WORTH - The Insurance Insider

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WORTH - The Insurance Insider
SUMMER 2018                               ISSUE 66
                                                              18 Reserves 31 MGAs                     61 Legacy
                                                              Has the well         2nd annual         2018 Legacy
                                                              run dry?             MGA Review         Barometer

                                                                      THE PRICE OF
                                                                        With M&A valuations breaking
                                                                       box office records, IQ evaluates
                                                                        the frothy multiples for recent
                                                                               blockbuster deals

                             The intelligent quarterly from the publishers of The Insurance Insider

1-43_IQ Summer 2018.indb 1                                                                                     10/07/2018 16:03
WORTH - The Insurance Insider
If risks change
                  as ships sail,
                  premiums too?
                  Minds made for reinventing
                  financial services

                                                      © 2018 EYGM Limited. All Rights Reserved. ED None

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WORTH - The Insurance Insider

          BLOWING AWAY
          THE FROTH
           G           iven some of the eye-
           watering multiples that have
           characterised recent carrier M&A
                                                     Times, Thomas Buberl, CEO of the
                                                     acquiring company, said he had
                                                     anticipated the market’s negative
                                                                                                                   argue that they are all about adding
                                                                                                                     small-scale underwriting diversity,
                                                                                                                        characterised by low set-up costs,
           deals, it seems like a good time          reaction, adding that it would                                      flexibility, agility and speed to
           to query whether some of these            probably take 12 to 18 months                                       market – all via a vehicle that is
           acquisitions are worth the price paid -   to convince investors the XL                                        eminently scalable.
           both in terms of the accretive value to   purchase was the right decision.                                       MGAs face none of the
           the acquirer and whether, crucially,         But in an era when companies                                  headaches experienced by
           the resulting combined entity will        increasingly view the barriers                                purchasers of unwieldy (re)insurance
           prove to be a good fit.                   to entry via traditional Lloyd’s          GAVIN               groups or companies, with their
              In this issue of IQ, US managing       or company market startups as             BRADSHAW            troublesome legacy systems, cultural
           editor of The Insurance Insider,          prohibitively high, and face a            Editor              differences and expensive headcount.
                                                                                               Insider Quarterly
           Anthony Baldo, assesses what               shrinking pool of acquisition targets,                           Indeed, the burgeoning MGA
           lies behind what he describes              the prospect of aligning themselves                          sector could see even more traffic
           as the “frothy” multiples                  with an MGA/MGU instead might                                as carriers seek to put their capacity
           generated by some of these                 seem ever more attractive. In our                            behind a more cost-effective
           M&A deals.                                 MGA Review supplement on page                                solution to acquiring that necessary
              A point raised by one of his            29, proponents of the MGA model                              diversification.
           interviewees – Miles Wuller,                                                                                But let’s not get ahead of
           COO of Ryan Specialty Group                                                                             ourselves. Before we position MGAs
           Underwriting Management                                                                                 as the saviours of an increasingly
           – caught my eye. Making                                                                                 ponderous, ever-consolidating
           the case for expanding the                                                                              (re)insurance market, let’s note The
           company’s portfolio of MGUs,                                                                            Insurance Insider’s analysis of Willis
           Wuller says: “We’re paying fair                                                                         Re’s mid-year renewals report.
           prices [for acquisitions], but                                                                              London market MGAs in
           really seek to win on cultural fit.”                                                                    particular are likely to come under
              The point about cultural fit is an                                                                   greater scrutiny in the near future,
           apposite one for underwriters. One                                                                      given that the sector’s expansion
           oft-heard criticism of XL Group’s                                                                       “owes much to a period where top-
           merger with Catlin in 2015 was                                                                          line growth has been favoured over
           that the absorption of a classic                                                                        pure underwriting profitability”, The
           entrepreneurial London market                                                                           Insurance Insider recently wrote.
           business by a highly corporate global                                                                       Doubtless, all MGAs/MGUs
           carrier was unlikely to be a happy                                                                      will tell you that underwriting
           marriage.                                                                                               profitability is absolutely their
              The jury might still be out on the                                                                   focus. However, the truth of those
           success of that relationship, but there                                                                 assertions, and the putative cost-
           will have been more eyebrow-raising                                                                     effectiveness of the MGA model,
           when the merged entity subsequently                                                                     is inevitably going to be put to the
           came under the hammer - eventually                                                                      test. All of which, according to The
           selling to French-headquartered                                                                         Insurance Insider, could see this
           multi-national carrier Axa in March                                                                     period of growth come to an end,
           this year. As one London market                                                                         “and a likelihood of some failures or
           broker told me recently. “Allianz I                                                                     distressed sales”.
           could understand, but Axa?”                                                                                 Possibly at less frothy multiples
              In an interview with the Financial                                                                   than (re)insurance companies…

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1-43_IQ Summer 2018.indb 3                                                                                                                            10/07/2018 16:04
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                                                                    IN THE SUMMER 2018 ISSUE
          Mark Geoghegan mark@insuranceinsider.com
          Adam McNestrie adam@insuranceinsider.com
          Gavin Bradshaw gavin.bradshaw@insuranceinsider.com
          Laura Board laura.board@insuranceinsider.com
          Tony Baldo tony.baldo@insuranceinsider.com
          US EDITOR
          Ted Bunker ted.bunker@insuranceinsider.com
          Charlie Thomas charlie.thomas@insuranceinsider.com
          NEWS EDITOR
          Catrin Shi catrin.shi@insuranceinsider.com
          Fiona Robertson fiona@insuranceinsider.com
          Rachel Dalton rachel.dalton@insuranceinsider.com
          Lucy Jones lucy.jones@insuranceinsider.com
          John Hewitt Jones john.hewittjones@insuranceinsider.com
          Bernard Goyder bernard.goyder@insuranceinsider.com
          Sofia Geraghty sofia.geraghty@insuranceinsider.com
          Iulia Ciutina iulia.ciutina@insuranceinsider.com
          Sajeeda Merali sajeeda.merali@insuranceinsider.com
          Rob Hughes rob@insuranceinsider.com
          Benjamin Bracken ben.bracken@insuranceinsider.com

