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       Substandard plumbing products
       continue to infiltrate Australasian

                                            FEATURES                                  REGULARS

                                            18 AUSSIE MADE                            06   Editorial
                                               Following a year of international      08   Industry News
                                               trade turmoil, local supply
                                                                                      10   New Products
                                               channels are regaining popularity.

                                                                                      30   Gas Update
                                                                                      32   Copper Connection
                                            20 ‘ALTERNATIVE’ IS NORMAL
                                               We showcase a major NZ
                                                                                      38   Estimating
                                               development using AHSCA                42   Legal Matters
                                               Research Foundation ‘Alternative’      46   Prove It
                                               drainage solutions.
                                                                                      48   Backflow Prevention
                                                                                      52   Training off the Page
                                            24 AFTER COVID-19
                                                                                      56   Box Gutters
                                               COVID-19’s legacies are not
                                                                                      60   Standards Australia

                                               all bad – we examine how the
                                               pandemic has motivated positive        81   Trade Stuff

                                            28 PVC PIPE RECYCLING
                                               Where does old PVC piping go? All
                                               practitioners have a role to play in
                                               recycling waste products.

                                            36 LEAD IN DRINKING WATER

                                               The ABCB is considering a range                 64 OHS
                                               of options to reduce lead in
                                               drinking water.                                 70 LEGAL

                                                                                               74 TRANSPORT

4   PLUMBING CONNEC T ION   W inter 2021
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    COVID-19 WORLD                                                                               www.plumbingconnection.com.au

            irst of all, it’s a pleasure to be   changed at all over the last decade.      GENERAL MANAGER
                                                                                           Jeremy Sweet
            back! Having served as editor        As we contend in our cover story          jeremysweet@build.com.au
            of Plumbing Connection for           (see page 12), substandard products
    several years over a decade ago,             – including WaterMark-certified            John Power
    I’m delighted to have been invited           items – continue to infiltrate the         0403 818 579
    back as editor. I would like to wish         Australian marketplace due to deep-
    my predecessor Justin Felix great            seated weaknesses in our regulatory       EDITORIAL CONSULTANT
                                                                                           Jeff Patchell
    success in his new career.                   structures. Not only do dodgy             jeff patchell@build.com.au
       My return to Plumbing Connection          products jeopardise the health of the     EDITOR – ACROSS THE TRADES
    occurs at a time of profound social          population, but they also undermine       Anna Hayes
    and industrial change.                       plumbers’ professionalism and lead to
       Certainly, the plumbing industry          costly remedial actions and repairs,      STAFF WRITERS
                                                                                           Anna Hayes, Sean Carroll
    is grappling with unprecedented              often at the plumber’s expense.
                                                                                           GRAPHIC DESIGNER
    challenges following the pandemic-              A solution, we argue, is for greater   Sam Elliott
    based upheavals of the last year – the       accountability at point of sale,
                                                                                           ADVERTISING TRAFFIC MANAGER
    world is reviewing the very fabric of        combined with far more rigorous and       Tracey Glanville
    public and private sanitation systems,       transparent enforcement of product        SUBSCRIPTION MANAGER
    particularly in health and aged care         compliance. No one wants to see our       Brigitta Novosell
                                                                                           03 9542 9005
    facilities, while homeowners are             plumbing retail sector swept up in
    redefining their bathrooms and                a culture of US-style litigation; nor     CONTRIBUTORS
                                                                                           Enzo Alfonsetti, Paul Cott, Peter Damaso,
    laundries according to new ‘work from        do we want to see a continuation          John Fennell, Sophi MacMillan, Dr Greg
    home’ lifestyles.                            of the existing regulatory system         Morwood, Paul Oliveri, Jon Palfrey, Brian
                                                                                           Seymour, Ken Sutherland, Ian Todd
       At a business level, tradespeople         that rewards honourable behaviour
    of all disciplines are learning              while shrugging its shoulders at          ADVERTISING
                                                                                           Angelo Sticca                          03 9542 9011
    how to interact with customers               malpractice. Surely a balance is          angelosticca@build.com.au
    in compliance with new hygiene               achievable.                               TO SUBSCRIBE                     1800 623 214
    protocols, and coming to grips with             As always, this issue of Plumbing      Australia                        03 9542 9000
                                                                                           New Zealand                    +61 3 9542 9000
    increasing levels of administrative          Connection contains an abundance of
                                                                                           Fax (with credit card details)   03 9542 9090
    responsibilities and workday                 practical information from our regular
    interruptions.                               columnists about new technologies                 www.facebook.com/tradieconnection
       As we shake off the horrific chains         and products, best practice, and
    of the pandemic, it is worth asking          updates about the latest changes                  www.linkedin.com/in/plumbing-connection/
    whether there are any positive               to codes and standards. In addition,
    legacies of COVID-19. This question          we are pleased to present a range
    is at the heart of our article ‘Life         of special features, including an         By mail, please write to the address below
    After COVID-19’ (see page 24), in            overview of a new Woolworths              PUBLISHED BY:
    which leading companies reveal the           NZ distribution depot, which              Lanella Media Pty Ltd
                                                                                           2/18-22 Lexia Place,
    benefi ts of lessons learned during           incorporates customised drainage
                                                                                           Mulgrave, VIC 3170
    the pandemic, namely faster R&D              designs as an ‘Alternative Solution’      AUSTRALIA
                                                                                           ISSN 1034-3075
    implementation, more diverse supply          (see page 20); as well as a timely
    chains, and tighter bonds with key           reminder of the value of Australian
                                                                                           Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this magazine do
    retail partners.                             Made manufacturing (see page 18).         not necessarily reflect those of the publisher. Although
                                                                                           all materials are checked for accuracy, no liability is
                                                                                           assumed by the publisher for any losses due to the use
    SENSE OF DEJA VU                             Enjoy the read                            of material in this magazine. Copyright 2021 by Lanella
                                                                                           Media. All rights reserved. No part of this publication
    Having said that, it is fascinating                                                    may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or
    to witness how other aspects of                                                        transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic,
                                                                                           mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise)
    the plumbing industry have barely                                         John Power   without the prior permission of Lanella Media.

