The Cannes Issue - SUMMER 2019 - Digiday

Page created by Anna Lloyd
The Cannes Issue - SUMMER 2019 - Digiday

              The Cannes Issue
The Cannes Issue - SUMMER 2019 - Digiday
   Remember when                                        19                        59                          64          71                         77

   failure              was a bad thing?

                                                        TABLE OF CONTENTS                                          RETAIL
                                                                                                                   42    Blue Apron attempts a comeback
                                                        05   Editor’s Note
                                                                                                                   48    Q&A with Tracy Sun
                                                                                                                   50    The VCs of DTC
                                                                                                                   54    Target and Walmart
                                                        MARKETING                                                        strike back against Amazon
                                                        12   Mark Penn is the change agent at MDC                  56    Q&A with Jed Berger
                                                        14   T-Series take over the world

             Iterate to innovate.                       16   Why 2020 will be the meme election
                                                        19   5 Gen-Z influences you need to know
             Shift customer engagement from basic       21   What H&M’s head of diversity does all day
                                                                                                                   59    Riviera mystique

             to brilliant. Use streaming data to fuel
                                                                                                                   65    Q&A with David Droga

                                                                                                                   70    The definitive oral history
             better messaging across channels.                                                                           of the Cannes ad-tech marina
                                                        23   Inside the war for free streaming video               72    Digiday’s sober guide to Cannes
                                                        26   Niche media all-stars
                                                        29   Push notification mania
                                                        34   Disney’s Ricky Strauss has a lot riding on him
                                                                                                                   74    A day in the life of Rich Antoniello
                                                        37   Hulu’s moonshot
                                                                                                                   76    Lauren Santo Domingo’s Guide to Paris
                                                        38   Eyes on Deutschland
                                                                                                                   78    Final Word

02 DIGIDAY                                                                                                                                                HOT TAKES | DIGIDAY 03
The Cannes Issue - SUMMER 2019 - Digiday


E D I TO R I A L                             GLOS SY                    BRAN D                                            OPE RATIONS
                                             EDITOR-IN- CHIEF
                                             JILL MAN OFF
                                                                        DE VE LOPME NT
                                                                        E V P G LO BAL BR AN D
                                                                                                                          TE AM                                            Editor's Note
S H A R E E N PAT HAK                                                   D E V E LO P M E N T                              D IR ECTO R, C L IE N T S E R V IC E S           By Shareen Pathak
                                             B EAUT Y EDITOR
                                                                        N AN C Y PI C K E R                               JONATHA N M E S SINA
M AN AG I NG DIR ECTOR,                      PRIYA RAO
M E M B E R SH IP P RO DUCTS                                            V P G LO BAL BR AN D D E V E LO P M E N T
JAC K M AR SHALL                             SENIOR REPORTER            GE R RY HOU SE R                                  C L IE N T S E R V IC E S CO O R D IN ATOR
                                             K ATIE RICH ARDS                                                             E A M ON M CC U E

M AN AG I NG EDITO R, EUROP E                                           BR AN D D E V E LO P M E N T
J E S S IC A DAVI ES                         REPORTER S                 CO O R D IN ATO R                                 D IR ECTO R O F O P E R ATIO N S, C U STOM           t’s summer, which means it’s            changemakers in this issue as well. In
                                             DANNY PARIS I,             E DDIE K RA NKOWSK I                              LU C IA M OR R IS
U K B RAN DS EDITO R                         E MMA S AN DLE R                                                                                                                  time for the ad industry’s annual       marketing, I profile Mark Penn, the new
                                                                                                                          C L IE N T E N G AG E M E N T CO O R D IN ATOR       pilgrimage to Cannes.                   CEO at beleaguered agency holding
RE TAI L E DITO R                                                                                                         V E RONIC A ZEG A R RA
                                             P RO DU CT                 FIN AN CE                                                                                                                                      company MDC Partners. Penn, best
                                                                                                                                                                           But whether you choose to go or not         known as the political advisor for the
                                             PE TE R S URRE NA
                                                                        JOHN SOL                                          CUSTOM                                           -- and whether you think Cannes is          Clintons (both of them!) has a big job
                                             DIRECTOR, AUDIENCE
                                                                        FIN AN C E M AN AG E R                            PRODUCTION                                       worthwhile or not -- the industry’s         ahead of him as he grapples with some
                                             A ND PRODUCT
                                                                        M A RY A NN BOY D
                                                                                                                          TE AM                                            biggest and most expensive confab           very real -- and some existential -- issues
SE N I O R R EP O RTER S                     AARON GOT TLIE B           S E N IO R FIN AN C E AN ALYST
T I M P E TER SO N,                                                     A BU L HA SA N                                    H E AD O F CO N TE N T, E U RO P E               occupies a pretty special place in the      at the company. In retail, Hilary Milnes
LUC IN DA SO U T HER N                       AUDIENCE GROW TH A ND                                                        M INDI C HA HA L
                                             MA RKETING A S SOCIATE
                                                                        STAFF ACCO U N TAN T                                                                               industry. I’ve often taken the mood in      went deep inside Blue Apron, one of the
                                                                        K A ITLY N K ROL IC K
RE P O RT E R S                              CAROLIN E PH IN NE Y                                                         C R E ATIV E STR ATEG IST
                                                                                                                          M AT T PA STOR IU S
                                                                                                                                                                           Cannes to be a measure of the industry’s    biggest flameouts of the meal-in-a-box
K E R RY F LY NN,                            UI / UX DESIGNER                                                                                                              own confidence in itself. Last year was     craze, which is attempting a last-ditch
                                                                                                                          D IG ITAL P RO D U C E R S
A N N A HENSEL                               JULIA CH OI
                                                                        S ALE S TE AM                                     SA M A NTHA DU PL E R,                           sober, plagued by sexual harassment         pivot. From Berlin, Steven Perlberg has
N E WS E DITOR                                                                                                            DAV ID TE IC H
                                             DIRECTOR OF PRODUCT A ND
                                                                        C H IE F STR ATEGY O FFIC E R
                                                                                                                                                                           scandals, as well as a general tone that    an in-depth look at Germany’s obsession
                                             COMMERCIA L OPERATIONS                                                       CO O R D IN ATIO N AN D D E L IV E RY,
                                                                        DAV ID A M RA NI
                                                                                                                          WA LTE R M A SON
                                                                                                                                                                           the party itself was over. We explore       with privacy, and how the rest of the
G IA N N A C APADO NA,                                                  V P, G ROW TH AN D IN S ID E S AL E S                                                              what comes next for Cannes in our           world may finally be catching up. Plus,
A D IT I S A NG AL                                                      M IK E C HOM A
                                                                                                                                                                           cover story, which looks at how much        there’s a bunch of Q&As with the
E V E NT P ROGR AMMIN G                      DESI G N                   V P, C L IE N T E N G AG E M E N T                MARKE TING                                       Cannes is under threat, as every corner
M AN AG E R                                                             NE IL STROW                                                                                                                                    people at the forefront of major change
                                             CREATIV E DIRECTOR
                                                                        S E N IO R D IR ECTO R,
                                                                                                                          M AR KE TIN G D IR ECTO R                        of the industry undergoes its own           in the industry, from David Droga,
E V E NT P ROGR AMMIN G                      IV Y LIU                   C L IE N T E N G AG E M E N T                     M IK E M A DA RA SZ
CO O RD I N ATO R                                                       M A RY DU M ONT
                                                                                                                                                                           upheaval.                                   fresh off an acquisition by Accenture,
                                             DESIGNER                                                                     S E N IO R M AR KE TIN G M AN AG E R,
                                             KE VIN KIM                 D IR ECTO R S,
                                                                                                                          D IG IDAY                                                                                    to Foot Locker’s Jed Berger, who has
                                                                                                                          L AU R E N LOROW
RE S E ARCH ER, DIGIDAY +                                               C L IE N T E N G AG E M E N T                                                                      Symbolism aside, Cannes is also fun         helped the retailer stay head even as the
M A R K WEI S S                                                         SHA M BRY M CGE E ,                               D IR ECTO R, AWAR D S
                                                                                                                                                                           for those lucky enough to get to go,        industry undergoes tremendous change.
B U S I NE S S DEVELOP MEN T                 EVENT S                    A NDR E W C A R L IN                              K E LSE Y LU NDSTROM
AN D O P ER ATIO N S MAN AGER,                                          CO M M E RC IAL D IR ECTO R, U K                  M AN AG E R, AWAR D S
                                                                                                                                                                           and we’ve also got a load of lighter fare
M E M B E R SH IP P RO DUCTS                 GENERA L MA NAGER          WIL L JONE S
B R I A N N E KENNEDY                        MEG AN KNAPP
                                                                                                                          M E L IS SA HAY E S                              about the confab, including a guide to      This is the 14th issue of Digiday
                                                                        S E N IO R M AN AG E R,
                                                                                                                          M AR KE TIN G CO O R D IN ATO R, G LOS S Y       remaining sober while everyone around       Magazine, part of our Digiday+
N ATA S H A M ALI K                                                                                                       E M M A PAU L
                                             E LAINE WONG               C HR IS WIL L IA M S                                                                               you is guzzling rosé, and an oral history   membership program. In our own
                                             EVENTS COORDINATOR         C L IE N T E N G AG E M E N T M AN AG E R S                                                        of the ad tech marina. We even surveyed     nod to change, we’ve transformed the
                                             S AMAN TH A CH E W         JE S SIC A SU GE R M A N
                                                                        L E SHIA DOY L E                                  OPE RATIONS                                      media and marketing executives to get       membership itself, expanding Digiday+
                                                                                                                                                                           their thoughts on what role Cannes          to become a core part of Digiday’s
                                                                        BU S IN E S S D E V E LO P M E N T M AN AG E R,   V P H R / O FFIC E O P E R ATIO N S
                                                                        IN S ID E S AL E S                                A NDR E A SONTZ
                                                                                                                                                                           plays in the industry.                      content. We hope you enjoy the issue,
                                                                        E R IC A TAY LOR
                                                                                                                          H R / O FFIC E O P E R ATIO N S AS S ISTA NT                                                 and your membership. D
                                                                        C L IE N T E N G AG E M E N T CO O R D IN ATO R   C IE NNA M A Z ZE L L A                          Summer is also a time for change,
                                                                        SA M U E L R E E D                                                                                 and we’re spotlighting a whole host of

