Coronavirus (COVID-19): Health and Safety Risk Assessment

Page created by Lonnie Barrett
Template date: 20/09/2020

                         Coronavirus (COVID-19): Health and Safety Risk Assessment

       Name of school: Burman Infant School
Following the first version for reopening schools to a wider setting from the 1st June 2020, the checklist has been updated with the latest government
guidance for the full opening of schools from the start of the autumn term. An update to the protective measures build on what schools implemented
when reopening to a wider setting. This is a live and active document which must be shared with all staff and reviewed on a regular basis to
ensure it meets the changing environment to control the spread of the virus.
The checklist outlines the system of controls identified by the government to be put in place to reduce the risk of transmission of the virus and
inherently make the school a safe environment.
Where other separate health and safety procedures and written documents have already been produced (e.g. specific risk assessments currently in
place and school policies), these can simply be referenced and updated in the checklist. There is no need or requirement for procedures to be
recorded again in this document.

System of Controls
The controls have been grouped into what measures schools must put in place following the government guidance, with an additional group for other
health and safety considerations. More details of the groups are below and the sections have been bookmarked (hover over section, press Control +
Click) to help navigate through the checklist:

This Risk Assessment has been completed by Ella Saxty, Headteacher, in consultation with the Senior Leadership Team at Burman Nursery & Infant

* March 2021 Updated Version 6 – 8th March – School Re-Opening (following National Lockdown)
* Reviewed – Summer Term 2021
RESPONSE TO                                OTHER
       PREVENTION                                   ANY INFECTION                          CONSIDERATIONS
  *1) Minimise contact with individuals who are
unwell by ensuring that those who have COVID-19
    symptoms, or who have someone in their
   household who does, do not attend school
                                                     7) Engage with the NHS Test and             10) School Workforce
                                                             Trace process
*2) Clean hands thoroughly more often than usual

      *3) Ensure good respiratory hygiene
                                                       8) Manage confirmed cases of            11) Building Management
                                                     cornavirus (COVID-19) (COVID-19)
   *4) Introduce enhanced cleaning, including          amongst the school community
cleaning frequently touched surfaces often, using
standard products such as detergents and bleach

                                                                                              12) Communication, training,
  **5) Minimise contact between individuals and                                              monitoring and reviewing plans
   maintain social distancing wherever possible     9) Contain any outbreak by following
                                                     local health protection team advice
 6) Where necessary, wear appropriate personal
          protective equipment (PPE)

 *1-4 must always be in place at all the times        7,8,9 must be followed in every           13) Curriculum Specific
                                                       case where they are relevant
 **5-6 must be in place but measures adapted
        to suit particular circumstances

Risk Rating:
           Each question of the checklist will need to be rated using the table below and appropriate action will need to be undertaken. The action plan at
           the bottom of the checklist will need to be completed for additional measures that are required.

  RAG Rating                         HIGH                                             MEDIUM                                              LOW
                                                              In place but not embedded; not everyone aware of it;
    Definition                 Not in place at all.                                                                    Robustly in place; clear evidence of impact
                                                                      evidence of effectiveness not known

    1) Minimise contact with individuals who are unwell
       Risk controls to be put in place                           How will this be achieved:                    Considering       Assigned to:         Date
                                                                                                               your controls                         completed:
                                                                                                                 what stage
                                                                                                                are you at?
                                                                                                                (record risk
Staff, children and parents/ carers to be informed       Refer to latest Government guidance click here.
about the following:-                                    Follow Covid19 guidance for households with                                    ES            On-going
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms and what to             possible Coronavirus (COVID-19) infection.                                    SLT
look for e.g. high temperature, new persistent           Letter sent to inform Parents / Carers & Staff                            Office Staff       On-going
cough or has a loss of, or change in, their normal        about NHS test and trace: how it works (electronic                            RC
sense of taste or smell.                                  version including links for further information).                                            On-going
- Testing eligibility and how to access tests.           Email communications with Staff / Parents / Carers
- If child(s) are sent home due to Coronavirus           Staff briefing / advice shared.                                                              On-going
(COVID-19) symptoms they are advised to self-            Discussions with Parents / Carers.
isolate for 10 days. People in the same household        Email NHS video out to Parents / Carers.
are to self-isolate for 10 days.
                                                         Suspected & Confirmed Case Protocol.
- If a child, young person or staff member tests

Risk controls to be put in place                            How will this be achieved:                       Considering    Assigned to:     Date
                                                                                                                    your controls                  completed:
                                                                                                                      what stage
                                                                                                                     are you at?
                                                                                                                     (record risk
negative, they can return to their setting and the         Office Staff to offer advice to Parents / Carers over
fellow household members can end their self-                the telephone.
isolation.                                                 Staff aware that they must inform HT of any
-If a child, young person or staff member tests             symptomatic Children immediately.
positive, Public Health England will advise further        SMBC Testing Flowchart (updated).
on what action to take.                                    Refer to guidance in the SMBC Outbreak Scenario
- All Parents / Carers and visitors to wear face            document.
coverings when on site.                                    ‘Introducing the App’ information sent out to
- All Parents / Carers, visitors & Staff to adhere to       Parents / Carers, Staff and Governors.
social distancing rules.                                   All Staff have been given a visor, these should be
                                                            sanitised after each use.
                                                           All Staff to wear a face covering when they are
                                                            walking around School; it is not necessary to wear
                                                            a face covering in the classroom, in line with
                                                            national and local guidance. Face coverings may
                                                            be worn in the classroom by preference of Staff
                                                            members – Staff are responsible for ensuring that
                                                            coverings are worn, stored and disposed of
                                                           The safe wearing of face coverings requires
                                                            cleaning of hands before and after touching –
                                                            including to remove and to put them on – and the
                                                            safe storage of them, in individual, sealable,
                                                            plastic bags between uses. Where a face covering
                                                            becomes damp, it should not be worn.

Risk controls to be put in place                            How will this be achieved:                      Considering    Assigned to:      Date
                                                                                                                  your controls                   completed:
                                                                                                                    what stage
                                                                                                                   are you at?
                                                                                                                   (record risk
                                                          No Mask – No Entry (to site). ES / RC to supervise
                                                           entrance gates (daily), offer face masks if not worn
                                                           and Children to be taken into School by ES if
                                                          Meetings to continue taking place virtually.
Children, young people, parents, carers, visitors,        Email / telephone communications.                                            ES
suppliers to be informed not to enter the school if       Burman Visitor Protocol.                                                Office Staff    On-going
displaying any symptoms of Coronavirus (COVID-            Signage in School grounds.                                                  RC          On-going
A process to send staff, children and others home if      Refer to Government guidance / consult current                                          September
they develop Coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms               guidance on the day.                                                         ES           2020
including what action they need to take.                  Review our Health and Safety policy                                         SLT
                                                           arrangements and Administering Medicines in                             Office Staff   March 2021
                                                           School policy / protocol.
                                                          Managing Suspected & Confirmed Cases
                                                          Refer to SMBC Covid-19 Flow Chart (updated).
                                                          Follow guidance in SMBC Outbreak Scenario
Provide a room or space where social distance can         Isolation Area: Main Entrance area (Office is                                           September
be maintained for children experiencing                    closed). Door to be opened to ventilate – safety /                          ES             2020
Coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms where they can             supervision by a member of Staff at 2m distance.                         All Staff     January 2021
wait until being collected. Ventilate the room where      Visitor toilet to be used.                                                              March 2021
possible by opening a window. If possible provide a       Cleaner or other trained staff to clean area after
separate bathroom and ensure it is cleaned and             use following the COVID-19: cleaning of non-

Risk controls to be put in place                             How will this be achieved:                     Considering    Assigned to:       Date
                                                                                                                  your controls                    completed:
                                                                                                                    what stage
                                                                                                                   are you at?
                                                                                                                   (record risk
disinfected after use.                                      healthcare settings guidance.
                                                           PPE to be used by staff if a 2 metre distance
                                                            cannot be maintained.
                                                           Full PPE stock provided in each Classroom and in
                                                            First Aid area. Further stock also available.

