NBC: 4% economic growth in 2021 - THE National Bank of Cambo-Phnom Penh Post

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NBC: 4% economic growth in 2021 - THE National Bank of Cambo-Phnom Penh Post
Friday, january 1, 2021                                                           Intelligent . In-depth . Independent                                                Issue Number 3575 / 4000 RIEL

NBC: 4% economic growth in 2021
May Kunmakara                               Inflation is expected to remain be-    growth recovery in Cambodia’s eco-        is very important to strengthen the          The advent of oil production will
                                          low three per cent, a “manageable        nomic partners and the strengthen-        growth base of domestic activity.”         provide the Kingdom another source

          HE National Bank of Cambo-      low” which the NBC is optimistic         ing of the local economic base.             According to the NBC, agriculture        of funds for the national budget and
          dia (NBC) on December 31        it can ensure through a “stable ex-        “In this context, further strength-     will remain a vital and high-poten-        the future development of priority
          forecast that the Kingdom’s     change rate” and an “increased main-     ening of domestic economic activity       tial sector that could absorb some         sectors, it added.
          economic growth will return     tenance of international reserves”.      will support and reduce the impact        of the economic fallout stemming             World Bank country manager for
to four per cent growth this year if        The NBC said: “International fi-       on Cambodia’s economic growth             from the crisis, such as unemploy-         Cambodia Inguna Dobraja in mid-
Covid-19 vaccines can successfully        nancial institutions have forecast       due to the external downturn.             ment or support for the poor.              December said challenges remain for
curtail the spread in the first half.     that Cambodia’s economic growth            “Therefore, the continued imple-          Accelerating the diversification of      the Kingdom and Covid-19 has cre-
  The central bank’s forecast published   rate could reach four-to-6.8 per cent    mentation of government policies to       the economic base and the imple-           ated a need to scale up job creation
in its Macroeconomic and Banking          [in 2021].                               promote the development of small          mentation of industrial develop-           and stem the unemployment tide.
Progress 2020 Report matches the            “However, these forecasts depend       and medium-sized enterprises, the         ment strategies will help Cambo-             She said: “Significant uncertainty
forecast made by the Washington, DC-      primarily on the effectiveness of the    promotion of innovation and the           dia’s economy recover faster from
based World Bank in December.             [Covid-19] vaccines, the speed of        use of new technologies in all areas      the pandemic, it said.                     Continued – page 7

Blessings for New Year
from gov’t, opposition,
envoys to the Kingdom
Niem Chheng                        happiness and prosperity for all
                                   people and reminding them to
GOVERNMENT leaders, oppo-          stay vigilant about Covid-19.
sition figures and diplomatic        “Please continue to pay
representatives to Cambodia        attention to the prevention of
issued statements marking the      Covid-19 by washing your
end of 2020 and identifying        hands frequently with soap,
challenges to face and achieve-    gel or alcohol sanitiser, wear-
ments to fulfil in 2021.           ing masks and maintaining
  National Assembly president      social distancing. Follow the
Heng Samrin said in his            instructions of the Ministry of
remarks that the whole world,      Health. I wish our brothers
including Cambodia, had been       and sisters a safe journey
hit hard by the crisis caused by   whether they are travelling
the Covid-19 pandemic, which       near or far over the holiday
has been particularly bad for      weekend,” he wrote.
the world economy. But Cam-          The prime minister also cele-
bodia had the crisis under         brated Cambodia’s entry into the
control due to strong leader-      ranks of oil producing nations.
ship and a spirit of coopera-        “Covid-19 has caused disrup-
tion between all of relevant       tion, but it could not stop our
institutions, friends and devel-   efforts to produce oil. Although
opment partners.                   we cannot fully enjoy the start
  Samrin thanked various           of 2021 in the same manner as
ministries and authorities as      previous years due to Covid-19,
well as all of Cambodia’s vol-     we should still be thankful for
unteers for making physical,       the huge gift the nation has
spiritual and financial contri-    received – the first drops of oil
butions to the government          produced in our country.
effort in fighting Covid-19.         “I would like to express my
Their contribution had, to         sincere gratitude to all of my
some extent, alleviated the        compatriots for their active
impacts of the crisis on Cam-      cooperation and support of the
bodia’s economy, he said.
  Prime Minister Hun Sen
                                   government while we continue
                                   the process of building our         Ride out the new year
released a New Year’s message                                          Cyclists pedal past New Year decorations at the nearly 700-year-old symbolic monastic Wat Phnom temple in Daun Pehn district’s Wat Phnom
on his Facebook page wishing       Continued – page 3                  commune in Phnom Penh. HEAN RANGSEY
NBC: 4% economic growth in 2021 - THE National Bank of Cambo-Phnom Penh Post
2                                                                                                                                             THE PHNOM PENH POST january 1, 2021 www.phnompenhpost.com

Justice ministry: 89 per cent                                                                                                                  Cambodia has more than
                                                                                                                                               8.8 million registered voters
court case backlog cleared                                                                                                                     Nov Sivutha

                                                                                                                                               THE National Election Com-
                                                                                                                                               mittee (NEC) posted the formal
                                                                                                                                                                                         ciety organisations, embassies
                                                                                                                                                                                         and general consulates in Cam-
                                                                                                                                                                                         bodia to inform them of these
                                                                                                                                                                                         problems,” he said.
Voun Dara                                                                                                                                      results of an audit checking the             NEC deputy secretary-general
                                                                                                                                               names of registered voters this           Som Sorida said the LDP had a

