Page created by Darrell Sparks
SUMMER AT FLPL                                           EQUITY, DIVERSITY & INCLUSION SERIES
                SUMMER READING 2022                                      Registration required. In-person events are held
                June 27 to August 15                                     in the Lower Level Meeting Rm.
                Join us for our annual summer reading                    HOW CAN I HELP? : AN EDUCATION IN CIVIC
                challenge and read every day! Log the days               ENGAGEMENT (VIRTUAL) Tues, June 7 at 7pm
                you read over the summer for a chance to                 Want to make a difference but feel unsure
                win prizes. For all ages - adults too!                   about the tools and procedures you can utilize
                Register at: www.fortleelibrary.org/summer               to do so? Join Dr. Karen Korematsu as she
ADULT SUMMER READING KICKOFF (in-person)                                 highlights how you can start at the grassroots level to bring
Mon, June 27 at 7pm                                                      about change in your community. Dr. Korematsu will speak
                                                                         about the ways in which community members can bring

Kick off the summer by celebrating at the library and
                                                                         about change in specific and meaningful ways and how
registering for summer reading! Listen to a book talk by
                                                                         civics can be a path forward towards fighting injustices,
Librarian Morris and paint a mini canvas to be displayed
                                                                         creating changes, and being a more active participant in
during the summer. Summer reading goodies and a grab
                                                                         your communities. Q&A to follow the presentation.
and go craft will be yours to take home while supplies last!
Light refreshments will be served. (New Book Area)                                  LGBTQ+ TRAINING WORKSHOP WITH EDGENJ
ADULT SUMMER READING WRAP UP PARTY (in-person)                                      Tues, June 14 at 7pm (in-person)
Sat, August 13 at 1pm                                                               EDGE NJ will provide an introductory training on
One last summer hurrah! Share a favorite book                                       the Queer community. The training covers
recommendation and get ideas for your next read as well!                            LGBTQ+ statistics, the LGBTQ+ acronym, the
Work on a craft or take it home, while supplies last. The grand          difference between sex and gender, intersectionality,
prizes will be available for the winner to pick up. Light                pronouns, and how to create safe spaces.
refreshments will be served. (Lower Level Meeting Rm)                    HISTORICAL RE-ENACTMENTS WITH THE AFRICAN AMERICAN
                                                                         MUSEUM OF PHILADELPHIA
         FRIENDS OF THE FORT LEE LIBRARY                                 Thurs, June 16 at 7pm (in-person)
               OUR ANNUAL BOOK SALE will be Sat, Sep 10 &                Watch the virtual live performance on the
               Sun, Sep 11 from 10:00am-4:00pm. A Friends                big screen, followed by a virtual Q&A.
                                                                         In celebration of Juneteenth, history comes
               members-only preview book sale will be Fri,
                                                                         alive with interactive dramatic presentations of African
               Sep 9 from 5:30pm-7:00pm. Only members will
                                                                         American men and women who shaped the nation from the
be allowed to enter the preview sale.
                                                                         Colonial Era to the Civil Rights Movement. Living history
Book & media donations will be accepted starting Mon, Aug                performances include Edward “Ned” Hector, Frederick
22 through Wed, Sep 7 (excluding 9/3-9/5) during regular                 Douglass, Nat Turner, Octavius Catto, Harriet Tubman,
library hours. We will accept clean, very good to new                    Sojourner Truth, Phillis Wheatley, Fannie Lou Hamer, Martin
condition books and media (CDs,                                          Delany       and     Dr.     Martin   Luther    King,  Jr.
DVDs, LPs) in any language for                                           Light refreshments will be served.
children or adults. Please NO:
textbooks, encyclopedias,                                                                      MAH JONGG
computer/programming books,
                                                                                     Limited to Fort Lee Library cardholders who
dictionaries, bibles, or advanced/publisher’s copies.
                                                                                     previously haven’t taken the class series.
If you’d like to become a member, forms are at the                                   Registration is limited & required.
Circulation Desk or sign up online: flplfriends.org/join/.                           MAH JONGG FOR BEGINNERS (in-person)
Questions? Ask FLPLfriends@gmail.com.                                                Thursdays at 2:30-4:30pm, July 7, 14, 21, 28 &
             ADULT LANGUAGE CLASSES                                      August 4, 11 A 6-week session to learn the skills and strategies
                                                                         of American Mah Jongg. Led by Stacy Budkofsky. Students
                   ITALIAN FOR BEGINNERS (in-person)                     will need a 2022 National Mah Jongg card for the class,
                   Thursdays at 7pm, June 2, 9,16, 23, 30, July 7        which will be provided by the Library. $10 materials fee due
                   In-person six-week introductory series to learn       by 6/29. (2nd Level Conference Rm)
                   beginner conversational Italian with Erika
                   Ragusa, experienced language instructor                      ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE
and Fort Lee resident. Learning materials will be provided.              FALL 2022 SESSION
For Fort Lee cardholders only. 18 years and older.                       Student registration begins mid-August.
Registration is limited and required. $30 class fee due by May           Stay tuned for details!
26. (2nd Level Conference Rm)
                                                                         INTERESTED IN BECOMING A TUTOR
                                                                         Contact: liridona.jegeni@fortlee.bccls.org
320 Main Street, Fort Lee NJ 07024                                   201.592.3614/5                               fortleelibrary.org
Registration is required for in-person & Zoom programs. Please visit fortleelibrary.org and click on Events in top
                   right corner. You will receive an email 24 hours before the event with reminder and/or Zoom details. Questions?
                   Contact the Reference Desk at reference@fortlee.bccls.org or call 201-592-3614/5.

