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                                               THE FUTURE IS
has been the editor of Print Business          OUT THERE: IT JUST
                                               NEEDS EXPLAINING
since its second issue in 2005. Five years
later he took control of the magazine in a
management buyout and fully achieved
his vision to create a unique publication
for printers.                                  THE PRINTING INDUSTRY RARELY
  What Print Business does is take all this    has the opportunity to set its own direction
                                               to the future. This has been the case for
information – supplied via press releases,
                                               at least the last 50 years ever since the
announcements at events, word of mouth
                                               widespread use of litho printing brought
or good old fashioned journalism – sorts       affordable colour to magazines and the
the puffery from the facts, weaves it          advertising industry. Print, and cinema,
together and puts it into context for those    were the only channels for messaging
who run print businesses.                      in colour and print was somewhat more
                                               convenient. Printers enjoyed a 30-year
                                               halcyon period when good money could be
Business publishes are the printers. Those
                                               made and what they produced, for lack of
whose businesses are no longer about           rivals, was very much in demand.
simply feeding paper into a giant lump of        But since the turn of the century and
highly engineered metal and selling the        especially since the Lehmann Brothers
sheet that comes out the other end. Those      crash, printers have been battling
who face myriad decisions, some of which       head winds. The internet, smartphone
                                               technology and more recently 5G and
point in opposite directions, and need to
                                               the Internet of Things and most recently
know more than how fast it prints.
                                               Covid-19. All these have had a huge impact      infancy, he realised that the internet could
  They need to know what affects them          on print without printers being in control      be harnessed to enable the purchase of
and how. Just as every print job is bespoke,   of these developments.                          print and that by consolidating hundreds
every print company is different. There is       It was ever thus. Outside the                 and thousands of orders for the humble
no one-size-fits-all in this industry.         development of lithography and laser            business card along a highly automated
                                               imaging, print has been driven by wider         production process, a decent margin might
BEFORE COVID Gareth Ward was out
                                               developments. In the nineteenth century         be made. Vistaprint was born and launched
and about all the time. He went to print
                                               increasing literacy prompted demand for         the online print sector. More than 20%
factories and talked to printers in their      newspapers and novels, the development          of print is being ordered this way already
language. He has seen first hand the           of laser diodes coincided with the creation     and there is no end to this growth in sight.
problems they face, the solutions they find,   of CTP technologies and latterly digital        Keane, of course, was not a printer and did
their achievements and their innovation.       printing. New engineering techniques            not think like a printer.
He has finally been able to safely visit       developed for the microchip sector is             That is important because those of us
                                               today allowing mass production of inkjet        with our heads down at work, stuck to
some factories.
                                               printheads. Inkjet technology is still in its   the day to day of finding orders, filling
                                               infancy and its potential largely untapped.     presses and managing staff, rarely have the
worked on the leading weekly magazine            Very few printers think of these longer       opportunity to look up or to feel the shift
Printing World for 22 years and was editor     term shifts. We feel the earthquakes but        of the ground beneath our feet. This is
for 15. It is this experience, and 360° view   do not recognise the tectonic movements         where outside help may be needed. This
of the industry, that gives him his sixth      underneath that create the earthquakes.         is the role of a show like Drupa. This is
                                               When we do, there is opportunity to             why understanding what technology can
sense about printing. His ability to spot
                                               be had. Robert Keane, for example,              do and how it works will help process the
trends, often years before they become
                                               recognised this while completing a thesis       implications and discover opportunities.
apparent in the mainstream, is legendary.      at one of the top business schools in             Drupa, like so much else, was forced
THIS IS PRINT BUSINESS, THE MAGAZINE           France. Drawing inspiration from Jeff           to close its doors and go online this
FOR FORWARD THINKING PRINTING.                 Bezos at Amazon, then in its relative           time around. While we all missed the

                                                                                  www.printbusiness.co.uk           May/June 2021            3
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conviviality, the ability to smell and touch
new equipment and see new applications
being demonstrated, some of the key
messages came though loud and clear in the
presentations over the four days it lasted.
    First AI is coming. We can argue whether
this represents artificial intelligence,
machine learning, pattern recognition or
artificial ignorance. But we cannot argue
about the effects in the wider world.
Decisions are being taken by software,
programmed by humans. This means
printers have to be linked into the broader
Network, to be able to deliver shorter
runs, faster turnarounds, bespoke products
and probably taking on management of
                                                   THE ROAR OF THE GREASEPAINT,
    Keynote speaker Michael Gale outlined                                                           technology are why Precision Proco has
                                                   THE SMELL OF THE CROWD Drupa
some of ways that the shift to limitless           is theatre, where we the audience are            appointed Steeve Roucaute as its first chief
computing and communications capacity              enthusiastic participants and keen to            technology officer. His task is like the guy
is going to change the way that the world          watch the performance and discuss it                    climbing up to the crows nest with
operates. His questionnaire to discover            in the bar afterwards. page 22                                a telescope to get advanced
whether your business is AI ready, may not                                                     AT • ON               warning of pirates on the
be definitive. But it is a good place to start.                                               M                       horizon or to spot land

                                                                                            E FOR

    There are implications for the types of
skills that printers need, and moreover the
                                                  of tasks where it has previously
                                                  not been worth the investment.
                                                                                              DRUPA                    before those on deck.
                                                                                                                         It is a shift too from the

skills that will not be needed. We support        It is. And it is propelling a                                       fundamental operation
                                                                                                 N MAGA
the drive to recruit apprentices for the          rapid increase in online ordering,                                 of a litho press which
operational tasks that still exist and will       affecting even those businesses                                most in print understand.
continue to exist for a transition period.        that have prided themselves on personal                 Lithography is at its heart a
However, we also need to recruit a different      relationships. I                                  chemical process. Oil and water do not
type of person, one that is savvy with these        n the last year many of these companies         mix, and many problems can be solved
new technologies, programmers and data            have managed without the traditional press        through chemistry – wetting solutions,
scientists. Go Inspire CEO Patrick Headley        pass. They are unlikely to come back into         different blankets or roller coverings,
tells us that around 25% of the company’s         the factory now restrictions are ending.          changing development solutions, pH
staff are now data scientists. That is a          Kelvin Bell, director of Vpress, predicts         and more. In the inkjet world chemistry
strong investment in the future of that           that without an online presence for taking        remains important, but physics is even
business.                                         orders, printers will be out of business          more important. The developers of the
    Everyone has felt the impact of Covid on      within two years.                                 technology spend months perfecting signal
their businesses. This will drive automation        At a higher level these changes in              wave forms, compensating for electrical

PUBLISHING Print Business is published six times a year by Print Business Media Ltd
Haymakers, Swamp Road, Romney Marsh TN29 9SQ | 01580 236456 | general@printbusiness.co.uk

CONTRIBUTORS Printed by Manson Group | Printed on Gallerie Silk not via a contra deal. Open to offers.

