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COVER STORY Venn: it all
comes together for Andy
Rae and Anthony Thirlby.
INKJET The definitive
guide from B3 to continous.
PVC The end of the line
looms for landfill lout.
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The HSB 13.000 is the forward thinking
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                                               THE PERSONAL
has been the editor of Print Business          SHOULD NOT
                                               BE PUBLIC
since its second issue in 2005. Five years
later he took control of the magazine in a
management buyout and fully achieved
his vision to create a unique publication
for printers.                                  THE SUCCESS OF DIGITAL advertising
  What Print Business does is take all this    is one of the mysteries of the age. Ever
                                               increasing sums are poured into online
information – supplied via press releases,
                                               messaging, emails, social media, search
announcements at events, word of mouth
                                               engines and more. Once you start to feed
or good old fashioned journalism – sorts       the digital monster you find there is an
the puffery from the facts, weaves it          ever increasing number of demanding
together and puts it into context for those    mouths: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook,
who run print businesses.                      TikTok, What’sApp and the list seems to
                                               grow exponentially. Almost all are funded
                                               through advertising with the promise that
Business publishes are the printers. Those
                                               online advertising, digital advertising can be
whose businesses are no longer about           targeted with precision to people that are
simply feeding paper into a giant lump of      ready to buy.
highly engineered metal and selling the          There is none of the waste associated
sheet that comes out the other end. Those      with direct mail, let alone run of press or
who face myriad decisions, some of which       out of home advertising. A banner with
                                               an animated GIF viewed on a smartphone
point in opposite directions, and need to
                                               seems to have greater impact than a 96
know more than how fast it prints.
                                               sheet billboard. And advertisers nod along       the adtech companies to prove that the
  They need to know what affects them          just as seduced by technology they do not        messages are getting though and by the
and how. Just as every print job is bespoke,   fully understand, captivated by pictures of      marketing managers who like these details
every print company is different. There is     youngsters, their noses pressed against a        because it can justify the expenditure.
no one-size-fits-all in this industry.         hand held screen, a generation in thrall to        It would be brave to question the system,
                                               digital technology.                              too brave for a young under pressure
BEFORE COVID Gareth Ward was out
                                                 The current generation of marketing            marketing manager to challenge. The
and about all the time. He went to print
                                               managers who have no memory of the               whole system, however rigged it might
factories and talked to printers in their      high impact that newspaper and magazine          be, appears to be more cost effective than
language. He has seen first hand the           advertising, or television slots can make,       print and is certainly faster. This was a key
problems they face, the solutions they find,   are making decisions about where to place        finding from Canon’s recent research into
their achievements and their innovation.       advertising budgets. The promise of              attitudes held by marketing people.
He has finally been able to safely visit       precision placement, engagement through            The printing industry meanwhile seems
                                               interactions such as retweets or likes,          to be sitting by and watching this happen as
some factories.
                                               indicate that consumers are absorbing the        if unable to respond. Canon’s work points
                                               message and are more likely to buy.              out that there has been something of a
worked on the leading weekly magazine            But more and more research shows that          generational switch in marketers in recent
Printing World for 22 years and was editor     the enthusiasm for digital advertising is        years. Their job is not what it was. Print
for 15. It is this experience, and 360° view   utterly misplaced at best. In many instances     has not undergone this transition and the
of the industry, that gives him his sixth      those that are charged per click through         two sides, it seems, no longer understand
                                               are paying for non existent consumers. It        each other. Marketers like print, but do
sense about printing. His ability to spot
                                               is a fraudulent system that is known to be       not believe in it in the way they used to.
trends, often years before they become
                                               wrong but which is supported by those            They prefer the statistics they get from
apparent in the mainstream, is legendary.      adtech companies that promise to target          digital channels, however spurious. They
THIS IS PRINT BUSINESS, THE MAGAZINE           the messages, it is supported by the large       believe this makes their marketing spend
FOR FORWARD THINKING PRINTING.                 agencies who can look at data supplied by        measurable, like an up to date version       …

                                                                              www.printbusiness.co.uk             March/April 2021          3
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… of the marketing wonk characters that
appeared in the Rise and Fall of Reginald
Perrin sitcom.
    JICMail does excellent work to create
some measurements, to show that printed
direct mail has longevity in a household,
that it is read and even welcomed. It is
heading towards a way to measure the
unmeasurable and should generate the
statistics to populate the spreadsheets for
                                                         AT • ON
those who believe everything can be boiled
down to statistical analysis. Elsewhere                 M

                                                      E FOR
there is work to show that advertising in

magazines and newspapers works. But it is                INKJET

too disparate. There is no hard hitting core             YI
message: Print Works repeated across the
                                                           N MAGA
different printed products.
                                                       A LARGE PART OF THIS ISSUE IS
    Two Sides shows that this style of                                                                intelligence, something that makes some
                                                       DEVOTED TO INKJET the future of
consistent messaging does work. Its                    which is a fascinating subject and             pundits salivate and makes others sweat.
regular perception survey show that there              one that Gareth Ward has studied for             In the end artificial intelligence is as
is an increasing awareness that paper                  years. He lays out the complex subject         likely to confuse as it is to illuminate.
comes from trees, that trees are a crop                in straightforward terms page 24               Because we do not know what mix of
like man y others and that therefore paper                                                            experiences and emotions individuals have
is a truly sustainable resource. The rise             and targeting of individuals based on their     that frames their opinions and character.
in the number of printed books sold is                propensity to spend on your products. This is   Data sets are about points of information.
hard evidence that people will go out of              pseudo science.                                 We know you bought that kettle, we might
their way to pick print. Print is engaging              If this works, the algorithms would           even know what sites were visited before
on an emotional level that is difficult to            know that an individual who had just            the click to buy decision. But we do not
distil in terms of statistics, unlike the vast        purchased a kettle is highly unlikely to        know what it was that stimulated that
quantities of data that emerges from an               want to buy another. Yet, before GDPR           click: was it a replacement for a broken
online journey and purports to have huge              restricted such behaviour, ads for kettles      kettle, something to fit with a new kitchen,
significance.                                         would track you across the web.                 a gift for someone else. If a human being
    The system of cookies scattered across              And every time the deficiencies of the        could be reduced to a set of numbers and
web is supposed to give unprecedented                 technology are pointed out, the message         percentages with any degree of accuracy,
details about the choices, the lifestyle and the      comes that the real advance just around         Tinder and other online dating sites would
aspirations of every individual that spends           the corner will provide the solution. It        be out of business.
time with Google, YouTube, Facebook or                is like chasing the pot of gold at the end        Pulled into print terms, this helps
any other of the digital behemoths. And the           of the rainbow: every time you get close,       explain why print personalisation has not
belief is that this gold mine of personal data        you discover that the rainbow has moved.        worked despite the millions poured into
can be used to feed into precision profiling          This time the crock of gold is artificial       driving mass personalisation for marketing

PUBLISHING Print Business is published six times a year by Print Business Media Ltd
Haymakers, Swamp Road, Romney Marsh TN29 9SQ | 01580 236456 | general@printbusiness.co.uk

CONTRIBUTORS Printed by Manson Group | Printed on Gallerie Silk not via a contra deal. Open to offers.

