Embracing The Feminine As Part Of Feminism - YU Observer's

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Embracing The Feminine As Part Of Feminism - YU Observer's
SINCE 1958

WWW.YUOBSERVER.ORG                                                     64:9                                            Iyar 5781 ~ April 2021


         Embracing The Feminine As Part Of Feminism
       By Fruma Landa,                mindset helps form a community          these domestic actions may feel      As I noticed that trend, I found
        Editor in Chief               that values stereotypical feminine      like a shallow way to serve God.     myself thinking of other predom-
                                      behavior and empowers women             However, these can be fulfilling     inantly women’s way of inter-
                                      exhibiting such behaviors. Tak-         for the women who relate to serv-    acting with religious experiences
        Female empowerment            ing care of one’s family, cooking,      ing in this way.                     and noticed that those were often
 has been a theme in my life since    cleaning, and beautifying mitzvot                                            devalued as well. Women who
 I was young. Even before under-      (commandments) are some traits          Two weeks ago, the Shabbos fol-      care about the flowers decorating
 standing the concept of feminism,    that fall into the woman’s domain.      lowing Pesach (Passover), many       their tables for Shavuos instead
 I recognized moments of empow-       Many women in the community             women observed the tradition of      of learning all night are seen as
 erment in my life. However, these    I grew up in use their creativity,      making Shlissel challah, a challah   less than women who do learn
 moments were not necessarily         another feminine trait, to serve        containing a key in it. This year,   all night. Women who make an
 what most people I know would        God. Aside from keeping the             I have heard many people dis-        effort to do their wigs, makeup
 define as feminist. For example,     Torah and mitzvos, they put their       missing this predominantly-wom-      and nails before Shabbos are
 pushing myself into a crowded        souls into ensuring their children      en-performed custom. People          considered fickle. Women are
 room of men to serve plates of       are dressed in a way which honors       commenting on this tradition fail    made fun of for caring more about
 herring and crackers was one of      the yuntif (holiday), cooking ritual    to recognize the importance of       the way their sukkah decorations
 the most empowering moments          dishes, beautifying their mishloach     this in the lives of the women who   look than the way the esrog they
 of my childhood. To me, walking      manos (ritual Purim food packag-        relate to this religious practice.   use looks. Women who choose
 into that room full of grown men     es), decking their Shavuos table        Devaluing this minhag (custom)       to present themselves tzniusly,
 was incredibly daunting. Pushing     with flowers and elaborate cheese       devalues a predominantly wom-        in modest clothing they consider
 myself to take up space and weave    cakes, getting their nails done and     en’s religious experience.           to be befitting a daughter of the
 between the shoulders                                                                                             King, are said to be allowing the
 of men to deposit the                                                                                             patriarchy to regulate their bodies.
 oily plate onto the table                                                                                         The women who approach Juda-
 — a feat unto itself —                                                                                            ism from a traditionally feminine
 before leaving back to                                                                                            perspective are seen as less than
 the safety of the kitchen                                                                                         compared to those who engaged in
 was empowering.                                                                                                   these rituals from another angle;
                                                                                                                   and often, women who do not ap-
 Throughout my life, I                                                                                             proach Judaism from a tradition-
 have found that some-                                                                                             ally feminine angle are deemed as
 times the way women                                                                                               too radical and considered to be
 are told to empower                                                                                               throwing away tradition. Existing
 themselves is done in                                                                                             as a Jewish woman is a catch-22:
 a way that devalues                                                                                               be viewed as a prisoner, or be
 the way other women                                                                                               viewed as uprooting the tradition.
 feel empowered. Many
 people will tell you that
 serving a dish to a table                                                                                         Some women, myself included,
 full of men is not only                                                                                           feel empowered when breaking
 unempowering, but                                                                                                 glass ceilings and advancing
 rather oppressive or de-                                                                                          women’s opportunities. That facet
 meaning — the oppo-                                                                                               of feminism should be encouraged
 site of my experience.                                                                                            and supported, yet it does not need
                                      working on exquisite table decor                                             to devalue women who do not re-
 In more religiously right-wing       le’kavod Shabbos kodesh (in hon-        Making shlissel challah has          late to this form of empowerment.
 communities, like the one I grew     or of the holy Sabbath).                become like a religious ritual for   It can be incredibly difficult to
 up in, traditionally female gender                                           many women. Since making the         encourage women to try to explore
 roles are valued and may bring       Unfortunately, these actions which      challah is an experience done pre-   new ways of serving God without
 feelings of empowerment. Thus,       many women relate to and are            dominantly by women to express       devaluing the feminine, but it is
 women use their femininity as one    empowered by are often dismissed        their relationship with Judaism,     not impossible. The goal of female
 of the ways they serve Hashem.       as frivolous or shallow — in            devaluing the minhag essentially     empowerment should not be to
 A mother making soup for her         other words, they are devalued. In      devalues an important religious      only empower the women who are
 family is said to be compared in     communities where women have            experience for women, especially     doing what you deem as empow-
 holiness to the Kohen Gadol’s        other opportunities to serve God        in communities where they may        ered, but rather to empower all
 (Height Priest’s) Yom Kippur         such as through the study of Torah      not feel connected to other tradi-   women in doing what makes them
 avoda, the service performed on      SheBaal Peh (Oral Torah) or via         tionally male rituals.               feel empowered.
 the holiest day of the year. This    performing public religious rituals,
Embracing The Feminine As Part Of Feminism - YU Observer's
Iyar 5781 ~ April 2021                                             NEWS                                                                      PAGE 2

       2021-2022 Academic Calendar Contains Significant
             Changes Compared To Previous Years
                                       struction period may suggest that     required instructional minutes         semester. This is much earlier
By Fruma Landa, Editor In Chief        Yeshiva University is planning on     without making the Fall and            than previous semesters with the
 And Shoshanah Marcus, News            an in-person or blended class for-    Spring semesters longer.”              deadline for the Fall 2020 semes-
           Editor                      mat for the non-specified weeks.                                             ter being on November 17, the
                                       This has yet to be confirmed by       Early Date to Drop Course With-        Spring 2021 semester being April
                                                                                                                    7, the Fall 2019 semester being on
        Though the Yeshiva                                                                                          December 2, 2019 and the Spring
 University administration has yet
                                                                                                                    2020 being April 23. Spiegel stat-
 to announce the school’s class
                                                                                                                    ed that “The Withdrawal date was
 formatting plans for the upcom-
                                                                                                                    moved up as part of a previously
 ing academic year, the registrar’s
                                                                                                                    planned change to the 2020-21 ac-
 release of the 2021-2022 academ-
                                                                                                                    ademic calendar but was delayed
 ic calendar may offer insight into
                                                                                                                    due to COVID.” She concluded
 potential class formatting and
                                                                                                                    that the “withdrawal deadlines are
 important deadlines.
                                                                                                                    now in line and consistent with
                                                                                                                    [Yeshiva University’s] peer insti-
 Class Formatting
                                                                                                                    tutions’ academic calendars.
 After a year of various options of
 class formats due to the restric-
                                                                                                                    In the previous semester, the
 tions of the COVID-19 regula-
                                                                                                                    administration faced backlash
 tions, the 2021-2022 academic
                                                                                                                    from the student body when the
 calendar reveals “Remote In-
                                                                                                                    deadline for dropping a class
 struction” periods. These periods
                                                                                                                    without a “W” was too early. In
 include between the holidays of
                                                                                                                    response, the decision was re-
 Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur/
                                                                                                                    voked. One student, Sarah Brill
 Sukkot, after Sukkot break, after
                                       the YU administration. Spiegel        out a “W”                              (SCW ‘21), shared her concerns
 Purim break, and before Pesach
                                       explained to the YU Observer that     Another notable aspect of the          with the YU Observer explaining
 break. “During these remote days
                                       “[YU] added in remote instruction     2021-2022 academic calendar is         that, “[d]ropping classes is a very
 there will be no in-person class-
                                       days in between Rosh Hashanah         the fact that the last day to drop a   tough decision to make. A person
 es,” shared University Registrar
                                       and Yom Kippur to allow [their]       course without a “W” (withdraw-        needs to choose whether or not to
 Jennifer Spiegel.
                                       students the opportunity to travel    al) on one’s transcript for the Fall
                                       for the chaggim [Jewish Holi-         2021 semester is October 18 and
                                                                                                                                  Continued on
                                       days] and still meet the minimum      February 28 for the Spring 2022
 The overt mention of a remote in-                                                                                                  PAGE 4