                                                                                                                          For all inquiries, please email

04 DIGIDAY                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   HOT TAKES | DIGIDAY 05
The Cannes Issue - SUMMER 2019 - Digiday
Who To Know At TikTok                                                                                    Lofty Expectations
Meet the marketing leaders of the hot new app.
                                                                                                         The gap between lofty venture capital raises
                                                                                                         and actual revenues for digital publishers.

                 Vanessa Pappas                               Stefan Heinrich                                                                                                                                       Total funding amount                per CB Insights
                 general manager of TikTok                    head of global marketing of TikTok
                                                                                                                                          Venture capital funding vs revenue for digital media companies            Revenue                             per Crunchbase
                 Papas spent nearly eight years at            TikTok has run several large marketing
                 YouTube and developed the creator            campaigns to help boost users.
                 playbook. She joined Bytedance as an         Heinrich, the man behind the effort,
                 advisor late 2018 and was hired as the       joined in 2017 and worked                                 1400
                 app’s GM in 2019 to oversee the U.S.         at Google and YouTube for six years
                 teams from New York City.                    prior.                                                               1200

                                                                                                             Dollars in millions

                 Matty Lin                                    Kelly Chen
                 managing director of monetization and        head of content partnerships at TikTok
                 partnerships at Bytedance
                                                              Chen has worked in strategic
                 Lin is a go-to for advertising strategy      partnerships at since
                                                              Sept. 2016 and stayed on through                                      400
                 at TikTok. He comes from the agency
                 world, having spent two years at Razorfish   the transition to TikTok. She leads
                                                              partnerships from LA.                                                 200
                 and then six years at OMD, and is based
                 in NYC.
                                                                                                                                               Vice       BuzzFeed          Vox         Group Nine     Medium          Politico              Bustle            Axios
                                                                                                                                              [2019]       [2017]          [2018]         Media        [2018]          [2018]                [2017]           [2018]
                 Mitch Rotter                                 Mikey Kilun                                                                                                                 [2017]
                 senior director of global partnerships       head of media strategy, U.S. at TikTok
                 at Bytedance                                                                                                                                                       Last reported revenues by year
                                                              Kilun oversees TikTok’s marketing
                 Rotter oversees global partnerships from     campaigns and media spend across
                 LA. He previously worked at a company        platforms. He spent seven years in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Total funding amount                per CB Insights
                 within Cheetah Mobile, another Chinese       social strategy at Live Nation.
                 tech giant, that Bytedance acquired.                                                                                     Venture capital funding vs revenue for digital media companies            Amount sold for                     per Crunchbase


                 Jenny Zhu                                    Chan Lin
                 head of integrated marketing,                general manager of global sales
                 U.S. at TikTok                               business at Bytedance                                                 350

                 Zhu works on marketing campaigns for         Lin joined Bytedance in early 2014                                    300
                 TikTok, having been a part of Bytedance      when the company had fewer than
                 since February 2017. She was previously      100 people. She’s risen in the ranks of

                                                                                                          Dollars in millions
                 based in China but moved to the LA           the sales team and now works out of
                 office in 2018.                              New York City.


                 Kudzu Chikumbu                               Jessica Wong
                 head of creator partnerships of TikTok       director of strategic
                                                              partnerships of TikTok
                 Chikumbu is leading the charm
                 offensive for video creators on TikTok.      Wong leads partnerships for TikTok
                 He previously worked in entertainment        from its LA office. Prior to TikTok, she                               0
                 partners at                      spent more than 10 years working in                                              Business          Complex             Gimlet Media        Bleacher                 Mashable                 Mic Media
                                                              marketing at Sony Pictures.                                                       Insider                                                   Report

06 DIGIDAY                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            HOT TAKES | DIGIDAY 07
The Cannes Issue - SUMMER 2019 - Digiday
Advertising’s                              Rick Ross
                                            Last year, CES, which seems to be a tad removed from           How Lingerie
                                            who’s currently trending in hip-hop, recruited Rick Ross for
 Favorite Live                              a performance at The LIGHT nightclub. Sure, they could
                                            have gone with Drake, Travis Scott or any other rapper
                                                                                                           Became Retail's                                                                             How much revenue the global
                                                                                                                                                                                                       lingerie market is expected to
 Performers                                 that’s been relevant the past few years, but they chose Ross
                                            just in time for him to announce a year-long residency in
                                                                                                           Hottest Playground                                                  $60b                    generate by 2024 according to
                                            town. Coincidence? We think not.                                                                                                                           Zion Market Research.
 From Lady Gaga to Rick Ross.                                                                              Both digitally native brands and
                                                                                                           mass retailers are vying for a piece of
                                            The Killers                                                    Victoria’s Secret’s market share.
                                            This year, The Killers seem to be making the advertising

    n the ad world, some of the biggest     event rounds. Most recently, the “Wonderful Wonderful”
    entertainers bring a sheen of cool to   outfit headlined the 2019 Adobe Summit BASH in Las
                                            Vegas playing hits including the thrilling “When We Were

    the many tedious conferences that
                                            Young,” but they also stopped by Cannes Lions last year to                ll it takes is for one legacy retailer to                         How much comparable sales at
 happen year-round.                         headline one of the after-parties.                                        lose its luster for a product category to               3%        Victoria’s Secret’s decreased by
                                                                                                                      become hot again. Sales at Victoria’s                             from Q4 2017 to Q4 2018.
“My personal favorite was when Flo Rida
                                                                                                           Secret -- long considered to be the U.S. market-
 played for AOL,” Matt Barash, head of
                                            Lil Wayne                                                      leader in lingerie -- have fallen for the past two
 strategy and business development at
                                            At this year’s CES, Pandora brought out Weezy as its           years, while competitors like American Eagle’s
 AdColony recalls. “He had a bunch of
                                            surprise guest in January. For his set, the rapper put on a    Aerie are seeing double-digit growth. Now, mass
 middle-aged guys in khakis and sweater
                                            performance that featured songs like “Mr. Carter,”             retailers like Target and Walmart, as well as new
 vests singing along with every word. It    “Uproar” and “Got Money.”                                      venture-capital-backed startups, are all trying to
 doesn’t get any more cliché than that.”
                                                                                                           grab a greater share of the lingerie market.
                                                                                                                                                                                           How much comparable sales at
 But for anyone making the conference
 rounds, there are a select few "ad-
                                                                                                                                                                              23%          Aerie increased by from Q4
                                                                                                                                                                                           2017 to Q4 2018
 famous" celebs who are seemingly the       Diddy
 favorites of the ad tech, agency and       Alongside the announcement of the launch of his music
 brand cohort. (Ask any ad professional     cable platform Revolt TV, Diddy performed alongside Nas
 and they’ll say they’ve seen Snoop Dogg    at Gotha Night Club during Cannes Lions in 2013.
 perform at every tech event.)