EDITORIAL Editor/Publisher | Gareth Ward | gareth@printbusiness.co.uk | 01580 236456 | 07866 470124
Press releases should be sent to pressreleases@printbusiness.co.uk

COMMERCIAL Publisher | Debbie Ward | 01580 236500 | debbie@printbusiness.co.uk

ADMIN & SALES SUPPORT Publishing Assistant | Sarah Cross | 01580 236456 | sarah@printbusiness.co.uk

MEDIA INFORMATION The Media Pack is on the homepage of printbusiness.co.uk

4     March/April 2021         www.printbusiness.co.uk
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campaigns. Some have worked, but there
are very few personalised print campaigns
that are repeated. Even with good profiling
data, marketers do not really know what
to do with it. Supermarket loyalty cards
gather huge amounts of data about
shopping habits, but is this data used to
reinforce consumer choice, for example
offering a customer money off vouchers
against the red wine that he always buys,
or to influence it by offering the voucher
against bottles of white wine. Possibly
the most successful of personalised print
campaigns from supermarkets was one
from Sainsbury. It sent a card using the card     THE PVC PROBLEM It is the printing           decision to purchase is made, not before.
holders name on a birthday day together           industry’s dirty little secret. The          The greatest personalisation engine in the
                                                  only way to dispose of the beloved
with a voucher for a bottle of wine or box                                                     world is the one between your ears.
                                                  banners is to let them degrade
of chocolates as a birthday present. It was                                                      This is the secret that Gelato, for
                                                  down to noxious nasties in landfill.
a great success in the numbers of bottles         Clean thinking printers are finding          example, has discovered. The clients
handed over, or did it cause complaints           alternatives to print on page 44             it works for are selling personal gifts,
from teetotallers? It never repeated the                                                       posters, maps, books all produced in a run
offer. Personalised print on this scale can     should receive. What makes something           of one. Consolidating these individual
be too effective. That came from a simple       personal is the person choosing it. Share      orders amounts to very large print runs
nugget of readily available information, but    a Coke is still held up as an exemplar of a    and enough to excite the venture capital
even a brand knowing your birthday can          marketing campaign using personalisation,      companies that have invested in the
feel intrusive. It is human nature is to find   but Coca-Cola’s campaign depended on           Norwegian business. This is personalised
this use of profiling creepy and frankly off    individuals choosing their name. The           print that is welcomed. It celebrates the
putting if brands know too much about us.       software was used to assess the likelihood     individual’s unique experiences, whether
    The only personalised print that works      of named individuals entering stores in        through a printed face on a mug, map of a
every time and is welcomed are the bank         different neighbourhoods and to create a       cycle ride, or photobook of holiday snaps
statements and credit card bills that track     suitable mix of bottles with likely names      of the same city views that every other
our financial status.                           supplied to each store, making it easy for     visitor takes even though they do not match
    Does this mean that the technology          those that felt the need to pick up a bottle   the quality of a mass produced postcard.
developed for inkjet presses is wasted? That    of a sugary drink to find the label with         This is personalised print where the
personalised print is dead in the water? Not    their name on it.                              purchaser is in control and chooses how
to our minds. It is simply that it is being       What Share a Coke showed is that             to interact with a brand. This, rather than
used in the wrong way. Personalisation is       personalised packaging, diaries,               print generated by artificial intelligence
not about a brand or advertiser trying to       photobooks and other personalised items        algorithms which merely demonstrate ‘how
profile an individual and using an algorithm    are personal to the person buying them.        much they know about me’, is the stronger
to determine the message an individual          The personalisation takes place after the      future for this industry.                    n

NEWS The Monday Morning News ezine is a popular collection of a handful of the week’s news, always going
beyond the press release and often exclusive. One email, no third parties. Sign up at printbusiness.co.uk/subscribe

SUBSCRIPTIONS Print Business is moving to a subscription based business model. Subscriptions for those
who would like to contribute to securing the future of Print Business are available at printbusiness.co.uk/subscribe

EVENTS Print Business is the organiser of Forward Thinking Printing, round tables and more. Gareth Ward is in
demand for hosting, chairing and generally being an accomplished ringmaster, online or in real life.

CONTENT Content is copyright © Print Business Ltd 2005-2021. All rights reserved.

ARCHIVE Previous issues are available for subscribers. See the Archive page under
the Information tab at printbusiness.co.uk available issues.

TERMS Apply for terms & conditions to general@printbusiness.co.uk

                                                                               www.printbusiness.co.uk            March/April 2021          5
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McGowans lines up Landa
for greater versatility
DUBLIN PRINTER McGow-                                                       in display and some in web to        over, and the Irish market in not
ans will take delivery of a Landa                                           print applications. McGow-           big so we have to be a Jack of
S10 in July, making it the first                                            ans has a range of applications      all trades as a company. With the
of the nanography presses in                                                in mind, covering post of sale       Landa we will be able to address
Ireland and only the second in                                              display, packaging, commercial       all kinds of products. This is the
the British Isles.                                                          print and direct mail. It is this    right move for us.”
   The date may have to change                                              McGowan believes that could be          The investment will also be
because of restrictions result-                                             the game changer, proving that       a breakthrough installation for
ing from Covid-19, but the                                                  the technology is applicable as a    Landa, an indication that the
company’s commitment to the                                                 replacement for a conventional       technology will suit smaller
technology will not. “Because of                                            B1 litho press.                      companies with a wider range
continuing restrictions on travel,                                            He says: “We can print from        of applications just as much
it may be difficult to travel for     Mal McGowan wants the
                                                                            800 micron board to 60gsm            as it suits the biggest specialist
the sign off procedure,” says         Landa for a wide range of             papers with the Landa. We will       businesses.
CEO Mal McGowan. And                  different applications.               cover 94% of Pantone colours            McGowans has built a repu-
then there is the installation to                                           and the quality is fantastic. We     tation as an early adopter of
consider.                                                                   run Indigos at both formats          new technology having been the
   “This is a technology driven         It is that that will make           and Xeikon and we have always        first to install Scodix and then
company and we have watched          McGowans the focus of atten-           wanted to go to B1 digital, the      the EFI Nozomi inkjet press.
development of the Landa since       tion. Other Landa machines             Landa does that and also gives us    The latter has been particu-
its earliest days and the machine    have been installed for specific       the power of a B1 press.             larly successful and McGowans
now is a very good commercial        and relatively narrow applica-           “We are not a big company,         has built an €8 million business
proposition.”                        tions, many in cartons, some           110 staff and a €20 million turn-    around it.

