B'DOS OFF BLACKLIST Route taxi owner and - UFDC Image Array 2

Page created by Jessie Greene
B'DOS OFF BLACKLIST Route taxi owner and - UFDC Image Array 2
Established October 1895
                                                                                                                            Route taxi owner and
                                                                                                                          driver fined for breaching
                                                                                                                             COVID-19 Directive
                                                                                                                                                  PAGE 2

Tuesday February 23, 2021                                                                                                                                           $1 VAT Inclusive

THE European Union (EU) has                  country has been moved to a state-of-play     compliance issues with the exchange of        the hearing or the conducting of the
removed Barbados from the tax                document included in Annex II of the          information standard as set by the            actual supplementary review, which
blacklist that it placed this country        Council conclusions, pending the outcome      Organisation for Economic Co-operation        hasn’t yet been scheduled a definite date,
on last year.                                of that review.                               and Development (OECD). He said that          but sometime later this year,” he stated.
   The revelation came yesterday morning        According to the EU, that state-of-play    removal from the list was expected, given       Toppin went on to say that the
when the EU Council adopted the newest       document identifies jurisdictions which       the application that was made last year       Government is very pleased to have
list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for    do not yet comply with all international      for supplementary review.                     the country’s name off the list, as is the
tax purposes and Barbados was not            tax standards, but which have made              “You will recall that in November last      international business sector. He made
on it. The EU in a statement released        sufficient commitments to implement tax       year, I told you that Barbados’ application   the point while laying the blame for
yesterday, explained that Barbados was       good governance principles.                   to have a supplementary review in             the blacklisting at the feet of the last
added to the list in October 2020 after it      Speaking to the development, Minister      relation to compliance with that standard     administration because of its failure to
received a ‘partially compliant’ rating      of International Business, Ronald Toppin,     had been approved by the OECD. Once           meet certain requirements between
from the Global Forum. Having then been      confirmed Barbados’ removal from the          that was approved, it meant that              2015 and 2018.
granted a supplementary review by the        blacklist, explaining that the initial        automatically Barbados had to come off of
Global Forum, it explained that the          inclusion came about as a result of           the European Union’s blacklist, pending                    OFF BLACKLIST on Page 3

From left: Pro Vice-Chancellor Dr. Clive Landis, Immunologist and Chairman of The UWI COVID-19 Task Force; Professor Christine Carrington, Professor of Molecular
Genetics and Virology and Member, The UWI COVID-19 Task Force; and Professor Peter Figueroa, Chair, PAHO Regional Immunisation Technical Advisory Group.

COVID-19 vaccines ‘on the same level’
A PROFESSOR of Molecular Genetics            vaccines are on the same level – they are       “That’s a slight difference, but each of    deaths and hospitalisations, and “it
and Virology at The University of the        all excellent vaccines – they all prevent     these vaccines have advantages and            appears even better in some age groups”.
West Indies (UWI) has rated the COVID-       severe disease; they prevent death and        disadvantages. And one of the great             “We just had some recent data from
19 vaccines by Moderna, Pfizer and           they do so very effectively.”                 advantages of all of them is that             Scotland which showed that there was a
Oxford-AstraZeneca as being “on the            However, she said that each of the          regardless of their efficacy against mild,    94 per cent reduction in hospitalisations
same level”.                                 vaccines are made on a slightly different     moderate, severe disease overall – they       among the elderly, who were the first to
  Professor Christine Carrington, who is     platform, explaining “they have slightly      all have exceptional efficacies against       receive the vaccine in Scotland by
a member of The UWI COVID-19 Task            different formulations and slightly           hospitalisation or severe disease that        AstraZeneca. While the Pfizer had about
Force, gave this assurance during an         different ways in which they work”.           causes you to go to the hospital, and         an 87 per cent reduction.
open forum for members of the public           She went on to point out that Moderna       death.”                                         “So, they are all performing very well
and regional media on COVID-19               and Pfizer vaccine efficacy are both in the     Moreover, Professor Carrington said         and in some settings, the AstraZeneca is
vaccination, yesterday.                      90’s, and AstraZeneca is between 76 to        that AstraZeneca, which has a lower           doing even better,” Professor Carrington
  “I would definitely say that all of the    82 per cent.                                  efficacy than the Pfizer, is preventing       expressed. (TL)
B'DOS OFF BLACKLIST Route taxi owner and - UFDC Image Array 2
2 • Tuesday February 23, 2021                                                                                                                     The Barbados Advocate

                                                             Nine in
                                                             breach of
                                                             NINE individuals ap-
                                                             peared in the District ‘C’
                                                             Magistrates’ Court yes-
                                                             terday accused of attend-
                                                             ing a lime in breach of the
                                                             COVID-19 protocols.
                                                               Each person’s case was
                                                             heard by Magistrate
                                                             Elwood Watts. These indi-
                                                             viduals were among the
                                                             18 people who appeared
                                                             before the court on the
                                                             day charged with breach-
                                                             ing aspects of the COVID-
                                                             19 Directives.
                                                               The nine accused con-
                                                             travened Paragraph (3)
                                                             Subparagraph (1) of the
                                                             Emergency Management          Rebecca White as she left court with her attorney, Kwani Rawlins.
                                                             (COVID-19) Curfew
                                                             (No.3) Directive 2021           Charged in relation to
Dale Clarke as he leaves District ‘C’ Magistrates’           Paragraph (6) Sub-para-       an event which occurred
Court yesterday.                                             graph (1) clause (d) (ii)     on February 7 are: Akeem
                                                             of    the    Emergency        Maloney of New Orleans,

Route taxi                                                   Management (COVID-
                                                             19) Curfew (No.3)
                                                             Directive 2021 by attend-
                                                             ing an event known as
                                                                                           St. Michael, who is set to
                                                                                           reappear on August 9;
                                                                                           Khalil Jessamy of
                                                                                           Oxnard, St. James, who

owner and                                                    a lime. They all pleaded
                                                             not guilty.
                                                               Charged in relation to
                                                             an event which occurred
                                                                                           was represented by attor-
                                                                                           ney, Frederick Alleyne
                                                                                           and will reappear July
                                                                                           21; Calvin Griffith of

driver fined                                                 on February 6 are:
                                                             Connie Graham of Rock
                                                             Hall, St. Thomas; Damien
                                                                                           Vauxhall Gardens, Christ
                                                                                           Church; Davia Graham of
                                                                                           Worthing, Christ Church,
                                                             Smith of Parish Land,         who was represented

for breaching                                                Christ Church; and
                                                             Annette Johnson of Eden
                                                             Lodge, St. Michael. They
                                                                                           by attorney, Michael
                                                                                           Lashley, QC; Orvin
                                                                                           Febuary of Bayville, St.
                                                             were all represented          Michael, who was repre-

COVID-19                                                     by attorney, Angela
                                                             Mitchell-Gittens. They
                                                             were all granted bail in
                                                                                           sented by attorney, Harry
                                                                                           Husbands; and Rebecca
                                                                                           White of Kingsland           Erskine Belgrave pleaded guilty to stealing cassava
                                                             the sum of $3,000 with        Heights, Christ Church,      on February 19 and breaking curfew.

