2020 Jarrah Reds 34 Jarrah Red Bulls - Jarrah Cattle Company

Page created by Derrick Parker
2020 Jarrah Reds 34 Jarrah Red Bulls - Jarrah Cattle Company
’ S F I RS T

                                I V E
                              L               N
                                   AU C TI

                                                     8th Annual
                                                     bull sale

                                                     MONDAY 7 SEPTEMBER

            Jarrah Reds
                      34 Jarrah Red Bulls
                      ‘the clean-coated flatbacks’
2020 Jarrah Reds 34 Jarrah Red Bulls - Jarrah Cattle Company
Autumn drop bulls

LOT 35 JARRAH RED 8230 (S)   LOT 36 JARRAH RED 8281 (Pp)

LOT 37 JARRAH RED 8286 (P)   LOT 38 JARRAH RED 8209 (S)

LOT 43 JARRAH RED 8229 (H)   LOT 44 JARRAH RED 8274 (H)
2020 Jarrah Reds 34 Jarrah Red Bulls - Jarrah Cattle Company
Jarrah Genetics 8th Annual Bull Sale 2020

                                                                             Modern Herefords
                                                         34                  Jarrah Reds
                   ’S   F I RS
               A H               T                                Monday 7 September 2020
                                                       On property at ‘Glenarchy’ Banana QLD

                   V E                                                           Sale commences 11:00am
                LI                                                 Inspections from 9am on Sale Day

                                                                            We welcome prior inspections of the bulls and entire herd

                  AUC T          IO

                        ‘Glenarchy’                   For more information:                         view videos of our bulls online at
                        11311 Leichhardt Highway      Sam Becker 0417 576 667
                        BANANA QLD 4702               sam@jarrahcattle.com.au              jarrahcattle.com.au

                                         JBAS7 • WA ELEGIBLE

                        Jarrah Reds – bred to be a 'clean-coated flatback'

                                                                                             Outside agent

Matt Bishop                                This sale is interfaced with AuctionsPlus         A 4% rebate will be paid to outside agents
0437 972 292                               and will be conducted live online in real         providing the licensed agent accompanies
                                           time. Bidding is available only to registered     their client to the sale.
Brad Passfield                             AuctionsPlus users. To bid you must
0459 160 791                               register, preferably 24 hours prior to the
                                           sale. Go to page 6 for more details.

                                                 Jarrah Genetics | Bull Sale 2020                                       Jarrah Reds — 1
2020 Jarrah Reds 34 Jarrah Red Bulls - Jarrah Cattle Company
Jarrah is a family-owned and            where Australia’s production has       THE JARRAH ‘BUY BACK’
hands on operated cattle breeding       expanded in recent years.              SCHEME
business committed to providing
                                        In the bull breeding program, we       At Jarrah we run a commercial
the most relevant, efficient and
                                        focus on producing genetics with       breeding operation utilising our
market orientated genetics to the
                                        carcasses that have commercial         own genetics and also background
Australian Beef Industry. Jarrah
                                        relevance. On top of this, traits      cattle. Part of the backgrounding
Genetics, our bull breeding
                                        such as temperament, structural        operation is offering a ‘buy back’
enterprise is a result of this policy
                                        correctness, udder shape, milking      scheme. We stand behind our
and focusing on the superior
                                        performance and fertility are          genetics and prefer to source
genetics with proven records
                                        selected for. The genetics are         weaners with our genetics. It adds
to enhance performance and
                                        backed with generations of calving     further traceability for the genetics
                                        ease traits and fertility. Each herd   and also allows a floor to be put
We offer 3 lines of genetics in:        has a short joining period and         in the market for clients’ selling
                                        a strict cull of the pregtested        program. If this is something that
    ⁄ Herefords – polled.               empties is adhered to.                 interests you in the future, please
      Acclimatised to Central                                                  ensure you let us know and we
                                        We see our real strength as the fact
      Queensland.                                                              would be pleased to work with
                                        we run a vertically integrated beef
    ⁄ Redfords – a pure red animal      program. This means we cover           you.
      that is a minimum 25% Jarrah      and are exposed to everything
      Hereford and remaining            from seed stock production
      percentage Red Brahman.           through to the commercial end
    ⁄ Jarrah Reds ‘the clean–           product. Jarrah Cattle Company
      coated flatbacks’ are a           is our commercial breeding and
      blend between our Redford         backgrounding operation. By
      genetics and Santa Gertrudis.     growing cattle through to the
The genetics we offer stems from        end product it ensures we have
our philosophy that Australia’s         a commercial slant in the Jarrah
global market advantage is and          program.
will be grass-fed beef. A type
of animal that has the ability to
finish off grass also excels in a
short-fed grain program, an area

2 — Jarrah Reds                             Jarrah Genetics | Bull Sale 2020
2020 Jarrah Reds 34 Jarrah Red Bulls - Jarrah Cattle Company
Whilst no industry has escaped the COVID19                           JARRAH REDS – BACKED BY DATA
crisis untouched, a new appreciation for Australian
agriculture including beef amongst consumers can                     This year we are excited to have science to back the
certainly be observed. The initial spike in domestic                 phenotype of the Jarrah Red Bulls with the inclusion
meat sales should, long term give us confidence that                 of EBVs. This combined with fertility data and genetic
the Australian population continue to see beef as a                  testing for horn status, means that we are able to offer
necessity. On a world scale, Australia’s ‘clean and green’           you extra tools to best aid your genetic selection. The
status has gained traction and more value. All long term             draft of bulls is 73% scurred or polled, including 8
gains for the industry.                                              homozygous (PP) bulls.
On the back of the worst drought in Australia’s history              We are very pleased with the 2020 draft of Jarrah Red
and the African swine fever outbreak we are seeing                   Sale bulls. They are our most powerful line to date; with
record high prices, and all projections suggest they are             scale, carcase, length and softness. These are all traits at
here to stay for a couple of years. As the eastern states            the forefront of our program along with the underlying
start to rebuild their herds, MLA is forecasting cattle              goal of maintaining clean-coats, to ensure both the
turnovers to decline to their lowest levels in 25 years,             bulls and their progeny are able to stand up to the
and to remain at this level for at least two years moving            conditions and perform. With accelerated weight gains
forward. This, on top of the global protein shortage                 and consistent coverage, progeny of this year’s draft will
will surely continue to place an upward pressure on                  offer versatility; to perform in a feedlot or to finish off
supply and demand ratios and push price points for the               grass. We have been selecting for generations on this
foreseeable future.                                                  type and believe this draft to be a good reflection of our
The 2020 Jarrah Sale will be moving to a live auction                effort.
format, with bulls running through the ring and selling

                                                                              e c k e r
under the hammer. It is our belief that this change will

provide everyone with the easiest and fairest platform

                                                                      S a m
to obtain the best genetics for their operation. This
decision follows the quality of this year’s draft of bulls.
We believe these to be our best and most consistent
line to date.
Throughout these recent dryer times we have witnessed
that quality cattle continue to attract excellent prices.
This makes an investment in premier genetics even
more critical and one of the most strategic decisions for
your business. An assured return.
The 2020 Sale draft offers exactly this, genetics that will
enhance the long term investment in your operation.
These bulls are now backed with generations of
breeding and selection for scale, fertility, carcase and

                                                  Jarrah Genetics | Bull Sale 2020                                 Jarrah Reds — 3
2020 Jarrah Reds 34 Jarrah Red Bulls - Jarrah Cattle Company
Jarrah Reds
The clean-coated flatbacks
A blend between our Redford genetics and Santa Gertrudis. The Redfords are pure red cattle with
a minimum 25% Jarrah Hereford and the remaining percentage Red Brahman. This, combined with
the Santa Gertrudis results in an animal with approximately 46% British component.
They are designed to be a type of animal that fits the bill of a ‘clean-coated flatback’. The Jarrah
Reds are stabilised, producing large lines of females and bulls that are consistent. Consistency gives
confidence to producers when selecting Jarrah Red genetics.
ABOUT JARRAH REDS                                                      BENEFITS OF THE BREED
   ⁄ Bred to be a low maintenance, high performing                         ⁄ Bulls have natural thickness, broad top and a prominent
     breeding option                                                         butt shape
   ⁄ Clean coats make them more tick resistant, heat tolerant              ⁄ Carcass – extreme carcass to maximise weight gains on
     and extremely hardy                                                     top of hybrid vigour
   ⁄ Genetics backed with fertility, with breeders having a                ⁄ FLATBACKS – flatback progeny allows market options,
     fixed joining period and pregtested to eliminate the                    premium domestic feedlot prices and the ability to hit
     PTEs                                                                    the lucrative MSA market
   ⁄ Strong focus on carcass, doing ability and temperament                ⁄ British component = carcass quality
   ⁄ British component provides many benefits with carcass                 ⁄ Jarrah Red progeny are soft enough to hit the above
     quality such as fat coverage and marbling                               markets, whilst still being hardy enough to meet live
   ⁄ Emphasis is placed on udders, milking ability and overall               export specifications
     structural correctness
   ⁄ These attributes combine to ensure that a commercially
     viable animal is produced

Jarrah Reds are now registered on the Tropical Breedplan database. By having them included on
the database, we are able to utilise Breedplan and provide EBVs. This is a great tool to aid in bull
selection and a tool we utilise when selecting sires to take our operation forward. More information
on EBVs can be found on page 12.

