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                                               SEEK THAT SILVER
has been the editor of Print Business          BULLET FOR THE
                                               VALUE VAMPIRE
since its second issue in 2005. Five years
later he took control of the magazine in a
management buyout and fully achieved
his vision to create a unique publication
for printers.                                  ONCE THE PANDEMIC IS OVER, there
  What Print Business does is take all this    is sure to be a huge focus on the success of
                                               certain companies as part of the inquest
information – supplied via press releases,
                                               into Covid, and not just those that seem to
announcements at events, word of mouth
                                               have benefitted from PPE supply contracts.
or good old fashioned journalism – sorts
                                                 Already it is clear that Netflix, that Zoom
the puffery from the facts, weaves it          and Amazon, DHL and the like, have
together and puts it into context for those    enjoyed extraordinary growth, winning
who run print businesses.                      while their street bound rivals have been
  At the heart of everything that Print        frozen out and prevented from trading.
                                               Should these businesses pay a windfall tax
Business publishes are the printers. Those
                                               on the unplanned for revenue achieved?
whose businesses are no longer about
                                                 Because for these internet giants and
simply feeding paper into a giant lump of
                                               other disruptors like Uber, business-
highly engineered metal and selling the        as-not-normal is part of their strategy.
sheet that comes out the other end. Those      Professor Michael Wade from the IMD
who face myriad decisions, some of which       business school, describes them and their
point in opposite directions, and need to      actions as Value Vampires. They enter a
                                               market not only with the aim of disrupting
know more than how fast it prints, what
                                               it, but of sucking every last drop of profit    of print is going to soar, based on making
the click charge is or how much it costs.
                                               from that space. Ultimately no other            the specifying of print via a web page
  They need to know what affects them          business can survive and having achieved a      easier than ever, on transparent prices and
and how. Just as every print job is bespoke,   monopoly position they can begin to earn        because people are becoming accustomed
every print company is different. There is     the real profits.                               to buying all manner of products online, a
no one-size-fits-all in this industry.           Their proposition is built on efficiency,     trend that has accelerated in recent months.
  Before Covid, Gareth Ward was out            on software, on big data, on servers, not         But even Cimpress, by far the largest of
                                               on shops with staff and storerooms out the      these businesses, will not invest in enough
and about all the time. He went to print
                                               back, not on cars because those driving for     machinery to achieve worldwide market
factories and talked to printers in their
                                               Uber pay for those. Expanding a business        domination across the printing industry,
language. He has seen first hand the           in these conditions is relatively simple;       to suck the market dry. The online world
problems they face, the solutions they find,   shrinking it again equally so.                  has enough head room for even those late
their achievements and their innovation.         Fortunately while Amazon can sell and         to the party, though it gets more expensive
He has finally been able to safely visit       print books, while it can sell and print        to achieve brand recognition for the
some factories.                                stationery items and sell and print T-shirts    latecomers.
                                               and other apparel, it cannot become the           Richard Pepper, founder of Funky
  Before Print Business, Gareth Ward
                                               Value Vampire in the printing industry. It      Pigeon, reckons that the greetings card
worked on the leading weekly magazine
                                               would need to invest in heavy machinery,        market in the UK is worth £1.6 billion and
Printing World for 22 years and was editor     and its business model does not support         that currently only 10% of that is bought
for 15. It is this experience, and 360° view   this approach. And if Amazon is not             online. He also reckons that establishing
of the industry, that gives him his sixth      inclined to drain the profit pool in print,     a brand that consumers recognise is
sense about printing. His ability to spot      nobody else will come into the market in        expensive, and Funky Pigeon commits
trends, often years before they become         the near future.                                17% of revenues to marketing – something
                                                 This does not mean there can be no            absolutely unheard of in the printing
apparent in the mainstream, is legendary.
                                               Value Vampires in print. Just that there will   industry.
This is Print Business, the magazine
                                               be no dominant Count. Online purchasing           Online, however, is not the printing       …
for forward thinking printing.

                                                                  www.printbusiness.co.uk           November/December 2020                  3
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… industry. Those buying the millions of
leaflets, hundreds of thousands of books,
gazillions of business cards from an online
printer, do not think they are buying print
and have little if any interest in the process.
This limited range of products is already
big business, let alone when point of sale,
promotional items, cartons, pouches,
training manuals, calendars, T-shirts and
more are included. These are the products
that individuals and small businesses want
and need and they are going online to find
them. Online print is only at the start of its
    Not everything, not even greetings cards,
can be standardised in this way. There
will be room for commercial printers to
handle the jobs that go beyond the online
templates, that are using more tailored
materials, additional inks and finishing            HOW TO SURVIVE A PANDEMIC AS                  shortage of takers. There was an echo of
processes, provided they understand where           A PRINT? At an online round table             the anti-heroin advertising campaign of the
                                                    Gareth Ward took his hat off to Ricoh
their strengths lie and what they can offer.                                                      1980s where the addict confidently asserts
                                                    and some prominent printers and
    But if some commercial printers are                                                           ‘I can handle it’. Printers were hooked.
                                                    found out what has worked and what
immune, for now at least, from the online           will change going forward, whatever             Now the promise of reducing a client’s
printers, they are not immune to attack             forward might mean. page 36                   marketing spend means eliminating print
by Value Vampires. In print these are the                                                         altogether and convincing the corporate
companies that have extracted profit before       it has proved a bargain with the devil and      that digital – whether online advertising,
the job reaches the press and without             they became hooked on the volumes from          website banners or SMS – is better value
delivering any real value to either customer      print management, so what was marginal          than print. Facebook and social media have
or supplier. The most recognisable of             but added to profits was now draining those     become the channels of choice and ‘likes’
these, the Christopher Lee of the genre, is       profits.                                        the currency that proves the effectiveness
the print management company.                       The message to brands and corporates          of the message. Only it doesn’t. And now
    When they first swooped in, the message       from the print management companies             perhaps, one of the beneficiaries of the
to printers was enticing. Working with us         was even starker: We will save you 30%          pandemic could be print. All the positive
you can fill that spare machine capacity that     of your print spend. In the early days this     attributes that we have also known about
you have, and because your costs have been        was simple, a matter of consolidating work      print – it is tangible, it is always on, it is
covered by your normal work, this can be          and directing jobs to the most efficient        browsable, it creates emotions, it is largely
taken at marginal cost because margins in         producer. Subsequent deals with a similar       distraction-free – are being rediscovered by
print are good. It was an enticing offer and      promise squeezed the money available to         a new generation.
many, many printers agreed. But for many          printers even further, but there was still no     Only print risks remaining a victim of

