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leans toward lean books.
into the ganging up gangs.
pages of big digital news in
every issue.
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From the editor
Investment used to be easy. You spoke to two or three
suppliers about a new press or folder, threatened to walk
away from a deal in order to slice something from the price
and when the equipment was delivered, assigned a couple
of people to training for a few hours to understand the few
new features that had been added.
Even when digital printing arrived, this formula worked
because digital was additional to and not a replacement for
offset litho. And for too many printers the strategy-free
approach continues, particularly if there is a good trade
in on the old machine combined finance package over five
years. The extra productivity of a new press with faster
makeready and automated set up allows a business to be
competitive at lower prices. If this is justification for the
investment, it is the strategy of the mad house.
Two years down the road, having established lower prices,
a competing printer will install an even faster more produc-
tive press and reduce his prices. What happens then? If it is
to hope that enough rivals go out of business to shift work
around, it will not happen. Today print has to justify its
right to exist every step of the way and needlessly adding to     Here is where manufacturers can help. Decisions must
capacity is a foolhardy strategy.                                 be based on sound financial projections and appreciation
Too many believe that their problem is that they cannot           of wider trends, not just on the retained value in an asset
compete with market prices so seek a way to reduce their          should the company fail. They may need to walk away from
prices and increase margins. And the blood letting will go        some business, even from customers of long standing.
on.                                                               In some areas digital printing is rapidly becoming the domi-
Too few many sit down to work out a proper strategy based         nant technology or, has already done so. Within five years
on the customers that they have and the customers they            digital will have moved on again. Inkjet may be the technol-
would like to have. How many understand what their USP            ogy all litho printers have to contend with or the technology
actually is and come up with ways to shift perceptions. Too       they have just invested in.
few work out which technology will really benefit these           For others the option of turning in the inks, plates and
customers and their business.                                     late nights, can be attractive. It is feasible now to continue
                                                                  to service customers, but farm out the actual printing to
 Print Business goes out and talks to printers in their           online trade printers, who can compete at what appear to be
 language on their turf. This issue we travelled 9,440 miles to   suicidal prices. Printers must take control of their destiny
 fill the magazine with 32,808 words. See more printers’ case     and shape their own future not rely on habits of the past.
 studies at www.printbusiness.co.uk.
                                                                  Gareth Ward

In the next issues…

                                                                              www.printbusiness.co.uk            July/August 2017   3
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Print Business is published by
Print Business Media Ltd
3 Zion Cottages, Ranters Lane,
Goudhurst, Cranbrook, Kent
TN17 1HR • 01580 236456
Cover picture by Ray Schram
Printed by Stephens & George
Paper supplied by Lumipaper

Editor Gareth Ward
01580 236456 | 07866 470124
Press releases should be sent to

                                          THE ONLINE PRINTING ISSUE

Karen Hicks Sales manager
020 3871 6553                             Information/                  The quiet revolution
                                          Technology 6                  of UV printing 52
Dawn Pitcher 01580 236500                 Bell & Bain buys Ricoh        UV printing is gaining
                                          inkjet for journals;          ground as its benefits to
MEDIA INFORMATION                         orders for Heidelberg,        commercial print become
The Media Pack is available under
the Information menu at                   KBA, Komori and Apex;         clear.
                                          Pensord buys Cambrian.    The figures work for
The Monday morning News ezine is a
popular collection of a handful of the
                                          Printondemand prints Northend 57
week’s news, always going beyond          the book on lean 22       Sheffield printer caculates
the press release and often exclusive.
No third parties or selling of details.   Andy Cork is leading the  that an SRA1 Ryobi will
Sign up at www.printbusiness.co.uk/
Register                                  digital book printer on a deliver the returns.
SUBSCRIPTION                              lean production journey,  In the City 59
Print Business is free to qualifying
printers. Subscriptions for other
                                          investing in Xerox.       Perivan Press remains
interested parites are £120 pa.
general@printbusiness.co.uk               How online printing is        close to the heart of
                                          taking over 28                London and its clients.
Print Business is the organiser of
Forward Thinking Printing. For more       The rise of online printing   Kodak finds a gem 64
details see the Events page under the
Information menu at
                                          is the story of the 21st      Kodak is stirring interest
www.printbusiness.co.uk                   century, with a range of      in its Ultrastream inkjet
CONTENT                                   business approaches.          head, but needs to deliver
Content is copyright © Print Business
Ltd 2010-2017. All rights reserved.
                                          Web to print evolves          on the promise.
ARCHIVE                                   to serve all 51               Duplo unveils spot
Previous issues are available for a
small fee. See the Archive page at        Web to print software is      value 68
                                          capable of meeting most       The new DuSense UV
Apply for terms & conditions to           needs and is an essential     inkjet varnisherwill appeal
general@printbusiness.co.uk               tool for any company.         for a spot on finish.

   4   May/June 2017 www.printbusiness.co.uk
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                           Recently on
Words of print wisdom      PrintBusiness.co.uk
                                                                                the roads of France, let alone of winning the race.
                                                                                Each team rider must be aware of his role in the
                                                                                structure, yet be prepared to change if a rider is
                                                                                lost to accident or illness. Much has rightly been
                                                                                made of the philosophy of incremental improve-
                                                                                ment in cycling and how this can be deployed in
                           Time to get out of the                               industry, but just as important is the ability of the
                           house                                                team to adapt as circumstances dictate.
                                                                                   The goal is to win over the entire course,
                           The advertising world was last week enjoying the     meaning that a breakaway which might be left in
                           sunshine and congratulations at Lions Cannes, its    week one, is closed down in week three; that inter-
                           annual get together for awards, presentations and    mediate sprint points may become crucial as the
                           networking. The presentations were sometimes         race unfurls.
                           deep and academic because the industry likes to         Many printers are focusing on fractional
                           think of itself in that way.                         gains which accumulate to drive efficiency
                              UK Print in contrast can barely scrape a          improvements. They should not ignore the
                           quorum for any kind of event where there is a        equally important ability to remain flex-
                           risk that someone might discover something new       ible and evolve as circumstances prove
                           (other than the piece of technology the speaker is   to be different from what was imagined.
                           presenting, but that is not guaranteed).             26 June
                              Too many speakers decide they will discuss “the
                           challenges the industry is facing”, when everyone
                           not present knows exactly what those challenges
                           are and instead wants to learn about solutions to
                           those challenges. Then they might turn up. But       It will be in the small
                           this is unlikely.                                    print
                              Perhaps, unlike the printer in Chicago or the
                           finisher in Darmstadt, the printer in Leeds is       Brexit negotiations begin this week with all
                           comfortable within his surroundings and finds out    the drama and slog, the intrigue and betrayal,
                           what he needs to know from exhibitions (occasion-    demands and concessions that this entails. If a
                           ally), suppliers (frequently) and the trade press    successful Brexit results, printers can anticipate
                           (hopefully).                                         reduced paper costs thanks to lower cost imports
                              However, this is not really enough. There is      from China: there is very little UK paper industry
                           simply too much going on to be sure that you         to protect. But the loss of the single market will
                           understand the impact of digital media, the chal-    have deeper consequences.
                           lenge from online print, opportunities from added       The magnitude of the task is highlighted by
                           value finishing.                                     discussion about the Europeann Printed Packag-
                              And with margins tight, one misjudgement can      ing Waste Directive. This calls for a single market
                           be crippling. Let’s not become as self absorbed as   in materials used and in full recyclability under
                           the advertising business has become, but sharing     provisions of the circular economy.
                           thoughts, ideas and even solutions should be part       However, some countries have argued that
                           of every printer’s agenda. 3 July                    national regulations should apply, preventing
                                                                                packaging that is not in accordance with their
                                                                                regulations from being accepted in these countries
                                                                                and so compromising the single market.

