Dynamics of Structure Formation
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Dynamics of Structure Formation The emergence of structures over a broad range of scales from a highly homogeneous early Universe is one of the key areas of study in cosmology. Some simple tools have been developed to describe the evolution of density perturbations in the linear regime
Overview n Physics of density perturbation evolution n Dynamics of perturbations in the linear regime n Power Spectra and Transfer functions 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 2
Our universe then and now Recombination (~400,000 yr) dr/ ~ 10-5 Cosmic Background Explorer (NASA) Present (~14x109 yr) dr/ ~ 106 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 3
Large Scale Structure Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Las Campanas Redshift Survey 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 4
Density perturbations n Study of the evolution of density perturbations is cast in terms of the evolution of the dimensionless (energy) density perturbation d ρ( x ) 1+ δ ( x ) ≡ ρ n Density content is divided into non-relativistic matter and radiation (relativistic matter) € n Adiabatic perturbations: variations in number density that affect all species by the same factor. Imagine small compressions or expansions. This implies different energy density variations in the two species δ r = 43 δ m n Isocurvature perturbations: “entropy perturbations: where the total density remains constant, so ρrδ r = −ρmδ m n At times early compared€ to matter-radiation equality, these perturbations correspond to variations in the matter density that are offset by miniscule perturbations in the radiation density 30. Apr 2021 €Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 5
Adiabatic versus Isocurvature n Isocurvature density perturbations seem to be more natural, because causality makes it impossible to change density on scales larger than the horizon n These perturbations are seeded in late time cosmological phase transition models n Within inflationary models the particle horizon is changed at early times so that total density fluctuations can be imprinted on scales that appear to be larger than the horizon. n If curvature fluctuations are imprinted prior to the process responsible for baryon asymmetry then adiabatic modes are norm See discussion in Chapter 11.5, Peacock n Observational evidence of adiabatic density fluctuations then provide good support for inflationary models. For example, CMB anisotropy studies allow one to constrain the mix of adiabatic and isocurvature fluctuations. 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 6
Matter and Transfer Functions n Matter content affects density perturbations through self-gravitation, pressure and dissipative processes. n Linear adiabatic perturbations grow as % a( t ) 2 radiation domination δ ∝& ' a( t ) matter domination Ω = 1 n Isocurvature perturbations are initially constant and then decline € &constant radiation domination δm ∝ ' −1 ( a( t ) matter domination Ω = 1 n In first case, gravity is working to increase the overdensity and in € second case gravity is working to maintain the homogeneity. n In both cases the shape of the density perturbation is unchanged, and its amplitude is evolving with time 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 7
Pressure Effects: Jeans Instability n Jeans instability occurs in the collapse of a cloud when the restoring pressure force is incapable of offsetting the gravitational collapse during a perturbation n One can derive the Jeans length by comparing the sound wave crossing time and the gravitational free fall timescale in a spherical cloud n Pressure restoring force unable to react fast enough to stop gravitational free fall if cloud is too large or too cool 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 8
Jeans length R n Consider pressure supported gas cloud as isolated sphere %& n Sound velocity is !"# = %' so for an ,-. ideal gas we can write !" = () += * / n Sound wave crossing time: R π ts = whereas t ff ≈ cs Gρ π n Gravitational free fall timescale λJ = cs scaling follows from Kepler’s 3rd Gρ 0 > 02 : collapse law 2 cs3 M> 32 : collapse 4π 3 3 P2 = R M J = 43 πλ ∝ GM J ρ 3 2 (see next section) 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 9