Little space for                     terms of signage and promo-
                                     tional materials. And before too
                                                                            effects on staffing levels and the
                                                                            lack of demand as a result.
                                                                                                                    Among the customers
                                                                                                                 that Mercian is taking on are
optimism says                        the Prime Minister’s outline for                                            organisations handling blood
survey                               an end to lockdown “no earlier                                              transfusion labels, needing to
                                     than 21 June”.                         Mercian banks                        be matched to patients, or to
THERE WERE NO surprises                 The figures suggest that            on blood work                        be identified through a manu-
in the latest Printing Oulook        despite the gloom, the outlook                                              facturing process. It amounts to
report from the BPIF. There is       is not as bad as it was in the first   MERCIAN LABELS HAS                   around £1 million of business
all round gloom increased by         lockdown. Operating levels             completed the acquisition of         and adds to Mercian’s expertise
lockdowns in Q1 knocking back        were down on a year to year            the variable content barcode         in this area.
any hope experienced towards         comparison in Q4, but were             label business from Computype           Managing director Adrian
the end of the year.                 above the levels for the quarters      Europe having undergone exam-        Steele says: “The areas involved
   It finds that 19% of printers     beginning in May and July last         ination to ensure that it could      require critical specialist
describe themselves in survival      year.                                  offer a smooth take over for what    constructions of adhesives,
mode with just 24% looking              A 28.7% drop in paper               can be mission critical labels.      inks and substrates, and over …
forwards to expansion in 2021.       consumption over the year and a
There is a glimmer in that those     16.1% reduction in ink volumes           Mercian factory will take in Computype work.
describing the outlook for the       shed further light on the pain
industry as a whole are closely      that Covid has inflicted.
split between the optimists, the        Coping with Covid remains
pessimists and those that see no     the major concern for 62%
immediate change.                    of printers in the survey, with
   This is before the Chancellor     the concerns about competi-
has had chance to outline the        tor pricing and the survival of
additional help for the hospital-    customers vying for second
ity sector as it inches towards a    place. Looking ahead the chal-
Covid safe opening, something        lenges are around coping with
that would require print in          Covid’s direct and indirect

6   March/April 2021 www.printbusiness.co.uk
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We print
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CoBo robots take the
strain at Micropress
MICROPRESS HAS installed a           since the first lockdown last year                                         alongside one Stahlfolder from
brace of CoBo Stack automated        and we had to ensure we got it                                             Heidelberg, supplier of its
stacking machines at its plant at    right.                                                                     three B1 Speedmaster presses.
Southwold, Suffolk.                     “Despite having only been                                               Friedheim has also supplied
   The two MBO robot stack-          running for a couple of months,                                            Micropress with Palamides
ers were delivered at the start      we have seen some benefits                                                 stackers.
of December and have quickly         already, with the CoBo Stacks                                                 The CoBo Stack robots are
proved indispensable.                freeing up staff to look after                                             what is known as co-bots,
   “Like all other print compa-      other work.”                                                               working without guards along-
nies, we have been under greater        The company becomes the                                                 side human operators. Safety
pressure during the last year due    first in the UK with two of the                                            systems prevent any unwanted
to Covid-19,” says director Paul     stacking arms. They collect a                                              accidents while in operation.
Coby. “We traded throughout          pile from the delivery of the          CoBo Stack in operation at          And that has proved reliable,
the pandemic and were busy           folder, lifting and placing each in    Micropress.                         says Coby, with the devices
again towards the end of the         the ideal position on a pallet for                                         operating as smoothly as
year.                                the next phase of production. It         Prior to the latest investment,   anticipated.
   “As a result, we were looking     reduces the manpower load on          the company had developed               “December was a very busy
for greater automation in our        a folder, allowing an operator        a 12-year long relationship          month of the year for us and
print production to help work-       to concentrate on the feed end        with Friedheim International.        we were really pleased that the
flow. The CoBo Stacks were the       while automation takes care of        It currently runs three MBO          CoBo Stacks were able hit the
first pieces of kit we invested in   offloading tasks.                     folders supplied by Friedheim,       ground running,” Coby says.

… our 50 years of growth we          ing a more efficient production
have a developed a high level        layout. She joined the Burnley         Ink price increases are said to be caused by shortages.
of technical expertise in them.      printer as an office junior 26
Computype has nurtured their         years ago and had been its
relationships in these areas over    commercial director.
a number of years, and this deal
represents a careful handover of
valued customers to a trusted        Brace for
manufacturer as they look to         price rises
strategically focus in fewer core
markets.                             in ink
   “We have recently invested
in state of the art equipment to     INK PRODUCERS ARE facing
expand our world class capabili-     a perfect storm that will inevi-
ties in high volumes of variable     tably lead to printers paying
data and are pioneering devel-       more for the ink they use. Sun        combination of raw material             “Already in 2021 we are
opment in intelligent industrial     Chemical has already announced        shortages, shipping costs and        seeing a combination of several
automation. We have a lot to         price rises from 1 March across       rising demand as economies           factors which are interlinked
offer customers like these.”         packaging and sheetfed inks,          recover. Nicolas Bétin, Sun          with the Covid-19 crisis which
                                     coatings and adhesives.               Chemicals’ director for product      has severely impacted the
                                       It has been joined by               strategy EMEA, says: “The            overall raw material supply
Top job for                          Siegwerk, citing a similar            pressure across the supply chain     chain,” said Dr Arash Babai,
Hindley                              combination of sharp price            is causing an abrupt rise in raw     director of global purchasing
                                     increases for pigments, short-        material costs and unfortunately     for Siegwerk.
JOANNE HINDLEY HAS                   age driven price increases for        requires us to increase customer        “Our team is working hand
been promoted to managing            resins and solvents derived from      prices. We will continue to work     in hand with our global supply
director of Peter Scott Printers     petrochemicals and increasing         with our sourcing partners           chain to leverage its buying
after successfully leading a move    costs of transport.                   to manage and minimise the           power and minimise risks to our
to new premises and instigat-          Sun Chemicals blames a              impact on our customers.”            customers.”                  …

