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                                              Ranking the most influential figures in boxing today

JANUARY 7 2021                                                                 THE WORLD’S BEST FIGHT MAGAZINE EST. 1909

                                          YEAR THAT
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Contents                 January 7, 2021

12                 FIGHTER OF THE YEAR
                   Which boxing star shone the brightest in 2020?

     REVIEW OF THE YEAR                                                                   HIGHLIGHTS

                                                                         14   >> 5 JOHN SCULLY
There were some captivating contests                                          Sorting out the sanctioning bodies
and thrilling tussles to choose from
                                                                              >> 8 STEVE BUNCE
>> 16 WOMEN’S BOXING                                                          Time to dust off the old crystal ball
Selecting the best fighters and fights
                                                                              >> 10 BOXING MEDIA
>> 18 KNOCKOUT OF THE YEAR                                                    Reviewing the previous 12 months
Who scored the most sensational KO?
                                                                              >> 26 THE POWER LIST
>> 20 EVENT OF THE YEAR                                                       The 50 most influential figures in boxing
Standout shows and blockbuster bills
                                                                              >> 34 WORLD RATINGS
>> 22 PROSPECT OF THE YEAR                                                    Ranking the top boxers on the planet
Knocking on the door of the big time
                                                                              >> 36 BRITISH RATINGS
                                                                              Every active fighter in Britain ranked
SAVE £££ WITH A SUBSCRIPTION                                                  >> 40 ROBERT McCRACKEN
For more details visit                                                        The impact of COVID on amateur boxing
                                                                              >> 44 HISTORIC VENUES
                                                                              The longest-established UK fight halls

                                                                              >> 46 VLADIMIR SHISHKIN
                                                                              The super-middle contender speaks                                                             JANUARY 7, 2021 l BOXING NEWS l 3


                                                                                              AMAZING:                                       Time to
                                                                                       Randall stuns the
                                                                                           great Chavez
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                                                                                                                                             of January), or
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                                                                                                                                             l FOR more

DON’T FORGET FRANKIE                                                                                                                         on all the
                                                                                                                                             plus our special
The plight of Randall is all too common in the land of the ex-boxer                                                                          please visit
                       LL around us are       a tight split decision. It should have been    Chavez, Juan Martin Coggi. He will be           or call 01959-
                       boxers who used        clear and unanimous.                           recognised for those accomplishments.           543-747.

        A              to be somebody.
                       Too often they’re
                       pushed to the side
                       because their broken
                       bodies do not suit
                                                  In the rematch, promoted by Don King,
                                              Randall lost the WBC super-lightweight
                                              title in exceptionally controversial
                                              circumstances. The fight was stopped in
                                              the eighth round and went to the cards
                                                                                             Everybody loved Frankie.
                                                                                                 “We had fond memories in training
                                                                                             camp. He was a mechanic and liked to
                                                                                             work on cars. He loved to work with his
                                                                                             hands. His favorite saying was, ‘I love my
                                                                                                                                             l THE next
                                                                                                                                             issue will be
                                                                                                                                             in shops on
                                                                                                                                             January 14 and
                       the narrative we’re    due to a cut over the Mexican’s right eye.     job! I train because I love to do it.’ Even     available to
                       trying to promote.     Under absurd WBC rules, Randall lost a         when he was in training camp for some of        download on
                       We must not forget     point despite the head-clash that caused       his biggest fights he still wanted to work      January 12.
                       them.                  the wound being confirmed as accidental.       and just be around people. It’s just what he
                          Frankie Randall,    The deduction resulted in Chavez, one of       did, and he loved it.”                          The
                       the former world       King’s cash cows, winning a technical split        Randall, like so many, was addicted to      Opening
                       champion who died      decision. Randall would bounce back to         fighting. In the end, as he passed away in      Bell...
                       at the age of just     twice win the WBA championship. But            care home, there was not an ounce of fight
      Christie         59 two days before     several drugs like cocaine and theophylline    left in him. Brain damaged and ravaged by       l The Boxing
@MattCBoxingNews Christmas, was               were found in his system after he beat Juan    Parkinson’s, the fog thickened until there      News podcast,
       Editor          among the sport’s      Martin Coggi for the second time in three      was no way out.                                 available every
                       final casualties of    bouts.                                             But Randall, with his adoring family        Wednesday
2020. The man who shocked the world               Randall’s relationship with drugs          close by, was one of the lucky ones. Too        night, is
when he became the first to beat the great    blighted his career. He was released from      many end up alone and forgotten. As             attracting
Julio Cesar Chavez in 1994 was getting        prison in 1990 after serving 17 months         we enter a new year, we must of course          thousands of
beaten up time and again by the turn of       on drug charges. Chavez himself would          focus on the future. Rebuilding the sport       listeners.
the century. Antonio Margarito stopped        tumble into addiction as his own career        after arguably the most difficult year in its   l Every week
him in the year 2000 before fighters like     dwindled. They would fight one last time.      history remains a huge task.                    we tackle
Peter Manfredo and Marco Antonio                  In 2004, two deteriorating old men             But think, too, of those fighters of the    the biggest
Rubio used the old man’s name to pad          with marketable names creaked their way        past who still need our help and who gave       subjects, ask
their records and his body to sharpen         through 10 slow motion rounds in Mexico        so much. Look at the long, long list of         the difficult
their weapons. By the time he retired in      City. Chavez, the less damaged of the two,     fallen heroes in this week’s issue (pages 25    questions,
2005, aged 44, his record read 58-18-1        won the decision. Randall should not have      to 27) and raise a glass to them all.           preview and
(42). Thirteen of those losses occurred       been anywhere near a ring by then. Old                                                         review, while
after 1999, with 10 of them coming inside     and eroded boxers often need saving from       l THIS week’s issue went to press on            looking back
schedule.                                     themselves. But the Morristown, Tennessee      December 24. For those who do not               through boxing
   At his peak, “The Surgeon” was a           resident loved to fight.                       have access to our website, we will catch       history.
sublime and tenacious technician. Chavez          “One thing we can remember is the          up on the fights and news that occurred
was slowly slipping from his peak when        great times,” his trainer Aaron Snowell told   between then and now in the January 14          l Listen (& rate
Randall went to work on him. The 89-0-1       BoxingScene’s Jake Donovan.                    issue. Happy New Year, one and all.             & subscribe) via
Mexican was dropped in the 11th, the first        “He was in a lot of great fights and won                                                   Apple, Spotify
                                                                                                   Follow us and keep up to date             and all major
time he’d been put down in his career,        a lot of great fights. Edwin Rosario [whom
before Frankie – a 15/1 underdog – won        Randall split two bouts with], Julio Cesar          @BoxingNewsED        BoxingNewsOnline

4 l BOXING NEWS l JANUARY 7, 2021                                                                                   


Each of the steps lead to one thing: Sorting out the sanctioning bodies

                       OR this column    that needs to happen is that the four     declare, “Oh boy! I’ve dreamed of          outlined, my fourth wish is to ban the
                       my instructions   major bodies, the WBC, IBF, WBA and       being the interim champion ever            introduction of any more sanctioning