    2) Cleaning hands more often than usual
       Risk controls to be put in place                             How will this be achieved:                     Considering    Assigned to:       Date
                                                                                                                  your controls                    completed:
                                                                                                                    what stage
                                                                                                                   are you at?
                                                                                                                   (record risk
Ensure the following have been to communicated             Protocols for Children, Staff, Parents / Carers and                                     September
to children, staff, visitors etc. :-                        Visitors reinforce good levels of hygiene.                                  ES            2020
- The importance of good hand hygiene.                     Staff briefed on times of day for routine                               Office Staff
- Hands are cleaned on arrival at the setting, before       handwashing with the Children.                                          Teaching /       Ongoing
and after eating, after using toilet blocks and after      Allocated handwashing times and sink facilities for                    Support Staff
sneezing or coughing.                                       each year group ‘bubble’.                                                              January 2021

Risk controls to be put in place                           How will this be achieved:                     Considering    Assigned to:      Date
                                                                                                                your controls                   completed:
                                                                                                                  what stage
                                                                                                                 are you at?
                                                                                                                 (record risk
                                                         NHS advice / posters communicated with Parents                                         On-going
                                                          / Carers via email.
                                                         Teaching of effective hand hygiene.
                                                         Use of Public Health England resources;
                                                         Posters, games, songs and repetition during
                                                          teaching time.                                                                         Ongoing
                                                         Reminders to Staff.
                                                         Hand sanitisers available in our Reception area.
                                                         All to be re-established on return in January.
                                                         All to be re-established on return in March.
Children clean their hands regularly, including          Staff briefed on times of day for routine                                All Staff     On-going
when they arrive at school, return from breaks,           handwashing with the Children.                                         All Children
change rooms and before and after eating.                Routines to be monitored.                                                              On-going
                                                         Allocated handwashing times and sink facilities for
                                                          each year group ‘bubble’.                                                              On-going
                                                         Adults to supervise effective handwashing among
                                                          the Children.
                                                         Support given for Children with additional needs.
                                                         HAND SANITISERS NOT recommended for our
                                                          young children (LA guidance).
                                                         All to be re-established on return in March.
Ensure sufficient procurement of soap, hand              Contact our regular suppliers about proportionate
sanitising gel, moisturising supplies are in place.       supplies of soap.                                                          RC          On-going

Risk controls to be put in place                         How will this be achieved:                    Considering     Assigned to:        Date
                                                                                                             your controls                      completed:
                                                                                                               what stage
                                                                                                              are you at?
                                                                                                              (record risk
                                                       RC (Site Manager) to consistently monitor our
                                                        supplies (stocktake) and re-order where need is                           All Staff      On-going
                                                        identified – plan ahead.                                              *Cleaning Staff
                                                       All Staff responsible for informing RC where stock                                       On-going
                                                        is observed to be running low.
                                                       Cleaning schedule includes replenishment of
Make sure help is available to children and young      Children with additional needs identified.
people who have trouble cleaning their hands           Assistance (following necessary guidance) is                          All Supporting     On-going
independently.                                          given.                                                *Monitor any         Adults
                                                       Children are all supervised when handwashing           additional                        On-going
                                                        and support is available.                             children with
                                                       Gloves are available for Staff who are supporting    support needs                       On-going
                                                        SEND children.
Promote to staff and parents the importance of         Letter sent out to Parents / Carers (Wider Opening                          HT           September
washing clothes following a day in an educational       information & Arrangements for September).                                                  2020
or childcare setting.                                  Update / reminder – January 2021.                                                         On-going
                                                                                                                                                January 2021

    3) Ensure good respiratory hygiene
       Risk controls to be put in place                         How will this be achieved:                   Considering      Assigned to:         Date

your controls                      completed:
                                                                                                                        what stage
                                                                                                                       are you at?
                                                                                                                       (record risk
Ensure the following have been to communicated               ‘Catch it, Bin it, Kill it’ posters in each classroom
to children, staff, visitors:-                                                              All Staff       On-going
- Use a tissue or elbow to cough or sneeze and use            content/uploads/sites/6/2017/09/catch-bin-kill.pdf
bins for tissue waste (‘catch it, bin it and kill it’).                        Parents / Carers    On-going
- Promote and encourage not to touch mouth, eyes              ch-it-bin-it-kill-it-poster
and nose.                                                    Awareness raised during teaching time and                                                   On-going
                                                              messages / god practice repeated / reinforced.
                                                             Staff briefing / reminders to Staff.
                                                             Procurement of tissues for all classrooms and
                                                             Encourage Children / Staff to bring their own
                                                              tissues for personal use.
                                                             Bin liners used in all bins which are tied when
Put in place a procedure for bins for tissues so they        RC (Site Manager) and Cleaning Staff to empty                               All Staff
are emptied throughout the day.                               bins (to limit possible contamination) and they are                                         On-going
                                                              aware of how to do this safely – use of bin liners                            *RC
                                                              which are tied when bins are emptied.                                      *Cleaners        On-going
                                                             Daily cleaning schedule.
                                                             All Staff to monitor bin capacity and ensure no                                             On-going
                                                              overflow occurs. Change if necessary.
Where possible rooms to be kept well ventilated              Staff briefing.                                                             RC / ES
using natural ventilation (opening windows) or               Site Manager (RC) to open windows in the                                    All Staff       On-going
ventilation units.                                            morning.
                                                             Outdoor area doors to be opened where safe /                                                On-going
                                                              appropriate (FKS).

   Hall doors to be opened when in use – additional                                      On-going
                                                          signage / reminders.
                                                         Doors / windows to remain open where safe /
                                                         In colder temperatures, windows / doors should
                                                          still be opened enough to provide constant
                                                          ventilation and opened more fully during breaks or
                                                          when not being occupied. N.B. Open high-level
                                                          windows to reduce drafts. Children are invited to
                                                          bring an additional layer of clothing to maintain a
                                                          comfortable temperature.
Identify doors which can be propped open, where          RC (Site Manager) support.                                              RC / ES
safe to do so (bearing in mind fire safety and           Safety catches used to keep doors open, where                           All Staff     On-going
safeguarding), to limit use of door handles and aid       safe to do so.
ventilation.                                             Hall doors to be open when in use.                                                    On-going
                                                         Outdoor area doors to be opened where safe /
                                                          appropriate (FKS).                                                                    On-going
                                                         Staff briefing.
                                                         Fire Doors need to remain closed at all times.

