Tech Monitor Asia-Pacific -

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Tech Monitor Asia-Pacific -
Strengthening innovation-driven inclusive and sustainable development


Tech Monitor                          Vol. 35 No. 3   Jul - Sep 2018

Financing innovation in Asia and the Pacific

                                          • Technology News and Events
                                         • Tech Ventures & Opportunities
                                                       • Business Coach
Tech Monitor Asia-Pacific -
The Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (APCTT), a subsidiary body of ESCAP, was established on 16 July
1977 with the objectives to: assist the members and associate members of ESCAP through strengthening their capabilities
to develop and manage national innovation systems; develop, transfer, adapt and apply technology; improve the terms of
transfer of technology; and identify and promote the development and transfer of technologies relevant to the region.
The Centre will achieve the above objectives by undertaking such functions as:
   n   Research and analysis of trends, conditions and opportunities;
   n   Advisory services;
   n   Dissemination of information and good practices;
   n   Networking and partnership with international organizations and key stakeholders; and
   n   Training of national personnel, particularly national scientists and policy analysts.

                        The shaded areas of the map indicate ESCAP members and associate members
Tech Monitor Asia-Pacific -
Tech Monitor
Vol. 35 No. 3 v Jul - Sep 2018

  The Asia-Pacific Tech Monitor is a quarterly
                                                        Introductory Note                                             2
  periodical of the Asian and Pacific Centre for
   Transfer of Technology (APCTT) that brings
      you up-to-date information on trends in           Technology Market Scan                                        3
        technology transfer and development,
   technology policies, and new products and            Technology Scan: Renewable Energy Technologies                8
       processes. The Yellow Pages feature the
 Business Coach for innovative firms, as well as        Special Theme: Financing innovation in Asia and the
               technology offers and requests.

                                   Editorial Board        •   Financing innovation in the Asia-Pacific
                             Ms. Michiko Enomoto              Challenges and enabling mechanisms                      13
                               Dr. Satyabrata Sahu
                   Dr. Krishnan Srinivasaraghavan
                                                              KyungJin Hyung

                                                          •   Bridging the ‘Gap’ – Funding solutions for the future
             FOR TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY                       A Malaysia perspective                                  17
                  C-2, Qutab Institutional Area
                              Post Box No. 4575               Rofina Yasmin Othman, Nurzatil Sharleeza Jalaluddin
                      New Delhi 110 016, India
                         Tel: +91-11-3097 3700
                                                          •   Selected Innovation programmes and funds in
                        Fax: +91-11-2685 6274                 Asia and the Pacific                                    21
              E-mail:           Tech Events                                                   23

                Opinions expressed by the authors
                                                        Tech Ventures & Opportunities                                 24
                are not necessarily those of APCTT.
                                                          Business Coach
                   The designation employed and
                the presentation of material in the
                      publication do not imply the
                                                              •   Start-up Venture Creation                           25
              endorsement of any product, process             •   Technology Transfer                                 28
                        or manufacturer by APCTT.
                                                              •   Venture Financing                                   31
          The contents of the Tech Monitor may be             •   Managing Innovation                                 35
       reproduced in part or whole without change,
           provided that the Tech Monitor and the
                                                              •   Green Productivity                                  38
             authors concerned are credited as the
                  source and a voucher copy of the
                                                          Tech Opportunities
              publication that contains the quoted            •   Technology Offers                                   42
                           material is sent to APCTT.
                                                              •   Technology Requests                                 46
                   This publication has been issued
                            without formal editing.

                                  ISSN: 0256-9957
Introductory note

                             F  inance plays a critical role in developing and harnessing technological
                                innovations. Adequate level of finance allows researchers, startups and
                             small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to conduct research, early stage com-
                             mercialization, and scaling up their innovations. Based on specific financing
                             needs, several financing stages are distinguished, such as research & devel-
                             opment (R&D), early stage commercialization (seed, startup), and expansion
                             & scale up.
                              The problems of accessing finance at diverse stages of innovation and tech-
nology commercialization vary as per their specific characteristics. The R&D stage involves uncertain-
ties associated with research outputs, and most of R&D spending going as wages and salaries of skilled
workforce. At early commercialization stage, traditional financial institutions like banks exercise caution
to lend startups and SMEs due to the higher level of risk involved. Moreover, these financial institutions
usually lack the capacity to understand and appreciate the potential of new and innovative technologies.
At the expansion stage, the enterprises may face operational issues for scaling up, diversifying product
portfolio, and improving cost-effectiveness as the scale increases over time.
In view of these constraints, the startups and SMEs would require innovative types of financing tools to
meet their needs as they progress from early commercialization to the expansion phases. While public
finance is considered crucial for the R&D stage, business angels play a vital role at the early commercial-
ization and startup phases. With venture capital firms increasingly focusing on later-stage enterprises,
this source of funding is critical for expansion and scaling-up of innovative businesses. At the expansion
stage, Intellectual Property(IP)-based financing (i.e. pledging IPs as collateral for bank lending) is emerg-
ing as an innovative funding instrument.
Technologically advanced countries in Asia and the Pacific have adopted innovative tools and instru-
ments to provide finance at various stages of innovation and commercialization. These include innovative
public funding schemes, soft loans, risk capital, venture capital, private equity, and angel investment.
It is imperative for the developing and least developed countries of the region to explore innovative
financing approaches to accelerate the growth of their innovative startups and SMEs.
This issue of Asia-Pacific Tech Monitor discusses the challenges, opportunities, strategies and best practices
on financing mechanisms and tools for developing and commercializing innovations in the Asia-Pacific