 Below we recall some of the biggest acts                                                                                                                                                  Lingerie businesses acquired by
                                            Snoop Dogg                                                             The amount of money raised                                       2
 that landed at advertising’s events.       From his cannabis ventures to partnering with Adidas,                                                                                          public retail companies in the past
                                            Snoop Dogg has constantly been increasing his presence
                                            in the tech space; and it’s made him perhaps the most ad-
                                                                                                                   by ThirdLove, the most well-
                                                                                                                   funded direct-to-consumer
                                                                                                                                                           $68m                            two years -- Bare Necessities by
                                                                                                                                                                                           Walmart in 2018, and True & Co
                                            famous celeb out there. After all, the hip-hop legend is now           brand in the space.                                                     by PVH in 2017.
                                            known for being at practically every event (i.e. Pandora’s
                                            2017 CES kick-off party, YouTube’s Brandcast event, the
                                            Upfronts, Cannes several times, Bud Light’s Whatever, USA
                                            Festival, etc.)

                                            The Chainsmokers
                                            With The Chainsmokers’ rise in the EDM circuit, it wasn’t
                                            a surprise that they had memorable performances for
                                            iHeartMedia at CES in 2017 and again in January of this
                                            year where they appeared with Sony to discuss headsets.

                                                                                                                                                                                           The number of Amazon private
                                                                                                                                        The percent increase in the number
                                                                                                                                        of bralettes carried online by U.S.
                                                                                                                                                                               10          label and exclusive lingerie brands,
                                                                                                                                                                                           according to TJI Research.
                                            With ad dollars abound, Adult Swim's upfront party in                123%                   and U.K. retailers between March
                                                                                                                                        2016 and March 2018, according
                                            2017 was one not to be missed with Drake headlining
                                                                                                                                        to retail research firm Edited.
                                            the annual concert at Terminal 5. Plus, he enlisted surprise
                                            guests like Playboy Carti and Migos.

 08 DIGIDAY                                                                                                                                                                                                       HOT TAKES | DIGIDAY 09
The Cannes Issue - SUMMER 2019 - Digiday
More than 100 brands
Tmall's Luxury
                                                        are on Tmall Luxury Pavilion including
Pavilion                                                Alexander McQueen, Burberry, Valentino,
The gateway for luxury                                  Versace and Ermenegildo Zegna.
brands looking to enter
China is shaping up.

                                                        More than 100,000

         libaba’s Tmall has become one
         of the premier destinations                    customers per year.
         for luxury brands seeking the
Chinese audience thanks to the Luxury
Pavilion. Launched in August 2017, the
Luxury Pavilion gives luxury brands
a window into the lucrative Chinese
market. Here’s a quick look at some of                  $159,000 USD a year
the details of the platform.
                                                        is the average spend from a single
                                                        consumer on Alibaba’s marketplaces.

                                                                                                   Authority and honesty on the
                                                                                                       reinvention of retail

                                                                                                   Coming this June from Digiday Media

             49%                             46%                                  36%
       49% of shoppers and 45% of        46% total luxury sales               36% year-over-year
       sales come from millennials       growth year-over-year in the         growth in luxury
       born after 1980.                  12 months ending June 2018.          shoppers.

10 DIGIDAY                                                                                                                               HOT TAKES | DIGIDAY 11
The Cannes Issue - SUMMER 2019 - Digiday
“I guess he really liked flags,” Penn        It also means bringing in innovation          in the towel and buy it. Creativity is         Colombia,” a Tony Blair prime minister        his job when there’s a special counsel
                                           muses as he looks up at one piece of art     resources if agencies fall behind, but also   still the front door to any significant        run in the U.K., and, before that, both       investigation into the person holding
                                           featuring Alec Monopoly jumping out          negotiating better deals on IT, software      corporate relationship,” he says, echoing      Ed Koch mayoral campaigns in New              the highest office in the land -- the same
                                           of an American flag. “All I added were a     and benefits.                                 the refrain that agencies have got to          York.)                                        point of view he has with Mueller is
                                           few pictures, and some Snapples to the                                                     be better at strategic consulting on                                                         one he had in the Clinton days against
                                           bar cart.”                                   His other goals are to create and put         marketing and business problems.               Knapp, who was also a partner in PR           then-special counsel Ken Starr. (And
                                                                                        together growth scenarios that let            “The consultancies have yet to create a        firm SKDKnickerbocker, which Penn’s           unsurprisingly, his office has pictures of
                                           And like with his office, Penn, 65, is in    agencies collaborate and really take          successful link all the way through. Yet.”     Stagwell Group acquired in 2015, recalls      him with both Clintons; he just spent
                                           some ways a man caught between the           on more of a strategic role for their                                                        that at dinner, Penn used to have two         time the day before our interview with
                                           past and the future -- optimistic about      clients. In the shorter term, it’s to make    As for the death of the agency of record,      phones, one for Clinton and one for           Karl Rove, Neera Tanden, and Jim
                                           bringing a new lease of life to MDC,         individual fixes with what he calls the       Penn thinks it’s for the best. “I worked       Blair. “The hardest part was knowing          Messina, he casually says.)
                                           but needing to break free of its old ways    “clunkers” in the agency portfolio.           in project businesses all my life. We          which to pick up when both called,” he
                                           of doing things first.                                                                     never knew what we were doing. That            says.                                         “These days I'm a bit more of a
                                                                                        At Stagwell, which made that minority         meant continually coming up with ideas                                                       commentator and an observer than in
                                           Ahead of him is the daunting, yet            investment in MDC (“They basically            for clients,” he said. “Our services have      It’s a political past that he seemingly       politics,” he says. But at the same time,
                                           enviable task of turning around MDC          said we’ll take the investment as long        to be aligned to solve problems.”              embraces, as well as tries to distance        he sees parallels. “A 50-state strategy
                                           Partners: the embattled ad holding           as you’re CEO,” says Penn of how he                                                          himself from.                                 is not a strategy. If you see a candidate
                                           company that his group, Stagwell             got the job), Penn devised a series of        There are, after all, only a few kinds                                                       betting on the Midwest, that’s a strategy.
                                           Partners, poured $100 million into           metrics for how holding companies             of meetings a holding company CEO              “The point here is, the truth is 90% of       I believe MDC has to place a couple of
                                           earlier this year.                           should operate that if applied to MDC,        can have. One is financial -- where is         my clients have been nonpolitical for         big bets that needs to create a strategy.
                                                                                        would save the company “$100 million,         the money being spent, why is it being         decades. Let’s not skip over the fact that    In political campaigns, the message
                             Mark Penn
                                           First to go might just be the office         or more accurately, $107 million              spent. And the other is more strategic.        I worked at Microsoft, I took them to         dominated the creative. The creative
                                           itself. One of the ways Penn plans to        straightaway,” which will assuage that        “I come in as a slightly different kind of     the Super Bowl, I’ve worked with them,”       ideas would never exist on their own