                  BOOK DISCUSSIONS                                                    IN-PERSON CONCERTS
                                                                      No registration required. In the Lower Level Meeting Rm.
Limited to Fort Lee Library cardholders. Registration required.
                                                                      THE BELMONT 4: CO-ED NOSTALGIC DOO WOP
Print copies are available for pickup at the Circ Desk.
                                                                      QUARTET & TRIO Sun, June 12 at 2pm
BETWEEN THE COVERS (in-person, 2nd Level                              Appearing every weekend on Arthur Avenue,
Conference Rm) Led by Library Director Chris.                         the Bronx’s Little Italy, the Belmont 4 is a
Mon, June 13 at 7pm                                                   throwback to the street harmonizing doo wop
Tin Man by Sarah Winman                                               groups that helped make the genre and the
Mon, July 11 at 7pm The Plot by Jean Hanff                            neighborhood famous in the late 50s - Dion
Korelitz (available on Libby)                                         and the Belmonts! TB4 sings all of Dion and the Belmonts’
                                                                      songs plus other sentimental favorites of the era. Co-
             AFTERNOON BOOK CLUB (in-person,                          sponsored with the Friends of the Fort Lee Public Library.
             2nd Level Conference Rm) Head of
             Public Services Morris, & Head of Youth Services                                    AN AFTERNOON OF SONG WITH
             Jes will choose a variety of books to read and                                      NEW JERSEY GAY MEN’S CHORUS
             discuss. Join the conversation!                                                     Sat, June 18 at 2pm
             Wed, June 8 at 2pm Remarkable Creatures by                                          The chorus will perform a selection
             Tracy Chevalier, with Jes                                                           of well-known tunes, classic
             Wed, July 13 at 2pm The Swerve: How the World                                       favorites, and also offer a review of
Became Modern by Stephen Greenblatt, with Morris                                                 their concert pieces celebrating
(available on Libby and on Hoopla)                                    their 30th Anniversary season.