                                                                                           Michiko Enomoto
                                                                                         Head, APCTT-ESCAP
Technology Market Scan
                     ASIA-PACIFIC               and unmanned convenience stores. Apple           tainable business models. The report was
                                                ranked seventh in the world at $11.5 billion,    jointly released by the National Institution
Asian companies drive growth                    a 15-fold increase over the same stretch. It     for Finance and Development, the National
in global R&D budgets                           opened a research facility in Japan last year.   Public Information Platform for Party Media
Asian companies outside Japan have more                                                          and WeBank, China’s first online-only lender.
                                                Corporate Japan’s R&D spending, mean-
than quadrupled their research and devel-       while, rose just 12%. Only 17 compa-             Back in 2016, the State Council rolled out
opment budgets in the last decade with          nies represented the nation in the top           plans to promote the country’s financial
investments in artificial intelligence and      100 budgets last year, down from 24 in           inclusion development and, in 2017, the
information technologies, spearheading          2007. Toyota slid to tenth from third after      top banking regulator released guidelines
a move into a new industrial era. South         increasing investment only 26%. Japanese         to boost large and medium-sized banks to
­Korea’s Samsung Electronics ranked third       electronics makers have actually curbed in-      set up inclusive finance divisions. To bet-
 in the world for R&D spending, quadru-         vestment, with Panasonic falling to 36 from      ter cater to the financial needs of custom-
 pling its budget since 2007. China’s Alib-     15 in the rankings and Sony to 35 from 18.       ers like blue-collar workers, self-employed
 aba said in October that it will invest $15    Electronics makers have retreated from           business and people living in remote and
 billion over the next three years to build     fields that require significant R&D costs like   undeveloped areas, industry players like
 research hubs in China, the U.S., Russia,      mobile phones and semiconductors while           Shenzhen-based private commercial
 Singapore and Israel. The spending, which      concentrating on the internet of things in-      lender WeBank have introduced various
 for a single year would be double what it      stead to narrow their budgets.                   targeted products like “micro loans.”
 spent in 2017, is aimed at accelerating re-
                                                                The amount of small loan products is set
 search in AI and the “internet of things.”
                                                                                                 between 20,000 yuan (US$2,925) and
U.S. companies increased R&D spending                                             CHINA          200,000 yuan, which does not require guar-
by 86% and are still leaders in AI and IT in-                                                    antees or collateral and can be repaid at
vestment. But the ranks of the biggest U.S.     Inclusive finance innovation                     any time. By relying on technologies such
spenders on innovation has changed as           Favorable policies and technological ad-         as big data, blockchain and cloud comput-
technology brands displace automakers           vancement have been great accelerators           ing, WeBank is able to control default risks
like General Motors and drugmakers like         for innovation in China’s inclusive finance      by gathering users’ information for credit
Pfizer. had the world’s larg-        sector during the past few years, according      assessment, making it a reality for the
est R&D budget at $22.6 billion, a 28-fold      to a recent industry report. The country’s       masses to benefit from inclusive finance.
jump from 10 years earlier. It expanded         inclusive finance industry has seen increas-
                                                                                                 Li Nanqing, president of WeBank, said that
its AI development team to 5,000 people         ingly rich products and services, more di-       inclusive finance has extensive and pro-
last year from 1,000 in 2016 as it conducts     versified participants, rapid d
                                                                              ­ evelopment       found connotations, with“equitable access”
experimental research on smart speakers         of digital financing and innovative and sus-     being its essence. Last November, the bank
                                                                                                 unveiled its first product aimed at helping
                                                                                                 small and micro businesses in Shenzhen.
                                                                                                 Ping An Puhui, a consumer finance arm
                                                                                                 of the Chinese insurance giant Ping An
                                                                                                 Group, is another front-runner in offering
                                                                                                 innovative services for financial inclusion.
                                                                                                 The company exports credit auditing and
                                                                                                 consulting services to credit providers and
                                                                                                 funders and provides diversified loan ser-
                                                                                                 vice solutions for borrowers, the report said.
                                                                                                 Technology drives economic
                                                                                                 According to Xinhua news agency, key eco-
                                                                                                 nomic indicators for this year’s January to
                                                                                                 May period showed that the Chinese econ-
                                                                                                 omy has been expanding in a steady manner
                                                                                                 with new impetus for so-called“high-quality
                                                                                                 development”. Latest economic data from
                                                                                                 the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) of

                                                                                                    TECH MONITOR • Jul-Sep 2018            3
Technology Market Scan

China showed that China’s industrial out-          half of this year, the applications for inven-     protections for the digital environment. So
put has expanded 6.8% year-on-year in May,         tion patents reached 751,000, of which             far, 96 countries have adopted the treaty; it
0.3% points higher than the same period last       217,000 have been granted, the office said.        came into force on March 6, 2002. The WIPO
year, while the figure for the first five months   Strengthened intellectual property right           Performances and Phonograms Treaty
came in at 6.9%, also faster than 2017.            (IPR) protection led to a 29.5 percent year        came into force on May 20, 2002 with 96
The sector-by-sector breakdown of the              on year increase in IPR administrative             contracting parties as its members.
NBS figures also serves to indicate changes        cases in the same period.                          WPPT provisions identify the rights of two
in the country’s economic structure and            Domestic enterprises made up the major-            kinds of beneficiaries in the digital envi-
points to emerging industries. According           ity of patent granted and owned, at 63.8           ronment:
to Mr Wen Jianwu, Head of NBS’s depart-            percent and 67.2 percent respectively.
ment of Industrial Statistics, industrial                                                             l	Performers (actors, singers, and musi-
                                                   However, China still lags behind devel-
output of high-tech and equipment man-                                                                   cians, among others); and,
                                                   oped countries in the number of patents
ufacturing sectors grew 12% and 9.3% re-                                                              l	Producers of Phonograms (sound re-
                                                   in fields such as optics, electrical appara-
spectively in the first five months of 2018.                                                             cordings).
                                                   tus, audio and video, medical technology,
NBS data also showed that the information          transportation and computers, according            WPPT recognizes the copyrights of per-
communication, software and information            to Bi Nan, an official with the office.            formers of original content and their ex-
technology services sectors registered                              clusive economic rights.
growth above 30%. At the same time, ac-
cording to Mr Zhang Liqun, researcher with                                             INDIA
the State Council’s Development Research                                                              Royalty payments for
Centee, production of new energy vehi-             WIPO internet treaties                             technology transfer
cles, integrated circuits, and robots grew         approved
                                                                                                      The government is considering restric-
by 56.7%, 17.2%, and 35.1% respectively            On July 4, India’s cabinet approved the            tions on royalty payments for technol-
in May alone. He said that these figures are       country’s accession to the WIPO Copyright          ogy transfer in view of excessive outflow
a testimony to the effectiveness of China’s        Treaty and the WIPO Performances and Pho-          of such funds to overseas companies,
ongoing supply-side structural reform.             nograms Treaty (the WIPO internet treaties).       sources said. The commerce and industry
According to Xinhua, “high-quality de-             By doing so, India will be able to provide         ministry has proposed limits on royalty
velopment means the Chinese economy                international copyright protections to local       payments in case of technology transfer or
will focus on quality and efficiency rather        creative content-makers and distributors           collaboration involving foreign entities ei-
than pace, and medium-to-high growth               in the internet and digital realm, granting        ther directly or indirectly through any firm
will feature an improved economic struc-           them exclusive economic and publishing             in India. The proposal will be circulated for
ture and new growth engines”. Fuelled by           rights. Beneficiaries include the audiovisu-       inter-ministerial views, the sources said.
rapidly expanding internet and big data            al, film, music, and literary industries. Acces-
                                                   sion to the WIPO internet treaties also levels     As per the proposal, such payments
industries, the Chinese server market has
                                                   the playing field for Indian creative rights-      should be capped at 4 per cent of domes-
become the main driving force behind
                                                   holders in other countries as it harmonizes        tic sales and 7 per cent of exports for the
a strong global recovery, with sales up
                                                   India’s intellectual property (IP) regime with     first four years; and for the next three years
67.4% year on year in the first quarter.
                                                   international standards. Since India already       the limits should be 3 per cent of local sales
Emerging service industries, led by inter-                                                            and 6 per cent of exports. For further three
                                                   protects the rights of foreign content crea-
net-related sectors, contributed 56.8% to                                                             years, these payments should be capped at
                                                   tors, the absence of reciprocal protections
the growth in service sector production                                                               2 per cent of domestic sales and 4 per cent
                                                   was hurting domestic artists.
last month, 17.9% points higher than the                                                              of exports and thereafter at 1 per cent of
same period last year, according to Mr Xu          India’s creative industry is currently pro-
                                                                                                      local sales and 2 per cent of exports. With re-
Jianyi, Head of the NBS Service Industry           jected to earn revenues worth US$25.4
                                                                                                      gard to use of trade mark and brand names,
Department.                                        billion by the end of 2018. A stronger
                                                                                                      the ministry has proposed to cap royalty
                                                   IP regime will boost industry growth and                                                                           payments at 1 per cent of sales and 2 per
                                                   safeguard local artists and content makers
                                                                                                      cent of exports of an entity. The increase in
10.6 patents per 10,000                            and distributors from losses due copyright
                                                                                                      outflow of these payments started after the
citizens                                           infringement and piracy.
                                                                                                      government liberalised the FDI policy in
Some 1.47 million patents have been reg-           The WIPO Copyright Treaty is a special             2009. It had removed the cap and permit-
istered in the Chinese mainland, or 10.6           agreement under the Berne Convention               ted Indian companies to pay royalty to their
patents for every 10,000 citizens, the State       (for protection of literary and artistic works).   technical collaborators without seeking
Intellectual Property Office said. In the first    Its provisions recognize specific copyrights       prior government approval.