        F              were quite
                       simple: If you
                       were granted
                       five wishes to
                                         WBO, would have to actually follow
                                         their own rules and guidelines to the
                                         letter, regardless of what high-profile
                                         promoter or boxer is trying to bend
                                                                                   since I was a kid!”
                                                                                       Furthermore, I’ve been in the
                                                                                   boxing game for almost 40 years and
                                                                                   I literally could not tell someone –
                                                                                                                              bodies. There’s no room, irrespective
                                                                                                                              of their intentions. Again, the room
                                                                                                                              for further confusion is zero.
                                                                                                                                  Five: This one is also directed
                                                                                                                              at the governing bodies and
                       make the sport    them. Better still, they all follow the   even if my life depended on it – what
                       a better place    same rules on everything, from drug       these titles are and what they mean,       athletic commissions: We have to
                       what would        cheats to making the right fights.        so I’m quite sure most fans don’t          stop sanctioning fights like Floyd
                       they be and          A sanctioning body can’t be a part-    know either.                               Mayweather vs Conor McGregor.
                       why?              time boss who sometimes looks the             Three: In a similar vein, get rid of   At least when Pete Rademacher
                           In truth,     other way. There should be no grey        Intercontinental, International, Youth     challenged Floyd Patterson for the
                       you’d need that   areas, only black and white. Same         and USNBC titles. All too often some       world heavyweight title back in his
                       many wishes       rules for anyone and everyone in          kid will win a youth title by defeating    1957 debut he was coming off a gold
        John           to sort out the   the sport, from the lowest earning        an opponent several years older than       medal winning performance at the
       Scully          sanctioning       mini-flyweight champion to the            the cut off age of 23.                     Olympic Games the previous year.
  Former world         bodies. In many   undefeated heavyweight champion of            Intercontinental and International         Although not an experienced
 title challenger ways they hold         the world.                                belts sound the same and, if you           professional, he was a very capable
                       all the keys to      Two: My second wish is that all        break it down, they mean being             boxer who had at least proven to
a better sport so my five steps to a     spurious ‘world titles’ are abolished     champion across several continents         be the best amateur in the world.
better sport are all entwined to one     immediately. That means no more           or countries. Isn’t that the world? We     Admittedly, it was far from ideal but
overriding aim: A serious overhaul of    regular, super, silver, interim, gold,    have too many of those titles already.     Mayweather vs McGregor and the
the sanctioning bodies.                  franchise nonsense. There is not a            People win a USNBC                     like are significantly worse.
   One: The sanctioning bodies have      young boxer anywhere on the face of       championship, which I am                       If there was ever an instance in
generally lost control of the sport.     this planet who lays awake at night       understanding is some sort of              the entire history of boxing that
The stronger promoters and most          dreaming of becoming a champion           “national title” here in America, yet      clearly, positively, and embarrassingly
influential fighters have been running   under any of those guises.                virtually none of the guys who win         illustrated that money has the power
rampant for years, getting around           At no point over the next 200 years    this belt then defend it in their weight   to literally make rules and integrity
rules and sanctions and traditions       will any boxer go on live television      class.                                     disappear it was the abhorrent
on a frequent basis. The first thing     to tell the world after a title win and       Four: Given all the confusion I’ve     Mayweather-McGregor circus.                                                                                                       JANUARY 7, 2021 l BOXING NEWS l 5
ON TWITTER                  ON FACEBOOK


         WHEN we all look back on our        rightly held. They ducked no one and           He put it quite frankly, unlike a lot of the
         respective careers, we won’t be     whether they won or lost they are rightly      other media. Worsell is just one of the
         counting how much cash we           loved by us boxing fans.                       great writers that feature in Boxing News.
have earned, but will want to look back         Spence, for example, saying that he            Personally, I thought that Tyson and
and say to ourselves (we hope) that          doesn’t need Crawford as much as he            Jones didn’t disgrace themselves, although
I was a bloody good estate agent, a great    needs him will not be looked upon kindly       there were clear signs that these guys
policeman etc.                               in years to come if the fight doesn’t          aren’t the same as they used to be –
   I’m pretty sure that 99 per cent of       happen, as people will say, ‘Yeah, you         as was to be expected.
boxers will want to look back on their       were good, but you never fought him.’             There are now also rumours of Tyson
own careers and, importantly, will want      Every time I think of Riddick Bowe, all        carrying on and perhaps fighting Evander
the public to look back and say that they    I think about is that he ducked Lewis and      Holyfield. That would no doubt be hyped
fought the best of their era. That’s why     threw his belt in the bin.                     up as a whole ‘Tyson-Holyfield III’ event.
Terence Crawford vs Errol Spence Jnr and        Generally, a lot of boxers have huge        Either that or Holyfield might fight Glenn
Tyson Fury vs Anthony Joshua simply          egos, and they will not want a blot on         McCrory and Tyson might fight Shannon
have to happen.                              their copybook because they didn’t fight       Briggs.
   Fighters who cherry-pick their            the ‘other’ best fighter in their division.       This all makes me come back to the
opponents to gain an easy belt will not      David Gibbs                                    same question: Why? You guys have had
receive the same kudos as fighters who                                                      your careers – incredibly successful ones,
fight them all. You’ve only got to look      TIME TO SIT BACK                               may I add – and now it’s time to sit back
at the esteem in which fighters like Julio   I JUST wanted to say that I really enjoyed     and watch the younger generation. Please         ENOUGH:
Cesar Chavez, Evander Holyfield, Lennox      Elliot Worsell’s article on the aftermath of   stop this before someone gets seriously          We should not
Lewis, Sugar Ray Leonard, Marvin Hagler,     the Mike Tyson-Roy Jones Jnr ‘exhibition’.     hurt.                                            encourage
                                                                                                                                             50-somethings to
Roberto Duran and Thomas Hearns are          I agreed with everything Worsell wrote.        Calum Smith                                      get in the ring

6 l BOXING NEWS l JANUARY 7, 2021                                                                              
ON INSTAGRAM                        EMAIL                                  POST
        boxingnewsonline                               Boxing News Letters, Kelsey Media, The Granary, Downs Court, Yalding Hill, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 6AL

                                                                                                                  10 COUNT
                                                                                                                  NEW YEAR WISHES
                                                                                                                  Picking out 10 dream fights for 2021
                     WHAT WAS YOUR PERSONAL
                                                                                                                  1. TYSON FURY vs ANTHONY JOSHUA
                    BOXING HIGHLIGHT OF 2021?                                                                     An all-British showdown for the ages. Fury and Joshua
                                                                                                                  sharing a ring, preferably at a packed-to-the-rafters
                                                                                                                  Wembley Stadium, would be a suitably fitting way to
                                                                                                                  crown an undisputed heavyweight king.

                                                                                                                  2. TERENCE CRAWFORD vs ERROL SPENCE JNR
                                                                                                                  Two of the most talented fighters on the planet,
                                                                                                                  awesome Americans Crawford and Spence between
                                                                                                                  them hold three-quarters of the welterweight crown.
                                                                                                                  Predicting the winner would be devilishly difficult.

        Mike                        Tris                   Robert                  Matt                           3. CANELO ALVAREZ vs BILLY JOE SAUNDERS
      Costello                     Dixon                   Smith                 Christie                         The pound-for-pound supremo and a Mexican icon,
                                                                                                                  Canelo recently defeated Britain’s Callum Smith in
   Award-winning            Journalist, author             General              Boxing News
                                                                                                                  impressive fashion. A super-middleweight unification
    commentator                  & podcaster              Secretary,               editor
                                                                                                                  bout with Smith’s countryman Saunders would be
 The Tyson Fury-             It’s always great             BBB of C        The moment Tyson
  Deontay Wilder            when new blood             Simply getting        Fury came to the
 fight week in Las             emerges but           the sport up and        ring on a throne                     4. GERVONTA DAVIS vs SHAKUR STEVENSON
   Vegas showed                the arrival of          running again         singing along to                     Regarded as a potential P4P leader of the future,
   that, with the             Teofimo Lopez          when for a while         Crazy by Patsy                      former featherweight champ Stevenson is now looking
  right characters         was a real shot in        it looked like we      Cline ahead of his                    to make his mark at super-featherweight, where his
    involved, the           the arm for fight         wouldn’t. In the      Las Vegas rematch                     fellow American, the explosive Davis, is currently the
    heavyweight              fans after what           end, the sport          with Deontay                       main man.
  division is still a         was beginning         achieved so much          Wilder, you just
   big deal in the            to look like an       in 2020. I’d like to   knew he was about                      5. JOSH TAYLOR vs JOSE RAMIREZ
   USA. And Fury           increasingly bleak         thank all of our       to do something                      With two belts each to their name at super-lightweight,
 delivered on his                   year.             inspectors and        special. Nearly 10                    Scottish star Taylor and US livewire Ramirez must face
pre-fight promise,                                   officials for their   months later, Sweet                    off for the undisputed title. Having just one recognised
 just like Teofimo                                     patience, and          Caroline being                      champion in a division would be a welcome rarity.
Lopez later in year.                                  thank my head            sung by 1,000
   Performances                                       office staff from        fans ahead of                      6. ARTUR BETERBIEV vs DMITRY BIVOL
which would hold                                    the bottom of my        Joshua-Pulev was                      Cold, calm and calculated, Beterbiev and Bivol are
                                                                                                                  seemingly on a collision course, with the fearsome
   up in any era.                                           heart.         special for different
                                                                                                                  Russian light-heavyweights holding three of the four
                                                                                                                  titles in their weight category.

