IN THIS ISSUE: Affairs of State

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IN THIS ISSUE: Affairs of State
Issue 80                                                          07 March 2016 to 15 April 2016

                                Saving you time for nine years.

                                Another Seasonal Edition

                                IN THIS ISSUE:
    Double Dissolution or Otherwise  Billson Franchise role  Kennett on Turnbull
      Greens no longer the nutters they were  Royal Commission into banks?
           What is debt?  Rudd on the move  Same sex marriage law.
                  New England Fight  Hats allowed in Parliament
            Abbott hits back at book  ACCC furious over Coles criticism
                   Shorten’s bombsell crackdown  Safe Schools
IN THIS ISSUE: Affairs of State
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                                                            Letter from Canberra
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      Written for the regular traveller, or people with     10        Mining                                                          16         Foreign Affairs
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 Letter from Canberra is independent. It’s not party        11        Tax                                                             18         Sports & Arts
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The only communication tool of its type, Letter from
     Canberra keeps subscribers abreast of recent           About the editor
 developments in the policy arena on a local, state         Alistair Urquhart, BA LLB
                                  and federal level.
                                                            Alistair Urquhart graduated from the Australian National
                                                            University in Canberra, in Law, History and Politics. He may
     Published by A.B Urquhart & Company Pty Ltd            even hold the record for miles rowed on Lake Burley Griffin.
                           trading as Affairs of State.
                                                            He was admitted      as a barrister and solicitor to the Supreme
                                                            Court of Victoria,   and remains a (non-practicing) member of
   Disclaimer: Material in this publication is general
                                                            the Law Institute    of Victoria. Previously, he graduated from
       comment and not intended as advice on any            high school in        Bethesda, Maryland, and had many
 particular matter. Professional advice should to be        opportunities to      become aware of the workings of
                       sought before action is taken.       Washington D.C.

                                                            For 30 years, he listened every Sunday evening to the late
      Material is complied from various sources             Alistair Cooke and his Letter from America. Alistair’s early
   including newspaper articles, press releases,            career was mostly in the coal industry, where he became
 government publications, Hansard, trade journals,          involved with energy, environmental and water issues, and
                                              etc.          later in the SME finance sector.

                                                            He found time to be involved in a range of community
Copyright: This newsletter is copyright. No part may        activities where he came to understand some of the                             Editor enjoying coffee at
        be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a       practical aspects of dealing with government and meeting                    Newmarket Saleyards with friends
  retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by       people across the political spectrum. He now chairs a large
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IN THIS ISSUE: Affairs of State
07 March 2016 to 15 April 2016                                                                                                      Letter From Canberra

                   EDITORIAL                           The full focus of the new session will be on the     under some       semblance     of   government
Your Editor, believe it or not, is not a great footy   passing or failure of the controversial Australian   control.”
fan or any other sport for that matter, despite the    Building and Construction Commission Bills in
Football Charts that his firm distribute, with the     the Senate.                                          On this occasion it also works together with the
chosen AFL or similar, team of Federal and                                                                  prospect of a double dissolution of the Senate to
Victorian parliamentarians. If you do not have         Prime Minister Turnbull has effectively              create the circumstances where an election
one as the Season has started, please contact          challenged the Opposition and cross bench            could be held on 2 July 2016.
the Editor. He always barracks for Geelong, as         Senators to pass the ABCC bills or face a
he grew up there, except when Essendon is              double dissolution of Parliament. It is an           Double dissolutions are also not all that
playing, which is where his father had had his         ultimatum.                                           common and occur with some complicating
earlier years. So the Game at the MCG last                                                                  factors surrounding the term of office of the
weekend had Essendon and Geelong both on               If the ABBC bills are rejected twice by the          Senators. However, right now with the recently
41 points at half time. ‘Twas a good game until        Senate the constitutional grounds for a double       amended voting system for preference vote
half time, then Geelong only with difficulty           dissolution are available for both houses of         counting in a Senate election, there is a strong
kicked some serious goals, not too many, and           Parliament and an election at which all Senate       incentive for the Coalition Government to seek a
lots of points. And went on to win.                    and House of Representative seats could be           double dissolution.
                                                       spilled.                                             In the event of a double dissolution (all seats in
The Essendon supporters left the ground with a                                                              both houses) the Coalition Government would