8   March/April 2021 www.printbusiness.co.uk
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Canon booked for Wiley’s
zero inventory bid
CPI BOOKS IS READY to begin         Publishing and Edward Elgar           is TJ International. The site is    for our latest partnership with
production at Wiley Distribution    Publishing. The first has more        a third print on demand opera-      Wiley Distribution.”
in Bognor Regis under a book of     than 2,000 titles available across    tion for CPI Books in the UK.          As well as a ColorStream, the
one joint venture signed by book    a diverse range of sectors.           Anthony Rowe in Chippen-            new site will have an ImagePress
printer and distribution partner    While not a vanity publisher          ham operates with HP T series       C9010 at the outset. Finishing
last summer.                        – it describes itself as an inde-     machines while the Eastbourne       is in the hands of a Hunkeler
   At the heart of the set up       pendent publisher – John Hunt         site, close to Gardiners book       Bookline feeding a Horizon
is a Canon ColorStream 6700         Publishing specialises in new         distribution centre, runs with      perfect binder and linked three-
running reel to reel and a fully    authors and unsolicited manu-         Canon.                              knife trimmer.
automated book production line      scripts which many writers find          Alison Kaye, managing direc-        Wiley’s aim is to create a print
able to change format on the fly    impossible to place with large        tor, STMA and Colour for CPI        on demand, zero inventory and
and a perfect binder able to cope   publishers.                           UK, says: “We’ve had a strong       ultra short run auto stock
with single-copy production. It        Edward Elgar Publishing            working relationship with           replenishment system which
enables the two businesses to       handles scholarly books from          Canon for a number of years and     results in what the company
offer a zero inventory publish-     research organisations across         after installing a ColorStream      calls granular visibility over
ing model.                          law, economics and government.        printer in our Eastbourne site in   the full cost of production and
   And two publishers have          According to the company’s            2019, we knew that the device       inventory analytics to improve
already signed up: John Hunt        website, its main book printer        would be the perfect solution       stock management planning.

                                       It has also installed a DuSense,   all manner of functional print      Irish market where Highcon has
Iridesse for                        Duplo’s digital embellishment         from plan printing to manuals       yet to install a machine.
Service                             device, and added a Fujifilm          and hoardings.                         The potential is there both

Graphics                            Acuity large format printer to
                                    run alongside its SwissQPrint
                                                                                                              in carton and corrugated. The
                                                                                                              corrugated market is becoming
THE FORMER TODS                     Nyala flatbed press.                  APS makes                           more interested in the capa-
business in central London             It is a big vote of confidence     secure move                         bilities of the Highcon digital
has completed a three-part          by Service Graphics in the crea-                                          finishing technology on the back
investment, the first since its     tive production business, which       APS HAS MOVED ITS                   of its fourth UK installation at
acquisition by Service Graphics     as its core business is the London    secure communications busi-         Linneys.
at the end of last year.            creative agency and marketing         ness to purpose built premises         “We have had to up our game
   It has replaced one of its       sector, has been severely hit by      in Preston Brook, Cheshire.         for a customer like Linneys;
two HP Indigos with a Xerox         the pandemic.                         The 9,000m2 premises will also      they would not accept anything
Iridesse, able to print clear,         The Service Graphics network       house the delivery and fulfil-      less from us,” says head of
white toners or silver and gold     has strong ties to the construc-      ment arm of the company.            content marketing Shelagh
metallics.                          tion industry, supporting it with        APS has invested in two          Hammer. The Beam machine
                                                                          Böwe Systec Fusion Cross            there is being used to produce
                                                                          inserting lines and two Crite-      retail display units including cut
                                                                          rion letter sorting machines at     outs to hold small sized products
                                                                          the site.                           that would be all but impossible
                                                                                                              to produce in any other way,
                                            Service Graphics                                                     And the changes wrought
                                            has installed a               Donegal to                          by Covid-19 on consumer and
                                                                          lead Highcon
                                            Xerox Iridesse                                                    retail behaviour open up poten-
                                            in its Farringdon
                                                                                                              tial for Highcon, both in terms
                                            premises.                     to Ireland                          of more intricate display units
                                                                                                              and from ecommerce packag-
                                                                          HIGHCON IS TO SELL                  ing and growing web to pack
                                                                          through a direct route into the     customers. The intention is to
                                                                          UK and Ireland with former          build on the interest generated
                                                                          HP Indigo staffer Steve Donegal     by the installation at Linneys to
                                                                          heading the operation.              increase awareness among other
                                                                            He will have support for the      prospects.                      …

10    March/April 2021 www.printbusiness.co.uk
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Impact Digital delivers
for Costa winner
IMPRINT DIGITAL IS                                                      to date thanks to appearing          and designer Hannah Bannister.
celebrating the success of The                                          on numerous award short lists        When asked how the publisher
Mermaid of Black Conch, the                                             culminating in winning the 2020      could keep up with the surge
novel which has won this year’s                                         Costa Book of the Year, since        in demand, she replied: “We
Costa Book of the Year Prize.                                           publication in April last year.      always print in the UK so we
   It is written by Monique                                                Imprint Digital is responsible    didn’t have any supply chain
Coffey and published by Peepal                                          for 10,000 of these, with a 5,000    issues related to Brexit or Covid.
Tree Press, a small Leeds                                               first run. The success that the      We have a fantastic printer
publisher that specialises in                                           book has enjoyed has meant that      Imprint Digital, who print on
titles by Caribbean and Black                                           it had to switch to litho printing   a little farm down in the south
British authors.                                                        to keep unit price low.              west.”
   Almost all are fiction and                                              Before then Imprint had kept         Impact Digital operates
poetry titles with initial print                                        up with demand. “One week            Canon mono presses, Ricoh Pro
runs of 100-200 copies followed                                         we reprinted it three times I        C9200 for colour and a Horizon
by short order reprints. And in                                         believe,” says managing direc-       BQ470 for binding. This is the
ten years it has struck a firm        The Costa Book of the Year        tor Keith Sutherland.                only one in the UK able to cope
partnership with the digital          winner was printed digitally         The book featured on              with French flaps on the perfect
print business near Exeter.           by Impact Digital and             BBC Radio 4’s You and Yours          binder. It also has single-clamp
   With the Monique Coffey title      published by Peepal Tree.         programme where its presenter        BQ270 and HT30 trimmer for
24,000 copies have been printed                                         interviewed operations manager       proof runs.