    4) Enhanced cleaning, including frequently touched surfaces often using standard product
         Risk controls to be put in place                           How will this be achieved:                   Considering    Assigned to:     Date
                                                                                                                your controls                  completed:
                                                                                                                  what stage
                                                                                                                 are you at?
                                                                                                                 (record risk

Surfaces that children and young people are touching,           Revised cleaning schedule.                                                September
such as toys, books, desks, chairs, doors, sinks, toilets,      Cleaning / sanitiser spray & cloths provided in                 HT          2020
light switches and bannisters are cleaned more                   each classroom – Staff are reminded to keep       *Monitor      RC         On-going
regularly.                                                       cleaning products out of reach of children.                  All Staff
                                                                All-In-One disinfectant spay provided in each
                                                                 classroom / Office area – Staff are reminded                             October 2020
                                                                 to keep out of reach of children.                                         On-going
                                                                Make relevant Staff aware of COVID-19:
                                                                 cleaning of non-healthcare settings guidance.
                                                                Staff briefing / instruction.                                            January 2021
                                                                Follow guidance for cleaning in education and                              On-going
                                                                 child care settings:

                                                                  FINAL Cleaning in
                                                                 schools v1 june 20.pdf

                                                                Review cleaning activities risk assessment.
                                                                Reduce and limit the amount of soft
                                                                 furnishings and soft toys that are hard to
                                                                PE and Playground equipment to be
                                                                 organised into ‘year groups’ / ‘zones’ to
                                                                 ensure all children can access resources.
                                                                Equipment boxes (any contents) to be
                                                                 cleaned / disinfected on a Friday.
                                                                 Alternatively, left for 72hrs before re-using.
                                                                Where it is not practically possible or
                                                                 educationally appropriate for books to be left
                                                                 for 48hrs before marking, Staff should wash
                                                                 their hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds
                                                                 afterwards and refrain from touching their face

at all times.
                                                          Staff to monitor / report any concerns to the
Sufficient procurement of cleaning supplies and           Contact our regular suppliers about                  RC            September
COSHH risk assessments have been completed for any         proportionate supplies of cleaning supplies.     *Report to HT       2020
new products.                                             RC (Site Manager) to consistently monitor our
                                                           supplies (stocktake) and re-order where need     Cleaning Staff    On-going
                                                           is identified – plan ahead.
                                                          Cleaning Staff to inform RC where stock is                         On-going
                                                           observed to be running low.
                                                          RC (Site Manager) to confirm material safety                       On-going
                                                           data sheets are in place for all products and
                                                           COSHH risk assessments are completed and
                                                           up-to-date for products classed as hazardous.
                                                          COSHH File to be scrutinised by HT
Children not to use outdoor play equipment unless         Timetable created for each year group                              September
appropriately cleaned between groups of children and       ‘bubble’ – designated equipment used as part         RC              2020
young people.                                              of a rolling weekly cycle.                           SLT            On-going
                                                          PE and Playground equipment to be
                                                           organised into ‘year groups’ / ‘zones’ to         Lunchtime       October 2020
                                                           ensure all children can access resources.         Supervisors      On-going
                                                          Equipment boxes (any contents) to be
                                                           cleaned / disinfected on a Friday.                                January 2021
                                                           Alternatively, left for 72hrs before re-using.                      On-going
                                                          Parents informed that outdoor equipment is
                                                           not to be used before and after School (safety                     On-going
                                                           precautions explained).
                                                          Posters put up in the playground to remind
                                                           that equipment is not to be used before and
                                                           after School. Signage replenishment. Signage
                                                          SLT to monitor.

5) Minimise contact between individuals and maintain social distancing wherever possible
         Risk controls to be put in place                 How will this be achieved:                  Considering    Assigned to:     Date
                                                                                                     your controls                  completed:
                                                                                                       what stage
                                                                                                      are you at?
                                                                                                      (record risk
Create groups (‘bubbles’)                          Children are arranged in year group ‘bubbles’.                        ES
                                                   Children to return to Class ‘bubbles’ (8th                        Governors      On-going
                                                    March).                                                              SLT
                                                   Nursery to operate in a separate AM / PM                           All Staff    January 2021
                                                    ‘bubble’.                                                                         Ongoing
                                                   Nursery to operate in 1 ‘bubble’ – arranged in                    Beechwood
                                                    the AM only.                                                         Staff       On-going
                                                   Nursery to return to 2 ‘bubbles’ – AM & PM
                                                    (8th March).
                                                   Beechwood ‘bubbles’ will be the same as
                                                    during the school day where possible. Where
                                                    this is not possible, the size of each bubble
                                                    will be reduced and will be consistent.
                                                   Own equipment to be used where possible i.e.
                                                    Reception – named pencils kept in drawers
                                                    KS1 – pencil cases / stationery.
                                                   Children are not to enter our School Office.
                                                   Staff can continue to meet in their Year Group
                                                    ‘bubbles’, maintaining social distance.
Separate Groups (bubbles) and maintain social      Children being taught in whole class groups                        ES / SLT
distance between individuals.                       (from September).                                                                On-going
                                                   Children being taught in Year Group Classes         *Monitor
                                                    during closure.                                                                  On-going

Risk controls to be put in place             How will this be achieved:                    Considering    Assigned to:     Date
                                                                                          your controls                  completed:
                                                                                            what stage
                                                                                           are you at?
                                                                                           (record risk
                                      Children being taught in Class ‘bubbles’ (8 th

                                       March).                                                                            On-going
                                      Consistent maintenance of Year Group
                                       ‘bubbles’ & Nursery.
                                      ‘Bubbles’ will not share a common area at the
                                       same time.
                                      First Aid Area – Separate (distanced) tables,
                                       designated to each ‘bubble’.
                                      One way system adopted in corridor areas –
                                       adult supervision / age-appropriate signage.
                                      Where a curriculum area is taught by a
                                       member of Staff, the Staff member will move
                                       rooms (following procedures), not the children
                                       in the ‘bubble’.
                                      Music teaching to take place in the Hall –
                                       considered very low risk (procedures in
                                       place). Not to take place during closure, in the
                                       absence of AP. Resume – 8th March.
                                      Use of the Hall at lunchtimes, to be arranged
                                       in two zones and with a carefully planned rota
                                       to keep risks at a minimum.
                                      The playground is divided into three zones
                                       which are timetabled on a weekly rota.
                                      No whole School assemblies to be held.
                                      Meetings and training sessions to be kept to a

Risk controls to be put in place                    How will this be achieved:                   Considering    Assigned to:      Date
                                                                                                         your controls                   completed:
                                                                                                           what stage
                                                                                                          are you at?
                                                                                                          (record risk
                                                       minimum / virtual where possible, to reduce
                                                       the possibility for mass staff isolation.
                                                      All meetings and training sessions to be
                                                       conducted virtually.
                                                      Separate Staff rooms (FKS & KS1) / ensuring
                                                       2m distance.
                                                      Risk factors to be monitored due to ages of
                                                       our Children.
Try and keep distance in the classrooms               Visual prompts i.e. positioning of furniture /                       All Staff
                                                       equipment to support the Children in                 *Monitor        Children      On-going
                                                       managing the distance, considering their age.                        Parents
                                                      Desks and furniture rearranged to maximise                         (to support)    On-going
                                                       space, desks facing forward (where possible);
                                                       FKS – some tables removed / use of ‘tuff                                           On-going
                                                       trays’ to support distancing
                                                       KS1 – tables arranged in rows / horseshoe.
                                                      Teachers to remind the Children about trying
                                                       to avoid touching others and why.
                                                      Use of songs, symbols and rhymes to help to
                                                       remind the Children about distancing.
                                                      Children always sitting in the same place in
                                                       their Classroom.
Maximise space around the school by removing any      Suitable storage arrangements in place.
unnecessary items.                                    Letter sent to Parents / Carers (wider opening)                        ES          On-going