EDITORIAL Editor/Publisher | Gareth Ward | gareth@printbusiness.co.uk | 01580 236456 | 07866 470124
Press releases should be sent to pressreleases@printbusiness.co.uk

COMMERCIAL Publisher | Debbie Ward | 01580 236500 | debbie@printbusiness.co.uk

ADMIN & SALES SUPPORT Publishing Assistant | Sarah Cross | 01580 236456 | sarah@printbusiness.co.uk

MEDIA INFORMATION The Media Pack is on the homepage of printbusiness.co.uk

4     May/June 2021         www.printbusiness.co.uk
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interference and understanding the impact
of orifice geometry.
    In order to be on top of this coming
world, education is needed if nothing else
to be better equipped to judge whether
the transition of offset pages to inkjet
makes real sense and that the technology
offered has the capability claimed by the
enthusiastic salesperson and whether the
sales message makes real sense. Inkjet
is a new way of doing things that has
tremendous potential yet few understand
the fundamentals of what might become an
expensive mistake.
    Virtual Drupa also pointed to another         DIVERSIFICATION CAME OUT
tectonic shift that will shake all printers:      OF THE PANDEMIC Demand for                     of paper wrap or even, as we have, in
                                                  commercial print has plummeted
the climate crisis. Print has a tremendous                                                       favour of naked mailing. We can hope that
                                                  leading some companies to diversify
record of environmental improvement                                                              large format printers experience the same
                                                  out of necessity in the first instance
over recent years and is one that we can          and have found themselves in a better          collapse in demand for PVC, a material that
justifiably be proud of. But the rate of          place as a result. page 47                     is almost completely unnecessary in the
change needs to accelerate. The use of                                                           printing industry because valid alternatives
carbon balanced paper is a start, becoming                                                       exist. Printers need to be leading these
a carbon balanced printer is the logical next   do not make this shift, the receiver’s office    changes or they will find themselves
step, but is only the beginning. UK printers    awaits.                                          overwhelmed by them.
have been among the most enthusiastic             The industry no longer has the luxury            And beyond this the next shift is already
adopters of ISO 14001, so some                  of time to ponder these decisions and to         building. It is not visible yet, at least not
understanding of how to measure, assess         implement them in a leisurely way. As            our eyes. To quote cyberpunk novelist
and implement change exists across the          it is said of the failed millionaire, at first   William Gibson, “The future is already
industry. However, ISO 14001 alone is not       he went bankrupt slowly, then suddenly.          here, it’s just not widely distributed”.
going to be enough to satisfy print buyers      Printers may easily find themselves in this      Just as Robert Keane identified before
who are working for companies that are          position as policies at their customers can      starting Vistaprint, there are opportunities
implementing zero carbon policies, circular     swiftly shift.                                   out there for a print business.
economy principles and need to know from          We have already seen magazine                    What is certain is that we will not find
the businesses that supply them that they       publishers drop polywrap as fast as              them if we stay within the confines of
also adhere to these principles.                possible. Two years ago the Periodical           the business as it is today. The very best
    These are still early days for              Publishers’ Association was still defending      printers will this with their sensors out in
sustainability and the early adopters have      the material claiming that it was widely         all kinds of directions; they will be seeing
an opportunity to differentiate themselves      recycled. Today magazine printers have           to understand new technologies. The
in a market where one print business can        experienced a precipitous drop in the            future is out there. Our job at Print Business
look very much like another. For those that     demand for the plastic material in favour        is to try to explain it to you.                n

NEWS The Monday Morning News ezine is a popular collection of a handful of the week’s news, always going
beyond the press release and often exclusive. One email, no third parties. Sign up at printbusiness.co.uk/subscribe

SUBSCRIPTIONS Print Business is moving to a subscription based business model. Subscriptions for those
who would like to contribute to securing the future of Print Business are available at printbusiness.co.uk/subscribe

EVENTS Print Business is the organiser of Forward Thinking Printing, round tables and more. Gareth Ward is in
demand for hosting, chairing and generally being an accomplished ringmaster, online or in real life.

CONTENT Content is copyright © Print Business Ltd 2005-2021. All rights reserved.

ARCHIVE Previous issues are available for subscribers. See the Archive page under
the Information tab at printbusiness.co.uk available issues.

TERMS Apply for terms & conditions to general@printbusiness.co.uk

                                                                                      www.printbusiness.co.uk           May/June 2021           5
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Pyramid picks B1 RMGT
for next phase
PYRAMID PRESS HAS                                                                                               require 30-40 plate changes.
ordered a six-colour B1 RMGT            Pyramid directors
                                                                                                                   “The CD102 is an old press
                                        Paul McGuigan and
1050 sheetfed press for installa-                                                                               that is getting expensive to run
                                        Jonathan Smith
tion in November.                                                                                               in terms of maintenance, it
                                        with the existing
   It will replace a Speedmaster                                                                                needs IPA which the existing
                                        Mitsubishi V3000
102 at the Nottingham business                                                                                  Mitsubishi and the new press
                                        press which will
and joins an earlier version of                                                                                 do not.”
                                        be joined by the
the new machine, a Mitsubi-             latest version at                                                          The new press will also take
shi V3000 that the company              the Nottingham                                                          less power to run than the
installed less than two years ago.      business in                                                             Heidelberg being replaced. It
   That had been a press used by        November.                                                               has an extended delivery unit,
Central Colour, just three miles                                                                                double chamber coater, Smart
away, until its collapse and liqui-                                                                             FPC simultaneous plate change
dation. And while an opportune        point by point, the Japanese         opportunity came up to buy           and Smart Assist Printing which
purchase at the time, Pyramid         press came out on top.               the Mitsubishi we knew it was        automates set up and keeps the
director Paul McGuigan says             “We looked at it from the total    reasonable press and have been       press in balance. At makeready
the Mitsubishi has performed          cost of ownership perspective,       really, really impressed with it.    the press starts to print tabbing
beyond all expectations. When         the technology featured and the      We then realised that it was not     the stack when good copies have
the company had to decide on          benefits we had seen with the        simply a little faster, but a lot    been reached.
its next new press, there was no      Mitsubishi,” he says.                faster than the ageing CD102            Pyramid also runs a Speed-
need to run trials or to see one in     Its experience with the first      we had and the plate changing,       master XL75 installed in
action. It was a choice between       press has been key.                  four plates switched over in 90      2016 along with Stahl folders
a Speedmaster XL106 and the             “We have always been a             seconds was an eye opener, espe-     and Polar guillotines from
latest RMGT machine. And              Heidelberg house but when the        cially when we have jobs that        Heidelberg.