6    PLUMBING CONNEC T ION   W inter 2021
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    Tas Gas has signed a non-binding           Pro-Visual Publishing and their            Claire Howe has been appointed as
    agreement with Woodside Energy             partnering industry associations           the new CEO of Master Plumbers
    to begin exploring the possibilities       have released the annual Augmented         Association ACT. Claire takes over
    of blending green hydrogen into the        Reality (AR) Interactive Educational       from Leigh Watson, who left the
    Tasmanian gas network.                     Safety Guide for plumbers. Distributed     organisation late last year.
       The heads of agreement provides         free across Australia, it’s designed to      “I encourage members to touch
    the framework to blend up to 10%           place on the wall as a daily reference     base with Claire on 0402 418 123
    hydrogen into the network, including       to use with your phone, or other smart     or ceo@masterplumbersact.asn.
    renewable hydrogen produced at             device, to view augmented content          au to introduce yourself and pass
    Woodside’s proposed H2TAS project.         alongside the informative printed text.    on any thoughts around benefi ts of
       The proposed H2TAS project is a           The AR component of this piece           membership to our organisation,”
    renewable hydrogen project located         makes the learning of key safety           says Master Plumbers Association
    in Tasmania’s Bell Bay Advanced            issues far more engaging, and it           ACT President Tom Martin.
    Manufacturing Zone, a heavy industrial     becomes a useful go-to piece over
    precinct north of Launceston.              other print material for solo reference,
                                               or for training and toolbox talks with     SOLAHART WINS AGAIN
                                               your team.                                 Comparison site Canstar Blue has
    NCC SEMINAR SERIES                           Users download the free #Pro-            named Australia’s original solar brand,
    The ABCB is presenting the National        Vis AR app and scan the AR icons in        Solahart, as the number one company
    Construction Code (NCC) Seminar            the various sections of the Guide for      in the ‘Hot Water Systems’ category
    series in May 2021. The CPD-accredited     additional, relevant resources such        (2020) for overall customer satisfaction
    seminars provide insights into selected    as videos, web-links, PDF files and         for the second year running.
    NCC content, and an overview of some       landing pages that ‘pop up’ in front of       Solahart achieved fi ve stars across
    provisions proposed for NCC 2022.          you in an augmented setting.               all categor ies.
       All sessions will run for three hours     For free Guides email marketing@
    and additional sessions are available      provisual.com.au
    in some locations. Seminar content                                                    RHEEM V-POWERS AHEAD
    will be the same in each session.                                                     The Shell V-Power Racing Team has
                                               WE WANT YOUR NEWS!                         announced that long-time partner
    Locations:                                 Do you have news to share? Don’t           Rheem will continue to support the
    ∫ Canberra – 10 May, National              be shy! Email the editor John Power        reigning championship team in 2021
      Museum of Australia                      with details about new products,           for the fi fth successive year.
    ∫ Darwin – 12 May, Darwin Convention       professional appointments, as well as         Chairman and CEO of Dick
      Centre                                   company milestones. Email John at          Johnson Racing, Ryan Story, says
    ∫ Perth – 14 May, Perth Convention         johnpower@build.com.au                     it is important to acknowledge the
      and Exhibition Centre                                                               continued support of Rheem, who
    ∫ Sydney –18 & 19 May, Australian                                                     have backed the team since 2017.
      National Maritime Museum                 EMPLOYING DISABLED STAFF
    ∫ Brisbane – 20 & 21 May, Hotel Grand      The organization atWork Australia
      Chancellor                               says disabled employees are                BEWARE OUTSOURCING WEBSITES
    ∫ Adelaide – 25 May, Adelaide              underrepresented in the construction       Victorians should be wary of anyone
      Convention Centre                        industry.                                  off ering their building or plumbing
    ∫ Melbourne – 26 & 27 May,                   Tools like atWork Australia’s            services on online marketplaces and
      Melbourne Convention and                 ‘Disability Awareness Training’            through apps.
      Exhibition Centre                        empower businesses to build a more           The Victorian Building Authority
    ∫ Hobart – 28 May, Hotel Grand             accessible and inclusive workplace         (VBA) warns that consumers should
      Chancellor.                              and confidently support their               always check the credentials
                                               employees living with disability.          of anyone advertising on online
      Seminar fees are $160 (Inc.                For more information about               platforms to make sure they are a
    GST) per registration. Credit card         atWork Australia, assistance in the        registered or licensed professional.
    surcharges may apply.                      recruitment process, and how it can          The VBA is currently investigating
      For more information email:              support employers, visit https://www.      a number of unregistered people
    seminars@thisiscreative.com.au or          atworkaustralia.com.au/recruiting-         advertising their services through
    phone (02) 8091 2620.                      people-with-disability/                    online forums.

8    PLUMBING CONNEC T ION   W inter 2021

                                                                                                    GEBERIT PIPE SCRAPER
                                                                                                    The Geberit Pipe Scraper is an attachment
                                                                                                    that connects to a cordless drill to
                                                                                                    eff ectively and efficiently remove the
                                                                                                    outer oxide layout from Geberit HDPE
                                                                                                    pipes. Sizes include 56mm, 63mm, 75mm,
                                                                                                    90mm, and the most common 110mm,
                                                                                                    providing complete flexibility for all job
                                                                                                    types such as Geberit Pluvia, Geberit
                                                                                                    Supertube and Trade waste installations.
                                                                                                       Available individually or as a complete
     LIKE A MASK FOR A BUILDING                                                                     kit, including a separate unit in each size
     Green Drains trap seals, positioned at the head of waste traps, allow water into floor drains   from 56 to 110mm, a heavy-duty carry
     but prevent gases (and pests) from coming out.                                                 case, a complete set of spare parts,
        Available in diff erent sizes to suit domestic and commercial applications, each Green       grease pen and instruction manual.
     Drains device comprises a specially designed one-way valve with a silicone skirt to provide
     a reliable and airtight seal.
        Eddie Bocchino, Managing Director Green Drains Asia Pacific, says the devices solve
     multiple problems at once. “Stopping bad odours in a bathroom or laundry is just the
     beginning,” Eddie says. “Green Drains seals help prevent airborne pathogens from entering
     sensitive spaces in hospitals and aged care facilities, and stop insects like cockroaches
     and fruit flies from exiting drains in restaurants and commercial kitchens. “In addition,
     our seals can eliminate bad smells in hotels and short-term rental accommodation, where
     noxious air can translate into a poor customer rating.”
        Green Drains seals, used in conjunction with Green Drains’ enzyme-based natural
     cleaning solution, provide an environmentally friendly, aff ordable, non-toxic defence
     against unwanted odours and pest hazards. Green Drains seals are WaterMark-certified
     and safe to use with septic tanks.

