Band Directors' Manual Visiting Bands Committee 2018 - Calgary ...

Page created by William Williamson
Band Directors' Manual Visiting Bands Committee 2018 - Calgary ...
Band Directors’ Manual
    Visiting Bands
Band Directors' Manual Visiting Bands Committee 2018 - Calgary ...
BAND DIRECTORS’ MANUAL                                           2018

Table of Contents
1.        General information                                                 7
     1.1.      Band Hosts                                                     7
     1.2.      Websites                                                       7
          1.2.1.         Tourism Calgary                                      7
          1.2.2.         The City of Calgary                                  7
          1.2.3.         Travel Alberta                                       8
     1.3.      Band office                                                    8
2.        DEADLINES AND DATES                                                 8
     2.1.      Important deadlines and dates                                  8
     2.2.      Table of dates                                                 9
     3.     INSURANCE INFORMATION                                             9
     3.1.1.        Insurance requirements                                     9
     3.1.2.        Obtaining insurance                                   10
4.        ACCOMMODATIONS                                                 11
     4.1.      Accommodation facilities                                  11
     4.2.      Accommodation availability                                11
     4.3.      Facility security                                         12
     4.4.      Accommodation guidelines                                  12
5.        CATERING AND MEALS                                             13
     5.1.      Catering availability                                     13
     5.2.      Catering arrangements                                     13
6.        TRANSPORTATION                                                 15
     6.1.      What is provided                                          15
     6.2.      Customs                                                   15
     6.3.      What does the band pay for?                               15
     6.4.      Transportation arrangements                               15
7.        SCHEDULE OF EVENTS/ VENUES                                     16
     7.1.      The Stampede Parade                                       16
     7.2.      Stampede Parade Prelude                                   16

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BAND DIRECTORS’ MANUAL                                                              2018

     7.3.      Showbands Live! – Preliminary and Final Competitions                         16
     7.4.      Drum Line Battle/competition                                                 17
     7.5.      Daily Stampede Park performances                                             17
     7.6.      Daily Rope Square performances                                               17
     7.7.      Daily Caravan performances                                                   17
     7.8.      Community events                                                             18
8.     REWARDS PROGRAM                                                                      18
9.     SIGHTSEEING AND ESTIMATED COSTS                                                      21
     9.1.      Tour/performance opportunities                                               21
       9.1.1.            Heritage Park Historical Village                                   21
       9.1.2.            Calgary Zoo                                                        21
       9.1.3.            Calgary Olympic Park (C.O.P.)                                      21
       9.1.4.            Drumheller Royal Tyrrell Museum                                    21
       9.1.5.            Spruce Meadows                                                     21
       9.1.6.            Calgary Tower                                                      22
       9.1.7.            Glenbow Museum                                                     22
       9.1.8.            Military Museums                                                   22
       9.1.9.            CrossIron Mills Mall                                               22
10.         Stampede Parade information                                                     22
     10.1.         Stampede Parade route                                                    22
     10.2.         Convoys to the Parade                                                    22
     10.3.         The form-up area                                                         23
     10.4.         The Parade block                                                         23
     10.5.         Step-off                                                                 24
     10.6.         During the Parade                                                        24
     10.7.         Parade judging                                                           25
     10.8.         Pipe band judging                                                        25
     10.9.         Junior band definition                                                   25
     10.10.        Awards and prizes                                                        26
     10.11.        Medical services                                                         26
     10.12.        Meeting with band members after medical care                             26
     10.13.        Parade map                                                               27

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BAND DIRECTORS’ MANUAL                                                                    2018

11.        Showbands Live! information                                                            27
   11.1.           General information                                                            27
   2.1.        Eligibility                                                                        27
       2.1.1.            Requirements                                                             27
       2.1.1.            Categories of competition (based on member ages)                         28
       2.1.2.            Preliminary competition                                                  28
       2.1.3.            Final competition                                                        28
   2.2.        McMahon Stadium space information                                                  28
       2.2.1.            Performance location                                                     28
       2.1.1.            Field layout and size                                                    28
       2.1.2.            Markings on the field                                                    29
   2.2.        Show preparation                                                                   29
       2.2.1.            Band director’s meeting                                                  29
       2.1.1.            Buses and equipment trucks                                               29
       2.1.2.            Check-in                                                                 29
       2.1.3.            Warm-up areas                                                            29
       2.1.4.            Form-up area                                                             30
   2.2.        Show performance information                                                       30
       2.2.1.            Entering the Field                                                       30
       2.1.1.            Floor time                                                               30
       2.1.2.            Performance time                                                         30
       2.1.3.            Exiting field                                                            31
       2.1.4.            Electrical and equipment                                                 31
   2.2.        Judging                                                                            31
       2.2.1.            Judging captions                                                         31
       2.1.1.            Judged and not judged                                                    32
       2.1.2.            Critique - preliminary                                                   32
   2.2.        Awards and prizes                                                                  32
       2.2.1.            Prizes awarded                                                           32
       2.1.1.            Awards ceremony – general                                                32
       2.1.2.            Awards ceremony – final march in                                         32
   11.2.           McMahon Stadium – entrance and exit                                            33

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12.        Drum Line Battle                                                               34
   12.1.           Performance                                                            34
13.        Stampede Parade and Showbands Live adjudication sheets                         34

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On behalf of the Visiting Bands Committee and the Calgary Stampede, I would like to
welcome you to the Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth.

We are very pleased that you and your band have decided to join us for our 10-day
celebration. The Stampede officially begins on Friday, July 6, when over 350,000
spectators will line the streets to watch the Calgary Stampede Parade.

Throughout the week your band may have the opportunity to perform on the
Stampede Park to over 100,000 guests that attend each day. You may also have the
chance to entertain at one of the many Stampede Caravan pancake breakfasts that
occur around the city throughout the 10 days.