          Annie Lightholder annie@insuranceinsider.com
          Jennifer Lord jennifer@insuranceinsider.com
          Claudine Conteh claudine.conteh@insuranceinsider.com
          Beatrice Boico beatrice.boico@insuranceinsider.com        03 Comment:                                  upwards trend, writes John Hewitt-
          CONFERENCE PRODUCTION MANAGER                                Blowing away the froth                     Jones
          Matthew Sime matthew.sime@insuranceinsider.com
                                                                                                              18 Running dry?
          Sally Kramers
                                                                    NEWS DIGEST                                  Marcus Alcock finds the rate
          sally.kramers@insuranceinsider.com                        06 Around the world: IQ’s global            and quantum of reserve releases
          Holly Dudden holly.dudden@insuranceinsider.com
                                                                       market roundup                            has diminished, as carriers mull
                                                                    08 A touch of class: Market                 whether to over-reserve or seek
          Carlos Pallordet carlos.pallordet@insuranceinsider.com       developments by class                     alternative solutions
          DATA ANALYST                                              09 IQ PI: Market intelligence on the     22 What lies beneath
          Khilan Shah khilan.shah@insuranceinsider.com
                                                                       QT                                        Swiss Re’s reef insurance policy
          Ewan Harwood ewan@insuranceinsider.com                                                                 has highlighted the vulnerability
          Tim Peters tim.peters@insuranceinsider.com
                                                                    FEATURES                                     of the marine economy to climate
          ART DIRECTOR
                                                                    10 Worth the price of admission?            change and storm damage, says
          Paul Sargent paul@insuranceinsider.com                       With M&A valuations breaking              Ted Bunker
          MANAGING DIRECTOR, INSURANCE GROUP                           box office records, Anthony Baldo
          Anthony Siggers anthony.siggers@insuranceinsider.co
          3rd Floor, 41 Eastcheap, London, EC3M 1DT, UK
                                                                       evaluates the frothy multiples for     INSIGHT
          Tel main: +44 (0)20 7397 0615                                recent blockbuster deals               26 Lest we forget…
          Editorial: +44 (0)20 7397 0618
          Subscriptions: +44 (0)20 7397 0619                        14 Treading water                           Martin Robinson and the Lloyd’s
          Annual subscription – £2245+VAT/$3505
          Tel +44 (0)20 7397 0615 Fax +44 (0)20 7397 0616              Despite first half large losses, the      Motor Club remember the market’s
          IQ@insuranceinsider.com All rights reserved ©2018 IQ
          is published under licence by Euromoney Trading Ltd          marine market has some way to             fallen in the centenary year of the
          Subscription enquiries Annie Lightholder
          Tel +44 (0)20 7397 0619 Fax +44 (0)20 7397 0616              go this year before rates follow an       end of the First World War

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                                                                                        10      WORTH THE PRICE OF
                                                                                        Anthony Baldo evaluates recent
                                                                                        blockbuster M&A deals

                                                                                        14        TREADING WATER
                                                                                        Marine market rates are still idling, writes
                                                                                        John Hewitt-Jones

      14                                                                                          WHAT LIES BENEATH
                                                                                        Ted Bunker assesses risk financing
                                                                                        options for the marine economy

                                                                                        44        MENA INSURANCE PULSE 2018
                                                                                        The market responds on insurance growth
                                                                                        in the MENA region

      22                                           44
           MGA REVIEW                              TECHNICAL BRIEFINGS                     and director Holly Shepherd tell
           29 After the explosive growth of the   78 Getting agile                       Insider Quarterly about running a
              MGA sector in recent years, what        Aidan O’Neill on following the       family business
              lies ahead for the market? The          best practice path to a cutting
              Insurance Insider, the MGAA and         edge claim user experience        86 Executive moves
              other commentators review its        80 The W&I tool in M&A
              progress.                               Neil Brown and Joy Tickler
                                                      highlight the increasing use
           MENA INSURANCE PULSE 2018                  of W&I insurance by M&A
           44 MENA insurance markets have            negotiators
              benefited from continued rapid
              growth at improving profitability,   EXECUTIVE BRIEFINGS
              according to this year’s report      82 C
                                                       ulture and capability
                                                      Ryan Specialty Group’s Miles
           LEGACY                                     Wuller details the growth of
           61 The 2018 Legacy Review outlines        RSG’s underwriting management
              the sector’s growing value as a         business
              strategic capital management tool    84 Building for the future
                                                      Shepherd Compello chief
                                                      executive John Shepherd

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WORTH - The Insurance Insider


        US                                           production as a result of the quake,           harvest contracts (MRC) and hail
        Updated run-off                              including car makers Daihatsu, Mitsubishi
                                                     and Honda.
                                                                                                    contracts, the FFA said.
                                                                                                       FFA president Bernard Spitz
        law in RI approved                              The quake did not trigger a tsunami and     said insurers were working with the
                                                     local nuclear facilities were unaffected.      government to modernise the natural
        Legislation to amend Rhode Island’s run-        More than 200 people were injured,          disaster regime, with proposals expected at
        off law has been forwarded from the state    reports say. The fatalities included a nine-   the end of the year. Flash flooding struck
        legislature to Governor Gina Raimondo        year-old girl and two elderly men.             most French municipalities between 25
        for final sign-off.                             The Japan Times said that although the      May and 14 June, causing widespread
           The Rhode Island Senate passed an         quake was only of moderate magnitude, it       damage and killing at least two people.
        amendment to the state run-off law which     is believed to have caused high-intensity
        should make legacy transactions easier.
           Bill H 8163 to amend the run-off
                                                     tremors because of its shallow epicentre.
                                                        There have been several smaller
        statute, Regulation 68, has already been     earthquakes in Japan over the weekend.         Lloyd’s agency
        passed in an earlier form by the Rhode       A 4.5-magnitude earthquake hit Chiba,
        Island House of Representatives.             which encompasses the eastern outskirts        COOs back Brussels
           The change in legislation is expected     of Tokyo. And a 4.6-magnitude quake            More than half of chief operating officers
        to give a boost to run-off business in the   shook Gunma Prefecture in central Japan.       (COOs) for Lloyd’s managing agencies
        jurisdiction because it will no longer                                                      would prefer to use Lloyd’s Brussels for
        require that transferred business is put
        through a commutation plan.
                                                     FRANCE                                         EU business over local subsidiaries, as
                                                                                                    carriers prepare for Brexit.
           Some run-off professionals have           Spring storm losses                               In a survey of 39 of the 55 managing
        complained that Regulation 68 has                                                           agencies on Lime Street, 57 percent said
        been hampered by the commutation             at $500mn: FFA                                 they favour the Brussels-based Lloyd’s-
        requirement since it was enacted two         Hail storms and flooding that caused           owned insurer over local units. The other
        years ago, with the result that no legacy    devastation across France at the end of        43 percent said they would prefer to use
        deals have been done since it was passed.    May and in early June will cost insurers       EU subsidiaries.
           Oklahoma left out a commutation           in the region of EUR430mn ($502.2mn),             The survey found that managing
        requirement in its similar law after it      according to an estimate by the French         agencies were most united on the issue of
        faced insurance industry opposition.         Insurance Federation (FFA).                    changing the way data is shared between
                                                        The trade body said insurers have so far    coverholders and the Lloyd’s market.
        JAPAN                                        received 214,000 claims caused by water
                                                     and hail damage to homes, vehicles and
                                                                                                       Delegated authority transformation
                                                                                                    received the backing of 93 percent of
        Earthquake shuts                             commercial property.                           COOs, who support simplifying the way
                                                        The storm conditions are understood to      premiums and claims data move between
        car factories                                have hit French farmers especially badly,      MGAs and Lloyd’s capacity providers.
        A 6.1-magnitude earthquake killed at least   destroying “several thousand hectares” of         The system, part of the Target
        three people in Japan, causing widespread    vineyards, according to the FFA.               Operating Model (TOM) market
        damage around Osaka and Kyoto on the            A range of field crops including            modernisation process, is referred to as
        island of Honshu, according to reports.      rapeseed, wheat and barley have also been      Delegated Authority Data Standards.
           The Nikkei Asian Review reported          affected by flooding. This agricultural           Haggie Partners conducted the poll on
        that several manufacturers suspended         damage is covered by multi-risk on-            behalf of the Lloyd’s Market Association.