New SCW And SSSB Jewish Studies Requirements
  By Mili Chizhik, News Editor         well as taking at least one Jewish    son, assuming the COVID-19             courses, 2 Judaic studies courses,
                                       studies course every semester as a    regulations allow it.                  1 Jewish history course, 1 Jewish
                                       full time student upon completing                                            philosophy course, and the num-
        The SCW Rebecca Ivry           Core requirements.                    Three of the following twice a         ber of Hebrew language courses
 Department of Jewish Studies an-
                                                                             week courses in Fall 2021 will         based on student placement: 1
 nounced this week that there will
                                       Starting to be implemented in Fall    meet in-person in-person once a        course for those placed in HEBR
 be new Jewish studies require-
                                       2021, the new requirements for        week for a Beit Midrash compo-         1211 or 1221, 2 courses for those
 ments for Stern College for Wom-
                                       Beren Campus students mandate         nent: Rabbi Ephraim Kanarfogel’s       in HEBR 1201, and 3 courses
 en and Beren Sy Syms School of
                                       a total of 22 classes, up to 10 of    “Tosafist” class, Rebbetzin Penina     for those placed in HEBR 1001
 Business students. Registration
                                       which can be taken in the gap         Bernstein’s Navi class, and Rabbi      or 1011. The remaining courses
 for the Fall 2021 semester will
                                       year/seminary, and each student       Jacob Bernstein’s “Rav Solove-         needed to fulfill the 22-course
 be May 5 for seniors, May 6 for
                                       must take at least 2 Jewish studies   itchik on the Holidays.” Other         requirement could be taken in any
 juniors, May 7 for sophomores,
                                       courses each semester. The Core       students are encouraged to learn       of the following categories: Bible,
 and May 11 for freshmen.
                                       program will no longer be imple-      in the Beit Midrash at that time as    Judaic studies, Jewish history,
                                       mented and the “Jewish studies        well.                                  Jewish philosophy, and Hebrew
 Previously, students were required
                                       courses will no longer be bundled                                            language.
 to complete 6 semesters (without
                                       under HEST/Core,” as described        The present Jewish studies major
 gap year or transfer exemptions)
                                       in the Jewish studies program         credit requirements will remain        All Jewish studies department
 of the Core program, the current
                                       information session on the night      the same. However, courses taken       courses that count towards the
 mandatory Jewish studies course
                                       of April 21. All past grades of       to fulfill the General Education       distribution must be taken on the
 program. Students were required
                                       Core semesters will remain under      Jewish courses requirement will        Beren Campus, and every course
 to take 8-9 credits of Jewish
                                       HEST on the academic transcript,      count toward the major to allow        will count towards the total 22
 courses which were then reduced
                                       however, starting in Fall 2021,       for the same number of courses         required courses. However, not
 to 6 credits on the transcript with
                                       each class will appear on the tran-   taken to complete the major.           every course will count towards
 the composite grade of the three
                                       script. At the information session,                                          distribution requirements. Cours-
 courses taken. Further, students
                                       the administration expressed hope     The new Jewish studies distribu-       es that count towards the Jewish
 were required to take an addition-
                                       to have all Jewish courses in-per-    tion of requirements is 2 Bible
 al 14 credits of Jewish studies as
                                                                                                                                CONTINUED ON
                                                                                                                                   PAGE 3
Embracing The Feminine As Part Of Feminism - YU Observer's
Iyar 5781 ~ April 2021                                                  NEWS                                                                          PAGE 3

                                Vaccine Site Scheduled To Open
                                       On Wilf Campus
       By Elisheva Miller               pausing to administer the vaccine         ‘23), shared that “I think it’s amaz-    effort and contributing to greater
                                        on Saturdays or Jewish Holidays.          ing that YU has decided to use its       vaccine access and health equity for
                                        They will be administering the Pfizer     resources to help the community at       Northern Manhattan residents. The
        W    ith New York opening       vaccine, a two dose vaccine, spaced       large by using its campus to expand      establishment of this site is due to
up COVID-19 vaccine eligibility to      twenty one days apart. According to       access to the COVID-19 vaccine.          our partnership with Mayor Bill de
adults 16 years and older, Yeshiva      the CDC, one is only considered fully     This is just one example of YU’s         Blasio’s office, Assembly Member
University has become one of the        vaccinated two weeks after receiving      willingness to step up and take re-      Carmen De La Rosa and Congress-
many sites designated to administer     the second dose.                          sponsibility in ensuring the wellbeing   member Adriano Espaillat, as well as
the highly demanded vaccine. This       At this time, all appointments to re-     of others, which is a characteristic     Eric Goldstein and the UJA who are
Washington Heights site is one of the   ceive the first dose, for those who are   that YU consistently demonstrates.”      helping coordinate our outreach to
five newly-opened sites in New York     fully unvaccinated, are unavailable.      Rabbi Dr. Ari Berman, president          Holocaust survivors and other vulner-
City, according to Mayor de Blasio.     More first dose appointments should       of YU stated to the YU Observer          able populations.”
As described in an email from YU        become available, as this site will be    that “as part of our mission, we are     CEO of Centers Urgent Care S.
on April 5, the YU administration       open for many months, so all who are      always looking for ways to help the      Scott Orlanski claimed that “we are
has been very motivated to slow the     seeking the vaccine will have the op-     community at large, especially during    extremely privileged to be able to
spread of COVID-19 and stated, “as      portunity to become vaccinated and        these unprecedented times. This          partner with the City at the Yeshiva
part of our mission,                                                                                                           University vaccination site in
we are always looking                                                                                                          order to keep the community safe
for ways to help the                                                                                                           from this challenging pandemic.
community at large,                                                                                                            Centers Urgent Care is in busi-
especially during these                                                                                                        ness to provide the best possible
unprecedented times.”                                                                                                          care for the community and
After offering their                                                                                                           providing this vaccine is a vital
campus to the city of                                                                                                          effort that we are proud to be a
New York to adminis-                                                                                                           part of.”
ter vaccines, YU has                                                                                                           Although YU will be a location
announced on Tues-                                                                                                             of vaccine administration, YU
day April 7 that their                                                                                                         has no part in the vaccine distri-
request was granted.                                                                                                           bution process. Centers Urgent
The Weissberg Com-                                                                                                             Care is managing the site on
mons in Belfer Hall                                                                                                            behalf of New York City; there-
on the Wilf Campus                                                                                                             fore, YU will not be handling the
has become an official                                                                                                         appointments. If you are eligible
NYC vaccine site. It                                                                                                           to receive the vaccine, an ap-
is expected that the                                                                                                           pointment can be made at https://
newly opened vaccine                                                                                                           vaccinefinder.nyc.gov/ or by
site will remain active                                                                                                        calling 877-VAX-4NYC.
through the start of the
summer. Located on
YU’s uptown campus,
the vaccine distribution                join the fight against COVID-19.          includes opening our campus to the
is limited to Sunday through Friday,    One student, Eliana Lebowitz (SCW         city’s historic COVID vaccination

