First Sunday of lent FEBRUARY 21 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew

Page created by Eddie Craig
First Sunday of lent FEBRUARY 21 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew
First Sunday
       of lent
First Sunday of lent FEBRUARY 21 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew
                                                      Mass AT TH E
                                                       CATH EDRAL
                                 Dispensation for Sunday and Holy Day Masses in place until further notice.
                                 Planning to attend Sunday Mass? Please register for contact tracing purposes.
                                 The link to register is on our website under Latest News.

                                 Saturday, Feb 20      12:05pm      Daily Mass—Church
                                                                    Int. Jo Miner
                                                       4:30pm       Sunday Vigil Mass—Church
                                                                    † Nancy Frans
                                 Sunday, Feb 21        10:00am      Sunday Mass—Church
                                                                    (televised|live-streamed) ALS Interpretation
                                                                    Int. Sally Summerfield
                                                       12:00pm      Misa Dominical en Español—Iglesia
                                                                    Familia Parroquial
                                                       5:30pm       Sunday Mass—Church
                                                                    † Virginia Strobel
                                                       7:30pm       Sunday Contemplative Mass—Church
                                                                    Int. Eva-Maria & Martin Proksch
                                 Monday, Feb 22        12:05pm      Daily Mass—Church
                                                                    † Pat Murray
                                 Tuesday, Feb 23       12:05pm      Daily Mass—Church
                                                                    † Ante Galic
                                 Wednesday, Feb 24     12:05pm      Daily Mass—Church
                                 Thursday, Feb 25      12:05pm      Daily Mass—Church
                                                                    † Helen Marie Botschka
                                 Friday, Feb 26        12:05pm      Daily Mass—Church
                                 Saturday, Feb 27      12:05pm      Daily Mass—Church
                                                                    Int. Mary Smigiel
                                                       4:30pm       Sunday Vigil Mass—Church
                                                                    Int. Schwerin family
                                 Sunday, Feb 28        10:00am      Sunday Mass—Church
                                                                    (televised|live-streamed) ALS Interpretation
                                                                    Int. Jim & Ann Burns
                                                       12:00pm      Misa Dominical en Español—Iglesia
                                                                    † Enrique y Irene Parada Jarquin
                                                       5:30pm       Sunday Mass—Church
                                                                    † Bernice Cimek
                                                       7:30pm       Sunday Contemplative Mass—Church
                                                                    Parish Family