                           All eyes on Düsseldorf
                                                                                   Pan European bodies, including Intergraf, are
                                                                                insistent that free movement of goods must take
                           The great sporting summer is beginning to get        precedence while maintaining the concept of
                           underway. Wimbledon starts next week, cricket        ‘producer responsibility’.
                           tests are edging closer and over in Düsseldorf,         This is only a peek behind the scenes of what
                           a year after the printing industry left town, the    may happen post-Brexit. UK packaging produc-
                           greatest of them all, the Tour de France rolls out   ers will need to deal with a plethora of conditions
                           on Saturday. Each of these (and others) demon-       without the ability to influence the rules.
                           strates the importance of teamwork, including           T h e d e c i s i o n s t h e U K gove r n -
                           the seemingly individual sports of tennis and road   ment negotiators make could have a
                           cycling.                                             devastating impact on producing packaging for
                              For without a team of domestiques to look after   goods destined for export. And that is one rela-
                           their leader, the likes of Chris Froome and Richie   tively minor clause. We wish them the very best.
                           Porte have no change of surviving three weeks on     19 June

         Browse in peace in the uncluttered and calm environment of printbusiness.co.uk

                                                                     www.printbusiness.co.uk              July/August 2017         5
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Bell & Bain brings Ricoh
inkjet into the book world
BELL & BAIN will be the first        to not being able to get the paper   litho printing Docherty adds.       going to be printing full colour
UK book printer to commit to         to dry fully when there is too       “We have chosen the best of the     for less than 0.75p a page. This is
Ricoh’s VC60000 inkjet press. It     much ink on the paper. There is      bunch. And I like the people at     quality that is fit for purpose. We
will take the place of a Fujifilm    always the risk of cockling when     Ricoh and their commitment to       have agreed a pricing structure
540W which at the time it was        drying the paper. Suppliers can      making it work. They are just as    with Ricoh that does not include
installed in the Glasgow factory     show good samples on good            excited as I am.”                   a clicks charge, and that means
was the first of its kind.           paper, but it doesn’t work in real      The Ricoh will be printing       that I don’t have to achieve
   The VC60000, arriving next        life on journal paper.               academic journals inline with a     a certain volume of pages a
month, is a more established            “The problems for a printer       Horizon SmartBinder line that       month. And I don’t have to run
machine with users in transac-       using inkjet is that the variables   was installed last year by IFS.     it at 120m/min if I don’t want to.
tional and direct mail printing      for digital are incredible, with     Covers for journals will in the         “We can continue to give very
and has been thoroughly tested       the interplay of all the consuma-    main be printed litho, even with    high quality with litho printing
says Bell & Bain managing            bles that is possible.”              runs as low as 250 copies. Below    and will stick with the tradi-
director Stephen Docherty. “We          He has specified the press        this the company has a Konica       tional process. We could never
saw samples from all the presses     without the precoating treat-        Minolta digital press.              quite get the quality on the
available and the Ricoh was the      ment and instead will run the           Nor will Bell & Bain drop        Fuji where I wanted it. If it was
most consistent by far.              press with inkjet optimised          prices for the digital machine.     acceptable to publishers, it was
   “Most problems seem related       paper. It is not the equivalent of   “There is no way that we are        not acceptable to me.”

N&B joins                              N&B is a multi award
                                     winning printer, producing art
expanding                            books, museum and exhibition
Bradley group                        catalogues.

growing print operation that
                                     Ashford adds
includes Quinns the Printers,        HDNA heads for
has acquired Nicholson & Bass,
one of Northern Ireland’s most
                                     colour boost
respected names in print.            ASHFORD COLOUR Press
   It will remain a separate         has fitted HDNA print heads to
entity within the Bradley Group      one of its two HP T230 inkjet
and will retain its craft-first      webs. These provide a higher
focus, says managing director        level of colour printing which
Peter Bradley. The move comes        can open up markets in journals
six months after the acquisi-        and magazines, says sales direc-           Inkjet team at Ashford Colour.
tion of Mannin Group on the          tor Mark Jones.
Isle of Man and a few months            “These allow us to get an
after setting up a factory for the   image to a level closer to that
Quinnstheprinters online trade       you might get from an Indigo,”       testing a wider range of papers     Jones. “There is a cost implica-
print operation in Liverpool.        he says. “For a book printer like    on the enhanced quality             tion because we have to slow the
   Nicholson & Bass in contrast      us, this allows us to improve the    machine, including some gloss       press down to run and we may
has established a reputation as      quality of pictures, which we        coated substrates which would       need to apply a precoat to papers
a high quality book and fine art     can offer to customers.”             not normally be used by book        used.”
print over its 80 years, some-          The investment will give          publishers. “It’s not going to be
thing that Bradley wants to
build upon. “Nicholson & Bass
                                     Ashford a line up of two HP T
                                     series inkjet presses for colour
                                                                          used to print fine art books,” he
                                                                          says, “but we can offer more to
will remain autonomous from          printing and a Domino i630 for       customers in the training and       wins over
other companies in the group
and we’re pleased to be keeping
                                     mono printing. All are finished
                                     through offline Hunkeler
                                                                          education sectors which is core
                                                                          to us.”
managing director Johnny             lines supplied by Friedhelm             “We have produced samples        THE PRINTING industry’s
Megarry on board.” He will be        International.                       printed with the standard and       plea for a core plus approach
sales director of the business.         The company has been              with the HDNA heads,” says          to apprentice training under …

6   July/August 2017 www.printbusiness.co.uk
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KBA-Sheetfed Solutions

              Autonomous printing
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              With AutoRun, the technology of the future is placed at your fingertips
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              Experience how you can use the digitisation of the print process to
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                           KBA (UK) Ltd.