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Hosted by

                                    SUNDAY 21 OCTOBER 2018
                                     Venue: Kongresshaus, Baden-Baden Registration: 16:00
                                       Symposium: 16:30 – 18:30 Cocktail reception: 18:30

                     BACK TO THE PAST: A RETURN
                       TO GLOBAL COMPOSITES
          Join us at the 2018 Guy Carpenter                                       Speakers include:
          Baden-Baden Reinsurance Symposium                                       Pina Albo, Chief Executive Officer,
          for the opportunity to hear from leading                                Hamilton Insurance Group
          industry executives as they present                                     Charles Goldie, CEO, Property &
          their views on the latest trends and                                    Casualty, PartnerRe
          developments in the reinsurance markets.                                James Nash, President, International
                                                                                  Division, Guy Carpenter
                                                                                  Final speaker to be announced shortly.

                             For more information on the event or to book your place, please contact
                              Jennifer Lord on jennifer@insuranceinsider.com / +44 (0)20 7397 0619.

1-43_IQ Summer 2018.indb
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                                                                                                                      03/07/2018 16:04
WORTH - The Insurance Insider

                                                                                                      Global market updates
                                                                                                       by class of business

        Marine                                         Crop                                            Cyber
        AmTrust is set to pull out of cargo,           The US House of Representatives passed          Annual cyber premiums will be worth
        hull and marine liability business             a bill to re-authorise federal agricultural     $4bn by 2021, according to Aon’s data
        written through its syndicate 1861 at          programmes after weeks of internal              and analytics division Inpoint.
        Lloyd’s.                                       wrangling over other provisions in the             Premiums in the class of business have
           The carrier’s decision to exit the class    measure, particularly consumer food             expanded by 23 percent per year since
        followed a warning from the Lloyd’s            subsidies.                                      2013.
        corporation that syndicates must reveal           Action on the so-called Farm Bill, HR 2,        Aon Inpoint CEO Michael Moran said:
        the worst-performing 10 percent of their       has now moved to the Senate.                    “As we look ahead, we are seeing a broad
        business by the end of June.                      The bill, if passed in both houses, would    shift of companies putting a greater value
           AmTrust previously reported a               re-authorise crop insurance and other           on intangible assets, such as cyber and
        £11.7mn ($15.6mn) loss across its cargo,       programmes set to expire at the end of          intellectual property.
        marine excess of loss and treaty book          September, extending them for five years.          “There are multiple reasons for the
        driven by claims from hurricanes Harvey,          House Agriculture Committee leaders          increased focus and increased premiums,
        Irma and Maria for the 2017 year of            noted that the final bill makes minor           ranging from financial statement
        account.                                       changes to strengthen crop insurance,           protection due to a business interruption
           An AmTrust representative confirmed         a programme which it said farmers and           to the constantly evolving global regulatory
        it was exiting the above lines of business     rural business operators broadly support.       environment including the European
        following “a strategic review”.                                                                Union’s General Data Protection
                                                       Kidnap & ransom
        D&O                                            Footballers and their families took
        UK brokers have identified data breaches       hundreds of millions of dollars in kidnap       Workers’ comp
        as a key threat for directors’ and officers’   and ransom cover ahead of the World             Workers’ compensation rates are
        (D&O) insurers and their clients,              Cup, according to data from Beazley.            falling across the US, a long-running
        according to research from law firm               Beazley said it estimates that around        trend that has finally caught up with
        BLM.                                           $25mn of kidnap, extortion and                  California, the nation’s largest market,
           In the BLM survey, 85 percent of            disappearance risks was set to be insured       while deepening in others, such as New
        respondents said data breaches were            per team.                                       York.
        the key risk for UK companies and                 With 32 teams competing in Russia,              In California, State Insurance
        directors and officers, with another           that leads to an estimated $800mn               Commissioner Dave Jones called for a
        56 percent identifying Brexit and political    of cover in place across the whole              rate rollback based on a cost benchmark
        instability.                                   tournament.                                     of $1.74 per $100 of payroll expense,
           A further 43 percent of brokers polled         Footballers’ wives and girlfriends are       arguing that employers in the state are
        also referenced regulatory investigations      among those who bought the kidnap               paying 28 percent more than they should
        and prosecutions as a concern for the year     insurance, offered by a number of Lloyd’s       be.
        ahead.                                         syndicates.                                        Rates on average have been falling
           More broadly, the BLM poll identified          The Lloyd’s insurer said: “Kidnap,           across the US for years, according to
        a sense of unease around the poor take-        extortion and disappearance risks are           AM Best, although it said premiums
        up of D&O insurance among small and            significant for players’ partners, families     hit a record high of $58.5bn in 2016 as
        medium-sized enterprises.                      and the team entourage.”                        employment rose.

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1-43_IQ Summer 2018.indb 8                                                                                                                      10/07/2018 16:04
WORTH - The Insurance Insider

           Market intelligence on the QT
           Life of Bruce
           “He’s not the chairman of Lloyd’s; he’s a very naughty
           boy.” So might have quoth Mandy Cohen, aka Terry Jones,
           mother of the eponymous hero in Monty Python’s Life
           of Brian, upon learning that the 1979 movie was
           Bruce Carnegie-Brown’s favourite. In an interview in
           The Sunday Times in May, came the less surprising
           intelligence that the Lloyd’s chairman schooled at
           Cheltenham College, graduated from Exeter College,
           Oxford, and grosses a cool £1.5mn from his Lloyd’s job and
           additional roles with Moneysupermarket and Santander.
           Having been at pains to stress his diversity credentials,
           Carnegie-Brown was judged by some to have tripped over
           his own feet when he described a female former boss as
           “terrifying”, however.

           Hold the line
           IQ PI is in charitable mood once more, as we report that
           Willis Towers Watson staff have been risking life and limb in
           support of the Silver Line.
             A team from the broker, which included Great Britain head
           Nicolas Aubert, abseiled from the top of the ArcelorMittal
           Orbit in the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park to raise funds for
           the charity, which operates the only confidential, free 24/7
           helpline for older people across the UK.

           Silicon Valley it ain’t
           It appears that the InsurTech development venture set up
           by one FTSE 100 insurer has suffered something of a
           setback. The carrier’s ‘digital garage’ project in painfully
           trendy Hoxton Square is said to have been vacated by a
           clutch of tech geeks hired from the likes of Google/Facebook
           to “do” InsurTech. The rumour is that many quit after
           less than six months after realising that working for an
           insurance company isn’t exactly Silicon Valley.
              However, the fussball/babyfoot tables, treadmill desks,
           and conference bikes are reported to be in use by a bunch
           of “old school” suits shipped in to make the most of the

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        With M&A valuations                          In the insurance sector currently,     Lifting the bar
                                                  several factors are affecting the         Two deals set the tone early in the
        for carriers swelling this                calculus.                                 year. Brian Duperreault continued to
        year, Anthony Baldo                          Carriers face a plethora of            remake AIG, deciding to pay $5.56bn
        looks at what’s behind                    challenges. Coming off the worst year     for Validus Holdings, in January.
                                                  on record for catastrophe losses may      Then, in early March, Axa agreed
        the frothy multiples for                  have caused what has been a very soft     to buy XL for $15.3bn. The Validus
        recent blockbuster deals                  pricing cycle to go astray a bit, but     deal was done at 1.6x book value, or
        and asks whether they                     now the soft market has resumed its       almost 1.8x tangible book, while the
                                                  former leaden gait, and a hard market     Axa deal for XL was for 1.5x book, or
        are likely to continue                    is still way off in the distance.         2x tangible book.
                                                     That circumstance means carriers          All of a sudden, says one
                                                  have to be ever more mindful of           investment banker, “you had a couple