     ust 222 days after the                                                                                                                    year that showed more than 8.8            right to express its views regard-
     launch of a campaign to                                                                                                                   million names on the voting list –        ing the accuracy of the voter list
     address the court case                                                                                                                    an increase of more than 200,000          but they needed to do so respon-
     backlog throughout the                                                                                                                    voters compared to last year.             sibly and not in a manner that
Kingdom, the Ministry of                                                                                                                          The League for Democracy               incites division in the country.
Justice has cleared 35,100,                                                                                                                    Party (LDP) objected to the                  He further said the LDP’s allega-
or 89 per cent, out of a to-                                                                                                                   NEC’s findings and questioned             tions of irregularities in the voter
tal of 39,152 cases that were                                                                                                                  their validity, alleging that the         list were completely unsubstantiated.
pending.                                                                                                                                       process of registering voters had            “The LDP is asking the NEC to
  This has helped ease prison                                                                                                                  taken place without transpar-             disenfranchise voters based on
overcrowding by allowing the                                                                                                                   ency, accuracy or fairness.               their accusations alone. They
release of 26,100 inmates due                                                                                                                     The day before the formal vot-         want us to burden Cambodi-
to the ongoing campaign.                                                                                                                       ing list was posted, LDP spokesman        ans who have already met the
  In a press release, the                                                                                                                      E Sangleng claimed that his party         required conditions for regis-
ministry said the municipal                                                                                                                    had identified more than 3,000            tration. If the NEC were to take
and provincial court pros-                                                                                                                     cases of irregularities in communes       action based solely on the opin-
ecutors across the coun-                                                                                                                       across the country, including the         ions of an individual or a group,
try had cleared the 35,100                                                                                                                     registration of people who had no         it would be a serious mistake
criminal cases in the phase                                                                                                                    residential addresses listed.             and unacceptable,” he said.
of prosecution, investiga-                                                                                                                        He also said the party had                Sam Sokuntheamy, the execu-
tion and trial.                                                                                                                                deployed 1,128 observers and              tive director of the Neutral and
  During the campaign, the                                                                                                                     3,561 reserve observers in order          Impartial Committee for Free
municipal and provincial                                                                                                                       to keep an eye on the process of          and Fair Elections in Cambo-
                                 Justice minister Koeut Rith launched a campaign on May 18 last year that has helped clear 89 per cent of
courts had also addressed        court case backlog in Cambodia. justice ministry                                                              checking the names on the list            dia (NICFEC) also spoke at the
more than 36,500 new crim-                                                                                                                     and registering the names of              press conference, saying his or-
inal cases last year.            courts had declared success        announced the start of the             “We see that the proceed-           voters across the country.                ganisation could not vouch for
  The ministry said that         and wrapped up the cam-            campaign on May 18 last year         ings at municipal and provin-            The LDP had more observers             the accuracy of the LDP’s report
among the 26,100 inmates         paign. Only nine courts have       after identifying 39,152 crimi-      cial courts after the launch of       than any other party or institution       because no NICFEC representa-
set to go free 11,200 have       yet to do so, but we expect        nal cases pending at munici-         the campaign are expedited,           this year, according to Sangleng.         tives were present as observers.
already been released, 5,600     that they will also declare        pal and provincial courts.           with much effort put in to               He added that the LDP had filed           “I would like to state that we
have not been freed yet, 3,000   their success soon,” he said.        He introduced four ap-             address the backlog.                  complaints with the NEC and the           aren’t in a position to verify the
are free from detention, and       Malin said the campaign          proaches for all working               “We don’t monitor all [cas-         Constitutional Council of Cambo-          accuracy of this report and would
the remaining 6,300 have         is scheduled to conclude on        groups to focus on: speed, ac-       es] but through some cases            dia (CCC) asking that the names           have liked to have had our own
been sent to drug rehabilita-    May 17, 2021.                      curacy, fairness and probity.        that lawyers from our or-             of people who have no residential         observers present, but from what
tion centres instead of being      “Given the progress in ad-         Licadho deputy director            ganisation observed, we saw           address in any commune be de-             I’m hearing today it sounds like the
charged.                         dressing the backlog, we ex-       Am Sam Ath noted that the            that the courts had issued a          leted, but they had been ignored.         [LDP] has evidence and witnesses.
  Justice ministry spokes-       pect that the other nine courts    campaign has helped ex-              series of summons.                       The party has also compiled a          But this is a complicated issue and
man Chin Malin said the          will also declare success and      pedite court proceedings,              “Persons who request                1,800-page report highlighting            we would like to see an indepen-
campaign had achieved re-        wrap up the campaign [be-          reducing case backlog and            our help in their cases were          the irregularities.                       dent investigation of these claims
markable results.                fore schedule],” he said.          easing prison overcrowding           summoned to courts one by                “The report will be made pub-          from someone outside the LDP to
  “Within these 222 days, 15       Justice minister Koeut Rith      as a result.                         one,” he said.                        lic and presented to all civil so-        verify them,” he said.

WCS Cambodia finds five                                                      3K new nurses to help fight Covid-19
nests of frog-headed turtle                                                  Niem Chheng
Mom Kunthear                         already found five of them. We
                                     never expected to find so many          PRIME Minister Hun Sen has allowed
THE Wildlife Conservation Soci-      like this. We hope we keep find-        the Ministry of Health to recruit 3,000
ety’s (WCS Cambodia) Nest Pro-       ing more nests until the middle         nurses and include them in the state
tection Team, in collaboration       of next year,” he said.                 employment framework in 2021 to
with the Fisheries Administra-         For the 2019-2020 breeding            strengthen the Kingdom’s fight against
tion, have found five nests of the   season, the WCS Cambodia’s              Covid-19.
critically endangered Cantor’s Gi-   Nest Protection Team found 49              Hun Sen confirmed this on December
ant Softshell Turtle (also known     frog-headed turtle nests with           29 during his national address to announce
as frog-headed turtle) during the    more than 1,700 eggs in total,          the end of the November 28 community
2020 breeding season on a beach      but only 845 of the eggs hatched        event – a reference to the first confirmed
along the Mekong River in Kratie     because of the hot weather.             case of Covid-19 local transmission.
province’s Sambor district.            Som Sitha, the Koh Kong and              He said the decision was made after a
   WCS Cambodia’s Mekong             Mekong River Conservation               discussion with health minister Mam
Regional Coordinator Nhuon           Project Manager for WCS Cam-            Bun Heng about the number of nurses
Chanty told The Post that the        bodia, told The Post that his or-       needed during a recent phone call,
                                                                                                                               The health ministry will recruit 3,000 nurses to help fight Covid-19. CDC
first nest they discovered had 32    ganisation will continue to coop-       when Bun Heng said the ministry need-
eggs, but within a week the team     erate with local communities by         ed up to 5,000.                                     “As planned, we will increase [the recruit-     munity as assigned. Besides this volunteer
had found four more nests.           hiring people from the area to act         The medical staff will strengthen its capac-   ment] from 1,300 to 3,000 to support the          job, he is currently employed with the
   “If we total the number of eggs   as protectors of the turtles and to     ity before being deployed to target areas.        health sector. Among the 3,000, we mostly         Mondulkiri provincial health department
in the five nests we found, there    help educate other people in the           “So, please be informed that [an addi-         focus on nurses working in the health sector,     and a clinic in the province.
were more than 150 eggs. We will     community about the conserva-           tional] 3,000 people are integrated into          but there may also be some [other] neces-           “I’m not afraid ... The most important
collect these frog-headed turtle     tion of frog-headed turtles.            the state framework for 2021. If there is         sary professionals in that field,” he said.       thing is for us to protect ourselves. In the
eggs and put them in a safe place      “Last [season] we had a lot of        still a shortage, we will think more care-          Bunna added that three ministries –             beginning, when the ministry announced
for them to hatch,” he said.         community involvement and               fully and arrange the deployment                  health, civil service, and economy and            [the opportunity] for voluntary work, I
   The frog-headed turtle breed-     we hope that this year there will       accordingly to address the issue.                 finance – are jointly executing the               stepped in immediately. I see that we
ing season runs from November        be even more cooperation with              “But I would like to say that the              recruitment work. The selection will be           need to have self-protection and self-
to May. The nest protection pro-     the frog-headed turtles conser-         requirement for this selection is only for        carried out by the health ministry, while         confidence. I volunteered right away as I
gramme for the species is funded     vation teams,” he said.                 those who dare to fight with Covid-19.            the civil service ministry will be involved       want to serve our compatriots,” he said.
by the EU under the “Wildlife          Sitha said local residents are           “Of course, no one has the skills to           in monitoring the government’s policies             Sothearoth said he had received a lot
Crime Partnership” Margaret A        aware of the plight of the frog-        fight against Covid-19 [because] it is a          and procedures for recruitment.                   of training from the health ministry on
Cargill and US Agency for Inter-     headed turtle and that they sup-        new occurrence ... But the question is,             Hun Sen first recommended the inclu-            self-protection and safety. He will take
national Development (USAID)         port conservation work by tell-         do they dare or are they willing to enter         sion of volunteer doctors and nurses for          an exam to enter the state framework
Greening Prey Lang (USAID-GPL).      ing the WCS teams where nests           the battlefield?” he said.                        Covid-19 fight into the state framework           once the health ministry announces the
   Chanty said his team was          are located or alerting them to            In November, the Ministry of Civil             on December 15.                                   recruitment.
happy to have found the nests        problems in the area.                   Service announced the recruitment of                Teav Sothearoth, who holds a bach-                “I have prepared the documents so
and eggs so early in the season        According toWCS Cambodia, the         more than 6,000 civil servants into var-          elor’s degree in nursing from a univer-           that when the ministry announces the
because most years the number        nest protection teams in the com-       ious ministries, of which 1,300 will be           sity in the Thai capital Bangkok, is              selection exam, I will submit it imme-
of total nests they find between     munity have succeeded in protect        recruited for the health ministry. The            among those who have volunteered to               diately. For me, if I pass, I would join the
November and May is very few.        these first five nests from destruc-    number will now be increased to 3,000             fight against Covid-19.                           fight against Covid-19 as assigned. I will
   “At this time last year we had    tion but there are five months to       following the prime minister’s recom-               Since April, Sothearoth had gone to col-        not hesitate, but the most important
only found one frog-headed           go in the breeding season and they      mendation, according to civil service             lect samples for Covid-19 tests at the air-       thing is whether we pass the exam or
turtle nest, but this year we’ve     must remain vigilant.                   ministry spokesman Youk Bunna.                    port, Olympic Stadium and in the com-             not,” he said.
NBC: 4% economic growth in 2021 - THE National Bank of Cambo-Phnom Penh Post
THE PHNOM PENH POST january 1, 2021 www.phnompenhpost.com                                                                                                                                                            3
Alert on borders as new Covid cases rise
Mom Kunthear                                                                                                                                                                    protective measures recommended
                                                                                                                                                                                by Prime Minister Hun Sen to prevent

