February 2022 - Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church

Page created by Sheila Rose
February 2022 - Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
February 2022
February 2022 - Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
SUSAN LOVEJOY, Minister of Music          slovejoy@ptd.net
VICAR SARAH MOORE, Intern from ULS, Gettysburg
BEVERLY MILLS, Office Secretary          telc1872@ptd.net
PETER BALOGACH, JR., Full-time Sexton
DAWN MULCAHY, Financial Secretary moms3xtaxi@msn.com
KAY BECKER, Church Treasurer               kay429@ptd.net
LINDA WILLIAMS, Council President
JANE HOWELLS, Preschool Director/Teacher
LISA PALMER, Preschool Teacher
JULIA KELM, Sunday School Superintendent

                         OFFICE HOURS
         Monday – Friday:            8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
OFFICE TELEPHONE NO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        610-377-4303

OFFICE EMAIL ADDRESS . . . . . . . . .. . . . . telc1872@ptd.net
OFFICE FAX NO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 610-377-0706
JACK AND JILL PRESCHOOL . . . .. . . . . . . .            610-377-6562
    Website: jackandjilllehighton.org
    Email: jackandjillpreschool@yahoo.com
TRINITY’S WEBSITE ……………………. www.tlclehighton.com

Please give the church code when
you are admitted to any of the
following facilities or have someone contact the church office so
the pastor or vicar can visit you:
    • Lehigh Valley Hospital
    • Sacred Heart Hospital
    • St. Luke’s Hospital

DIAL-A-DEVOTION … Call (610) 377-1612 24 hours a day for
an inspirational message. Dial-a-Devotion is ministry LIFE
(Lehighton Interfaith Fellowship).
February 2022 - Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
From the Pastor’s Desk                    February, 2022

Grace and peace to you and your family and a blessed
February to all!

When we think about the month of February, we might
think about Valentine’s Day  (February 14) or Presidents’
Day (February 21) or the Commemoration of Martin
Luther, Reformer of the Church. (February 18—the date of
his death in 1546)
One author reflected on Martin Luther with these words:
       “Though he was an Augustinian monk, Luther
       challenged the abuses he saw in the church, and his
       work eventually led to the Protestant Reformation.
       Luther's accomplishments included liturgical reform,
       translation of the Bible (from Hebrew—Old
       Testament and from Greek—New Testament), and
       compilation of the Small and Large Catechisms. He
       was also a hymn writer. Martin Luther married
       Katharina vonBora in 1525. They raised four
       children together “Hans – Born in June of 1526;
       Elizabeth – born December of 1527 & who died
       within a few months; Magdalene – born in 1529 &
       who died in Luther's arms in 1542; Martin – born in
       1531; Paul – born in January 1533; and Margaret –
       born in 1534.”

Yet, there is one more celebratory day in the life of the
church in the month of February which some may not be
aware. If you are not familiar, it has been known down
through the ages as “Candlemas”. It is typically celebrated
on the Feast Day of the Presentation of Our Lord. (February
2), which we read in the gospel of Luke 2:22-40 (vs 29-32):

February 2022 - Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
29 “Master, now you are dismissing your servant in
             peace, according to your word; 30 for my eyes
             have seen your salvation,
       31 which you have prepared in the presence of all
       32 a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for
             glory to your people Israel.”
This Song of Simeon, as it is known, is about Christ being
a light to the Gentiles which led to the medieval practice of
people bringing to the cathedral on this day their year’s
supply of candles to be blessed: thus the naming of this day
as Candlemas.

With that being said, I am delighted to announce (after
many attempts to repair the leaky existing altar oil candles),
we will be dedicating two new oil candles to adorn our altar
on Sunday, February 6, 2022 at the 9:30am worship
service. On that day, we will celebrate the dedication of
our new candles donated by the Food Pantry in honor and in
memory of Carolyn & Ron Long, respectively; the
McFarland Family in memory of Derek McFarland, and
memorial funds of Walter & Carolyn Shindler. I sincerely
hope you will attend and join in the celebration and

In the bleak days of winter, may we all find comfort in the
light of Candlemas and in Christ, our Lord, the Light of the

                          The Reverend Nancy L. Moore, Pastor

Resource(s): Sundaysandseasons.com

February 2022 - Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
From the Vicar’s Desk …                        February 2022

