Page created by Alma Moreno
belgrade lakes, maine                                                                                                                                            february 2020

  CAMPFIRE: Pine Island’s Musical Tradition Highlighted
                       on Hit Album
   As long as campers and counselors        and women have been singing songs to-
have been sitting around the campfire       gether virtually every night of every one
down in the cove they have been singing     of Pine Island’s 118 summers is remark-
songs. It would be fascinating to be able   able.
to hear a recording of the songs they          During the past 30 years or so, in ad-
were singing around 1910 and to trace       dition to the traditional campfire songs
the evolution of campfire songs at Pine     such as “The Titanic,” “Mountain Dew,”
Island over the years. No doubt some of     and “Charlie and the MTA,” a new tra-
the songs sung years ago would sound        dition has taken root in which campers
dated, some in pretty uncomfortable         and staff rewrite the lyrics to popular
ways, but the mere fact that boys, men,     songs to make them specific to Pine Is-

                                                                                            The Henchmen recording backing vocals at PIC parent Johnny Bregar’s studio on Bain-
                                                                                            bridge Island, WA

                                                                                                                                         or practice. Since the late 1980s, in addi-
                                                                                                                                         tion to singing traditional and currently
                                                                                                                                         popular songs, Pine Islanders have writ-
                                                                                                                                         ten Pine Island-related lyrics to well
                                                                                                                                         over 30 songs. Ten of them, plus two
                                                                                                                                         traditional songs, make up an album
                                                                                                                                         now for sale with all proceeds going to
                                                                                                                                         the Sidney Lovett Memorial Scholarship
                                                                                                                                            Making CAMPFIRE: The Album
                                                                                                                                         happened as the result of a number of
                                                                                            Finally! Mark Pierce’s smiling face on the   stars aligning plus a lot of hard work.
                                                                                            cover                                        Toby Bregar, from Bainbridge Island
                                                                                                                                         near Seattle, was a new camper during
                                                                                            land. This hybrid form of songwriting        the summer of 2017. His tent counselor,
                                                                                            fits well into the PIC schedule, in which    Noah Brodsky, discovered that Toby
                                                                                            creative energy tends to suddenly erupt
The cover of the Campfire album, a watercolor done by Pine Islander John Alsop              without a great deal of time to produce      (Continued on page 2)

     Grays Win! Score Decisive Victory at Norridgewock
                   After 9-Year Drought
                                                                            by Sumner Ford

   Everyone’s bags were packed, and         forest edge paint a scene worthy of Gen-        cit in War Game experience, they were        Amelia, and the kitchen crew, includ-
campers hurried to bed. Exhaustion          eral Washington and his continental             pleasantly surprised by the stellar gate     ing guest KC Natalie Burr. Rest hour
from a busy evening that included the       army.                                           leading of two LTIPS (counselors-in-         fell short of the promised hour, but
annual mock declaration of war, the ex-         At precisely 9 am, the group of 28          training), Oliver Sahlman and Chris          the intermittent rain that had fallen
planation of the game by Ned Bishop,        alumni who compromised the 2019                 Ward, each of whom had played the            through the morning cleared to blue
and a short campfire led to a peaceful      crew of umpires blew their Fox-40               game many times as campers but had           skies and beautiful weather. It was the
sleep. In the morning, everyone would       whistles, and the 2019 War Game com-            never led a gate. Chris earned the first     Gray Army’s turn to attack, and they
depart for the 107th playing of the War     menced. Whistles also signify that play         points for the defending Gray army on a      hoped to exceed the Blue Army’s im-
Game. Campers fell asleep to dreams         is off, and often mean that an army has         gutsy bounce of his pole at South Gate,      pressive score of 95 points. Both armies
of York’s Crossing, the fictitious town     scored. The shrill sound can be heard           and his gate was stalwart throughout the     prepared by sharing quiet conversations
set in the pine woods of Norridgewock.      around the playing site and results in          period. His scouts’ sharp eyes spied par-    and deep stretching routines. After the
The old white pines tower into the blue     moments of quiet and intense specu-             ties far off in the woods, and his squad-    Gray Army disappeared into the woods
sky above. Years of growth leave a deep     lation about what has just happened.            ron was lightning quick. He picked           to prepare their offensive, Blue General
bed of needles. The undergrowth is          The whistles sounded early, and they            up the only points of the period for         Noah Brodsky led his army in a rousing
dense. Close to the forest floor is dark-   signaled the Blue Army’s success from           the Grays, leaving the score Blues-95,       speech that left them ready to repel the
ness and cover from the searching eyes      meticulous and creative attacks. They           Grays-8.                                     Gray attacks.
of scouts. The campsite is perfect. Fresh   seemed to score at will and frequently              After 2½ hours of exhausting play,           The attack began immediately and
water is drawn up from a cold, clear        were one step ahead of the Gray Army.           campers and staff clamored for sand-
aquifer. The canvas tents up against the        While the Gray Army faced a defi-           wiches carefully prepared by Quannah,
                                                                                                                                         (Continued on page 3)
(Continued from page 1)

played guitar and eventually convinced
him to perform at campfire. Toby was
great! For the rest of the summer Toby
frequently borrowed director Ben
Swan’s old Gibson acoustic and played a
number of times, including at the Final
Campfire on the last day of camp. Turns
out this was the first time Toby’s parents
had ever seen him perform. They were
delighted and moved, and this led to a
conversation in which Ben learned that
Johnny Bregar is a record producer and
professional musician who runs Brick-
yard Studio on Bainbridge Island. Not
long after Toby and his family returned
home from Pine Island, they recorded
“My Sweet Pine Island,” a Matt Clarke/
Ben Swan rewrite of the Ryan Adams
song “Sweet Carolina” that has been fea-
tured as the last song of the summer for
about 15 years.                               Sam Chester, banjo player extraordinaire, in the
    Hearing this professionally recorded      studio
and mixed version of a song Ben had
only heard in various forms on the                                                                              Pope Ward preparing to sing “Titanic” in the studio
sandy stage in Pine Island’s campfire
circle prompted him to ask Johnny if it       the Bregar/Ahearne family. Ben arrived            ate a lot of good food, and had a ton of    tion of hundreds of hours of work, Tom
might be possible to record more camp-        Thursday afternoon to help arrange the            fun. Pine Islanders Nicky Isles, Ted and    Yoder’s assistance with air fare, and John
fire songs and make an album. Johnny’s        weekend, Pope Ward arrived Friday af-             Will Siebert, and Charlie Krause visited    Alsop’s gift of the cover art, all proceeds
response was quick and simple: “Come          ternoon along with Mark Pierce, Robert            the studio, and Nicky laid down a verse     from the sale of the album will go direct-
on out. We’ll do it. It will be fun.” Ben     Brent arrived Friday night, and poor              of “Mountain Dew” and was a member          ly to the Lovett Fund. Our hope is that
began what turned out to be a two-year        Sam Chester ran into a few delays on his          of the Henchmen, who performed the          CAMPFIRE: The Album will both raise
effort to pull some PIC musicians to-         journey all the way from Middlebury               backing vocals on several songs. Two        significant funds for scholarships and
gether for a weekend all the way out in       College and finally caught the last ferry         songs were recorded elsewhere. Edwin        inspire the next generation of writers
Washington state. At a couple of points       in the wee hours of Saturday morning.             McCain, former counselor, current           and rewriters to keep the musical tradi-
it seemed too ambitious to attempt, but          Both Ben and Pope recorded songs               camp parent, and successful singer-         tion at Pine Island strong and growing.
with Johnny’s encouragement and some          Friday, but it was after the “varsity” mu-        songwriter, generously agreed to record     You can order an album download or a
financial help for air fare for some of the   sicians Mark and Sam arrived that pro-            “I’m a Camper at PIC” at his studio in      CD at the PIC website: www.pineisland.
younger musicians, it all came together       duction both sped up and became more              Greenville, SC, and Corinne Alsop,          org, where you’ll also find all the lyrics
on a weekend in October when five             complex. Over the course of the week-             Natalie Burr and Mark Pierce recorded       and detailed background about the pro-
Pine Islanders flew to Seattle and took       end, thanks to Johnny’s incredible expe-          “We’re Women at PIC” at Columbia            duction and songs.
the short ferry ride to Bainbridge Island     rience, technical ability, and musical tal-       University in New York.
where they were welcomed and fed by           ent, the group recorded a dozen songs,               Thanks to Johnny’s generous dona-