          SEE NEW SCW AND SSSB,                       Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 semesters.                   pleased that a large group of students attended
                 PAGE 2                                                                                      and asked on target questions, some of which
studies distribution requirements will have a         Seniors who went to seminary or Israel for a           we now need to research. So the meeting
label of “Fundamentals” when looking at the           year will be required to take the 1 class in both      was helpful for us as well as, I hope, for the
course attributes in the course catalog.              the Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 semester, with           students. Going forward I believe that new
                                                      the assumption that their past 6 Core semesters        students will benefit enormously from a more
Fall 2021 juniors and seniors have the option         were completed and only have two-three credit          uniform distribution of courses over their years
to follow the new model or stick with the old         courses remaining in the previously required           on campus and from the reimaged courses
one, however they will no longer be having            14 Jewish studies elective credits.                    in Bible, Jewish Studies, Jewish History and
semesters of Core. Incoming freshmen and                                                                     Jewish Philosophy that will be designated spe-
sophomores will follow the new model of Jew-          However, seniors who did not go to seminary            cifically to meet the new distribution require-
ish studies courses.                                  and completed all Core semesters and only              ments.”
                                                      have the 14 Jewish studies elective credits
Those in joint programs, those transferring           remaining will be required to take two classes         SCW senior Sarah Brill shared with the YU
from the Katz Associate Degree program, or            each of their last semesters in Fall 2021 and          Observer, “This new Judaics requirement will
those transferring from other universities and        Spring 2022.                                           alleviate stress off of the already stressful dual
schools may have exemptions from the total                                                                   curriculum that Yeshiva University offers. I
number of courses required.                           Sophomores who did not complete a year in              am extremely glad the Judaics department has
                                                      Israel or attend seminary and have completed           made this change so that future YU students
Current rising juniors who spent a year in            two semesters of Core would be required to             can excel without the weight of added Judaics
Israel or seminary are required to register for       take the following number of courses in the            classes.”
the following number of courses per semester:         corresponding semesters: 3 classes in Fall
2 classes in Fall 2021, 2 classes Spring 2022,        2021, 3 classes in Spring 2022, 3 classes in           Those with questions regarding these new
and 1 class in both Fall 2022 and Spring 2023         Fall 2022, 3 classes in Spring 2023, 2 classes         changes should contact the Jewish Studies ad-
semesters.                                            in Fall 2023, and 2 classes in Spring 2023.            visor, Miriam Levy-Haim via email or through
                                                                                                             making an appointment.
Current rising juniors who did not attend a           Dr. Karen Bacon, Mordechai D. Katz and
seminary or Israel program will be required to        Dr. Monique C. Katz Dean of Undergraduate
take the following: 3 courses in Fall 2021, 3         Faculty of Art and Sciences, said that “I was so
courses in Spring 2022, and 2 courses in both
Embracing The Feminine As Part Of Feminism - YU Observer's
NEWS                                                    Iyar 5781 ~ April 2021

 Maccabees Men’s Basketball Team Claims Title For The
 Second Longest Winning Streak In The Ncaa Division III
               Men’s Basketball History
                                                                            Many players have shone through       CNN news report by YU player
       By Aliza Weiss
                                       In an accompanying two minute        during this season. Ryan Turell       Gabriel Leifer, “We’re represent-
                                       and thirty nine second video, Car-   is a key player on the Yeshiva        ing the people, all of the sudden
         After the Yeshiva Univer-     oll captures the astonishing 2020    University basketball team who        people are excited to come to our
sity Maccabees men’s basketball        season that the YU basketball        has recently been in the spotlight    games and that’s just something
team defeated Stevens Institute        team had, which abruptly came        and has been the subject of a         bigger than basketball.”
of Technology on March 8, 2021,        to an end due to the COVID-19        recently published “LA Times”
the team tied the record for the       pandemic. Caroll also brought        article titled “Next ‘Jewish Jor-     The Maccabees have quickly ris-
second longest winning streak in       attention to the fact that this      dan’? Can L.A.’s Ryan Turell be       en and do not plan on letting any-
Division III men’s basketball his-     year’s NCAA division III tourna-     the first Orthodox Jewish NBA         thing slow them down, whether it
tory at 36 games with the Univer-      ment was cancelled and that the      player?” Ryan’s status as a core      be virtual learning, or the cancel-
sity of Wisconsin-Platteville.         team has only been able to play 8    player and potential future NBA       lation of the NCAA division III
                                       games, with no fans in the audi-     star is unique considering the fact   tournament. Although this season
CNN’s Jason Caroll documents           ence. Despite this, he relays that   that Ryan is a Modern Orthodox        is not ideal, head coach Elliot
footage of the YU basketball           the message of the Yeshiva Uni-      Jewish basketball player. As such,    Steinmetz shared with CNN’s
court, while taking statements         versity basketball team is much      Ryan took this spotlight as a great   Jason Caroll saying, “We’re not
from YU players, such as Ryan          more than a purely victorious        opportunity to represent the Jew-     that little engine that could we’re
Turell and Gabriel Leifer, in a        team, as Ryan Turell shared with     ish community in basketball and       that big engine that we are hoping
recent article entitled, “Meet the     CNN saying, “We want to show         shared with the LA Times stating,     can stay consistent.”
basketball team with the longest       that Jews can play basketball and    “I’m ready to make history.” Sim-
win streak in the US.” The Mac-        we want to make the Jewish com-      ilarly, the Maccabees boys bas-
cabees men’s basketball team,          munity proud.”                       ketball team sticks with this mon-
he reports, set a record with a 36                                          tra, as stated in the broadcasted
game winning streak in 2020.

   SEE 2021-2022 Calendar,
          PAGE 2
 postpone a class or continue with      allows our calendar to meet the     requirements they had to meet,”   as internships). Middle States is
 the grade they have. With the          required number of instructional    shared SCWSC President Shira      charged by the Federal govern-
 drop date being as early as it is,     hours as well as maximizing the     Schneider. “We hope they and the  ment with ensuring that its ac-
 students are not given the oppor-      full content of courses and also    administration continue working   credited institutions comply with
 tunity to get a sense of the class     does not impact scheduled breaks    with us to ensure that these tran-that rule, and YU class schedules
 properly. For science classes, in      in the semester.”                   sitions are smooth and that the   provide evidence that YU fulfills
 particular, the second midterm                                             students feel prepared.”          its obligation to provide sufficient
 test comes after the drop date         According to the 2021-2022                                            instruction in its courses,” he
 has passed, creating anxiety for       academic calendar, the Fall 2021 Yeshiva University is accredited     concluded. YU’s accreditation
 students to either drop the class      semester will have four study      by the Middle States Commission was last affirmed in 2014 and
 with a possibly mediocre grade         days, one of them being on a       on Higher Education. Accord-       YU is scheduled for a self-study
 or continue and risk their grades      Friday. The Spring 2022 semester ing to YU Accreditation Liaison      evaluation in 2023-2024. The YU
 and GPA.”                              will only have three study days    Officer Dr. Timothy Stevens,       Observer has not confirmed that
                                        prior to final exams with one of   “All higher education institutions the upcoming evaluation im-
 Reduced Reading Days in Spring         the days being on a Sunday. This that provide Federal financial aid pacted the 2021-2022 academic
 2022                                   is different from previous years,  are required to comply with the    calendar adjustments.
 Spiegel shared: “We are intro-         which have usually had a week of Federal credit hour rule, stip-
 ducing study days instead of           reading days prior to final exams. ulating at least 750 minutes of
 reading week this year in prepa-                                          instruction and 1500 minutes of
 ration for finals. These days are      “We, the student leaders, worked student preparation for each cred-
 completely non-instructional and       hard with the registrar to find    it hour awarded (the calculations
 allow students to prepare for their    a solution that would be best      are different for labs, clinical
 upcoming finals. This change           for the student body within the    courses, and such experiences
Embracing The Feminine As Part Of Feminism - YU Observer's
Iyar 5781 ~ April 2021   PAGE 5
Embracing The Feminine As Part Of Feminism - YU Observer's
F                                                                        NEWS                                                   Iyar 5781 ~ April 2021

