SP TLIGHT First United Methodist Church of Gatesville - Gatesville First United Methodist ...

Page created by Marvin Park
SP TLIGHT First United Methodist Church of Gatesville - Gatesville First United Methodist ...
First United Methodist Church   Non-Profit Org.
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                                                                First United Methodist Church of Gatesville
2600 East Main Street
Gatesville, TX 76528            Gatesville, TX

                                                                                SP TLIGHT
(254) 865-2520                  Permit No. 74
                                Change Service Requested

                                                                                                       May 2021
                                                                The mission of our church is to raise up disciples of Christ through love, service, and example.

                                                                                           FROM STEPHEN’S STUDY
                                                           STEWARDS OF GODS GOOD EARTH
                                                           In the story of creation in Genesis 1:26, “God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.
                                                           And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the live-
                                                           stock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.’” God would then go
                                                           on to create Adam and Eve. After God created human beings, he placed them in a beautiful garden
                                                           known as the Garden of Eden. Genesis 2:15 says, “The LORD God took the man and put him in the Gar-
                                                           den of Eden to work it and keep it.” These verses remind us that God created the earth for humanity to
                                                           enjoy and take good care of. From the very beginning of time God’s desire for us was that we would be
                                                           good stewards of God’s creation. I was reminded of the importance of caring for the earth often when I
                                                           was growing up on a farm.
                                                           My dad and my grandfather always practiced soil conservation methods such as terracing the land to
                                                           prevent soil erosion. They also planted cover crops that would restore nitrogen and other nutrients to the
                                                           soil. Crop rotation and fertilization were other methods we used in order to be good stewards of the land
                                                           that provided a living for two families for much of my life.
                                                           On April 22, we celebrated Earth Day. This celebration reminds us that we need to be good stewards of
                                                           the planet God has provided for us as our home. As human beings, our actions have a huge impact on
                                                           earth’s environment. We often take and take without ever thinking how to give back. One of the benefits
                                                           of the Corona Virus pandemic shut down was that the earth had a chance to rest and rejuvenate for the
                                                           first time in many years.
                                                           The time of quarantine and working from home during 2020 had several positive impacts on the environ-
                                                           ment around the world. CO2 levels dropped to a record low and the atmosphere of the earth was greatly
                                                           improved. Fewer cars on the road meant less trash was deposited on our roadsides. The reduction in
                                                           vehicles on the road and planes in the air also contributed to a reduction in air pollution. More oxygen
                                                           was produced as a result.
                                                           Another benefit of the quarantine was that there was less global demand for fossil fuels around the
                                                           world. The same is true for energy usage. So, as difficult as the pandemic has been for humans, the
                                                           earth was able to heal in many ways as a result of the preventive measures used to slow the spread of
                                                           the virus.
                                                            All of these benefits to nature are a great reminder to us that we need to continue to seek ways to take
                                                           better care of God’s creation. Let’s all look for ways to be good stewards of the earth’s resources. Sim-
                                                           ple steps like recycling, driving less, and composting can make a huge difference in earth’s environment.
                                                           Let’s take the job of being good stewards of God’s creation seriously.

                                                           See you Sunday,
SP TLIGHT First United Methodist Church of Gatesville - Gatesville First United Methodist ...
Sunday School
                                                                                       K-3                         4-6
                                                                                       Jane Harvey                Jennifer Boyd                SUNDAY; May 09th is Mother’s Day.
                                                                                                                                               SUNDAY; May 23rd is Day of Pentecost.
                                                                                       UNIT 3: Love
                                                                                       May 02- Choosing the Seven
                                                                                       May 09- Peter and Tabitha
                                                                                       May 16- The Church Grows

                                                                                       May 23- Pentecost
                                                                                       May 30- Love in Action