     https://greendrains.com.au                                                                     www.geberit.com.au

     LEGIONELLA & ‘DEAD LEGS’                                                                       SCHELL CELIS E TOUCHLESS TAPWARE
     Conex Bänninger has released innovative                                                        Schell has a proud history of providing
     press fi ttings, featuring a specially                                                          intelligent products that deliver water-
     engineered looped wall plate elbow fi tting                                                     efficient, hygienic, and user-friendly
     and a 180° return bend, to do away with                                                        solutions for commercial fi t outs.
     hazardous ‘dead legs’ and help combat the                                                         Today touchless tapware is a natural
     threat of Legionella bacteria in heating                                                       addition to the modern smart home and
     and potable water installations.                                                               off ers more hygienic hand washing. Schell
       ‘Dead legs’ are runs of pipework with                                                        touchless tapware eliminates the spread
     areas of stagnant water. This creates the                                                      of germs and ensures eff ortless cleaning
     conditions for the build-up of harmful                                                         and water efficiency.
     germs such as Legionella bacteria, which                                                          Available in tempered or mixed water
     can breed in temperatures between 25°C          PASTELS APPEAL                                 supply, Celis E models are the smartest
     and 45°C, doubling every eight hours.           Oozing sophistication, these minimalist        yet with Bluetooth capability that allows
       Available exclusively from Reece.             basins come in six diff erent shapes and        for personalised programming to suit your
                                                     seven colourways, perfect to transform         requirements.
                                                     any bathroom space with a modern twist.
                                                     Go with a rectangular basin for an oh-
                                                     so-sleek look, pick a circular basin for a
                                                     compact space, or opt for a rectangular
                                                     one with rounded edges for something
                                                     diff erent. The options are endless and
                                                     provide great flexibility for installers.

     www.conexbanninger.com/au                       http://pacojaanson.com.au                      www.argentaust.com.au/brands/Schell

10      PLUMBING CONNEC T ION   W inter 2021

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                                                        PRODUCT QUALITY

                         Quality in

        lumbing products that affect human health and safety,       in recent years. Like most plumbers, Neale says he relies on
        i.e. items directly relating to water supply, sewerage,    the professionalism of retailers and other product providers
        and drainage, should be beyond reproach – no               to supply reliable and safe goods. Another valuable tool to
compromises allowed.                                               help discern quality items in the marketplace is product
   Nevertheless, our industry is awash with products of inferior   certification – prescribed classes of plumbing products
quality – from powdery PVC pipes to lead-contaminated              deemed to have a direct impact on human health or safety
tapware and leaky toilet cisterns – and both plumbers and          must carry WaterMark certification, which is a mandatory
clients are rightly demanding action to address the problem.       national certification scheme based on rigorous performance
   In this article we will examine how poor-quality product        criteria, approved fabrication methods, and full compliance
has been able to infiltrate our regulated market, and hunt          with relevant Australian Standards.
for weaknesses in the structures of our certification and              Despite the twin safety nets of retailer integrity and product
regulatory processes that might be inadvertently contributing      certification, Neale says recent experiences have been
to the problem. Finally, we will explore potential pathways        dispiriting. In particular, he says he has had to waste time and
out of the mire of substandard products, and into a brighter       money installing poorly designed and manufactured items,
future of complete product trustworthiness.                        including a toilet for disabled users that lacked holes in the
   Neale Bookall, a senior plumber from northern Queensland,       back for wall anchoring, and which was also prone to leaking
says he has observed a consistent decline in product quality       through anchor holes at the base of the cistern.