Directive                                                    one surety each. The
                                                             cases are adjourned until
                                                             July 27.
                                                                                           who was represented by
                                                                                           attorney, Kwani Rawlins
                                                                                           and will reappear on July
                                                                                                                        21. These six were all
                                                                                                                        granted bail in the sum
                                                                                                                                                   of $3,000 with one surety
                                                                                                                                                   each. (MG)
AN owner and driver           wearing a mask, however
of a route taxi yester-       at the time when he was
day found himself be-         stopped by the police, the
fore the law court for        mask had rode down
incorrectly wearing           below his nose. He said he
his face mask.                did not know when it rode
  Dale Clarke, of Bibby’s     down that he was in
Lane, St. Michael, ap-        breach of the law.
peared before Magistrate        Clarke, who said he has
Elwood Watts in the           been driving a route taxi
District ‘C’ Magistrates’     for the past 10 years, apol-
Court.                        ogised to the court for the
  He was charged with         breach.
contravening Paragraph          Magistrate Watts told
(11) Clause (b) of the        Clarke ignorance of the
Emergency Management          law was not an excuse. He
(COVID-19)        Curfew      pointed out there were
(No.3) Directive 2021 on      many ads carried via the
February 4, 2021. He is       media which highlight
charged with travelling on    the appropriate way face
a public service vehicle to   masks should be worn. He
wit route taxi registration   was fined $250 payable
ZR 301 plying route 15        forthwith or seven days in
along Dayrells Hill Road,     prison. The fine was paid.
without wearing a face-         Clarke was one of 18
covering which covers his     people who appeared be-
mouth, nose and chin.         fore the court on the day
  Clarke, who was not ac-     charged with breaching
companied by a lawyer,        aspects of the COVID-19
pleaded guilty to the         Directives, which covered
charge. He explained to       the period February 3 to
the court that he was         28. (MG)                       Attorney Lynette Eastmond (left) making her way from court with her client, Denton Crichlow.
B'DOS OFF BLACKLIST Route taxi owner and - UFDC Image Array 2
The Barbados Advocate                                                                                                                      Tuesday February 23, 2021 • 3

Walters to Government: Do more to assist
Treatment of small businesses during pandemic criticised
THE Government has           businesses.                     “Can you imagine a vil-    this vulnerable group.”
come under a tongue            “Outside of their           lage shop in the worse         The First VP also
lashing on their treat-      Trust Loan Fund, the          and most uncertain           lamented           recent
ment of small business       Government has failed         times having to invest       comments by current
and entrepreneurs            the small business sec-       in cash registers, label     Minister in charge of
during the COVID-19          tor. Last year COVID-19       machines, etc. in fear of    Small Business, Kerrie
pandemic.                    support was offered, but      being shut down? This is     Symmonds, who sug-
  It comes from First        to access it was almost       an establishment that is     gested that persons were
Vice President of the        impossible. The qualify-      catering to $20 and $50      seeking to trick the sys-
Democratic       Labour      ing bar was set way too       transactions at a time,      tem and was quoted in
Party, Ryan Walters, who     high, so it never reached     how was that fair then?”     another section of the
maintains that small         the pockets of the small        Walters lamented           media as saying, “Quite
businesses and entrepre-     business owner.”              that more recently,          frankly, we are thinking
neurs have been largely        He challenged that          Government announced         about reporting them to
sidelined by the current     during that first lock-       a National Pause from        the police.”
administration and now       down, the then Minister       February 3 to February         “Minister Symmonds
especially during the        Dwight       Sutherland       17, offering small busi-     now wants to lock up
COVID-19 period.             threatened to close micro     nesses small sums of         small business owners
  His comments came          and small businesses          $250 or $750 a week de-      who seem to be unregis-
yesterday as he said it      who didn’t follow strict      pending on their busi-       tered, but still applying
was not at all surprising    protocols.                    ness.                        for the aid. Instead of fol-
that the plea for assis-       “Why not help these           “Just imagine, with        lowing his due diligence
tance from the Alliance      businesses? Why not           such small payments the      process and give to those
of Owners of Public          donate hand sanitizer         Government saw it fit        who qualify, he wants to
Transport (AOPT) has         stations, alcohol, etc. for   to divide the support        lock up a few persons be-
seemingly fallen on deaf     these small businesses to     in multiple payments,        cause the Government
ears.                        help them out? Why not        meanwhile $300M is           cannot match a license or
  According to Walters,      extend a helping hand         being offered in other       registration number.
“The AOPT has been           rather than trying to         quarters in much larger        “The right thing to do       First Vice President of the Democratic Labour Party,
recently calling on          close them? Minister          drawdowns. The ‘Pause’       is to follow your due dili-    Ryan Walters.
Government to give as-       Sutherland also said he       has been extended until      gence process and expe-
sistance to its members      was cracking down on          month-end and not a          dite payments to those         could not be verified and     faced with. Whether in-
during the ‘Pause’, simi-    small shops that do not       concrete word from the       you can confirm. The           encourage them to regis-      formal or formal sector,
lar to what has been         label their goods or give     Minister on if the sup-      other thing to do is to        ter their business. This is   people in this country
provided to other small      a bill.                       port will be extended to     reach out to those who         the time for love and un-     need to be treated with
                                                                                                                       derstanding, this is not a    some level of respect and
                                                                                                                       time to jump to making        dignity because like it or
Impose stricter protocols for tourists: Dukharan                                                                       criminals of our citizens.
                                                                                                                         “This is what the small
                                                                                                                                                     not, they are contribut-
                                                                                                                                                     ing to our economy,” he
ECONOMIST Marla                                                                                                        business community is         exhorted.
Dukharan is advising the
authorities in Barbados to
institute stricter COVID-
19 protocols and restric-
                                                                                                                       Outcome very, very
tions on visitors when
they come to the country.
  Appearing on the
                                                                                                                       pleasing, says Toppin
People’s Business on                                                                                                   OFF BLACKLIST from               While Barbados has
Sunday night, Ms.                                                                                                      Page 1                        been removed from the
Dukharan said that                                                                                                                                   list, Dominica has been
Barbados is now paying a                                                                                                  “...Barbados was re-       added, and there are
higher price for allowing                                                                                              quired to meet certain ob-    other Caribbean coun-
visitors into the country.                                                                                             ligations and those obli-     tries, namely Anguilla
  The country is now                                                                                                   gations were not met. In      and Trinidad and Tobago
under lockdown until                                                                                                   fact, there were 10 things    that remain on the list
February 28, and Ms.                                                                                                   that Barbados had to do       which includes juris-
Dukharan said there are                                                                                                to put it in simple terms,    dictions worldwide. The
high risks in attempting                                                                                               and of the 10 Barbados        other countries are
to get tourism going                                                                                                   did seven and failed to       American Samoa, Fiji,
again.                                                                                                                 do the other three. This      Guam, Palau, Panama,
  This current lockdown                                                                                                is what resulted in           Samoa, Seychelles, the
is expected to cost the                                                                                                Barbados being rated as       US Virgin Islands and
country $150 million,                                                                                                  partially compliant by        Vanuatu.
according to calculations                                                                                              the OECD in April last           These jurisdictions,
announced by Prime                                                                                                     year 2020.”                   the EU says, either have
Minister Mia Amor                                                                                                         He added, “This admin-     not participated in “con-
Mottley.                                                                                                               istration therefore had to    structive dialogue” with
  That exercise is aimed                                                                                               set about to do, in a very    the EU on tax governance
at containing the spread     Economist, Marla Dukharan.                                                                short period of time, what    or have failed to deliver
of COVID-19 cases, which                                                                                               really should have been       on their commitments to
spiked since the end of      Fund and other multilat-      imise or eliminate the       will depend significantly      done over a three-year        employ the reforms vital
last year and with more      eral lending institutions,    risk of the virus being      on the resuscitation of the    period. But we stuck to       to comply with tax good
than 24 deaths between       perhaps what we ought to      imported again in the        tourism industry.              the task and the outcome      governance criteria.
then and last week.          be doing here is imposing     future.                        “But we do have              today is very, very pleas-       “These criteria relate
  “So given we have          stricter protocols and          She believed that issues   buffers in place like          ing. We were determined       to tax transparency, fair
ample foreign reserves,      restrictions and quaran-      like economic growth         unemployment benefit           that we had to do what        taxation and implemen-
given the Government         tines for the tourists        and debt reduction are       and National Insurance...      we had to do, we had to do    tation of international
has sufficient lines of      when they come in,” she       not important at this        so we can withstand not        what should have been         standards designed to
credit and concessional      advised.                      time. The most important,    opening up and with-           done in fact over that        prevent tax base erosion
financing from the             The Economist rea-          Ms. Dukharan said, is job    standing the risks in-         three-year period of 2015     and profit shifting,” the
International Monetary       soned that such will min-     creation, which however      volved,” she added.            to 2018.”                     EU stated.
B'DOS OFF BLACKLIST Route taxi owner and - UFDC Image Array 2
4• Tuesday February 23, 2021                                                                                                                     The Barbados Advocate

