Physiological and anthropometric characteristics of amateur rugby league players
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Br J Sports Med 2000;34:303–307 303 Physiological and anthropometric characteristics of amateur rugby league players Tim J Gabbett Abstract Rugby league is a body contact sport played at Objectives—To investigate the physiologi- amateur, semiprofessional, and professional cal and anthropometric characteristics of levels.1 2 A typical senior rugby league match amateur rugby league players. lasts 60–80 minutes, with frequent intense Methods—Thirty five amateur rugby bouts of running and tackling, interspersed league players (19 forwards and 16 backs) with short bouts of recovery.2–5 Hence, rugby were measured for height, body mass, league is physically demanding, requiring play- percentage body fat (sum of four skin- ers to draw upon a variety of fitness compo- folds), muscular power (vertical jump), nents including (but not limited to) aerobic speed (10 m and 40 m sprint), and power,6–8 speed,6–9 and muscular power.10–12 maximal aerobic power (multistage fit- Investigations of professional rugby league ness test). Data were also collected on players have reported mean 10 m and 40 m match frequency, training status, playing sprint times of 1.71 seconds and 5.32 seconds experience, and employment related respectively.10 Estimates of maximal aerobic physical activity levels. power (V ~ O2MAX) have been in the range Results—The 10 m and 40 m sprint, verti- 48.6–67.5 ml/kg/min.7 9 13 14 Despite having contrasting matchplay activities,15 the physi- cal jump, percentage body fat, and multi- ological profile of professional rugby league stage fitness test results were 20–42% forwards and backs is remarkably similar,9 14 poorer than previously reported for suggesting that fitness training for professional professional rugby league players. Com- rugby league is uniform for all positions.9 pared with forwards, backs had signifi- Indeed, most studies have reported similar cantly (p0.05) between forwards rugby league players. Therefore, the purpose of Physiotherapy and and backs. At the time of the field testing, this study was to investigate the physiological Exercise Science, players had participated, on average, in and anthropometric characteristics of amateur Faculty of Health one 60 minute match every eight days. rugby league players. Sciences, GriYth University Gold Coast, Conclusions—The physiological and an- Queensland, Australia thropometric characteristics of amateur T J Gabbett rugby league players are poorly devel- Methods oped. These findings suggest that position SUBJECTS Correspondence to: specific training does not occur in ama- Thirty five healthy men with a mean (SD) age T J Gabbett, School of of 26.5 (5.1) years volunteered for this study. Physiotherapy and Exercise teur rugby league. The poor fitness of Science, Faculty of Health non-elite players may be due to a low All subjects were registered players from the Sciences, GriYth University playing intensity, infrequent matches of same amateur rugby league competition and Gold Coast, PMB50 Gold were not receiving training or match payments. Coast Mail Centre, short duration, and/or an inappropriate Queensland, Australia 9726 training stimulus. Before participation, each subject successfully email: (Br J Sports Med 2000;34:303–307) completed a thorough health risk screening process20 without any clinically significant find- Accepted for publication Keywords: conditioning; fitness; non-elite; training; ings. All subjects received a clear explanation of 10 March 2000 rugby the study, including the risks and benefits of
304 Gabbett participation, and written consent was ob- the nearest 0.1 kg using analogue scales (Seca, tained. The GriYth University ethics com- Hamburg, Germany). mittee approved all experimental procedures. MUSCULAR POWER PROCEDURE Lower leg muscular power was evaluated by the All field testing was conducted during the vertical jump test.21 A board covering a 150 cm competitive phase of the rugby league season7 vertical distance was mounted to a wall during by an independent investigator who was not the vertical jump test. Subjects were requested aYliated with any of the registered teams. Fol- to stand with feet flat on the ground, extend lowing approval from the administrators of the their arm and hand, and mark with chalk, the amateur rugby league competition, team highest point reached. After assuming a crouch coaches and/or managers were contacted by position, each subject was instructed to spring the investigator to determine their willingness upward and touch the wall mounted board at to participate in the study. Three of the four the highest possible point. Vertical jump height registered teams volunteered to participate, was calculated as the distance from the highest with the fourth team withdrawing because of point reached during standing and the highest players’ employment commitments. A mutual point reached during the vertical jump. Vertical time was then arranged for conducting the field jump height was measured to the nearest 0.1 testing. Coaches stated that they were prepared cm with the average value obtained from two to devote one training session (about 90 trials used as the vertical jump score. The minutes) to the field testing. While considera- intraclass correlation coeYcient for test-retest tion was given to the specificity of the field test, reliability24 and technical error of the selection of tests included in the field test- measurement25 for the vertical jump test were ing battery was influenced by this time 0.93 and 4.54% respectively. constraint. SPEED The speed of subjects was evaluated with a 10 FIELD TESTING BATTERY m and 40 m sprint7 using electronic timing Standard anthropometry (height, body mass, gates (Speed Light