Penning                                    cut down costs is to take a hard look
                                           at the real-estate MDC resides: one of
                                                                                        debt MDC has. And while MDC has
                                                                                        been known to be largely hands off with
                                                                                                                                      CEO,” he says. “I’ve been client-side. I
                                                                                                                                      worked in polling, in messaging. I can
                                                                                                                                                                                     he said.                                      without a creative strategy. That is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   exactly what clients are looking for.” D
                                           which includes the modest, yet by no         its agencies, that may soon change too,       get into substance. The big difference         That’s true: The nonpolitical work has
the Future                                 means cheap 19th floor headquarters his      with Penn rethinking the role of MDC          I’ve noticed in why I’m getting accepted       actually bookended Penn’s political
                                           office occupies, in the same building as     as being much more involved than his          is I am not just a business guy who is         work. Penn, a Harvard grad who grew
Political-hustler-turned-                  Bergdorf Goodman in one of the most          predecessors seemed to have.                  going to be a pain in the neck.”               up in Riverdale, New York, did his first
advertising-exec-turned-                   expensive neighborhoods in the world.                                                                                                     “poll” at age 13 while he was at the elite
holding-company-CEO Mark                   “Just waiting for the right buyer,” he       Penn’s already resolved some smaller          “He’s a bit of a contrarian and sees           Horace Mann school (it proved that the
Penn wants to make his                     says, in response to a question about a      issues, including a spat with an activist     things differently,” says Bill Knapp, a        faculty at the school was more liberal
presence known.                            reported sublet the agency is planning.      investor, resulting in new nominations        D.C. political strategist who has known        than the country). With a keen interest
By Shareen Pathak                                                                       to the company’s board. But big tasks lie     Penn for 20 years. “He does not accept         in law, driven mostly by his father’s early
                                           “Real estate done right affords a holding    ahead of him: MDC has issues like cost        conventional wisdom. That can be               death when he was 10 and “things that
                                           company a great order of flexibility,” he    control and a stock price that has slid       challenging, but it can be good. MDC           happened after” as well as polling and
                                           says. “If five agencies get an extra floor   72% in the past year alone, compared          Partners is going to be different than it is   strategy, he founded what later became

            ark Penn looks distinctly      each, only two of them will grow. If         to a drop of 26% for WPP and a gain           now. That’s because he’s very innovative.      polling firm Penn Schoen Berland
            uncomfortable when I           five agencies say they’re going to grow,     of 7% for Omnicom. The plan now, per          And he likes winning.”                         alongside his business partner Doug
            compliment him on his          you discount by two and only get two         Penn, is a two-year effort to transform                                                      Schoen, with early clients including
office. To be clear, it’s a nice office:   floors. Then, you’re able to as a holding    MDC into a modern marketing                   Penn is probably up to the task. He is         AT&T, Texaco, McDonald’s, and the
                                           company make financially disciplined         company.                                      perhaps best known, despite having not         “Wintel alliance” of Microsoft and Intel.
Books line the wall in an elongated space
                                           decisions.”                                                                                working in politics for over a decade,         The firm was sold to WPP in 2001.
full of wood finishes and comfortable                                                   It’s also, like the rest of the agency        as the top strategist for Bill and Hillary
chairs, 19 floors above Manhattan’s Fifth Not being bloated with costs doesn’t just     world, dealing with other threats to its      Clinton, the star architect of a polling-      After the political work of the 1990s and
Avenue.                                   start with real estate.                       business, from consultancies eating up        meets-strategy concept that helped him         2000s, a long stint at Microsoft saw him
                                                                                        market share to a growing number of           serve as pollster and advisor to former        begin a PR campaign against Google
But it’s then I realize that Penn, the     Penn is embarking on a long-term and         clients cutting agency fees thanks to         President Clinton, after his first term’s      for Bing that had shades of political
newly appointed CEO of MDC                 wide-ranging cleanup of the MDC              procurement, as well as the rise of more      midterms and leading him to help               oppo advertising, the 2014 Super Bowl
Partners, is barely a month into the       Partners business, which includes storied    in-house agency capabilities.                 the president win re-election in 1996,         ad for the company, and the “Don’t get
office, and the job, and hasn’t had        creative agencies like 72andSunny                                                          thanks to a key focus on the “soccer           Scroogled” ad campaign.
                                           and Anomaly, as well as a handful of         Arguably, MDC is in a weaker place            mom vote.” He also was aide to Hillary
time to redecorate yet. The trappings
                                           media agencies like Assembly and The         to deal with these issues than most           Clinton during her senatorial run and          But it’s hard to divorce the man from
are mostly of his predecessor, Scott       Media Kitchen. His first goal is to have     others because it is heavier on creative      her presidential run in 2008. (He’s also       the politics. It’s also easy to see why:
Kauffman, who became CEO after             the holding company play the role it         agencies and lighter on media. But Penn       done plenty of other political work,           Up until very recently, Penn has been
founder Miles Nadal stepped down           needs to play: That of a benevolent, yet     doesn’t think it’s an issue. “Accenture       including, as he mentions during our           a fixture on television news programs,
following an SEC investigation on          disciplining figure that can rein in costs   for such a long time was trying to say        interview, helping “one presidential           most recently arguing that a president
executive pay back in 2015.                and provide resources where needed.          creativity was dead, and had to throw         campaign in Venezuela, two in                  cannot be expected to function and do

12 DIGIDAY                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              MARKETING | DIGIDAY 13
The Cannes Issue - SUMMER 2019 - Digiday
YouTube Wars                                                                                                                                                                        YouTube’s exploding in popularity
When it comes to YouTube,                                                                                                                                                           in India, and a batch of young talent
don’t sleep on T-Series.                                                                                                                                                            is creating everything from comedy
By Shareen Pathak                                                                                                                                                                   to sketches to motivational talks on
                                                                                                                                                                                    the platform. Here’s a quick rundown
                                                                                                                                                                                    of some of the top YouTubers in the
                                                                                                                                                                                    country right now.

      elix Kjellberg shouldn’t have          users in India rarely are satisfied with      T-Series is a good lens through which        “We weren’t concerned with who is
      messed with India.                     a plain old boring ringing sound when         to view the market. Music is huge,           PewDiePie,” says Kalyan. “Every day
                                             someone calls them. Instead, callers          Bollywood is the world’s biggest             for us is a milestone. We weren’t even
That’s been the one big takeaway for         will hear a chorus or refrain a popular       film industry and the films are song         looking at it. The only time we did is      All India Bakchod
those following -- first with mild interest, song -- English or Indian -- when they        and music-heavy. The four pillar of          when he put out something offensive         Number of subscribers: 3.4 million
then with increasing bemusement -- the call people. T-Series started selling               entertainment in India, as Kalyan puts       that to me wasn’t in good taste.” Kalyan    This sketch comedy group (“Bakchod” means
Kjellberg v. Indian music label T-Series     30-second cuts of their music to these        it, are astrology, Bollywood, cricket and    is referring to a video Kjellberg put out   “senseless fucker” in Hindi) had its roots as a
“war” over the past couple of months.        telcos, then in 2004, started licensing       devotional content. “I call it the ABCD      that called out T-Series for trying to      podcast. It then expanded into doing skits and
A war that effectively ceased at the end     content to aggregators.                       of Indian entertainment,” Kalyan puts        dethrone him. “It was a total frenzy,” he   short videos aimed at young, urban India, often
of April when Kjellberg, better known                                                      it. Indian consumers listen to music         recalls.                                    collaborating with celebrities along the way.
by his YouTube name, PewDiePie,              In 2009, when YouTube first came              through audio apps like Spotify, or the
ended the competition to see which           to India, T-Series noticed a ton of its       homegrown Saavn and Gaana. But, as           And as for the argument that this
channel could get the most number of         videos illegally being uploaded to the        Kalyan says, music is visual -- people       was about individual creators versus        Bhuvan Bam
subscribers.                                 site. It obtained an injunction against       prefer to watch it, not just listen to it.   corporations, Kalyan scoffs. “See, we       Number of subscribers: 13 million
                                             the platform in 2010, which led to an                                                      are a channel, in which every artist who    Comedian, songwriter and YouTuber Bhuvan Bam
But the competition, which alternately       official partnership with the company.        The company’s revenue now mostly             is working with us, they’re opening         is best known for BB Ki Vines, a channel with
has been dismissed as another example        On January 1, 2011, it aired its first        comes from platforms: YouTube is No.         up their channels. They get a platform      short videos featuring Bam playing a teenager.
of how serious YouTube rivalries can         video on YouTube.                             3, after content licensing to TV channels    where they could showcase their talent
get, and upheld as both proof that                                                         and Amazon. YouTube, says Kalyan,            to hundreds of millions of people in
corporations, not people, are winning        T-Series today is a mind-boggling             however is the major tool for content        one go. We are offering them a huge         Gaurav Chaudhary, known as Technical Guruji
on YouTube and the global power of the presence. Right now, the company runs               promotion, because of the large user         platform. We’re not talking about a         Number of subscribers: 12.6 million
platform, has also thrust into the global    29 different channels on YouTube, with        base and global reach. “Our promotion        corporation, this is about individual       Dubai-based Chaudhary runs Technical Guruji,
spotlight T-Series -- and the power of       176 million total subscribers. It claims it   strategy is YouTube first as it gives our    creators.” D                                which features unboxing videos, reviews and other
YouTube in India.                            has 10.9 billion -- with a “B” -- monthly     content instant reach and allows us to                                                   news about technology -- all in Hindi.
                                             views across that network.                    measure consumer acceptance on the
T-Series began in the early 1980s in                                                       go,” says Kalyan. The company now also
India as a cassette tape business founded Of course, when it comes to India, the           sources talent from YouTube, singers
by Gulshan Kumar. It mostly focused on numbers tend to be big: The country                                                                                                          Prajakta Koli, known as Mostly Sane
                                                                                           and songwriters who became big on the
                                                                                                                                                                                    Number of subscribers: 3.6 million
“devotional” music, particularly Hindu       itself is the second-most populous one        platform, like New Zealand-based singer                                                  Koli started her channel in 2015. Mostly a
hymns, as well as Bollywood music. In        in the world, with 1.7 billion. More          Shirley Setia and London-based artist                                                    purveyor of situational comedy, Koli is also one of
some ways, the company was the first of than a quarter of the population used              Zack Knight. It has an eight-person                                                      YouTube’s official #CreatorsforChange.
its kind; devotional music had a huge        a smartphone in 2018, making it the           team, with people dedicated to channels
market, especially among the older           world’s second-largest market after           for different Indian languages. (That’s
set. In the late 1980s, it had its first     China. The number of people who use           one feature YouTube has also added,
breakthrough as a real music producer                                                                                                                                               Anisha Dixit known as Rickshawali
                                             the internet rose 11% in 2017, and            with new options on the platform that
with the launch of music for the movie                                                                                                                                              Number of subscribers: 2 million
                                             in 2018, the latest period for which          lets people find videos in languages they
                                                                                                                                                                                    Dixit started making videos when she had first
“Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak,” which led          numbers are available, it grew 16%, per       pick.)                                                                                   arrived in Mumbai, India, to look for work. Her
to explosive growth of the company as a eMarketer.
                                                                                                                                                                                    videos are mostly set inside an auto rickshaw --
bonafide music production label.                                                           As for PewDiePie, Kalyan sees the                                                        usually a pink one -- and cover everything from
                                             What is unique, however, is that in           whole thing as just a blip, even though                                                  sex ed, feminism and cultural differences.
“India wasn’t on the Internet map for        India, YouTube has begun in some              it arguably put T-Series on the map
a long time,” says T-Series president        ways to equal the Internet. The Google-       like never before. (The company’s
Neeraj Kalyan. The company’s first foray owned site says that about 250- million           head, Bhushan Kumar, turned the
into trying to make money digitally          Indians will watch YouTube on mobile          competition into a show of patriotism,
was when it began selling ringtones          a month. And while Netflix, Amazon            with a hashtag campaign called
and “calltones” to telecommunication         and homegrown sites like HotStar are          #BharatWinsYouTube, urging Indians to
companies. One of those unique-to-           shaping the video market, none comes          subscribe to the channel as it sought to
the-West phenomenons, mobile phone           close to YouTube.                             beat Kjellberg).