      The Katz School of Science and Health Announces Master’s
                                                             PAGE 6

                Program in Physician Assistant Studies
      By Shoshanah Marcus,             professionals, physician assis-         the YU community on March 22,           endowed the Mordecai D. Katz
          News Editor                  tants diagnose disease, develop         2021, Dr. Katz was remembered           and Dr. Monique C. Katz Dean-
                                       and implement treatment plans,          for his service “as a Trustee of        ship of Undergraduate Faculty of
                                       perform surgical procedures,            Yeshiva University for over twen-       Arts and Sciences, currently held
        On April 8, 2021, The        prescribe medications and often           ty five years, most recently as its     by Dr. Karen Bacon, a position of
Katz School of Science and Health serve as a patient’s principal health        co-vice chairman [together with         enduring impact on developing
announced the launch of a master’s care provider.” Paul Russo, vice            his wife Dr. Monique C. Katz].          tomorrow’s leaders.”
program in Physician Assistant       provost at Yeshiva University and         He also served as a member of the
(PA) Studies.                        dean of the Katz School, stated in        Boards of Overseers for the Azrieli     Pre-PA advisor Mr. Jeffrey Mollin
                                     the press release that “Physician         Graduate School of Jewish Educa-        shared his excitement with the YU
The announcement described some assistants have been heroes serv-              tion and Administration as well as      Observer stating, “Physician as-
of the details of the program. The   ing on the front lines during the         the Chair of the Board of Over-         sistant is the second most popular
Katz School explained that that      COVID crisis.” Russo continued            seers of the Bernard Revel Gradu-       field, next to nursing, in my areas
students can complete the master’s to explain that “PAs graduating             ate School of Jewish Studies.”          of advisement (OT, PT, nursing
studies in 28 months and that the    from the Katz School will bring                                                   and PA) and this is a great oppor-
program “will feature comprehen- that same commitment to improv-               The Katzes played a crucial role        tunity for our students. The occu-
sive clinical rotations in behav-    ing patient care and ensuring ac-         in the development of The Katz          pational therapy doctoral program
ioral health, emergency medicine,    cess to high-quality health care in       School of Science and Health. The       at Katz is off to a strong start in its
family medicine, general surgery,    every medical and surgical setting        email sent to the YU community          first year and I expect the PA pro-
internal medicine, pediatrics, pri-  nationwide.”                              continued to explain that “The          gram to have a similarly successful
mary care and women’s health.”                                                 family’s most recent major gift         launch in fall 2021.”
                                     This new program comes after the          launched the Katz School, which
The Katz School also emphasised      recent passing of Dr. Mordecai D.         created new portals of entry into
the important role of physician as- Katz, after whom the Katz School           Yeshiva University for students of
sistants and stated that “as medical was named. In an email sent to            our community. The Katzes also

  SOY Releases a Petition Against Canvassing Committee’s Election Candi-
    date Requirements; Court Rules in Favor of Canvassing Committee
      By Fruma Landa,                  Defending the practice, Can-            eligible for the position they seek     allow candidates at least five days
       Editor in Chief                 vassing Committee Chairman              to run for.” Poppers explained to       to submit a petition signed by
                                       Dovie Soloman stated to the YU          the YU Observer that “according         one-third of the body they wish to
                                       Observer: “We feel the signature        to the Canvassing Committee             represent or five hundred students,
        SOY President Akiva Pop-       process weeds out the committed         itself, students who submit in-         whichever is less. Only candidates
pers, on behalf of SOY, submitted      candidates and therefore ensures a      tent-to-run forms are prospective       who submit valid petitions may
a petition against the Canvass-        better Student Government for the       candidates, and not candidates.”        have their names printed on the
ing Committee (SOY v. Yeshiva          upcoming year. There is no per-         However, the court ruled that the       ballots,” the signature requirement
University Canvassing Commit-          fect system but as the CC, our job      “distinction between ‘prospective       is constitutional.
tee) to the Wilf Student Court on      is to try to find the right balance     candidates’ and ‘candidates’ does
April 16. The petition contested       and we are happy with the Court         not                                     Lastly, the petition argues that this
the Canvassing Committee’s (CC)        ruling which allows us to continue      have any basis in the Constitu-         requirement is discriminatory, thus
signature/paper requirement which      to do our job and focus on making       tion,” and that candidate refers to a   violating the Constitutional com-
“must be submitted by all students     the election process as smooth as       student’s pre-election status.          mitment “to improve the quality of
who submit ‘Intent to Run’ forms,”     possible.”                                                                      life for all undergraduate male stu-
before they can appear on the                                                                                          dents.” “[O]n-campus prospective
student government ballot, as per      On April 22, the court released         The second argument brought             candidates ‘must’ submit a petition
section 1, D. in the CC’s docu-        their unanimous decision: “The          forth is that “the CC does not have     with 1/3 of students they wish to
ment titled “Election Rules Spring     requirement to submit a petition        the right to determine candidacy.”      represent, and off-campus pro-
2021.”                                 with signatures does not violate        Rather, “The CC is charged with         spective candidates ‘must’ submit
                                       the [Wilf Campus Undergraduate          ensuring that all candidates meet       a 750-1500 word paper, thereby
“The Canvassing Committee’s            Student] Constitution. The Can-         all qualifications as laid out in the   making it … harder for on-cam-
requirements for prospective           vassing Committee has the ability       Constitution.” While the CC is          pus students running for positions
candidates off-campus to write a       to set rules for elections so long as   responsible for making sure that        requiring hundreds of signatures,
750-1500 word paper, and those         those rules do not conflict with the    “students running for positions         than it is for off-campus students
on-campus to get signatures from       Constitution. All students seeking      meet their respective requirements      running for the same positions,” as
1/3 of the students whom they          office in the Wilf Campus Student       … and … disqualifying candidates        explained in the petition. The court
wish to represent, in addition to      Government are considered candi-        who violate election rules or fail to   ruled this to be non-discriminatory
being ludicrous and discriminatory     dates and must adhere to the rules      meet the respective Constitutional      as the Canvassing Committee has
in nature, is unconstitutional as      set forth by the Constitution and       requirements,” they cannot deter-       the right to require a paper peti-
well,” shared Poppers with the YU      Canvassing Committee.”                  mine a candidate’s eligibility. Only    tion, instead of a signature peti-
Observer.                                                                      the student court can determine         tion, from off-campus students to
                                       The first argument in the peti-         eligibility, he explains, as upheld     ensure a fair election.
SOY believes “that students who        tion states that “The Constitution      in the 2018 Yeshiva Student Union
submit ‘Intent to Run’ forms but       makes clear that the CC has the         ET AL. V. Canvassing Committee          The court’s complete decision can
do not fulfill this requirement can-   right to disqualify candidates who      case. The court ruled that in line      be found here.
not be disqualified from appearing     violate election rules, [ … ] stu-      with the Constitution which states
on the ballot solely on the basis of   dents are not candidates until they     “Following the official meeting,
not fulfilling said requirement.”      have been informed that they are        the Canvassing Committee must
Embracing The Feminine As Part Of Feminism - YU Observer's
Iyar 5781 ~ April 2021                                                NEWS                                                                      PAGE 7