12   PLUMBING CONNEC T ION   W inter 2021
“I got them [the holes] to seal by putting Sikaflex all around
them and tightening them up really tight, but I don’t know
what the next plumber is going to do when he takes that
cistern out!” Neale says. “There are multiple things about it
that are poorly designed, as far as I’m concerned. You think:
why would anybody build something like this?” In addition,
Neale explains, he had to grind the pan back to make the unit
sit squarely in position. “But I don’t think I should have to grind
the back of the pan so that the cistern will sit down right!”
                                                                                              Servicing the pump industry for over 50 years
   Neale’s other recent encounters with substandard products
have included a pull-down sink mixer tap that reaches deep
into the sink, allowing clean water to intermix with dirty
water; as well as a bidet sprayer attached via a T-junction                        Here comes all the
to the valve that fills the cistern, both of which could pose
serious backflow hazards. He has also had to deal with a plug                        water you need.
and waste that would not tighten properly due to a skipping
   “Plumbers don’t want to have trouble, they want to go in
and do a job, and when you walk away you don’t want to have
a boomerang – you don’t want to have to come back,” he
says, adding that poorly made products often lead to costly
remedial works at the plumber’s expense.
   “You want to leave on good terms, and you want the client to
be happy with what you’ve done. If you put in something that’s
shoddy and it’s going to fail, then you’re going to get a bad
name as a plumber and you’re not going to feel good about the
work you do. I just feel sad about the way it’s gone.”
   The abovementioned products, Neale confirms, were all
WaterMark-certified, so it is worth examining the processes
by which products gain certification, and gleaning possible                    Lowara
shortcomings in the way certifications are granted and                         e-HM Series & HME Smart Pump
subsequently policed.
                                                                              This range of Lowara pumps and tanks are
WEAKNESSES 1 & 2                                                              designed for any pumping application involving
The Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) manages the                        clean and non-aggressive water in household,
WaterMark program, with State and Territory regulators                        small scale irrigation and booster applications.
overseeing compliance at installation.
   If a new product belongs to a class of products deemed                      •   Quiet operation               • Dry run protection
to require WaterMark certification, an applicant’s first step                    •   Compact design                • Protection against
is to have the product tested and appraised by a WaterMark                     •   Easy to install                 excessively frequent starts
Conformity Assessment Body (WMCAB). There are 10                               •   Trouble free servicing        • Approved for drinking
approved WMCABs in Australia, each of which has authority                      •   Higher efficiencies              water (AS/NZS 4020)
                                                                               •   Energy savings                • European build quality
to issue WM certifications based on their own product
                                                                               •   Automatic re-set electronic   • Large range of models
assessments, which often involve rigorous laboratory testing.
                                                                                   controllers                     available
NB: every WMCAB is itself subject to stringent performance
benchmarks, as overseen by the independent accreditation                      Suitable for:
authority JAS-ANZ (Joint Accreditation System of Australia                     • Residential                     • Water supply
and New Zealand).                                                              • Light-industrial                • Irrigation
   One of the most respected WMCABs is IAPMO Oceana, which                     • Commercial                      • Pressure boosting
has been a leader in product certifications for decades.
   When analysing the structure of the WMCAB process, as                       Contact your local plumbing supplies store
described so far, an obvious initial question is: Are all WMCABs               and ask about the Lowara pump range from
the same? After all, uniform product assessments across all                            Brown Brothers Engineers.
10 WMCABs must be a prerequisite for a nationally consistent
   IAPMO Oceana’s Technical Manager Glenn Tate admits that,
“This is very difficult to answer, as IAPMO is not privy to

                                                                                                     w w w.plumbingconnec tion.com.au   13

                                                                                        DELIVERING PUMPING SOLUTIONS
                                                           PRODUCT QUALITY

how each of the other nine WMCABs operate. All WMCABs
must have in place a documented Quality System that meets
the ISO 17065 AS/NZS ISO/IEC 17065:2013 “Conformity
assessment – Requirements for bodies certifying products,
processes and services”. All WMCABs are subject to regular
JAS-ANZ audits to verify ongoing compliance.
  “In saying this, not all WMCABs would have the same level
of technical competencies. IAPMO Oceana has some technical
staff who have been in the plumbing product certification field
for more than 35 years, and others that have had NATA ISO
17025 laboratory testing experience. This level of experience
makes IAPMO unique and we pride ourselves as being the
premier WMCAB.”
  Clearly, any diff erences between WMCABs and their
methodologies, no matter how small, might lead to
hypothetical inconsistencies in product certifications.
  A far more concerning ‘second weakness’ in the structure
of WaterMark certification, one might argue, is a tendency for
some applicants to use WMCABs as a ‘first resort’ towards
attaining WaterMark compliance, rather than a ‘final stamp of
approval’ to verify manufacturing excellence.
  Market behaviour itself, in the writer’s opinion, would
support this claim.
  According to Glenn, approximately 80% of tested products
achieve WaterMark certification ‘at the first go’. This means
20% of submitted products fail to attain minimum WaterMark
standards for use in the Australian market when first tested
– a troubling figure considering the products in question
are intrinsically related to health and safety. One wonders
whether other health and safety-critical product classes like      Poor-quality products can have a direct negative eff ect
car tyres, surgical instruments, aircraft parts, etc, would        on human health. Plumber Neale Bookall says he needed a
incur certification approval rates of just 80% upon initial         grinder to help create a level surface for the cistern.
presentation to their respective licensing agencies.
  Plumbing product categories with the highest initial
failure rates, according to Glenn, are diverse. “Thermostatic      the limited opportunities aff orded to a WMCAB to inspect
mixing valves, and mechanical backflow protection valves            factories after certification has been granted.
are examples of high failures of a product type; however, we          “Since the introduction of the ABCB Single Level WaterMark
also see many material failures i.e. AS/NZS 4020 (mainly high      Product Certification Scheme, it is only mandatory to
lead levels and taste test failures) FBE coatings of DI valves     undertake factory inspections prior to the WaterMark
failing minimum application thickness; and dezincification          certificate being issued, and during the first 12 months after
resistance failures.”                                              the WaterMark certificate is issued,” Glenn explains.
  Such broad-brush failures, arguably, signal a lack of               “The next mandatory factory inspection is required at re-
willingness by some manufacturers (or importers) to                evaluation (after the maximum fi ve-year certification period
anticipate Australia’s strict quality requirements. Rather,        has elapsed, and re-evaluation and WaterMark recertification
some manufacturers might treat the certification process            for a further fi ve years is required.” NB: subsequent annual
                              itself as a proving ground gamble,   product inspections do not mandate factory inspections.
                              with losers happy to be coached to      In other words, this means the manufacturer of a
                              compliance by their WMCAB.           WaterMark-certified product can avoid direct scrutiny of their
                                                                   manufacturing systems for more than four years out of each
                                WEAKNESSES 3 & 4                   fi ve-year certification period. Given global trade and onion-
                                An even more damaging ‘third       layered supply channels, with partnerships changing more
                                weakness’ in the certification      often than Melbourne’s weather, this hardly seems adequate
                                process, surely, relates to        to assure manufacturing consistency.
                                                                      Of course, WaterMark certificate holders must notify their
                                                                   WMCAB of any substantial changes to design, materials or
                                Glenn Tate, IAPMO Oceana           manufacturing processes aff ecting any certified product, and
                                Technical Manager.                 accept a Design Freeze while any changes are appraised –