14 DIGIDAY                                                                                                                                                                                                       MARKETING | DIGIDAY 15
The Cannes Issue - SUMMER 2019 - Digiday
The Meme
With the rise of social
media, memes are a
mainstream tool for politics.
By Kerry Flynn

       outh Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete          course. Illustrators have been drawing         the comment. “Campaigns from the
       Buttigieg and Dorothy from the         political cartoons nearly as long as           official side have not wanted to touch
       “Wizard of Oz” may not seem            there’s been newspapers. But they have         [memes] historically. It’s like all things
like they have a lot in common. But           garnered more attention in recent years        in social media, balancing humanizing
to meme fans and supporters of the            with the rise of social media and as part      and diminishing. You’re starting to see
presidential candidate, it all makes sense,   of Russia’s interference in the 2016 U.S.      seismic shift now. There’s a mass market     2500
especially if you happen to be part of
                                              presidential election. Political strategists   appeal,” Moffatt says.
a Facebook group celebrating “Pete
                                              say they expect memes to be even more
Buttigieg’s Dank Meme Stash.”
                                              prevalent in the 2020 election.                Indeed, memes are going to appear
                                                                                             whether the candidates want them to,
“We all know how this one ends,” say
                                              What’s a political meme? It depends            or not, and it’s up to the campaigns
the words above the viral image about
                                              who you ask. Rachel, the moderator of          to decide whether to embrace or shun
the candidate, who is depicted as
                                              the Pete Buttigieg's Dank Meme Stash           them. Rob Shepardson, founder partner
Dorothy, with President Donald Trump
                                              Facebook group, says internet memes            of marketing agency SS+K who worked
as the Wicked Witch of the West.
                                              typically refer to images but memes can        on Barack Obama’s 2008 and 2012
(Buttigieg’s dog, Buddy, is Toto.)
                                              also be a “cultural unit,” like a MAGA         campaigns, says memes can be used
                                              hat. Her Buttigieg group has a “looser         strategically by candidates themselves.
Buttigieg is far from the only candidate
                                              definition” than others she runs due to
with a supporter-led “dank” meme
                                              its broader age range. “The posts contain      “In politics you want to define yourself,
stash. The group’s creator Rachel, who
                                              images I’d call graphics more than             your opponent and what’s at stake. If
requested her last name not be used, had
                                              memes,” she says.                              you look at memes through that lens it’s
launched Facebook groups for memes
                                                                                             just another way to help candidates do
supporting several candidates including
                                              Zac Moffatt, CEO of marketing agency           that,” Shepardson says.                      3501
Kamala Harris, Cory Booker and Julian
                                              Targeted Victory, likened memes to
Castro earlier this year. Since February,
                                              chain emails of decades past and to            For example, in the 2016 election,
the 27-year-old has focused her time on
                                              the more recent practice of President          Hillary Clinton’s campaign briefly
the Buttigieg group.
                                              Donald Trump nicknaming people.                embraced memes by using the photo
                                              “They’re a shortcut to a larger point,”        of “Texts from Hillary” as her Twitter
“Social media plays a huge role in
                                              Moffatt says. “Memes are successful            photo. (She later removed that after a
political discourse and this is a way to
                                              when they repackage information in a           State Department investigation into
create and distribute lighter content
                                              lighthearted, shareable way.”                  the matter.) Bernie Sanders’ campaign
to help people get to know Pete and
                                                                                             acknowledged a meme about the
feel connected about Pete's message.
                                              Moffatt, who served as digital director        candidate when it tweeted, “A vote for
Memeing across generations is a way
                                              for Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidential            Bernie is a vote for #BirdieSanders,”
that we can bridge gaps in culture and
                                              campaign, has experienced backlash             after a bird landed on his podium during
understanding,” Rachel says.
                                              from memes firsthand. After a 2012             a speech.
                                              debate when Romney said, “I love
Memes -- dank or otherwise -- have
                                              Big Bird,” as he was sharing his plan          In the 2020 election, most candidates
become a mainstream tool for political
                                              to eliminate federal funding to PBS,           have shied from memes, at least for now.
campaigning, used by supporters and
                                              memes defending the Sesame Street              One acknowledgement of the practice
opponents (and sometimes campaigns                                                                                                        6237
                                              character flooded Twitter. The Obama           has come from Democratic candidate
themselves) to convey information with
                                              campaign later ran a TV ad mocking             Andrew Yang who, in an interview with
humor. Memes aren’t new in politics of

16 DIGIDAY                                                                                                                                       MEDIA | DIGIDAY 17
The Cannes Issue - SUMMER 2019 - Digiday
The New York Times, denounced memes
about him created by the far-right.
                                                     5 Gen-Z influencers                                              The Jenners and Hadids aren’t the only Gen-Zers impacting
                                                                                                                      fashion and beauty. The power of pint-sized influencers

Meanwhile, the incumbent continues
                                                     to know                                                          continues to rise, as the line between social media and
                                                                                                                      e-commerce blurs. Though unknown by almost everyone over
to embrace memes. President Trump’s                                                                                   24 years old, these YouTube and Instagram stars have already
                                                     Meet the young social stars shaping                              garnered attention from brands, making up to $6,000 a day in
official Twitter and Instagram accounts
                                                     the future of fashion and beauty.                                sponsorships. Here’s who you need to know.
frequently feature memes, such as his use
of the “Game of Thrones” font.                       By Jill Manoff