                                                                                       Children’s Church with Jane Harvey
                                                                                       4y-3rd grade following Children’s Sermon                (K-6th Grade)
                                                                                                                                               Jane Harvey & Linda Klontz
                                                                                       All children wear your sneakers to church. We will be   SUPERBOOK:
                                                                                       going to the walking track looking for God sightings.   May 05- Jonah
                                               Now that in person worship is           God saw all that he had made, and indeed, it was very
                                                                                                                                               May 12- Field Trip:
                                                                                                                                                ***Last Wednesday Word**
                                               back in full swing we are in need       good. Genesis 1:31
                                               of some volunteers of all ages! If
                                               you would like to volunteer to be
                                               an Usher, Greeter, Liturgist,
                                               Sound Booth Technician, or mon-                      UNITED METHODIST
                                               ey counter please contact Court-
                                               ney in the church office 254-865-                    WOMEN
                                                                                                 The United Methodist Wom-
                                               2520. Your help would be greatly
                                               appreciated as we move back into
                                                                                                 en will meet Tuesday, May
                                                                                                 11, 2021, at 5:30 p.m. in the
                                               some normality again!                   church foyer. The program, “Finding
                                                                                       Peace in an Anxious World, Learn                                   Sunday School:
                                                                                                                                                      Every Sunday @ 9:30am.
                                                                                       Who You Are and Stay Connected,”
                                                                                       will be presented by Kathleen Blanke-                             Wednesday Word:
                                                                                       meyer. Patsy Smart will lead the busi-                           Every Wednesday @
May 2           May 9              May 16            May 23            May 30          ness meeting. Hostesses are Doris                                      5:30pm
8:30 R. Jones   8:30 V. Riddle     8:30 A. Daze      8:30 L. Klontz    8:30 R. Jones   Nichols and Cindy Martin. All women
10:30 W. Wall   10:30 R. Sweazea   10:30 G. Sadler   10:30 Blankemeyer 10:30 W. Wall
                                                                                       are invited.
SP TLIGHT First United Methodist Church of Gatesville - Gatesville First United Methodist ...
Join us on May 8th from 9                                                                                  Join world-
                                       am—noon for an outdoor                                                                                     renowned exe-
                                    church workday! As you have                                                                                   gete and theo-
                                                                                                                                                  logian N.T.
                                    probably seen, the freeze that                                                                                Wright at Bay-
                                      happened in February killed                                                                                 lor’s Truett
                                     most of our plants around the                                                                                Seminary for
church building. We are planning on clearing the flower beds and                                                                                  an intensive
 picking up the trash. If you are able to help out please contact                                                                                 study Paul's
 Doug Peevey 254-216-1885 or call the church office 254-865-                                                                                      Letter to the
                 2520! We hope to see you here!                                                                                                   Galatians.
                                                                     In June 2021, join world-renowned exegete and theologian N.T. Wright at Baylor’s Truett Sem-
                                                                     inary for an intensive study of the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Galatians. This in-depth, multi-
                                                                     day seminar will afford attendees a rare opportunity to listen to and learn from one whom Chris-
                                              Join us for “The
                                                                     tianity Today describes as 'the most prolific biblical scholar in a generation' and 'the most im-
                                               Table” on May         portant apologist for the faith since C.S. Lewis'. To purchase tickets please visit https://
                                             16th at 6 pm in the
                                             Family Life Center.         Early Response Training opportunities are now available!

 Class of 2021 Senior Sunday will be held on May 16th. Please
have your senior attend the 10:30 am worship service so they can
  be presented with a Bible and their scholarship. If you have a
senior and you have not already, please contact the church office
                 and let us know 254-865-2520.

                                                                            Basic ERT Class: June 5, 2021 at Temple FUMC (IN-PERSON) 9am-5pm.
                                                                          Basic ERT Class: June 26, 2021 at Georgetown FUMC (IN-PERSON) 9am-5pm.