                           Phone: +44 1923 819922, craig.bretherton@kba.com
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Pensord looks west to make
acquisition of Cambrian
CAMBRIAN PRINTERS has                the Cambrian business for                                                 operations director Karl Gater
been acquired by Pensord Press,      almost a century, first as a news-                                        led a management buyout in
its first acquisition and one that   paper printer than commercial                                             2010 printing more than 400
provides back up and a balance       printing, to bow out of a busi-                                           publications to generate sales of
to its magazine portfolio with a     ness that was founded in 1860.                                            £12 million from 150 staff.
more commercial print emphasis.         In recent years it has suffered                                           The acquisition allows Robert
   Moving this work to Aber-         a succession of short lived                                               Read and younger brother Tim
ystwyth and consolidation all        managing directors. Doug Gray         “Cambrian                           Read to step away from a busi-
magazine section work at the         became managing director in           is well                             ness that their grandfather had
Pensord plant in Pontilanfraith,     2011, promoted from operations        respected.”                         acquired in 1927.
South Wales, will bring early        director, leaving when he retired                                            Robert Read says: “When we
efficiencies.                        two years later to be replaced by    lean management techniques           decided to sell, it was important
   Managing director Darren          finance director Kieran O’Connor     before these were commonplace.       we found a buyer who had a real
Coxon says: “Cambrian Printers       who left the business in 2014.          Cambrian followed invest-         understanding of what we do,
is a well respected name in the         Meanwhile Robert Read has         ment in a four-colour Heidelberg     and an empathy with our staff.
industry with a portfolio of long    been owner for more than 40          Speedmaster XL105, installed         Pensord is a hugely respected
standing customers, so when          years and has described the          in 2006, with a ten-unit KBA         name in the industry, building
the opportunity to purchase          business as “geographically          Rapida 106 in 2011 as a fast         a very successful business, and
arose we jumped at it.” These        challenged”, making it diffi-        makeready short run press. It        winning awards and credit for
have included work for Welsh         cult to recruit suitably qualified   also runs two Indigos in a sepa-     their expertise and the way they
language customers, auction          executives.                          rate digital print operation.        treat their ‘Pensord people’, so
houses and academic publishers.         The business has had to run          Pensord is an all Heidelberg      we feel there could be no better
   The acquisition allows the        harder to stay still embracing       house having bought three B1         name to take Cambrian forward
Read family, which has owned         environmental certifications and     perfectors since Coxon and           from here.”

… the modern apprenticeship
system has been given the green
                                     firing off a comment to spark
                                     the campaign.
                                                                          official launch has taken place at
                                                                          the Nove Mesto factory in Slova-
                                                                                                               Chester takes
light after the BPIF led protests       Ursula Daly, coordinator for      kia operated by Masterwork,          first B2 Komori
against a single-qualification
approach proposed by the Insti-
                                     the Consortium, says: “The level
                                     of responses went way beyond
                                                                          Heidelberg’s partner in finish-
                                                                          ing technology and which also
                                                                                                               for cartons
tute For Apprenticeships.            anything we dared hope for, and      produces impression cylinders.       CHESTER MEDICAL Solu-
   The BPIF has been leading         it’s helped us communicate a            The Diana Easy is the equiva-     tions has continued a rolling
a Trailblazer Consortium to          really robust message about the      lent of the Easy Matrix platen       investment programme with
decide the content of separate       sector’s needs. I can’t overstate    for carton folder gluers and         installation of a Komori GL629,
apprenticeships for prepress,        how appreciative we are, and         offers a way for commercial          the first of the GL series B2
printing and post press areas.       the consortium members – who         printers to shift into carton        presses in the UK to be config-
   This are already simpli-          are all dedicating a great deal      production.                          ured for carton printing.
fied to help both trainees and       of time and effort to this - are        It takes some of the technol-        And it was these features that
their parents understand what        greatly reassured by the level of    ogy from the top of the range        convinced managing director
is involved and will be used         support across the industry.”        Diana X, pitched at the very         David Patterson to choose the
to channel any government                                                 top end of the market. The new       Japanese press over German
   But at the end of last year,
                                     Heidelberg’s                         machine will also appeal to these
                                                                          customers looking for an addi-
                                                                                                               rivals. The machine is currently
                                                                                                               in place alongside a Lithrone 28
the ruling body decided that a       entry level Diana                    tional finishing line.               and Speedmaster CD102 at the
single apprenticeship would be
sufficient and that all trainees
                                     arrives                                 Masterwork is currently
                                                                          making large investments in
                                                                                                               factory in Deeside.
                                                                                                                  The six-colour Komori is
should have the same experience      HEIDELBERG HAS launched              the factory to double capacity       equipped with both end of
regardless of the different needs    the Diana Easy, an entry level       for the new machine and exist-       press and inter deck UV lamps,
of each production sector.           folder-gluer to fill a gap in an     ing Diana Smart and Diana X.         a dedicated coater and the
   The decision led to protests      expanding portfolio of pack-         These have been developed            ability to run the final print
both from the Consortium and         aging products. The 300m/            with heavy Heidelberg involve-       unit as a coater, inline colour
the wider industry after Print       min machine was previewed at         ment using experience from the       and density controls, automatic
Business reported the issue,         Drupa last year. This year the       former Jagenburg machines.           registration control and …

8   July/August 2017 www.printbusiness.co.uk
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We considered

                                     We chose

                       with RMGT Ryobi LED-UV drying

Nigel Stubley, MD
Northend Creative

Northend Creative is the latest in a long line of print companies      “Our calculations suggested that this new
who considered switching litho production to B2 digital presses,
                                                                       machine would be more productive than our two
only to be convinced that modern LED-UV litho offers the best
                                                                       existing B2 presses due to the SRA1 format, the
production option.
                                                                       printing speed, the latest makeready capabilities,
RMGT Ryobi was the pioneer of LED-UV offset technology,                and, most of all, because of the instant drying
delivering dry-to-the-touch sheets in a clean environment, with        provided by LED UV curing.” Nigel Stubley
unmatched quality and productivity on an almost unlimited
range of stocks. RMGT Ryobi is the global and UK market leader
with more LED-UV offset installations than any of its rivals, in all
formats from B3 to SRA1.