“Trump is a master of [memes]. He
understands that people share the
headlines without reading substance,”                Haley Pham
says Claudia Cukrov, group strategy                  Age: 18
director at SS+K. “He understands that               YouTube followers: 2 million
people don’t care about the details, and             Years on YouTube: 6
he doesn’t care about the details either.”           Located in: Austin, TX
                                             7857    Choice formats: Before-and-after transformations, vlogs
Media outlets also elevate memes                     and hauls. “I also throw in the occasional dance video or
when they chose to write about them.                 ‘trying something new for a day’ experiment format.”
While that was common practice prior                 On the evolution of influencer world: “It’s become a
elections, such as Mashable producing a              more genuine space. It used to be about making your
listicle of Big Bird and Romney memes                life seem as perfect as possible. Now there's an emphasis
in 2012, some reporters have begun to                on being relatable."
become more mindful of meme coverage,
says CNN’s campaign editor Kyle Blaine.
                                                                                                                                                                               Haley Pham
“I think the novelty of memes have worn                                                                                       Fiona Frills
off. There was a huge splash of, ‘Oh this
                                                                                                                              Age: 15
stuff is so funny,’ and there was a hunger
                                                                                                                              YouTube followers: 855,000
of digital-first outlets to capture that
                                                                                                                              Located in: California
internet conversation. That pressure,
                                                                                                                              Audience: “Little fashionistas”
while still present, is tempered by
                                                                                                                              Uses of “awesome” in one 15-minute call: 11
thinking about how we’re covering things
                                                                                                                              Own product line: Frilliance, made up of makeup and
a lot more, especially thinking about how    2395
                                                                                                                              makeup tools for “teen-prone” skin
we’re covering things on the internet,”
                                                                                                                              Key to success: “You have to stay focused, and if you’re
Blaine says.
                                                                                                                              not having fun with what you’re doing, you have to
                                                                                                                              adjust. I love shopping and makeup. Those things make
Nevertheless, political memes persist
                                                                                                                              me happy, so that’s the path I’m following.”
online, whether or not they get any
media coverage. Moses Albo, the CEO
and founder of, helps                                                                     Fiona Frills
manage one of the Facebook meme
pages supporting Bernie Sanders, which
                                                     Emma Chamberlain
was launched in February 2016 and has                Age: 18
nearly 300,000 likes.                                Years on YouTube: 2
                                                     YouTube followers: 7.6 million
“I really do want Bernie Sanders to be               Located in: Los Angeles, CA
our president, and he has the support of             Uses of “fuck” in recent 18-minute video: 34
the entire Dank Meme network behind                  Video content: Started with DIY tutorials, but now
him. We got his back, and come 2020                  posts videos like” Turning Jojo Siwa into me” and “24
we're ready to flood the internet with the           hours without a phone”
Dankest Bernie Sanders memes in our                  Own product line: High Key, a fashion line sold
stash,” Albo says. D                                 exclusively on the Dote app
                                                     Worth: Reportedly $2.5 million, making $6,000 a day
                                                     from video sponsorships                                               Emma Chamberlain                      MARKETING | DIGIDAY 19
Teala Dunn                                                                                                                    Day in the Life:                           I look at my job in two ways: external
                                                                                                                                                                         and internal. Where is our talent pool,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    on social so they see things that are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    going on there and they monitor how
Age: 22
Followers across YouTube and Instagram: 4.1 million                                                                           Ezinne Kwubiri                             how do we develop diversity within
                                                                                                                                                                         the company, what are our retention
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    people are responding to what we do.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    They’ll inform us if there’s any backlash
Located in: Los Angeles                                                                                                                                                  numbers for employees of all different     or people upset there. Then we decide
Instagram bio: Ephesians 4:2                                                                                                  How one woman is trying to
                                                                                                                                                                         backgrounds: that’s all internal. And      as a team how to respond.
YouTube videos dedicated to Coachella 2019: 3                                                                                 help H&M avoid the costly
                                                                                                                              mistakes of the past.                      from an external perspective, how can
Haters: First Google search results for her name include                                                                                                                 share our story and make sure what we      We’ve rolled out traditional
compilation videos titled “Teala Dunn lying about her                                                                         By Danny Parisi
                                                                                                                                                                         are putting out into the world reflects    unconscious bias training. Because
hair for 2 minutes straight” and “Teala Dunn being rude                                                                                                                  the values of diversity and inclusivity.   this role is completely new to the
for 3 minutes straight”

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    organization, I wanted to make sure
Collaborations: Launched a line of sunglasses with                                                                                     fter a winter of scandals,        Let’s say that as an example we have       we all knew what our definition of
influencer brand NEM Fashion in September                                                                                              fashion brands like Gucci and     an employee who is unhappy, they           inclusion and diversity is.
Brand sponsors: Revolve, Mavlash Extensions, Benefit,                                                                                  Dolce & Gabbana pledged
                                                                                                                                                                         feel they’re being excluded based on
Beauty Blender, Garnier                                                                                                       to be less racist, creating new roles
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The last thing I do usually is update
Trips since January: The Maldives, Hawaii, New York,                                                                          for people who could help them
                                                                                                                              avoid costly blunders. Here, Ezinne                                                   my calendar. There’s a lot of requests
Las Vegas, Miami                                                                                                                                                                                                    that I get from people wanting to
                                                                                                                              Kwubiri, the newly appointed head
Cause: PETA; in April, she teamed with the organization                                                                                                                                                             offer us training or some new software
                                                                                                                              of inclusion and diversity at H&M
on a video encouraging teens to opt out of dissecting                                                                                                                                                               company or community organizations
                                                                                                                              walks us through some of her typical
animals in school                                                                                                             duties towards making H&M a more                                                      that want to partner with us. Usually I
                                                                                                                              inclusive place.                                                                      touch base with these organizations and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    see if they can offer us anything useful.
                                                                                                                              I’m in the office in New York. When I
                                                                                                                              first walk in, I say “good morning” to                                                Each day really depends on the week.
                                                                                                                              everyone, and we have meetings to talk                                                I know next week we are doing a big
                                                                                                                Teala Dunn
                                                                                                                              about our goals for the week to come.                                                 HR retreat to talk about recruitment
                                                                                                                              I sit closely with HR and most of these                                               and retention, etc, but last week I was
                                                                                                                              meetings start in the HR department.                                                  at a diversity panel, externally. Another
                                                                                                                              I try to get a sense of what’s going                                                  week I was curating activities for Black
                                                                                                                              on in the company and the store,                                                      History Month. If I had to point to
                                                                                                                              because the stores are open through                                                   one thing as being an unexpected
                                                                Summer Mckeen                                                 the weekend. Is there anything to be                                                  part of my job, it’s being a mentor
                                                                                                                              concerned about there? I meet with the                                                to the store staff or them coming to
                                                                Age: 20                                                       HR team, and also with the marketing       race or something like that. I would       me as someone they can confide in.
                                                                Followers across YouTube and Instagram: 4.5 million           and press teams to see if we have any      meet with them personally to see           It’s different than what my previous
                                                                Located in: Laguna Beach, CA (originally from Oregon)         engagements coming up.                     what’s happening. Depending on what        roles have been. The role is new and
                                                                Budding reality star: Starred in a Snapchat docu-series in                                               the situation is, a lot of times in my     hopefully people at the company are
                                                                late 2018 called “Endless Summer,” which was produced         Aside from that, I’m usually connecting    experience, people want to be heard,       starting to feel like their opinions
                                                                by “Keeping Up With the Kardashians” producer                 with someone on the store-level. I like    they want to know that someone is          matter more. I’m happy to provide that
                                                                Bunim-Murray Productions and recently renewed for a           to make myself available to people at      hearing them. I’m a minority myself. I     for them. D
                                                                second season                                                 the store. If there are issues, people     understand. A lot of times, my presence
                                                                Influencer backlash: Does not want to be described as         aren’t always comfortable talking about    alone is impactful.
                                                                an influencer, preferring “creator,” according to her press   it with their immediate supervisors.
                                                                rep.                                                          I also connect with customer service       If it’s something more serious, I’m
                                                                Product line: Jewelry engraved with words like “worth,”       centers to see if there’s anything we      not the one who conducts a whole
                                                                created with #LuvGems, a company backing fashion              notice on social media that we want to     investigation. Someone else would do
                                                                lines by YouTube Stars                                        address.                                   that. But collectively we would come
                                                                Brand sponsors: Billabong, Victoria’s Secret, Tresemme,                                                  up with recommendations.
                                                                Sephora                                                       Since the role is brand new we are still
                                                                                                                              kind of figuring out what exactly it       Externally, it’s a similar thing. On
                                                                                                                              looks like each day and where I sit in     social media, for example, we luckily
                                                                                                                              it all. I work most closely with the HR    haven’t had anything too crazy happen
                                                                                                                              team. It’s our own umbrella within HR.     recently. But we have teams who work
                                                Summer Mckeen
20 DIGIDAY                                                                                                                                                                                                                              MARKETING | DIGIDAY 21
Free Streaming
             Netflix, Disney and subscription services
             get all the attention, but the war for free
             streaming video is no less competitive --
             and more wide open.
             By Sahil Patel