               YU Students’ And Employees’ Personal
             Information Hacked And Released Publicly

      By Erica Rachel Sultan,            it has been found out by a YU         The hackers’ website, which will      that requires a credit check. If you
           News Editor                   student’s personal investiga-         not be linked for privacy rea-        decide not to place a credit freeze,
                                         tion. The hackers have a file of      sons of the victims, has received     at least consider placing a fraud
                                         every YU student, faculty and         15,000 views at the time of publi-    alert.
       On Thursday, April 1,             staff employee’s payroll infor-       cation. Also published on the site
                                       mation. Along with their emails,        is information from other higher      “Try to file your taxes early - be-
all Yeshiva University students
                                       they have stolen and published          institutions that were hacked         fore a scammer can. Tax identity
received an email alert from the
                                       online personal information such        such as University of Miami           theft happens when someone uses
Information Technology Ser-
                                       as passport numbers, addresses,         and University of California. It’s    your Social Security number to
vices (ITS) which stated that the
                                       social security numbers, and bank       important to note that there has      get a tax refund or a job. Respond
department is investigating a
                                       account numbers of over 50 em-          been a series of security breaches    right away to letters from the IRS.
hacking incident involving their
                                       ployees. The YU technical direc-        beginning in December 2020.
former third-party vendor, Accel-
                                       tor, information security manager       Accellion Inc. quietly did repairs    “Don’t believe anyone who calls
lion, Inc. Accellion Inc. is used by
                                       and information security analyst        on their systems in December and      and says you’ll be arrested unless
institutions to transfer important
                                       were among those whose person-          January, but have been hacked         you pay for taxes or debt - even
files safely online. According to
                                       al data has been published online.      since the repairs in March and        if they have part or all of your
the company’s site, their goals
                                       Further, one published online file      April. Accellion Inc. has repeat-     Social Security number, or they
are to “1. Coordinate and control
                                       contained confidential admissions       edly stated within the past year      say they’re from the IRS.
risky third-party communications,
                                       information about acceptances           that its File Transfer Appliance      Continue to check your credit
2. Monitor sensitive files shared
                                       and rejections, the YU Observer         (FTA) system has been reaching        reports at annualcreditreport.com.
with customers, suppliers, and
                                       learned.                                the end of its life. In a statement   You can order a free report from
partners, and 3. Protect data with
                                                                               from March 1, Accellion Inc.          each of the three credit reporting
uniform security and compli-
                                       One student employee whose in-          CEO Jonathan Yaron stated,            agencies once a year.”
ance.” YU, upon learning of the
                                       formation has been published on         “Since becoming aware of these
breach, discontinued its use of
                                       the hackers’ site, and who wishes       attacks, our team has been work-      Furthermore, if one’s debit or
Accellion Inc. and has launched
                                       to remain anonymous, frustrat-          ing around the clock to develop       credit card information was
an investigation. While the in-
                                       edly stated, “This is not the first     and release patches that resolve      exposed, one should “Contact
vestigation continues, it has been
                                       time I’ve had a problem with            each identified FTA vulnerability,    your bank or credit card company
concluded that an unauthorized
                                       YU. I’m sick of it and I’m very         and support our customers affect-     to cancel your card and request
party exploited the company and
                                       disappointed. And I hope that this      ed by this incident.”                 a new one. Review your trans-
has stolen important university
                                       doesn’t happen to anyone else.”                                               actions regularly. Make sure no
files containing personal infor-
                                                                               The Federal Trade Commission’s        one misused your card. If you
mation of many within the YU
                                       The YU Observer also reached            website, identitytheft.gov, states    find fraudulent charges, call the
                                       out to another victim, who wishes       the following in the case where       fraud department and get them
                                       to remain anonymous, and told us        one’s Social Security Number          removed. If you have automatic
Many students received spam
                                       that the head of communications         (SSN) or Employer Identification      payments set up, update them
emails from the hackers, demand-
                                       of YU reached out to them right         Number (EIN) was exposed: “If         with your new card number.
ing they pay ransom because their
                                       before Passover, offering them          a company responsible for expos-      Check your credit report at annu-
personal financial information
                                       a free year trial of Experian, a        ing your information offers you       alcreditreport.com.”
has been stolen. One specifically
                                       credit monitoring company. The          free credit monitoring, take ad-
stated, “Good morning, your net-
                                       trial will protect their identity and   vantage of it. Get your free credit   Lastly, in the case that one’s bank
work has been hacked… We have
                                       watch out for any suspicious acts       reports from annualcreditreport.      account was exposed, one should
a website where we publish news
                                       happening. When asked if they           com, and check for any accounts       “Contact your bank to close the
and stolen files from companies
                                       have received any more messages         or charges you don’t recognize.       account and open a new one. Re-
that have refused to cooperate…
                                       from the hackers or from random         You can order a free report from      view your transactions regularly
If you ignore this message, we
                                       people, as their information is         each of the three credit bureaus      to make sure no one misused your
will start publishing your data
                                       posted on the hackers website,          once a year.”                         account. If you find fraudulent
on our website- first screenshots,
                                       they responded that they have not                                             charges or withdrawals, call the
then files, as well as mailing to
                                       received any more messages.             One should also “Consider plac-       fraud department and get them
our list of journalists and your
                                                                               ing a free credit freeze. A credit    removed. If you have automatic
clients and employees. P.S. Our
                                       YU has since sent letters to those      freeze makes it harder for some-      payments set up, update them
task is not to harm, but to make
                                       whose information has been              one to open a new account in          with your new bank account
                                       hacked but not published online.        your name. If you place a freeze,     information. Check your credit
                                       In the letter, YU offers students a     you’ll have to lift the freeze        report at annualcreditreport.com.”
YU employees have turned out to
                                       free year trial of Experian.            before you apply for a new credit
be one of the most vulnerable as
                                                                               card or cell phone - or any service

                             Good Luck on Finals!!!!
                           -The YU Observer Staff 2021
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IYAR 5781 ~ APRIL 2021                                                 PAGE 8

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PAGE 9   IYAR 5781
Embracing The Feminine As Part Of Feminism - YU Observer's
PAGE 10                                                          FEATURES                                                   IYAR 5781 ~ APRIL 2021