14   PLUMBING CONNEC T ION   W inter 2021
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                                                                          AUSTRALIA’S NO. 1
                                                       PRODUCT QUALITY

happily, Glenn says 98% of IAPMO clients, for instance, abide       simplify accountability by targeting poor-quality products at
by this requirement. Failure to comply can lead to the WMCAB        point of sale (POS).
impounding existing stock and, in severe cases, issuing a              Matters relating to WaterMark compliance and enforcement
product recall.                                                     have been a PPIG preoccupation for years; in 2018 PPIG
   Does this happen often? No. Not only does policing of            responded to an ABCB Discussion Paper1 on possible
WaterMark product compliance fall “squarely” on the                 WaterMark POS reforms, declaring that, “There is a need for
shoulders of the WMCAB, according to Glenn, but there is            early point of sale regulation Australia-wide to improve the
virtually no practical way to maintain a comprehensive post-        efficiency and effectiveness of the mandatory WaterMark
certification audit of all WaterMarked products. This ‘fourth        Scheme.” Furthermore, “There are gaps in the Scheme’s
weakness’ means “it is nearly impossible to determine if            design that are allowing too many non-conforming and/or
there has been a change in materials or material compliance,        non-compliant plumbing products into the Australian market.
or to determine if there has been a design modification, or a        Consequently, the industry is concerned about the potential
change to a manufacturing process, whilst                                               this has for adverse societal outcomes
undertaking product inspections not at the                                              caused by material and product failures
manufacturing site.                                                                     in plumbing systems that can cause
   “It is typically marketplace competitors        The best way forward, contamination of the water system and
who are providing the bulk of reports of               according to Stuart threaten public health.”
non-compliant WaterMark products back                       Henry, Executive               According to Stuart, though POS national
to WMCABs, rather than a consequence                 Director of Plumbing               reforms  have not occurred to date,
of the current ABCB WaterMark Product                     Products Industry             they  remain  the most logical means of
Certification Scheme itself.”                                                            addressing the problem of poor-quality or
                                                         Group (PPIG), is to non-compliant product in the marketplace.
                                                  simplify accountability                  A good place to start, Stuart says,
The above points, one might argue, highlight             by targeting poor- would be the alignment of the WaterMark
systemic deficiencies in the structure of                quality products at scheme with another mandatory national
WaterMark compliance, though the myriad                 point   of sale (POS). program – the Water Efficiency Labelling &
agencies involved are no doubt doing their                                              Standards (WELS) Scheme – that operates
best to keep their respective cogs in the                                               already as a POS compliance instrument.
wheel from jamming.                                                                     Alignment of the two schemes, he says,
   A major shortcoming, obviously, relates to the lack of           would consolidate compliance administration and reduce
effective oversight to identify and penalise manufacturers or        regulatory duplications. Such an alignment would also
distributors who release dodgy product. In particular, small        simplify both schemes in the eyes of plumbing professionals
batches of poor-quality product are difficult to monitor, as          and consumers alike, and focus attention on POS as the
stock may sell out before competitors have time to react.           most obvious place to target inspections and enforcement
   The best way forward, according to Stuart Henry, Executive       measures.
Director of Plumbing Products Industry Group (PPIG), is to             This focus would encourage retailers to pay greater
                                                                    attention to the genuine WaterMark compliance of the
                                                                    goods on their shelves, and ‘fill the gap’ between existing
                                                                    enforcement measures, which are currently split between
                                                                    the WMCABs (which scrutinise individual products as part of
                                                                    WaterMark certification) and State and Territory regulators
                                                                    (who assess WaterMark product compliance and conformance
                                                                    at installation).
                                                                       Increased accountability at POS would have the added
                                                                    benefit of relieving some of the existing unreasonable
                                                                    liabilities on plumbers’ shoulders, according to which
                                                                    plumbers are supposed to serve as guardians of WaterMark
                                                                    product compliance in the field – clearly an absurd obligation,
                                                                    as plumbers are not equipped to test products, ratify the
                                                                    genuineness of labels, or detect fraud or violations of
                                                                       Another benefit: POS accountability would alleviate
                                                                    pressures on plumbers who are often supplied with (already
                                                                    purchased) products to install, and therefore have no control
According to Neale Bookall, this toilet had no holes in the back    over product selections or compliances.
for wall anchoring, and multiple potential leak points at the          POS legislation, Stuart suggests, would be the beginning
base.                                                               rather than the end of an overall reform package of

16   PLUMBING CONNEC T ION   W inter 2021
This installation would not tighten properly due to a skipping

WaterMark systems, including more regular examinations of
manufacturing facilities.
  As a guide, he notes that factory audits are conducted twice
a year in Europe and USA to make sure fabrication processes
and materials accord with specified standards. Regular
factory assessments are particularly important in relation
to materials like brass, which may comprise high levels of
recycled materials with impurities, notably lead.
  Finally, Stuart says, national State and Territory regulators
should follow the lead of Queensland and ban the sale of non-
WaterMarked products altogether within relevant categories.
  This reform would further simplify POS scrutiny and
prevent the accidental or deliberate use of poor-quality, non-
WaterMarked products in inappropriate installations.

In summary, WaterMark certification to date has allowed
honorable companies to publicly verify the quality and
integrity of their products, but the scheme has been
less eff ective in detecting and penalising poor-quality
WaterMarked products post-certification.
   Current systems, which in reality rely on competitors
to spot and call out dodgy items in the marketplace, are
inadequate in light of the volumes of product involved and the
complexity of distribution channels.
   POS reforms, no doubt, would need to be refined to define a
‘seller’: Is the seller always a retailer? What about developers
who import product privately (thereby bypassing local
retailers and wholesalers)?
   Notwithstanding such complexities, the buck has to stop
somewhere as far as poor-quality products are concerned
– and retail outlets are the most obvious place to start to
restore consumers’ trust in products.