PUBLISHING Print Business is published six times a year by Print Business Media Ltd
Haymakers, Swamp Road, Romney Marsh TN29 9SQ | 01580 236456 | general@printbusiness.co.uk

CONTRIBUTORS Printed by Manson Group | Paper supplied by Lumipaper |

EDITORIAL Editor/Publisher | Gareth Ward | gareth@printbusiness.co.uk | 01580 236456 | 07866 470124
Press releases should be sent to pressreleases@printbusiness.co.uk

COMMERCIAL Publisher | Debbie Ward | 01580 236500 | debbie@printbusiness.co.uk

ADMIN & SALES SUPPORT Publishing Assistant | Sarah Cross | 01580 236456 | sarah@printbusiness.co.uk

MEDIA INFORMATION The Media Pack is available under the Information tab at PrintBusiness.co.uk

4    November/December 2020                www.printbusiness.co.uk
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this value chain. A corporate marketing                                                         is perfectly colour matched to output
department has a budget to launch a new                                                         on a litho press. It might be an easy to
product or service and wants to use print.                                                      understand and use web to print platform.
It has a choice of three or four marketing                                                      Or any number of things that matter to
agencies it works with and trusts. In turn                                                      the buyer more than just price. That the
each of these has a number of designers                                                         print business is in its fourth generation of
they work with and the designers have                                                           family ownership holds little water for a
relationships with a half a dozen printers.                                                     21st century buyer of print.
At each level the intermediary takes its                                                          The other action to avoid the Value
profit and slice of the budget so that the                                                      Vampire is a move to control more of that
printer, who physically creates something                                                       value. Famously St Ives did precisely this,
on expensive machinery instead of an                                                            migrating into print management and
equally expensive designer leather chair, is                                                    then into research, websites, campaign
left with a few crumbs.                                                                         management et al for retailers and brands.
    Looking out from the 15th floor corner                                                      It realised how much, or how little, margin
office, the brand director who instigated                                                       there was in its print division. And sold it.
the campaign may see perhaps 50 printers                                                          That is an extreme example, but moving
in the distance any of whom may end up                                                          upstream into design and marketing, either
printing his job, but from that range none                                                      through organic or acquisitive expansion,
of them stands out. Like the peasants                                                           will achieve a bigger slice of the margin
around a castle in Transylvania, printers                                                       pie. Pureprint’s action in acquiring a
are going to suffer in the face of these                                                        photography business is an example and
vampires.                                                                                       there are others. Not everything a printer
    What then can printers do to defeat the                                                     produces has to be on paper any longer. At
Value Vampire? First printers must make            IF THINKING DIFFERENTLY is the               one time print was the communications
themselves visible so that they are not            order of the day, Iain Bullock takes top     business. Today print is part of that much
                                                   prize for breaking out of the way Renz       larger communications business and there
just another face in the crowd of almost
                                                   has ‘always done things’ and moving.
identical businesses. And the lowest price is                                                   is no rule that says a print business cannot
                                                   Not just location but the mindset to a
not a strategy to do this, even if you are the     more efficient way of working.               become a communications business,
most efficient.                                    page 46                                      supplying expertise across a number of
    Offering the best quality is not the                                                        channels and delivery methods.
answer either: best quality is subjective,       venture into extended colour gamuts with         Thinking like this immediately puts
most consistent quality is objective. Use        additional violets, greens or oranges can      the printer in the shoes of his customer,
that. In any case the latest presses from        printers achieve a discernible difference.     looking at the problem as more of a holistic
Xerox will download settings from the            Even the idea that this is extra value print   challenge, not a decision to wallop the
cloud for any paper and any job. As a result     is possible may help achieve the sought for    poor printer yet again. And thinking like
any printers running the same job on these       differentiation.                               this is garlic to the Value Vampires. After
presses will print identically. The same will      Or it could be the range of services         all, anything might happen if printers
be true for Landa and a growing number of        under one roof, say large format printing      rediscover the power they have. And who
print technology providers. Only when you        where output on the flatbed inkjet machine     wants that?

NEWS The Monday morning News ezine is a popular collection of a handful of the week’s news, always going
beyond the press release and often exclusive. GDPR by the letter and spirit. Sign up at printbusiness.co.uk/Register

SUBSCRIPTIONS Print Business is currently free to qualifying UK printers. Subscriptions for those who would
like to contribute to securing the future of Print Business are available under the Information menu at bit.ly/2IlJxSS

EVENTS Print Business is the organiser of Forward Thinking Printing, round tables and more. Gareth Ward is in
demand for hosting, chairing and generally being an accomplished ringmaster. Apply for details on 01580 236456.

CONTENT Content is copyright © Print Business Ltd 2005-2020. All rights reserved.

ARCHIVE Previous issues are available for a modest fee. See the Archive page under
the Information tab at PrintBusiness.co.uk for downloadable and searchable PDFs.