                                             Confession Schedule
                                                  Weekdays following the 12:05pm Mass
                                                  Saturdays, 11-11:45am in the Chapel (or by appointment)
 God bless,
 Very Rev. René Constanza, CSP
                                            Watch Sunday 10am Mass Online
page 2                                     Go to or the Cathedral’s Facebook page
First Sunday of lent FEBRUARY 21 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew
Scri pture
                                                                                            Read ing...
                                                                                            1st Sunday of Lent
                  Dear Friends in Christ,
                                                                                            Gn 9:8-15
                                                                                            Ps 25:4-9
                  Last March, I made the difficult decision as bishop to suspend the        1 Pt 3:18-22
public celebration of Masses. Because of the unknowns at that time, it was a prudent        Mk 1:12-15
decision in the best interest of the faithful. As we begin this holy season of Lent, we
have now been living with the COVID-19 pandemic for almost a year. The pandemic has         Monday:
changed and challenged us. Its impact continues to be seen and felt.                        Chair of St. Peter
                                                                                            1 Pt 5:1-4
                                                                                            Ps 23:1-3a,4-6
Lent is a time where we “search and examine our ways, and return to the
                                                                                            Mt 16:13-19
Lord!” (Lamentations 3:40) For some of us, this may reveal that while we have resumed
many activities, we have not prioritized our return to Mass. I invite those of us who are   Tuesday:
able to return and celebrate the Eucharist in the parish. The celebration of Mass is the    Is 55:10-11
summit toward which the Church’s activity is directed and the source from which all her     Ps 35:4-7,16-19
power flows.                                                                                Mt 6:7-15
Thankfully, many of us are once again able to center our lives upon the Mass. Health        Jon 3:1-10
care professionals have reviewed the diocesan COVID-19 mitigation strategies. These         Ps 51:3-4,12-13,
strategies have allowed us to return safely to the celebration of the sacraments. If you    18-19
have returned to Mass, I encourage you to invite your fellow parishioners, family, and      Lk 11:29-32
friends. Do not underestimate the power of your personal invitation!                        Thursday:
                                                                                            Est C:12,14-16,
Lent is an excellent opportunity to extend that invitation. It is “…a favourable time to    23-25
prepare to celebrate with renewed hearts the great mystery of the death and                 Ps 138:1-3,7c-8
resurrection of Jesus, the cornerstone of our personal and communal Christian life. We      Mt 7:7-12
must continually return to this mystery in mind and heart...” (Pope Francis, Message for
Lent, 2020)
                                                                                            Ez 18:21-28
                                                                                            Ps 130:1-8
Nonetheless, while I invite those of you who are able to return to Mass, I also know        Mt 5:20-26
some of you cannot attend Mass in person because of health reasons or other excusing
factors. If you find yourself in this situation, the dispensation from the obligation of    Saturday:
attending Sunday Mass has been extended until further notice. This dispensation does        Dt 26:16-19
not apply to those who are able to attend Mass. All baptized Catholics are reminded of      Ps 119:1-8
their obligation to keep the Lord’s Day holy.                                               Mt 5:43-48
I encourage you to view the diocesan website ( and social media channels      2nd Sunday of Lent
(Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) for Lenten resources and to stay connected to your       Gn 22:1-2,9a,10-
faith and what is happening in the diocese. During this holy season, may we allow           13,15-18
ourselves to return to God and reflect on the hope that remains through Christ’s            Ps 116:10,15-19
Resurrection!                                                                               Rom 8:31b-34
                                                                                            Mk 9:2-10
Sincerely yours in Christ,

Most Reverend David J. Walkowiak
Bishop of Grand Rapids

                                                                                                          page 3
First Sunday of lent FEBRUARY 21 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew
Th is Week                                                         Stations of the Cross
Saturday, February 20                                                           Every Friday in Lent, 7pm
9:30am      Bautismos—Iglesia                                                   This beautiful practice of scripture, sung
9:30am      KEPHA: Rosary on the Piazza                                         response and prayer, in English, Spanish and
11:00am     Confessions—Chapel                                                  Latin, takes us on a pilgrimage through
12:05pm     Daily Mass—Church                                                   Christ’s Passion, death and burial using each
4:30pm      Sunday Vigil Mass—Church                                            station on the Cathedral walls.

Sunday, February 21
First Sunday of Lent
10:00am     Sunday Mass—Church (televised/live-streamed)      CRS Rice Bowl
12:00pm     Misa Dominical en Español —Iglesia                Hunger in Our World
3:00pm      Rite of Election (including Cathedral)—Church     Jesus told us that whatever we did
5:30pm      Sunday Mass—Church                                for one of these least brothers of
7:30pm      Sunday Contemplative Mass—Church                  his we did for him.
                                                              Reflect on the challenge of
Wednesday, February 24                                        global hunger—it is a reality for
9:30am      CCHS Mass—Church                                  millions of our sisters and
7:00pm      CIC Class: Give Up Worry for Lent (see pg 7)      brothers. What will you do to
Thursday, February 25                                         support the hungry in our
                                                              community and around the
6:30pm      Stewardship committee—Zoom
                                                              world? Visit to learn more.
7:00pm      Holy Brew Online for Young Adults (see pg 5)
                                                              Pick up a rice bowl at Mass or the parish office.
Friday, February 26
7:00pm      Stations of the Cross—Church
                                                                                 Are You a Life-Long Catholic
Saturday, February 27                                                            Who Is Not Yet Confirmed?
9:30am      Bautismos—Iglesia
11:00am     Confessions—Chapel                                                In the craziness of life, for whatever
12:05pm     Daily Mass—Church                                                 the reason, you just sort of missed it.
1:00pm      Paulist National Lent Retreat (see pg 7)                          You can finish your Sacraments of
4:30pm      Sunday Vigil Mass—Church                                          Initiation as an adult and we can help
                                                              you do that. The next Adult Confirmation Class will run
Sunday, February 28                                           via Zoom over 10 Thursday evenings, 7-8:30pm,
Second Sunday of Lent                                         beginning February 25.
10:00am     Sunday Mass—Church (televised/live-streamed)
12:00pm     Misa Dominical en Español —Iglesia                If you are interested in joining the class or just have
3:00pm      Diocese Rite of Election—Church                   questions, contact Sean at 616-456-1454 x1913 or
5:30pm      Sunday Mass—Church                      
7:30pm      Sunday Contemplative Mass—Church