         RIME Minister Hun Sen con-                                                                                                                                             the transmission of Covid-19, which
         firmed late on December 31                                                                                                                                             remain the same regardless of the
         that six more Cambodian                                                                                                                                                virus mutating.
         migrant workers from Thai-                                                                                                                                               “[Follow] the health ministry’s
land have tested positive for Covid-                                                                                                                                            ‘three do’s and three don’ts’ instruc-
19, bringing the total to eight in just                                                                                                                                         tions, stay on your guard and [devel-
two days between December 30-31.                                                                                                                                                op] healthy living habits,” she said.
  Hun Sen said that based on infor-                                                                                                                                               Vandine said the authorities must
mation he had received from the                                                                                                                                                 continue to strictly monitor all inter-
Institut Pasteur du Cambodge (IPC),                                                                                                                                             national border crossings into Cambo-
the number of positive cases might                                                                                                                                              dia and require anyone entering the
increase in the coming days.                                                                                                                                                    country to quarantine for 14 days with-
  “In such a circumstance, we have to                                                                                                                                           out exceptions and monitoring by the
work with Thailand to manage the                                                                                                                                                authorities to ensure compliance.
situation. Meanwhile, I instruct all bor-                                                                                                                                         As of December 31, Cambodia had
der forces to exercise the strictest con-                                                                                                                                       recorded a total of 372 Covid-19 cas-
trol over all international checkpoints                                                                                                                                         es, with 361 recoveries.
and corridors to prevent people from                                                                                                                                              At the same time, the government
entering the country without inspec-                                                                                                                                            has allowed the reopening of busi-
tion, having their samples taken [for                                                                                                                                           nesses such as fitness clubs and exer-
testing] and quarantine,” he said.                                                                                                                                              cise gyms and the resumption of
  The prime minister also ordered all                                                                                                                                           football matches, and other sporting
members of the Royal Cambodian                                                                                                                                                  competitions including national
Armed Forces (RCAF) and all forces                                                                                                                                              team matches.
with transportation means to take                                                                                                                                                 Officials say the purpose [in allow-
workers home to stop doing so until                                                                                                                                             ing these restrictions] to be eased is
further notice. Instead, he said return-      Pailin provincial governor Ban Sreymom (right) at an illegal border crossing used by migrant workers from Thailand. supplied      to improve the health and training
ing migrant workers must be quaran-                                                                                                                                             of Cambodia’s athletes in prepara-
tined in provinces along the borders            He added that during the dry season        and guard the illegal [border crossing     instructed all authorities in provin-     tion for events such as the 31st SEA
to prevent community transmission.            workers could cross the border through       points] 24 hours a day to prevent work-    cial town, districts, communes and        Games to be held in Vietnam in 2021
  Pailin provincial deputy governor           dry streambeds, but the authorities          ers from entering our province without     villages to pay attention to workers      and the 32nd SEA Game to be host-
Thou Phea told The Post that a Cam-           have deployed military and police forc-      being quarantined,” he said.               who have returned to our province.        ed by Cambodia in 2023.
bodian worker infected with Covid-            es and two deputy governors to the             Preah Vihear provincial health             “He has also strengthened the             Minister of Education, Youth and
19 had been residing in the province          border region to resolve this issue.         department director Kong Lo told The       [patrolling] of Cambodian-Lao bor-        Sports Hang Chuon Naron also
after returning from Thailand via the           Phea said the authorities continue         Post that from December 20 to 31,          der areas to monitor workers who can      requested that athletes continue to fol-
Lem International Checkpoint in               to monitor Cambodian workers                 about 60 Cambodian workers had trav-       cross the Mekong River and Lapov          low the health ministry’s instructions
Battambang province                           returning from Thailand to ensure            elled from Thailand into the province      River,” Lo said.                          on Covid-19 safety measures, such as
  “From December 20 to 31, around 68          they are quarantined and cared for           and have been placed in quarantine           Health ministry spokeswoman Or          hand-washing with soap or alcohol,
Cambodian workers crossed from                properly and also given additional           centres in six districts and one town.     Vandine said that observing public        wearing masks, personal safety dis-
Thailand into Pailin province [legally],      funds to help their families.                  He said their test samples were ana-     health measures are the most impor-       tances of 1.5m, exercising and regu-
but what we are more concerned about            “Provincial governor Ban Sreymom           lysed at the IPC and the National          tant thing anyone can do as an indi-      larly disinfecting and sanitising sports
are the workers who [may have been]           has assigned a joint force, a patrol force   Institute of Public Health.                vidual.                                   facilities to ensure they do not become
smuggled in illegally,” said Phea.            and all relevant authorities to monitor        “The provincial governor has               “It is necessary for us to follow the   places of Covid-19 transmission.

Officials at all levels praised for
contributions amid difficult time
Continued from page 1                  bodia to continue to fulfil their       “Remember to never make
                                       duties with self-confidence and       others suffer because of your
economy and society,” he said.         pride in order to build great         ambitions. Please share your
   Minister of National Defence        achievements and bring new            mercy for the sake of the hap-
Tea Banh said he has seen              victories for the nation and the      piness of us all. Happiness for
great achievements accom-              people in 2021,” Sar Kheng wrote.     you, your family, your nation
plished in 2020 by the Royal             Minister of Education, Youth        and the world,” Sokha said.
Cambodian Armed Forces                 and Sport Hang Chuon Naron              UN Resident Coordinator in
(RCAF) through their devotion          said he highly valued the efforts     Cambodia Pauline Tamesis
and efforts to overcome all            of education officials and teach-     also released a video message
obstacles. He saluted them for         ers for adhering to the highest       saying the past year has been
their dedication to the protec-        standards of professionalism in       difficult for the whole world,
tion of the country and secu-          their conduct throughout 2020.        Cambodia included.
rity in support of peace, polit-         He said they had jointly              “Although Cambodia has
ical stability, and the                implemented the reform pro-           been spared from the health
prosperity of the people.              grammes and education strat-          crisis we see in many countries
   “The RCAF has effectively car-      egies of the government effec-        of the world, we have not
ried out their international           tively and efficiently, especially    escaped the disastrous conse-
duties such as humanitarian            regarding the prevention of           quences of the Covid-19 pan-
efforts and our peacekeeping           Covid-19.                             demic on the lives, livelihoods
missions with the UN, to
advance the cause of interna-                 As we usher in the New Year,
tional cooperation and friend-
ship between nations. All of this             we must keep our focus on
is a testament to the honour of              saving lives and stopping the
the RCAF and something that
all of Cambodia should take                    transmission of the virus
pride in,” the minister said.
   Minister of Interior Sar Kheng        Kem Sokha, former leader of         and future prospects of vul-
expressed his appreciation for         the Supreme Court-dissolved           nerable Cambodians.
the efforts undertaken by the          Cambodia National Rescue                She expressed her apprecia-
National Police, civil servants        Party (CNRP), also released his       tion for the UN Country team,
and prison officials at all levels     New Year’s message on Decem-          especially World Health Organ-
in fulfilling their duties while       ber 31, praying that 2021             isation officials in Cambodia
responsibly and honestly serv-         would bring national recon-           for their assistance to the gov-
ing the nation and the people.         ciliation, solidarity, peace, sta-    ernment in the response to the
   Maintaining peace, stability        bility and prosperity to the          pandemic.
and security serves social and         Cambodian people.                       “As we usher in the New Year,
economic development and it              “This will enable us all to build   we must keep our focus on sav-
is a direct result of their con-       a bright future with prosperity       ing lives and stopping the trans-
tributions and work all over           and unity to protect the inde-        mission of the virus, mitigating
the country, he said.                  pendence, sovereignty, territo-       the socio-economic impact of
   “I would also like to appeal to     rial integrity and development        the pandemic and building
the National Police, civil servants,   of Cambodia with sustainabil-         back better by standing up for
and prison officials serving Cam-      ity and with honour,” he said.        human rights,” she said.
NBC: 4% economic growth in 2021 - THE National Bank of Cambo-Phnom Penh Post
4                                                                                                                                         THE PHNOM PENH POST january 1, 2021 www.phnompenhpost.com