                               Club Profile: Health Education For
                                       Students Society
 By Bina Davidson On Behalf            resources to students.                   happens at an appointment with a       what you’re passionate about.
      Of Features Staff                What was your pull to get in-            gynecologist.                          Starting a club like HESS, which
                                       volved in the club?: Before start-       What are some plans you have           deals with such a sensitive range
                                       ing this club, we had both had con-      for this semester/future semes-        of topics, was definitely not easy.
                                       versations with our peers on Beren       ters?: In the fall semester, we are    After months of planning, we got
        Each month, the YU Ob-         Campus in which it had become            hoping to organize a period prod-      HESS approved, brought together a
server aims to highlight one club
                                       overtly clear that many people           uct drive at Stern to complement       board, organized events, and we’re
available to the YU undergraduate
                                       in our lives are dating, engaged,        our period poverty awareness event     proud to be looking back on a year
community. For the February issue,
                                       or even married and still missing        this past semester. We are also        of amazing HESS events and look-
the YU Observer is highlighting
                                       key aspects of reproductive health       hoping to expand our club with a       ing to the future. If you care about
“Health Education for Students
                                       knowledge. Over the summer, we           branch on the Wilf Campus run by       bringing a cause to fruition, take
Society (HESS)”
                                       spread a confidential survey around      Wilf students!                         action! It might be difficult and
                                       among YU students to learn more          What is your favorite OSL-pro-         you might not always get 100%
Club Name: Health Education for
                                       about their reproductive health ed-      vided food for club events?:           approval from those around you,
Students Society (HESS)
                                       ucation backgrounds. Almost 70%          Unfortunately, HESS has not yet        but it only takes one person to start
Heads: Shayna Herszage & Sarah
                                       of YU students reported that they        had the chance to run an on-cam-       something new.
                                       never had an adequate sexual and         pus event. For now, however,           Anything else to say about your
Relevant Campus(es): Beren —
                                       reproductive health education in         our favorite event food is what-       club: For those interested in join-
but hoping to expand!
                                       their schooling. This is problematic     ever snacks people bring to their      ing HESS’s board (SCW) for the
What is your club’s mission
                                       because sexual health doesn’t start      screens.                               2021-2022 year, apply here:
statement?: Health Education for
                                       or stop with sexual activity, and as     With COVID, how is your club           https://forms.gle/
Students Society aims to educate
                                       it is relevant to everyone regardless    adjusting?: On one hand, virtual       UFR9Fqw53QRYjbCm7
students about sexual and repro-
                                       of marital status, we decided to         events have been a difficult experi-
ductive health and well-being on
                                       make this club to start addressing       ence because they may sometimes        For those interested in starting
both physical and mental levels.
                                       these issues.                            feel impersonal. However, we have      HESS’s brother branch on the Wilf
Why is this club important?:
                                       What are some things your club           found some upsides as well. For        Campus, apply here: https://forms.
Issues of consent, sexual hygiene,
                                       has done in the past?: This year,        example, we feel that the virtual      gle/bbJad6CsXizhTRqH7
STDs and vaccinations are kept
                                       we’ve been so lucky to have an           platform has been able to help
under the rug for fear of provoking
                                       amazing board and an incredible          people feel comfortable attending      Are you a YU undergraduate club
sexual activity, when these topics
                                       set of events as our club has gotten     events they might not attend in        head interested in seeing your club
desperately need to be addressed
                                       off the ground. Our events have          person. Making sure a HESS event       featured in a future edition? Email
and can save and change lives.
                                       addressed topics such as the human       is a safe space is so important in     us at theyuobserver@gmail.com
Therefore, HESS is important
                                       papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine,           order for students to be able to       with your club name and the names
because it aims to break the silence
                                       period poverty, development of           learn more about these topics.         of the club heads!
around sexual health and bring
                                       gender and sexual identity, con-         What is your advice to someone
awareness to students by connect-
                                       traception options and halakha,          looking to get involved on cam-
ing them with physicians, hosting
                                       infertility, sexual assault, and what    pus?: Don’t be afraid to go after
informative events, and providing

                            Staff Writer Profiles: Leia Rubinstein
                                       two roommates.                          classes.
    By Bina Davidson On Be-            Currently reading: “The Vanishing       What’s a quote/thought/or piece
      half Of Features Staff           Half                                    of advice you have for your
                                       Currently watching: Schitt’s Creek      fellow students?: My advice is to
                                       Currently listening to: Acapella!       take advantage of everything YU
        Each month, the YU             Favorite way to social distance         has to offer and not to let college
Observer aims to highlight some        with friends: Getting iced coffees      pass you by!
of the YU undergraduate students       together.
who have written articles for us.      Any cool things you’ve done/            See some of Leia’s past articles
For the April edition, the YU          hobbies you’ve picked up over the       here:
Observer is highlighting Leia          COVID-19 pandemic?: I’ve been           https://yuobserver.org/2021/03/
Rubinstein.                            taking lots of walks.                   jscreen-genetic-testing-just-got-
Name: Leia Rubinstein                  What do you miss most about             easy/
College: SCW                           your pre-COVID-19 life?: Hang-          https://yuobserver.org/2021/02/
Major: Biochemistry                    ing out with friends in a normal        the-role-of-dippin-dots-in-covid-
Year: Sophomore                        way!                                    relief/
Where are you for the COVID-19         What is your favorite thing about
pandemic? With Whom?: I am             YU?: I love that there are so many
living in the Stern dorms with my      ways to get involved outside of
IYAR 5781 ~ APRIL 2021                                             FEATURES                                                                        PAGE 11
                                                                                                                                                    PAGE 6

                              Staff Writer Profiles: Jake Sheckter
    By Bina Davidson On Be-            home in Edmonton, Alberta, Cana-          I also got scuba-diving certified        advice you have for your fel-
      half Of Features Staff           da. Recently living in New Provi-         recently. I also started getting more    low students?: Break things into
                                       dence, The Bahamas.                       involved with the stock market and       smaller, manageable chunks. At
                                       With Whom?: My family.                    ended up co-founding the Yeshi-          some point, you will most likely
       Each month, the YU              Currently reading: The Peace-
                                       maker’s Code by Deepak Malho-
                                                                                 va University Stock Exchange
                                                                                 (YUSE). I am now the President of
                                                                                                                          get stressed or feel overloaded.
                                                                                                                          Take a couple minutes to breathe
Observer aims to highlight some
of the YU undergraduate stu-           tra.                                      the club and it has become one of        and relax yourself, and slowly
dents who have written articles        Currently watching: The Falcon            YU’s largest clubs on/off campus.        break up the things you need to do
for us. For the April edition, the     and The Winter Soldier                    What do you miss most about              into small, manageable chunks.
YU Observer is highlighting Jake       Currently listening to: Pink              your pre-COVID-19 life?: Prob-           Just take it one thing at a time,
Sheckter.                              Floyd (most likely).                      ably the interactions with friends,      the important thing is to make it
                                       Favorite way to social distance           and living in New York.                  something reasonable that you can
Name: Jake Sheckter                    with friends: Go for drives,              What is your favorite thing              achieve, not large and daunting.
College: Sy Syms School of Busi-       walks, hikes, just spending time          about YU?: There are so many
ness                                   outside.                                  ways to get involved. So many            See some of Jake’s past articles
Major: Entrepreneurship/Manage-        Any cool things you’ve done/              clubs, organizations, and groups.        here:
ment                                   hobbies you’ve picked up over             There’s a place for everyone. And        https://yuobserver.org/2021/03/
Year: Currently Junior, Graduating     the COVID-19 pandemic?: I                 if you see the need for something        bmpl-biting-off-more-than-we-
Spring 2022                            picked up a bit of gardening and          new, it isn’t very difficult to make     can-chew/
Where are you for the                  began spending more time read-            it happen.                               https://yuobserver.org/2021/02/
COVID-19 pandemic? I was               ing, writing, and taking pictures.        What’s a quote/thought/piece of          wall-street-vs-the-internet/