certain sense of pride, that they had really given     The Budget session has also been bought              be hoping it will be returned to Government and
one of the top teams a real challenge. One             forward to 3 May.                                    win a majority in the Senate under the new
supporter threw an Essendon scarf at the                                                                    voting rules which should mitigate against
Editor, the first he has ever worn. There is more      But what does it all mean?                           micro parties using preference deals to manage
to come out of the Governance of the Essendon          For the man in the street unaccustomed to            a quota from a very low base of first preference
Club by others in recent times. Give us Time!          following    Parliamentary procedure  and            votes. i.e. Senator Ricky Muir of the Australian
                                                       constitutional law the language can be               Motoring Enthusiasts Party in the last election.
And now we have another Election season,               confusing.
without really knowing how long each side has                                                               Matters of Constitutional interpretation are
to kick their goals before the siren sounds. Even      Prorogue means:                                      complex and confusing for the public, not many
the timekeeper does not know when to blow              “All things come to an end—that is, all business     study the constitution. Therefore, there is some
whichever whistle.                                     on the Notice Paper lapses. Provision exists for     public misapprehension and mistrust of these
                                                       the resumption in a new session, under certain       politically strategic decisions, to say the least.
As at 5 April, The Opposition lead Shorten was         conditions, of proceedings on bills which lapse
ahead of Prime Minister Turnbull in a Newspoll         by reason of prorogation”                            There has been some political commentary
for its erratic economic policies or messaging,                                                             saying that by using section 5 the Coalition
with perhaps three months to go until an               Some commentators have described the                 Government is “tricky”. Because most voters
election in particular tax indecisiveness where it     prorogue as the equivalent of rebooting a            are not across the Australian Constitution and
almost felt like he was polling the Australian         computer, or using an older analogy; the slate is    the Electoral Act taking this route does imply for
electorate to find out what they liked, it ‘aint       wiped clean and a new session of Parliament          some       a    strategic     manipulation,   but
taxes’!                                                can commence.                                        Constitutional experts agree that using section 5
                                                                                                            is valid and unlikely to be challenged.
The FEATURE item of this Season is about how           This provision to prorogue has been used
the Australian Constitution has clauses which          sparingly to stop and restart Parliament over the    If the new session of Parliament leads to a
can change the way legislation can pass                past 50 years; once in 1968 following the            double dissolution, it is not without risk for the
through the Parliament.                                disappearance of Prime Minister Harold Holt, in      Government. The quota of votes required for a
                                                       1970 by a Coalition Government, by the               Senate candidate to succeed in a double
The other FEATURE item is the Senate not               Whitlam Government to facilitate the opening of      dissolution election is reduced to 7.67%. (One
passing the legislation, which would have given        a new Parliament by Queen Elizabeth in 1974          thirteenth of100% of votes divided equals
large trucking companies and unions control of         and in 1977 at the conclusion of the term of the     7.67%). In half Senate elections the quota is
individual truck owners.                               Whitlam government by Governor General Sir           14.29%. Some smaller parties may be
                                                       John Kerr.                                           advantaged in a double dissolution election
Cover The Seasons have only just started, AFL                                                               under the new rules, for example Senator Nick
and the Federal Game. The green oval that you          The effect of the prorogue is to end the session     Xenophon and his running mates in South
see is early in the Game, when Essendon and            of Parliament, remove all bills from the agenda      Australia are more likely to add to the one seat
Geelong are kick for kick and point for point          and usually works along with a dissolution of the    won last election.
before the half time mark. Then the Cats went          House of Representatives towards meeting the
on to win, but under heavy pressure. Behind the        constitutional arrangements for a forthcoming        How will it all pan out, is it a gamble of long
sporting fence, ongoing questions are being            election.                                            odds and high stakes? Will this strategy back
followed up about the treatment of Essendon.                                                                fire on the Government? We can only wait and
                                                       As Lenore Taylor writing for The Guardian            see what happens after 18 April when the
Thoughtful Reading…                                    commented on this initiative by Prime Minister       Senate is scheduled to sit again in a new
                                                       Turnbull;                                            session.For more information; see the following:
                                                        “the prime minister has effectively pressed         Commentators to follow
                FEATURE ITEM 1                         control-alt-delete. On the entire parliament.
Australian Parliament prorogued by Clause 5.           The reboot is intended to make him look              For some different perspectives on this issue
David Russell, public policy consultant                decisive and put the policy debate back              and the election try: Antony Green at the ABC,