4 — Jarrah Reds                                     Jarrah Genetics | Bull Sale 2020
2020 Jarrah Reds 34 Jarrah Red Bulls - Jarrah Cattle Company
Commercial feedback drives
Jarrah Genetics
A recent story published by The Queensland Country Life
    Sam and Sarah Becker of Jarrah                         “There are commercial realities                        “Another advantage of these bulls is
Genetics are preparing to showcase a                   underpinning the founding principles of               that they still offer hybrid vigour to other
line up of 34 modern Herefords and                     our genetics operation.”                              breeds as they are a different genetic
34 Jarrah Red bulls at their annual bull                   Using their own Jarrah Hereford bulls             makeup to what people have, but if you
sale, and first live auction, on-property at           in their commercial herd over higher                  are wanting to maintain a red line of
‘Glenarchy’, Banana, on September 7.                   content Bos Indicus breeders, Jarrah is               cattle the Jarrah Reds maintain that.”
    Jarrah Genetics, a family-owned and                able to instantly                                                                    “We have
operated business, is more than just a                 lower the content                                                                seen over the
seed stock business.                                   and produce a                                                                    past couple
    The Becker family, through Jarrah                  flatback animal                                                                  of years in the
Cattle Company, run a vertically                       which, Sam says,                                                                 tougher seasons
integrated beef cattle operation                       provides many                                                                    that the genetics
consisting of commercial, trade and bull               market options.                                                                  from both lines
breeding herds.                                            “Jarrah Reds                                                                 have really stood
    The families’ beef production                      are often then                                                                   up with fertility.
business has always centred around                     used over the                                                                    This was certainly
being commercially focused and                         middle Bos                                                                       the best of a bad
profit driven - the Jarrah Genetics’ bull              Indicus content                                                                  situation.”
breeding program is a result of this                   breeders to                                                                          The final
policy.                                                stabilise the                                                                    piece to the
    “The goal was to provide a platform                content level,” he                                                               Jarrah puzzle, is
to breed superior genetics that could be               said.                                                                            their trade cattle.
                                                                               An example of the Hereford and Jarrah Red cross 2020
then multiplied within the commercial                      “We produce         weaner heifers from the commercial herd.                 Putting their
breeding operation,” Sam said.                         heifers with fertility                                                         money where their
    “It has meant critical selection of                that are adapted to the environment, and              mouth is, so to speak, Jarrah is proud
traits such as fertility, carcase, structural          steers that have carcase with softness that           to offer a reinvestment in their genetics
correctness, temperament and                           suit the premium feedlot specs or hit the             through the ‘buy back’ scheme.
survivability remained at the forefront of             MSA market, if the season allows us to                     “In addition to providing genetics, we
the bull breeding program, to enhance                  grow them to slaughter weight.”                       are proud to stand behind our genetics
performance and predictability in all                      Jarrah Genetics Herefords are all born            offering a ‘buy back’ scheme to clients,”
aspects of the business.”                              and bred in Central Queensland tick                   Sam said.
    “Ultimately ensuring profitability and             country, making them environmentally                       “Part of our commercial operation
efficiency flow through to the commercial              adapted and highly fertile with superior              is backgrounding steers to feedlot
operation.”                                            carcase attributes.                                   specifications, we prefer to source
    Sam said                                                                            Jarrah, Sam          weaners from our bull clients to do this
investment in                                                                       says, carefully          job, as we know that these cattle will
genetics has the                                                                    selects their            perform.”
ability to move                                                                     Hereford bulls                “This adds further traceability in
your business                                                                       with a focus on          our genetics and allows a floor to be
forward, through                                                                    survivability and        put in the market for our client’s selling
improvements in                                                                     fertility.               programmes.”
both quality and                                                                        The Jarrah                The Jarrah Genetics annual bull sale
herd efficiency.                                                                    Red breed is             will offer genetics that the Becker family
    “We all know                                                                    unique to the            back, and use themselves, so you can
that a calf on                                                                      Becker family.           buy with confidence. Sam and Sarah
the ground each                                                                     Marketed as ‘the         both stand behind their 34 modern
year is what                                                                        clean-coated             Herefords and 34 Jarrah Red bulls that
really drives          Jarrah Hereford cross steers.
                                                                                    flatbacks’ - a           will be on offer at their annual bull sale
profit in this                                                                      Jarrah Red               on September 7.
game,” he said.                                        consists of just under 50 per cent British
    “Further to this we have seen, even in             genetics and remainder percentage
tougher years when cattle are flooding                 Brahman.
the market, that quality cattle can always                 “I think a client of ours really summed
be placed into domestic markets and sell               the Reds and their progeny up well - hard
well,” he continued.                                   enough for live export with their sleek
    “Many don’t know this, but Jarrah                  coats, yet soft enough for the premium
Genetics morphed into a seed stock                     domestic feedlots,” Sam said.
business to support our need to
source top quality genetics for our own
commercial herd. In that sense, we are
proud to tell our clients’ that we don’t just
talk, we walk the walk too.”

                                                              Jarrah Genetics | Bull Sale 2020                                            Jarrah Reds — 5
2020 Jarrah Reds 34 Jarrah Red Bulls - Jarrah Cattle Company
How to Register and Bid on AuctionsPlus

     Go to www.auctionsplus.com.au
                                                 Fill in buyer details and once
1    to register at least 48 hours before
     the sale.
                                            7    completed go back to Dashboard.

     Select “Sign Up” in the top right           Complete buyer induction module
2    hand corner.                           8    (approx. 30 minutes).

                                                 AuctionsPlus will email you to let
    Fill out your name, mobile number,
    email address and create a password.    9    you know that your account has
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                                                 Log in on sale day and connect to
4    account.                               10   auction.

                                                 Bid using the two-step process –
5    Return to AuctionsPlus and log in.     11   unlock the bid button and bid at
                                                 that price.

                                                 If you are successful, the selling
     Select “Dashboard” and then select
6    “Request Approval to Buy”.             12   agent will contact you post sale to
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                  For more information please contact us on:
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2020 Jarrah Reds 34 Jarrah Red Bulls - Jarrah Cattle Company
Before you bid
The Jarrah Genetics Bull Sale will be held on Monday 7 September at ‘Glenarchy’ 11311 Leichhardt
Hwy, Banana. Inspections are welcome from 9:00am, with the sale to commence at 11:00am.
HEALTH                                           GUARANTEE                                  REFRESHMENTS
All sale bulls have been vaccinated              All bulls are guaranteed to breed. If      Morning tea, lunch, tea, coffee and
with the following:                              a bull should fail to naturally breed      water will be available on the sale day.
                                                 within the first 6 months of purchase,
   ⁄ 3 Germ Blood                                                                           SALE DAY & COVID19
                                                 a replacement bull (if available) or a
   ⁄ 3 Day Sickness                              credit to the purchase price (less any     We are closely following COVID-19
   ⁄ Vibrovax                                    salvage value of the bull) will be given   guidelines and regulations. Be assured
   ⁄ Longrange – Botulisum                       at the following sale or on a private      that on sale day, all appropriate
                                                 sale bull. A veterinary certificate must   measures will be in place to adhere
   ⁄ Ultravac 7 in 1
                                                 be accompanied with the claim. The         to standards and keep you as safe as
   ⁄ Pestiguard                                  loss to naturally breed must not be        possible. With the ongoing changes
   ⁄ We recommend all boosters are               from an injury or illness contracted       surrounding this matter, we will update
     done in June 2021                           post sale day.                             you on specific expectations closer to
                                                                                            7th September.
Jarrah is J-BAS 7                                PAYMENT
All bulls will be pre-treated for ticks          We understand in this industry that        PRIVATE INSPECTION
and we will have them cleared shortly            payments spread over time can be           DAYS
after the sale, if required.                     beneficial. It is for this reason that
                                                                                            On Monday 10, 17, 24 & 31 August,
                                                 we are happy to offer term payment
                                                                                            all bulls will be penned for viewings
SAFETY                                           options, which are available upon
                                                                                            by appointment only. This means we
All Bulls have been screened for                 request. All arrangements must be
                                                                                            will set a time with you, where you are
temperament and are quiet to handle              made prior to sale day, by contacting
                                                                                            able to come and inspect the bulls with
under normal circumstances. However,             Sam Becker or Hourn & Bishop QLD.
                                                                                            as few or as many people present as
sale day places added pressure on                                                           you would like. If this is an option that
them, so we ask that you please use              DELIVERY
                                                                                            will interest you, we ask that you get in
caution and common sense when                    Delivery can be arranged by filling in     touch and organise a time.
entering the sale pens. Please no                the Buyers Instruction sheet handed
children to enter the sale pens.                 out on the sale day. If you are picking    Sam Becker, Jarrah Genetics
                                                 up your bulls on the day of sale please    0417 576 667
AFTER SALE SERVICE                               note that there might be a short delay     Matt Bishop, Hourn & Bishop
We pride ourselves on the                        after the sale to get this sorted.         0437 972 292
relationships we establish with clients.
The feedback we receive as to how                TRANSPORT AND
the bulls are handling the conditions            TRAVEL                                       SUPPLEMENTARY
and performing only strengthens our              There are commercial flights to              DATA
breeding program. Please do not                  Rockhampton and Biloela (Thangool).          The following information will
hesitate to contact us to give feedback.         If a pickup to travel to and from the        be available on sale day. And
                                                 sale is required please contact Sam          available on the website one week
HORN /                                           Becker or selling agents Hourn and           out from Sale Day.
POLL DESCRIPTION                                 Bishop to arrange.
Horned and Polled Bulls will be                                                               SCAN DATA
catalogued together. All information is          ACCOMMODATION                                All bulls will be scanned prior
in the sale lot, for example:                    Banana Hotel Motel provides excellent        to sale by David Reid, a certified
                                                 accommodation. Alternatively, Moura          scanning technician for:
 (H) Horned
                                                 has a range of motels.
                                                                                                 ⁄ Eye Muscle Area;
(PP)   Homozygous Polled
                                                 Banana Hotel Motel (07) 4995 7232               ⁄ Rump and Rib Fat; and
 (P)   Clean Polled
                                                 Moura Meridian Motel (07) 4997 6100             ⁄ Intra Muscular Fat.
 (S)   Scurred
                                                 Moura Motel (07) 4997 1588                   At this time the bull’s sale weight
(H#) Horned with Poll genetics                                                                will also be measured. These
		 in pedigree                                                                                results will be available on sale day
                                                                                              as part of the supplementary data.
                                                                                              SEMEN / BSE RESULTS
                                                                                              All bulls have passed their BSE and
                 BULL SALE VIDEOS                                                             semen testing. The bull’s scrotal,
                 Individual videos of each lot will be available on the Jarrah website        semen and morphology results
                 mid-August.                                                                  are printed with the lot details
                                                                                              in the catalogue. The scrotal
                 visit jarrahcattle.com.au or find Jarrah Cattle Company on YouTube.          measurement and semen testing
                                                                                              was done in JULY 2020.

                                                      Jarrah Genetics | Bull Sale 2020                                Jarrah Reds — 7
2020 Jarrah Reds 34 Jarrah Red Bulls - Jarrah Cattle Company
                                                                                                                    RATHLYN RONSON 6468 (S) [BRA]

                                                                                                                           RATHLYN MISS RM 4115 (H)
                                                                                                               JARRAH SCAR A599 (S) [RFORD]
                                                                                                                           RATHLYN MR RM 4117 (S) [BRA]
                                                                                                                    JARRAH BEGONIA X103 (P) [F1]
                                                                                                                           INJEMIRA BEGONIA K627 ET6 [HFD]

                                                                                                               GA SANTA GERTRUDIS (P)

                  JARRAH RED 190 (P)
                  DOB 15/1/13
                  JR 190 has been our most influential sire to date. He breeds true to type and his dam was one of our most impressive Santa Gertrudis cows. JR190
                  was retained as a sire due to his butt shape and carcase. This is combined with his scope, growth pattern and doing ability. Sires like this produce
                  progeny that fit many market options. JR190 has a great line up of sons in the sale and this will be his last major run of bulls.