4     TECH MONITOR • Jul-Sep 2018
Technology Market Scan

Royalty is paid to a foreign collabora-             locally so that they can more easily get ac-     ger vehicles and strengthen its position in
tor for transfer of technology, usage of            cess to it when conducting investigations.       the commercial vehicle segment. Mahindra
brand or trademarks. In April last year, a          India’s push for localization comes at a time    and Mahindra, the second largest in this or-
surge in royalty outflow prompted the               of heightened global scrutiny of how com-        der, has been spending in excess of Rs 10 bn
government to set up an inter-ministerial                                                            a year. However, its R&D expense dropped
                                                    panies store user data. In July, India said
group to analyse payment norms and see                                                               to Rs 19.9 bn in FY18, from Rs 20.8 bn a year
                                                    its federal police had begun probing Cam-
whether there is excessive payout by In-                                                             before. The maker of the Scorpio and XUV
                                                    bridge Analytica’s misuse of Facebook user
dian companies to foreign collaborators.                                                             5OO has a busy product pipeline ahead,
                                                    data, which New Delhi suspects included
Proposing these restrictions, the ministry                                                           as it seeks to protect its share in its core
                                                    information on Indian users. The draft re-
had argued that the curbs would help in-                                                             SUV segment and shore up investment in
                                                    port of the cloud policy panel, which is
crease the profits of domestic companies,                                                            electric vehicle technology. An e-mail sent
                                                    headed by the co-founder of Indian tech
mainly in the automobile sector, prevent                                                             to Mahindra remained unanswered till the
                                                    giant Infosys, Kris Gopalakrishnan, said a
depletion of foreign exchange reserves,                                                              time of this report.
                                                    “forward looking” data protection regime
protect interest of minority shareholders
                                                    was needed as India’s IT laws framework          Hero MotoCorp also saw its R&D expense
and increase revenue for the government.
                                                    was “not sufficient” for cloud computing.        fall, to Rs 4.9 bn in FY18 from a little over Rs
Before 2009, royalty payments were regu-                                                             7 bn in FY17, lower than any of the previ-
                                                    The Indian public cloud services market
lated by the government and capped at 8                                                              ous three years. A company spokesperson
                                                    is set to more than double to $7 billion
per cent of exports and 5 per cent domes-                                                            said this was because of an unusually high
                                                    by 2022, the draft report said. Enterprise
tic sales in the case of technology trans-                                                           level of investment in FY16 and FY17 in set-
                                                    spending on data center infrastructure
fer collaborations. They were fixed at 2 per                                                         ting up a Centre of Innovation and Tech-
                                                    software will rise 10 percent to $3.6 billion
cent of exports and 1 per cent of domestic                                                           nology (CIT) in Jaipur. “With the CIT now
                                                    in 2018, research firm Gartner estimates.
sales for use of trademark or brand name.                                                            fully operational, our R&D spend in FY18
Telecom companies too pay $15 royalty                             (came down),” he said. Hero now boasts of
for every mobile line. A single line ideally        R&D spending in automobile                       a state-of-the-art R&D facility and a glo-
supports a single call at a given point of                                                           bal team of engineers that is working on
time. Similarly, Auto major Maruti Suzuki                                                            developing a new range of products for
pays an average royalty of around 5.5 per           Automobile companies’ spending on re-            customers around the globe, he added.
cent of its net sales to its parent Suzuki.         search and development (R&D) grew 6.28
                                                    per cent in 2017-18. While this is better than
                                                    the -0.34 per cent seen in FY17, it is still a
Upcoming cloud computing                            far cry from the double-digit growth in the
policy                                              three previous years. This moderation is de-     Patent arbitration hub
A panel working on the Indian govern-               spite record sales, and changing regulations     Japan will open an international arbitra-
ment’s cloud computing policy wants data            which require more research and develop-         tion body specializing in intellectual prop-
generated in India to be stored within the          ment spends. New advanced emission, fuel         erty here in September, the first one in Asia
country, according to its draft report seen         efficiency and safety rules are to take effect   designed to facilitate resolution of a grow-
by Reuters, a proposal that could deal a blow       over the next three to four years which will     ing number of patent disputes. The spread
to global technology giants such as Ama-            require companies to develop the technol-        of the “internet of things” has led to more
zon and Microsoft who offer such services.          ogy to meet these norms. Automobile sales        clashes between companies over patents.
It could not only raise their costs because         in India are up 14 per cent to 2,49,72,788       With patents for essential communications
they will need to ramp up the number and            in 2017-18, the highest in six years. The        technology now being used by a wider
size of data storage centers in India, where        analysis is based on figures gleaned from        range of industries, the number of cases that
power costs remain high, but at least some          the financials of Tata Motors, Mahindra and      cannot be settled through dialogue is ris-
of those increases are likely to be passed          Mahindra, SML Isuzu, Ashok Leyland, Hero         ing, according to Japan’s Patent Office. The
onto customers who include everyone from            Motocorp, Bajaj Auto, Maruti Suzuki India,       organization will feature a roster of a dozen
small start-ups to large Indian corporations.       TVS Motor Company and Eicher Motors.             or so arbitrators from inside and outside Ja-
The policy will be the latest in a series of pro-   Tata Motors (excluding its UK subsidiary,        pan, including a former chief judge of a U.S.
posals that seek to spur data localization in       Jaguar Land Rover Automotive) leads in           court that hears patent cases. It will be led by
India, as the government finalizes an over-         this spending. The maker of the Tiago and        Katsuya Tamai, a University of Tokyo profes-
arching data protection law. Local data stor-       Hexa models spent almost Rs 24 bn in FY18,       sor specializing in intellectual property law.
age requirements for digital payments and           up 14 per cent over a year and its highest       Dealing with allegations of patent infringe-
e-commerce sectors are also being planned.          in at least five years. This was part of the     ment requires a deep understanding of the
The authorities want the information stored         company’s effort to turn around in passen-       value and scope of the intellectual property