Prum Pheak
                         The Post’s recap of 2020: A
                                    port on February 13 after six
                                    countries had denied it over

         HE past year has           fears of Covid-19 infection.
         been an eventful one       The Holland America Line
         in Cambodia, charac-       Company ship was carrying
         terised – and marred –     over 2,000 passengers from
by crises like the global Covid-    41 countries.
19 pandemic and severe local          Prime Minister Hun Sen
flooding, and here, at the start    stated that allowing the ship
of the new year, The Post looks     to dock in an emergency was
back on a dozen key issues          a humanitarian matter that
that shaped our 2020.               required Cambodia to act and
                                    rescue the vessel in a spirit of
Seven-storey building col-          community and free from
lapses:                             discrimination. Among the
   The collapse of a seven-         passengers, there were 651
storey guesthouse under con-        Americans, 171 Canadians,
struction in Kep province on        127 British and 91 Dutch.
January 3 killed 36 people,           After the ship docked, rep-
including 14 women and six          resentatives of governments
children, and injured 23 oth-       and institutions and around
ers. The collapse was attribut-     the world, including US Presi-
ed to the foreman’s disregard       dent Donald Trump and World
for reinforcing the concrete        Health Organisation (WHO)
with rebar and removing scaf-       Secretary-General Tedros Ad-
folding too early.                  hanom Ghebreyesus, hailed
   The building’s owners, mas-      Cambodia’s courage and ex-
ter builder Euk Saron and his       pressed gratitude for the gov-
wife Chhiv Sothy, were ar-          ernment’s assistance.
rested and referred to court for
prosecution. The government         Covid-19 is detected in
provided $10,000 to workers         Cambodia and containment
who sustained minor injuries        begins:
and to $20,000 each to those          On January 27, Cambodia re-
with major injuries. Families       corded its first confirmed case
                                                                         Prime Minister Hun Sen stated that allowing the MS Westerdam cruise ship to dock in an emergency was a humanitarian matter that required
who suffered a fatality received    of Covid-19. By December             Cambodia to act and rescue the vessel in a spirit of community and free of discrimination. SPM
$50,000 and a 10 million riel       31, there had been 372 cases
($2,500) funeral stipend. Fami-     identified, most of which were       line instruction.                    ventative measures. A public       figured the likelihood of actu-    were an ever-present danger.
lies who lost breadwinners          imported. Remarkably, none             When economic and social           service announcement can be        ally enacting such a decree        Campaign addresses the
were given even more.               of the patients have died from       activities were gradually al-        heard prior to connecting tele-    was only 0.01 per cent.            backlog of court cases:
                                    their infections.                    lowed to resume, school chil-        phone calls which states: “We                                           Justice minister Koeut Rith
Trial begins for Kem Sokha:           To address the problem,            dren and business patrons            are united to combat Covid-19      Traffic enforcement increases:     launched an initiative on May
   The Phnom Penh mu-               the prime minister chaired           were expected to abide by a          according to the guidance of         The Road Traffic Law was         18 to address a backlog of
nicipal court began hearing         the inter-ministerial ad hoc         slew of guidelines instruct-         the health ministry.”              amended on May 1, signifi-         court cases and prison over-
the case of Kem Sokha, the          Committee to Combat Covid-           ing members of the public to           As a result of containment       cantly raising fines for mov-      crowding around the country.
former president of the Su-         19, comprised five deputy            wear face masks, wash hands          efforts by the government,         ing violations while more          He affirmed that all measures
preme Court-dissolved Cam-          chairmen – the ministers of          with disinfectants and main-         compliance by the public and       than 3,000 police officers have    implemented by the ministry
bodia National Rescue Party         the interior, defence, finance,      tain physical separation.            treatment of Covid-19 pa-          been deployed on main roads        would strictly adhere to exist-
(CNRP), on January 15, more         health and Council of Min-             KTVs, theatres, restaurants,       tients by healthcare facilities,   across the country to monitor      ing legal procedures in order
than two years after he was         isters – and 27 more officials       barbershops, beauty parlours         Cambodia’s response to the         traffic, inspect vehicles and      to uphold principles of jus-
arrested in September, 2017         from relevant ministries and         and public transport imple-          pandemic has been ranked           drivers and issue citations ac-    tice and accuracy. He stressed
for conspiring with a foreign       institutions.                        mented higher standards of           as the most effective in the       cording to Sub-Decree 39 in        that corruption must not be
power under Article 443 of            The committee has imple-           hygiene as well as checking          world for controlling and          response to an alarming up-        allowed to compromise the
the Criminal Code.                  mented many measures in-             the health of guests with elec-      minimising its impact.             tick in traffic accidents.         integrity of the legal system.
   Hearings were held two           cluding cancelling holidays          tronic thermometers.                                                      Imposition of the fines has        The minister also welcomed
days per week until the trial       and major ceremonies, clos-            Additionally, migrant work-        State of emergency law is          come under criticism from          participation from civil so-
was indefinitely suspended in       ing the national borders to          ers returning from abroad            drafted:                           drivers and others requesting      ciety organisations in moni-
mid-March on account of the         tourists, suspending visits to       and other passengers arriving          President of the Senate Say      that the stricter law enforce-     toring legal proceedings. As
outbreak of Covid-19. Sokha         prison inmates and prohibit-         to Cambodia were subject to          Chhum signed a Royal Code          ment be delayed on account         a result of the campaign, by
faces up to 30 years in prison      ing large public gatherings.         health inspections and quar-         on April 29 preparing for the      of financial hardships faced       December 25, nearly 89 per
if found guilty.                      Businesses such as gyms,           antine of up to 14 days before       imposition of a declaration of     by the public in light of the      cent – or 35,100 out of 39,152
                                    casinos, pubs and dance clubs        being allowed to continue on         a national state of emergency.     Covid-19 problem.                  pending criminal cases – had
Cambodia allows Westerdam           were temporarily ordered to          to their intended destinations.      The Constitutional Council           National Police chief Neth Sa-   been addressed.
to dock:                            cease operations. Likewise,            Hun Sen and the Ministry of        of Cambodia (CCC) had an-          voeun claimed, however, that
  The government allowed            schools and child care facili-       Health frequently reminded           nounced two days earlier that      the single aim of strengthening    Former Tuol Sleng prison
the MS Westerdam cruise ship        ties were closed, and students       the public to be very cautious       such a law would be legal un-      the law and its enforcement        chief dies:
to dock at Preah Sihanouk           began taking courses via on-         and remain diligent in pre-          der article 22 of the constitu-    was to reduce the accidents          While serving a life sen-
                                                                                                              tion.                              and damage to the property.        tence handed down by the
                                                                                                                Consisting of five chapters      He said that the fines would       Supreme Court at the Ex-
                                                                                                              and 12 articles, the law was       serve as a lesson for drivers.     traordinary Chambers in the
                                                                                                              proposed by Minister of Justice      Institute for Road Safety        Courts of Cambodia (ECCC),
                                                                                                              Koeut Rith and initially ap-       acting director Kong Ratanak       Kaing Guek Eav, the former
                                                                                                              proved on April 10 by the Na-      said the measures had pro-         Tuol Sleng prison chief better
                                                                                                              tional Assembly before passing     duced positive results. More       known as Duch, died on Sep-
                                                                                                              a final review on April 17.        motorists had renewed their        tember 2 at the age of 77 in
                                                                                                                Government officials were        driver’s licences, had their       the Khmer-Soviet Friendship
                                                                                                              quick to stipulate that the        vehicles safety-inspected and      Hospital after a long illness.
                                                                                                              law had been prepared as           cautiously abided by the Road        Following his death, his
                                                                                                              a tool to combat the Covid-        Traffic Law.                       body was cremated at the
                                                                                                              19 crisis in the event that          According to a report from       Chak Angre Krom pagoda in
                                                                                                              the situation in the country       the National Road Safety           Phnom Penh in the presence
                                                                                                              deteriorated to a point that       Committee (NRSC), traffic          of a small number of relatives.
                                                                                                              its use would be deemed to         accidents decreased by 23 per      Duch was arrested in 1999 and
                                                                                                              have become necessary.             cent over the first 10 months      sentenced to 35 years in pris-
                                                                                                                Throughout the ensuing           of last year compared to the       on in 2010 by the lower court
                                                                                                              pandemic, however, an official     year before, resulting in 779      at the ECCC for crimes against
                                                                                                              state of emergency by royal        fewer incidents, dropping          humanity and serious viola-
                                                                                                              decree has yet to be declared,     from 3,453 in 2019 to 2,674.       tions of the Geneva Conven-
                                                                                                              even as many other countries         Interior minister and NRSC       tions of 1949 concerning the
                                                                                                              enforced similar laws.             chairman Sar Kheng urged           deaths of at least 12,272 vic-
                                                                                                                Addressing concerns about        police to arrest drivers re-       tims at the Tuol Sleng prison.
                                                                                                              the prospect of excessive law      sponsible for hit-and-run            Unsatisfied with the ruling,
                                                                                                              enforcement, the prime min-        accidents and bring them to        he appealed against it, and
                                                                                                              ister noted that based on his      justice. He also called on driv-   in 2012, the Supreme Court
The collapse of a seven-storey guesthouse under construction in Kep province on January 3 killed 36 people,   more than 40 years of experi-      ers and passengers to remain       at the ECCC sentenced him
including 14 women and six children, and injured 23 others. HENG CHIVOAN                                      ence governing the nation, he      careful as traffic accidents       to life in prison. He served
NBC: 4% economic growth in 2021 - THE National Bank of Cambo-Phnom Penh Post
THE PHNOM PENH POST january 1, 2021 www.phnompenhpost.com                                                                                                                                                          5