                                                                       Experience the convenience of Online
                                                                      Giving. Visit

                                                                                STEWARDS H IP
     Holy Hour, Wednesday, March 3                               Week ended February 14                       $ 10,431.26
Join us in person (masks and social distancing required)
                                                                   Same week last year                        $ 19,049.92
for a time of silence, scripture and Adoration. The hour is
organized by a different ministry each month. Join us at         Weekly need                                  $ 14,423.08
7pm. Printed prayer guides available.

page 4
First Sunday of lent FEBRUARY 21 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew
Sat., March 13, 7pm
                                                                  This weekend the bells ring...
                                                                              in honor of
                                                                      Eva Marie & Martin Proksch
          Join the Party for Free
This year we are planning an online party that everyone        Current Directives
can attend for free. So set aside the evening of March         for Mass
13, where you can watch from home. Wear your green,
put on your slippers, sip your Irish Coffee and enjoy          Bishop Walkowiak has extended
entertainment, music, special guests, and of course, the       the dispensation for Mass until
raffle.                                                        further notice.

           So Many Raffle Prizes                               Ways you can help...
                                                               • Plan to arrive early, but please do not attend if you have
This annual raffle is the only fundraiser we do for the
                                                                   any symptom of illness.
support of all our Cathedral ministries. So test your Irish
                                                               • If you have only 1 or 2 people attending from a house-
luck in our annual St. Patrick’s Day VIRTUAL PARTY and
                                                                   hold, please fill the short pews on the sides first and leave
Raffle drawing, March 13. Tickets are $25 ea. or 5 for
                                                                   longer pews for larger households.
$100. Grand prize is $1000.
                                                               • When coming forward for Communion, please say
This year we have many more prizes you can win. A                  “Amen” when you stop at the blue sticker on the floor.
new second prize is a weekend at a cottage in Leelanau             Do not remove your mask until you are ready to con-
county. Our third prize will be the dinner for four,               sume the Body of Christ. The Body of Christ must be
cooked and served by the Paulist Fathers. We also have             consumed before returning to your pew. Replace your
a golf outing with the Paulist “pros”, a case of custom            mask promptly.
home-brewed cider/beer/soda by Fr. Michael, a portrait         • We are asking parishioners to register online if you plan
painted by Fr. Joachim, a painting of the Cathedral as             to attend Mass at the Cathedral. This is for the purpose
viewed from Baraga Plaza by Deacon Mike, three                     of contact tracing. The link is at cathedralofsaintan-
Belizean desserts made by Fr. René, a late summer bike   
tour and picnic lunch with Fr. Bill, or a tour inside the      Thank you for your continued patience and diligence in help-
pipes and chance to pull out all the stops and play the        ing us make our Masses as safe as possible.
Cathedral’s big organ (no musical talent required) with
Matthew Jakubisin. Other donated prizes consist of a
$200 gift card to Express Image Studio Salon, and 5
bottles of homemade sweet wine with 2 etched wine
glasses, golf at Blythefield country club, or a special gift
basket of Northern Michigan treats, wines, beers, etc.
Which prize are you hoping for?
You can stop in or call the parish office to purchase
your tickets 616.456.1454 x1909.                                        Upcoming Young Adult Events
                                                                        Are you in your 20s or 30s? Get connected!
Come Home to Jesus                                             Thursday, Feb. 25 at 7p on Zoom
with our annual Ecumenical                                     Holy Brew: Psalms for the Journey of Life, with Dr.
Lenten Reflection book.                                        Bradley Gregory, author and professor of the Old
                                                               Testament at the Catholic University of America. Pour
Follow along with 40 days of
                                                               yourself a drink, grab your favorite Bible, invite a friend, join
reflections from Cathedral
                                                               us for insights and discussion on the Psalms. Here’s the link:
parishioners, and our brothers and
sisters in Christ from St. Mark's
Episcopal Church, and Bethlehem                                Saturday, March 13 at 10a
Lutheran Church. The reflections                               Young Adult Coffee Break at Sweetwaters Coffee & Tea
will appear daily on Facebook, or                              (Monroe North)