                                BW       200 Wt    400 Wt     600 Wt      MC         Milk        SS       C Wt       EMA        Rib       Rump        RBY       IMF
                     EBV        -2.4       -11       -13        -3         -4         +7        -1.5       -3        -0.2       +1.7       +2.1       -0.7      -0.2
                    ACC%        59%       84%       80%        81%        64%        66%        70%       65%        44%        55%        55%        45%       44%

                                                                                                                           LANCEFIELD HK RONSON 562 (AI)(ET)(H)
                                                                                                                    RATHLYN RONSON 6468 (S) [BRA]
                                                                                                                           RATHLYN MISS RM 4115 (H)
                                                                                                               JARRAH SCAR A599 (S) [RFORD]
                                                                                                                           RATHLYN MR RM 4117 (S) [BRA]
                                                                                                                    JARRAH BEGONIA X103 (P) [F1]
                                                                                                                           INJEMIRA BEGONIA K627 ET6 [HFD]

                                                                                                               BS SANTA GERTRUDIS (P)

                  JARRAH RED 191 (S)
                   DOB 2/10/12
                  JR191 is one of the heaviest boned bulls we have used in our herd. On top of this he has ample loose skin and length. JR191’s dam stayed in the
                  herd until she was 14, never missing a calf. On that trait alone he is worthy of being a resident sire. His bombproof temperament is passed onto his
                  progeny. He has produced many sale standouts in the past and that continues through in this years draft of bulls. JR191’s females are equally as
                  impressive and breeding on very well.
                                BW       200 Wt    400 Wt     600 Wt      MC         Milk        SS       C Wt       EMA        Rib       Rump       RBY         IMF
                     EBV        0.0        +3        +6        +13         +6         +3        -0.9      +10        +2.1       +0.7       +0.8      +0.5
                    ACC%        39%       55%       52%        54%        42%        57%        50%       43%        27%        34%        34%       26%         0%

                                                                                                                          TARTRUS REDMOUNT 2365 (ET) (H)
                                                                                                                    RATHLYN REDMOUNT 8857 (S) [BRA]
                                                                                                                          RATHLYN MISS EVE 7750 (H)
                                                                                                               JARRAH FORCE F002 (S) [RFORD]
                                                                                                                          RATHLYN MR RM 4117 (S) [BRA]
                                                                                                                    JARRAH LADY MARINDA U152 (P) [F1]
                                                                                                                          JARRAH LADY MARINDA Q110 (P) [HFD]
                                                                                                                          NUNGAROI UTOPIA
                                                                                                                    CANOWINDRA CHESTER (P)
                                                                                                                          CANOWINDRA 1073
                                                                                                               CARDONA I222 (H) [SG]
                                                                                                                          CARDONA VICTOR
                                                                                                                    CARDONA RUBY C34

                  JARRAH RED 277 (H)                                                                                      CARDONA RUBY 1054

                  DOB 5/5/14
                  JR277 is an extreme muscle bull who was an obvious choice to retain for stud duties. He is out of a Cardona Santa Gertrudis cow who is a very
                  consistent breeder. His sire F002, was a prominent influence who consistently produced top quality progeny. JR277’s sale bulls have thickness and
                  carcase. His females are now in production and are feminine with softness, whilst still having scale and power.

                                BW       200 Wt    400 Wt     600 Wt      MC         Milk        SS       C Wt       EMA        Rib       Rump        RBY       IMF
                     EBV        -1.3       -1        -3         -6        -19         +3        -0.6       +1        +1.3       +2.0       +2.4       -0.5      +0.2
                    ACC%        34%       52%       54%        51%        37%        26%        47%       42%        27%        39%        38%        31%       31%

                  8 — Jarrah Reds                                           Jarrah Genetics | Bull Sale 2020
                                                                                                   RATHLYN REDMOUNT 8857 (S) [BRA]

                                                                                                                                                           REFERENCE SIRES
                                                                                                          RATHLYN MISS EVE 7750 (H)
                                                                                              JARRAH FIGHTER F212 (S) [RFORD]
                                                                                                          RATHLYN RED KNIGHT 7871 (P) [BRA]
                                                                                                   JARRAH MARINDA B601 (P) [F1]
                                                                                                          JARRAH MARINDA Z061 (H) [HFD]
                                                                                                          RATHLYN RONSON 6468 (S) [BRA]
                                                                                                   JARRAH LIGHT A600 (S) [RFORD]
                                                                                                          JARRAH LADY T502 (P) [F1]
                                                                                              JARRAH RED 3051 (P)

                                                                                                      HS SANTA GERTRUDIS (P)

DOB 18/9/14
JR326 has been our specialised heifer bull, with progeny having extremely low birth weight followed up by quick growth. His offspring have grown
out into thick, easy doing stock. JR326 himself has that natural doing ability that we love to see in cattle. He is 3051’s first calf, who calved at two
years old. She has continues to breed exceptionally well. JR326’s progeny in the sale have inherited his faultless temperament and thick set carcase.

              BW       200 Wt     400 Wt     600 Wt      MC         Milk        SS        C Wt       EMA        Rib       Rump        RBY        IMF
   EBV        -0.8       +2         -4         -4        -15                   0.0         -1        +0.4       +1.8       +2.2       -0.7       +0.3
  ACC%        50%       77%        74%        73%        54%         0%        64%        58%        38%        51%        51%        41%        42%

                                                                                                          TARTRUS REDMOUNT 2365 (ET) (H)
                                                                                                   RATHLYN REDMOUNT 8857 (S) [BRA]
                                                                                                          RATHLYN MISS EVE 7750 (H)
                                                                                              JARRAH FORCE F002 (S) [RFORD]
                                                                                                          RATHLYN MR RM 4117 (S) [BRA]
                                                                                                   JARRAH LADY MARINDA U152 (P) [F1]
                                                                                                          JARRAH LADY MARINDA Q110 (P) [HFD]
                                                                                                          RATHLYN RONSON 6468 (S) [BRA]
                                                                                                   JARRAH LIGHT A600 (S) [RFORD]
                                                                                                          JARRAH LADY T502 (P) [F1]
                                                                                              JARRAH RED 3051 (P)

                                                                                                      HS SANTA GERTRUDIS (P)

DOB 5/10/15
The first release sons of resident sire JR403. This clean polled sire was retained for stud duty for his blue chip pedigree, extreme thickness and
carcase as well as his bomb proof temperament. These traits you will certainly see in his sons. JR403 has been used successfully over heifers to
produce small calves which seem to have good curve bending growth. He is a maternal brother to sire JR326, also being out of JR3051. His first run
of bulls have set the bench mark high.
              BW       200 Wt     400 Wt     600 Wt      MC         Milk        SS        C Wt       EMA        Rib       Rump        RBY        IMF
   EBV        -0.3       +6         0          -2        -16         +1        -0.4        +2        +1.3       +1.9       +2.3       -0.4       +0.1
  ACC%        45%       68%        62%        66%        50%        29%        54%        51%        31%        38%        38%        30%        27%

                                                                                                             LANCEFIELD INJUNE 2769 (H) [BRA]
                                                                                                      JARRAH MAN B585 (H) [RFORD]
                                                                                                             JARRAH BRITISHER Y106TB (H) [F1]
                                                                                                 JARRAH RED 102 (S)

                                                                                                        HS SANTA GERTRUDIS (P)

                                                                                                 JARRAH RED BREEDER (P)

DOB 2/5/16
JR 431 is a clean polled, smooth coated sire. He is packed with muscle right the way through, being thick topped and finishing with a huge butt
profile. JR431 carries himself well and for a heavy boned bull he has a good amount of softness. He was first used as an 18 month year old over
heifers, which he covered very well. The progeny in this sale are a result of that joining. An exciting new sire to add to the reference sires.

              BW       200 Wt     400 Wt     600 Wt      MC         Milk        SS        C Wt       EMA        Rib       Rump        RBY        IMF
   EBV        -2.0       0          -10        -19       -38         +2        -1.8        -6        +0.5       +2.0       +2.5       -0.6       -0.2
  ACC%        52%       79%        72%        76%        58%        29%        64%        58%        37%        45%        45%        35%        32%

                                                           Jarrah Genetics | Bull Sale 2020                                             Jarrah Reds — 9
                                                                                                                    LANCEFIELD INJUNE 2769 (H) [BRA]

                                                                                                                          LANCEFIELD LADY CARA 5938 (H)
                                                                                                               JARRAH MAN B585 (H) [RFORD]
                                                                                                                          RATHLYN MR RM 4117 (S) [BRA]
                                                                                                                    JARRAH BRITISHER Y106TB (H) [F1]
                                                                                                                          JARRAH BRITISHER P51 (H) [HFD]

                                                                                                               HS SANTA GERTRUDIS (P)

                  JARRAH RED 102 (S)
                  DOB 23/9/11
                  A sire that was used to put stretch and size into our herd. JR102 has punch behind him with extreme length and depth. We used JR102 strategically
                  over a line of females to produce a run with a bit more lift. JR102’s progeny are real curve benders, born small with quick growth. His daughters are
                  breeding on very well in the herd and his sale bulls never disappoint.

                                BW       200 Wt    400 Wt     600 Wt      MC         Milk        SS       C Wt       EMA        Rib       Rump       RBY        IMF
                     EBV        -0.8       +3        -2         -3        -18         +2        -2.5       +2        +0.6       +0.3       +0.3      +0.2       -0.4
                    ACC%        47%       66%       64%        65%        51%        59%        61%       54%        37%        47%        47%       37%        34%

                                                                                                                           LANCEFIELD RANCHER 7134 (H)
                                                                                                                     TARTRUS GENISIS 4235 (H) (AI)
                                                                                                                           TARTRUS MISS CINDY 4078 (H)
                                                                                                               TARTRUS GARA 4948 (H) [BRA]
                                                                                                                           TARTRUS BENSON 3388 (H) (ET)
                                                                                                                     TARTRUS MISS BENSON 4478R (H)
                                                                                                                           TARTRUS 3471 (H)

                                                                                                                      RATHLYN RED KNIGHT 7871 (S) [BRA]

                                                                                                               JARRAH BEGONIA C610 (P) [F1]

                                                                                                                      JARRAH BEGONIA Q50 (H) [HFD]

                  JARRAH HUNTER H230 (S)
                  DOB 21/9/12 BREED Redford
                  Our current ‘go to’ Redford sire. H230 has that bit of extra presence. He is a long, deep sided bull with a strong polled head. His progeny inherited
                  that bit of extra presence and are quickly becoming ‘front paddock’ breeders. The bulls he is producing speak for themselves. Upon inspection you
                  will see their capacity; with length, depth and natural thickness. H230 could easily be the Redford sire to click the best with our Santa females to
                  produce Jarrah Reds.
                               BW        200 Wt    400 Wt     600 Wt      MC         Milk        SS       C Wt       EMA        Rib       Rump        RBY       IMF
                     EBV       +0.7        +9       +10        +13         +5                   -0.1      +10        +2.1       +2.5       +3.0       -0.3      +0.1
                    ACC%       37%        57%       58%        60%        44%         0%        62%       46%        35%        42%        42%        32%       29%

                                                                                                                           RATHLYN RONSON 6468 (S) [BRA]
                                                                                                                    JARRAH SCAR A599 (S) [RFORD]
                                                                                                                           JARRAH BEGONIA X103 (P) [F1]
                                                                                                               JARRAH RED 191 (S)

                                                                                                                      JARRAH BS SANTA GERTRUDIS

                                                                                                                          EDENGLASSIE RED ROY (S) [BRA]
                                                                                                                     JARRAH FOO F528 (H) [RFORD]
                                                                                                                          JARRAH FANCY C616 (P) [F1]