As you read through this manual, please make note of questions or clarifications you
need so you may ask your Band Host (known simply as your Host) for further
information. We have tried to think of all the details, but you may still need some
explanation. The most up-to-date version of the manual can always be found on our
Committee website

We’re very proud of our event and the volunteers who work so tirelessly to help to
ensure your band has an outstanding experience in Calgary and at the Stampede.
We’re confident that you and your band will have an unforgettable time.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


TS (Tim) Lane
Chair, Visiting Bands committee

                                       6                             VISITING BANDS COMMITTEE
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         Calgary Stampede
         1. General information

             1.1. Band Hosts
         All Band Hosts are volunteer members of the Visiting Bands committee.

         Your Host will be your primary contact with the Calgary Stampede, and all questions from your
         band should be directed through them whenever possible. Your Host’s primary goal is to help you
         enjoy your stay and to assist you in any way possible to make your experience at the Stampede a
         memorable one. Some things they may assist with include:maps

          ● Answer any questions you may have prior to your arrival in Calgary
          ● Collect all required information and paperwork prior to your arrival in Calgary
          ● Meet your buses at the outskirts of Calgary or provide maps to help your bus drivers reach
               their destination
          ● Meet you at the Calgary International Airport with your buses to take you to your pre-arranged
          ● Accompany you to all Stampede events in which your band is performing (including the
               Stampede Parade for bands that are playing in the Parade)
          ● Assist you in planning your free time. This could include help with inquiries, assist with
               bookings or direct you to information regarding local attractions
          ● Assist in planning your daily needs while at the Stampede
          ● Assist in emergency situations
                              ●       See you off when you depart
                              Upon arrival in Calgary, please introduce your Host(s) to your band and
                              chaperones so that everyone in the band knows who they are and why they are
Once your band has been
assigned a Host, all          there. Your Host will have the most up-to-date information and instructions.
communications with
the Committee and the
Stampede should be                    1.2.      Websites
directed through your             There are a number of additional online resources you can use to find
host. This helps to
reduce confusion and              information about the local area. These include:
ensures that your host
knows exactly what
planning is being done
                                          1.2.1. Tourism Calgary
for your band. Your host This site provides information about Calgary’s
will ensure that all
information will be               history and details on activities you can participate in while visiting.
forwarded to the
appropriate people.                      1.2.2. The City of Calgary
                         This site gives information about the city, as well as
                                  events happening in Calgary so you can play tourist.

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BAND DIRECTORS’ MANUAL                                                                               2018

                    1.2.3. Travel Alberta
   Similar to the website for Calgary, this site gives information about
            tourist events happening in Alberta.

               1.3. Band office
            The Committee operates the band office year-round to ensure that bands attending the Stampede
            can access specific information in a timely manner.

            You can contact the band office by mail, phone, or email as follows:
            ● Mail:             Visiting Bands committee – Calgary Stampede
                                P.O. Box 1060, Station M
                                Calgary, Alberta
                                Canada T2P 2K8
            ● Phone:            403.276.4939
            ● Email:
            ● Website:
            The band office is located in the school accommodations during Stampede and is open to
            participating bands daily from 7 a.m. to 5:00 p.m, or as required. On Tuesday, the office is closed
            at 11:00 a.m. due to competition held later that day. There is no access to the office outside of
            these hours.

            The following is a list of services that are available to bands via the band office:

            ●    Emergency telephone
            ●    Limited fax service
            ●    Information about equipment repair, emergency dry cleaning and other services
            ●    Transportation and performance schedule distribution
            ●    Parade and Showbands Live! Information

            2. DEADLINES AND DATES
               2.1. Important deadlines and dates
            Below are the important deadlines (all dates are 2018):
            ● Deadline to submit a Stampede application form – February 28 (late applications will be
               considered depending on space available)
            ● Deadline to submit band resume form – April 14
            ● Final updates to the band resume form – April 28
            ● Proof of insurance – June 1
            ● Band Roster for those staying at the school – June 30
                                     ●      Non-Canadian bands must complete a Canadian Customs form in
                                     the event any cash prizes are awarded
If you have any difficulties using the
committee website, please let our
webmaster know by sending an
email to                                                     8                                     VISITING BANDS COMMITTEE
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BAND DIRECTORS’ MANUAL                                                                               2018

       ● Non-Canadian bands should ensure that they have completed carnet applications for their
          2.2. Table of dates
Description                           Location                        Date                    Time

Sneak-a-peek                          Stampede Park                   Thursday, July 5        Evening
Reduced price admission to
Stampede Park
Parade meeting - compulsory for       Crescent Heights High           Thursday, July 5        6 p.m.
all band directors, drum majors       School
and hosts participating in the

Stampede Parade                       Downtown Calgary                Friday, July 6          Convoys times
                                      Depart in convoys from                                  announced at the
                                      Crescent Heights High                                   pre-parade meeting
                                      School and Stampede Park
Showbands Live preliminary            Outdoor venue –McMahon          Sunday, July 8          3:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.
competition                           Stadium
Drum Line Battle                      Rope Square – downtown          Monday, July 9          Noon to 1 p.m.
Judge’s Clinic                        Various locations               Monday, July 9          Various times
Showbands Live final competition      Outdoor venue –McMahon          Tuesday, July 10        6:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Practice fields                       Crescent Heights High           Friday, July 6 to       9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Note: Noise bylaw relaxation in       School Athletic Fields          Monday, July 9
place only for the hours specified.   Arrangements to be made
                                      through the band office.
Use resulting in a noise complaint
may result in fines by the City of


              3.1.1. Insurance requirements
       All bands MUST carry Commercial General Liability insurance in the amount of $2 million (CDN) for
       damage to property and/or person.
       In addition, it is required that the policy states the following, or wording to this effect:

                                                        9                                     VISITING BANDS COMMITTEE
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BAND DIRECTORS’ MANUAL                                                                              2018

The Calgary Stampede, The Calgary Stampede Foundation, Calgary Public School Board, and the
City of Calgary as additional named insureds.
The City of Calgary and/or the Stampede are owners of some of the venues where you may be
performing. Bands staying and/or eating at the High School are staying at Calgary Public School
Board property. As a result, it is required that they be added to your liability insurance policy as
Additional Named Insureds.
Liability insurance is required to protect the band, the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede, The City
of Calgary and the Calgary Public School Board should a band member, or a member of their
group, cause any damage to the property of another person or injure another person of the
general public. This is not to be confused with any other insurance the band may already have for
their instruments or medical coverage for the band members.
Bands NOT having the above insurance in place cannot participate in ANY
                                                                                             It is critically important that
Calgary Stampede sponsored functions, including staying at the school.                       you provide our committee
                                                                                             with Proof of Insurance on
Most bands have some form of insurance already in place and it is simply a                   or before the deadline of
matter of requesting your insurance provider to issue a Certificate of Insurance             May 1, 2016
with appropriate add-ons. Often there is no additional premium; however,
there may be a small additional cost.
A copy of the Certificate of Insurance MUST be provided to the Visiting Band
Committee through the Band’s Hosts and received prior to the deadline of June 1, 2018.
Visiting Bands committee – Calgary Stampede
PO Box 1060, Station M
Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2P 2K8
Fax: 403.239.8654