Pressure Effects in our Universe n Radiation pressure wins over gravity for wavelengths below the Jeans length n While the universe is radiation dominated the sound speed is c cs = 3 and so the Jeans length π λJ = c s € Gρ is always close to the size of the horizon scale. 3 8./ RH = c =c 'ℎ)*) + = 1 , H 8π G ρ 3 € !" They share same Gr and c scaling and with coefficient above, ratio is #$ ~ 8 n Jeans length reaches a maximum at matter-radiation equality and then radiation becomes tracer population, pressure drops and the Jeans length decreases. 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 10
Comoving Jeans-Length n The comoving Jeans length at M-R equality is −1 2 c Ro rH ( zeq ) = 2 ( ) 2 −1 (Ωm zeq ) Ho ≈ 130Mpc n At larger scales, perturbations should be affected only by gravity, and below this scale pressure forces are important and growth is slowed or stopped. We will see that scale is strongly imprinted on the structures in the Universe n Because this scale depends on the matter density and because the galaxy distribution reflects the underlying distribution of density perturbations, one would expect a measure of the galaxy density distribution to provide a combined constraint on the matter density and the Hubble parameter! 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 11
Small scale effects: Silk damping n Photon diffusion can erase perturbations in the matter-radiation fluid n Distance travelled by the photon random walk by the time of the last scattering is 6 −1 4 λs = 2.7(Ωm ΩB h ) Mpc ≈ 15Mpc n Within over-density, probability to leave exceeds probability to arrive n Diffusion of photons out of over-dense regions affects baryons, too, because the radiation and baryons are tightly coupled prior to €recombination n Models with dark matter are less impacted because dark matter perturbations remain and baryons can fall back into those potential wells after last scattering 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 12
Small scale effects: Free streaming n At early times dark matter particles will undergo free streaming at the speed of light, erasing all scales up to the distance light can travel (horizon) n This continues until the particles go non-relativistic c λ fs = H(znr ) n For light massive neutrinos (hot dark matter) this happens near zeq, and essentially all structures on scales smaller than the horizon at M-R equality are erased. With cold dark € matter the particles are much more massive and go non-relativistic earlier. These differences lead to dramatically different structures, and indeed hot dark matter is ruled out. n A measure of the characteristic amplitude of small scale density fluctuations prior to their going non-linear should provide a constraint on the dark matter particle mass (if the dark matter particle is a thermal relic) 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 13
Nonlinear processes n Most of the directly observable objects in the Universe have already transitioned well beyond the linear regime, and this presents a challenge n Equations of motion can be integrated in N-body simulations, and extensive work has been done on developing analytical models to describe nonlinear evolution n But the distribution of fluctuations in the microwave background, the clustering of objects on sufficiently large scale, probes of clustering that extend to the high redshift universe and the number density of collapsed massive objects like clusters all are examples of observations whose interpretation relies primarily on linear evolution of density perturbations 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 14
Overview n Physics of density perturbation evolution n Dynamics of perturbations in the linear regime n Power Spectra and Transfer functions 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 15
Gravitational dynamics of linear perturbations n One can study the evolution of density perturbations in the linear regime within a Newtonian framework n Euler Dv ∇p =− − ∇Φ dt ρ n Energy Dρ = −ρ∇⋅ v dt € n Poisson ∇ 2Φ = 4 πGρ € D ∂ n Material or total derivative with convective term = + v⋅ ∇ dt ∂t € n Then introduce perturbations as r=ro+dr and v=vo+dv and collect terms that are first order in the perturbed€quantities. Introduce δρ δ≡ ρo 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 16