                                                                                                         TECH MONITOR • Jul-Sep 2018              5
Technology Market Scan

in question. Such cases can be time-con-          the ratio of renewable energy resources,            various corporate R&D labs and institutes of
suming for a court or an arbitration organiza-    such as solar, wind and steam power plants.         higher learning and the national research
tion set up to handle business disputes more                     foundation to develop deep technology ca-
generally. The new center will seek to resolve                                                        pabilities and intellectual property in cyber
cases within a year. Though patents are reg-                                SINGAPORE                 security, AI, advanced data analytics, smart
istered separately in different countries,                                                            computing applications, building automa-
decisions made by arbitrators are binding         Digital innovation                                  tion systems, robotics and industrial IoT.
across the 150-plus signatories to a United       In line with Singapore’s efforts to encour-
Nations agreement on arbitral awards, mak-        age innovation and digital transformation,
ing it easier for companies to recover dam-       Singtel has opened its FutureNow Innov-             Industry digital plan
ages overseas. Japan’s new institution will be    ation Centre (FIC). The centre has been             Small and medium-sized logistics busi-
able to hear even disagreements between           designed to advance the Singapore gov-              nesses will find opportunities to take part
non-Japanese companies, if all parties agree.     ernment’s industry transformation maps              in projects that could benefit the entire
                                                  (ITMs) that focus on six key industry clus-         industry through a newly revealed Indus-
Japan’s government has backed the crea-
                                                  ters, namely manufacturing, built environ-          try Digital Plan (IDP), the Infocomm Media
tion of a specialized center to take on inter-
                                                  ment, trade and connectivity, essential do-         Development Authority (IMDA) said. The
national arbitration hubs such as Singapore
                                                  mestic services, modern services, lifestyle.        online plan will guide logistics SMEs to-
and Hong Kong. The organization likely will
not only help protect Japanese intellectual       The centre will showcase some of the latest         wards participating in projects and nation-
property, but also bolster trust in the coun-     technology trends such as cloud, software-          al initiatives that aim to “uplift the whole
try’s systems among foreign companies, fur-       defined networks, data analytics, artificial        sector”. These include in-mall distribution,
thering Tokyo’s ambitions of making Japan a       intelligence (AI), cyber security, Internet         federated lockers and the National Trade
global heavyweight in intellectual property.      of Things (IoT), robotics and 5G telecom-           Platform, the IMDA said.
                                                  munications technology. Set up to foster                                                                               Logistics SMEs will receive step-by-step
                                                  innovation and digital transformation
                                                                                                      advice on the digital solutions required at
         REPUBLIC OF KOREA                        around Singapore’s $4.5 billion ITM initia-
                                                                                                      each stage of their business growth in the
                                                  tive, 23 industries are set to benefit under
R&D spending in innovative                                                                            digital economy. A new self-assessment
                                                  this initiative. Specifically, this is through
industries                                                                                            checklist will also be made available on
                                                  providing services and solutions to spur
                                                                                                      SME Portal to help SMEs identify their digi-
The Republic of Korea will jack up investment     innovation and assist enterprises to trans-
                                                                                                      tal readiness and the digitalisation oppor-
in research and development (R&D) for in-         form business models, unlock additional
                                                                                                      tunities based on their needs. The IMDA
novative industries to help local companies       growth opportunities redefine customer
                                                                                                      will also continue to put up digital solu-
lead the fast-changing technology trends          experiences and improve productivity.
                                                                                                      tions it has pre-approved - such as in cus-
and create quality jobs, the government           The FIC will also showcase smart home               tomer management or data analytics - on
said. The Ministry of Trade, Industry and         technologies, including voice-controlled            Tech Depot, a one-stop platform for tech
Energy said it will expand support for five       home systems and IoT for the consumer,              solutions on the SME Portal website.
promising new industries -- ­autonomous           which can be all managed through a single
vehicles, home appliances using Internet-         platform. Furthermore, the centre will also         Among the first projects that will be high-
of-Things t­ echnology, bio health, semicon-      serve as a centre for collaboration between         lighted under the IDP is a tripartite partner-
ductors and displays, and renewable energy        technology partners from small and me-              ship between the IMDA and VCargo Cloud,
-- by increasing the percentage of R&D in-        dium enterprises as well as global technol-         together with Bollore Logistics (Singapore),
vestment spent on these industries from the       ogy leaders with Singtel and its customers,         Dimerco Express Singapore and LCH Lock-
current 30 percent to 50 percent by 2022.         leveraging on the 650 million consumers             ton, to make use of digital technology to im-
                                                  across Australia, India, Indonesia, the Phil-       prove efficiency. The TechSkills Accelerator
The ministry set aside 3.16 trillion won
                                                  ippines, Singapore and Thailand.                    (TeSA) programme - a SkillsFuture initiative
(US$2.96 billion) for this year’s R&D projects.
                                                                                                      launched in April 2016 to train information
The government said it will put concerted         To boost the research capability of the cen-
                                                                                                      communications technologies professionals
efforts with related industries to develop        tre, it will also link up with Singtel’s R&D labs
                                                                                                      - will support the IDP. The IMDA, with support
emerging technologies and make use of             with the National University of Singapore,
                                                                                                      from the Singapore Economic Development
them in various areas. The Republic of Korea      Nanyang Technological University, Ad-
                                                                                                      Board and Spring Singapore, launched the
plans to put self-driving cars on its high-       vanced Remanufacturing and Training Cen-
ways by 2020 and increase the number of                                                               Logistics IDP as part of the SMEs Go Digital
                                                  tre as well as Agency for Science, Technology
electric vehicles to 350,000 by 2022. It also     and Research. In an effort to enhance skills        Programme, and in support of the Logistics
seeks to expand investment in establishing        and advance research is key areas, Singtel          Industry Transformation Map.
decentralized energy infrastructure to raise      has made recent strategic investments with