TERMS Apply for terms & conditions to general@printbusiness.co.uk

                                                                    www.printbusiness.co.uk           November/December 2020                   5
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CCL backs digital print for
CCL INDUSTRIES IS poised                                                                                         tion and tracking information
to become the world’s largest                                                                                    directly on the carton without
producer of digitally printed                                                                                    the need for a label.
cartons, following completion                                                                                       As well as labels, CCL
of its acquisition of Graphic                                                                                    produces the patient informa-
West International.                                                                                              tion leaflets that are folded inside
   Graphic West International                                                                                    the cartons. CCL is a substantial
has developed and perfected a                                                                                    user of HP Indigo presses for
digital carton production line,                                                                                  label printing and there is no
based initially around Xerox                                                                                     reason why these would not be
iGen print engines, combined            Digital printing of cartons, as here at Qualvis, has not taken           suited to this application.
with inline die cutting and creas-      off as predicted. The CCL Labels deal may change that.                      The C$36 million deal needed
ing, and folder gluers together                                                                                  and received regulatory approval
with inspection technology and        ment from private equity in          cal companies are happy with          before completion. It has now
software to be able to produce        return for a minority stake.         the quality, CCL will now be          become CCL Speciality Cartons
small batches of pharmaceutical          Announcing the deal, CCL          rolling out the technology            and falls under the remit of
cartons on demand.                    Industries president and CEO         worldwide. “We look forward to        Günther Birkner, president of
   Jesper Holm, founder of            Geoffrey Martin says: “GWI           take this exciting new concept        CCL Healthcare and Special-
Graphic West International,           shares our philosophy of             to healthcare customers globally      ity (as well as Innovia films and
initially struggled to convince       digitising workflows and manu-       alongside our highly comple-          CCL Food & Beverage). He has
converters and brands that            facturing technologies with          mentary label products,”              endorsed Martin’s sentiments.
digital printing and finishing        complete focus on the unique         Martin says.                          “With the help of Jesper Holm,
for small batches of cartons          needs of customers in this              The driver is both to reduce       GWI’s founder, we are eager to
was possible. It has since set up     sector.”                             stockholdings of pharmaceuti-         expand this product offering
operations in Denmark, Poland,           Holm and the patents that         cal packaging through print on        globally,” he says.
the US and in 2015 set up a           are used to protect the develop-     demand, so avoiding the risk of          Up to 18 sites have been
greenfield operation inside one       ment are now part of CCL. And        printed packaging reaching the        earmarked as suitable for digital
of the CCL packaging plants in        having proved that the concept       market; improved control of           carton production in the short
Montreal. It attracted invest-        works and that pharmaceuti-          batches by printing identifica-       term.

Dalim reopens                         market and its potential and fell
                                      in love with the product again.”
                                                                           and our customers. By placing
                                                                           a physical presence in the UK,
                                                                                                                 responsible for completing jobs
                                                                                                                 on time.
doors in the UK                          ES works through internet         our support is much closer —             “They have come as a
DALIM IS RETURNING to                 protocols “and automates and         and faster.”                          welcome relief and made a
have direct representation in the     strengthens the collaboration                                              significant difference. Not a
UK to look after customers of         and approval cycles across stake-    Iridesse pair                         subtle difference but a massive
Dalim ES, the asset and project
management successor to Twist
                                      holders and people working
                                      from home” says Price, “which
                                                                           bring sparkle to                      difference.
                                                                                                                    “Last year we had to work
and Drive, a new application          requires integration with other      Clarkeprint                           24 hours around the clock to
suited to high speed inkjet           systems.”                            CLARKEPRINT, Birming-                 achieve certain deadlines and
printing.                                Dalim also has an eye to a post   ham, has replaced older digital       this year we didn’t have to put
   Colin Price, one of the UK’s       Brexit future and minimising         presses with a brace of Xerox         on any night shifts, and we
most experienced technology           any disruption that this might       Iridesse machines to enhance          finished two weeks early.”
sales executives, is managing         cause. Dalim CEO Carol Werlé         the creativity capabilities offered      The company has cut the
director of Dalim UK, following       says: “We consider the transi-       to customers.                         number of waste sheets due to
on from a period of consulting        tion of support from Germany            The two Xerox machines             poor quality and has opened
for the Franco-German software        to a UK entity a very signifi-       were delivered at the start of the    up the opportunity to print A4
business at the start of this year.   cant investment. As new rules        lockdown and have been pressed        landscape brochures more cost
   “I’d sold a lot of Dalim           of commerce could affect how         into service with measurable          effectively and with a faster
systems when working for              business is consummated in           impact.                               turnaround.
Turning Point Technologies 20         the future, this will assure that       Director Gary Franklin says:          The quality means that
years ago,” says Price. “I had to     there will be no interruption of     “For me productivity is key, as       Clarkeprint can take shorter
get up to speed, researched the       service to the entire UK market      I’m the guy on the shop floor,        run work from litho increas- …

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We print
   your world

       For over 200 years we have combined inks
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Muller Martini unveils
digital ready stitching line
MULLER MARTINI IS calling                                                                                         The Prinova has been running
its latest saddle stitcher the                                                                                 in beta test conditions at a trade
Prinova. The 9,000cph machine                                                                                  binder in Switzerland for more
is a replacement for the Presto                                                                                than six months. It found the
II in the portfolio and is aimed                                                                               Asir system worked perfectly,
at fast turnaround short run                                                                                   while other features were
litho print, where the need is to      Muller Martini                                                          appreciated. “Having all of the
handle multiple jobs an hour.          has a virtual                                                           settings on a centrally located
   This is the first Muller Martini    showroom at                                                             and large touchscreen instead of
stitcher to use servo motors to        Printing-Expo.online                                                    all over the place is a huge advan-
drive each of the feeders indepen-                                                                             tage,” says Yannick Bucher, the
dently of the others. Currently                                                                                managing director of Schär
this technology is being used to                                                                               Druckverarbeitung.
reduce makeready times. The              Set up uses JDF data and a          The Prinova also uses tech-          The servo motors also point
Prinova can support 14 feeders,       touch screen which guides the       nology developed for the             the way to the introduction of
each with a deep pile feed for long   operator through the sequence       established Primera range. This      full automation at some point in
term running before any need to       of adjustments needed to move       includes Asir Pro automatic          the future, including operating
refill the hopper.                    from one format to another.         signature recognition technol-       in harness with a digital press,
   Muller Martini reckons that        Once the job is set up and          ogy. A camera monitors the           creating fully variable products
this means the line can be super-     the single-copy sample job is       page it sees, comparing this to      on the fly.
vised by a single operator. This      checked, the operator moves         the page it expects to see. This        Details of the production run
is how the machine is demon-          it to production mode and the       can be either from an identify-      are uploaded to the Connex to
strated on a video that will be       line will run the number taken      ing bar code or an image of the      be examined across a number
part of Muller Martin’s virtual       from the JDF job file, stopping     page. Any deviation, a different     of jobs or as an individual job,
presence on the global Printing-      automatically when this figure is   language, for example, will result   sending further details to the
Expo website.                         reached.                            in a rejected copy.                  company’s MIS.