Contributions into fund
need to be examined
                                                            COVID-19 update: 19
FUND from Back Page

   He told the programme
that there is a policy
                                                            new cases, 65 recovered
paper on the unemploy-                                      NINETEEN persons             and was no longer infec-
ment fund, which the                                        were identified as           tious.
Ministry of Finance is                                      COVID-19 positive on           The other 18 cases
looking at.                                                 Sunday, February 21,         were Barbadians.
   Carrington acknowl-                                      while 65 recovered             Barbados has recorded
edged that there are some                                   from the viral ill-          2,791 confirmed cases –
six separate and distinct                                   ness.                        1,281 females and 1,510
funds – NIS Fund,                                             The new positives          males and 2,035 persons
Unemployment Fund,                                          were among the 310           have recovered. There
Severance Payments                                          tests conducted by the       have been 31 deaths
Fund, Catastrophe Fund,                                     Best-dos Santos Public       from the viral illness.
Sugar Workers Fund and                                      Health Laboratory.             The public health lab-
the Retraining Fund.                                          The 19 new cases com-      oratory has so far com-
   “They are all managed                                    prised nine women and        pleted 121,121 tests.
as separate and distinct                                    ten men. One of them           There     were     706
funds,” he noted, while                                     had already been at the      persons vaccinated on
pointing out that when        Ian Carrington, Director      Harrison Point Isolation     Sunday, as part of the
an actual review is done,     of Finance and                Facility undergoing as-      National Vaccination
it involves the first three   Economic Affairs.             sessment to determine        Programme for COVID-
of the funds listed above.                                  whether their positive       19. To date, a total of
   “These funds bring in      region of $45 million to      PCR test result showed       16,544 vaccinations
contributions and that        $50 million annually.         that the individual was      have been administered
generally with an unem-         “Out of that $45 million    in fact newly positive, or   – 7,283 men and 9,261      The public health laboratory has so far completed
ployment fund, the advice     to $50 million, the NIS       had COVID in the past        women.                     121,121 tests.
from most actuaries is        has been generating
that there has to be a        about $40 million in con-
reserve for about two
years,” he remarked.
                              tributions. So there is
                              going to be some work
                                                            CARICOM Heads of Government to meet this week
   Carrington indicated       that needs to be done in      THE roll-out of COVID-       CARICOM Heads of           the Chairmanship of          silience and push CARI-
that on average, the ex-      terms of looking at con-      19 vaccines will be          Government hold their      Prime Minister Dr. Keith     COM economies along
penditure on the unem-        tributions into that fund,”   among major matters          Thirty-Second Inter-       Rowley of Trinidad and       the path of sustainable
ployment fund is in the       said Carrington.              for deliberation when        Sessional Meeting, under   Tobago, on February 24-      growth and development.
                                                                                                                    25, 2021.                      The Meeting will also
                                                                                                                       Access to vaccines is     seek to advance the re-
                                                                                                                    regarded as crucial to       gional agenda on Food
                                                                                                                    curbing the spread of        and Nutrition Security,
                                                                                                                    COVID-19 infections in       which has become in-
                                                                                                                    the Region where many        creasingly challenged by
                                                                                                                    Member States have           a number of factors in-
                                                                                                                    experienced increases        cluding the COVID-19
                                                                                                                    in positive cases. The       pandemic with its disrup-
                                                                                                                    Caribbean Public Health      tions to productivity and
                                                                                                                    Agency (CARPHA) and          access to healthy foods.
                                                                                                                    the Pan American Health        Heads of Government
                                                                                                                    Organisation (PAHO) are      will deliberate on the
                                                                                                                    expected to address the      framework for a joint
                                                                                                                    Heads on the pandemic.       Tourism Policy for CARI-
                                                                                                                    There will also be discus-   COM, which will, among
                                                                                                                    sion on regional economic    other things, seek to ad-
                                                                                                                    recovery and transforma-     dress the impact of the
                                                                                                                    tion.                        COVID-19 pandemic on
                                                                                                                       The       Heads      of   the Region’s tourism in-
                                                                                                                    Government will exam-        dustry and the impact of
                                                                                                                    ine the status of imple-     tourism-related revenue
                                                                                                                    mentation of the CARI-       reduction on the Region’s
                                                                                                                    COM Single Market and        overall economic per-
                                                                                                                    Economy (CSME), and          formance.
                                                                                                                    any outstanding issues         The      Meeting      is
                                                                                                                    which need to be resolved    expected to discuss
                                                                                                                    to ensure that full bene-    CARICOM relations with
                                                                                                                    fits from the CSME are       the new United States
                                                                                                                    realised. The CSME is re-    Administration. It will
                                                                                                                    garded as critical to the    also deliberate on
                                                                                                                    Region’s strategy to build   matters related to
                                                                                                                    economic resilience, and     Reparations           and
                                                                                                                    it is felt that the COVID-   Regional Security.
                                                                                                                    19 pandemic has rein-          Representatives of the
                                                                                                                    forced the need to accel-    regional Private Sector,
                                                                                                                    erate the pace of the        Labour and Civil Society
                                                                                                                    integration process. The     will be among delegates
                                                                                                                    Meeting is also expected     in attendance.
                                                                                                                    to consider recommenda-        The         CARICOM
                                                                                                                    tions from the CARICOM       Chairman will hold a
                                                                                                                    Commission on the            Press Conference at the
                                                                                                                    Economy, which was re-       end of the two-day meet-
                                                                                                                    cently re-constituted and    ing, which will be made
                                                                                                                    mandated to provide ad-      available to the public on
                                                                                                                    vice on implementable        various broadcast and
                                                                                                                    solutions to build re-       online platforms.
B'DOS OFF BLACKLIST Route taxi owner and - UFDC Image Array 2
The Barbados Advocate                                                                                                                            Tuesday February 23, 2021 • 5