                                                                                    01442 235236
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Micropress investment will
boost productivity
MICROPRESS WILL TAKE                                                        The extra productivity fed      thing right before we get busy in
delivery of a new press, guillo-                                         into the investment on the         September.”
tine and folder in the next few                                          finishing side. It had installed      Before placing the order for
weeks, aiming to have them up                                            a Muller Martini Primera           the press, Micropress checked
and running, and hooked into its                                         saddle stitcher last year which    the options from Komori,
new MIS, before the busy season                                          increased throughput of these      including new generation UV
kicks off in September.                                                  products. The new folder is        drying. Neither the Japanese
   The new press is a five-                                              additional and will feed folded    supplier or new way of working
colour Heidelberg Speedmaster                                            sections to this line.             made sense. Adding a seal on the
XL75-5. The same supplier                                                   The guillotine is a replace-    fifth unit means work can still be
is also delivering a Stahlfolder                                         ment, but with Autotrim, will      turned quickly, and as it is a four
KH82 and Polar 115 with                                                  be more productive in terms of     press operation, one running a
Autotrim. The press replaces                                             blade movements an hour.           different technology might have
                                     Rob Cross: “We normally
a similar machine the Norfolk                                               “The Polar Autotrim is a real   been disruptive.
                                     replace our press every
company installed eight years                                            step forward and will give us a       As the new press will be used
                                     seven years.”
ago, but thanks to software                                              15-20% increase in output and      for covers on B1 work, there will
upgrades, including Intellistart,                                        stop the cutting area being a      be no questions about achieving
productivity will be higher.        XL106s we installed 18 months        bottleneck.                        a match across and as the covers
   “We normally replace our         ago increased our capacity so           “Everything will be installed   need to wait for the sections to
presses every seven years. The      much it made sense to wait,”         by the end of July,” says Cross.   be printed, the advantage of
one going out is in fact eight      says commercial director Rob         “It will be going live during      immediately dry sheets is also
years old but the Speedmaster       Cross.                               August so that we can get every-   not needed.

                                                                         Xeretec adds HP                    of success. This best of breed
                                                                                                            acquisition plays to the strengths
                                                                         printer dealer                     of both respected brands and
                                                                                                            both resellers.”
                                                                         XERETEC, THE LARGEST                  The move reflects broader
                                                                         reseller channel for Xerox in      changes in the office equipment
                                                                         the UK, has bought Landscape       market which Xerox in particu-
                                                                         Group, a major reseller for HP     lar has made a key growth area
                                                                         to the education and corporate     since the separation of Xerox
                                                                         sector.                            and Corduent at the beginning
                                                                            The businesses overlap          of the year. Both Xerox and
 Komori at
 Chester                                                                 in the sales and support of        HP have launched a clutch of
 Medical                                                                 multi-­functional printers and     new MFP machines this year,
 is first in                                                             workgroup printers, but not        ramping up quality, features and
 cartons.                                                                in production print where          functionality.
                                                                         Xeretec handles the full range
… Komori’s PQA-S V5 camera
checking system.
                                    a cutsheet digital press for short
                                    run cartons. Patterson explains:
                                                                         of Xerox cutsheet machines, but
                                                                         Landscape does not sell HP’s
                                                                                                            Screen adds to
  “The quality improvements         “We are seeing a greater accept-     production level technology.       label range
will help us get more jobs out of   ance of digital printing for            Xeretec chief executive
the press on a given shift,” says   pharmaceutical work. It’s a          Steve Hawkins says: “The           SCREEN HAS ADDED two
Patterson.                          really important area for us as      game-changing acquisition of       versions of its TPJ 350 UV label
  “We are moving towards            run lengths are coming down.         Landscape Group is a transfor-     press to increase productivity
shorter runs and quality is         There are no longer any colour       mational moment for Xerox,         and to address requirements in
predominant.”                       issues with digital.                 HP, our customers and our          the food sector.
  The company has also                 “The new Lithrone will            staff. Xeretec will continue          The TPJ350UV+ is a faster
invested in digital printing, a     change the cross over point          to consolidate and develop its     version of the existing machine
Xeikon to print point of sale       between the technologies and by      longstanding commitment to         able to run at 60m/min, up from
and some information leaflets,      having both we are able to focus     the Xerox brand, building on       50m/min on the first machine. It
the inkjet braille machine and      on shorter run lengths.”             its exceptional track record       also runs with an additional …

10    July/August 2017 www.printbusiness.co.uk

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ProCo steps into larger sheet
with Ryobi 925 LED UV order
PROCO IS REPLACING a                                                                                          press controls as well as the LED
Manroland 500 B2 sheetfed                                                                                     curing to ensure that the sheet
press with a five-unit RMGT9                                                                                  in the delivery can be processed
series SRA1 machine with LED                                                                                  immediately.
UV curing. from Apex Digital                                                                                     An Agfa Avalon N8 replaces
Graphics. The new press will be                                                                               two older and smaller plate-
delivered to the Sheffield busi-                                                                              setters. The new platesetter
ness in August, joining a second                                                                              comes with the new Arkana
Manroland 500 and four HP                                                                                     processor and continues an asso-
Indigo presses including a B2                                                                                 ciation with Agfa that includes
Indigo 10000.                                                     Apex’s Bob Usher and Neil                   Apogee workflow and twin Agfa
   The company began looking                                      Handforth flank Kohei Yatsumoto,            Anapurna inkjet printers.
at new litho technology a year                                    international sales manager, RMGT              The company opted for a
ago, says production director                                     and Graeme Parry of Micropress.             five-colour configuration after
Graeme Parry. “We took the                                                                                    research among customers
decision we needed a differ-         work. This is a path already        showroom. We had to look at the      unearthed a continuing demand
ent technology,” he says. “We        trodden by Precision Print-         age of the existing presses and      for specials and spot colours,
needed quicker turnaround            ing which last year adopted the     the amount of maintenance they       says Parry. “Within our scope
from litho to match the speed        Ryobi SRA1 press alongside HP       would need as an on going cost.”     of work there is still a very real
the customers have got used          Indigos.                               The Japanese machine is also      need for the use of specials, so
with digital.                           Parry agrees that the expe-      smaller than the German press        it was a necessary part of the
   “Customers don’t understand       rience of the London printer.       it will replace despite printing     configuration of the press,” he
the differences in the processes     “The Ryobi is a fantastic piece     eight A4s to a sheet. It uses 20%    says.
or why they have to wait if it’s     of equipment and that has been      of the electrical consumption           Customers will also gain from
litho printed.”                      proven by the likes of Preci-       and is two-thirds the size of the    improved quality on uncoated
   He expects the new press will     sion. The new press very much       Roland 500. There is nothing         papers, but mostly the faster
take a greater share of work         complements our digital set up.     else that gives the features in so   turnaround of all jobs that has
from the Indigos, freeing up the        “We visited a number of          small a footprint.”                  been associated with digital
digital presses for higher margin    printers and ran tests in the          This includes automated           printing.