             Tim Nagler’s “Bulk” Legacy Honored in New LTIP
    “We’re builders! We build!” was the       head” and will be built with funds raised
required response by those engaged in         among the many Pine Islanders who are
Island Buildup, when the activity’s cre-      eager to tell Tim how much they appre-
ator assistant director Tim Nagler would      ciate all he has done for PIC.
shout, “Who are we?!” Island buildup              The building, to be built in the fall
consisted of standing knee-deep in            of 2020 by volunteers under the direc-
Great Pond on the north side of the           tion of builder and engineer Rip Swan,
island throwing, or struggling ashore         will be located in a grove of trees to the
with, stones from the bottom of the           northwest of Honk Hall, looking out
lake. I think campers actually signed up      past Magoon with a view of Oak and
for Island Buildup, a fact that illustrates   Hoyt’s Islands and of course Mt. Philip.
the power of Tim Nagler’s persuasion          Its design will reflect the Honk design,
born of sheer energetic enthusiasm. It        complete with cedar shingles, a scaled-
was like a spell cast. You were powerless     down diamond window, and of course
in the face of it. During his many years      a skylight, one of Tim’s favorite Pine Is-
as a counselor, assistant director, and       land innovations that have brightened
then member of the board of directors,        the interiors of PIC buildings new and
Tim has always been building up Pine          old. It is supremely fitting that a build-
Island. And it is not just the stones still   ing named in Tim’s honor should house
protecting the north side of the island       five young men whose job for the sum-
from erosion after 40 years that have         mer is to take care of Pine Island and
endured. To honor Tim’s spearheading          to make sure that all is ship shape at all
and Naglerization legacy, the new resi-       times, and to do so with good humor
dence that will be built on Honk Hill to      and enthusiasm. If you would like to
house the five rising high school seniors     contribute to the cost of the materials
selected to participate in the Leadership     for “The Bulkhead,” please contact Tom
Training Internship Program (LTIP)            Yoder at                  The cast bronze plaque to be bolted to “The Bulkhead”
each summer will be named “The Bulk-

Gray General Tommy Mottur

(Continued from page 1)                        First Year Head Umpire Nicky Isles

showed a new side of the Gray offense.         points in the period - 66 scoring points
Rather than stepping into the road right       and an astounding 36 challenge points.             Happiness is a plugged gate
next to the gate, the Grays stepped into       The Blues, however, scored 24 challenge
the road far away from the gate and ran        points so in spite of their impressive ef-
down the road hand in hand. It suc-            forts, the Grays began the final period
ceeded twice in a row, scoring over 20         leading by only 45 points.
points for the Grays early in the period.         For those unfamiliar with the War
The Blue defense’s confidence soared as        Game, up by 45 points with both of
they capitalized on Gray mistakes, earn-       your army’s attack periods behind it is
ing 27 challenge points, but the Grays         a tiny lead. The Blues scored 96 points
answered by garnering 16 challenge             in their first attack period. It’s like fac-
points. The first half of play proved to be    ing the top of the order with two on
one of the most exciting in recent times,      base and no outs with a one-run lead.
with 51 challenge points scored. At the        The Grays would have no margin for
end of the first day, the Blue Army led        error. Privately many expected that the
the Gray Army by a score of 120-87.            Blue winning streak would enter double
   Gracious living, somewhat modi-             digits. However, the Grays had other in-
fied, is still our goal at the War Game. A     tentions.                                                  Arlo and Charles
part of that is continuing with campfires         Early success did not lead to contin-
each evening, but the weather caused us        ued success for the Blue Army. It led to
to wrap up campfire early the first night.     a brick wall that was the Gray defense.
Boys collected their rain gear, and with-      I positioned myself at South and West
out complaint headed to the comfort of         gates, led by the LTIP duo of Sahlman
their tents as the rain began to fall in       and Ward. The Blues tried to pick on the
sheets. The static sound of rain on can-       green gate-leaders, but the Gray scouts
vas and the long day everyone had had          again were like hawks, picking out par-
sent them to sleep without delay, and          ties from far away. The line to the squad-
the campsite was quickly quiet.                ron signal trembled in Oliver Sahlman’s
   The dew of the night’s rain and a           hand as calculations ran through his               Wells                                        Corinne Alsop
chorus of birds greeted those willing to       head. He opted not to call his squadron
wake early for a moment of quiet. 6:30         and defended the gate without them.                line, poking and prodding in search of       umpires’ poker faces were impossible to
marked the end of the calm. Boys hur-          His teeth ground, and his focus was un-            the one weak gate.                           read. Nicky read the score “221-194…
ried down to the unique campsite show-         breakable. He tempted the Blue party                  The umpires’ whistles sounded for         Grays win!” There was a split second of
ers, but the bracing cold water was un-        leader to step, but the Blues’ confidence          the final time in 2019, signifying the end   complete silence while the Grays’ minds
necessary, as everyone was quickly wide        did not match Oliver’s. The Grays re-              of play. Both armies gathered in the cen-    processed what they had just heard and
awake because of the excitement of what        pelled attack after attack. They caught            ter of town and began the anxious wait.      then absolute joyful pandemonium. It
lay ahead.                                     many Blue ragged steps. The Blue of-               Would the score signal the continuation      also took a few moments for the Blues
   Play began with the Gray Army at-           fense floundered, but they fought for-             of a nine-year Blue winning streak, or       to comprehend the fact of an actual loss,
tacking again. They faced an uphill            ward with steely grit. From the youngest           stunned celebration by the Gray Army,        but after graciously allowing the Grays
battle, overcoming a 33-point deficit          campers to the general, all put forth a            only two members of which had ever           to celebrate fully, the Blue Army proved
and putting enough points on the board         maximum effort. Squadrons flew across              experienced a War Game win? With             to be valiant in loss and congratulated
to cushion their final defensive period.       the inside of the town line. One Gray              careful consideration, the 28 umpires        their compatriots on their victory. The
Charge after charge seemed to unnerve          squadron led by Ryan Schlosser, de-                tabulated the scores. Nicky Isles, a vet-    Akka Lakka cheer rang out and once
the Blue defense, and the Grays found          spite total exhaustion, made the nearly            eran umpire but in his first year as the     again Pine Island was victorious, emerg-
far more success than during their pre-        impossible run from East to West gate.             Head Umpire, came out of the crowd           ing from this unique game stronger
vious day’s attack and scored over 100         Blue parties whipped around the town               of umpires to announce the score. The        than ever.

The Gray Army awaits the reading of the final score . . .                                         Grays Win!