First order perturbation evolution n To first order in the perturbed quantities, the governing equations become: d ∇δp δv = − − ∇δΦ − (δv ⋅ ∇)v o dt ρo d δ = −∇⋅ δv dt € ∇ 2δΦ = 4 πGρoδ € where d/dt is the time derivative of an d ∂ € observer comoving with the unperturbed = + vo ⋅ ∇ dt ∂t expansion of the universe € 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 17
Comoving coordinates n Through a transformation to comoving coordinates it is possible to describe the evolution of the perturbed quantities with respect to overall uniform expansion. We introduce x (t) = a(t) r (t) δv (t) = a(t) u(t) 1 ∇δΦ and use ∇x = ∇r g= € a a ˙ a˙ g ∇δp u+2 u = − a a ρo € € n The dynamical equations become δ˙ = −∇⋅ u ∇ 2δΦ = 4 πGρoδ 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 18
Differential equation for perturbation n Using an equation of state 2∂p definition of the sound speed c ≡s ∂ρ n And considering a plane wave −ik ⋅ r perturbation € δ ∝e where k is the comoving wavevector ˙ & 2 2) we obtain: ˙δ˙ + 2 a δ˙ = δ ( 4 πGρ − c s k + o 2 a ' a * € 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 19 €
The non-expanding case n Without the uniform expansion, the differential equation is δ˙˙ = δ ( 4 πGρo − c s2 k 2 ) n With solutions of the form δ (t) = e ±t τ where τ = 1/ 4 πGρo − c s2 k 2 n € This solution underscores the possibility of pressure stability and one can see the critical Jeans length lJ=2p/kJ in the exponent which governs the transition from real to imaginary t € π λJ = c s Gρ 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 20
Evolution during radiation domination n Sound speed differs and the overall treatment we just discussed is inappropriate 2 2 c c = s 3 n The constraint equations become: Dv D ∂ dt = −∇Φ dt ( ρ + p € c 2 ) = ∂t ( p c 2 ) − ( ρ + p c 2 )∇⋅ v ∇ 2Φ = 4 πG( ρ + 3 p c 2 ) € n The differential € equation describing evolution € of the overdensity 2 becomes (where we have used p = ρc 3 ) ˙δ˙ + 2 a˙ δ˙ = 32π Gρ δ o a 3 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 21
Solutions for d(t) n If we try a power law solution in t we obtain 2 δ (t) ∝ t 3 or t −1 matter dominated δ (t) ∝ t1 or t −1 radiation dominated n Remember that for W=1, according to the Friedmann equation, the scale factor grows as 2 € a(t) ∝ t 3 matter dominated 1 a(t) ∝ t 2 radiation dominated Giving us simple solutions for the growth of density perturbations for these two cases (early and intermediate times) € δ∝a matter dominated δ ∝ a 2 radiation dominated As dark energy comes to dominate at late times the solution deviates from these simple cases 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 22 €
What about velocity perturbations? ˙ a˙ g ∇δp n Where density perturbations are growing there u+2 u = − has to be inflow of material. a a ρo δ˙ = −∇⋅ u ∇ 2δΦ = 4 πGρoδ n Note that the gradient in the peculiar velocity field is related to the growth rate of the density perturbation € n Peculiar velocities react to the matter directly- no complicating bias factor n The derivative introduces different spatial weighting for velocities as compared to overdensity (see Dodelson 9.2) ifaH δ ( k, a ) a dD u ( k, a ) = where f≡ and δ ( k, a ) = δ0 D k D da n where f is a dimensionless growth rate. f ≈ Ω0.6 m 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 23
Overview n Physics of density perturbation evolution n Dynamics of perturbations in the linear regime n Power Spectra and Transfer functions 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 24
Observed distributions of objects, matter and temperature constrain density perturbations Las Campanas Redshift Survey l(l+1)Cl /2π (μK)2 l CMB Temperature Fluctuations 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 25
Scale Dependent Variance in Gaussian Field n Imagine a spatial volume or sky n These statistical descriptions area where each coordinate cell are powerful in a homogeneous contains a value drawn from a and isotropic Universe like our Gaussian distribution own. n Spatial power spectrum P(k) or n Early Universe models of spherical harmonic power inflation predict the statistical spectrum Cl encodes Gaussian properties of the density field variance as a function of rather than a specific realization inverse scale 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 26