               IF YOU HAD ONE WISH FOR THE                                                                        7. TEOFIMO LOPEZ vs DEVIN HANEY
                                                                                                                  Last year, Lopez scored a sensational victory over
             SPORT IN 2021 WHAT WOULD IT BE?                                                                      Vasiliy Lomachenko to earn undisputed status at
                                                                                                                  lightweight. A fight against Haney, a fellow precocious
                                                                                                                  American, would light up the sport.
        Mike                        Tris                   Robert                  Matt
      Costello                     Dixon                    Smith                Christie                         8. OLEKSANDR USYK vs JOE JOYCE
   The return of                For there to         The last year has      It has to be that                     After conquering the cruiserweight class, masterful
  crowds. When                 be one world          shown everyone           Fury-Joshua is                      Ukrainian Usyk wants to do the same at heavyweight.
  1,000 fans sang              heavyweight            in the sport can     made and ideally                       But would his wizardry be enough to overcome the
  Sweet Caroline              champion but             work together.         in the UK. But                      unrelenting British “Juggernaut” that is Joyce?
at Joshua-Pulev it          there to be more            There have of         the top of the
 seemed to have              than one world              course been         sport will look                      9. GENNADY GOLOVKIN vs JERMALL CHARLO
 a deeper impact               heavyweight            rivalries, and we       after itself. It’s                  Still one of the most popular and exciting boxers
than usual. Dillian           championship            need those. But       imperative that                       around, Kazakh veteran Golovkin rules the roost at
 Whyte was with            fight by the end of         the sport must       the many clubs                        middleweight, with Canelo currently operating at
                                                     continue to unite         at grassroots                      super-middle. Could the USA’s Charlo, a fine athletic
 us on BBC 5Live            the year. Oh, and
                                                                                                                  specimen, unseat him from the throne?
   and he said it            as long as we’re           and keep this        level, the small
signalled a return           asking, a global          going. My one       hall fighters and
                                                                                                                  10. JUAN FRANCISCO ESTRADA vs ROMAN GONZALEZ II
    to normality.             commission to            wish would be        promoters and,                        This is one dream contest that looks like it will become
   Whatever the                oversee and            to get small hall       of course, the                      reality this year. Mexico’s Estrada and Nicaraguan
 fight, the drama                adjudicate            promotions up        wonderful EBAs                        Gonzalez are pencilled in to renew hostilities in a clash
   is heightened                 the sport’s        and running again.     up and down the                        of super-flyweight standouts in March.
immeasurably by                shenanigans.                                 country, are not
      a crowd.                                                                  forgotten.                                                                                                                        JANUARY 7, 2021 l BOXING NEWS l 7

                                                                      Photo: GETTY IMAGES

FOR 2021
I’ve got my                                   HERE was once
                                              a truly sad run
crystal ball at
the ready to
look ahead to
                              T               of clairvoyant
                                              shop fronts on
                                              the Atlantic City
                                              boardwalk, each
                                              with dirty windows,
what is already                               bad lights and a
a fascinating                                 woman hovering by
                                              the door offering to
year                                          tell you your future.
                                                 In the days
                                              before Lennox
                              Steve           Lewis and Andrew
                              Bunce           Golota fought
                                              in 1997, I paid a
                         Voice of boxing Russian woman
                                              10 dollars in one
                       of those fortune-telling palaces for the
                       result of the fight.
                          “Lets me see, honey,“ she told me
                       from her seat behind a curtain, as her
                       hands hovered with heat over her very
                       own crystal ball. “I see a big nights for
                       the Polish mans. He is winners.” Thanks
                       for that, her prediction lasted longer
                       than the 95-second fight.
                          Poor Golota looked so shocked that
                       night that I did wonder if he went to
                       see the same woman. It was a look that
                       never left Golota’s face after that fight.
                          Anyway, I have 10 bucks to waste on
                       a bit of gazing. And not all of it will be
                       fun and in many ways that is the very
                       essence of our business – not all of it
                       will be fun, I like that.
                          In the middle of the fairy tales,
                       nightmares, lies, double-crosses, failings,
                       blood and guts there will be great fights.
                       Not much of a prediction, I know, but
                       let me explain my thinking and in no
                       particular order.
                          We will see Joshua Buatsi tested,
                       we will watch Joe Joyce start as an
                       underdog again, we will see the British
                       super-welterweights write some new             jobs, the British women will have a hard         become a regular sight in our sacred
                       history, if the Olympics collapse then         year fighting each other early in their          British rings. It is not a good look, trust
                       the invasion of the 30 or more GB              careers and plenty will lose, but bounce         me.
                       boxers will bloat our business. And the        back better; the move is a side-effect              Liam Williams will get his chance,
                       invasion will give us real champions           of both Covid restrictions on importing          Amir Khan is not finished, Hughie Fury
                       from early 2023 – the squads are               hopeless victims and the lack of depth.          will have to take another hard fight,
                       exceptional.                                   It is, I admit, not fair, but it will help the   more fighters will leave their trainers,
                          More unbeaten prospects will get            women’s sport. Women crawling away               loyalty will diminish and a massive
                       exposed by men with real jobs and just         on their hands and knees after copping           defection will rock the sport. There will
                       enough ambition to overcome the hype           for a single right hand must never               be talk of disloyalty, of a fighter being

8 l BOXING NEWS l JANUARY 7, 2021                                                                               
                                                                                       Lewis makes quick
                                                                                       work of Golota and a
                                                                                       mockery of certain

                                                                                          My crystal ball is glowing red hot
                                                                                       right now, but I have more.
                                                                                          We will wait for Callum Smith to
                                                                                       mend before his inevitable move up,
                                                                                       for Daniel Dubois to get a doctor’s
                                                                                       clearance to fight again and for Anthony
                                                                                       Yarde to get his hunger back and agree,
                                                                                       with his head slightly bowed, to a
                                                                                       rematch with Lyndon Arthur. Is Lyndon
                                                                                       Arthur the most Seventies fighter we
                                                                                       have at the moment? I think he is, look
                                                                                       at his movement, his style – he looks
                                                                                       like a contender from 1978. I’m not sure
                                                                                       all of those things will happen.
                                                                                          Felix Cash against Denzel Bentley
                                                                                       would be nice for two titles. I still want
                                                                                       Conor Benn against Chris Jenkins for the
                                                                                       British title. I know that Nigel believes
                                                                                       Conor has gone beyond the British, but
                                                                                       I disagree. I like the fringe welters, really
                                                                                       like the fighters. And don’t even get me
                                                                                       started on the super-featherweights
                                                                                       – that’s a tournament and not just a
                                                                                       promotional collaboration.
                                                                                          So, back to Atlantic City and the
                                                                                       morning after Lewis beat Golota I
                                                                                       was having breakfast with ringside
                                                                                       photographer Mick Brennan (Mick’s
                                                                                       new book of boxing photographs, They
                                                                                       Must Fall, is quite brilliant). The waitress
                                                                                       shuffled over. She looked familiar; she
                                                                                       was my personal mystic. I told Brennan
                                                                                       and he shook his head. “You paid her
                                                                                       10 bucks?” She arrived and asked what
                                                                                       we wanted? And with perfect timing
                                                                                       Brennan said: “You tell me, you’re
                                                                                       the clairvoyant!” It was not the best
                                                                                          The memory of that Atlantic City
                                                                                       fortune teller reminds me of the great
                                                                                       Romark’s role in the fall of Richard
                                                                                       Dunn against Muhammad Ali in 1976.
                                                                                       Brennan has a beautiful picture of Dunn
                                                                                       outside the boxer’s hotel in Scarborough
                                                                                       in the book.
                                                                                          Big Richard needed a bit of help to
                                                                                       beat Ali and Romark, a man adored
                                                                                       at the time by the tabloids in Britain,
                                                                                       was sent to Munich with his wizardry.
                                                                                       Romark had dubious magic powers and
                                                                                       put a spell on Ali and anointed Dunn’s
                                                                                       fists. “I have seen Richard’s victory,” he
                                                                                       told the press before the fight. When it
                                                                                       was over, a distraught Romark went to
ungrateful, but somewhere, somehow         the experienced ones, remain convinced      comfort Dunn.
the voice of Mickey Duff will settle the   they can train themselves. That is tricky      “Richard, I let you down,” Romark
argument: “If you want loyalty, get a      and not true. There will be some conflict   said. “I made your fists turn into iron –
dog.” That axiom lives in any year.        in the growing debate about just what       but I forgot about your chin.” Dunn had
   And there will be more strength and     qualifies a man or woman to be able         been down five times. They were the
conditioning coaches elevated from         to take control of a training camp and      last knockdowns of Ali’s career and the
delivering date shakes and timing the      the corner on the night of a big fight.     last time Romark helped a boxer.
interval sprints, to taking control of     It seems that money is a factor, which         I never got an apology from my
seasoned boxers in important fights. It    even by our crazy standards seems both      egg-serving fortune-teller and I made
is accepted now and fighters, especially   dumb and dangerous.                         Brennan leave a big tip.                                                                                                JANUARY 7, 2021 l BOXING NEWS l 9
BOXING MEDIA REVIEW                               Examining the best and worst
                                                   of the sport’s weekly coverage