                                                  their cost containment efforts and of     of traditional alpha players out of the
                                                  new ways to grow, in order to keep        market come back, in AIG and Axa”.
                                                  their shareholders happy – especially        At the start of the year, there
             n their separate ways, activist      since abundant capital exists in          was a clearer sense of the effects
        investor Carl Icahn and some              the insurance sector – to keep            of tax reform, 1 January renewals
        insurance company chieftains have         rivals fortified enough to keep their     and industry pricing, especially
        not been shrinking violets when it        competitive juices flowing and, thus,     after 2017’s historic catastrophe
        comes to valuations.                      keep pricing low.                         experience. At that point, says Wells
           Icahn launched a crusade this             “The success we are going to           Fargo Securities senior property and
        spring to save AmTrust shareholders       need in the future requires cheaper       casualty analyst Elyse Greenspan,
        from what he believes is too low a        capital, more efficient systems, better   companies on both sides of any M&A
        price for a take-private deal, while      access to data, far fewer people and      transaction would have a better
        several CEOs have begged off doing        a more diverse workforce,” said           understanding of what they’d need to
        M&A deals because of valuations they      one reinsurance executive at The          pay “and what their franchise value
        believe to be too frothy.                 Insurance Insider’s London 100            would be”.
           Which camp is right?                   roundtable in late May.                      In that vein, deals of about $5bn to
           Naturally, valuations are in the eye      “Those, I think, can be motivating     $6bn seemed like they would be the
        of the beholder. And what’s of value      factors of M&A which probably             norm, she said.
        to one person – or company – can          weren’t present five or 10 years             So when Validus went for $5.56bn
        differ sharply from another.              ago.”                                     – right in the sweet spot – Greenspan

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                                                         While Icahn and Arca have embraced the current
                                                         state of valuations in the industry, many insurance
                                                        CEOs have blanched at what it means for their own
                                                                       deal-making ambitions

           was not taken aback.
              “I was surprised it was AIG,
                                                       to the Delaware courts.
                                                          But while Icahn and Arca have
                                                                                             "   noted that when it learnt the target’s
                                                                                                 board was pushing for more than $50
           though,” she added. “I get why              embraced the current state of             per share, it retired. Axa paid $57.60,
           because of the talent they acquired.        valuations in the industry, many          or $2bn more than it may have had
           But it surprised me they’d take on          insurance CEOs have blanched at           to.
           reinsurance exposure.”                      what it means for their own deal-
              Then Axa-XL lifted the bar –             making ambitions. Chubb’s Evan            …or over-valued?
           significantly.                              Greenberg, Markel’s Richard Whitt         Still, Greenspan believes that
              But what was really eye-opening          and Everest’s Dominic Addesso             multiples for Validus and XL could
           was the multiples the two deals were        were among those disavowing any           have been higher. “If the reinsurance
           done for. Both Validus and XL went          M&A aspirations. The Hartford             pricing opportunity had been better
           for the same or more than the 1.8x          CEO Christopher Swift said he was         at 1 January, Validus and XL could
           tangible book Ace paid for when             not interested in diversification into    have sold for more,” she explains.
           closing its $29.5bn deal for Chubb          reinsurance.                                 The expectations set so early in
           in early 2016, when it also took the           Greenberg, in particular, was          the year, however, may have been
           target company’s name.                      pointed in his comments, asserting        overwrought. Some auctions started
              Now 2.0x tangible book and $11bn         after announcing Chubb’s first-           since the beginning of the year have
           – the market capitalisation of XL           quarter earnings that “prices paid for    not gotten real traction, though it is
           when Axa agreed to buy it, are the          recent transactions may make sense        hard to say valuation is to blame.
           benchmarks, and high ones at that.          to others, but they don’t for us”.           For example, the auction for Aspen
                                                          But Axa CEO Thomas Buberl,             has rolled on but has disappointed.
           Under-valued                                too, had discounted interest in a         “Aspen is peculiar to Aspen and is not
           No wonder Icahn made noise at               transformative deal roughly a year        indicative of the rest of the insurance
           AmTrust. As of March 31, AmTrust’s          before he made one. Questioned in         market,” said the investment banker.
           book value was $3.9bn, yet Karfunkel        February 2017 about Axa’s possible           And Greenspan notes that “there’s
           and Zyskind families were to take it        interest in Generali, Buberl dismissed    a difference between a company
           private for $2.7bn. Icahn eventually        small and very large acquisitions         being shopped and someone making
           got them to increase it to $2.95bn,         being in the insurer’s future.            overtures.”
           which won shareholder approval. But            What may make Buberl’s reaction           Nor is Aspen the only auction
           another AmTrust shareholder, Arca           then more compelling is a belief          that has yet to produce a winner.
           Capital, still believes the company is      he may have been bidding against          The Hanover has been shopping its
           worth much more – perhaps $5bn              himself for XL. Early on, Allianz was     Lloyd’s business Chaucer, and Enstar
           to $6bn – and said it will take its fight   a rival for XL, but a proxy filed by XL                    Continued on page 12

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        and Stone Point have done the same        65 percent after 1992’s Hurricane          in cost-containment efforts but its
        with two companies they jointly own       Andrew – the most ever, Wells              use has in no way peaked. Drinker
        – Atrium and StarStone. Maiden            Fargo’s Greenspan said, adding:            Biddle’s Halsband underscores
        Holdings retained Bank of America         “There’s just so much capital now.”        the point when it comes to small
        Merrill Lynch to review strategic            Faced with a pricing dilemma,           commercial business insurance
        options for its $800mn diversified        insurance chiefs had to rationalise        applications that need to be filled
        reinsurance business, with no results     their businesses and increase their        out. Seven different carriers have
        yet.                                      focus on cost-cutting. That trend will     seven different forms. With artificial
           Other possible linkups, meanwhile,     only continue. “Hanover is selling         intelligence today, technology may
        collapsed. In late May, Swiss Re and      Chaucer because you have a CEO in          take over much of the task. “And that
        SoftBank agreed to end discussions        Worcester, Massachusetts, asking:          will take points off the expense ratio,”
        over the Japanese technology firm         ‘Why should we have a London               he says.
        taking a minority investment in the       operation?’” says the investment              The same goes on the underwriting
        reinsurer. After almost four months       banker.                                    side, where data from sensors can
        of talks, they reportedly could not                                                  help insurers better assess risks.