        3.1.2. Obtaining insurance
In the event that your band does not have this insurance in place already, insurance may be
obtained through the following:

            BFL Canada Inc.
            Attention: Leisa Pettigrew
            1300, 700 – 2nd Street SW
            Calgary, Alberta T2P 2W2
            Phone: 403.451.4145

All cheques are to be made out to: BFL Canada Inc. A receipt will be issued from them, for
payment. This insurance is designed to cover the band during the ten days of Stampede and for
Stampede events ONLY.

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4.1. Accommodation facilities
The Calgary Stampede believes that it is important for out of town bands to have
access to inexpensive accommodations during their stay in Calgary. The
accommodation provided by the Stampede is at a local high school and is
                                                                                                    Band directors and band
available during the period for which the band is performing for the Stampede.                      members are
                                                                                                    responsible for the
Depending on their size, bands will be assigned to a gymnasium or classroom(s).                     security of their property
                                                                                                    while using the provided
While these accommodations are provided at no cost to the bands, there are
some important points to keep in mind:

● Multiple bands will be sharing the facility, including all washroom and shower
● Separate accommodations are provided for male and female guests using the school
● Anyone staying at the school will be required to provide their own bedding (sleeping bags,
   pillow and camping style mattress)
● The school’s custodial personnel are on duty 24 hours a day while the bands are in the school
● All individuals staying at the school must be properly identified to the school custodians. This is
   for security and emergency purposes
The school is located at:

Crescent Heights High School
1019 – 1st Street N.W. Calgary, Alberta T2M 2S2

4.2. Accommodation availability
The school-based accommodations available to bands are offered on a first-come, first-served
basis to all bands participating in the Stampede.
● Facilities are provided only for persons directly associated with the band, such as band
   members, staff and chaperones
● Special accommodations will need to be arranged for bus drivers if the band will be using
   chartered tour buses or providing their own busing
● Once all the accommodation at the school is filled, your Host can assist in locating potential
   alternate (paid by the band) accommodations. Please be aware that
   hotel/motel space in Calgary fills quickly during Stampede. Rates for this
                                                                                        Since space is limited,
   kind of accommodation are typically at a premium during Stampede.                    requests for
Persons not directly associated with the band are asked to arrange their own            accommodation are
                                                                                        prioritized based on the
hotel/motel accommodations. This should be done well in advance of your trip            order in which they are
                                                                                                  received. Make sure your
                                                                                                  request is clearly known by
                                                                                                  the band office and your
                                                 11                                     VISITING BANDS COMMITTEE
                                                                                                  host (once they are
                                                                                                  assigned to you).
BAND DIRECTORS’ MANUAL                                                                                      2018

              to Calgary, as it is particularly important that bus drivers have accommodations near the band.

              4.3. Facility security
              Fire regulations require that a full roster, including the names and ages (age not required for
              adults) of your band members and chaperones must be turned in to your host before your trip and
              no later than June 30.
                                       Doors to the school are locked each night at 11 p.m. Bands wishing to return to
                                       the school after this time must make prior arrangements with the school’s
The City of Calgary has enacted        custodial personnel. Details and contact information will be provided to you
a strong Smoking Bylaw which           when you arrive at the school.
requires all indoor public places
and many outdoor public places         Security of your area in the school should be discussed with the school’s
to be smoke – free.
                                       custodial personnel on your arrival at the school. A limited number of lockers
                                       will be available to each band; however, each band must provide their own
                                       locks for these lockers.
The high school is a smoke-free
building.                              Please report any suspicious people or activities you may notice in the school to
                                       the band office or to custodial personnel.
The consumption or
transportation of any alcoholic        4.4. Accommodation guidelines
substance (beer, wine, liquor,
liqueurs, coolers) in or around        The following guidelines must be observed during your stay at any
the school is not allowed and          accommodation provided by the Stampede. Violation may result in your
will not be tolerated.
                                       immediate expulsion from the facilities and/or potential legal action:
                                     ●       The use of any recording device, such as but not limited to, digital
                                     cameras, recorders, cell phones, etc. in areas of privacy like the dressing rooms,
Please visit or speak     locker rooms, washrooms and shower areas are strictly prohibited
with your host for specific          ●       Absolutely no cooking is allowed on school premises, except by
information on the bylaw.
                                     authorized catering personnel in specified areas
                                     ●       No consumption of meals is to take place in the school except in the
                                     ●       The consumption of alcohol in or around the school is strictly prohibited
                                     ●       The entire school is a designated non-smoking environment. Smoking is
                                     permitted outside the building, well away from any doors to the school.
               ● Violent or excessive rowdy behaviour is prohibited
               ● Any damage to school property must be reported immediately to the
                     band office or school custodian
               ● For security reasons, all unattended rooms must be locked                               Security of personal and band
                                                                                                         property is always a concern
               ● Under no circumstances will school custodian personnel unlock a door
                                                                                                         when there are a large number of
                     without an adult in attendance                                                      people in a facility.
               ● School custodians are the only personnel with keys to the rooms
               ● Chaperones are responsible for the supervision of band members
                                                                                                              Keeping the doors of unattended
              Following these guidelines will help ensure a safe and pleasant stay for all                    rooms locked will help to secure
                                                                                                              your belongings.
              individuals at the school.
                                                                                                               Please report any suspicious
                                                                                                               people or activities you may
                                                                  12                                       VISITING BANDS COMMITTEE
                                                                                                               notice in the school to the band
              LAST UPDATED JUNE 2018
                                                                                                               office and/or to custodial
BAND DIRECTORS’ MANUAL                                                                                   2018

             5. CATERING AND MEALS
             Hosts will assist in making arrangements for meals at a cost to the bands. Bands should budget
             approximately $30 CDN/member/day to cover meal costs.