It is looking ever more likely that a federal
election will be held on 2 July 2016 after Prime                                           Chasing the Facts
Minister Turnbull wrote to the Governor General
on 21 March and sought to invoke section 5 of
the Australian Constitution. Section 5 says:             This year Letter from Melbourne will have a regular feature on an area of
      The Governor-General may appoint such              public policy, focusing on the particular facts of an issue or circumstance.
times for holding the sessions of the Parliament         For example, South Australian Energy sources. Victoria’s water resources.
as he thinks fit, and may also from time to time,
by Proclamation or otherwise, prorogue the               Public servant numbers in Victoria, where are they all. All details that
Parliament, and may in like manner dissolve the          Professor Google and others can provide. However, we write this magazine
House of Representatives.                                for very busy people, who have particular professional or business or
Acting on the advice of the Prime Minister,              personal or community interests so that is just a Quik Flick Through for
Governor General Sir Peter Cosgrove
prorogued Parliament effective from 15 April             these people, perhaps a little bit more.
2016 and authorised a recall for a new session
of Parliament for 18 April 2016.

IN THIS ISSUE: Affairs of State
07 March 2016 to 15 April 2016                                                                                                      Letter From Canberra

Peter Van Onslen of The Australian and Lenore         in return for a Senate deal to crack down on          double   dissolution   election   makes   tactical
Taylor of The Guardian.                               union misbehaviour and hence avoid a 2 July           sense.
                                                      double dissolution election. Turnbull rang, so
The Prime Minister’s Letter                           the media tell us, Family First senator Bob           In one sense Turnbull is playing a game of two-
The Prime Ministers letter to the Governor            Day to seek a breakthrough a week after               up with Labor in which heads he wins and tails
General, advice provided by the Attorney              threatening the full-Senate election unless the       they lose, on the issue of well-documented
General and the reply of the Governor General         Senate re-establishes the Australian Building         union thuggery according to The Age. Either
is available on the internet. It is actually an       and Construction Commission and introduces            way, industrial relations reform will be an
interesting read. See below:                          tougher oversight of all unions and employer          important issue in the forthcoming election   groups. Senator Day is the only unequivocal           whether it is a double dissolution poll, or an
2016/Documents%20relating%20to%20prorogu              supporter of both bills. With the support of six of   election in the normal timeframe.
ation%20of%20the%20Parliament%2021%20M                the eight cross benchers needed to pass the
arch%202016.pd                                        bills, Turnbull told Senator Day that it was          Applause for PM’s Bold Strategy
Or use google to search.                              pointless trying to negotiate individually. He        Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s gambit of
                                                      asked the South Australian to talk to the others      bringing Parliament back for a special three-
ELECTION DATE 2 July as we go to press.               and organize a bloc of at least six to negotiate      week session on April 18 is leading to a May 3
                                                      with the government, as reported in The Age.          budget to exert pressure on the Senate cross
                                                                                                            benchers is regarded by Liberal elders as a
             FEATURE ITEM 2                           Power Play or Miscalculation?                         smart move as per The Age.
Government moves to repeal Truck Safety &             Federal campaigns usually run for 25 days.
Renumeration Tribunal Act                             They are the only time in the election cycle          A Heartland Return
                                                      when the leader of the opposition party is almost     The Nationals have begun a campaign to win
We have been puzzled as to why this has taken         on equal footing with the prime minister when it      back the one-time heartland seat of Murray in
so long to come to a head since the change of         comes to media coverage and voter interest.           Victoria’s       northeast       after Sharman
Government the other year. However a Repeal                                                                 Stone’s decision to retire from politics at the
Bill was passed in the Lower House and the            Turnbull’s Satisfaction on the Slide                  next election according to The Australian.
Senate. Owner Driver Truckies demonstrated            Voter confidence in Malcolm Turnbull’s
their support for abolition of the Road Safety        performance has tumbled to a five month low           Shorten’s Bombshell Crackdown
and Remuneration Tribunal (RSRT) on 17 April          and dissatisfaction with the Prime Minister has       Bombshell economic modeling shows Bill
with a convoy of big rigs driving to Canberra and     reached the highest level since he seized the         Shorten's negative gearing crackdown could
circumnavigating Parliament House.                    leadership from Tony Abbott in September as           lead to lower house prices, rent rises of up to 10
                                                      reported in The Australian.                           per cent, cost the budget more than it saves and
The action of Government to repeal the RSRT                                                                 cause unemployment to rise. The modeling,
legislation was promoted on National TV news          Malcolm Turnbull presented Bill Shorten with          released       by    economic       forecaster BIS
by Prime Minister Turnbull, Deputy Barnaby            a gift when he told voters on Monday to prepare       Shrapnel, predicts Labor’s plan to limit negative
Joyce and Senator Michaelia Cash on National          for a double dissolution election on July             gearing to new homes from July next year will
Media with parading trucks roaring past in the        2. Clearly, Turnbull believes      that      he       leave renters, low-income households and
background. Opposition Leader Bill Shorten            has Shorten’s measure, and his confidence is          young people worse off and could cut gross
was quoted as saying that the scrapping of the        supported by the whopping 39-point lead he had        domestic product by as much as 1 per cent, $19
Tribunal will lead ‘a race to the bottom’ on          AT THAT TIME over the Labor leader as                 billion a year.
wages.                                                preferred prime minister in the latest Fairfax-
                                                      Ipsos National Poll.                                  It predicts a decade of disruption in the housing
Many industry groups including the Australian                                                               market, tighter supply for rental premises and a
Logistics Council support abolition of the RSRT.      Andrew       Catsaras        disagrees      insist-   string of unintended consequences. These
Incidentally, Australian Industry Group and           ing Turnbull has totally stuffed this up” in his      include 175,000 fewer jobs created over a
others, claiming it to be unconstitutional, had       first six months in the Prime Ministership.           decade, lower council rates receipts and lower
appealed a decision of the RSRT to the High           ‘What’s the plan? He’s going to go to a double        stamp duties for state governments, according
Court. More next edition.                             dissolution on the back of the ABCC                   to The Australian.
                                                      (Australian Building and Construction
                                                      Commission). Most people wouldn’t have a              Labor Ready To Fight
                                                      clue with what the ABCC is. Most people               Labor leader Bill Shorten will fight an election
PM seeks deal to avoid DD election
                                                      would PM’s Risky Election Gambit. Malcolm             on health, education funding and climate
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is prepared to
                                                      Turnbull’s exercise in brinkmanship by daring         change. But another Coalition weak point, he
consider anti-corruption measures for industries,
                                                      Labor, the Greens and the cross benchers to           believes, is its apparent plan to cut company
beyond construction (building and construction)
                                                      reject industrial relations legislation or face a     taxes in the budget. According to The Age,