… ing operational flexibility
by enabling a greater crossover
                                      Print scores                        out a range that now comprises
                                                                          three machines in the Panther
                                                                                                               resolution of 1200dpi. LED
                                                                                                               lamps are used to pin the white
between the two technologies.         for Liverpool                       portfolio.                           and then the colours ahead of a
  The presses were supplied           CHOCOLATE manufacturer                 The new machine is the            GEW unit for a final cure before
by Xeretec. The concessionaire        Cadbury has shipped 50,000          PX30000, capable of 70m/min          re-reeling.
for Xerox talked Clarkeprint          chocolate bars to fans to cele-     on a 340mm wide web. It comes           As befits the target market of
through the options, focusing         brate Liverpool FC’s Premier        in two configurations: a seven-      flexo printers migrating to high
on the quality, consistency, the      League trophy in 2020,              colour and six-colour version        productivity digital, the press
longer sheet capabilities and         using personalised packaging        offering a high opacity white        copes with 1 metre diameter
the ability to print up to eight      produced by DFP Solutions,          as well as orange and violet for     reels at either end. The seven-
colours with the Iridesse.            one of Germany’s leading            extending the gamut of the           colour option covers 92% of
                                      digital flexible packaging          press.                               the PMS range and with violet,
                                      producers and by Danaflex, a           The set up includes Xeikon’s      includes Reflex Blue.
Xeretec has supplied
two Iridesse machines to              leading Russian exponent of         Panther Cure UV XT inks
Clarkeprint.                          digital flexible packaging print.   and X800 DFE with function-          Brexit will hit
                                      Each bar used Smart Stream
                                      Designer to handle the small
                                                                          ality for impositioning and
                                                                          further processing of the labels.
                                                                                                               ink costs says
                                      variations to make each unique.     Otherwise the mechanics, the         BCF
                                                                          printheads, and web handling         PRINTERS MUST BRACE
                                      Xeikon adds                         are provided by Domino, which        for a rise in ink prices unless a

                                      pace with inkjet                    originally developed the press as
                                                                          the N630 inkjet press.
                                                                                                               comprehensive free trade agree-
                                                                                                               ment can be agreed between UK
                                      XEIKON HAS LAUNCHED                    The press runs at 70m/minute      and EU officials.
                                      a top of the range inkjet label     in productivity mode, 50m/min          According to the British
                                      press, capable of taking volume     when running the two white           Coatings Federation, tariffs
                                      from flexo printers and rounding    colour bars and at its maximum       that would be automatically …

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Charlesworth seeks new
home as landlord sells up
THE LAND AND FACTORY                                                     the personalised books that the       commencing construction of a
units occupied by Charlesworth                                           company produces and which            new business park and indus-
Press in Wakefield have been put                                         led to investment in a dedicated      trial estate, whilst further up the
on the market by the company’s                                           case binding line last year.          road, Sewtec has recently relo-
landlord, described by the agent                                            Even then the company will         cated into a 7,000m2 production
handling the sale as “a private                                          have eight months to make long        facility,” says Oliver.
family client”.                                                          term arrangements. He says               “PLP has also started
   The 2.2 acre site includes four    Harry Potter diary is one          :“We are trying to utilise the        construction on two new specu-
factory units amounting to a          of the personalised books          move or purchase of property to       lative warehouse units on the
                                      that Charlesworth has
4,360m2 print factory. The lease      specialised in.                    align with future plans. We are       former Silkwood Park at PLP
expires in August next year.                                             looking at acquisitions of other      Wakefield, demonstrating there
   Charlesworth Press would like     the site, needed for presses and    printing businesses where prop-       is ample appetite in this area for
to stay on the site and has made     finishing equipment, adding:        erty is involved as well as other     quality industrial units.”
an offer to the private landlord,    “This property offers a rare        property as the business does            Whatever the final outcome,
but says that it has received no     opportunity to acquire premises     not want to rent going forward.       Gray is keen to remain local.
feedback to date. On the other       suiting production use.”            We are not ruling anything out        “Wakefield MP Iran Ahmed
hand, Rob Oliver, principal at          Mark Gray, chief executive       at the moment.”                       Khan and his staff are working
Avison Young in Leeds which is       of Charlesworth Press, says he         The location is at the centre of   closely with us to try and insure
marketing the asset, says: “We       is exploring all options. Nothing   further development with, what        that the business stays within
are delighted with the interest      will be in place before the end     the agent says, are high quality      the Wakefield Council,” he
received to date.” He points out     of the year following what          neighbours. “On the adjacent          says. “But we have to see what
the enhanced power supply to         should be a frenetic period for     site, Frank Marshall Estates is       happens in the coming months.”

… be applied to imports and          businesses harder than those on                                           well as an extensive range of
exports of inks, coatings and        the Continent.”                                                           web fed and sheetfed offset litho
paints would increase prices                                                                                   equipment.”
immediately. Based on the global     B’s backed by                                                                The company also operates
tariff system the BCF estimates
that inks imported from the EU
                                     Geoff Neal                                                                a ten-colour Speedmaster for
                                                                                                               inserts, door drops and other
will be charged an additional        GEOFF NEAL GROUP has                                                      high volume print and an eight-
£14.2 million. It says that 89%      become an official partner to                                             unit narrow web offset press.
of ink imports into the country      Brentford FC as the Champi-                                                  Some of the litho work can be
come from the EU.                    onship club moves into a new                                              moved to the iX3200, believes
   In the other direction, ink       stadium. Under the two-year                                               managing director Simon
producers in this country face       deal the Feltham print group         DMS has switched from                Smode. “I am very excited
tariffs of £11.7 million for the     will supply the club’s bespoke       Xerox with an order for              about what the iX3200 will
                                                                          two Canon inkjet presses.
52% of exports that end up in        printing requirements includ-                                             bring to the business, from its
EU member states. This would         ing welcome packs for the           inkjet press and a recent installa-   exceptional quality to the flex-
make their products uncompeti-       10,000 season ticket holders and    tion of a Xerox Baltoro cut sheet     ibility of migrating small and
tive compared to most rival EU       premium seat tickets.               inkjet press. “DMS is partner-        medium litho runs.”
producers.                                                               ing with Canon for the first time
   BCF CEO Tom Bowtrell              DMS switches to                     due to the need for increased         Currency
warns: “The UK coatings
sector trades heavily with the
                                     Canon inkjet                        reliability and to cover a combi-
                                                                         nation of transactional, direct
                                                                                                               extension for
EU. If tariff-free trade is not      DATA MAIL SOLUTIONS                 mail and high quality coated          De La Rue
agreed as part of an FTA then        has installed two Canon inkjet      commercial applications,” says        THE BANK OF ENGLAND
the coatings industry across         machines, including the first       the official announcement.            has extended its print contract
Europe will see added costs of       iX3200 to be installed in the          “Its varied customer base and      with De La Rue for a further
£75 million in finished products     UK.                                 its wide range of requirements        three years. The contract
alone. The added tariff costs          The Crawley company has           led the team to consolidate           involving the Bank of England
to raw materials are also likely     until now been an all Xerox         production across two new             Printing Works at Debden was
to run into the tens of millions     company with iGen150 technol-       Canon machines, the VarioPrint        due to expire in 2025 and will
of pounds, and that will hit UK      ogy alongside a reelfed Rialto      i300 and VarioPrint iX3200, as        now continue to 2028         …