                       oku expects to top $1 billion      growing advertiser interest in connected
                       in revenue for the first time in   TV environments, TV’s future also
                       2019. But while the company        includes advertising. And the race to
             is still best known for selling streaming    own free streaming video is equally
             set-top boxes and USB-sized dongles,         competitive -- if not more wide open.
             two-thirds of Roku’s revenue this year is
             expected to come from the advertising it
                                                          The race is heating up and ambitions
             sells across its platform.
                                                          are high
                                                          In January, Viacom bought Pluto TV,
             For most of Roku’s history, that has
                                                          a free video streaming service that
             meant the 30% of ad space that Roku
                                                          programs more than 100 linear channels
             gets from the TV networks, digital
                                                          filled with licensed movies, TV shows
             publishers and other video programmers
                                                          and digital video programming, for
             distributing ad-supported apps on
                                                          $340 million. If that does not signal
             its platform. But to meet its own
                                                          how ambitious Viacom is about the
             lofty advertising ambitions, Roku has
                                                          future of free streaming video, the
             another piece that plays a key role in
                                                          company’s COO of ad sales, John
             its advertising strategy: Streaming free
                                                          Halley, says Viacom expects Pluto TV
             movies and TV shows to users through
                                                          will make “north of a billion dollars in
             The Roku Channel -- which Roku says
                                                          the medium term” from advertising.
             is already one of the top five biggest
             channels based on reach (though Roku
                                                          Beyond The Roku Channel, which
             doesn’t provide specifics).
                                                          launched in Sept. 2017, and Pluto TV,
                                                          Amazon has also made free streaming
             “The reason we went hard into pure
                                                          video a key part of its growing ad
             free, ad-supported content was because
                                                          business: in January, the commerce giant
             we were listening to our users, and
                                                          launched IMDb Freedive, a streaming
             one of the most important terms that
                                                          service delivering licensed movies and
             people searched for on our platform
                                                          TV shows to Fire TV users; soon, it
             was the availability of free content,”
                                                          will also launch a free, ad-supported
             says Scott Rosenberg, svp and gm of
                                                          streaming video service for news.
             Roku’s platform business. “We see
                                                          Walmart has also gotten into the game
             an acceleration of free, ad-supported
                                                          with its Vudu service. Other players
             channels on our platform.”
                                                          in this area include Xumo and Tubi,
                                                          as well as TV manufacturers such as
             A lot of attention -- and justifiably so
                                                          Samsung and Vizio, which are licensing
             -- has gone toward Netflix, Disney,
                                                          technology from Xumo and others to
             WarnerMedia and the future of TV in
                                                          deliver white-labeled streaming video
             the context of subscription streaming
                                                          apps on their smart TVs. TV networks
             video. But, as evidenced by Viacom’s
                                                          have also jumped into the fray, with
             $340 million cash acquisition of Pluto
                                                          CBS leading the way with three free
             TV, the investments in new video
                                                          video streaming services spanning news,
             services from Amazon and Roku, and
                                                          sports and entertainment news.

22 DIGIDAY                                                                         MEDIA | DIGIDAY 23
These services are also growing. The       Subscription video market will soon be       YouTube Premium] efforts,” says an         Roku’s rival free video streaming
Roku Channel is a top-five channel         maxed out                                    executive at a major Hollywood film        services. He acknowledges the
on Roku based on reach. Viacom says        Ask anyone investing in free video           studio. “Subscriptions are tough. That’s   competition, but says it’s mutually
Pluto TV now has 16 million monthly        streaming services about why they are        why you’re seeing such a big rise with     beneficial for both the programmers
users, up from 12 million monthly          going the free route and the answer will     [ad-supported video].”                     and the distribution platforms to work
users when Viacom made the purchase        be the same: The subscription video                                                     together in order to grow usage.
in January. CBSN, CBS News’ nearly         market is getting saturated. Netflix,        Amazon and Roku -- the platforms --
five-year-old streaming news network,      Hulu and Amazon are already well-            cast a long shadow                         “Here’s the thing: this always comes
now averages more than 1 million           established, and new services are on         The digital advertising market has to      down to the programming,” Halley
video streams per day. Even YouTube is     the way from Disney, WarnerMedia             contend with Google and Facebook.          said. “People don’t watch distribution.
talking up how its users are streaming     and NBCUniversal (though NBCU’s              In ad-supported streaming video, there     We feel confident about what our
more than 250 million hours per day        service will be “free” for those that        is the potential that the ad market is     lineup is on Pluto -- and I’m sure
through TV sets.                           already pay for existing pay-TV              controlled by a small number of big        others will have compelling offerings
                                           subscribers.)                                players.                                   as well -- but at the end of the day, this
“We are seeing a tremendous growth                                                                                                 business is written on content.”
in smart TV usage of our app,” says        “How many more [subscriptions]               Hulu is the current leader with a $1.5
Christy Tanner, evp and gm of CBS          collectively do all of us want to pay for?   billion annual ad business. Roku’s         For its part, Roku sees The Roku
News Digital, adding that viewership       Nielsen has even reported data that          platform business did $416.9 million       Channel as an important part of its
from Samsung, Vizio and other smart        14% of households are using antennas,        last year. Amazon, which can ostensibly    ad business, but a component of an
TV providers has grown by triple-          versus 10% in 2014,” says Halley.            match video ads to actual purchases, is    overall ad strategy, says Rosenberg. The
digit percentages year over year. “It’s    “There’s a rush to subscription services,    also aggressively pursuing TV ad dollars   executive declined to say whether The
fascinating to watch how quickly that      but there are indicators that consumers      -- though its search ad business remains   Roku Channel was the most important
usage has caught on.”                      are more value-conscious than they           a bigger revenue driver today.             part of the company’s ad sales efforts,
                                           have ever been.”                                                                        but it’s clear why the service matters
Growth in consumption across a                                                          With Amazon and Roku, video                to Roku: it’s the place where Roku has
greater number of platform and device      Today, the average U.S. consumer             programmers and free video streaming       full control over the ad experience and
sources has naturally led to growth        subscribes to three streaming services,      services such as Pluto TV and Xumo         collects the greatest share of ad dollars.
in advertiser interest. In fact, earlier   according to a March study from              have to deal with the fact that both
this year, Magna Global revised its        Deloitte. Conventional thinking              companies are both competitors and         Roku plans to continue investing in
2019 forecast for OTT advertising          is that most people won’t want to            distributors. IMDb Freedive and The        The Roku Channel. In addition to
to grow 39% to $3.8 billion. Ad-           subscribe to more than three or four         Roku Channel are free streaming            free movies and TV shows, the service
supported programming is growing           services as “subscription fatigue” sets      services competing for viewer attention    offers more than 20 linear channels
faster (in terms of users and overall      in. Compound that with the fact that         and ad dollars; and Roku and Amazon’s      from programmers such as ABC News
consumption) than subscriptions on         getting people to pay for subscriptions      Fire TV are necessary for any streaming    and Newsy. Soon, expect Roku to
Roku, according to Rosenberg.              is an incredibly difficult endeavor,         video service to find an audience          expand those linear feeds into new
                                           there is a reason why platforms and          today. (Amazon says it has 34 million      evergreen verticals outside of news,
“Everyone is growing,” says Vincent        programmers will take a closer look at       monthly Fire TV users and Roku says it     Rosenberg says.
Letang, evp of global market               free streaming video.                        has 29.1 million monthly active users.)
intelligence for Magna Global.                                                                                                     “We think there is a big tent,”
                                           “There’s a reason why YouTube pulled         Viacom’s Halley says he’s not concerned    Rosenberg says. “The appetite for
                                           back from [its original content for          by competition with Amazon and             free and discounted content is still
                                                                                                                                   underserved.” D