                                                                                                                                     George Gigney’s

                                                                                                                                     review of the boxing
                                                                                                                                     media in 2020

                                                                           impressive schedules despite the              had no live sport to show and reports
      BROADCASTS                                                           circumstances, with fights like Gervonta      emerged that they were on the hunt for
                                                                           Davis vs Leo Santa Cruz and Jermall           funding to keep themselves afloat, while
TWENTY-TWENTY hasn’t been much                                             Charlo vs Sergey Derevyanchenko               also notifying organisations they held
fun, but it has been revealing. We began                                   standing out.                                 rights to that they would be paying less.
the year strong, with Tyson Fury and                                          It was also a tumultuous year for          Things looked bleak.
Deontay Wilder squaring off for a second                                   DAZN. At the beginning of the year the           Those problems began to worsen
time in February and Fury turning in a                                     streaming service released impressive         when it emerged Canelo Alvarez,
career-best performance. It earned solid                                   figures for 2019, reaching tens of millions   boxing’s brightest star, was seeking to
pay-per-view numbers in the US and                                         of viewers. Early in 2020, they announced     end his record-breaking contract with
saw BT Sport move into the PPV sphere                                      plans to launch globally – including in       the streaming service. An ugly court
in the UK as a legitimate operator and                                     the UK. Then the pandemic hit. DAZN           battle seemed inevitable, and while this
competitor to Sky Sports.                     Photo: MIKEY WILLIAMS/TOP RANK
   Of course, a month later, everything
changed. Lockdowns were announced
worldwide in response to the Covid-19
pandemic and boxing, along with all
other sports, was put on hold. Major
fight cards were scrapped or postponed,
including Daniel Dubois vs Joe Joyce,
Canelo Alvarez’ next fight, Vasyl
Lomachenko vs Teofimo Lopez and a
third Fury-Wilder fight. At the time, no
one knew how things would pan out.
   Then, in late April, an otherwise
nondescript show in Nicaragua was held
with relevant safety measures in place.
The UFC had made plans to stage fight
cards on ‘Fight Island.’ Suddenly, there
was hope.
   What followed in boxing, as in other
sports, was a display of perseverance,
adaptability and courage. Top Rank led
the charge, holding a couple of events
in June in the US, airing on ESPN. Frank
Warren followed suit in the UK with a
lengthy series of weekly cards on BT
Sport, while Eddie Hearn’s Matchroom
also kicked off their outdoors ‘Fight
Camp’ series of shows on Sky Sports.
   There were, of course, teething
problems - no crowds meant a
diminished atmosphere and broadcasters
piped in canned audience noise, which
was just weird and quickly scrapped.
Gaps in between fights were longer to
allow for the ring to be properly cleaned.
There were, by virtue of government
rules, less fights on each card. Yet still,
boxing was back, and we were treated to
some excellent fights.
   Boxing had shown an uncharacteristic
ability to roll with the punches and
adapt to the times. However, there have
obviously been casualties over the past
year. Smaller promoters have struggled,
and still are. While some have found
success streaming on YouTube, countless
others have not been able to stage shows
without crowds.
   In the US, Showtime and FOX unveiled

10 l BOXING NEWS l JANUARY 7, 2021                                                                                 
WORLD            would have been equally damaging for         Ultimately, boxing can be proud
                 the flame-haired Mexican, DAZN were       of how it responded to a hellish year.         PODCASTS
                 clearly not shaking up the game the way   Broadcasters, promoters, fighters,
                 they had intended. Before the year was    managers, trainers and more all worked      Naturally, most boxing podcasts
                 out, however, the dispute was settled     as hard as they could to keep the        predominantly focus on weekly news and
                 outside of court and Canelo ended up      sport alive and kicking under torrid     action, meaning for significant chunks of
                 fighting on DAZN in December, when the    circumstances. The work, of course,      2020 they’ve had to switch things up. The
                 service finally rolled out globally.      continues but there is now a clear       Five Live with Costello and Bunce pod did
WHAT A              As we move into 2021 they seem         blueprint on how to operate with these   this particularly well, with their ‘Greatest
PERFORMANCE:     to be on sturdier footing, but in these   restrictions in place.                   Fights’ series looking back on historic
Lopez outboxes
and outsmarts
                 unpredictable times there’s no telling                                             clashes with prominent names on the
Lomachenko       how long that ground will hold.                                                    show like Sugar Ray Leonard, Ricky Hatton,
                                                                                                    Evander Holyfield and David Haye.
                                                                                                       When it comes to looking back on
                                                                                                    past fights, Costello and Bunce are two of
                                                                                                    the best around and the content they’ve
                                                                                                    produced this year has been excellent.
                                                                                                       Similarly, Tris Dixon’s Boxing Life
                                                                                                    Stories has also been a potent tonic to
                                                                                                    everything that’s going on around us.
                                                                                                    Lengthy interviews with prominent - and
                                                                                                    some lesser known - names in boxing,
                                                                                                    looking back on their careers and
                                                                                                    experiences, makes for gripping listening.
                                                                                                    Standout episodes are those with Duke
                                                                                                    McKenzie, Mikkel Kessler and Nicky
                                                                                                       There’s obviously been plenty of action
                                                                                                    to respond to as well, and pods like The
                                                                                                    Fight Disciples and Morning Kombat
                                                                                                    with Luke Thomas and Brian Campbell
                                                                                                    have been entertaining to follow -
                                                                                                    both include plenty of personality and
                                                                                                    humour. And, of course, there was a
                                                                                                    welcome return for The Opening Bell –
                                                                                                    the Boxing News podcast.

                                                                                                        What has been noticeable this year
                                                                                                    is how some prominent fighters - such
                                                                                                    as Oleksandr Usyk, Vasyl Lomachenko
                                                                                                    and Anthony Joshua - are pivoting to
                                                                                                    their own YouTube channels to release
                                                                                                    interviews. Sitting down with a member
                                                                                                    of their team, or sometimes just to
                                                                                                    camera, they’re controlling their own
                                                                                                    narrative and speaking on what they
                                                                                                    want to speak on. It’s by no means a sea
                                                                                                    change in how content is created, but
                                                                                                    it’s worth keeping an eye on, especially if
                                                                                                    more fighters follow suit.
                                                                                                        Channels like IFL, Boxing Social and
                                                                                                    Seconds Out have continued to produce
                                                                                                    mountains of interviews, many of which
                                                                                                    have had to take place over video calls
                                                                                                    this year. Plenty of these exclusives have
                                                                                                    broken important news, and YouTube
                                                                                                    continues to be one of the key avenues
                                                                                                    of boxing figures getting the word out.                                                                                JANUARY 7, 2021 l BOXING NEWS l 11
REVIEW                                                           YEAR 2020

                Despite 2020 being a truncated year, these boxers certainly made their mark

            ALEXANDER                                     PETCHMANEE                                    JERMELL
  10        POVETKIN
            Like the majority on this list,
            the Russian only had one fight
                                                  9       CP FRESHMART
                                                           Petchmanee scored three wins
                                                           before upsetting the long-
                                                                                               8        CHARLO
                                                                                                         Jermell needed a big showing
                                                                                                         against live underdog Jeison
in 2020 but what an impact he, and that left   unbeaten Wanheng Meenayothin for the WBC     Rosario and he got it, winning in eight rounds
uppercut of his, made on Dillian Whyte.        strawweight title via 12-round decision.     to unify the WBC, WBA and IBF 154lb titles.

