First Baptist Church Love God, Love People, Love Shawnee - Loving Our Families As God Loves Us - First Baptist Church Shawnee, OK

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First Baptist Church Love God, Love People, Love Shawnee - Loving Our Families As God Loves Us - First Baptist Church Shawnee, OK
First Baptist Church
Love God, Love People, Love Shawnee
           Shawnee, OK

    Morning Worship • 10:45 am
          June 20, 2021

Loving Our Families As God Loves Us
            Luke 15:11-32
     Dr. Charles Kimball, pastor

First Baptist Church • Shawnee, OK
                              Morning Worship
                            Sunday, June 20, 2021 • 10:45 am


Ask Me Who I Am from Overcomer                                               Video

Call to Worship: Who You Say I Am

O Worship the King with O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing

The Apostles’ Creed                               Gordon Richards and Congregation
I believe in God, the Father Almighty,
Creator of heaven and earth.

I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried;
He descended to the dead.
On the third day He rose again;
He ascended into heaven,
He is seated at the right hand of the Father,
and He will come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy Christian Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting.

Welcome & Prayer for Families                               Pastor and Congregation
God of family, God of Love, forgive us for those times when we have forgotten how
much we are loved by you, and how important a part we play in your family.
Forgive us when we take family for granted.
Time of Silent Confession

Scriptural Response: Psalm 145:4-5, 9-10 (ESV)        Pastor and Congregation
One generation shall commend your works to another,
  and shall declare your mighty acts.
On the glorious splendor of your majesty,
  and on your wondrous works, I will meditate.
The Lord is good to all,
  and his mercy is over all that he has made.
All your works shall give thanks to you, O Lord,
  and all your saints shall bless you!

Worthy of Worship

Good, Good Father

Message: Loving Our Families As God Loves Us           Pastor Charles Kimball
                                    Luke 15:11-32

Time of Commitment: Be Thou My Vision

Announcements                                                   Michael Ware

Offertory Prayer                                           LaHoma Singleton

Offertory: How Deep the Father’s Love for Us                   Carol Ann Bell

Benediction: A Gaelic Blessing                               Sanctuary Choir

Elder Vote
Opportunities for Worship and Service

Today – Sunday, June 20
9:30 am – Sunday Morning Bible Study
10:45 am – Morning Worship (In-person, Radio, or Livestream)
After Morning Worship – Elder Vote

Wednesday, June 23
6:30 pm – Youth Bible Study and Fellowship
6:30 pm – Choir Ice Cream Party at Michael’s House

Sunday, June 27
9:30 am – Sunday Morning Bible Study
10:45 am – Morning Worship (In-person, Radio, or Livestream)
6:00 pm – Churchwide Game Night in Fellowship Hall

We currently have 2 elders (Jon Singleton & Paul Riggins). Our bylaws require that we
have 4-6 elders to serve alongside our pastor. We will vote on additional elders today at the
end of the worship service. Of the persons recommended by FBC members, we have six
nominees who agreed to be elder candidates. You will have an opportunity to vote for 4 of
the 6 to complete our slate of elders. Since our bylaws require a 75% vote to serve as an
elder, if needed, we will have a type of run off vote next week on 6/27. Please devote this
matter to prayer and be present to vote as God leads you.

Elder Nominees
Jim Farthing
Bill Ford
Jim Hansford
Charles Prescott
Don Rominger
Rocky Wade

     Fill out a digital connection card           Watch past worship services on our
     by scanning this code with your              YouTube channel by scanning this
              phone’s camera:                      code with your phone’s camera:

Who You Say I Am
words and music by REUBEN MORGAN

& b b 8 ™™ ‰ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ™ œ ™ œj ‰ œ œ ™ œ™                                                                   ™
   b 6                                 j
                                                                                                            œ™ Œ
               1 . Who am I     that the high - est King would wel - come                                  me?
               2. Free at last, He has ran - somed me;    His grace runs                                  deep.

&b b ‰ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ™ œ™ œ œ œ œ™
  b                                                                                                             ‰ œ œ
                                                                                      Ϫ             Ϫ
               I was lost, but He brought me in. Oh, His love                         for           me.              Oh, His
               While     I was a slave to sin, Je - sus died                          for           me,              yes, He
9                                                        Chorus
&b b œ™               œ™          œ™        ‰
                                                   œ œ              œ™           œ™           œ™            ‰
                                                                                                                     œ œ
       love       for            me!              Who the         Son        sets            free,                   oh, is
       died       for            me.
13                                                                                                              1.
   b                                   j
& b b œ™ œ™ œ™ ‰ œ œ œ ™ œ™ œ ™ ‰ œ œ œ œ œ ™                                                                            ∑        ™™
       free     in - deed.         I'm a child of            God,        yes I         am.