Bostic salutes medical practitioners
                                              ON Sunday evening, Lt. Col. Jeffrey            and experience.                                rently contacting many of you who
                                              Bostic saluted the efforts of the                “For this, we are eternally grateful.        would have called the hotlines and
                                              health practitioners of Barbados in            As such, I wish to single out the              signed up for the vaccine. Those of you
                                              their assistance in fighting the               Barbados Association of Medical                with appointments will be given prior-
                                              spread of COVID-19.                            Practitioners, in particular, for their con-   ity at the vaccination centres. So if you
                                                 Bostic, the Minister of Health and          structive and consistent guidance and          do not have an appointment, but you
                                              Wellness, highlighted the battle which         assistance in helping us to manage this        still want to ‘pop by’ a centre and ‘try a
                                              the medical fraternity has been waging         current wave,” said the minister.              ting’, I caution you to know and under-
                                              day and night during a streamed state-           Bostic also announced that the total         stand that during this week, those with
                                              ment.                                          vaccines administered were over 16,100         appointments, as well as the elderly and
                                                 “Our health practitioners are work-         as of midday on Sunday and Barbados            those with known vulnerabilities, will be
                                              ing over and beyond that which could           was moving swiftly along with the hope         attended to first,” Bostic said.
                                              have been imagined six months ago. I           of vaccinating 20,000 by the end of this         The health minister outlined that
                                              want to take this opportunity to publicly      week. The minister however asked for           there were still 40,000-plus vaccines to
                                              applaud and salute those medical prac-         the co-operation of the nation to not rush     administer from this first shipment and
                                              titioners and other trained personnel in       the vaccination centres. He stated that        he was supremely confident that before
                                              private practice, who have stepped for-        while he appreciated that there was a          this current supply was exhausted,
                                              ward and volunteered their services to         new and aggressive interest in and             Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley
                                              assist in every aspect and at every stage      desire to become vaccinated, the vacci-        would cause another shipment to arrive
                                              of this journey,” said Bostic.                 nation programme is being rolled out in        on island, which would cater to an even
                                                 The health minister thanked them for        a very structured and deliberate way           larger number of residents.
                                              their service, saying whether it was with      with the focus to date on frontline and          “Rest assured that there will be no
                                              manning the hotlines or assisting with         essential workers, and the most vulner-        shortage of vaccines in Barbados. But
                                              the management and delivery of patient         able in the population.                        please, let us be orderly and allow the
                                              care at the quarantine and isolation             “There is no need for you to show up         most exposed and the most vulnerable
Minister of Health and Wellness,              centers, volunteer care-givers have            at centres without appointments and            to be vaccinated first,” Bostic urged.
Lt. Col. Jeffrey Bostic.                      been there to lend their knowledge             wait in the sun for hours. We are cur-           (AS)

More growth expected if COVID brought under control: Dr. Greenidge
SENIOR Technical Advisor to the               into commentary in terms of social             when people talk about replace. We have
Barbados Government, Dr. Kevin                things, but if I leave my home in this         to widen the economic base, which is
Greenidge, believes that in spite of the      period and I’m exposed, it means that I        what the Government and what we are
shutdown, Barbados can still see eco-         have put stress on the system and re-          focusing on. You widen within tourism
nomic growth if Barbadians work to-           duced even how small the probability           and you widen outside of tourism. This
gether during this time. He was speaking      of getting this thing out of control.          is why you see in terms of agriculture,
during a call-in radio programme on              “Reverse the other way, if I do what I      the tremendous expansion even in the
Sunday where he pointed out that the          have to do, each one of us does what pub-      face of COVID.
country is expected to add some $500          lic health officials are saying we have to       “That expansion of agriculture reflects
million this year to the economy and is       do, each one of us adheres to the proto-       a number of initiatives coming out of the
chalking up losses of around $150 million     cols, we improve the chances that we will      Ministry of Agriculture, including moving
during the February lockdown.                 be successful again and get this thing         from bulk sugar to direct consumption,
  “So we’ll get 2021 looking better than      under control. Each one of us will be im-      etc., to widen that based under the
2020? Yes, but the truth is we can get        proving the chances that our neighbours        umbrella of food security not to replace
more. And it depends on what we do.           or friends, people who have lost jobs, etc.    tourism.
That’s why this is so critical. If we could   get opportunity to earn a livelihood going       “You have to face the reality of small
get this COVID thing under control and        forward. That’s why this is so critical,” he   size. So you diversify smartly, diversify
open up with a bang where we have             said.                                          into energy, reduce energy costs, you di-
Government putting all measures in               The senior economist also responded to      versify manufacturing in key areas... but
place to bring forth capital projects and     a suggestion that Barbados should move         the focus shall not be thinking about re-
do what we have to do to get the economy      away from tourism. Noting that tourism         placing tourism because you asked me
going, and the hotels and businesses take     is the country’s main source of economic       how you would do it, I would ask you
the various assistance programmes to          activity at the moment, accounting for 60      how you would do it. What it is you’re         Senior Technical Advisor to the Barbados
prepare, when the world opens up then         per cent of the country’s foreign reserves     going to find to replace; we have to diver-    Government, Dr. Kevin Greenidge.
we can grow even more.”                       and constituting 40 per cent of the coun-      sify within the tourism sector and also
  Dr. Greenidge stressed that each            try’s GDP, he said it would be difficult to    the basis of others.                           and imports will always be a large part
Barbadian has a key role to play during       replace.                                         “Whether you are into tourism or agri-       of your bill. So we face reality and be
this COVID period. “I don’t get too much         “We have to diversify, but not diversify    culture, you are a small, open economy         smart about how we do it.” (JH)

Get vaccinated as soon as possible, urges Professor Figueroa
CHAIR of the Pan American Health              Task Force open forum for members              globally, already 200 million doses of the     confirmed cases and half a million
Organisation (PAHO) Regional                  of the public and regional media on            vaccine have been given – the United           deaths due to COVID – since they have
Immunisation Technical Advisory               COVID-19 vaccination, yesterday.               States as many as 60 million; China 40         been rolling out the vaccine in the last six
Group, Professor Peter Figueroa, has re-        “And it is good to see that the vaccine      million; India 11 million; Israel 7 million    weeks – when you look at the number of
iterated the need for persons to get the      has now come to the Caribbean. Already         and the United Kingdom 17 million.             new COVID cases, they have declined
COVID-19 vaccine as soon as possible.         a few weeks ago the Cayman Islands;              “So, the vaccine is being rolled out in-     by 40 per cent. The hospitalisations have
   Pointing to the over 111 million con-      British Virgin Islands; Anguilla;              ternationally. It is being done more so in     declined by 30 per cent, and the deaths
firmed cases globally of coronavirus dis-     Montserrat – they have been given the          high-income countries first, but now it is     have declined by 16 per cent. This is just
ease, with 2.5 million deaths reported, he    vaccine. And now it has come to                getting to middle-income and low-income        in the past six weeks if we look at the
warned that this is a serious pandemic        Barbados and Guyana. So, it is very im-        countries and those Caribbean countries        average number over the last 14 days.
that must be addressed.                       portant that the frontline health work-        that have not got it yet, will be getting it     “So, this is the impact of the vaccine
   “Aside from the non-pharmaceutical         ers, and essential frontline workers get       shortly,” he said.                             rollout in the United States – it’s re-
measures – the importance of wearing a        vaccinated so that they are protected.           Professor Figueroa also told partici-        markable, and we are already seeing an
mask; physical distancing; avoiding           And when the doctors, nurses and other         pants what is impressive is that with          impact globally. The vaccines that are
crowds; staying at home when possible –       health workers are vaccinated, this            the rollout of the vaccine, “we are seeing     available have undergone very careful
the best thing is to get the vaccine as       also helps to prevent them unwittingly         a dramatic decline globally in the num-        review by regulatory authorities – by
soon as it is available.”                     passing it on to their patients, if they       ber of new cases of COVID”.                    the World Health Organisation – the
   His comments came during The               become infected.”                                “If we look for instance, at the United      vaccines are highly effective and safe,”
University of the West Indies COVID-19          Professor Figueroa highlighted that          States where they have had 20 million          he added. (TL)
B'DOS OFF BLACKLIST Route taxi owner and - UFDC Image Array 2
6 • Tuesday February 23, 2021                                                                                                                             The Barbados Advocate