        agree on a price or the size of the                                                  “That efficiency will be felt, and all
        stake.                                                                               these components will drive M&A,”
                                                  There are so many things attacking         Halsband notes.
        Capital overhang                           the insurance industry value chain,          Certainly this is being seen in the
        What makes M&A valuations and the                                                    world of MGAs, managing general
        state of play even more stark thus far    from too much capital to InsurTechs        underwriters (MGU) and specialty
        this year is how they compare to what         and MGAs that are becoming             insurers. Technology is playing
        was a slumberous 2017 for insurance                                                  an increasing role, according to
        sector deal-making.                         increasingly efficient, that carriers    David Helms, managing director
           Uncertainty over what tax reform          just cannot put their heads in the      at Waller Helms, who advises
        would mean was a major factor in                                                     mostly sellers in MGA and specialty
        2017 being so quiet for M&A activity.                     sand”                      insurer transactions. Expertise and

        A rough year for cats also led carriers                                              relationships still drive his clients, he
        to believe that organic growth, in                                                   says, but “then they use technology to
        the form of a harder pricing market,                                                 execute.”
        was in the offing. So M&A was not         Attacking the value chain
        considered a must-do.                     There are so many things attacking         The MGA/MGU route
           But the solid financial footing of     the insurance industry value chain,        To be sure, carriers are realising
        the industry made the cat experience      from too much capital to InsurTechs        more and more that, when it comes
        more than survivable. Problem was,        and managing general agents (MGAs)         to increasing its business lines, the
        it also meant that significant price      that are becoming increasingly             better way to go is aligning with
        increases were not going to stick.        efficient, that carriers just cannot put   MGAs and MGUs. The reason is
           As a result, said Morgan Stanley       their heads in the sand.                   clear. At a time when keeping a lid
        analysts in a May report, “the               “All those influences are               on costs is paramount, a one- to
        somewhat disappointing 1 January          converging,” according to Michael          two-year buy-in isn’t optimal, says
        renewals may have contributed to a        Halsband, a partner at Drinker             Miles Wuller, the COO of RSG
        recent wave of reinsurance M&A” –         Biddle & Reath. “Things will only          Underwriting Managers (RSGUM),
        namely the Validus and XL deals.          heat up at the carrier level when it       a unit of Ryan Specialty that owns
           That the worst cat season in history   comes to M&A.”                             22 MGUs that provide 80 lines of
        did not alter the 1 January renewal          Deals are often spurred by what         business.
        season is largely attributable to the     carriers need most now – to cut costs         As Wuller explains, a carrier has
        immense capital overhang in the           and add or expand business lines.          to invest in talent and the platform,
        insurance sector. Several Bermuda            “The ability to bring two               put infrastructure around it, and
        reinsurers were started in 2001 after     companies together is one reason           then has to cover those costs until
        the September 11 terror attacks in        they are pursuing a deal and because       the books comes to scale. MGAs
        New York and the sector was able to       of inorganic growth, one plus              and MGUs offer a more efficient
        raise rates. In 2005 came another         one equals more than two,” says            approach, by hiring by hiring top
        opportunity, thanks to seven 2004-        Greenspan.                                 people, bearing the full start-up costs
        2005 cats, though the price jumps            Most of the time the insurers are       and charging carriers a commission
        were not like those of 2001.              marrying because of “the ability to        on the premiums brought in, thus
           Yet property cat prices only rose      reduce headcount” and because they         eliminating the fixed-cost overhang at
        5 percent between the cat events          “are assuming complement[ary]              carriers.
        of last year and the renewal season       businesses”, she adds.                        “We can be more nimble and
        – the least ever – compared to the           Technology is having a big role         react faster,” he says. “With carrier

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           support, we can have a new product                                                    and private equity firms are all in the

           up and running within weeks.”                                                         MGA acquirer mix. “That creates a lot
              The augmented use of MGAs by                                                       of demand.”
           carriers to help fill their efficiency and                                                AmWins, Ryan Specialty and CRC                  The augmented use of MGAs by
           product gaps has, itself, contributed                                                 Swett are larger national players                   carriers to help fill their efficiency
           to a valuation burst for that segment                                                 known to the market to have boosted
           of the insurance sector.                                                              the profile of specialty distribution.                and product gaps has, itself,
              RSGUM, for example, recently                                                       From carriers, too, there’s been                     contributed to a valuation burst
           acquired Irwin Siegel Agency, based                                                   significant interest.
           in Rockhill, New York, and the                                                            In general, when carriers buy                   for that segment of the insurance
           Johnstown, Pennsylvania-based                                                         MGAs, it’s been a single line. They                                sector

           Interstate Insurance Management,                                                      try to capture a profitable book of
           but it looks at 60 to 70 acquisition                                                  business. With Ryan and AmWins,
           candidates a year. The process has                                                    it’s a mix of things – MGAs and
           become more complicated. “Now                                                         programmes. “That’s a different                                               sector has seen a surge in run-off
           there’s a measurable uptick in things                                                 proposition,” Helms says.                                                     acquisitions. From June 2017 until
           going to auction,” Wuller says.                                                                                                                                     the end of April, sister publication
              Valuations, as a result of the                                                     Legacy surge                                                                  The Insurance Insider found the
           demand, have risen materially since                                                   Carriers’ need to become more                                                 number of known large legacy deals
           2010. “We’re paying fair prices, but                                                  efficient has also led them to shed                                           at various stages stood at 23.
           really seek to win on cultural fit,”                                                  legacy assets and liabilities, which                                             All the activity in the various
           Wuller explains.                                                                      has sparked more deal-making for                                              corners of the sector has created some
              Because MGA and MGU deals are                                                      prospective buyers of those books of                                          concern over where valuations now
           mostly private, industry participants                                                 business.                                                                     sit.
           reckon that large, multi-line entities                                                   Last year, Arch and Kelso & Co                                                “Quite modest business which used
           with strong growth prospects now                                                      formed Premia Re, a Bermudian                                                 to trade at 8x or 9x Ebitda are now
           go for 12x to 14x Ebitda, or almost                                                   run-off vehicle. This year so far,                                            regularly trading at 12x or even 14x
           double the 6x to 8x eight years ago.                                                  Apollo Global Management and                                                  Ebitda – personally I find that very
              Sellers in the MGA and specialty                                                   Renaissance Re have bought equity                                             worrying,” said one M&A adviser at
           space have a better understanding                                                     stakes in another Bermudian run-off                                           London 100 roundtable. “We are at
           of the market because of the higher                                                   buyer, Catalina. Legacy manager                                               the top edge of pricing here.”
           level of activity, according to                                                       Armour was acquired by investors led                                             Even with those hefty multiples,
           Waller Helms’ Helms. In the past                                                      by Aquiline Capital Partners. Arch,                                           the M&A script may still be far from
           six months, the firm has run sale                                                     Validus, Axa and Allianz have all                                             complete. Morgan Stanley research
           transactions one-on-one as well as                                                    sought exposure to the space via joint                                        shows that almost 60 percent of
           broad auctions.                                                                       ventures, investments, the creation of                                        reinsurance deals since 2009 were
              “It’s a much broader buyer                                                         their own run-off vehicles or assumed                                         announced during hurricane season,
           universe,” Helms says, explaining that                                                reinsurance.                                                                  which started on 1 June.
           strategics, wholesalers, retail brokers                                                  With more buyers, the legacy                                                  Reinsurance underwriters and
                                                                                                                                                                               brokers have reported a “depressing”
                                                                                                                                                                               property catastrophe 1 June renewal
                    M&A trends for property and casualty                                                                                                                       as oversupply has held pricing close
                  Property and casualty transactions
                                                                                                                                                                               to flat.
                  Price-to-book value multiples                                                                                                                                   While better than last year’s 1 June
                                                                                                                                                                               renewals, the rates have not met
                                         60,000                                                                                                      2.50
                                                                 Aggregate deal value ($mn)       Average P/BV
                                         50,000                                                                                                                                   That may make hurricane season
            Aggregate deal value ($mn)