                                     service communications busi-
Green drive                          ness focusing on customers
for Latcham                          across nine sectors.
                                        While print, mail and fulfil-
LATCHAM IS AIMING TO                 ment remain crucial Latcham
become carbon neutral before         says that the emphasis of
2030, in line with the strategy      the business is connectivity:
adopted by Bristol City Council.     between Latcham and its clients,
   The company has plans for         “the connections between
a vast solar panel array, has        organisations and their audi-                            Stuart
switched to an energy supplier       ences that Latcham brings to                             Speechely
generating electricity from          life, and the flow of informa-
biomass, is investing in elec-       tion and ideas that facilitates
tric vehicles, insulation, new       the joined-up thinking that
windows and aiming to elimi-         Latcham is known for”. This
nate the last 6% of waste that       has led to a new look to the
goes to landfill.                    brand, including reducing the      the old, now replaced, machine.      booklets to A5 booklets used
   The business has fitted four      company’s name from Latcham           Managing director Stuart          to fit a C5 envelope for mailing.
electric vehicle charging points     Direct to Latcham.                 Speechley says: “By bringing         The updated machine has the
for the four electric cars and                                          our capabilities up to date we       latest in touch screen control

                                     KJS strengthens
one delivery van in its fleet. The                                      knew we could be more efficient      and set up. It links to a MKU-54
new van has replaced a diesel                                           and experience less downtime.        mobile knife unit.
version.                             line up with IFS                   We have just put an 80,000 run          And no sooner has the
   The investment in improving                                          through the system and it has        company invested in booklet
the company’s carbon footprint       KJS MAIL HAS UPDATED its           saved us many hours. We can let      making than it takes delivery
has gone hand in hand with a         booklet making line, installing    it run and that means our team       of a CMC paper wrapping line.
revamp of the corporate brand        a late model Horizon SPF200s       can turn their attention other       This is expected to arrive this
to emphasise how it has devel-       stitch and trim unit and a new     systems at the same time.”           month, about a year after the
oped from a print, mail and          VAC1000 collating tower to            The system will switch easily     company had initially planned
fulfilment company into a full       overcome reliability issues with   between production of A4             to invest.                     …

12    March/April 2021 www.printbusiness.co.uk

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Glossop Cartons starts
new chapter after MBO
A MANAGEMENT TEAM,                                                                                                The company supplies a
                                                                                  Former Glossop Cartons
led by Wane Fitzpatrick, has                                                      owners (left): Brian         range of customers in diverse
acquired family owned Glossop                                                     Sidebottom, Jacky Every-     markets ranging from large
Cartons from its founders                                                         Sidebottom, Jill Every       FMCG brands to independ-
Brian Sidebottom and Jacky                                                        and Vicky Every and          ent businesses. A number have
Sidebottom-Every.                                                                 Wayne Fitzpatrick (right).   been with the business for
   Three of the five-strong                                                                                    more than 20 years, handled
team have worked previ-                                                                                        by ­Sidebottom-Every. She and
ously at Meyr-Melnhof, one                                                                                     her husband will continue as
of Europe’s largest packaging                                                                                  consultants for a period. “This
groups. Fitzpatrick, who joined                                                                                buyout is the next chapter for
Glossop in 2018 as sales direc-                                                                                Glossop Cartons and it is an
tor, had spent more than seven                                                                                 incredible opportunity for a
years as sales director at MM’s                                                                                stellar management team to
Deeside factory. Simon Boden,       HR and David Bartlett, head           further sales from the site and      further develop the business and
commercial director, joined         of operations. Bartlett became        equipment in place.                  take it to the next level.
Glossop in 2019. Prior to that      production director in 2018             Fitzpatrick says: “We have            “We’d like to thank Wayne
he had held a number of Euro-       and joined the company from           nearly four decades of success       for buying the company. We
pean roles at MM and Matthew        Trenton Box.                          on which to build and I’m genu-      are delighted that it will remain
Clarke, head of sales, had spent      In 2020 the company gener-          inely looking forward to the         independent and managed with
four years at the MM Deeside        ated sales of £11.5 million,          prospect of leading the busi-        the same values that have stood
plant. The team is completed        up from £9.5 million the year         ness forward in its next phase of    it in great stead for the last 39
by Clare Beswick as head of         before. It has headroom for           development.”                        years.”

                                    tenance software and service.         the demonstration machine
Special edition                     There are Virotec covered             from Heidelberg’s UK show-           Screen eyes
folder for                          rollers for the parallel fold unit.   room in Brentford which is           flexible packs
anniversary                         The slitter shaft is on an easy to
                                    switch cassette.
                                                                          closing as part of a move for
                                                                          the press supplier. It had few       SCREEN HAS CONFIRMED
MBO HAS RELEASED A                    Both versions also include the      impression and all the bells and     that it be introducing the
special edition of its K32 combi-   A80 delivery stacker which is a       whistles needed on a demonstra-      PAC830F inkjet flexible pack-
nation folder to mark a year        match for the CoBo Stack robot        tion machine.                        aging press to the European
since completion of its acquisi-    arm to move folded sections              The impression count is           marketing, opening up a third
tion by Komori.                     from the delivery to a pallet         now heading beyond 5 million,        leg for continuous feed inkjet
   The K32 KSE (Komori              without operator intervention.        Fretwells having notched 3.5         after labels and the TPJ520. The
Special Edition) will be avail-                                           million sheets during January,       new press will run at 75m/min
able until August and is supplied                                         its first month of operation.        on an 830mm wide web with the
with what Friedheim Interna-                                                 “It has a full Autoplate Pro      first to ship later this year.
tional calls “a comprehensive       From Brentford                        and push to stop technology,”
equipment package”. This            to Keighley                           he says.
includes an additional set of                                                “Heidelberg calculated that       Artisan doubles
                                    with XL75
transport belts and feeding from                                          we would get an additional 400       with Duplo
the pallet.                                                               hours of production a year. And
   There are two versions of        FRETWELLS PRINT &                     with finance available at a low      ARTISAN PRINT Solutions
the B1 folder available, an auto-   Design has taken advantage of         rate, this was the right time to     has installed its second Duplo
mated version with six servo        “a deal that we couldn’t resist”      invest for the long term and for     iSaddle Pro booklet maker,
driven buckle plates while the      to swap out its five year old         the short term.                      seven years after buying its first.
manual version has four buckle      Speedmaster XL75 for a new               “Autoplate Pro will halve           The investment comes two
plates.                             five-colour plus coater Speed-        current make ready times which       years after installation of a
   Both include touch screen        master XL75.                          because our average run is           Speedmaster SX74.
interface to MBO’s M1 control          Joint managing director Andy       5-6,000 sheets, it amounts to a        This boosted capacity at the
and set up system, remote main-     Gillet says the press had been        lot more jobs per year.”             Oxfordshire company and …