                                      For those staying in the school, meals will be supplied (at a cost to the band) by
                                      the caterers in the school. The caterers will contact the bands directly to establish
While Alberta has no                  meal requirements and costs. Bands staying in school accommodations who wish
provincial sales tax,
Canada has a national 5%
                                      to eat at the school MUST purchase meals from the school caterer and may not
Goods and Services Tax                provide their own food in the school or on the school property (no cook trucks,
(GST) which applies to
most purchases in Canada.
                                      etc. permitted).
Please remember to
budget for the GST when               5.1. Catering availability
estimating your costs.
                                      The Visiting Bands committee makes arrangements with the school caterer to
                                      provide meal services to bands during their stay in Calgary.

                              Catering services are provided at Crescent Heights High School. The caterer at the
             high school is Lunch Lady

             It is the responsibility of each band to provide all meals for their members, staff and chaperones
             during their stay in Calgary. While some performances, such as Stampede breakfasts, may provide
             bands with a free meal for performing, most performances do not include food.

                                        5.2. Catering arrangements
Bands may pay for catering              Your band will receive a letter from the caterer (if they are staying at the
using cash or cheque only.
                                        school) that provides all details on what catering services are available, how
All catering costs are to be            much notice is necessary and pricing. Bands must deal directly with the caterer
paid on the day of their last
meal at the school.                     for all meal arrangements.

Bands are responsible for the           Bands staying in the school and those staying away from the school can make
payment of all meals                    arrangements with the caterer to provide breakfast, lunch and/or dinner at the
cancelled with less than 48
hours notice to the caterer.            high school cafeteria for
Bands not using the high                Bands not staying at the school will be responsible for transportation to the
school accommodations,
                                        school for any meals arranged with the caterer.
including local bands, are also
welcome to make use of the
catering services made                  Your host will arrange for you to meet with the caterer and school custodial
available by the committee.
                                        staff on your arrival at the school. Payment will also be due at this time.
Simply ask you host to set up
a meeting for you with the
caterer.                                Please ensure you know your performance schedule before making definite
                                        commitments for meals at the school.
A “best guess” meal
requirement is requested at
least four weeks in advance of
your arrival (especially for
dinners). Adjustments can be
made one week prior to
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Please keep the following in mind when considering your meal needs

● All payment must be in Canadian currency (cash) plus 5% GST
● You must provide confirmation on the number of people eating each meal each day during
  your stay, plus or minus 5%
● Meal time requirements and special food orders, other than those noted can be
  accommodated upon request
● If you require special services, such as pizza and pop for late evening snacks, please contact the
  caterer directly for prices and arrangements
● Meal cancellations require 48 hours notice to the caterer. If cancellation is less than 48 hours,
  your band will be responsible for full payment

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BAND DIRECTORS’ MANUAL                                                                               2018

            6. TRANSPORTATION
                6.1. What is provided
            Bands visiting the Stampede that do not have their own transportation will be provided buses to
            and from Stampede related performances at no cost to the band. The Visiting Bands committee
            will arrange for the transportation for these venues.
            The following bus transportation items are at no cost to the band:
            ● Transportation to and from the airport and the bands’ accommodation
            ● Transportation to and from the bands’ accommodation to the parade for those bands
              performing in the Stampede Parade on July 6, 2018.
            ● Transportation to and from all Stampede related performances (These are optional
              performances available to the bands for the rewards program)
            ● Stampede related performances are filled on a first come-first served basis
            ● Your band will be supplied with the appropriate number of buses according to the numbers of
              members in your band
            ● In most cases, the buses will not wait at locations while bands are rehearsing or enjoying free
              time, and will return at designated pick up times as arranged by your Host
            ● Bands will be expected to take their equipment on the bus transportation provided
            ● Trucks are available for bands to rent for the larger equipment if they require.
               6.2. Customs
            Ensure you check with Canada Customs prior to your trip regarding the fastest way to clear band
            members and equipment if you are arriving from outside of Canada by air.
            International groups are recommended to contact carnet for information regarding bringing
            equipment across the border. The following website provides information with respect to applying
            for carnet:
                  6.3. What does the band pay for?
                                      Bands requiring equipment trucks will be responsible for the costs of the
                                      equipment truck (approximately $360 CDN/day or $170/truck/trip).
Transportation provided by the
                                           Bands are expected to pay for their own transportation costs for free
committee is in large school buses,
which can be used for both personnel       days, sightseeing, and for time they are not participating in Stampede
and equipment.
                                              6.4.       Transportation arrangements
Bands wanting a separate equipment         Bands participating in non-Stampede performances or tours can contact
truck will need to contact their host to   our transportation provider to arrange transportation. Your host will
make these arrangements. This should
be done well in advance of your arrival.

The costs for the equipment trucks are
the responsibility of the band.                                15                                  VISITING BANDS COMMITTEE
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inform you of the bands’ Stampede itinerary so you can make arrangements for non-Stampede
Bands with their own transportation will receive a small subsidy from the Visiting Bands committee
for the use of their buses for Stampede-sponsored performances.
Band buses and equipment vehicles may be parked at the high school if your band has
accommodations there.


7.1. The Stampede Parade
The Stampede Parade is the most popular event of the ten-day Stampede and acts as the official
start of the Stampede. Bands in the Parade will encounter more than 350 000 spectators lining
the 4.5 km (2.8 mile) Parade route, while an estimated 10 million viewers watch on live and time
delayed television broadcasts. The Stampede Parade will be held on Friday, July 6, 2018.
Some quick facts:
      ●     Estimated time to walk the entire route – 1.5 to 1.75 hours
      ●     Estimated number of people in the parade – 2 500
      ●     Average number of marching bands participating – 15
      ●     Number of floats participating – 10
      ●     Number of horses – 700                                                  It is very important that band
      ●     Total number of entries – 110                                           members stay hydrated during
      ●     Travelling speed on the route: 210 feet per minute or 3.8 km/hr.        the Parade.