                         HOLY WINTER
      Now that Christmas is behind us and we are solidly into our
new year, it can be difficult to tolerate these last few months of
winter. Thankfully, the days are getting longer again and we’re
starting to see more sunshine, but how can we keep our spirits
up through some of these colder days? Since outdoor ministry
was such a big piece of my faith formation, I will often look for
God in creation. In winter, things become quieter. Bears,
squirrels, bats, and even bees hibernate during this time and
turn all of their focus toward resting. Many plants and trees also
go dormant for this season, pulling back energy and resources
to sustain themselves. Patterns of rest, growth, and work are all
throughout God’s creation and in the Word. In the very
beginning after God created everything, he rested. In
Ecclesiastes 3 we read that “For everything there is a season
and a time for every matter under heaven”. It can be easy to
forget that even though we are the stewards of creation, we are
still a part of it. How does any of this help us get through the
bitter cold? I think that being reminded of these things can
encourage us to be a little more gentle with ourselves and
extend ourselves some grace. Maybe that means taking time to
make an extra cup of your favorite tea, keeping your boots near
the heater so that they’re nice and toasty in the morning,
spending some extra time reflecting with God, or maybe adding
a nap to your routine. Each of God’s children is uniquely gifted
and made with love, each of God’s children is also made for
rest. My prayer is that we would all be able to take care of
ourselves now so that we can fully embrace the growth and
excitement of Spring.
Vicar Sarah Moore
February 2022 - Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
              January 6, 2022

Actions/discussion that took place:

 •   Approved the monthly financial reports of the treasurer
     and the financial secretary. December bills paid were
     $48,139.37; income was $16,922; pass-through was
     $4,307.25; deficit was $26,910.12. Envelope offerings
     ended the year $8,503 under budget. Gas and electricity
     expenses ended the year $5,300 under budget.
     Transfers from the Moyer account ended under budget
     by $114,975. Donations toward the roof/steeple are
     $17,647.00. The balance in the Escrow account is
     $15,618.70, and the balance in the Memorial account is
     $21,336.26. $290 was received for memorials for the
     David Christman memorial and $512.90 was spent for
     new candlesticks for the altar.

 •   Approved the recommendations from the Special Gifts
     Fund Committee for disbursing $9,300 from the Moyer
     account to different charities.

 •   Acknowledged that one person is needed for the Audit
     Committee for a 3-year term.

 •   Approved Pastor Moore’s 2022 Housing Allowance for
     the IRS at $20,000.

 •   Pr. Moore noted that there are a few confirmation
     students that need “make-up” work in order to be
     confirmed in June, and their parents have been notified
     of such. She also noted that the Synod Learning
     Ministries Day for Jan. 22 has been canceled by the

•   Vr. Sarah noted that the removal of the decorations on
     the tree in the park needs to be done by Sunday
     evening, Jan. 9.

 •   Some of the winter coats from the Thrift Store have
     been given out to Pantry clients.

 •   J & J Preschool reported they are looking for someone
     to take over managing their website. It is still able to be
     viewed and forms are able to be downloaded from it, but
     changes and additions can’t be made.

 •   After lengthy discussion, a decision has been reached
     regarding the 167 S. Third building (Family Promise). A
     cost analysis using various sources for data has been
     done, indicating it would cost at least $72,000 to
     refurbish the building to provide two apartment
     dwellings; and the maximum income derived from it
     could be approximately $18,000/yr. Council
     recommends sending the decision to the congregational
     meeting on Jan. 16 to raze the building by a Lehighton
     area contractor at an approximate cost of $16,245.

 •   Approved appointing Mary Jane Hanson to the Special
     Gift Fund Committee.

 •   Approved allowing the Illini 4000 from the University of
     Illinois to sleep in Luther Hall on Wed., May 25, with
     details to be worked out. They are a group of 25
     bicyclists riding from New York to San Francisco to raise
     funds for cancer awareness.

Respectfully submitted,
Lee Becker, Council Secretary

“Love is the strongest force the world possesses, and yet it is
the humblest imaginable.”                   —Mahatma Gandhi

Sunday, February 13, 2022

“Souper” Bowl of Caring is dedicated to tackling all of the
issues that exist in your communities, including poverty,
hunger and homelessness.