you can receive them via text or                               Even more opportunities when you get connected by
email by texting LENTGR to 84576                               texting CYAGR to 84576 or visit
to sign up.
                                                                                                                        page 5
First Sunday of lent FEBRUARY 21 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew
               Dear Friends in Christ,                                                              Honored for
               Lent is a time of repentance and of                                                  Black History
               reconnecting with Christ. During these 40                                            Month
days, we focus inwardly to change ourselves, but we                                               It is always wonderful
also look outward to see how we can be the light of                                               to see members of
Christ in our world. During this holy season, CRS Rice                                            our own parish family
Bowl, Catholic Relief Services’ Lenten faith-in-action                                            being honored. It is a
program, invites us to reflect on how caring for our                                              testament to the
neighbor is caring for Christ.                                                                    witness of God’s love
The COVID-19 pandemic has stressed the financial            that they bear to the greater community in which we live and
situation for many. Here in our community, you helped       serve.
individuals in need through your donations to the CRS
Rice Bowl campaign last year. Funds collected were          Bissell Homecare, Inc. is profiling Samone Morgan for Black
given to Bread of Life Food Pantry through St. Ann - St.    History Month. Samone has worked there for 32 years. A
Ignatius Parish in Baldwin, Community Food Club’s Local     graduate of Cornerstone University, she works as a
Agriculture and Healthy Produce program, and Dégagé         Distributing Analyst, first assisting Bissell with several
Ministries’ Healthy Meals program. Twenty-five percent      Canadian warehouses, where she blazed a trail by becoming
of donations to CRS Rice Bowl each year stay here in        the first Black Distribution Analyst in Canada. She’s now in the
West Michigan to support hunger and poverty                 process of helping to open a Savannah, GA warehouse.
alleviation efforts.                                        Samone recounted how she helps her son, Cameron,
Incorporating CRS Rice Bowl into your Lenten practices      celebrate his black history...“For Black History Month, my son
will connect you with our brothers and sisters in Christ.   picks out a person to research for each week in February. He
Alms donated through CRS Rice Bowl support the work         picks out someone that he wants to learn about or who has
of CRS in more than 100 countries each year. Since its      done great things in a field of work that he wants to go into.
inception in 1975, CRS Rice Bowl has raised nearly $300     He does his research and presents it at Sunday dinner. I never
million. Thank you for your generosity in ensuring our      miss the opportunity to teach Black History to Cameron.
brothers and sisters around the world have access to        Whenever there is a lesson to be taught, I teach it. I also let
food and resources that allow them to live.                 him know that we are Black History, so always find a way to
                                                            make a difference no matter how big or small, just make
Visit to discover the many resources        whatever you do count!”
available for your Lenten journey. Thank you for
participating and sharing generously over the years         Fr. René had the privilege of submitting this recommendation
through CRS Rice Bowl.                                      for her profile: “Samone is a faithful parishioner at the
                                                            Cathedral of Saint Andrew. She is a great model of Christian
Sincerely yours in Christ,                                  witness as an usher every Sunday, greeting parishioners to the
                                                            celebration of Mass in the Catholic church. Samone
                                                            encounters people where they're at. She finds ways of
Most Reverend David J. Walkowiak                            welcoming worshipers and giving them a sense of belonging
Bishop of Grand Rapids                                      and being loved. She passes on her faith and values of service
                                                            to God and others, to her son, Cameron, who is a server at the
                                                            Sunday Mass. We are blessed by her, her presence and many
Mark your calendar for March 18. The                        years of service at the Cathedral parish.”
Paulists will be available from 5-8pm for
individual Confessions and will                             An interesting fact: Samone’s mother-in-law was a member of
                                                            the Cathedral for over 30 years and also served as an usher.
celebrate a Penance Service
from 6-6:30pm.                                              Congratulations Samone, on being recognized for your work
                                                            and dedication!