IN THIS ISSUE: Affairs of State
07 March 2016 to 15 April 2016                                                                                                     Letter From Canberra

Greens leader Richard Di Natale said his party       Malcolm Turnbull has my full support and will         ‘Efficiencies, not cash, the key for hospitals’
was in “good shape” for any election and said        get my vote in the next election. But increasingly    The former Queensland health minister who
he would not lose senators in a double               I wonder if the extraordinary goodwill that           engineered a massive drop in growth in public
dissolution.                                         accompanied his rise to the prime ministership        health costs while reducing surgery and dental
                                                     has been lost, and worse, whether the                 waiting lists has warned against “just throwing
Old Rules for New Candidate                          opportunity for good government has been              more money” at public hospitals, saying it won’t
The Maritime Union of Australia’s bid to install     lost. Unless he pulls a rabbit from the hat in the    work without a corresponding drive to improve
one of its officials as the Labor candidate in the   May Budget, it will be clear that by his key          efficiency in the delivery of services.
prized seat of Fremantle is expected to succeed      performance indicators, which he outlined when
due to unreformed party rules allowing union         assuming the leadership, he is failing. “We need      Queensland      Opposition    Leader Lawrence
power brokers and factional bosses to decide         an economic vision.” Nothing so far, according        Springborg, who was health minister in
pre-selection contests in Western Australia. But     to Jeff Kennett for The Herald Sun.                   the Newman government from 2012-2015, said
rank-and-file ALP members in Fremantle will                                                                state and federal leaders needed to widen the
only get 25% of the votes in the pre-selection       Stop Having A Lend Of Us                              debate on how to keep health from
ballot. The other 75 per cent will be decided by     One of the great mysteries of federal politics is     overwhelming                        government
affiliated unions and the union-heavy Labor          how the debt and deficit crisis, of which we used     budgets. Springborg cut annual funding growth
state executive, making it more likely               to hear so much, has disappeared from the             of about 10 per cent to an average of just over 5
that Brown will win the battle. The Australian       national political agenda. But avoiding the issue     per cent in his three years in the portfolio, and
                                                     doesn’t mean it will go away, no matter how           delivered rare annual surpluses in the health
ScoMo’s Cavalry                                      convenient it might be for the major parties.         budget.
A group of conservative backbenchers has
thrown support behind the embattled Scott            In a low-key but sensible intervention,               And while the Newman government was
Morrison following days of internal criticism of     NAB chief executive Andrew Thornburn said             politically savaged over its agenda, including the
the Treasurer’s performance. Five liberal            that business leaders, and all Australians, for       sacking of more than 4000 health workers and a
backbenchers,     including Michael     Sukkar,      that matter, had the right to expect a credible       bruising battle to force public hospital doctors on
Andrew Astie, Andrew Nikolic, Tony                   plan from the Coalition and Labor to return the       to contracts, Springborg said it produced a
Pasin and Zed          Seselja           publicly    budget to surplus.                                    better system for taxpayers and patients.
defended Morrison, saying he was consultive,
performing well, and should be left alone to do      The big danger, he said, was an acceptance            When the Newman government won power
his job. ‘Scott has been a consulting in an          that the task was too hard, leading to                after almost two decades of Labor rule,
exemplary way with the backbench on a range          incrementally larger deficits until the nation lost   independent reports found widespread rorting
of economic and tax issues. In all my dealings it    its cherished AAA credit rating as per The            within the system including the existence of
seems clear to me he has a very closer and           Financial Review.                                     funded “ghost” positions and doctors being paid
strong relationship with The Prime Minister,;’                                                             hundreds of thousands of dollars in
The Victorian-based Zukkar said in The Herald        Kroger open to Greens                                 overtime. Springborg said he did not oppose tax
Sun.                                                 Liberal Michael Kroger says a preference deal         reform to pay for hospitals into the future, but
                                                     with The Greens would be acceptable because           that it could not be sustainable “without
Next                                                 they are not “the nutters they used to be”            expenditure reform” as reported in The
Jason Falinski, a former Young Liberals              according to The Age. The Victorian Liberal           Australian
president, has beaten former Speaker and             Party President is under pressure to rule out any
Minister Bronwyn Bishop for the New South            agreement with the far-Left party that could help     Savva Right Not to Play
Wales nice suburban seat of Mackellar.               the Greens win inner-city seats in exchange for       What is compelling about Niki Savva’s new
                                                     help in marginal suburban electorates.                book is the number of sources who have gone
Twenty        two       or   three    federal                                                              on the record, expressing concerns about the
parliamentarians have retired or ben replaced        ‘Bob’s Bank’                                          dysfunction        within Tony       Abbott’s prime
in the pre-selection process                         The Greens’ spiritual leader Bob Brown has            ministerial office. Savva has already said that
                                                     heaped praise upon Malcolm Turnbull for               she didn’t seek responses from Abbott
Turnbull Must Stick With What He Believes            delivering ‘a feather in the Greens’ cap” with the    or Credlin because        they     had     numerous
In the past few weeks a couple of people have        decision to retain the $10 billion Clean Energy       platforms to tell their side of the story.
accused me of being a supported of the Labor         Finance Corporation. But the announcement
party. Nothing could be further from the truth.      has created a divide in the Greens with current       She wanted to give a voice to the many staffers
There is nothing the ALP could promise               party leader Richard Di Natale branding the           who lived through the dysfunction but didn’t
Australia, Victoria or me, that would convince       Prime       Minister’s      move       a      “con    have a platform. I am amazed at how forthright
me that it would be better economic manager of       job’. The CEFC was         derided    as     “Bob     so many are. Both Abbott and Credlin have
our affairs than the Coalition. The last Labor       Brown’s bank” by the Abbott-led Coalition,            already responded to the book, and will no
administration that achieved something positive      which had campaigned to abolish the agency            doubt do so again and again as reported in The
for the nation was the Hawke/Keating                 devised by the Gillard government as part of its      Australian.
government. There has been none in our state         carbon tax deal with the Greens as reported           Pay Brawl looms as poll issue for Barnett
in my memory.                                        inThe Australian.                                     Unions are threatening industrial action in