Integrity’s                                                                and to scan the filled in sheets
                                                                           directly into a database in the
                                                                                                                to a round 10 million a week.
                                                                                                                Lockdown has seen a rise in the
Clarity gains                                                              cloud.                               volume of door drop leaflets,
connections                                                                   “As soon as we do this, the       aided this year by continental
                                                                           customer is notified that there      suppliers pulling out of the UK
INTEGRITY HAS increased                                                    is a response waiting for him.”      following Brexit.
the diversity of its Clarity                                                  A barcode printed on the             “We have also started dealing
hybrid mail offering to enable                                             sheet assigns the answers to the     with media agencies,” says sales
customers to include reply                                                 specific customer, say the resi-     director Andrew Law. “We can
paid envelopes and a scanning                                              dent of a housing association’s      produce door drop work very
service to deliver responses into                                          property. “We have developed         efficiently and cost effectively.
the cloud.                                                                 this in-house and it has meant       People don’t associate us with
   The Clarity Response service         Chris Walton says demand           we are first to market with this     this type of work, but it shows
has been developed follow-              for the Clarity Response           as part of a hybrid mail offering.   we are starting to engage with a
                                        service has soared.
ing requests from customers                                                It is something that custom-         slightly different audience.”
who want a means to managing          downs hybrid mail has worked         ers have been asking for,” says
data from a questionnaire or
changes to terms and conditions
                                      incredibly well for us. Many
                                      customers want to include a call
                                                                              The development is part of
                                                                                                                Halstan adds
that have to be logged digitally.     to action, where filling in a form   continuing investment at the         iX320 inkjet
Standard hybrid mail offerings        or agreeing to change in terms       Midsomer Norton business. In         HALSTAN PRESS HAS
lack the versatility to insert        or conditions so customers have      January its commercial print         installed its second Canon
reply envelopes at the mailing        asked whether we could include       operation took delivery of a         cutsheet inkjet press, adding the
stage.                                a DRE which is not normally          Hunkeler CS8 finishing line to       flagship iX320 to the i300 it had
   Integrity Connect, says            possible.                            run alongside the Hunkeler CS6       bought last year. The Amersham
managing director Chris                  “Now, by partnering with          that was installed in 2019. This     book printer is fast becoming
Walton, has come up with a            Opex, we have found a solution       expands the company’s capacity       Canon’s showcase user for the
way to do this. “During lock-         to include the reply mechanism       to handle cut and folded leaflets    litho replacement technology.

6   May/June 2021 www.printbusiness.co.uk
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Rapida 106 X
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TJ Books reaches support
partnership with Hobbs
TWO INDEPENDENT print                                                                                         working closely together as
                                       Andy Watts says
businesses have formed an alli-                                                                               partners is designed to provide
                                       that the alliance
ance in a move which is likely to                                                                             the customer with peace of
                                       between TJ Books
be the forerunner of a number                                                                                 mind knowing that whatever the
                                       and Hobbs the
of similar partnerships.                                                                                      challenges or their unique print
                                       Printers will help
   Hobbs the Printers is linking                                                                              requirements, we will work
                                       both companies
up with TJ Books in a move             overcome any
                                                                                                              together to provide a solution
which begins with a strategic          events that can                                                        and get the job done in a swift
support should an unforeseen           lead to disruption                                                     turnaround.”
event, an outbreak of Covid            for customers.                                                           “Forming this alliance was an
perhaps, strike one of the                                                                                    absolute no brainer.”
companies. The other would                                                                                      The logic from Southamp-
step and complete work for a                                                                                  ton is equally compelling, says
customer who might otherwise          the Printers offers a broader       MBO CoboStack to make its           David Hobbs. “With so much
be let down.                          range of work, including book       folding operation more efficient.   uncertainty in the world due to
   However, the two already see       printing.                              The two are of a similar size    Covid-19, we believe this is a
the next step being the ability to       Both are well invested: TJ       with Hobbs employing 130, TJ        smart business move that will
collaborate on tender opportu-        Books has installed equipment       Books around 120 before Covid.      benefit both of us as well as the
nities offering a wider range of      from Canon, most recently an        There are no plans for any          industry at large. What is great is
services with the firepower to        iX3200 HD cutsheet inkjet           formal merger.                      that while both companies have
match that offered by a larger        press, and Duplo DuSense since         Watts says: “We will continue    similar processes and equip-
business.                             Andy Watts led a management         to work independently, servic-      ment, each also offers different,
   The two both operate in book       buyout in 2018. HP Indigo has       ing our clients on a daily basis.   more specialised services.
production, with this being the       been digital print supplier to      However, this novel situation         “This gives us a resilience that
main focus of TJ Books at its         Hobbs, which has also been the      of two well established and         many other companies don’t
factory in Padstow, while Hobbs       first UK company to install the     respected printing companies        have at this time.”

First Indigo 15K                      January. This is our first Indigo
                                      and we are quite amazed at how
                                                                          nity in B2 digital, opening a lot
                                                                          of other markets.
                                                                                                              says the Trivor 2400 HD “is no
                                                                                                              longer sold as new”. The press
for Platinum                          HP have looked after us.”              “We think that the seven-        was built at the former site in
PLATINUM PRINT IS UP                    When Platinum merged with         colour digital machine will         France which has been closed.
and running with an HP Indigo         Harrogate Printing in 2016,         give us everything we could         Xerox has replaced the cut
12000, the first in the UK to         Harrogate had operated an           possibly need for the majority      sheet Brenva from this plant
have the 15K value pack to            Indigo which was left behind        of the work that we might do        with the Baltoro, but has made
enable the B2 digital press to        when the business was consoli-      once customers know that it’s       no announcement about any
print with additional colours         dated on the Platinum factory.      available.”                         replacement for Trivor.
and effects.                            “It was an old model and we
   These features will appeal         had very modern Ricoh toner
to a customer base drawn from         based devices and the Ricohs        Trivor comes to                     CPS upgrades
marketing departments and             have done us a very good job,”      end of road                         with XL75
agencies. They include seven-         he says.
colour extended gamut printing,         The Indigo 12000 takes the        IT APPEARS THAT XEROX               CPS GROUP HAS TAKEN
ink fluorescent ink, white, clear     company into B2 digital print-      has discontinued its continuous     delivery of a Heidelberg
ink for spot varnish effects,         ing. “We have looked at the         feed inkjet press. A note on the    Speedmaster XL75, part of a
invisible yellow ink that reacts to   Komori and Fujifilm inkjet          product pages of its website site   multi-year plan to overhaul the
UV light and the ability to print     machines over the last four years                                       company’s production platform.
1pt text.                             and we were aware of the Ricoh,                                         “We have had some older equip-
   “We are delighted with it,”        though haven’t seen it. For us B2                                       ment that we needed to update,”
says managing director David          digital sits between the Ricohs      The Xerox                          says national account manager
                                                                           Trivor is
Wyvill. “It was delivered just        and the B2 Komori litho presses                                         Darren Roberts. “The plan
                                                                           no longer
before Christmas and has been         we have,” says Wyvill. “We           available.                         was to replace two of the older
running since the first week of       think there is a lot of opportu-                                        presses with a more productive