                                                                           When you come to Mass, check-
                                                                           in to the Cathedral on Facebook.
                                                                            It's a simple way to share your
                                                                                 faith with your friends.
page 6
First Sunday of lent FEBRUARY 21 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew
LENT at the CIC

                                                                                                                Catholic Information Center at Home
                                                          Give Up Worry for Lent:
                                                          40 Days to Finding Peace
  This week, let us honor St. Joseph with our love        in Christ (Meet the
  and this prayer: Dear St. Joseph, protector of
                families, pray for us.                    Author) Wednesday, Feb. 24,
                                                          7pm Zoom presentation with
                                                          bestselling author, Gary Zimak.
                                                          Worries! From relationships to
                                                          health, and everything in-
                                                          between…we all have them. Zimak offers fellow
                                                          worriers practical, scripture-centered advice on
                                                          how to relinquish the need to control the
                                                          uncontrollable—not just for Lent but for good—
                                                          and how to find peace in Christ. Join us and learn
                                                          how to give up “worry” this Lenten Season from
                                                          the author himself. (RSVP by Feb. 22)

                                                          Journey from Lent to Easter in Word
                                                          and Song Wednesday, Mar. 10, 7-8pm Zoom
                                                          presentation with the National Association of
                                                          Pastoral Director, Grand Rapids Chapter. A virtual
                                                          Lenten evening of reflection and song. Area
               Paulist Fathers                            pastoral musicians will share reflections and music
           National Lenten Retreat                        of the Lenten Season along with staff from the
       Saturday, February 27, 1-3pm via Zoom              Cathedral of Saint Andrew. Our talented
Register at                           church musicians from parishes throughout the
Program cost: $25                                         diocese will offer solo, instrumental and choral
St. Paul’s missionary journey to Rome crashed on the      music to accompany reflections on our Lenten
shores of Malta. He trusted God and did more than         Journey. (RSVP by Mar. 8)
                                                          Bible Basics: Becoming Better Bible
Program:                                                  Readers Thursday, March 11, 7-8:30pm, Zoom
St. Paul of the Shipwreck with Fr. Frank Desiderio, CSP   presentation with Steve Mueller, PhD. Get practical
From the Bottom Up with Fr. Terry Ryan, CSP               help for all who wish to become better Bible
Moving Forward with Fr. Mark-David Janus, CSP             readers, whether you are just beginning or
                                                          continuing to deepen your knowledge and develop
                                                          your skills. (RSVP by Mar. 9)
See, Choose, Act:
Key Takeaways from                                        InSpirit—Called to Be Anti-Racist: Ideas
Pope Francis’ New                                         for Christians Tuesday, March 16, 7-8pm,
                                                          Zoom presentation with special guest Jessie Bazan,
Book “Let Us Dream”                                       M.Div., writer and theologian at Collegeville
Wednesday, March 17,                                      Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research.
10am or 7pm.                                              Exploring ways Christians can discern how to be
Zoom Presentation with Paulist                            anti-racist and take action through study, prayer,
Novice Luke Heffernan. When                               and work around a related social issue.
the choices we face in a time of                          (RSVP by Mar. 10)
crisis are not black and white
but call for spiritual
discernment, where do we
turn? Paulist novice Luke
                                                           If you enjoy our programming
Heffernan presents us with important ideas from Pope          please consider making a
Francis’ book “Let Us Dream” and leads a discussion on
applying these to our lives during and post pandemic.                donation at
(RSVP by March 15 at
events/list)                                                                                                    page 7