IN THIS ISSUE: Affairs of State
07 March 2016 to 15 April 2016                                                                                                     Letter From Canberra

Western Australia in the lead-up to next year’s      party executive with responsibility for campaign      according to The Australian. Previously, the
state election as the prepare to fight a hardline    finances. His resignation as party agent comes        Attorney-General’s Department had been
government wages policy that will leave public       ahead of the NSW Liberals amending their              working towards presenting a draft bill for the
servants worse off.                                  disclosures to admit receipt of illegal donations     wording of a same-sex marriage plebiscite
                                                     from property developers, which will see them         before Easter, as well as establishing the
Treasurer Mike        Nahan revealed          the    face a fine of nearly $700,000 or equivalent to       ground rules for the public campaign, including
government had scrapped its policy of linking        the dollar value of the donations unlawfully          on the funding for the two sides.
wage increases to the forecast rate of inflation,    received as reported in The Australian.
and would instead offer pay rises of no more                                                               The threat of divisions within the Coalition and
than 1.5 per cent a year. He said the move           Abbott Legacy Exclusive                               fears that the issue will distract government
would save the government about $825 million         Amid      mounting     alarm    in    the Liberal     ministers and MPs from focusing on the key
over the next three years. Most of WA’s              Party about Tony Abbott’s aggressive defence          election issues of economic management and
enterprise bargaining agreements are set to          of his legacy, the former prime minister has sent     union lawlessness have, however, delayed the
expire before next year’s state election,            a message of assurance to Liberal MPs and             process.
including those for nurses, prison officers,         supporters worried that the government’s
doctors, police officers, teachers, firefighters     election campaign will be derailed by disunity as     Tough Agenda Ahead for Sims
and general public servants.                         per The Australian.                                   Competition boss Rod Sims intends to use the
                                                                                                           next three years to secure a tenfold increase in
Dr Nahan said the state’s public servants were       Here to Help                                          penalties for breaches of consumer law while
among the highest paid in the country and the        Over the past year, reports have gathered pace        seeking through the planned shake-up to
new policy was “reasonable and appropriate” in       that Rudd, an epic networker, is preparing the        competition rules, including rolling out the so-
the current fiscal environment.                      groundwork        to   replace    UN Secretary-       called effects tests according to The Australian.
                                                     General Ban Ki-moon, who retires at the end of
But the state’s biggest union, the Australian        the year. The reports have prompted derisive          Sims who has been nominated by the Federal
Nursing Federation, described the move as a          jokes in Australia about Rudd’s reputation as a       Government to chair the Australian Competition
“direct path to industrial action”. The Australian   megalomaniac. His aspirations are dismissively        & Consumer Commission for another three year
                                                     filed in the “typical Kevin” basket.                  term, also defended his time as head of the
Sinodinos Case Exposes Threat of Double                                                                    regulator and laid out his commitment to “robust
Jeopardy                                             Despite the UN being a target of conservatives        capitalism”.
The full list of the secret donors involved in       who regard it as a time-wasting, left-leaning
almost $700,000 worth of payments at the heart       bureaucracy filled with fellow travellers, the role   Dissent in Labor Ranks over Gender
of the NSW Liberal Party election donations          of secretary general remains one of the world’s       Program
scandal has been revealed in leaked financial        most prestigious public positions. Rudd,thus          West     Australian      Labour    Senator Joe
records. Documents        obtained      by The       far, has declared repeatedly that he is not a         Bullock has defied Bill Shorten by joining
Australian show 73 payments by individuals and       candidate. He has left open the question of           conservative senator Cory Bernardito oppose a
companies were funneled through the Liberals’        whether that will change. Rudd holds an array         contentious anti-bullying program that teaches
controversial Canberra-based trust, the Free         of significant international roles, which take him    school kids about sexual orientation and
Enterprise Foundation, to the party’s NSW            around the world, simultaneously building a           transgender issues. The Opposition leader
division before the 2011 state election. As          solid game-work for his candidacy.                    suggested in a venomous exchange in
the NSW Liberal Party attempts to reach a                                                                  Parliament House that Senator Bernardi was a
settlement      with    the NSW       Electoral      Rudd is president of the Asia Society Policy          “homophobe” for opposing the scheme, but
Commission in order to receive $4.3 million in       Institute, an offshoot of the Asia Society.           must now face the realty that Labor MPs hold
funding it is withholding in the lead up             Circumnavigating the world as the head of             concerns too as reported in The Australian.
to Turnbull’s election campaign, the party is        the ASPI think-tank;  chairing    conferences,
facing the prospect of legal action by property      lecturing,    producing      papers      which        Name a Stain
developers, furious they were encouraged to          all gives Rudd an open door to the top ranks of       Veteran liberal MP Russell Broadbent has
make the donations via the trust.                    business and political leaders and foreign            written      to     the Australian      Electoral
                                                     ministries.                                           Commission, asking for the electorate’s name
The Independent       Commission       Against                                                             to be changed during the next redrawing of
Corruption and     the Australian     Electoral      As chairman of the Independent Commission             boundaries in 2017. He told The Herald Sun it
Commission have previously disclosed donors          on Multi-lateralism, a project of the long-time       was      no     longer   “appropriate” for Angus
to the Free Enterprise Foundation but, for the       New         York-based       International Peace      McMillan’s name to be associated with the
first time, The Australian can reveal which          Institute, Rudd is on the board of directors          electorate. The seat should be renamedGunai
donations were funneled into the NSW Liberal         according to The Australian.                          Kurnai, the native Aboriginal people of the
Party coffers, potentially unlawfully according                                                            region. McMillan and his men, known as the
to The Australian.                                   Plebiscite Pause for Election                         “Highland Brigade”, were said to be responsible
                                                     The Federal Government has shelved plans to           for multiple massacres including the killing of up
Finance Director Stands Down                         produce the framework and wording for a               to 35 at Butchers Creek and “hundreds” and
NSW Liberal Party finance director Simon             plebiscite on same-sex marriage until after the       Bruthen Creek and Warrigal Creek as per The
McInnes will stand down from his role as the         election that is now expected on July 2               Herald Sun.