… chill roller to increase the                                                                                spokesman. “We can handle
range of heat sensitive films that    NBC has opted                                                           complicated and large format
                                      for a Komfi Delta
can be printed.                                                                                               folding. A recent customer
   The TPJ350UV+LM has                                                                                        found he could not get a local
a low migration UV ink and a                                                                                  finisher to take on a large format
nitrogen purge system to remove                                                                               map folding from a laminated
any risk of taint by accelerating                                                                             sheet.
the cure rate of the inks.                                                                                       “As we are new to in-house
   Screen has always provided a                                                                               laminating the Delta has proved
white ink; it now adds support                                                                                ideal in being easy to set up and
for a gamut enhancing orange                                                                                  operate, and it has performed
to this. Both machines will be                                                                                exactly as we had hoped.”
at Labelexpo in Brussels in
September.                           the number of services that the
                                     Nottinghamshire company can
                                                                         with an increased demand for
                                                                         jobs to be laminated came a
                                                                                                              Quantum finds
Komfi adds                           deliver.                            demand from customer to have         solace in Foliant
                                       The laminator was supplied        certain jobs turned around more
touch extra for                      by Friedhiem International, also    quickly.”                            QUANTUM PRINT and

NBC                                  agent for MBO, the supplier of
                                     the company’s folders. Manag-
                                                                            These can come from both
                                                                         local printers and those further
                                                                                                              Packaging has added a Foliant
                                                                                                              Vega 400A laminator, supplied
NBC PRINT FINISHING                  ing director Nick Champion,         afield, including London.            by IFS, to partner a Ricoh Pro
has installed a Komfi Delta 52       who started the Bulwell busi-       “We offer some specialised           C9100 installed last year and
thermal laminator to increase        ness five years ago, says: “Along   finishing,” says a company           which had been used for …

12    July/August 2017 www.printbusiness.co.uk

Beatus joins carton trend
with seven-colour KBA
BEATUS CARTONS has                                                                                                The company spent two
ordered a seven-colour double-                                                                                 years preparing for the change
coater KBA Rapida 106 for                                                                                      in management responsibilities
delivery to its plant at Porth                                                                                 and took equal care in choosing
near Cardiff later this year. The                                                                              its new press.
independent carton business                                                                                       “During the investment
will also take delivery of a new                                                                               process we looked at both
cutting and creasing platen.                                                                                   Heidelberg and Komori.
   The announcement comes           Steven Lord CEO of Beatus                                                  However, we were bowled over
                                    with Peter Banks of KBA
a month after sales director                                                                                   by the inline quality system
                                    and Clive Stinchcombe, MD
Clive Stinchcombe took over as                                                                                 and KBA gave us a huge
                                    of Beatus.
managing director of the busi-                                                                                 degree of confidence. It was
ness. Steven Lord, managing                                                                                    a very personal approach but
director for the past 20 years,     what it prints. This is because      ceutical clients and increasing       conducted in highly professional
becomes chief executive for the     the press will be the first in the   important for customers from          manner from the outset,” says
foreseeable future while Claude     UK with KBA’s QualiTronic            food, confectionery, health and       Stinchcombe.
Beatus remains chairman of the      PDF system.                          beauty sectors.                          “We were particularly
77-year-old business.                 This is a camera unit mounted         Stinchcombe says: “The             impressed by the level of
   The appointments signal          on the press to compare every        inline quality control of this        personal service afforded to us
that the company is continuing      sheet against the original PDF.      machine is one of its biggest         by KBA UK area sales manager
to look to the future, under-       Any sheets with blemishes are        attractions and will allow us to      Peter Banks, who did more than
lined by the specification for      recorded and marked for elimi-       achieve a more consistent and         hold our hand throughout the
the new press which will allow      nation while a report is generated   reliable level of quality without     whole process. We hope that this
the company to print on plastics    which can be sent to customers.      having to compromise on               is the start of a long and happy
and to guarantee the integrity of   This is essential for pharma-        running speeds.”                      relationship.”

… short run packaging. The          finishes including digital foiling   existing gravure and flexo            order for digital will be 500m2.
£3 million turnover business        and the wide variety of lamina-      production lines. These also             The press was unveiled at
was subject of a management         tion film finishes that stood out    offer flexible film printing which    Interpack with a video link
buyout in 2014 led by joint         for us,” says Foden.                 it is hoped the inkjet project will   to the Walsrode factory in
managing directors Giles Foden                                           cover in time.                        Germany where it is located.
and Peter Thomas.
   It has increased a focus on
                                    Wipak opens                              The ProDirect project also
                                                                         includes a web portal through
                                                                                                                  It has a single-pass inkjet
                                                                                                               array across the full 1,400mm
sports nutrition packages,          door to digital in                   which customers can order their       web with printing at either
beverages and more recently on
e-cigarettes, with growth in the
                                    flexibles                            printed packaging, submit or
                                                                         modify artwork.
                                                                                                               1200x1200 dpi or 1200x600dpi.
                                                                                                               At the higher resolution
digital side.                       FINNISH OWNED packaging                  For analogue produc-              running speed is 82m/min, at
   “We wanted to satisfy the        supplier Wipak has developed         tion a typical minimum order          the lower throughput is 160m/
increasing demand from our          a wide web inkjet press to print     would be around 5,000m2; the          min.
customers for embellished digi-     paper laminates alongside its        company says the minimum                 This makes this the first major
tally printed packaging,” says                                                                                 packaging supplier to offer high
Foden. “The early indications                                                                                  volumes digital printing.
from our customers have been                                                                                      The use of HP Indigo tech-
very positive and they feel the                                                                                nology to print low volumes of
added effects now possible will                                                                                flexible packaging is becoming
help give them a selling edge.”                                                                                more frequent, and installations
   The Foliant includes the                                                                                    for high speed inkjet T series
optional multifunctional                                                                                       machines for corrugated pack-
imprinting unit which enable                                                                                   aging print have started, but
the company to run a range of                                                                                  other than for very short runs,
metallised foils or high gloss                                                                                 flexible packaging has so far
clear foils for a spot varnish                        Wipak press will print inkjet flexible packaging.        remained out of scope.
effect. “It was the specialist                                                                                    “This represents a …

