary Group        management, uncertainty in trade          port infrastructure, were among the     the event that major issues were            “I think that the industry and the
on Fisheries (APPG), provided            relationships, and uncertainty in         priorities discussed.                   uncertainty over the future supply        government are working on these
a briefing on the issue for the          availability of labour force. It’s very     Griffin Carpenter, senior             of labour for both the catching and       challenges, and hopefully there will
seven parliamentarians present.          difficult to plan any business or         researcher at the New Economics         processing sectors, and the need to       be more certainty soon in relation to
It discussed how issues can be           investment in this environment.”          Foundation, said that the UK fishing    attract new recruits.                     the future.”

 The Seafarers’ Hospital Society (SHS) has           of first-rate health services to the seafaring
 announced the appointment of a new chief            community in the United Kingdom.”                                                                                    AWARDS
 executive officer, Sandra Welch, formerly              Sandra’s appointment comes at an                                                                                  CORRECTION
 chief operating officer at the Sailors’ Society     exciting time for the society, with a number of
 and director of its programme team.                 recent successes in the health development                                                                           Luke Geddes
    SHS chair Peter McEwen said: “We are             arena, including the SeaFit programme for                                                                            was erroneously
 delighted to welcome Sandra Welch as                fishermen, the creation of the Seafarers’                                                                            shortlisted in the
 our new CEO and look forward to working             Physiotherapy Network and the development                                                                            Trainee Fisherman
 with her over the coming years. She brings          of a standard in mental health training. With                                                                        of the Year category
 a wealth of experience of dealing with              those successes have come some major                                                                                 in the Fishing News
 seafarers, running projects and managing            changes to the role.                                                                                                 Awards 2020 shortlists
 people, which, together with her strategic             “The role has changed significantly, with                                                                         in the 5 March issue,
 approach, made her the perfect choice for           a greater emphasis on the ambassadorial                                                                              and has been moved
 the job.”                                           aspects of the job. We also envisage                                                                                 to Young Fisherman of
    Sandra Welch will be joining the society         more day to day involvement in our health                                                                            the Year. The winner
 in early May, following the retirement of           development work,” explained Peter                                                                                   of this category is
 secretary Peter Coulson in August last              McEwen.                                                                                                              decided by a panel.
 year. She joined the Sailors’ Society in 2014          “We’ll be recruiting an administrator to take                                                                     We apologise for any
 following 18 years in a variety of community        on some of the governance-related tasks,                                                                             inconvenience this
 development roles at The Salvation Army,            enabling Sandra to focus on team-building,                                                                           may have caused.
 both in the UK and abroad.                          strategy development and external relations.                                                                           To vote in the open
    “It is a real privilege to have been             We’ll also be looking at how we can use her                                                                          categories, visit:
 appointed CEO of the Seafarers’ Hospital            experience of the merchant navy sector to                                                                  
 Society,” said Sandra. “I look forward to           help us continue to develop our services to                                                                          awards Voting closes
 joining the society at this point in its history,   this particular group. With our bicentenary                                                                          at midnight on 17
 and taking up the challenge of leading it in        in 2021, we will be looking forward to new         ‡ New Seafarers’ Hospital Society CEO Sandra                      April.
 furthering the development of its broad range       projects for all sectors.”                         Welch.

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6       NEWS                                                 Visit us at and on Twitter @YourFishingNews                                                                      19 March 2020