                                                                                                                      JARRAH RED BREEDER

                  JARRAH RED 421 (H)
                  DOB 15/5/16
                  JR421 is a bull that has been a stand out from a calf and continued to impress through the selection process. His natural doing ability set him apart
                  and earned him a spot as a resident sire. He was consistently the heaviest bull with the best fat cover, a feature that will guarantee the Jarrah Reds
                  continue to perform well on grass and in feedlots. JR421 combines doing ability with a faultless temperament, good bone, tremendous length and a
                  real sires head. His first run of sale bulls will be in 2021 and they will be sure to tick a few boxes.
                                BW       200 Wt    400 Wt     600 Wt       MC        Milk        SS       C Wt       EMA         Rib      Rump        RBY       IMF
                     EBV                   +6        +6        +12                    +5        -0.8
                    ACC%        0%        31%       30%        30%         0%        32%        25%        0%         0%         0%        0%         0%         0%

                  10 — Jarrah Reds                                          Jarrah Genetics | Bull Sale 2020
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                    (07)   4997 2227
                       21 Gillespie Street,
                        Moura QLD 4718

 Locally Owned and Operated in Central Queensland
Introducing Jarrah Red EBVs
Jarrah Reds are now registered on the Tropical Breedplan database. We are now able to offer EBVs
on each of the sale bulls, to provide another tool in bull selection. We have utilised Breedplan in the
Hereford herd for some time, and have experienced the benefits that EBVs bring. With the inclusion
of large amounts of data over generations we have seen great increase in the accuracy of this
information. This is the start of the journey with EBVs for the Jarrah Reds. To date limited data has
been submitted, so the accuracy and precision of the EBVs is still quite low. We are very excited to
continue to build on this from here.
Whilst other breeds are on the Tropical database, accurate comparisons can only be made with other Jarrah Red
animals. We recommend ranking the bulls as to where they fit within the sale draft.
It is evident from analysing the bull’s data that their fats and EMA (carcase data) is particularly strong across the board,
which is a good reflection of the herd. We believe and have experienced that the Jarrah Reds have good growth and
am sure that these numbers will improve as more data is collected.
We are pleased to offer this information and if you would like to know more contact us to discuss.

An animal's breeding value is its          AN OUTLINE OF THE                            Carcase Weight EBV (kg) (Carcase
genetic evaluation, half of which                                                       Wt) is based on abattoir carcase
will be passed on to its progeny.          DIFFERENT EBVS                               records and is an indicator of the
These estimates are called Estimated       Birth Weight EBV (kg) (BW) the lower         genetic differences in carcase weight
Breeding Values (EBVs).                    the EBV value, the lighter the calf at       at the standard age of 650 days.
In the calculation of EBVs, the                                                         Eye Muscle Area EBV (sq cm) (EMA)
performance of individual animals          200-Day Growth EBV (kg) (200 Wt)             positive EBVs indicate better muscling
within a contemporary group is directly    indicates the relative weight advantage      on animals. Sires with higher EMA
compared to the average of other           of a sire at 8-10 months.                    EBVs are expected to produce better
animals in that group. A contemporary                                                   muscled progeny.
                                           400-Day Weight EBV (kg) (400 Wt)
group consists of animals of the
                                           indicates the relative weight advantage      Fat EBV (mm) (Rib) (Rump) are
same sex and age class within a herd,
                                           of a sire at yearling age.                   calculated from measurements of
run under the same management
                                                                                        subcutaneous fat depth at the rib and
conditions and treated equally.            600-Day Weight EBV (kg) (600 Wt)
                                                                                        rump (from live animal ultrasound
Indirect comparisons are made              the best single estimate of an animal
                                                                                        scans). Sires with a low, or negative, fat
between animals reared in different        genetic merit for growth beyond
                                                                                        EBV are expected to produce leaner
contemporary groups, through the use       yearling age.
                                                                                        progeny at any particular carcase
of pedigree links between the groups.
                                           Mature Cow Weight EBV (kg) (Mat              weight than will sires with higher EBVs.
The absolute value of any EBV is not       Cow) an estimate of the genetic
                                                                                        Retail Beef Yield EBV (%) (RBY)
critical, but rather the differences in    difference in cow weight at 5 years of
                                                                                        indicates genetic differences between
EBVs between animals. Particular           age.
                                                                                        animals for retail yield percentage in
animals should be viewed as being
                                           Milk EBV (kg) (Milk) is an estimate of       a standard 300 kg carcase. Sires with
"above or below breed average" for a
                                           an animal's milking ability. For sires,      larger EBVs are expected to produce
particular trait.
                                           this EBV indicates the effect of the         progeny with higher yielding carcases.
Whilst EBVs provide the best basis         daughter's milking ability, inherited
                                                                                        Intramuscular Fat EBV (%) (IMF)
for the comparison of the genetic          from the sire, on the 200-day weights
                                                                                        positive EBV’s indicate likelihood of
evaluation of animals reared               of her calves. For dams, it indicates her
                                                                                        more intramuscular fat.
in different environments and              own milking ability.
management conditions, they can                                                         Accuracy (%) (ACC%) accuracy
                                           Scrotal Size EBV (cm) (Scrotal) is
only be used to compare animals                                                         indicates the "confidence level" of the
                                           calculated from the circumference
analysed within the same analysis.                                                      EBV. The higher the accuracy value
                                           of the scrotum taken. This EBV is an
Consequently, Jarrah Red EBVs cannot                                                    the lower the likelihood of change in
                                           estimate of an animal's genetic merit
be compared with EBVs for any other                                                     the animal's EBV with addition of more
                                           for scrotal size.
breed.                                                                                  performance records on the animal.

Jarrah Calving Periods
At Jarrah we have two calving periods, Autumn and                  The two herds allow us to join our heifers that are under
Spring. Lots 35 – 50 are Autumn drop bulls. This drop is           280kgs at 18 months not 2 year old and we are able
born April, May and beginning of June. The remaining               to get two joinings out of our sires each year. This also
bulls, lots 51 to 64 are Spring drop bulls. They are               gives us two drops of bulls to market allowing bulls to
born predominately September and October. The two                  be available all year round.
calving periods are run separately and the same fertility
pressure is ensured.

12 — Jarrah Reds                                Jarrah Genetics | Bull Sale 2020
EBV Chart
The averages shown down the end of the table and throughout the catalogue are the Jarrah Red Average EBVs for the
2020 Sale Bulls. As these are new and only to be compared within breed we have purely made these averages for the
current sale bulls to make it easy to benchmark the bulls within the group.

                                                                                                                                                                Rump (mm)
                               200 wt (kg)

                                                  400wt (kg)

                                                                    600wt (kg)

                                                                                                                                         EMA (cm²)
                                                                                                                        C Wt (kg)

                                                                                                                                                     Rib (mm)
                                                                                      Mat Cow

                                                                                                  Milk (kg)
                     BW (kg)

                                                                                                                                                                                       RBY (%)
                                                                                                                                                                            IMF (%)
   Lot #

                                                                            AUTUMN DROP BULLS
 LOT 35      8230       -0.1            +5                +1                +4              -8                  +0.4           +4          +1.6        +1.2       +1.5        +0.1       +0.1
 LOT 36      8281       -0.6            +2                     0                 -1         -9           +2      -1.3          +1            -0.4      +0.6       +0.7         -0.3       -0.4
 LOT 37      8286       -0.5            +3                +2                +5              -7           +2      -2.0          +7          +2.2        +0.8       +1.0         -0.3      +0.5
 LOT 38      8209      +0.3             +7                +5                +9              -4                   -0.3          +8          +2.3        +1.9       +2.4           0.0     +0.1
 LOT 39      8228       -1.5                 -5                -4           +3              -1           +4      -1.1          +2          +0.9        +1.2       +1.5         -0.1       -0.2
 LOT 40      8271      +0.4             +8                +5                +4              -7                  +0.2           +4          +0.2        +1.9       +2.3        +0.4        -0.8
 LOT 41      8252       -1.3                 -4                -8                0          -3           +5      -1.4               -1       -0.7      +1.4       +1.7           0.0      -0.7
 LOT 42      8205      +2.5         +15               +21               +31              +27                    +0.6        +18            +1.7        +0.8       +0.9         -0.1      +0.3
 LOT 43      8229       -1.5                 -5                -4           +4             +1            +3      -1.6          +3          +0.4        +0.4       +0.4         -0.2         0.0
 LOT 44      8274       -0.3            +3                +3                +6              -3                   -0.3          +6          +1.9        +2.0       +2.4           0.0      -0.1
 LOT 45      8258       -0.5            +1                     0            +7             +2            +7      -1.1          +4                      +1.3       +1.6
 LOT 46      8245       -0.9                 -2                -7           +3              -2           +5      -1.2          +1              0.0     +0.6       +0.6         -0.3       -0.1
 LOT 47      8249       -3.0                 -9         -16               -18             -31            +7      -2.1               -8     +0.3        +2.5       +3.1         -0.1       -0.9
 LOT 48      8244       -0.7            +3                     -3                -5       -18                    -0.4               0      +0.6        +1.8       +2.2        +0.4        -0.6
 LOT 49      8216       -1.1            +2                     -3                -5       -23                    -0.1          +2          +3.0        +3.7       +4.5           0.0      -0.4
 LOT 50      8279       -1.2                 0            +1                     -4       -17            +3      -1.1          +3          +1.4        +1.4       +1.6        +0.2        -0.2

                                                                                 SPRING DROP BULLS
 LOT 51      9101      +1.3         +11               +12               +19                +9            +5      -1.1       +14            +2.5        +0.7       +0.7         -0.1      +0.7
 LOT 52      9002       -0.8                 -2                -3           +5             +2            +6      -1.6          +2            -0.3      +0.6       +0.7         -0.2       -0.3
 LOT 53      9143      +0.9             +9            +12               +14                +5                   +0.1           +9          +0.7        +2.3       +2.8        +0.5        -0.8
 LOT 54      9027       -0.8            +3                     -1                -4       -17            +4      -2.2          +2          +0.6        +1.1       +1.3         -0.2       -0.2
 LOT 55      9134      +0.5             +9                +3                +5              -9                  +0.6           +5          +1.4        +1.6       +1.9           0.0      -0.1
 LOT 56      9104       -0.4            +4                     -3                0          -9                   -1.2               0        -0.2      +0.9       +1.0         -0.1       -0.4
 LOT 57      9094       -1.6                 -1                -7         -11             -25                    -1.0               -3     +0.7        +2.0       +2.4         -0.2       -0.5
 LOT 58      9100      +0.7         +11                   +7                +8              -4                   -1.4          +7          +1.0        +0.9       +1.1           0.0        0.0
 LOT 59      9103       -0.4            +4                     -1                -1       -11                    -1.1          +1          +0.2        +1.0       +1.2         -0.1       -0.3
 LOT 60      9108       -1.1            +2                     -5                -8       -24            +3      -0.6          +1          +2.4        +1.9       +2.3         -0.1      +0.1
 LOT 61      9004       -1.9                 -7                -7                -2         -6           +5      -1.2               -1         0.0     +2.1       +2.6        +0.1        -0.9
 LOT 62      9021       -1.9                 -3          -10               -13            -26                   +0.1                -6     +0.8        +2.6       +3.2         -0.1       -0.8
 LOT 63      9025       -2.7                 -7          -14               -18            -34            +4      -1.5               -5     +1.8        +2.2       +2.8         -0.1       -0.2
 LOT 64      9013       -2.7                 -9          -15               -15            -23            +6      -2.1               -7       -0.9      +1.5       +1.9        +0.2        -1.0
 LOT 65      9107                                                                                W I T H D R A W N
 LOT 66      9058       -2.3                 -6          -10               -12            -22            +2      -2.2               -5       -0.2      +1.9       +2.4         -0.2       -0.8
 LOT 67      9041                                                                                W I T H D R A W N
 LOT 68      9045       -1.1            +1                     -3                -6       -20            +3      -0.8               0                  +1.7       +2.1        +0.2        -0.4
                        -0.8            +1                     -2           +0            -10            +4      -0.9          +2          +0.9        +1.5       +1.8         -0.0       -0.3