6     TECH MONITOR • Jul-Sep 2018
Technology Market Scan

                                                l	In case of a domestic technology transfer,
                           VIET NAM                                                             in evaluating deductible expenses as the
                                                   the provincial Department of Science and     contracts will be registered.
Registration of technology                         Technology is the registration authority.
transfer now mandatory                             In case it’s between aVietnamese firm and
                                                                                                Innovation network
According to the new Law on Technology             a foreign country entity, the authority is
                                                   the Department of Technology Appraisal,
Transfer dated 19 June 2017 and Decree
No. 76/2018/ND-CP which was issued on              Examination, and Assessment under the        The Programme of Connecting Vietnam
15 May 2018, registration of technology            Ministry of Science and Technology.          Innovation Network 2018, which gath-
transfer has been made mandatory from                                                           ered hundreds of talented Vietnamese
                                                To examine the technology transfer agree-
July 1, 2018, in Vietnam. Earlier, registra-                                                    in the fields of science and technology,
                                                ment, the government has set the fee
tion was only mandatory for technology                                                          was launched in Hanoi on August 19. The
                                                equivalent to 0.1 percent of the total value
transfers which were restricted. Except                                                         event was jointly held by the Ministry of
                                                of the agreement. However, it should not
for restricted technology transfers which                                                       Planning and Investment, the Ministry of
                                                be less than VND 5 million (US$ 214) and
require specific permits, following are the                                                     Science and Technology, the Ministry of
                                                not more than VND 10 million (US$428).
types of technology transfer that needs to                                                      Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Edu-
                                                Involved parties need to submit their regis-    cation and Training. It saw the attendance
be registered with the state management
                                                tration application within 90 days of the       of by Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc.
agencies of science and technology.
                                                agreement signing date. In addition to the
                                                                                                Minister of Planning and Investment Nguy-
  Technology     transfer from a foreign        registration agreement, other supporting
                                                                                                en Chi Dung said that in an earlier meeting
   county to Vietnam;                           documents required are:
                                                                                                with overseas Vietnamese talents in science
l	Technology transfer from Vietnam to a        l	Original or certified copy of the tech-      and technology the same day, Prime Min-
   foreign country; and                            nology transfer contract;                    ister Phuc lauded their return, especially in
l	A domestic transfer which uses State         l	Notarized or authenticated translat-
                                                                                                the era of industry 4.0 which poses both
   capital/budget, excluding ones that             ed copies of the technology transfer         opportunities and challenges to the nation.
   have already received the Certificate of        agreement in Vietnamese;
                                                                                                Currently, the ministry is working with
   Registration of Science and Technology          Investment Registration Certificate
                                                                                                relevant ministries and sectors to build a
   Task Outcomes.                                  copies of both parties;
                                                l	Documents confirming the legal status
                                                                                                national strategy on industry 4.0, which
Technology is defined as a solution, pro-                                                       comprises the establishment of innov-
                                                   of the representatives of the parties to
cess, or know-how that may or may not be                                                        ation centres, and mobilisation of experts
                                                   the contract; and
supported by instruments and facilities to                                                      and scientists, he said, adding that the in-
                                                l	Power of Attorney, in case a third party
convert resources into products. Technol-                                                       novation network initiative has lured the
                                                   has been authorized to carry out the
ogy transfer is the transfer of the right to                                                    participation of more than 100 overseas
own or use (part or whole) of a technology                                                      Vietnamese scientists so far.
from a party which has the right to transfer.   Contracts signed before July 1, 2018, but
                                                                                                The proramme will gather overseas Viet-
                                                renewed after July 1, must follow the new
If the transferred technology involves in-                                                      namese and domestic scientists who will
                                                regulations. Once the application has been
tellectual property rights protection, the                                                      meet to exchange and share visions as well
                                                filed, the competent authority has five work-
transfer will be carried out according to                                                       as strategies for scientific and technologic-
                                                ing days in which it must either issue the
the Law on Intellectual Property. Involved                                                      al development in the sectors that Viet-
                                                registration certificate or provide reasons
parties need to register for intellectual                                                       nam needs to accelerate in the coming
                                                for refusal. In case an agreement is incom-
property rights and technology transfer                                                         time, Minister Dung said.
                                                plete, the government authority needs to
                                                inform the applicant within three working       Meanwhile, Minister of Science and Tech-
The Vietnamese party is solely responsible      days. If an agreement is being amended/         nology Chu Ngoc Anh laid stress on human
for the registration process.                   supplemented, the competent authority           resource issue, seeing it as a competitive fac-
l	Transfer from a foreign country to Viet-     needs to inform the transferor within five      tor to promote the country’s growth quality.
   nam – the transferee;                        working days.                                   The launching ceremony was followed by
  Transfer  from Vietnam to a foreign                                                           a dialogue on connection of science and
                                                The new regulations will enable the gov-
   country – transferor; and                                                                    technology community, and policies on in-
                                                ernment authorities to keep track of tech-
l	Domestic transfer using State capital/                                                       novation network connection in Vietnam.
                                                nology transfers into Vietnam and assist tax
   budget – transferee.                         authorities during audits and inspections

                                                                                                   TECH MONITOR • Jul-Sep 2018              7
Technology Scan
                                Focus: Renewable Energy Technologies