First Sunday of lent FEBRUARY 21 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew
Infant Baptisms
Please contact the
Cathedral office 456-
1454 x1909.                                    Queridos amigos en Cristo,
Adult Baptisms &
                                               El pasado mes de marzo, tomé una decision difícil como obispo,
Becoming Catholic
Please contact Sean                            suspender la celebración pública de las misas. Debido a la
Donovan 616-456-1454         incertidumbre en ese momento, fue una decisión prudente en beneficio de los fieles.
x1913.                       Al comenzar este tiempo especial de la Cuaresma, ya llevamos casi un año viviendo
Reconciliation               con la pandemia del COVID-19. La pandemia nos ha cambiado y desafiado. Su impacto
(Confession) For the         sigue viéndose y sintiéndose.
confession schedule,
please refer to page 2.      La Cuaresma es un tiempo en el que "revisamos nuestra conducta y nos convertimos al
For special situations,      Señor". (Lamentaciones 3:40) Para algunos de nosotros, esto puede revelar que mientras
please contact the
                             hemos retomado muchas actividades, no hemos priorizado nuestro regreso a la Misa.
Cathedral office 616-456-
1454 x1909 to make an        Invito a los que puedan a volver a celebrar la Eucaristía en su parroquia. La celebración
appointment with one of      de la Misa es la cumbre hacia la que la actividad de la Iglesia se dirige y la fuente de
our priests.                 donde fluye todo su poder.
First Communion is
prepared for through the     Afortunadamente, muchos de nosotros podemos, una vez más, centrar nuestras vidas
Religious Education          en la Misa. Los profesionales de la salud han revisado las estrategias diocesanas de
program. Contact Sean        mitigación del COVID-19. Estas estrategias nos han permitido volver con seguridad a la
Donovan at the               celebración de los sacramentos y seguirán haciéndolo. Si ha vuelto a la misa, le animo
Cathedral office
                             a que invite a otros feligreses, amigos y familiares. ¡No subestime el poder de su
456-1454 x1913.
                             invitación personal!
Confirmation for 8th
graders is prepared for
                             La Cuaresma es una excelente oportunidad para extender esta invitación. Es "...un
through the Religious
Education program.           tiempo propicio para prepararnos a celebrar con corazones renovados el gran misterio
Contact Sean Donovan         de la muerte y resurrección de Jesús, piedra angular de nuestra vida cristiana personal
at the Cathedral office      y comunitaria. Debemos volver continuamente a este misterio en la mente y en el
456-1454 x1913.              corazón..." (Papa Francisco, Mensaje para la Cuaresma, 2020)
Baptized adults can
register for Adult
                             Sin embargo, aunque invito a los que pueden volver a la Misa, también sé que algunos
Confirmation prep
classes. Contact Sean        no pueden asistir en persona por motivos de salud u otros factores. Si se encuentra en
616-456-1454 x1913.          esta situación, la dispensa de obligación para asistir a la Misa dominical ha sido
                             extendida hasta nuevo aviso. Esta dispensa no se aplica a los que pueden asistir a Misa.
Please contact Lynnae in     Se recuerda a todos los católicos bautizados su obligación de santificar el día del Señor.
the Cathedral office 616-
456-1454, x1901.             Les animo a que visiten la página web diocesana ( y las redes sociales
Anointing of the Sick        (Facebook, Twitter e Instagram) para obtener recursos para la Cuaresma y mantenerse
Please call the Cathedral    conectados con su fe y con lo que ocurre en la diócesis. ¡Permitamonos durante este
office 456-1454 x1909 if     tiempo especial el poder volver a Dios y reflexionar sobre la esperanza que permanece
you are in the hospital or   gracias a la Resurrección de Cristo!
home-bound and would
like Anointing or
                             Sinceramente suyo en Cristo,
Communion. For after
hour emergencies dial
option 6 and one of our
priests will be paged.       Reverendísimo David J. Walkowiak
                             Obispo de Grand Rapids
page 8
First Sunday of lent FEBRUARY 21 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew
Sábado, 13 de                                                    Estaciones de la Cruz
                                                                 Todos los viernes de Cuaresma, a las 7pm
Marzo, 7pm                                                       Únase a nosotros en persona para esta hermosa
Únase a la fiesta                                                práctica de la escritura, la respuesta cantada y la
gratis                                                           oración, en inglés, español y latín, que nos lleva
Este año estamos planeando                                       en una peregrinación a través de la Pasión de
una fiesta en línea a la que                                     Cristo, la muerte y el entierro usando cada
todos pueden asistir gratis.                                     estación en las paredes de la Catedral.
Así que reserve la noche del 13 de marzo, donde podrá
mirar desde su casa. Vístase de verde, póngase las                                      Plato de arroz CRS
pantuflas, tome un sorbo de su café irlandés y disfrute del                             Hambre en nuestro mundo
entretenimiento, la música, los invitados especiales y, por