tumultuous road of a year
the sentence in the Kandal           Hungarian Minister of For-                                                                                                                     ment, members of the public
provincial prison from 2013       eign Affairs and Trade Peter                                                                                                                      responded enthusiastically
until his death.                  Szijjarto visited Cambodia on                                                                                                                     and began making private
                                  November 3, having initially                                                                                                                      donations for the cause. By
Floods cover the countryside:     tested negative for the virus                                                                                                                     December 28, a fund estab-
  Cambodia        experienced     upon his entry, then testing                                                                                                                      lished by the government
rain-induced floods in mid-       positive for it the next day                                                                                                                      had received more than $55
October, flooding the capital     when entering Thailand.                                                                                                                           million.
and 19 provinces across the          As a result, senior Cambo-                                                                                                                        On December 17, an inter-
country. A report on October      dian officials who had been in                                                                                                                    ministerial meeting by video
24 by the National Commit-        contact with Szijjarto, includ-                                                                                                                   conference with major aid
tee for Disaster Management       ing Hun Sen, and a total of                                                                                                                       organisations and partner
said that the natural disaster    1,802 people were instructed                                                                                                                      nations discussed plans for
had affected 136,442 families     to quarantine themselves for                                                                                                                      procurement of the vaccines
representing 545,768 people.      14 days. A total of four peo-                                                                                                                     and implementing a vaccina-
  In total, 43 drowning           ple, including a member of                                                                                                                        tion programme.
deaths were reported while        the National Assembly, tested                                                                                                                        The      government         an-
925 schools, 305 pago-            positive for the infection.                                                                                                                       nounced a goal to inoculate
das, 270,007ha of rice and           In a separate event on No-                                                                                                                     at least 10 million people
88,779ha of other crops, as       vember 28, Cambodia saw its                                                                                                                       against Covid-19 and poten-
well as 2,301km of national       first cases of local transmission                                                                                                                 tially as many as 13 million
and provincial roads, had         of Covid-19 within the com-                                                                                                                       people which would require
been affected by the floods.      munity. The wife of director-                                                                                                                     26 million doses for a two-
  The prime minister deployed     general of prisons Chhem Sa-                                                                                                                      step vaccination.
all means at his disposal to      vuth and five family members        Following the ‘November 28 community’ event, the prime minister and health officials urged all people who        The COVAX Facility would
                                                                      had been in direct or indirect contact to be tested and quarantined. INTERIOR MINISTRY
mitigate the damage, describ-     tested positive for Covid-19,                                                                                                                     provide vaccines for 20 per cent
ing the floods as the worst to    sparking a massive and urgent       – were quarantined for 14 days.     by the pandemic, totalling           prompting a warning from             of the country’s population,
hit the country during his ten-   effort to conduct contact-trac-     Of the total, 41 tested positive.   $169.38 million. Subsidies           the prime minister of strict         amounting to three to four mil-
ure in government. He offered     ing and testing of people who         The Ministry of Labour,           were made to families holding        measures to be taken against         lion people. The government
condolences to families who       might have been exposed.            Youth and Sport again in-           Poor ID cards with each fam-         people who attempted to de-          declared it would assume re-
had lost members and over-           The prime minister and           structed schools to close and       ily receiving at least 120,000       fraud the system. The Minis-         sponsibility for vaccinating the
saw the distribution of relief    health officials urged all people   later announced that grade          riel (almost $30).                   try of Planning subsequently         rest of the people by seeking aid
donations to victims.             who had been in direct or indi-     12 national examination can-           Because the Covid-19 crisis       identified 14,400 incidences         from development partners.
                                  rect contact to be tested and       didates would pass automati-        had yet to subside, Hun Sen          of irregularities.                      First to receive the vaccine
November 3 event and              quarantined. He also called on      cally without sitting the exam.     announced on December 15                                                  will be doctors and front-line
November 28 community             people not to blame each other                                          that the government would is-        Covid-19 vaccine purchases:          health officials as well as teach-
transmission:                     but to cooperate for the sake       Cash support is given to the        sue a fourth round of payments         Hun Sen announced on De-           ers, members of the armed
  Although Cambodia had           of society and averting wider       poor affected by Covid-19:          set to continue into January,        cember 8 that the government         forces and prison officials, fol-
brought the Covid-19 pan-         spread of the virus.                  From June 25 to December          February and March for which         planned to buy Covid-19 vac-         lowed by judges, attorneys and
demic under control through          In the weeks following the       24, the national government         a reserve of $200 million had        cines for distribution to the na-    court officers and other gov-
October, the next month saw       outbreak, 18,829 people – in-       provided a series of cash pay-      been made available.                 tion’s people free of charge, pri-   ernment officials whose work
two major events spark new        cluding the interior minister       ments to 681,999 poor and              Distributing the funds was        oritising people at high-risk.       necessitates interacting with
outbreaks.                        and many subordinate officials      vulnerable families affected        delegated to local authorities,        Following the announce-            members of the public.
NBC: 4% economic growth in 2021 - THE National Bank of Cambo-Phnom Penh Post
6                                                                                                                                             THE PHNOM PENH POST january 1, 2021 www.phnompenhpost.com