Virtual fund-raiser to be staged to help local entertainers
By Marsha Gittens              lected, it is hoped that the     Carter said the BACA          come live on national tel-    stand the plight of the       a ‘Pause’ and majority [of]
                               event will occur in April.     will be needing corporate       evision with the 98.1 DJs.    entertainers.”                people not working. We
EFFORTS are on by              He told The Barbados           Barbados to come on             Again, that is another          He added the fee for the    know everybody is feeling
one local organisation         Advocate it will have a        board and the public to         free event, but we will be    concert “is not going to be   it, but we are really going
to raise funds to assist       two-fold purpose.              support the initiative in       really, really asking the     expensive at all because      to be asking the public
its members who are              “We want to do two           order for it to be a success.   public to support this        we know everybody is          to support the virtual
facing financial diffi-        things. We want to be able     He said the latter will be      initiative to try to under-   feeling it, especially with   concert”.
culties at this time.          to get some money into         especially vital.
  President of the             the pockets of the enter-        “Unfortunately during
Barbados Association of
Creatives and Artistes
(BACA), Sean “Apache”
                               tainers so they can meet
                               their responsibilities and
                               commitments, but we also
                                                              this COVID-19 period,
                                                              many of the artistes have
                                                              been doing free concerts,
                                                                                              Barbados Tourist Board pays
Carter, stated that organ-
isation is in the process of
setting up a virtual show
                               want to highlight and
                               showcase the talent that
                               is actually on the hotel
                                                              especially on Instagram,
                                                              so the public has become
                                                              accustomed to the free
                                                                                              tribute to Hamish Watson
which will be a fund-          scene. The hotel enter-        concerts and even more          THE regional tourism
raiser. Though the exact       tainers that many of us        recently, you have the          community is mourning
date has not been se-          don’t get to see.”             Stan’ Home Parties that         the loss of Hamish
                                                                                              Watson,        celebrated
                                                                                              tourism industry veteran,
                                                                                              and former General
                                                                                              Manager of Cobblers
                                                                                                In      a    statement
                                                                                              published on Sunday,
                                                                                              Chairman         of     the
                                                                                              Barbados         Tourism
                                                                                              Marketing Inc. (BTMI)
                                                                                              and      the    Barbados
                                                                                              Tourism           Product
                                                                                              Authority         (BTPA),
                                                                                              Roseanne Myers, said:
                                                                                              “On behalf of the board,
                                                                                              management and staff
                                                                                              of the BTMI and BTPA,
                                                                                              we join our tourism col-
                                                                                              leagues in Barbados and
                                                                                              the Caribbean, in mourn-
                                                                                              ing the loss of tourism
                                                                                              stalwart Hamish Watson
                                                                                              who we have learnt has
                                                                                              passed away.
                                                                                                “I remember Hamish
                                                                                              well for his genteel nature   Hamish Watson
                                                                                              and very welcoming spirit
                                                                                              from my early days in the     personal interest he took     Director of Mill Reef Club.
                                                                                              sector, 30-plus years ago.    in his guests, especially       “We will all remember
                                                                                              The gracious way he           the repeats, made this        Hamish with gratitude
                                                                                              greeted everyone and the      boutique property feel like   for his contribution as
                                                                                              ready and charming smile      an elaborate family home      one of those who helped
                                                                                              was his trademark, and        to his guests.”               to build the luxury end
                                                                                              the fact that he hardly         Watson was General          tourism product on
                                                                                              ever missed any tourism       Manager at Cobblers           Barbados’ west coast.
                                                                                              events the industry           Cove for 15 years, from       Heartfelt condolences go
                                                                                              hosted. For many years,       1989 to 2004, before          out to his family and
                                                                                              his name was synony-          later returning home          industry colleagues in
                                                                                              mous with Cobblers Cove,      to Antigua, where he          Barbados and in his home
                                                                                              and I was told that the       took over as Managing         Antigua,” Myers said.

                                                                                              Leaders meet ahead of IDB Annual
                                                                                              Meeting of Caribbean Governors
                                                                                              HIGH-LEVEL                    when the Caribbean            Guyana, Suriname, and
                                                                                              Government officials          Country Department of         Trinidad and Tobago
                                                                                              from the Caribbean            the IDBG convenes its         were present. The meet-
                                                                                              region met virtually          X Annual Meeting of           ing was chaired by the
                                                                                              on      Friday        with    Caribbean Governors on        Governor from Jamaica,
                                                                                              Senior Management             February 25 and 26.           Minister Nigel Clarke.
                                                                                              of the Inter-American         Among the topics dis-           For the IDBG, the
                                                                                              Development         Bank      cussed were the critical      Senior Management
                                                                                              Group (IDBG) for a frank      need for vaccine access in    team was led by
                                                                                              conversation        about     small economies, climate      Executive Vice President
                                                                                              the challenges facing         change vulnerability,         Reina Mejia Chacon.
                                                                                              Caribbean       member        debt sustainability, the      Mejia was joined by the
                                                                                              countries.                    digital agenda, building      Vice Presidents for
                                                                                                The discussion, which       a resilient tourism indus-    Countries and Sectors
                                                                                              took place during the         try, and access to finance    & Knowledge, the CEO
                                                                                              Caucus Meeting of             for the regional private      of IDB Invest, the CEO
                                                                                              Caribbean Governors of        sector.                       of IDB Lab, and the
                                                                                              the IDBG, provided a pre-       Members of the IDB          Manager       of     the
                                                                                              view of the range of topics   Board of Governors from       Caribbean      Country
                                                                                              that could be on the table    The Bahamas, Barbados,        Department.
B'DOS OFF BLACKLIST Route taxi owner and - UFDC Image Array 2
The Barbados Advocate                                                                                                                             Tuesday February 23, 2021 • 7

Spring Festival sees fitness activities become new trend in China
THE just-concluded week-long           skipping       ropes,     chest      southwest China’s Chongqing          facilities in many cities kept       forming a habit of keeping fit.
Spring Festival holiday in             expanders and dumbbells              municipality, on the second day      their doors open during this           An online fitness gala, hosted
China saw fitness activities           soared 351.1 percent, 91.9           of the Chinese New Year for the      period. For instance, 40             by      China’s       General
become increasingly popular            percent and 78.9 percent year        first winter swimming                stadiums in Beijing were open        Administration of Sport that
and witnessed significant              on year, respectively.               invitational tournament held         to the public during the holiday.    kicked off ahead of the Lunar
growth in sports-related                  After opening on Feb. 16, the     there.                               Among them, Ditan sports             New Year holiday, drew
consumption, as more and               fifth day of the Chinese New           Meanwhile, east China’s            center, Dongdan PE center and        widespread participation from
more Chinese discovered the            Year, Hongkou Football               Shandong province opened 13          Tiantan Sports Center were           netizens across the country.
benefits of working out during         Stadium       in    Shanghai         sports-themed travel routes          open free of charge or at            Joined by celebrity athletes
the important annual holiday.          welcomed nearly 100 football         aimed at bringing citizens a         discounted rates during              such as Olympic taekwondo
   Sales of fitness equipment          fans and their families who          wonderful athletic culture           designated business hours.           champion Wu Jingyu and
and services boomed during the         came to play football as a way       experience during the seven-           The continued operation of         freestyle     skiing      world
Chinese Lunar New Year.                to celebrate the Spring              day holiday.                         sports venues during the             championship gold medalist Li
Statistics indicated that in the       Festival.                              With the number of people          Spring Festival reflected the        Nina, the event has encouraged
first 10 days of a nationwide             In another mass sporting          looking to join physical             fast-growing enthusiasm for          many fitness enthusiasts to
Chinese New Year online                event, over 200 people gathered      activities during the Spring         physical activity among              share their experience of
shopping festival, sales of            on the bank of Jialing River,        Festival rising, public sports       citizens who are gradually           working out on social media.