Jasper Lowe’s Short Takes
                                                                                  by Harry Swan

    A defining aspect of the Pine Island       fairly quickly, which can be grating in            ferent feature of Pine Island life, one       and by far the most authentic depiction
experience has always been rusticity, the      feature films but works well for a video           that had largely remained a mystery to        I’ve yet seen of a Pine Island camping
opportunity to spend an extended pe-           that seeks to give a general sense of a            those who hadn’t experienced it. With         trip.
riod of time away from the technologi-         place in a relatively short time—and               the concise visual storytelling that has         The videos that Jasper Lowe has made
cally enhanced hustle and bustle of the        Lowe always gives us enough time to                become his trademark, he captures all         over the past five years are compelling
modern world. Electricity was already          register and appreciate the composition            the crucial stages of a PIC hiking trip:      viewing any way you slice it, and they
well established when PIC was founded          of each image. These include small, tell-          the initial sign-up, the pre-trip prepara-    give those who have never spent a sum-
in 1902, but even in those heady early         ing details that might not make it into a          tions, the van journey, the collection of     mer at PIC a remarkably detailed look
days, Dr. Swan recognized the value of, if     letter or a verbal account of some camp            water and cooking of meals on the trail.      into the way camp works. And they’re
not a full return to earlier times, then at    adventure, but that do a lot to give the           He includes small details that ground us      a reminder that even though the latest
least a simulation of the simpler life that    viewer an intimate, grounded idea of the           in the wilderness setting; brief, carefully   technology usually doesn’t figure into
defined them. The complex relationship         place: a cleat being tied when the KWS             observed moments that show how valu-          daily life on Pine Island, it can still allow
between PIC and modern technology              docks, a songbird on a tree branch, a              able the experience is for all involved;      people to connect with this special place
has been evolving ever since; from the         flower box on the side of a building, a            even a few stunning drone shots that          in new and interesting ways.
use of flashlights for nighttime tasks         leaf cleverly made into a spout for fill-          capture the majesty of the Maine woods,          To view these wonderful videos go
to portable music players for campfire         ing water bottles, and many more. Most             and wouldn’t be out of place in any Hol-      to and click on
acts to the Doppler radar smartphone           impressive of all is Lowe’s exceptional            lywood blockbuster. It’s a remarkable         “videos.”
apps that allow us to track nearby thun-       ability to combine narrative and simple            three and a half minutes of filmmaking,
derstorms, the goal has always been to         observational elements. There’s a clear
strike a balance between improving the         chronological progression in each video
functionality of the camp and preserv-         (from morning to evening in Day in the
ing the rustic quality that makes it so        Life I, II and III; from trip sign-up to the
special.                                       summit of Old Speck in Three Days on                   No Slowing Down for
    Motion pictures, too, had techni-          the Appalachian Trail) but they move
cally been invented when the camp              easily between different people and set-              Sarah Hunter and Family
opened, though the technology was still        tings, aiming to give a general sense of
very much in its infancy, and it would         camp life rather than tell a clearly delin-
be nearly a century before it developed        eated story. And yet, Lowe also manages
sufficiently to be feasible to use in the      to insert a number of miniature narra-
still-mostly-unplugged setting of Pine         tives into this seemingly free-flowing
Island. So it is perhaps fitting that (along   structure, cutting back to the same
with some particularly well-written and        moment several times within a fairly
descriptive camper letters undoubtedly         short time period, gesturing towards
languishing in the archives of old PIC         the countless individual stories and mo-
families) the most authentic depictions        ments that make up the Pine Island ex-
of camp today can be found in the most         perience. Elements such as these, con-
emphatically modern of places: a series        sistent across all four videos, mean that
of short videos, deftly assembled using        they work not just on their own, but as
the latest technology and readily acces-       a unified series, a remarkably detailed
sible via the Internet.                        collective depiction of PIC life.
    The person behind these cinematic              At the same time, however, the vid-
gems is Jasper Lowe: lifelong friend of        eos are far from interchangeable. Lowe’s
the Swan family, brother of two Pine           second great accomplishment is to make
Islanders, and first-rate videographic         each distinctive in its own way, so that
talent. To watch the four videos he has        even watching all four of them in a row
created thus far—capturing everyday            never becomes repetitive. From the first
life at PIC in 2015, 2017 and 2018, and a      video to the most recent, we can also see
typical hiking trip this past summer—is        him progressing as a filmmaker, utiliz-
not only to gain an unprecedentedly de-        ing new tools and trying out new tech-                 The Hunter family’s outdoor adven-        year-round training involves rollerski-
tailed look at Pine Island in the 21st cen-    niques. Day in the Life I (2015) is broad-         tures continue. For several years now,        ing and shooting in the off-season. He
tury, it’s a chance to watch a preternatu-     ly centered on activities, dustball, and           our communications director Sarah             was briefly featured on the Maine Pub-
rally gifted filmmaker at the top of his       campfire, capturing the way these more             Hunter has been on a mission to hike          lic Television show Bill Green’s Maine
game. These could easily have been the         structured aspects of PIC life foster fun          all 67 of the high peaks in New England       recently while competing in a Rollerski
kind of bland promotional videos that          and personal growth. Day in the Life II            (summits over 4,000 feet). There are 48       Cross Country Cross race (a brand-new
corporations churn out on a daily basis;       (2017), while it certainly touches on ac-          high peaks in New Hampshire, 14 in            sport, which involves navigating jumps,
in Lowe’s hands, they’re documentary           tivities and campfire, is more focused             Maine, and five in Vermont. Pine Island       uneven ramps, and other obstacles, on
short subject masterworks.                     on the moments in between: socializing             sends trips to many of these peaks each       rollerskis).
    How does he do it? Closer examina-         at mealtimes, reading in hammocks,                 summer, which is what initially drew              As a family, all of the Hunters em-
tion of Lowe’s work reveals the numer-         playing ping pong, learning musical in-            Sarah to the mountains. In September          barked on (and successfully completed)
ous, smart creative choices that make          struments—what happens in the liberal              Sarah wrapped up this goal with her son       a three-day, self-supported bicycle trip
these videos so compelling. There are,         amounts of relatively unstructured free            Silas on Mount Ellen in Vermont. Silas        on the White Rim Trail in Canyon-
first of all, certain elements that define     time that define the PIC experience.               is close behind. He finished off his 48       lands National Park last April. Steep
the body of work as a whole, structural        Day in the Life III (2018) is slightly more        New Hampshire high peaks list in No-          switchbacks took them down into a
choices and filmmaking techniques that         abstract, and represents a major techni-           vember after a 13-mile out-and-back           multi-colored landscape of mesas and
he uses to equal effect in four different      cal leap forward: more creative camera             trek (including 10 water crossings!) to       cliffs and along the edge of the canyon.
videos spanning five years. The sooth-         angles offer interesting new perspec-              Mount Isolation. He has just a few more       They carried all their gear, food, and wa-
ing yet lively indie-folk soundtracks set      tives on the setting, activities and mo-           mountains in Maine left on his NE67           ter on their bikes (no water sources on
the tone, each in its own way capturing        ments that we’ve seen before are now               list.                                         the trail), and camped all alone in the
the unique vibe of Pine Island. Lowe lets      rendered in dazzling slow-motion, and                  Meanwhile, Caleb competed in the          desert. It was their most adventurous
these pleasant musical accompaniments          the final time-lapse shot captures the             Biathlon National Championships in            bike trip yet. It’s no surprise that they’re
guide his editing without letting it be-       remarkable variety and creativity of a             Jericho, VT in 2019, and he plans to          mentioned in a recent edition of Adven-
come a gimmick; he often cuts along            single night’s campfire. And Three Days            travel to Montana for the 2020 races. His     ture Cycling.
with the beat, but not every time, and         on the Appalachian Trail (2019) sees
in ways varied enough that it never be-        Lowe combine the best elements of his
comes predictable. The shots change            earlier work to portray a radically dif-

Yesterday Comes Suddenly: Project Underway to
              Create Plans for Building Pine Island Skiffs
                                                                                                 Skiff (Pete?) from the plans this winter      build Pete. We are hoping that row-
                                                                                                 in his shop.                                  ing enthusiasts from many generations
                                                                                                    The esoteric weeds of boat design are      will make gifts to cover the $4000 that
                                                                                                 deep and thick, but Rob seems comfort-        materials, oars, and some outside labor
                                                                                                 able in them. For all us non-engineers,       for cutting frames and parts will cost. It
                                                                                                 suffice it to say that Rob has Ringo in his   is wonderful that the design for one of
                                                                                                 shop, has taken the lines off the boat,       the best rowboats ever built will be both
                                                                                                 and is in the process of creating a tra-      preserved and accessible long into the
                                                                                                 ditional boat builder’s lines plan from       future and that PIC will be able to com-
                                                                                                 which anyone so inclined could build          mission the construction of replace-
                                                                                                 a Pine Island Skiff. Rob has already put      ments for the aging Beatles. Thank you,
                                                                                                 in nearly 100 volunteer hours on this         Rob and David!
                                                                                                 project and will donate all his labor to