10    November/December 2020 www.printbusiness.co.uk
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Henry Ling leads with
Canon’s flagship inkjet
BOOK PRINTER HENRY                    HP Indigos.” It will allow the                                                sional who brings a wealth of
Ling has become the first in          company to produce a book                                                     experience to best serve these
the UK to install Canon’s flag-       throughout its lifecycle: short                                               publishers”.
ship ProStream 1000 inkjet            run digital to begin with,                                                       The company runs a Kolbus
press, enabling it to offer higher    switching to litho for the launch                                             KM200, the perfect binder for
quality digital printed colour        and peak of sales, dropping to                                                short run production with a
books, including colour trade         digital for the long tail of its life                                         Tecnau Libra print on demand
books as well as STM volumes.         in print. “And the readers will                                               system, working from reels.
   The Dorchester company             not notice any difference,” she                                               “We have no need for immedi-
has been using a ColorStream          says.                                                                         ate investment in finishing,” she
from Canon since 2013 and has            “Although we have a strong             Canon’s first UK Prostream          says.
a relationship with the supplier      relationship with Canon, we               1000 is now at Henry Ling              Nor will the ProStream
that dates back to 2006. When         looked very hard at another               in Dorchester.                      completely replace litho. The
Henry Ling wanted to step up          manufacturer. We have no ques-                                                company has a five-colour LED
the quality of inkjet printing,       tions about the service that            operation. The ColorStream            Heidelberg Speedmaster and an
Canon was the natural choice.         we get from Canon with good             remains in place, continuing to       eight-unit SM102P. Through-
   “It allows us to print higher      service levels, so we knew we           produce existing work. The new        put lockdown the company has
quality and on gloss stocks,”         could get any better than canon         press will extend “our excel-         continued working at double
says managing director Helen          for service,” she says.                 lent service to the trade book        shift patterns, with loadings of
Kennett. “We will be able to             Now the ProStream 1000,              market. We have confirmed our         runs with an average of 15,000
take litho work and there will        complete with Hunkeler                  commitment to this new market         copies produced on its litho
be work we can take from the          unwind and rewind units is in           by hiring a new sales profes-         presses.

Scodix shakes                         was based on marks that had to
                                      be printed on the sheet. Now a
                                                                              of polymers for varnish and
                                                                              textured effects and for foils.
                                                                                                                    goodchild in August last year
                                                                                                                    with a remit to expand the busi-
up portfolio                          camera system will register to          The company has also been             ness, says: “While Send DM is
SCODIX HAS ANNOUNCED                  the image, helping registration         working on polymers that would        focused on shorter runs than
a line up of six new digital          of digital print where the image        suit food packaging, but is not       Bakergoodchild, they are able to
enhancement presses, each             may move slightly.                      specific about these at this point.   offer longer runs as well.
tailored to a specific slice of the      The Scodix Ultra 3000 and                                                     “Their staff are very expe-
market.                               Ultra 4000 are intended for             Bakergoodchild                        rienced with strong customer
   Two are for web to print
applications, two for commer-
                                      the online market, the 3000 for
                                      online commercial print and the
                                                                              kicks off                             relationships. They will
                                                                                                                    continue as Send DM, will
cial and trade finishers, and two     4000 for the web to pack sector.        investments                           remain on the Walsall site and
for carton printers. As a result      Scodix has enjoyed its greatest         with Send deal                        they can build on the range of
the Ultra 101 and Ultra 202 are       success in the photo products                                                 products and services that we
being phased out though the B1        sector, the market for the Ultra        BAKERGOODCHILD                        offer rather than just selling
E106 remains.                         3000.                                   has acquired Send DM, the             direct mailing to customers.”
   The Ultra 1000 and Ultra              The Ultra 4000 is the model          first stage in an investment
2000 are for the commercial           for carton with the ability to          programme that will increase          VPK expands
print sector, in-house or trade
finishing. The Ultra 1000 is the
                                      load pallets at either end and
                                      able to accept larger formats.
                                                                              capacity at its main Birmingham
                                                                              site in the coming weeks.
entry level version with fewer           The Ultra 5000 and Ultra                The purchase of the smaller        footprint
applications on the one platform      6000 are aimed squarely at              print and mailing house will          VPK         has        bought
than come with the Ultra 2000.        carton converters and include           give Bakergoodchild a second          three Encase corrugated board
It has the ability to switch poly-    feeding and delivery to pallets.        location to act as a disaster         plants to give it six operations
mers without having to strip          They can work with thicker              recovery site should that be          in the UK, sales of £200 million
down the press. It will therefore     substrates, up to 2mm thick.            needed. But there is more to          and to become the largest corru-
appeal more to trade printers         The Ultra 6000 is the larger            the deal than ensuring business       gated board converter without
says Scodix.                          format model (760x1060mm),              continuity for customers of both      its own board making opera-
   Scodix has previously strug-       but is restricted in the appli-         organisations.                        tions in the country, handling
gled with the trade sector            cations it includes while the              Managing director Paul             300,000 tonnes of container
because its registration system       Ultra 5000 has the full selection       Brough, who joined Baker-             board a year.                 …