                                                                                                                                                                               a busy one for dealmakers, no matter
                                                                                                                                                            Average P/BV (x)

                                         40,000                                                                                                                                where valuations are.
                                                                                                                                                                                  “A further deceleration at 1
                                                                                                                                                                               June renewals could challenge the
                                         20,000                                                                                                                                long-term property cat reinsurance
                                                                                                                                                                               business mode – reinsurers get
                                         10,000                                                                                                                                payback in higher prices after losses,”
                                                                                                                                                                               said Morgan Stanley in a recent
                                              0                                                                                                      0.00
                                                                                                                                                                               report. “This could push more boards
                                                   2006       2007    2008      2009      2010    2011     2012   2013   2014   2015   2016   2017
                                                                                                                                                                               and managements to rethink their
                                                                                                                                                                               long-term business strategy and lead
                                           Source: Deloitte
                                                                                                                                                                               to more industry M&A.”

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                                                                                            sailors on board were accounted for,
                                                                                            the fire took two weeks to extinguish.
                                                                                               These two high-profile marine
                                                                                            losses have helped shape an already
                                                                                            pressured market landscape.
        Despite some large losses in the first half of 2018, the                            Underwriters have begun to take
        marine market has some way to go before rates follow                                action on rates in response to a
        a steady upward trajectory, writes John Hewitt-Jones                                gradual tightening of the screws over
                                                                                            the preceding nine months.

       F       rom the bridge of a 74,000-
        tonne cargo ship, the horizon of
        never-ending blue visible through
                                                   pumps to douse the flames.
                                                      For shipping conglomerate
                                                   Maersk, concerns about the
                                                   effectiveness of these procedures has
                                                                                            Hull: a mixed picture
                                                                                            The recent Maersk disasters have
                                                                                            contributed to hull underwriters’
                                                                                            concerns at a time when rate
                                                                                            movement on even loss-hit accounts
        towers of stacked containers creates a     developed a worryingly familiarity       have been relatively muted and the
        certain feeling of vastness – but when     in 2018, following fires on board        global macro-economic outlook is
        fire strikes it feels like the smallest    the Maersk Honam, a vessel with          offering shipping multinationals little
        place in the world.                        cargo capacity of 15,252 twenty-foot     confidence or stability.
            Once a fire is discovered on board     equivalent units (or TEUs), and the         Market sources canvassed by IQ
        it is the ship’s master who takes          6,188 TEU Maersk Kensington.             were swift to characterise the marine
        charge. Alerted to the danger, the            The Maersk Honam fire, which          market as being under siege; a
        master must assume responsibility          began on 6 March, took more than a       segment of specialty insurance that
        for immediate decisions that will          month to extinguish and killed five      has suffered for more than a decade
        determine the survival of the crew         out of the 27 sailors on board.          and faces pressures the likes of which
        and the fate of the vessel’s hull and         Sources speaking to Insider           were not seen in the last soft market.
        cargo.                                     Quarterly say the containership has         One source says they had seen
            International protocol states that     an insured value of $102mn and           some upward movement in hull
        the crew first meet at a muster point      that cargo lost on board the Honam       pricing over the last four months but,
        to be split into firefighting teams        was likely to result in a pay-out of     aside from the odd uptick “non-loss
        and tackle the blaze if at all possible.   between $150mn and $200mn.               affected accounts are generally flat”.
        Floating in the middle of the ocean it        Then, on 16 March a second               Statistics collected by the
        can be hours – sometimes a matter of       Maersk vessel, the Kensington,           International Union of Marine
        days – before a relief ship arrives with   suffered a similar blaze. While all 26   Insurers (IUMI) show that the

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           frequency of total losses within the     that since the beginning of the year       $105mn Sunsail insured by marine
           global fleet has stabilised at 0.13      they have seen the majority of hull        mutual Norwegian Hull Club, has
           percent over the last three years. The   accounts renew at terms varying            forced a number of insurers to stop
           frequency of serious casualties has      between flat and an increase of            writing the class of business.
           increased since 2014 but appeared to     between 5 percent and 10 percent on           In November last year managing
           be stable between 2016 and 2017.         non-loss hit accounts.                     general agent Falvey shut its yacht
              While increased safety standards         Meanwhile, global head of marine        business after reporting losses
           and advances in marine technology        at Starstone Simon Schnorr says that       of $70mn to Lloyd’s from the
           have reduced the frequency of losses,    in the past few months the carrier         hurricanes.
           the marine market has been hit by        has seen a general uptick in the              Shortly after, in December 2017,
           a double whammy of depressed oil         number of non-loss affected accounts       Sirius Syndicate 1945 closed its
           prices and devaluing assets.             renewing without rate rises, adding:       marine book of business, and later
              As Mark Edmondson, chair of           “The downward pressure on rates that       in May ArgoGlobal withdrew from
           IUMI’s ocean hull committee and          we’ve seen in recent years seems to        all yacht business at the Lloyd’s of
           head of marine at Chubb Global           have abated somewhat.”                     London market.
           Markets, highlights: “The global                                                       “We are now seeing a degree of
           premium base has been eroding            The yacht club                             upward rating pressure in the yacht
           year-on-year as a result of reduced      Carriers are also looking further afield   market and some elements of the
           asset values, reduced activity in some   in a bid to expand the premium pot,        general hull market, partly spurred by
           sectors, and reduced premium rates.”     pushing into niche geographies and         the impact and severity of last year’s
              Edmondson underscores the             sub-classes such as cover for coastal      catastrophe losses on the class of
           difficulties caused by the spiralling    and inland trading vessels in Latin        business on the whole,” says Schnorr.
           values of new risks as vessels become    America and Southeast Asia.                   Another marine source has told
           larger and more complex as well as          The hull market has also                IQ that, in addition to rate hikes of
           the drip-drip of smaller hull losses     been influenced by a significant           between 20 and 30 percent on non-
           that eat away at the total premium       deterioration in the yacht market,         loss-hit yacht risks, premiums have
           pot.                                     which has witnessed a torrid 12            in some cases doubled for insureds
              “Although the financial impact of     months punctuated by significant           claiming on their policies.
           major casualties was modest recently,    losses from Hurricanes Harvey, Irma           “Over the last five years we saw
           increasing values of single risks bear   and Maria (HIM), and the withdrawal        some syndicates behaving recklessly
           the potential risk of new record         of carriers from the class of business.    and leading a charge to the bottom
           losses, and attritional losses are a        A spate of yacht losses caused by       over rates,” the source says.
           growing concern,” he says.                                    the hurricanes,          The beginning of 2017 saw
              Sources speaking to IQ indicate                            including a                            Continued on page 16