Per capita income of Chinese
residents continues to grow
FROM 2011 to 2020, the per             of industries including ecological   Ouyang.
capita disposable income of            farming, silkworm breeding and         By cutting taxes for
Chinese residents saw an               mulberry planting, as well as        individuals,      China       has
average annual growth of 7.2           commercial trees cultivation.        continuously eased burdens on
percent in real terms after               The county has built over 180     residents and raised the actual
adjusting for inflation,               large-scale industrial bases, with   income of its people.
according to official data.            each covering an area of more          In August 2018, China revised
   The cumulative growth of the        than 100 mu (about 6.67              its Individual Income Tax Law
country’s per capita disposable        hectares). These bases have          which concerns the interests of
income in real terms over the 10       created jobs for nearly 50,000       hundreds of millions of
years reached 100.8 percent.           rural residents of the county, and   taxpayers for the seventh time.
   In recent years, China has          increased their per capita             The revised Individual Income
vigorously implemented pro-            annual income by over 10,000         Tax Law raised the threshold for
employment policies, providing a       yuan (US$1,549).                     personal income tax exemption,
solid     underpinning           for      “About 5,000 to 10,000            added       special     expense
continuous income growth of            kilograms of eggplants are taken     deductions to China’s individual
residents.                             to the market from here every        income tax system for the first
   Employment           is      the    afternoon,” Xiang Yongzheng, a       time, and optimized the tail-
cornerstone       of      people’s     man in charge of a fruit and         raising factors of tax rate
wellbeing, said Deng Quheng, a         vegetable industrial base in         structure.
researcher with the Institute of       Yongxin county, told People’s          Data suggest that such
Economics under the Chinese            Daily while more than 50             policies have cut taxes worth        Photo taken on April 17, 2019, shows consumers purchasing
Academy of Social Sciences,            villagers were busy picking,         460.4 billion yuan for 250 million   fruits in a supermarket in Boxing county, east China’s
adding that the overall stability      packaging and loading eggplants      taxpayers, with the per capita       Shandong province.
of China’s employment situation        onto trucks at the base.             tax cut reaching about 1,842
has helped guarantee steady               Ouyang Xueji, one of the          yuan.                                residents to secure jobs in their    of people who had been covered
income growth for Chinese              villagers working at the               The relative income gap            hometowns.                           by the country’s basic medical
residents.                             industrial base, earns nearly        between urban and rural                In 2020, the nominal and           insurance reached 1.36 billion.
   Benefiting from favorable           20,000 yuan per year. Her family     residents in China has further       actual growth rates of per capita      The country has increased the
policies,Yongxin county in Ji’an,      has transferred the land-use         narrowed as the country steadily     disposable income of rural           basic pension for retirees for
east China’s Jiangxi province,         rights of 5 mu of land to the        reinvigorates its countryside,       residents were 3.4 and 2.6           several years in a row, bringing
has improved people’s wellbeing        industrial base. The combined        intensifies      support       for   percentage points higher             them a stronger sense of gain,
by boosting the production of          income is more than what the         employment                   and     respectively than that of urban      happiness and security.
high-quality grain, oil, fruits and    family can earn by growing crops     entrepreneurship in rural areas,     residents, and the ratio of urban-     Since Chinese economy boasts
vegetables, and the development        on their own, according to           and strives to encourage rural       rural residents’ income shrank       vast potential and strong
                                                                                                                 to 2.56 from 2.64 in the previous    resilience, and Chinese
                                                                                                                 year.                                companies have gradually
                                                                                                                   China has built the world’s        enhanced their innovation
                                                                                                                 largest social security system,      capacity, residents in the country
                                                                                                                 and continuously enhanced            enjoy strong guarantees of
                                                                                                                 efforts to safeguard the             income growth and are bound to
                                                                                                                 wellbeing of its residents.          have higher income, said Chen
                                                                                                                   Data show that as of the end of    Yuyu, a professor with
                                                                                                                 2020, China’s basic pension          Guanghua          School        of
                                                                                                                 insurance had covered 999            Management of Peking
                                                                                                                 million people, and the number       University.

                                                                                                                 China to provide COVID-19
                                                                                                                 vaccines to 19 African countries
                                                                                                                 CHINA will provide COVID-19          continue to offer aid within its
                                                                                                                 vaccines to 19 African countries     abilities to help Africa win the
                                                                                                                 in need to help them fight the       battle against the pandemic,
                                                                                                                 pandemic, Chinese Foreign            Wang said.
                                                                                                                 Ministry spokesperson Wang             China       also     supports
                                                                                                                 Wenbin said yesterday.               companies exporting vaccines to
Staff members with the tax bureau of Changxing county, east China’s Zhejiang province, in-                         China has donated vaccines         African countries that are in
terview construction workers to make sure they understand the country’s policies on cut-                         to Zimbabwe and Equatorial           urgent need and have approved
ting tax and administrative fees, Sept. 11, 2019.                                                                Guinea as of Sunday, and will        Chinese vaccines, he said.
B'DOS OFF BLACKLIST Route taxi owner and - UFDC Image Array 2
8 • Tuesday February 23, 2021                                                                                                                                           The Barbados Advocate

    ‘For the cause that lacks assistance, ’Gainst the wrongs that need resistance, For the future in the distance, And the good that I can do’