    USD / KHR        USD / CAD           USD / CNY         USD / JPY         USD / MYR         USD / SGD       USD / THB         AUD / USD           EUR / USD        GBP / USD
        4,072           1.2750             6.5414            103.13             4.0225             1.3224        29.98              0.7702             1.2290           1.3659

                            Trading Information on Cambodia Securities Exchange                                         Date: December 31, 2020
                          Auction Trading Method (ATM)
                                 No              Stock            Closing Price          Opening Price          High                 Low
                                 1                   ABC               17,100                17,160             17,160              17,100
                                 2                   GTI               3,200                   -                3,200               3,200
                                 3                   PAS               14,200                14,160            14,200               14,000
                                 4               PEPC                  2,900                 2,900              2,900               2,900
                                 5                PPAP                 11,700                11,700            11,700               11,500
                                 6                PPSP                 1,180                 1,150              1,180                1,150
                                 7               PWSA                  6,100                 6,100              6,100                6,100

CRF to launch ‘Malys Angkor’ Indonesia,     LG in $9.8B
                               deal for first integrated
brand of fragrant rice exports EV battery industry                                                                                                    INDONESIA has sealed a deal          – mining holding MIND.ID,
Thou Vireak                                                                                                        “I think rice exports will con-    worth $9.8 billion with South        oil and gas giant Pertamina,
                                                                                                               tinue to be stable or grow as de-      Korea’s LG Energy Solution to        electricity giant PLN and met-

          HE Cambodia Rice                                                                                     mand in the agricultural sector        develop the world’s first in-        al miner PT Aneka Tambang
          Federation (CRF) will                                                                                . . . remains high. As long as we      tegrated electric vehicle (EV)       (Antam) – to build the integrat-
          launch the “Malys                                                                                    maintain a balance in quality,         battery industry, Indonesia’s        ed battery plant, Bahlil said.
          Angkor” brand in                                                                                     quantity and competitive pric-         investment chief said on De-           He said the investment
mid-2021 and require all rice                                                                                  es, we will maintain this export       cember 30.                           would support the planned
millers and exporters to at-                                                                                   growth,” Lak said.                       The memorandum of un-              end-to-end domestic supply
tach its label to their products                                                                                   Saran recalled that 2020           derstanding (MoU) was signed         chain for EV batteries from
bound for China and the EU,                                                                                    had been the most difficult            by Investment Coordinating           nickel mining to battery recy-
its president Song Saran said                                                                                  year for the rice sector, due to       Board (BKPM) head Bahlil La-         cling, adding that the govern-
on December 30.                                                                                                the effects of the EU’s tariffs        hadalia and LG Energy Solu-          ment was also encouraging lo-
   He said the Kingdom ex-                                                                                     on Cambodian milled-rice               tion representatives in Seoul        cal companies to get involved.
ported      around       700,000                                                                               exports, the Covid-19 crisis,          on December 18 with South              Indonesia possesses almost
tonnes of milled rice in 2020,                                                                                 the droughts and the floods,           Korean Minister of Trade, In-        a quarter of the global reserves
80 per cent of which was the                                                                                   and the shipping crisis in the         dustry and Energy Sung Yun-          of nickel, a key metal for elec-
in-vogue fragrant rice.                                                                                        last quarter of the year.              mo witnessing the signing.           tric vehicles, and is seeking to
   The CRF also plans to export                                                                                    But, he said, Cambodia is still      The deal is the result of a se-    use that advantage to build a
the Sen Kra’op 01 rice cultivar                                                                                a proud milled-rice exporter,          ries of negotiations that started    domestic battery industry with
for the first time, he said.                                                                                   which supplies and ensures             with a meeting between Presi-        support from low power prices
   Sen Kra’op 01 is a high-                                                                                    food security to countries in          dent Joko “Jokowi” Widodo and        and low-cost manufacturing.
quality and delectable variant                                                                                 the region and beyond.                 his South Korean counterpart           To that end, the government
of rice that was developed in                                                                                      He added that even under           Moon Jae-in in Busan, South          banned all nickel ore exports
                                      The CRF will launch the ‘Malys Angkor’ brand of fragrant rice in
2018 by the Cambodian Agri-           mid-2021. HONG MENEA                                                     these difficult circumstances,         Korea in November 2019.              last year and plans to ban all
cultural Research and Devel-                                                                                   Cambodia had still been able to          The MoU includes strategic in-     metal ore exports starting June
opment Institute (CARDI) in           that import milled rice from         millers owners and exporters        export more than $470 million          vestment projects in the EV bat-     2023, thereby forcing miners to
collaboration with the Austra-        Cambodia and our partners.”          must comply with the stan-          worth of milled rice in 2020.          tery cell industry that integrates   process the ore domestically.
lian government through the             Mekong Oryza Trading Co            dards and norms to promote              Cambodia exports most              the mining, smelting, refining,        The investment by LG Ener-
Cambodia-Australia Agricul-           Ltd CEO Hun Lak told The             recognition of “Malys Ang-          of its milled rice, buoyed by          and precursor and cathode in-        gy Solution will be the latest in
tural Value Chain programme           Post that “Malys Angkor” is in       kor” in the world market.”          rising consumer recognition            dustries, according to a BKPM        a series made by South Korean
(CAVAC).                              the same grouping of Cambo-            At the same time, he said,        in markets such as mainland            statement on December 30.            companies, including Hyun-
   Saran said: “We will contin-       dian luxury milled rice that is      the CRF and exporters are           China, Hong Kong, Gabon                  Bahlil told reporters in a vir-    dai Motor, which plans to set
ue to work to boost our high          exported to the global market.       busy promoting the export of        and Australia.                         tual press briefing on Decem-        up an electric car factory.
quality milled rice exports.            He said: “We have already          Sen Kra’op 01. He confirmed             “Cambodia’s milled rice has        ber 30: “This investment will          Indonesia’s EV batteries will
We look forward to continu-           registered the fragrant rice         that this type of milled rice       been growing in the right direc-       make Indonesia the first coun-       not only cater to the EV indus-
ing to work to improve the            ‘Malys Angkor’ with the Min-         is recognised by the Ministry       tion and will reach the official       try in the world that is integrat-   try but also to the energy stor-
livelihoods of those in the           istry of Commerce and the            of Agriculture, Forestry and        export of one million tonnes           ing the electric battery industry    age industry, both of which are
Cambodian rice industry.              World [Trade] Organisation,          Fisheries as a bona-fide fra-       through sustainable production         [supply chain], from mining to       expected to grow exponen-
   “We truly thank all our part-      so in 2021 we want to export         grant rice variety with high        and will provide socio-econom-         electric car lithium batteries.      tially over the decade as major
ners and I send the most cor-         rice officially using the ‘Malys     yields that is not seasonal and     ic benefits to communities in all        “This is the biggest investment    economies double-down on
dial blessings to the countries       Angkor’ brand and the rice           which farmers like to grow.         value chains,” Saran said.             since the [1998] Reform Era and      green energy commitments.
                                                                                                                                                      will serve as an opportunity for       Indonesian Mining Associa-
                                                                                                                                                      Indonesia to recover from the        tion (IMA) executive director
                                                                                                                                                      coronavirus pandemic.”               Djoko Widajanto told The Ja-