                                                                                  Jarrah Genetics | Bull Sale 2020                                                          Jarrah Reds — 13
LOT 35         JARRAH RED 8230 (S)                                                                            RATHLYN REDMOUNT 8857 (S) [BRA]
                                                                                                                           JARRAH FIGHTER F212 (S) [RFORD]
                    DOB 15/6/2018 AGE 26 months                                                                                   JARRAH MARINDA B601 (P) [F1]
                                                                                                   SCROTAL 41

                    A top sire to kick off the Jarrah Red draft. This bull has loads of                               JARRAH RED 326 (S)
                                                                                                   MOTILITY 60
                    capacity; with plenty of flank, a strong top and butt profile. He is an                                       JARRAH LIGHT A600 (S) [RFORD]
                    easy doing sire with a flawless temperament. From his EBVs we can               MORPH 75
                                                                                                                           JARRAH RED 3051 (P)
                    see that he is a high fats bull with good EMA. A strong commercial
                                                                                                                                  HS SANTA GERTRUDIS
                    sire.                                                                          DAM NOTES                      JARRAH MAN B585 (H) [RFORD]
                                                                                                   ACTIVE – CALVING
                                                                                                   2 CALVES 2 YEARS        JARRAH RED 151 (H)
                                                                                                                                  HS SANTA GERTRUDIS
                                                                                                                      JARRAH RED 6107 (H)

                    BUYER                                   $                                                                JARRAH RED BREEDER

                                  BW        200 Wt     400 Wt     600 Wt       MC         Milk          SS        C Wt      EMA      Rib      Rump      RBY          IMF
                       EBV        -0.1        +5         +1         +4          -8                     +0.4        +4       +1.6     +1.2      +1.5     +0.1         +0.1
                      ACC%        42%        61%        62%        64%         48%            0%       66%        51%       37%      45%       45%      35%          32%

                    LOT 36         JARRAH RED 8281 (PP)                                                                           LANCEFIELD INJUNE 2769 (H) [BRA]
                                                                                                                           JARRAH MAN B585 (H) [RFORD]
                    DOB 5/6/2018 AGE 27 months                                                                                    JARRAH BRITISHER Y106TB (H) [F1]
                                                                                                   SCROTAL 39
                    A well balanced young sire, with that extra length and natural                                    JARRAH RED 102 (S)
                                                                                                   MOTILITY 90
                    fleshing we love to see in the Jarrah Reds. He is very smooth,
                    with evenness of coverage and a good clean coat. His EBV data                   MORPH 77
                                                                                                                             HS SANTA GERTRUDIS (P)
                    suggests he will be a low maintenance, easy doing sire that will
                    produce progeny with extra softness. A top herd bull.                          DAM NOTES
                                                                                                   ACTIVE – CALVING
                                                                                                   4 CALVES 4 YEARS          REDFORD SIRE

                                                                                                                      JARRAH RED JR95

                    BUYER                                   $                                                                HS SANTA GERTRUDIS (P)

                                  BW        200 Wt     400 Wt     600 Wt       MC         Milk          SS        C Wt      EMA      Rib      Rump      RBY          IMF
                       EBV        -0.6        +2         0          -1          -9         +2          -1.3        +1       -0.4     +0.6      +0.7     -0.4         -0.3
                      ACC%        39%        59%        59%        60%         45%        33%          65%        48%       35%      43%       43%      33%          29%

                    LOT 37         JARRAH RED 8286 (P)                                                                            LANCEFIELD INJUNE 2769 (H) [BRA]
                                                                                                                           JARRAH MAN B585 (H) [RFORD]
                    DOB 26/5/2018 AGE 27 months                                                                                   JARRAH BRITISHER Y106TB (H) [F1]
                                                                                                   SCROTAL 38
                    Over the past few years the Jarrah Red 102 (S) sons have been                                     JARRAH RED 102 (S)
                                                                                                   MOTILITY 75
                    very popular. Displaying growth, fleshing and exceptional carcase.
                    8286 could well be one of his best to date. A bull that will produce            MORPH 76
                                                                                                                             HS SANTA GERTRUDIS (P)
                    calves with weight for age, muscle and length. His EBVs shows very
                    strong carcase data; with good fats and a big EMA. A feature lot in            DAM NOTES
                    this years draft.                                                              ACTIVE – CALVING
                                                                                                   4 CALVES 4 YEARS          REDFORD SIRE

                                                                                                                      JARRAH RED JR99

                    BUYER                                   $                                                                HS SANTA GERTRUDIS (P)

                                  BW        200 Wt     400 Wt     600 Wt       MC         Milk          SS        C Wt      EMA      Rib      Rump      RBY          IMF
                       EBV        -0.5        +3         +2         +5          -7         +2          -2.0        +7       +2.2     +0.8      +1.0     +0.5         -0.3
                      ACC%        39%        59%        59%        60%         45%        33%          65%        48%       35%      43%       43%      33%          29%

                    LOT 38         JARRAH RED 8209 (S)                                                                           TARTRUS GENISIS 4235 (H) (AI)
                                                                                                                           TARTRUS GARA 4948 (H) [BRA]
                    DOB 20/5/2018 AGE 27 months                                                                                  TARTRUS MISS BENSON 4478R (H)
                                                                                                   SCROTAL 40
                    A mobile front paddock sire, with some real presence. Be sure to                                  JARRAH HUNTER H230 (S) [RFORD]
                                                                                                   MOTILITY 85
                    have a look to this bull side on and admire his length. Then when                                            RATHLYN RED KNIGHT 7871 (P) [BRA]
                    you get behind him have a look at his natural thickness. Lot 38’s               MORPH 83
                                                                                                                           JARRAH BEGONIA C610 (P) [F1]
                    EBVs shows big EMA and good fats. A bull that will advance any
                                                                                                                                 JARRAH BEGONIA Q50 (H) [HFD]
                    herd.                                                                          DAM NOTES

                                                                                                   ACTIVE – CALVING
                                                                                                   3 CALVES 3 YEARS

                                                                                                                      SANTA GERTRUDIS ODSG8

                    BUYER                                   $

                                  BW        200 Wt     400 Wt     600 Wt       MC         Milk          SS        C Wt      EMA      Rib      Rump      RBY          IMF
                       EBV        +0.3        +7         +5         +9          -4                     -0.3        +8       +2.3     +1.9      +2.4     +0.1          0.0
                      ACC%        37%        58%        58%        60%         44%            0%       65%        47%       35%      42%       42%      32%          27%
                                  BW        200 Wt     400 Wt     600 Wt       MC         Milk          SS        C Wt      EMA      Rib      Rump       RBY         IMF
                       EBV        -0.8        +1         -2         +0         -10        +4           -0.9        +2       +0.9     +1.5      +1.8      -0.3        -0.0

                    14 — Jarrah Reds                                             Jarrah Genetics | Bull Sale 2020
LOT 39        JARRAH RED 8228 (S)                                                                                 RATHLYN RONSON 6468 (S) [BRA]
                                                                                                           JARRAH SCAR A599 (S) [RFORD]
DOB 19/5/2018 AGE 27 months                                                                                       JARRAH BEGONIA X103 (P) [F1]
                                                                                SCROTAL 39

                                                                                                                                                            SALE PEN 10
Jarrah Red 190 (P) has been one of our most influential sires                                         JARRAH RED 190 (P)
                                                                                MOTILITY 95
to date, and it’s no surprise when you see sons like this. A
tremendously balanced bull that has been a stand out since birth.                MORPH 87
                                                                                                             GA SANTA GERTRUDIS (P)
8228 is a heavily bone young sire, with natural thickness and a
huge hind quarter. His dam is one of our top females being a long,               DAM NOTES                        RATHLYN REDMOUNT 8857 (S) [BRA]
big barrelled breeder. Another high fats bull, with a particularly low          ACTIVE – CALVING
birth weight. A feature lot in this years Jarrah Red draft.                     4 CALVES 4 YEARS           JARRAH FOCUS F001 (S) [RFORD]
                                                                                                                  JARRAH CHERRY RIPE Y100TB (H) [F1]
                                                                                                      JARRAH RED 4039 (P)

BUYER                                  $                                                                     JARRAH RED BREEDER

              BW       200 Wt     400 Wt     600 Wt       MC         Milk             SS        C Wt        EMA      Rib      Rump      RBY          IMF
   EBV        -1.5       -5         -4         +3          -1         +4             -1.1        +2         +0.9     +1.2      +1.5     -0.2         -0.1
  ACC%        44%       64%        63%        65%         50%        38%             67%        52%         37%      46%       46%      36%          32%

LOT 40        JARRAH RED 8271 (PP)                                                                                RATHLYN REDMOUNT 8857 (S) [BRA]
                                                                                                           JARRAH FIGHTER F212 (S) [RFORD]
DOB 21/5/2018 AGE 27 months                                                                                       JARRAH MARINDA B601 (P) [F1]
                                                                                 SCROTAL 43
Another lead, clean polled sire. Lot 40 is a very long bull with good                                 JARRAH RED 326 (S)
bone and growth for his age. His sire JR326 produces very quiet                                                   JARRAH LIGHT A600 (S) [RFORD]
sons and this bull is no exception. A high fats bull with good IMF                 MORPH
                                                                                                           JARRAH RED 3051 (P)
EBVs. A bull that will add frame and softness to an operation.                   RESULTS WILL BE
                                                                              AVAILABLE ON SALE DAY               HS SANTA GERTRUDIS
                                                                                 DAM NOTES                        RATHLYN REDMOUNT 8857 (S) [BRA]
                                                                                ACTIVE – CALVING           JARRAH FORCE F002 (S) [RFORD]
                                                                                2 CALVES 2 YEARS
                                                                                                                  JARRAH LADY MARINDA U152 (P) [F1]
                                                                                                      JARRAH RED 6114 (S)
                                                                                                                  REDFORD SIRE
BUYER                                  $                                                                   JARRAH RED 3003 (H)
                                                                                                                  HS SANTA GERTRUDIS (P)
              BW       200 Wt     400 Wt     600 Wt       MC         Milk             SS        C Wt        EMA      Rib      Rump      RBY          IMF
   EBV        +0.4       +8         +5         +4          -7                        +0.2        +4         +0.2     +1.9      +2.3     -0.8         +0.4
  ACC%        42%       63%        62%        64%         48%            0%          67%        51%         37%      46%       46%      36%          33%