8   May/June 2021 www.printbusiness.co.uk
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Phuzion opens up online
connection for print
PHUZION MEDIA IS supply-             Progressive Web Pages. These          sends the image to Phuzion to         uitous while consumers are
ing the underlying technology        look like apps on the home            render it live to the phone. This     suffering from digital fatigue.
that Bauer Media is using to         screen of a smartphone, but           can also be linked to a personal      Phuzion’s proposition is posi-
enable readers of its Grazia and     are short cuts to that website,       landing page for a direct mail        tioned to take advantage, working
Heat titles to link from print to    bypassing that need for readers       campaign, using data that is          with TV as well as printed pages,
web pages to view additional         to use a search engine or to recall   part of the phone’s identity          packaging and posters.
content or purchase items.           a URL to access the site, and the     and provides time and location           “The technology has been
   And the technology is not         relevant page on that website.        when a click through is made          working in the Middle East and
reliant on specific apps, QR         It will collect the data to show      – all valuable analytics for the      in Singapore which demon-
codes or embedded codes or           that the phone has triggered the      marketing industry.                   strates that it can be effective en
watermarks. Phuzion Media is         connection.                              “Print has always struggled        masse,” he adds.
calling the technology “Visual          The readers need to first acti-    to show its worth through links          “During the pandemic people
commerce”, saying that applica-      vate the link and here they use       back to the client,” says Guram.      have become used to scanning a
tions expand beyond magazines        the smartphone’s camera to scan       “This joins the dots and closes       QR code with their phones, but
into catalogues, brochures and       a QR code printed in the maga-        that gap. We are getting a lot of     magazine publishers are not so
direct mail, making a printed        zine. “We say it’s the only QR        feedback from agencies. This          keen on having QR codes and
communication as measurable          code that you will ever need,”        could be a game changer for           there is a limit to the infor-
as an email or digital message.      says Phuzion director Harbir          them.”                                mation generated. We are on
   For Bauer Media, Phuzion          Guram.                                   Smartphones with scanning          another level in terms of what
has created what Google calls           The publisher, or printer,         capability are becoming ubiq-         we can do.”

machine that could produce the       have found a unique niche which                                             have been protesting the plans,
speed and quality and the leap       makes us different from other                                               including the claim that under
forward in technology that we        commercial printers.”                                                       the transfer to new ownership,
didn’t have before.”                                                                                             they would lose accumulated
   The includes Inpress Control                                                                                  redundancy rights. At its height
on the new machine, which will       Komori releases                                                             Cerutti employed more than
enable the company to slash          NS40                                                                        1,000 with sales of more than
start up waste. “We can colour                                                                                   €260 million, selling gravure
manage on the press itself,          KOMORI HAS ANNOUNCED                                                        presses to the likes of Polestar
though we are still reliant on the   that the Lithrone NS40, its press                                           and Prinovis and flexo news-
press operator to scan the sheets    using Landa’s nano technology,                                              paper presses to Harmsworth
                                                                            Cerutti press production is
and manage colour on the run,”       is now available for sale. It will                                          Quays Printing for production
                                                                            under threat.
he says.                             be available in four-colour plus                                            of the Daily Mail. It acquired
   The press is also configured      coater and seven-colour plus          ing its centenary there is a real     the gravure press arm of KBA
to print on 800 micron board,        coater configurations, driven         risk that the Italian business will   and focused its packaging efforts
useful for the growing volume        through a Komori developed            close down.                           on gravure technology.
of packaging work handled.           front end. Other specifications          Its two operations were               Now the collapse of demand
   The Caerphilly company            are shared with the Landa S10.        Officine Meccaniche Cerutti           in long run gravure publica-
has built a strong position as a                                           in Casale which produced              tion print and a shift towards
supplier to the furniture and                                              publication gravure and flexo         shorter runs in packaging and
carpets market, producing            Cerutti                               newspaper presses, and Cerutti        improvements in flexo technol-
the different spread of print,       teeters                               Packaging Equipment in                ogy, have left all with a stake
from brochures to signage,                                                 Vercelli, both in the Piedmont        in the future of the business in
manuals to labels that this sector   PRINTING PRESS manufac-               region in northern Italy. Last        conflict while administrators
requires. As well as manufac-        turer Cerutti, the world’s only       year these were reorganised into      seek new investors. Administra-
turers, it counts retailers on the   producer of publication gravure       a new business, Gruppo Cerutti        tors are reported to have locked
client roster. “Because of this      presses, is fighting for survival     which took over the opera-            the doors to staff, which has also
close association we can even        after the continuing Covid crisis     tions in September with a much        prevented completion of work
be sending print to China along      has jeopardised relaunch plans.       reduced workforce operating           on a packaging press which is
with clients’ products,” says           The company was founded in         from the Casale factory.              reported to be almost ready for
CPS owner Simon Green, “We           1921, but instead of celebrat-           Unions representing the staff      shipping.

10    May/June 2021 www.printbusiness.co.uk
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Flagship Indigo hits the
ground running at JDP
JOHN DOLLIN PRINT IS                                                                                              ready.” It is also, he says, beau-
creating production records                                                                                       tiful to look at “and it takes a
from its newly installed HP                                                                                       lot to impress me. This is the
Indigo 100K, only the second                                                                                      right machine for us, increasing
of the B2 digital presses in the                                                                                  output without seriously upping
UK, as the transformation of a                                                                                    the labour cost.”
one-time family owned business                                                                                       The 100K will run SRA2
by new owner Venn Holdings,                                                                                       paper as standard and will be
continues.                                                                                                        dedicated to printing commod-
   Its installation will be followed                                                                              itised commercial products. The
by upgrades to the finishing                  There had been no intention to by the 100K says                     12000 will be fitted with the kit
departments, improvements                     Anthony Thirlby, but the numbers added up.                          to handle thicker substrates to
to broadband connectivity and                                                                                     enable it to take on cartons and
installation of a second XL75          says Thirlby. After acquiring       commercial model work. We              more specialised jobs to address
over the summer. JDP owner,            John Dollin Print, which ran        want to standardise on the four-       the creative market. The 7900,
Venn Holdings, is also eyeing its      an Indigo 12000 alongside and       page format and my gut instinct        like the Speedmaster SM52 and
second acquisition, one that will      Indigo 7600, the new owners         is that this is where the oppor-       XL105, will go.
dovetail with JDP, says director       met HP’s team.                      tunities will be coming,” says            The boost in B2 sheet
Anthony Thirlby.                          At that meeting, HP Indi-        Thirlby.                               production has spurred invest-
   The decision to invest in           go’s UK and Ireland country            “I’ve seen the Indigo 10000         ment in a Horizon StitchLiner
the high speed Indigo, capable         manager Peter Jolly explained       and 12000 installed at a number        and PUR perfect binder. These
or 6,000sph when printing in           about the new press. “They          of printers around the world,          are needed as soon as IFS can
CMY only Enhanced Produc-              started talking about the 100k      sometimes perhaps too soon.            arrange for delivery, Thirlby
tivity Mode, was not planned,          and how we might make the           The 100K is much more market           says.