ACLEDA Bank unveils new logo                                                                                                                            Indonesia’s pursuit to boost
                                                                                                                                                      local EV production and the
                                                                                                                                                      EV battery industry reflects
                                                                                                                                                      Jokowi’s ambition for “mas-
                                                                                                                                                                                           karta Post: “We are hoping that
                                                                                                                                                                                           LG’s investment will be a break-
                                                                                                                                                                                           through for SOEs to connect
                                                                                                                                                                                           local businesses with the EV
Thou Vireak                           the use of the latest technolo-      Strelitzia genus, which bear a      ACLEDA Bank, which has been            sive downstreaming”, which           battery supply chain because
                                      gies to make them more mod-          striking resemblance to the logo.   actively providing banking             aims to turn the country from        otherwise, we will need time
ACLEDA Bank Plc, the first            ern, more secure and easier for        Channy said white repre-          services for more than 29              a commodity-driven econo-            to develop both the technology
commercial bank to be listed          our community of customers           sents righteousness, transpar-      years,” Channy said.                   my into an industrial one. At        and human resources.”
on the Cambodia Securities            – public or private – from all       ency, honesty and integrity;          ACLEDA Bank has four sub-            the same time, massive for-            Indonesian Chamber of Com-
Exchange (CSX), on Decem-             backgrounds, and maintain            gold stands for value and qual-     sidiaries – ACLEDA Securities          eign investment in the sector        merce and Industry (Kadin)
ber 31 officially launched its        the highest quality in the bank-     ity; while blue signifies unity,    Plc, ACLEDA Institute of Busi-         is expected to help boost the        deputy chairman Johnny Dar-
new logo after nearly 30 years        ing and financial sector.”           stability and wellbeing.            ness, ACLEDA Bank Lao Ltd and          country’s economic recovery.         mawan told the Post on De-
of operation.                           The new logo will preserve           The combination of the three      ACLEDA Microfinance Institu-             The government ordered             cember 30: “The government
  Speaking at the launch cer-         the symbol, identity and mean-       colours presents the seeds and      tion Myanmar and has a repre-          in October its biggest state-        must allow these companies
emony, president and CEO In           ing that the bank has built over     resources for sustainable           sentative office in Myanmar.           owned enterprises (SOEs) to          to use locally manufactured
Channy said the change was            the past 29 years, he said.          growth and development in the         As of September 30, ACLEDA           establish a battery holding          materials to produce the bat-
in line with the bank’s strategic       In the middle of a blue circle     financial sector, he said.          Bank’s total assets stood at           company that will develop an         teries in a bid to further sup-
mission perspective and glo-          lies a “pakshi-svarga” or “bird        “I would also like to express     26.10 trillion riel ($6.5 billion),    end-to-end domestic supply           port local businesses.
bal fintech development.              of paradise” in gold and white,      my gratitude to the customers,      total loan portfolio grew to           chain for EV batteries.                “If the government wants
  He said: “I officially launch       which he said denotes the sus-       and the general public from all     16.99 trillion riel, deposits            Under the MoU, LG Energy           Indonesia to become a major
the new ACLEDA Bank logo              tainable strengths and pros-         milieus, in the public and pri-     reached 18.56 trillion riel, while     Solution, a subsidiary of LG         player in the EV industry, then
with our existing digital infra-      perity of the bank.                  vate sectors, especially the        the number of digital ACLEDA           Group, will collaborate with         the country must be able to
structure and will continue to          “Bird of paradise” is also a       National Bank of Cambodia           Unity Instant service subscrib-        South Korea’s Hyundai Motor          produce its own batteries.” THE
develop our services through          common name for flowers of the       with its continuing support of      ers hit 1.62 million.                  as well as the appointed SOEs        JAKARTA POST/ASIA NEWS NETWORK
NBC: 4% economic growth in 2021 - THE National Bank of Cambo-Phnom Penh Post
THE PHNOM PENH POST january 1, 2021 www.phnompenhpost.com                                                                                                                                                          7