14    July/August 2017 www.printbusiness.co.uk
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ProPackaging switches to
Komori for B1 flagship press
PROPRINT GROUP has                                                        for H-UV once the inks and             UV to create different effects.
chosen a six-colour Komori                                                coatings suitable for packag-            The Komori replaces a seven-
Lithrone GL640 as ProPackag-                                              ing applications are available,        year-old Speedmaster CD102.
ing’s flagship sheetfed carton                                            according to director Nigel            As well as a faster running
press, the first time the Welling-                                        Tollman. “We have UV inter             speed, the Komori has a shorter
borough company has opted for                                             decks located after the first, fifth   makeready reducing waste and
a Komori press.                                                           and sixth printing units and also      opening the way to economic
   The investment follows on                                              IR drying and hot air knives in        production of short run jobs.
from investment in its labels                                             the delivery extension.”               The new machine will also suffer
division, comprising the UK’s                                                While Tollman expects to            fewer breakdowns, important
first Graphium inkjet labels                                              keep the same UV inks on press,        when the working week is 24/6.
press and an Edale FL-3 UV                                                he wants to be able to switch            “It is proving to be the right
flexo machine. It also runs           Nigel Tolley: “It is proving to     from UV to aqueous coatings            press for us,” says Tollman.
                                      be the right press for us.”
a Screen TruepressJet 1600                                                in order to satisfy customer           “We have modernised the plant
UV-F flatbed press for mock                                               requirements for different             throughout and we will be
ups on both rigid and flexible       of the new press. In all the         finishes.                              adding a folder gluer.”
substrates.                          company has spent £4 million in         The company will be able to           While the company has
   The company has also bought       the last 18-24 months.               print white on metallised boards       invested in digital production
a new Screen platesetter to cope       The Komori comes with              on the first unit followed by four     for the labels side, this is not
with the increased capacity          end of press and inter deck          colours and options on the coat-       yet a feasible choice for carton
for plates ahead of installation     UV lamps. It is also prepared        ings: wet on wet, aqueous on           printing.

… quantum leap,” says presi-
dent and general manager Stefan
                                     says general manager Lee Gary.
                                     “This lets us target the binding
                                                                          managing director Mark Player.
                                                                          “We were approached about the
                                                                                                                 Vivid brings
Gutheil.                             of digitally printed book blocks     business late last year and while      colour to digital
   “ProDirect is not only a new
technology, but the whole work-
                                     and a new service for digital
                                                                          there was interest from others,
                                                                          it was a good strategic fit for us.
flow is fully automated starting       The company has two large          And AM&M is a nice company.”           LAMINATOR COMPANY
from customer order entry via        Muller Martini binding lines as         Both businesses offer digital       Vivid has teamed up with Color-
the WebCenter to prepress            well as large format guillotines     print and mailing services for         Logic to expand the appeal of
and ready printed image. This        and high speed sewn binding.         transaction and specialist direct      its laminators for production of
is defining a new industry           Processing short runs on this        mail.                                  creative effects.
benchmark.”                          equipment is disruptive and             Greens has also been devel-            The company was the first to
                                     creates bottlenecks.                 oping its business continuity          exploit the potential for a lami-

UK Bookbinders                         “Short run and digital print-
                                     ing is here to stay,” he explains.
                                                                          offering, achieving ISO 22301
                                                                          as part of this. Now AM&M
                                                                                                                 nator to become a digital foiling
aims at digital                      “Before runs of 200 to 300 were      provides a mirror site, with the          The deal with Color-Logic

work                                 cost prohibitive for us.”            same ISO certifications, which
                                                                          can provide disaster recovery
                                                                                                                 takes this a step further by
                                                                                                                 using the US company’s
opening a digitally focused
                                     Green grasps                         and guaranteed business conti-
                                                                          nuity for customers.
                                                                                                                 technology to enable digital
                                                                                                                 printers to overprint the foil
section for its trade binding        opportunity of                          “And it can provide us with         and deliver a broader range of
operation. The Weston Super
Mare company has installed
                                     AM&M                                 the additional capacity we need
                                                                          when it gets a bit busy in High
                                                                                                                 value enhancing effects than
                                                                                                                 with foil alone.
a Horizon BQ470 four-clamp           HIGH WYCOMBE PRINT                   Wycombe,” says Player. “It                Color-Logic is usually sold
binder together with Horizon         and mail group Greens Digital        can be difficult to add capacity       under licence directly to pack-
HT30 trimmer and small format        has bought Accelerated Mailing       quickly when this happens.”            aging converters and there
guillotine in a separate 650m2       & Marketing in Burgess Hill,            Integrating the two opera-          is an established network of
unit alongside the main 2000m2       increasing capacity and boost-       tions should not pose a                label companies that are Color-
factory.                             ing the resilience of its disaster   challenge. “We had a good solu-        Logic suppliers. The deal
   “It lets us diversify into        recovery strategy.                   tion for business continuity,” he      with Vivid expands this foot-
markets where we haven’t been          “AM&M was an opportunity           says, “but it was not as good as       print into digital printing and
present or affordable enough,”       that came our way,” says Greens      the solution we have now.”             enables digital printers and …