   8. BRAD FOSTER                                         ERROL                                         MAIRIS
                                                  7       SPENCE JNR
                                                          A triumphant return to dominate
                                                          Danny Garcia over 12 rounds.
                                                                                               6        BRIEDIS
                                                                                                        Defeated Yuniel Dorticos to
                                                                                                        prove he was the best at crusier.

12 l BOXING NEWS l JANUARY 7, 2021                                                         
GERVONTA DAVIS                                     ROMAN GONZALEZ                                    CANELO ALVAREZ
   5           Goodness gracious, what a finish
               to his excellent matchup with Leo      4        A return to form in 2020 for one
                                                               of the best fighters of the century.      3          For so long it looked like the
                                                                                                                    sport’s premier fighter would not
               Santa Cruz. The manner in which                 He stopped Kal Yafai in nine                         compete in 2020. But he returned
“Tank” detonated the final left hand bomb was      rounds to win the WBA super-flyweight belt         in December with one of the best showings of
boxing at it’s most skilful - and devastating.     before beating Israel Gonzalez over 12 rounds.     his career to dominate brave Callum Smith.

                                                                                                                                   Hard to look
                                                                                                                                   past Lopez
                                                                                                                                   when it comes
                                                                                                                                   to number one.
                                                                                                                                   He shocked
                                                                                                                                   almost everyone
                                                                                                                                   by cruising
                                                                                                                                   through the first
                                                                                                                                   eight rounds
                                                                                                                                   against Vasiliy
                                                                                                                                   and brilliantly,
                                                                                                                                   before winning
                                                                                                                                   a deserved
             TYSON FURY                                                                                                            decision to unify

   2         Before Coronavirus took hold
             of the world, Fury obliterated
             Deontay Wilder in a stunning Las
                                                                                                                                   the lightweight
                                                                                                                                   division. Bravo,
                                                                                                                                   Teofimo, just
Vegas exhibition. The manner of his victory was                                                                                    bravo.
an ominous sign for the rest of the division.                                                                                      JANUARY 7, 2021 l BOXING NEWS l 13

           There were not as many bouts as usual this year, but there were still some crackers

            JERMALL CHARLO                                  SAMIR ZIANI w rsf 12                              ADAM LOPEZ

  10        w pts 12 SERGIY
            Exciting stuff at Mohegan Sun
                                                  9         ALEX DILMAGHANI
                                                            With the EBU super-featherweight
                                                            title on the line, Ziani and
                                                                                                    8         w pts 10 LUIS CORIA
                                                                                                              Back in June, inside The Bubble
                                                                                                              at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas,
Casino in Uncasville as Charlo took the best   Dilmaghani went hell-for-leather. Something       Lopez finished his thriller with Coria nursing
Derevyanchenko could muster en route to        had to give and in the end it was the Brit, who   damage to both eyes but he was a worthy
winning a 12-round decision.                   should have been rescued sooner.                  winner after 10 give-and-take rounds.

                                                            TED CHEESEMAN w pts 12                            ALEXANDER POVETKIN
   9. McKENNA-MIMOUNE                             7         SAM EGGINGTON
                                                           It was great to watch Ted
                                                           Cheeseman and Sam Eggington
                                                                                                    6         w rsf 5 DILLIAN WHYTE
                                                                                                               Oh, the drama! Whyte looked
                                                                                                               to be on his way to a stoppage
   10. DIGNUM-MELI                             as they engaged in furious warfare at the start   victory over an old Povetkin, dropping him
                                               of Matchroom Fight Camp. It was a scrap that      twice in the fourth, until the veteran suddenly
                                               reminded everyone how special boxing is.          knocked the favourite cold in the fifth.

14 l BOXING NEWS l JANUARY 7, 2021                                                              
MURODJON AKHMADALIEV                                                GERVONTA DAVIS
        In a delightfully-matched battle for the WBA & IBF super-
        bantamweight titles, Akhmadaliev got the better of Roman.
                                                                        4   W KO 6 LEO SANTA CRUZ
                                                                            The final blow will rightly define this bout but there was
                                                                            quality aplenty from both before Davis put the lights out.

        3. MASAYOSHI NAKATANI                                               JUAN FRANCISCO ESTRADA
  3     w rsf 9 FELIX VERDEJO
        A late entry into the reckoning but what a battle as Nakatani   2   w rsf 11 CARLOS CUADRAS
                                                                            So much quality, so much excitement, as WBC super-
        overcame the favoured Verdejo in scintilating humdinger.            flyweight champion Estrada defeated Cuadras in Mexico.

                                                                                                                     1. JOSE ZEPEDA
                                                                                                                     w ko 5 IVAN
                                                                                                                     What else could it
                                                                                                                     be? Knockdowns
                                                                                                                     galore in the
                                                                                                                     kind of fight that
                                                                                                                     deserves to go
                                                                                                                     down in history as
                                                                                                                     one of the best,
                                                                                                                     pandemic or no
                                                                                                                     pandemic. The
                                                                                                                     finish, which saw
                                                                                                                     Zepeda iron out
                                                                                                                     Baranchyk, will live
                                                                                                                     long in the memory
                                                                                                                     too.                                                                           JANUARY 7, 2021 l BOXING NEWS l 15

                 These boxers excelled during a groundbreaking year for women’s boxing

                                         5                                           4
                                     CLARESSA SHIELDS                             MIKAELA MAYER
                                     Shields hinted at the                        Maker was due to be
                                     end of the year that                         one of the first leading
                                     she might be done with                       fighters to compete
                                     boxing. That would be                        after the worldwide
                                     a shame, particularly                        lockdown but a positive
                                     with Savannah Marshall                       Covid test ruled her out
                                     looming. While defeating                     in June. Subsequent
                                     Ivana Habazin, “T-Rex”                       10-round points wins
                                     oozed quality as she won                     over Helen Joseph
                                     world belts in her third                     and Ewa Brodnicka
                                     weight class, picking up                     (to win the WBO
                                     the vacant WBC and                           super-featherweight
                                     WBO super-welterweight                       championship)
                                     titles via a lopsided and                    highlighted the 2016
                                     unanimous 10-round                           Olympian’s class.

                                         3                                           2
                                     TERRI HARPER                                 JESSICA McCASKILL
                                     A breakout year for the                      In one of the biggest
                                     inspirational Harper.                        shocks of the year, in
                                     She claimed the WBC                          both male and female
                                     super-featherweight                          boxing, McCaskill ended
                                     title with a dominant                        the long and decorated
                                     win over the solid Eva                       unbeaten run of Cecilia
                                     Wahlstrom in February                        Braekhus to capture the
                                     and was favoured to                          WBC, WBA, IBF and
                                     beat Natasha Jonas in                        WBO welterweight titles.
                                     her first defence. Perhaps                   McCaskill had previously
                                     fortunate to get the                         been juggling a day job
                                     draw in that one, though                     with being a fighter but
                                     it was unquestionably                        this victory could set up
                                     close, she bounced back                      a lucrative rematch with
                                     magnificently to halt                        Katie Taylor in 2021.
                                     Katharina Thanderz in
                                     nine rounds.

16 l BOXING NEWS l JANUARY 7, 2021                               
  The supreme Taylor came
  through another gruelling
  10-rounder with the
  dogged Delfine Persoon,
  in an August rematch
  she didn’t have to take,
  before dominating Miriam
  Gutierrez in a bout that
  attracted 2m viewers.