Risk controls to be put in place                      How will this be achieved:                  Considering    Assigned to:     Date
                                                                                                          your controls                  completed:
                                                                                                            what stage
                                                                                                           are you at?
                                                                                                           (record risk
                                                         about what the Children need to bring into                         All Staff    January 2021
                                                         school - essential items only. Reinforced for                                     On-going
                                                         Children attending during closure.
                                                        Chairs / tables which have been removed are                                      On-going
                                                         stored safely.
Ensure measures in place to avoid large gatherings      No whole School assemblies to be taking                            ES / SLT      September
                                                         place.                                                             All Staff       2020
                                                        Protocol for using corridor areas –                                               On-going
                                                         communicating with other Staff members.
                                                        Staggered start and finish times.                                               January 2021
                                                        Staggered hand washing times.                                                     On-going
                                                        Staggered lunchtime rota.
                                                        Playground zones and rota.                                                       On-going
                                                        Letters / emails to Parents / Carers to remind
                                                         them to leave School immediately, once their
                                                         Child/ren has / have been dropped off or
                                                         picked up.
                                                        Posters in the playground to remind the same.
                                                         Signage replenishment. Signage
                                                        HT / Staff to monitor the compliance of
                                                         Parents / Carers with current systems /
                                                         procedures. ES / RC to supervise Entrance
                                                         gates daily. Continue.

Risk controls to be put in place                         How will this be achieved:                  Considering    Assigned to:     Date
                                                                                                             your controls                  completed:
                                                                                                               what stage
                                                                                                              are you at?
                                                                                                              (record risk
Consider how children and young people arrive at           SLT meetings to discuss / evaluate staggered                         ES           On-going
school e.g. school crossing patrols, and reduce any         start and finish times. Review. Review.                             SLT
unnecessary travel.                                        SLT meetings to discuss / evaluate drop off        *Monitor       Governors       On-going
                                                            and pick up arrangements. Review. Review.         compliance
                                                           Have regard for Government guidance –                                             On-going
                                                            encourage use of walking and cycling
                                                           Celebrate WOW – Walk to School Challenge;
                                                           SMBC Letter to Parents to inform that face
                                                            coverings are to be worn on our School site /
                                                            posters in the playground to remind the same.
                                                            Replenish signage. Replenish signage.
                                                           Signage on gates and at pick up points to
                                                            clearly direct Parents / Carers. Replenish
                                                            signage. Replenish signage.
                                                           Arrange for PCSO visit to monitor Parents /
                                                            Carers guidance compliance at pick-up and
                                                            drop-off times.

Ensure framework in place for supporting transport to      Coronavirus (COVID-19): safer travel                                 ES            On-going
and from schools from the autumn term.                      guidance for passengers                                                          (monitor any
                                                                                               change in
                                                            (COVID-19)-covid-19-safer-travel-guidance-                                      circumstances)

Risk controls to be put in place                           How will this be achieved:                    Considering    Assigned to:      Date
                                                                                                                 your controls                   completed:
                                                                                                                   what stage
                                                                                                                  are you at?
                                                                                                                  (record risk
                                                             Initiatives to encourage Parents / Carers, Staff                                    On-going
                                                              and Children to walk or cycle to school;                                            (monitor)
                                                              services/projects/wow                                                               On-going
Communicate to parents that they cannot gather at            Letter to Parents / Carers – arrangements for                            HT
entrance gates or doors, or enter the site (unless they       wider opening and September opening and                             Office Staff    On-going
have a pre-arranged appointment, which should be              during closure. Re-opening – 8th March.               *Monitor      Governors
conducted safely).                                           Communication informing of limited Office                                           On-going
                                                              opening times. Revised during closure.
                                                             Request that only one Parent / Carer                                                On-going
                                                              accompanies Child/ren onto our School site.
                                                             Nursery / Reception Induction visits – strictly
                                                              one Parent / Carer only. Induction information
                                                              to be delivered virtually / via website & email.
                                                             Email prompts / reminders to express
                                                              guidelines / protocol.
                                                             Posters in the playground to reinforce the
                                                              message. Replenish signage. Replenish
                                                             Visit from our supporting PCSO.
                                                             Burman Visitor Protocol.
                                                             Entrance gate supervised (RC / ES) to
                                                              promote social distancing and face coverings)
                                                              – masks provided if required. No Mask No
                                                              Entry. Continue.

Risk controls to be put in place                     How will this be achieved:                    Considering     Assigned to:     Date
                                                                                                           your controls                   completed:
                                                                                                             what stage
                                                                                                            are you at?
                                                                                                            (record risk
                                                       Where possible, Parents / Carers to email
                                                        queries to Staff (via the Office email) to avoid
                                                        face-to-face contact.
                                                       Arrange for PCSO visit to monitor Parents /
                                                        Carers guidance compliance at pick-up and
                                                        drop-off times.
                                                       HT / Staff to monitor the compliance of
                                                        Parents / Carers with current systems /

Reduce the use of shared resources between pupils      Own equipment to be used where possible i.e.                          ES / SLT      On-going
and staff.                                              Reception – named pencils kept in drawers                             All Staff
                                                        and felt-tip baskets used on rotation                 *Monitor                      On-going
                                                        KS1 – pencil cases / stationary.                     practicality
                                                       Books, games and other classroom based                                              On-going
                                                        resources can be shared within the same
                                                        bubble; these are cleaned regularly.
                                                       Any resources shared between ‘bubbles’ are
                                                        cleaned thoroughly between uses. Rotation of
                                                        items – 48hrs / 72hrs for plastics.
                                                       Any resources that are taken home i.e.
                                                        ‘reward’ items - allow them to be left unused
                                                        and out of reach for a period of 48 hours (72
                                                        hours for plastics) and sanitise fully between

Risk controls to be put in place                     How will this be achieved:                    Considering    Assigned to:       Date
                                                                                                            your controls                    completed:
                                                                                                              what stage
                                                                                                             are you at?
                                                                                                             (record risk
                                                        HT / SLT to monitor practicalities.

Review procedures for pupils in state of crisis.        Review positive handling techniques.                                    ES           On-going
                                                        Staff briefing – refer back to previous training
                                                         (SISS).                                                                              On-going
                                                        SLT to assist where necessary.

Ensure specific plans are in place for SEND pupils      Teaching Staff and AB (SEND) to arrange                                 ES           On-going
                                                         review meetings on education health and care                            AB
                                                         (EHC) plans. To be held virtually where                            Teaching Staff    On-going
                                                         possible.                                                                            On-going
                                                        Risk Assessments for Children with EHCPs
                                                         reviewed. Reviewed for Summer Term.
                                                        ES / AB to keep in regular contact with
                                                         Parents / Carers, TLSAs and Class Teachers
                                                         to ensure any additional issues (resulting from
                                                         closure arrangements) are promptly

6) Where necessary, wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) & Face Coverings
          Risk controls to be put in place                                How will this be achieved:                    Considering    Assigned to:      Date
                                                                                                                       your controls                   completed:
                                                                                                                         what stage
                                                                                                                        are you at?
                                                                                                                        (record risk
Adequate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is in                Refer to guidance of what PPE is required for                         ES / RC        On-going
place for the care of children where their care already            intimate care                                                        Office Staff
involves the use of PPE due to intimate care needs.                                            On-going
Also, if a child, young person or other learner becomes            improvement/health-and-
unwell with symptoms of Coronavirus (COVID-19)                     wellbeing/medicines/intimate-care/.                                                  On-going
while in school and needs direct personal care (2                 PPE stock is available in all classrooms and
metres distance cannot be maintained) until they can               First Aid area - as per DfE implementing
return home. Also consider eye protection if risk of               protective measures in education and childcare
splashing to the eyes, for example from coughing,                  settings e.g. fluid-resistant surgical face mask,
spitting, or vomiting.                                             if a distance of 2 metres cannot be maintained,
                                                                   disposable gloves, a disposable apron, eye
                                                                  Refer to SMBC PPE guidance on school
                                                                   extranet page and PPE Advice for decision
                                                                  PPE available for all lunchtime supervisors.