16    July/August 2017 www.printbusiness.co.uk
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Heidelberg sets course for
growth with bid to lift sales
HEIDELBERG HAS SET sail               digital printing: from 5% of the      4.0. The document manage-              Packaging carries demands
to achieve sales of €3 billion        market to 10% bringing in an          ment business links engineering     for automation and high volume
within the next five years,           extra €200 million in the five-       design, service documentation,      industrialised printing with
guided by “once again becoming        year period.                          3D parts production and will        room to provide consultancy
a lighthouse for the industry”.          Additional consumables sales,      help both Heidelberg and third      to ensure consistency in colour
   Two acquisitions announced         ordered via an online portal, has     parties accelerate time to market   reproduction and on the other
last month will contribute            an identifiable sales potential of    and improve service levels.         hand in demands for personali-
sales of €30 million a year, less     €250 million.                            Further underlying the           sation and highly responsive fast
than 10% of the €500 revenue             For example it aims to gener-      vision is the data that can be      turnaround print.
increase needed from the              ate money from an “impression         collected on equipment perfor-         An automated plate produc-
2016/17 sales.                        charge model” as part of a            mance from 10,000 connected         tion line has been developed in
   “Over the next five years,         performance contracts for             machines and using this to          collaboration with Krause and
Heidelberg will once again            defined customer groups. This         gain further insights into the      Nela.
become a leading light in the         is a mid term objective that is       performance of print busi-             This will deliver the volume
sector, enjoying strong growth        not explained in detail, nor what     ness, printing machines and the     of plates needed by long litho
and profits. We’ve defined the        these customer groups might be.       trends that are ongoing.            presses handling short produc-
relevant success factors and             The acquisition of Fujifilm’s         This will lead to new sales      tion runs more effectively than
have already introduced initial       pressroom chemicals business          opportunities and new customer      existing Signasetters.
measures. This marks the start        in Belgium, will bring in €25         groups, Heidelberg says in its         The goals come on the back
of a new era of growth for            million immediately from sales        jazzy annual report.                of a 2016/17 result with sales
Heidelberg,” says CEO Rainer          in the European region. Fujifilm         There is a huge focus on         stable at €2.524 billion (€2.512
Hundsdörfer.                          retains the processing chemistry      packaging (accounting for 25%       billion) and an Ebitda of €179
   He does not specify the            linked to plates and is not selling   of all print and with labels as a   million (€189 million, a result
relevant success factors that         its plates business.                  sector growing at double digit      boosted by €19 million from a
will boost the revenue beyond            The second recent acquisi-         rates), and the cover of the        non recurring item. The UK
the phrase “Heidelberg goes           tion of Docufy is a brick in its      report itself can be folded into    suffered in both orders and sales
digital”. One area that is identi-    digital platforms business and in     a case to carry the remainder of    “due to uncertainty over the
fied is in doubling revenue from      its ambitions to exploit Industry     the publication.                    forthcoming Brexit”, says the

… commercial print to take on         in-a-box unit to print ultra thin     next year. Scott White, CEO         ic’s ambition to make smart
Color-Logic and offer its effects     semiconductor devices.                of Pragmatic, says: “Flexible       objects truly viable in consumer
to their customers.                      The initial machine will be        electronic devices have opened      markets.”
    The sheet is printed and lami-    operated at the company’s pilot       up new applications that were
nated. Next the area for foiling is
printed using black toner, which
                                      production unit as part of the
                                      UK National Printable Elec-
                                                                            previously not possible with
                                                                            conventional silicon chips, but
                                                                                                                Image Data
is then softened in the lminator’s    tronics Centre, itself located at     the benefits can only be real-      turns on to
heated rollers before the foil is
pressed into position. This foil
                                      the Centre for Process Innova-
                                      tion in Sedgefield. Low cost
                                                                            ised if they achieve the right
                                                                            cost point and scalable capacity
can now be overprinted to give        production of billions of elec-       needed for billions of circuits     IMAGE DATA GROUP has
250 metallic colours using the        tronic devices is considered a        and beyond.                         started to operate a new Durst
Color-Logic software.                 key enabler for the Internet of          “These agreements mark a         Rho 512 at its Howden large
                                      Things.                               major milestone in Pragmat-         format display print factory. …

Pragmatic                                The FlexLogic unit is
                                      designed as a practical approach
makes printed                         to solving the production issues

electronics                           around creating the billions of
                                      processors that will be needed.
breakthrough                          It eliminates the need for clean
MASS PRODUCTION of                    room facilities within the
                                                                                          Durst adds
printed electronics has taken a       enclosed unit.
stride towards practicality with         The system will be commis-
                                                                                          flexibility to
agreement to commission the           sioned during this year with
                                                                                          Image Data.
first Pragmatic FlexLogic fab-        volume production beginning

18    July/August 2017 www.printbusiness.co.uk

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Plastic Card Services steps
into digital with Indigo
PLASTIC CARD SERVICES                                  Rob Nicholls:      “The finishing equipment has         also developed for printing on
has installed its first digital                        “Our current       been chosen very carefully.”         plastics. It also runs a Svecia
press, opting for an HP Indigo                               kit isn’t       The finishing line can be         screen press. This has given the
5900 to expand its ability to                           reflective of     switched to production of            business capacity to produce 80
cope with shorter print runs as                           where the       conventionally printed cards in      million cards a year, all finished
customers control the numbers                              market is      a few minutes, automation also       within the same 2,000m2 plant.
that they order.                                             going.”      reducing the manpower require-          The cards cover applications
   “This is a step change for                                             ment. “It means we can double        in membership, loyalty and
the company,” says managing                                               production of conventional           gift cards, hotel and other key
director Rob Nicholls. “Print                                             cards and that’s what we need        cards, ID and security cards. It
runs are getting shorter and                                              for the future to keep us respon-    has more recently introduced a
shorter and we see that also in                                           sive, rather than just standing      shielding system for contactless
the inquiries we are getting.                                             still.” The investment will add      payment cards and e-passports
We analysed these and watch-                                              up to more than £1 million once      to prevent unauthorised down-
ing what the sector is doing and     included a Coltec collator           all the bills are settled.           loading of data they contain.
realised that the equipment we       and Buerkle laminator at the            The Indigo is specified as        At the end of last year this was
currently have isn’t fully reflec-   Macclesfield company. “This is       a seven-colour press and is          rewarded with an order for
tive of where the market is          recognised around the world for      specifically designed for card       21,000 units from Denmark, a
going.”                              providing the very best quality      production in mind. It will run      country where PCS has enjoyed
   The investment has also           in card finishing,” says Nicholls.   alongside a KBA Genius 52UV,         strong success.