Density Field and Pairs n The cosmic density field r is typically expressed in dimensionless form d, where is the mean ρ density. We can adopt this also for galaxies. ρ ( x ) −ρ δ (x) = ρ n The correlation function ξ is defined as the overabundance of galaxy-pairs at separation r relative to a random distribution. Consider two volumes dV1 and dV2 separated by vector "⃗ and containing a number of galaxies dN1 and dN2, where #$ = &' #( and &' is the mean number density. Then the number of pairs is ! 2 ! () dN pair r = dN1dN 2 = n0 (1+ ξ ( r ))dV1dV2 n The expected number of pairs in two volumes dV1 and dV2 separated by "⃗ can also be written as the volume average of the following quantity ! ! ! dN pair = n0 (1+ δ ( x))dVx ⋅ n0 (1+ δ ( x + r ))dVx+r Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 27
Correlation Function and Overdensity n Averaging over the volume we write ! 1 ! ! ! ! ! ! () dN pair r = ∫ d 3 x n02 (1+ δ ( x) + δ ( x + r ) + δ ( x) ⋅ δ ( x + r ))dV1dV2 V VolumeV 2 ⎧⎪ 1 3 ! ! ! ⎫⎪ = n dV1dV2 ⎨1+ 0 ∫ d x δ ( x)δ ( x + r )⎬⎪ ⎪⎩ V VolumeV ⎭ Because 3 ! n ∫ d x δ ( x) =0 VolumeV n By comparing this expression with ! ! dN pair r = dN1dN 2 = n02 (1+ ξ ( r ))dV1dV2 () we see that: ξ ( r ) = δ ( x)δ ( x + r ) The (auto)correlation function is just the expectation value of the product of the overdensity field times the field offset by vector "⃗ Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 28
Correlation Function and Power Spectrum n The correlation function is the convolution of the overdensity field with itself (offset by distance r)– so the auto-correlation function ξ ( r ) = δ ( x)δ ( x + r ) = (δ ⊗ δ )r n This helpful, because we remember that the convolution theorem states that the convolution of two quantities can be expressed as the Fourier transform of the product of the Fourier transforms of each of the quantities. ! ! ! ! ξ ( r ) = δ ( x)δ ( x + r ) V !! ∗ −ik ⋅r 3 3 ! ik!⋅x! = (2π )3 ∫δ δ e k k () d k where δk = ∫ d x δ x e V 2 !! −ik ⋅r = ∫δ k e d 3k (2π )3 where we differentiate between the overdensity field δ #⃗ and its Fourier transform $% & () using a subscript k. k is wavenumber with inverse length scaling & = * Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 29
Correlation Function and Power Spectrum n If we write the power spectrum as P(k)=|dk|2 then the correlation function is the so-called Fourier transform pair of the power spectrum 1 ikr 3 V −ikr 3 P (k ) = V ∫ ( ) d r and ξ (r ) = ξ r e 3 ∫ ( ) dk P k e ( 2π ) Further, because the Universe is isotropic, we have dropped the vector quantities "⃗ and # and use only their amplitudes r and k n We will see that from the theory side the power spectrum is of particular use, while on the observational side both power spectrum and correlation functions are used to characterize the data Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 30
Power Spectrum ! 1 ! ik⋅! r! n Fourier analyses are particularly convenient () V 3 δ k = ∫ d r δ (r ) e for many applications ! V ! −ik⋅! r! δ #⃗ and $% & are Fourier transform pairs δ (r ) = ( 2π ) 3 ∫ 3 d kδ k e () The power spectrum encodes the second 1 n moment of the overdensity field (variance, ( P k1, k2 = ) ( 2π ) 3 ( )( ) δ k1 δ k2 because zero mean). Statistical homogeneity and isotropy implies P(k) contains complete statistical description ( ) ( P k1, k2 = δD k1 − k2 P k1 ) ( ) n Dimensionless form of power spectrum 3 commonly used. k Encodes probability of density fluctuation existing above Δ 2 (k ) = 2 P (k ) some threshold p(d>dc) as function of k per unit 2π logarithmic interval dln(k), which is dk/k 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 31
Statistical Description of Density Perturbations n A reasonable starting assumption would be a density field where the phases of different Fourier modes are uncorrelated and random—say a Gaussian random field n Within this context the Power Spectrum, which gives the characteristic variance of these fluctuations as a function of inverse scale k, contains all the information 2 P(k) ≡ δ k large k corresponds to short lengths, small k to long lengths n Gaussianity to a high level is expected from Inflation, and it can be measured in€the CMB and in the impact that non-Gaussianity would have on structure formation. We return to this later. 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 32
LSS Constrains Power Spectrum = Gaussian random field d(x) = Linear power spectrum P(k) Las Campanas Redshift Survey 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 33