               TOM HAY 1934-2020
            om Hay, a leading figure in     Westminster, Edinburgh and                conferences for well over a
            the fishing industry’s long     Brussels on constitutional                decade. He had the satisfaction
            fight to be free of the EU      legalities. It was FAL’s contention       of finally seeing his dream of
    Common Fisheries Policy, has            that UK law was superior to               freedom from the CFP come
    died at the age of 85. He had           EU law, and that the UK could             within touching distance with the
    been in poor health for some            withdraw from the CFP if                  vote to leave the EU in the 2016
    time.                                   parliament voted to do so.                referendum, and to fruition on 31
       A lifelong fisherman from               Tom Hay’s profound                     January, 2020.
    Peterhead, Tom Hay came to              knowledge of constitutional                  He leaves his wife Wilma,
    national prominence in 1995             law and powers of argument                two sons and a daughter, eight
    when he became the first                were memorably demonstrated               grandchildren and 12 great
    chairman of the newly formed            shortly after FAL was formed,             grandchildren.
    Fishermen’s Association Ltd             when he and other FAL leaders                His funeral took place in
    (FAL). FAL was set up to fight for      met the then fisheries minister           Peterhead on Saturday, 14 March.
    the UK fishing industry and to          Tony Baldry. To support the                  Darryl Godbold of Leigh-on-Sea
    back the Save Britain’s Fish (SBF)      government and establishment              in Essex, who strongly supported
    campaign for the UK to take back        position that withdrawal from             SBF and FAL and organised
    control of its own waters out to        the CFP was legally impossible,           the Thames Brexit referendum               ‡ Tom Hay fought for many years against overwhelming odds to free
    the 200-mile limit/median line. It      the minister read a letter to             demonstration in 2016, said that           British fishermen from the CFP.
    was wound up in 2015.                   the delegation from his legal             Tom Hay would be greatly missed.
       SBF realised that it needed          advisers confirming that EU law           “He played a leading role in the              Roddy McColl, who was                 than most what a disaster the
    the backing of the whole British        was superior to UK law.                   long fight to free the British fishing     secretary of FAL throughout              CFP would be for the British
    fishing industry if it was to              Tom Hay forced the minister            industry from the EU and CFP,              its existence, said: “It was             fishing industry. He fought like
    achieve its aims. But while rank        to admit that his lawyers were            and it’s good that he lived long           a privilege to have worked               a warrior for us to get back
    and file fishermen strongly             wrong, and that EU law only               enough to see FAL’s aim achieved.          alongside Tom and to call him a          national control. He lived to
    backed the campaign, the                took precedence over previously           I extend our sympathy and                  friend.”                                 see Brexit, and let us hope that
    national federations did not,           passed domestic legislation in            condolences to his family on their            Brexit politician Nigel Farage        the government fulfils the next
    believing that leaving the CFP          the UK. He asked Mr Baldry to             sad loss,” he said.                        said: “Tom realised earlier              stage.”
    while remaining in the EU was           confirm that EU law could only
    politically impossible.                 apply in the UK for as long as the
       Tom Hay was, at that time,           British parliament allowed it to
    chairman of the Scottish White
    Fish Producers’ Association
                                            do so. Mr Baldry admitted: “That
                                            is correct.”                                ‘OUTSTANDING LEADERSHIP AND COURAGE’
    (SWFPA), one of the main                   FAL’s problem was that                   John Ashworth, founder of Save Britain’s Fish, pays a personal tribute to Tom Hay
    members of the Scottish                 while withdrawal from the CFP
    Fishermen’s Federation. The             was legally possible, it was                I knew Tom through business,             outstanding leadership and               for, but spread across to other
    SWFPA also refused to back              politically difficult. Neither the          although not that well, before we        courage against all odds.                Eurosceptic movements.
    the SBF campaign, and in                Conservative government of                  joined forces through the Save           He spent hours studying                     This was at a time when
    September 1995, Tom Hay led             the time, under prime minister              Britain’s Fish campaign.                 constitutional law, to the               many said it was an impossible
    a walkout from the association.         John Major, nor the Labour                     It all started 28 years ago, when     extent that he could take on             task, and that the UK would
    This led, shortly afterwards, to        government that followed under              representatives of the Scottish          any barrister. His first public          never ever leave the European
    the formation of FAL (whose             Tony Blair’s leadership, would              industry came down to York for           appearance was in Cork, Ireland,         Union – which, thankfully, Tom
    slogan became ‘Facts Against            contemplate taking the UK out               a training meeting, and I met            in May 1993, when his powerful           knew happened at 11pm this 31
    Lies’). Tom Hay was its first           of the CFP and re-imposing                  them at the railway station and          and passionate speech was the            January.
    chairman, a position he held until      national control of fisheries.              took them to their hotel. Later,         forerunner of many to come at               It is not just our industry, but the
    2008.                                      But Tom Hay and FAL refused              I spoke to them all about my             political conferences and various        United Kingdom that owes Tom
       He was a forceful and                to accept defeat, and he and                concerns for our industry. Tom           meetings around the whole of the         a great deal of gratitude. It wasn’t
    unyielding champion of SBF and          other leaders of FAL and SBF                saw the situation immediately            UK.                                      all heavy going – we had fun on
    the campaign to restore national        tirelessly lobbied successive UK            and became our champion and                 Tom never flinched or faltered        the campaign trail, and laughs at
    control of Britain’s fishing            governments to try to persuade              dear friend, along with his family       in his effort for the UK to take         the antics we got up to, in order to
    grounds, and became a self-             them to back its policy of taking           and the solid commitment and             back control of our UK 200               get our message across.
    taught expert in fisheries and          back control of UK waters.                  dedication of his number two –           nautical mile/median-line                   You were great, Tom – you will
    constitutional law.                        Tom Hay was an inspiring                 John Thomson.                            zone, to benefit our coastal             always be remembered, and our
       He was able to hold his own,         speaker and ceaselessly                        From that day, Tom                    communities. His inspiration was         thoughts and prayers are with
    and indeed outwit senior civil          promoted FAL’s cause at                     commenced a journey of                   not just the industry he so cared        your family.
    servants and politicians, in            meetings, rallies and party