1. ABCB Discussion Paper January 2018, Plumbing Products Industry Group
Response 12 February 2018.

                                                                          w w w.plumbingconnec tion.com.au   17

Manufacturing has been perceived as a messy business, best done off shore where low labour costs and
poor environmental standards allow companies to profit. This simply isn’t the case, writes Greg Morwood.

       he manufacture of commodity
       products like those often used
       for plumbing and drainage has
not been the focus of much attention
over the last 25 years, with government
policy supporting the mining industry
and high-profile firms focused on
   However, Australia has many
companies that manufacture locally
and bring innovation to the plumbing
market, including ASX-listed firms
Reliance Worldwide (RWC), GWA and
Fletcher Building (FBU). The number of
privately held firms is vastly higher, and,
although you won’t hear about them on
the nightly news, they make everything
from tapware to sewer pits.
   Another misunderstanding is that
products made locally have to be fully
automated to be cost-competitive with
imported products. Modern moulding
machines, computer controlled                Local manufacturing capabilities not only enhance product quality, but they also
machining, even 3D printing now allow        streamline supply.
the production of any product in a
quality, cost-eff ective way. Particularly
for bulky products, the cost and delay       teams work together to develop new          it is in a unique position to weather the
in shipping can mitigate the extra cost      products that are more suitable for local   challenges of the recent interruptions.
of supporting local manufacture, and         requirements.                                  This isn’t without its challenges: raw
in the case of extremely bulky products                                                  materials are often not available from
like large-bore pipe, manufacturing and      WHEN YOU NEED THEM                          local suppliers, leaving manufacturers
distribution become tightly linked.          With COVID-19 perversely aff ecting          at the whim of global markets and
                                             the movement of people and materials        shipping, and quick changes in market
THE RIGHT STUFF                              through 2020, there has been a              demand for a product line can leave
One of the key diff erences in having         renewed interest in locally made            the manufacturer short of material to
a local manufacturing centre is the          products. Everyone from the world’s         make products. Generally, however, it’s
co-location of sales, research and           largest company, Apple, to your local       possible to store enough raw materials
production. When the market provides         plumbing supplier has been focused          to compensate for this, and the flexibility
feedback to the customer support team,       on their supply chains and looking to       to produce one item of a product range
the research and production teams            make products in the country they are       allows local manufacturers to quickly
will hear about it by morning tea. This      being sold in. Coming into 2021 with        make up for the monthly changes in
accelerates the pace of getting the          a boom in building work and major           building projects.
right information and the right products     changes in the competitive landscape,
out to the market. If the research and       the plumbing industry is seeing similar     IMPROVED QUALITY
development team is local, they can go       disruptions in supply to many other         Quality is better if you buy from a
out in the field and understand first-         segments of the economy. PLASTEC,           company that both manufactures and
hand what the challenges are from the        for instance, has been strategically        imports products. Australia has a great
plumber’s perspective, and then return       growing its manufacturing capacity          network of wholesalers who support
to the factory to build better products.     on the Sunshine Coast for the last 25       the plumbing industry by delivering
In this case, the development and sales      years, and with a close partner off shore,   products when they are required,

18   PLUMBING CONNEC T ION   W inter 2021
and they take a role in choosing what        reports provided to support all of            critical items, with a local manufacturer
          products will be available to the            this. These other aspects are left to         supplying most of the product to meet
          industry. They do this in two ways: by       the process of certification, in which         demand and an international partner
          selecting preferred supply partners and      a manufacturer demonstrates their             supplementing this and being on the
          by directly importing or co-branding         products meet requirements through            ready if needed. At PLASTEC we have
          their own products. Both of these help       testing and auditing. Many would argue        found that the ability to turn on a
          to ensure products that get into the         that the wholesalers should have a role       machine locally or increase the number
          market are of suitable quality; no one       in confirming the validity of WaterMark        of shifts running in a local factory
          wants to deal with issues in the field, so    certification on products that they            gives us an edge over import-only
          better products get preference. Product      resell.                                       competitors.
          quality is also protected by legislation
          under the WaterMark scheme, which            DEEP UNDERSTANDING
          is the responsibility of the installer,      Manufacturers develop a deep                   ABOUT GREG
          not the wholesaler. Unfortunately, the       understanding of product standards             Dr Greg Morwood is
          complexity of certifying products under      and the performance of their products          Research & Development
          the WaterMark scheme can create              through the experience of making,              Manager at PLASTEC
          unforeseen issues. Firstly, plumbers         certifying and supporting their items.         Australia, Sunshine Coast,
                                                                                                      Qld. He has a strong
          are expected to be able to identify a                                                       interest in providing
          correctly WaterMarked product, but           SAFER SUPPLY CHAIN                             plumbing solutions
          not expected to be able to confirm            A supply chain is safer with a dual            for local industrial
                                                                                                      manufacturing sectors.
          it meets the standards behind the            manufacture-import model.                      PLASTEC specialises in the drain-waste-
          WaterMark. That would require them             ‘Supply chain’ is the term applied           vent (DWV) sector of the plumbing industry,
          to be knowledgeable in manufacturing,        to how we get stuff to a plumber – it’s         and recently expanded capacity of its PVC
                                                                                                      plant on the Sunshine Coast. Visit http://
          metallurgy, chemistry, water science,        pretty boring until it goes wrong.
          and check on the validity of the test        The safest solution is to dual-source

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                                                                                                                w w w.plumbingconnec tion.com.au   19

Following several years of planning and development, the construction of Woolworths New Zealand’s
(WWNZ) new $50 million distribution centre in Palmerston North, New Zealand, is forging ahead. Ian Todd

        almerston North is centrally
        located in the lower North Island                                THE NEW FACILITY
        of New Zealand. It is a major hub
for distribution with other companies
such as Ezibuy, Foodstuffs, and
Iplex, which have manufacturing and
distribution facilities in the area.
   Woolworths’ new state-of-the-
art 39,000m2 facility incorporates
warehousing, inbound and outbound
goods, company offices and a full-blown
commercial kitchen, all under a single
roof. Trucks will be loaded and unloaded
inside the building with a staff of 150
handling around 450,000 cartons
of food for other stores through the
central North Island from Gisborne on
the east coast to New Plymouth on the
west coast.
   The new distribution centre has been
designed and built to target a 4 Star
Green Star rating.                          The new facility features 39,000m2 of roofing, which called for complex stormwater
   I&L Consulting was engaged by            drainage solutions. Courtesy of Woodhams Meikle Zhan Architects.
WWNZ (Woolworths New Zealand)
to tackle the design of the hydraulic
services, including sanitary and trade                                        ROOF PLAN
waste drainage, water supplies and
the most critical element – disposal of
stormwater off the massive 39,000m2

How does New Zealand building
legislation work?
All construction in New Zealand
is covered under the New Zealand
Building Code, which was first
introduced in 1992 under the new
Building Act. The intent of the code was
to introduce a set of performance-
based guidelines. The Building Code
is broken down into clauses relating
to disciplines such as sanitary
drainage, water supplies, and surface
water drainage. Each clause has an          Overall roof plan – sanitary and stormwaster drainage. Courtesy of Woodhams
objective, functional requirements, and     Meikle Zhan Architects.