Review first aid needs assessment and update to                   Refer to suggested SMBC first aid needs                               ES / RC
ensure sufficient equipment and PPE supplies are                   assessment and update where required                                 Office Staff    On-going
available for first aiders and staff caring for a child with       including increasing PPE in first aid boxes.
symptoms of Coronavirus (COVID-19).                                                                                                      All Staff      On-going

                                                                   FirstAidNeedsAsses                                                                   On-going
                                                                   smentApril 2020.docx

Risk controls to be put in place                     How will this be achieved:                      Considering    Assigned to:     Date
                                                                                                             your controls                  completed:
                                                                                                               what stage
                                                                                                              are you at?
                                                                                                              (record risk
                                                      PPE stock is available in all classrooms and
                                                       First Aid area - as per DfE implementing
                                                       protective measures in education and childcare
                                                       settings e.g. fluid-resistant surgical face mask,
                                                       if a distance of 2 metres cannot be maintained,
                                                       disposable gloves, a disposable apron, eye
                                                      Staff responsibility to report to ES / Office Staff
                                                       if supplies need replenishing (i.e. following a
                                                       First Aid duty).
Process in place for removing face covering once      Any homemade, non-disposable face                                          ES
children arrive at school                              coverings that Children are wearing when they          *Advised not     All Staff     On-going
                                                       arrive, must be removed by the Child and                 to wear
                                                       placed into a plastic bag that they have brought                                      On-going
                                                       with them in order to take it home. The Child
                                                       must then wash their hands for at least 20                                            On-going
                                                      Bags to be provided if necessary, for any non-
                                                       disposable face coverings.

7) Promote and Engage in the Staff Testing Programme
       Risk controls to be put in place                    How will this be achieved:                        Considering    Assigned to:     Date
                                                                                                            your controls                  completed:
                                                                                                              what stage
                                                                                                             are you at?
                                                                                                             (record risk
COVID-19 infection spreading in the School        Burman Infant School is following Government                                             On-going
community as a result of asymptomatic cases.       recommended control measures set out in the                                ES / KH
                                                   School’s Protective Measures Risk Assessment.                                            On-going
                                                  COVID Coordinator / Administrator training prior to                          SLT
                                                   participation in the National Testing Programme.                                         On-going
                                                  Staff will carry out routine testing twice a week, 3-4                     All Staff
                                                   days apart. Sunday & Thursday evenings.
                                                  Staff to register their results online at
                                                  Staff to report both test results (weekly) via email
                                                   to KH each Thursday morning when void /
                                                  If a member of Staff has a positive result, this
                                                   should be reported to ES by telephone as soon as
                                                  KH to maintain School record of test results.
                                                  Staff displaying symptoms are expected to arrange
                                                   a further PCR test and follow the isolation
                                                  Volunteers helping in School will be asked to carry
                                                   out routine, twice weekly testing, in line with Staff

Risk controls to be put in place                       How will this be achieved:                       Considering    Assigned to:     Date
                                                                                                               your controls                  completed:
                                                                                                                 what stage
                                                                                                                are you at?
                                                                                                                (record risk
                                                       (as above).
Ensure testing information has been communicated      COVID Coordinator: ES (Headteacher)                                                     On-going
to Staff.                                              COVID Administrator: KH (Office Manager)                                  ES / KH
                                                      COVID Coordinator / Administrator training prior to                                     On-going
                                                       participation in the National Testing Programme                             SLT
                                                       and relevant guidance shared among all Staff.                                           On-going
                                                      Updated information booklet distributed among all
                                                       Staff. Inform that information provided within the
                                                       test kit box is no longer current and has been
                                                       replaced by updated information booklet.
                                                      Share video of how to administer an LFD test with
                                                       all Staff.
                                                      Keep Staff informed regarding administration
                                                       arrangements via Staff Meetings (virtual) and
                                                      Staff to be informed when they will receive their
                                                       next test kit; this may vary in the case of void test
Test kits being stored safely and distribution /      Test kits to be stored in the Safe Room to prevent                                      On-going
collection being managed safely.                       unauthorised access.                                                      ES / KH
                                                      Storage in a cool, dry place between 2 and 30                                           On-going
                                                      Test kits to be labelled with Staff names and linked                                    On-going
                                                       lot number to be added to School record.

Risk controls to be put in place                    How will this be achieved:                       Considering    Assigned to:     Date
                                                                                                            your controls                  completed:
                                                                                                              what stage
                                                                                                             are you at?
                                                                                                             (record risk
                                                   Staff who have been working remotely to collect
                                                    their test kit prior to their return.
Staff not taking part in routine LFD testing.      Testing remains optional – not mandatory.                                               On-going
                                                   Staff to opt in after they have read key information                      All Staff
                                                    and privacy notice, to understand data protection                                       On-going
                                                    within the programme.
                                                   If Staff do decide to opt out, they must inform ES of                                   On-going
                                                    their decision.

                                                      Response To Any Infection

8) Engage with the NHS Test and Trace Process
         Risk controls to be put in place                       How will this be achieved:                   Considering    Assigned to:      Date
                                                                                                            your controls                   completed:
                                                                                                              what stage
                                                                                                             are you at?
                                                                                                             (record risk
Ensure all staff, parents/carers understand the NHS      Staff briefing to inform.                                               ES
Test and Trace system                                    NHS Test & Trace Letter / posters sent out to                      Office Staff    On-going
                                                          Parents / Carers and Staff electronically, with
                                                          further information links provided.                                                On-going
                                                         Further information provided for Parents /
                                                          Carers.                                                                            On-going
                                                         Staff and Parents / Carers immediately
                                                          contacting the School Office when test results
                                                          are known.
                                                         HT and SLT are aware of the testing to
                                                          support educational setting flowchart and
                                                          copies displayed in School Office / HT Office.
                                                         The whole School community will understand
                                                          that they should be tested if they display
                                                         Burman has a supply of 10 home testing kits.
Understand how to contact the local Public Health        HT and SLT have contact details for Public                         ES / SLT        On-going
England health protection team.                           Health department at Solihull Council: 0121                        Governors
                                                          704 6892 or email                                                                  On-going