14    March/April 2021 www.printbusiness.co.uk
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Argos deal brings coating
to Morgana
PLOCKMATIC HAS TAKEN                channel and will continue to        system, it’s low cost per sheet,
on worldwide sales and support      sell the machine, says Ray Hill-    it uses less varnish per sheet
for UV coaters developed by         house, VP sales and marketing       and achieves a very high level of
Argos Solutions in Belgium. It      at Plockmatic.                      gloss,” says Hillhouse.
will add the cold cure UV and          “There’s a lot of interest in       Morgana will hold spares and
LED coaters to the Plockmatic       coating thanks to the growth in     will support machines through
inline finishing portfolio and      inkjet printing,” he says. “And     its network while manufacture
will sell the same machine, with    there is an aqueous machine         with shift to the Plockmatic
its own feeder as the Morgana       under development which will        factory in Latvia. The deal will
DigiCoater 400.                     appeal to packaging print, espe-    allow Argos and its owner Tony
   This marks a return to UV        cially with a B2 version.”          Michiels to focus on develop-
coating for the Milton Keynes          The cold cure UV lamp            ment of new ideas and other          The DigiCoater 400 is
business which had offered an       version is installed in the         product areas.                       popular with photobook
entry level Korean made coating     Morgana showroom and an                The Digi Coater 400 includes      printers.
machine until supply difficulties   LED UV will join it. Part of the    a choice of feeding. The VFX
put paid to the arrangement.        appeal is the light weight of the   is for conventional sheets from
   The Argos machine is a very      UV coating that the machine         a two tray configuration for        It is also possible to hand feed
different kettle of fish and has    achieves. This helps reduce the     continuous running and part-        for finishing. Delivery can be to
become a staple for companies       power requirement and means         ners the Morgana booklet            a deep pile stacker and smaller
in the photo products sector. In    a low total cost of ownership.      makers. The VFL feeder copes        tray. A double-sided version is
the UK Renz has been the sales      “Because of the cold cure           with long sheets, to 1300mm.        also available.

a busy year last year, despite      can run A5 books two up. That       that advertising on paper is at     to a print media conditioning
pandemic, meant it faced            makes such a difference.”           least as good as advertising on     station, and lightweight papers.
bottlenecks in finishing. “The        The company has found a           the internet,” he says. “And we     It means a 1200x3600doi
amount of work we had, we           niche in hyper local community      are bombarded by emails, or by      imaging unit with a 21 micron
were finding we couldn’t keep       magazines which are enjoying        tracking ads. You don’t get that    spot size, a new toner, closed
up,” says managing director Ian     something of a purple patch         with a local magazine.              loop quality measurement
Campbell.                           underpinned by advertis-               “The SX has been fully           module and a fusing system that
   “The new iSaddle has             ing from local shops, services      operational throughout and has      operates at a constant tempera-
acquired a lot of new features.     and tradespeople. “I think it’s     never missed. We have had so        ture for greater control and
It can take a six-page cover and    because people have realised        much work for litho. It has been    consistency.
                                                                        digital work that has suffered,”       The target is both book
                                                                                                            printing, where the impor-
                                                                                                            tance of volume is diminishing
                                                                        Xeikon enters                       compared to the importance
                                                                        fifth generation                    of shorter supply chains and
                                                                                                            higher quality, and direct mail.
                                                                        XEIKON HAS ANNOUNCED                Here too Xeikon says the trend
                                                                        an entry level version of its       is towards higher quality mailed
                                                                        latest commercial press, a year     pieces where a fifth print unit
                                                                        after the SX30000 was first         can be used for brand colours.
                                                                        announced.                          It also names point of sale,
                                                                           And while deliveries have yet    security print and commercial
                                                                        to begin in earnest for what it     printing.
                                                                        says is a fifth generation toner       Price information and cost
     Ian Campbell (left) with
     the new iSaddle.                                                   powered press, the developer        of ownership details are not
                                                                        has launched the SX20000,           currently published, with
                                                                        a 20m/minute version of the         Xeikon saying the new model
                                                                        same technology. This involves      “presents an excellent value
                                                                        the capability of handling a        proposition for printers looking
                                                                        wide range of papers, thanks        for a cost-effective machine that

16    March/April 2021 www.printbusiness.co.uk

Agfa’s Tauro pushes
productivity ceiling
AGFA IS RETURNING TO                  putting development money into       comes to printing corrugated         being to enable to press to run
the top end of the large format       machines with a broader appeal.      boards for packaging.”               with minimal reasons to stop. A
market with the Jeti Tauro 3300          Now customers are looking            The 3.3 m wide press like         predictive maintenance routine
UHS. The Ultra High Speed             to move up from existing Tauro       other Tauros can print on boards     is part of the package.
machine is 30% faster than            machines and there is a tanta-       or rolls. It has 80 Ricoh Gen5          Alaert says that Agfa has a
previous Tauros and has a top         lising new market to go after.       heads and comes in four- and         strong order book for the 3300
output speed of 600m2/hr. It          “The decision to go faster and       six-colour versions with options     UHS, the four generation of the
takes Agfa into competition           to introduce other features was      on white and primer. The six-        Tauro hybrid platform, from
with Inca, the latest Vutek and       based on customer feedback,”         colour version uses a Light Cyan     existing customers wanting a
Durst machines.                       says marketing product manager       and Light Black rather than the      faster machine and also from
   A decade ago Agfa had been         Reinhilde Alaert. “We wanted         more customary Light Magenta.        companies using competent
at the pinnacle of high speed         to help customers achieve more       Saleable quality is achievable       equipment. “We have made
large format inkjet with the          uptime and to be able to work in     with two or three passes of the      sure that we have covered as
MPress machines, but decided          adjacent markets.                    inkjet array, firing 7pl droplets    many applications as possible.
not to compete in what was               “We have added features to        and able to print 4pt text. Ink is   We are pretty happy with the
then a limited market, instead        improve performance when it          held in 20-litre tanks, the idea     order book already.”