24 DIGIDAY                                                                                                                                                                      MEDIA | DIGIDAY 25
Sample headline: “Auction report:            IndustryDive                                suite of products aimed at lobbyists,
                                                                                                     Jones & Horan to sell Howard Davis &         A portfolio of 16 niche B2B titles,         multinational corporations and law
                                                                                                     Dennison No. 3 pocketwatch”                  Industry Dive covers deeply unsexy          firms, which includes a legislation
                                                                                                                                                  industries like recycling and solid waste   tracker that keeps subscribers abreast
                                                                                                     Skift                                        management. The industries Industry         of changes made to bills making their
                                                                                                     A B2B-focused site aimed at the              Dive coves are not big, they are stable,    way through Congress and a white-
                                                                                                     travel industry, Skift earns most of         and coverage of their goings-on is          labeled app builder that allows advocacy
                                                                                                     its revenue from conferences, such as        limited enough that the audiences           groups to distribute calls to action
                                                                                                     the Skift Travel Forum, and branded          Industry Dive offers its advertisers        and messaging to stakeholders more
                                                                                                     content sponsorships. But it has             have not been commoditized. Founder         efficiently.

             Niche and Easy                                                                          been diversifying its revenue streams
                                                                                                     steadily through a mixture of product
                                                                                                                                                  Sean Griffey said Industry Dive makes
                                                                                                                                                  money when it helps site sponsors have
                                                                                                                                                                                              Founded: 2013, by Timothy Hwang,
                                                                                                                                                                                              Gerald Yao and Jonathan Chen
                                                                                                     development and acquisition; it              productive conversations within their       Funding: $50 million over four rounds
             Publishers looking to
                                                                                                     purchased a newsletter about the airline     space.                                      Revenue streams: Digital advertising,
             diversify can follow the leads
             of these specialized media                                                              industry in 2018, for example, and in        Founded: 2012, by Sean Griffey              digital content subscriptions, services
             companies.                                                                              2019 Skift launched its first awards         Funding: A $500,000 angel investment        subscriptions
                                                                                                     program.                                     Revenue streams: Site, newsletter,          Sample headline: “Abortion-rights
             By Max Willens
                                                                                                     Founded: 2012, by Rafat Ali                  sponsorships                                groups lay out 2020 races they plan to
                                                                                                     Funding: $1.1 million over two rounds        Sample headline: “Delays mount at           target”
                                                                                                     Revenue streams: Conference ticket

                                                                                                                                                  Denver airport over concrete concerns”
                    ublishers trying to figure out       advertising, newsstand sales, book          sales and sponsorships; branded content                                                  M. Shanken
                    how they are going to diversify      sales, digital and print subscription       sponsorships; research subscriptions;        Food52                                      Communications
                    revenue would do well to look at     revenue, podcast advertising, TV            premium newsletter subscriptions                                                         The home of booze bibles Wine
                                                                                                                                                  Food might seem like too broad a
             the smaller, niche publishers that had to   show production, event tickets and          and advertising; awards show; podcast                                                    Spectator and Whisky Advocate, as
                                                                                                                                                  category for this list, but Food52 has
             diversify years ago.                        sponsorships                                advertising                                                                              well as Cigar Aficionado, M. Shanken
                                                                                                                                                  spent years building and developing
                                                         Sample headline: “Uncommonly sharp:         Sample headline: “Why the obsession          content and products specifically for its   founder Marvin Shanken earned his
             These examples, who serve a mixture         How to sharpen 13 tools that don’t fit in   over hotel logos?”                                                                       recent MPA lifetime achievement award
                                                                                                                                                  audience of home cooks. Food52 now
             of business- and consumer-facing            your honing guide”                                                                                                                   by building a media company that
                                                                                                                                                  earns a majority of its revenue from
             audiences, attack the problem from                                                      Capitol Forum                                commerce, and it continues to diversify     catered to both B2B and BC2 audiences.
             different angles, but they have all         Hodinkee                                    A seven year-old startup that dives          into a growing array of home goods,         In recent years, M. Shanken has pressed
             figured out how to thrive in a digital      A magazine for watch obsessives,            deep into the minutiae of antitrust and                                                  on both sides. On the B2B side, M.
                                                                                                                                                  ranging from cutting boards to dryer
             media ecosystem that pessimists say is      by watch obsessives, Hodinkee has           competition activity as well as mergers                                                  Shanken announced in February that it
                                                                                                                                                  balls. It produced a dessert cookbook
             inhospitable for everybody.                 embedded itself in the firmament of the     and acquisitions in both Capitol Hill                                                    would launch a daily newsletter focus
                                                                                                                                                  last year that featured recipes offered
                                                         luxury watch market. While Hodinkee         and Brussels. The content, which is          up by its own readers. More recently,       exclusively on cannabis’s move into
             Taunton Press                               earns some revenue from digital and         entirely paywalled aside from some                                                       the food and spirits industries. On the
                                                                                                                                                  it began expanding into video series
             An enthusiast publisher serving             print advertising, it earns a major share   sample articles hosted on Capitol                                                        B2C side, it continues to expand its
                                                                                                                                                  and launched its own cooking channel
             hobbyists interested in crafts including    of its revenue from e-commerce, not just    Forum’s homepage, is intended for                                                        events business with its WhiskyFests,
                                                                                                                                                  on the ad-supported video platform
             woodworking, homebuilding,                  by securing exclusive items from watch      institutional investors, law firms,                                                      and a freemium mobile app that offers
             cooking, gardening and sewing. Most         manufacturers but by collaborating          policymakers and think tanks, and is                                                     subscribers access to a library of Wine
                                                                                                                                                  Founded: 2011, by Amanda Hesser and
             of Taunton’s individual titles reach        with watchmakers on limited edition         produced by staffers with legal training;                                                Spectator reviews, has been downloaded
                                                                                                                                                  Merrill Stubbs
             small numbers of people -- Threads.         products, which can cost hundreds,          many of the Capitol Forum’s reporters                                                    over 2 million times.
                                                                                                                                                  Funding: $13 million over four rounds
             com, the digital presence for its sewing    or thousands of dollars. It has moved       have served as either lawyers or law                                                     Founded: 1972, by Marvin Shanken
                                                                                                                                                  Revenue streams: E-commerce, branded
             magazine, averages 250,000 unique           even further into ecommerce lately,         clerks. The Capitol Forum also hosts                                                     Funding: No outside investment
                                                                                                                                                  content, video advertising, digital
             users per month -- but each boasts a        developing seasonal buying guides and       quarterly events. Subscription prices,                                                   Revenue streams: Event sponsorship
                                                                                                                                                  advertising, events
             wide and healthy variety of revenue         even designing a quiz designed to help      which are typically sold in enterprise                                                   and ticket revenue, digital and print
                                                                                                                                                  Sample headline: “The world’s best
             streams, which Taunton’s sales teams are    new customers figure out what kind of       deals, can vary, though they typically                                                   subscriptions, digital and print
                                                                                                                                                  shortbread is no longer sold -- but we
             comfortable threading together; Fine        watch they should buy.                      carry a price tag in the mid-five figures.                                               advertising, paid app downloads
                                                                                                                                                  got the recipe”
             Cooking, Taunton’s magazine for home        Founded: 2008, by Benjamin Clymer           Founded: 2012, by Teddy Downey                                                           Sample headline: “The best whiskies for
             cooks, has won MPA awards for best
             advertising program two years in a row.
                                                         Funding: $5 million in 2017                 Funding: No outside investment               FiscalNote                                  grilling season” D
                                                         Revenue streams: Ecommerce, brand           Revenue streams: Pricey subscriptions        After acquiring the DC insider
             Founded: 1975, by husband/wife duo          licensing, print circulation, print         Sample headline: “Praxair/Linde              publications CQ Roll Call for $180
             Paul and Jan Roman                          advertising revenue, digital advertising    AG: On-Site, Merchant, Issues Drive          million last summer, FiscalNote
             Funding: None                               revenue, branded content, podcast           Antitrust Risk”                              folded the two publications into a
             Revenue streams: Print and digital          advertising

26 DIGIDAY                                                                                                                                                                                                            MEDIA | DIGIDAY 27
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