Management                                The toner machine joins
                                       Focus’s own flexo and inkjet
                                                                           which was installed almost three
                                                                           years ago. That was a shift from
                                                                                                                  and two XL106s, the first
                                                                                                                  installed in 2019. This has UV
team buys                              presses and will present custom-    toner to inkjet, and clearly a         curing and is not the press that
Kongsberg                              ers with a greater choice as well   successful one as the company          the company uses for its short
                                       as provide Focus with scope to      has returned for a second.             runs. The newer machine,
ESKO HAS COMPLETED                     reach different customers.                                                 which has achieved the record,
the sale of its Kongsberg cutting         Jon Hiscock, head of produc-                                            handles the long runs, printing
tables division to a manage-           tion and industrial print at        Record setters                         from CutStar reels.
ment team backed by Opengate           Konica Minolta Business Solu-       of Texas
Capital. The Norwegian business        tions UK, says: “This is an ideal
retains a presence in Ghent as well    partnership for us as Focus has     US COMPANY FORT Dear-                  Alfaplas adds
as manufacturing in the Czech          a well deserved reputation for      born is claiming world record          Welsh printer
Republic. The new Kongsberg            label technology expertise and      performance from the Heidel-
Precision Cutting Systems busi-        trusted customer support. With      berg Speedmaster XL106 it              FLEXIBLE PACKAGING
ness will be led by Stuart Fox.        almost 40 years of experience in    installed at the start of last year.   producer Alfaplas has acquired
                                       the industry, the team at Focus        In the 12 months since              Sarpak a producer of PE and
                                       are very well placed to introduce   commissioning the press has            compostable films in Port
KM strikes deal                        new and existing SME custom-        delivered almost 82 million            Talbot.
with Focus                             ers to the Accurio Label 230.       impressions, edging towards               The Welsh company can
                                                                           the 100 million impressions goal       print to eight colours and gener-
KONICA MINOLTA HAS                                                         for Heidelberg customers. The          ates sales of €12 million from
continued its strategy of using        CPI Books                           company is a specialist label          output of 7,000 tonnes pa and
dealers to increase the reach of       second Jetpress                     printer with a number of sites         53 staff. Alfaplas operates five
its product range, naming Focus                                            across the US.                         flexo presses up to 1,600mm
Labels as distributor of the           CPI BOOKS HAS installed its            The factory at Fort Worth,          wide, including a Flexotech-
Accurio Label 230 digital label        second Fujifilm Jetpress, the       responsible for the notable            nica Evo CI machine, at a site in
press.                                 latest 760S joining the 720S        performance, has two XL105s            Hereford.

12    May/June 2021 www.printbusiness.co.uk
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Priory pursues pharma
NORTHERN IRELAND                                                                                              majority of their packaging
printer Priory Press Packag-                                                                                  requirement. Priory Press
ing has installed a six-colour                                                                                Packaging can become that
B2 Lithrone, replacing an older                                                                               alternative. Makeready is fully
version of the same press, but                                                                                automated, checking register
although the format and the                                                                                   and adjusting colour and then
supplier are the same, it is a very                                                                           scanning to ensure the press
different machine.                     Economy minister from the Northern Ireland Assembly                    stays in colour. It generates a
   The machine includes the full       Diane Dodds with chairman Ernest McConville and Priory’s               report which combined with
array of Komori’s automation           managing director Mark McConville                                      a report from press and from
suite which will boost efficiency                                                                             a new carton gluing line that
of the business and cope with         held off the decision because       helping us to self improve and      the company is investigating
the company’s organic growth.         of the uncertainty around           build in quality assurance from     currently, will be an audit of a
That requirement accounts for         Brexit because the majority of      start to finish.                    complete job for a customer.
90% of the reason to invest.          our business is exported to the        “Our quality assurance              It has also automated aspects
The other 10% of the invest-          south. Once we knew that there      consultant suggested that we        of prepress production with
ment is reflected in Komori’s         would be no hard border we          should look at the pharmaceu-       installation of a PackX system
PDF Comparator system to              decided to go ahead.”               tical cartons market.” That,        from Hybrid Software.“We
check the integrity of the file          The specification was decided    says McConville, is where the       have already started to see effi-
signed off at prepress with that      from the company’s track record     company can add a revenue           ciencies from installation of the
printed on the machine. It will       in producing food packaging.        stream.                             press, and though operators are
allow the Newtownards busi-           This requires adherence to             The biopharma sector in          used to the Komori, there has
ness to tackle pharmaceutical         BRC standards of quality and        Ireland is growing quickly, even    been a learning curve. They
packaging.                            hygiene. “We take our quality       before Covid-19 and many large      have to learn to let go and let
   “We are making a statement         assurance very, very seriously      producers want an alternative       the numbers run the press. It
of intent,” says managing direc-      and we use BRC as the manage-       supplier to the main interna-       is about learning to trust the
tor Mark McConville. “We have         ment tool it was intended to be,    tional groups that produce the      technology.”