                                                                                     Jesús nos dijo que lo cuanto hagamos a
supuesto, la rifa.
                                                                                             uno de estos hermanos
                     ¡Tantos premios de rifa!                                                pequeños, se lo hacemos a Él.
                     Esta rifa anual es la única recaudación
                                                                                             Reflexiona sobre el hambre en
                     de fondos que hacemos para el apoyo                                     el mundo: es una realidad para
                     de todos nuestros ministerios de la                                     millones de nuestros hermanos.
                     Catedral. Así que pruebe su suerte                                      ¿Qué harás para apoyar a los
                     irlandesa en nuestra rifa anual del Día     que sufren hambre en nuestra comunidad y en todo el
                     de San Patricio, que se realizará el 13     mundo? Visita para obtener más
                     de marzo. Los boletos cuestan $25           información.
                     cada uno, o 5 por $100. El gran
                     premio es de $1000.
                                                                 El encuentro personal con Jesús en cuaresma
Este año tenemos muchos más premios que puedes ganar.            Jueves 4 y 11 de Marzo, 7 a 8:30 de la noche en persona o
Un nuevo segundo premio es un fin de semana en una               por zoom. Facilitada por el Padre Luis García (registrarse
casa de campo en el condado de Leelanau. Nuestro tercer          antes del 1 de marzo:
premio será la cena para cuatro, cocinada y servida por los      Algunos de estos personajes son muy reconocidos, como son
Padres Paulistas. También tenemos una salida de golf con         la Samaritana, la Mujer adúltera, el Padre misericordioso,
los "profesionales" Paulistas, una caja de sidra / cerveza /     Nicodemo, el ciego de nacimiento entre otros. A través de
refresco hecho en casa personalizado por el P. Michael, un       esta reflexión espiritual vamos a revisar nuestro propio
retrato pintado por el P. Joachim, una pintura de la             camino espiritual y así poder prepararnos para el Triduo
Catedral vista desde Baraga Plaza por el diácono Mike, tres      Pascual.
postres beliceños hechos por el P. René, un recorrido en
bicicleta a finales de verano y un almuerzo campestre con
el P. Bill, o un recorrido por los tubos y la oportunidad para   Directivas para Misa
subir el volumen al máximo y tocar el gran órgano de la          El Obispo Walkowiak ha extendido la
Catedral (no se requiere talento musical) con Matthew            dispensación de la misa hasta nuevo aviso.
Jakubisin. Otros premios donados consisten en una tarjeta
de regalo de $ 200 para Express Image Studio Salon y 5           Maneras en que puedes ayudar ...
botellas de vino dulce casero con 2 copas de vino                • Planee llegar temprano, pero no asista si
grabadas, golf en Blythefield country club o una canasta de         tiene algún síntoma de enfermedad.
regalo especial de golosinas, vinos, cervezas, etc. del norte    • Si solo asisten 1 o 2 personas de un hogar,
de Michigan. ¿Qué premio esperas?                                   primero llene las bancas cortas a los lados y deje las bancas
                                                                    más largas para los hogares más grandes.
Puede pasar o llamar a la oficina parroquial para comprar        • Cuando se acerque para recibir la Comunión, diga “Amén”
sus boletos 616.456.1454 x 1909.                                    cuando se detenga en la etiqueta azul en el piso. No se
                                                                    quite la máscara hasta que esté listo para consumir el
                                                                    Cuerpo de Cristo. El Cuerpo de Cristo debe consumirse
                                                                    antes de regresar a su banca. Reemplace su mascarilla de
        ¿Necesitas Sacramentos?                                     inmediato.
      Favor de hablar con uno de los                             • Tenga en cuenta que a partir de Adviento pedimos a los
                                                                    feligreses que se registren en línea si planean asistir a misa
               sacerdotes.                                          en la Catedral. Esto es con el propósito de rastrear
                                                                    contactos. Mire su correo electrónico para obtener enlaces
                                                                    y más información
                   Sigue la catedral en                          Gracias por su paciencia y diligencia continuas para ayudarnos a
                   Facebook para ver                             que nuestras misas sean lo más seguras posible.
                      fotos y videos.
                                                                                                                         page 9
First Sunday of lent FEBRUARY 21 2021 - Cathedral of Saint Andrew
       Th e                                                                                215 Sheldon SE
                                                                                       Grand Rapids, MI 49503