Since 1990, young people have been leading the charge and
inspiring others to collect dollars and food weeks leading up
to the Big Game. Teaming up with local partners, these
groups give 100% of donations to local charities, changing the
nation's largest weekend of football into the largest weekend
of caring.

As you depart worship on February 13th there will be 3 soup
pots that will be held by confirmation students in the
narthex. One representing each of the teams playing in the
Super Bowl and also one for “I Don’t Care” for those that
don’t follow football. Please place your donation according to
your preference.

Donations received will benefit the Trinity Pantry. If you
cannot attend worship, donations may be brought to the
church office prior to February 13th.

Thank you for your continued support helping feed our
hungry sisters and brothers in Christ!


The first half of February seems dominated by pink and red,
cards and candy. But people not in a loving romantic
relationship can sometimes feel left out of the festivities. Of
course, all people need love — and certainly love is not limited
to the romantic kind. Author Leo Buscaglia, who became known
as “Dr. Love” for writing about the topic, said, “Too often we
underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a
listening ear, an honest compliment or the smallest act of
caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around."
Jesus taught that loving one another is second only in
importance to loving God (Matthew 22:37-40), and that when
we love one another, God lives in us (1 John 4:12). There are so
many ways to do that — beyond candy hearts and roses! But
Valentine’s Day is as good a reminder as any.

           SPECIAL DATES

   •   African American History Month
   •   Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2022
   •   Presidents Day, February 21, 2022
   •   Transfiguration of Our Lord,
       February 27, 2022

Every Sunday from 5-7pm for Grades 7-12
Come and join us for some dinner, fun and activities.
Please send an RSVP to Vicar Sarah at smoore@uls.edu or
call 610-377-4303. Please include any food allergies or dietary
restrictions so that we know how much and what kind of food to
have. Pickup and drop off will be in the church parking lot.
All are welcome! Bring a friend!
Adult chaperones are needed. If you can help, please sign
up in the narthex or contact Vicar Sarah. No cooking is

If you wish to put yourself, a friend or
loved one on the church or private
prayer list, please call the church office
at 610-377-4303.
Please note: It is important that you
get permission from the person placed
on the list due to the Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act
(HIPAA). The name will be placed on
the list for 30 days unless we receive
an update.

We are searching for someone in the congregation to chair the
Prayer Ministry, as our sister in Christ, Rae Grow has had to
step down. Please see Pastor Moore if you are able to serve in
this capacity to the Glory of God.

“Though we cannot think alike, may we not love alike?”
                                               —John Wesley

BULLETINS - $10.00 each
February 6 - Three Sponsorships Available
February 13 - Tom Schaeffer (all 3 sponsorships)
February 20 - Kay Patterson
              Two Sponsorships Available
February 27 - Three Sponsorships Available

CHANCEL FLOWERS – Florist of your choice!
February 6 - The Buss Estate
February 13 - Herb & Joanne Werner
February 20 - Sponsorship Available
February 27 - Sponsorship Available
If you would like to sponsor any of the open dates or any future
dates, please call 610-377-4303 or email the church office at

                         Bible Quiz
                   In the book of Revelation, who or what is
                   “prepared as a bride, adorned for her

                   A. The church
                   B. The Spirit
                   C. Mary Magdalene
                   D. The new Jerusalem

                        Great Escapes
The goal of authentic Christianity is a love [that] escapes from a
closed circle of spiritual self-indulgence, or even self-
improvement, to become absorbed in the love of God and
other [people].                             — Richard Lovelace




     The preschool term is going by so quickly, each month has
special events and reasons to celebrate, especially if you are a
child. February brings Valentine's Day. The children really enjoy
giving Valentines to their friends, and it is a wonderful
opportunity for them to learn about sharing and caring for
     February also starts registration time for the 2022-2023
preschool term! Beginning February 1st, families can register
their preschool age child to attend one of the classes that will
start in September, 2022.
     A child who is three years old on or before September 1,
2022, and two years away from starting kindergarten, can be
registered to attend the primary class. These children come to
preschool on a Thursday and Friday.
     A child who is four years old by September 1, 2022 and
one year away from starting kindergarten, can be registered
to attend the prekindergarten class. These children come to
preschool on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
     All of the current primary class families will receive a
registration form in their children’s folders to complete and
return to the preschool in order to register for the 2022-23
term. Families who have a child attending our current
prekindergarten class can request a registration form, and we
will send them home with the students.
Families from the congregation and the community who
are interested in Jack and Jill for their child can contact the
preschool by phone: 610-377-6562, or by email:
jackandjillpreschool@yahoo.com to talk to the staff, get more
information about the program and to request a registration
form. Registration forms can also be downloaded from the
preschool's website: JackandJillLehighton.org.
      Class sizes are limited, and a child’s spot in a class is only
reserved for them when a completed registration form has
been returned to the preschool along with the non-refundable
registration fee.
      Through generous and caring donations from the church
and friends of the preschool, two kinds of scholarships are
available to help families defray the cost of preschool. Please
ask a Jack and Jill staff member about the Trinity and
Hagenbuch scholarships
      Families do not have to be members of Trinity or live in the
Lehighton Area School District to have a child attend Jack and
Jill, or to be eligible for a scholarship.