Rob Whitehouse at work on the next and newest Pine Island Skiff in his shop in                   “Bring ’em up. We’ll fix ’em!”
Brunswick, ME
                                                                                                     Richie Nelson Carries on the Work of the
    It is hard to believe that it was nearly   help as he researched potential replace-
25 years ago that acclaimed boat de-           ments for the Gulls. John generously                                      Late Arthur Gauthier
signer and builder David Stimson set           agreed to recreate from photographs
to work with input from director Ben           the lines of the original Amesbury Skiffs
Swan to design just the right rowboat          and recommended strongly that David                  Where to go when a couple of your          the local store and eventually Arthur
for Pine Island Camp. David’s creation         Stimson, a boat designer and builder in           propane-powered refrigerators need re-        started asking Richie to come and as-
of the “Pine Island Skiff ” design was an      Boothbay, ME, build them. David even-             pair? This question faced Ben Swan sev-       sist him in all kinds of repairs. “Art was
important step in the long, somewhat           tually built four of the boats and they           eral years ago, and after asking around       a tinkerer but a really smart one,” Richie
circular history of rowing and rowboats        were added to the PIC fleet. The Gulls,           locally to no avail, as a last resort he      said. “He could fix anything. Made his
at Pine Island. The next step, encour-         however leaky and soft, continued both            typed “propane refrigerator repair” into      own windmill and solar system. People
aged and undertaken by alumnus Rob             to be both the boats boys most wanted             his computer and found a rudimentary          brought refrigerators from all over. One
Whitehouse, is to preserve that wonder-        to row and to fall apart, so Ben asked            website with a phone number. When he          time a guy shipped us an old side-by-
ful design and begin the replacement of        David if he would build some Gulls                called the number, Arthur Gauthier an-        side from Tennessee. Arthur converted
the current aging fleet.                       for the camp. David responded that                swered and after Ben yammered on for          it from kerosene to gas and made a few
    The oldest photos of the camp show         he thought he could design a boat that            a couple of minutes about his fridges,        other repairs and it worked perfectly.”
that for many years most of the rowboats       would be better for teaching and even             Arthur simply said, “Bring ’em up. We’ll      Arthur Gauthier died August 24, 2018.
at Pine Island were lapstrake dories of        more enjoyable to row, so he and Ben              fix ‘em.” Ben got the address and a few       “He was sitting in that chair in the shop
the Amesbury Skiff design, thousands of        sat down and listed the attributes that           weeks later headed up to Burlington,          telling me what to do just two days be-
which were built and used by fishermen         were important for the perfect Pine Is-           ME with two ailing propane refrigera-         fore he passed away,” said Richie. And
and recreational rowers for nearly a cen-      land rowboat. The result was the Pine             tors in the truck. Miraculously, Ben’s        before he died he told Richie, “When
tury. These boats eventually wore out          Island Skiff, which answered the chal-            GPS brought him right to Mr. Gauthier’s       I’m gone, someone has to do it and it
and they were replaced in the 1950s by         lenge in every way. Gifts from generous           establishment — several small build-          should be you.” Richie Nelson does in-
flat-bottomed skiffs built by lobsterman       alumni, including George Castell and              ings, including his shop, right on the        deed put all that Arthur taught him to
and boat builder Harold “Dynamite”             Earl Smith, provided the funds for con-           shore of a remote and beautiful lake.         good use in a community that needs his
Payson in South Thomaston, ME. These           struction, and in 1997 four Pine Island              Arthur was into his eighties, and it       skills and the can-do spirit that Arthur
skiffs were clunky and, frankly, not well      Skiffs were delivered. Since there were           was his assistant Richie Nelson who           embodied. “If we don’t know how to fix
suited to introducing campers to the           four of them, it was decided that they            helped Ben unload the two fridges into        it, we will figure out a way,” Richie said
joys of rowing. In the late ‘60s radical       would be named John, Paul, George, and            Arthur’s shop, which was full of pro-         to conclude our interview.
boat designer Philip Bolger created nu-        Ringo. A fifth was added later and after          pane refrigerators and other appliances           After Arthur died, as a tribute to his
merous designs for easy-to-build small         some discussion about what to name it,            in various states of repair. A few weeks      friend and mentor, Richie had a beauti-
boats made of plywood. One of these            the name Stu was selected. Stuart Sut-            later Ben returned to pick up two fully       ful and remarkable headstone made to
designs, the Gloucester Gull, caught the       cliffe, who was the group’s original bass         repaired refrigerators (payment in cash       mark Arthur Gauthier’s grave. It is the
eye of both director Jun Swan and Dy-          player and who died in 1962, is one of            of course) and to receive a number of         front of a classic Servel propane refrig-
namite Payson. In 1968 six Gulls, built        two people often referred to as “the fifth        tips on how to maintain them and to           erator.
by Dynamite and painted bright prima-          Beatle.”                                          troubleshoot in the future. A couple
ry colors, were delivered to Pine Island.          Fast forward almost 25 years and, in          of years later Ben returned with three
Thanks to the boats and the unquench-          spite of the meticulous care the boats            more refrigerators, including an an-
able enthusiasm of counselor Jim Chap-         have received, they are beginning to              cient Servel that had sat idle for at least
man, interest in rowing as an activity at      show their age. Rob Whitehouse, who               twenty years at Whitehead Island. By
Pine Island bloomed. Jim created OAR           has participated in the Sloan Critchfield         that time Arthur was near ninety, and
(the Organization for the Advancement          Memorial Boat Maintenance Weekend                 Richie gave Ben the news that Arthur
of Rowing) and DORY (Don’t Overlook            at Pine Island since its inception, has           had been diagnosed with inoperable
Rowing Y’all), and instituted the Dyna-        probably done more work on the Skiffs             cancer. Arthur was right there though,
mite Payson Rowing Regatta as an an-           than anyone else, and during the past             now sitting down but, as Richie said in a
nual event. The Gulls were fast and easy       couple of years he has quietly made the           recent interview, “right on top of me all
to row from the middle seat, but double        point that the boats won’t actually last          the time!” Once again, a few weeks later
banking required the presence of a cox-        forever. Rob, a retired engineer who has          the refrigerators, including the 50+ year
swain and rowing in the bow was diffi-         recently completed the construction of            old Servel, were back in business.
cult. Hundreds of boys learned to row in       the gorgeous Tip Your Cap in his Bruns-              That would be Ben’s last visit with
the Gulls and many Pine Islanders were         wick shop (see Needlenews Briefs) and             Arthur, who worked as a machinist in
sad to learn that after nearly 30 years of     likes to get things done, has with Ben’s          Massachusetts after serving in the navy
service they were falling apart.               blessing started a project that will result       in WWII. He hunted and fished up
    Director Ben Swan appealed to Pine         in the creation and archiving of plans            around Burlington, ME for many years
Islander and the dean of traditional           from which one could build a Pine Is-             and finally moved up full time in 1984.       Arthur Gauthier’s headstone created by
small craft, the late John Gardner, for        land Skiff. And, he will build a sixth            Arthur and Richie met several times at        his friend Richie Nelson