LOT 41        JARRAH RED 8252 (S)                                                                                 RATHLYN RONSON 6468 (S) [BRA]
                                                                                                           JARRAH SCAR A599 (S) [RFORD]
DOB 16/5/2018 AGE 27 months                                                                                       JARRAH BEGONIA X103 (P) [F1]
                                                                                SCROTAL 37
Another JR190 son that ticks a few boxes; with length of body                                         JARRAH RED 190 (P)
                                                                                MOTILITY 80
and an exceptional front end. His dam is a large framed cow who
continually produces top class weaners. A low birth weight bull                  MORPH 89
                                                                                                             GA SANTA GERTRUDIS (P)
with very good fat coverage. A bull not to be overlooked.
                                                                                 DAM NOTES                        LANCEFIELD INJUNE 2769 (H) [BRA]
                                                                                ACTIVE – CALVING
                                                                                4 CALVES 4 YEARS           JARRAH TAN B586 (H) [RFORD]
                                                                                                                  JARRAH MARINDA X050 (H) [F1]
                                                                                                      JARRAH RED 4070 (H)

BUYER                                  $                                                                     HS SANTA GERTRUDIS (P)

              BW       200 Wt     400 Wt     600 Wt       MC         Milk             SS        C Wt        EMA      Rib      Rump      RBY          IMF
   EBV        -1.3       -4         -8         0           -3         +5             -1.4        -1         -0.7     +1.4      +1.7     -0.7          0.0
  ACC%        44%       64%        63%        64%         49%        38%             67%        52%         37%      46%       46%      36%          32%    AUTUMN DROP BULLS

LOT 39 JARRAH RED 8228 (S)                                                          LOT 40 JARRAH RED 8271 (PP)

                                                            Jarrah Genetics | Bull Sale 2020                                             Jarrah Reds — 15
LOT 42        JARRAH RED 8205 (H)                                                                                TARTRUS GENISIS 4235 (H) (AI)
                                                                                                                               TARTRUS GARA 4948 (H) [BRA]
                    DOB 13/5/2018 AGE 27 months                                                                                      TARTRUS MISS BENSON 4478R (H)
                                                                                                    SCROTAL 42

                    Bullock producers be sure to give this bull 3 ticks. He has natural                                   JARRAH HUNTER H230 (S) [RFORD]
                                                                                                    MOTILITY 80
                    thickness, carcase shape and great weight for age. His EBVs shows                                                RATHLYN RED KNIGHT 7871 (P) [BRA]
                    that he is one of the highest growth bulls in this years sale draft,             MORPH 78
                                                                                                                               JARRAH BEGONIA C610 (P) [F1]
                    with good fats and EMA. Performance, carcase and doing ability,
                                                                                                                                     JARRAH BEGONIA Q50 (H) [HFD]
                    he has it all. A bull that would take any operation forward.                     DAM NOTES
                                                                                                    ACTIVE – CALVING
                                                                                                    3 CALVES 3 YEARS

                                                                                                                          SANTA GERTRUDIS ODSG4

                    BUYER                                  $

                                  BW       200 Wt     400 Wt     600 Wt       MC           Milk           SS           C Wt     EMA      Rib      Rump      RBY          IMF
                       EBV        +2.5      +15        +21        +31         +27                        +0.6          +18      +1.7     +0.8      +0.9     +0.3         -0.1
                      ACC%        37%       58%        58%        60%         44%            0%          65%           47%      35%      42%       42%      32%          27%

                    LOT 43        JARRAH RED 8229 (H)                                                                                 RATHLYN RONSON 6468 (S) [BRA]
                                                                                                                               JARRAH SCAR A599 (S) [RFORD]
                    DOB 18/5/2018 AGE 27 months                                                                                       JARRAH BEGONIA X103 (P) [F1]
                                                                                                    SCROTAL 41
                    A very impressive bull with extreme length, plenty of bone and a                                      JARRAH RED 190 (P)
                                                                                                    MOTILITY 75
                    strong topline. For those looking to add frame into their herd, be
                    sure to inspect this bull. Out of a very impressive female who is a              MORPH 84
                                                                                                                                 GA SANTA GERTRUDIS (P)
                    definite ‘front paddock’ breeder. This bull comes with our highest
                    recommendation.                                                                  DAM NOTES                        RATHLYN REDMOUNT 8857 (S) [BRA]
                                                                                                    ACTIVE – CALVING
                                                                                                    4 CALVES 4 YEARS           JARRAH FOCUS F001 (S) [RFORD]
                                                                                                                                      JARRAH CHERRY RIPE Y100TB (H) [F1]
                                                                                                                          JARRAH RED 4003 (H)

                    BUYER                                  $                                                                     JARRAH RED BREEDER

                                  BW       200 Wt     400 Wt     600 Wt       MC           Milk           SS           C Wt     EMA      Rib      Rump      RBY          IMF
                       EBV        -1.5       -5         -4         +4          +1           +3           -1.6           +3      +0.4     +0.4      +0.4     0.0          -0.2
                      ACC%        44%       64%        63%        65%         50%          40%           67%           52%      37%      46%       46%      36%          32%

                    LOT 44        JARRAH RED 8274 (H)                                                                                 RATHLYN REDMOUNT 8857 (S) [BRA]
                                                                                                                               JARRAH FORCE F002 (S) [RFORD]
                    DOB 9/5/2018 AGE 27 months                                                                                        JARRAH LADY MARINDA U152 (P) [F1]
                                                                                                     SCROTAL 42
                    A bull with one of the strongest carcases’ in the years line-up. Long,                                JARRAH RED 277 (H)
                    thick on top, with plenty of muscle and good fat coverage. 8274                                                   CANOWINDRA CHESTER (P)
                    will produce calves that are easy doing with impressive weight                     MORPH
                                                                                                                               CARDONA I222 (H) [SG]
                    for age. His EBVs back this up with strong carcase data across the               RESULTS WILL BE
                                                                                                  AVAILABLE ON SALE DAY               CARDONA RUBY C34
                    board. A bull that will stand out in any herd.
                                                                                                     DAM NOTES                        EDENGLASSIE RED ROY (S) [BRA]
                                                                                                    ACTIVE – CALVING           JARRAH FOO F528 (H) [RFORD]
                                                                                                    4 CALVES 4 YEARS
                                                                                                                                      JARRAH FANCY C616 (P) [F1]
                                                                                                                          JARRAH RED 4043 (H)

                    BUYER                                  $                                                                     JARRAH RED BREEDER

                                  BW       200 Wt     400 Wt     600 Wt       MC           Milk           SS           C Wt     EMA      Rib      Rump      RBY          IMF
                       EBV        -0.3       +3         +3         +6          -3                        -0.3           +6      +1.9     +2.0      +2.4     -0.1          0.0
                      ACC%        37%       57%        58%        59%         43%            0%          63%           47%      34%      43%       43%      33%          29%

                    LOT 45        JARRAH RED 8258 (H)                                                                                 RATHLYN RONSON 6468 (S) [BRA]
                                                                                                                               JARRAH SCAR A599 (S) [RFORD]
                    DOB 1/5/2018 AGE 28 months                                                                                        JARRAH BEGONIA X103 (P) [F1]
                                                                                                    SCROTAL 38
                    A solid, dark red commercial sire. Lot 45 is a softer bull that is                                    JARRAH RED 190 (P)
                                                                                                    MOTILITY 70
                    very easy doing, who will produce good weight for age weaners
                    that continue to grow. He is out of a very fertile breeder, who                  MORPH 79
                                                                                                                                 GA SANTA GERTRUDIS (P)
                    consistently produces one of the pick calves each year.
                                                                                                     DAM NOTES

                                                                                                                                      LANCEFIELD INJUNE 2769 (H) [BRA]
                                                                                                      INACTIVE- PTE
                                                                                                        05/12/2019             JARRAH TAN B586 (H) (REDFORD
                                                                                                    7 CALVES 7 YEARS                  JARRAH MARINDA X050 (H) [F1]
                                                                                                                          JARRAH RED 2024 (H)

                    BUYER                                  $                                                                     HS SANTA GERTRUDIS (P)

                                  BW       200 Wt     400 Wt     600 Wt       MC           Milk           SS           C Wt     EMA      Rib      Rump       RBY         IMF
                       EBV        -0.5       +1         0          +7          +2           +7           -1.1           +4               +1.3      +1.6
                      ACC%        43%       62%        62%        64%         49%          38%           36%           50%      0%       29%       29%       0%          0%
                                  BW       200 Wt     400 Wt     600 Wt       MC           Milk           SS           C Wt     EMA      Rib      Rump       RBY         IMF
                       EBV        -0.8       +1         -2         +0         -10          +4            -0.9           +2      +0.9     +1.5      +1.8      -0.3        -0.0

                    16 — Jarrah Reds                                            Jarrah Genetics | Bull Sale 2020
LOT 42 JARRAH RED 8205 (H)

LOT 46        JARRAH RED 8245 (S)                                                                            RATHLYN RONSON 6468 (S) [BRA]
                                                                                                      JARRAH SCAR A599 (S) [RFORD]
DOB 15/6/2018 AGE 26 months                                                                                  JARRAH BEGONIA X103 (P) [F1]
                                                                           SCROTAL 35

                                                                                                                                                       SALE PEN 12
An easy doing bull, with length and evenness of coverage. Lot                                    JARRAH RED 190 (P)
                                                                           MOTILITY 60
46 offers a flawless temperament combined with a very strong
pedigree. His dam is one of our lead cows, a true ‘front paddock’           MORPH 73
                                                                                                        GA SANTA GERTRUDIS (P)
breeder and his sire, JR190 produces top quality progeny that
consistently breed on.                                                     DAM NOTES                         LANCEFIELD INJUNE 2769 (H) [BRA]
                                                                           ACTIVE – CALVING
                                                                           4 CALVES 4 YEARS           JARRAH TAN B586 (H) (REDFORD
                                                                                                             JARRAH MARINDA X050 (H) [F1]
                                                                                                 JARRAH RED 4090 (H)

BUYER                                 $                                                                 HS SANTA GERTRUDIS (P)

              BW       200 Wt    400 Wt     600 Wt       MC         Milk        SS            C Wt     EMA      Rib      Rump      RBY          IMF
   EBV        -0.9       -2        -7         +3          -2         +5        -1.2            +1       0.0     +0.6      +0.6     -0.1         -0.3
  ACC%        44%       62%       63%        65%         49%        37%        66%            52%      37%      46%       45%      36%          32%

LOT 47        JARRAH RED 8249 (PP)                                                                           RATHLYN RONSON 6468 (S) [BRA]
                                                                                                      JARRAH SCAR A599 (S) [RFORD]
DOB 11/6/2018 AGE 26 months                                                                                  JARRAH BEGONIA X103 (P) [F1]
                                                                           SCROTAL 37
A very smooth bull, with plenty of bone and a good clean polled                                  JARRAH RED 190 (P)
                                                                           MOTILITY 90
head. He has always been an easy doing type, which is reflected in
his high fat EBV data. Also be sure to note the lower birthweight on        MORPH 83
                                                                                                        GA SANTA GERTRUDIS (P)
this bull.
                                                                           DAM NOTES
                                                                                                                                                       AUTUMN DROP BULLS