POETRY DISCUSSION GROUP (in-person)                                   YALIN CHI PIANO CONCERT
Wed, June 22, July 20 & August 24 at 2pm                              Sat, July 9 at 2pm
Led by Fort Lee resident Sara Halman. Join us for an                  An afternoon of piano music performed by
afternoon to “unpack your heart” with poetry readings                 local pianist Yalin Chi. Leslie Gerber of the
followed by thoughtful discussion. No advanced reading                Woodstock Times described her recent
required. (2nd Level Conference Rm)                                   recital in the Saugerties Pro Musica
                                                                      concert series as “flowing and masterful,” with “gorgeous
CHINESE BOOK CLUB 中文读者会 (VIRTUAL)                                     tonal coloring.” Yalin will be performing selections from
Led by Reference Librarian Grant.                                     Beethoven, Faure, Liszt, Steven Sacco’s Book of Whimsy, and
Tues, July 5 at 7pm A Lifelong Journey(Vol.1-3)/人世间(全三                Bach/Busoni.
册)Xiaosheng Liang/梁晓声                                                                           AROUND THE WORLD IN 60 MINUTES
                                                                                                WITH MADISON STRING QUARTET
KOREAN        BOOK    CLUB   한국어      북클럽
                                                                                                Sun, August 7 at 2pm
(in-person, Glass Meeting Rm, 2nd    Fl World                                                   Join us for a fun musical program
Language Area) Led by Senior Library Assistant                                                  featuring light classics and
Sophia.                                                                                         crossovers, mostly Latin American
Tues, July 19 at 11am
                                                                                                and jazz inspired!
Uncanny Convenience Store by Ho-Yeon Kim
불편한 편의점 by 김호연                                                                          HEALTH & WELLNESS
                                                                      In-person in the Lower Level Meeting Rm
                                                                      A TASTE OF SALSA WITH DONAY Sat, June 11 at 10am
                      TECHNOLOGY                                      Join us for salsa line dancing with dancer & choreographer,
                                                                      Donay. No partners are required for this enjoyable and fun
DROP-IN COMPUTER LABS (in-person, Glass Meeting Rm)                   dance session that will enhance your body and mind.
No registration required. Limited to FLPL Cardholders.
                                                                      STRENGTH, REFLEX & MENTAL ACUITY
Technology assistance by staff and volunteers. Bring in your
                                                                      Wed, Jun 29, Jul 27 & August 17 at 1pm
own device (phone, tablet, laptop) or use one of the
                                                                      Led by Richard Portugal of Fitness Senior Style, a class
Library’s laptops to learn the basics of email, downloading
                                                                      revolving around proper balance & posture to reduce the
ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more.
Thurs at 4pm: June 2, 9, 23, 30 July 14, 21, 28 & Aug 11, 18, 25      chance of falls. Utilizing chair and standing exercises, your
                                                                      entire body & mind will be challenged to become stronger,
                   MOVIE MONDAYS                                      faster and more creatively alert. Reclaim proper balance &
                                                                      strength to more successfully accomplish activities of daily
            MOVIE MONDAYS Join us in-person in the meeting            living.
            room at 6:30pm for snacks and a movie!
            Monday, June 13                                           THE ART OF BALANCE: ELIMINATE STRESS THROUGH
            Night at the Museum |1hr 48min, PG, 2006,                 MEDITATION Tues, August 9 at 7pm
            starring Ben Stiller                                      The modern world sometimes creates expectations and
Monday, July 11                                                       demands that result in stress. Learn about stress reduction
The Mummy | 2hr 4min, PG-13, 1999, starring Brendan Fraser            techniques to maintain a healthy, balanced lifestyle through
Monday, August 8                                                      meditation. Help sharpen your attention by focusing on
Jurassic Park | 2hr 7min, PG-13, 1993, starring Sam Neill             grateful thoughts that can heal your emotional and spiritual
                                                                      self. In partnership with Holy Name Hospital.
LECTURES                                                        LECTURES (cont)
Registration required for virtual programs. All in-person          UNLEASHING THE TRUE BENEFITS OF THE METAVERSE AND WEB3
events take place in the Lower Level Meeting Rm.                   Thurs, August 4 at 6pm (in-person)
THE RISE AND FALL OF THE ARCADE INDUSTRY (VIRTUAL)                 Join Dr. Merav Ozair, a FinTech professor at Rutgers Business
Wed, June 22 at 7pm                                                School and take a macro-overview of the entire space of –
               Arcades once dominated the game                     blockchain, the metaverse and Web3. Dr. Ozair will explain
               industry and became the social hangouts             what they mean, how they connect and interact, and what
               of the 70s into the early 2000s. As the game        the future holds for these technologies, including how the
               industry grew, it left the arcades in the           metaverse will not scale without blockchain technology.
               past. Join Game Design Scholar Josh Bycer           ASK A PALEONTOLOGIST (VIRTUAL) Mon, August 8 at 7pm
               to take a look back at some of the most             Karen Poole is a paleontologist who researches
               popular games that led to its growth, and           the evolution of a large group of dinosaurs
learn what caused it to crash.                                     called ornithopods. This includes the iconic
DISNEY TIPS & TRICKS (in-person)                                   Iguanodon - the second dinosaur ever named.
Tues, June 28 at 7pm                                               She will discuss the process of paleontology
It’s Disney Night at FLPL!! Discover more                          and how scientists’ views of this animal have
about magical vacations to the Walt                                changed over the years as new data was
Disney World Resort. You’ll find out the                           uncovered. Includes discussion of the various

latest news and special offers during a                            career paths and approaches people take
presentation conducted by Michelle Giampaglia, CTA,                towards paleontology. Followed by Q and A - bring all your
Magical Memories by Michelle, and Authorized Disney                paleontology questions!
Vacation Planner.                                                                    THE UNKNOWN PALISADES: A SLIDESHOW
A PARENT’S GUIDE TO THE GAMING INDUSTRY (VIRTUAL)                                    JOURNEY THROUGH TIME (in-person)
Wed, June 29 at 7pm                                                                  Tues, August 16 at 2pm
Videogames are one of the most popular leisure activities                            Through images and narrative, historical
for people of all ages. For parents, a lot has changed                               interpreter Eric Nelsen brings the story of the
about how we interact with games today. In "A Parent's             Palisades to life: from fishermen’s villages to palatial estates,
Guide to the Game Industry", Game Design Scholar Josh              the epic struggle to preserve the ancient cliff, and the
Bycer will give you a crash course on video games today            thriving beaches and campgrounds of the Depression and
and the popular trends that kids are experiencing.                 New Deal era.