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        syndicates including MS Amlin stop                  market have underscored market                                    might reconsider their participation
        underwriting yachts below a value of                hopes of a meaningful rise in primary                             in the class of business as a result – is
        $10mn and a movement away from                      cargo insurance rates.                                            not yet clear, but one source says they
        smaller risks in a scramble to trim                    The fires on board the Maersk                                  set down clear marker points from
        expense ratios and reduce losses.                   Honam and Maersk Kensington                                       which cargo underwriters will start to
           “Larger yachts can be a better risk              also caused significant damage to                                 push for the kind of rate rises seen in
        to underwrite because they are able to              their cargos and these are claims                                 the Gulf of Mexico wind market.
        move out of the way of storms more                  the market will have to absorb. A                                    “We have to be very careful,
        easily,” one source explains. “They                 general average has been declared for                             though, that what we create is
        also tend to have a large crew and                  the Honam, meaning the estimated                                  sustained pressure rather than a
        experienced support team managing                   $150mn-$200mn loss will be shared                                 sudden spike in the cost of renewals
        the safety of the vessel.”                          equally by the owners of the cargo.                               that then returns to the status quo,”
                                                               Of most recent concern to the                                  the source says.
        Cargo capacity thinning                             cargo market, however, is the number
        The turn of the year has seen a                     of stock throughput losses that struck                            Liability benefits
        toughening of terms offered by                      Latin America in recent months.                                   Marine liability is one pocket of the
        underwriters,      losses:      2001 –rate
                                so far reported    2017 At the beginning of June a fire                                       market that has recorded a more
        increases Ashave
                     a percentage       of worldfor
                           far from accounted       fleet (Vessels
                                                            gutted a>pharmaceutical
                                                                         500 GT)               storage                        dynamic movement of rates in the
        HIM0.4%losses.                                      facility belonging       to the pharmacy                          past 12 to 18 months, with senior class
           “Initial market expectations for                 chain Pacheco.                                                    underwriters imposing unilateral rate
        what the impact of the hurricanes of                   While    the risk is insured in Brazil’s
                                                                     in % of Vessels
                                                                                                                              rises of up to 10 percent on loss-free
        last year might have on this segment
           0.3%                                             domestic market, sources have told                                accounts.
                                                                     in % of GT
        of the marine market were possibly                  IQ that the risk is reinsured into                                   Capacity in the liability market
        greater than what has actually been                 London, with an excess policy picked                              remains high, with cover led by the
           0.2% to date,” says Schnorr.                     up by a Tyser’s cargo cover binder.                               International Group (IG) of mutual
           RKH’s landmark Acqua cargo                          Sources say that underwriters are                              protection and indemnity (P&I)
        binder did not renew capacity at                    expecting the Pacheco fire to cost                                clubs.
        1 January,
           0.1%      which multiple market                  the market between $100mn and                                        The standard of international
        sources speaking to IQ cited as one                 $110mn.                                                           responses to oil spills and
        illustration of the beginning of a                     Meanwhile, the cargo market is                                 environmental disasters has increased
           0.0% in sentiment.                               also set to absorb a second warehouse                             exponentially over the last five years,
           Carriers writing cargo business are              loss in Chile, which multiple market                              but so too have the accompanying













        feeling the squeeze as the number of                sources say is expected to result in a                            costs, which are ultimately borne by













        claims   reported
           Source:           in numbers:
                   IUMI / Fleet  2018 continues             pay-out
                                         Clarkson Research Services    of around
                                                                    / Losses:         $45mn.
                                                                              LLI, total losses as reported in Lloyd’s List   liability insurers in the market and
        to rise. Losses at sea and significant                 What these losses will exactly mean                            the P&I clubs.
        claims in the stock throughput                      for capacity – whether syndicates                                    In November last year a Spanish
                                                                                                                              court ruled that insurers must pay
           Tanker totaltotal losses:
                        losses:  20012001– –2017
                                             2017                                                                             the Spanish government $1.9bn
                     As a percentage of world tanker fleet (Tankers > 500 GT)                                                 – an unprecedented sum for a
           As a percentage of world tanker fleet (Tankers > 500 GT)                                                           single disaster – to compensate for
                                                                                                                              environmental damage caused after
             0.3%                                                                                                             the Greek oil tanker Prestige sank in
                                                                              in % of Vessels                                 the Atlantic Ocean off the coasts of
                                                                              in % of GT                                      France, Spain and Portugal.
                                                                                                                                 Of this, $1bn must be paid by The
             0.2%                                                                                                             London Club; a P&I club belonging
                                                                                                                              to the IG, which means the loss will
                                                                                                                              be absorbed by the group’s towering
                                                                                                                              reinsurance programme.
             0.1%                                                                                                                The cost of cleaning up
                                                                                                                              environmental spills has rocketed
                                                                                                                              as governments and international
                                                                                                                              bodies demand higher standards,
             0.0%                                                                                                             adding weight to the arguments
                                                                                                                              of underwriters pushing for more









                                                                                                                              significant rate rises.
           Source: IUMI / Fleet numbers: Clarkson Research Services / Losses: LLI, total losses as reported in Lloyd’s List
                                                                                                                                 The market prepared itself for
                                                                                                                              another claim in January this year
                                                                                                                              when Iranian oil tanker The Sanchi

        16           Serious and total losses: 1999 – 2017                                                                           www.insiderquarterly.com
                     By number (Vessels > 500 GT)
1-43_IQ Summer 2018.indb 16                                                                                                                                          10/07/2018 16:04
                                      Total loss
Total losses: 2001 – 2017
                                                                                      As a percentage of world fleet (Vessels > 500 GT)
                                                                                                                                                        SECTOR PROFILE MARINE
                                                                                                                                             in % of Vessels
                                                                                                                                             in % of GT

           collided with a Chinese cargo
           ship CF Crystal while carrying                       Total   losses:
                                                                 0.2% Total      2001-2017
                                                                            losses: 2001 – 2017
           136,000 tonnes of ultra-light crude                  As a percentage  of world
                                                                     As a percentage      fleetfleet
                                                                                     of world   (Vessels > 500
                                                                                                     (Vessels    GT)GT)
                                                                                                              > 500
           condensate. The Sanchi burst into                      0.4%
           flames, killing all 32 sailors on board.               0.1%
              Following the explosion,                                                                                                      in % of Vessels
           Steamship Mutual set reserves at                       0.3%
                                                                  0.0%                                                                      in % of GT
           $95mn for the P&I claim, below the
           $100mn threshold required for the

























           reinsurance programme to kick in.                      0.2%
           The vessel also had $32mn of hull                      Source: IUMI / Fleet numbers: Clarkson Research Services / Losses: LLI, total losses as reported in Lloyd’s List
           and machinery insurance, led by
           Skuld, and its cargo was insured for                   0.1%
              Market sources told IQ that these                                        Tanker total losses: 2001 – 2017
           recent losses have helped liability                    0.0%                 As a percentage of world tanker fleet (Tankers > 500 GT)
           underwriters force through rate