9) Manage confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) (COVID-19) amongst the school community
         Risk controls to be put in place                   How will this be achieved:                   Considering    Assigned to:      Date
                                                                                                        your controls                   completed:
                                                                                                          what stage
                                                                                                         are you at?
                                                                                                         (record risk
Ensure immediate action is taken when aware that      Managing Suspected and Confirmed Cases
someone who has attended the school has tested         document.                                                          ES / SLT       On-going
positive for coronavirus (COVID-19).                                                                                     Office Staff
                                                       1. Notify single, confirmed cases, to Solihull                    Governors       On-going
                                                          Council Public Health on 0121 704
                                                          6892 or                                        On-going
                                                       2. If further confirmed Covid-19 cases after
                                                          the initial case, notify Solihull Council
                                                          Public Health on 0121 704
                                                          6892 or
                                                       3. If two confirmed cases within 14 days (a
                                                          defined outbreak) and have not already
                                                          notified Solihull Council of previous
                                                          cases (i.e. the cases happen in quick
                                                          succession), notify both Solihull Council
                                                          (as above) and Public Health England
                                                          Health Protection Team using the online
                                                          reporting system
                                                          available here [link] or by telephone
                                                          to 0344 225 3560 (opt 0 followed by opt
                                                          2). The out-of-hours Health Protection
                                                          Team contact number is 01384 679031.
                                                      Contact RH (Chair of Governors).
                                                      Refer to log of Visitor contact details and

Risk controls to be put in place                            How will this be achieved:                 Considering     Assigned to:     Date
                                                                                                                your controls                   completed:
                                                                                                                  what stage
                                                                                                                 are you at?
                                                                                                                 (record risk
                                                                 provide information.
                                                                School Office Staff to follow the necessary
                                                                 process if contacted by the NHS Test &
                                                                 Trace team.
                                                                Implement actions instructed by the local
                                                                 Health Protection Team, following their
                                                                Send Parent letter to inform.
                                                                Begin preparations for home / remote

    10) Contain any outbreak by following local health protection team advice
         Risk controls to be put in place                            How will this be achieved:                  Considering     Assigned to:     Date
                                                                                                                your controls                   completed:
                                                                                                               what stage are
                                                                                                               you at? (record
                                                                                                                  risk level)
Ensure process in place to work with the local health          HT and SLT are aware that two or more

Risk controls to be put in place                 How will this be achieved:                   Considering     Assigned to:      Date
                                                                                                      your controls                    completed:
                                                                                                     what stage are
                                                                                                     you at? (record
                                                                                                        risk level)
protection team to contain any outbreak              confirmed cases within 14 days, or an overall                         HT           On-going
                                                     rise in sickness absence where coronavirus                            SLT
                                                     (COVID-19) is suspected, may be classed as                            RH           On-going
                                                     having an outbreak.                                                LA Adviser
                                                    HT and SLT to work with the local Health                                           On-going
                                                     Protection Team on measures required to
                                                     contain any outbreak.
                                                    Liaison with RH (Chair of Governors).
                                                    ‘Introducing the App’ information sent out to
                                                     Parents / Carers, Staff and Governors.

Ensure contingency plans have been updated for      Daily monitoring of DfE updates.
update                                              Plans updated using the DfE guidance on                                 ES         On-going
                                                     local area outbreaks.                                                  SLT
                                                    Clear identification of roles and                                  Office Staff    On-going
                                                     responsibilities.                                                  Governors
                                                    Remote / home education planning formats                                           On-going
                                                     are in place, in case of a local outbreak and
                                                     our School needs to close. Revised provision
                                                     through Microsoft Teams. Continue.
                                                    Identification of Children without internet
                                                     access / facilities & hard copy provision
                                                     made available. Updated record and printed
                                                     packs available weekly. Continue.
                                                    Teaching Staff to have remote access to our
                                                     network and resources held on it.

Other Considerations
    11) School Workforce
         Risk controls to be put in place                           How will this be achieved:                    Considering     Assigned to:     Date
                                                                                                                 your controls                   completed:
                                                                                                                what stage are
                                                                                                                you at? (record
                                                                                                                   risk level)
Government advice to be followed for staff identified as      Regular communication with Staff members
vulnerable or living with someone who is vulnerable            to carry out an ongoing risk assessment                                HT          On-going
                                                               based on their situation / arrangements and
                                                               to discuss plans for reopening our School to                                       On-going
                                                               all children from September. Re-visited for
                                                               planning face-to-face provision during
                                                              Checklist covered prior to wider opening in
                                                               September. Re-visited for Critical Worker &
                                                               Vulnerable Children to return.
                                                              Staff who are classed as clinically vulnerable
                                                               or extremely clinically vulnerable to complete
                                                               the individual employee risk assessment
                                                               before returning to school (at any stage)
                                                               which is available on the School’s Extranet.

Risk controls to be put in place                    How will this be achieved:                Considering     Assigned to:     Date
                                                                                                      your controls                   completed:
                                                                                                     what stage are
                                                                                                     you at? (record
                                                                                                        risk level)
                                                       Staff with additional medical needs, to be
                                                        reassessed by the HT and support to re-
                                                        shield when appropriate.
                                                       Assess whether any roles can still be
                                                        completed from working at home.
                                                       HT to seek any necessary advice from HR.
                                                       HT to have ongoing discussions with Staff.
Ensure Supply Teaching Staff are at a ‘low risk’.      Where supply arrangements are necessary,
                                                        follow stringent checks: current/recent                            ES          Sept 2020
                                                        health, advice from GP, verify with HR.                            CJ
                                                       Limit to staff only working on our site.                                       On-going
                                                       Make arrangements for Staff to remain in
                                                        own year group ‘bubble’ where possible.                                       January 2021
                                                       Provide copies of guidance & Risk                                               On-going
                                                        Assessment for information.
                                                       Manage face-to-face teaching and remote                                        On-going
                                                        learning rota to cover any Staff change or

12) Building management
         Risk controls to be put in place                              How will this be achieved                   Considering     Assigned to:     Date
                                                                                                                  your controls                   completed:
                                                                                                                 what stage are
                                                                                                                 you at? (record
                                                                                                                    risk level)
All building maintenance and Health and Safety                  A workplace inspection will be carried out by                         HT          On-going
compliance checks e.g. hot and cold water systems,               RC (Site Manager) and Governor using the                              RC
gas safety, fire safety, kitchen equipment, security             suggested SMBC workplace inspection                               H&S Governor    On-going
(including access control and intruder alarm systems)            template:
and ventilation completed as part of building inspection                                                                                           On-going
                                                                  H&S Inspection

                                                                RC (Site Manager) will carry out a site
                                                                 inspection using the suggested SMBC
                                                                 monthly site checklist.

                                                                   Monthly Site

                                                                School to review its water hygiene
                                                                 arrangements with SMBC Property Services
                                                                 (or other designated provider) to assess
                                                                 whether to disinfect water systems.

                                                               Property Services

Risk controls to be put in place                            How will this be achieved                  Considering     Assigned to:       Date
                                                                                                                your controls                     completed:
                                                                                                               what stage are
                                                                                                               you at? (record
                                                                                                                  risk level)
Confirm procedures are in place to ensure a competent           Contact SMBC Property Services to see if a                           ES          September
person is always available to complete building and              competent person is able to complete the                             RC            2020
compliance tests (e.g. fire alarm testing, emergency             building and compliance checks.
lightly weekly flushing) if normal site staff develop           Liaise with Relief Site Manager.
symptoms and/or have to self-isolate.                           Contact LA services.
Review emergency evacuation plans and Personal                  Review school’s Emergency Evacuation                                ES           September
Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP).                                Plans and PEEP, taking into account any                          Governors         2020
                                                                 changes to building layout, one way systems
                                                                 and ‘bubbles’ that have been created.