“PAINTING” THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION (VIRTUAL)                       See front page under Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Series for
                  Tues, July 12 at 7pm                             additional lectures.
                  Join Joel Farkas as you explore the
                  founding of our country through the eyes
                  of the artist. This lecture looks at the
                                                                                  ADULT CRAFT/CREATIVITY
                  American Revolution as seen through the          YARN SLINGERS (In-person) Tuesdays at 7pm
                  eyes of the artists who chronicled the           Knit? Crochet? Needlepoint? Bring your needles, yarn, or
founding of our country. With over 100 slides to look at, this     thread and exchange purls of wisdom. ( 2nd Level
lecture will be “a feast for your eyes”, including                 Conference Rm)
explanations that will be “a feast for your brain”, and a little
singing that will be “a feast for your ears” (even if you can’t    For FLPL cardholders. Registra on is limited and required. All
carry a tune).                                                     supplies will be provided.
                                                                            SUMMER FRUIT WOOD COASTERS WITH BRANDY &
Thurs, July 14 at 1pm
                                                                            Thurs, June 2 at 11am
Learn more about the components of an estate plan (will,
                                                                            Paint cute summer fruit coasters that you can use
power of attorney, living wills), the impact of not having an
                                                                            all summer long (and beyond)! (Lower Level
estate plan (dying intestate, guardianships), and some
                                                                   Meeting Rm)
basic planning information including medicaid and special
needs from Shawna Brown, associate at Mandelbaum                               MAKING AN ECO BAG WITH A KOREAN
Barrett PC.                                                             TRADITIONAL PATTERN (전통 문양 가방 만들기)
WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT INSURANCE (in-person)                                           Thurs, June 16 at 11am
Tues, July 26 at 7pm                                               Traditional Korean patterns are often featured
This presentation will cover the basics                            throughout Korea on architecture, clothes,
of health insurance and what your                                  porcelain, necessities, and more. These prints often capture
options are in choosing a health insurance plan. In                the beauty of nature, longing for utopia, affection, and
partnership with Holy Name Hospital.                               prayers for good fortune. Made possible by a generous grant
                                                                   from the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in NY.
               THE ANNUAL HIROSHIMA PEACE                          (Lower Level Meeting Rm)
               COMMEMORATION (in-person)                                         MACRAME WALL HANGING WITH ELLEN &
               Wed, August 3 at 7 pm                                             SOPHIA Tues, July 12, 11-12:30pm
               Takeshi Furumoto, founder and honorary                            Learn how to make a beautiful macrame wall
               chairman of Hiroshima-Kai of New York, will                       hanging to brighten up any room!
discuss the aftermath of the first atomic bombing, featuring                     (Outdoors, weather permitting or Teen Area)
29 documentary photographs of the aftermath of
Hiroshima’s Atomic Bombing and its effects on humankind.
BOOKS ON WHEELS                                                     MUSEUM & BEACH PASSES
                A FREE delivery service run by volunteers for          Sponsored by the Fort Lee Friends of the Library.
                Fort Lee and Englewood Cliffs cardholders                                      FLPL is now offering print
                who are unable to visit the Library due to                                     -at-home passes for
                illness or disability. For details visit                                       Guggenheim,          Frick
                fortleelibrary.org/services/books-on-wheels.                                   Collection,       J e wi s h
                                                                       Museum, Intrepid, New York Historical Society,
                     HAVE YOU TRIED?                                   and Brooklyn Botanic Garden. MoMA and Storm King passes
Fort Lee cardholders (including Englewood Cliffs patrons,              must be picked up from the library & require a $20
unless noted*) have FREE remote access to digital resources            refundable deposit. To make a reservation visit our website.
for research and lifelong learning. Visit fortleelibrary.org, then     or call 201-592-3614/5.
from the top bar click on Services, then Online Resources               Now available: Beach passes to Long Branch, NJ!
                                                                                 FREE eBOOKS, AUDIO & MOVIES!
            Access 20+ Billion Records on the World's Largest
            Online Family History Resource.                            To access visit: fortleelibrary.org/borrowing/books-and-more
                                                                                 Movies, TV Shows, eBooks, audiobooks & more!
                                                                                 Always available; never a waitlist! Available to all
           Thousands of arts and crafts instructional online                     Fort Lee Library Cardholders - including Englewood
           video classes.                                                        Cliffs residents. Limit of 6 checkouts per month. (Limit
                                                                                 recently increased from 4 to 6 items!)
                                                                                  Through this free app you can borrow thousands of
                           HelpNow has live online tutoring                       eBooks, audiobooks & magazines from the vast
                          for all ages, homework help,                            eBCCLS collection. *Not available to Englewood
                          writing assistance, academic skill                      Cliffs residents.
building, standardized testing practice, ESL, resources for
                                                                       OVERDRIVE ADVANTAGE
selecting and applying to college and more. JobNow can
                                                                       Tired of waiting on long hold lists for popular titles in eBCCLS?
help you enter the workforce, create a resume, ace the US
                                                                       The OverDrive Advantage program allows FLPL to purchase
Citizenship test and build foundational career enhancing
                                                                       additional copies of popular titles that are prioritized for Fort
                                                                       Lee cardholders. *Not available to Englewood Cliffs residents.
           Access free MVC practice tests for driver’s                         For assistance, contact the Reference Desk at
           licenses, motorcycle licenses, and CDL tests.                       reference@fortlee.bccls.org or call 201-592-3614/5.