The UK’s new status as an                  coastal state, but will be a major            “There is no sign that the deadlock     the UK will negotiate robustly on its     significant fisheries resources in its
independent coastal state was widely       player in its own right in the pelagic     will end any time soon.”                   own behalf.                               waters, a big market for fisheries
recognised at a recent seminar             fisheries for mackerel, blue whiting          He said that several participants          “Given that a significant part of      products, and diplomatic clout, the
held at the North Atlantic Seafood         and Atlanto-Scandian herring,” said        in the conference wondered                 the most profitable pelagic fisheries,    UK will be a force to be reckoned
Conference in Bergen, reports the          NFFO chief executive Barrie Deas.          whether the arrival of the UK as           notably for mackerel and blue whiting,    with.”
NFFO.                                         “At present, a stalemate exists         a major independent player could           take place within the UK EEZ,
   An audience of invited guests           between Norway, Faroes, the EU,            break the stalemate, which has             the UK begins with a very strong
heard from a panel which included          Iceland and Greenland on their             prevented agreement on co-operative        negotiating hand. That said, the new
representatives from the Norwegian,        respective shares of mackerel, as the      management of the stock.                   coastal state will be looking to make
Faroese and Danish pelagic                 migration patterns have shifted in            “The NFFO explained that the UK         strategic alliances with those other
organisations, along with the NFFO.        recent years, and new players have         could be expected to behave like any       coastal states whose interests are
The seminar was organised by Norge         elbowed their way into the fishery.        other coastal state when it takes part     aligned with those of the UK.
Sildesalgslag.                                “There are concerns that the total      in annual coastal state negotiations,”        “Access could be granted to fish
   “Although the terms of the UK’s         out-take exceeds scientific advice, and    said Barrie Deas.                          in UK waters – but only where that
future relationship with the EU are        the fishery is about to lose its MSC          “It would give equal priority to        brings proportionate benefits to the
still being thrashed out in negotiations   status as a result. That the stocks have   management measures that deliver           UK.”
that began in Brussels this week, there    remained robust under this increased       sustainable fisheries in the long term        He said that the big players in the
seemed to be broad acceptance in           pressure says something about the          – along with the pursuit of its own        North Atlantic pelagic fisheries are      ‡ A pelagic fisheries seminar was
the room that beginning in 2021, the       difficulties in assessing this widely      interests. All negotiations require        preparing for the UK’s arrival as an      held at the North Atlantic Seafood
UK will not only be an independent         distributed stock.                         compromise, but it is already clear that   independent coastal state. “With          Conference in Bergen.
19 March 2020                                                  Join Fishing News on Facebook                                                                         NEWS           7

  Imported lobster Plymouth aims to become ‘new epicentre’
  concerns raised  of sustainable fishing in England
                                                                                      Plymouth Council is hoping that           Park plans and celebrate its rich        growth can be an issue. Help could