                                                                                                             LANCEFIELD INJUNE 2769 (H) [BRA]
                                                                             INACTIVE- PTE
                                                                               05/12/2019             JARRAH MAN B585 (H) [RFORD]
                                                                           5 CALVES 5 YEARS                  JARRAH BRITISHER Y106TB (H) [F1]
                                                                                                 JARRAH RED 3043 (H)

BUYER                                 $                                                                 HS SANTA GERTRUDIS (P)

              BW       200 Wt    400 Wt     600 Wt       MC         Milk        SS            C Wt     EMA      Rib      Rump      RBY          IMF
   EBV        -3.0       -9        -16        -18        -31         +7        -2.1            -8      +0.3     +2.5      +3.1     -0.9         -0.1
  ACC%        44%       64%       63%        65%         50%        38%        67%            52%      38%      46%       46%      36%          32%
              BW       200 Wt    400 Wt     600 Wt       MC         Milk        SS            C Wt     EMA      Rib      Rump       RBY         IMF
   EBV        -0.8       +1        -2         +0         -10        +4         -0.9            +2      +0.9     +1.5      +1.8      -0.3        -0.0

                                                          Jarrah Genetics | Bull Sale 2020                                          Jarrah Reds — 17
LOT 48         JARRAH RED 8244 (S)                                                                                 RATHLYN REDMOUNT 8857 (S) [BRA]
                                                                                                                                JARRAH FIGHTER F212 (S) [RFORD]
                    DOB 29/5/2018 AGE 27 months                                                                                        JARRAH MARINDA B601 (P) [F1]
                                                                                                     SCROTAL 38

                    Possibly the quietest bull in the sale with a real personality. Lot 48 is                              JARRAH RED 326 (S)
                                                                                                     MOTILITY 85
                    a moderate, easy doing bull that has maintained solid fat coverage                                                 JARRAH LIGHT A600 (S) [RFORD]
                    throughout his development. His EBVs reflect this, with strong rib                MORPH 78
                                                                                                                                JARRAH RED 3051 (P)
                    and rumps fats, as well as IMF. A solid commercial bull.
                                                                                                                                       HS SANTA GERTRUDIS
                                                                                                     DAM NOTES                         JARRAH MAN B585 (H) [RFORD]
                                                                                                     ACTIVE – CALVING
                                                                                                     2 CALVES 2 YEARS           JARRAH RED 151 (H)
                                                                                                                                       HS SANTA GERTRUDIS
                                                                                                                           JARRAH RED 6113 (H)
                                                                                                                                       JARRAH ROLEY C569 (S) [RFORD]
                    BUYER                                    $                                                                  JARRAH RED 2086 (H)
                                                                                                                                       HS SANTA GERTRUDIS (P)
                                   BW       200 Wt      400 Wt     600 Wt        MC         Milk          SS            C Wt     EMA      Rib      Rump      RBY      IMF
                       EBV         -0.7       +3          -3         -5          -18                     -0.4             0      +0.6     +1.8      +2.2     -0.6     +0.4
                      ACC%         42%       63%         62%        64%          48%            0%       66%            51%      37%      45%       45%      35%      32%

                    LOT 49         JARRAH RED 8216 (H)                                                                                TARTRUS GENISIS 4235 (H) (AI)
                                                                                                                                TARTRUS GARA 4948 (H) [BRA]
                    DOB 23/5/2018 AGE 27 months                                                                                       TARTRUS MISS BENSON 4478R (H)
                                                                                                     SCROTAL 41
                    Carcase, carcase, carcase. 8216 is one of the thicker bulls in                                         JARRAH HUNTER H230 (S) [RFORD]
                                                                                                     MOTILITY 75
                    this years sale draft. He is packed full of red meat, whilst still                                                RATHLYN RED KNIGHT 7871 (P) [BRA]
                    demonstrating fat cover. His EBVs have top grade fats with a big                  MORPH 80
                                                                                                                                JARRAH BEGONIA C610 (P) [F1]
                    EMA. Upon inspecting this lot you can visualise the soft, easy doing
                                                                                                                                      JARRAH BEGONIA Q50 (H) [HFD]
                    weaners this bull will produce, with ample weight for age. A bull                DAM NOTES
                    that will impress upon inspection.                                               ACTIVE – CALVING
                                                                                                     3 CALVES 3 YEARS

                                                                                                                           SANTA GERTRUDIS ODSG13

                    BUYER                                    $

                                   BW       200 Wt      400 Wt     600 Wt        MC         Milk          SS            C Wt     EMA      Rib      Rump      RBY       IMF
                       EBV         -1.1       +2          -3         -5          -23                     -0.1            +2      +3.0     +3.7      +4.5     -0.4       0.0
                      ACC%         37%       58%         58%        60%          44%            0%       65%            47%      35%      42%       42%      32%       27%

                    LOT 50         JARRAH RED 8279 (H)                                                                                 RATHLYN REDMOUNT 8857 (S) [BRA]
                                                                                                                                JARRAH FORCE F002 (S) [RFORD]
                    DOB 15/6/2018 AGE 26 months                                                                                        JARRAH LADY MARINDA U152 (P) [F1]
                                                                                                     SCROTAL 39
                    Lot 50 has been a clear standout from birth, with that real sire                                       JARRAH RED 277 (H)
                                                                                                     MOTILITY 85
                    appeal. He has presence, butt shape, carcase and a strong                                                          CANOWINDRA CHESTER (P)
                    topline. A bull that will produce good weight for age weaners                     MORPH 89
                                                                                                                                CARDONA I222 (H) [SG]
                    that grow quickly into feeder steers. His EBVs reflect that he has
                                                                                                                                       CARDONA RUBY C34
                    a low birthweight with good fats and a high EMA. A top quality                   DAM NOTES                         RATHLYN REDMOUNT 8857 (S) [BRA]
                    commercial sire.                                                                   INACTIVE – PTE
                                                                                                         17/01/2019             JARRAH FOCUS F001 (S) [RFORD]
                                                                                                     4 CALVES 4 YEARS                  JARRAH CHERRY RIPE Y100TB (H) [F1]
                                                                                                                           JARRAH RED 4051 (S)

                    BUYER                                    $                                                                   JARRAH RED BREEDER

                                   BW       200 Wt      400 Wt     600 Wt        MC         Milk          SS            C Wt     EMA      Rib      Rump      RBY      IMF
                       EBV         -1.2       0           +1         -4          -17         +3          -1.1            +3      +1.4     +1.4      +1.6     -0.2     +0.2
                      ACC%         38%       58%         59%        60%          44%        25%          64%            47%      35%      44%       44%      33%      29%

                    LOT 49 JARRAH RED 8216 (H)                                                          LOT 50 JARRAH RED 8279 (H)

                    18 — Jarrah Reds                                               Jarrah Genetics | Bull Sale 2020
                                 · ANIMAL HEALTH
Mon to Fri: 8am to 5pm
Sat: 8:30am to 12pm             · ANIMAL NUTRITION
                               · SEED
                              · CHEMICAL
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12 Dunstan Street           · POLY PRODUCTS
Baralaba Qld 4702
                           · FENCING
ROLLESTON                 · GENERAL
07 4984 3404
32 Warrijo Street
Rolleston Qld 4702       · AMMUNITION
07 4993 1280
80 The Boulevard
Theodore Qld 4719        WWW.ACRESRURAL.COM.AU
Spring drop bulls


LOT 53 JARRAH RED 9143 (S)                          LOT 55 JARRAH RED 9134 (S)

LOT 56 JARRAH RED 9104 (S)                          LOT 57 JARRAH RED 9094 (PP)
20 — Jarrah Reds              Jarrah Genetics | Bull Sale 2020
LOT 51           JARRAH RED 9101 (PP)                                                                                             RATHLYN RONSON 6468 (S) [BRA]
                                                                                                                            JARRAH SCAR A599 (S) [RFORD]
 DOB 16/9/2018 AGE 23 months                                                                                                       JARRAH BEGONIA X103 (P) [F1]
                                                                                                 SCROTAL 41

                                                                                                                                                                             SALE PEN 13
The first of the Spring drop Jarrah Red bulls, and a clear standout                                                    JARRAH RED 191 (S)
                                                                                                 MOTILITY 85
of the draft. Unreal length, with plenty of bone and softness. Lot 51
is a large framed bull that will add lift to any herd. He goes back to                            MORPH 74
                                                                                                                              BS SANTA GERTRUDIS (P)
a Cardona heifer we purchased at their female sale and his mother
is an excellent milker who has bred very well. 9101 probably has                                 DAM NOTES                         RATHLYN REDMOUNT 8857 (S) [BRA]
the best EBV data in the group. We have retained semen in this                                     ACTIVE – PTIC
bull for in herd use. A feature lot.                                                             4 CALVES 4 YEARS           JARRAH FORCE F002 (S) [RFORD]
                                                                                                                                   JARRAH LADY MARINDA U152 (P) [F1]
                                                                                                                       JARRAH RED 5022 (P)

BUYER                                              $                                                                          CARDONA M228 (P) [SG]

                  BW          200 Wt        400 Wt        600 Wt           MC             Milk        SS            C Wt     EMA      Rib      Rump       RBY         IMF
     EBV          +1.3         +11           +12           +19              +9             +5        -1.1           +14      +2.5     +0.7      +0.7      +0.7        -0.1
    ACC%          39%          59%           59%           61%             45%            34%        65%            48%      35%      42%       42%       32%         28%

 LOT 52           JARRAH RED 9002 (P)                                                                                              RATHLYN RONSON 6468 (S) [BRA]
                                                                                                                            JARRAH SCAR A599 (S) [RFORD]
 DOB 8/9/2018 AGE 23 months                                                                                                        JARRAH BEGONIA X103 (P) [F1]
                                                                                                 SCROTAL 37
A bull with extra frame and an impeccable temperament. 9002 is                                                         JARRAH RED 190 (P)
                                                                                                 MOTILITY 75
a very smooth bull with plenty of length. His dam Jarrah Red 1008
(P) is one of our top females who breeds nothing but quality. A top                               MORPH 70
                                                                                                                              GA SANTA GERTRUDIS (P)
commercial sire.
                                                                                                 DAM NOTES                         LANCEFIELD INJUNE 2769 (H) [BRA]
                                                                                                   ACTIVE – PTIC
                                                                                                 8 CALVES 8 YEARS           JARRAH MAN B585 (H) [RFORD]
                                                                                                                                   JARRAH BRITISHER Y106TB (H) [F1]
                                                                                                                       JARRAH RED 1008 (P)

BUYER                                              $                                                                          HS SANTA GERTRUDIS (P)

                  BW          200 Wt        400 Wt        600 Wt           MC             Milk        SS            C Wt     EMA      Rib      Rump       RBY         IMF
     EBV          -0.8          -2            -3            +5              +2             +6        -1.6            +2      -0.3     +0.6      +0.7      -0.3        -0.2
    ACC%          45%          64%           63%           65%             50%            39%        67%            53%      38%      46%       46%       36%         33%