                 ASIA-PACIFIC                  cells that could turn window into mini-        decomposed from water by solar energy
                                               ature electricity generators. The window-      and making liquid fuel via carbon dioxide
                        AUSTRALIA              compatible material reported in a study        hydrogenation.
                                               published on Tuesday in the journal Joule      A 1,000-tonne industrialization of liquid
New wave energy technology                     could potentially double the energy effi-      solar fuel synthesis project has been
New technology to measure ocean waves          ciency of an average household.                launched in Lanzhou, capital city of north-
and currents with greater accuracy than        “Building-integrated photovoltaics are a       west China’s Gansu Province.
ever before is being deployed off the Al-
                                               great example of a market where silicon        Liquid solar fuel is transformed and syn-
bany coast this week, as part of the new
                                               photovoltaics, despite their cheapness         thesised from carbon dioxide and water,
Wave Energy Research Centre, an initiative
                                               and performance, are not the most ap-          using solar energy as the sole energy sup-
led by The University of Western Australia.
                                               propriate due to their dull appearance         ply. The synthesis process provides clean
In partnership with the State Government,
                                               and heaviness,” said the paper’s senior        fuel, as well as utilizing greenhouse gases.
this project will place WA at the forefront
                                               author Yip Hin-Lap, a professor of materi-
of marine renewable energy research and                                             
                                               als science and engineering at the South
technology and increase knowledge and
                                               China University of Technology. “Instead,
understanding of ocean processes. Two
                                               we can make organic photovoltaics into
buoys will collect data on wave height, dir-
                                               semi-transparent, lightweight, and color-      Concentrated solar energy to
ection, period and surface current speed,
                                               ful films that are perfect for turning win-    produce hydrogen fuel
then transmit this data via satellite to the
                                               dows into electricity generators and heat      Researchers from the Indian Institute of
Wave Energy Research Centre, where sci-
                                               insulators.”                                   Technology Bombay have begun a new
entists will analyse it.
                                               To construct a prototype capable of simul-     study that is focused on determining the
UWA Wave Energy Research Centre Chief
                                               taneously outputting electricity and pre-      economic feasibility of solar-driven elec-
Investigator Dr Jeff Hansen said it would
                                               venting excessive heating, the researchers     trolysis used to produce hydrogen fuel. The
be the first time detailed wave measure-
                                               needed to perform a three-way balancing        study is meant to provide a framework for
ments in the near-shore area out of Al-
                                               act between harvesting light for electricity   how solar hydrogen production could be
bany would be collected using such su-
                                               generation, blocking it for heat insulation,   used in an economically viable manner.
perior instruments. “With swell and wind
                                               and transmitting it as a window normally       Hydrogen has gained some popularity
conditions looking favourable this week,
                                               would. They put together a device that let     in India in recent years, but still has sig-
the research team will deploy the instru-
                                               the familiar visible portions of sunlight      nificantly less support that other forms of
ments and use them to observe the mar-
                                               through, turned back the infrared light,       clean power and conventional fossil-fuels.
ine environment in far more detail than
ever before,” Dr Hansen said.                  and converted the near-infrared region         The research team has conducted an eco-
                                               in-between into an electric current.           nomic analysis of an electrolyzer, which
The researchers have collaborated with
                                               In theory, installing windows outfitted        is powered by a concentrated solar en-
industry partner Carnegie Clean Energy
                                               with dual electricity-generating and heat-     ergy system. This concentrated solar en-
as part of the State Government funded
                                               insulating properties could cut an average     ergy system allows for high-temperature
Albany Wave Energy Project. Their data and
                                               household’s reliance on external electric      steam electrolysis. Researchers also calcu-
ocean models will improve the placement,
                                               sources by over 50 percent. These dual-        lated the levelized cost of hydrogen fuel.
survivability and performance of Carne-
                                               function materials are still very much in      Researchers discovered that the high-
gie’s CETO6 wave energy converter device.
The new home for one of the wave buoys is      their infancy, but the authors expect them     temperature steam electrolysis process
approximately 45 kilometres offshore from      to pave the way to new beneficial tech-        is 3% more efficient than typical photo-
the Albany wind farm at Sandpatch, where       nologies.                                      voltaic electrolysis. There was also a drop
water depth is around 350 metres. The sec-                                                    of approximately $4 in the overall cost of
ond wave buoy will bob closer to shore at                                                     hydrogen fuel.
a depth of 30 metres, at the same location
                                               Synthesis of liquid solar fuel                 Finding more efficient ways to produce
as Carnegie Clean Energy’s wave energy         Chinese researchers have successfully          hydrogen fuel has become a major pri-
converter device when it is installed.         increased the scale of synthesizing liquid     ority. Researchers throughout the world                     solar fuel, taking a step forward to boost     have begun experimenting with renew-
                                               the use and output of renewable energy         able energy in order to make hydrogen a
                                CHINA          in the country. Researchers with the Da-       more viable form of clean power. Solar has,
                                               lian Institute of Chemical Physics under       thus far, proven to be the most promising
Power generating windows                       the Chinese Academy of Sciences divided        option. By using renewable energy, such
Chinese scientists developed a window          the synthesis process of the liquid solar      as concentrated solar energy, researchers
material with thin, see-through solar          fuel into two steps: generating hydrogen       believe that hydrogen production will no

8     TECH MONITOR • Jul-Sep 2018
Technology Scan

longer be reliant on fossil-fuels or conven-    which is a very complex model in solid             (­KAIST) has developed an energy storage
tional steam reformation.                       waste management,” said Aravind E S, a             device that can operate after only 30 sec-
India is home to a robust solar market,         research student at IIT Madras. “We found          onds of charging. The new hybrid energy
where many promising projects have tak-         that the current plastic waste manage-             storage device utilises aqueous electro-
en form over the years. The Indian govern-      ment systems were not working because              lytes instead of flammable organic sol-
ment is eager to replace fossil-fuels with      of the logistics involved; there were cost         vents making it environmentally friendly
clean power and hydrogen may go a               and space requirements that could not be           and safe. It can also be used with portable
long way in making the country’s trans-         met,” Selvaraj added.                              electronic devices as it facilitates a boost-
portation space more environmentally                                                               ing charge with high energy density.
                                                The team was led by Divya Priya, assisted
friendly. Fuel cell vehicles have begun to      by technical guide Professor Indumathi             The device was developed by Professor
gain traction in China and other parts of       Nambi of IIT Madras, and industrial men-           Jeung Ku Kang and a team of scientists
Asia, and they will soon begin to estab-        tor Sriram Narasimhan of Samridhi Foun-            from KAIST’s Graduate School of Energy,
lish a presence in India. In order to ensure    dation, a Chennai based NGO.                       Environment, Water, and Sustainability.
that these vehicles are successful, India has                                                      The team assembled fibre-like polymer
been working to bolster its hydrogen pro-                                                          chain anodes and sub-nanoscale metal
duction capabilities.                                                                              oxide cathodes on graphene to develop
                                                Clean energy from Sunn Hemp                        a hybrid energy storage with high en-
                                                Researchers at the Indian Institute of             ergy and power densities. Conventional
Solar powered system to                                                                            aqueous electrolyte-based energy stor-
                                                Technology (IIT) Kharagpur have tapped
convert plastic into fuel                       microwave radiation to create clean en-            age devices have a limitation for boost-
Scientists from Indian Institute of Tech-       ergy for large-scale use from nitrogen-            ing charges and high energy density due
nology (IIT) Madras have developed a            rich non-food Sunn Hemp plants. The IIT            to low driving voltage and a shortage of
solar powered system to convert non-­           Kharagpur Bioenergy Lab team was led by            anode materials. The research team came
recyclable plastic into fuel that can sub-      Prof. Saikat Chakraborty, faculty at the De-       up with new structures and materials to
stitute diesel used in generators, furnaces     partment of Chemical Engineering and P K           facilitate rapid speed in energy exchange
and engines. The technology - which con-        Sinha Center for Bioenergy and researcher          on the surfaces of the electrodes and
sists of a mobile unit that can collect and     Souvik Kumar Paul, an IIT Kharagpur state-         minimise the energy loss between the
process waste - currently yields around         ment said. High-energy non-edible plant            two electrodes. Anodes were made with
0.7 litres of fuel oil per kilogramme of        sources such as Sunn Hemp have the po-             graphene-based polymer chain materials,
plastic, researchers said.                      tential of making available biofuel on a           graphene having a web-like structure that
                                                large scale, as a replacement of fossil fuel.      produces a high surface area, thereby al-
“India produces approximately 15,000
                                                                                                   lowing higher capacitance.
tonnes of plastic waste in a day. Centralised   The team successfully converted the non-
systems for plastic waste management can-       edible lignocellulosic fibres (plant dry matter)   With regard to cathodes, the team used
not work to effectively deal with this much     of Sunn Hemp to biofuel precursors, an alter-      metal oxide in sub-nanoscale structures to
plastic waste on a daily basis,” said Ramya     native to land-based crops for biofuels, the       elevate atom-by-ion redox reactions. This
Selvaraj, a research student at the IIT Ma-     statement said. The entire conversion, which       method realized higher energy density
dras in Tamil Nadu. “We thought that if the     otherwise takes 8-10 hours, took 46 minutes        and faster energy exchange while mini-
plastic can’t come to the industry, let the     to be completed by using the microwave             mizing energy loss. The device can be
industry come to the plastic,” Selvaraj said.   reactors in the lab, the statement said. Sunn      charged within 20 to 30 seconds using a
The conversion of plastic to fuel involves a    Hemp is widely grown in the sub-tropical re-       low-power charging system, such as a USB
process called pyrolysis - a thermochemi-       gions of Bangladesh, Brazil, India, Pakistan,      switching charger or a flexible photovol-
cal treatment that exposes the material         Russia, Sri Lanka, the US and Uganda.              taic cell. The developed aqueous hybrid
to high temperature in the absence of                                                              energy device shows more than 100-fold
                                                The scientists have filed for a patent and         higher power density compared to con-
oxygen, leading it to go through physical       their findings have appeared in the global-
and chemical changes. This creates a low                                                           ventional aqueous batteries and can be
                                                ly renowned journal Bioresource Technol-           rapidly recharged. Further, the device
density fuel oil by breaking down the poly-     ogy published by Elsevier.
mer chain of plastic at the temperature of                                                         showed high stability with its capacity
350- 500 degrees Celsius. This oil can be                   maintained at 100 percent at a high
used as a substitute for diesel to power                                                           charge/discharge current.
generators, furnaces and engines.                        REPUBLIC OF KOREA                         The research, led by a PhD candidate Il
“Our major proposition was instead of           Energy storage device                              Woo Ock, was published in Advanced En-
taking technology to waste, taking all          A research team at the Korean Advanced             ergy Materials on January 15th.
the waste to a decentralised technology         Institute of Science and Technology      