12    November/December 2020 www.printbusiness.co.uk

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Henosis says print can
make masks safer
A NEW UK COMPANY has                support from the government,            them with a barge pole,” he says.    day, or to a play or concert with
developed a way to print on         aided by Close Asset Finance,              Now Henosis is capable of         the name of that event printed
disposable face masks and is        and a host of contacts that             producing its own masks in an        clearly on it, Bennett explains.
following that with a disposable    Bennett had built up over 30            end to to end production process        The company can also provide
mask made from a compostable        years in print. “I was interested       where Bennett has drawn on his       a scanner that measures the
material that can be printed.       to see if we could print on the         years of experience as opera-        temperature of the wearer and
   Henosis is the Leeds company     mask materials. It took a lot           tions director of GD Print           can scan a barcode on the mask
behind the development and          of testing for the normal mask          as well as at other web offset       to ensure that the correct mask
Mark Bennett, whose CV              material and now a sustainable          operations around Yorkshire.         is being torn for that day. This,
includes Watmoughs, GD              material that is compostable.”          “Printers are good at getting        Bennett believes, will have huge
Print and York Mailing, is its         The solution, now in place in        machines running,” he says.          appeal in the schools and univer-
co founder. The target is not       a Leeds factory is using aqueous        “These lines are simpler than        sity market in creating Covid safe
targeted at the medical profes-     inkjet technology to print on the       operating a saddle stitcher or       ways of allowing students access
sion. Henosis is aiming at the      material. “We looked at compa-          a Lithoman at speed. We have         to buildings and facilities.
mass market of consumers            nies from China, the US, UK             tried to make production as             There are strong prospects for
and brands who want to send a       and Italy,” says Bennett. “The          ‘printy’ as possible.                this kind of solution in the US
message via a face covering.        material is really difficult to print      “We are talking to supermar-      where precautions need to be
   “During the first lockdown,      on and it’s a difficult process to      kets about a branded version         greater than in the less litigious
I was wondering what was            control, but we are really pleased      that they can sell, with a slogan    UK and European culture.
needed to start opening up the      with the results.”                      declaring that for each pack sold       The next step is to introduce
economy,” says Bennett. And            The material for the masks           a donation will be made to the       the fully compostable version,
led to the idea of a disposable     has been sourced from a Scot-           NHS, or the supermarket might        due for a January launch which
single-use face mask that could     tish mill and will be printed on        give them away to customers          will break down in composting
be branded or marked to show        the reel before being converted         coming into the store which they     conditions in a few weeks.
when it should be used. Dispos-     into masks. The original plan           would continue wearing for the          And if that takes off in
able masks printed with a slogan,   had been to outsource this aspect       remainder of the day embla-          turn, production might need
brand logo, barcode, could be       of production, but on investiga-        zoned with a logo.”                  to be stepped up regardless of
part of the solution if produced    tion Bennett says that many of             Suitably printed masks might      whether vaccination is rolled
cheaply enough.                     the mask producing companies            become part of a ticket to sport-    out. That will take time, and
   For six months Bennett and       that had sprung up in the UK            ing event, the fixture printed on    even then for most of the popu-
co founder and sales director       in recent months were entirely          a mask to be worn to gain access     lation, mask wearing has already
Brian Hammond pulled together       unsuitable. “I wouldn’t touch           to the ground on that particular     become second nature.

Komori plans                                                                for the operator, a new respon-
                                                                            sive dampening system and
                                                                                                                   It is anticipating ¥71 billion
                                                                                                                 (£506.9 million) revenue for the
to advance                                                                  quick feedback loop.                 year with a ¥2.6 billion (£18.5
Advance                                                                        The company says that the         million) operating loss.
KOMORI WILL EXTEND                                                          Advance models are “easy to
the technology for automation                                               operate and boast superior           Three unite
that has been rolled out on the
G Advance and GX Advance
                                     Komori plans to introduce its
                                     Advance technology to formats
                                                                            productivity and higher printing
                                                                            quality” calling it “a significant
                                                                                                                 under one
presses that should have been
                                     beyond B1.
                                                                            improvement in ROI” so that          banner
the focus to the company’s pres-    information from the cloud              the technology “is expected          NINE MONTHS AFTER
ence at Drupa.                      and can switch from job to job          to become an integral part of        Streamline Press completed the
   There are three aspects to       automatically.                          printing business operations in      acquisition of Spectrum Print
the automation of this press:          During an open house in              the future generation”.              to join the earlier takeover of
faster set up and accuracy for      Japan, the B1 press was demon-             These words come with the         Baxters, it has completed the
feeding and delivery; stabil-       strated with a fully automated          publication of interim results       integration and the three sepa-
ity at high speed printing and      changeover, including selecting         for the financial year ending        rate companies are now the SBS
minimal tasks for operators.        a different type and format of          in March 2021. The company           Print Group, one of the largest
The press is linked to Komori’s     paper and running at 18,000sph.         expects the pandemic to              in the Leicester area.
Connected Automation concept        Job data is used to preset the          continue at least until the end of      There is one customer
which downloads press and job       press, with fewer touch points          the financial year.                  contact, one prepress work- …

14    November/December 2020 www.printbusiness.co.uk

Pureprint invests to
broaden offering
PUREPRINT HAS acquired               Pureprint                            to the group. By contributing      hour, in EPM. “It is running a
photo and production studio          CEO Mark                             to the creation of assets and      lot quicker than we expected,”
Smudge, an operation that deliv-     Handford.                            managing the workflow through      he says.
ers images for both print and for                                         our marketing technology plat-        As the press has the maximum
e-commerce applications.                                                  forms, we can execute consistent   throughput of 6,000sph (in
   The Wakefield business will                                            campaigns across multiple          EPM mode) it will be exceed-
answer to Imprint, Pureprint’s                                            channels.”                         ingly useful as demand for
large format display graphics                                                Pureprint already has its own   photobooks, greetings cards
arm that deals with the same                                              direct to consumer online print    and photo products increases
retail focused customer base.                                             business, YouLoveToPrint.          in the run up to Christmas. The
The Gateshead arm of Pure-          evolving history that ensures         co.uk. This offers standard        company has added print for
print has also worked previously    we still stay relevant in today’s     print fare, leaflets, brochures    Mixtiles, an Israeli start up that
with Smudge whose clients           market.”                              and posters, for example.          combines photo printing with a
include Jaeger, jewellery chain        Pureprint has previously              “This has grown during          backing that sticks to a wall and
Goldsmiths and interiors busi-      built websites and presentations      the pandemic,” says Hand-          can be moved at will.
ness Ponden Home.                   for clients that do not end up in     ford. “Everything that we can         The new machine replaces
   The deal continues Pure-         print or that are related to print,   do online has grown. We are        what was originally an Indigo
print’s evolution into a            Handford says. “And we have           also having a lot of conversa-     10000 when installed seven years
marketing services business         a big team of developers who          tions about this with clients,     ago, which had been upgraded
with e-commerce design              produce bespoke software not          who reckon they have brought       to 12000 level. When that first
adding to data management and       always for print,” he says.           plans forward five years. And      arrived it changed the balance
marketing technologies as well         “We will look to grow Smudge       our business model may have to     and breakeven points between
as print.                           quite quickly. We already have        change over the next few years,    offset and litho. The new press
   CEO Mark Handford says:          two opportunities to open up in       though I’m confident that ink on   promises to do the same.
“As our clients’ needs have         London and the south west for         paper will remain the backbone        “This is a game changer,”
changed, we continue to align       our retail client base.               of our business.”                  says Handford. “It pushes the
our investments to ensure we           “We have a diverse and broad          That backbone has grown         changeover point to litho much
always deliver against their        range of clients and growing          stronger with installation of      higher. This offers the right
requirements. The acquisition       markets who will benefit from         the UK’s first HP Indigo 100K,     quality, is consistent and will
of Smudge is another step in our    the services that Smudge brings       capable of 6,000 B2 sheets an      deliver more.”