  six years ago
                                                                                      its new draft Plan for Sustainable        maritime and fishing culture             come in the form of a new legal
                                                                                      Fishing will revitalise the industry      • Supporting people with a career        body or fishing co-op to help with
                                                                                      in the city.                              in fishing – the average skipper         easier access to finance.
                                                                                         Fishing has always been a              is aged 54 and a crew member
  The Scottish Creel Fishermen’s            Canada, and the way they                  part of the city’s DNA, and the           38. The plan puts forward ideas             Plymouth is currently home to
  Federation (SCFF) says that it            were kept and the potential for           local industry has been growing           to bring in more women, former           the second-largest fresh fishmarket
  called for a ban on imported              disease’. Her concerns were               steadily over the past 20 years.          military personnel and school            in England and lands around
  live lobsters as long ago as              also raised with Jim Watson,              Now the council is aiming                 leavers, as well as improving            13% of England’s total fish catch
  2014, and continues to do so,             head of inshore fisheries in              to launch the first stage of a            training                                 each year. It directly employs over
  amid concerns over reports of             Scotland.                                 ‘renaissance’ with its draft Plan         • Sustainability – Plymouth              480 people, and over 1,920 in
  American (or Canadian) lobsters             She referred to ‘disquiet’ at           for Sustainable Fishing.                  could be a test facility for greener     the wider supply chain. Between
  being caught in UK waters,                a report in the Evening Times                Council leader Tudor Evans             buildings and cleaner propulsion         50% and 60% of the fish sold at
  reports Tim Oliver.                       that a diner at a Spanish tapas           OBE said: “Fishing matters. There         systems for the fleet                    the market arrives by land from
     CEFAS and DEFRA have                   bar in Glasgow had paid £28               is so much to be proud of: the            • Policy support and lobbying, to        surrounding towns and villages,
  launched a campaign asking                for a live lobster from Canada            heritage, the variety of fish caught,     ensure the best deal for Plymouth        showing how vital the fishmarket
  fishermen to keep and report              ‘because he could not bear to             the breadth of the fleet. There is        fisheries in the trade negotiations      is to the region.
  any catches of these lobsters,            see it killed’. He took it to Troon       nowhere else with our pedigree,           with the EU, to ensure its mixed            The council is looking for input
  rather than returning them to             beach, where he removed                   but we need to be prepared for            fleet grows and prospers, as well        to its draft plan, and wants to hear
  the sea (Fishing News, 5 March,           the rubber bands around its               change and ready to seize any             as lobbying to be administrative         what stakeholders think about how
  ‘Retain and report American               claws and released it. “This              opportunities that arise.                 capital of fishing in the UK             the city can seize opportunities,
  lobsters’).                               ‘act of mercy’ is at one level               “As we exit the EU, this               • The right business support for         and address challenges faced by
     There are concerns that these          quite a funny tale, but there are         industry’s fortunes could                 growth – raising finance to support      the industry.
  lobsters could have a negative            serious underlying concerns,”             dramatically change. As Britain’s
  impact on the UK indigenous               Dr Campbell told Richard                  Ocean City, we need to do all we
  species. A particular worry               Lochhead.                                 can to support an industry that is
  is that they could spread the               She pointed out that                    so pivotal to our story. We want
  bacterial disease gaffkaemia,             releasing a live American                 to help fishing take advantage
  which could cause big                     lobster into the Clyde could              of the new fisheries bill and of
  problems for UK shellfishermen.           potentially introduce gaffkaemia          negotiations on the fishing policy
     SCFF leader Alistair Sinclair          into local lobsters, which                following the UK’s departure from
  said that in 2014, the SCFF               have ‘little or no resistance to          the European Union.
  wrote to the then Scottish                the disease, unlike the North                “We secured funding from the
  fisheries minister Richard                American species’.                        European Maritime and Fisheries
  Lochhead, calling for the                   She asked several questions             Fund and employed consultants
  Scottish government to ban                in relation to the legality of            Arcadis, who have been looking
  the importation of live lobsters,         the importing of the lobsters,            ahead and exploring what needs
  as gaffkaemia is ‘a particularly          including the role of the Food            to happen for the industry to
  nasty’ disease.                           Standards Agency Scotland                 capitalise on this change.”
     “The suggestion was kicked             (which was copied into the                    Themes include:
  into the long grass, as per               letter) in the issue.
  usual, or thought not to be                 There were also concerns                • The right facilities, regenerating
  of any significance,” he told             about sizes, because Scottish             the fishmarket and the Fish Quay.
  Fishing News.                             lobsters must be greater than             This could form a key element             ‡ Plymouth Council’s draft plan aims to position Plymouth as the ‘new
     “I have heard it likened to foot       87mm carapace size, while                 of the city’s National Marine             epicentre’ of sustainable fishing in England.
  and mouth in cattle. If it was            American lobsters can be sold
  transferred to our native stocks,         at 83mm.
  we could face a problem of
  huge proportions.
                                              “There is concern amongst
                                            the Scottish fishermen that
                                                                                       IRISH INDUSTRY ‘DECEIVED’ BY SFPA ON PELAGIC WEIGHING
     “We would call for a ban on            these imports are damaging                 Pelagic fishermen have accused           agreement, but just days later,          weight of the fish represented
  all live imports. This would allay        their capacity to sell into the            the Sea-Fisheries Protection             when Genesis II landed its               a loss of over €180,000 to the
  the fears of many fishers,” he            market. What they clearly                  Authority (SFPA) of backtracking         catch of mackerel in Killybegs           company involved, and of 136t
  said, adding that if the product          do not want is the added                   on an agreement regarding the            on 26 February, the SFPA                 of mackerel quota to the Irish
  is cooked, there is no problem.           fear of imported disease,” Dr              weighing of mackerel landings at         did the opposite of what had             industry.
     In a 2014 letter to Richard            Campbell told the minister.                piers, reports Pauric Gallagher.         been agreed in Oranmore and                 Vessel owners, fishing
  Lochhead, Dr Sally Campbell,                There are also concerns at                  The SFPA advised that                 instructed the skipper to operate        organisations and pelagic
  a marine ecologist and board              the practice by some religious             from mid-February, pelagic               the weighbridge, officially              processors have expressed
  member of SCFF, who advises               groups of releasing live                   ‘verification’ weighing of pelagic       cautioning him that he was               anger and dismay. One industry
  the federation on the marine              American lobsters into the sea             species would take place at              obligated to do this.                    representative told Fishing
  environment, said that there              in misguided acts of kindness,             piers prior to transportation              Each tanker hauling the catch          News: “The SFPA has deceived
  were ‘serious concerns about              as highlighted in the CEFAS/               for processing. Industry                 was weighed at the pierside and          the whole fishing industry here.
  the import of live lobsters from          DEFRA ‘Retain and Report’                  representatives then met with            weighed again at the factory             What it has done by reneging
  the east coast of the USA and             campaign.                                  the SFPA in Oranmore, Co                 scales. When both weigh-ins              on its agreement with industry
                                                                                       Galway, where an agreement               were compared, there was a               representatives is a complete
                                                                                       was reached to confine pierside          discrepancy of approximately             breach of faith, and seriously