19     2, 3.                                                                                          __

&b b Ϊ
  b               ‰
                       œ œ œ™ œ™                    œ ™ ‰ œ œ œ™ œ™                                    œ™ ‰ œ œ
                       In my Fa - ther's          house        there's a place          for           me.                I'm a

24                                                                      Fine Last Time
&b b œ™                                   ‰ œ œ                 j                             Œ™            ‰ œ œ
                      œ™         œ™                            œ œ           œ™
      child       of            God,            yes I                am.                                             I       am

28     Bridge

& b b ™™ œ œj ‰ œ œ œ œj Œ œj œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ™ ‰ œ œ
         cho - sen,         not for - sak - en.          I    am who You say I                am.                    You are

32                                                                                                   2nd time D.S. al Fine

& b b œ œj ‰ œ œ œ œj Œ œj œ œ œ œ œ œ œ ™ ‰ œ œ ™™
       for me,             not a - gainst me.        I       am who You say I               am.                      I am

                              Copyright © 201 9 HILLSONG MUSIC PUBLISHING (APRA)
                       Admin. in the United States and Canada at CAPITOLCMGPUBLISHING.COM
                                         All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.
                                                    FBC CCLI #882533
24                          O Worship the King
             My soul, praise the LORD! LORD my God, You are very great. Psalm 104:1

            1.   O     wor - ship the King, all  glo - rious a - bove,                        And    grate - ful - ly
            2.   O     tell of His might, O     sing of His grace,                            Whose robe is the
            3.   Thy boun - ti - ful care what tongue can re - cite?                          It   breathes in the
            4.   Frail chil - dren of dust, and  fee - ble as frail,                          In     Thee do we            __



          sing His      won - der - ful                 love;     Our Shield and De - fend - er,                 the       __
          light, whose can - o - py                    space!     His   char - iots of wrath the                deep
          air,     it  shines  in the                   light;    It  streams from the hills, it                  de -
          trust, nor    find  Thee to                    fail:    Thy   mer - cies how ten - der,               how



          An - cient of         Days,    Pa - vil - ioned in splen- dor, and gird - ed with praise.
          thun - der- clouds    form,    And dark is His path on the wings of the storm.
          scends to the         plain,   And sweet - ly dis - tills in the dew and the rain.
          firm to the            end;    Our Mak - er, De - fend - er, Re - deem - er, and Friend!

                   Optional last stanza setting


WORDS: Robert Grant                                                                                             LYONS      __
MUSIC: Attr. Johann Michael Haydn, in William Gardiner’s Sacred Melodies;                         
Last stanza setting and choral ending by Keith Christopher
                     Arr. © Copyright 2008 Van Ness Press, Inc. (ASCAP) (admin. by LifeWay Worship).
                                                   All rights reserved.
136 O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing
       And my tongue will proclaim Your righteousness, Your praise all day long. Psalm 35:28

            1.   O    for     a thou- sand tongues to sing My great                            Re - deem - er’s praise,
            2.   My   gra - cious Mas - ter  and my God, As - sist                             me to pro - claim,
            3.   Je - sus, the name that calms my fears, That bids                             my sor - rows cease;
            4.   He breaks the power of      can - celled sin, He sets                         the pris - ’ner free;        __



          The  glo - ries of              my God and King,              The        tri - umphs of       His grace!
          To spread through all           the earth a - broad           The       hon - ors of          Thy name.
          ’Tis mu - sic in                the sin- ner’s ears;          ’Tis      life and health       and peace.
          His blood can make              the foul - est clean,         His      blood a - vailed       for me.             __


         Optional last stanza setting                                                                                       __




                       4. He               breaks the power of can - celled sin, He sets the pris-’ner


WORDS: Charles Wesley                                                                                           AZMON
MUSIC: Carl G. Gläser; arr. Lowell Mason; Last stanza setting by Don Marsh                       
                     Arr. © Copyright 2008 Van Ness Press, Inc. (ASCAP) (admin. by LifeWay Worship).
                                                   All rights reserved.
3                            Worthy of Worship
Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised; and His greatness is unsearchable. Psalm 145:3 (KJV)

        1. Wor- thy of           wor - ship, wor - thy of praise,                 Wor - thy       of hon - or and
        2. Wor- thy of           rev - ’rence, wor - thy of fear,                 Wor - thy       of love and de -
        3. Al - might - y        Fa - ther, Mas - ter and Lord,                   King of         all kings and Re -


         glo  -  ry;               Wor - thy of    all the glad songs we can sing, Wor- thy of                              __
         vo  -  tion;              Wor - thy of bow- ing and bend- ing of knees, Wor- thy of
         deem - er,                Won- der - ful Coun- se - lor, Com- fort - er, Friend, Sav - ior and


        all    of       the off - ’rings we bring.                                                                          __
        all   this      and add - ed to these…                      You are wor - thy,                  Fa-ther, Cre-
        Source of       our life with - out end.


         a - tor. You are wor - thy,                 Sav - ior,     Sus - tain - er. You are wor            - thy,          __



         wor - thy and       won - der - ful;       Wor- thy of           wor - ship and praise.