20   PLUMBING CONNEC T ION   W inter 2021
performance criteria. In brief, if the designer can
demonstrate to the territorial authority that their design will
achieve these three criteria, then the design is deemed to
meet the Building Code conditions and hence the design can
be granted building consent. This is known as an ‘Alternative
  Alternatively, designers can use the ‘Acceptable Solutions’
presented in each clause. Acceptable Solutions present
prescriptive approaches to achieve compliance, often
referencing New Zealand or Australia/New Zealand Standards
such as AS/NZS3500. This approach provides a smoother path
through consent but works on the principle of ‘one size fits all’
rather than tailoring a solution to the project.
  Since the inception of the New Zealand Building Code most
designers have opted to use Acceptable Solutions instead
of the performance-based approach, as local authorities,
quite understandably, apply very strict testing regimes to
Alternative Solutions.

The Scale of the Project
The obvious challenge for this project was the disposal of
stormwater off 39,000m2 of roof area. During the inaugural
meeting of the New Zealand chapter of the Association of
Hydraulic Services Consultants Australia (AHSCA), Mark
Alexander and Professor Terry Lucke from the AHSCA
Research Foundation presented a performance-based roof
drainage system that eclipsed the performance of any current
codes or Standards. This immediately piqued my interest,
as the Acceptable Solution for stormwater drainage under
section E1 of the NZ Building Code does not detail downpipe
sizes beyond 150mm diameter nor a roof catchment area
greater than 350m2/downpipe. This solution offers no
commentary on the use of rainwater heads or downpipe flow
rates, leaving the designer to extrapolate data and hence
enter the realm of an ‘Alternative Solution’.
  A follow-up conversation with Mark resulted in me visiting
Australia to attend a training module and obtaining the
requisite qualifications to gain access to the research
foundation’s online calculator. The calculator allows project-
specific data to be imputed to determine the optimum sizes
for gutters, rainwater heads and downpipes. The net result
being a project-specific solution rather than a ‘one size fits all’
  The system developed by the AHSCA Research Foundation
was the result of three years of testing, employing a purpose-
built test rig at the University of Sunshine Coast. As a result,
the foundation developed their online calculator which allows
the designer to input a combination of gutter, rainwater head
and downpipe sizes to find an optimised solution.

Convincing the Client and Local Authority
In floating the concept of using an ‘Alternative Solution’ with
WWNZ, they came back with three questions:
1. Does it comply with the Building Code?
2. What are the risks?
3. What are the costs?

                                                                    w w w.plumbingconnec tion.com.au   21

                                                                                       heads, downpipes and terminal drainage
                                      WALL SECTIONS                                    connections. The result was a $60,000
                                                                                       saving by employing the Research
                                                                                       Foundation’s solution.

                                                                                       HOW THE FIGURES COMPARE
                                                                                       (A) AS/NZS3500.3 solution to a maximum
                                                                                       flow rate of 16 litres per second:
                                                                                       ∫ A maximum roof area of 850m2 per
                                                                                         down pipe.
                                                                                       ∫ Down pipes would be spaced at 8.6m
                                                                                       ∫ 50 x 150mm downpipes required,
                                                                                         complete with custom-fabricated
                                                                                         rainwater heads and low-level
                                                                                         protective shrouds.
                                                                                       ∫ 50 x 150mm laterals and connections
                                                                                         to connect downpipes to the civil
                                                                                         drainage system.

                                                                                       (B) AHSCA Research Foundation
Distribution Centre wall sections. Courtesy of Woodhams Meikle Zhan Architects.        performance-based design solution:
                                                                                       ∫ A maximum roof area of 2441m2 per
                                                                                         downpipe or a flow rate of 49 litres
   In response to question one, and       1. A design complying with NZBC, clause        per second.
based on my training, I was confident         E1/AS1 (acceptable solution 1). This      ∫ Downpipes at a maximum of 24m
the system could be designed to achieve      would have involved 110 x 150mm             centres.
the requirements of NZBC, clause E1,         diameter downpipes. With a rafter         ∫ A minimum of 16 x 225mm downpipes
which calls for rainwater from a 1:10-       length of 98m this would mean a             required, complete with custom-
year event, drained to an eaves gutter,      150mm downpipe every 3.5m along             fabricated rainwater heads and
to be kept from entering the building.       the exterior wall. This option was          low-level protective shrouds. To
   Question 2 – The next challenge was       quickly discounted as impractical.          coordinate with architectural graphics
to obtain provisional approval from       2. A design complying with AS/                 the decision was made to add an
the local authority                                              NZS3500.3:2018.         additional downpipe on each elevation.
to pursue an                                                     Surprisingly, this    ∫ 18 x 225mm laterals and connections
alternative design.                                              solution is not an      to civil drainage system.
These discussions                                                acceptable solution   ∫ 180x 600mm diameter surges
with Palmerston                 As is often the case,            under NZBC, E1,         chambers (one per downpipe). These
North District              the client’s approval to             so it would need        were installed at the base of each
Council were fruitful        pursue an ‘Alternative              to be off ered as        downpipe to facilitate the transition
when I outlined the            Solution’ came down               an ‘Alternative         between the high-volume downpipe
background research                            to cost.          Solution’. This         and the civil drainage system.
undertaken, the                                                  solution permits
fact the design                                                  downpipes to a
would be checked                                                 maximum flow            ABOUT IAN
and validated by                                                 rate of 16 litres      Ian Todd is Managing
the AHSCA Research Foundation, and           per second. Using this solution a total    Director of I&L Consulting
a design certificate (complete with           of 50 x 150mm diameter downpipes           in Auckland, New Zealand.
$10 million professional indemnity           would be required.                         He has more than 35
                                                                                        years’ experience in
certificate) issued.                                                                     the construction and
   Question 3 – As is often the case,        To confirm costs, a full design was         plumbing industries
the client’s approval to pursue an        drafted up for the AS/NZS3500.3               and holds a Bachelor of
                                                                                        Property Administration
‘Alternative Solution’ came down to       solution, and another one using the           degree from Auckland University. Ian is a full
cost. Initial ‘thumb suck’ estimates      AHSCA Research Foundation solution.           member of the Australian Hydraulic Services
pointed towards the performance-          These designs were presented to a             Consultants Association (AHSCA).
                                          professional quantity surveyor, complete      Email: ian@iandlconsulting.co.nz
based solution being cheaper than the
alternatives, of which we had two:        with details of guttering, rainwater