   It employs 95 and generates        tion can generate sales in excess   Bristol factory that has been its   finishing so the new premises is
sales of €21 million.                 of €70 million.                     home for 100 years to a modern      a much more suitable location
   Alfaplas is in turn part of the                                        plant just three-and-a-half         for us.
French Sphere Group which                                                 miles away.                            “The old site was also in the
runs 15 production sites across       Zenith boost to                        This has been laid out to        middle of a residential street
Europe and has an emphasis            plate production                    deliver efficiency of produc-       which made it harder for larger
on working with sustainable                                               tion on a single open floor with    lorries to get to us. Now we are
plastics and papers for house-        ZENITH PRINT GROUP,                 offices above instead of the old    on a modern industrial estate.”
hold use. Sphere president John       already a major Heidelberg          fashioned layout forced by a           The company has brought
Persenda says: “This acquisition      customer, has upgraded its          combination of tradition and        across the equipment needed for
will provide both companies           plate production with a Supra­      the premises.                       calendars, diaries and promo-
with new manufacturing capa-          setter 106. This is capable of 45      “We have been in the process     tional production with plans for
bilities, enable them to offer        plates an hour output. It joins a   of putting together an invest-      more.
their customers a new range           similar machine installed at the    ment strategy for the business         “The investment in new, state
of environmentally responsi-          South Wales company in 2018 to      since taking over a couple of       of the art equipment means we
ble products and capture new          deliver plates to three B1 Speed-   years ago,” says Mark Shipley,      will be able to offer even higher
markets for continued growth.”        master, one an eight-unit press.    operations director of Brunel       quality calendars, diaries and
   Sphere is confident that                                               Promotions.                         notebooks with faster turna-
demand for compostable pack-                                                 “The old factory was more        round times and we fully expect
aging, growing for the last           Brunel moves                        about the way that print busi-      to take a higher percentage of
decade, will continue to increase     for efficiency                      nesses had evolved, in the days     market share as a result,” he
as segregation of waste increases                                         when you needed tonnes of litho     adds. It amounts to a spend of
demand for this type of plastic.      BRUNEL PROMOTIONS                   equipment,” he says. “Today it      £300,000 in the coming years,
It reckons that the UK opera-         has moved from the two-storey       is about digital, prepress and      he says.

14    May/June 2021 www.printbusiness.co.uk
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Toyo’s S5 LED UV ink
powers ahead
TOYO HAS REGAINED ITS                 ogy, says: “Toyo Ink Europe                                            lishes the market differential we
clear blue water advantage in         has been aggressively pursuing                                         have previously had. We have
LED UV inks with the release          the group’s goal of bringing the                                       always been technology market
of its S5 Flashdry inks for           most advanced and sustainable                                          leader and everybody else has
sheetfed offset printing.             systems to the global market-                                          been playing catch up and had
   The inks comply with all the       place by leveraging the group’s                                        been closing the gap.
legislative requirements set by       expertise in highly reactive raw                                          “We are incredibly happy
governments and Eupia and are         materials design and formula-                                          with the S5 ink it reestablishes
designed to suit printers print-      tions for low energy curing .                                          the technology differential we
ing to ISO 2647-2 specifications.        “The Flash Dry series has                                           are used to. When that gap
The new ink no longer requires        already established itself as a                                        closes, the ink becomes more of
hazard labelling for health or        trusted and well reputed brand                                         a commodity and price becomes
environmental warnings and has        in the industry, and we are          The ink has already been          the differentiating factor, which
passed Ingede’s deniability tests     delighted to have brought better   rolled out to Toyo customers in     is exactly what happens with
with a perfect score.                 productivity and performance       the UK. Jamie Poyner, manag-        conventional inks.
   The ink is being produced          to this popular low energy         ing director of Toyo UK, says:         “LED UV is definitely the
at Toyo’s European factory            curing ink lineup. The new FD      “The 3.1 version of the ink met     future way of printing. There
in Belgium where Andrey               LED S5 inks are also deink-        the requirements of changed         will always be a demand for
Andreev, Toyo’s European              able and designed to meet the      legislation preventing the use      conventional inks, but that will
product manager for low               sustainability needs of today’s    of certain photo initiators in      be for the commoditised part of
energy products and technol-          commercial printers.”              Europe. And now the S5 estab-       the commercial print market.”

Print Show                                                                  ECRM is one of the best
                                                                         established names in digital
                                                                                                             by Patrick Doran who previ-
                                                                                                             ously sold America Packaging
event to be first                                                        imaging, having begun life as a     to Saica for €160 million. Color-
THE PRINT SHOW IS coming                                                 provider of test scanners, evolv-   man currently has sales of €29
back and will take place at the                                          ing into the iconic Autokon flat    million, running Manroland
NEC on 28-30 September                                                   bed scanner for the newspaper       and Heidelberg sheetfed presses
alongside the Sign Show and                                              industry and then into ‘virtual     and is active in commercial and
at the same time as the PPMA                                             drum’ imagesetters. These were      carton printing.
packaging equipment event.                                               a favourite for OEM suppliers,
This is likely to be the first, and                                      the UK’s Hyphen included, to
possibly only, print exhibition to                                       badge and sell.                     Xaar unveils
be staged in Europe this year.                                              The current portfolio is         new gen head
                                                                         headed by Mako, a reference to
                                                                         the shark, which is a fast plate-   THE TRANSFORMATION
Kodak takes                                                              setter using violet diode imaging   of Xaar is continuing with the
on ECRM                                                                  and appealing to smaller print      second printhead introduced
                                                                         businesses. At the same time        under the ImagineX rebrand
KODAK HAS ACQUIRED the                 Jim Continenza says ECRM          ECRM has been developing its        now shipping.
platesetter business of ECRM           deal is proof of Kodak’s          interests outside printing, in          This is the NitroX, offer-
strengthening its position as a        commitment to print.              medical imaging and security        ing g reater speed and
provider of both platesetters                                            systems for example.                uniformity across the head and
and plates, though the ECRM           ment to Kodak’s plate business.                                        consequently across printhead
technology does not currently         “Acquiring these assets of an                                          arrays, than the 1003 head that
support Kodak’s Sonora                impressive company like ECRM       PE purchase                         it succeeds. The 1003 remains as
process-free thermal plates.          makes us an even stronger player   for Colorman                        a legacy product and continues
   The move is a first acquisi-       in the CTP category, and we will                                       in manufacture.
tion for Kodak since being hit        continue to look for ways to       DUBLIN PRINT AND pack-                  “The progress and the
by financial troubles and reaf-       better serve customers across      aging group Colorman has been       restructure of Xaar is going
firms executive chairman and          the spectrum of traditional and    acquired by Woodberry Capital,      extremely well,” says CEO John
CEO Jim Continenza’s commit-          digital print,” he says.           a private equity business run       Mills. “The financial results