Seafood 2040 survey                                                                    weighing in the spring fishery to
                                                                                       blue whiting.
                                                                                          Industry representatives
                                                                                                                                136t; this was water, but the
                                                                                                                                SFPA had recorded it as fish.
                                                                                                                                The variation between the SFPA’s
                                                                                                                                                                         calls into question its credibility
                                                                                                                                                                         as the state agency with the
                                                                                                                                                                         responsibility of regulating the

targets recruitment issues                                                             notified their members of the            recorded weight and the actual           fishing industry.”

Individuals and businesses in the              The research will be facilitated       to participate in workshops in the        career development and the                  The Seafood 2040 Strategic
fishing industry in England are being       by Seafish and is funded by the           South West, South East/London and         recruitment and retention of quality     Framework is the result of shared
asked to participate in a survey that       EMFF. It aims to identify issues,         Yorkshire/Lincolnshire, and/or a          staff.                                   enterprise from stakeholders across
aims to identify issues and gaps in         gaps and solutions in skills, training,   one-to-one telephone interview.              “We’d like to know what is working,   the seafood supply chain in pursuit
skills training and recruitment.            recruitment and retention in the             Project manager Kimberly Cullen        what is not, and why? Where are          of a forward-thinking action plan
   The Seafood 2040 Strategic               fishing, aquaculture, processing,         said: “This research is an excellent      the gaps? What are the necessary         for an industry that is sustainable
Framework for England is seeking            fishmonger (supermarket and               opportunity for businesses and            changes for skills and recruitment       and truly thriving. It contains 25
to capture the seafood industry’s           independent) and fish fryer sectors.      vessel owners in the catching,            improvement in your sector? We           recommendations, and is solely
thoughts on labour market patterns,            Interested companies or individuals    processing, aquaculture, fish fryer and   want to support meaningful change,       focused on the industry in England.
training and career planning, in order      will be asked to complete an online       fishmonger sectors to tell us exactly     so we’re using this research to gather   Find out more at:
to ensure that the industry has the         survey specific to their sector. A        what challenges they face in skills       information so the right actions can        To participate in the survey, contact:
right tools to prosper and retain talent.   small sample will also be asked           development, training availability,       be taken.”                     
8      NEWS                                            Visit us at and on Twitter @YourFishingNews                                                             19 March 2020