… The 5 metre wide machine           allows us to compete with dye        installed at the company 12          pean CEO for TVS Logistics,
will address a growing demand        sub printing.”                       years ago. “It is more automated     a $6 billion privately owned
for backlit display screens             The roll to roll printer runs     and has better software than the     Indian company. He has also
printed on fabric says Paul          with 12pl variable sized drop-       first,” says managing director       been European sales director of
Price, IDG managing director         lets to give the quality needed      Dilu “Terry” Mukadam. The            Motorola and president of set
for the retail sector.               on the one hand and speed on         machine will cope with expand-       top box producer Pace.
   “We have seen the change          the other and it can run with        ing demands from the core               Adare is somewhat smaller
over where large retailers are       PVCs, papers, films and other        calendar business where Alltrade     having group sales of £240
wanting to migrate to stretch        substrates which the dye sub         Printers is the largest producer     million across its Secure and
fabric light boxes,” he says. “We    machine could not.                   in the UK of retail calendars.       Essential Communications
needed a machine that could                                                  The £185,000 investment           business and Global Marketing
produce these at high quality.”
   His research led to consid-
                                     Alltrade doubles                     includes full automated punch-
                                                                          ing unit, Quick Size Adjustment
                                                                                                               Services. But it has ambitious
                                                                                                               growth plans, hence the impor-
eration of a specialist dye          up Renz                              to cope with different paper sizes   tance of the appointment.
sublimation machine which                                                 and KAS calendar hanger system          As a result Barry Crich takes
would have to be dedicated to        ALLTRADE PRINTERS has                which takes straight wire, forms     the new role of chief operating
fabric printing rather than be       completed the largest installation   and adds a standard or euro          officer reporting to the new CEO
able to cope with existing jobs      for Renz UK at its Birmingham        profile hanger.                      who in turn reports to Adare
while demand grew.                   premises with a fully automate                                            Group CEO Robert Whiteside.
   Then Durst demonstrated a
new flexible ink that could be
                                     Inline 500 wire binding line.
                                        It joins a similar machine
                                                                          Adare reshapes                       Crich retains responsibility over
                                                                                                               four Adare SEC production sites
used to print direct to fabric                                            top team                             at Huddersfield, Nottingham,
with none of the problems                                                                                      Redditch and Guildford.
associated with more rigid UV                                             ADARE SEC HAS brought in                The last of these is under
inks.                                                                     a distribution expert as CEO of      notice of closure with the intent
   “We can print with this, fold                                          the expanding business.              of moving production to the
or crunch the fabric up then                                                 Richard Slee joins from           Nottingham site acquired from
once it’s opened back up on the                                           Premier Farnell, a special-          Polestar.
stretch frame the creases drop                                            ist distributor of technology           Guildford became part of
out without problem,” he says.        Terry Mukadam shakes                products, a company he joined        Adare through its acquisition of
                                      with Renz service manager
“You can’t do that with conven-                                           at the end of 2014 having            Banner Managed Communica-
                                      Lee Sherburn.
tional inks. The flexible ink                                             previously worked as Euro-           tions.                        n

20    July/August 2017 www.printbusiness.co.uk
another time.
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Cork unbottles
lean approach
to book printing
Printondemand Worldwide wants to be the leading producer of
digitally printed books and has implemented lean manufacturing to
achieve this.

ANDY CORK HAS A VISION: that                      production many years ago, however Print-        origins are in Impika, a French company
books will be ordered, printed, bound and         ondemand is about small batch sizes, about       that Xerox acquired three years ago.
dispatched with the lightest of manual            working with publishers to eliminate waste,         Throughout the bedding period, both
touches and in minimal time, perhaps even         about the book of one.                           printer and press supplier remain commit-
the same day. “Why can’t I get a book the            Cork has been focused on solving this         ted to the vision. “Now it works for our
same day? If we work on optimising the            issue since Printondemand moved to this          market,” says Cork. “Getting to the sign
manufacturing, there’s no reason why the          factory site in 2007 having been in much         off has been quite a challenge for Xerox and
vision cannot be realised. We need to chal-       smaller units in the centre of the city and      Impika and its pre and post press partners.”
lenge the current perception of what is           in London’s West End, home to the inplant        The goal, which is now within reach, is to be
possible,” he says.                               printing unit of the NFU. Cork took this on,     able to print in colour using the High Fusion
   The progress of the dream is evident in        transforming it into a print on demand oper-     ink that Xerox is introducing on the sorts of
three factory units on the edge of Peterbor-      ation for functional print items including       papers that publishers want to use. “If I can
ough, that is closest to the A1. Here sheet-fed   training manuals and reports for all manner      print with inkjet on this type of paper, it
digital printing is giving way to inkjet print-   of organisations.                                becomes a game changer for books,” he says.
ing. Printondemand-Worldwide still has                                                                The High Fusion ink takes a similar
two Screen Truepress Jet 520 colour inkjet        FROM THERE IT WAS A SMALL step                   approach to the latex inks used in large
presses, installed in 2015, but the future lies   into book printing. For the last ten years it    format inkjet printing. The pigment is
more with the next generation Xerox Trivor        has been a journey towards sensible automa-      encased in a polymer which prevents the
that is running inline to a Hunkeler Bookline     tion. “Now the pieces are starting to drop       colour pigments being absorbed into the
in turn delivering blocks to be bound on          into place,” he says.                            paper, leaving brighter image on the surface
one of two Muller Martini Vareos and then            Where most book printers that remain in       of non optimised papers.
trimmed on the UK’s first Infinitrim vari-        the UK can point to a long heritage, Prin-
able format three knife trimmer.                  tondemand is the joker in the pack as a          CERTAINLY THE SAMPLES look the
                                                  digital-only newcomer. It has never had litho    part and have been judged so. Cork took the
THIS PIECE OF EQUIPMENT has this                  presses, believing that digital is the future    same job printed on offset, cut sheet digital
year been awarded the Stationers’ prize for       for print. It remains at the forefront, one of   and inkjet digital to the London Book Fair
innovation following its debut at Drupa last      the first to invest in webfed inkjet and now     earlier this year, running a straw poll of visi-
year. It uses a robotic arm to pick up each       taking inkjet printing into high resolution      tors to see if they could pick the processes
book and present the fore edge, top and           colour, something that will help set the busi-   and so whether quality was at the desired
bottom to the static knife blade, leaving a       ness apart again. Cork explains: “We want to     standard. Few could discern any difference
finished bound book or book block ready           be printing colour. That is where there is a     in quality.
for case binding. It is mesmerising to watch,     massive untapped market.”                           “People could not pick out the litho
precise in its repetition and requires minimal       The Xerox Trivor has been in place since      quality,” he says. “They really could not tell
operator supervision. It removes all the          the end of last year, but has only recently      the difference.” There is a difference in cost.
variables of pace, accuracy and quality that      been signed off. It was the second Trivor        But where cutsheet digital colour was a step
manual production is associated with. The         in the UK, the first in book printing and        change in cost from litho, inkjet reduces the
industry has solved this for long run book        still among only a handful in the world. Its     gap. It will enable colour book production at

22   July/August 2017 www.printbusiness.co.uk
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