           increases of as much as 10 percent on












           a risk-adjusted basis for non-loss-hit                   0.3%IUMI / Fleet numbers: Clarkson Research Services / Losses: LLI, total losses as reported in Lloyd’s List
           accounts. This success in holding firm                                                                               in % of Vessels
           is accompanied by a gradual increase                                                                                                    in % of GT
           in the medium-to-long term risk                                                  that rate reductions in the hull                           following sustained pre-launch
           profile of the industry, as a result of                             0.2%    Tanker   total markets
                                                                                          and liability losses:simply
                                                                                                                       – 2017 losses in the niche space/satellite
           increased safety standards and new                                   As a continue.
                                                                                      percentage of world tanker fleet (Tankers >segment     500 GT) of the marine market, and
           technology.                                                                    The withdrawal of core yacht                     claims from last year’s third quarter
              Statistics collected by IUMI                                            markets comes amid further                           catastrophes, any assumptions this
           indicate that the frequency of losses                         0.1%         murmurs that syndicates are                          is a market segment on the verge of
           for vessels over 500 gross registered                                      reviewing their entire marine books in %             change
                                                                                                                                              of Vesselsseem premature.
           tonnes has nearly halved over 20                                           of business – and alongside a severe in % ofLike            GT a ship’s master, making calm
           years, despite significant growth in                                       warning from the Corporation                         decisions in the face of fire at sea,
           the size of the global fleet across the                       0.2%         of Lloyd’s that carriers must                        carriers must hold their nerve. For




           period.                                                                    improve or discontinue their worst                   brokers the soft market has not yet




              Environmental disasters arising                                         lines of business, which includes                    run its course and the opportunity
           from oil tanker losses present the                           Source: IUMI /both
                                                                                        Fleet the cargo
                                                                                              numbers:   and yacht
                                                                                                       Clarkson       business
                                                                                                                Research Services / Losses:to
                                                                                                                                                 total lossesrenewals
                                                                                                                                                              as reportedat
                                                                                                                                                                          in flat orList
                                                                                                                                                                             Lloyd’s even
           most significant threat to the marine                         0.1%         segments.                                            reduced rates still exists, leaving
           liability market, but there is no doubt                                        As the cargo market recoils from                 underwriters floundering in their
           the frequency of such disaster events                                      yet further losses in Latin America,                 wake.
           has declined.
              IUMI figures show that the median
           number of annual tanker losses stood
                                                                Serious and and
                                                                     Serious totaltotal
                                                                                   losses:  1999-2017
                                                                                        losses: 1999 – 2017




                                                                      By number
                                                                By number       (Vessels
                                                                          (Vessels > 500> GT)
                                                                                          500 GT)




           at 34 between the years 2000 and
           2005. This had more than halved to                         1,200
                                                                     Source: IUMI / Fleet numbers: Clarkson Research Services / Losses: LLI, total losses as reported in Lloyd’s List
           15.5 for the years 2010 to 2015.                                                   Total loss
              As Schnorr says: “Across the                            1,000
                                                                                              Serious Ex TL
           marine space, out of cargo, hull and
                                                         Number of Incidents

           liability, results for the latter have                                                        Total
           been somewhat more reliable in
                                                                                       Serious and total losses: 1999 – 2017
           recent years, with the loss experience
                                                                                 600   By number (Vessels > 500 GT)
           and rating pressures in the liability
           segment arguably having been a little                               1,200
           more benign.”                                                         400
                                                                                                        Total loss
           A market in flux                                                      200                    Serious Ex TL
                                                      Number of Incidents

           The marine market currently                                                                  Total
           represents a mixed picture, with                                       0
           disasters such as the Prestige, The





           Sanchi, and the collision of the two                                 600





           Maersk vessels this year helping
                                                                                Source: IUMI / Losses: LLI, total losses as reported in Lloyd’s List
           carriers show brokers and insureds                                   400

           www.insiderquarterly.com                                                                                                                                                     17










1-43_IQ Summer 2018.indb 17                                                                                                                                                             10/07/2018 16:04
                                                                               Source: IUMI / Losses: LLI, total losses as reported in Lloyd’s List

                                                                    Regulation Authority (PRA), sending        refers to, as anybody with a passing
                                                                    out a letter somewhat reminiscent          interest will no doubt have gathered,
                                                                    of the sort of missives sent up by its     are the substantial increase in

                                                                    predecessor, the Financial Services        prior years’ reserves by AIG and a
                                                                    Authority, back in the Noughties.          reinsurance contract at Allianz that
                                                                       The PRA letter warned that              drove a one-time reduction in prior
                                                                    carriers are harbouring over-              years’ reserves.
                                                                    optimistic assumptions about reserves         Digging deeper, the indications
                      Lies, damned lies…and                         and loss ratios, as well as about future   are not exactly encouraging. For the
            reserving? Marcus Alcock finds                          profitability when calculating their       year-end 2017, AM Best estimates
                                                                    regulatory solvency positions.             that the P&C total net loss and loss
           the rate and quantum of reserve                             This hubris is being played out         adjustment expense (LAE) reserve
                 releases has diminished, as                        within a soft market where prudential      deficiency for the US market was
                     carriers mull whether to                       risks are now feeding through into         $35.4bn, consisting of a $22.8bn
                                                                    carriers’ results, Sweeney’s letter        deficiency on core reserves and
                         over-reserve or seek                       added.                                     a $12.6bn reserve deficiency on
                         alternative solutions                         Meanwhile, in the US P&C market,        asbestos and environmental (A&E)

                                                                    some carriers already appear to be         reserves.
                                                                    showing signs of reserving strain             Of the $22.8bn deficiency on core
                                                                    and are going down the reserve             reserves, $21.7bn is due to statutory
                                     ather a group of               strengthening route.                       discounting, which the rating agency
                         (re)insurance-minded folk in a room           While not a significant P&C player,     considers a deficiency from full-
                         at the moment and you can be sure of       commercial auto specialist Atlas           valued reserves.
                         the presence of one particular beast:      Financial and its insurance operating         The estimated deficiencies vary
                         the large-eared reserve adequacy           companies nonetheless had their            widely by line of business, with
                         elephant.                                  ratings cut recently by AM Best,           workers’ compensation and other/
                            After year upon year of reserve         which cited a fourth-quarter 2017          products liability showing the
                         releases helping to prop up results,       reserve charge that ate into surpluses.    largest overall deficiencies, and the
                         the underlying question is just how           Indeed, according to AM Best’s          medical professional liability and
                         long these releases can really go on?      latest ‘US Property/Casualty 2018          all other lines showing the largest
                         Especially after sustaining record         Review & Preview’, everything in the       redundancies.
                         losses in 2017 as a result of hurricanes   reserving garden is not exactly rosy.
                         Harvey, Irma and Maria, the US             The agency suggests that although          Reserving deficit
                         wildfires and other large losses, surely   the industry’s 2017 reported results       The assessment of a market with an
                         there really cannot be very much left      are expected to show an increase           increasing reserving deficit was also
                         in the P&C reserve tank?                   in favourable development of loss          shared by Morgan Stanley, which
                            Well, it would seem that the            reserves, if prior years’ reserve          recently suggested that the US P&C
                         regulators at least are starting to        changes are adjusted for two unusual       industry’s reserving deficit deepened
                         become a wee bit nervous, with             2016 events then this favourable           to $4.3bn in 2017.
                         Anna Sweeney, director of insurance        development will have declined.               In its latest research report,
                         supervision at the UK’s Prudential            The outliers that the rating agency     Morgan Stanley noted that although

        18                                                                                                            www.insiderquarterly.com

1-43_IQ Summer 2018.indb 18                                                                                                                        10/07/2018 16:04
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