Fishing rights have become one of the totemic issues in the UK’s departure from the
EU. The NFFO examines where this new focus on fishing will take the UK industry

       he principle of equal access    parliament will provide UK             explicit that leaving the EU means
       has tied the UK into an         ministers with the powers to           leaving the single market and the
       asymmetric, essentially         manage UK fisheries outside the        customs union (leaving aside the
exploitative relationship with the     CFP                                    complexity of the Northern Ireland
other fishing members of the EU        • Although in the immediate            backstop). Frictionless trade with
for over 40 years through the CFP.     future EU retained law will            the EU will therefore end.
The British government of the          apply, the fisheries bill contains        Parallel trade negotiations will
time knew what it was doing, but       provisions which will allow those      take place over the rest of this year,
considered fishing expendable to       CFP rules to be rapidly adapted to     unless they are truncated mid-year.
achieve other national objectives.     meet UK requirements.                     The new government is explicit
  When quotas were introduced in                                              that the new trading and customs
1983, the UK’s quota shares                                                         terms will require businesses
reflected those distorted
access arrangements. The
                                     All the signals, from                          to adjust, including those
                                                                                    trading in fish and shellfish
most notorious of these are
becoming well-known:
                                     the prime minister                             across the UK-EU border.
                                                                                    There will be significant

• Channel cod: UK share
                                 downward, are that the                             challenges.
                                                                                       There will be more
9%, French share 84%
• Celtic Sea haddock: UK
                                 UK will stand its                                  bureaucracy at borders to
                                                                                    adapt to. Live shellfish and
share 10%, French share
                                 ground on fishing                                  fresh fish are especially
                                                                                    vulnerable to any form             ‡ The NFFO urged ‘No Fishing Sell-Out’ during the Brexit negotiations,
                                                                                    of delay. What is clear            and this remains vital as the trade talks commence.
   British fishermen’s grievances         By contrast, the EU has indicated   is that fish and shellfish will
over these unfair arrangements         that any free trade deal between       continue to be caught, landed,           negotiations, without the UK the       investment be that Britain is ‘open
will not go away until the terms of    the UK and the EU will depend          sold, transported, processed and         EU will be a much diminished           for business’, or a more restrictive
the UK-EU fisheries relationship       on free access to UK waters and        consumed. There are businesses in        force. In the North Sea, it will       approach based on narrower
are reset.                             maintenance of the current quota       the supply chain on both sides of        control only around 20% of the         national priorities?
   The UK government cannot            shares.                                the Channel which need this trade        sea area, with the balance held by     • Would fishing be treated
afford, politically, to emerge from       The Commission has                  to work smoothly.                        the UK and Norway. In Western          differently because fish is regarded
the negotiations ahead with a deal     subsequently tried to open some                                                 Waters, the UK and EU will be          as a national resource?
on fishing rights that does not        negotiating space for itself by        New equilibrium                          roughly equal partners in any          • What would the effect be of a
reflect the UK’s changed status as     referring to ‘reciprocal access’ and   The government’s positioning             future fisheries agreement. That is    requirement to land all UK-caught
an independent coastal state.          ‘stable quotas’. This careful use of   and the political dynamics within        very different from the CFP, when      fish into the UK if the end user is
   A sell-out on fishing would         words is a fig leaf for retreat, and   the UK suggest that the UK will          the UK was a single voice amongst      abroad?
irreparably damage the                 has brought a swift response from      not back down on fishing in the          15, or 28.                             • What is the government’s
government’s credibility. Given this   those member states who stand to       forthcoming negotiations with the           Many fishing communities in         general position on concentration
background, all the signals, from      lose under this formula.               EU.                                      the UK have something to look          of ownership of fishing rights?
the prime minister downward, are          Reciprocity means mutual               However, the big change – that        forward to. Significantly increased    • What is the legal position on
that the UK will stand its ground      benefit, and not disproportionate      the UK will be an independent            fishing opportunities will be          the reallocation of quota? Would
on fishing.                            benefit for one party. And ‘stable’    coastal state under international        available, although the changes        compensation have to be paid
   The EU’s current relationship       suggests a new equilibrium, not the    law – requires no negotiation            will vary by fleet and area.           where the quota holders have a
with third countries like Norway       status quo.                            and happens by default. The                                                     legitimate expectation upheld by
provides the standard model               This first wobble on the EU         withdrawal agreement recognises          Domestic fisheries policy              the courts?
of how independent coastal             side suggests that the negotiating     as much, and accepts that access to      The fisheries bill provides, in        • Where would quota be
states relate to each other in the     realities on fisheries are             fish in each other’s waters will no      outline, the future shape of           reallocated to, and on what
management of shared stocks:           understood in Brussels, if not yet     longer be automatic, but will be a       domestic fisheries policy:             criteria, and what would the
                                       accepted in some member states.        matter of annual negotiation.                                                   consequences be?
• TACs are set on the basis of            The logic of the UK’s status as        The government has signalled          • Initially, EU retained law,
scientific advice                      an independent coastal state is that   that it is open to a fisheries           adjusted where necessary to make         These are big and complicated
• Quota shares reflect zonal           if there is no agreement in July or    agreement in which access to             it operable, will be the basis for     questions. It is likely that there will
attachment, which tends to be          December, there is no automatic        UK waters by EU vessels can be           fisheries management. There will       be a review and a strengthening
quite stable over time                 access to each other’s waters –        presumed, subject to agreement           be no dramatic overnight change        of the economic link licensing
• There are agreed access              exactly the same outcome as if         on:                                      • Responsibility for managing          conditions.
arrangements                           the EU and Norway fail to                                                             fisheries will continue to be
• There are exchanges of mutually
beneficial fishing opportunities.
                                       agree in their annual fisheries
                                       negotiations.                        The big change – that                            devolved
                                                                                                                             • Management plans will          The UK’s altered legal status as an

