SIDELITES - Our Savior's Lutheran Church New Ulm

Page created by Ruben Salinas
SIDELITES - Our Savior's Lutheran Church New Ulm
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church                                                                   February 2021

                                   Ash Wednesday - February 17, 2021
  Worship will be in person at 12:00 Noon and 6:30 PM (also live on Facebook). Imposition of ashes will look
                                     different this year due to COVID-19.

                            Wednesdays in Lent: February 24th – March 31st
   •   12:15 PM       A twenty-minute in person service of music for meditation, a short devotion, and prayer.
   •   6:30 PM        Confirmation meets in person.
   •   6:30 PM        Worship - Online Only, on Facebook and YouTube. In Wednesday evening worship, we
                      will hear from six biblical figures in the form of monologues done by members of Our
                      Savior’s. We will hear from the paralytic, Peter’s mother-in-law, Mary Magdalene,
                      Thomas, Martha, and Lazarus. Each has a unique encounter with Jesus, and through
                      these monologues we will get to know these biblical figures in new ways.

                                          Fat Tuesday Celebration!
                                   February 16, 2021 from 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Drive through in the church parking lot for funnel cake fries, provided by Sozial! This is also when children and
families may pick up Lent in a Bag (Sunday School activities for Lent), and adults will be given devotional tools
for Lent. Please enter the parking lot on 15th South and exit onto 14th South. The funnel cake fries and bags will
be brought to your car.

                                             Lent Madness 2021
During Lent (beginning February  17th), we will be participating in a fun event called Lent Madness. We will be
filling out brackets with some of our favorite saints, learning about them on Sunday Mornings, and joyfully
competing to see which Saint will win the Golden Halo!

This bracket works like a March Madness Bracket. Each day during Lent there will be a competition between
different saints (we vote online to choose the winner each day at We then follow
along, with your bracket gaining points for each correct guess you make. There will be informational pieces for
each saint that you can find on our website. Look for a bracket in this Sidelites or on the church website.

We will also be doing a study on Sunday Mornings beginning February 14th at 9:30 AM in the social hall. This
study will be discussing some Biblical saints, focusing on why we should study the saints. Pastor Dave will have
more details in the weeks to come, so keep your eyes peeled, your ears open, and your minds open to this
exciting (and ridiculous) opportunity!
SIDELITES - Our Savior's Lutheran Church New Ulm
Fat Tuesday, The Feast Before The Fast

                                         Come and enjoy a Fat Tuesday feast on February 16th, from 3:00 PM –
                                         6:00 PM. Sozial will have their food truck in the Our Savior’s parking lot
                                         making funnel cake fries. It is a drive thru event. In addition to the
                                         funnel fries, there will be Lent in a Bag for Sunday School children and
families, and the adult ministry team will have devotional tools for adults and teens.

What is Fat Tuesday? Fat Tuesday is the feast before the Lenten fast. It is traditionally the night people used up
all of the rich and fatty foods before beginning the fasting of Lent. It is a feast! Lent begins on Ash Wednesday,
and this year that is on February 17th. That means Fat Tuesday is February 16th.

While most Lutherans don’t fast for Lent, it is a time of reflection, repentance and renewal. Lent begins with
ashes, reminding us of our human mortality and our need for God. We reflect on all Jesus Christ has done for us
and sacrificed for us. We repent and turn our hearts away from sin and to God, and we are made a new
creation through God’s mercy and forgiveness.

There are other ways to look at feasting and fasting. We feast at Our Savior’s when we gather around the altar
and when we share meals together. We feast when we celebrate milestones and baptisms. When our lives are
going well, it feels like a feast. In these times, we know God is with us, and we thank and praise God.

There are also times of fasting. We have fasted from gathering at the altar the last ten months. We have fasted
from gathering in large groups and from freely singing. We may have times when our life feels like a time of
fasting, such as when we are ill or when we can’t be with family. In all of these times of our congregation and
our lives, we know God is with us. That is God’s promise.