                                 1. TERRI HARPER
                                 2. SAVANNAH MARSHALL
                                 3. CHANTELLE CAMERON
                                 4. NATASHA JONAS
                                 5. RACHEL BALL

                                Competition continues to grow in
                                women’s boxing. Here we list the
                                  standout scraps from 2020

                              3. ELIN CEDERROOS w pts 10
                              ALICIA NAPOLEON-ESPINOSA
                              WBA & IBF female super-middleweight titles –
                              Ocean Resort Casino, Atlantic City, NJ

                              2. KATIE TAYLOR w pts 10
                              DELFINE PERSOON
                              WBC & WBA & IBF & WBO female lightweight
                              titles – Matchroom Fight Camp, Brentwood

                              1. TERRI HARPER d pts 10
                              NATASHA JONAS
                              WBC female super-featherweight title –
                              Matchroom Fight Camp, Brentwood

                              BRITISH FEMALE FIGHT OF THE YEAR
                              1. Terri Harper d pts 10 Natasha Jonas
                              2. Katie Taylor w pts 10 Delfine Persoon
                              3. Rachel Ball w pts 8 Shannon Courtenay              JANUARY 7, 2021 l BOXING NEWS l 17


                                                                          Gervonta Davis’ inch-perfect left uppercut that
                                                                          drove through the point of Leo Santa Cruz’s chin and
                                                                          caused him to collapse on his back in San Antonio,

                                                Claressa Shields becoming a three-weight world champion in just 10 fights – quicker than any other male or female
                                                     fighter in history; Various figures raising money towards the Ringside Rest and Care Home for ex-boxers;

18 l BOXING NEWS l JANUARY 7, 2021                                                                              
HONOURABLE MENTIONS                            that poleaxed Eric Donovan in Brentwood;
ALEXANDER POVETKIN’S ruinous left              The massive right cross from Joe Smith
uppercut that turned out Dillian Whyte’s       Jnr, followed up by a stiff short left, that
lights in Brentwood; Jose Zepeda’s             sent Eleider Alvarez sprawling through
shuddering left hand that brutally KO’d Ivan   the ropes in Las Vegas; Filip Hrgovic’s right
Baranchyk in Las Vegas; The cannoning          hand over the top that completely clattered
                                                                                                       Photo: MIKEY WILLIAMS/TOP RANK
right cross from Anthony Joshua that           Alexandre Kartozia in Struer, Denmark;
sent Kubrat Pulev down for the count           The thumping overhand right from Robin
in Wembley [below]; Eleider Alvarez’s          Krasniqi that left Dominic Boesel flat
right hand that connected full force on        on the floor in Magdeburg, Germany;
Michael Seals in Verona, New York; Ryan        Tommy Fury’s tremendous right uppercut,
Garcia’s short left hook that sent Francisco   supplemented by a rapid three-shot burst,
Fonseca crashing on his back in Anaheim,       that deposited Genadij Krajevskij onto
California; Damian Chambers’ right hand,       the canvas in Stratford; The clattering
bang on the button, that wiped out James       left hook-right hook combo from Fabio
Farrell in Liverpool; Felix Verdejo’s right    Wardley that wrecked Richard Lartey
hook-left uppercut-right hook combination      in Wembley; Shannon Courtenay’s
that dropped Will Madera to the mat,           spectacular right cross that twisted Dorota
with his right leg folded awkwardly beneath    Norek off her feet and flung her into the
him; The perfectly timed right hand from       ropes in Wembley; Roman Gonzalez’s
Dalton Smith that felled Nathan Bennett        booming right hand upstairs that caused
in Brentwood; Joe George’s cracking left       Kal Yafai to crash hard on his back in
uppercut that decked Marcos Escudero in        Frisco, Texas; The powerful right from River
dramatic fashion in Uncasville, Connecticut;   Wilson-Bent that short-circuited Troy
The hellacious left hook from Zelfa Barrett    Coleman in Redditch.

                                                                                                       TEOFIMO LOPEZ w pts 12
                                                                                                       VASILIY LOMACHENKO
                                                                                                       LOPEZ told everyone what was going to
                                                                                                       happen, but there were not many out
                                                                                                       there who believed him. Nevertheless, he
                                                                                                       proved the doubters wrong by solving the
                                                                                                       Lomachenko conundrum – and in style.

                                                                                                       HONOURABLE MENTIONS
                                                                                                       Jessica McCaskill w pts 10 Cecilia Braekhus;
                                                                                                       Jeison Rosario w rsf 5 Julian Williams;
                                                                                                       Alexander Povetkin w rsf 5 Dillian
                                                                                                       Whyte; Petchmanee CP Freshmart w
                                                                                                       pts 12 Wanheng Meenayothin; Roamer
                                                                                                       Alexis Angulo w pts 10 Anthony Sims Jnr;
                                                                                                       Petros Ananyan w pts 10 Subriel Matias;
                                                                                                       Jono Carroll w rsf 11 Scott Quigg; Robert
                                                                                                       Helenius w rsf 4 Adam Kownacki; Mike
                                                                                                       Plania w pts 10 Joshua Greer Jnr; Joshua
                                                                                                       Franco w pts 12 Andrew Moloney; Maxi
                                                                                                       Hughes w pts 10 Jono Carroll; Mario
                                                                                                       Abel Cazares w td 6 Julio Cesar Chavez
                                                                                                       Jnr; Robin Krasniqi w ko 3 Dominic
                                                                                                       Boesel; Marc Leach w pts 10 Qais Ashfaq;
                                                                                                       Rylan Charlton w ko 3 Joe Laws; Damian
                                                                                                       Bonelli w pts 6 Derrieck Cuevas; Rosendo
                                                                                                       Hugo Guarneros w rtd 8 Tommy Frank;
                                                                                                       Masayoshi Nakatani w rsf 9 Felix Verdejo;
                                                                                                       Ionut Baluta w pts 8 TJ Doheny; Lourdes
                                                                                                       Juarez w pts 10 Guadalupe Martinez
                                                                                                       Guzman; Tomoko Okuda w td 6 Miyo
                                                                                                       Yoshida; Antonio Louis Hernandez w rsf
                                                                                                       4 Destyne Butler; Carlos Gongora w ko 12
                                                                                                       Ali Akhmedov.

 Boxing paramedic Ged Carroll being on the frontline during the coronavirus pandemic; Joseph Parker providing some much-needed comic relief during
   the COVID-19-enforced lockdown with his humorous social media videos; Viddal Riley engaging in impressive work with the Teenage Cancer Trust;                                                                                         JANUARY 7, 2021 l BOXING NEWS l 19

                                                    Photo: AL BELLO/GETTY IMAGES

     Scott Cardle; Frankie Gavin; Thomas
     Stalker; Tommy Coyle; William
     Warburton; Lee Haskins; Scott Quigg;
     Johnny Garton; Oleksandr Gvozdyk;
     Danny Williams; Jeff Thomas; Juan
     Manuel Lopez; Dave Allen; Tom Little;
     Francisco Santana; Ashley Theophane.

                                                        Deontay Wilder-Tyson Fury II
                                                        Before the coronavirus pandemic caused a sporting
                                                        shutdown, Wilder and Fury renewed hostilities in a hugely
                                                        anticipated Las Vegas rematch. Wilder entered the ring as
                                                        the WBC heavyweight champion, but it was Fury who left
                                                        with the belt after an emphatic victory.
Joe Smith Jnr; Maxi Hughes [below]; Ionut               HONOURABLE MENTIONS
Baluta; Petros Ananyan; Vladimir Hernandez;             Callum Smith-Canelo Alvarez; Vasiliy Lomachenko-Teofimo Lopez; Jermall Charlo-
Robeisy Ramirez; Brad Foster; Joseph Diaz;              Sergiy Derevyanchenko & Jeison Rosario-Jermell Charlo (Charlo doubleheader); Leo
Joshua Franco; Robin Krasniqi; Conor Benn;              Santa Cruz-Gervonta Davis; Sam Eggington-Ted Cheeseman (Matchroom Fight Camp
Umar Sadiq; Isaac Avelar; Germaine Brown;               I); Dillian Whyte-Alexander Povetkin (Matchroom Fight Camp IV); Daniel Dubois-Joe
Rylan Charlton; Craig Richards; Jordan Gill; Sam        Joyce; Anthony Joshua-Kubrat Pulev; Tommy Frank-Rosendo Hugo Guarneros (Dennis
Maxwell; Lewis Crocker; Katelynn Phelan; Isaac          Hobson’s drive-in boxing show).
Cruz Gonzalez; Arslan Magomedov; Rachel Ball;
Denzel Bentley; Fabio Wardley; Liam Davies;
Petchmanee CP Freshmart; Lourdes Juarez;
Gamal Yafai; Chris Bourke; Sebastian Fundora;
Tomoko Okuda; Damian Bonelli.