… flow, one joined up way of        to deliver and we believe our         will become part of Paragon’s         “For us it’s about upskill-
communication, says group           new, unified approach places          Service Graphics Print & Design    ing the workforce to look
managing director Mark              us in the best possible position      operation and its operation in     for opportunities to increase
Lockley.                            to deliver this and continue to       the Farringdon Road becomes        productivity through new
   There are, however, three        grow our business.”                   a creative services centre of      technology, meaning custom-
separate factories with a              The reorganisation will make       excellence.                        ers will get a better product,”
retained customer base that can     the three companies more effec-                                          says Sarah Poynter, operations
be offered the increased range of   tive. Less work will need to          Arden Dies                         manager of the Stockport
   “It’s a far more joined up,
                                    leave any part of the business,
                                    and through reduction of the
                                                                          readies move                       company.
                                                                                                                Arden Dies will be looking
compelling offering. SBS Print      duplication of tasks, there will      to 3D print                        for ways it can use 3D printing
Group can confidently support       be efficiency gains.                  ARDEN DIES IS participat-          as part of the die manufacturing
businesses with every aspect of                                           ing in a 12-week upskilling        process, potentially to replace
their print needs, from state of    Paragon                               programme designed to intro-       some of the routing processes
the art technology to innova-
tive solutions that fit even the
                                    returns to                            duce concepts and advantages
                                                                          of additive manufacturing
                                                                                                             that have been required, she
most challenging timescales and     M&A action                            technologies. The programme           “We are not 100% sure yet
budgets,” he says.                  PARAGON HAS STEPPED                   organised by Made Smarter          where we will be able to use the
   “The current climate means       back into acquisition mode,           North West is run in conjunction   technology, but we have some
businesses need to be confident     buying creative large format          with PrintCity at Manchester       ideas. It is something that is
placing their print with a reli-    digital printer Tod UK. The           Metropolitan University and        really important for us at the
able partner who can be trusted     central London print business         Fabricon Design.                   moment.”                      …

16    November/December 2020 www.printbusiness.co.uk
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Plates market shake up as
demand plunges
A BIG SHAKE UP IN THE                                                                                             we intend to promote sales of
                                          Global demand
printing plate market is on its                                                                                   processless CTP plates and
                                          for printing plates
way as the three major producers                                                                                  other environmentally friendly
                                          is down sharply
each report declining volumes                                                                                     products,” it says.
                                          and not expected
and margins under pressure.               to bounce back                                                             Kodak does not report the
   Agfa has already announced             fully once the                                                          impact across all its plates,
the closure of plate production           pandemic ends. As                                                       confining commentary to the
at Leeds and in France, but the           a result producers                                                      process free Sonora range.
company warns that this is not            are taking action                                                       After a precipitous drop in Q2,
enough. In the company’s Q3               to return to                                                            volumes of Sonora are down 8%
results, Agfa reports that sales          profitabiity.                                                           year on year. Annuity revenues
in its offset plates division have                                                                                for Prosper are down by 10%
fallen 17.3% this year. While              “To improve profitability          noted that decreased demand for     over the year to date with thanks
much of this can be attributed          and to address the significant        products in its graphic systems     to increased sales of print heads,
to the effects of the Covid-            decline in market demand, Agfa        division, covering plates and       revenues are up 3%.
19 pandemic, there is a belief          is reviewing its offset business      inkjet has been felt in the first      The emphasis in the quarter is
that pre-Covid volumes will             model, simplifying its organi-        half of its financial year, with    about strengthening the balance
not return. These actions are           sation and streamlining its           a drop of 24.8% in revenues in      sheet, with another $100 million
intended to align printing plate        product offering. The company         graphic systems and 20.5% in        wiped from the debt total even
production capacity to the evolu-       also estimates that the current       inkjet compared to an 11.9%         with a $63 million decline
tion of the offset industry, it says.   pricing levels in the market are      decline across the group’s          in revenue for the quarter
   The company reported sales           not sustainable. It is looking into   activities.                         compared to a year earlier.
of €168 million for the quarter,        way to adapt the earning model           Demand for printing plates       This was a little better than in
down from €212 million, so it           for certain services it provides to   has fallen as a result of Covid     the second quarter, though it
remains a substantial business          its customers,” it says.              says Fujifilm, but looking          resulted in a $4 million Ebitda
for Agfa. The nub however, is              Agfa though is not alone in        forward it is not expecting a       loss, a $12 million adverse swing
that it is not a profitable one.        making changes. Fujifilm has          full recovery. “Henceforth,         from Q3 last year.