In both feasting and fasting, God is with us. As a congregation, when we are together and when we are apart,
God is with us. Now more than ever, we need to hear that promise. Now more than ever, we need to
remember that God continues to work in and through our congregation. This year we will again journey
through Lent together, as we walk with Jesus to the cross. It will look different this year, yet we know God is
with us. Before that journey through Lent begins, let’s feast! Let’s enjoy Fat Tuesday and give thanks to God for
all of the feasts we experience. Let’s celebrate God’s gift to us and celebrate that whether feasting or fasting,
we are church together!

Pastor Kathy

                       Happy Anniversary Shannon!

Shannon Stuckey has served as the Director of Music Ministries at Our
Savior's for 20 years! We congratulate her and give thanks for her
ministry. Shannon has shared her gifts as a musician, a teacher of all ages,
a director, and worship leader. We have been blessed by her faith,
leadership, creativity, and amazing talent. Thank you, Shannon, and
congratulations on your 20th anniversary as the Director of Music
Ministries at Our Savior's!
SIDELITES - Our Savior's Lutheran Church New Ulm
Rocky Railway VBS
                                             Mark your calendars for June 14th - June 18th, 2021!

                            Of all the fun things we missed at OSLC in 2020, perhaps the most disappointing for
                            our Sunday School kids was cancelling VBS! But we intend to make up for it in 2021,
                            using our originally planned program, Rocky Railway. If COVID-19 interferes again,
                            don’t worry - we have backup dates on standby! Stay tuned for more information!

                                          Green Lake Bible Camp
                                        July 19th – July 23rd (Week 5)

OSLC will be attending Green Lake Bible Camp/Shores of St. Andrew the week of July 18th – July 23, 2021. There
are camp options available for youth who will have completed 1st grade – 12th grade.

Camp will look a little different this year, as Green Lake works to keep campers safe! Some changes include:

   -   The camp schedule will be adapted to accommodate
       “pods.” Pods are essentially cabin groups that function as a
       family unit. Anything done in close proximity to others will
       be done in these pods, which will help to minimize the
       potential spread of viruses.
   -   There will still be large group activities, but they will be
       implemented in safe, distanced ways. We will create a fun
       camp community in new ways!
   -   Our staffing model will change so that within the pod
       structure, all campers will still have opportunities for
       swimming, crafts, games, campfires...CAMP!
   -   Enhanced cleaning procedures will be implemented.
   -   As often as possible, we will be outdoors -- something we
       already do!

Let's get our kids excited for Summer Camp! Don't forget to register your kids ASAP at, since
spots fill fast! Registration opens January 25th, and OSLC’s reserved spots will be held until March 1, 2021. If
you have any questions, please contact Lindsay.

                                                                Boundary Waters Trip
                                                                July 25 – July 30, 2021

                                        This summer any student grades 7-12 (having completed them in the
                                        spring of 2021) is invited to come to the Boundary Waters for canoeing,
                                        fishing, camping, fun, faith, and so much more! Registration sheets can
                                        be found on the church website under "Children Youth and Education"
                                        and Boundary Waters, or at church on the Youth Board! The trip will
                                        cost $400 per student, but we will still be doing fundraising and
                                        scholarships are available. Get away from the world and dive into God's
                                        amazing Creation this summer!
SIDELITES - Our Savior's Lutheran Church New Ulm
Spring Noisy Offering Schedule
February 28, 2021:                    NUMAS Haus
March 28, 2021 (Palm Sunday):         NUMAS Haus
April 25, 2021:                       Southern Minnesota Crisis Nursery
May 23, 2021:                         Southern Minnesota Crisis Nursery

                                                           Outdoor Easter Egg Hunt
                                                             Saturday, March 27th
                                                           (back up snow date: April 3rd)

                                        Kindergarten & Under: 9:00AM, 1st Grade - 6th Grade: 10:30 AM.
                                      Masks will be required. If you would like to donate plastic Easter Eggs,
                                         candy, or make a monetary donation, please contact Lindsay!