IN THIS ISSUE: Affairs of State
07 March 2016 to 15 April 2016                                                                                                     Letter From Canberra

Sophie not doing well                                majority support from WA’ Labor’s 32 member           but about other things, too.” She admitted
Ousted          Liberal        politician Sophie     caucus and majority support from rank-and-file        she had a rule that politicians were either
Mirabella’s hopes of a comeback appear to be         members, according to The Australian.                 sources or targets and that “I learned to slice
fading as a new poll shows the independent           Police Probe                                          and dice anyone who… spoke to others and not
MP Cathy McGowan seized her seat is on track         Shadow Attorney General Mark Dreyfus                  me”.
to retain it. McGowan shocked the political          referred the matter of Stuart Robert to
establishment with a famous victory over the         the Australian Federal Police on February 14,         Nor can Credlin be the office monster
Liberal MP in the 2013 election, taking the rural    citing sections of the law that deal with abuse of    that Savva describes given her successfully
Victorian federal seat of Indi by 439 votes. A       public office by Commonwealth officials. Robert       serving       three      opposition        leaders,
new opinion poll has found support                   had been on a trip to China which drew conflict       including Turnbull himself. Indeed, Abbott as a
for McGowan has since grown according to The         of business and his role as a parliamentarian.        PM had a lower turnover of staff than
Herald Sun.                                          He was until 12 February Minister for Human           either Kevin Rudd or Julia Gillard.
                                                     Services. On February 16 the AFP advised that         Why      has Turnbull refused to        stick   up
John Howard best PM of modern era                    the matter was still being evaluated. An              for Credlin, saying only: “I don’t want to buy into
34     per    cent     of   voters    judge John     investigation is now underway, as reported            all that commentary”? Savva was treated as the
Howard (1996-2007) as the best prime minister        by The Herald Sun.                                    oracle on ABC’s The Insiders as she continued
since    1972,     followed    by Bob     Hawke                                                            to shop these rumours, “perceptions” as she
and Gough Whitlam. A new essential research          Robert Declines to provide paper proof                calls them, of Abbot’s sexual relationship,
poll provided exclusively to The Australian finds    Sacked federal minister Stuart Roberts has            writes Andrew Bolt for The Herald Sun.
that    34   per     cent   of    voters   judge     refused to produce any documentary evidence
Howard (1996 to 2007) as the best prime              to support his justification for charging taxpayers   Abbott Hits Back At Book
minister since 1972. Hawke (1983 to 1991) was        more than $1,600 to visit the site of a gold          Former Prime Minister Tony Abbott has
selected by 13 per cent as the best,                 mining company in which he had bought shares          responded to clams made in Savva’s new book
and Whitlam (1972 -1975) by 10 percent. Tony         for himself and his family, as per The Australian.    about his “weird” relationship with chief of
Abbott (2013-2015) was again ranked last, with                                                             staff Peta Credlin by denying his government
just 2 per cent of voters seeing him as the best                  PARTY HAPPENINGS                         was dysfunctional.
prime minister. Malcolm Turnbull, who has            Barnaby Vs. The Bush Baron
been prime minister for six months, was rated        It has been characterized simply as an unequal        Credlin later joined the fray by blasting rumours
highest by only 3 percent of voters. In the          match-up, as a bitter contest between an              that she and Abbott had a sexual relationship.
middle of the prime ministerial pack is Paul         independent challenger and deep establishment         “Completely false, utterly untrue, unfounded and
Keating (1991-1996). The online poll of 1017         figure, or a political cage fight between an          wrong,” Credlin told The Australian. “I cannot be
respondents showed some significant variations       opportunistic turncoat and a hyper-energetic          any clearer, it is about as low as it gets. It’s
in support when choices of respondents were          buffoon. None of that is strictly true when it        vicious and malicious.”
broken down by party, gender and age.                comes to the impending battle for New England
                                                     between Tony Windsorand Deputy Prime                  Same Club But Different
Howard was rated best prime minister by 64 per       Minister Barnaby Joyce. The New England               Malcolm Turnbull and Tony Abbott are very
cent of Liberal voters. Hawke received the           brawl will in fact pit against each other two         different. Bear with me and read on after that
support of 7 per cent of Liberal voters, followed    wealthy families, both stalwarts of the fertile       statement of the bleeding obvious because
by Turnbull with 6 per cent support.                 NSW region’s agricultural community, according        there is an important point to be made.
                                                     to The Australian.
The favorite among Labor votes was Hawke.                                                                  Despite the stark differences in personality,
Greens votes rated Keating as the best prime         Windsor back to torment Coalition                     background, manner, social views and
minister,   with   18   per   cent   support.        Tony Windsor has political pundits salivating at      management style, both men as prime minister
Although Gillard is the only woman prime             the prospect of a knockdown, drag-out political       have faced some of the same, self-generated
minister, she was rated by just 6 per cent of        battle with Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby             political problems.
women as the best since 1972, as reported on         Joyce in the seat of New England.
by The Australian.                                   The former Independent, who retired in 2013           The Abbott and Federal Governments have
                                                     and has threatened a comeback over a raft of          seen policy retreats, contradictory messages
Lawler Resigns                                       issues including coal mining on the Liverpool         sent through the media, internal criticism of their
Besieged Fair         Work vice-president Michael    Plains, has been testing support in his               treasurer, uncertainty about the budget,
Lawler has resigned from his $435,000-a-year         electorate. Joyce won a 54.2% of the primary          speculation about an election date, failed
position in an unprecedented finale to more than     vote in New England in 2013 after Windsor             expectations and a resultant decline in the polls
a year of controversy over his extended paid         retired, The Australian reports.                      (disastrously for Abbott).
sick leave. One of Australia’s most senior
members of the quasi-judicial industrial tribunal,   Reith: Pull Your Head In                              The one great political failure of the Abbott
with all the status and perks-of a Federal Court     Former      Liberal  federal  minister Peter          government was the lack of a clear political
judge,Lawler has taken almost a year of sick         Reith says ex-PM Tony Abbot’s decision to             message. The priorities seemed to shift on
leave while regularly assisting his partner,         tour marginal seats was a bad idea, and he            budget and economic management; there were
disgraced unionist Kathy Jackson, to fight           would be “doing himself a disservice and a            confusing and contradictory messages on
allegations of theft.                                disservice to the country” according to The           whatAbbott wanted      to     do,    what Joe
                                                     Herald Sun.                                           Hockey wanted to do, and what policies were
Labor picks its next RBA governor                                                                          being pursued and what was being dumped.
Treasurer Scott Morrison is refusing to consult      Vile Attack Stinks of Hypocrisy’
the opposition over a raft of top economic           The smearing of Peta Credlin in a new book as         Simply, Abbott didn’t talk enough or to enough
appointments in the lead-up to a likely election     a hysterical control freak who probably slept         people. What’s more he didn’t listen when he
in July, including the promotion to governor         with Tony Abbott has backfired. This vile             did      consult.     Now,       six      months
of Reserve Bank of Australia deputyPhillip           attempt to destroy Credlin, chief of staff            after Turnbull replaced Abbott as          Prime
Lowe who has won Labor’s backing. Shadow             to Abbott as prime minister, has instead              Minister the coalition is facing a similar set of
treasurer Chris       Bowen demanded         the     exposed the author as a self-confessed liar.          problems, though they are not nearly as dire
government stop naming senior Treasury                                                                     according to an opinion piece in The Australian.
portfolio positions without consulting the           More importantly, it has exposed the ABC as
opposition, because the government is                two-faced and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull         Bullock quits over gay marriage
effectively on an election footing.                  as a small man gripped by hate. Credlin is the        West Australian Labor senator Joe Bullock has
                                                     target of journalist Niki Savva, who obsessively      announced his shock decision to quit parliament
                                                     attacked her as a columnist on The Australian,        less than two years into his six-year term,
Over there                                           and now savages her in her book, The Road To          saying he could not remain a member of a party
Former      federal   Labor   minister Stephen       Ruin,      purporting      to    explain    why       that would force him to support gay marriage as
Smith has launched an extraordinary pitch to         the Abbott government fell.                           reported in The Australian.
wrest the Labor leadership from opposition
leader Mark McGowan in a bid to become the           But there’s more. Six years ago Savva wrote           Plum UN Job for Bernardi
next Western Australian premier. Smith, who is       another book in which she confessed that “as a        Outspoken Liberal senator Cory Bernardi has
not a sitting local member, would need to gain       journalist I lied often, usually about my sources,    been handed a three-month secondment to