    13) Communication of plans, training, monitoring and reviewing plans
          Risk controls to be put in place                            How will this be achieved:                 Considering     Assigned to:       Date
                                                                                                                your controls                     completed:
                                                                                                               what stage are
                                                                                                               you at? (record
                                                                                                                  risk level)
Consider any additional support or training needs for           Consider any Children or Staff that may                                           On-going
staff and children including re-induction to the childcare       need additional support of any nature                                ES
setting.                                                         (including returning to work).                                  Teaching Staff    On-going
                                                                Offer support for younger Children who may

Risk controls to be put in place                         How will this be achieved:                   Considering     Assigned to:      Date
                                                                                                              your controls                    completed:
                                                                                                             what stage are
                                                                                                             you at? (record
                                                                                                                risk level)
                                                             be anxious about coming – risk assess with                                         On-going
                                                             previous Teacher also.
                                                            HT monitoring of Staff – regular personal
                                                            Planned lesson times; Jigsaw (PSHE)
                                                             materials, listening appreciation, address of
                                                             behavioural needs, SEMH.
                                                            Staff to closely monitor vulnerability.
                                                            Re-integration and recovery planning –
                                                             linked to our SIP.
Ensure any updates to procedures have been                  Share Burman Visitor Protocol (prior to any
communicated early with contractors and suppliers            visits, where possible).                                            ES / SLT       On-going
Examples include cleaning, catering, food supplies and      Contractors and visitors where appropriate                             RC
hygiene suppliers.                                           only allowed on site after school hours.                           Office Staff    On-going
                                                            Contractors to share their COVID-19 secure
                                                             risk assessment and methods of work which                                          On-going
                                                             are to be approved by the HT / SLT.
                                                            Works to be cancelled if not deemed to be
                                                            RC (Site Manager) to monitor.
                                                            Ongoing updates to School Risk
                                                             Assessment and effective distribution.
                                                            Ensure that Catering Staff are clear and
                                                             understand LA support procedures.
Communicate to parents/carers the measures in place         Update of measures in place via letters and
to reduce the risk of transmission of the virus                                                                                  ES / SLT       On-going

Risk controls to be put in place                     How will this be achieved:                   Considering     Assigned to:     Date
                                                                                                          your controls                   completed:
                                                                                                         what stage are
                                                                                                         you at? (record
                                                                                                            risk level)
                                                         emails to Parents / Carers.                                           RH
                                                        HT / SLT to speak to any Parents / Carers                                         On-going
                                                         who have concerns and if they can’t be
                                                         resolved, follow the complaints procedure.                                        On-going
                                                        Update RH (Chair of Governors) if any
                                                         issues arise.
Share arrangements with staff, governors and trade      Ensure arrangements are communicated                                   ES         On-going
unions bodies                                            clearly and appropriately.                                          All Staff
                                                        Briefings, email, documents available on the                       Governors      On-going
                                                         Shared: drive (as appropriate).
                                                        Record any questions requiring significant                                        On-going
                                                         actions or measures put in place to resolve.
Ensure arrangements are regularly monitored and         Actively encourage feedback from Staff and
reviewed                                                 Parents / Carers through meetings and                              ES / SLT       On-going
                                                         discussions. Standard agenda item in                               Governors
                                                         weekly Staff Meeting via Teams, while not all                                     On-going
                                                         Staff are in the building each week.
                                                        Maintain excellent levels of communication                                        On-going
                                                         among Staff throughout the School, with
                                                         each other and with the HT.
                                                        Daily observations / monitoring to be
                                                         completed by HT / SLT to ensure measures
                                                         are being followed by all.
                                                        Any actions identified are to be reviewed by
                                                         SLT and where appropriate, shared with

Risk controls to be put in place                            How will this be achieved:                   Considering     Assigned to:     Date
                                                                                                                 your controls                   completed:
                                                                                                                what stage are
                                                                                                                you at? (record
                                                                                                                   risk level)
                                                               Ongoing updates made to Burman Covid-19
                                                                Health & Safety Risk Assessment.

    14) Curriculum Specific
         Risk controls to be put in place                            How will this be achieved:                   Considering     Assigned to:     Date
                                                                                                                 your controls                   completed:
                                                                                                                what stage are
                                                                                                                you at? (record
                                                                                                                   risk level)
Primary schools                                                Follow CLEAPSS P104 organising and                                  All Staff    September
                                                                managing hands on activities in science, DT                                        2020
                                                                & Arts guidance where relevant to Burman.
System of controls in place for physical education, sport      PE Subject Leader to monitor.                                         SLT        September
and physical activity.                                         Where possible, outside sport will take place                       All Staff      2020
                                                                (weather permitting) and the Hall will be                          PE Leader
                                                                used if this is not possible.                                      LA Adviser     Oct/Nov
                                                               Follow AfPE guidance for physical activity in                                      2020
                                                               Follow Government guidance on the phased

Risk controls to be put in place                     How will this be achieved:                     Considering     Assigned to:       Date
                                                                                                            your controls                     completed:
                                                                                                           what stage are
                                                                                                           you at? (record
                                                                                                              risk level)
                                                         return of sport and recreation
Education visits                                        All trips / visits aren’t to be arranged, until                         ES            September
                                                         further notice.                                                      Governors          2020
                                                        Await further advice nationally or at LA level.
Internet Safety Awareness during periods of remote      Burman Acceptable Use Agreement.                                         ES           September
learning.                                               Burman Remote Learning Policy.                                          AHD             2020
                                                        Burman Remote Learning; Information for                             Teaching Staff
                                                         Parents – available via our website.                                                 Oct / Nov 2020
                                                        Literature and useful website links shared
                                                         with Parents / Carers regularly.                                                     January 2021
                                                        E-Safety lessons planned and delivered /                                               On-going
                                                         resources provided and uploaded.
                                                        Computing Subject Leader SSE monitoring –
                                                         Parent Questionnaire.
                                                        ThinkuKnow resource packs provided
                                                         through remote learning provision
                                                        Safer Internet Day planned for 9th February
                                                         2021 – Remote and face-to-face provision.

                                                                       Action Plan

Number              High                                        Action                                        Target         Assigned to       Date
                     Medium                                                                                   completion                       Completed
                      Low                                                                                        date
      1               LOW        Review H&S Policy to include COVID-19 procedures.                            October 2020             ES      October 2020
      4               LOW /      Monitor surfaces that Children are touching and that they are always          On-going          ES / RC        On-going
                     MEDIUM      cleaned regularly.                                                                              All Staff
      5                LOW       Monitor ‘bubble arrangements’ and procedures at Beechwood Childcare.          On-going              ES         On-going
      5              MEDIUM      Separate bubbles and maintain social distance – regularly monitor the         On-going              ES         On-going
                                 risk factor due to age and distance in classrooms.                                              All Staff
      5               LOW /      Monitor Parent / Carer compliance with systems in place.                      On-going              ES         On-going
                     MEDIUM                                                                                                     Office Staff
                                                                                                                                 All Staff
      5               LOW /      Monitor use of shared resources / practicality due to age of our Children.    On-going              ES         On-going
                     MEDIUM                                                                                                      All Staff
      9                LOW       Arrange remote access (to our network) for all Teaching Staff in             October 2020           ES        October 2020
                                 preparation for remote / home learning.                                                             CJ
     12               LOW /      Monitoring to identify any additional training / support needs among Staff    On-going              ES         On-going
                     MEDIUM      / Children.                                                                                     All Staff
     13                LOW       Burman Remote Learning; Information for Parents to be completed and           25.01.2021            ES         25.01.2021
                                 uploaded to our website by 25th January 2021.