         Daf Yomi At Beren: The Responsibilities Of Those
                         With Privilege
                                       considered a sinner, as they are          ing approximately 20% of their tax       munity, and it is the responsibility
    By Shayna Herszage,                obligated like all other Jews.”           obligations. Upon examination of         of every individual within the
     Managing Editor                          This portion of Shekalim           the actions and inactions of those       community to do what they can to
                                       dictates that priests, like the rest of   in positions of power, it is clear       find a solution.
                                       the nation, are obligated to give an      that many are shirking their obli-               Just as the privileged group
      The presence of social hi-       annual half-shekel (coin) donation        gations and responsibilities toward      in the era of the Temple was held
erarchies is an almost unavoidable     to the Temple, despite the fact that      the community.                           accountable, it is important to hold
constant. Across cultures, hierar-     they often have a different set of               Beyond monetary duties, it        modern-day groups of privileged
chies are formed based on factors      obligations and exemptions due to         is important to also consider the        individuals responsible for con-
such as age, education, income and     their status as priests.                          responsibilities of those        tributing to the wellbeing of the
ancestry. Along with each hier-               It is not uncommon                         privileged individuals when      greater community. On a monetary
archy comes the same question:                                                                                            level, the government must en-
what are the community obliga-                                                                                            sure that those in economic pow-
                                         Injustice is evidence of a systemic problem within a                             er make adequate contributions
tions of those with privilege in the
“elite” groups, especially com-        community, and it is the responsibility of every individ-                          such as taxes, rather than let these
pared to those in the other groups      ual within the community to do what they can to find a                            individuals exempt themselves
within the community?                                          solution.                                                  simply because of the power that
       Mishna 1:3 in Tractate                                                                                             economic privilege grants them.
Shekalim emphasizes a common                                                                                              On a social justice level, as Leviti-
responsibility between the ko-         for people in privileged positions        it comes to social justice. It is easy   cus 19:16 states, we may not stand
hanim (priests) and the rest of the    to avoid contributing to the com-         for such people to exempt them-          idly by the blood of our neigh-
nation: “Rabbi Yehuda said that        munity. On a corporate level, for         selves from participating in a fight     bors. If we exempt ourselves from
ben Bukhri testified in Yavne:         example, Amazon paid no federal           for social change that they could        communal responsibilities, we also
Any priest who contributes the         income taxes in 2018, despite             view as being irrelevant to them.        ignore our moral obligations to the
half-shekel is not considered a sin-   being a company that makes                However, we all — regardless of          world around us.
ner, despite the fact that he is not   hundreds of billions of dollars per       privilege or lack thereof — must
obligated to do so. Rabbi Yehuda       year. Additionally, research by           understand that injustice for even
added that Rabban Yoḥanan ben          John Guyton, Patrick Langetieg,           one community member is also
Zakkai said to ben Bukhri: Not         Daniel Reck, Max Risch and Ga-            injustice for the community as a
so; rather, any priest who does        briel Zucman indicates that the top       whole. Injustice is evidence of a
not contribute the half-shekel is      1% wealthiest Americans are evad-         systemic problem within a com-
PAGE 12   IYAR 5781 ~ APRIL 2021
IYAR 5781 ~ APRIL 2021                                            FEATURES                                                                     PAGE 13

                          Through The Fox News Looking Glass
            By Rebecca                 an eight-percent increase (from        Johnson hopes that even those who      porting misinformation regarding
             Couzens                   12 percent to 20 percent), while       disapprove of the network can re-      the legitimacy of the election. In
                                       Republicans had an insignificant       member that the employees at Fox       his article titled “Fox News Can
       A Production Assistant,         change from 10 percent to 12
                                       percent, within the last four years.
                                                                              “[are] people too.”
                                                                                      However, the judgments
                                                                                                                     Barely Admit the Capitol Riot Is
                                                                                                                     a Story,” Justin Peters, a “Slate”
who wishes to go under the alias
of “Kate Johnson,” stood on the        Unfortunately, the study found that    made about Fox News are not            correspondent and “Columbia
New York City streets, shocked         the likeliness of befriending some-    without justification, and the         Journalism Review” contributing
and embarrassed following a rude       one with differing political views     network is becoming less popular       editor, criticized the views por-
awakening that made her realize        did not increase for any group,        and less trusted by the younger        trayed on the Fox News segment
her job welcomed the judgment of       demonstrating that tolerance levels    generation. “Americans ages [sic]      “Fox and Friends.” One of the
those who knew nothing about her.      between parties have been dimin-       65 and older account for around        show’s co-hosts, Brian Kilmeade,
The words “shame on you” echoed        ishing over time.                      four-in-ten of those who say their     expressed his concerns over big
in her head, said by an old wom-               Johnson is one example of      main source is Fox News (37 per-       tech companies’ classification of
an scolding Johnson, after seeing      someone caught in the trenches of      cent), compared with 21 percent of     former President Trump as danger-
where the Production Assistant         the current heated political cli-      all adults,” a 2020 Pew Research       ous, in addition to Google’s Janu-
worked. Johnson was asking New         mate. Her job at Fox News attracts     Center study found. The same           ary shutdown of the microblogging
York pedestrians questions for a       unsolicited judgments and opin-        study also shows that 61 percent of    and networking app Parler “be-
segment that would later air on        ions from complete strangers who       Democrats and Democratic-lean-         cause they decided they didn’t like
television. However, after this in-    are oblivious to the fact                     ing Independents distrust       it.” To this, Peters responded in his
cident, she realized she might need    that Johnson strives to                       Fox News for political          article: “This deadly riot was pre-
to get a new microphone to use                                                                                       ceded by two months of lies about
                                                                                                                     a ‘stolen’ election, told by Trump
for interviews, one that does not        The growing issue of confirmation bias continues to
display her place of employment                                                                                      and a cross-section of his enablers,
                                        control American society, only showing consumers one                         as well as literally decades of
in bold uppercase letters: FOX
NEWS. When I sat down to speak
                                        side of the story, which is the side they already agree                      scaremongering from Kilmeade’s
with Johnson, I could still hear the                              with.                                              employer about the character and
shock in her voice while recalling                                                                                   intentions of the Democratic Party
the occurrence.                                                                                                      and the mainstream media.”
        In recent years, the media     maintain a moderate view on news       coverage. Fox News is thus one                  Johnson recalled that emo-
has become more polarized than         and politics. “It hit me; it made me   of the networks at the heart of        tional day of the Capitol riot: “In
ever before. With political tensions   so embarrassed. [...] I think I was    America’s polarization. With the       [this] entire year there’s been chaos
rising significantly in 2020, along    just so taken aback that someone       extremist narratives that are some-    and backlash and fighting and
with the detrimental effects of        would just judge me right off the      times preached on the network,         protests of all kinds, but that kind
social media algorithms, it is easy    bat from the place that I work at,”    many assume that all Fox News          of just hit me [when] people [were]
to judge others solely based on        Johnson said while recalling her       viewers are unsympathetic, radical     fighting our Capitol. That is the
their political parties. The growing   encounter with the old woman.          zealots who praised Trump for his      definition of democracy is being
issue of confirmation bias contin-     After the incident, Johnson stopped    victories without acknowledging        fought.” Johnson believed that day
ues to control American society,       sharing where she worked, since        or criticizing his downfalls. This     signified that the country was in
only showing consumers one side        she did not know how those around      assumption is in part likely due to    shambles. “It was hard for me to
of the story, which is the side they   her would react. She expressed         the controversial stances that some    watch, and it was very emotional,
already agree with. A 2020 sur-        the need for people to be remind-      Fox News anchors took when             I think, for many journalists work-
vey conducted by YouGov aimed          ed that Fox News is composed of        discussing the results of the 2020     ing that day. [...] Ultimately, it just
to discover how likely it was for      different types of people who do       presidential election. Reporters       made me feel for those who are in
the members of each major polit-       not all share the same opinions and    were stating that former President     pain this year, and I’m just hopeful
ical party to be friends with those    ideologies that are often promoted     Donald Trump had the election sto-     that we can move forward honestly
who had opposing political views.      on the network. “Fox is not just       len from him, which most Ameri-        under this new administration. I’m
Twenty-four percent of Demo-           one small entity; it’s not just one    cans view as a conspiracy.             just hopeful that we can have a
crats said they are not friends with   person making a decision — it’s a               This allegation led to a      better America and a better, more
anyone who holds very different        huge company. There are so many        $2.7-billion lawsuit conducted by      unified country, because ultimately
political opinions from their own,     moving parts. […] People also          the voting technology companies        that’s what everyone wants.”
showing a 14-point increase since      forget about the little people that    Dominion and Smartmatic. Smart-
September 2016. The same study         work at Fox, people like me. Even      matic is specifically filing against            SEE FOX NEWS,
showed that Independents had           the interns, they just want to get     anchors Maria Bartiromo, Lou                        PAGE 15
                                       their foot out there…” Overall,        Dobbs and Jeanine Pirro for sup-
PAGE 14                                                            FEATURES                                               IYAR 5781 ~ APRIL 2021
                                                                                                                                                PAGE 6