                                                                                                      TECH MONITOR • Jul-Sep 2018            9
Technology Scan

                       SINGAPORE               biofuels. The current technique is costly         not expose green algae to ­additional nutri-
                                               and also requires complicated chemical            tional starvation and, thus, without apply-
Cheaper technique for biofuel                  pre-treatment.                                    ing any significant stress to the cells. The
production                                                                                       team’s research paper has been published
                                               The novel technique developed by the
A team of engineers from the National          NUS team could potentially be a game-             in the journal Energy & Environmental
University of Singapore (NUS) recently dis-                                                      Science. The researchers showed that the
                                               changing technology for cost effective
covered that a naturally occurring bacter-                                                       production of hydrogen could be signifi-
                                               and sustainable biofuel production. Spent
ium, Thermoanaerobacterium thermosac-                                                            cantly extended by simply exposing the
                                               mushroom compost, typically composed
charolyticum TG57, isolated from waste                                                           anaerobic algal cultures to a train of strong
                                               of wheat straw and saw dust, is the residual
generated after harvesting mushrooms,                                                            yet short light pulses, which are interrupt-
                                               compost waste generated by mushroom
is capable of directly converting cellulose,                                                     ed by longer dark periods.
                                               farming. The microorganisms in the waste
a plant-based material, to biobutanol. A                                                         “Under these conditions, algal cultures
                                               are left to evolve naturally for more than
research team led by Associate Professor                                                         exposed to sunlight do not accumulate
                                               two years to obtain the unique TG57 strain.
He Jianzhong from the Department of                                                              oxygen in the medium. In addition, algae
Civil and Environmental Engineering at         The fermentation process is simple, and
                                                                                                 steer the electrons resulting from the de-
NUS Faculty of Engineering first discov-       no complicated pre-treatment or genetic
                                                                                                 composition of water and charged by sun-
ered the novel TG57 strain in 2015. They       modification of the microorganisms is re-
                                                                                                 light into hydrogen production instead of
went on to culture the strain to examine       quired. When cellulose is added, the bacte-
                                                                                                 biomass accumulation. The process lasts
its properties.                                rium simply digests it to produce butanol
                                                                                                 for, at least, several days and the maximum
                                               as the main product. Moving forward, the
Assoc Prof He explained, “The production                                                         rate of the production of hydrogen occurs
                                               research team will continue to optimise the
of biofuels using non-food feedstocks can                                                        during the first eight hours,” Kosourov said.
                                               performance of the TG57 strain, and fur-
improve sustainability and reduce costs                                                          The research indicated clearly that a major
                                               ther engineer it to enhance biobutanol ra-
greatly. In our study, we demonstrated                                                           obstacle to efficient hydrogen production
                                               tio and yield using molecular genetic tools.
a novel method of directly converting                                                            is not oxygen but a strong competition be-
cellulose to biobutanol using the novel                                  tween two metabolic pathways: carbon di-
TG57 strain. This is a major breakthrough                                                        oxide fixation leading to the biomass ac-
in metabolic engineering and exhibits a                                     EUROPE               cumulation and the hydrogenase enzyme
foundational milestone in sustainable and                                                        catalyzing photoproduction of hydrogen.
cost-effective production of renewable                                       FINLAND
                                                                                                 The new method developed by the re-
biofuels and chemicals.”                       Biofuel breakthrough                              searchers is valuable both for the basic re-
Traditional biofuels are produced from         A research group from the University of           search of the photosynthesis of algae and
food crops. This approach is highly costly     Turku, Finland, has discovered an efficient       for the research and development work of
and competes with food production in the       way for transforming solar energy into the        the industrial sector when producing new
use of land, water, energy and other en-       chemical energy of biohydrogen through            technologies for the large-scale produc-
vironmental resources. Biofuels produced       the photosynthesis of green algae that            tion of carbon neutral biofuels.
from unprocessed cellulosic materials          function as cell factories. Molecular hy-
such as plant biomass, as well as agricul-     drogen is regarded as one of the most
ture, horticultural and organic waste, are     promising energy carriers due to its high                                                UK
expected to meet growing energy de-            energy density and clean, carbon-free use.
mands without increasing greenhouse                                                              Technique for more efficient
gas emissions resulting from the burning       The leader of the research group, Yagut           solar energy
of fossil fuels. These cellulosic materials    Allahverdiyeva-Rinne, Associate Professor
                                                                                                 Scientists from the University of Exeter
are in great abundance, environmental-         of Molecular Plant Biology at the Univer-
                                                                                                 have developed a method that has the
ly friendly, and economically sustainable.     sity of Turku said, “When algal cells are first
                                                                                                 potential to harvest three times more
                                               incubated under anaerobic conditions in
Among various types of biofuels, biobu-                                                          photovoltaic (PV) energy compared with
                                               the dark and then exposed to light, they
tanol offers a great promise as petrol sub-                                                      traditional systems by funnelling the en-
                                               start producing hydrogen efficiently, but
stitute because of its high energy density                                                       ergy more efficiently, the university said.
                                               unfortunately only for a few seconds.”
and superior properties. It can directly                                                         The technique “funnels” the sun’s energy
replace gasoline in car engines without        The researchers at the University of Turku        directly into power cells, such as solar
any modification. However, commercial          decided to apply the knowledge retrieved          panels or batteries. “The idea is similar to
production of biobutanol has been ham-         from the basic research on the photosyn-          pouring a liquid into a container, as we all
pered by the lack of potent microbes cap-      thesis of algae and established a new             know it is much more efficient if we use
able of converting cellulosic biomass into     method for producing hydrogen that does           a funnel,” said Adolfo De Sanctis, lead au-