Busiest Ever Fall Work Schedule Made Possible by
                       Volunteers at PIC and WLS
   Last year’s Pine Needle exhorted Pine      complete the work in May. The wood                                                              cially where the shingles caught direct
Islanders to “Return, Repair, Relax, and      for the project will be white pine milled                                                       sunlight. After valiant attempts to miti-
Reconnect”. Many responded to the call,       from two gigantic trees that needed to                                                          gate the latex debacle through scraping
got a huge amount of valuable work            be cut along the PIC camp road dur-                                                             and filling in, the decision was made
done at both Pine Island and the White-       ing the winter of 2019. This will be the                                                        simply to replace the offending shingles
head Light Station, and enjoyed good          first project completed using the fully-                                                        and leave them unstained, while at the
company, great food, and the chance to        equipped Yoder House II shop. The                                                               same time replacing trim. This would be
spend a bit of time on two beautiful is-      improved interior space will allow for                                                          done over a period of years, a couple of
lands.                                        added flexibility in hiring and housing                                                         walls at a time.
                                              WLS staff.                                                                                         The first round of reshingling and
                                                                                                                                              trim replacement, on the south and
    At Whitehead Light Station
                                                                                                                                              west sides of the kitchen building, was
   Work Nearly Complete on Yoder              Topside Gets the “A Team” Treatment
                                                                                                                                              completed in the fall of 2017 by local
             House II
                                                  Topside is a remarkable building that                                                       contractor Dan Trembly. We skipped a
    As shocking as it was to lose Yoder       sits on the very edge of a granite pier at                                                      year and got back to it this past fall. Dan
House I to fire in the fall of 2017, the      the site of a defunct granite quarry on                                                         was overbooked and unavailable, but he
silver lining to this cloud might be con-     the mainland near Whitehead Island.                                                             very generously came to the island twice
sidered a gold one. Once the dust had         It was named by the late Lillian Swan,                                                          to advise Ben and the First Cabin Crew
settled and we had counted our bless-         wife of the late Ripley Swan, Jun Swan’s                                                        (Satchel Toole, Dawson Loewen, Sam
ings that the wind was blowing south-         brother, long-time Pine Islander, White-                                                        Bristol, and Cole Gibson) on methods
west during the fire, we looked into          head Island summer resident, and re-                                                            and materials. The results were great!
the art and science of the small sewage       vered builder who lived and worked in                                                           The entire Dining Hall and the rest of
disposal plant. James Eklund, an early        South Londonderry, VT from the mid                                                              the Kitchen building have new shingles
supporter of the WLS project and resi-        ‘40s until his death in 1996. Lil was great                                                     and trim. It was at times tedious work,
dent of Shelter Island off Long Island,       at coming up with names: the Swan                                                               but the Crew stuck with it and the re-
called Ben to recommend a system he           Dive, Topside, and even Sur le Pont de                                                          sults were given an A rating by both
had seen installed on his island with         Noilly Prat for a bridge on their prop-                                                         Dan Trembly and Rip Swan. The Crew
success and with a contact right in mid-      erty in Vermont. Topside was so named             Sam Bristol, Cole Gibson, and Satchel         also completed important smaller proj-
coast Maine. Consultation with techni-        because it contains a cozy apartment              Toole preparing the Dining Hall for           ects, including some major cleanup on
cal polymath and supervolunteer Matt          and fantastic deck (off which Lil used to         reshingling                                   the Mainland, replenishing firewood for
Wall yielded the decision to go with the      dive at high tide well into her 70s) above                                                      2020 campfires, and some work on the
Fujiclean system, which was much more         a boathouse. The circular staircase to            unteers stained the smaller buildings,        Camp Road.
compact and less complicated than the         the apartment is housed in a small light-         Ben engaged professional painters to
system that burned. The bonus was that        house structure! Topside was a project            stain the two biggest buildings, Honk           Volunteer John Alsop Spearheads
it would not need a building to house         Rip and Lil and some of their friends             Hall and the Dining Hall/Kitchen build-        Pump House Renovation and More
it. In the end, because of the availability   (their own “A Team”) worked on over a             ing. Ben still regrets being talked into
of skilled, hardworking volunteers (see       period of about 30 years but never re-            the pro’s use of latex stain instead of the       Another project that has been on the
Needle February 2019), we were able to        ally finished. Pine Island Camp bought            time-tested oil-based stain used for de-      list for a number of years was the repair
purchase and install the new system and       the property from Rip’s nephew Ripley             cades — and lasting for decades — on          of the Pump House and the replacement
build Yoder House II on the site of Yo-       Swan II in 2006 and it has been available         PIC buildings. It was clear in short order    of the log cribbing in front of it. Years of
der House I and create the desperately        to rent since then.                               that the latex wasn’t going to wear well,     splashing water around the hand pump
needed workshop and storage building              Finishing the Topside interior and            and within a year it began to peel, espe-     had rotted the sill and steps, and band-
now in use. During the spring and sum-        making repairs to the exterior have been
mer of 2019 volunteers under the di-          on the list of projects for many years.
rection of WLS director Gigi Lirot and        We replaced the aging deck three years
Matt Wall completed all the exterior          ago, and further work began in the fall
work, and this spring electrical work         of 2018 with minor interior upgrades
will be completed by a licensed electri-      completed by Ben Swan. A complete
cian, and we will install all the beautiful   renovation is well underway, thanks
shop tools given to Pine Island by Whit       to volunteers who showed up this fall,
Fisher and Dennis Gagne. Thanks to the        including David Pope, Matt Wall, and
“A Team” volunteers and everyone else         another Rip Swan, Ben and Emily’s son,
who worked on Yoder House II.                 who is following in his great uncle’s foot-
                                              steps as a builder. A local contractor has
                                              been engaged to upgrade the bathroom
        Staff Housing Upgrade
                                              and kitchen, and we are on the hunt for
    Volunteers under the direction of         new furniture. Topside is for rent by the
James Eklund, who also provided many          week from June through October and
of the materials, built a much-needed         is the perfect snug getaway. To find out
12’x15’ building several years ago to         more see the ad in this publication or go
house WLS staff in order to keep all the      to
bedrooms in the Keeper’s House avail-
able for paying participants in the en-                   At Pine Island
richment programs. Hilltop is so named         First Cabin Crew Takes on Step II of
because it sits on the site where a second          the Great Shingling Project
keeper’s house once stood, high above
the WLS compound. Built well but in-             There are lots of shingles on Pine Is-
credibly inexpensively (thanks, James!),      land. The roofs are shingled and so are
it is now ready for work on the interior.     the exterior walls of most buildings.
Plans call for a pine floor over the cur-     Roof shingles take quite a beating and
rent plywood, sheathing for the walls,        need to be replaced every 20 years or so.
the installation of two interior walls,       The cedar shingles on the exterior walls
built-in bunk beds, shelving, and a sim-      of the buildings last a lot longer. Seven
ple kitchenette. We hope to assemble          buildings burned in the 1995 fire at Pine
the “A Team” (tryouts this spring…) to        Island and all were shingled. While vol-               Looking good! The Dining Hall with new shingles and trim