16    May/June 2021 www.printbusiness.co.uk

Plant Positive Print earns
accolade for Seacourt
SEACOURT HAS WON ITS                                                     than they consume – we call this         Also celebrating is FFEI,
fourth consecutive Queens’s                                              Planet Positive Printing.”            another four time winner. Its
                                      Dinnage says
Award for Enterprise in Sustain-                                            “There is a growing aware-         award came in the Innovation
able Development having                                                  ness of the importance of             category and for a non graphic
achieved the accolade for the         to set
                                                                         sustainability,” says Dinnage,        arts product. This is its digital
first time in 2007.                   sustainability                     “from some clients. Others are        micro imaging technology used
   Through what it calls planet       standards                          not particularly interested.”         in digital pathology by creating
positive printing, it has been        for the rest                          During lockdown Seacourt           multiple high resolution images
able to offset 110% of its green-     of print.                          completed its work on under-          of tissue samples in a single
house gas emissions, thanks to                                           standing the supply chain of          pass.
avoidance and offsetting initia-                                         the products that the company            It began in this field after
tives. “We are doing lots of                                             uses. “We are able to manage          supplying a flatbed Lanovia
things,” says managing director                                          our entire impact, which is what      scanner to a company interested
Gareth Dinnage, “leading the         has stuck by the requirement        Planet Positive Printing is about.    in using it for tissue cell imaging
change and setting new stand-        for continuous improvement          That’s the service we deliver,”       and has continued to work on
ard in our sector – that’s what      and transparency. And it has        he says. “We were reassured to        specialist scanners, introducing
we have always been committed        joined the B Corp scheme where      find that we had already been         AI technology to improve the
to doing. As a business we want      it is the highest scoring print-    using products and paper with         process.
to be a force for good.”             ing company in the world. The       the lowest carbon impact. We             The award recognises the
   The company is no longer          company says: “We help our          just continue to push forward.        impact of the Ventana D200
eligible for recognition by Emas     clients by printing their materi-   we have done the hard work and        slide scanner, launched in 2018
as this is an EU initiative, but     als in a way that goes back more    will not be rowing back.”             and used in cancer diagnosis.

                                     tion based on the elements of
                                     the periodic table rather than a
                                     family of numbers. This would
                                     have made the new printhead
                                     the 2003, which as Mills points
                                                                                        Incodia is buying a Promatrix platen.
                                     out, suggests a technology that
                                     is 18 years old.
                                        As well as a step up in speed
                                     and consistency, amounting to
                                     a 40% increase in productiv-
                                     ity, the Nitrox head is designed
                                     to be switched out and replaced
 CEO John MIlls says Xaar’s          quickly and for ease of service.
 revival is on course                “The better uniformity and          stripping and blanking which          effect on the productivity of the
                                     fast set up will make a massive     was not available on the platen       business. It produces loyalty and
demonstrate very strong cash         improvement,” says Mills.           it is replacing. This is a 30-year-   gift cards and the collateral to go
generation and keeps a strong                                            old Sanwa which has given             with it including some packag-
cash balance and we are Ebitda                                           good service but is outdated          ing work. The press includes
positive.”                           Incodia steps up                    compared to the Promatrix.            spectral colour measurement,
   The change to a model supply      cut and crease                      “We have to move with the             making it the first of its kind in
OEMs and what Xaar cals                                                  times,” says operations manager       the UK with this enhancement.
Unique Developer Integrators,        INCODIA INTERNATIONAL               Richard Bridger. “We looked at           The printer also runs Heidel-
and eliminating the confusion        has ordered a Promatrix 106         various suppliers, including          berg’s Prinect data management
caused by indirect distribution,     die cutter, three years after       Sanwa, and chose Heidelberg           and uses Saphira consumables.
is paying off. And the NitroX        installation of a Heidelberg        because of the good partnership       “The switch to the new press
printhead is set to reap the bene-   CX102-8+L UV press at its           we have with them since instal-       is like moving from driving a
fits of this shift.                  Colchester site.                    lation of the press.”                 Reliant Robin to a Ferrari,” says
   The new printhead is the first       The Heidelberg Proma-                That had replaced a 30-year-      Bridger. “We expect the same of
to adopt a new naming conven-        trix 106 CSB comes with             old press with a galvanising          the platen.”

18    May/June 2021 www.printbusiness.co.uk
optimus prime
                                                                                              SLIP CASES AND LUXURY BOXES MADE EASY
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                                                                                              automated for efficiency and consistency
                                                                                                  in the production of high quality
                                                                                                             SLIP CASES
                                                                                                            for books and
                                                                                                          LUXURY BOXES
                                                                                                  for wines, spirits, confectionery,
                                                                                                   perfumes and high value items

            for higher productivity on longer runs,
               it is recommended to install two
                   Optimus Prime machines...
              one with tooling for wrapping the
            cover material on the pre-formed box
                        and a second with
           tooling for tucking in the material inside

 transforming the world of
    slip case production
Pre-formed boxes are placed onto the pre-glued sheet and then placed on the vacuum head.
       The machine then wraps the material around the slip case / box automatically.
The inside tuck-in can be done manually or using a second machine, depending on volume.
The vacuum head also enables the forming of the slip cases / boxes from a die cut / grooved
board. The board should be placed on the glued sheet and then applied to the vacumm head
                              ready for forming & wrapping

                     Max size        L300 x W120 x H350mm
                                                                                                           perfect box solutions
                     Min size        L30 x W10 x H40mm                                                 L U X U R Y     D E L I V E R E D
                        Speed        700-800 pieces/hour
                       Power         800w 220v single phase
                  Machine size       1100 x 800 x 2000mm                                      Tel: 01993 840077 | Email: steve@binderysolutions.co.uk
                                                                                                          Web: www.binderysolutions.co.uk

Amcor backs EPac’s move
in digital print
AMCOR HAS MADE WHAT                  Each of the EPac sites is equipped with HP Indigo technology for printing.   incredibly proud of Amcor’s
it calls a strategic investment in                                                                                innovation and R&D capabili-
EPac, the digital-only flexible                                                                                   ties but with our scale and global
packaging producer, which will                                                                                    footprint we are also uniquely
enable the expanding group to                                                                                     positioned to supplement our
open additional sites.                                                                                            internal efforts with investments
   The investment in exchange                                                                                     in complementary technolo-
of a minority shareholding in                                                                                     gies and business models. Our
the young business is put at                                                                                      investment in EPac is the first
$10-15 million. Further invest-      2020 for a further batch of HP        with. These include food busi-         corporate venture type invest-
ment in future is not ruled out.     Indigo presses, this amounting        nesses, cannabis products, pet         ment for Amcor and provides a
   EPac has sales around $100        to 26 of the Indigo 25K, to give      foods and lifestyle products. A        great opportunity to learn from
million from sites in the US,        the company 76 digital presses        key aspect is speed of turna-          a high growth start up.”
Canada, UK and Indonesia. It is      in all. Each site has two or three    round, far quicker than the               EPac was formed less than
also opening a site in Ghana and     presses with a laminator and          established providers can cope         a decade ago with its first site
during 2020 announced plans          pouch making machine.                 with. There is also an appeal for      opened in 2016, by Jack Knott,
for additional sites in Wroclaw         The target market covers start     larger brands wanting to test the      CEO Virag Patel and Carl
in Poland and Lyon in France.        up business wanting smaller           market for new products and to         Joachim.
There are 18 sites in operation      volumes than the minimum              cope with proliferation of skus           By comparison Amcor gener-
and five under development.          order quantities that traditional     without increasing costs. Amcor        ates sales of $12.5 billion from
   There was also an order in        suppliers like Amcor can cope         CEO Ron Delia says: “We are            230 sites and 47,000 employees.