Dear Our Savior’s,
Thank you so much for your support, kind thoughts, and cards. God is putting so many blessings in my path
and I am so grateful. Have a wonderful, Merry Christmas!
   - Darren Netland

I’ve been watching your service on Facebook since the shutdown (April). It really helps me feel connected
during this pandemic. I had also asked for prayers for little 2 year old Katie. She had been in a farm accident
and wasn’t expected to live. The prayers helped so much! She is out of the hospital and home with her
family. She has a brain injury but continues to improve. We pray for her to regain her sight and movement in
her right side. God and faith have helped her family through this last year. Thank you to all of you at Our
    - Audrey Kimsey

Thanks for the help and encouragement.
   - Glenn Swanson

                                     In December, the New Ulm Journal
                                     highlighted Our Savior’s original
                                     sanctuary and Christmas
                                     decorations. We thought it would be
                                     fun to share how our church has
                                     changed in the last 50 years. For
                                     those who are newer to our
                                     congregation, the organ and choir
                                     loft currently sit close to where the
                                     original altar used to be!
SIDELITES - Our Savior's Lutheran Church New Ulm
SIDELITES - Our Savior's Lutheran Church New Ulm
SIDELITES - Our Savior's Lutheran Church New Ulm
February 2021
       Sunday              Monday         Tuesday             Wednesday         Thursday         Friday      Saturday
31                     1            2                    3                   4               5            6
                                    9:00 AM Church Staff 6:30 PM Small Group 4:00 PM Pro                  11:30 AM
                                    Meeting              Confirmation        Kinship                      Serbus/Prokosch
                                                                             Monthly                      Wedding
7                      8            9                      10                  11            12           13
8:30 AM Worship in                  9:00 AM Church Staff 9:00 AM Cards of
Sanctuary & Facebook                Meeting                Caring
10:30 AM Worship in                 1:00 PM Green Lake 10:30 AM NU
Social Hall                         Lutheran Ministries    Ministerial Mtg
11:30 AM Annual                     Annual Meeting         6:30 PM Small Group
Meeting                             5:30 PM Adult Ministry Confirmation
                                    6:30 PM Children's
                                    Ministry Team
                                    6:30 PM Youth
                                    Ministry Team
14                     15           16                     17                18              19           20
8:30 AM Worship in                  9:00 AM Church Staff   12:00 PM Ash      9:30 AM
Sanctuary & Facebook                Meeting                Wednesday Worship Conference
9:30 AM Lent Madness                3:00 PM Fat Tuesday    6:30 PM Ash       Rostered
Bible Study                         Drive-Thru             Wednesday Worship Leaders
10:30 AM Worship in                 7:00 PM Deacons        - Sanctuary &
Social Hall                         Ministry Team          Facebook Live
21                     22           23                   24                    25             26          27
8:30 AM Worship in                  9:00 AM Church Staff 12:15 PM Reflective 7:00 PM
Sanctuary & Facebook                Meeting              Meditation in         Church Council
9:30 AM Lent Madness                                     Sanctuary             Meeting
Bible Study                                              6:30 PM Lenten
10:30 AM Worship in                                      Worship - Online Only
Social Hall                                              6:30 PM Small Group
28                     1            2                      3                  4              5            6
Noisy Offering Sunday
8:30 AM Worship in
Sanctuary & Facebook
9:30 AM Lent Madness
Bible Study
10:30 AM Worship in
Social Hall
2:00 PM Watonwan River
Conference Assembly
SIDELITES - Our Savior's Lutheran Church New Ulm
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1400 South State Street
New Ulm, MN 56073
Phone: 507-233-4430

  Indoor Worship                        Television Broadcasts
  Sunday worship – 8:30 AM & 10:30 AM   (Comcast Channel 14; Nuvera Channel 3)
  Facebook Live – Sunday at 8:30 AM     Mon.–7:00 PM; Thurs. – 5:00 PM

SIDELITES - Our Savior's Lutheran Church New Ulm SIDELITES - Our Savior's Lutheran Church New Ulm
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