22   PLUMBING CONNEC T ION   W inter 2021


                                                                                                              & M      A





The impacts of COVID-19 have been far-reaching and, in many cases, devastating. However, as John
Power reports, some positive legacies are also worth highlighting.

       hink back to March 2020: the world’s industries were                 “During the pandemic we have continued to invest in R&D
       grappling with the onset of an open-ended and little-              to the same level as pre-COVID,” she says. “We have taken our
       understood pandemic. Would it be over in a few weeks?              insights from life under COVID as an opportunity to reassess
A few months? Perhaps never?                                              our R&D priorities; we feel the emphasis on hygiene and
   In the face of such uncertainty, reactions across the                  wellbeing for vulnerable people will drive further innovation
plumbing sector ranged from ‘business as usual’ to complete               across the health, aged care and education sectors.”
trading stagnation. Now, as vaccines begin to take eff ect                   Not only has COVID-19 stimulated renewed optimism in
internationally, it is worth reviewing the actual eff ects of the          R&D projects, but it has also served as a trigger for swifter
pandemic on supply chain management and research and                      R&D implementation as an ongoing priority. “If anything, the
development (R&D), and noting some of the more positive                   pandemic has shown that ideally we should have the capacity
practices arising from COVID-19 that will, in all likelihood,             to shorten our product development and innovation cycle in
linger long after the disease has had its claws pulled.                   order to meet unexpected changes to market expectations
   Vicki Edler, CEO of Enware Australia, says reliable supply             and demand,” she says. “A shorter innovation cycle combined
chain management immediately took centre stage when the                   with local manufacturing abilities leaves us uniquely placed to
pandemic struck, leading to ongoing refinements.                           respond to rapid changes in market demand.”
   “The pandemic has forced us on several occasions to review
the potential for supply risks within the supply chain, as                CULTURE SHIFT
diff erent countries went through various lockdowns and waves              One of the most important
of the pandemic,” Vicki says, adding that Enware’s principal              ramifications of COVID-19 – but
supply partners largely escaped severe interruptions.                     perhaps the hardest to define – is a
   “We did move some component supply back onshore where                  permanent culture shift in the wider
supply was deemed critical to projects that were underway                 trade sector, based on a humble
or scheduled to commence across 2020–21. Being a local                    recognition that ongoing success often
manufacturer we try to support local supply chains wherever               relies on fundamentals like the solidity
we can, and, as a consequence, more than 50% of our supply                and goodwill of long-term partnerships.
chain remains with local businesses. Domestic supply chains                  Gerry Fernandez, General Manager
have become more predictable in regards to meeting supply                 of Fluidmaster Australia, says                Gerry Fernandez
dates. We have not had to adjust stock levels as such, but                Fluidmaster’s international presence in
have adjusted our approach to lead time management.”                      China, North America and Europe served as a buff er against
   A far more long-lasting impact of COVID-19, Vicki says,                sudden trade lockdowns in Asia in early 2020, allowing
has been renewed market interest in hygiene and sanitation-               manufacturing of some key lines to shift to alternative
based technologies and products. Far from reducing R&D in                 locations such as Mexico. This flexibility, established pre-
the wake of the pandemic, Vicki says Enware has kept working              COVID-19 mainly as a tool to overcome momentary peaks
to meet demand for new equipment in these critical product                and troughs in market activity, took on a much greater
categories.                                                               significance with the onset of the pandemic, and is now part of
                                                                          the core fabric of the business.
                                                                             As Gerry summarises, “We have a broad supply base with
 ENWARE AUSTRALIA                                                         long-term partnerships, and we also have a focus on multi-
 During COVID-19 the importance of student
                                                                          sourcing for our critical components – the global footprint
 hydration and wellbeing never went away,                                 means we’re very flexible, especially with on-time supply.
 according to Enware Australia, but new                                   So our supply chain has been very stable throughout the
 methods of delivery needed to be found to                                pandemic.”
 increase hygiene factors as a top priority.
 Enware’s rapid R&D response to this need led                                While Fluidmaster’s supply chains have been steady
 to the development of a range of bottle fillers                           throughout the pandemic, increased demand for core
 that provide an easy and convenient way for                              products has prompted the company to think on its feet to
 students to fill their water bottles routinely
 throughout the day whilst reducing the risk of
                                                                          respond to quickly evolving public buying trends.
 ‘mouth to water’ cross-contamination.                                       “Fluidmaster provides quality, premium products that are
    Enware’s CEO, Vicki Edler (pictured) enjoyed                          of value to our many important consumers,” Gerry says. “It
 testing the first batch of bottle fillers from the production line under
                                                                          has been good to see that our core products have remained
 the watchful eye of their Factory Supervisor, Rahim Arifin.
                                                                          in strong demand through this pandemic, especially our

24   PLUMBING CONNEC T ION   W inter 2021
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