John Alsop building steps to the newly
                                             renovated Pump House
John Alsop at work on the new kitchen
dock bench                                   John went to work and in a couple of
                                             days fashioned a beautiful and very
aid repairs were no longer going to be       comfortable 12’ bench that now sits by
sufficient. Ben engaged John Alsop,          the kitchen dock. It will seat many more
resident of Cornville, ME and recently       people than the hanging bench and does
retired Assistant Attorney General of        not obstruct the view from the Pump
the State of Maine, to come and help         House bench. Mission Accomplished.
him with the work. John quickly sized        Many thanks, John.                              Ben Swan and Henry Clauson ready for action
up the situation and he and Ben set to
work. The job presented many chal-              Rob Whitehouse Returns with                  spread of bugs that can really affect a       enjoy Great Pond in the fall and pitch
lenges, including moving the massive          Rebuild of Prototype Handwashing               camp season seems like a good reason          in. We will have a chef and work leader
pressure tank inside the building in or-                    Station                          to make an exception. The prototype           available all the way through the morn-
der to replace the floor and structure be-                                                   installed in 2018 had a beautiful copper      ing of September 27 for those who want
neath it. Ultimately about a third of the        In an effort to stem the spread of          sink and an elegant mixing valve Rob          to stay longer or who can’t make the first
floor, some of the underpinnings, and        bugs like the great barf bug of 2012, Em-       installed inside the Maintenance Shed,        weekend.
all of the structure in which the hand       ily Swan promoted the idea of installing        but the rest of it was pretty darned ugly,
pump is housed were replaced with            a handwashing station to augment or             consisting mostly of a lot of PVC pipe.           No Slipups Allowed — Henry
some improvements made.                      replace the dispensers of cleansing liq-        Rob arrived in the rain this past fall with       Clauson Spearheads the Great
    As part of the project John and Ben      uid in the perches. Ben picked up the           its elegant mahogany replacement that                      Pumpout
also made improvements to the log            idea and ran with it, enlisting retired         he had made in his shop in Brunswick,
structure in front of the Pump House.        engineer and Pine Islander Rob White-           ME. All who have seen it remark on               With the exception of a few coun-
Past and future Kitchen Crew will be         house, one of the original volunteers for       how beautiful it is. Thank you, Rob, and      selors who remember the Grease Pit in
very happy to learn that the steps to the    the Sloan Critchfield Memorial Boat             campers…. Wash Your Hands!!                   days of yore, most Pine Islanders don’t
kitchen have been reconfigured to allow      Maintenance Weekend, to help with                                                             give a second thought to what happens
easy access to the hand pump, to and         the project. Rob was able to translate           Sloan Critchfield Memorial Boat              to the water that goes down the kitchen
from which the Crew must go dozens           Ben’s distinctly non-engineer ideas into        Maintenance Weekend and Volunteer             drains after washing several hundred
of times a day to pump drinking water        something that would work, and for the                        Week                            dishes, utensils, and pots and pans.
and water for bug juice, coffee, etc. In     past two summers campers and staff us-                                                        Henry Clauson does, and as a long-time
addition, Ben’s longtime desire to incor-    ing the South Perch were able to step              Pine Island’s 13th weekend of boat re-     Pine Island camper, counselor, assistant
porate a bench into the front of the log     on a foot pedal and wash their hands            pair and maintenance by volunteers was        director, camp parent, and member of
structure was realized. John’s exception-    with… warm water! For some, the pres-           the 13th in a row that was a huge success.    the board with a background in envi-
al chainsaw skills, honed in the forests     ence of anything resembling hot water           By the end of the September weekend           ronmental engineering, he is uniquely
of Palermo, came to the fore as he cut       anywhere but in the kitchen at Pine             all of Pine Island’s many beautiful, but      well suited to give more than a second
a long cedar log in half along its length    Island is anathema, but preventing the          hard-used, wooden boats sat gleaming          thought to the difficulties engendered
and fitted the two halves together with                                                      in their winter berths, in either Honk        by the incontrovertible fact that one
a lap joint. The result was a comfortable                                                    Hall or the Boat House. It is no exagger-     simply cannot back a septic pumping
bench in front of the Pump House where                                                       ation to say that the work done on our        truck up to the permitted septic system
one can relax and survey the busy scene                                                      boats on just 13 weekends has extended        that lurks beneath the Dust Court on
at the kitchen dock. Sitting on the new                                                      the life of the boats by many years, not      Pine Island. For the past 15 years Henry
bench, John immediately posited that                                                         to mention the wonderful message hav-         has dutifully shown up at the begin-
the old hanging bench by the dock was                                                        ing every boat 100% ship shape at the         ning of Staff Week to unearth the lids of
“in the way of the view.” Traditionalist                                                     beginning of the season sends to coun-        our three septic tanks and hand dip the
Ben Swan strongly protested that John                                                        selors, staff, parents and alumni. And,       foul-smelling grease that has collected
Bunker’s amazing log bench “wasn’t go-                                                       the weekend is always a lot of fun and        at the top of the gray water over the
ing anywhere.” Alsop’s 35 years arguing                                                      we always have lots of great food. This       winter. Triple bagged, it is then taken to
cases in various courtrooms quickly                                                          year saw the return of long-time ace PIC      our friend Pat Jackson Septic Service’s
overpowered Ben’s defenses (and the                                                          head chef Amanda Pulver to the kitchen        grease disposal plant. Working with
bench was about to fall down anyway)                                                         to cook for the weekend and most of the       Henry and delivering the remarkably
and the hanging bench hung no more.                                                          week following. Amanda was joined for         smelly stuff is one of those Pine Island
But we needed a bench. Fortuitously,                                                         part of the time by sister Cecily, another    jobs, like honeydipping in the old days
John had recently taken a back route to                                                      PIC kitchen veteran. Camp parent and          and raking today, that has entered the
PIC from his Cornville estate and had                                                        baker extraordinaire Sandy Holland            realm of legend.
come across an interesting business                                                          provided brutally good desserts, and             For several years Henry has under-
in Oakland – Mr. Woodchuck, a small                                                          we all benefited from the quiet and ex-       scored the fact that we needed, one way
lumber mill specializing in milling very                                                     pert leadership of Abe Stimson, former        or another, to pump out the tanks. But
large trees. Mr. Woodchuck has a very                                                        counselor and extremely knowledgeable         how to do it? Convince Pat Jackson to
bulk band saw with a 40-horsepower                                                           wooden boat expert. Twenty volunteers         drive one of their trucks over the ice?
diesel engine. Ben and John made a trip                                                      took part over the course of nine days.       Not likely. Dip by hand hundreds of gal-
to Mr. Woodchuck and returned to PIC         Amanda and Cecily Pulver in the PIC             We recommend carving out the week-
with two enormous white pine planks.         kitchen during Volunteer Week                   end of September 18-20, 2020 to come          (Continued on page 8)

Travels with Jono
                                                                                  By Sumner Ford