February 9, 2021
Prayer Vigil for Peace in the Middle East.

The Knotters meet every Thursday morning from 9:00 to 11:30
AM in Luther Hall. Come and see.


Laurel Center: Regen thorStraten

The Palmerton: Jean Rice

The Summit at Blue Mountain Health Systems:
Madeline Dietz, Rae Grow, Catherine Snyder

                   The gift of animals
When God made the animals and gave them to the first human
being in the Garden of Eden, though they weren’t precisely the
companion Adam needed, not all was lost. According to
Genesis 2, God gave Adam the privilege of naming them all,
and when you name something or someone, you bond with
that being in a special way. Ever since creation, humans and
animals have been connected — often for good purposes,
though sometimes not; as the saying goes, “It’s complicated.”

But on the positive side, Trisha McCagh, a renowned animal
communicator, writes: “Animals are the bridge between us and
the beauty of all that is natural. They show us what’s missing in
our lives, and how to love ourselves more completely and
unconditionally. They connect us back to who we are and to the
purpose of why we’re here.”

I would say animals also show us how to love other people,
nonhuman beings and the earth more completely and
unconditionally. And they call our attention to God’s creativity.
Praise God for the gift of the vast variety of animals with whom
we share this planet!
                                             — Heidi Hyland Mann
The Trinity Pantry is open every
Tuesday from 10-3 and on the 3rd
Tuesday of each month from 5:30-
7:00 for Lehighton School District
residents with a drive thru setting with
precautionary measures in place.
Those picking up from the Food
Pantry must stay in their vehicles and
wear a mask. Families may come
monthly and meet income guidelines.
FMI call 610-377-4303.

Due to the pandemic, we cannot accept any food items at this
time. Monetary donations are appreciated. Checks can be
made payable to the Trinity Pantry.

SPECIAL THANKS to all for your Christmas tribute and
Harvest Home monetary donations.

           Thank you for your continued support!


Total donations received for the month of
December was $629.00 for a year to date total
of $ 5,762.11!

Our goal for 2022 is $4,000. If you are able,
please make a monthly donation. An
envelope is provided in your offering
packet for your convenience.

Any donation will be appreciated. Thank
you for helping to feed our hungry brothers
and sisters!


As of January 17th, $18,897 has been
raised thus far in support of the project.
Even though we've received the
$15,000 we were looking for, we still
need donations for the additional $7,800
for the steeple.

One fundraising project we would like
to bring before the congregation is the
sale of the Eagle “snow catchers”
from the old roof. With the advent of
asphalt shingles, these are no longer
needed to keep snow from sliding off the
roof. They will be available to any
member for $25.00 to keep as a
memento. They are on display in the narthex.

If you are able to help to defray this cost, envelopes are in the
literature racks in the narthex and outside the church office. If
you are donating by check, please note “Roof/Steeple Project”
in the memo line.

It was announced at our congregational meeting held on
January 16th that the NEW estimated date of return from
Campbellsville, KY is the week of March 24th. Pray for favorable
weather and safe travels for all!

    Thank you to everyone for your continued support!

“Always be kinder than you feel.”