WORDS: Terry W. York                                                                                            JUDSON
MUSIC: Mark Blankenship                                                                                   Irregular meter
         © Copyright 1988 Van Ness Press, Inc. (ASCAP)/McKinney Music, Inc. (BMI) (admin. by LifeWay Worship).
                                                   All rights reserved.
Good, Good Father
                                                                                                                              Joseph Patrick, Martin Barrett,
                                                                                                                                        and Anthony Brown

   6 j                                j     r                                                                                                        j
&b 8 œ                œ.             œ ‰ ≈ œ œ.                              œ.                œ          œ             œ œ                œ.       œ Œ
    1. Oh           I've             heard             a thou         -     sand             sto - ries                  of     what               they
    2. Oh           I've             seen              – man           -      y            search - ing                 for     an          -     swers

                 j                                            r
& b œ.      œ . œ ‰ œj œ .                              j
                                                       œ ‰ ≈ œ œ.                        œ.          œ         œ        œ œ            œ.        œ œ œ
   think You're      like.       But      I've         heard          the ten - der                 whis - per           of love                 in – the
   far    and        wide,       But        I          know          that we're all                search - ing         for an         -        swers on - ly

& b œ.      œ.             œ       œ         œ œ             œ. œ ‰ ‰ œ.                       œ.          œ            œ       œ œ œ. œ œ œ.
   dead     of    night. And You tell                              me             that        You're pleased and that I'm                          nev - er a -
   You      pro - vide. 'Cause You know                            just           what         we     need be - fore      we                       say      a

& b ˙.              ‰ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ   ≈ r œ                                                            œ œ.               Œ       ≈ r œ              œ œ.
                                      œ   œ                                                                                           œ
   lone.                 You're a good,                good Fa          -    ther.       It's who You are,                             it's who You are,

&b Œ               ≈ r œ                                                                                        j                ≈ r œ œ
                     œ                   œ œ.                  œ œ œ.                œ œ œ.                    œ ‰                 œ                    œ.
                        it's who       You are.                     and I'm          loved         by       You,                    it's who I         am,

&b Œ          ≈ r œ œ                      œ.            Œ             ≈ r œ œ                     œ.              ˙.                   Œ.         Œ
                œ                                                        œ
                     it's who I           am,                               it's who I             am.

                           Copyright © 2014 Capitol CMG Paragon; Common Hymnal Publishing; Housefires Sounds; sixsteps Music;
                  Tony Brown Publishing Designee; Vamos Publishing; and songs (administered by Capitol CMG Publishing).
                                                     Used by permission. FBC Shawnee CCLI #882533
83                            Be Thou My Vision
                             I have set the LORD always before me. Psalm 16:8

              1.   Be       Thou      my           Vi - sion, O                 Lord        of my                heart;
              2.   Be       Thou      my          Wis - dom, and                Thou        my true              Word;
              3.   Rich    - es        I          heed not, or                  man’s      emp - ty              praise,         __
              4.   High     King      of          heav - en, my                  vic -      to - ry               won,



             Naught be    all else    to   me,  save that  Thou     art:
             I      ev - er   with Thee and Thou with       me,    Lord:                                                         __
             Thou mine in - her - i - tance, now and         al - ways:
             May     I  reach heav - en’s joys,  O bright heav’n’s Sun!


          Thou       my       best       thought,      by    day or                          by        night,
          Thou       my       great         Fa    -   ther,    I   Thy                      true        son,
          Thou       and      Thou          on     -   ly,   first in                        my        heart,
          Heart       of       my          own heart, what - ev - er                         be -       fall,                    __



            Wak - ing        or       sleep     - ing,           Thy            pres - ence       my            light.           __
            Thou in          me       dwell     - ing,           and              I    with      Thee            one.
            High King        of       heav      - en,            my             trea - sure      Thou            art.
            Still be         my        Vi      - sion,            O             Rul - er          of             all.

WORDS: Ancient Irish; tr. Mary E. Byrne; versified Eleanor H. Hull                                                    SLANE
MUSIC: Trad. Irish Melody; arr. Ken Barker; Last stanza setting and choral ending by Gary Rhodes        
                     Arr. © Copyright 2008 Van Ness Press, Inc. (ASCAP) (admin. by LifeWay Worship).
                                                   All rights reserved.
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