            Unlimited access to thousands of the world’s top                           ON DEMAND PROGRAMS
            newspapers and magazines as soon as they’re
            available on shelves from over 120 countries and
            60 different languages. No limits on downloads.
            They're yours to keep forever.                               You can now access some of the Fort Lee Public Library’s
                                                                         virtual programs on our YouTube channel! Don’t forget to
             Register first using your email address and a                           subscribe for more library content.
             password, then redeem your 72 hour digital                                https://tinyurl.com/y6mfambq
             access code.

                           Interactive language learning
                           database        covering       60
                           languages and offering 3,000
language courses and 3 million lessons. Features interactive
conversations, scored quizzes, progress reports, virtual
coaching, and pronunciation analysis.

          An online learning platform that offers over 100,000
          online video courses and certifications in over 65           LIBRARY CLOSINGS
          languages from global experts across tech,                   July 2, 3 & 4
          business, wellness and more.                                 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES
                        An investment management solution              Paige Soltano, President                Dr. Michael Sharpe
                        that enables investors to make timely,         Monique Kim, Vice President                     Eunju Hong
                        better-informed decisions.                     Councilman Joseph Cervieri, Treasurer          Susan Siegel
                                                                       Karen Sandberg, Secretary                Tanya Byers-Kang
LIBRARY HOURS                                                          Helen Saitta                    Councilwoman Ila Kasofsky
Mon, Tues, Wed & Thurs: 9:30am-9pm
Fri & Sat: 9:30am-5pm                                                  BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETINGS
Hours & services are subject to change.                                Open to the public at the Library: June 15, July 13 & Aug 10
Please visit fortleelibrary.org for updates.                           at 7pm in the Lower Level Meeting Rm.
                                                                       Please visit fortleelibrary.org for changes in schedule.
 Program schedule is subject to change. Please visit fortleelibrary.org for updates. To register for programs, visit fortleelibrary.org
               and click on Events in top right corner, call 201.592.3614/5 or email reference@fortlee.bccls.org.
CHILDREN’S CORNER                                                     CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING
                                                                                   RAINBOW PAINT
                     The following offerings are limited to                        Thurs, June 2 at 4pm
                     children & their caregivers who are Fort                      Come join us as we learn to create our own
                     Lee Library card holders. For a complete list                 clouds and rainbows with homemade puffy
                     of events and to register, visit                              paint!
                     fortleelibrary.org. For assistance and more                   Registration required. For ages 5 and up.
                     information please call 201-592-3615.
    or email youthservices@fortlee.bccls.org.                         FAMILY TINY ART DAY
    *The Youth Services Department has returned to a majority         Sat, June 11 at 2pm
    of in-person programs with some being offered via Zoom or         Create your own mini masterpiece to be
    Instagram, virtually. In-person programs may pivot to virtual     displayed during our tiny art show at the
    depending on the current health situation.                        library.
    Virtual programs are indicated with (VIRTUAL) next to the         Registration required. For all ages.
    program title.
                                                                      FAMILY GAME DAY
                   SUMMER READING 2022                                          Sat, June 25 at 11am
                                                                                We’ve turned the library into an arcade! We’ll
                     SUMMER READING 2022                                        have games for the whole family from board
                     June 27 to August 15                                       games to arcade games and retro games mom
                     Join us for our annual summer reading                      and dad will remember.
                     challenge and read every day! Log the                      Registration required. For all ages.
                     days you read over the summer for your
                     chance to win prizes. For all ages.
                                                                               JUNETEENTH CELEBRATION
                     Register at: www.fortleelibrary.org/summer
                                                                               Fri, June 17 at 4pm
                                                                               Join us for a storytime and craft celebrating
    Mon, June 27, 2pm-4pm
                                                                               Registration required. For all ages.
    Start the summer with a big roar! Register for summer
    reading, get your summer FLPL swag, and learn about all
                                                                      SUMMER DERBY DAYS
    the fun activities at the library this summer.
                                                                      Learn the mechanics of motion building
                                                                      your own boats and cars during Summer
                                                                      Derby Days.
                                                                      DIY BOAT FLOAT DERBY
                 Join us for a special dinosaur-themed
                                                                      Thurs, July 7, 2pm-4pm
                 storytime and meet a 15-foot juvenile T-Rex!
                                                                      Build a boat and see if you can make it float! Let’s race our
                 All ages.
                                                                      boats and experiment with materials to make them float
                                                                      and move.
                                                                      Registration required. For ages 5 and up.
    Wed, June 29 at 3pm
                                                                      DIY RACE CAR DERBY
    Think you know everything there is to know about
                                                                      Thurs, August 4, 2pm-4pm
    Dinosaurs? Test your knowledge as a family team or
                                                                      Build your own derby race car and race it on our track. Find
    individually in this Summer Reading Kick Off event!
                                                                      out what shapes and materials make your cars go faster!
    Registration required. For all ages.
                                                                      Registration required. For ages 5 and up.
                                                                                  LITTLE READERS BOOK CLUB (VIRTUAL)
    Sat, July 23 at 11am
                                                                                  Fridays, July 22 & August 19 at 4pm
    See life-sized dinosaur fossils and learn about dinosaurs in
                                                                                  Join Miss Arlinda as we read some of the
    this interactive program, complete with a real fossil dig!
                                                                                  Library’s favorites!
    Registration required. For all ages.
                                                                                  Registration required. For ages 5 to 9 years old.
                                                                      LITTLE BAKERS CLUB (VIRTUAL)
    Mon, August 15, 2pm-4pm
                                                                      Thursdays, July 21 & August 18 at 4pm
    Meet dinosaur expert Dr. Karen Poole and learn about her
                                                                      Put on your aprons and learn simple baking
    work as a paleontologist. Celebrate the end of summer
                                                                      tips to make your own delicious snacks.
    with a rawr-some good time! Crafts and snacks will be
                                                                      Registration required. For ages 8 and up.
    included. Registration required. For all ages.