IN THIS ISSUE: Affairs of State
07 March 2016 to 15 April 2016                                                                                                      Letter From Canberra

the United Nations in New York. He will spend         and particularly the band, which was knitted by       Premier Backs Workplace Law Reform
three months as parliamentary observer of             my older sister,” he told the University of           Australia’s    workplace  laws     should    be
the United Nations General Assembly. The              NSW magazine Uniken in 2009. “It’s second             overhauled to include family violence leave as
Herald Sun.                                           nature to me – I feel a bit undressed when I          part of sweeping reforms proposed by the
                                                      don’t have it on my head. I get very annoyed          country’s first royal commission into domestic
Dirt Sheet Smears Gay Libs Candidate                  when I see people carrying a hat instead of           abuse.
Former     human     rights    commissioner Tim       wearing it” he said to The Australian.                The royal commission, which was established
Wilson voiced     concerns      about     the Safe                                                          by the Victorian government last year after the
Schools Coalition with the government early           Gay rights a maiden issue for new MP                  death of 11-year-oldLuke Batty, made 227
last year ahead of the current review, still facing   Trent Zimmerman, the newest member of                 recommendations, all of which Premier Daniel
a vicious internal smear campaign over the            federal parliament, has used his maiden speech        Andrews has promised to implement.
issue as he fought for Liberal pre-selection.         to call for greater acceptance of gay people and
                                                      said that nobody should feel “compelled to live a     Among     the   recommendations      was     an
The      smear    campaign      attempted     to      life that is not their own”. ReplacingJoe             amendment of the Fair Work Act to include an
paint Wilson as a overt supporter of the Safe         Hockey in         the     seat      of      North     entitlement to paid family violence leave for
Schools Coalition when the truth is he has            Sydney, Zimmerman backed                four-year     employees and unpaid family violence leave for
privately advocated for reform according to The       parliamentary terms, more federal funding of          casual employees as reported in The Australian.
Australian. He won his pre-election and will win      public transport and looked forward to a day
his federal seat.                                     when Turkey “properly recognises the Armenian         Worker Exploitation Disgrace
                                                      genocide” of 1915.                                    Over the course of a year and 10 public
PM Faces Revolt over Safe Schools                                                                           hearings, the Senate inquiry, chaired by
Malcolm Turnbull faces his first genuine              Zimmerman used the occasion to acknowledge            Senator Sue Lines, heard first-hand evidence
backbench revolt involving as many MPs as the         he was the first openly gay man or woman to           from victims, regulators, unions and academics,
numbers who moved against Tony Abbott as              take up a place in the House of                       outlining cases of wage fraud, worker
Liberal leader.                                       Representatives,          according      to The       exploitation and in some cases slavery. It has
                                                      Australian. He did not refer to Penny Wong.           now released a report titled A National Disgrace:
A majority of Coalition backbenchers has                                                                    The Exploitation of Temporary Work Visa
rejected a snap review of an anti-bullying            We Lost Millions                                      Holders.
program for gay and transgender children              Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and his family
ordered by the Prime Minister. They have put          have retrieved some of their investment in a          Over in Britain, your Editor met the Minister for
their names to a petition that details their          failed tech start-up as other wealthy and famous      Slavery last year. The British have a Minister
concerns and was delivered to Turnbull                investors face losing $100 million thanks to an       with that title in 2016 to look into such issues.
yesterday afternoon.                                  argument with the company’s former chairman,
                                                      ex-NSW premier Nick Greiner, as reported by           The more controversial recommendations relate
Some 43 MPs, including former prime                   the Financial Review.                                 to labour hire companies and the $170 billion
minister Abbott,     have       demanded       a                                                            franchise industry. A key recommendation is
parliamentary inquiry to allow submissions from                                                             that Treasury and      the ACCC reviews      the
parents and teachers concerned about he                INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS & EMPLOYMENT                    franchising code of conduct and “whether there
scheme and pushed for a suspension of the             Jobs cut as aluminum plant faces closure              is scope to impose some degree of
program’s funding according to The Australian.        A Portland smelter risks closure and a mass           responsibility on a franchisor and the merits or
                                                      shedding of jobs, with the aluminum plant now         otherwise of so doing” according to The Age.
Senator Spills the beans but backed by                running at a loss and facing a huge surge in
Abbott                                                costs later this year.                                Unions must strategize, not just merge
NSW Liberal conservative Concetta Fierravanti                                                               The union movement’s strategy of mergers has
Wells has used a reference from Tony                  The smelter, which supports 2000 jobs, is set to      generally been a failure, as it has not rebuilt or
Abbott to back her pre-election for the next          lose as much as $40 million this financial year       maintained the power of organised labour,
election in the week is was revealed she              due to a collapse in aluminum prices according        says Tim          Lyons,           a      former
provided damning comments for a contentious           to Macquarie Bank analysts.                           senior ACTU official. He      said   the   union
book.‘Politics             is            about                                                              movements arguments for mergers such as
perceptions,” Senator Fierravanti                     Albanese cans CFMEU attack on PM                      “bigger is better” and ‘stronger together”
Wells told Abbott, ‘Rightly or wrongly, the           Labor’s Anthony Albanese has condemned the            deserved to be shaken by the evidence.
perception is that you are sleeping with your         construction       union’s        claim Malcolm       ‘You can see enormous benefits                  of
chief of staff. That’s the perception, and you        Turnbull is ‘happy for workers to die’.               consolidation everywhere except in the hard
need to deal with it.’                                The Construction Forestry Mining and                  numbers and real-life experience about what
                                                      Energy Union has launched an aggressive               happens after you do it. As a strategy to rebuild
Abbott and Credlin have denied the rumours            social media campaign targeting the Prime             or maintain the power of organised labour,
and described parts of the book as salacious          Minister over plans to bring back the Australian      consolidation, at least as it has been practised
rumours not put to them for denial or correction      Building Commission.                                  up to now, has             generally been a
according to The Australian.                                                                                failure. Lyons proposed a detailed framework
                                                                                                            for future mergers, saying unions must
What is worse than violating someone’s trust          “Malcolm Turnbull is happy for more workers to        comprehensively assess the drivers, establish
and disclosing a private conversation about a         die, if it makes more profits for his donors.         clear objectives and develop strategy to remove
sensitive information you raise with them? How        The ABCC will cut jobs, kill workers, and let big     risks, as published in The Australian.
about seeking a raise from that same person           business off the hook,” says one of the union’s
before they know you have breached their              tweets. Albanese acknowledged the left-wing           Shipyard Dumps Workers
confidence?                                           unions efforts to protect workers, but rejected       Defence, security and aerospace company BAE
                                                      the rhetoric. “Without unions, I tell you what, the   Systems will cut 50 jobs from its Williamstown
Pat and his dress code limits                         catastrophic consequences for the health of           shipyards. The job cuts reduce the total
Pat      Dodson’s trademark,        black-brimmed     people who go to work, and their families who         shipyard workforce to just 150.
Akubra poses a new test for parliament’s              expect them to come home at the end of the            The company has been bleeding jobs over the
evolving standards that already prohibit the          day, would be much great. But that doesn’t            past 18 months, with more than 800 jobs list.
wearing of shorts by senators and the                 mean, because you have to acknowledge that,           The BAE Systems blow comes up as 80 jobs
distribution of apples in the lower house.            you can support the sort of language, which I         will also be lost at Treasury Wines packaging
                                                      don’t” as reported in The Australian.                 and warehousing centre in Mildura according
Dodson would become one of the first senators                                                               toThe Herald Sun.
to wear a hat in the chamber since Federation-        Union Threat to $48b NT Gas Project
era rules governing MP’s headwear were                Unions are preparing to ramp up a campaign for        ‘If ABCC Does Nothing But Clean Up, It’s A
abolished in 1988 as a “relic” of their               about 30 per cent more time off in Inpex Corp’s       Win’
time. Dodson has described the Akubra as both         Ichthys liquefied natural gas project in northern     The     managing      director      of Perkins
a “practical” safeguard against the northern sun      Australia, which could send on the of the most        Construction employs 300 people at the
and a cultural aide-memoire. “It is a reminder        costly energy projects in Australian history even     business his father and uncle founded in
that Aboriginal people are part of this country,      further over budget as per The Age.                   Bunbury, 180 km south of Perth, in 1965 – jobs

IN THIS ISSUE: Affairs of State
07 March 2016 to 15 April 2016                                                                                                        Letter From Canberra