Kolbus breaks                        modern safety guarding system.
                                        It has proved to be the effec-
                                                                           winds in other areas kept the
                                                                           overall order increase to 5.3%,
                                                                                                                  First Rapida X
Irish duck                           tive. On the second day of            while sales were down overall          shipped
                                     operation, Pakform was running        by 7.8%. The company sales
PAKFORM, ONE OF Ireland’s            at 1,400 boxes an hour more           this compares favourable with a        KOENIG & BAUER HAS
leading independent provid-          than twice the speed of the           machinery suppliers’ average of        installed its first Rapida 106X.
ers of corrugated packaging,         veteran piece of equipment it         13.8% decline.                         The futuristic looking press
has installed a Kolbus Autobox       was replacing.                           If the company soared on            was intended as its key Drupa
MultiNova box gluing machine                                               demand from carton producers           announcement. It has gone into
at its factory near Cork.                                                  who have been running at full          operation at German printer
   It is the first of the machines   K&B shows leap                        speed during the pandemic to           Krüger Druck & Verlag which is
made in Ampthill to be sold          in orders                             keep up with demand for pack-          running an eight-colour perfec-
to Ireland following a flow of                                             aging, it struggled in the digital     tor with fully automated plate
orders from other parts of the       KOENIG & BAUER’S strong               and webfed division.                   handling.                    n
world.                               position in large format sheetfed        Service contributed 28% of
   Pakform’s requirement came        press is paying off as orders         group revenues of €243 million
from needing a replacement for       for this style of machine from        (€264.2 million). This is coming
a corrugated gluer to take the       carton and label producers            close to the company’s 30%
place of an old machine that was     accounted for most a double           target for revenues earned in
no longer fit for purpose.           digit rise in orders for sheet fed    this way, though the company
   The 30-year-old business          presses in the first three months     is also aware that this may be
provides a range of stock and        of the year.                          misleading due to the subdued
bespoke boxes and trays in both        It says that 60% of the €33         machinery sales.
small and substantial quantities.    million increase in orders for           The order backlog of €674.5
It has needed to handle smaller      the quarter compared to 2020          million is 2.7% below this
batch sizes efficiently, which the   came from the packaging sector.       point last year, but is also 6.7%
MultiNova delivers with a quick      Only Manroland Sheetfed offers        higher than the order backlog
set up time, automatic feed,         competition in large format           at the close of 2020. In Febru-          Krüger Druck & Verland is the
up to date gluing systems and        sheetfed presses.                     ary and March press orders had           recipient of the first Rapida 106X.
a small footprint. It also has a       However, continuing head-           increased 7.8%.

20    May/June 2021 www.printbusiness.co.uk
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Virtual Drupa was
staged in a rendered
version of the new
entrance hall and
multipurpose space
that replaces the
demolished Halls 1
and 2.

22   May/June 2021 www.printbusiness.co.uk



                                                                                        The Messe administration building (A left) towers
                                                                                        over Hall 2, which, along with the green space
                                                                                        and Hall 1, has been replaced by the high tech
                                                                                        entrance and multipurpose space (B left).

THERE WERE NO CROWDED AISLES                       help the industry’s suppliers promote the        sible for the next few months for those who
at the Messe Dusseldorf for Drupa this year.       technology that had been developed for a         have the patience to navigate to the right
Instead of throbbing to video presentations,       show beside the Rhine in 2020. For many, a       presentation.
demonstrations of machinery and the sheer          slot at Drupa is their only effective market-       Alongside these individual companies,
mass of bodies craning to see something or         ing expenditure. The show should gather          Drupa’s paying sponsors, provided presen-
chatting over a coffee with a sales rep and        enough leads to last them until the subse-       tations about their latest technology, their
a product specialist sketching out a techni-       quent event.                                     strategies or merely used the video slot as a
cal detail on a scrap of paper, the halls were        More than that, Drupa has traditionally       platform for the company and its directors.
dark, empty and silent.                            set the map for the direction of the print-      And there was new technology to talk about
    But Drupa took place with printers             ing industry over the following few years.       even though some major announcements
hunched instead over monitors and iPad             There has been the Digital Print Drupa;          had been made either last year or earlier this
screens watching presentations and videos,         the CTP Drupa; the Inkjet Drupa and the          year.
some preprepared, some live. They could            Landa Drupa. The show has always been a
engage with exhibitors, or rather the              beacon for the global industry, and 2021 is no   THUS THE 2020 GENERATION OF
companies that had paid to be part of the          exception, even if 2021 becomes known as         Heidelberg’s Speedmaster XL106 had been
online showcase, because there were no             the Drupa that wasn’t there.                     due to be the highlight of its presence at the
stands and no equipment to walk around,                                                             postponed event. Likewise for Koenig &
so no real exhibition taking place. Drupa          THE SHIFT TO ONLINE MEANT TOO                    Bauer’s RapidaX B1 sheetfed press demon-
did not try to emulate the physical presence       that the focus shifted away from the melee       strating a striking new design and the latest
of the real thing in a virtual reality. The        in the halls to the speakers and confer-         in automation and time saving technologies.
online Printing-Expo has done this, finding        ence sessions that usually attract the highly    HP had just announced the new platforms
that rendering machinery with the preci-           committed, those wanting to rest their           for its liquid toner technology headed by
sion necessary to make it identifiable and         aching feet, along with friends and family.      the 100K and had been due to show these
convincing is a slow process.                         The presentations varied in quality,          to key customers at an open house in Israel
    Drupa wanted to do something, some-            perhaps because the four days of talks across    when the lockdowns began. These busi-
thing that put a marker in the sand to say         two streams had been an amalgam of sessions      nesses nevertheless decided to participate in
that it took place. But it did not want to do      that had been slated for the Drupa Cube,         Virtual Drupa.
anything that might persuade its customers         some from the speciality Drupa Touchpoints          Those that did so seem content. Expecta-
that the future of the exhibition lies in online   and some from other engaged organisations.       tions had been tempered by the pandemic,
shows. It wants people back in Dusseldorf          It resulted in too much emphasis on textile      so nobody was hoping for too much, yet
in 2024. The city needs people to return and       printing and printed electronics to appeal to    for the mainstream companies there were
fill its hotels and restaurants. The online        the core Drupa visitor who is a commercial       enough people to justify the decision to be
version could not afford to be too slick and       printer.                                         there.
effective. It had to be a virtual success, not        However, there were nuggets of inspi-            Other companies had decided not to,
a real one.                                        rational content that were definitely worth      among them Ricoh and Canon, which
    Drupa also needed to do something to           listening to – and which will remain acces-      have subsequently made major product

                                                                                   www.printbusiness.co.uk             May/June 2021         23
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