Prestige                                   The PowerSquare will deliver
                                        up to 224pp on 80gsm papers,
                                                                              Ricoh                               spoken of the sustainability
                                                                                                                  benefits of switching textile
powers up                               with two stitches and a formed        accelerates its                     printing from wasteful and
finishing                               squared spine which enables           own changes                         polluting processes that domi-
                                        the product to be opened flat                                             nate today to print on demand
PRESTIGE PRINT HAS taken                and achieves a stable stack when      THE PANDEMIC IS provok-             using inkjet.
delivery of a Xerox mono press          piled up.                             ing Ricoh into accelerating a           Digital Services and Digital
and Morgana PowerSquare 224                At the same time the busi-         corporate restructure that was      Products will focus on products
booklet maker to cope with              ness has invested in a Xerox          planned for two years time. The     for the office and improving
expanding demand and to make            PrimeLink B9100 to boost              new company structure will be       communications and workflows,
the 33-year-old business more           capacity for mono pages from          in place in April next year, in     especially in light of the adop-
efficient.                              customers in a 25-mile radius         time for the new financial year     tion of remote working.
   Hitesh Dhulashia runs the            around Telford covering               and two years ahead of the orig-        Revenues from commercial
Telford business with his two           commercial print, catalogues          inal schedule.                      printing in the first six months
brothers. “The investments will         and manuals. This can print              From that date the corpo-        were down ¥8.7 billion, 22%
help us with production,” he            136ppm                                rate headquarters will oversee      lower than in 2019. “There is
says.                                      “We have never been shy to         five autonomous business            little customer appetite for invest-
   “We needed to invest in              invest,” says Dhulashia. “It’s        units: Digital Service, Digital     ing in hardware,” the company
square back to cope with prod-          been about keeping our heads          Products, Graphic Communi-          says. Nevertheless it points to
ucts that can be up to 200pp.           down and working hard. We are         cations, Industrial Solutions and   good activity around the new
We have two Horizon booklet             only 13 or 14 working a single        Futures. The latter will focus      Pro C5300 and the Pro V70000
makers but these are limited to         shift and putting in nine- and        on products for ‘solving major      continuous feed inkjet press.
80pp and we need to do some             ten-hour days when neces-             social issues’. Sustainability is       Under the new structure,
catalogues and manuals to               sary. We have always wanted to        already a core part of Ricoh’s      Graphic Communications will
260pp.”                                 provide a good service.”              culture and it has previously       take responsibility for the …

18    November/December 2020 www.printbusiness.co.uk
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Tsunami of redundancies is
THE UK ECONOMY grew                                                                                              There is widespread disap-
more than 15% in Q3 according                                                                                 pointment that while there is
to official government statis-                                                                                help for the hospitality sector
tics, recouping some if not all                                                                               needed as a result of the latest
of the revenue lost due to the                                                          The UK’s              round of lockdowns, the help
pandemic in Q2.                                                                                               is not extended to the wider
                                                                                        anticipate being
   Likewise the printing                                                                forced to make        supply chain – including print.
industry staged some kind of                                                            redundancies             This has dented orders in the
recovery in Q3 according to the                                                         in response to        run up to Christmas, tradition-
                                                                                        plunging order
latest Printing Outlook report                                                          books and in a        ally the period when printers can
from the BPIF. However, any                                                             bid to balance        pocket a profit. Expectations are
momentum that printers were                                                             the books.            that more will suffer a reduction
building up, has been brought                                                                                 in work than will experience an
to a juddering halt by regional                                                                               increase in volumes, making Q4
and national lockdowns.                                                                                       the fourth consecutive quarter
   Now almost half of those        government’s action may have         balance of -8, compared to the        of reducing volumes.
surveyed say they plan to make     shifted the impact by a couple       +7 anticipated as the quarter            The greatest impact seems
redundancies, that any recov-      of months.                           began, even if it was massive         to have been felt by high street
ery is likely to be stuttering        Work from home continues          leap forward from the -59             printers in the centre of almost
and demand will remain weak,       with 48% planning to enable          recorded three months ago.            silent business districts as office
forcing printers to respond by     staff to work from home, where          Unsurprisingly the continu-        workers remain at home or
cutting staff levels. Some have    possible, for at least one day a     ing effects of the lockdowns          on furlough. Likewise inplant
already done so and the survey,    week as the crisis eases.            and government action to              print rooms have suffered the
taken before the Chancellor           According to the BPIF.            tackle the pandemic are the top       steepest declines in activity.
announced an extension of the      Thirty-five percent of print-        concern for printers, with Brexit     But concern is universal, indi-
job retention scheme into the      ers managed to increase output       returning to prominence as the        cated by the numbers wanting
new year, predicts that there      in Q3, some 22% held output          second key concern. Aggressive        to share their experience, with
could be 5,000 redundancies        steady, with 43% experiencing        pricing by competitors remains        record numbers participating in
by the end of this year. The       a further downturn. This left a      a continuing concern.                 the report.

large format printers as well as
production printing systems,
                                      “It prints a lot faster and the
                                   quality is significantly better.
                                                                        “which gives us more capacity
                                                                        on the litho press to focus on the
                                                                                                              Duplo demos
generally described as “high       This has been specified with all     luxury books market, where we         digital drive
volume, high quality printing      the bells and whistles that are      can offer rapid make ready when       DUPLO INTERNATIONAL
equipment and solutions”.          possible including being able to     printing multisections once set       has worked with Ultimate to build
                                   print white and silver. It means     up.                                   a prepress to finishing workflow
Boss shifts to                     we can experiment and play to          “We are now going to start          around the power of Ultimate’s

latest Indigo                      find out what we can do with it,”
                                   says Smith.
                                                                        doing a promotional campaign
                                                                        around the impact of print.”
                                                                                                              Impostrip Pro workflow.
                                                                                                                 The collaboration was
BOSS PRINT HAS upgraded to            The Acton printer aims at the                                           demonstrated at a virtual open
an HP Indigo 7900 “with all the    top end of the market, printing      What a picture                        house where it was argued
bells and whistles”, says manag-
ing director Fenton Smith.
                                   with its own extended gamut
                                   system to increase the impact
                                                                        for Indigo                            that the workflow can save a
                                                                                                              smaller printer £29,000 a year
   The machine replaces a          of litho printing and to open up     HP HAS LANDED ITS biggest             by minimising errors, reducing
12-year-old Indigo 5500 and        the luxury books market. It also     ever order for Indigo presses         mistakes and improving produc-
fulfils a wish formed when         keeps a difference between the       and as a result will supply           tivity through automated set up.
Smith saw the Indigo 7900 when     analogue and digital processes.      Shutterfly with more than 60             “Our software enables digital
launched at Drupa 2016. “I was        Even so, the company is able      machines across the 100K for          printers to get the most auto-
not in a situation then where I    to transfer more mundane work        productivity and the 12000HD          mation out of their investment,
could invest,” he says. That has   from the Speedmaster to the          for versatility with the full range   to handle short run and print
changed, and despite some hesi-    Indigo, where the digital press      of value added options. The           demand jobs cost effectively and
tation at the start of lockdown,   has an efficiency gain when          presses will be installed at four     quickly,” says product specialist
Boss Print has pressed ahead.      using more expensive papers,         sites in the US.                      manager Andy Cuff.            n

20   November/December 2020 www.printbusiness.co.uk
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