Name of School:               Burman Nursery & Infant School

Signed: Ella Saxty                                                                                                  Date: April 2021

Headteacher / SLT Member: E. Saxty (Headteacher), R. Floy, A. Brockie

Review date: June 2021 (review) / September 2021 (On-going in the meantime)

Further Information
    Guidance for full opening: schools                                                    Guidance for full opening: special schools and other specialist settings

Actions for early years and childcare providers during the coronavirus (COVID-19)         Government guidance, cleaning of non-healthcare settings guidance
(COVID-19) outbreak

 Government guidance, safer travel guidance for passengers                               Planning guide for primary school

 DfE guidance, conducting a SEND risk assessment during the coronavirus (COVID-            Protective measures for holiday or after-school clubs and other out-of-
  19) outbreak                                                                               school settings

     NHS test and trace: how it works                                                      Guidance for parents and carers of children attending out-of-school
                                                                                             settings during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak
     DfE guidance, implementing protective measures:                                       Managing school premises during the coronavirus (COVID-19)

     HSE guidance on First aid and medicals during the coronavirus (COVID-19)              National Fire Chief Council School Guidance
                           For further health and safety advice and assistance, please contact the SMBC Health and Safety Support Team email
                                            telephone 0121 704 6328

                               Appendix 1 – Beechwood Childcare Ltd Covid-19 Risk Assessment

               Company Name: Beechwood Childcare Ltd- Burman                                                                            Date: January 2021
               Review date: February 2021 (Daily – Guidance Dependent)

               Assessor: Siobhan McCarron/Amy Townsend

Haz No.   Area of consideration     People affected   Existing controls                                            Level of risk   Further
1         Drop off and collection   Staff, Parents,          Parents are not permitted to enter the building      low med high
                                    Children                 Families and Staff following social distance
                                                             Only one adult per family dropping off and
                                                              collecting children where possible
                                                             Staff and Parents wearing masks/face coverings
                                                             No toys/teddies or blankets bought in from
                                                             Staff to take children to wash hands thoroughly
                                                              on arrival at the setting
                                                             All children temperature checked, and a Covid-19
                                                              declaration form signed by parents
                                                             All staff carry out a temperature check on arrival
                                                              and declare the reading on a staff temperature
2         After School Club and     Staff, Children          Staff to wear a mask/Face covering when              low med high
          Wrap Children                                       entering Burman School
                                                             Children being collected by staff from after
                                                              school club or wrap to have temperature taken
                                                              and recorded on register once collected.
                                                             Staff to take children to wash hands thoroughly
                                                              on arrival at the setting
3         Physical                  Staff, Children          Children are in set ‘bubbles’ with set staff         low med high
          distancing/grouping                                 members (where possible)

                                                             Care routines including mealtimes are carried out
                                                              within the space allocated for each ‘bubble’
                                                              (where possible)

                                                             The use of communal spaces is restricted

   Outdoor spaces fully utilised based on guidance
                                                   recommendations – Each ‘bubble’ accessing at
                                                   different times with a full clean down of
                                                   resources before the next ‘bubble’ has access
4   Play and Learning        Staff, children      Social distancing implemented where possible,        low med high
                                                   maintaining small groups/’bubbles’
                                                  Minimise resources available to ensure thorough
                                                   cleaning between use
                                                  Children washing hands regularly throughout the
                                                   day – before eating, after coughing or sneezing,
                                                   wiping their noses with tissues which are
                                                   disposed of into bags and disposed of
5   Childrens well-being     Staff, Children      Children are supported in developmentally            low med high
    and education                                  appropriate ways to understand the steps they
                                                   can take to stay safe
                                                  Children supported to understand any changes
                                                   that take place as a result of Covid-19
                                                  Staff ensuring they are aware of all Children’s
                                                   attachments and support their emotional needs
6   Toileting and cleaning   Staff, children      Children are encouraged and supported to be as       low med High
    up of accidents                                independent as possible
                                                  Children are encouraged to wash their hands
                                                   throughout the day for 20 seconds using soap
                                                   and warm running water, dry their hands
                                                  If there are toileting accidents, the children are
                                                   moved away from the area to allow thorough
                                                   clean to take place immediately with
                                                  The number of children using sinks is limited and
                                                   children queue outside the toilets to allow for
                                                   social distancing to be adhered to
                                                  All surfaces are disinfected before a child from

another ‘bubble’ is allowed access

7   Child starts displaying   Staff, children      Child is sent home if displaying a temp of 37.8 or low med High
    symptoms                                        higher – they will isolate per the guidelines. Child
                                                    is allowed to return after 10 days or with a
                                                    negative Covid-19 test result
                                                   Child waiting to be collected is separated from
                                                    other children – Staff member waiting with child
                                                    is in full PPE and the windows are open to ensure
                                                    sufficient airflow
                                                   If a child in a ‘bubble’ develops symptoms, the
                                                    entire ‘bubble’ is sent home to isolate for 10 days
8   Workforce Attendance      Staff                Staff only attend setting if they are symptom free low med high
                                                   Staff numbers limited at any one time – only the
                                                    staff required to meet occupancy levels are
                                                   Staff ensure they are avoiding all non-essential
                                                    public transport travel
                                                   Staff are provided with clear communications
                                                    regarding their role to operate safely and follow
                                                    all measures in place to ensure the safety of all
                                                    children and themselves
9   Food                      Staff, children      4 people per table (where possible)                  low med high
    preparation/mealtimes                          Staff and children washing hands before prep or
                                                   Staff and children washing hands after eating
                                                   Staff handling eaten food as little as possible
                                                   Children and staff are responsible for their own
                                                    food waste (where possible) encouraged to place

remains into a plastic bag that can be sealed and
                            disposed of. Wash hands immediately after
                            removing the bag from the setting.

10   PPE        Staff      Staff are wearing face mask/coverings to meet          low med high
                            and greet at the door
                           Staff are wearing appropriate PPE when
                            preparing/serving snacks and meals
                           Staff are wearing appropriate PPE when carrying
                            out care routines
                           If a child or adult displays symptoms, full PPE
                            must be worn by anyone who is with them. This
                            should remain until the child / adult has left the
                            building, where a thorough clean down must
                            take place.
11   Cleaning   Staff      Cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched           low med high
                            surfaces throughout the day – Tables, chairs,
                            resources, equipment, doorknobs, light switches,
                            countertops, handles, toilets, taps, sinks, toilets,
                            computers, electronic devices
                           Staff wear disposable gloves and dispose of
                            immediately after cleaning
                           Staff clean hard surfaces with hot soapy water
                            first and then follow up with disinfectant
                           Staff clean toys/resources used in learning areas
                            before another ‘bubble’ of children is allowed

   In the event of someone in the setting testing       low med high
12   Whole building         STAFF                  positive with Covid-19, the building and
                                                   equipment should be thoroughly sanitised.
                                                   Anyone who has been in contact with that
                                                   person must self-isolate for 2 weeks.
                                                  All parents should be informed that a case has
                                                   been reported.
                                                  Inform Ofsted
                                                  Notify single, confirmed cases to Solihull Council
                                                   Public Health.
                                                  If there are two confirmed cases within 14 days
                                                   notify Solihull Council and Public Health England
                                                   Health Protection Team.
13   Health Professionals   Staff & Children      Temperature to be taken on arrival at setting.       low med high
     and College Tutors                           Hands to be sanitized/washed on arrival.
     visiting the setting                         Mask & PPE to be worn.
                                                  Contact with surfaces to be kept to a minimum.
                                                  All surfaces to be cleaned after.
                                                  Contact details will be recorded for Track &
                                                  Separate room to be used for meeting.

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