An outlook into 2021 economy                                                                                                                                                        US impose
                                                                                                                                                                                    new tariffs
                                                                                                                                                                                    on France,
                                                                                                           other types of adjustments to       port to the Chinese market and
                                                                                                           their business model, includ-       beyond. However, the CCFTA
                                                                                                           ing adoption of digital tech-       alone may be insufficient to
INSIDER                                                                                                    nologies to facilitate a less
                                                                                                           contact-intense environment
                                                                                                           for employees and customers.
                                                                                                                                               boost Cambodia’s trade and
                                                                                                                                               economic performance.
                                                                                                                                                                                    THE US on December 30 an-
The year 2020 was an economi-                                                                                As is highlighted in the Coun-    What steps does the World            nounced that it will impose
cally tense year with every coun-                                                                          try Economic Update’s Spe-          Bank recommend the govern-           additional tariffs on French
try in the region and around the                                                                           cial Focus, firms’ use of digital   ment to take to reap in the fruit    and German products as part
world – including Cambodia –                                                                               platforms to conduct business       from regional and FTA deals?         of a long-running dispute over
striving to combat the spread of                                                                           practices increased in response       It is essential to facilitate an   subsidies for aircraft manu-
Covid-19, which not only poses                                                                             to Covid-19 in Cambodia.            expansion of domestic and            facturers Airbus and Boeing.
a global health risk, but also                                                                               The World Bank remains            foreign investment arising              The tariffs are on “aircraft
threatens a serious impact on                                                                              committed to supporting the         largely from recent bilateral        manufacturing parts from
global economic growth.                                                                                    Royal Government of Cam-            and regional FTAs.                   France and Germany, cer-
  Cambodia’s economy will                                                                                  bodia in its transformation to        In this regard, introduc-          tain non-sparkling wine from
contract two per cent in 2020                                                                              a digital economy – a policy        ing competitive investment           France and Germany, and
before swiftly recovering to four                                                                          agenda that is more impor-          laws and incentive schemes is        certain cognac and other
per cent growth this year, the                                                                             tant now than ever.                 particularly important. In the       grape brandies from France
World Bank projects, citing ef-                                                                                                                medium term, nurturing in-           and Germany,” which will be
fective government measures                                                                                You briefly touched on the          tegration of Cambodia’s agro-        added to the list of products
that respond to the specific needs                                                                         RCEP and CCFTA. How will            processing and manufacturing         taxed since 2019, according
of the most affected sectors – in-                                                                         these and the nine other FTAs       value chains into regional value     to a statement from the US
cluding tourism, garments and                                                                              in the pipeline offset the impact   chains will also be needed.          Trade Representative (USTR).
textiles, and construction.                                                                                of the EU’s recent withdrawal         Improving         connectivity,       It said the move was in retal-
  These figures are similar to                                                                             of Cambodia from its ‘Every-        upgrading skilled labour and         iation to tariffs imposed by the
the government’s projections
                                     World Bank senior economist for Cambodia Ly Sodeth. SUPPLIED
                                                                                                           thing But Arms’ arrangement         reducing energy costs will are       EU which it considers unfair.
of a 1.9 per cent contraction                                                                              and better equip the Kingdom        among other key steps.                  The decision is the lat-
for 2020 before a return to 3.5        Private consumption is           travel goods, footwear, bi-        to achieve medium- and long-                                             est twist in the 16-year trade
per cent growth this year.           partly underpinned by gov-         cycles, electrical parts, and      term economic stability?            How else does the King-              battle over aircraft subsidies
  The government has been            ernment fiscal direct support,     vehicle parts and accessories         The partial withdrawal of the    dom and Cambodians stand             that turned increasingly sour
pulling out all the stops to         amounting to 2.8 per cent          fell by 2.5 per cent during the    EU’s “Everything But Arms”          to benefit from similar FTA          under the protectionist in-
boost local production capac-        of gross domestic product          first nine months of 2020.         trade preferential treatment        deals down the line?                 stincts of US President Don-
ity for export and sign free trade   (GDP). While the contraction          Due to travel restrictions      became effective on August            Trade agreements between           ald Trump, and comes despite
agreements (FTA) in hopes of re-     in goods and services exports      and lockdowns, Cambodia’s          12, 2020, affecting approxi-        countries that lower trade bar-      hopes for a trade truce follow-
inforcing trade and investment       is relatively large, due mainly    tourism and hospitality sec-       mately 20 per cent of Cambo-        riers on imported goods pro-         ing Joe Biden’s election.
relations with countries in the      to the sharp decline in the        tor has experienced a severe       dia’s exports to the EU.            vide welfare gains to consum-           The EU was authorised last
region and around the globe.         tourism sector, it is expected     downturn, with international          Cambodia manufacturing           ers – from increases in variety,     year by the World Trade Or-
  The Post’s May Kunmakara,          to recover this year.              arrivals falling by 74.1 per       exports are adjusting. Exports      access to better-quality prod-       ganisation (WTO) to levy ad-
sat down with World Bank se-           Import contraction has           cent year-on-year during the       of garments, travel goods,          ucts, and lower prices.              ditional customs duties on
nior economist for Cambodia          been moderate as consump-          first nine months of 2020.         footwear and bicycle prod-            The CCFTA is expected to           US products.
Ly Sodeth to discuss the King-       tion has held up, thanks large-       This has only been partly       ucts to the US market rose to       attract FDI inflows to Cam-             But Washington believes
dom’s 2020 economic perfor-          ly to the relatively large gov-    offset by a return of domestic     $2.7 billion, expanding at 7.6      bodia. Sectors such as agri-         it has been penalised by the
mance and what we can ex-            ernment intervention. The          tourism. Public investment         per cent year-on-year in the        culture, agroprocessing and          method of calculation chosen,
pect this year.                      recent signing of the Cambo-       programme initiatives intro-       first nine months of 2020.          manufacturing are well posi-         which, according to the Trump
                                     dia-China Free Trade Agree-        duced by the Cambodian au-            The US market is the larg-       tioned to export to the Chi-         administration, has led to an
What were the key consid-            ment (CCFTA) and Regional          thorities to build physical in-    est, accounting for 36 per cent     nese market and beyond.              excessive amount of customs
erations in the World Bank’s         Comprehensive         Economic     frastructure in the provincial     of Cambodia’s total exports of        Cambodia’s      comparative        duties levied on US products.
projection?                          Partnership (RCEP) will help       towns of Sihanoukville and         garment, travel goods, foot-        advantages may include                  The USTR statement said:
  With the easing of social dis-     further promote domestic in-       Siem Reap will improve the         wear, and bicycle products.         its    underutilised    labour       “In implementing its tariffs …
tancing measures, Cambodia’s         vestment and regional trade.       connectivity and underpin             Trade agreements between         force and relatively low la-         the EU used trade data from a
domestic economic activity                                              tourism sector development.        countries that lower trade          bour costs, generating gains         period in which trade volumes
has been gradually returning to      What’s the current outlook for                                        barriers on imported goods          through specialisation and           had been drastically reduced
normalcy. Domestic demand,           the Kingdom’s garment and          With Covid-19 catalysing a rise    provide welfare gains to con-       economies of scale.                  due to the horrific effects on
including domestic travel and        tourism sectors after nearly a     in e-businesses and a govern-      sumers from increases in va-          This will potentially help         the global economy from the
tourism, is picking up.              year of the Covid-19 pandemic      ment-backed transformation         riety, access to better-quality     Cambodia expand beyond the           Covid-19 virus.
  We haven’t seen significant        upending life as we know it?       in today’s growing digital econ-   products, and lower prices,         established pattern of pro-             “The result of this choice was
adverse impacts so far of the          The immediate future of          omy, does the World Bank see       thus creating trade.                duction heavily dependent on         that Europe imposed tariffs on
pandemic on the banking              garment exports, which ac-         itself getting involved?              The CCFTA is expected to at-     garment and footwear, while          substantially more products
sector or on the balance of          count for two-thirds of man-         How well firms cope with         tract foreign direct investment     promoting a more diversified         than would have been cov-
payments, while market con-          ufacturing exports, remains        the adverse shocks of the          (FDI) inflows to Cambodia.          economic structure.                  ered if it had utilised a normal
fidence has been gradually           uncertain. Cambodia’s ex-          global Covid-19 pandemic           Sectors such as agriculture,                                             period. Although the United
restored as the outbreak is          ports of manufactured prod-        will, among other factors, de-     agro-processing, and manufac-       This interview has been edited       States explained to the EU the
largely under control.               ucts which include garments,       pend on their ability to make      turing are well positioned to ex-   for length and clarity.              distortive effect of its selected
                                                                                                                                                                                    time period, the EU refused to
                                                                                                                                                                                    change its approach.
                                                                                                                                                                                       “[As a result, the US] is forced

Preparing Cambodia for return to growth                                                                                                                                             to change its reference period
                                                                                                                                                                                    to the same period used by the
                                                                                                                                                                                    European Union.”
                                                                                                                                                                                       The US also deplored an EU
Continued from page 1                  He said: “The government         pandemic and ensure a return       “strong Covid-19 vaccine in-        nerabilities arising from the        decision to exclude the UK from
                                     is very pro-active in its re-      to growth in 2021, the World       frastructure, as well as closely    prolonged construction and           its calculations, which it argued
remains to Cambodia’s growth         sponse to the impact caused        Bank recommends in its re-         monitoring economic vul-            property boom”.                      unfairly increased the tariffs.
outlook. The most important          by Covid-19, dealing with it       port that Cambodia pursue a                                                                                    The feud over European air-
policy goal must be to urgent-       in an immediate way. This          number of key measures.                                                                                     craft manufacturer Airbus and
ly regain jobs lost and sus-         builds confident among in-           The Kingdom must boost                                                                                    its US competitor Boeing is the
pended due to the pandemic.          vestors as evident in the still-   “pro-poor and growth-en-                                                                                    longest and most complicated
  “Looking ahead, it is essen-       robust investment and busi-        hancing public investment                                                                                   ever handled by the WTO.
tial that domestic and foreign       ness climate.                      including cash-for-work proj-                                                                                  The aviation feud predates
investments are encouraged             “Other barriers imped-           ects” and promote “labour-                                                                                  Trump, but Washington quick-
to take advantage of recent          ing investment and business        intensive sectors to generate                                                                               ly embraced the opportunity
bilateral and regional free          growth have been swiftly           jobs by taking advantage of                                                                                 to impose $7.5 billion in tariffs
trade agreements.                    handled by the government,         the quick recovery of domes-                                                                                against Europeans after also
  “This would be possible            leading its trajectory along an    tic demand for consumer                                                                                     being cleared to do so by the
through prompt introduction          improved path.”                    goods”, the World Bank said.                                                                                WTO in 2019.
of a competitive investment            Cambodia’s economy is              It must also provide “op-                                                                                    Washington imposed puni-
law and incentive schemes, to-       projected to return to four        portunities to facilitate an ex-                                                                            tive tariffs of 25 per cent on
gether with moves to improve         per cent growth in 2021, the       pansion of domestic and for-                                                                                iconic EU products such as
the ease of doing business.”         World Bank said, citing an         eign investment arising from                                                                                wine, cheese and olive oil and
  Ministry of Economy and Fi-        improvement in economic            recent bilateral and regional                                                                               put a 15 per cent tariff on Air-
nance spokesman Meas Sok-            activities and the effective       free trade agreements, includ-                                                                              bus planes in March.
sensan recently told The Post        implementation of the gov-         ing the Cambodia-China Free                                                                                    In retaliation, the EU has
that government intervention         ernment’s intervention mea-        Trade Agreement and Region-                                                                                 been imposing customs du-
efforts have helped stabilise        sures to keep the economy          al Comprehensive Economic                                                                                   ties on $4 billion of US ex-
the economy to maintain sat-         afloat amid Covid-19.              Partnership”, it added.            The Kingdom’s economy is projected to return to four per cent growth     ports since the beginning of
isfactory progress.                    To quickly recover from the        It also recommended a            this year. YOUSOS APDOULRASHIM                                           November. AFP
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