Power Spectrum and Transfer function n Real power spectra result from the processing of initial or primordial power spectra by the physics we’ve been discussing: self-gravitation, pressure, silk damping and free streaming. 2 n 2 P(k) ≡ δk = Po k T ( k ) n Because this physics and the primordial power spectrum are a function of scale– that is, all modes of a particular physical scale are affected similarly– it is convenient to encapsulate these effects in a so-called transfer function δ k ( z = 0) Tk ≡ δ k ( z) D(z) where in this formulation D(z) is the linear growth factor between redshift z and the present and k is the comoving wavenumber of the mode. The normalization redshift is unimportant as long as it refers to a time before any scale of interest has entered the horizon € 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 34
from slide 31 3 k Initial Power Spectrum Δ 2 (k ) = 2π 2 P (k ) n Initial perturbations imprinted during inflation n Spectral index determines variation with k n P (k ) ≈ k n n~1 (just below) theoretically predicted in inflation models. CMB anisotropy (WMAP) gives n=0.968+/-0.012 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 35
Scale Invariant Power Spectrum n The Harrison-Zeldovich “scale invariant” power spectrum has n=1 Δ2 ( k ) ∝ k 3 P(k) ∝ k n +3 n So in terms of density fluctuations a scale invariant spectrum implies higher characteristic amplitudes for perturbations on smaller scalesà in other words, it implies bottom up structure formation n €a fluctuation in the gravitational potential, Consider ∇ 2δΦ = 4 πGρoδ ⇒ δΦk = −4 πGρ oδ k /k 2 which scales as dk/k2 n Thus, the HZ spectrum implies scale independent potential (or curvature) € fluctuations Δ Φ2 ( k ) ∝ k −4 Δδ2 ( k ) ∝ k −1Pδ (k) ∝ k n−1 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 36
Inflationary predictions n Harrison-Zel’dovich spectrum has a similar amount of power in potential (curvature) fluctuations within logarithmic intervals on all scales. This means that potential fluctuations with similar amplitudes are coming through the horizon at all times n In inflationary models the amplitude of the potential/curvature fluctuations is related to the value of the expansion parameter H. The Friedmann equation tells us that exponential expansion requires constant H during an inflationary period, and therefore over the period of exponential expansion (inflation) a scale invariant spectrum of density perturbations would be expected n Detailed inflationary models predict adiabatic perturbations (potential/curvature fluctuations) that are close to Harrison-Zeldovich but with slightly higher gravitational potential fluctuation amplitudes on larger physical scales (tilt; n close to but < 1). This reflects the tendency for the H parameter to have fallen slightly during inflation 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 37
Linear growth and additional effects n Calculation of the transfer functions is a technical challenge because there is a mixture of matter (dm and baryons) and relativistic particles (neutrinos, photons) n These technical difficulties have been overcome in publicly available codes like CMBfast and CAMB, among others. n Gruber Cosmology Prize winners 2021: Seljak and Zaldarriaga n There are multiple ways for the power spectrum today to differ from that which was laid down at early times (during Inflation): n Jeans mass effects- pressure as a balancing force to gravity n Damping effects- overdense regions decay through free streaming or Silk damping n As growth proceeds it extends into the non-linear regime and this breaks the scale independent behavior in the linear regime 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 38
Jeans mass effects n Prior to M-R equality, perturbations that lie inside the horizon are prevented from growing by radiation pressure. The horizon scale at M-R equality is 2 −1 deq = 39(Ωh ) Mpc ≈ 320 Mpc n After zeq, perturbations on all scales grow if collisionless dark matter dominates; however if baryonic matter dominates then the Jeans length remains approximately constant and growth suppression is maintained through recombination € n The impact on the transfer function depends on the type of perturbation 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 39