                                                The WFR course is 80 hours long and                    Underway, but not under sail, I           Master’s degree in Resource Manage-
                                                teaches trip leaders how to treat injuries         quickly learned some essential distinc-       ment from the University of Edinburgh.
                                                out on the trail. The course teaches both          tions between sailing at Pine Island          He was then hired by an outfitter in
                                                medical skills and how to improvise and            and sailing to reach a destination. We        the Peruvian Amazon to show tourists
                                                adapt in a wilderness setting. Jono Bry-           immediately started the motor as the          around the jungle and teach them about
                                                ant was our instructor back then and still         wind was light and right on our nose.         rainforest ecology. Jono spent more and
                                                is today. I cannot imagine anyone better           We putted along, and a significant ad-        more time in the rainforest, and he was
                                                suited to teach wilderness medicine.               vantage of sailing became apparent to         soon an expert at leading expeditions
                                                    Along with teaching the WFR course,            me; it’s much easier to chat while sail-      and jungle travel in Nicaragua, India,
                                                Jono helps with setting up the island for          ing than while hiking or paddling. Jono       Costa Rica, Brazil, Borneo, and Belize.
                                                the season, and evenings are spent in              and I passed the time exchanging sto-         Amidst the boom of survival TV, Jono
                                                the dining hall telling stories from the           ries, his far more exciting than mine.        even led Jack Osbourne (son of Ozzy),
                                                past year. During past WFR weeks, Jono             We would spend our first night in Birch       and a TV crew through the rainforest.
                                                had talked about his newfound passion              Harbor only a few nautical miles away         Jono took first-aid courses but never
                                                - sailing. This year, Jono invited me to           and sheltered from the prevailing wind.       felt like the training available was suf-
                                                tag along on a late-summer sailing trip            Jono read from the guide that we’d have       ficient. He learned about the Wilder-
                                                in Penobscot Bay. How could I resist?              to navigate the “Roaring Bull,” a shoal       ness Medicine School, SOLO, and their
                                                Jono wrapped up his final WFR scenar-              at the cove’s entrance that could present     Wilderness EMT class. After the four-
Jono Bryant at the helm of Blue Belle           io, and before I knew it, the summer was           some challenges. Jono expertly worked         week-long course, the instructors were
                                                upon us.                                           around the danger, and we found our-          so impressed by Jono’s ability that they
                                                    As the Farewell Feed wrapped up                selves snug as a bug, safe in the harbor.     asked if he would be interested in be-
   As a 19-year-old, second-year coun-          and the last group of staff left, I grate-             A 17-foot boat does not provide a         coming an instructor. After teaching
selor, I finally signed up for the pre-sea-     fully shifted gears and focused on the             ton of space, especially when your cap-       at their school in North Conway, New
son course I had dreamed of taking for          sailing trip. I met up with Jono in Bel-           tain is 6’4”, but Jono carefully designed     Hampshire, for a couple of years, they
years. I enrolled to earn my Wilderness         fast, we bought supplies for five nights           the cabin to fit two beds and a galley.       asked if he would start another cam-
First Responder (WFR) at Pine Island.           on the water, and I went aboard the                The galley slides out from under the          pus in North Carolina. During his time
Not only was I excited about unlocking          splendid Blue Belle, a 17-foot Pearson’s           step down into the cabin and features         teaching in North Carolina, Jono taught
a wealth of knowledge, but since every          Overnighter with a junk rig, the famous            a single-burner stove. Jono is an expert      long-time counselor, Assistant Direc-
trip at Pine Island must have at least one      Chinese sailboat design, with a gaff and           at cooking on the trail, so we enjoyed        tor, and Whitehead Assistant Direc-
WFR, I was bound to lead more trips.            battens. Jono built the entire junk set            curries, delicious plates of pasta, and I     tor Joe Kovaz. In Jono Joe immediately
The instructor was in his third year            up, from crafting the mast to sewing the           treated him to chili Annie’s. In true Pine    recognized a true Pine Islander, and he
teaching Pine Island counselors impor-          sails. We launched without error and               Island fashion, our phones were stashed       suggested that Jono make the trip up to
tant wilderness first aid skills, and he        began our journey from Gouldsboro to               away.                                         Belgrade to teach the WFR course to the
had already achieved legendary status.          Belfast.                                               Our second day of sailing involved a      staff. That spring, Jono flew up to Maine
                                                                                                   long stretch of open water, and our first     and taught his first class of Pine Island-
                                                                                                   opportunity to raise sail. Summer man-        ers.
                                                                                                   sions perched atop granite cliffs greeted         The next couple of days provided
(Continued from page 7)                                                                            us as we approached Mt. Desert Island         spectacular sailing. The weather was
                                                                                                   (MDI). We turned past Northeast Har-          clear, and the wind was a perfect 5-10
lons of foul water and the solids? Please       Game. Many think that it’s all fun and             bor and made our way down Somes               knots. We sailed past Isle au Haut and
no. The solution took shape over a cou-         a chance to sort of participate in the             Sound. The sound is an ancient fjord,         the hundreds of little islands between
ple of years and Henry and his sidekick         Game and to hang out with friends at               sometimes referred to as the East’s only      it and Stonington and through the Fox
Ben Swan accomplished the evil mis-             the Rink. Think again. Being an um-                fjord. Years of erosion have softened the     Island Thoroughfare, and we anchored
sion this past fall. Think powerful trash       pire is fun, and the hanging out at the            mountains surrounding the waterway,           in Perry Cove — a safe spot for lobster
pump, 100’ of 4-inch hose, two huge             Rink happens, but being an umpire also             but they still towered over us as we made     boats during hurricanes.
tanks aboard the KWS, and you get the           means being on top of the rules, poten-            our way across the turquoise water. We            Jono and I said goodbye to our final
picture — and you may be asking, “what          tially spending several hours at a time            made harbor after sailing 3 ½ nautical        port early the next morning and began
could possibly go wrong?” The original          during which your only excitement is               miles down the sound, and in true Pine        our sail up the east side of Penobscot
idea was to convert one of our floating         swatting horse flies and mosquitoes and            Island form celebrated with a dip.            Bay. It was a sailor’s dream; the wind
docks to an outboard-powered barge              eagerly awaiting news from the next or-                Every place we dropped anchor was         was strong, and from the west. It al-
(done) to transport the tanks. Testing          derly about what is going on in the game.          spectacular. Sometimes we would row           lowed us to make the entire ten nauti-
early in the week by volunteers Ben             And there’s no place to hide if it starts          into port for dinner and other nights we      cal mile sail up the bay on a single tack.
“Shopguy” Herman, Kevin Hubbard,                to rain! And yet, after some recruiting            would eat aboard. During our evenings,        We talked about plans for the coming
and Chase Hall revealed that the barge          of younger candidates by head umpire               I learned that Jono’s first lengthy experi-   days. Jono had more sailing ahead while
sank under the weight of the tanks filled       Nicky Isles, 27 umpires were available             ence on the water was sailing with his        I prepared for life on land. After sailing,
with water. The lads immediately trans-         to fill the slots over the two days of             uncle from Britain down to Gibraltar          Jono would head back down to Bryson
formed the barge into a party boat, so          play! These included veterans like San-            and back. He has continued his pas-           City, NC, to resume teaching EMT and
our efforts were not in vain. Later that        dy Crane (head umpire emeritus), Tad               sion for sailing on his own and with his      WFR courses, and the challenging job of
week with relatively few hiccoughs the          Gibson, Paul Ronson, Ned Bishop, and               uncle, acquiring an impressive amount         a paramedic. He also was planning two
KWS, laden with hundreds of gallons             Andrew Goodale, and many recently-                 of knowledge. Their most recent adven-        expeditions with Wofford College stu-
of greasy sludge in two tanks, made             minted umpires and rookies.                        ture was in Blue Belle, sailing from the      dents, one to Chile and one to Ecuador.
two trips to the mainland where the Pat             Sandy Crane established the practice           Florida Keys across the Straits of Florida        Our last bit of sailing into Belfast was
Jackson truck awaited with another 100’         of assigning rookies to work with expe-            to Cuba.                                      exhilarating. Whitecaps lapped at our
hose. Success, but a very long day and          rienced umpires until they are ready for               Our next day began with a fantastic       bow, and we heeled the boat over until
the end for a full set of clothes in spite of   the awesome responsibility of whistling            sail out of the MDI region. We tacked         the water gushed over our gunwales.
the Tyvek suits. Henry says we’re good          “Play is off!” and getting the calls right.        our way past Cranberry Island and                 Jono recently bought a bigger sail-
for another 10-15 years! Woah, King                 Nicky Isles is looking forward to              reached Bass Harbor Bay, where we             boat, also a junk rig. He’s spent much
Kababa!                                         the next contest and said, “With the               were forced to drop sail to pass through      of his fall rebuilding the boat and try-
                                                first Gray victory in nine years in the            the narrow channel, and we slipped into       ing to come up with a name for her.
                                                books, it is likely that competition will          a cove on McGlathery Island.                  He hopes to sail it up to Maine for the
Volunteers Flock to Assist New Head
                                                only intensify, if that is possible, so hav-           We again spent our evening trading        summer and spend more time exploring
        Umpire Nicky Isles
                                                ing well-trained, on-the-ball umpires is           stories, and I learned that, after sailing    the Maine coast after teaching another
   One of the most demanding but least          more important than ever. Many thanks              around the eastern edge of the Atlantic,      lucky bunch of counselors the all-im-
known and appreciated volunteer tasks           to everyone who has returned for this              Jono returned to school and earned a          portant WFR skills.
at Pine Island is umpiring for the War          important volunteer opportunity.”