My mom tells a story of me as a preschooler, swinging in
our backyard and singing loudly (and off key, I’m sure):
“Oh victory in Jesus, my Savior forever. He socked me
and bopped me with his redeeming blood.” Though that
isn’t an example of how to effectively share Jesus with your
neighbors, the mistaken words might contain a nugget of
In 1939, a stroke partially paralyzed hymnwriter Eugene
Bartlett. Bedridden and unable to perform anymore, he
penned his final, most beloved song, “Victory in Jesus.” The
actual lyrics read: “O victory in Jesus, my Savior forever.
He sought me and bought me with his redeeming blood.”
It’s beautiful to realize that Jesus did indeed seek me out
and pay the ultimate price for me. But sometimes I forget
— and that’s when he “socks me” and “bops me.” Jesus
loves me too much to let life’s chaos and struggles distract
me from him and what he’s done. Let’s all remember to
celebrate our victory in Jesus!
                                             —Janna Firestone

Just a reminder that we still have gift
cards available as an ongoing
fundraiser for our youth group at no
additional cost to you. They receive
five percent of each card sold and may be purchased in
increments of $25, $50 or $100. Stop in at the church office to

Trinity is collecting items for Care Net. If you can help with any
of the items listed below, please drop them off at the church
office or place them in the basket in the narthex.

   •   Warm Sleepers 12 months-5T boys & girls.
   •   Gift cards to Grocery stores and Gas cards.
   •   Infant Nail Clippers and thermometers.
   •   Diaper Bags, diaper cream.
   •   Tooth brushes, tooth paste- adult and children’s.
       Deodorant, bar soap.
   •   Winter clothes 12 months-5T boys and girls. (No onesies
   •   Bibles Children’s/Adults, Bible Stories and DVD’s for
   •   Lysol all-purpose cleaner, tissues, toilet paper, paper
       towels, garbage bags, toilet bowl cleaner.
   •   Copy paper, stamps, # 6-3/4” and letter size envelopes.
   •   Pedialyte
   •   Size 1, 4, and 5 Diapers
   •   Pull-Ups boys and girls 2T-3T and 4T-5T

Don’t want to shop? Pick up a baby bottle from the
narthex or church office and fill it with your loose change.

Deadline for donations is February 15, 2022.

For more information, visit their website at https://www.care-
           Thank you for your support of CareNet!

      175 S. Third Street; Lehighton PA 18235
                610-377-4303 ext. 21
Reservations are no longer needed to shop at the Thrift Store
and face masks are not required if you are fully vaccinated and
past the 10-day period after your second vaccine.
Days and hours are as follows:
Wednesday - 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Thursday -      9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Saturday -      9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
DROP OFFS will be accepted when the store is open. There is
a limit of 5 bags or boxes. Please bring your items to Door #2
and carry them inside. Thank you for your cooperation.

In the event of inclement weather which would necessitate the
cancellation of church services or other events, we have the
following procedures in effect:

   1. We are registered with WFMZ-TV (Channel 69), and
      TV13. Any delay or closing information will be available
      at their websites and on the TV station.
   2. Within 2 hours of the worship time, a recording will be
      put on the outgoing message on our church phone
      answering message. Call the office number (610-377-
      4303) and you will be informed via the recorded
      message or check Trinity’s Facebook page for any
      important announcements.
   3. Information will also be posted on Trinity’s Facebook


In It’s Okay Not to Be Okay, Christian author Sheila Walsh
looks at the all-encompassing love that Jesus expects of
his followers. He commands us to “love the Lord your God
with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your
strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as
yourself” (Luke 10:27, ESV).

But we can’t love that way without faith, Walsh writes. “I’m
not living by faith if I have an answer to everything. If I
understand everything God does or doesn’t do, then all I
need to love him with is my mind. We’re called to love him
with more.” That “more,” she explains, involves these
paradoxes: “We love with all our heart, even when it’s
broken. We love with our soul, even when our humanity
wrestles against our situation. We love with our strength,
even when it’s almost gone. We love with our mind, even
when we don’t understand.”

Even if God’s purposes and plans don’t make sense here
on earth, we can heed this advice from the great preacher
Charles Spurgeon: “When we cannot trace [God’s] hand,
we must trust his heart.”
175 S. THIRD STREET                       U.S. POSTAGE
LEHIGHTON PA 18235-2029                       PAID
                                          LEHIGHTON PA
Worship Schedule:
1st Saturday at 5 p.m.
Sunday at 9:30 a.m
Sunday School at 10:45 a.m.
website: www.tlclehighton.com

Mission Statement:
“Living the excitement found in Christ
through service and love.”
You can also read