                                                                                    This is accomplished by having
7.2. Stampede Parade Prelude                                                        band members or staff carrying
Parade prelude (pre-parade) allows bands not in the main parade to                  water bottles that are used by
                                                                                    band members as needed.
perform at specific locations in advance of the Stampede Parade. The
prelude is intended to provide entertainment to the crowds while they are
waiting for the Parade.
      ● Bands march to a location and perform for a 5 - 10 minute period at a specific site
      ● They then march to the next location and perform again
      ● Typically, each group performs approximately five times at different locations along the
        Parade route before the start of the Parade
      ● These performers do not march in the Parade

7.3. Showbands Live! – Preliminary and Final Competitions
Each year, the Visiting Bands committee hosts Showbands Live!, a competition for marching show
bands. It is held at McMahon Stadium in Calgary. Showbands Live! preliminaries will be held in

                                                 16                               VISITING BANDS COMMITTEE
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the afternoon on Sunday, July 8, 2018; the final competition will be held in the evening on
Tuesday, July 10, 2018.
    ● Marching show bands compete for awards and prizes in front of a live audience
    ● Only amateur bands may compete, although professional bands may participate in
       exhibition if time permits
    ● Bands who prefer not to compete are welcome to participate in an exhibition performance
Information concerning the rules and regulations for Showbands Live! is contained in the
appendix. This section is currently based on previous year’s information and is subject to revisions.

7.4. Drum Line Battle/competition
A drum line competition will be held on Monday, July 9, 2018 between 12:00 and 1:00 p.m. at
Rope Square in downtown Calgary.

7.5. Daily Stampede Park performances
Stampede Park is the heart of the Stampede. Bands performing on-Park will participate in concert
performances arranged for the enjoyment of park visitors.
      ● Due to the activity at the Park, we ask bands to be flexible as changes do occasionally occur
      ● Bands participating in the Park performances will be given further information upon arrival
        at the Park

7.6. Daily Rope Square performances
Rope Square is an event hosted daily by the Stampede’s Downtown Attractions committee and is
held in front of City Hall in the Olympic Plaza. This free, three-hour event showcases a variety of
performing ensembles including:
      ●     Bands of all types
      ●     Aboriginal dance groups
      ●     Western wagons
      ●     Horses
      ●     Chuck wagons serving flapjacks (pancakes) to the public

7.7. Daily Caravan performances
Caravan events are held throughout Calgary by the Stampede’s Caravan committee. Caravans
provide the public with mobile performance platforms that highlight a variety of performing
ensembles, along with Calgary’s famous pancake breakfasts.

      ● Performances are at large outdoor venues (usually a shopping mall parking lot)
      ● Arrangements can be made to ensure that band members are able to have a pancake
        breakfast prior to their performance

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      ● Due to the limited space at these venues, it is not possible to perform a field show at these

7.8. Community events
From time to time, the Visiting Bands committee is approached by organizations in the community
that are eager to have bands perform at their Stampede events.
These performances are perfect for small to medium size bands and provide excellent exposure to
Calgary’s Stampede culture.
Many of these events are willing to work with bands to provide members with a free meal, and/or
may offer a small honorarium for performing.
Please let your host know if you are interested in our Community Events and which days in your
schedule you are available.

Performing bands will be eligible for the band rewards program, if they participate in Stampede
events from July 6 - 15, 2018. Note: rewards are for the band members only.

Details of the rewards program are outlined on the following two pages. If you have further
questions, please feel free to contact us at any time.

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9.1. Tour/performance opportunities
All of the venues/locations below are available for tours and/or performances at a cost to the
band. Prices are from 2016 and may be slightly different.

        9.1.1. Heritage Park Historical Village
Located within the Calgary City limits, this park is a year-round exhibit of western history. It
features a village that has been recreated to appear as though it may have in the late 19th century.
(Many of the buildings actually were moved from original locations to the park) The park includes a
working steam locomotive that circles the park and a steam stern wheeler that circles Glenmore
Reservoir in the summer. Bands with approximately 40 members that have Alberta Heritage Music
in their repertoire are able to perform at the park. (Youth (7-14) $18.75 CDN; General $26.25 CDN,
plus GST) (Discounts available for groups of 15 or more persons).

         9.1.2. Calgary Zoo
The Calgary Zoo is the 2nd largest zoo in Canada and is located five minutes outside the City centre.
It is accessible by C-train (Calgary Transit) and has ample bus parking for large groups. The zoo has
over 1,000 animals and includes the following exhibits: Destination Africa, Canadian Wilds,
Australia, Botanical Gardens, Arctic Shores, Eurasia, Prehistoric Park and South America. There are
currently no performance opportunities due to the potential disruption of the animals. Groups
must be booked three days in advance. (Youth (3-15) $16.95 CDN; General $24.95 CDN. (plus GST)
Contact 403.232.9300 (

        9.1.3. Calgary Olympic Park (C.O.P.)
This athletic facility was home to many events during the Winter Olympics of 1988. This park is
also home to the Olympic Hall of Fame and Museum. During summer, the park has mountain
biking, mini golf, zip line, summer bobsleigh, and many more activities available. Performance
opportunities may be available. Contact 403.247.5452 (

       9.1.4. Drumheller Royal Tyrrell Museum
The Royal Tyrrell Museum is exclusively dedicated to the science of paleontology and is located 90
minutes North East of Calgary. It has the world’s largest displays of dinosaurs. No opportunity to
perform. Groups must be booked 3 days in advance. Entry is all day, you can leave and return.

       9.1.5. Spruce Meadows
Spruce Meadows is an international equestrian facility in south Calgary. The North American
Tournament is usually held within the first two weeks of July every year. There may be
performance opportunities for bands during this tournament. Contact 403.974.4200

                                              21                                   VISITING BANDS COMMITTEE
BAND DIRECTORS’ MANUAL                                                                               2018

       9.1.6. Calgary Tower
The Calgary Tower is 191 meters (627’) in height and has a revolving restaurant and an observation
deck. The observation deck features a 360⁰ view of Calgary and a glass floor. No opportunity to
perform. ( Child (4-12) $9 CDN, Adult $18 CDN) Contact (

       9.1.7. Glenbow Museum
The museum is one of western Canada’s largest museums with more than 20 galleries. The
museum is located in the center of downtown Calgary. The exhibits include: Western Cultural
History, Ethnology, Military History, Mineralogy and Asian Collection. No performance
opportunities. Groups must book a few days in advance. (Youth (7-17) $10 CDN and Adults $16
CDN (plus GST). Discount pricing may apply for group bookings. Contact 403.268.4110

        9.1.8. Military Museums
The Military Museums are dedicated to representing Canada’s navy, army and air force divisions.
The museum offers various tours. Tours must be booked in advance (Youth (7-17) $5 CDN and
Adults $10 CDN. No opportunity to perform. Contact 403.410.2340

        9.1.9. CrossIron Mills Mall
Cross Iron Mills Mall is an enclosed shopping centre a few minutes north of Calgary. The doors of
the mall opened in the spring of 2009 and the mall features over 200 stores and services. Entry 2
(Ranch Entrance) of the mall is dedicated to large bus pick up and drop off. Performance
opportunities may be available at their annual Stampede Caravan Breakfast.