 LOT 53           JARRAH RED 9143 (S)                                                                                             TARTRUS GENISIS 4235 (H) (AI)
                                                                                                                            TARTRUS GARA 4948 (H) [BRA]
 DOB 12/10/2018 AGE 22 months                                                                                                     TARTRUS MISS BENSON 4478R (H)
                                                                                                 SCROTAL 38
A bull with real presence about him. His extra clean coat, natural                                                     JARRAH HUNTER H230 (S) [RFORD]
                                                                                                 MOTILITY 80
doing ability and strong carcase attributes make this lot a top                                                                   RATHLYN RED KNIGHT 7871 (P) [BRA]
end sire. A bull who’s EBVs really reflect his growth pattern and                                 MORPH 75
                                                                                                                            JARRAH BEGONIA C610 (P) [F1]
softness. 9143 will produce offspring with many market options,
                                                                                                                                  JARRAH BEGONIA Q50 (H) [HFD]
good weight for age weaners right through to easy doing bullocks.                                DAM NOTES
A bull that will impress upon inspection.                                                        *SEE NOTE UNDER
*Out of an original ‘Headingly Station’ Santa breeder. Breeders were purchased in 2007,
breeding history before this unable to be provided. Cows had to wean a calf annually to
stay in the herd. Therefore Dam had 11 calves in a row to produce a 2018 born bull.                                    SANTA GERTRUDIS HSSG121

BUYER                                              $

                  BW          200 Wt        400 Wt        600 Wt           MC             Milk        SS            C Wt     EMA      Rib      Rump       RBY         IMF
     EBV          +0.9          +9           +12           +14              +5                       +0.1            +9      +0.7     +2.3      +2.8      -0.8        +0.5
    ACC%          38%          56%           59%           61%             45%            0%         66%            48%      36%      43%       43%       33%         29%

 LOT 54           JARRAH RED 9027 (S)                                                                                              JARRAH MAN B585 (H) [RFORD]
                                                                                                                            JARRAH RED 102 (S)
 DOB 6/9/2018 AGE 24 months                                                                                                        HS SANTA GERTRUDIS
                                                                                                 SCROTAL 34
A heifer’s first calf and the first of the JR431 sons to sell. A good                                                  JARRAH RED 431 (P)
                                                                                                 MOTILITY 70
representation of the JR431 sons – clean coated, strong topped,
with plenty of flank and carcase. 9027’s dam has done very well to                                MORPH 67
                                                                                                                              JARRAH RED BREEDER (P)
keep going back in calf these past few season. Fertility a trait that
should never be overlooked. A bull that will continue to develop                                 DAM NOTES                         JARRAH SCAR A599 (S) [RFORD]
nicely.                                                                                            ACTIVE – PTIC
                                                                                                                                                                             SPRING DROP BULLS

                                                                                                 2 CALVES 2 YEARS           JARRAH RED 191 (S)
                                                                                                                                   BS SANTA GERTRUDIS
                                                                                                                       JARRAH RED 7020 (P)
                                                                                                                                   JARRAH FOO F528 (H) [RFORD]
BUYER                                              $                                                                        JARRAH RED 4016 (S)
                                                                                                                                   JARRAH RED BREEDER
                  BW          200 Wt        400 Wt        600 Wt           MC             Milk        SS            C Wt     EMA      Rib      Rump       RBY         IMF
     EBV          -0.8          +3            -1            -4             -17             +4        -2.2            +2      +0.6     +1.1      +1.3      -0.2        -0.2
    ACC%          43%          63%           61%           64%             48%            25%        65%            51%      35%      43%       43%       33%         28%
                  BW          200 Wt        400 Wt        600 Wt           MC             Milk        SS            C Wt     EMA      Rib      Rump       RBY         IMF
    EBV           -0.8          +1            -2            +0             -10            +4         -0.9            +2      +0.9     +1.5      +1.8      -0.3        -0.0

                                                                             Jarrah Genetics | Bull Sale 2020                                             Jarrah Reds — 21
LOT 55        JARRAH RED 9134 (S)                                                                                RATHLYN REDMOUNT 8857 (S) [BRA]
                                                                                                                              JARRAH FIGHTER F212 (S) [RFORD]
                    DOB 5/10/2018 AGE 23 months                                                                                      JARRAH MARINDA B601 (P) [F1]
                                                                                                   SCROTAL 38

                    A very soft and easy doing bull that has been a standout from                                        JARRAH RED 326 (S)
                                                                                                   MOTILITY 75
                    weaning. 9134 has real balance to him with carcase shape                                                         JARRAH LIGHT A600 (S) [RFORD]
                    and thickness right along his top. Be sure to observe the quiet                 MORPH 72
                                                                                                                              JARRAH RED 3051 (P)
                    temperament of this young sire. A bull that will impress.
                                                                                                                                     HS SANTA GERTRUDIS
                                                                                                    DAM NOTES
                                                                                                     ACTIVE – PTIC
                                                                                                   4 CALVES 4 YEARS

                                                                                                                         SANTA GERTRUDIS HSSG114

                    BUYER                                  $

                                  BW       200 Wt     400 Wt     600 Wt      MC         Milk             SS           C Wt    EMA       Rib     Rump      RBY       IMF
                       EBV        +0.5       +9         +3         +5         -9                        +0.6           +5     +1.4      +1.6     +1.9     -0.1       0.0
                      ACC%        41%       62%        62%        63%        47%            0%          66%           50%     37%       45%      45%      35%       32%

                    LOT 56        JARRAH RED 9104 (S)                                                                                RATHLYN REDMOUNT 8857 (S) [BRA]
                                                                                                                              JARRAH FIGHTER F212 (S) [RFORD]
                    DOB 19/9/2018 AGE 23 months                                                                                      JARRAH MARINDA B601 (P) [F1]
                                                                                                   SCROTAL 37
                    A bull who is very similar to the previous lot. 9104 has the good                                    JARRAH RED 326 (S)
                                                                                                   MOTILITY 50
                    fats and carcase shape we have come to expect from the Jarrah                                                    JARRAH LIGHT A600 (S) [RFORD]
                    Reds. Again an impeccable temperament on this lot. Another bull                 MORPH 67
                                                                                                                              JARRAH RED 3051 (P)
                    who will produce good weight for age weaners that continue to
                                                                                                                                     HS SANTA GERTRUDIS
                    grow out. A front paddock sire.                                                 DAM NOTES                        JARRAH SCAR A599 (S) [RFORD]
                                                                                                     INACTIVE – PTE
                                                                                                       01/05/2019             JARRAH RED 117 (S)
                                                                                                   2 CALVES 2 YEARS                  HS SANTA GERTRUDIS
                                                                                                                         JARRAH RED 6094 (S)

                    BUYER                                  $                                                                   JARRAH RED BREEDER

                                  BW       200 Wt     400 Wt     600 Wt      MC         Milk             SS           C Wt    EMA       Rib     Rump      RBY       IMF
                       EBV        -0.4       +4         -3         0          -9                        -1.2            0     -0.2      +0.9     +1.0     -0.4      -0.1
                      ACC%        42%       63%        62%        64%        48%            0%          67%           51%     37%       46%      46%      36%       32%

                    LOT 57        JARRAH RED 9094 (PP)                                                                               RATHLYN REDMOUNT 8857 (S) [BRA]
                                                                                                                              JARRAH FORCE F002 (S) [RFORD]
                    DOB 20/9/2018 AGE 23 months                                                                                      JARRAH LADY MARINDA U152 (P) [F1]
                                                                                                   SCROTAL 40
                    This pen of bulls was extremely hard to decipher between. 9094                                       JARRAH RED 403 (P)
                                                                                                   MOTILITY 80
                    has always been an easy doing bull, with natural carcase shape.                                                  JARRAH LIGHT A600 (S) [RFORD]
                    He has red meat from nose to tail; with true thickness and a                    MORPH 72
                                                                                                                              JARRAH RED 3051 (P)
                    strong topline. A front paddock sire that comes with our highest
                                                                                                                                     HS SANTA GERTRUDIS
                    recommendation.                                                                 DAM NOTES                        JARRAH MAN B585 (H) [RFORD]
                                                                                                     ACTIVE – PTIC
                                                                                                   2 CALVES 2 YEARS           JARRAH RED 102 (S)
                                                                                                                                     HS SANTA GERTRUDIS
                                                                                                                         JARRAH RED 7049 (P)

                    BUYER                                  $                                                                   JARRAH RED BREEDER

                                  BW       200 Wt     400 Wt     600 Wt      MC         Milk             SS           C Wt    EMA       Rib     Rump      RBY       IMF
                       EBV        -1.6       -1         -7         -11       -25                        -1.0           -3     +0.7      +2.0     +2.4     -0.5      -0.2
                      ACC%        42%       62%        61%        63%        47%            0%          66%           50%     36%       43%      43%      33%       29%

                    LOT 58        JARRAH RED 9100 (PP)                                                                               RATHLYN REDMOUNT 8857 (S) [BRA]
                                                                                                                              JARRAH FORCE F002 (S) [RFORD]
                    DOB 15/10/2018 AGE 22 months                                                                                     JARRAH LADY MARINDA U152 (P) [F1]
                                                                                                    SCROTAL 36
                    A moderate, thickset bull with that extra carcase power we like to                                   JARRAH RED 403 (P)
                    see. He is clean polled with a strong sirey head. An earlier maturing                                            JARRAH LIGHT A600 (S) [RFORD]
                    bull that would suit those in the weaner or feeder markets. 9100                  MORPH
                                                                                                                              JARRAH RED 3051 (P)
                    has good carcase EBVs, reflective of his natural muscling. A highly             RESULTS WILL BE
                                                                                                 AVAILABLE ON SALE DAY               HS SANTA GERTRUDIS
                    recommended bull.
                                                                                                                                     JARRAH MAN B585 (H) [RFORD]

                                                                                                    DAM NOTES
                                                                                                     ACTIVE – PTIC            JARRAH RED 102 (S)
                                                                                                   2 CALVES 2 YEARS
                                                                                                                                     HS SANTA GERTRUDIS
                                                                                                                         JARRAH RED 7037 (P)

                    BUYER                                  $                                                                   JARRAH RED BREEDER

                                  BW       200 Wt     400 Wt     600 Wt      MC         Milk             SS           C Wt    EMA       Rib     Rump      RBY       IMF
                       EBV        +0.7      +11         +7         +8         -4                        -1.4           +7     +1.0      +0.9     +1.1     0.0        0.0
                      ACC%        41%       59%        61%        63%        47%            0%          65%           50%     36%       43%      43%      33%       29%
                                  BW       200 Wt     400 Wt     600 Wt      MC         Milk             SS           C Wt    EMA       Rib     Rump      RBY       IMF
                       EBV        -0.8       +1         -2         +0        -10        +4              -0.9           +2     +0.9      +1.5     +1.8     -0.3      -0.0

                    22 — Jarrah Reds                                           Jarrah Genetics | Bull Sale 2020
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