Ed Harrison; Stu Greener; Nathan Hardy;
Alexander Zeledon; Chris Jenkinson.

   Vince McNally being awarded an MBE for services to the community in Hereford; Colin Jones being awarded an MBE for services to boxing in Wales;

20 l BOXING NEWS l JANUARY 7, 2021                                                                     
                                                                                                   Alexander Besputin; Yves Ngabu;
                                                                                                   Alejandra Jimenez; Jarrell Miller.

                                                                                               Jay Harris, face bloodied and swollen, putting
                                                                                               in a valiant effort on foreign soil against
                                                                                               Julio Cesar Martinez in his first step up to
                                                                                               world class; The marked-up Dec Spelman,
                                                                                               gutsy in the extreme, plundering forward
                                                                                               against Lyndon Arthur, despite having his
                                                                                               head regularly clumped backwards; Katie
                                                                                               Taylor and Delfine Persoon going to war
                                                                                               once again in their rematch and once again
                                                                                               suffering significant facial damage; Samir
                                                                                               Ziani and Alex Dilmaghani participating in
                                                                                               a gruelling encounter brimming with courage,
                                                                                               determination and non-stop action; Jose
                                                                                               Zepeda and Ivan Baranchyk sharing eight
                                                                                               knockdowns (four apiece) in their five-round
                                                                                               barnburner; Juan Francisco Estrada and
                                                                                               Carlos Cuadras putting it all on the line in
                                                                                               a bruising, back-and-forth thriller; Miriam
                                                                                               Gutierrez bravely soaking up sustained
                                                                                               punishment from Katie Taylor to make it through
                                                                                               the full 10 rounds [below].
                                                                                               Photo: MARK ROBINSON/MATCHROOM

                Moss Side Fire Station Boxing Club and Empire Fighting Chance carrying out valuable community work.                                                                                 JANUARY 7, 2021 l BOXING NEWS l 21


                                                                  Another worryingly long list, just like last year
                                                                 Photo: MARK ROBINSON/MATCHROOM

     Vergil Ortiz Jnr – The 22-year-old
     Texan extended his perfect record by                        James Kinney ludicrously scoring        Lederman scoring Teofimo Lopez
     knocking out Samuel Vargas in seven                         Jesse Hart as a 95-94 victor over
                                                                 Joe Smith Jnr; Rudy Barragan (100-
                                                                                                         an overly wide 119-109 victor
                                                                                                         against Vasiliy Lomachenko; Lewis
     rounds. All 16 of the exciting                              89), Max DeLuca (99-90) and Chris       Ritson being gifted a split verdict
                                                                 Migliore (97-92) making Alexis Rocha    win over Miguel Vazquez, with
     welterweight’s victories have come                          a far-too-wide winner over Brad         Michael Alexander tallying 115-113
                                                                 Solomon; Dave Moretti marking the       and Terry O’Connor handing in an
     inside the distance.                                        Joshua Greer Jnr-Mike Plania bout as    inexplicable 117-111 card [above];
                                                                 a 94-94 draw, when Plania seemed        Fernando Villarreal adjudging Elwin
     HONOURABLE MENTIONS                                         to win clearly; Giovani Santillan       Soto as an excessively wide 119-
     Daniyar Yeleussinov; Chris Colbert; Edgar Berlanga;         looking fortunate to pip Antonio        109 winner against Carlos Buitrago;
     Tim Tszyu; Filip Hrgovic; Israil Madrimov; Michel Rivera;   DeMarco to a majority decision          Marlen Esparza being awarded a
     Tony Yoka; Conor Benn; Ali Izmailov; Sebastian Fundora;     thanks to two scores of 96-94 from      pair of too-generous 80-72 scores
     Richardson Hitchins; Charles Conwell; Carlos Gongora.       Tim Cheatham and Steve Weisfeld;        from Rudy Barragan and Lou Moret
                                                                 Zak Chelli, despite seeming to be a     in her fight with Sulem Urbina; Ian
                                                                 comfortable victor over Jack Cullen,    John-Lewis inexplicably notching
                                                                 having to settle for a split draw due   a shambolic 117-111 scorecard in
                                                                 to the cards of Victor Loughlin (96-    favour of Anthony Yarde against
                                                                 95 to Cullen) and Ian John-Lewis (95-   Lyndon Arthur; Florian Marku having
                                                                 95); Jack Culcay appearing lucky to     to make do with a 76-76 draw
                                                                 get the split nod over Abass Baraou     (from Marcus McDonnell) against
                                                                 owing to the tallies of Iko Bebic       Jamie Stewart, despite knocking
                                                                 (115-114) and Peter Milord (115-        his opponent down and looking
                                                                 113); Lou Moret’s consternation-        like the winner; Don Ackerman
     ERROL SPENCE JNR                                            causing 117-111 scorecard in            strangely scoring the Richardson
     Spence returned from a horrific car                         favour of Abel Ramos over Yordenis      Hitchins-Argenis Mendez fight for
     accident in October 2019 – which                            Ugas; Don Trella somehow having         Mendez by 97-93; John Rupert
     initially left him in intensive care                        Cobia Breedy a 115-111 winner           marking John Ryder a too-close
     – to successfully defend his WBC                            against Tugstsogt Nyambayar;            96-94 victor over Mike Guy; Don
     and IBF welterweight titles with a                          John Hedges receiving a fortunate       Trella (116-112) and John McKaie
     thoroughly deserved unanimous                               39-37 victory from Ian John-Lewis       (115-113) posting baffling cards in
     decision over former two-weight                             over Jan Ardon; Rudy Barragan           favour of Reymart Gaballo against
     world champion Danny Garcia.                                posting a much-too-wide 100-90          Emmanuel Rodriguez, resulting in a
                                                                 tab in favour of Mark Magsayo           controversial split decision win for
                                                                 against Rigoberto Hermosillo; Julie     Gaballo.

22 l BOXING NEWS l JANUARY 7, 2021                                                             

                                         REST IN PEACE
                                Paying tribute to the members of the boxing fraternity who
                               passed away in 2020. Apologies for those we may have missed