320 Main Street, Fort Lee NJ 07024                                   201.592.3614                                 fortleelibrary.org
   COMIC CLUB                                                         ART WITH NAOMI (VIRTUAL)
   Tuesdays, August 16, 23, & 30 at 3pm
                                                                      Thursdays, July 28, August 4, 11, & 18 at 7pm
   Share your love of comics and learn how to draw
   your own! Registration required. For grades 3-7.                   Time to get creative! Join our teen volunteer
                                                                      Naomi as we learn new ways to express
   SEWING STORIES                                                     ourselves through art.
                     Thurs, June 30 at 3pm
                     For Pride Month, we will celebrate artist        Registration required. For ages 7 and up.
                     Gilbert Baker who designed the
                     LGBTQ rainbow flag. Join us as we learn to
                     stitch rainbow hearts inspired by his flag.                     BUBBLE TROUBLE
                     Registration required. For ages 8 and up.                       Fri, August 12 at 3pm
                                                                                     Join us for a fun day outdoors where you’ll
   Thurs, July 14 at 3pm                                                             make your very own homemade bubbles!
   Join us as we learn about pioneering                                              Registration required. Ages 5 and up.
   paleontologist and fossil collector Mary
   Anning. We will embroider a pattern inspired                            INTERNATIONAL CULTURAL PROGRAMS
   by the many beautiful ammonite fossils found
   on the beach near her home in Dorset County,                       KOREAN CULTURAL CLASSES
   England.                                                           Made possible by a generous grant from the Consulate
   Registration required. For ages 8 and up,                          General of the Republic of Korea in NY