Campers Write

         No Tech on the Island                 were answered with: Yes, there would be          represented by Will Hartley who played        Sumner’s crawfish won the race, and
          by Frank Brockett                    a campfire and everyone would be in it;          Sumner Ford. The villain, Uncle Scar,         Sumner took back the camp.
                                               on trips there is a pass for 100%; and no,       was represented by Teddy Trippe paying           In conclusion, this was a funny, well
   One of the great things about Pine Is-      the rainfly goes on this way. Noah and           Miles Frank. Scar’s brother and Simba’s       done SNS that deserves five stars. Given
land Camp is that you don’t have access        Sam Lanoff answered all our questions.           father, Mufasa, was represented by Aid-       the resources on hand, they did a great
to any computers at all. If you’re used            As we took a swim, we wondered               en Skillman playing Ben Swan. Follow-         job.
to air conditioning, you’ll be surprised       some more about what to do for camp-             ing the plotline of the original Lion King       “The show was long, and the breaks
when you go into Honk Hall to cool off         fire. Some chose games, some chose               movie, Ben Swan passes the position of        were short, but performing was worth-
on a hot day. When you go in it is cooler,     special talents, but I chose a murder            director on to Sumner Ford, not Miles         while,” says Caden Clark, who played an
but only slightly. The heat builds up and      mystery skit. It was an easy skit and a          Frank. Miles concocts a plan to steal         LTIP and Noah Brodsky in the show.
Honk Hall can get really stuffy. So, sit in    little stupid, but no one cared. It was          camp for himself. He murders Ben Swan
the shade if you want to cool off! If you      fun just to put ourselves out there and          and frames Sumner, who runs away,              Club Honk Preparations Underway
have a habit of reaching to turn off your      that was all that mattered. Even if some         leaving the camp in Miles’s hands.                   by Brendan Conrad
light, you’ll have to make a new habit of      games and songs were a bit better, it                When an LTIP finds Sumner and
turning off your headlamp.                     didn’t matter, which was a valuable les-         tells him that he isn’t responsible for Ben       Club Honk is the one night of the
   Walk around camp. Do you see any            son I took away from the beginning of            Swan’s death, Sumner returns to Pine Is-      summer when the whole camp comes
wires, outlets, or other signs of electrici-   what will hopefully be a great Pine Is-          land, challenges Miles to a crawfish race,    together to enjoy the music of their fel-
ty? You may see some radios or Kindles,        land experience.                                 and wins, taking back the camp.               low Pine Islanders. I went to watch the
but nothing with an internet connec-               After we roasted and burned all of               The plot of this SNS was pitch per-       performers rehearse and see what the
tion.                                          our marshmallows and s’mores, we                 fect, painting a clear picture for the au-    show was all about. The energy in Honk
   For entertainment, you have to de-          tiredly hit the sack, ready for another          dience. Every joke and witticism added        Hall was lively as counselors Mark
pend on books, rest, dustball, staffball,      beautiful day. When we woke up from              to the overall atmosphere but still con-      Pierce and Jack Reed coached the young
and other games and people on the is-          a good night’s sleep we thought it was           nected to the storyline. I think the fun-     musicians practicing their pieces. Mark
land. I personally really like campfire. It    early, given there were no boats out on          niest moment of the performance was           called Club Honk “the best night of the
beats computers in almost every way.           the water.                                       when Miles shouted at Sumner, after           summer!”
   The bottom line is that not hav-                It was a beautiful day as we ate our         murdering Ben Swan, “He’s dead, you               “Tell your friends to come on out,”
ing technology on Pine Island is pretty        slightly cold eggs, and took down tents,         idiot!” The way Teddy Trippe said the         added Jack.
great.                                         and made sure we left no trace. Within           line was just hilarious. The way Miles’s          Instruments in the show include
                                               an hour we hit the road (lake) in the            evil character was portrayed was beauti-      guitars, ukuleles, clarinets, drums, and
        Oak Island Trip Report                 War Yacht. We passed Runioa and some             ful right down to his being fed Goldfish      bass guitars, to name a few. As everyone
         by Charlie Gibbons                    interesting 4th of July decorations. We          by his servants, the LTIPs, while the rest    practices, you can sense the excitement
                                               went to Day’s Store and played mafia,            of the camp starved.                          and nerves in the atmosphere. I believe
   Early in the summer there was a trip        ate lunch, and got ice cream and headed              The show ended with a dramatic            this Club Honk will be the best yet.
announcement for the Oak Island trip.          back. As we headed back to Great Pond            crawfish race, which still added to the       Everyone is excited for the music and
I found the idea of going on a trip very       in the War Yacht we became part of a             character development, with Miles             candy.
exciting, and I needed to go on a trip         water parade. It was great!                      threatening to cut off his crawfish’s claws       “The most important part is the mu-
to get my Islander rank in woodcraft. I            As we came out of the parade we              in a last-ditch attempt to keep control of    sic,” says camper Sam Tulupman. So
signed up for Oak Island in the activity       passed some boats celebrating July 4th           the camp, and Sumner encouraging his          stick around all evening to enjoy the
line, and had my fingers crossed I would       almost as happily as us. We got a couple         crawfish. Following the original plot,        show!
make it in.                                    of offers of a tow. We refused and had a
   At lunch Noah Donoghue an-                  GORP break. We got back to Pine Island
nounced I had made the trip along with         exhausted. Then we remembered that
seven other boys. We practiced on the          there were going to be fireworks! It was
War Yacht during Boats Out and this            two days, but felt like two minutes. Our
made our excitement grow even more.            trip was nothing short of great!
As our packing, dinner, breakfast, and
password dragged on, it was finally time
to go.
                                                   Saturday Night Show Review:
                                                          The Loon King                          Glub, ‘Zuma, and Gu’s New
   Once we were in the boat time flew
by and we were at Oak Island in no
                                                        by Charlie Packer
                                                                                                    Shoes: A Sacred 2019
time. As we set up our tents, our minds           This SNS, The Loon King, was a tra-
wandered. Would we have a campfire?            ditional Pine Island parody of the long-
Would it count if we missed 100%? How          standing family favorite The Lion King.             This summer was full of sacred             be done together, one right after the
do we put on this rain fly? Our questions      The protagonist, Simba the lion, was             goings-on. The King sent many signs           other. The first is for Glub: “GLUB Glub
                                                                                                praising the campers’ hard work in ac-        GLUB glub, Appetizer, Hyperphasia,
                                                                                                tivities, campfire acts, and trips. He        Gormandizer” repeated thrice, then im-
                                                                                                was so pleased, he even bestowed Gu           mediately followed by Bezuma’s chant,
                                                                                                the Ru with a shiny new pair of metal         which speeds up as it progresses: “Fas-
                                                                                                shoes. The Sacred Journey was led by          tah! Fastah! Gotta catch’ah! ‘Zuma is a
                                                                                                long-time camper and newly anoint-            mastah castah!” repeated thrice. Joining
                                                                                                ed Kababologist-in-Training, Xander           Glub and Bezuma was none other than
                                                                                                Schwartz. Xander led the trip with            Nimaj Naws, the Fantasically Credit-
                                                                                                great pride and brought life back to          Rejected Sigmus Vulpus. Nimaj is a fox
                                                                                                old, somewhat forgotten chants. He is         that sits proudly atop a guitar adorned
                                                                                                currently attending the Yale School of        with driftwood. Friend to Nimaj, Limey
                                                                                                Kababology to return as a fully-fledged       Naws, the Southern Greenwing Chicka-
                                                                                                kababologist next summer. The high-           dee, sits atop the guitar, surrounded
                                                                                                light of the summer, however, is that the     by mushrooms, crosswords, and bin-
                                                                                                King chose to grace the camp with more        oculars. Her chant goes, “The Southern
                                                                                                than one sacred animal: Glub the Gor-         Greenwing Says ‘Don’t Run,’ Sashay! Sa-
                                                                                                mandizing Grouper, a brass-covered,           shay! Sashay!” Nimaj’s chant goes as fol-
                                                                                                golden-tailed wooden Grouper, whose           lows: “Fantastic Fellow; brings the noise;
                                                                                                mouth is held wide open by fly-fishing        card’s rejected; ‘Hello, Boys!” Filled with
                                                                                                expert, Bezuma the Frog. Bezuma, a re-        signs, chants, animals, and loyalty to the
                                                                                                turning animal, is the mother of the Be-      King, the summer of 2019 was one to
                                                                                                zumarangs, who proudly hang in Honk           remember.
                                                                                                Hall. The chants for these animals must

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