model TB4, serial no and sum of four skinfolds), speed (10 m and 40 4921001; Southern Cross University Technical m sprint),7 9 muscular power (vertical jump),21 Services, Lismore, Australia). The timing gates and maximal aerobic power (multistage fitness were positioned 10 m and 40 m cross wind test)22 were the field tests selected. Subjects also from a predetermined starting point. On the completed a brief questionnaire documenting command, subjects sprinted from a standing match frequency, training status, playing start.14 They were instructed to run as quickly experience, and employment related physical as possible along the 40 m distance. Speed was activity levels. All subjects had performed the measured to the nearest 0.01 second with the experimental procedures on a number of occa- average value obtained from two trials used as sions before the field testing session. Players the speed score. The intraclass correlation were requested to refrain from strenuous exer- coeYcient for test-retest reliability24 and tech- cise for at least 48 hours before the field testing nical error of measurement25 for the 10 m and session. At the beginning of the field testing 40 m sprint tests were 0.86 and 0.89 and session, subjects were randomly allocated to 2.31% and 1.52% respectively. two groups, consisting of approximately equal numbers of forwards and backs. Subjects in MAXIMAL AEROBIC POWER group 1 were measured for height and body Maximal aerobic power was assessed using the mass while sum of skinfolds were recorded for multistage fitness test.22 Subjects were required group 2. Measurements of muscular power and to run back and forth—that is, shuttle run— speed were conducted in a similar manner, along a 20 m track, keeping in time with a with group 1 performing the vertical jump and series of audible signals on a cassette. Each group 2 performing the 10 m and 40 m sprint. minute, the frequency of the audible signals At the completion of anthropometric, speed, (and hence running speed) was progressively and muscular power tests, the field testing ses- increased, until subjects reached volitional sion was concluded with subjects performing exhaustion. V ~ O2MAX was estimated using the multistage fitness test (maximal aerobic regression equations described by Ramsbot- power). tom et al.26 When compared with treadmill determined V ~ O2MAX, it has been shown that the ANTHROPOMETRY multistage fitness test provides a valid estimate As an estimate of body fat, skinfold thickness of maximal aerobic power.26 was measured at four sites using a Harpenden skinfold caliper. Biceps, triceps, subscapular, COACH QUESTIONNAIRE and suprailiac on the right side were the four Coaches were requested to complete a brief sites selected. The exact positioning of each questionnaire documenting the training time skinfold measurement was in accordance with devoted to the development of muscular procedures described by Draper et al.21 Per- power, speed, and aerobic fitness. Coaches centage body fat was calculated from skinfold were also asked to document the training time measurements using the procedures outlined devoted specifically to rugby league skills by Durnin and Womersley.23 Height was involving (a) continuous physical activity—for measured to the nearest 0.1 cm using a example, tackling drills, attacking plays—or (b) stadiometer, and body mass was measured to no physical activity—for example, team discus-
Fitness of amateur rugby league players 305 Table 1 Anthropometric characteristics of amateur rugby league forwards and backs significantly heavier (p0.05) Forwards Backs between forwards and backs with respect to Age (years) 28.6 (26.7–30.5) 24.2 (21.7–26.7)* height, sum of skinfolds, or estimated body fat. Height (cm) 178.4 (174.5–182.3) 178.0 (175.4–180.6) Mass (kg) 90.8 (86.2–95.4) 79.7 (74.7–84.7)* Sum of four skinfolds (mm) 52.4 (45.8–59.0) 46.1 (37.0–55.2) MUSCULAR POWER, SPEED, AND MAXIMAL Estimated body fat (%) 19.9 (18.2–21.6) 17.5 (15.0–20.0) AEROBIC POWER Values are reported as means (95% CI). Table 2 gives the results of the muscular power *p0.05) be- Values are reported as means (95% CI). tween forwards and backs. Although backs *p
306 Gabbett Table 5 Frequency of matches for amateur rugby league forwards and backs respective values for the 10 m sprint, 40 m sprint, vertical jump, and percentage body fat Forwards Backs were 34%, 20%, 30%, and 31% poorer than Fixture matches played (number) 4.4 (3.8–5.0) 4.6 (4.0–5.2) previously reported for professional rugby Match frequency (number a week) 0.89 (0.84–0.94) 0.86 (0.81–0.91) league players.7 10 It is highly likely that the Recovery between matches (days) 8.0 (7.6–8.4) 8.2 (7.8–8.6) elevated percentage body fat contributes to the Values are reported as means (95% CI). inferior speed and muscular power of amateur rugby league players by attenuating the power average, players had participated in one match to body mass ratio and therefore reducing per- every eight days (0.87 (0.84 to 0.90) matches a formance in match specific tasks.31 Alterna- week) (table 5). tively, the poor vertical jump, 10 m and 40 m sprint results, coupled with the training time Discussion devoted to these fitness components (table 4), This study investigated the physiological and suggest that fitness training designed to in- anthropometric characteristics of amateur crease speed and muscular power is not a rugby league players. When compared with priority in amateur rugby league. previously published results for professional Consistent with results of professional rugby players,6 7 9 10 13 14 estimates of maximal aerobic league players,7 14 the present study of amateur power (38.98 v 67.5 ml/kg/min), 10 m (2.58 v players found that when compared with 1.71 seconds) and 40 m (6.63 v 5.32 seconds) forwards, backs had lower body mass and speed, and