   Thurs, August 11 at 3pm                                            사물놀이 EXPERIENCING TRADTIONAL KOREAN INSTRUMENTS
                  Join us and learn about produce pioneer
                                                                      Sat, June 4 at 3pm
                  Frieda Caplan. Frieda helped introduce the
                  United States to all the fruits and vegetables      Samul nori (사물놀이) is a genre of percussion music that
                  we know and love today. To honor Frieda’s           originated in Korea. The word samul means "four objects",
                  work, we will stitch one of the delicious fruits                           while nori means "play". Samul nori
                  and veggies she brought to us.                                             is performed with Kkwaenggwari (꽹
                  Registration required, For ages 8 and up.
                                                                                             과리), a small gong; Jing (징), a
   CHESS CLUB                                                                                larger gong; Janggu (장구), an
   Every Wednesday in June at 4pm                                                            hourglass-shaped drum; and Buk
   Bring your skills and play your favorite game                                             (북), a barrel drum similar to the bass
   with our teen volunteers! This club is for chess                   drum. Registration required. For ages 5
   players who know the game.                                         and up.
   Registration required. For ages 7 to 12 years
   old.                                                               BILINGUAL STORYTIME SERIES
                                                                      Join us for a special dual language
                                                                      storytime series. Listen to stories in both
                  Wednesdays, June 8 & 15 at 4pm
                                                                      English and another language and do
                  Get outside and open your eyes as we                a craft related to the stories read.
                  prepare to observe the world around us in           Check our event calendar for more bilingual storytimes in a
                  this poetry workshop. Participants will             variety of languages from the multilingual Fort Lee Public
                  spend a day observing nature around Fort                             Library staff.
                  Lee and then work on writing and sharing
                  their poems in this two-part workshop.                              BILINGUAL HEBREW STORYTIME
                  Registration required. For ages 8 and up.                           Tuesday, July 26 at 2pm
                                                                                      Join us for a storytime in Hebrew and
   MAKING FELT CREATURES                                                              English. We will learn Hebrew words while
   Wednesdays, July 13, 27 & August 10 at 3pm                                         enjoying fun activities and stories.
   Designed especially for our little crafters, join                  Registration required. For ages 5 and up.
   us as we create our very own creatures.
   Registration required. For ages 7 and up.
                                                                      BILINGUAL FRENCH STORYTIME
                                                                      Tuesday, August 2 at 2pm
                                                                      Join us for storytime in French and
               Mondays, July 11, 25 & August 8 at 11am
                                                                      English. We will learn French words while
               Join Miss Arlinda as we introduce mindfulness
                                                                      enjoying fun activities and stories.
               through yoga, relaxing stories and, as always,
                                                                      Registration required.
                                                                      For ages 5 & up.
               Registration required. For ages 5 and up.

320 Main Street, Fort Lee NJ 07024                                   201.592.3614                                 fortleelibrary.org
STORYTIMES FOR ALL                                                 TWEEN PROGRAMS
   SUMMER STORYTIME SESSIONS                                           For all our young patrons “in-between”!
   Join us for our Summer Storytime                                              For grades 4 and up.
   sessions, as we read stories, sing songs,
   and more with your favorite Fort Lee                               PAGE TURNERS TWEEN BOOK CLUB
   librarians.                                                        Thursdays, June 16, July 21, August 18 at
   BABY STORYTIME                                                     4pm
   Wednesdays, July 13, 20, 27 &                                      Join us as we discuss books on many
   August 3 , 10 at 11am                                              different topics both fun and current. At
   Storytime for children ages 0-18 months.                           our meeting in June we’ll pick the books
   Join us in-person for an interactive storytime for you and         we want to read for July and August so be sure to attend
   your child! Registration required.                                 in June and vote for your favorites.
                                                                      Registration required. For grades 4 to 8.
   Tuesdays, July 12, 19, 26 & August 2, 9 at 11am                    DINO JEWELRY MAKING
   Storytime for children ages 18-36 months.                          Tues, July 5 at 3pm
   Join us in-person for an interactive storytime for you and         Learn how to make your own RAWR-some dinosaur
   your child! Registration required.                                 jewelry!
                                                                      Registration required.
   KIDS STORYTIME                                                     For grades 4 and up.
   Mondays, July 11, 18, 25 & August 1, 8 at 3pm
   Storytime for children ages 3-6.                                   DOLLARS AND SENSE: THE ABCS OF MONEY
   Join us in-person for an interactive storytime filled with                      Thurs, July 14 at 11am
   stories, rhymes and songs! Registration required.                               This class will teach basic concepts of personal
                                                                                   finance including spending, saving, budgeting
                          DROP–IN SONGS & STORIES                                  and investing. We will touch upon a variety of
                          Saturdays, July 16, July 30 & August                     core financial concepts that are useful for
                          13 at 11am                                               young children. Simon Kalish is a rising senior
                                                                                   who started several of his own businesses
                          (Weather permitting)
                                                                      during the pandemic and has been teaching financial
                          Drop in for stories and songs on the
                                                                      literacy to younger students ever since.
                          lawn. Bring your chairs and blankets
                                                                      Registration required. For ages 8 to 12 years old.
                          and listen to stories and sing and
                          dance along.
                                                                      PERLER BEAD PIXEL ART
                          No registration required! For all ages.
                                                                      Wed, July 20 at 3pm
                        EARLY LITERACY                                Create pixel art with perler beads! We’ll provide the
                                                                      beads and the iron, you provide the creativity.
                 1000 BOOKS BEFORE KINDERGARTEN                       Registration required. For grades 4 to 12.
                                                                      KAWAII BUBBLE TEA PILLOW
                 Read with your child, keep track of the books
                                                                      Thurs, July 28, 3pm
                 you finish, and earn rewards along the way.
                                                                      Learn basic stitches and make a cute bubble
                 Use the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten app,
                                                                      tea pillow.
                 found in any app store, to track your
                                                                      Registration required. For grades 4-12.
                 For children ages 0-5 and their caregivers.
                                                                                     Tues, August 9 at 3pm
   Fridays, July 1 to August 12 at 11am                                              Time to get creative! We provide the
                                                                                     supplies, you supply the imagination!
   Reading Buddies promote a higher interest and
                                                                                     For grades 4 and up.
   engagement in reading,
   improvement in social and
   communication skills, particularly for                                            THE PARENT’S CORNER
   students learning English as a second
                                                                      A PARENT’S GUIDE TO THE GAME INDUSTRY (VIRTUAL)
   language, and, most importantly, it’s
                                                                      Wed, June 29 at 7pm
   FUN! We’ll partner your child up with
                                                                      Videogames are one of the most popular leisure activities
   a teen volunteer to practice reading
                                                                                    for people of all ages. For parents, a lot
   on their own or to hear stories read
                                                                                    has changed about how we interact with
                                                                                    games today. In this lecture, Game Design
   Registration required. For grades
                                                                                    Scholar Josh Bycer will give you a crash
                                                                                    course on video games and the popular
                                                                                    trends that your kids are experiencing
                                                                                    today. Registration required.