10.Stampede Parade information
10.1. Stampede Parade route
The Stampede Parade route is 4.5 km (2.8 miles) in length, officially starts at 6th
Avenue and 3rd Street SE and follows a rectangular counter-clockwise route
through the city’s downtown. There is a form-up area before the official starting
                                                                                               Due to the length and pace
area where bands can warm up, hydrate, etc. and then to move slowly along the                  of the Parade, it is strongly
                                                                                               recommended that
route until they are cued into the main Parade.
                                                                                               participants be 12 years of
                                                                                               age or older.
There are emergency medical stations located at several points around the
Parade route where band members can be taken if necessary. (See Medical
Services section)
                                                                                               A full version of the map is
                                                                                               available in Appendix 10.3

                                                                                                It is recommended that all
10.2. Convoys to the Parade                                                                     band members and staff be
                                                                                                in uniform prior to leaving
                                                                                                the school for the Parade
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BAND DIRECTORS’ MANUAL                                                                                  2018

             All bands participating in the Stampede Parade will be bussed in convoys with a police escort.
             Hosts will accompany their bands on the buses to the form-up area.
             Bands not staying at the school will be picked up from their accommodation location and
             transported a convoy location.
             If your band will be using their own buses to travel to the form-up area, please be sure that the
             drivers are notified regarding departure times and their position in the convoys. The host will
             travel with the bus to ensure the drivers stay in the convoy and to ensure the drivers know the
             Specific loading and departure times for the convoys will be discussed at the Parade meeting on
             the Thursday before the Parade. It is essential your band is ready to leave at the assigned time or
             the band may be left behind.

             10.3. The form-up area
             Bands will be marshalled in the form-up area where you can warm up the band and prepare to
             enter the Parade. Your band will not have time to warm up once they are moved onto the Parade
             form-up area on the street.

                   ● Portable toilet facilities are available at the form up areas, it is advised that bands use these
                     before moving onto the street form-up area
                   ● Powerade and water will be available to band members before and after the Parade
                   ● Bands may warm up in the bus parking lot prior to forming up for the Parade
                   ● You band will be moved onto the street form-up area approximately 10-15 minutes before
                     moving onto the Parade route.
                        o The band must be ready at this point to step onto the route at any time. It may take
                            several minutes before they are fed into the Parade route as entries are fed by their
                            number in the parade from several locations
                        o There is no further time for warming up when the band moves onto the street.

                                  10.4. The Parade block
The media
companies that                    From the street form-up area, the band is cued onto the Parade route. All bands are
broadcast the                     expected to follow all regulations and restrictions outlined during the Parade meeting.
Stampede Parade
limit their                       These include:
broadcasts to a set
period of time.                       ● Bands must supply and carry a suitable identification banner
Keeping your                          ● Bands must march in a compact format following the layout requirements
formation as                      below:
compact as possible
helps to ensure that                       o Maximum 1.5 m (5 ft.) between playing members
all Parade entries                         o Maximum 3.4 m (11 ft.) between auxiliary members (colour guard)
will appear in the
televised coverage
of the Stampede                                                    23                                  VISITING BANDS COMMITTEE
Parade.      LAST UPDATED JUNE 2018
BAND DIRECTORS’ MANUAL                                                                                    2018

     ● Maximum width of a band is 7.1 m (25 ft.) across
     ● A host must accompany the band along the route
     ● A traffic lane on each side of the band must be kept open at all times for use by
         emergency services and parade officials
     ● Bands not maintaining the required format and speed may be withdrawn from the Parade
     ● Bands must follow the preceding entry within two street skip lines (dotted lane markings)
     ● Bands must be able to march at the parade travelling speed to minimize gaps in the
Failure to comply with the foregoing regulations may result in the forfeiture of prizes and/or
removal from the Parade at the discretion of the Parade officials.

10.5. Step-off
You will be notified by your host when it is time for your band to form up in preparation for step

When it comes time for your band to be cued into the Parade, a Parade official will give your host a
signal that your band is to start moving onto the route. Bands must be prepared to step off quickly
when entering the Parade or following a pause in the parade.

      ● Drill routines before stepping off are not acceptable as it results in an unnecessary delay in
        the Parade
      ● Bands must follow the preceding entry within two street skip lines
        (dotted lane markings)
      ● The location of the TV cameras and judging area will be communicated              Hydration (water) is provided
        to your host prior to step-off                                                    at the half-way point in the
                                                                                                  Parade. Bands must provide
                                                                                                  their own container as cups
10.6. During the Parade
                                                                                                  will not be provided.
Some important notes to keep in mind while on the Parade route:
                                                                                                  It is expected that the band
                                                                                                  will continue to move and
      ● Bands must maintain a forward speed of 210 ft./minute (64 m/minute).
                                                                                                  that the water carriers can
        Bands unable to keep up risk being removed from the Parade.                               replenish their supply at this
      ● Slow marching is prohibited
      ● Counter marching is permitted as long as the band maintains the
        forward speed with the parade
      ● Accompanying personnel, other than the band director, will be limited
        to one per 20 band members
            o These individuals may be first aid or water carriers and must be properly
               identifiable as part of the band, with an appropriate shirt or jacket (similar dress to
               the band)

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      ● Hosts will accompany your band along the Parade route. Band directors must follow the
        instruction of their host.
      ● Horses form an integral part of the Stampede Parade; your band may be placed near
            o Please advise your members to avoid startling animals with loud noises or
                threatening movements
      ● All Parade participants are prohibited from throwing or otherwise distributing materials
        along the Parade route
      ● No physical contact (e.g.- hand shaking, etc.) with spectators
      ● A hydration point is provided for bands at the half way point along the route. (water only)
        Bands must provide their own containers, as cups will not be distributed at this station.
            o Accompanying personnel may distribute water to the members along the route
            o It is suggested this not take place at judging locations and television station

10.7. Parade judging
Bands are judged on three distinct categories during the Parade
    ● Marching
    ● Musical Performance
    ● General Effect
Judges are located at one site along the Parade route (contact your host for exact location). The
location is within the first five blocks from the official start of the Parade.