T(k) for adiabatic perturbations n For larger scale perturbations that don’t enter the horizon until after zeq they undergo growth 2 δ ∝a λ ∝a c 8π G 2 8π G dH = H = ρ= ρo a −4 dH ∝ a 2 H 3 3 n For smaller scale perturbations with wavenumber k that enter the horizon prior to zeq, they enter into a sort of oscillatory stasis due to pressure effects. This period of “lost growth” suppresses their growth, and the suppressed growth effect is larger for the smaller perturbations that enter the horizon earlier n For adiabatic perturbations this implies: $&1 (kdeq
T(k) for isocurvature perturbations n For smaller scale perturbations that enter the horizon prior to zeq all the photons disperse (free stream) and only the matter perturbations remain, which then basically remain constant until after zeq n Larger scale perturbations that enter after zeq grow from that point on (don’t grow while outside horizon because remember these perturbations have zero associated energy density perturbation) n So the net effect is a kind of opposite behavior relative to the adiabatic perturbations. For isocurvature perturbations this implies: *2# & 2 , 15 % kc ( (kdeq
Transfer Functions n This plot from Peacock illustrates the behavior of the transfer function in several cases, including both adiabatic and isocurvature as well as purely CDM, HDM and baryonic models 2 P(k) ≡ δk = Po k nT 2 ( k ) 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 42
Measured Power Spectrum n In the real Universe one can constrain the power spectrum in a variety of ways: n The temperature perturbations of the CMB can be directly connected to the underlying baryonic density perturbations and underlying matter density perturbations n With weak lensing it is possible to constrain the matter density fluctuations more or less directly n Often one measures the clustering of objects, whose positions are expected to reflect statistically the underlying clustering of the matter density field. In a Gaussian initial density field, objects are expected to exhibit biased clustering with respect to the underlying DM power spectrum (more on this later). One sees: 2 2 n 2 Pgal (k) = b ( k ) P ( k ) = b ( k ) Po k T ( k ) !"#$ &⃗ ~(!) &⃗ where bias parameter b is expected to be constant on large scales. 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 43
from slide 31 Matter Density Impact on 3 k Power Spectrum Δ 2 (k ) = 2 P (k ) 2π n During radiation domination dark matter- radiation coupling leads to stasis for dark matter density perturbations on scales below Jeans scale n Jeans scale ~ horizon scale (the largest scale over which supporting pressure forces can function is the particle horizon) Low Wm n Horizon scale at matter-radiation equality is imprinted on power spectrum 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 44
Damping effects n In addition to having growth retarded, small scale perturbations can actually be erased by damping processes n For collisionless matter, perturbations are erased by simple free streaming- random particle velocities lead to net loss from overdense regions and net gain in underdense regions. At sufficiently early times the dark matter particles were also relativistic and could free stream n Silk damping is important for baryons, because diffusion of photons out of overdense regions drags the leptons (and their accompanying baryons) along 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 45
Neutrino Impact on Power Spectrum n Neutrinos are low mass and remain relativistic over much of the history of the Universe n They free stream out of smaller scale perturbations, leaving only dark matter and baryons behind n This leads to a reduction of power on small scales that increases with the neutrino fraction 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 46
Baryonic Features in the Power Spectrum n Baryons are tightly coupled to the photons until recombination n Thus, baryon perturbations have oscillatory solutions (sound waves) n Given the ~15% baryon fraction in the Universe, these features are observable 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 47
APM Survey Results n The angular correlation function analysis was a critical step forward in testing structure formation models n It clearly demonstrated inconsistency between the real universe and the expectations of the Standard Cold Dark Matter (sCDM, WM=1) model which was the theorists favorite at the time 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 48