he     said    would     be   safeguarded      by      Turnbull took over as prime minister, conceded         fastest growing part of Woolworths business,
the Australian Building and Construction               in The Australian that” clearly there is scope for     which includes the BWS chain according toThe
Commission watchdog.                                   improvement.”                                          Financial Review.
The long-running battle between employers and          Unions Block Police                                    Oz Banks Snared
unions over the ABCC comes down to “power”             The Forestry Mining and Energy Union are               Two          of        Australia’s       biggest
and      “the    long-term    preservation     of      fighting to block police permanently from              banks, ANZ and NAB, have been drawn into a
jobs”,Perkins told The Australian from Bunbury         accessing files that could incriminate two of its      Singaporean money laundering investigation
last week. As national president of the Master         senior       officials. Australian        Federal      into the IMDB scandal, in which the Prime
Builders Australia industry group, he is               Police officers last year raided the union’s           Minister of neighbouring Malaysia, Najib Razak,
lobbying hard for the reinstatement of the             Brisbane headquarters amid claims former               has been accused of stealing $US1 billion from
regulator      the Gillard Labor     government        Queensland boss David Hanna and CFMI state             the country’s sovereign wealth fund as reported
scrapped in 2012, which is fiercely opposed by         secretary Michael Ravbarburned and dumped              in The Australian.
the Construction Forestry Mining and Energy            potential damning documents that would have
Union. “The unions criticize the ABCC in the           been required for the royal commission on trade        New VW Recall hits reputation
name of protecting jobs and about safety, but          unions, as per The Australian.                         The Volkswagon group is recalling 800,000
from my firsthand experience this issue isn’t                                                                 SUVs worldwide in the latest blow to the
about either of those things,” Perkins said, “If       ACT Labor’s Union Deal                                 reputation of the German car making giant. The
the unions were serious about jobs they’d want         The ACT Labor government has signed a secret           recall    takes      in    391,000 Volkswagon
to protect the companies so they stay viable”.         deal giving all the unions in Canberra the right to    Touaregs and 409,477 Porsche Cayennes,
                                                       veto tenderers for government goods and                model series 2011 to 2016 and involves a fault
CFMEU accused of targeting contractor                  services, including in the building industry that      with the pedals as reported in The Australian.
The NSW state secretary and a dozen other              has been identified as a hotspot of union
officials of the CFMEU have been accused of            corruption and stand over tactics.                     Hands-on Chairman to guide Telstra
targeting a contractor company with an                 All ACT government agencies have been told to          Telstra’s chairman-elect John Mollen is a
extraordinary range of malicious workplace             decline to award a tender proposal for ACT             master of timing, stepping in after Catherine
disruptions including kicking down safety rails to     government works or services if the tenderer           Livingstone’s retirement as the chairman
then declare a concrete pour unsafe, according         does not undertake to meet a list of union             of Telstra after a seven year term.
to The Australian.                                     demands, reports The Australian.
                                                                                                              Take Business Ethics Seriously, ASIC
Turnbull To Increase Spending on Industry              Unions are also to be supplied with the names          preaches
The federal government has presented its               of companies and contractors tendering for             The corporate regulator will accuse the banks
defence white paper as the centre piece of an          business before any contract is let, to advise the     and big business in general of failing to fix
election strategy about jobs and local industry,       government if the tenderer fails the union test        fundamental flaws that have led to a string of
arguing increasing strategic pressure and a            and can ask for a contract to be cancelled if the      corporate     scandals.    In     a    sign    that
reduced defence capability justify extra               company breaches the union requirements. The           the Australian Securities and Investments
spending                                               department responsible for procurement is also         Commission is toughening its stance against
of $30 billion over 10 years, as per The Age.          required to give the unions a list of employers        what it regards as corrupt company cultures, the
                                                       who breach the agreed government-union                 regulator will accuse large wealth companies of
The spending will surely kill any chance of            conditions.                                            presiding over conflicts of interest. Vertically
putting a date of return to budget surplus, and                                                               integrated fund managers will be put on notice
will be utilised to fund Australian manufacturing      Federal     Employment      Minister Michaelia         thatASIC will investigate if it finds that cultural
reported in The Australian.                            Cash said the deal was “deeply disturbing. It is       problems           are          behind          the
                                                       clear from the MOU that Union effectively been         conflicts. ASIC chairman Greg Medcraft will hit
Coalition Fails To Deliver On Workplace                given the ACT government business,”                    back at company directors who have
Promises                                               reports The Australian.                                complained that the corporate regulator is trying
Australia’s foremost workplace law experts,                                                                   to become the “culture blame police” and warn
Professor Andrew        Stewart declares         the                                                          them that simply blaming scandals on a “few
Coalition had largely failed to deliver its election              BUSINESS, ECONOMY,                          bad applies” will no longer be acceptable as
agenda. Since September 2013, just four                        MANUFACTURING & FINANCE                        reported in The Australian.
pieces of industrial relations legislation have        Got Franchisees Back
been passed into law. The Fair Work 2014 bill          Former federal small business minister Bruce           Macquarie rejects junk yard-dog tag
amended the rules around unpaid parental               Billson hopes to revive the nations’ $144 billion      Macquarie group denied it had become one of
leave, changed so-called “strike first, talk later”    franchise sector as he takes reins of a                the world’s biggest holders of “high yield” or
provisions and changed the rules on                    prominent industry lobby group. Billson has            “junk” debt after reports it had invested over $30
negotiations between employers and unions on           been appointed executive chairman of                   billion in the securities over several years, and
so-called “greenfields” agreements for new             the Franchise Council of Australia.                    its loan default rates had blown out to five times
building projects. In contrast, the Coalition’s                                                               as high as Australia’s big four banks. The
2013 policy promised to restore theAustralian          ‘I’m a huge fan of the franchise sector and it’s       investment bank said it was unfair to describe
Building and Construction Commission and               enormously important to the Australian                 the loans and investments in the article as junk
to establish a Registered Organisations                economy,’ Billson toldBusiness           Daily. ‘The   because they were diversified, secured against
Commissionto monitor unions, but both bills            Franchise Council was looking for refreshment          high-quality assets and had numerous
have been blocked by the Senate.                       and renewal and I felt helping to lift the sector to   covenants as reported in The Australian.
                                                       the next level was something I could really
A promised ‘urgent’ review of the Road Safety          support.’ Billson said the council aimed to            Infrastructure Investment Taking Off
Remuneration Tribunal took place, but the              ensure the 79,000 independently owned and              Infrastructure investment at the end of 2015
report has never been released. A pledge to            operated franchise outlets across the nation had       recorded the largest increase since the end of
introduce a paid parental leave scheme was             access to opportunities to grow their                  the resources boom.Australian Infrastructure
dumped, as were plans for an appeals body to           businesses,      while     encouraging         more    Metric forecasts a construction recovery ahead,
be       attached      to      the Fair     Work       entrepreneurs to consider entering the industry,       led by large transport infrastructure projects in
Commission. Proposed changes to union right            according to The Herald Sun.                           NSW and Victoria, based on data produced
of entry laws and other recommendations have                                                                  by Infrastrucure                   Partnerships
stalled in the Senate. Professor Stewart said the      Online alcohol good cheer for Woolies                  Australia and BIS Shrapnel.The report shows
long list of unmet promises said something             Dan Murphy’s online liquor sales are growing           transport infrastructure investment is forecast to
about their ability to deal with the                   at three times the rate of its 204 physical stores     increase by $3.2 billion next financial year, with
crossbench. There       are   not    a   lot   of      in a rare example of an entrenched retailer            NSW expected to dominate during that period
achievements. Yes, they have failed, but the key       repeating its success on the internet.                 as per The Australian.
test remains what will they propose from               Dan       Murphy’s,      which       is    owned
the Productivity Commission review - the               by Woolworth’s, is Australia’s biggest online          Think Tank Warns of Economic Hazard
action is yet to come,” he said.                       liquor business and has an estimated 2 million         The economy is facing hazards unlike any seen
                                                       customers and 1.4 million loyalty program              in more than 20 years, and is starting from a
Workplace Minister Michaelia Cash, who                 members. It has captured more than 50 per              position of income weakness, according to a
replaced Eric          Abetz when Malcolm              cent of the online liquor market and is the            drank new report. It means incomes and the tax

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