There may be signs along the side of the Parade route advising you that the judging site is coming

It is imperative the band play right through the judging area. If your current song ends in the area,
please immediately start another song. If the judges do not hear your music, they cannot judge
the band on that aspect of its performance. This will result in a lower overall score.

10.8. Pipe band judging
Pipe bands will be judged on the same criteria as other bands. However, a specific judge with pipe
band experience will be marking these bands for the caption of Musical Performance.

10.9. Junior band definition
To be considered a junior band, a band must meet the following requirements:

      ● 90% of the band’s members (including any auxiliary) must be 16 years of age or younger as
        of July 1 in the year the band is competing

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      ● The remaining 10% of the band must be 19 years of age or younger as of July 1 in the year
        the band is competing

10.10. Awards and prizes

The prize categories for the current year are:

Best Senior band                                      Best Pipe Band
Best Junior band                                      Judges’ Choice

      ● Each winning band will be presented a plaque from the Stampede and a banner
      ● Trophies for all categories are on display year round in the BMO Centre on Stampede Park

10.11. Medical services
Emergency medical services (EMS) will be patrolling the Parade route on mountain bikes and are in
radio contact with the Parade officials. In the event that a band member requires medical
attention during the Parade, please have your band chaperone escort the member to the open
lane on either side of the band. Try to keep the band member as comfortable as possible.

Your band host should be notified as quickly as possible if a band member is taken out of the
Parade for medical assistance. A parade official should be contacted to ensure EMS arrives to
assist as quickly as possible.

10.12. Meeting with band members after medical care
In the event that one or more members of the band require medical attention on the Parade
route, they will receive care as quickly and efficiently as possible. Your host will work with
members of the Parade committee to track down the location and status of these band members
once your band has completed the Parade route. Depending on the medical status of these band
members, they will either be returned to your band at the end of the Parade route or your host
will work with you to make other arrangements to meet up with them.

                                                 26                              VISITING BANDS COMMITTEE
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10.13. Parade map

11. Showbands Live! information

11.1. General information
Preliminary Competition Date: Sunday, July 8, 2018
Competition Date: Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Venue: McMahon Stadium, 1817 Crowchild Tr. NW, Calgary

2.1.          Eligibility

      2.1.1. Requirements
● All bands must be amateur organizations to be eligible to compete
● Professional bands may perform in exhibition
● Any band from outside of Canada must complete a Canadian Customs form in the event that
  any cash prizes are awarded

                                           27                              VISITING BANDS COMMITTEE
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● All competing bands must have general liability insurance with a minimum of $2,000,000 CDN
● A copy of proof of insurance must be submitted to the committee by June 1 of the year of the
● Band resume must be submitted to your host by April 28 of the year of the competition. This
  will aid in any media releases or scripting for the commentator of the competition

      2.1.1. Categories of competition (based on member ages)
SENIOR – bands with all participating members 22 years of age or younger on July 1 of the
competition year.
JUNIOR – bands with 90% of their participating members 16 years of age or younger on July 1 of
the competition year. The remaining participating members must be 19 years of age or younger
on July 1 of the competition year.

      2.1.2. Preliminary competition
● Only those bands in the preliminary competition are eligible to compete in the finals
● Schedule of the preliminary competition will be given out once attendance confirmation is
● Scores and judges recorded comments will be available shortly after the bands’ performance
  on their CompetitionSuite account

           2.1.3. Final competition
●     All competing bands should be available for the finals and are encouraged to participate
●     Schedule of the finals will be determined based on the band’s preliminary competition score
      and the number of bands competing
●     The band’s performances in the finals will be judged, adjudicated and scored
●     No score from the preliminary competition is carried forward
●     The final competition scores in the evening will be used to determine the overall ranking of

2.2. McMahon Stadium space information

     2.2.1. Performance location
● The competition is held on the field in the outdoor stadium.
● Due to other Stampede events, the stadium will not be available to the bands for rehearsal

     2.1.1. Field layout and size
● The fields are marked with standard lines (every 5 yards)
● The podium for the drum major is provided and located at the front of the field
● The field is a standard Canadian football field size

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          2.1.2. Markings on the field
●     The yard lines will be marked with tape at 5-yard depth intervals across the field running from
      the front sideline, back 35 yards along each line
●     Yard markers will be set at both the front and back field as per a standard American Football
      Field (50-yard marker at centre)
●     Five depth markers labeled A, B, C, D, and E are available to use
●     No tape, paint or markings of any kind may be put on the fields by any Band. Removable
      markings or tape may be placed if they are removed during the band’s field time

2.2. Show preparation

          2.2.1. Band director’s meeting
●     A band director’s meeting will be held before the competition
●     This meeting may be combined with the Parade meeting on the evening before the Parade
●     Drum majors, band directors and the band host should attend this meeting
●     Any changes in scheduling and/or procedures will be provided at this meeting

           2.1.1. Buses and equipment trucks
●      Bands will be transported to McMahon Stadium from their accommodation; your host will
       accompany your band to obtain entry to the stadium
●      It is up to the director and/or host to make arrangements to gain access to the bus and to
       confirm pick up times for after the competition
●      There are NO changing facilities available for bands in the McMahon stadium. Bands should
       arrive at the stadium in uniform.
●      If you have an equipment truck it should travel to the Stadium with the buses. A maximum of
       one passenger is allowed.
●      Equipment trucks may park and unload necessary equipment by the gate entry to the football
       stadium. Follow the instructions of the committee member in charge of parking