Observed Galaxy Power Spectrum n Observations of the galaxy power spectrum support adiabatic density perturbations. n CMB anisotropy power spectrum is also consistent with expectations for adiabatic density perturbations n Plot from Tegmark page: http://space.mit.edu/home/te gmark/sdss.html 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 49
SDSS Correlation Function n The correlation function of the SDSS survey is shown here, and one can see an interesting feature, which corresponds to a baryonic feature at a scale of 150Mpc that is reflected in the distribution of galaxies! n See Eisenstein et al 2005 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 50
Spherical Harmonic Approach Similarly, one can use the angular power CMB Temperature Power Spectrum n spectrum (Cooray et al 2001) of these tracers 11 SPT + WMAP7 n The angular power spectrum involves expanding the projected overdensity field in spherical harmonics () () δ2 θ = ∑ almYlm θ l,m n One then examines the equivalent of the 2D power spectrum, but in this case the treatment accounts properly for the curved nature of the sky 2 Cl ≡ alm Fig. 4.— The SPT bandpowers (blue), WMAP 7 bandpowers (orange), and the lensed theory spectrum for the best-fit ⇤CDM cosmology n Powerful set of tools available to work with shown for CMB-only (dashed line), and CMB+foregrounds (solid line). As in Figure 3, the bandpower errors shown in this plot do not include beam or calibration uncertainties. and the optical depth ⌧ are completely degenerate for Next, we present the constraints on the ⇤CDM maps- HEALPix http://healpix.jpl.nasa.gov/ the SPT bandpowers, we impose a WMAP 7-based prior of ⌧ = 0.088 ± 0.015 for the SPT-only constraints. model from the combination of SPT and WMAP 7 data. As previously mentioned, we will refer to the joint We present the constraints on the ⇤CDM model from SPT+WMAP 7 likelihood as the CMB likelihood. We SPT data and WMAP 7 data in columns two to four of then extend the discussion to include constraints from Table 3. As shown in Figure 5, the SPT bandpowers CMB data in combination with BAO and/or H0 data. 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr constrain the ⇤CDM -parameters Lectureapproximately 2 as WMAP 7 alone. The SPT and WMAP 7 parameter as well 51 We present the CMB constraints on the six ⇤CDM parameters in the fourth column of Table 3. Adding the constraints are consistent for all parameters; ✓s changes full survey SPT bandpowers tightens the constraints on the most significantly among the five free ⇤CDM param- ⌦b h2 , ⌦c h2 , and ⌦⇤ by 33%, 29%, and 31%, respectively, eters, moving by 1.5 . The constraint on ✓s also tightens relative to WMAP 7. For comparison, the addition of
Direct Measure of Peculiar Velocities n These peculiar velocities introduce complexities (and opportunities) in the analysis of clustering within redshift surveys n The observed redshift includes the “Hubble flow” as well as the component of the galaxy peculiar velocity along the line of sight. n In the case where one has an independent measure of the distance, one can directly measure peculiar velocities n With a 10% distance measurement one can play this game in the nearby universe n Expected characteristic peculiar velocity for galaxies is dv~300 km/s, so already at Hubble flow of 3000km/s (~42Mpc), the effect of the distance uncertainty is comparable to the scale of the signal one is trying to measure n This was a driver for 1980’s cosmological studies, using Fundamental Plane and Tully-Fisher distances 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 52
Power Spectrum Constraints n Combined constraints on the power spectrum from a variety of tracers using over a range of scales 5x104 in physical scale and dynamic range in amplitude of 105 this plot adopts the D2 measure and is plotted versus scale rather than wavenumber n Plot from Tegmark page: http://space.mit.edu/home/ tegmark/sdss.html 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 53
References ² Cosmological Physics, John Peacock, Cambridge University Press, 1999 n Cosmological constraints from Galaxy Clustering” Will Percival (2006) http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0601538 30. Apr 2021 Cosmology and Large Scale Structure - Mohr - Lecture 2 54
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