      Johnny Lewis ( Jan 1, 1932 – 2020 – Trainer); Danny Enifer (1938 –     Area heavyweight title challenger); Tina Davis (Feb 7, 2020 – Essex
      2020 – Amateur boxer); Freddie McCarthy (2020 – Navy                   County Secretary); Sammy McCarthy (Nov 5, 1931 – Feb 10, 2020
      featherweight champion); Eric Seccombe (2020 – Trainer); Fred          – British featherweight champion); Jimmy Thunder (Feb 3, 1966 –
      Cummings (2020 – Midlands County Head Ringside Official); Al           Feb 12, 2020 – Two-time Commonwealth heavyweight title
      White ( Jan 1, 1945 – Jan 2020 – Pro lightweight); Carlos De Leon      challenger); Conrad Lugo (Feb 16, 1969 – Feb 16, 2020 – Pro super-
      (May 3, 1959 – Jan 1, 2020 – Four-time WBC cruiserweight               featherweight); Danny Savala ( Jan 22, 1963 – Feb 18, 2020 – Pro
      champion); Juan Botta ( Jan 16, 1941 – Jan 1, 2020 – New England       lightweight); Art Oubre (Oct 19, 1931 – Feb 19, 2020 – Pro
      middleweight title challenger); Harvey Reti (Sep 14, 1937 – Jan 3,     lightweight); Frank Reiche (Dec 1, 1949 – Mar 2020 – European
      2020 – 1964 light-welterweight Olympian); Tony Foster ( Jul 9, 1964    middleweight title challenger); DeAndrey Abron ( Jul 31, 1972 –
      – Jan 4, 2020 – Central Area lightweight champion); Dick Turner        Mar 7, 2020 – WBO light-heavyweight title challenger); Barney
      ( Jan 14, 1937 – Jan 5, 2020 – Pro welterweight); Ronnie Rowe ( Jan    Eastwood (Mar 26, 1932 – Mar 9, 2020 – Promoter & manager);
      6, 2020 – Trainer & manager); Bernard Hart (Mar 19, 1937 – Jan 8,      Roger Mayweather (Apr 24, 1961 – Mar 17, 2020 – Two-weight
      2020 – Pro welterweight); Jackie Brown (Mar 2, 1935 – Jan 12, 2020     world champion); Ray Jones (Mar 17, 2020 – Kingswood Boxing
      – British & Commonwealth flyweight champion); Hank Cisco (Nov          Club founder); Frank Young (Oct 6, 1946 – Mar 19, 2020 – Pro
      9, 1923 – Jan 14, 2020 – Referee); Brian Nickels (Aug 17, 1965 – Jan   welterweight); Ron Ross (Mar 23, 2020 – Journalist); Barry Sponagle
      16, 2020 – Southern Area super-lightweight title challenger); Peter    ( Jan 19, 1947 – Mar 25, 2020 – Canadian lightweight champion);
      Mathebula ( Jul 3, 1952 – Jan 18, 2020 – WBA flyweight champion);      Tony Hopper (Mar 18, 1973 – Mar 25, 2020 – Judge & inspector);
      Perry Evans (Nov 16, 1958 – Jan 21, 2020 – Western Canadian            Nelson Cuevas (Sep 17, 1939 – Mar 27, 2020 – Cutman/trainer/
      welterweight title challenger); Garbis Zakaryan ( Jun 2, 1930 – Jan    manager); Vic Bowyer (Mar 27, 2020 – Two-time ABA flyweight
      25, 2020 – Turkish welterweight champion); Andy Gill (Feb 2020         finalist); Angelo Rottoli (Dec 14, 1958 – Mar 28, 2020 – WBC
      – Amateur boxer); Don Bartlett (Feb 2020 – BBBofC inspector); Eric     cruiserweight title challenger); Colin Webster (Mar 29, 2020 –
      Pudney (Feb 2020 – EBA stalwart); Johnny Bumphus (Aug 17, 1960         Amateur boxing stalwart); Hedgemon Lewis (Feb 25, 1946 –
      – Feb 3, 2020 – WBA super-lightweight champion); David Taranto         Mar 31, 2020 – Three-time world welterweight title challenger);
      (1952 – Feb 3, 2020 – Judge); Hernan Rosas (Feb 3, 2020 – Pro          Gary Chippendale (Sep 15, 1939 – Apr 2020 – Pro middleweight);
      flyweight); Dave Roden ( Jan 30, 1950 – Feb 5, 2020 – Midlands         Ron Bebbington (Aug 26, 1929 – Apr 2020 – Pro middleweight);

          Hedgemon Lewis
          was a three-time
          world welterweight
          title challenger                                                                                           JANUARY 7, 2021 l BOXING NEWS l 23

        Dennis Flynn (Apr 9, 1947 – Apr 2020 – Pro super-featherweight);        welterweight); Pedro Alvarez ( Jul 7, 1930 – May 5, 2020 – Pro
        Richard Williams (Apr 2020 – Double Jab ABC chairman); Roy              welterweight); Evaristo Perez (1950 – May 6, 2020 – Mexican
        Barbor (Apr 2020 – Solihull Boxing Club founder); Abraham               bantamweight title challenger); Jimmy Glenn (Aug 18, 1930 – May
        Chavarria (1925 – Apr 1, 2020 – Referee & judge); Nelson de             7, 2020 – Trainer/cutman/manager); Daren Zenner (May 30, 1971
        Oliveira (Oct 1, 1929 – Apr 5, 2020 – Brazilian lightweight title       – May 13, 2020 – WBO light-heavyweight title challenger); Franco
        challenger); Alex Trottier ( Jan 24, 1952 – Apr 5, 2020 – Promoter/     Nenci ( Jan 25, 1935 – May 15, 2020 – 1956 Olympic light-
        matchmaker); Carmen Williamson (May 5, 1925 – Apr 5, 2020 –             welterweight silver medallist); Hector Thompson ( Jun 24, 1949 –
        Amateur referee); Skënder Kurti (Apr 5, 2020 – Trainer); Bill Fleming   May 20, 2020 – Two-weight WBA title challenger); Pat Brogan (May
        (Apr 6, 2020 – Amateur boxer); Leonard “Nipper” Read (Mar 31,           20, 2020 – Promoter/manager/trainer); Bobby Garcia Jnr (Apr 3,
        1925 – Apr 7, 2020 – BBBofC chairman); Mohammed Jeéracks (Apr           1925 – May 24, 2020 – Pro welterweight); Jimmie Sykes (May 30,
        7, 2020 – Amateur boxer); Mick Haughton (Apr 11, 2020 – Amateur         1952 – May 28, 2020 – Pennsylvania State middleweight champion);
        referee & judge); Rudolph Vaughan (Oct 13, 1939 – Apr 12, 2020          Curtis Cokes ( Jun 15, 1937 – May 29, 2020 – World welterweight
        – Pro heavyweight); Gerry Tessier (Feb 15, 1936 – Apr 12, 2020 –        champion); Dave Brandon (May 2, 1931 – Jun 2020 – Pro
        New England light-heavyweight title challenger); Billy Graydon          welterweight); Laurits Jensen ( Jul 25, 1946 – Jun 1, 2020 – Pro
        ( Jan 14, 1934 – Apr 13, 2020 – Pro featherweight); Nate Brooks         super-welterweight); Donald “Biff” Cline ( Jul 3, 1947 – Jun 2, 2020
        (Aug 4, 1933 – Apr 14, 2020 – North American bantamweight               – Pro light-heavyweight); Jim Strickland (Feb 24, 1930 – Jun 3, 2020
        champion); Ian Cahill (Apr 14, 2020 – Amateur referee & trainer);       – Trainer & cutman); Pete Rademacher (Nov 20, 1928 – June 4,
        Dick DiVeronica ( Jan 26, 1938 – Apr 16, 2020 – Pro welterweight);      2020 – World heavyweight title challenger); Blackie Zamora ( Jan 5,
        Tom Shaughnessy ( Jun 6, 1943 – Apr 16, 2020 – Pro welterweight);       1940 – Jun 6, 2020 – Texas State lightweight champion); Vince
        Eddie Cotton (Apr 17, 2020 – Referee); Billy Walker (Feb 25, 1938       Shomo ( Jul 30, 1940 – Jun 9, 2020 – Pro welterweight); Doug
        – Apr 18, 2020 – Pro bantamweight); Ali Salaam (Apr 19, 2020 –          Harper (Dec 5, 1929 – Jun 10, 2020 – Canadian light-heavyweight
        Trainer); Pat Gutteridge (Dec 23, 1932 – April 22, 2020 – Pro           champion); Emiel Sarens ( Jul 1, 1937 – Jun 14, 2020 – 1960
        welterweight); Miguel Calderin (Aug 2, 1936 – Apr 24, 2020 –            middleweight Olympian); Juan Diaz ( Jun 24, 1935 – Jun 15, 2020 –
        Spanish featherweight champion); Les Stevens (Mar 1951 – Apr 25,        1960 featherweight Olympian); Fermin Soto ( Jun 15, 2020 – Three-
        2020 – Southern Area heavyweight champion & amateur trainer);           time Mexican lightweight title challenger); Andre Mauguin (Mar 15,
        John Pollock (Apr 25, 2020 – Amateur trainer); Jo-Jo Jackson (Feb       1928 – Jun 16, 2020 – Pro welterweight); Mario Olmedo ( Jun 16,
        10, 1945 – Apr 29, 2020 – Four-time Canadian title challenger);         2020 – Pro welterweight); Geoff Hopcraft (Apr 1945 – Jun 18, 2020
        Renaldo Victoria ( Jun 20, 1944 – Apr 29, 2020 – Two-weight New         – Crawley Boxing Club chairman); Boston Blackie ( Jul 20, 1937 –
        England champion); Alex McMillan (Sep 28, 1936 – May 2020 – Pro         Jun 21, 2020 – Bahamas & West Indies heavyweight champion);

            Alan Minter ruled the
            world at middleweight

24 l BOXING NEWS l JANUARY 7, 2021                                                                            
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