Polarised positions
                                          Forcing the UK to trade
                                       on WTO terms, unless it              the UK will be an                                be applied at the level of the
                                                                                                                             fishery to be managed. This
                                                                                                                                                              independent coastal state, along
                                                                                                                                                              with the UK government’s publicly
On fisheries, the UK government
could not be clearer about the
                                       again sacrifices its fishing
                                       sector, would hurt the UK,       independent coastal state                            structure provides significant
                                                                                                                             scope for co-management
                                                                                                                                                              stated political priorities, suggests
                                                                                                                                                              that although the forthcoming
future. The prime minister and         but it would also damage                                                              • UK fisheries policy can be     negotiations with the EU will be
senior ministers have been explicit    several EU member states,        under international law –                            expected to be much more         tough, change will follow.
that:                                  which might be expected                                                               agile and adaptive.                 As a coastal state, working
• The UK will act as an                to withhold their consent.       requires no negotiation                                                               within the framework of the
independent coastal state, in line     This looks like an opening                                                           Economic links                    UN Law of the Sea, the UK can
with rights and responsibilities
defined in international law
                                       negotiating gesture rather
                                       than a realistic outcome.
                                                                        and happens by                                       Economic link licensing
                                                                                                                             conditions, to ensure that
                                                                                                                                                              be expected to behave like a
                                                                                                                                                              responsible independent coastal
• The UK will have regulatory
                                          What we have at this
                                       stage are the polarised
                                                                        default                                              national quotas bring
                                                                                                                             proportionate economic
                                                                                                                                                              state – which will, nevertheless,
                                                                                                                                                              press for its own interests in
autonomy within the UK’s EEZ           positions that might be expected                                                benefits to the country that they      fisheries negotiations.
• There will be no automatic           at the beginning of any tough          • Total allowable catch                  are allocated to, irrespective of         After a period of transition,
access rights for non-UK vessels       negotiations. On fisheries, the        • Rebalancing of fishing                 who holds those quotas or where        things will settle down into a new
– access will be subject to            differential dependence of UK and      opportunities.                           the fish is landed, have been in       equilibrium.
negotiation                            EU fleets on access gives the UK                                                operation since 1995.
• The UK is open to annual             an unusually strong hand.                There will be a new equilibrium.         Questions arising from this are:     This is an edited version of an
bilateral fisheries agreements with                                           This is the shape of a future deal                                              article that can be read in full
the EU and other countries             Markets                                on fisheries.                            • Will the UK government’s             on the NFFO’s website at: bit.
• Legislation passing through          The UK government has been               In international fisheries             general policy towards inward          ly/2IzF9jM
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