  We give the Word of God a                                                             M-Th 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
  voice in pulpits and print,                                                            F 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
  on radio and television, on                              MOST REVEREND DAVID J. WALKOWIAK
  the web and the wide                                       Bishop of Grand Rapids / Obispo
  screen. We search out
  those who have no church
  home, and welcome home                             VERY REV. RENÉ CONSTANZA, CSP       DEACON MIKE CRUICKSHANK, CSP

                                 Paulist fath ers
  those who have been away.                          Rector (Párroco) ext. 1905          deaconmike@cathedralofsaint
                                                     fatherrene@cathedralofsaint ext. 1914
  We share the passion of                                                                REV. BOB CARY, CSP
  Paul for unity in faith and                        REV. BILL EDENS, CSP                Senior Ministry
  solidarity in mission among                        Associate Pastor ext. 1906
  all the baptized in the body                       fatherbill@cathedralofsaint
                                                                                         REV. JOACHIM LALLY, CSP
  of Christ. We build bridges              
                                                                                         Senior Ministry
  of respect and collabora-
                                                     REV. MICHAEL HENNESSY, CSP
  tion with people of other
  world religions.                                   Associate Pastor ext. 1916
                                                                                         REV. CHARLIE BRUNICK, CSP
                                                                                         Senior Ministry
  In our parishes and campus                                                   
  worshipping communities
  we welcome people of di-                          Cathedral staff                   LYNNAE JARRELL ext. 1901
  verse racial and cultural                                                           Wedding Coordinator
  backgrounds. The gospel        BARB FOSS ext. 1902
                                 Business Administrator                     
  we preach calls for all the
                                             ANTHONY LEARY ext. 1917
  children of God to be treat-
  ed with dignity and justice.   SEAN DONOVAN ext. 1913                               Facilities Maintenance
                                 Director of Religious Education and
  We claim Isaac Hecker as       Faith Formation
  our founder, the Holy Spirit                        Other numbers
  as our primary guide, St.                                                           BULLETIN EDITOR/DESIGN
                                 ELIANA GONZALEZ ext. 1909                            Eulene Freeland, 456-1454 ext. 1904
  Paul as our patron, and lai-   Administrative Assistant/Receptionist                Send announcements via email only by
  ty as our valued partners in                    previous Monday to
                                 MATTHEW JAKUBISIN, ext. 1911
     We are Paulists.            Director of Music                  CATHEDRAL OUTREACH CENTER
                        Open Tuesdays & Thursdays
       Missionaries                                                 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Closed July-August
                                 EULENE FREELAND, ext. 1904
    to North America.            Director of Communications         PRAYER CHAIN

                                 DEACON DENNIS RYBICKI, ext. 1903                     CATHEDRAL FAX: 616-456-5110
                                 Baptism & Homebound Ministry
                                 deacondennis@cathedralofsaint                        Cathedral proper open to the public:
                                                                  Weekdays: 6:30am to 6pm
                                                                                      Saturdays: 9am to 6:30pm
                                 JULIE BARTHOLOMEW ext. 1912                          Sundays: 9am to 9pm
                                 Liturgy Coordinator                                  Please coordinate with the office for
page 10
                                            group tours or visits.
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