                Editorial                                    WHO agrees compensation fund for
 Census wait                                                 serious COVAX vaccine side effects
 WHAT is a census really? It is a tally of people and       LONDON – The World                ment of any claims, the            cussion for several                      Seth Berkley, chief
 homes in a country at a certain time. Here in              Health Organisation has           COVAX programme aims               months, is designed to                 executive of the GAVI
 Barbados, the practice has been to complete a census       agreed a no-fault compen-         to significantly reduce            cover serious side effects             vaccine alliance which
 every 10 years as is common practice worldwide.            sation plan for claims of         the need for recourse to           linked to any COVAX-                   co-leads COVAX, said the
 The statistics are then compiled into a report which       serious side effects in peo-      the law courts, a poten-           distributed vaccines                   agreement on the compen-
 can be accessed by interested parties. The last cen-       ple in 92 poorer countries        tially lengthy and costly          until June 30, 2022, to                sation fund was “a mas-
 sus was completed in Barbados in 2010, evidencing          due to get COVID-19 vac-          process,” the statement            COVAX’s Advance Market                 sive boost” for COVAX,
 that the population at the time was approximately          cines via the COVAX shar-         said.                              Commitment-eligible                    which aims to secure equi-
 278,000 people. The surveys used in the census as-         ing scheme, resolving a big         Questions of how com-            economies – a group of                 table global access to
 sessed housing, economic activity, fertility, marriage,    concern among recipient           pensation claims would be          92 poorer states which                 COVID-19 vaccines.
 education, disabilities, sex and age. Collecting this      governments.                      handled in the event of            includes most African                    “It helps those in coun-
 data allowed the staff at Barbados Statistical                The programme, which           any serious COVID-19               and Southeast Asian                    tries who might have such
 Services to analyse the island’s population. They          the WHO said was the              vaccine side effects, which        countries.                             effects, manufacturers to
 would then see the rate of population growth and the       first and only vaccine in-        are likely to be very rare,          The programme will be                roll out vaccines to coun-
 general standard of living of Barbadians.The census        jury compensation mecha-          had been a worry for coun-         financed initially from                tries faster, and is a key
 also outlines the different ethnic groups in Barbados      nism operating on an in-          tries due to get COVID-19          donor funding to the AMC               benefit for lower-income
 and the accompanying percentages. Although these           ternational scale, will offer     shots via the COVAX plan.          as an extra charge on all              governments procuring
 pieces of information may seem inconsequential,            eligible people “a fast, fair,      Countries funding their          doses of COVID-19 vac-                 vaccines         through
 they are of great importance to any country as they        robust and transparent            own COVID-19 vaccine               cines distributed through              (COVAX),” Berkley said.
 can guide the government on decisions about things         process”, the WHO said in         procurement also plan              COVAX. Applications                      The WHO said it was
 such as spending, scholarships and provision of ed-        a statement.                      their own liability pro-           can be made via a portal               also working with the
 ucational opportunities, as well as social aid. The is-       “By providing a no-fault       grammes.                           at www.covaxclaims.com                 insurance firm Chubb to
 land has so far conducted 15 censuses of population        lump-sum compensation               The WHO-agreed plan,             from March 31, 2021, the               secure insurance coverage
 and housing, which allows for comparisons to be            in full and final settle-         which has been under dis-          WHO said.                              for the programme.
 made and a picture can be painted of the overall
 changes in Barbadian society through the years.
    Another important item recorded in a census is the
 unemployment rate.At present, this is a critical piece
                                                                                   Tunisian power struggle
 of information for the Government, so that they can
 put as many resources as necessary behind provid-
 ing jobs for residents and whether that requires the
 revitalisation of public development projects and
                                                                                    risks street escalation
 a greater focus on digitisation of local records to        TUNIS – A stand-off over          alogue leading to change           quired to approve a                    on Saturday to “protect
 provide work for those persons.                            a cabinet reshuffle in            in the constitution, the           prime minister, who has                democracy” and oppose
    The results of a census are a great indication of who   Tunisia has accelerated           political system, the              most executive powers                  Saied’s rejection of
 we are as a people, especially at a time when there        a power struggle be -             electoral system,” said            while the president over-              Mechichi’s reshuffle.
 is much focus on this by the Government. Since there       tween the president,              Zouhair Maghzaoui,                 sees defence and foreign                  Other parties with op-
 is usually a decade between each census, the data          prime minister and par-           head of the Chaab politi-          affairs.                               posing views have also
 collected has even more importance as each year            liament speaker that              cal party, which has                 A constitutional court,              called for demonstra-
 estimates will be made using the original figures          threatens to spill over           backed President Kais              envisaged to resolve                   tions.
 and therefore any error made will be perpetuated           into street protests by           Saied in his dispute with          disputes between rival                    The spectre of rival
 in years to come. For this reason, it is important to      rival blocs and bring             Prime Minister Hichem              branches of the state,                 protests recalls the
 provide accurate information on the survey when            down the government.              Mechichi.                          has not been formed yet                extreme polarisation
 completing it.                                               The dispute has been               Saied has vowed not to          because none of those                  that gripped Tunisia in
    It has now been 11 years since Barbados has had         building since a 2019             swear in four ministers            in power can agree on                  2013 and 2014 before
 a census due to delays in updating the required tech-      election delivered a frag-        nominated in a reshuffle           judges they trust to be                Ennahda and a group of
 nology as well as the onset of the COVID-19 pan-           mented parliament and             by Mechichi, saying each           impartial.                             secular parties averted
 demic. A postponement of the census was requested          a political outsider as           has a possible conflict of           Saied wants a presi-                 violence by agreeing to
 by the Barbados Statistical Service in 2019. At that       president, creating a con-        interest.                          dential system with only               share power.
 time the census was scheduled for May 2020, how-           stant state of political             Mechichi, who took              a minor role for political                Saied, a political out-
 ever the Service was experiencing staffing and fi-         turmoil in the only coun-         office last summer, is             parties. Ghannouchi and                sider, won the 2019 pres-
 nance issues. A national census is a huge undertak-        try to emerge with an in-         backed by Parliament               his allies want a more                 idential election run-off
 ing which would certainly require increased man-           tact democracy from the           Speaker           Rached           clearly parliamentary                  vote in a landslide that,
 power, even if it is to be performed digitally. Many       “Arab Spring” revolts a           Ghannouchi, head of                system.                                analysts say, he saw as a
 other countries are now taking the opportunity to up-      decade ago.                       the moderate Islamist                “The president wants                 strong personal mandate
 grade to a more digitised census process, which is           It has come to a head           Ennahda, the only major            to be the main player...               and a rejection of the
 timely as the use of paper and in-person interviews        as Tunisia attempts to            political party to have            he wants a puppet prime                parties that dominate
 is rightly being limited for health and safety reasons.    navigate the economic             weathered Tunisia’s first          minister,” said Sadok                  parliament.
    At present, Operation Seek and Save is using a          havoc wrought by                  decade of democracy.               Jabnoun, a senior official                Meanwhile the parlia-
 blend of face-to-face and technology to perform sur-       COVID-19, while facing               The 2011 revolution             in jailed media mogul                  mentary election left a
 veys for the purpose of assessing the current situa-       the biggest protests for          jettisoned autocracy,              Nabil Karoui’s Heart of                chamber in which no
 tion in Barbados as it relates to COVID-19 as well         years and public debt             but many Tunisians                 Tunisia party and a sup-               party had more than a
 as Dengue. It is assumed that because of the urgent        levels that have spooked          have been disillusioned            porter of Mechichi.                    quarter of votes, making
 nature of the situation, there was not enough time         capital markets needed            by a bad economy.                                                         it all but impossible for a
 to set up a 2-in-1 system where the census could have      to finance the state              Meanwhile, a power                 Rival protests                         government to gain sta-
 been completed at the same time. However, the cen-         budget.                           sharing system estab-              Recent protests against                ble majority backing.
 sus is being described as a continuation of Operation        If the government falls,        lished in a 2014 consti-           inequality and police                     “I am not ready to back
 Seek and Save by Minister in the Ministry of               appointing a new one              tution has led to constant         abuses have mostly di-                 down from my princi-
 Economic Affairs, Marsha Caddle. At that time, she         could take weeks, further         squabbling between                 rected anger at Mechichi               ples,” Saied said of the
 was addressing Cabinet and she further stated that         delaying fiscal reforms           presidents, prime minis-           and Ghannouchi.                        dispute, adding that the
 a decision had been made for August 1, 2021 to be          needed to win financing.          ters and parliamentary               However,                             presidency was not a
 Census Day for Barbados. This is great news for the          “Today the revolution           leaders.                           Ghannouchi’s Ennahda                   mere post office to uncrit-
 island and means that Barbados is not putting the          faces its most severe cri-           Both parliament and             has called for its own                 ically receive decisions
 important process of a census on the back burner, but      sis and the solution is di-       the president are re-              members to demonstrate                 sent by prime ministers.
 is making every effort to obtain the necessary data
 even though the circumstances at present may                                        Telephone: 467-2000 News Fax: 434-1000         News Editor: Dorian Bryan            Executive Editor: Allison Downes
                                                                                                                                    Business Editor: Jewel Brathwaite    General Manager: Sandra Clarke
 not be ideal. We are looking forward to any useful                                  E-mail Address: news@barbadosadvocate.com
                                                                                                                                    Sports Editor: Corey Greaves         Assistant Managing Director: Sean Eteen
 information an analysis of the data collected will                                  Website: www.barbadosadvocate.com
                                                                                                                                                                         Publisher: Sir Anthony Bryan
                                                                  @The Barbados Advocate          @barbadosadvocate
B'DOS OFF BLACKLIST Route taxi owner and - UFDC Image Array 2
The Barbados Advocate                                                                                                                          Tuesday February 23, 2021 • 9