will give them superior image            While the debating chambers       printed or plain card. This work     tigation into narrow width inkjet
quality, perfect registration         will move to the Queen Eliza-        was suspended last year and is       presses before making the deci-
front to back and exceptional         beth II Conference Centre when       unlikely to be needed while the      sion. “Initially we didn’t think
colour quality”.                      the desperately needed repair        builders are in.                     inkjet could meet our quality
                                      and restoration project gets                                              standards. However, we found
                                      underway in the mid 2020s, the                                            that the Screen TPJ SAIS does.
Labels UK                             printing unit will cross the river   Links takes                          It brings inkjet print quality to
opts for KM’s                         to a new home underneath the         first Screen                         the level of flexo printing,” he
                                      arches.                                                                   says.
latest                                   Permission to occupy a            LINKS LABELS & TAPES has                “This is exactly what we need
                                      railway arch close to Waterloo       installed a Screen L350 UV SAI       because in line with the market
LABELS UK IS THE LATEST               Station was granted by Lambeth       S labels press, its first machine    trends, we receive print orders
roll label printer to invest in the   Council last month, despite          from the Japanese press supplier.    for relatively small quantities
Konica Minolta AccurioLabel           opposition from local residents.        The Bourne company has            more frequently.
230 toner digital press.                 There was concern about           previously focused on HP                “This machine is especially
  The Manchester company              noise from vans picking up           Indigo for its digital print         well suited for this situation as
can run the new machine to            printed material for Parliament      requirements along with three        it handles print jobs of up to
overprint and add variable            from 5.45 am. But these were         ABG Digicon finishing lines.         10,000 metres fast and reliably,
customer content to labels it has     dismissed compared to the noise      The Screen inkjet press was the      with a high up time.
printed on its flexo press; break-    of trains heading into Waterloo      first of its kind sold in the UK        “We can process most assign-
ing a large order into smaller        East station.                        and has become the company’s         ments in two or three days,
batches; and improving delivery          The inplant unit produces the     fastest digital press.               a significant improvement
times.                                mundane work that is needed             The speed of the Screen           compared to five to seven days
                                      for the smooth functioning of        machine has been crucial in          previously.”
                                      Parliament. This includes the        handling demand for labels
Move for                              daily order papers listing the       applied to NHS Covid testing
Parliament’s                          business of both the House of        kits supplied to the NHS by the      Richline
                                      Commons and House of Lords           end of last year, the company        installs XL75
                                      as well as committee reports and     had supplied 40 million of the
                                      documents for MPs.                   individually identifiable label      RICHLINE HAS INSTALLED
PARLIAMENT’S INPLANT                     It has also handled menu cards    sets with demand continuing          an XL75-5-L from Exel Print-
print operation will move across      and place cards for events being     into this year.                      ing Services, following success
the river as part of the renova-      held in the Palace of Westmin-          Managing director Darren          in gaining two new contracts,
tion works on the Palace of           ster. These include the Crowned      Dutton says that the company         necessitating an increase in
Westminster.                          Portcullis badge, stamped into a     carried out an exhaustive inves-     capacity.

                                                                                www.printbusiness.co.uk             March/April 2021         17

Heidelberg shapes for
tighter future
THE COST SAVING measures                                                                                       end of year. Nobody has said
                                                                       Heidelberg’s Print Media Academy
that Heidelberg has introduced                                                                                 whether the latest wave of lock-
                                                                           has become an iconic building
this year will enable the press                                                                                downs across Europe has had
                                                                              in the city. Now Heidelberg
manufacturer to break even on                                                                                  an impact on output levels and
                                                                                    has sold the building,
sales of less than €2 billion.                                                       including offices and
                                                                                                               incoming orders since the start
   This will be close to the sales                                                          a presentation     of 2021.
volume for this financial year,                                                                   theatre.        It has paid off loans to bring
which Heidelberg is predicting                                                                                 net debts down to €127 million
will be €450-500 million below                                                                                 (€262 million) and reduc-
the €2.35 billion earned last                                                                                  ing outgoing payments by €12
year.                                                                                                          million a year.
   It was on course for this at the                                                                               By the end of financial year
end of its Q3, closing at the end                                                                              in March Heidelberg will have
of December.                                                                                                   shed 965 jobs from a total of
   After a 44% fall in incoming                                                                                1,600 that have agreed redun-
orders in Q1, 20% in Q2, Q3’s                                                                                  dancy packages. Of these 1,200
orders received were just 12 %                                                                                 are from Germany.
down on the position last year.                                                                                   However, it has failed to bank
It amounts to a 24% drop in           Hundsdörfer, China had recov-         to be suffer the effects of the    €120 million after the expected
incoming orders in the year to        ered fully and orders from            pandemic. Operating levels         sale of Gallus fell through
date. In the same nine month          Europe were well on their way         of existing commercial and         leaving Heidelberg with an
period sales were down 25%.           to a full recovery at the end of      packaging presses had almost       unwanted asset, staff and five
   According to CEO Rainer            Q3. North America continues           reached pre crisis levels at the   plants to operate.

K&B beats                             reset at €1,246 million and 2020
                                      came in at €1,029 million when
                                                                            uted to inclusion of full year
                                                                            sales from MBO for the first
                                                                                                                to parent company Langley
                                                                                                                Holding’s income in 2020
expectations                          it would otherwise have been          time.                               according to the group’s
KOENIG & BAUER TURNED                 €978 million. This is still above        At the Q3 mark sales are         annual report.
in results for 2020 that were         the company’s initial forecast for    running 8.3% below last year           In the Covid year the
“significantly above the fore-        the year.                             due to the economic hit of the      sheetfed press producer deliv-
cast” despite losses reaching €68        Likewise the loss was not as       pandemic.                           ered €214.7 million in revenue,
million.                              severe as it would have been             Overall orders for Komori        a rise from €203.5 million in
   The press manufacturer             under the previous account-           are at 70% of last year’s levels    2019. Orders in hand dropped
reported sales of €1,029 million      ing method. That would have           at this point. Sheetfed press       from €61.2 million to €54.6
having forecast that they would       resulted in a deficit of €76          orders, the company’s main          million at the end of December.
be in the range of €900-950           million at the Ebit level.            source of income, are at 78%           In the chairman’s report,
million. Orders in the final                                                while the new division produc-      Tony Langley notes: “It is
quarter were up on Q3, but not                                              ing machinery for printed           perhaps too early to say whether
enough to affect the end result as    Komori                                electronics is running 9% above     January 2021 marks the turning
dramatically.                         controls fall                         last year.                          point in the crisis, but certainly
   Koenig & Bauer’s orders for                                                 The company anticipates that     the increase in the order intake
the pandemic year fell 14.5%          KOMORI IS ON COURSE TO                by the end of the year, orders      is welcome and management
compared to 2019 to €975              end the financial year with sales     will be at 81% of 2019.             are, as I write, ‘opening the
million. But this was better than     8.6% lower than in the 2019/20                                            taps’ in production in antici-
the overall market.                   financial year. When this year is                                         pation of continuing increased
   Revenue is now recognised          completed at the end of March         Optimistic                          demand.
when the customer has signed          the company anticipates it will       sounds from                            “It will take the remainder
off on an installation and paid in    report sales of ¥71.0 bn.                                                 of this current quarter to ramp
full rather than in tranches from        This is thanks to a growth         Manroland                           up production, but when the
deposit to sign off. Revenue          in sales in the Japanese market                                           recovery comes, presses need
which had been recorded as            and a forecast increase in sales in   MANROLAND SHEETFED                  to be available as quickly as
€1,219 million for 2019 has been      Europe. This in turn is attrib-       increased its contribution         ­possible.”                     n