                       Moadim L’simchah: A Banner Of Love,
                               A Flag Of Purpose
   By Benjamin Gottesman, Arts            word dagul means “elevated             ones in the desert — are literal,     mitzvah (commandment), she
       And Culture Editor                 like a flag.” It is interesting that   not metaphorical. Malbim (Rav         reveals HaShem’s presence in this
                                          throughout Sefer Bamidbar flags        Meir Leibush ben Yechiel Michel       world, thereby achieving a new
                                          are used to describe the Israel-       Wisser, 1809-1879) explains the       sublime reality. The flag is thus a
          Much of Parshas Bam-            ites, yet here the Hebrew term         significance of these flags.          constant reminder of HaShem’s
  idbar (weekly Torah portion of        is used to describe HaKadosh                    “At the time of lifting the    existence.
  Numbers) focuses on the arrange-      Baruch Hu (God).                         flag for war, it will be called in           It is now apparent why
  ment of the Israelite camp in the             Elsewhere in Shir                HaShem’s name, for HaShem             the Israelite encampments were
  desert. The tribes were arranged      HaShirim, HaShem responds to             is the General of the army Who        referred to as flags. If it were not
  in a specific order based on a Di-    Israel (6:4, 10): “You are beauti-       walks in the front, and the flag is   for the flags of HaShem wav-
  vine decree. This commandment         ful, my darling, as Tirzah, comely       called in His name, and we con-       ing overhead, they would have
  is introduced as follows (Num-        as Jerusalem, awesome as “nidga-         tinue after the flag.”                been no more than another mass
  bers 2:2):                            los”… Who is she that shines                    The flag is much more than     of desert nomads, wandering in
          The Israelites shall camp     through like the dawn, beautiful         a piece of cloth. It is a rallying    search of a faraway land. It was
  each with his flag, under the         as the moon, radiant as the sun,         point that inspires courage and       precisely their relationship with
  banners of their ancestral house;     awesome as “nidgalos”?”                  strength. The flag is the symbol      HaShem — cultivated through
  they shall camp around the Tent               HaShem in turn uses the          that represents the general for       awareness and action — that
  of Meeting at a distance.             flag metaphor to laud His beloved        whom the soldiers fight. It is a      elevated them into a people with
          HaShem (God) ordains          nation. This further mud-                        proud reminder of the         a purpose. When referring to
  that each tribe must raise a spe-     dles the mystery. Chazal                         purpose of the battle. The    this holy entity, it is only fitting
  cial flag, bearing its own unique                                                                                    that they are described using the
  insignia, over their camp. These                                                                                     article that embodied their sacred
                                          This expression of love and closeness is marked for                          greatness: the flag.
  flags litter the parsha, appearing
  a total of six times. These flags
                                         eternity by the flag that flew above the Israelite camp,                             Shlomo HaMelech refers
  are not insignificant; throughout      loudly exclaiming that HaShem presides over the na-                           to the flags one other time in Shir
  the parsha, and the rest of Sefer        tion and that the nation, in turn, looks toward Him                         HaShirim. Bnei Yisrael describes
  Bamidbar (Book of Numbers),                                                                                          their encounter with “the Lover,”
                                                                lovingly.                                              HaShem, as follows (Song of
  the camps of Israel are described
  as “flags.” Amazingly, the word                                                                                      Songs 2:4): “He brought me to
  “degel” (flag), which appears         (our Sages) state explicitly (Trac-      Psalmist is describing a victorious   the house of wine and his banner
  13 times in this sefer (book), is     tate Brachos 33) that one must           group of soldiers rallying around     of love was over me.”
  never mentioned in any of the         be extraordinarily careful while         the flag of HaShem, paying trib-             The Midrash explains
  other books of the Torah. In fact,    praising HaShem, only using the          ute to their Leader and Source of     (Bamidbar Rabbah 2:3): “HaSh-
  outside of Sefer Bamidbar the         terms found in the liturgy. Choos-       guidance. The flag is the reminder    em desired greatly that the Isra-
  root word degel only appears          ing words to describe HaShem is          that the Jewish people have a         elites would establish flags in the
  five other times in all of Tanach     no small matter, and yet the same        purpose beyond the mundanity of       desert… so that they would be
  (Bible). It is quite apparent that    term used to describe HaKadosh           everyday life.                        distinguished. How do we know
  the word degel/flag is inextricably   Baruch Hu is also used to praise                Shlomo HaMelech (King          that this was out of love for Isra-
  linked to the nature of the Jewish    Am Yisrael (the Nation of Israel).       Solomon) calls HaShem “elevat-        el? For Shlomo HaMelech wrote:
  camp. The obvious question is                 To understand the true           ed like a flag” because HaShem,       ‘He brought me to the house of
  why. Why are the encampments          nature of “degel,” the following         like a banner, is raised over the     wine and his banner of love was
  known by the pretty pictures          verse from the Psalmist must be          nation, serving as their source of    over me.’ Rabbi Abahu taught:
  hanging above them? Why are           analyzed (Psalms 20:6): “May we          awe and hope. Shlomo then de-         What is this analogous to? To a
  flags needed in the first place?      shout for joy in your victory, ar-       scribes the nation as using flags,    wealthy man who has a store-
          The emblem enigma only        rayed by flags in the name of our        since the thing that makes the        house full of wine and he goes to
  deepens when one examines             God. May the LORD fulfill your           nation unique and praiseworthy        inspect it and finds that they [the
  the word degel as it appears          every wish.”                             is their unique relationship with     barrels] are all [full of] vinegar;
  in context throughout the rest                In this pasuk (verse), the       HaShem. What makes the Jewish         as he goes to leave the storehouse
  of Tanach. Shlomo HaMelech            flag is ascribed to both HaShem          people different from the great       and finds one barrel of good wine,
  describes HaShem in Chapter           and his people when the Bnei             conglomeration of other people        he exclaims: ‘this barrel stands
  5 verse 10 of Shir HaShirim           Yisrael (the Children of Israel)         is their acknowledgment of the        for me like a full storehouse!’
  (Song of Songs): “My beloved is       triumphantly display flags that          divine flag: when a Jew looks out     Similarly, HaKadosh Baruch
  clear-skinned and ruddy, “dagul”      are meant to honor HaKadosh              upon the world and realizes the       Hu created seventy nations, and
  among ten thousand.”                  Baruch Hu. Interestingly, unlike         presence of HaKadosh Baruch
                                        in the pesukim (verses) from Shir        Hu, that person achieves unique         SEE MOADIM L’SIMCHAH,
          Rav Avraham Ibn Ezra
                                        HaShirim, these flags — like the         greatness; when a Jew does a                   PAGE 15
  (1089-1167) explains that the
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