Boeing engine blowouts
investigated as older
777s are suspended
SHOWERS of jet en-             Aviation Safety Agency       Waldron, a managing edi-
gine parts over resi-          (EASA) weighed in on         tor at industry publication
dential areas on both          Monday, requesting more      Flight Global.
sides of the Atlantic          information on the Pratt       “The PW4000-powered
have caught regula-            engines in light of both     777-200 is slowly fading
tors’ attention and            events. A woman sus-         from service,” he said,
prompted the suspen-           tained minor injuries in     adding that the pandemic-
sion of some older             the Dutch incident, which    driven slump means that
Boeing planes from             scattered turbine blades     airlines forced to suspend
service.                       on the town of Meerssen.     it “should be able to
  Saturday’s incidents in-     One was found embedded       fill any network gaps”
volving a United Airlines      in a car roof.               with 787s or other 777s
777 in Denver and a              The      US     Federal    equipped with General
Longtail Aviation 747          Aviation Administration      Electric engines.
freighter         in    the    (FAA) said it would soon       Analysts at broker
Netherlands put engine         issue an emergency air-      Cowen predicted limited
maker Pratt & Whitney          worthiness directive.        impact on Boeing’s share
in the spotlight, though         Both incidents involve     price, which fell about
there is no evidence that      the same type of PW4000      1.3% on Monday.
they are related.              engine that equips a                                         United Airlines flight UA328, carrying 231 passengers and 10 crew on board,
  Raytheon-owned Pratt         relatively small number      Early findings                  returns to Denver International Airport with its starboard engine on fire after it
& Whitney said it was co-      of older planes, some        The 777-200s and 777-           called a Mayday alert, over Denver, Colorado, US on February 20, 2021.
ordinating with regula-        grounded by the COVID-       300s affected are older,
tors to review inspection      19 pandemic, limiting the    less fuel-efficient models         United suspended 24 of     Maastricht, bound for          off and two fan blades
protocols. It is expected to   likely repercussions.        still flown by five airlines:   its 777s, pre-empting         New York, and diverted to      were fractured, with oth-
increase inspections or-         They nonetheless bring     United, Japan Airlines,         Boeing’s advice, after the    Liege, Belgium.                ers showing damage.
dered after previous inci-     a new headache for           ANA Holdings Inc.,              Saturday blowout that           The Dutch Safety Board          The FAA said early
dents.                         Boeing as it recovers from   Asiana Airlines Inc. and        dropped the right engine’s    on Monday said it was in-      findings suggested that
  After the Colorado en-       the much more serious        Korean Air. Most are in         protective outer casing       vestigating the incident.      the “inspection interval
gine failure, when United      737-MAX crisis, which re-    the process of being            near homes.                     Examination of the           should be stepped up for
Flight 328 dropped debris      sulted in the grounding of   phased out.                        A large majority of 777s   26-year-old United jet         the hollow fan blades that
on a northern Denver sub-      its flagship narrowbody        Boeing said that 69 of        in service today are pow-     showed damage was              are unique to this model of
urb before landing safely,     jet after two deadly         the 777s operating glob-        ered by engines made by       mostly confined to the         engine, used solely on
Boeing recommended             crashes.                     ally with PW4000s had           General Electric, the sole    right engine, the US           Boeing 777 airplanes”.
the suspension of 777s           “This is certainly an      been in recent service,         supplier on recent models.    National Transportation           The cause of the engine
with the same variant of       unwelcome situation for      with another 59 stored.            In the Dutch case,         Safety Board (NTSB) said.      fire in the Netherlands in-
PW4000 turbine. Japan,         both Boeing and Pratt, but   Pratt & Whitney engines         the Longtail pilot was        Its inlet and casing came      cident remained unclear.
meanwhile, imposed a           from time to time issues     power less than 10% of the      informed of an engine
mandatory suspension.          will pop up with aircraft    delivered 777 fleet of more     fire by air traffic control
  The European Union           and engines,” said Greg      than 1,600 planes.              after taking off from
                                                                                                                                         BANK RATES
                                                                                                                           Commercial bank rates to the public at the close of
Spain invests EUR13.74M in IDB-managed strategic fund                                                                      business yesterday by the Central Bank of Barbados.

THE Government of              Economy and Business         recovering from COVID-          Group, allowing for the fi-                  Valid for February 23, 2021
Spain, through its             Support, from          the   19 and building a more          nancing of projects related    Notes:
Ministry of Economy and        Ministry of Economy and      competitive, sustainable,       to innovation, public-         Currency                  Buying            Selling
Digital Transformation,        Digital Transformation,      and equitable future, this      private partnerships, en-      Belizean Dollar           1.00000           1.00000
and the Inter-American         who has highlighted that     contribution could not          trepreneurship and the         Canadian Dollar           1.56679           1.61314
Development Bank (IDB)         “this new contribution       have come at a more criti-      support of private enter-      East Caribbean $          0.73704           0.74445
have expanded their his-       to the Fund is a sign of     cal time”.                      prises, all critical themes    Euro                      2.38352           2.48388
toric partnership with a       the importance the             Since its creation in         for the pandemic recovery.     Pound Sterling            2.75882           2.87498
new Spanish contribution       Government of Spain          2001, the Fund has fi-            The Fund is a core           United States Dollar      1.98000           2.02857
of EUR13.74 million            gives to the recovery and    nanced technical co-oper-       strategic component of the     Demand/Sight:
(US$16.7 million) to the       prosperity of the Latin      ation operations in the         long-standing partnership      Currency                  Buying            Selling
                                                                                                                           Belizean Dollar           0.99688           1.00313
Spanish General Co-oper-       American region and is       areas related to digital        between Spain and the          Canadian Dollar           1.57571           1.61172
ation Fund.                    also a sign of confidence    transformation, infra-          IDB. Moreover, Spain is        East Caribbean Dollar     0.73843           0.74306
  The objective of the         in the Inter-American        structure investment            a donor to several IDB-        Euro                      2.41849           2.46847
Fund, managed by the           Development Bank as a        promotion, migration, re-       managed, multi-donor           Guyana Dollar             0.00942           0.00948
IDB, is to strengthen the      priority partner in Latin    gional integration, sus-        trust funds, including         Pound Sterling            2.79929           2.85714
channelling of resources to    America       and      the   tainable tourism, private-      AquaFund, which pro-           United States Dollar      1.99000           2.02768
finance development proj-      Caribbean, to lead this      sector development, urban       motes investments in           Telegraphic Transfer
ects which contribute to       path of sustainable and      development, as well as         water and sanitation; the      Currency                  Buying            Selling
sustainable development        inclusive economic growth    projects to advance mod-        Disaster Prevention Trust      Belizean Dollar           0.99688           1.00313
in Latin America and the       that ensures the greatest    ernisation of the state         Fund; and the Sustainable      Canadian Dollar           1.57870           1.61172
                                                                                                                           East Caribbean Dollar     0.73843           0.74306
Caribbean. This new con-       prosperity for its inhabi-   and digital administra-         Energy and Climate             Euro                      2.42304           2.46847
tribution reinforces com-      tants”.                      tion. To date, Spain has        Change Initiative Trust        Guyana Dollar             0.00942           0.00948
mitment of Spain to the          President of the IDB,      contributed more than           Fund. Furthermore, Spain       Pound Sterling            2.80456           2.85714
region, which has been se-     Mauricio Claver-Carone,      US$100 million to the           has also created and fi-       United States Dollar      1.99375           2.02768
riously impacted by the        expressed how “Spain has     Fund, which has financed        nanced important bilat-
COVID-19 crisis and by re-     once again deepened its      246 technical co-operation      eral financing platforms,         INDICATIVE RATES FOR SOME REGIONAL
cent hurricanes in Central     status as one of the IDB’s   operations in the region.       including the Spanish                  CURRENCIES AS ADVISED BY THE
America and will allow the     most dedicated partners        Resources of the Fund         Fund for Water and                      RESPECTIVE CENTRAL BANKS.
continued support of key       and an important investor    are also available both to      Sanitation in LAC and            N.B. These rates are not meant to be used for trading.
projects.                      in the future of Latin       IDB Lab, the innovation         the Spanish Trust                                       BDS$
                                                                                                                           Guyana Dollar            0.00945
  This has been stated         America       and      the   laboratory of IDB Group,        Fund for the Social            Jamaica Dollar           0.01322
by Ana de la Cueva,            Caribbean. As the region     and to IDB Invest, the pri-     Entrepreneurship               T & T Dollar             0.29745
Secretary of State for         faces the daunting task of   vate sector arm of the IDB      Program.
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