           2.1.2. Check-in
●     Bands need to arrive at the stadium a minimum of 90 minutes prior to their tentatively
      scheduled performance time
●     Your host or a band representative can complete the check-in
●     Upon check-in, the performance time of the band will be confirmed
●     If there have been changes to the schedule, the band will be made aware of the changes at this

            2.1.3. Warm-up areas
●           Once bands have arrived on site, they may proceed to a warm up area as assigned to the

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●           No warm up may take place in the entry area to the stadium
●           Your host can clarify the approved areas and show you the band’s warm-up area
●           Warming up is to take place in the designated areas only to reduce noise while bands are
            performing and being moved into the form up area
●           In the event of inclement weather, alternative arrangements will be given to the bands

            2.1.4. Form-up area
●           All bands are to report to stadium entrance at least 10 minutes prior to their performance
            time. Hosts and/or directors will be contacted if the competition is not on schedule
●           It is imperative that silence be maintained in this area as another band is performing on the
●           When the gates are opened, the band proceeds through these gates to the field
            o        All equipment and materials for their performance should be brought to this
●           Each band is formed up in a waiting area while the band immediately ahead of them is
            completing their performance

2.2. Show performance information

     2.2.1. Entering the Field
● Bands will enter the field at the positions indicated on the diagrams later in this manual.
● When the announcer introduces the band, the band will be allowed to enter the field
     o       Please advise your host of any special pronunciations of names for the announcer
             and supply a phonetic or audio pronunciation of those names

      2.1.1. Floor time
● Each band’s performance time MUST be a minimum of 8 minutes. No total time limit is given,
  but bands should strive to enter and exit the field completely within 15 – 20 minutes
● Performance begins when the first note is played
● The field timing will end as the last person from the band crosses the exit line
      o       This includes any staff member, volunteer or parent removing equipment

          2.1.2. Performance time
●      Each band’s performance time MUST be a minimum of 8 minutes and a maximum of 12
●      Performance begins when the first note is played following:
          Announcer will say:
            “The Calgary Stampede is proud to present ________ (name of band).”
            “Drum major, is your band ready?” (Drum major salutes)
            “_______________, you may take the floor in competition”

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●      **No on field warm ups will be permitted.

       2.1.3. Exiting field
● When bands complete their performance, they will exit the field at the positions indicated on
  the diagrams later in this manual.
● Upon exiting the field, bands will be directed to a waiting and refreshment area. Silence must
  be maintained in this area so as not to interfere with the other bands’ performances
       o      Bands are encouraged to watch the other performances
       o      Your host will be able to direct you to the seating area
● Only drum majors will be required for the retreat following the preliminary competition, but
   full bands will re-enter the field after the final competition
       o      Your host will accompany you to the form-up area
       o      Further details on the award ceremonies are included later in this manual

      2.1.4. Electrical and equipment
● Electrical power will be provided at centre field at both venues on the front sideline only, for
  any amps, guitars, PA systems, etc.
● Carts to move equipment on and off the performance area will be allowed, but not provided.
● The following are NOT ALLOWED AT ANY TIME: pyrotechnics of any kind, including fireworks,
  discharge of arms, or any hazardous materials that may cause damage, present a safety or fire
  hazard, or remain on the field after the conclusion of the band’s performance

2.2. Judging

      2.2.1. Judging captions
● Each judge will give a score out of 100 points. The captions judged are:
      o Show General Effect
      o Music General Effect
      o Visual General Effect
      o Music Performance
      o Visual Performance
      o Color Guard Performance
      o Percussion Performance
● Judges will use a box or scoring rubric, which are available at the end of the manual. Directors
  should diligently review these judging sheets to gain a full understanding of the expectations of
  their band
● Judging parameters are included following this section

                                               31                                VISITING BANDS COMMITTEE
BAND DIRECTORS’ MANUAL                                                                         2018

       2.1.1. Judged and not judged
Entrance – Not Judged: All equipment and materials for the performance, including band markers
and props are to be carried in at this time

Performance – Judged: Performance begins when the first note is played following the announcer
stating the band can take the field in competition. Performance begins when the first note is
played following:

            Announcer will say:
                  “The Calgary Stampede is proud to present ________ (name of band).”
                  “Drum major, is your band ready?” (Drum major salutes)
                  “_______________, you may take the field in competition”

Exit – Not Judged: All equipment and materials, including markers and props provided by the
band are to be carried out at this time. Any competition markers that were moved must be

       2.1.2. Critique - preliminary
● Following the preliminary competition, band directors meet with the judges for critique
● Comments can be found on CompetitionSuite approximately 20 minutes after the band is
  finished their performance.
● Each band will be given a specific time to meet with the judges. These meetings will last for 10
  minutes maximum

2.2. Awards and prizes

      2.2.1. Prizes awarded
● Prizes will be determined and announced at the pre-show directors meeting

      2.1.1. Awards ceremony – general
● At the conclusion of the preliminary competition, the drum majors from each of the competing
  bands competing will be asked to return to the field for an awards ceremony (retreat)
● At the conclusion of the finals, the full bands will be asked to return to the field
● Drum majors from all of the bands competing during the day will be called to the front of the
  field to accept awards on behalf of their band

      2.1.2. Awards ceremony – final march in
● The order of entry for each band and assignments for formation on the field will be announced
  at the pre-show directors meeting

                                               32                                VISITING BANDS COMMITTEE
BAND DIRECTORS’ MANUAL                                                                    2018

● Only uniformed band members and uniformed staff members will be permitted on the field for
  the awards ceremony

11.2. McMahon Stadium – entrance and exit

***PLEASE NOTE: Due to City of Calgary noise bylaws, no warm-ups are allowed on the west side
of McMahon Stadium – all bands must move to the Crowchild Trail side of the stadium for

                                           33                               VISITING BANDS COMMITTEE
BAND DIRECTORS’ MANUAL                                                                        2018

12. Drum Line Battle

12.1. Performance
This performance will take place on Monday, July 9, 2018 in Rope Square in downtown Calgary.

Details of this performance will be shared at the Directors’ Meeting.

The ultimate goal is to have fun and be entertaining.

13. Stampede Parade and Showbands Live adjudication sheets
The following six pages contain the adjudication sheets used by our judges for the Stampede
Parade and for Showbands Live. These have been condensed to save space.

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You can also read