18    March/April 2021 www.printbusiness.co.uk
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                                                 Anthony Thirlby (pictured here
                                                 being interviewed pre pandemic
                                                 by Gareth Ward) and Andy Rae
                                                 have the opportunity to put into
                                                 practice what they have been
                                                 teaching other printers about
                                                 process, data and automation.

20   March/April 2021 www.printbusiness.co.uk

                                                                                                                        Nigel and Ian
                                                                                                                        Dollin have been
                                                                                                                        able to retire from
                                                                                                                        the £3 million
                                                                                                                        business thanks
                                                                                                                        to acquisition by
                                                                                                                        Venn Holdings

FOR THE LAST YEAR ANTHONY                           Nelson had other ideas. “I asked them            “We bought a company with the lowest
Thirlby has been dispensing advice to print-      ‘Why not now?’.” There was no reason to         impression count XL105 in the country,”
ers from behind a camera on his desktop,          delay and the meeting took place Rae and        says Thirlby. “It is a 15-year-old press with
sitting up late at night or rising early in the   Thirlby explaining their idea of buying a       120 million impressions.” It has value that
morning to reach printers in the furthest         print business to put into practice the ideas   the new owners can leverage, providing
flung corners of the globe. Likewise Andy         they had been discussing.                       space for a different emphasis with a new
Rae’s activities as head of marketing for                                                         type of investment. Thirlby is not letting on
Koenig & Bauer’s sheetfed presses, have           THE CONVERSATION RANGED OVER                    what this might be, but it will sit within the
been curtailed by stay at home rules in           what a business with the right sorts of char-   overall view of where the opportunity for
response to the pandemic.                         acteristics would look like, how it would be    Venn’s approach lies and what the strategy
   It has been a good time to reevaluate life     funded, what would happen after. It was a       for an ambitious group will look like.
styles and ponder on other opportunities.         challenging request. “I explained that it          Alongside the litho press, John Dollin
Or in the case of these two to pick up on         might take a year to find a suitable prospect   has an Indigo 12000, again with what is
conversations that had begun more than five       which the guys accepted,” says Nelson.          quite possibly the lowest click count in the
years earlier.                                    “Two hours later I called back. We had          country. Thirlby says: “Dollin is a very
                                                  found the right company.”                       clean business. It is a fantastic opportunity
AT THE TIME RAE WAS WORKING                         Nine weeks after that first meeting Venn      to build a bigger business on. None of the
as senior vice president of equipment at          Holdings had been set up, the funding           equipment has been hammered and the
Heidelberg North America and had the job          arranged and the acquisition of John Dollin     Indigo 12000 sits in a very interesting space
of escorting Thirlby as Heidelberg’s global       Print had been completed. Andy Rae and          in the market.”
head of Prinect around US commercial print        Anthony Thirlby will now have the oppor-
businesses. “I was spending four or five          tunity to live the messages that the two        THE OPPORTUNITY EXISTS to target
months a year in the US and worked along-         have been preaching to other printers about     niche areas of the market that suit the
side Andy in 2015 and 2016,” says Thirlby.        process efficiency, strategic selling, the      machinery the business has, he explains.
“Andy was fascinated by what had been done        change in the way that customers purchase       Reaching these will require an online pres-
at ESP Colour. He wanted to know all about        print and the way that printers need to         ence that Dollin does not yet have. And it
it.”                                              position themselves in future. “It’s been       can stretch into areas that these customers
   The conversations about that combined          exciting, now we want to get on with it,”       are already active – a buyer of brochures
with those about Thirlby’s experiences as         says Thirlby.                                   will be working for a company that is also
chief operating officer of Pureprint, the                                                         buying labels and packaging for example. It
companies that they had visited and what          STAFF AT JOHN DOLLIN HAVE taken                 is not surprise that Venn Holdings will be
the ideal print business for the next decade      well to the new ideas and way of working.       investigating opportunities in these sectors
might look like. And then, why could they         “They have been fantastic. We changed           for subsequent acquisitions. These are also
not build it?                                     a lot in the first three days,” he continues.   sectors that have to a large extent not been
                                                  Not least there has been a focus on driving     exposed to the process focus that Thirlby
ALONG THE WAY THEY KEPT IN                        work through the Speedmaster XL75 press.        was part of in commercial print. The large
touch with David Bunker who had moved             It represents the most versatile litho press    groups have imposed process optimisa-
to Compass Business Finance. By November          around, capable of coping with short and        tion, but their strategy is about maximising
last year the opportunity was crystallising.      long runs when set up correctly. And that       efficiency on long runs. The independent
Mark Nelson, director at Compass Busi-            is where Thirlby excels. Before the first       companies produce shorter runs, but have
ness Finance, says the company received a         week was over the B2 press had produced         less of a strategic approach to production
call. Anthony and Andy wanted to set up a         100,000 sheets in a shift for the first time    efficiencies. This is not the case in commod-
meeting after Christmas. “We were thinking        ever and days later a new name and logo for     itised sections of the commercial print
at that time about doing something for the        ‘JDP, a Venn Holdings company’ had been         sector where there are few opportunities for
middle of this year,” says Thirlby.               completed.                                      the sorts of improvement that Venn can …

                                                                              www.printbusiness.co.uk             March/April 2021           21
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