320 Main Street, Fort Lee NJ 07024                                  201.592.3614                                  fortleelibrary.org
TEEN PROGRAMS                                         TEEN VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES
                       Welcome to the Teen Zone!
                       Check out our current programs and
                       volunteer opportunities and if you have
                       suggestions we’d love to hear them!
                       Follow us on Instagram
                       @fortleelibraryteens for the latest library
                       news and interactive content.

   Fri, June 24 at 6-8:30pm                                            VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES
   A special event just for teens! We’re                               Limited to Fort Lee Library cardholders in grades 7-12. Email
   turning the library into an arcade! Play                            kimberly.iacucci@fortlee.bccls.org for additional details
   some retro games and hang out with                                  and registration information.
   friends. Snacks will be provided.
   Registration required. For grades 7-12.                             TEEN VOLUNTEER MEETINGS
                                                                                 Tues, June 7 & Wed, August 3 at 4pm
   TEEN PRIDE                                                                    Learn about virtual and in-person volunteer
   Tues, June 7 at 5pm                                                           opportunities, share your experiences with
   Celebrate Pride Month with the Library! Crafts, snacks and                    each other and brainstorm additional
   an inclusive community provided! For grades 7-12.                             activities.
                                                                                 For grades 7-12.
   Thursdays, June 9 & 16, 3-5:30pm                                    TEEN VOLUNTEER TRAINING
   Relax your mind with stress-free activities and snacks.             Tues, June 21 at 3pm
   For grades 9-12.                                                    Training for summer volunteer opportunities as well as our
                                                                       most popular programs: Tech Help, Reading Buddies and
   THE REALITY OF GAME DEVELOPMENT                                     Adopt a Shelf.
   Thurs, June 9 at 7pm                                                For grades 7-12.
   The Game Industry is a multi-billion dollar market today and
               there is a lot that goes into game development.                     CARDS FOR COMFORT
               Join Game Design Scholar Josh Bycer to learn                        Ongoing
               about what it’s like to make games, and how to                      Brighten someone’s day with greeting cards.
               get started on the path of game development.                        Contact Teen Librarian Kim Iacucci at
               Registration required. For grades 7-12.                             kimberly.iacucci@fortlee.bccls.org to get
   Mondays, June 6 & 20 at 4pm                                         ADOPT A SHELF
   If you’re interested in 3D and graphic                              Ongoing
   design, this club is for you! For grades 9-12.                      Help us keep our bookshelves
                                                                       organized. Must attend training before
   TINY ART DAY                                                        beginning.
   Monday, June 13 at 4pm
   Create your own mini masterpiece to be displayed during                            TECH HELP
   our tiny art show at the library.                                                  Thursdays, June 2,9, 23 & 30, July 14, 21 & 28,
   Registration required. For grades 7 to 12.                                         August 11, 18 & 25 at 4pm
                                                                                      Assist patrons with their technology related
              ANIME CLUB                                                              questions. Must attend training before
              Tuesdays, June 14 & 28, July 12 & 26 at 4pm              beginning.
              Otakus unite! Join us as we share our love for
              anime and manga and learn about Japanese                 READING BUDDIES
              culture. For grades 7-12.                                Fridays, July 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29, August 5 & 12
                                                                       at 11am
   TEEN GAMING                                                         Help young kids improve their reading
   Fridays, July 1-August 26 at 2pm                                    skills! Registration required. Must attend
   Grab your friends and come play with the library’s Nintendo         training before beginning.
   Switch! For grades 7-12.

   Wed, August 17 at 3pm
   How well do you know the Upside Down? Test your
   knowledge about Stranger Things.
   For grades 7 -12.

320 Main Street, Fort Lee NJ 07024                                   201.592.3614                                  fortleelibrary.org
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