muscular power (38.1 v 54.2 cm) greater speed during a 40 m sprint. However, were lower, and percentage body fat higher values for muscular and aerobic power and (18.8% v 13.0 %) in amateur rugby league percentage body fat were similar between players. Values for percentage body fat, vertical forwards and backs. The finding of superior 40 jump, 10 m sprint, and maximal aerobic power m speed in backs would be expected given that were not significantly diVerent between for- forwards rarely are required to run further than wards and backs. The results of this study show 10 m in a single bout of intense activity.6 Simi- that the physiological and anthropometric larly, when compared with backs, forwards characteristics of amateur rugby league players spend significantly more playing time involved are poorly developed. Furthermore, these find- in tackles15 and physical collisions,13 28 so it is ings suggest that position specific training does likely that the larger body mass of forwards not occur in amateur rugby league. The poor assists in the development of greater impact fitness of non-elite players may be due to a low forces associated with these events. While some playing intensity, infrequent matches of short position specific diVerences were detected duration, and/or an inappropriate training between forwards and backs, these diVerences stimulus. do not appear to be related to contrasting This study of amateur rugby league players training patterns (table 4). Rather, these results found an estimated V ~ O2MAX of 38.98 ml/kg/ suggest that position specific training does not min, a value 20–42% lower than previously occur in amateur rugby league and, as with reported for professional rugby league professional rugby league, fitness training players.7 13 Furthermore, the estimated V ~ O2MAX appears to be uniform for all positions.9 was lower (≈20%) than regional (and national) At the time of the field testing, the amateur representative rugby league players following rugby league players were participating (on six weeks of detraining.27 The observation of average) in approximately one rugby league poor aerobic fitness in the present sample of match every eight days (range 7–9 days). In amateur rugby league players is to be expected, addition, compared with professional rugby given that the training status of subjects was league,1 5 15 28 29 the duration of matches was also poor (3.5 hours a week). Indeed, the train- relatively short (60 v 80 minutes). Given that ing status of the amateur rugby league players the greatest physiological adaptation would be was about 30–53% lower than recently re- expected to occur in response to playing rugby ported for professional rugby league players league,15 the poor physical fitness of the (5.0–7.5 hours a week).28 29 Furthermore, the amateur rugby league players is to be expected. training time spent in aerobic activities was also Indeed, the poor physiological and anthropo- considerably lower than currently recom- metric characteristics of the present sample of mended for the development and maintenance amateur rugby league players may be attrib- of aerobic fitness.30 It could therefore be uted, at least in part, to infrequent matches of suggested that the duration of the training short duration and the lower playing intensity stimulus employed by amateur rugby league at the non-elite level.5 28 The present study players was inadequate to induce significant investigated rugby league players who com- peripheral and/or central adaptations for im- peted within the same amateur rugby league provements in V ~ O2MAX. Alternatively, the low competition. It is possible that players from estimated V ~ O2MAX in the amateur rugby league other amateur rugby league competitions, who players of this study suggests that the volume play more matches of longer duration, may and intensity of training may diVer between have superior fitness to the amateur players of amateur and professional rugby league. the present study. In addition, it is possible When compared with professional that, had the present sample of amateur players competitors,7 the present study found that been regularly competing in matches of longer measurements of speed and muscular power duration, or tested after developing a greater were lower, and percentage body fat higher, in degree of match fitness, the physiological and amateur rugby league players. Indeed, the anthropometric characteristics obtained may
Fitness of amateur rugby league players 307 have been superior to the present findings. 6 Meir R. Evaluating players fitness in professional rugby league reducing subjectivity. Strength and Conditioning However, given the large diVerences (20–42%) Coach 1993;1:11–17. between amateur and professional rugby 7 O’Connor D. Physiological characteristics of professional rugby league players. Strength and Conditioning Coach league players, it appears unlikely that altera- 1996;4:21–6. tions in match frequency and duration would 8 Reilly T. The physiology of rugby union football. Biology of Sport 1997;14:83–101. result in comparable physiological and anthro- 9 O’Connor D. Fitness profile of professional Rugby League pometric characteristics between elite and players [abstract]. J Sports Sci 1995;13:505. non-elite competitors. 10 Baker D, Nance S. 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Take home message This study has found that the physiological and anthropometric characteristics of amateur rugby league players are poorly developed. Estimates of maximal aerobic power, speed, and muscular power were considerably lower than previously reported for professional rugby league players. These results suggest that amateur rugby league players may benefit from structured strength and conditioning programmes.
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