                                                                         If you are interested in registering for either of these training opportunities please
                                                                         contact Courtney via email Courtney@fumcgatesville.org for the registration infor-
                                                                                          mation. To learn more about UMCOR please visit
SP TLIGHT First United Methodist Church of Gatesville - Gatesville First United Methodist ...
                                                     Ray Martin
                                               Ronnie & Sharon Sullins
                                                   Linda Lovelace
1 Katelyn Brown
1 Dylan Hartmann                                     Pat Henson
1 Everett Seymour                                    Carol Smith
3 Ryli Bryson                                        Betty Brown
3 Melinda Ivy                                       Joyce Talbott                                  Sun                 Mon             Tue                Wed                Thu                Fri        Sat
4 Hayden Kemp                                   DeDe & Dina Powell
6 Amy Daze                                          Cindy Waters                                                                                                                                      1
                                                                                                                                                                                                      9-12 Leadership
6 Hope Lacefield                                    Gaye Sadler                                                                                                                                       Meeting in
7 John Daniel                                        Melinda Ivy                                                                                                                                      Sanctuary
7 Guyann Miles                                    James Hamilton
8 Matthew McCoy
                                                  Melanie Johnson
12 David Lovelace
12 Larry Roberts                                 Jon & Judy Brown
                                                                                              2                   3               4                  5                  6                  7          8
14 Ray Hartmann                                                                               8:30 Worship        6:30 AA         5:30-6:30 Karate   5:30 Wednesday     5:30-6:30 Karate   6:30 AA    9-12:00 Work
14 Ruth Jones                                                                                 9:30 SS                             Class in FLC       Word               Class in FLC                  Day
                                                                                              10:30 Worship                                          6:00 Prayer and
15 Karen Lacefield                                                                                                                                        Bible Study
15 Jayme Palady
                                                Get Wells
                                                                                                                                                     6:15 Choir
15 Nellie Sheldon
15 Tom Sweazea
16 Ron Decker
16 Kelsie Martin                                   Barbie Daniel
                                                                                              9                   10              11                 12                 13                 14         15
16 Anne Ramminger                                Ken & Velva Riddle                           Mother’s Day        6:30 AA         5:30 UMW           5:30 Last          5:30-6:30 Karate   6:30 AA
17 Kurt Snively                                                                               8:30 Worship                                           Wednesday Word     Class in FLC
                                                                                              9:30 SS                                                before Summer
19 Crystal Jeffcoat                                 Inez Arnold                               10:30 Worship                                          Break
20 Laura Scott                                   Ken & Velva Riddle                                                                                  6:00 Prayer and
                                                                                                                                                          Bible Study
23 Marie Pruitt                                                                                                                                      6:15 Choir
23 Stella Wiegreffe                                Annie Puglisi
25 Jane Majusiak
                                                 Ken & Velva Riddle                           16                  17              18                 19                 20                 21         22
27 William Farrell
                                                                                              8:30 Worship        6:30 AA         5:30-6:30 Karate   LGLC Graduation    5:30-6:30 Karate   6:30 AA
29 Dee Ann Roberts                                                                            9:30 SS                             Class in FLC       in FLC             Class in FLC
29 Lyon Wood                                    Donna Marble           Nancy Daniel           10:30 Worship                                          6:15 Choir
                      P r ay e r                Donnie Pruitt          Ollie Loggins
                                                                                              SENIOR SUNDAY

                                                                                              6:00 The Table in
                      Concerns                  Emily Veiga
                                                Erin Coffey
                                                                       Randy Thomas
                                                                       Rex Huse

                      Ann Miller                Helen Theaker          Ricky Bates
                      Annie Puglisi             Jayme Palady           Roger Berryhill        23                  24              25                 26                 27                 28         29
                      Barbara Daniel            Jerry Paxton           Sally Jund             8:30 Worship        6:30 AA         5:30-6:30 Karate   6:15 Choir         5:30-6:30 Karate   6:30 AA
                                                                                              9:30 SS                             Class in FLC                          Class in FLC
                      Chuck Klima               Kara Butler            Shelly (Hughes)        10:30 Worship
                      Cindy Venable             Kathleen Blankemeyer   Friederich
                      Cynthia Johnston          Kyle Strmiska          Stephen Matchett       30                  31
                      Darnell & Miranda Wil-                                                  8:30 Worship        Office Closed
                                                Laura Fowell           Steve Berridge         9:30 SS             Memorial Day
                                                Lovelace Family        Family of Ray Martin   10:30 Worship       6:30 AA
                      Debbie Ament
SP TLIGHT First United Methodist Church of Gatesville - Gatesville First United Methodist ... SP TLIGHT First United Methodist Church of Gatesville - Gatesville First United Methodist ... SP TLIGHT First United Methodist Church of Gatesville - Gatesville First United Methodist ... SP TLIGHT First United Methodist Church of Gatesville - Gatesville First United Methodist ... SP TLIGHT First United Methodist Church of Gatesville - Gatesville First United Methodist ... SP TLIGHT First United Methodist Church of Gatesville - Gatesville First United Methodist ...
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