10    TECH MONITOR • Jul-Sep 2018
Technology Scan

thor of the paper. “However, such charge         has not yet been refined and still contains      so it can be added to the existing energy
funnels cannot be realised with conven-          impurities. The second stage is a form of        supply system for heating homes and
tional semiconductors and only the recent        refining in which hydrogen is added un-          powering industries. That would elimi-
discovery of atomically thin materials has       der high pressure and heat, and serves to        nate particularly harmful gases released
enabled this discovery,” De Sanctis added.       remove contaminants such as sulfur, ni-          by naturally decomposing manure when
According to the researchers, the innov-         trogen and oxygen. However, hydrogen             it is spread on farm fields as fertilizer and
ation could lead to solar panels that have       is expensive, the two stages are energy          partially replace fossil natural gas, a signifi-
                                                 intensive, and carbon waste is left in the       cant contributor to global warming.
the size of a book and can power a family-
                                                 form of char and CO2 emissions.
sized house. The announcement says that                                                           “There are multiple ways we can benefit
the new technique has the potential to           A process to reduce reliance on fossil fu-       from this single approach,” said David
convert around 60% of the sun’s energy           els that still produces the harmful green-       Simakov, a professor of chemical engi-
into electricity, compared to around 20%         house gas is counterproductive. Song and         neering at Waterloo. “The potential is
for the current solar cells.                     his team set out to simplify the conver-         huge.” Simakov said the technology could
                                                 sion process in a way that is sustainable,       be viable with several kinds of manure,
The scientists devised a method to “fun-
                                                 cost-effective, and clean. “In our work,         particularly cow and pig manure, as well
nel” electrical charge onto a chip. They
                                                 we’ve developed a process which simul-           as at landfill sites.
used the atomically thin semiconductor
                                                 taneously produces and upgrades bio-oil
hafnium disulphide (HfS2), oxidized with                                                          To test the concept, researchers built a com-
                                                 in one step and without the need for high
a high-intensity UV laser, to engineer an                                                         puter model of an actual 2,000-head dairy
                                                 pressures,” says Song.
electric field that funnels electrical charges                                                    farm in Ontario that collects manure and
to a specific area of the chip, where they       The researchers used methane instead             converts it into biogas in anaerobic digest-
can be more easily extracted.                    of hydrogen for the purification process         ers. Some of that biogas is already used to
                                                 and they used it directly in the crude           produce electricity by burning it in genera-
                                                 stage, but they had to chemically remove         tors, reducing the environmental impact of
          NORTH AMERICA                          the hydrogen from the methane during             manure while also yielding about 30 to 40
                                                 the purification process since hydrogen is       percent of its energy potential.
                              CANADA             still needed to remove impurities. Using
                                                 the CLS, they developed a novel catalyst         Researchers want to take those benefits a
Better fuel from biowaste                                                                         significant step further by upgrading, or
                                                 that reacted with methane to trigger it to
Researchers have found a way to produce          release hydrogen. They were faced with           converting, biogas from manure into re-
a higher quality, more stable fuel from bio-     a challenge because methane is a very            newable natural gas. That would involve
waste, such as sewage, that is simpler and       stable compound that doesn’t react with          mixing it with hydrogen, then running it
cleaner than existing methods. “This puts        many other compounds.                            through a catalytic converter. A chemical
biofuel closer to being a good substitute                                                         reaction in the converter would produce
                                                 The researchers call the catalyst they de-
for fossil fuels,” said Hua Song, an associ-                                                      methane from carbon dioxide in the biogas.
                                                 veloped HZSM-5. To improve its ability to
ate professor of chemical and petroleum                                                           Known as methanation, the process would
                                                 react with methane, they coated the sur-
engineering at the University of Calgary.
                                                 face of several samples of HZSM-5 with dif-      require electricity to produce hydrogen,
Song and his research team recently pub-         ferent materials. They then analyzed the         but that power could be generated on-
lished the results of their research con-        samples and studied the surface features         site by renewable wind or solar systems,
ducted at the Canadian Light Source in           using the bright light of the synchrotron.       or taken from the electrical grid at times
the journal Fuel. “The world energy market                                                        of low demand. The net result would be
                                                 Initial studies using the catalyst in this new
is currently dominated by fossil fuels. With                                                      renewable natural gas that yields almost
                                                 approach for producing biofuels show it
increasing concern surrounding climate                                                            all of manure’s energy potential and also
                                                 is more efficient and has lower potential
change and dwindling resources that are                                                           efficiently stores electricity, but has only a
                                                 production costs than the current method.
associated with the use of fossil fuels, re-                                                      fraction of the greenhouse gas impact of
                                                 As well, carbon remains in the oil in liquid
newable energy sources are becoming in-                                                           manure used as fertilizer.
                                                 form which leads to a better quality bio-
creasingly desirable and are currently the
                                                 fuel that is more stable with significantly      The modelling study showed that a
fast growing energy source,” wrote Song in
                                                 less greenhouse gas emissions.                   $5-­million investment in a methanation
the research paper.
                                                              system at the Ontario farm would, with
Currently, biowaste is converted into bio-                                                        government price subsidies for renew-
fuel in a complex two-step process.              Methanation technology                           able natural gas, have about a five-year
The biomass is first converted into a bi-        Researchers at the University of Waterloo        payback period. A paper on modelling of
ocrude oil using a chemical and thermal          are developing technology to produce re-         a renewable natural gas generation facility
process. Crude oil, in general, is oil that      newable natural gas (RNG) from manure            at the Ontario farm, which also involved a

                                                                                                   TECH MONITOR • Jul-Sep 2018              11
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